Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: Operatr on April 14, 2013, 07:55:54 AM

Title: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on April 14, 2013, 07:55:54 AM
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________

I have decided to hang it up as far as updating this due to time constraints and a need to focus completely on my main mining ventures. ( forums itself will be re-forged into a general mining forum I will keep as a side project. Thank you all for following, I wish I had more time to keep this going, though as a mining entrepreneur myself I will be focused on leading by example over pointing out the falsities and scams of others, which was seeming like more and more of a conflict of interest in terms of bias calling out other businesses while I establish my own.

Stay safe and use your head out there!
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________

Donations: I will never request funds for this effort, however I have so far committed a decent amount of time to it so far, if you appreciate this and want to support me and the continued evolution of this thread all donations are very much appreciated: BTC - 15gX3iU7kGTHNN7Ka6f9cvKeEzpryvhr2y     LTC - LTNPLkb7gfg2WArDUADGREiC38vQdwSsrr
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Scam sites for Bitcoin hardware products and services are popping up all over, I think it is good to consolidate a list of all up and coming vendors and service providers with an assessment to whether they are fraudulent in nature or not, I will update this top post with new additions to the list.

Realistically with so many new companies appearing that are only in a development and funding stage, it is difficult to tell at this point between scammers and legitimate start-ups. Choose where to send your money wisely if no products have shipped out so far. As so many are awaiting their orders to ship, we will just have to wait and see.

Scam sites do have some telltale signs that can be considered red flags:

Pictures of hardware are obviously Photoshopped versions of another vendors gear

Products for sale that have not been confirmed to exist by the community or official representatives

Little to no information on the site about the company, it's physical location, etc.

Contact forms and phone numbers that go nowhere, or are never answered.

No known contact with company representatives  on these forums or others (seems likely real companies would be aware of these boards and active within them to answer questions)

Spelling errors, broken links, and other oddities across the website

Very low price point compared to similar vendors (if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!)

None of these points can be taken as direct evidence of a scam, but does point out a lack of presence other than a vague promise to deliver their product from their home website with no guarantee whatsoever. Any web developer worth their salt can generate a simple page with buy buttons in a few hours, preying on the current mania to scam early adopters. Once your BTC is gone, it is gone!

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________
This list is for informational purposes only If you choose to use this information to influence your purchasing decision, it is at your own risk. Neither I nor are responsible if you get ripped off.
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Updated: 7/19/2013

If you stumble across an obvious hardware scam or otherwise fishy looking enterprise, post in here with who it is and why you think it is a scam.

Color Key

ORANGE: Awaiting Shipping/confirmed hardware in the wild

GREEN: Shipping/Shipping Imminent

RED: Scammy/Untruthful, be careful!

Production ASIC Hardware

VendorMain DiscussionCanary Reports

AsicMiner - (

Auctions ongoing for their BlockErupter Blade units

BlockErupter USB also shown to exist

CEO Freidcat appears to be one of the most transparent of any in this market

USB and Blade units confirmed to be in end users hands

Avalon ASIC - (Product shipments confirmed in the wild)

Batch 2 is evidently shipping, awaiting confirmation by end users

****Butterfly Labs**** - (several delays with the ASIC line, but they have shipped FPGA products in the past)

Jalepeno units are evidently shipping, ~40 units shipped so far. Still massive amounts of backlash against them from the community. BitForce line is nowhere to be found. An odd impasse, appears to be shipping but their business behavior is very scammy.

The Jalepeno apparently does exist

Members of their own forums are starting to mutiny

I *myself* was banned from their forums, no response to refund request - after being as publicly disruptive as possible I was offered a refund within 5 days

So many anti-BFL threads here it will take me a while to compile them all

* They have apparently started their own charity foundation

* Now offering bulk orders of ASIC chips despite not having a single BitForce machine shipped Appears machines are finally shipping

*new* German Bitcoin Mining  -

Full Report (

Labcoin -

RCM Miners (

Images are fakes


Their product picture is a CoolerMaster Xport 351 with RCM 'shopped on it, no?




BitFury -

Chips in the wild (Russian thread)

Cryoniks - ( Cryoniks    Cryoniks  Ed Trice scam more Ed Trice scam

*new article*  

Many telltale signs of scammery in action. CEO was involved in a previous Kickstarter fraud (

Seems like Ed Trice must be involved with the "nitrogen cooling units" but so no direct evidence has been found linking the two

No units shown to exist in real life

ASXProject - (

Has anybody looked into this? Their website is up and taking orders:

LOL! So you're saying I can use this DSP for Bitcoin mining?

BTCGarden - (

From Yeemartin

I'm just moving the information from Chinese forum to here.


Official website (nothing on there yet really, a few screenshots showing what looks like mining)

In short,

Phase 1, 200Th/s in September. Similar to ASICMINER, they will sell shares on in June.
Phase 2, Sell ICs and miners to public, time frame unknown.

They claimed they started the project in January 2013, and estimating design and prototype production to be finished in August.

All design work is done in house.

Terrahash - (

Community developers using Avalon chips;topicseen

CAD render of the DX has been shown

KNCMiner -

Futher review of the thread makes it seem scammy and/or very disorganized. FPGA Bitcoin miner is dead. Promising ASICs but have shown nothing.

Not quite to giving it red status yet but close.

ASIC-Technologies] - (

So far untruthful out of the gate. Product image is blatantly a DSL modem motherboard of some kind

(image has since been taken down)

On their front page briefly:

Firstly allow me to say a big thanks to bitcointalk forum . . branding our company a scam after the site was only online 12 hours with no sales . I just spend 9 months busting my balls , pushing every penny I had into this project , for some wee N00b to come along and start talking complete and utter rubbish based on no evidence at all . We done no advertising really because Chris my partner is on holiday at the moment , The site is not even complete . . . just a template I put up before taking a well needed sleep . If you think this site is a scam , I don’t even care . Leave now .WE DONT EVEN HAVE PICTURES UP YET . . . This is a 4 man project . Relax , give us some time .We currently have 21 small’s and 5 large units . Working on more . Thank you to the users who had faith and paid via paypal.Shipping will be tomorrow,I will also remove this rant when I am less angry . You wanna know how to build ASIC . . . Dont sit around chatting crap on bitcointalk , Learn Something New !!

Would advise heavily against sending them any of your money, unless you would like to buy the world's most expensive modem...

CedarTec -

Most photos posted were found to be fakes/manipulated through image forensics and naked eye sluething, PCB appears to actually be a mutilated ITX motherboard of some kind and then heavily 'shopped. Unit image on page is also heavily 'shopped, it looks like the basis of it was likely a Lian-Li desktop computer case

The whole thread however is hilarious :D

BitcoinRumors thinks its bogus

Nothing proven on them at all, no product shown to exist but "selling" them.

ASICRigs -  

On the Facebook-

So we can now let the cat out of the bag as it were, the reason we have not provided images or video of any of our products yet is because we've been in talks with an American company based in New York who are interested in buying our firm in its entirety.

Obviously at this early stage we cant say much more than that but part of the initial talks we have been having included an NDA (non disclosure agreement) specifically pertaining to our mining devices and company financials.

As we progress with these talks we will obviously keep everyone updated.

Thank you for your continued support as we move forward and grow as a company

 ::) ::) ::)

*new* btcminingrig - (

Same images as gpurigs/asicrigs/gxmining, pretty sure these are all related to each other based on this and common looking site layouts. Need to research further.

Forum user GPURigs has gone silent it seems after "announcing" they were selling their business to another company.

GPURigs - Photoshopped BFL pictures, similar to the ones on GXMining

Posted fake chip on Facebook

Here's my question. This is the image you used on your facebook page:

Start explaining.
Great find mokahless.

So here is the image from their Facebook page:

Here is the image Fujitsu ARM chip, which has nothing to do with ASIC:

I'll let the reader draw their own conclusion as to if they are being misleading...  ;D

Both companies confirmed to be one in the same.

Shipping estimated to be early August 2013 by member GPURigs (stated in this thread)

Still taking money on their main site outside of escrow process, for reasons that they have not started "pushing" the site yet, but it is active and accepting BTC.

DIY ASIC and Assembly Services

SebastianJu's Avalon List

FPGA Hardware



BlockBurner - ( (admittedly there is no way I can be completely un-biased with this one as it is my own. We are not currently accepting funds, as we are not vaporware vendors. Our product is only on paper for the moment, that much is true. I started this list a while before BlockBurner was even a thing. In a way listing my own company here can be taken as a sign of our commitment against fraudulent acts and unethical practices, at this point should BlockBurner misbehave, our combined credibility will be destroyed. Obviously, my incentive is extremely high to deliver not only on our products but also maintaining an ethical and transparent business)


Shared Mining Services

CloudHashing -

HashRack (

Awaiting shipments from BFL  ::)


These sites are no longer active as far as I can tell and are currently offline

DragonASIC -
Site is now offline

Flashman  (BFL forums)
Senior Member

Dragon ASIC posted pics of ASIC are phtoshopped images of a Godson-1 CPU

PrimeASIC -
Site offline

GalaxyASIC - (no formal site noted)
Thread is dead, no further updates to be found

Hong Kong ASICs - (

Seems pretty scammy

Site is offline/url for sale

(Mod note: It's useful to gather the really obvious cases in one place. But the forum can't hope to identify and list all scams as soon as they are announced. There are also many reasons to not list maybe-scams on a list like this— including a desire to treat business people serving our community with respect. So, just because something is not listed here does not mean that it's not a scam. Caveat Emptor.)

Thanks mods!

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: martijntje on April 14, 2013, 08:04:21 AM
I would say BFL, but opinions on that differ.

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: Operatr on April 14, 2013, 12:04:13 PM
I would say BFL, but opinions on that differ.

BFL has actually shipped products in the past, so I don't think so with then. BFL's problems stem from hyping too much and delivering too little, and being too disconnected with their clients (I am one of them too). But I think they will ship eventually. I give them the benefit of the doubt because they are now producing expensive custom hardware, and it just takes time to develop a new product like that.

I'm here to call out blatant scams, like those I posted above

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 14, 2013, 05:52:52 PM
I have answered another thread about our company website in this thread please feel free to continue posting any questions, concerns or comments you have in there (so that I can keep track of feedback and answer your concerns in a timely manner).

Thank you.

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: Operatr on April 14, 2013, 09:24:48 PM
I've added GPURigs to the list, and presented a chance to refute on the other thread.

I think all of these pages above are the same thing unless there is evidence presented otherwise in the form of pictures, prototypes, something other than a blog post saying and some Easybake websites saying  "We're not a scam I promise!" Not good enough. The fact they all have ripped off Photoshopped BFL gear says volumes.

At the moment, mining hardware vendors are guilty until proven innocent with direct evidence that the hardware and the company is real.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: lerelerele on April 14, 2013, 11:32:47 PM
I would like more if you exchange the red and black

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: CoinHoarder on April 14, 2013, 11:40:55 PM
I would like more if you exchange the red and black

This, and why isn't Avalon green or even not on the list at all?

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 14, 2013, 11:54:09 PM
I would like more if you exchange the red and black

This, and why isn't Avalon green or even not on the list at all?

Done  :)

As noted I know some of these are already confirmed pretty much, I am still organizing the information. I want to include soon company profiles and reasons why or why not it is fraudulent.

Every entry will be reviewed fairly and backed up with facts. Avalon and BFL both have shipped real products and that is confirmed, though I would like this report to be complete before I greenlight them in full to avoid any mistakes that could lead someone to believe a company is real and then get ripped off. It should not be easy to be greenlit.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 15, 2013, 06:07:38 PM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Nikolaj06 on April 15, 2013, 07:43:13 PM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

CedarTec looks shady to me! Mainly because of the ridiculous low price I'm no expert, but 80 GH/s for 999$ feels wrong.. They also say they will have a delivery date of May 15th, which is a tad too good to be true..
And of course only way of paying is by BTC.

I have answered another thread about our company website in this thread please feel free to continue posting any questions, concerns or comments you have in there (so that I can keep track of feedback and answer your concerns in a timely manner).

Thank you.

I've read your posts GPU Rigs, and you seem quite friendly and helpful, I really hope you won't make me lose faith in humanity by being a scam.. :(
However on the positive side, will you be shipping from within the EU? :D That's the main reason I didn't preorder any ASIC's anywhere, as the shipping to Denmark from outside EU adds more than 25% to the price.. >.<

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Jaw3bmasters on April 15, 2013, 07:56:29 PM
Add these guys. (

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 01:44:11 AM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

New entries added.

ztex and enterpoint are both ASIC/FPGA design specialists, but not Bitcoin specific vendors, addition has been excluded

BLUE status added for companies that show more signs than not they are legitimate, but still awaiting confirmation that someone has an actual product in their hands to verify their integrity.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 16, 2013, 03:44:37 AM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

New entries added.

ztex and enterpoint are both ASIC/FPGA design specialists, but not Bitcoin specific vendors, addition has been excluded

BLUE status added for companies that show more signs than not they are legitimate, but still awaiting confirmation that someone has an actual product in their hands to verify their integrity.

They still sell for the bitcoin market which is why I mentioned them to be included. BFL also are "ASIC/FPGA design specialists" for other markets so I think with this premise, the aforementioned companies should be added.

On BFL website, it says - "Butterfly Labs manufactures a line of high speed encryption processors for use in bitcoin mining, research, telecommunication and security applications."

Besides, it makes it easier for noobs to make an informed decision of "who" sells "what" and if they are reliable.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 09:46:23 AM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

New entries added.

ztex and enterpoint are both ASIC/FPGA design specialists, but not Bitcoin specific vendors, addition has been excluded

BLUE status added for companies that show more signs than not they are legitimate, but still awaiting confirmation that someone has an actual product in their hands to verify their integrity.

They still sell for the bitcoin market which is why I mentioned them to be included. BFL also are "ASIC/FPGA design specialists" for other markets so I think with this premise, the aforementioned companies should be added.

On BFL website, it says - "Butterfly Labs manufactures a line of high speed encryption processors for use in bitcoin mining, research, telecommunication and security applications."

Besides, it makes it easier for noobs to make an informed decision of "who" sells "what" and if they are reliable.

I don't get your logic. ZTEX and Enterpoint are not Bitcoin ASIC specific vendors, just generic FPGA/ASIC producers. These are the companies that Bitcoin ASIC vendors would work with to produce their chips, they don't sell Bitcoin ASIC units directly. This is just focusing on Bitcoin ASIC hardware vendors for scam/legit viability as so many new ones are emerging.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 10:41:07 AM
DragonASIC added

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: rammy2k2 on April 16, 2013, 11:14:53 AM
how are u making the reviews ?
i emailed  support if its possible to do a local pickup, will see how that goes

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: cloudhasher on April 16, 2013, 11:23:47 AM
Hi PM me

We want to help clear from the list

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 11:52:10 AM
how are u making the reviews ?
i emailed  support if its possible to do a local pickup, will see how that goes

A review is currently conducted by searching out whatever information I can obtain about the company to find proof or not of their legitimacy. This includes WHOIS information, business registrations, wide web search, and looking into the people behind the scenes and if they have been attached to other frauds.

In the case of DragonASIC, I found underneath that the domain registration address was tied to other known scams or very fraudulent looking sites, earning it a red status unless they want to step forward.

An objective, fact based approach. I am not after a witch hunt, just separating the good ones from the bad based on available facts so no one gets bilked out of their money and discouraged. This is just a guide to what is known, and general community consensus on these companies.

Let me know how your interactions with ASICRigs are.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: creativex on April 16, 2013, 03:53:27 PM
While I can appreciate what you're trying to do, failing to make a distinction between a hardware vendor and a vaporware vendor is dangerous. By listing both BFL and Avalon as green you're steering those reading this thread to BFL as Avalon does batch shipping and is unavailable. The bottomless pit of orders BFL takes in makes it unclear how long one could potentially wait to receive a product ordered today.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: rammy2k2 on April 16, 2013, 04:23:08 PM
U have PM, this is a good work u're doing here

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 16, 2013, 04:44:51 PM
The WHOIS information on DragonASIC is domains by proxy... GoDaddys privacy service, a lot of companies use that for a variety of reasons including political websites.

Because that whois information matches to other known scam sites, in reality, means very little.

They could equally be a legit company wanting to shield their business location or a scam company, the WHOIS information in this specific instance is basically worthless.

In effect, you have labeled a company as a 'scam' because you personally feel their WHOIS info is unreputable, despite there being millions of websites with the exact same WHOIS information.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 05:46:56 PM
While I can appreciate what you're trying to do, failing to make a distinction between a hardware vendor and a vaporware vendor is dangerous. By listing both BFL and Avalon as green you're steering those reading this thread to BFL as Avalon does batch shipping and is unavailable. The bottomless pit of orders BFL takes in makes it unclear how long one could potentially wait to receive a product ordered today.

Avalon and BFL have both shipped products that are confirmed in the hands of end users, making them a safer bet than most. Again, safer. Not irrefutable proof they wont screw you. This is opposed to some random Easybake website registered by random people with no proof at all what they claim is true or ever will be. BFL has some issues with their new line, but they have shipped in the past, have a real office people on these forums have been to, etc.

As noted this page is informational only, if you choose to use it to influence your buying decisions I am not liable for the end result. This is to gather up all speculation and fact in one spot, make your own judgement.

This is largely opinion based by me, I agree. As noted any of these companies can contact me directly to clear themselves.

It isnt perfect but better than letting speculation run wild and be completely confusing to everyone, and mitigate "is it a scam?" posts.
The WHOIS information on DragonASIC is domains by proxy... GoDaddys privacy service, a lot of companies use that for a variety of reasons including political websites.

Because that whois information matches to other known scam sites, in reality, means very little.

They could equally be a legit company wanting to shield their business location or a scam company, the WHOIS information in this specific instance is basically worthless.

In effect, you have labeled a company as a 'scam' because you personally feel their WHOIS info is unreputable, despite there being millions of websites with the exact same WHOIS information.

It is not the registrar itself that raises plenty of suspicion, it is the real address it is attached to. A web search of it digs up a few examples of scam sites being generated by whatever it is, based on that I would not give them your money over BFL or Avalon at present.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 16, 2013, 06:08:14 PM
While I can appreciate what you're trying to do, failing to make a distinction between a hardware vendor and a vaporware vendor is dangerous. By listing both BFL and Avalon as green you're steering those reading this thread to BFL as Avalon does batch shipping and is unavailable. The bottomless pit of orders BFL takes in makes it unclear how long one could potentially wait to receive a product ordered today.

Avalon and BFL have both shipped products that are confirmed in the hands of end users, making them a safer bet than most. Again, safer. Not irrefutable proof they wont screw you. This is opposed to some random Easybake website registered by random people with no proof at all what they claim is true or ever will be. BFL has some issues with their new line, but they have shipped in the past, have a real office people on these forums have been to, etc.

As noted this page is informational only, if you choose to use it to influence your buying decisions I am not liable for the end result. This is to gather up all speculation and fact in one spot, make your own judgement.

This is largely opinion based by me, I agree. As noted any of these companies can contact me directly to clear themselves.

It isnt perfect but better than letting speculation run wild and be completely confusing to everyone, and mitigate "is it a scam?" posts.
The WHOIS information on DragonASIC is domains by proxy... GoDaddys privacy service, a lot of companies use that for a variety of reasons including political websites.

Because that whois information matches to other known scam sites, in reality, means very little.

They could equally be a legit company wanting to shield their business location or a scam company, the WHOIS information in this specific instance is basically worthless.

In effect, you have labeled a company as a 'scam' because you personally feel their WHOIS info is unreputable, despite there being millions of websites with the exact same WHOIS information.

It is not the registrar itself that raises plenty of suspicion, it is the real address it is attached to. A web search of it digs up a few examples of scam sites being generated by whatever it is, based on that I would not give them your money over BFL or Avalon at present.

You missed my point totally.

The 'real address' listed in the WHOIS database IS NOT that companies physical address, it belongs to GoDaddy, the company they registered their domain name with.

If you search Google for that address you will find millions of listings using it, because it the address of the Domains By Proxy service.,-llc/

GoDaddy owns that company, they are allowing other people to use (for payment) their address for the WHOIS information.

The fact the WHOIS information shows you the same address as millions of other sites, some scams and some legit, can not be used for you to say 'oh they are a scam' that just stinks to high heaven as a witch-hunt.

If you are legitimately concerned about showing which companies are and which companies are not scams, then you need to come up with a solid way of determining the distinctions, because right now, companies listed in this thread are being told they are 'guilty' without any means of proving otherwise (have you contacted the companies listed directly to tell them about your accusations and given them the opportunity to respond in this thread? I am guessing you haven't, just as you didn't us, we were informed by another community member here).

It would appear right now, you are proclaiming yourself to be judge, jury and executioner to the claims that some of the companies listed above may be scams, without any actual 'solid' evidence to either prove or, disprove your accusations (or accusations by others) you feel they are a scam and therefore, they are, period, end of story.

As a member of the BitcoinTalk community, that only registered some 9 days prior to me, how do WE know that you are legitimately interested in actually proving the companies you have listed are scams, you could potentially be someone working for Avalon or BFL hired to make their competitors or any of the other companies listed look good/bad (as an example of why you need a defined course of proving if a company is legit or not & incidentally the only 2 companies in green, so that could be a possibility).

Let the BitcoinTalk community decide if a company listed above are scammers or not, this is a community after-all and should operate as such without a single person (hiding behind a made-up name on a message board) throwing around baseless accusations besmirching some potentially legitimate companies reputations, ours included, that just leads to further speculation and false assumptions.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 16, 2013, 06:15:49 PM
One other thing I should have added in my post above...

Rather than asking the companies listed in the first post of this thread to contact you personally, ask that they post openly inn this thread, not behind closed doors where there is the potential of *anything* happening that could tarnish you, or their reputation.

Open communication is key here, if you truly are interested in allowing the companies listed the opportunity to present their case as to why they are not scammers.

By doing so you are allowing them to not only refute allegations already made, but are giving them an opportunity to build a reputation in the largest bitcoin forum, which can only help with their business growth if they are legitimate companies.

As the old adage goes, silence is golden.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 16, 2013, 06:18:03 PM
Is added to the list?


Also add as under review. and should be marked as cleared.

New entries added.

ztex and enterpoint are both ASIC/FPGA design specialists, but not Bitcoin specific vendors, addition has been excluded

BLUE status added for companies that show more signs than not they are legitimate, but still awaiting confirmation that someone has an actual product in their hands to verify their integrity.

They still sell for the bitcoin market which is why I mentioned them to be included. BFL also are "ASIC/FPGA design specialists" for other markets so I think with this premise, the aforementioned companies should be added.

On BFL website, it says - "Butterfly Labs manufactures a line of high speed encryption processors for use in bitcoin mining, research, telecommunication and security applications."

Besides, it makes it easier for noobs to make an informed decision of "who" sells "what" and if they are reliable.

I don't get your logic. ZTEX and Enterpoint are not Bitcoin ASIC specific vendors, just generic FPGA/ASIC producers. These are the companies that Bitcoin ASIC vendors would work with to produce their chips, they don't sell Bitcoin ASIC units directly. This is just focusing on Bitcoin ASIC hardware vendors for scam/legit viability as so many new ones are emerging.

The logic used here are the terms "hardware miner" and "seller": What makes a bitcoin miner? A mining hardware that can execute SHA256 and RIPEMD. Therefore I can argue that anyone who wants to purchase other technologies that are not "ASIC only" exist and other technologies can be used for mining; as an example, the UK company in your list selling GPU miners for litecoins and bitcoins.

A seller can be a manufacturer (like BFL) that follows the B2C and B2B approach. The aforementioned companies (Enterpoint and ZTEX being highly reputable) follow the same model as BFL; they can sell to businesses and individual customers.

In terms of hardware miner:
ASIC is-a miner (dedicated), FPGA is-a miner (has a wider set of applications), GPU is-a miner (gaming and mining), CPU is-a miner (though not very efficient). It is my understanding that Enterpoint are gathering market intelligence on what bitcoin miners want to produce future FPGA products; namely Cairnsmore2. When they stop selling for the bitcoin market, then you can take them off the list as time goes by.

So my suggestion is that if you want a more complete list of reputable/scam vendors for "bitcoin miners" (note I am not using ASIC only), then these two should be in the list; it would also help noobs get a glimpse of who is what.

Imo, for now, ASIC to me seems a vaporous technology (1 confirmed report from Avalon) and personally I would opt for FPGA as a sure bet. This can also mean that if people adopt FPGA instead of ASIC, then there is room for scamming bitcoin miners who invest in FPGA based miners.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 16, 2013, 06:23:03 PM
I don't get your logic. ZTEX and Enterpoint are not Bitcoin ASIC specific vendors, just generic FPGA/ASIC producers.

Neither is an ASIC specific vendor; it is a separate company from :)

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 16, 2013, 06:26:55 PM
This can also mean that if people adopt FPGA instead of ASIC, then there is room for scamming bitcoin miners who invest in FPGA based miners.

You bring up a good point, whilst BitcoinTalk is primarily focused on BTC, what is to say that a company selling GPU Rigs (such as ours) or FPGA systems would ship products specifically to clients on this forum, but then if someone ordering a GPU Rig for mining of Litecoins, they get ripped off if they are from another forum, or not members of this or any community?

A full list of companies providing FPGA, ASIC and GPU systems is what is needed and community members here need to be able to add their feedback to the list as do the companies listed in a public forum, not behind closed doors (PMs) where literally *anything* could happen.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 16, 2013, 06:40:20 PM

If you are a hardware seller in anything other than Green (confirmed shipping to end users) status, the fastest way to be greenlit is to send me a product or prototype to review to show the community it is real as a neutral third party.  PM me to arrange this if you desire.

It would seem all you are saying any company on your list has to do is send you one of their devices gratis and you will remove them from your list.

Just seems a little fishy to someone from the outside reading this thread anew and does not really lay claim to there being independent tribunal decisions if all I have to do is have our owner send you a free GPU Rig for you to say we are a legit company, then we can build one specifically for you, send it out, then the next 100 or so orders we get (as soon as you post we're a legit company), we will just run off with the money, never to be seen again...

It would seem any scammer can see the benefits of spending maybe $1000 to send you a basic free unit (in the instance of GPU devices) in order to get 100x that in 'fresh' orders and do a runner.

Anyway, its getting late, have to call it a night, hopefully we can determine a foolproof way of deciding how to discover legit companies from scam ones as this thread progresses.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: creativex on April 16, 2013, 06:47:09 PM
While I can appreciate what you're trying to do, failing to make a distinction between a hardware vendor and a vaporware vendor is dangerous. By listing both BFL and Avalon as green you're steering those reading this thread to BFL as Avalon does batch shipping and is unavailable. The bottomless pit of orders BFL takes in makes it unclear how long one could potentially wait to receive a product ordered today.

Avalon and BFL have both shipped products that are confirmed in the hands of end users, making them a safer bet than most. Again, safer. Not irrefutable proof they wont screw you. This is opposed to some random Easybake website registered by random people with no proof at all what they claim is true or ever will be. BFL has some issues with their new line, but they have shipped in the past, have a real office people on these forums have been to, etc.

As noted this page is informational only, if you choose to use it to influence your buying decisions I am not liable for the end result. This is to gather up all speculation and fact in one spot, make your own judgement.

This is largely opinion based by me, I agree. As noted any of these companies can contact me directly to clear themselves.

It isnt perfect but better than letting speculation run wild and be completely confusing to everyone, and mitigate "is it a scam?" posts.

BTCFPGA also shipped FPGA products, but failed miserably at transitioning to ASIC mining products, costing their investors plenty.

Again, while I appreciate what you're doing, failing to differentiate between a company with actual ASIC mining hardware confirmed to be in the wild(Avalon) vs a company that's been selling pre-order vaporware endlessly for nearly a year without shipping a single chip is misleading. BFL should be blue. While they have shipped FPGAs in the past, they're not selling them now and they've shipped zero ASIC mining units.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 16, 2013, 06:48:40 PM

If you are a hardware seller in anything other than Green (confirmed shipping to end users) status, the fastest way to be greenlit is to send me a product or prototype to review to show the community it is real as a neutral third party.  PM me to arrange this if you desire.

It would seem all you are saying any company on your list has to do is send you one of their devices gratis and you will remove them from your list.

Just seems a little fishy to someone from the outside reading this thread anew and does not really lay claim to there being independent tribunal decisions if all I have to do is have our owner send you a free GPU Rig for you to say we are a legit company, then we can build one specifically for you, send it out, then the next 100 or so orders we get (as soon as you post we're a legit company), we will just run off with the money, never to be seen again...

It would seem any scammer can see the benefits of spending maybe $1000 to send you a basic free unit (in the instance of GPU devices) in order to get 100x that in 'fresh' orders and do a runner.

Anyway, its getting late, have to call it a night, hopefully we can determine a foolproof way of deciding how to discover legit companies from scam ones as this thread progresses.

Lol, no way I'd agree on that policy operatr, you might too many freebies! On a serious note, many things can go wrong going solo (such as being a despot and you decide who goes on the list and not forgetting the risk of corruption), and I think you are trying to take this as a one man band like gpu-rigs is trying to say. I would suggest a democratic way of looking at things and I would vouch for user Micon to be part of maintaining this list as he is so far doing a good job in investigating BFL.

When technologies are being developed, you don't normally have one company or one individual dictating terms. Groups of companies called consortiums or expert people join to write up recommendations of how standards should be adhered. The same should be applied here; a group of reputable bitcoin members (with no affiliations to any company to remove bias) to investigate and decid if a company is a scam or not.

For some banter this could happen to a one man band:



Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: jml on April 16, 2013, 06:50:01 PM
While I can appreciate what you're trying to do, failing to make a distinction between a hardware vendor and a vaporware vendor is dangerous. By listing both BFL and Avalon as green you're steering those reading this thread to BFL as Avalon does batch shipping and is unavailable. The bottomless pit of orders BFL takes in makes it unclear how long one could potentially wait to receive a product ordered today.

Avalon and BFL have both shipped products that are confirmed in the hands of end users, making them a safer bet than most. Again, safer. Not irrefutable proof they wont screw you. This is opposed to some random Easybake website registered by random people with no proof at all what they claim is true or ever will be. BFL has some issues with their new line, but they have shipped in the past, have a real office people on these forums have been to, etc.

As noted this page is informational only, if you choose to use it to influence your buying decisions I am not liable for the end result. This is to gather up all speculation and fact in one spot, make your own judgement.

This is largely opinion based by me, I agree. As noted any of these companies can contact me directly to clear themselves.

It isnt perfect but better than letting speculation run wild and be completely confusing to everyone, and mitigate "is it a scam?" posts.

BTCFPGA also shipped FPGA products, but failed miserably at transitioning to ASIC mining products, costing their investors plenty.

Again, while I appreciate what you're doing, failing to differentiate between a company with actual ASIC mining hardware confirmed to be in the wild(Avalon) vs a company that's been selling pre-order vaporware endlessly for nearly a year without shipping a single chip is misleading. BFL should be blue. While they have shipped FPGAs in the past, they're not selling them now and they've shipped zero ASIC mining units.

I agree with creativex, BFL should be blue until ASICs are shipped and confirmed by users. Also, cloudhashing should be blue because although you say they are a legitimate business, they are nonetheless dependent on a supplier who has not shipped.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 07:35:56 PM
I don't have enough time right now to reply to your responses entirely, however you have all made very valid points.

Namely: what qualifies me to be the one organizing this at all, and on what basis is trust established that I am not hashing out backroom deals with the scammers myself for a cut, etc.

And am I a scam myself in requesting hardware for review.

The goal here is:

A fair review process to determine the nature and legitimacy of a hardware producer.

Full transparency in conducting this review with respect to the privacy of that business. (In Cloudhashing's case, I was presented with transaction logs and the like, I cannot reveal it without their direct authority, but that presents a problem in sharing it with all of you, I know, something to think about)

Establishing some level of trust that I am only a third-party individual only serving a role as a whistleblower on obvious scams, the end goal being protecting people against being defrauded in a highly lucrative and explosive new industry full of parasites who want to take advantage of it at our collective expense.

Yes, there is more work to be done here and I can see that, and I will respond in detail to your replys later today somewhere. This is a work in progress and I welcome your ideas and input to make it better and more transparent in a way that we can all agree upon is fair, and these ideas will be implemented. I would absolutely like to include others to help review officially as to not be a solo act. But someone had to start the process somewhere and no one else had, so I elected myself to take it on for the betterment of the community. 

Anything on here is not here because I think it is a scam, only as a database of up and coming vendors and some kind of verification they are not scammers that can generally be trusted. Though I have no influence or connection to these enterprises, and cannot be held accountable for their actions either.

Title: Re: Scam Alert and Review Panel
Post by: Operatr on April 16, 2013, 11:46:02 PM
The WHOIS information on DragonASIC is domains by proxy... GoDaddys privacy service, a lot of companies use that for a variety of reasons including political websites.

Because that whois information matches to other known scam sites, in reality, means very little.

They could equally be a legit company wanting to shield their business location or a scam company, the WHOIS information in this specific instance is basically worthless.

In effect, you have labeled a company as a 'scam' because you personally feel their WHOIS info is unreputable, despite there being millions of websites with the exact same WHOIS information.

To note, admit to being totally wrong on that point, DragonASIC is moved to Under Review status. There are still a few fishy things about it to look into.

I have just implemented several changes, including thread name change to avert any company included in the list feeling accused of being a scam.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Operatr on April 17, 2013, 03:06:06 PM
It seems what we need here is to voice the overall feeling of the community when it comes to whether a business is a scam or not, so I will begin generating community polls to reflect this over the color coded method.

I will simply otherwise only add relevant facts to the database as we come across them supporting both sides of scam or legitimate.

This should do away possible bias from me personally in deciding what status is declared.

Does this sound like the direction we should go?

EDIT the forum poll won't work for this, Im looking at another option

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: meowmeowbrowncow on April 18, 2013, 11:37:26 AM

Re:  BFL

Remember a common phrase:  Past performance does not guarantee future returns.

So, even with a prior product it doesn't rule out BFL as being sketchy with the sheer amount of BS they spread from July '12 until now.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Lauda on April 19, 2013, 11:01:46 AM
So has anyone reviewed yet?
If it's legit 999$ for 100GH/s is a good deal.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Luckybit on April 19, 2013, 11:58:21 AM
So has anyone reviewed yet?
If it's legit 999$ for 100GH/s is a good deal.

Seems like an impossible deal. They mean $99,000 not $999.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Lauda on April 19, 2013, 12:14:58 PM
So has anyone reviewed yet?
If it's legit 999$ for 100GH/s is a good deal.

Seems like an impossible deal. They mean $99,000 not $999.
1500 GH/s around 30k $ butterflylabs..
I'm pretty sure the costs of assembling a 100 GH/s ASIC miner are nowhere near 1000$.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: rammy2k2 on April 19, 2013, 01:03:36 PM
So has anyone reviewed yet?
If it's legit 999$ for 100GH/s is a good deal.

Seems like an impossible deal. They mean $99,000 not $999.

or its a scam like many others

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: BTC-Joe on April 20, 2013, 04:08:58 AM
It seems what we need here is to voice the overall feeling of the community when it comes to whether a business is a scam or not, so I will begin generating community polls to reflect this over the color coded method.

No, what we need is a ban on members who make threads like this, believing they are the "authority" on what is a "scam" and what is not. You are also assuming that the vast majority of people here are incapable of discerning whether or not they can trust a company - in other words you think they're all stupid. The people who do get roped into a scam are usually victims of their own greed.

Unless you have any FACTUAL EVIDENCE that support your allegation that a specific company is engaging in fraudulent activities, you should keep your mouth and your speculations to yourself.

I will simply otherwise only add relevant facts to the database as we come across them supporting both sides of scam or legitimate.

How about you start by giving us a full disclosure on yourself. Your real name? Your address? Your phone number where we can call if we have to check up on any of your "relevant facts".

This should do away possible bias from me personally in deciding what status is declared.

Does this sound like the direction we should go?

The direction you should go is away!

The folks reading this thread should recall that the whole idea behind bitcoins "anonymity and freedom from centralized control". This fool wants to appoint himself as a federal regulator.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Operatr on April 20, 2013, 05:17:30 AM
It seems what we need here is to voice the overall feeling of the community when it comes to whether a business is a scam or not, so I will begin generating community polls to reflect this over the color coded method.

No, what we need is a ban on members who make threads like this, believing they are the "authority" on what is a "scam" and what is not. You are also assuming that the vast majority of people here are incapable of discerning whether or not they can trust a company - in other words you think they're all stupid. The people who do get roped into a scam are usually victims of their own greed.

Unless you have any FACTUAL EVIDENCE that support your allegation that a specific company is engaging in fraudulent activities, you should keep your mouth and your speculations to yourself.

I will simply otherwise only add relevant facts to the database as we come across them supporting both sides of scam or legitimate.

How about you start by giving us a full disclosure on yourself. Your real name? Your address? Your phone number where we can call if we have to check up on any of your "relevant facts".

This should do away possible bias from me personally in deciding what status is declared.

Does this sound like the direction we should go?

The direction you should go is away!

The folks reading this thread should recall that the whole idea behind bitcoins "anonymity and freedom from centralized control". This fool wants to appoint himself as a federal regulator.

A federal regulator? Ease up tough guy.

I just wanted to organize something communal for consumer awareness in dealing with these companies, because a lot of them are scammers. I'm not appointing myself anything but a record keeper of relevant facts in a collected place so instead of countless "is it a scam" threads for an easy assessment.

I am going to entirely reformat this into more of a factsheet and instead of a firing squad., simplify it based on who has shipped or not and and relevant data about these businesses.

If this goes off course I am happy to request this thread be pulled myself. Maybe, BTC-Joe you could offer a better idea instead of calling me some kind of crypto-facist and instigating a flame war.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: Operatr on April 20, 2013, 05:39:58 AM
The scam alert portion of this has been removed, color codes only reflect hardware shipping status now. A failed experiment, I admit, I never meant to be any kind of authority and not what I had in mind, let's get this back on course.

This list is now informational only on the current status of hardware producers and a simple listing of new mining services, and community scam alerts. An at a glance status of the industry if you will.

Has anyone had direct contact with the listed companies so far aside Avalon and BFL?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: CoinHoarder on April 20, 2013, 06:23:38 AM
Thank you for taking cloudhashing off of the "Approved non scam list".

I am still 98% positive that is a scam, it is just a well implemented scam with faked documents, a legit website, etc.

I was kind of shocked you gave them your seal of approval, but did not say anything. I guess because he sent you his forged BFL preorder proof you did this, I can see your reasoning. But this kind of information can be easily faked by anyone that has Photoshop and half a brain.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: Bakemono on April 20, 2013, 07:14:45 AM
Avalon ASIC - (Product shipments confirmed in the wild, shipping of next batch is imminent)

and from avalon's web site:

Batch #1
Batch Status: Shipping
Unit Price: $1299
Batch Size: 300 Units
Order Opened On: Sept 23th, 2012
Payment Processor: Paysius
Shipping Time: March 3st, 2013.

So we have 300 comfirmed shipments?
If not how many people are actually mining with avalon asic units atm?

I m just asking because i m new around and i can't tell by browsing this forum if asic mining is something that is happening right now or
there is one and only asic miner out there and an endless number of people waiting and speculating.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: Operatr on April 20, 2013, 07:44:01 AM
Thank you for taking cloudhashing off of the "Approved non scam list".

I am still 98% positive that is a scam, it is just a well implemented scam with faked documents, a legit website, etc.

I was kind of shocked you gave them your seal of approval, but did not say anything. I guess because he sent you his forged BFL preorder proof you did this, I can see your reasoning. But this kind of information can be easily faked by anyone that has Photoshop and half a brain.

I had a convo with their owners, though in the end I don't put it past anyone how meticulous a lie can be. They seemed honest though.

Avalon ASIC - (Product shipments confirmed in the wild, shipping of next batch is imminent)

and from avalon's web site:

Batch #1
Batch Status: Shipping
Unit Price: $1299
Batch Size: 300 Units
Order Opened On: Sept 23th, 2012
Payment Processor: Paysius
Shipping Time: March 3st, 2013.

So we have 300 comfirmed shipments?
If not how many people are actually mining with avalon asic units atm?

I m just asking because i m new around and i can't tell by browsing this forum if asic mining is something that is happening right now or
there is one and only asic miner out there and an endless number of people waiting and speculating.

Thank you.

It would seem that way, Avalon has delivered in the past I see no reason to doubt they will miss their target

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: yuppie on April 20, 2013, 11:41:52 PM
So is CedarTec a scam or not?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: Operatr on April 21, 2013, 11:59:13 AM
So is CedarTec a scam or not?
I don't think anyone has seen anything real from them, I'd be cautious

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: BTC-Joe on April 22, 2013, 07:40:49 AM
A federal regulator? Ease up tough guy.

I just wanted to organize something communal for consumer awareness in dealing with these companies, because a lot of them are scammers. I'm not appointing myself anything but a record keeper of relevant facts in a collected place so instead of countless "is it a scam" threads for an easy assessment.

The criteria you are putting forth as deciding whether or not a company is a "scam" or not is based on conjecture. The only valid criteria would be placing a test order with a particular company and monitoring the results. Do they deliver as promised or not is the only point that matters.

I am going to entirely reformat this into more of a factsheet and instead of a firing squad., simplify it based on who has shipped or not and and relevant data about these businesses.

If this goes off course I am happy to request this thread be pulled myself. Maybe, BTC-Joe you could offer a better idea instead of calling me some kind of crypto-facist and instigating a flame war.

What you should have done is started a list rewards businesses who live up to their promises by highlighting the good ones. Instead you decided to label all of them "scammers" and put the onus of disproving said indictment on the business owner.

Bitcoins are new. Most of the bitcoin-related businesses are new. They are all going to go through growing pains and have issues to work out. A certain percentage of them will turn out to be scammers...but you don't burn down a city to ensure that a few people have nowhere to hide.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services Database and Review Board
Post by: Operatr on April 22, 2013, 08:16:21 AM
A federal regulator? Ease up tough guy.

I just wanted to organize something communal for consumer awareness in dealing with these companies, because a lot of them are scammers. I'm not appointing myself anything but a record keeper of relevant facts in a collected place so instead of countless "is it a scam" threads for an easy assessment.

The criteria you are putting forth as deciding whether or not a company is a "scam" or not is based on conjecture. The only valid criteria would be placing a test order with a particular company and monitoring the results. Do they deliver as promised or not is the only point that matters.

I am going to entirely reformat this into more of a factsheet and instead of a firing squad., simplify it based on who has shipped or not and and relevant data about these businesses.

If this goes off course I am happy to request this thread be pulled myself. Maybe, BTC-Joe you could offer a better idea instead of calling me some kind of crypto-facist and instigating a flame war.

What you should have done is started a list rewards businesses who live up to their promises by highlighting the good ones. Instead you decided to label all of them "scammers" and put the onus of disproving said indictment on the business owner.

Bitcoins are new. Most of the bitcoin-related businesses are new. They are all going to go through growing pains and have issues to work out. A certain percentage of them will turn out to be scammers...but you don't burn down a city to ensure that a few people have nowhere to hide.

Indeed, I thought about something like a Bitcoin Business Bureau, a place for a community vote to reflect the business practices of these new companies. I'm not trying to be overzealous, just keeping people informed in a better way as this new industry emerges. Scammers just discourage people from being interested in Bitcoin, and unfortunate reality that could be mitigated, in the end the community pulse is the best measure for the general consensus. So this will will just be a quick glance of which companies have delivered. I had a different intent when I began this, like most coiners I'm learning as I go too.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: PatMan on April 23, 2013, 08:58:26 PM
It seems what we need here is to voice the overall feeling of the community when it comes to whether a business is a scam or not, so I will begin generating community polls to reflect this over the color coded method.

No, what we need is a ban on members who make threads like this, believing they are the "authority" on what is a "scam" and what is not. You are also assuming that the vast majority of people here are incapable of discerning whether or not they can trust a company - in other words you think they're all stupid. The people who do get roped into a scam are usually victims of their own greed.

Unless you have any FACTUAL EVIDENCE that support your allegation that a specific company is engaging in fraudulent activities, you should keep your mouth and your speculations to yourself.

I will simply otherwise only add relevant facts to the database as we come across them supporting both sides of scam or legitimate.

How about you start by giving us a full disclosure on yourself. Your real name? Your address? Your phone number where we can call if we have to check up on any of your "relevant facts".

This should do away possible bias from me personally in deciding what status is declared.

Does this sound like the direction we should go?

The direction you should go is away!

The folks reading this thread should recall that the whole idea behind bitcoins "anonymity and freedom from centralized control". This fool wants to appoint himself as a federal regulator.

Not a Federal Regulator - a Union man is what he is...... :D :D :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: GPU Rigs on April 25, 2013, 01:10:21 PM
Posted this in the other thread discussing our company and product line on BitCoinTalk but wanted to post it in here too...

Okay, so I have just got out of a meeting with the company owner and after bringing up several of the suggestions, comments and concerns in this thread, this is what has been decided.

No, we will not be changing anything on our website, unless we absolutely have to.

We were not the ones that brought it to the public eye so we are not going to make any changes until we are ready to do so as a company, you don't like that, don't do business with us, plain and simple.

Once we have further information about our ASIC line we will let everyone know, when we are ready to, not before hand, ask away as much as you want on here and any other message forum, you'll be given the same answer... None.

When we are ready to let you know about the technicalities and finer points of our product line, we will.

Bottom line is this, no matter how many times we answer people's questions, no matter how many times we have gone out of our way to try and assure people we are a legitimate business, we are still getting slammed.

Well, slam away, we're going to be focusing on running our business and getting all of our products ready for market, not speculation, rumor and opinion posted on a message board by anonymous persons on a witch hunt.

We have been more than willing to discuss the issues as they have arisen but people obviously do not want to listen to, or believe the answers we are posting whilst those same answers get twisted out of their meaning by individuals looking to make them fit their agenda.

Right now, we do not care if you want to pre-order any of our ASIC models (that are currently not available to ship) or wait until we have honored our agreement to send the first 5 to members of this board by escrow facilitated by John K, but the bottom line is this...

Think we are scammers? Out to screw you over? Don't do any business with us, it's that simple. It's your choice.

We tried the 'this is where we are at route' and its obviously not what you folks want to hear so fuck it, when we are ready to let you know more about our ASIC product line, we will, until then we will only be posting publicly about our GPU Rigs product line.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: PatMan on April 25, 2013, 09:03:26 PM
Posted this in the other thread discussing our company and product line on BitCoinTalk but wanted to post it in here too...

Okay, so I have just got out of a meeting with the company owner and after bringing up several of the suggestions, comments and concerns in this thread, this is what has been decided.

No, we will not be changing anything on our website, unless we absolutely have to.

We were not the ones that brought it to the public eye so we are not going to make any changes until we are ready to do so as a company, you don't like that, don't do business with us, plain and simple.

Once we have further information about our ASIC line we will let everyone know, when we are ready to, not before hand, ask away as much as you want on here and any other message forum, you'll be given the same answer... None.

When we are ready to let you know about the technicalities and finer points of our product line, we will.

Bottom line is this, no matter how many times we answer people's questions, no matter how many times we have gone out of our way to try and assure people we are a legitimate business, we are still getting slammed.

Well, slam away, we're going to be focusing on running our business and getting all of our products ready for market, not speculation, rumor and opinion posted on a message board by anonymous persons on a witch hunt.

We have been more than willing to discuss the issues as they have arisen but people obviously do not want to listen to, or believe the answers we are posting whilst those same answers get twisted out of their meaning by individuals looking to make them fit their agenda.

Right now, we do not care if you want to pre-order any of our ASIC models (that are currently not available to ship) or wait until we have honored our agreement to send the first 5 to members of this board by escrow facilitated by John K, but the bottom line is this...

Think we are scammers? Out to screw you over? Don't do any business with us, it's that simple. It's your choice.

We tried the 'this is where we are at route' and its obviously not what you folks want to hear so fuck it, when we are ready to let you know more about our ASIC product line, we will, until then we will only be posting publicly about our GPU Rigs product line.


Aaaahh.  Boohoo.   :'( :'(

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: joae1975 on April 28, 2013, 01:58:26 AM
Plain and simple.  When I first found out about bitcoin, I called my coder friend.  He's a genius, knew google was amazing back in 2000.  I asked him if bitcoin was a scam, he replied, "No, the GPU manufacturers are the scam."  So I ordered a few BFL's.  "SMACK!"

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: GPU Rigs on May 10, 2013, 06:27:57 AM
As promised, we have an update we wanted to let everyone know about in regards to our ASIC Rigs product lines.

At the present time, we are anticipating that we will have our first batch of ASIC devices ready to ship to customers by the first week in August 2013, our website will reflect this shipping date change shortly.

We are currently awaiting our first fully functional device for in-house testing next week, after which time we will be able to post further specifics on our base model, the AR2, shortly after we will be able to give technical specifications on the AR5 and then shortly after that, our AR10 model. We are also anticipating being able to show several images and video of the working devices as each is tested in-house.

Further announcements will follow as we have more information to give those of you wanting to purchase one of our ASIC Rigs mining devices.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for news over the past month while we have been working on sourcing working chipsets, casing providers and component assembly companies, we are now confident that we should be able to bring all of our ASIC devices to market within the next couple of months and we are also happy that we will finally be able to lay rest to accusations of being a scam company.

Please visit and bookmark our website at and visit our Facebook page for more information over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your interest in our ASIC mining devices and we look forward to being able to do business with you soon :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Hardware/Mining Services
Post by: Operatr on May 14, 2013, 09:58:16 PM
List updated, I added a few things

BFL is green but people are still not very happy with them, they have shipped a few Jalepeno's though.

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 17, 2013, 03:11:24 AM

Looks like we lost a few to the scammers graveyard

Working on updating everything with current info and new supporting threads

Update 5/17

Reorganized the list, added Graveyard section for dead sites

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: iANDROID on May 17, 2013, 08:55:26 PM
BTCGARDEN is down:

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: mokahless on May 18, 2013, 11:57:47 PM
I have answered another thread about our company website in this thread please feel free to continue posting any questions, concerns or comments you have in there (so that I can keep track of feedback and answer your concerns in a timely manner).

Thank you.

Here's my question. This is the image you used on your facebook page:

Start explaining.

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: kendog77 on May 19, 2013, 12:09:21 AM

According to this thread, ASXProject is an obvious scam. This should be noted in the original post.

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 19, 2013, 01:07:08 AM

According to this thread, ASXProject is an obvious scam. This should be noted in the original post.

I did hear something but didn't know where this was, thanks kendog

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Xian01 on May 19, 2013, 05:44:50 PM
Awesome thread. Will keep this as one to watch. Really curious to see how the Avalon DIY projects pan out. Ready to throw a pile of BTC towards any legitimate project that materializes.

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 20, 2013, 01:12:37 AM
Awesome thread. Will keep this as one to watch. Really curious to see how the Avalon DIY projects pan out. Ready to throw a pile of BTC towards any legitimate project that materializes.

I am working on a bigger version 8)  I have registered a new domain for it just yesterday, called (not up yet). It is to be a news blog and forum about the activities and scammeries of these companies. We'll venture deep into the mines to see if these things pass the smell test in a more transparent and visible way. Hopefully we can help put an end to people throwing their money away on these obvious scams with some education.

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: biaka on May 20, 2013, 03:29:37 AM
Thank You for this~

Title: Re: Crypto Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Lauda on May 20, 2013, 02:12:41 PM
Awesome thread. Will keep this as one to watch. Really curious to see how the Avalon DIY projects pan out. Ready to throw a pile of BTC towards any legitimate project that materializes.

I am working on a bigger version 8)  I have registered a new domain for it just yesterday, called (not up yet). It is to be a news blog and forum about the activities and scammeries of these companies. We'll venture deep into the mines to see if these things pass the smell test in a more transparent and visible way. Hopefully we can help put an end to people throwing their money away on these obvious scams with some education.

Nice idea, can't wait.

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: GPU Rigs on May 21, 2013, 09:14:35 PM
I have answered another thread about our company website in this thread please feel free to continue posting any questions, concerns or comments you have in there (so that I can keep track of feedback and answer your concerns in a timely manner).

Thank you.

Here's my question. This is the image you used on your facebook page:

Start explaining.

It has already been explained numerous times IN THIS THREAD.

The images we are using on the site and our FB page presently are just mockups. Why you people can't read responses to questions that have already been answered before asking them again is beyond comprehension.

We're going to be posting another announcement tomorrow (hopefully, if we get all the specifics written in time) along with some other stuff that should make many in the mining community happy :D

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on May 22, 2013, 12:27:18 AM
Great resource, I can see I have a lot to learn!  :)  Wish I knew about this when I was making my chart ( link isn't working anymore..  maybe it's just offline atm, I think I was there yesterday

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: Operatr on May 22, 2013, 06:53:45 AM
I have answered another thread about our company website in this thread please feel free to continue posting any questions, concerns or comments you have in there (so that I can keep track of feedback and answer your concerns in a timely manner).

Thank you.

Here's my question. This is the image you used on your facebook page:

Start explaining.

It has already been explained numerous times IN THIS THREAD.

The images we are using on the site and our FB page presently are just mockups. Why you people can't read responses to questions that have already been answered before asking them again is beyond comprehension.

We're going to be posting another announcement tomorrow (hopefully, if we get all the specifics written in time) along with some other stuff that should make many in the mining community happy :D

You are so full of shit GPURigs. Enjoy red status for all of your "mockups" and the fact your websites are taking BTC for products that don't exist. Show us something real now or go away.

Even if you are for real, which I severely doubt at this point, we would rather you post nothing than total fabrications just to make it seem like you have something.

Great resource, I can see I have a lot to learn!  :)  Wish I knew about this when I was making my chart ( link isn't working anymore..  maybe it's just offline atm, I think I was there yesterday

It is good there are more than just me putting together this information in a clearer way. Would you maybe be interested in working with me on CoinCanary?

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: GPU Rigs on May 22, 2013, 02:47:40 PM

You are so full of shit GPURigs. Enjoy red status for all of your "mockups" and the fact your websites are taking BTC for products that don't exist. Show us something real now or go away.

Even if you are for real, which I severely doubt at this point, we would rather you post nothing than total fabrications just to make it seem like you have something.

Feel free to actually remove us from your list... See the press release below...

Wednesday 22nd May, 2013.
For Immediate Release.

ASIC Rigs, a privately owned and operated bitcoin mining device company, is pleased to announce that we have received, tested and confirmed that our stylish AR2 bitcoin mining device works to specification and is on track for completion by the middle of July 2013.

In addition, it has further been decided that effective immediately, given the results we have seen from the device tested in-house, ASIC Rigs will be withdrawing all of their asic mining devices from the open market place and concentrating our efforts on in-house asic mining only for the immediate future. What this mean in layman's terms is that we will no longer be selling our ASIC Rigs mining devices to the general public and our website will reflect this change shortly.

"With the hash rates we have seen from our testing device, coupled with the fact that bitcoin values appear to have stabilized, as a company it would be remiss of us not to seize the opportunity to utilize this technology for our own purposes" says the company founder and CEO.

Despite withdrawing our ASIC Rigs mining products from the open market, the company remains strong in their efforts to support the general bitcoin mining community and will offer customers who have already paid for their ASIC Rigs mining device the option of order fulfillment as originally planned or, a full refund of their payment.

We appreciate all of the support we have received over the past few months as we have been working to source, construct and fulfill interest in our product lines and would like to thank those of you whom have stood steadfast behind our company, despite much speculation from several individuals within the mining community as to the integrity of our company, with your continued support we look forward to growing as a company and the future growth of bitcoin as a viable alternative to standardized currency.

Please direct all requests for further information by email to or see our Facebook page for more information on our companies growth over the coming months.


Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: dmcdad on May 22, 2013, 03:16:52 PM
Bwahahahahaha. Yeah, right. You all have fun doing in-house mining with those vapor rigs.

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: Operatr on May 22, 2013, 03:57:19 PM

You are so full of shit GPURigs. Enjoy red status for all of your "mockups" and the fact your websites are taking BTC for products that don't exist. Show us something real now or go away.

Even if you are for real, which I severely doubt at this point, we would rather you post nothing than total fabrications just to make it seem like you have something.

Feel free to actually remove us from your list... See the press release below...

Wednesday 22nd May, 2013.
For Immediate Release.

ASIC Rigs, a privately owned and operated bitcoin mining device company, is pleased to announce that we have received, tested and confirmed that our stylish AR2 bitcoin mining device works to specification and is on track for completion by the middle of July 2013.

In addition, it has further been decided that effective immediately, given the results we have seen from the device tested in-house, ASIC Rigs will be withdrawing all of their asic mining devices from the open market place and concentrating our efforts on in-house asic mining only for the immediate future. What this mean in layman's terms is that we will no longer be selling our ASIC Rigs mining devices to the general public and our website will reflect this change shortly.

"With the hash rates we have seen from our testing device, coupled with the fact that bitcoin values appear to have stabilized, as a company it would be remiss of us not to seize the opportunity to utilize this technology for our own purposes" says the company founder and CEO.

Despite withdrawing our ASIC Rigs mining products from the open market, the company remains strong in their efforts to support the general bitcoin mining community and will offer customers who have already paid for their ASIC Rigs mining device the option of order fulfillment as originally planned or, a full refund of their payment.

We appreciate all of the support we have received over the past few months as we have been working to source, construct and fulfill interest in our product lines and would like to thank those of you whom have stood steadfast behind our company, despite much speculation from several individuals within the mining community as to the integrity of our company, with your continued support we look forward to growing as a company and the future growth of bitcoin as a viable alternative to standardized currency.

Please direct all requests for further information by email to or see our Facebook page for more information on our companies growth over the coming months.


Withdrawing what miners? Those ones you never showed us a working version of ever? Not only will you not be coming off my list, I will be advocating that people stay away from your scammy "business"

Who is your CEO, and WHO ARE YOU for that matter?

I had the respect for the community to post my  details quite publicly  (

Lets see it. This press release is cute but ultimately means nothing, it is just words.

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: FCTaiChi on May 23, 2013, 01:28:24 AM

It is good there are more than just me putting together this information in a clearer way. Would you maybe be interested in working with me on CoinCanary?

Sounds interesting!  What is your vision for the site?

Title: Re: Scam Alert Thread
Post by: Operatr on May 23, 2013, 03:15:02 AM

It is good there are more than just me putting together this information in a clearer way. Would you maybe be interested in working with me on CoinCanary?

Sounds interesting!  What is your vision for the site?

Ill PM you

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 25, 2013, 06:22:41 PM
I did some research on this new Cryoniks all the kids are talking about these days-

Well, more digging-

The CEO FAHAD KOUMAIHA is involved with another business called Crypteks  

Also another thing called Cryptrade (

Notice on the Crypteks Facebook, a like for Bitwize, and Bitwize linkage on the Cryptrade home page with a very similar template used by Cryoniks

Kickstarter that has people questioning them as fraudulent with refund run-arounds (, speculation that the business is actually run from Lebanon

Reddit has plenty to say on this


As horrible as it is for the backers, it's a sad fact that not every company will be able to make it. What's "dark" and terrible about this company is that they chose to neither communicate properly to their backers, nor were competent enough to give refunds.
I've been checking out kickstarter for a while. They do their best to see real material and such before approving projects for their site. While, yes, try do make money regardless of whether the project delivers or not, they DO actively block people to abuse their platform. I mean, they require something real and tangible for most projects. Software is the only real exception there, and perhaps a few games. I think they do a good job policing projects before they get approved. And, if the projects take your money and run, it doesn't look good for them, either.
And, like they've said, and numerous others have said, this is product investment by crowd. It's a risk. You're not pre-ordering or buying a product, you're giving them funding. If thing go the way they're supposed to, you get something back. And, if not, you get a refund. If you don't, some time of legal recourse should be appropriate, or just calling your credit card company and nixing the charge. The only time it's not really a risk is if it's a successful person or company that's finished one project, delivered, and then put another up.
Those guys should be ashamed of themselves for not communicating properly. If they need more time because of delays, say so. If you completely failed, detail why. Crowd-funding isn't just about getting money. It's about small companies and groups learning how to put out products without having massive debts or big name investors reaching down their backs. Some people wouldn't be able to deliver something at all if it wasn't for this model. Sharing your mistakes is more important that sharing your successes. It helps show the way for others. It's not just crowd-funding, it's crowd-learning about entrepreneurship.

Previous registration for another business in MI

TRAKTRADE LLC was formed on 2006-01-12 in Michigan by FAHAD KOUMAIHA.

Universal ID
Registration Number
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Domestic Limited Liabilit
ACTIVE, BUT NOT IN GOOD STANDING AS OF 2-17-2009 (just means they didn't refile the LLC)
Formation Date
Registered Agent

It seems like Ed Trice is all over this too with previous scammery involving these nitrogen cooling units but I havn't found any solid linkage there


Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: KS on May 25, 2013, 11:55:26 PM
I did some research on this new Cryoniks all the kids are talking about these days-

Well, more digging-

The CEO FAHAD KOUMAIHA is involved with another business called Crypteks  

Also another thing called Cryptrade (

Notice on the Crypteks Facebook, a like for Bitwize, and Bitwize linkage on the Cryptrade home page with a very similar template used by Cryoniks

Kickstarter that has people questioning them as fraudulent with refund run-arounds (, speculation that the business is actually run from Lebanon

Reddit has plenty to say on this


As horrible as it is for the backers, it's a sad fact that not every company will be able to make it. What's "dark" and terrible about this company is that they chose to neither communicate properly to their backers, nor were competent enough to give refunds.
I've been checking out kickstarter for a while. They do their best to see real material and such before approving projects for their site. While, yes, try do make money regardless of whether the project delivers or not, they DO actively block people to abuse their platform. I mean, they require something real and tangible for most projects. Software is the only real exception there, and perhaps a few games. I think they do a good job policing projects before they get approved. And, if the projects take your money and run, it doesn't look good for them, either.
And, like they've said, and numerous others have said, this is product investment by crowd. It's a risk. You're not pre-ordering or buying a product, you're giving them funding. If thing go the way they're supposed to, you get something back. And, if not, you get a refund. If you don't, some time of legal recourse should be appropriate, or just calling your credit card company and nixing the charge. The only time it's not really a risk is if it's a successful person or company that's finished one project, delivered, and then put another up.
Those guys should be ashamed of themselves for not communicating properly. If they need more time because of delays, say so. If you completely failed, detail why. Crowd-funding isn't just about getting money. It's about small companies and groups learning how to put out products without having massive debts or big name investors reaching down their backs. Some people wouldn't be able to deliver something at all if it wasn't for this model. Sharing your mistakes is more important that sharing your successes. It helps show the way for others. It's not just crowd-funding, it's crowd-learning about entrepreneurship.

Previous registration for another business in MI

TRAKTRADE LLC was formed on 2006-01-12 in Michigan by FAHAD KOUMAIHA.

Universal ID
Registration Number
Domestic Limited Liability Company
Domestic Limited Liabilit
ACTIVE, BUT NOT IN GOOD STANDING AS OF 2-17-2009 (just means they didn't refile the LLC)
Formation Date
Registered Agent

It seems like Ed Trice is all over this too with previous scammery involving these nitrogen cooling units but I havn't found any solid linkage there


As I pointed out in another thread, I would leave Bitwize be. Unless some employee or other is involved, I have worked with them in the past and they're legit (or were then, at least).

Not that I wouldn't put it past certain ppl, but it would be moronic to "like" your company/employer on your own scam page. There is probably some link or other to be made, as Bitwize is a "local" competitor, but I don't think it's at company level.

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 26, 2013, 12:39:14 AM

As I pointed out in another thread, I would leave Bitwize be. Unless some employee or other is involved, I have worked with them in the past and they're legit (or were then, at least).

Not that I wouldn't put it past certain ppl, but it would be moronic to "like" your company/employer on your own scam page. There is probably some link or other to be made, as Bitwize is a "local" competitor, but I don't think it's at company level.

It is difficult to discount the linkage though, why is it there at all? If Bitwize is behind a host of scam sites I think that deserves to be recognized as well, however I have no direct proof of this, but strange nonetheless

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: dwdoc on May 26, 2013, 03:01:26 AM
Ouch:     :o

Zach Penny on May 16

I've Sent this:


This Project has been going on for nearly 2 years no with no meaningful updates, and a lot of misinformation. The project creator has offered refunds, with which most of us submitted our information in hopes of getting a refund just to be done with the project.

However, with their last update they requested a large amount of information regarding backers. So far there has been only radio silence, which it's very promising considering the amount of information they asked for in their update.

Not only has Kickstarter not stepped in and aided the backers of this project, but for nearly 2 years you have allowed this to go on, and have profited from what appears to be a scam on the users. Which has no resulted in frustration and cause users to send information to the project creator that could be potentially used for identity theft.

I am going to be in contact with a lawyer in the near future, and depending on the response/assistance received from this contact will determine whether or not the lawsuit will contain your name alongside Cryptrade's. 989 Backers have been defrauded of their money, and Kickstarter profited from it.

I've copied several comments, as well as updates from the site, and this 'letter' will be sent to all the major tech blogs regarding this fiasco.

Unfortunately, this has kept me from backing several projects that I would have liked to been a part of, but Kickstarter's lack of effort to sort this out, and the sour taste this project has left me with will probably cause me to never back a project here ever again.

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: KS on May 26, 2013, 09:20:26 AM

As I pointed out in another thread, I would leave Bitwize be. Unless some employee or other is involved, I have worked with them in the past and they're legit (or were then, at least).

Not that I wouldn't put it past certain ppl, but it would be moronic to "like" your company/employer on your own scam page. There is probably some link or other to be made, as Bitwize is a "local" competitor, but I don't think it's at company level.

It is difficult to discount the linkage though, why is it there at all? If Bitwize is behind a host of scam sites I think that deserves to be recognized as well, however I have no direct proof of this, but strange nonetheless

Yes, but I'm not sure about the kind of link that can be deducted. Bitwize is in the business of creating websites, their designs are nice and they don't cost an arm and a leg (they're like 1/10th what I would pay if I had it made in the EU).

I guess some scammers are upping their game in the design dept. The mumbo-jumbo is still there though, which is a good thing :)

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on May 26, 2013, 08:35:57 PM

As I pointed out in another thread, I would leave Bitwize be. Unless some employee or other is involved, I have worked with them in the past and they're legit (or were then, at least).

Not that I wouldn't put it past certain ppl, but it would be moronic to "like" your company/employer on your own scam page. There is probably some link or other to be made, as Bitwize is a "local" competitor, but I don't think it's at company level.

It is difficult to discount the linkage though, why is it there at all? If Bitwize is behind a host of scam sites I think that deserves to be recognized as well, however I have no direct proof of this, but strange nonetheless

Yes, but I'm not sure about the kind of link that can be deducted. Bitwize is in the business of creating websites, their designs are nice and they don't cost an arm and a leg (they're like 1/10th what I would pay if I had it made in the EU).

I guess some scammers are upping their game in the design dept. The mumbo-jumbo is still there though, which is a good thing :)

In of itself it is a trivial detail really, I just thought it was kind of odd for a business to actively promote their web dev. It makes me wonder a little if there is more connection there than a simple hired design team, especially as it is attached to other things from Fahad Koumaiha

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: KS on May 27, 2013, 08:12:01 AM

As I pointed out in another thread, I would leave Bitwize be. Unless some employee or other is involved, I have worked with them in the past and they're legit (or were then, at least).

Not that I wouldn't put it past certain ppl, but it would be moronic to "like" your company/employer on your own scam page. There is probably some link or other to be made, as Bitwize is a "local" competitor, but I don't think it's at company level.

It is difficult to discount the linkage though, why is it there at all? If Bitwize is behind a host of scam sites I think that deserves to be recognized as well, however I have no direct proof of this, but strange nonetheless

Yes, but I'm not sure about the kind of link that can be deducted. Bitwize is in the business of creating websites, their designs are nice and they don't cost an arm and a leg (they're like 1/10th what I would pay if I had it made in the EU).

I guess some scammers are upping their game in the design dept. The mumbo-jumbo is still there though, which is a good thing :)

In of itself it is a trivial detail really, I just thought it was kind of odd for a business to actively promote their web dev. It makes me wonder a little if there is more connection there than a simple hired design team, especially as it is attached to other things from Fahad Koumaiha

I think it might be a way to legitimize the scam by using someone else's good reputation (Bitwize here). Or it could be that Bitwize now promote themselves with the "like" button. In this case, it's a FAIL though... :)

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: ralree on June 04, 2013, 02:06:48 AM
The only time it's not really a risk is if it's a successful person or company that's finished one project, delivered, and then put another up.
Like CABLEPAIR!  ...Wait...

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 04, 2013, 04:32:18 PM
The only time it's not really a risk is if it's a successful person or company that's finished one project, delivered, and then put another up.
Like CABLEPAIR!  ...Wait...

Unless you are BFL, who previously did deliver FPGAs, and used that rep to bilk 1000s of people out of millions of dollars without any return so far aside a tiny few Jalepenos

Title: Re: Coin Canary - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 05, 2013, 06:39:32 AM
The only time it's not really a risk is if it's a successful person or company that's finished one project, delivered, and then put another up.
Like CABLEPAIR!  ...Wait...

Unless you are BFL, who previously did deliver FPGAs, and used that rep to bilk 1000s of people out of millions of dollars without any return so far aside a tiny few Jalepenos
This is the 'Most stable miner' category of the list..
I should just take them off my list, this is ridiculous.

Ok done.  They are off the list.  I will not support this company by sending people to them while they are so blatantly violating the trust of the community.  Can't even find cheap hosting somewhere for their scheming?

I'm pushing all the Avalon chip orders back a few months too.  I see no reason to believe that 9-10 weeks is a reasonable estimate.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 06, 2013, 05:56:05 PM
I have to say that spike coming out of Kansas is really strange. I remember it being debunked in another thread about it though it is still too odd to ignore. I've searched myself for other organizations that are running hashfarms there and have found none. Such a spike can only be created by a large farm...

Updated to include BitFury and some updates to Butterfly Labs latest crimes against humanity

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 06, 2013, 11:48:58 PM
So the official story is (and you can see this) that for all the unknown activity in a country they put in a spike directly in the middle.  I just don't know who to trust anymore though, with all the money floating around.  This seems reasonable.. but if a person masked their IP how can you tell what country they're from?  couldn't they just reroute to another country?
Anyway I really don't know the complete story here.  I find it quite likely that the spike really is from what they say.  Then again none of Inaba's comments have made me more comfortable about things. 
Everyone says to cool down they are finally starting to ship.  Oh sure, after their long testing phase?  Gonna wait to ship till they're worthless?  People bought these products because they were told they could make a certain profit from them.  They have been pushed back constantly, to the point that people who actually believe a word coming out of their mouth gives me pause.
Maybe the real question is how much of the world spikes are caused by them.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 07, 2013, 09:15:30 PM
So the official story is (and you can see this) that for all the unknown activity in a country they put in a spike directly in the middle.  I just don't know who to trust anymore though, with all the money floating around.  This seems reasonable.. but if a person masked their IP how can you tell what country they're from?  couldn't they just reroute to another country?
Anyway I really don't know the complete story here.  I find it quite likely that the spike really is from what they say.  Then again none of Inaba's comments have made me more comfortable about things.  
Everyone says to cool down they are finally starting to ship.  Oh sure, after their long testing phase?  Gonna wait to ship till they're worthless?  People bought these products because they were told they could make a certain profit from them.  They have been pushed back constantly, to the point that people who actually believe a word coming out of their mouth gives me pause.
Maybe the real question is how much of the world spikes are caused by them.

This would make sense, may very well just be a coincidence with BFL speculation that they might just be mining with their own hardware. It has been proven they have been testing on the live net and not test net as they should be...

Anyway, I made up a logo for what will be the full out CoinCanary mining website, this is a rough one  :)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: iANDROID on June 07, 2013, 09:16:17 PM
Information for KNCMining?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 07, 2013, 09:17:41 PM
Information for KNCMining?

Most of it can be found in here so far

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 08, 2013, 12:56:13 AM

Great, I love it!

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: CanaryInTheMine on June 09, 2013, 08:15:03 PM
I see that you like the idea behind my name...

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 09, 2013, 08:34:48 PM
Canary fight!

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 09, 2013, 08:35:30 PM
And both of you are in the hardware game! Schizophrenia same person ???

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 09, 2013, 08:52:21 PM
Uh oh.  I saw this coming..  I thought you may have felt co-opted by this name choice.  :)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 10, 2013, 02:00:33 AM
I see that you like the idea behind my name...

And both of you are in the hardware game! Schizophrenia same person ???

Uh oh.  I saw this coming..  I thought you may have felt co-opted by this name choice.  :)

Well to be fair, it is mining concept older than anyone on here.

Canary I do apologize if you feel slighted at all by that, you should know I did not base it off of your username (this is the first time I have seen it :)).

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 10, 2013, 02:05:04 AM
He was kidding. But you have two usernames? And how is canary related to mining?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on June 10, 2013, 02:12:48 AM
Many simply are overwhelmed and were not aware what they were getting into when the began.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 10, 2013, 02:20:26 AM
He was kidding. But you have two usernames? And how is canary related to mining?

No, I'm just me :)

Canaries were used in the days before better air quality testing gear was available to miners. Much of the time there would be toxic gases released with digging, most notably carbon monoxide that is colorless and odorless (poisonous to humans). A canary was put in the mine ahead of the miners themselves, and if the canary died, they would know it was likely not safe for them either. This practice is no longer done in the civilized world of course, but long ago it was the only way to detect deadly gasses before the advent of mechanical air sensors.

The concept here is similar, much like the analog of real gold mining to digital Bitcoin mining, the scope is to alert miners to the information and dangers surrounding these many startups/scams before people get suckered.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 10, 2013, 02:03:35 PM
You get the email this morning from  They really got their act together.  I hope people are doing their research.  I haven't heard anything new about them really, except what they say.  Any updates?  Operatr is probly extremely busy at the moment, but if anyone else notice anything useful I think it would be good to post it here.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 10, 2013, 03:34:35 PM
You get the email this morning from  They really got their act together.  I hope people are doing their research.  I haven't heard anything new about them really, except what they say.  Any updates?  Operatr is probly extremely busy at the moment, but if anyone else notice anything useful I think it would be good to post it here.

I haven't received anything myself from them in pm or email.

They have posted some new pictures, however with the error analysis of the pictures the screenie of the case is definitely manipulated, nothing that looks like that is on Why would there be audio ports on an ASIC miner?

A little manipulation was done on the cgminer screenshot. There is clearly a square on it that has a higher error rate than the rest.

Hard to tell with the last one, heavy rainbow suggests it definitely went through Photoshop and was resaved several times to the point any manipulations are drowned out by error level reduction. If that grey thing in the middle of the monitors is the unit, it looks different than the first picture of the Photoshopped case. If the vent is on the side of it, any wires should then be coming out of the top, which I don't see anywhere. What else is odd is just the angle of that grey box, from a top down shot the top of it should be visible? It proves nothing otherwise, as the screenshot is too small to make out what is on the cgminer screen, it could be anything. The grey unit in the middle may not be anything related.

With ELA you cannot tell directly sometimes of manipulation, but these shots are not on the level. The only way to prove the last screenshot is 100% real is to see an unadulterated full size camera grab from the Blackberry it was taken with (in the metadata).

Also given BFL could barely get 5 GHash out of a unit that size without serious heat problems, how the hell are they pulling nearly 10,000 GHash out of something this size?

Given they have already been caught lying with that DSL modem picture, and nice little rant on the front page (see OP for these), zero reason to trust them so far. I still heavily advise against giving them any funds. Something else of note, there is no way to contact them from their website.

Ill post a proper image analysis later on the real CoinCanary website :)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 10, 2013, 07:20:42 PM
Aww poor canaries
 Looking forward to a one stop shop for hardware updates

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on June 10, 2013, 07:29:20 PM
If you look closely at the one on our site, you can see a butterfly in the webs :)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Metatron on June 10, 2013, 08:43:21 PM

Their product picture is a CoolerMaster Xport 351 with RCM 'shopped on it, no?



from: (


Their 'censored' ASIC chip:

The real chip (A 1994 Apple chip):


Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: KS on June 10, 2013, 08:46:56 PM
Aww poor canaries
 Looking forward to a one stop shop for hardware updates

Yeah now the world is more humane, we only send miners down in the mines.

The first ones to die are usually called "preorder suckers" for some arcane reason. But hey, no more dead birds! :)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 10, 2013, 09:11:59 PM

Their product picture is a CoolerMaster Xport 351 with RCM 'shopped on it, no?

Nice catches Metatron  :) I will add them to the OP

These people seem to forget they are trying to scam a bunch of tech professionals and enthusiasts that know better...

Aww poor canaries
 Looking forward to a one stop shop for hardware updates

Yeah now the world is more humane, we only send miners down in the mines.

The first ones to die are usually called "preorder suckers" for some arcane reason. But hey, no more dead birds! :)

I suppose the pre-order crowd are a good analog for canaries  ;D They just die financially

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on June 10, 2013, 10:12:53 PM
Oh good, for a minute there I thought I was going to have to be one of the test canaries!

Wow great analysis on asic-technologies

Where did you find RCM-miners metatron?

Any idea about  They look pretty good, I can't see any reason not to add them to my list, what do you think Op?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Metatron on June 11, 2013, 10:35:34 AM

Where did you find RCM-miners metatron?

What do you mean please?

Their website or the images?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 11, 2013, 05:14:23 PM

Where did you find RCM-miners metatron?

What do you mean please?

Their website or the images?

I just found it doing a general web search for mining companies, which led me to the Bitcointalk thread as well

So many it is getting hard to keep track  ::)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 12, 2013, 03:49:38 AM
Dear coincanary, I would also like to see which devices support p2pool. Does the jalapeno support p2pool?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Bitcoinorama on June 12, 2013, 08:46:17 PM
Word up. Operatr as requested...

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 12, 2013, 09:35:25 PM
Very nice Bitcoinorama  :) Thank you for digging into them

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: dan99 on June 14, 2013, 10:55:10 AM
btcgarden? seems like you spoke highly of them, this aiwill guy is proud and cocky thought he knows everything? he thought that his company is super big, many questions on the board he don't bother to reply.  ;D

Did he show his prototype? Does he has an open day for questions and answers at his mega facility? would he accept paypal?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: sergio on June 15, 2013, 08:25:02 AM
Very nice Bitcoinorama  :) Thank you for digging into them

Operatr doing a good job listing all the scammers.

This is the opposite of what ebay does by letting the scammers clean their negative feedback, ( or positive feedback with negative comments).

I hope the list of scammers is kept updated.

good job operatr.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 15, 2013, 01:37:49 PM
Very nice Bitcoinorama  :) Thank you for digging into them

Operatr doing a good job listing all the scammers.

This is the opposite of what ebay does by letting the scammers clean their negative feedback, ( or positive feedback with negative comments).

I hope the list of scammers is kept updated.

good job operatr.

Hey thanks man  8) Just trying to make it harder for scammers to have free reign around here, as well as bringing legitimacy to those who deserve it too for delivering on their promises.

As far as updates, I am working on an entire site of its own to expand this into  ;D

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 15, 2013, 01:44:13 PM
The cat did it (

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 15, 2013, 03:10:04 PM
The cat did it (


I ran across something while I was doing something else entirely, namely the ITX cases ASIC-Technologies used in their latest project image...

Not to say they couldn't be using these little cases in actuality to house their ASIC hardware, but I doubt it. Looking at the ELA, the blackness suggests it has been resaved so many times the errors have leveled off, with fresh Photoshop activity in the middle denoted by the rainbow colors

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bobsmoke on June 15, 2013, 10:56:50 PM
Hello coincanary, very nice initiative!
Would be possible to add hashtec to your list ?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 17, 2013, 04:44:12 AM
Hello coincanary, very nice initiative!
Would be possible to add hashtec to your list ?

Absolutely, nice find  8)

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: joae1975 on June 20, 2013, 01:58:00 AM
You can just click notify or watch below.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on June 20, 2013, 02:09:24 AM
Did you pick up the ltc asic companies on the litecoin forum?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 20, 2013, 05:46:03 AM
Did you pick up the ltc asic companies on the litecoin forum?

Check out this BitBar Scrypt ASIC power supply  ::)

Did you pick up the ltc asic companies on the litecoin forum?

I found this one,4311.0.html, are there more?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Shimple on June 23, 2013, 07:48:36 PM
Hey. A new website just popped up named "btcminingrigs"

Here is the link : (

They definitely look like a complete scam to me!

Ill let you read what it says on the website below.

"In stock ready to ship. Limited Availability - Just 550 Units allocated"

They are selling BFL products, the 5GH/s, the 25GH/s and the 50GH/s.

Claiming they have all the products in stock ready to ship, and receive within 10 days.
Quote their website --> "BTC ASIC miners are ready to ship and delivered within ten days"

They have some pictures of the products which are exactly the same as the ones on BFL. Definitely looks like a complete scam. Here are some of the pics they post on the website. (

and (

And get this, their number for support is not even in use!  ???

Here are a few quotes from "inuyasha" on another thread here.

"Smells like same guy/people as (see for yourself -- design, descriptions, ... )

* Everything installs automatically in your computer -- same as ASICrigs and totally stupid for anyone who is actually mining bitcoins -- but it's not for those of course
* BFL design ripoff with removed logo (same as had)
* lots and lots of inconsistencies
* pricing is crazy (chips cost that much as the complete miner), 25GH model is more expensive (in GH-per-$) that 5GH model
* Avalon chips in ANY design probably wouldn't even fit in the box for a 5GH/s miner not speaking about 25GH "model" -- with same case as 5GH/s ( save costs -- reply in comments -- lol).
* No mention about power consumption.
* with avalon chips 25GH/s miner would take about ~230W -- I would like to see that power source which would fit (together with the miner inside that mini-case) -- even BFL, whose design they've ripped off, has external power sources
* I'm not really sure avalon has sent ANY chips (apart from samples) to anyone -- yet they have full stock of miners with 24822.695 chips
* apparently they're not selling any (cause the stock is still the same)"

Anyway, please add them to the list. Save a lot of people from getting scammed. That is just my opinion, if someone would like to dig in some more feel free!

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: threedrules on June 23, 2013, 08:34:35 PM
im getting this when i got to
NOTICE: This domain name expired on 06/06/2013 and is pending renewal or deletion.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: joae1975 on June 23, 2013, 09:01:50 PM
I don't see anything here about DeepBit "Reclaimer" ASICs;all


Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Shimple on June 23, 2013, 10:38:22 PM
im getting this when i got to
NOTICE: This domain name expired on 06/06/2013 and is pending renewal or deletion.

I apologize. I fixed the link. :) Its rig not rigs.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 23, 2013, 10:49:52 PM
Hey. A new website just popped up named "btcminingrigs"

Here is the link : (

They definitely look like a complete scam to me!

Ill let you read what it says on the website below.

"In stock ready to ship. Limited Availability - Just 550 Units allocated"

They are selling BFL products, the 5GH/s, the 25GH/s and the 50GH/s.

Claiming they have all the products in stock ready to ship, and receive within 10 days.
Quote their website --> "BTC ASIC miners are ready to ship and delivered within ten days"

They have some pictures of the products which are exactly the same as the ones on BFL. Definitely looks like a complete scam. Here are some of the pics they post on the website. (

and (

And get this, their number for support is not even in use!  ???

Here are a few quotes from "inuyasha" on another thread here.

"Smells like same guy/people as (see for yourself -- design, descriptions, ... )

* Everything installs automatically in your computer -- same as ASICrigs and totally stupid for anyone who is actually mining bitcoins -- but it's not for those of course
* BFL design ripoff with removed logo (same as had)
* lots and lots of inconsistencies
* pricing is crazy (chips cost that much as the complete miner), 25GH model is more expensive (in GH-per-$) that 5GH model
* Avalon chips in ANY design probably wouldn't even fit in the box for a 5GH/s miner not speaking about 25GH "model" -- with same case as 5GH/s ( save costs -- reply in comments -- lol).
* No mention about power consumption.
* with avalon chips 25GH/s miner would take about ~230W -- I would like to see that power source which would fit (together with the miner inside that mini-case) -- even BFL, whose design they've ripped off, has external power sources
* I'm not really sure avalon has sent ANY chips (apart from samples) to anyone -- yet they have full stock of miners with 24822.695 chips
* apparently they're not selling any (cause the stock is still the same)"

Anyway, please add them to the list. Save a lot of people from getting scammed. That is just my opinion, if someone would like to dig in some more feel free!

Yeah, I am extremely sure this, GXMining, ASICRIgs, and GPURIgs are all related to eachother. Good find!
I don't see anything here about DeepBit "Reclaimer" ASICs;all


I think DeepBit fell off the map a long time ago, but Ill check into its status again

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on June 26, 2013, 10:13:06 AM
New meat

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Lauda on June 26, 2013, 10:36:01 AM
New meat
2 BTC for 5 GH/s? This is cheap, if it only wasn't a likely scam..

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 26, 2013, 11:03:41 AM
Too bad it's a scam and soon they will have bfl photos, their Photoshop guy is late

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: joae1975 on June 26, 2013, 11:11:46 AM
New meat
But isn't it all made in China anyway.  It's more likely than someone in the USA saying they're making cheap Asics.  And how convenient they don't respond to emails unless you buy something and can put the serial number in the subject line.  HAHA!

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on June 26, 2013, 12:36:02 PM
Now we know where all the BFL products went.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: CanaryInTheMine on June 26, 2013, 01:37:26 PM

He was kidding. But you have two usernames? And how is canary related to mining?

No, I'm just me :)

Canaries were used in the days before better air quality testing gear was available to miners. Much of the time there would be toxic gases released with digging, most notably carbon monoxide that is colorless and odorless (poisonous to humans). A canary was put in the mine ahead of the miners themselves, and if the canary died, they would know it was likely not safe for them either. This practice is no longer done in the civilized world of course, but long ago it was the only way to detect deadly gasses before the advent of mechanical air sensors.

The concept here is similar, much like the analog of real gold mining to digital Bitcoin mining, the scope is to alert miners to the information and dangers surrounding these many startups/scams before people get suckered.
Actually, if the canary died in the mine back then, people ran faster than "like hell" outta there... Because death was imminent. Needless to say some died anyway due to getting stampeded...

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bernard75 on June 29, 2013, 07:04:38 PM
* 25GH model is more expensive (in GH-per-$) that 5GH model
Isnt this common practice?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 30, 2013, 05:24:24 AM
Lol one scam LITERALLY had it more expensive.

* 25GH model is more expensive (in GH-per-$) that 5GH model
Isnt this common practice?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: nightengale on June 30, 2013, 02:01:03 PM
I think you're maybe being a little hard on KnC, especially considering their affiliation with an established chip producer (OrSoC), registration with the Swiss government, and open-day events, but we shall see...

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on June 30, 2013, 02:40:44 PM
Knc is sold out anyway. I've boughten and now the test.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: iANDROID on June 30, 2013, 02:41:23 PM
I think you're maybe being a little hard on KnC, especially considering their affiliation with an established chip producer (OrSoC), registration with the Swiss government, and open-day events, but we shall see...

Wait wat?

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitdigger2013 on June 30, 2013, 05:29:06 PM
Knc is sold out anyway. I've boughten and now the test.

Where does it say they are sold out? As far as I can see they are still accepting orders and show over 700 available.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on July 01, 2013, 03:03:53 AM
True they are taking orders but they are way beyond their initial preorders. It's wise to wait at this point.

Knc is sold out anyway. I've boughten and now the test.

Where does it say they are sold out? As far as I can see they are still accepting orders and show over 700 available.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bigteeth on July 01, 2013, 04:21:47 PM
hi,guys,what about the AMC ?the shares  in bitfunder. ;D

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 01, 2013, 04:43:38 PM
hi,guys,what about the AMC ?the shares  in bitfunder. ;D

This is part of Virtual Mining Corporation that is in the OP, but AMC is related to it.

 VMC thread is here (, I already took the liberty of grilling the CEO kslaughter, who has a history of several half-assed businesses under his name of little substance, mostly deflecting real questions about this so far and has shown nothing. I would stay away from it.

Title: Re: - Mining Database - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 01, 2013, 07:56:11 PM
Added Coinlab

Oh, and if you would like a free Joomla website, go check out   ;D


Canary Alert

Just found this one on my weekly sweep for fresh mining scams

Appears to be selling KnC Mining equipment on eBay with a live listing ( (8 Bids..... ::) ::)), but not calling it KnC Mining gear

There is another listing  ( that is obvioulsy related.

I would call this scammy on the basis that both listings are the same person but are under different eBay user accounts

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 03, 2013, 01:38:26 PM
I am proud to present-

The new forums have launched! (

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on July 03, 2013, 01:42:32 PM

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 03, 2013, 02:13:06 PM
Naturally the universe had to break down the second I launched it...

Any issues with logging in or registering have been fixed.... ::)

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: joae1975 on July 04, 2013, 06:02:54 PM

Here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Translation link

350, 500, & 750 Gh/s miners


Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 05, 2013, 02:46:11 AM

Here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Translation link

350, 500, & 750 Gh/s miners


nice find, I added it to the list  :)


I am going to start moving this content to CoinCanary and generate a more concise index here for all known resources about these commercial vendors

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: joae1975 on July 05, 2013, 03:23:33 AM

Here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Translation link

350, 500, & 750 Gh/s miners


nice find, I added it to the list  :)


I am going to start moving this content to CoinCanary and generate a more concise index here for all known resources about these commercial vendors
I love how they have smiling happy customers at the bottom of the site but absolutely zero product on the market, LOL!!!!!

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: frankenmint on July 05, 2013, 07:40:08 AM

Here's another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Translation link

350, 500, & 750 Gh/s miners


nice find, I added it to the list  :)


I am going to start moving this content to CoinCanary and generate a more concise index here for all known resources about these commercial vendors
I love how they have smiling happy customers at the bottom of the site but absolutely zero product on the market, LOL!!!!!

This is the first company that tried to be honest about expectations  - delivery date around February 2014.  Google translate version converted from German Language for the 750Gh/s miner:

The 750 GH / s ASIC Bitcoin Miner of German mining provides the elite in the mines dar. With its enormous computing power, he is a must-have for any professional Bitcoin Miner dar.

Like all German Bitcoin mining is oriented the production strictly according to ISO 9001 and meets the highest quality standards. Furthermore, all of German Miner Bitcoin Mining wassergekühl to ensure consistent performance. By optimizing the components of a power consumption of 600 watts can be guaranteed.

The 750GH / s ASIC Miner is limited to 300 pieces, in order to meet the delivery date of 17/02/2014 * can.

Computing power: 750 GH / s (+ / - 0.01% variance)
Included accessories: USB cable and AC adapter

Warranty: All products of German Bitcoin mining are subject to the statutory provisions


Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: MOHOTMO on July 07, 2013, 08:26:11 PM
Very good work.
Thank you.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: btceic on July 07, 2013, 08:32:20 PM
please add terrahash to the list on your poll, they are refusing refunds.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bernard75 on July 09, 2013, 11:21:16 PM
please add terrahash to the list on your poll, they are refusing refunds.
Who doesnt nowadays? ;)

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 18, 2013, 05:08:36 AM
I have updated the forums to be much more specific as in essence an independent version of this single thread, all known vendors and services are being added in with the same colors to reflect status.

The next step is porting over this information, and leaving a nice clean table at the head of this thread with some linkage.

Always looking for suggestions and feedback to make it better and more informative  :)

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on July 18, 2013, 11:00:16 PM

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on July 19, 2013, 01:52:37 AM,2859.msg37094.html

New one popping up.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on July 19, 2013, 03:33:46 PM
Nice updates on the forums.  I've been meaning to link to your page from, I've just been disorganized.  I'll put it on my mining equipment page, want me to link to a certain page, or just landing?

Notice VMC on adsense?  They seem to be the most borderline company..  I'd love to add to my table, but there are a couple things I can't get past..

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 19, 2013, 11:11:42 PM
Nice updates on the forums.  I've been meaning to link to your page from, I've just been disorganized.  I'll put it on my mining equipment page, want me to link to a certain page, or just landing?

Notice VMC on adsense?  They seem to be the most borderline company..  I'd love to add to my table, but there are a couple things I can't get past..

VMC is getting a lot of flak for their conduct already, from myself included for deleting posts.

FCTTaiChi, any linkage is appreciated :) probably just to the landing page would suffice. I want to do more with this, I will contact you soon about that.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: FCTaiChi on July 20, 2013, 03:08:43 AM
Yeah, I saw that..  There seems to be no good reason for it either, sad that another company in the bitcoin space acts like this.

Ok, it looks like our sites will work well together.  Your link is up on the miner page.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: iANDROID on July 20, 2013, 10:45:04 PM

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on July 21, 2013, 12:19:21 AM
Damn vmc is advertising on here

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on July 21, 2013, 02:03:33 AM

LOL @ 50mhs someone does not know anything about thermodynamics.

Title: Re: *** Forums Launched! *** - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on July 21, 2013, 02:54:21 AM

Added, seems pretty scamalicious  ::)

Damn vmc is advertising on here

Noticed that as well. They seem right on track to be a repeat of Butterfly Labs...

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Itcher on August 10, 2013, 09:34:17 AM
What do you think of ?

They say, they will get the maximum out of 28nm-Asic while price will stay cheap. A lot of blabla, but no concrete reason, why their asics will be so wonderfull. The CEO claims to be an ex-chip-designer from samsung, intel, qualcomm, nvidia, but searching his name I found just the coindesk-articles, a linkedlin-file and a medical scientist. Same results for his partner.

They say, they don't sell by now, but will soon. On some site they say, they are gathering funds, they have 1.5 Mio $, but want to have 3 Mio $ before they'll be able to start production.

Adress ist "Texas, USA". No phone number.

In my eyes it's highly suspicious.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bitpop on August 10, 2013, 09:36:54 AM
op quit :/

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: CaptChadd on August 10, 2013, 10:25:07 AM
What do you think of ?

They say, they will get the maximum out of 28nm-Asic while price will stay cheap. A lot of blabla, but no concrete reason, why their asics will be so wonderfull. The CEO claims to be an ex-chip-designer from samsung, intel, qualcomm, nvidia, but searching his name I found just the coindesk-articles, a linkedlin-file and a medical scientist. Same results for his partner.

They say, they don't sell by now, but will soon. On some site they say, they are gathering funds, they have 1.5 Mio $, but want to have 3 Mio $ before they'll be able to start production.

Adress ist "Texas, USA". No phone number.

In my eyes it's highly suspicious.

They say they are the worlds leading chip designers?!  They have never released anything. Ever. So they are a actually the world leaders in nothing.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Lauda on August 10, 2013, 12:51:24 PM
What do you think of ?

They say, they will get the maximum out of 28nm-Asic while price will stay cheap. A lot of blabla, but no concrete reason, why their asics will be so wonderfull. The CEO claims to be an ex-chip-designer from samsung, intel, qualcomm, nvidia, but searching his name I found just the coindesk-articles, a linkedlin-file and a medical scientist. Same results for his partner.

They say, they don't sell by now, but will soon. On some site they say, they are gathering funds, they have 1.5 Mio $, but want to have 3 Mio $ before they'll be able to start production.

Adress ist "Texas, USA". No phone number.

In my eyes it's highly suspicious.

They say they are the worlds leading chip designers?!  They have never released anything. Ever. So they are a actually the world leaders in nothing.
How can even someone claim stupid shit like that?

I'm the world leading software engineer, that never released any code or program, legit.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Sc@rF@c3 on August 13, 2013, 10:04:46 PM
two new ones today

"50GH/s to 500GH/s. They also have a 2000GH/x ot 2 TH/s coming soon."
Press release -

"500 Gigahash per chip"
Press release -

Great work here, keep it up, thanks

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Lauda on August 14, 2013, 10:39:12 PM
two new ones today

"50GH/s to 500GH/s. They also have a 2000GH/x ot 2 TH/s coming soon."
Press release -
"500 Gigahash per chip"
Press release -

Great work here, keep it up, thanks
Processing power: 500 GH/S
Dimensions: 300mm x 310mm
Fan: Ultra Quiet (Slient Mode)
Power Consumption: 2160 W
So they plan to cool down 2160 W ASIC with processing power 500GH/s with an ulta quiet fan working in silent mode? Yes this works.. maybe in a parallel universe, on a parallel Earth where our usual room temperature is -20C.

Thread not updated tho.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jasinlee on August 14, 2013, 11:45:57 PM
OP has other sites he is working on I think now.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Sc@rF@c3 on August 15, 2013, 12:09:42 AM
No problem...

At least all Asic vendor info is in a great thread, I will be interested to see what's real and what turns out to be a scam.
Also very interested in the liquid nitrogen Asic, scam or real???

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on August 15, 2013, 03:43:04 AM
OP has other sites he is working on I think now.

I have indeed resigned the OP so I can focus on BlockBurner, as well as my newly founded local group called MBEX ( as our local Bitcoin authority  :)

Though I would still be wary of newcomers to the scene, I think there are many more companies now that are proving to be legitimate to partner with that these mining scams are losing steam. That is not to say this thread can't still be a discussion about on these new businesses.

No problem...

At least all Asic vendor info is in a great thread, I will be interested to see what's real and what turns out to be a scam.
Also very interested in the liquid nitrogen Asic, scam or real???

100% scam, their CEO is attached to a Kickstarter scam as well, and have not shown a working device at all.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Lauda on August 15, 2013, 11:16:03 PM
OP has other sites he is working on I think now.
Oh dang.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: bernard75 on August 24, 2013, 08:36:28 PM
What do you think of ?

They say, they will get the maximum out of 28nm-Asic while price will stay cheap. A lot of blabla, but no concrete reason, why their asics will be so wonderfull. The CEO claims to be an ex-chip-designer from samsung, intel, qualcomm, nvidia, but searching his name I found just the coindesk-articles, a linkedlin-file and a medical scientist. Same results for his partner.

They say, they don't sell by now, but will soon. On some site they say, they are gathering funds, they have 1.5 Mio $, but want to have 3 Mio $ before they'll be able to start production.

Adress ist "Texas, USA". No phone number.

In my eyes it's highly suspicious.

They say they are the worlds leading chip designers?!  They have never released anything. Ever. So they are a actually the world leaders in nothing.
OP has other sites he is working on I think now.
Oh dang.
Hardly changes anything.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: BecomingPhill on September 18, 2013, 11:37:08 AM needs to be on the watch list. Made a not-so-good idea payment of 7.4 BTC to them yesterday for two blade erupters. No reply on email till now and not one satisfied customer to be found on bitcointalk or anywhere.

not savvy enough to track them down myself and make them pay,but I hope this helps towards their eventual karma.

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Operatr on September 19, 2013, 01:15:16 AM needs to be on the watch list. Made a not-so-good idea payment of 7.4 BTC to them yesterday for two blade erupters. No reply on email till now and not one satisfied customer to be found on bitcointalk or anywhere.

not savvy enough to track them down myself and make them pay,but I hope this helps towards their eventual karma.

It's been in the OP for quite a while  :(

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: Shimple on September 23, 2013, 04:33:34 AM
TerraHash looks like a solid scam now. Dont purchase anything from them...

Title: Re: [No Longer Updated] - All Known Vendors and Status
Post by: jduartedj on December 05, 2013, 10:57:44 AM
Hi, Just to warn that  (asic-technologies) is doing 2 things:
 -- Offering refunds (no refund confirmed yet)
 -- Using a NEW WEBSITE: BEWARE OF    ---

Scratch THAT!

After I requested refunds got this e-mail:


Unfortunately we are not in any way related to the asic-technologies scam.
Please do not fall for a scammer blackmailing us.

Kind regards,
