Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bl234st on February 06, 2017, 06:04:26 AM

Title: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: bl234st on February 06, 2017, 06:04:26 AM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: cryptonia on February 06, 2017, 06:09:09 AM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?
I hope I would be able to borrow his coin and short sell it

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: bl234st on February 06, 2017, 06:12:36 AM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?
I hope I would be able to borrow his coin and short sell it

Can you short something of zero value?

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: addias on February 06, 2017, 06:17:34 AM
If he started an ICO, I would hope that he would be the first one to call it FUD.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: bl234st on February 06, 2017, 06:19:35 AM
If he started an ICO, I would hope that he would be the first one to call it FUD.

That is the best post I could ask for! Lmao!!

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 06, 2017, 06:36:45 AM
You did it wrong noob.. this is why POLL's are available.

..and i thought you were leaving iGotSpots ?

And how do i call a coin FUD ? retardation much ? STILL don't know what the word means ?

Just admit it Spots.. I AM ALTCOINS !

..the crypto-sun rises & sets on my AK47 and penguin ass  ;D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: vlom on February 06, 2017, 10:52:35 AM
if he tells us his real identity why not.
but this won't happen. that he starts an ICO. at least not while using this account.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: noobtrader on February 06, 2017, 12:31:36 PM
spoetnik's ico ?

off course i will buy at least 0.5 btc worth of it.   it will be fun  :)

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Glen Hoddle on February 06, 2017, 01:00:29 PM
Oh hells yeah

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: BTCLovingDude on February 06, 2017, 01:03:43 PM
why does it even matter who is having an ICO! it is a bad idea to invest in any of them anyways. even if Satoshi Nakamoto came out of hiding and started a new ICO i wouldn't be thinking about investing in it, let alone Spoetnik guy with his negative trust :D

but i guess out of all newbies who scam with ICO at least giving away your money to someone who knows some stuff is better to give away your money to some newbie!

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: cyrixcer on February 06, 2017, 01:12:19 PM
No, he will run away with our fund, he has no coding technical, either marketing technical, everyday we see he is cursing all altcoins, he is only trolling but won't give us profit.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 06, 2017, 04:25:27 PM
No, he will run away with our fund, he has no coding technical, either marketing technical, everyday we see he is cursing all altcoins, he is only trolling but won't give us profit.

Ahh you see that is the thing.. i HAVE given you all profit.
I have been the biggest whipping post in all of Crypto.
Time after time i had people PM me shit and say ..Post it !
And they said because they didn't want to take the flack for it.
I take the heat and the punishment for speaking out while YOU ALL reap the rewards.

which is ?

A cleaner scene.

For example.. Carbon Coin would have lured in more victims had i not exposed it.

Problem is you all don't remember anything i have done for you and the scene over all.
It's a greedy, selfish and jealous little what have you done for me lately scene.

It was me who went at Gliss at CoinMarketCap about doing something about people gaming the charts.
..i got changes made that ALL OF YOU benefited from.
The rest of you sit around with your thumb up your ass counting your shitcoin ROI'z.
Oh and if Gliss wants to pop up here disputing that ?
I can dig up the old posts then direct him to my recent topic asking him to make changes putting him on the spot AGAIN.

Dash guys sure love my "FUD" don't they ;)
Does that benefit me ?
Not one bit.. never owned any Dash or Monero.

Ever heard of GOX or Cryptsy ? I warned you all LOUDLY before both started with heavy drama.
Millions of times over again i have been right.
It's a long list of me being right  8)

"Give you profit" ?

Who the fuck says i am here to GIVE YOU PROFIT ?


You dumb fucking kidiots STILL don't get it.

It's not about "giving you profits".

It's about making a god damn currency and getting it USED.
Not your govt compliant centralized Poloniex Exchange ROI's  ::)

This forum contains the stupidest fucking morons planet earth has to offer.
I am here helping the stupid..
As i get lipped off by idiots who "know better" hahhaha

You pathetic little clowns got fuck all on me.
I made thousands doing this rubbing my empty fingers together... rubbing 0 cents and 0 cents together.
I took a core 2 duo e7500 CPU mining FTC / LTC Quark etc and turned it into $12,000.00 pure profit.
While you snot nose greedy little shits went and asked mommy and daddy for money to BUY shitcoins.
What i did took pure skill and perseverance.
What you little idiots did was lazy and stupid.

I made 12 grand while TRYING my best to have integrity while you sleazy pieces of shit out there made NO effort.
DCGirl from Cryptsy sat around flogging like a deceitful shill every piece of shit scam coin that was hyped up every month and i mocked her for it over and over as she exploded in rage at me over it only..
For the staff there to make her a Moderator and hire her to do work.

My reward ? Nada.
I get spit on and mouthed off and insulted and called a fucking troll..

for having INTEGRITY

..and trying to teach all you scammy sleazy dumb fucks how to MAKE MONEY WITH INTEGRITY

That has been the point all along guys.
You show up here and you have 2 choices.. scammy route or legit route.
I have been here endlessly battling the scummy maggots pushing the immoral corrupt route.
Trying to tell you all that the LEGIT route *CAN* if you try and be patient make your FAR MORE MONEY.

You think you know better ?
I can showcase the trail of victims and mouthy idiots who have been taken down that lay at my feet as i stand on them.. RIGHT NOW !

There is a massive list of mouthy little dick heads that are gone or in hiding.. while i am here holding my head up high.
All the other BobSurplus's etc can scurry around in the shadows with dummy-troll accounts running their mouth.. trying to organize "pumps" as their mighty grandiose "contribution" to crypto.

Code ? I have written code here and posted it as well as other places on the web for damn near 20 years.
I have a folder on my HDD with a large collection of my past projects saved.
Such as a file sharing program named after me.

Reality is you guys love to take pot shots at me because your jealous you are a nobody and have done nothing.

I am dealing with idiots here.
What would i do if i had a coin started ?
I'd get the damn thing adopted  ROFL

WOW what a concept huh ?

But my job would be to and i quote.. "Give you profits" ?

Maybe quit hiring Pyramid Scheme Facilitators / Organizers..
and hire a dev who has a vision for getting his "coin" used by the world.

Get this.. THAT would "give you profits"  ::)

Say what you want about me but who else has shown any concern for the victims of crypto scammy bullshit ?
Feel free to line up and show your hand and provide documented proof.
(the kind of proof i have to back up anything i said above such as my wallet TX records or code saved)
..nope, you are all busy counting the money you made off them and calling me a "Troll"
Crying FUD for bucks $$$

LOL my job is to "give you profits" hahahahhahaha ..ok "Full Member"

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: NUFCrichard on February 06, 2017, 07:59:49 PM
No, he will run away with our fund, he has no coding technical, either marketing technical, everyday we see he is cursing all altcoins, he is only trolling but won't give us profit.

Ahh you see that is the thing.. i HAVE given you all profit.
I have been the biggest whipping post in all of Crypto.
Time after time i had people PM me shit and say ..Post it !
And they said because they didn't want to take the flack for it.
I take the heat and the punishment for speaking out while YOU ALL reap the rewards.

which is ?

A cleaner scene.

For example.. Carbon Coin would have lured in more victims had i not exposed it.

Problem is you all don't remember anything i have done for you and the scene over all.
It's a greedy, selfish and jealous little what have you done for me lately scene.

It was me who went at Gliss at CoinMarketCap about doing something about people gaming the charts.
..i got changes made that ALL OF YOU benefited from.
The rest of you sit around with your thumb up your ass counting your shitcoin ROI'z.
Oh and if Gliss wants to pop up here disputing that ?
I can dig up the old posts then direct him to my recent topic asking him to make changes putting him on the spot AGAIN.

Dash guys sure love my "FUD" don't they ;)
Does that benefit me ?
Not one bit.. never owned any Dash or Monero.

Ever heard of GOX or Cryptsy ? I warned you all LOUDLY before both started with heavy drama.
Millions of times over again i have been right.
It's along list of me being right  8)

"Give you profit" ?

Who the fuck says i am here to GIVE YOU PROFIT ?


You dumb fucking kidiots STILL don't get it.

It's not about "giving you profits".

It's about making a god damn currency and getting it USED.
Not your govt compliant centralized Poloniex Exchange ROI's  ::)

This forum contains the stupidest fucking morons planet earth has to offer.
I am here helping the stupid..
As i get lipped off by idiots who "know better" hahhaha

You pathetic little clowns got fuck all on me.
I made thousands doing this rubbing my empty fingers together... rubbing 0 cents and 0 cents together.
I took a core 2 duo e7500 CPU mining FTC / LTC Quark etc and turned it into $12,000.00 pure profit.
While you snot nose greedy little shits went and asked mommy and daddy for money to BUY shitcoins.
What i did took pure skill and perseverance.
What you little idiots did was lazy and stupid.

I made 12 grand while TRYING my best to have integrity while you sleazy pieces of shit out there mad no effort.
DCGirl from Cryptsy sat around flogging like a deceitful shill every piece of shit scam coin that was hyped up every month and i mocked her for it over and over as she exploded in rage at me over it only..
For the staff there to make her a Moderator and hire her to do work.

My reward ? Nada.
I get spit on and mouthed off and insulted and called a fucking troll..

for having INTEGRITY

..and trying to teach all you scammy sleazy dumb fucks how to MAKE MONEY WITH INTEGRITY

That has been the point all along guys.
You show up here and you have 2 choices.. scammy route or legit route.
I have been here endlessly battling the scummy maggots pushing the immoral corrupt route.
Trying to tell you all that the LEGIT route *CAN* if you try and be patient make your FAR MORE MONEY.

You think you know better ?
I can showcase the trail of victims and mouthy idiots who have been taken down that lay at my feet as i stand on them.. RIGHT NOW !

There is a massive list of mouthy little dick heads that are gone or in hiding.. while i am here holding my head up high.
All the other BobSurplus's etc can scurry around in the shadows with dummy-troll accounts running their mouth.. trying to organize "pumps" as their mighty grandiose "contribution" to crypto.

Code ? I have written code here and posted it as well as other places on the web for damn near 20 years.
I have a folder on my HDD with a large collection of my past projects saved.
Such as a file sharing program named after me.

Reality is you guys love to take pot shots at me because your jealous you are a nobody and have done nothing.

I am dealing with idiots here.
What would i do if i had a coin started ?
I'd get the damn thing adopted  ROFL

WOW what a concept huh ?

But my job would be to and i quote.. "Give you profits" ?

Maybe quit hiring Pyramid Scheme Facilitators / Organizers..
and hire a dev who has a vision for getting his "coin" used by the world.

Get this.. THAT would "give you profits"  ::)

Say what you want about me but who else has shown any concern for the victims of crypto scammy bullshit ?
Feel free to line up and show your hand and provide documented proof.
(the kind of proof i have to back up anything i said above such as my wallet TX records or code saved)
..nope, you are all busy counting the money you made off them and calling me a "Troll"
Crying FUD for bucks $$$

LOL my job is to "give you profits" hahahahhahaha ..ok "Full Member"

If you actually mean what you post most of the time, then you wouldn't want to release an alt-coin and if you did, you wouldn't have an ICO to release it.

I wouldn't invest because it would be anathema to him, so I would expect him to purposely make it fail, so he could laugh and say that everyone who invested is an idiot (and he would be right!)

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: FeverFlash on February 06, 2017, 08:12:15 PM
Who is Spoetnik? and what ICO?

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: maku on February 06, 2017, 08:24:16 PM
I've seen far worse and more crazy people behind coin creation business, Spoetnik compared to them seems not that bad.
To be honest, I found his posts mildly amusing sometimes, at least he is dedicated to his cause, which is pointing out BS of altcoin creation scene.
But IIRC, Spoetnik said many times that he hates altcoins so he would never create one.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 07, 2017, 02:39:11 AM
I've seen worst and more crazy people behind coin creation business, Spoetnik compared to them seem not that bad.
To be honest, I found his posts mildly amusing sometimes, at least he is dedicated to his cause, which is pointing out BS of altcoin creation scene.
But IIRC, Spoetnik said many times that he hates altcoins so he would never create one.

Nope.. that is the PERCEPTION i have battled since late 2013.
I have had a an endless stream of people say "Why do you hate Altcoins ?"

YOU said it.. NOT ME !

I am not trying to snap at you over it just show my frustration over the fact people really do not listen to what is ACTUALLY said.
And no i do not blame them for getting that impression of me either.
It does *seem* like i hate Altcoins.

I hate [scammy & pointless] Altcoins.. BIG difference.

Everything i say is provable or i don't say it.
I have IRC + Troll box logs going back to late 2013 to confirm what i claimed above.
(i have responded to that accusation a lot over the years)

You may have a pretty good point there.. i enjoyed your comment.
Quite possibly astute of you LOL

I never have and never would unless i had some major innovation to roll out somehow with a solid *DOABLE and REALISTIC* vision.

Dev's love to play stupid about the outcome with their optimism-bias.
They know deep down that all these new projects that come out will *most likely* accomplish little.
Take BlockNET for example.
He had an idea i may even been able to support had he not ICO'd it.
Anyway what reason did he / they have to think it would achieve a large level of adoption ?
The only thing that would is a public clamoring for a solution to the problem.
Which we didn't see.. in the end no one cared.

You all get what i am driving at here ?
The dev's are making *multiple* coins hoping something sticks while drowning you in overly optimistic rabble.
THAT what you are "investing" in.

If i was behind making a coin i would hope users supported it for the same reasons as any other coin.

- Is it being worked on by competent people. (Security)

- Are the people that surround it honest about it ? (Community)

- Does the coin have a unique vision ? (Innovation)

- Does the coin have a REALISTIC shot at mass adoption ? (The Goal)

- Does the coin have a good initial distribution system (As fair as possible ?)

Since i have never felt i could offer the above list of items the idea of putting a coin out is and was out of the question.
I have also said since i have already made a ton of enemies it would probably not be wise to do a coin project too.
There are people who are just waiting to bury my attempt if i made one i bet.
Or... worse hijack it with Pump & Dump shenanigans leaving it for dead (which all coins are vulnerable to)

I hope to get people thinking and occasionally "amuse" them (as said earlier) ;)
Nothing is worse than boring people on the internet.

Shine.. light it up.. go nuts what ya all gotta do.. but there is consequences good or bad.
And of course i am no exception either.. i have had my share of spankings  :D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: topesis on February 07, 2017, 05:20:36 AM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

I believe he said that in irony, what people will give him in abundance is FUD, spam.

I like what Spoetnik do sometimes trying to expose all these scam project, but at-time he does it too much and you reading it will become irritated. If he started one, I will carry his signature campaign hope he pays in BTC.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: thebatletbet on February 07, 2017, 05:33:22 AM
spoetnik always education about altcoin and safe investment in ico selling or sugestion not investment in ico selling
so i think spoetnik never create new altcoin and open ico selling

but if iam sugestion not buy ico selling only not use escrow

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 07, 2017, 06:38:28 AM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

I believe he said that in irony, what people will give him in abundance is FUD, spam.

I like what Spoetnik do sometimes trying to expose all these scam project, but at-time he does it too much and you reading it will become irritated. If he started one, I will carry his signature campaign hope he pays in BTC.

He said that on another topic..

No one is forced to give anyone money. So you ask the wrong question
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

Spoetnik just reached a new level of retardation!!!!!

Are you fuckin delussional? You are the biggest fuckin joke in this place!!!


Please call 911! My stomach just burst!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

He meant what he said  :D

Which is why i post LONG comments.. because what i say gets picked apart and criticized heavily.
There for i have to bend over backwards making sure i got my point across.
..and yet still fail.

This post i am making proves my point and the last one i left here confirms it.
All i ever do is clarify what i said and how people are wrong etc.
Such as the last comment i made trying to dispel the *perception i "Hate Altcoins"

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: thepo1m on February 07, 2017, 07:06:43 AM
I'm telling you some people will invest into Spoetnik ICO as long as is going to make them money. What does Trumpcoin, Putincoin, Pepecoin etc have to offer, people buy into it because there is a chance of making free money, since we all love money some people would invested

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Zer0Sum on February 07, 2017, 10:44:49 AM


Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: trollercoaster on February 07, 2017, 11:00:21 AM
Sure, I'd invest just to shut him up for a while :D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 07, 2017, 05:13:25 PM
If i ever have an ICO and raise a pile of money ?

I will start a Crypto-Militia !
I will enlist a gang of goons to do crypto-street justice sweeping up the scam'z ;D
We can be called the "Crypto-SS" and i will be like the Goerbels (Minister of Propaganda)

Finally Operation Shitcoin Cleanup ( will will take over and control the scene.

If we are lucky we can join forces with law enforcement maybe and get resources and assistance from them getting scammers locked up behind bars.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: instacalm on February 07, 2017, 05:17:04 PM
The thought of this is not so bad -- Spoetnik could sell an asset on a popular crypto asset exchange such as NXT or similar.

The Spoetnik supporters would then be able to buy and trade this asset. Spoetnik would then issue his knowledge on various channels to increase the value of the asset. One of his main services would be a ticker on which coins are assessed from Spoetnik's perspective. Spoetnik is known for his long and detailed posts and analyses. I am not the only one who might consider buying, holding and selling an official Spoetnik-asset that represents his experience.

Rather than an asset I am actually waiting for Spoetnik to create a profile. People can support him to keep posting.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: electronicash on February 07, 2017, 05:18:22 PM
depend to the kind of token he's going to create. if this token is for the company that runs an army of trolls, its going to be profitable for investors so long as he don't run.
i don't think he will too judging from his rep, he should have right after having the red ones. but he stays. so yes. count me as one.  ;D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: darkota on February 07, 2017, 06:31:53 PM
Spoetnik reminds me of Donald Trump.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: anks on February 07, 2017, 09:32:07 PM
spoetnik is realistic
he says how it is even the opinion is unconfortable.
even the question seems to be unrealistic
because since i read from spoetnik i know he hates alts ;D

i can understand that. most of the coins are not here to have any usage.
most of them are only speculation objects and thats not the sence of kryptos.
of course its fine to make some profit but this scene should develop a bit.
its the same story new altcoin in pump dump altcoin out new altcoin in.
people are still buying and selling but when you open your eyes nearly every coin dies
and the broad mass loose money from these shitcoins. just take a look at the charts at the exchanges
and you see the truth

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: fr4nkthetank on February 07, 2017, 09:42:25 PM
Nah guys, if he has an ICO, all the butthurt people he called out over time will show up and turn it into the biggest pump and dump scheme that has ever existed in the crypto scene, just to piss hiim off.  So buy early, we gonna be rich boys :) 

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: instacalm on February 08, 2017, 05:49:16 PM
Nah guys, if he has an ICO, all the butthurt people he called out over time will show up and turn it into the biggest pump and dump scheme that has ever existed in the crypto scene, just to piss hiim off.  So buy early, we gonna be rich boys :) 

Yes, the idea of an ICO under Spoetnik's name is not a good one. However, Spoetnik creating a profile and letting fans of his donate funds to him to keep him posting is a good idea. Does Patreon support Bitcoin (yet)? I have to check back on that. It ain't such a bad idea.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: HongKong on February 08, 2017, 06:02:17 PM
I wouldn't mind dumping his coin for teh lulz.

(Just playing). I don't like ICO's.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Hong Kong on February 08, 2017, 06:05:27 PM
i would definitely buy this. why? spoetnik 's the sexiest poster of bitcointalk. we can't deny it.
so we have to support him. first step is to remove the red trust of his profile and give him a more worthy tag.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: PovertyByte on February 08, 2017, 08:38:27 PM
I would invest all my Doge into Spoetnik Coin

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: vincentvincent on February 08, 2017, 08:48:56 PM

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: vincentvincent on February 08, 2017, 08:49:59 PM
this is the best post ever. Interested

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: dwgscale11 on February 08, 2017, 08:55:51 PM
Fork litecoin with segwit already activated  ;D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: pinkmann on February 08, 2017, 08:56:59 PM

I'm not. I don't invest in ICOs. Its like blind gambling. No thanks, I would rather give my money to charity.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: rokkyroad on February 08, 2017, 09:23:17 PM
Spoetnik's and iamnotback's are the only ICOs I would remotely consider.  I think they should team up and release a coin.  Doesn't have to be fancy.  Any old shitcoin clone will do.  The coin will sell like hotcakes.  We should offer up some catchy names.

SScoin? S&Scoin? NotNuts coin? Genius coin? IQcoin? BSCcoin (bat shit crazy coin)?

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: GTTIGER on February 08, 2017, 09:51:02 PM
I would, he trolls 24/7. Imagine if he put that his time towards something else  :o
BTC < SpotCon

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Rockie1234 on February 08, 2017, 10:07:27 PM
Definitely wouldn't. Although he is a well established member of the community, he's slightly strange in that he goes off on rants on this forum, rants that take him who knows how much of his time. That's not the kind of person I want behind an ICO. He's very well known for his trolling and I'm sure any ICO he ever announces would be some sort of parody.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: fortunecrypto on February 09, 2017, 01:39:44 AM
He can launch a new coin if newbies can and those who do not know how to can launch their own coin,maybe he already have coins running disguishing himself as a newbie,we never know but if he is going to use his forum identity,why not maybe he is repenting and mend his old way so he can give him our coin..

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: fr4nkthetank on February 09, 2017, 06:25:05 PM
So its settled then :)  launch that coin my friend.  Make it the craziest pump and dump system ever built.  Of all time.  My reasoning is, if everyone is concentrated on your epic new coin, then there won't be space for their own shit coins :)

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: maku on February 09, 2017, 06:43:24 PM
So its settled then :)  launch that coin my friend.  Make it the craziest pump and dump system ever built.  Of all time.  My reasoning is, if everyone is concentrated on your epic new coin, then there won't be space for their own shit coins :)
Unfortunately things are not that simple. We have some amazing coins already and that never stopped greedy bastards from cloning it.
After some tweaks "new and upgraded" version is released just to grab your money, promising you moon after the very first pump.
The good tech can't kill bad tech when people are motivated by greed to create it. It is like with Chinese rip offs, we know they are disgustingly bad yet we are still buy them.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 06:50:44 PM
This is a broken topic title / question.

I would never have anything to do with any ICO ever so...
It's possible i could change my mind if tough regulations were implemented though.

You see guys there is people with crypto-ideology and then those that fake it.
Unlike 99% of the scene i back up my god damn mouth.

I don't scream ANON coin then chant Free Market then pop over to Poloniex to hand them my ID to count my Monero ROI's  ::)
Cawing like a crow, "No Laws !" while following the ones we already have with AML or Taxation etc.

Why do you all think i refused to give Cryptsy my Picture ID etc ?

The rest of you mostly lined up to suck cock and dropped to your knees bending to the looming law implemented on us all.
Which meant all the others followed suite and it is now the defacto standard and common practice.

I find it ironic as all hell i am the only one who ACTUALLY defends the god damn free market LOL  :D
I do it by backing up my mouth with real actual tangible ACTIONS.. not spewing verbal diarrhea here like a hypocrite.

So would Spoetnik launch an ICO ?
A rhetorical question i think ;)

Profits ? I REALLY couldn't care less.. there is more important things in life.. such as ? Anything really.

Seen the episode of the TV show the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon has a huge pile of paychecks sitting in his computer drawer and he was asked why he didn't cash them ?
He said.. because there is nothing i want to buy.

I laughed ..i can totally identify with that.  :D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: rokkyroad on February 09, 2017, 07:31:46 PM
Profits ? I REALLY couldn't care less.. there is more important things in life.. such as ? Anything really.

Seen the episode of the TV show the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon has a huge pile of paychecks sitting in his computer drawer and he was asked why he didn't cash them ?
He said.. because there is nothing i want to buy.

I laughed ..i can totally identify with that.  Cheesy

That's easy for you to say Spoet. You got it easy livin on the reserve collecting a nice welfare check every month.  :P

Why not get your ICO off the ground so we can all make a buck and you can get off the dole.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 08:04:01 PM
Profits ? I REALLY couldn't care less.. there is more important things in life.. such as ? Anything really.

Seen the episode of the TV show the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon has a huge pile of paychecks sitting in his computer drawer and he was asked why he didn't cash them ?
He said.. because there is nothing i want to buy.

I laughed ..i can totally identify with that.  Cheesy

That's easy for you to say Spoet. You got it easy livin on the reserve collecting a nice welfare check every month.  :P

Why not get your ICO off the ground so we can all make a buck and you can get off the dole.

Well i am having trouble breathing, my neck feels like it's been broken since yesterday and this morning my back went out.. plus i have dental problems galore and i am waiting for few month long apt to get a cancerous thing on my arm cut off as well as severe lung disease (i could go on)
...this is where everyone else is foaming at the mouth with jealousy over the guy with medical problems off work.

Then all of humanity can line up and say... "me too"

The mentality does not change.. it's a way of life.
If i was rich i still would NOT go to the store nearby that charges 3 or 4 times the amount of money for a frozen pizza than Wallmart. LOL
Why would i ? So i can show off ?
Why would i when i don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks ?
Who am i showing off for ? can't buy integrity.

It's like going to the bar and trying to pick up hood-rats.
They are shallow little whoores that i could not stand being around for 1 minute.
I know because when you are attracted to douche bags ..that says it all.
And trust me it's not because i am ugly.. i am 41 and still turn the young girls heads.
If i wanted to i could go out and hit the bars at night and rake them in with a net.
It would be easy too they are shallow little morons.

I have had people in the altcoin section laugh at me and claim we are ALL here for profits.
Many people here can not comprehend the concept that some of are here for other reasons.
They can't believe it.. it doesn't compute.
They think it's a lie  :D
That last guy was calling me out and i laughed at him and said some of aren't greedy worthless little pieces of shit.

I also said similar to King Risto of Monero fame..
He was bragging about material possession and or money and i laughed at him.
So he deleted the topic and made it self moderated reposting it.
I feel sorry for that god damn douche.
He is broken inside and can't admit and needs money to beat off to in public.

Like BobSurplus was doing not long ago in Off-Topic.. when i laughed at him too.
He was going on and on talking like a gangsta & shit.

This crap really dos attract the most sleazy worthless little pieces so shit humanity has to offer.

You forgot to mention my taxes aren't paid (though they actually are)

Here is a picture of BobSurplus..

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: J1mb0 on February 09, 2017, 08:22:03 PM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

Hell, Yes!  ;D

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 08:54:47 PM
You all may ask.. why did i come here if not for profits ?

To pick up chicks !

I plan on getting my dink wet with crypto-sluts on the 14th  8)

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: dwgscale11 on February 10, 2017, 04:07:14 PM
You all may ask.. why did i come here if not for profits ?

To pick up chicks !

I plan on getting my dink wet with crypto-sluts on the 14th  8)

Alright alright, how about we just shill the only acceptable, decent, fair, actual altcoin -- Litecoin.
This is the year of Litecoin. Mark my words.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: instacalm on February 10, 2017, 04:59:34 PM
@Spoetnik Have you looked into Patreon and thought about creating a profile there? Some fans here could support you to keep you posting (on a monthly basis). Nobody else can post the way you do. The style of thought that characterises the online profile "Spoetnik" is an interesting one. However, you are already well off and don't need additional money to support your hobby of contributing here, I suppose. Very nice!

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: noobtrader on February 10, 2017, 05:09:30 PM
shouldnt there a pool in this thread ???  that way you  can deduce a measurable support for Spoetnik's  ico for the new coin ?

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: pereira4 on February 10, 2017, 05:15:48 PM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

When I invest in something, I look first if the technology or whatever im investing at, is worth anyone's money and could deliver some good gains, so I don't care who he is in principle.

I don't know him beyond being the guy with that penguin avatar I think, shitposts quite a bit sometimes, but I don't know much beyond that. If he had a killer technology that would make me rich I would invest, but chances are it would be another irrelevant IPO.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: MarMoCoin on February 10, 2017, 05:53:45 PM
Spoetnik said people would invest in his ICO, if he had one. Would you give money to this idiot?

When I invest in something, I look first if the technology or whatever im investing at, is worth anyone's money and could deliver some good gains, so I don't care who he is in principle.

I don't know him beyond being the guy with that penguin avatar I think, shitposts quite a bit sometimes, but I don't know much beyond that. If he had a killer technology that would make me rich I would invest, but chances are it would be another irrelevant IPO.

I marked a statement of yours bold. If you're looking for that, you should check out "iamnotback". This is an individual that is rumoured to have a "Bitcoin killer" in the making or at least has the capabilities and creativity to think and work on something significant.

Don't bother. He doesn't.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: jeffthebaker on February 10, 2017, 06:13:38 PM
The biggest concern that any potential investor should focus on in regards to any ICO bullshit scamcoin whatever is "will the dev run off with my money?" Spoetnik has built quite the personality for himself in these forums, and I'm very sure he wouldn't be willing to take everyone's money and abandon the limelight completely.

So yes, I would support his ICO, as I don't think I'd lose my investment, which is good enough for me to give his shitcoin a shot.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: rokkyroad on February 10, 2017, 08:37:47 PM
Here's your chance Spoet!  People are lined up ready to throw money at you.  Why be all talk when you might be able to effect real change?  You have garnered a lot of trust from this community and that is not a small thing. Don't let us down.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: ridery99 on February 10, 2017, 09:15:12 PM
Absolutely. He can FUD everything to moon

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 10, 2017, 09:43:32 PM
This is a silly hypothetical.  He's a loud-mouthed troller, but he's correct on a lot of altcoin issues.  Mostly that they're all pretty much garbage, and they're scamming people.  So he WOULDN'T issue an altcoin if he was true to his ideology.  But no, I certainly wouldn't buy one--but I wouldn't buy one from anybody.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: electronicash on February 10, 2017, 11:22:43 PM
This is a silly hypothetical.  He's a loud-mouthed troller, but he's correct on a lot of altcoin issues.  Mostly that they're all pretty much garbage, and they're scamming people.  So he WOULDN'T issue an altcoin if he was true to his ideology.  But no, I certainly wouldn't buy one--but I wouldn't buy one from anybody.

yes. i always read his long points and somehow a lot of his words make sense. i just don't get he still waste his time when he could write for some other community. he reminded me of someone popular from the past, her/his name is pushtyber.

Absolutely. He can FUD everything to moon

yep. he sure can.

Title: Re: Would you support Spoetnik if he had an ICO?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 02:29:10 AM
This is a silly hypothetical.  He's a loud-mouthed troller, but he's correct on a lot of altcoin issues.  Mostly that they're all pretty much garbage, and they're scamming people.  So he WOULDN'T issue an altcoin if he was true to his ideology.  But no, I certainly wouldn't buy one--but I wouldn't buy one from anybody.

You have supported Doge coin which i can't put into words how much i hate that fucking coin  :D
So that contradicts what you just said i think.

I heard you and will look into it i think.

Your comment to me screams tunnel vision.
I have been begging you all to step back and look at the larger picture for ages.
See what you posted earlier tells me you can't do that for some reason.
You look at the tech of a new coin ?
You see i would step back and compare it with the benchmark.. probably Bitcoin.
Does it improve on it ? Is the Altcoin BETTER ?
See the difference ?

Know what i see here with most people ?

Guys that show up and NEED to buy an Altcoin and they NEED to do it NOW !
Because they NEED profit.. and NOW !
What is wrong with putting your wallet away and waiting until something comes out that meets your standards ?

I couldn't care less about "profits" that is not why i showed up here.
I heard of Litecoin and came to see what the fuss was about..
I am not stuck forever with tunnel vision on Poloniex ROI's.

A thought or vision is worth billions or trillions of dollars.
I would have accomplished what i set out here to do if i get people thinking and talking.
it's a forum.. on Crypto "Currencies" .. not block-chain related schemes for profit.

Before you guys know it Bitcoin will have been out for a DECADE.
We are the ones that need to innovate and move forward.
We the people.. the majority that control the momentum of it all.

We should not look to the code.. the code should look to us !