Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: RawDog on January 18, 2017, 12:28:58 AM

Title: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: RawDog on January 18, 2017, 12:28:58 AM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: vodaljepa on January 18, 2017, 12:35:12 AM
Nobody gives a fuck, life goes on

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: wtfzt on January 18, 2017, 12:44:43 AM
Him and Snowden are stuck right where they are for now. Bummer there.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 18, 2017, 12:48:12 AM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

Do the crime, Do the time.

While I do have empathy for his family at the end of the day he was caught.

While I do feel his sentence was horrific there ain't much anyone can do about that. that's fact.

Maybe if trump supports bitcoin things might change!

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: chennan on January 18, 2017, 01:46:51 AM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

Do the crime, Do the time.

While I do have empathy for his family at the end of the day he was caught.

While I do feel his sentence was horrific there ain't much anyone can do about that. that's fact.

Maybe if trump supports bitcoin things might change!

You think that Trump, the guy who is so dull headed to think as if building a physical wall across the Mexico-US border would stop Mexicans from 'bringing in drugs, committing crime, and raping people', would all the sudden be in support of some entrepreneur who failed miserably?  Does he ever have empathy for people who commit crimes (except for his personal BFF's)? More specifically, do you think he would ever show any sort of empathy for someone who didn't succeed at any sort of business, let alone, a business of 'criminal activity'?

No, I don't think that we will see that happen.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: swogerino on January 18, 2017, 02:06:07 AM
It is quite funny that most of the states are legalizing drugs (well weed and not just for medical reasons but for recreational purposes too!) yet this is what got him put in jail in the first place. ::)
I wonder if all those pot heads will have a "get out of jail free" card now that it is legal to possess it, in most states anyways.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Shiroslullaby on January 18, 2017, 02:15:01 AM
I have no problem with the fact he set up a marketplace for drugs,
but if the allegations that he paid to have multiple people killed are true, hes probably not getting a pardon from anyone.

Then again, its hard to believe any of the charges against him when multiple federal agents stole huge sums of Bitcoins during the investigation.
Who knows what type of evidence these crooks would manufacture to cover their own crimes.
There is always the possibility that multiple people were in control of the Dread Pirate Roberts account as well (although unlikely IMO).

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Gotottack on January 18, 2017, 02:29:56 AM
Nobody gives a fuck, life goes on

Too true! :D
I don't think it will even create any difference to let him our or not. He's there for a reason anyway. Even if he does go back in the outside world, he'll not make an impact anymore in the bitcoin world even if he tries. I do think he is guilty anyway, he made his mistakes and that's why he ended up in jail.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: LeGaulois on January 18, 2017, 02:32:00 AM
It cannot be denied that the noise from medias is because of the Senator Schumer, who labeled him as a public enemy No. 1. But we can not completely exclude the hypothesis of a form of conspiracy. The fight against drugs in the United States represents a huge market. Between jails, tests, military industry, not to mention the crazy laws on the matter.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: bittrojan on January 18, 2017, 02:35:25 AM
I shed a tear for ross every night. Seriously.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: RawDog on January 18, 2017, 02:57:33 AM
I shed a tear for ross every night. Seriously.
That's a little too gay dude.  The 'seriously' part really creeps me out.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 18, 2017, 02:57:43 AM
Ross can still beat them. It won't be easy. He'll have to determine who is harming him, and file a claim against each of them.

Richard Cornforth shows us, at, the 4 things the courts must have before they can rule on anything. Richard states them with more words than necessary, partially because he is in business to make money. But here they are is simple form:
1. An accuser;
2. One being accused;
3. Real injury in the form of harm to the accuser, or damage to his property;
4. At least one witness, and evidence, that the accused did the injury.

In Ross's case, he never required an injured man or woman to step up to the stand and show the injury, and testify that Ross did it. This means that Ross can get out of it, although at this stage of the game, it will be difficult. It also means that, properly done, possibly 90% of the people in prison are their through judgments that are void, because the 4 things listed, above, were not used.



Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: mk3000 on January 18, 2017, 03:03:12 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 18, 2017, 03:21:01 AM
Nobody gives a fuck, life goes on

Too true! :D
I don't think it will even create any difference to let him our or not. He's there for a reason anyway. Even if he does go back in the outside world, he'll not make an impact anymore in the bitcoin world even if he tries. I do think he is guilty anyway, he made his mistakes and that's why he ended up in jail.

Oh you must trust the government so much you just follow what they impose on you. Why the hell are you here in Bitcoin? Right, to make fiat money. Ok.

The world's biggest corporations and governments around the world have made and are making more crimes deliberately all in the name of profit. Always remember that. Ross Ulbricht was an entrepreneur who saw a gap in the market and created one of the most brilliant market places in the history of man. He is an innovator and yet everyone here refuses to acknowledge that.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: chennan on January 18, 2017, 03:26:40 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

B... but he did though. What kind of 'documentary' were you watching?  If you want to read up a little bit about Ross, I went ahead and searched the interwebz for you:

It cannot be denied that the noise from medias is because of the Senator Schumer, who labeled him as a public enemy No. 1. But we can not completely exclude the hypothesis of a form of conspiracy. The fight against drugs in the United States represents a huge market. Between jails, tests, military industry, not to mention the crazy laws on the matter.

Set aside the incentive for politicians needing to please private jail backers... there is definitely an incentive, especially for business man Trump, to be able to create jobs.  Anything that ramps up demand for workers, which also includes people who "enforce the law", is going to be priority #1 because that's been one of his major talking points; the ability to create new jobs. So you can bet that Trump will be OK with keeping the laws as is in order to keep the demand for a work force while probably trying to incarcerate more people in the process.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Kakmakr on January 18, 2017, 06:12:29 AM
The guy caused a major embarrassment for the American government. He might not have been the King Pin, but his involvement was proven. Why do you sympathize with people who created a platform for people to commit crimes? Drugs destroy families and lives, why should we feel sorry for him?

Yes, they might have made an example of him with the harsh jail time given to him, but that is no reason to give a pardon. C'mon people, be honest for a moment. Would you pardon him?

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 18, 2017, 06:17:16 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

He did do something he "ran / administrated / controlled / profited" from a criminal venture.

While I don't for one min think he acted alone building and running the slk road so at the end of they day he was the one who was caught in the act.
And who knows when your in control of something that had so much financial value that could send someone a little paranoid and do things out of character, But I do agree there could of been a big emphasis by the cops to fabricate the info that he was planning to have people killed to make him look like some kind of kingpin

will we ever know the truth.. Highly doubtful.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Xester on January 18, 2017, 12:28:29 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: psychosis7 on January 18, 2017, 02:47:38 PM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: coolcoinz on January 18, 2017, 09:58:37 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: FFrankie on January 19, 2017, 01:16:38 AM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

What about that swimmer who got 3 months? The judge stepped down and everything if I remember correctly. This case was just too high profile which deemed the sentence. He needed to be made an example of.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 19, 2017, 02:03:49 AM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

What about that swimmer who got 3 months? The judge stepped down and everything if I remember correctly. This case was just too high profile which deemed the sentence. He needed to be made an example of.

And, if he does it properly, he can go back and sue those people who gave him the 3 months, and get paid for time spent. He can also get paid for loss of job and whatever else. If Ross ever wakes up to the basic, real, common law, he can make more off suing Government people than he ever dreamed of making off the Silk Road.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: target on January 19, 2017, 03:13:45 AM
He gets there for life, he got it. But who knows Ross Ulbricht will probably have the chance this time now that its Trump. He still could be free if he'll be noticeably behave inside. A sentence reduced to 25 years is very much acceptable, if I were him I'd be very thankful with it. Having few years left to stay free before him being dead is still worth living  ;D He probably won't spend it to create another silkroad when he's 75 years old.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 19, 2017, 03:23:53 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

Since you put it that way then I agree! Ross Ulbricht should not have gotten involved with their business. He is competing with one of the biggest, wealthiest and ruthless organizations in the world who are also backed by the the people of the United States of America. Ross should have thought twice before starting revolutionary market place for drugs.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Most of them are probably owned by the CIA because it is good business.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 19, 2017, 03:34:52 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

Since you put it that way then I agree! Ross Ulbricht should not have gotten involved with their business. He is competing with one of the biggest, wealthiest and ruthless organizations in the world who are also backed by the the people of the United States of America. Ross should have thought twice before starting revolutionary market place for drugs.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Most of them are probably owned by the CIA because it is good business.

Watch this first - Then forget about a few of the movies you'll watch this month, and get some practical understanding of how American law works at its core. It's 5 hours, but it isn't boring -

Ross has a way out. Watch, so that if you are ever in trouble with Government, you will know what to do.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 19, 2017, 05:44:52 PM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

No one is going to take the extreme risk of pardoning a convicted drug dealer. If they do that, it will be the end of their political career. Ross Ulbricht has been massively demonized in the mainstream media. Now it is impossible to obtain a pardon for him.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: VapeOil on January 19, 2017, 06:02:04 PM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

No one is going to take the extreme risk of pardoning a convicted drug dealer. If they do that, it will be the end of their political career. Ross Ulbricht has been massively demonized in the mainstream media. Now it is impossible to obtain a pardon for him.

Exactly, Ross is a criminal drug lord and Manning was a political prisoner. BIG difference.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: daiyuba1971 on January 19, 2017, 07:28:02 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.
Economic crimes can have consequences much worse than murder. How many people died because of the global economic crisis? And how many children are not born? I think Obama knew what he was doing. He's a smart President.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 20, 2017, 01:23:31 AM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.
Economic crimes can have consequences much worse than murder. How many people died because of the global economic crisis? And how many children are not born? I think Obama knew what he was doing. He's a smart President.

Which crime is greater.

Imagine that Government makes a law that says people can't eat cereal for breakfast. Then, Ross goes out and eats cereal for breakfast.

Ross broke the law. Depending on why the law was made, he even might have endangered the life of someone... in the eyes of some of the people and Government.

Then, Government goes against the law and tries and imprisons Ross in ways that are not according to due process... no harmed man or woman on the stand showing his injury.

Think about this, now. Ross might have harmed or endangered the lives of a few people. Or maybe it was a few thousand. Or maybe nobody. But Government has endangered the lives of every American by not following due process when imprisoning Ross. How are the lives of Americans endangered? Now Government can go around accusing anybody of anything and making it stick whether or not that person has harmed anyone, simply by making up some goofy laws that they want to make up.

For thousands of years people have been using drugs, and it was not illegal. Now, all of a sudden, for the last hundred years, drugs are illegal. And Ross, who wasn't taking part in drug sales directly, but was simply hosting a marketing place where anybody could trade stuff, is sent to prison for life for simply hosting the marketing place.

The crime of Government by making stupid drug laws is bad. Their crime against Ross is worse. Their crime against the American people is starting to take on proportions many times the 60 to 100 million people Stalin executed in Russia and Eastern Europe. Why? Because all the Government is doing is supporting the medical... the medical which is killing millions, denying help to more millions, and not even allowing them to use natural drugs that take some of their pain away. And Government is supporting the medical in illegal ways (like with Ross), all for money.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 20, 2017, 03:11:27 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

Since you put it that way then I agree! Ross Ulbricht should not have gotten involved with their business. He is competing with one of the biggest, wealthiest and ruthless organizations in the world who are also backed by the the people of the United States of America. Ross should have thought twice before starting revolutionary market place for drugs.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Most of them are probably owned by the CIA because it is good business.

Watch this first - Then forget about a few of the movies you'll watch this month, and get some practical understanding of how American law works at its core. It's 5 hours, but it isn't boring -

Ross has a way out. Watch, so that if you are ever in trouble with Government, you will know what to do.


No need to watch a 5 hour video. I think I have the gist of how American law works for everyone. It does not work the same for the poor people like us and for the rich elite who have a leverage on the politicians or some of them are friends and can as favors. The whole system is unfairly made against the population so that they can be put under control. Try to think if there was no such system. We would see all the poor killing the rich.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 20, 2017, 09:42:08 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

Since you put it that way then I agree! Ross Ulbricht should not have gotten involved with their business. He is competing with one of the biggest, wealthiest and ruthless organizations in the world who are also backed by the the people of the United States of America. Ross should have thought twice before starting revolutionary market place for drugs.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Most of them are probably owned by the CIA because it is good business.

Watch this first - Then forget about a few of the movies you'll watch this month, and get some practical understanding of how American law works at its core. It's 5 hours, but it isn't boring -

Ross has a way out. Watch, so that if you are ever in trouble with Government, you will know what to do.


No need to watch a 5 hour video. I think I have the gist of how American law works for everyone. It does not work the same for the poor people like us and for the rich elite who have a leverage on the politicians or some of them are friends and can as favors. The whole system is unfairly made against the population so that they can be put under control. Try to think if there was no such system. We would see all the poor killing the rich.

Unfortunately, if you don't know that the people, collectively or individually, are stronger than the Government, you have been missing a lot.

Monty Python- The Annoying Peasant (


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 20, 2017, 11:18:27 AM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

No one is going to take the extreme risk of pardoning a convicted drug dealer. If they do that, it will be the end of their political career. Ross Ulbricht has been massively demonized in the mainstream media. Now it is impossible to obtain a pardon for him.

Exactly, Ross is a criminal drug lord and Manning was a political prisoner. BIG difference.

Both of them were political prisoners. Ross was not a drug lord. He didn't even handled drugs personally. His crime was that he set up a decentralized market, where people could buy and sell objects without paying a fee to PayPal and MasterCard.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: TicTacTic on January 20, 2017, 08:30:54 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.
If he was arrested in the middle East or Asia, it would be all executed. I am against the drug trade. He was arrested on charges proved and therefore, I do not mind it. And stick up for him addicts. Let him go to it!

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 21, 2017, 03:12:43 AM
I recently watched the documentary and it is really sad that this guy has to stay in jail for something he didn't do.

What are you talking about? He ran silk road and help distribute illicit drugs. He should have know that was the CIA territory. Now he's doing time learning the hard way.

Since you put it that way then I agree! Ross Ulbricht should not have gotten involved with their business. He is competing with one of the biggest, wealthiest and ruthless organizations in the world who are also backed by the the people of the United States of America. Ross should have thought twice before starting revolutionary market place for drugs.

It doesn't matter anyhow. No one cares and life goes on. Plenty of "silk roads" out there.

Most of them are probably owned by the CIA because it is good business.

Watch this first - Then forget about a few of the movies you'll watch this month, and get some practical understanding of how American law works at its core. It's 5 hours, but it isn't boring -

Ross has a way out. Watch, so that if you are ever in trouble with Government, you will know what to do.


No need to watch a 5 hour video. I think I have the gist of how American law works for everyone. It does not work the same for the poor people like us and for the rich elite who have a leverage on the politicians or some of them are friends and can as favors. The whole system is unfairly made against the population so that they can be put under control. Try to think if there was no such system. We would see all the poor killing the rich.

Unfortunately, if you don't know that the people, collectively or individually, are stronger than the Government, you have been missing a lot.

Monty Python- The Annoying Peasant (


Since when are we collectively united? When did we ever have become truly united against the elite and the people in power? Most of the revolutions that toppled governments in history are funded by the same people in the elite who are against the current people in power of their times. Maybe you have been missing a lot because you think you are free but you are nothing but a slave one way or another.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: pixie85 on January 21, 2017, 03:22:40 AM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.
If he was arrested in the middle East or Asia, it would be all executed. I am against the drug trade. He was arrested on charges proved and therefore, I do not mind it. And stick up for him addicts. Let him go to it!
Fortunately we do not live in the barbaric middle east, but if we're talking about that part of the world I heard the Afghans are particularly fond of their opium. If Ross were to live there there would be no "drug charges."

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: powerofmakers on January 21, 2017, 03:30:53 AM
He's a drug dealing criminal. Lock him up and throw away the keys!

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 21, 2017, 04:30:53 PM
He's a drug dealing criminal. Lock him up and throw away the keys!

If he was one, then there is no evidence to prove it. The FBI has never claimed that he personally dealt with drugs. He set up an online market place, which was used by a number of users, including a few drug dealers.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: criptix on January 21, 2017, 04:38:34 PM
He's a drug dealing criminal. Lock him up and throw away the keys!

If he was one, then there is no evidence to prove it. The FBI has never claimed that he personally dealt with drugs. He set up an online market place, which was used by a number of users, including a few drug dealers.

Silk road... few drug sellers.... Lol
I think that russian troll is prob an online drug dealer too. Or a braindead potuser :)

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: chennan on January 21, 2017, 05:14:35 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

I never really understood these types of sentences for someone who didn't actually end someone else's own life. You know, an eye for an eye type of thing.  Even if he actually was doing the actual dealing of drugs online, rather than hosting the site for other drug dealers to use, it doesn't really matter.  Jail, how I believe it should be, is a way to act as a way for "civilized revenge" to take place and a way to sort of rehabilitate people and make sure they won't want to do whatever crime it is they were committing in the first place. 

If Ross was actually dealing drugs... does it seem right to put him in their for life? Rather than let him serve a few years (which is a LONG LONG time in jail) in order to scare him not to do the same thing and allow him to live his life from that point on? Idk... the whole system is fucked anyways, so why not torture him by forcing him to live for 60 years in a cage.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 22, 2017, 02:20:09 AM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

I never really understood these types of sentences for someone who didn't actually end someone else's own life. You know, an eye for an eye type of thing.  Even if he actually was doing the actual dealing of drugs online, rather than hosting the site for other drug dealers to use, it doesn't really matter.  Jail, how I believe it should be, is a way to act as a way for "civilized revenge" to take place and a way to sort of rehabilitate people and make sure they won't want to do whatever crime it is they were committing in the first place. 

If Ross was actually dealing drugs... does it seem right to put him in their for life? Rather than let him serve a few years (which is a LONG LONG time in jail) in order to scare him not to do the same thing and allow him to live his life from that point on? Idk... the whole system is fucked anyways, so why not torture him by forcing him to live for 60 years in a cage.

The sentence was not meant to scare him. It was meant to scare everyone from using and dealing in the dark markets. The US government also has a knack for overkill. So of course a life sentence for him is very unfair. He is just an entrepreneur who saw a gap in the market and took that opportunity to start something new and brilliant. Do you think dark markets will go away soon? No it is growing into a multi billion dollar market.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 22, 2017, 08:00:37 PM
Well Ross made a crime and he should suffer in jail. Its not the presidents of America why he is in jail, it is his own actions that led him to be placed in jail. If he did not make any illegal and illicit activities then he would be in jail in the first place. Also maybe the reason why he was not given a presidential pardon was he did not play as a good man in the penitentiary.
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

I never really understood these types of sentences for someone who didn't actually end someone else's own life. You know, an eye for an eye type of thing.  Even if he actually was doing the actual dealing of drugs online, rather than hosting the site for other drug dealers to use, it doesn't really matter.  Jail, how I believe it should be, is a way to act as a way for "civilized revenge" to take place and a way to sort of rehabilitate people and make sure they won't want to do whatever crime it is they were committing in the first place. 

If Ross was actually dealing drugs... does it seem right to put him in their for life? Rather than let him serve a few years (which is a LONG LONG time in jail) in order to scare him not to do the same thing and allow him to live his life from that point on? Idk... the whole system is fucked anyways, so why not torture him by forcing him to live for 60 years in a cage.

The sentence was not meant to scare him. It was meant to scare everyone from using and dealing in the dark markets. The US government also has a knack for overkill. So of course a life sentence for him is very unfair. He is just an entrepreneur who saw a gap in the market and took that opportunity to start something new and brilliant. Do you think dark markets will go away soon? No it is growing into a multi billion dollar market.

On top of that, it shows how embedded medical criminality is in Government. Medical controlled Government is doing away with as much of the drug competition that it can.

The important thing about this for us is, since the medical uses drugs that are far worse than any that were marketed through Ross's Silk Road construct, those free market drugs must be really good and really cheap. Otherwise the medical would have instructed Government to let Ross off with only a slap on the wrist.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 23, 2017, 10:18:32 AM
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

You don't get it. Ross caused billions of USD in revenue loss to the drug cartels (and the banks which launder their money), and therefore he was sentenced to life without parole. On the other hand, child killers doesn't matter to the judges, as long as the victim comes from some broken family with no political connection.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: criptix on January 23, 2017, 03:21:29 PM
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

You don't get it. Ross caused billions of USD in revenue loss to the drug cartels (and the banks which launder their money), and therefore he was sentenced to life without parole. On the other hand, child killers doesn't matter to the judges, as long as the victim comes from some broken family with no political connection.

From a russian troll to DEA agent in a matter of seconds.
We should trust his words and expertise regarding this topic.
Billions of $ lost for the drug cartels... Lol

Im still cringing on the ground :D

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 23, 2017, 09:56:35 PM
It's not about him being a good boy or not. When you are sentenced for life you can be the nicest inmate in the world and it won't matter.
IMO his sentence should be reduced. Yes, he did something illegal, but he hasn't killed anyone, he just created a market site. Killers and rapists are usually sentenced for 5-10 years. I've seen pedophile murderers, who raped and killed a child, sentenced only to 25 years, and this guy gets life? This has nothing to do with justice.

You don't get it. Ross caused billions of USD in revenue loss to the drug cartels (and the banks which launder their money), and therefore he was sentenced to life without parole. On the other hand, child killers doesn't matter to the judges, as long as the victim comes from some broken family with no political connection.

From a russian troll to DEA agent in a matter of seconds.
We should trust his words and expertise regarding this topic.
Billions of $ lost for the drug cartels... Lol

Im still cringing on the ground :D

Illegal drug cartels ARE $billions lost for the legal drug cartels... and sometimes the other way around, as well.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 24, 2017, 10:57:33 AM
Illegal drug cartels ARE $billions lost for the legal drug cartels... and sometimes the other way around, as well.


Cocaine, LSD, meth.etc are not legal. So the legal drug cartels (big pharma) profits only when some of these drug users shift to alternatives such as Propylhexedrine, Oxymetazoline, Oxymorphone, Dextromethorphan, and Doxylamine.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: BADecker on January 24, 2017, 03:54:16 PM
Illegal drug cartels ARE $billions lost for the legal drug cartels... and sometimes the other way around, as well.


Cocaine, LSD, meth.etc are not legal. So the legal drug cartels (big pharma) profits only when some of these drug users shift to alternatives such as Propylhexedrine, Oxymetazoline, Oxymorphone, Dextromethorphan, and Doxylamine.

And now we have legal pot, which has forms of inexpensive, really-good "medicine" within, that is working far better than the medical legal drugs, and is cutting into medical profits. Soon pot will be legal to the extent that it will be grown in the back yard of every home, for medicinal purposes. The medical drug cartel will die.


Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: Sithara007 on January 25, 2017, 05:36:16 AM
Illegal drug cartels ARE $billions lost for the legal drug cartels... and sometimes the other way around, as well.


Cocaine, LSD, meth.etc are not legal. So the legal drug cartels (big pharma) profits only when some of these drug users shift to alternatives such as Propylhexedrine, Oxymetazoline, Oxymorphone, Dextromethorphan, and Doxylamine.

And now we have legal pot, which has forms of inexpensive, really-good "medicine" within, that is working far better than the medical legal drugs, and is cutting into medical profits. Soon pot will be legal to the extent that it will be grown in the back yard of every home, for medicinal purposes. The medical drug cartel will die.


Marijuana is a good painkiller. It is inexpensive and more effective. And moreover, it is having no significant adverse effects, when compared to other industrial painkillers such as Hydrocodone and Demerol. But other than that, it has no medicinal properties.

Title: Re: No Pardon for Ross Ulbricht
Post by: tinus42 on January 28, 2017, 10:46:15 PM
Every 4 years, a US president leaves and lets a whole bunch of people out of jail by decree.  Obama let out FAR, FAR more than any other president.  Well over 1,500!  Guess who was not on the list?  That's right Ross Ulbricht of Bitcoin fame.  Since Trump isn't letting anyone out of jail unless they are his friends, Ulbricht doesn't stand a chance for another 8 years at least!  Probably 12 more years before even being considered.  That sucks.  Obama could have let him out.  One strike of the pen- he would be free.  It is over for him now.  Over. 

Where does this idea of Obama as saintly figure originate? He dropped twice as much bombs on the Middle East as Bush and there has not been a single day of peace since he became president, yet he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Is it because of his Black Skin?