Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: instacalm on February 10, 2017, 05:18:27 PM

Title: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: instacalm on February 10, 2017, 05:18:27 PM
Quite a lot of people have asked for it (and keep asking for it) so I figured I might as well be the one to post the poll...

The simple question is: Do you personally support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?

Yes, or No?

I voted yes, but I will go into more detail: on the one hand I am largely in favour of his contributions for the many anecdotes, the humour, the length of his comments and the overall will and thought that goes into his posts (to list a few reasons). On the other hand, sometimes false information sets him on the wrong track (this happens to all of us at times) and this can lead to long posts in a questionable direction.
Overall I have to say though,  *   Spoetnik  *  thank you for your efforts!

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 10, 2017, 05:37:38 PM
I will get right to it since you all have A.D.D.
You are all vague.
Like the first post here you claim i was wrong on something but couldn't provide an example.
Further more my account was created before 90% of you here.. so you know fuck all noobs.

Context = History.

Most of you don't know the history or recognize that this bullshit has degenerated into a cesspool of silly bullshit.
You don't know because you showed up late..................... to profit.
Off of ?
Anything that gives profit.
...lowering the bar here more and more.

And how would you know where the bar is at if you just got here ?
You all act like human dirt then play dumb about it.
Why should i kiss your little greedy kidiot brat profiteer ass's ?

Trying to be friendly and chummy and buddy buddy as you perpetuate Ponzi schemes ?
Means i should smooch your bum and suck up to you all and "make Crypto-friends"

This is not your high school kids.
I didn't come here to make fiends or start communities.

I came here to support a crypto currency so why not start supporting them too people ?

And no slapping some modded block chain bullshit on a new gimmick then ICO'ing it does not make it a currency.

Shit heads in crypto are stupid and greedy and don't deserve any respect.
Why ?
Because they are stupid.. they don't learn.
They are brats and are corrupt and immoral and are fake supporters that spew lies and bullshit here 24/7 so they can profit BITCOIN and FIAT.

Why would i care what you all think if i have no respect for you ?

And get this people.. there is lots of people out there that think the EXACT same thing as me.
It's just that i speak up the most.

I get the privilege of predicting this shit every step of the way and being right and saying I Told You So over and over like a broken record.

"Contributions" ?
Yup line up and lets see your predictions or contributions people.
Just make sure you create a new account first LOL

Here is a guy who agrees with me FOR EXAMPLE

[HYP] Let's take a closer look at HyperStake HYPER SCAM (

That one topic alone created me enemies here.. so hmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if i made any more ?

..and why ?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: StinkyLover on February 10, 2017, 05:41:42 PM
Most definitely. Imagine if fanboys and shills were allowed to run riot in here without any views to the opposite.

Title: Crying FUD for bucks $$$
Post by: Spoetnik on February 10, 2017, 05:56:22 PM
The problem is.. the other guy.

It's not me and my coin i am shilling here right now.
It's the other guy who commented before or after me right people ?

Notice anything ?

Coindesk ran a News story years ago saying "The more coins the better"
And you all keep making them.. why ?
Because new people keep showing up to buy them.. for profit.

Yup each person should have their own currency.. the more the better.
in what Universe did that sentence make any sense ?  ::)

When do you all stop making them ? 1,000 ? 10,000 ? 100,000 ?
Have you looked at the forum stats to see how many people log-in here each day ?

You all perpetuate that everything is fine and more is better and yeah there is a problem just not me and MY COIN.. then make more..

Why ?

Because every guy here wants to be Satoshi sitting on 6 billion worth of coins like V. Butters.

You all can not admit this shit is silly and retarded AND flog your coins to new comers.

You are all the horse i can not force to drink the water.
You are all stubborn and try and make bad work.. at all costs.
Because ?.... you NEED to get paid as WOLF said to me on IRC countless times.
The guy who NEEDS to get paid to do crypto coding work.

You all NEED to support PASCAL ?
Or do you NEED to get "paid" off yet ANOTHER god damn coin ?

oh oh ohh but Pascal is legit.. it's coin #3,453 that is scammy.. nope ! that is FUD.
It's coin #4,310 that is scammy !

Then coin #5,843 comes out and well, hot damn it has a snazzy little ICO gimmick.. HODL MOON BUY GO GO GO !

Then coin #5,844 comes out and on come the fucking SIG campaigns and avatars etc  ::)

day after day after week after month after year..

The general public is not involved.. ALL OF THEM SEE WHAT I SEE period .
Get it ?
Running your mouth here does NOTHING.. it's not working people.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: jeffthebaker on February 10, 2017, 06:09:24 PM
Spoetnik, despite all the trolling and nonsense he includes in his posts, brings a lot of pertinent speculation and criticism that is not always touched upon by others. I respect his contributions to the altcoin forums as one of the most valuable individuals within the subforum, even if I don't agree with a lot of what he says and even if a lot of the times he's spewing nonsense to get a response.

Beyond that, petitioning to have someone's opinions removed from the forum really goes against the whole "free speech" idea that cryptocurrency was founded upon.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: maku on February 10, 2017, 06:12:34 PM
Like I said before. Spoetnik's style amuses me, he is like crude diamond, rough around the edges.
I have to admit that his writing style is a bit arduous to follow and he probably could express his thoughts in shorter posts without all these additional side notes.
He is dedicated to the cause and I admire that, because I hate pointless projects, altcoins tailored only to grab money from your pocket.
I think if Spoetnik would be a little nicer and overall more civil in his comments he could become major talking head of altcoin community.

But well, I am a nobody, don't listen to my comments. I know nothing :)

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Monerobuyer on February 10, 2017, 06:26:55 PM
He only attacks monero though

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 10, 2017, 07:22:27 PM
The length is for a reason.
As i go on i know i will be attacked.
I know people will be picking it apart later and i always get accused of "lies"
Yet no one ever has a word to say about what EXACTLY i lied about.

It's to paint a picture that you all insist on not seeing.
..what i just said earlier (twice)

And then next comment is.. Spoetnik posts to get a rise out of people with dishonest info.


I'm tiring ? YOU FUCKING people are hahhaha

I appreciate the level of positive feedback you guys posted here though.. thank you.
But i highlighted the disconnect between YOUR coin and the others.
You all point at coin #5,001 and claim all the others are bullshit.
And all the others do the same damn thing with some other coin.

I seen years ago on Wikipedia there was over 5,000 Religions.. all claiming to be "the one"
More importantly.. they are contradicting each other.

All i ever hear is Scientologists crying FUD  :D

I FUD Ethereum too ..not just Monero "the criminal coin" ;)

Paid your taxes ? handed your ID over yet ? Chanted Free Market / NO LAWS while on the phone with the Police lately ?

Cryptsy idiots cried NO LAWS.. now they are lining up for a class action lawsuit hoping the FBI nab Vern.

Do you SEE the retardness of this shit yet ?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Macrochip on February 10, 2017, 07:30:29 PM
Attacks shitcoins with a passion: How can you not support him?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: rokkyroad on February 10, 2017, 08:31:50 PM
Like I said before. Spoetnik's style amuses me, he is like crude diamond, rough around the edges.
I have to admit that his writing style is a bit arduous to follow and he probably could express his thoughts in shorter posts without all these additional side notes.
He is dedicated to the cause and I admire that, because I hate pointless projects, altcoins tailored only to grab money from your pocket.
I think if Spoetnik would be a little nicer and overall more civil in his comments he could become major talking head of altcoin community.

But well, I am a nobody, don't listen to my comments. I know nothing :)

Spoet has come a long way since his earlier years. He is bang on about the thievery that goes on around here. Sometimes a gem hides in his ranting and raving. He has made some very thoughtful and intelligent posts but ... ya ... many I skip through because its the same old same old. Then again people need to hear it often for it to sink in. So ... carry on Spoet.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: cryptohunter on February 10, 2017, 11:33:06 PM
Attacks shitcoins with a passion: How can you not support him?

Are you not a dash supporter? because I thought you were?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: wavespump on February 11, 2017, 12:03:59 AM
He is awesome, he has exposed so many scams, but why he only talks here? If he can talk more in altcoin ANN section, that could be better, there are so many new ICOs, most of them are scams, we need he posts there to warn noobs and let people do not involve in obvious ICO scams.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: s1gs3gv on February 11, 2017, 12:18:15 AM
Spoetnik, despite all the trolling and nonsense he includes in his posts, brings a lot of pertinent speculation and criticism that is not always touched upon by others. I respect his contributions to the altcoin forums as one of the most valuable individuals within the subforum, even if I don't agree with a lot of what he says and even if a lot of the times he's spewing nonsense to get a response.

he is a she


Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: alani123 on February 11, 2017, 12:20:43 AM
I'm not particularly fod of the guy but I think that he should be allowed to post whatever he feels like one way or another, especially provided that he isn't infringing on any rules.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: noobtrader on February 11, 2017, 12:51:04 AM
Spoetnik  undoubtedly contribute some perspective to altcoin discussion.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: bbc.reporter on February 11, 2017, 01:14:55 AM
The length is for a reason.
As i go on i know i will be attacked.
I know people will be picking it apart later and i always get accused of "lies"
Yet no one ever has a word to say about what EXACTLY i lied about.

It's to paint a picture that you all insist on not seeing.
..what i just said earlier (twice)

And then next comment is.. Spoetnik posts to get a rise out of people with dishonest info.


I'm tiring ? YOU FUCKING people are hahhaha

I appreciate the level of positive feedback you guys posted here though.. thank you.
But i highlighted the disconnect between YOUR coin and the others.
You all point at coin #5,001 and claim all the others are bullshit.
And all the others do the same damn thing with some other coin.

I seen years ago on Wikipedia there was over 5,000 Religions.. all claiming to be "the one"
More importantly.. they are contradicting each other.

All i ever hear is Scientologists crying FUD  :D

I FUD Ethereum too ..not just Monero "the criminal coin" ;)

Paid your taxes ? handed your ID over yet ? Chanted Free Market / NO LAWS while on the phone with the Police lately ?

Cryptsy idiots cried NO LAWS.. now they are lining up for a class action lawsuit hoping the FBI nab Vern.

Do you SEE the retardness of this shit yet ?

One question. What is it with Monero do you not like? They have no premine, no ICO and everything started out from scratch. Was it fair? Maybe not because the more technically good people were the only users to start using their CLI. But what is fair? Bitcoin too is not fair.

Is it something about the developers?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: noobtrader on February 11, 2017, 01:34:31 AM

One question. What is it with Monero do you not like? They have no premine, no ICO and everything started out from scratch. Was it fair? Maybe not because the more technically good people were the only users to start using their CLI. But what is fair? Bitcoin too is not fair.

Is it something about the developers?


Sep 27, 2016

You should really rename this “Dick Move by a Monero Developer” because that is what that was. I have zero tolerance for that kind of childish self-serving bullshit. How amateurish of Shen. Geez. Thanks for putting it all together.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 11, 2017, 01:39:28 AM
Support?  As I said in the other thread, his negative, trolling flame-festivals are usually on the money as far as the altcoin scene goes.  All these new issues are designed to fleece the suckers on this forum--and those suckers keep falling for this crap, constantly.  Is he pretty abrasive?  Yes.  But this thread is about his 'contributions', so I think slamming these shitcoins is totally appropriate.

However, I can't say I've read all his posts, so I'd like to add that qualification to my opinion.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 01:53:05 AM
I have explained a LOT.
So have others..

The problem is the scene itself.

And especially this forum and how it has played out.
It can be gamed and the Monero guys know it.

It boils down to posting a lie here enough that it turns into the truth here.
..for profit.

Take for example Quark.. people wanted to attack it and some guys started spreading rumors it was premined.
It was not.
But that ended up becoming the commonly held belief because it was repeated enough here.
(forum posting tactics)

Monero ?
The people behind it are bullshitters and have a track record of doing things they shouldn't
It's insulting to those of us watching Monero since day 1.
Watching them all run around pretending they have squeaky clean image / track record.
If any other coin "community" pulled half the shit they did they would be flamed heavily.

Monero is popular today because of one thing.
The fact the scene degenerated so badly that they now look better than all the other ICO schemes etc.
By default they look better (on the surface)
Had others came here and made better and better coins Monero would have been left in the dust with Terracoin or World Coin or Krueger Coin or Name Coin or PeerCoin etc.

This forum is a vortex of deceit.
People who spew idealism then turn their back and count their cash.. while violating the rabble they were just chanting.

Monero was not launched as some altruistic vision.
The millionaire who launched it and kept it afloat all this time did so for a reason.
So the shallow hollow pathetic rich man in a castle driving a Bentley can get another Bentley.

I find it funny the dev said what i did all these years defending his GAMBLING SITE HACK.
He copied my words to defend his stupid ass greedy business built off of Monero.
Wallet coded yet ? They have rambled on about priorities huh ?
Like making money off gambling sites with a closed source business ?

Did you all read what the Jaxx wallet guy said ?
In a quick click of a button the Monero dev's wiped out his work.
Decentralized ? Democracy ? Free Market ?
Nope.. Monero is led by a Cabal who pull the strings so things benefit them.
Did the community get a vote or say in that or the MEW funds spent ?
Nope.. the rug was pulled out from under them because the millionaire and their friends paid by the millionaire chose do what ever the hell they wanted to.. behind close doors.
And apparently no matter what they do or how many stunts pile up you all drop to your knee's and suck King Risto's cock as he lays his feet on your back long as those ROI's keep flowing in.

The point ?
This shit is a joke.

You all spew moronic idealistic rabble then throw it out the window seconds later .. for profit.

THEN have the fucking nerve the gall the audacity, to sit there and fucking deny it and play dumb.

Reality CHECK !
Monero gets criticized because they deserve it !
They deserve it because of the actions they have taken.
It is a simple cause & effect.

No one is sitting around fabricating things about them making up (and i quote) "lies"

I can think of one dev or service provider in Crypto who admitted to making mistakes and owning it.. long term.
His name is R3wt.
The rest of you all might on rare occasions admit to a mistake then an hour later pretend you got amnesia.

And the simply brilliant wonderful part of it all is..
The old guys end up leaving as this shit gets worse and new guys pop up with no clue at all what happened in the past.

Perfect system huh ?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 01:59:44 AM
Support?  As I said in the other thread, his negative, trolling flame-festivals are usually on the money as far as the altcoin scene goes.  All these new issues are designed to fleece the suckers on this forum--and those suckers keep falling for this crap, constantly.  Is he pretty abrasive?  Yes.  But this thread is about his 'contributions', so I think slamming these shitcoins is totally appropriate.

However, I can't say I've read all his posts, so I'd like to add that qualification to my opinion.

Thanks and i of course recall us butting heads lots before.
In case all these guys do not remember we have not gotten along historically.

And i too also skip past a lot of LONG posts by other users here on occasion.. cough cough "Shelby" ;)
I also don't bitch about it unless it goes on for 100 straight pages as it has before..
See Shelby vs Monero way back LOL

Problem is which is the shitcoin ? There is no 1 answer.
It's a battle of perspectives and i only ever try and offer my context to it.
Believe it or not i don't come here to troll and get a rise out of people or piss on Altcoins.
If anything i try and make people laugh and post something interesting.. this all gets super boring year after year.

I am not a saint and i don't care what people do.
What concerns me is the BIG picture overall.

And the fact the majority in control handed over their power to the scammy coin makers in the scene.
For chump change.. i have said all along the path to profit is via a sincere road.
You will all make far more supporting things legit than you will trying to scrounge up pennies from shitty coins.

The Monero shit could have been dealt with long ago.
Admit past mistakes then move forward.
Their denial has created 100x more problems.
And it's a pattern with them.. they will not change their behavior so the "FUD" continues.
There will be another spent MEW money incident because they don't learn.
They will do it again and again..

They got called out and king Risto who they all claimed has nothing to do with the coin called his own supporters a FUD'er.
Why ?
Because the treasurer who is again not a member of the team held the donated money.
And the other King Risto spent it behind closed doors.. on what ?
A forum topic here as he called it a "powerful adoption asset"
A forum game in the Altcoin section.

How is the coin being run by a rich guy in castle doing what ever he wants acceptable ?

The stunts they pull and the bullshit they spew DESERVES criticism !

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: bumbacoin on February 11, 2017, 02:10:39 AM
what a great chance for more rants !!

go spoetnik !!!

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: John Titor on February 11, 2017, 02:11:33 AM
While many of his posts are needlessly long-winded (understatement of the year), he's honestly right about damn near everything he posts about.  I'd like the shit-posting to continue, Spoetnik is one of the good guys.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: joblessminer on February 11, 2017, 06:01:42 AM
what a great chance for more rants !!

go spoetnik !!!


Thanks for sharing the proof of Bumbacoin the cheater.
To Hide, he disable explorer:


Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 12:24:04 PM
Guilty of casual font sizing ?  :D

People let's not forget that we have yes even children here doing this.
We also have an army of global users who have a weak grasp on English.
That is not an insult just a great way to exploit users.

Children in school have come here making coins and made a fortune.
Selling them to adults here with no morals..

I always viewed this stuff as a majority control matter.
As long as 51% choose to support shit coins for profits then that is what this will be about.
This scene was 51% attacked by greedy douche bags long ago..
So no surprise they don't like me or my "FUD"

I am sure all the MLM coin people are huge fans of my comments here  ;D
Seen pictures of their cult meetings where they all group together for photo op's ?
..they are here reading this.

I brought up age because i always think of teens and when i was younger.
They are brats.. i was one too !
In my younger years i would have said fuck 'em all i want scam coin money.. and NOW!
Problem is i got older..

What do you think you will find if you wander through a high school telling them you trade scam coins for profit ?
They would probably say.. where do i sign up ?

..and that is your majority in control of everything in crypto. (or older people pandering to them citing user demand)

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: generalizethis on February 11, 2017, 02:26:45 PM
The length is for a reason.
As i go on i know i will be attacked.
I know people will be picking it apart later and i always get accused of "lies"
Yet no one ever has a word to say about what EXACTLY i lied about.

It's to paint a picture that you all insist on not seeing.
..what i just said earlier (twice)

And then next comment is.. Spoetnik posts to get a rise out of people with dishonest info.


I'm tiring ? YOU FUCKING people are hahhaha

I appreciate the level of positive feedback you guys posted here though.. thank you.
But i highlighted the disconnect between YOUR coin and the others.
You all point at coin #5,001 and claim all the others are bullshit.
And all the others do the same damn thing with some other coin.

I seen years ago on Wikipedia there was over 5,000 Religions.. all claiming to be "the one"
More importantly.. they are contradicting each other.

All i ever hear is Scientologists crying FUD  :D

I FUD Ethereum too ..not just Monero "the criminal coin" ;)

Paid your taxes ? handed your ID over yet ? Chanted Free Market / NO LAWS while on the phone with the Police lately ?

Cryptsy idiots cried NO LAWS.. now they are lining up for a class action lawsuit hoping the FBI nab Vern.

Do you SEE the retardness of this shit yet ?

One question. What is it with Monero do you not like? They have no premine, no ICO and everything started out from scratch. Was it fair? Maybe not because the more technically good people were the only users to start using their CLI. But what is fair? Bitcoin too is not fair.

Is it something about the developers?

Don't be surprised if it comes out one day that sputz was paid by dash--his praise of that scam versus the obsessive (and at times convulsive) derision of one the few reputable projects in the space is the only explanation that makes sense--other than really being that oblivious.

IE. When someone acts waaayyyy out of character towards one product/project/group, but ramps up his usual behavior for their competition, apply Ockham's Razor to their motive and you get money (or maybe sputz and Evan are a thing--not that there's anything wrong with that).

But if you need to look further, watch how the dash faithful have embraced their new friend--even dashtards aren't blind to it, and they're oblivious to the most obvious things in cryptoland: fair launches, cryptocurrencies needing cryptography, adding algorithms has the potential for crosschain reactions no one can predict, ect, ect....

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 02:58:22 PM
And that right there sums it up.

Monero = Deceitful Retards.

Thanks for proving my point "Mr. Fungability" (who has me on ignore)

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Rockie1234 on February 11, 2017, 03:23:51 PM
It's weird that in the last few weeks we have so many threads about Spoetnik. He hasn't even done anything. This is a bitcoin forum, one where you can post about practically anything that isn't illegal, and here we are worrying about what some random person on the Internet is saying? DO your OWN research; good for Spoetnik if he hates Monero so much.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 03:45:40 PM
It's weird that in the last few weeks we have so many threads about Spoetnik. He hasn't even done anything. This is a bitcoin forum, one where you can post about practically anything that isn't illegal, and here we are worrying about what some random person on the Internet is saying? DO your OWN research; good for Spoetnik if he hates Monero so much.

I have been saying that for 3 years while the rest of you say listen to me.. Buy Doge coin because it will beat Bitcoin's market cap soon.

Yup that happened and i told them all off as they ran from non-crypto site to site across the internet way back.
Speaking like idiots with Doge speak too.. hell, even Cryptsy got in on it in their Twitter feed linked on their main page.

And i have done "things" do i have to rattle off my accomplishments in every post then have to put up with whining that i am bragging ?

I am better than you because i did not show up on Cryptsy with $500 of Mom's money then traded it for $510 in months then claim i made $510 profit.
I took 0 cents and 0 cents and rubbed it together and magically made 12 grand little assholes.
and i did it with 1,000x more integrity and class than all of you combined will ever fucking have.

Check out the mining section for one of my miners i coded.
I also when i first got to crypto created a miner with MFC for Windows that had a GUI. (nVidia only)
Do any of the others have one yet or are they still all console only ?

Wanna pull it out and wiggle it around ? It better be big !
..or put it back in your dick holster kids.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Hermanny on February 11, 2017, 04:56:43 PM
Yes, I support.  I don't allways agree, but I do like to read his posts!

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Febo on February 11, 2017, 05:29:21 PM
He is a guy with nice personality. But claiming Crypto is dead end and seeing the only bright future in Western Union and Paypal and at same time spend hours everyday here, makes him look like an idiot or a lier.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 11, 2017, 10:32:20 PM
He is a guy with nice personality. But claiming Crypto is dead end and seeing the only bright future in Western Union and Paypal and at same time spend hours everyday here, makes him look like an idiot or a lier.

A gross exaggeration and unfounded claims yet again.
And would you like to tell everyone the REAL reason you are posting against me here ?
I will give you a hint people..

Remember that new account created that popped up saying 1 sentence ?
Remember what it was about ?
That NOOB who he or she is apparently knows crypto well .... with 2 posts here.
Anyway that Puppet-Account claimed all i ever post is Monero FUD.


Lies ? this again ? I keep saying point it out.. let's see my grand collection of lies i post "all the time"

Now lets put this into perspective again.. Febo ?
Well people i have a little IRC chat log from him showcasing how smart he is.  ;)
Either he is lying or claimed to knew virtually nothing about the history of Monero and it's well known shills.
I confronted him about a few things and all he could do was claim it was lie(s).. then he forced me to prove it over and over then would back track and try and make excuses.

So i was curious why in gods name would someone show up here and do no research then end up defending Monero on every topic 24/7 while at the same time knowing virtually nothing about it ?

bags are heavy .

Monero Reality:

Monero is surrounded by lying idiots projecting their skeletons in their closet onto others.
They use a pile of accounts here to Troll and attack people and accuse others of what they have been doing.
They have an insane little cult of followers that have 0 interest in looking at the facts.
They chant Lies and FUD then rail on with it all here.. 24/7.

It was those assholes that hijacked this topic with a dummy account about Monero.
You claim i ONLY talk about it and i answered back.
Then you imply it was unwarranted so i provided a few reasons why Monero deserves "FUD"
Next yet more shills show up claiming vague lies.

Wasn't trolling me and ruining my Trust Rating enough guys ?

You shitheads follow me around insulting me, calling me names, accusing me of things then refuse to back it up then claim you have me on ignore.. hijacking topics.. then claiming the problem is someone else.
..implying I am a Dash supporter of course.

Dash is not the problem.. the drama is always over Monero and their vile idiot fanboys.
If the fans of Dash create drama i will ride their ass too.
And contrary to the accusations i am not involved with Dash or have ever had a Dash coin in my life.. nor will i.
I have and will continue to criticize any and all ANON type of coins.

No problem fair is fair.. just keep it real.
Stick to the greatest hits about it LOL

Lies ? If i didn't provide proof ahead of time i can later.
So here is some more to back up my mouth.. IRC chat log via PM from IRC.
(Note: He invited me to the Monero IRC channel where they insta-banned me for life.. which is also logged)

Febo.freenode.log - 6/26/2016 <-- warning we both can't spell worth shit and i removed his IP to protect his privacy.

Session Start: Sun Jun 26 07:28:36 2016
Session Ident: Febo
[07:28] Session Ident: Febo (freenode, Spoetnik) (Febo@--snipped--)
[07:28] <Febo> hai
14[07:29] <Spoetnik> I'd rather talk publicly eh and hi ;)
[07:29] <Febo> I think this is so strange you can talk publicly latter
[07:29] <Febo> ther eis guy named davidlaplate on monero irc
[07:30] <Febo> and he uses same net provider as you do
[07:31] <Febo> i thoght you are duch he is franceh
14[07:31] <Spoetnik> Febo you know i am not David Latapie LOL
[07:32] <Febo> i suspect so
[07:32] <Febo> but not sure now
[07:32] <Febo> join monero irc and chacek
14[07:32] <Spoetnik> You pm'd me at Bitcointalk mentioning teh guy liek last year or so roughly
14[07:32] <Spoetnik> ya and have them ban me ? LOL
[07:32] <Febo> davidlatapie   clcik on him and select Whois
14[07:32] <Spoetnik> liek Etehreum did ahhahah
[07:32] <Febo> ?
[07:33] <Febo> oh
14[07:33] <Spoetnik> You can see my proivider ? i am cloaked eh
[07:33] <Febo> nooen wil bane you dont worry
[07:33] <Febo> i have no ideas
[07:33] <Febo> it says same for both
14[07:33] <Spoetnik> he is prob cloaked too
[07:33] <Febo> Spoetnik is ~Spoetnik@unaffiliated/spoetnik * ...
[07:33] <Febo> Spoetnik on #Cryptsy
[07:33] <Febo> Spoetnik using FR
[07:33] <Febo> Spoetnik is logged in as Spoetnik
[07:33] <Febo> Spoetnik End of /WHOIS list.
14[07:33] <Spoetnik> you know what that means right ?
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie is sid76186@gateway/web/ * David Latapie
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie on #monero #monero-dev
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie using FR
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie is away: Auto-away
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie is using a secure connection
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie is logged in as davidlatapie
[07:33] <Febo> davidlatapie End of /WHOIS list.
[07:33] <Febo> no i dont
[07:34] <Febo> but
14[07:34] <Spoetnik> which it says is random ..90% of peoepl just hit connect tehn you get a random server
[07:34] <Febo> Febo is Febo@--snipped-- * ...
[07:34] <Febo> Febo on #monero #monero-dev
[07:34] <Febo> Febo using Helsinki, FI, EU
[07:34] <Febo> Febo is connecting from *@--snipped--
[07:34] <Febo> Febo has been idle 23mins 4secs, signed on Sun Jun 26 13:45:01 2016
[07:34] <Febo> Febo is logged in as Febo
[07:34] <Febo> Febo End of /WHOIS list.
[07:34] <Febo> yes posible
[07:34] <Febo> i am nto from helsinki
[07:34] <Febo> but i am nto cloaked
14[07:34] <Spoetnik> that is the user ip + server IP connected to eh
[07:35] <Febo> first line matters
14[07:35] <Spoetnik> my private IP is hidden ;)
14[07:35] <Spoetnik> my server is random when connecting
[07:35] <Febo> so you are for anonimity i guess
14[07:35] <Spoetnik> i am from Canada but have Dutch grand parents
[07:35] <Febo> gut
[07:35] <Febo> Canada is waste
14[07:36] <Spoetnik> i figured if i am on IRC i might as well make it harder for Trolls to coem after me LOL
14[07:36] <Spoetnik> by getting cloaked
14[07:36] <Spoetnik> i have doennothing else to be anon
[07:36] <Febo> you ahave all right, altho what you dont want to haeppen to you you shoudl not do to others.
14[07:36] <Spoetnik> agreed
[07:37] <Febo> lol
14[07:37] <Spoetnik> and don't make it easy for them LOL
14[07:37] <Spoetnik> lock your door
[07:37] <Febo> yes, actualy this net shit is scary.
[07:37] <Febo> i had no idessd how can trace peopel before joined bitcointalk
[07:38] <Febo> and pictures and deleted forum postst, ...
14[07:38] <Spoetnik> you should get cloaked if you are on IRC a lot eh
[07:38] <Febo> why lol
14[07:38] <Spoetnik> if they want o get your IP they still can but..
[07:38] <Febo> what woudl happen if someoen know my IP?
14[07:38] <Spoetnik> at least youa r ento making it too easy for "them"
14[07:38] <Spoetnik> i don't know DDOS you ?
[07:38] <Febo> i use IRC for games
[07:38] <Febo> lol
14[07:38] <Spoetnik> soem hackers have botnets eh
[07:39] <Febo> steal my comp. yes lol.
14[07:39] <Spoetnik> naw
[07:39] <Febo> is slow but also 4 years old.
14[07:39] <Spoetnik> block you from using the internet
[07:39] <Febo> so they dont get much
14[07:39] <Spoetnik> you get flooded
14[07:39] <Spoetnik> you know how to get cloaked ?
[07:39] <Febo> yes is posible so i wil be abel to do soem houseworks
[07:39] <Febo> no i dont
14[07:39] <Spoetnik> LOL house work
14[07:40] <Spoetnik> i do my share too ;)
14[07:40] <Spoetnik> esepcially when the internet is nto working LOL
[07:40] <Febo> it is wize to hide identity so peopel liek you dont chase you. taht is all.
[07:40] <Febo> i am nto afraid of flooding or ddsos
14[07:40] <Spoetnik> all you do is go to the main freenode channel and then ask them nicely
14[07:40] <Spoetnik> just say "can you pelase cloak me, thanks"
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> that is it.. done
[07:41] <Febo> realy?
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> yup
[07:41] <Febo> but i mostly dont use freenode
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> #Freenode
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> connect..
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> ask.. wait.. done
[07:41] <Febo> i will ask soem IRC pros about it :)
14[07:41] <Spoetnik> ofcourse you need yoru name registered though eh
[07:41] <Febo> games i paly mostly use Rizon
14[07:42] <Spoetnik> ahh ok
14[07:42] <Spoetnik> ya diff network system
14[07:42] <Spoetnik> diff type of IRC
[07:42] <Febo> i am here only for monero chanel and was on eth when coudl not set mist valet
14[07:42] <Spoetnik> i don't do IRC much eh
[07:42] <Febo> but nooen helped there anyway.
[07:42] <Febo> is ancient technology
[07:42] <Febo> lol
[07:42] <Febo> i used it long ago.
14[07:42] <Spoetnik> no.. no one ever has any help on ETH channel i noticed
[07:43] <Febo> then when started play oen game few years ago teh ysaid we have irc chanels i said. wtf
[07:43] <Febo> before we used msn or skype
[07:43] <Febo> yes
[07:43] <Febo> is diference. devs tehre get paid
[07:44] <Febo> well my problem was i did nto had snced my internet time. it dont auto i have no ideas. took me half year to figure out.
[07:44] <Febo> thatsi what i liekd of Monero
[07:45] <Febo> people help.
[07:45] <Febo> buti am sure is also at other coins.
14[07:46] <Spoetnik> Well the guys involved with making & pushing Monero have been a problem sometimes going back 2 years
14[07:46] <Spoetnik> I takle it you did not help LAUNCH Monero ?
[07:46] <Febo> no
[07:46] <Febo> i joined bitcontalk forum about that time
14[07:46] <Spoetnik> well Monero has been out 2 years or so eh
[07:46] <Febo> and after few weeks found altcoins part and picked monero
[07:47] <Febo> and mined it a bit with cpu so not realy. mined liek 10 in half year :P
[07:47] <Febo> yes
14[07:47] <Spoetnik> well you know they called it Bytecoin then forgot there already was a Bytecoin out right ?
[07:47] <Febo> i know all of Monero, well at least what is out of sea.
[07:47] <Febo> bitmonero
14[07:48] <Spoetnik> You get what i said ?
[07:48] <Febo> i play games seriously so i learn.
[07:48] <Febo> no i di dnot it seems
[07:48] <Febo> when i foundmonero was allready monero
14[07:48] <Spoetnik> they started with that name first..
14[07:48] <Spoetnik> then chanegd names later..
[07:49] <Febo> that guy that lounched it namet is bitmonero
[07:49] <Febo> after a month was changed
[07:49] <Febo> you ever were on that cryptonote forum?
14[07:49] <Spoetnik> it was also a commuity take over
[07:49] <Febo> yes
14[07:49] <Spoetnik> nope.. never
[07:49] <Febo> since taht guy did nto talk
14[07:50] <Spoetnik> Community take over is always suspicous
[07:50] <Febo> i was posting misives there some time
[07:50] <Febo> since that guy did not cooperate
[07:50] <Febo> they wait for him on IRC but he never showed up
14[07:50] <Spoetnik> isn't it funny he never commented again after that ?
[07:50] <Febo> as i understand they suspect he was part of Bytecoin and those Cryptonote
[07:50] <Febo> tehy aparentyl lounched more coins
[07:51] <Febo> like that hmm
[07:51] <Febo> Q
14[07:51] <Spoetnik> wouldn't it seem more lieley the dev simply changed names ? LOL
14[07:51] <Spoetnik> likely*
[07:51] <Febo> as i said
14[07:51] <Spoetnik> people DO that..
14[07:51] <Spoetnik> You kno wmy big problem with Monero ?
[07:52] <Febo> guy that started bitmonero coudl be of taht group
[07:52] <Febo> your problem is Risto
[07:52] <Febo> if you have problem
[07:52] <Febo> or you just want to have fun anoy people
14[07:52] <Spoetnik> well oen i don't think ANON is a good idea.. but there is a bigger problem
14[07:52] <Spoetnik> Honesty
[07:52] <Febo> but
[07:53] <Febo> who is more honest then Flufypony?
[07:53] <Febo> of devs
14[07:53] <Spoetnik> in 2 years they HAVE at tiem sbeen guilty of not so good behavior.. but.. They will NEVER admit it !
14[07:53] <Spoetnik> Do you see what i mean ?
[07:53] <Febo> smooth is starnge
[07:53] <Febo> guilty of what and who?
14[07:53] <Spoetnik> if they could say ok look.. we made a few mistakes and we promise to chanbeg i would never bug them again
[07:53] <Febo> developers of Monero is wide thingy.
[07:54] <Febo> this so caled core team are mainly juts managers.
[07:54] <Febo> they dont code
[07:54] <Febo> they just organize what need to be coded.
14[07:54] <Spoetnik> if you have made some mistakes in crypto you can not pretend your record is perfect / flawless
[07:54] <Febo> Again is how i understand.
[07:55] <Febo> there are just random peopel who know how to code and just do it.
[07:55] <Febo> :)
[07:55] <Febo> noone say is flawless
14[07:55] <Spoetnik> people don't get it.. like you i think.
14[07:55] <Spoetnik> I have seen them with their hand in the cookie jar
[07:55] <Febo> Moneor is far from perfect
14[07:55] <Spoetnik> then they deny it
[07:56] <Febo> all cryto is manipulated
[07:56] <Febo> Monero shoudl eb way more, but high emision prevented that
14[07:56] <Spoetnik> they spent 2 years pretending thier record is perfect though always denying anything slightly negative
[07:56] <Febo> mny who were fiercfull suporters 2 years ago thought they will be abel to pump and dump it but saw they coudl not and left.
14[07:56] <Spoetnik> FOr exampel if a millionair eis involved then don;t hide it..
14[07:57] <Spoetnik> You see hwat i am saying ?
14[07:57] <Spoetnik> sorry i can't type too good
[07:57] <Febo> what milioanre?
14[07:57] <Spoetnik> Risto / reptiela
[07:57] <Febo> if few peopel hold to much coins?
14[07:58] <Spoetnik> he is RICH
[07:58] <Febo> i bet he is.
[07:58] <Febo> well at least he say he is
[07:58] <Febo> he might not be erealy but who knows
14[07:58] <Spoetnik> seen a pic of him and his castle + bentley ?
[07:58] <Febo> he is not stupid t put all egs in one bag
14[07:58] <Spoetnik> he put his Bitcointalk user name in the photos
[07:58] <Febo> some was at his castle
[07:58] <Febo> but that castele falls apart mostly :P
14[07:58] <Spoetnik> ya.. millionaire ;)
[07:58] <Febo> yes
[07:59] <Febo> i played cryptokingdom
[07:59] <Febo> he is a computer lol
[07:59] <Febo> i was one of first players, fdi dnot log half year all my wealth wil be sold by managers to keep me alive lol
14[07:59] <Spoetnik> he spent somewhere around $200,000 buying Monero when BTC was close to $900 bucks each
[07:59] <Febo> if i di dnto fdied yet and they divided my gold :P
[07:59] <Febo> how you knwo that?
[08:00] <Febo> i am not sure
14[08:00] <Spoetnik> he said it himself on the forum waaaay back
[08:00] <Febo> 900
14[08:00] <Spoetnik> and thatwa swonly the start LOL
[08:00] <Febo> when i buy monero i bought btc at $650
14[08:00] <Spoetnik> i bet anything he continued to keep buying more for 2 years
[08:00] <Febo> and i did 2 years ago or 25 months
[08:01] <Febo> so what he said was nto true.
[08:01] <Febo> he bought before me
14[08:01] <Spoetnik> He DID admit to making donations on ocasion and i seen the comments from him saying it too
[08:01] <Febo> i dont think he is bigest monero holder
[08:01] <Febo> but he know who are top holder
14[08:01] <Spoetnik> i don't know but i bet he has lots hahahahah
[08:01] <Febo> taht si what he was doing first half year
[08:01] <Febo> yes he have
14[08:02] <Spoetnik> he invested a LOT of money Febo
[08:02] <Febo> well we cant say i think he have
14[08:02] <Spoetnik> $200,000 usd worth
[08:02] <Febo> maybe a lto for you and me but not for him or fro other top10 Monero holders
14[08:02] <Spoetnik> you have a quarter million dollars laying around to spend ?
[08:02] <Febo> lol
[08:02] <Febo> i have in some bank but not mine yt. but i need to get gun first
14[08:03] <Spoetnik> Do you understand why people are cautious when a coin is driven by a whale who is a millionaire ?
14[08:03] <Spoetnik> LOL gun
[08:03] <Febo> Monero is way more then Risto
14[08:03] <Spoetnik> not the point though
14[08:03] <Spoetnik> he has been a part of it all for 2 years
[08:03] <Febo> No i mean there are biger holders tehn him
[08:03] <Febo> yes
[08:04] <Febo> they were in from start
[08:04] <Febo> but they are smart and dont stand out
[08:04] <Febo> there is already 12 milion moneros
[08:04] <Febo> 2 years were pumping out
[08:04] <Febo> nothing wil stop Monero growth
14[08:04] <Spoetnik> What would you do if a bag holder rich guy decides to dump all at once any minute ?
14[08:05] <Spoetnik> You would be broke instantly !
[08:05] <Febo> onyl thing that bothers me was that i bougt them 2 years ago and not 1 or half year ago when they were cheap
[08:05] <Febo> no
14[08:05] <Spoetnik> You would not be able to get to Poloniex to dump too quick enough before the price crashed
[08:05] <Febo> the rate woudl be low. and somoen woudl buy cheap ones.
14[08:05] <Spoetnik> i have seen it happen many time sbefore ;)
[08:05] <Febo> i dotn need to sell them tomorrow.
[08:06] <Febo> i dotn trade
[08:06] <Febo> i shoudl sometimes could make profit, but culd also make loss.
14[08:06] <Spoetnik> you see the power those top bag holders have though ?
[08:06] <Febo> those that claim they can onyl make profit lie
[08:06] <Febo> yes
[08:06] <Febo> but is same in all coins with big diference
[08:06] <Febo> they paid Moneros expencive
[08:07] <Febo> you said Rist bought btc at 900
14[08:07] <Spoetnik> i seen a hacker on Cryptsy exploit he POINTS market.. know what the points are there ?
[08:07] <Febo> and moneros at liek 0.002
[08:07] <Febo> so count how much $ he paid for one. he wil not dump them at lower price.
[08:08] <Febo> no i did not trade there.
14[08:08] <Spoetnik> We all watched as the guy got a LOT of points and he sold them all off non stop
14[08:08] <Spoetnik> in one 20 minute session he drove the prce from liek 0.0020000 sats' to 0.00000004
14[08:08] <Spoetnik> that is hwat whale can do anytime they want..
14[08:09] <Spoetnik> that triggers anarachy LOL
[08:09] <Febo> i am sureRisto trades. so he dont just hold, but i dont know. I am not worried of whales in Monero. I am onyl worried that they dont put soem of taht money in marketing. I hope they wait for GUI. But manbe are so stupid that they just give a shit.
[08:09] <Febo> Yes
[08:09] <Febo> it makes weak hands to sell
[08:10] <Febo> when monero was at 0.0001 i also had no will to buy any.
14[08:10] <Spoetnik> i see you are optimistic but are you respecting the risk & dangers involved in this stuff ?
[08:10] <Febo> when gets to 0.0004 i woudl buy
[08:10] <Febo> lol
[08:10] <Febo> i am gambler.
[08:10] <Febo> but not big enought to do daytrades
[08:10] <Febo> lol
14[08:10] <Spoetnik> have a wallet full of coisn that were delisted ?
14[08:10] <Spoetnik> i have more than 1 LOL
[08:10] <Febo> risk i see is that is soemthing technicly wrong
[08:11] <Febo> i dont own much conis
[08:11] <Febo> i actualy only have monero, and few other tiny amount of other coins taht just ended up on my poloniex acount
[08:11] <Febo> :)
14[08:11] <Spoetnik> i can name 3 coisn i had that got delisted everywhere
[08:11] <Febo> i am nto rich
[08:12] <Febo> why you bought them?
14[08:12] <Spoetnik> CryptoBits, JackpotCoin, CENT
[08:12] <Febo> why?
14[08:12] <Spoetnik> well not really i never invested a cent ..
[08:12] <Febo> dont spend money for coins you cone
[08:12] <Febo> yes
[08:12] <Febo> you got them as promotion
14[08:12] <Spoetnik> it happens for a few reason sbut it does happen a lot !
[08:12] <Febo> if you di dnto paid anything for them and others also di dnto paid anything for them, why woudl be of any worth?
14[08:13] <Spoetnik> i satrted mining in mid 2013 with an old crappy PC eh
[08:13] <Febo> when i pay 1$ i expect to sell at 1$
[08:13] <Febo> is simple
14[08:13] <Spoetnik> a core 2 duo e7500 CPU and an NVidia 550
[08:13] <Febo> i wonder what wil happen with bitcrystals :)
14[08:13] <Spoetnik> it took me a month+ to get 1 LTC
[08:13] <Febo> that is coin i also have. is nto realy a coin.
14[08:13] <Spoetnik> i did not go to my bank then take that to buy altcoins
[08:14] <Febo> i mined onyl monero
14[08:14] <Spoetnik> i then took that 1 LTC and i traded my way up so i had a bigger portfolio
[08:14] <Febo> liek 10 maybe :P
14[08:14] <Spoetnik> i got up to about $12,000 then cahed it all out & spent the money
[08:15] <Febo> realy?
14[08:15] <Spoetnik> 0 cents invested
14[08:15] <Spoetnik> yup i have the BTC wallets records still LOL
[08:15] <Febo> why you dont do it still?
[08:15] <Febo> but i think you were just lucky
14[08:15] <Spoetnik> i seen back when Doge got popualr BTC starting to crash & too much cloning in ALT's
14[08:15] <Spoetnik> i knew it was tiem to get out ASAP !
14[08:15] <Spoetnik> lucky ?
[08:16] <Febo> yes coudl go otherway
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> i turned 0 cents into 1 cent then 1 cent into 2 cents
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> it was a LOOOOOT of hard work man
[08:16] <Febo> you said you gained 1222k $ from nothing
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> yup
[08:16] <Febo> yes also work but still
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> no luck involved man
[08:16] <Febo> yes it is
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> i had to fight for it and it took prob 5/6 months
14[08:16] <Spoetnik> no it was trading skill
[08:17] <Febo> well i fought hard playing games last 10 years :P
14[08:17] <Spoetnik> i went down soemtimes a little then fuight my way backl learning lessons
14[08:17] <Spoetnik> fought*
[08:17] <Febo> it loosk simple
14[08:17] <Spoetnik> learning hwo to trade
14[08:17] <Spoetnik> it was not easy ;)
[08:17] <Febo> but you can easiyl lose also
14[08:17] <Spoetnik> not really i have more skill than others
[08:17] <Febo> nooen expected what wil hapepen with eth and dao
14[08:18] <Spoetnik> i am th eone who tuned 1 penny into 12 grand bud ;)
[08:18] <Febo> it influenced all alts
14[08:18] <Spoetnik> i also never was a bag hodler
[08:18] <Febo> but at end all coudl earn with buying it at right time
[08:18] <Febo> i had 8 ETH and sold them at 0.018 :P
14[08:18] <Spoetnik> i never sat on any altcoisn fro any long period of time
14[08:18] <Spoetnik> AKA: being abag holder
[08:18] <Febo> so if i buy now back wil have tiny loss :)
[08:18] <Febo> i do
[08:18] <Febo> on Monero
14[08:19] <Spoetnik> that si the most risky way to trade of all !
[08:19] <Febo> big bag for me, small bag fro most others :)
14[08:19] <Spoetnik> i woudl not even bag hold Bitcoin
14[08:19] <Spoetnik> whcih is why i sold them off..
14[08:19] <Spoetnik> glad i did too.. i sodl them at 1k each KNOWIng it was going to drop hard
14[08:20] <Spoetnik> i sodl when others were saying 10k is coming
14[08:20] <Spoetnik> speaking of that..
[08:20] <Febo> yes is hard to do it.
14[08:20] <Spoetnik> you kow Risto decalred BTC woudl go to a million per coin ?
[08:20] <Febo> maybe it will
14[08:20] <Spoetnik> he is that nuts LOL
14[08:20] <Spoetnik> coem on you think that is even possible really ?
[08:20] <Febo> he is actualy realy smart
[08:21] <Febo> i mean he is like computer
14[08:21] <Spoetnik> ya i think so..
[08:21] <Febo> i woudl never go play chees with him
14[08:21] <Spoetnik> excentric guy LOL
[08:21] <Febo> that game he made, he made so much progress daily like 10 peopel work it.
[08:21] <Febo> but after a year i saw it will fail since is way to complex
[08:22] <Febo> peopel like simple games liek will be Spells of genesiss.
[08:22] <Febo> no coder can keep with his ideas.
[08:22] <Febo> he aded new game modul weekly
[08:23] <Febo> Not sure hwo is now i was not on IRC for half year or read his thread.
14[08:23] <Spoetnik> I can't type at all eh
[08:23] <Febo> wut
14[08:23] <Spoetnik> lately i have as mall PC screen too which makes it way harder too
14[08:23] <Spoetnik> my typing skill is super bad :(
[08:24] <Febo> i mix letters.
[08:24] <Febo> constantly
[08:24] <Febo> liek let is lte
14[08:24] <Spoetnik> so ire type stuff lots and it gets tiring :(
[08:24] <Febo> not sure why. i think is soem disease.
14[08:24] <Spoetnik> duslexic ?
[08:24] <Febo> maybe
14[08:24] <Spoetnik> dyslexic
[08:25] <Febo> well i was never diagnosed, but somoen said that to me once.
14[08:25] <Spoetnik> that measn you read things backwards though eh
[08:25] <Febo> to lazy to read about
14[08:25] <Spoetnik> me i put vowels in wrong place..
[08:25] <Febo> but actualy any disease i read about i then suspect i have it :P
14[08:25] <Spoetnik> i don;lt hit my kets on keyboard properly
[08:25] <Febo> hmm
[08:25] <Febo> well then there is also spelling
14[08:26] <Spoetnik> i have the too-large-penis syndrome :(
[08:26] <Febo> but you said you are canadian, so you knwo english
[08:26] <Febo> lol
14[08:26] <Spoetnik> all the girls feel sorry for me LOL
14[08:26] <Spoetnik> ;)
[08:26] <Febo> i mix when is double ll
[08:26] <Febo> or put v instead of w
14[08:26] <Spoetnik> any time i see a comment i made at Bitcointalk is ee more misatkes in spelling
[08:26] <Febo> hmm
14[08:26] <Spoetnik> i am correcting some right now
[08:26] <Febo> maybe you are just more cautious
14[08:27] <Spoetnik> i have no excuse..i am not French LOL
[08:27] <Febo> we have that thingy that underline misspelings?
14[08:27] <Spoetnik> i only know English hahahha
[08:27] <Febo> Canadians re half french
14[08:27] <Spoetnik> ahh yeah i got that on Firefox but i still make mistakes
14[08:28] <Spoetnik> not me Febo
[08:28] <Febo> i know
[08:28] <Febo> is just Quebec
14[08:28] <Spoetnik> not many French oens on WEst side in BC Canada
[08:28] <Febo> i love history
14[08:28] <Spoetnik> they all on East in Quebec etc
[08:29] <Febo> hw many times you were baned?
[08:29] <Febo> from bitcointalk
14[08:29] <Spoetnik> 3 ?
[08:29] <Febo> lol
[08:30] <Febo> once i remeber
14[08:30] <Spoetnik> prob a day or 2 twice then 30 days once a year ago..
[08:30] <Febo> you were gone soem tiem but got back quite fast i even made topic about it.
[08:30] <Febo> i was for liek half year
14[08:30] <Spoetnik> well i barley commented at all last summer
[08:30] <Febo> send teymos liek 30 mails
14[08:30] <Spoetnik> had my internet cut off
14[08:30] <Spoetnik> i cancelled it to move but never moved rigth away
[08:30] <Febo> he unbaned me on day when that on redit coem out
[08:31] <Febo> btc fork
[08:31] <Febo> well how much mb shoudl one block have.
[08:32] <Febo> i guess since everyoen was how dicrator he is he started unbaning those he baned  :P
14[08:35] <Spoetnik> i need to go out soon & get rfesh air i think
[08:35] <Febo> gooo
14[08:35] <Spoetnik> my ass hurts sitting on PC too long
14[08:36] <Spoetnik> i like Mountain Bike riding eh
14[08:36] <Spoetnik> healthy for you + i smoke
[08:37] <Febo> hmm
[08:37] <Febo> i have mountains
[08:37] <Febo> but to lazzy
14[08:37] <Spoetnik> i'm lazy too LOL
[08:38] <Febo> and brother was all in that so have milion godo bikes also
14[08:38] <Spoetnik> Bike riding is my only healthy thing
[08:38] <Febo> he was in BMX and downhill
[08:38] <Febo> and latter in quads
[08:38] <Febo> those 4 whells
[08:38] <Febo> even in national team.
14[08:38] <Spoetnik> sounds like work LOL
[08:38] <Febo> altho was way over 35 then.
[08:39] <Febo> yes
[08:39] <Febo> he trianed hard. lol
14[08:39] <Spoetnik> i am 40 years old
[08:39] <Febo> now few years stopped.
[08:39] <Febo> i am close he is now a bit ower you
14[08:39] <Spoetnik> time goes by FAST !
[08:39] <Febo> yes
14[08:40] <Spoetnik> Bitcoin = 7 yrs old already
14[08:40] <Spoetnik> a decade is not far away WOW!
[08:40] <Febo> almost
[08:40] <Febo> november
[08:40] <Febo> or started in jan?
[08:41] <Febo> november was white paper pulished i think
14[08:41] <Spoetnik> not sure
[08:41] <Febo> i should be
[08:41] <Febo> 31 oct actualy
[08:41] <Febo> it started on 1 jan
14[08:41] <Spoetnik> So feel free to tell the other Monero supporters.. just be honest about stuff
14[08:41] <Spoetnik> if they do that then they have not very many problems LOL
[08:41] <Febo> tell what?
[08:42] <Febo> i think the dont have many problems
[08:42] <Febo> there are many that dont liek Monero
[08:42] <Febo> other curencies
[08:42] <Febo> specialy dash
[08:42] <Febo> we all thought main FUDErs are bytecoin
14[08:42] <Spoetnik> Liek David Latapie should go on Bitcointalk and explain in detail what happened way back for example
[08:43] <Febo> we all thought that bytcoin and that Cryptonote group are same
14[08:43] <Spoetnik> well yeahh of course.. dash ;)
[08:43] <Febo> lol
14[08:43] <Spoetnik> duh man LOL
[08:43] <Febo> he posted on monero forum taht he dont have time for Monero
14[08:43] <Spoetnik> of course they FUD'ing you with any thing they can think of
[08:43] <Febo> you posted his psot
14[08:43] <Spoetnik> well his comment was SUPER vage !
[08:43] <Febo> he shoudl psost again same?
14[08:44] <Spoetnik> it did not say anyuthing really just an apology
14[08:44] <Spoetnik> no.. detaisl man ;)
[08:44] <Febo> i even send you PM expalining you how i as monero comunity understadn what he said.
[08:44] <Febo> but you then understadn me totaly diferent
[08:44] <Febo> as you usuayl do.
14[08:44] <Spoetnik> you can't expect peopel in crypto to take yoru word for things
14[08:44] <Spoetnik> we don;t trust each other LOL
14[08:44] <Spoetnik> he is the guy taht should speak
14[08:45] <Spoetnik> the*
[08:45] <Febo> why woudl anyone care what he needs to do. he can go mountainbike riding
14[08:45] <Spoetnik> he rides bikes too liek me ?
[08:45] <Febo> he just said taht we shoudl nto count mmuch on him anymore. mabye he wil come back tomorow. who knows.
[08:45] <Febo> i am sure he stil belive Monero will flourish
[08:45] <Febo> i dont know
[08:45] <Febo> lol
[08:45] <Febo> maybe
14[08:45] <Spoetnik> well it has been 2 years adn nothing much has chanegd adoption wise Febo
[08:45] <Febo> i dont care what he does
14[08:46] <Spoetnik> Febo it's not about you
[08:46] <Febo> in adoption of anything did nto happen much but did some.
14[08:46] <Spoetnik> Dash used it as ammo buddy
[08:46] <Febo> yes
14[08:46] <Spoetnik> get it ?
14[08:46] <Spoetnik> So it does not matter if Dave explaine dto you
[08:46] <Febo> dash are who hate monero most
[08:46] <Febo> David explained to all Monero comunity on Monero forum
14[08:47] <Spoetnik> it's the info that needs to be put out so Dash does not have FUD ammo on you guys
[08:47] <Febo> eh
14[08:47] <Spoetnik> see what i mean ?
[08:47] <Febo> it is all there
[08:47] <Febo> he said it all
[08:47] <Febo> he posted all
14[08:47] <Spoetnik> nohe said nothing
14[08:47] <Spoetnik> he was vague
[08:47] <Febo> he did
[08:47] <Febo> he said he dont have time anymore to help with Monero
14[08:47] <Spoetnik> he never did explainwhat happened
[08:47] <Febo> why he need that?
[08:48] <Febo> he did nto sighn contract
14[08:48] <Spoetnik> Police ?
[08:48] <Febo> police?
14[08:48] <Spoetnik> he mentioend fraud and stolen Bitcoin..
[08:48] <Febo> why he need to explain why he dont want to help monero anymore?
14[08:48] <Spoetnik> i just told you
[08:48] <Febo> i dont recall that
14[08:48] <Spoetnik> DASH
[08:48] <Febo> dash are pro yes
14[08:48] <Spoetnik> he is not being open & hoenst
14[08:49] <Spoetnik> and it's nto just dash either
[08:49] <Febo> i dont realy care of him
[08:49] <Febo> yes
14[08:49] <Spoetnik> it's abotu all of crypto who deserve or want to know
[08:49] <Febo> there are more coins afraid of Monero
14[08:49] <Spoetnik> anyoen out there who may be looking at teh Moenro situation wodnering can i trust tehse guys
14[08:49] <Spoetnik> so hiding *most* of the story fromthe public looks bad..
[08:49] <Febo> no need to trust David if he left lol
14[08:50] <Spoetnik> you still don't get it LOL
14[08:50] <Spoetnik> him leaving makes no difference
[08:50] <Febo> who is managing most i see is flufypony
14[08:50] <Spoetnik> we don't trust you fo one thing
[08:50] <Febo> i asked smooth about monero card for Spells of gennesis. he di dnothing lol
[08:50] <Febo> gives a shit
14[08:50] <Spoetnik> all aguy ahs to do is create a new name
[08:50] <Febo> yes
14[08:50] <Spoetnik> you give a shit Febo if you want Moenro to succeed
[08:50] <Febo> i do
14[08:51] <Spoetnik> the peanut gallery at Bitcointalk make or break your coin
14[08:52] <Spoetnik> It's not about me or just Dash gusy but all ofo th epeopel who read topci sat Bitcointalk
[08:52] <Febo> i asked spells of geneseis what is needed for Monero card they said Ok we wil do it just link us i di dand nothing happened. smooth if to bussy could just give me green light  to organize myself.
[08:52] <Febo> eh
[08:52] <Febo> bitcointalk dont have so much influence
14[08:52] <Spoetnik> it's been 2 years with Monero Febo..
[08:52] <Febo> but still dasj is curently in lead.
[08:52] <Febo> yes
14[08:52] <Spoetnik> noit much has changed Adoption wise
[08:53] <Febo> problem is Monero outside have little
[08:53] <Febo> yes
[08:53] <Febo> bitcointalk is not so important
[08:53] <Febo> googel monero
14[08:53] <Spoetnik> I would have to ask why ?
[08:53] <Febo> and google dash
[08:53] <Febo> we dotn have marketing
[08:53] <Febo> and tthose with lots coins dont care about it
[08:53] <Febo> why?
14[08:53] <Spoetnik> We all know nobody but Crypto-Nerd into this stuff heavily are going to knwo abotu Dash or Monero
[08:53] <Febo> maybe they just want to buy more at lover price.
[08:54] <Febo> but is starnge since they might allready have lots.
14[08:54] <Spoetnik> Crypto-Nerds do NOT matter.. the general public does
[08:54] <Febo> yes
[08:54] <Febo> but dash is in huge lead
[08:54] <Febo> they have 1 huge bagholder.
[08:54] <Febo> he spend money to pormote it
14[08:54] <Spoetnik> i would say Dash is still just a niche thing on Bitcointalk though like all ALtcoins
[08:55] <Febo> we have few smaler bag holders that mainly give a shit
14[08:55] <Spoetnik> You have to break out fromt heh Forumn adn conquer the world outside
[08:55] <Febo> i mean out of bitcointalk
[08:55] <Febo> yes
[08:55] <Febo> right now goggle both
14[08:55] <Spoetnik> forum users do not matter they are nto supporters
[08:55] <Febo> check youtube
[08:55] <Febo> monero
[08:55] <Febo> dash
[08:55] <Febo> you wil see diference
14[08:55] <Spoetnik> they are profiteers looking to dump your coins for profit
[08:55] <Febo> dash sponsor diferent podcasts
[08:56] <Febo> i dont know.
14[08:56] <Spoetnik> well that is a start i guess
[08:56] <Febo> Monero also have lack of manpower
[08:56] <Febo> it looks we are many but i dont think.
14[08:56] <Spoetnik> If you can't break out of Bictointalk then what is the point ?
[08:56] <Febo> core team focus on tech
14[08:56] <Spoetnik> All that is left is.. profit.
[08:57] <Febo> they have meetings all teh time, but talk onyl of that . yes is most important but still.
14[08:57] <Spoetnik> Monero is a currency right ?
[08:57] <Febo> yes
[08:57] <Febo> you can say that way
[08:57] <Febo> monero is like btc
[08:57] <Febo> internet of money
14[08:57] <Spoetnik> well if it is not used as a Currency then.. it is not a currency LOL
[08:58] <Febo> it wil be used for storing
[08:58] <Febo> i am not worried
14[08:58] <Spoetnik> then it just becomes a digital token used for profit (not a currency)
[08:58] <Febo> not profit
[08:58] <Febo> for storing
14[08:58] <Spoetnik> optimisim does not make it a currency
[08:58] <Febo> thatsi my wiev
[08:59] <Febo> if you ask me soon you wil nto knwo what you use
[08:59] <Febo> which curency
14[08:59] <Spoetnik> think about what a currency is..
[08:59] <Febo> you wil just use teh one taht is cheapest
14[08:59] <Spoetnik> are poepl using Monero or any altcoin for it's INTENDED purpose ?
14[08:59] <Spoetnik> 90% no
14[08:59] <Spoetnik> mostly just profit..
[08:59] <Febo> yes
14[09:00] <Spoetnik> then you can't call it a currency then LOL
[09:00] <Febo> now those that buy it does for speculation
14[09:00] <Spoetnik> get it used as one !
[09:00] <Febo> i bought 10 ETH to use, not to speculate
[09:00] <Febo> and price went up x10 lol
14[09:00] <Spoetnik> which means Bitcointalk does not even matter.. at all.
14[09:00] <Spoetnik> nor does the price..
14[09:00] <Spoetnik> both are iurreleevnt
[09:00] <Febo> i bought to open walet and make that contract to learn
[09:00] <Febo> yes
14[09:01] <Spoetnik> the ONLY thing that really matters is outsoide of Bitcointalk
[09:01] <Febo> for Monero
14[09:01] <Spoetnik> It should not matter what they think..
[09:01] <Febo> fo rsome other coins that nooen here knows about them also matters here.
14[09:01] <Spoetnik> they are profiteers
14[09:02] <Spoetnik> you need mom & pop + friends family using the coin
14[09:02] <Spoetnik> not profiteers counting money at Bitcointalk..
[09:02] <Febo> i tell you they will
[09:02] <Febo> bitcoin
[09:02] <Febo> soon, they wil nt know they do but wil use it
14[09:02] <Spoetnik> Bitcoin has gone in reverse and doen next to nothing for adoption
[09:02] <Febo> latter also other coins
[09:02] <Febo> eh
14[09:02] <Spoetnik> and Monero or any altcoin can not even compare with BTC
[09:03] <Febo> companies use it
[09:03] <Febo> yes they are far behind
14[09:03] <Spoetnik> my country ahd the worlds first BTC ATM machien in Canada back in late 2013 eh
14[09:03] <Spoetnik> it was taken downa dnthe store closed liek almsot 2 years ago now
14[09:03] <Spoetnik> BTC is slipping bad for years with adoption
[09:03] <Febo> yes
[09:03] <Febo> they said last yer when was in netherlands
14[09:03] <Spoetnik> they are nto moving forward but backwards
14[09:04] <Spoetnik> and altcoins can not evenkeep upw ith Bitcoin LOL
[09:04] <Febo> in soem bitcon conference how many places stoped
14[09:04] <Spoetnik> profiteers are the problem
14[09:04] <Spoetnik> and that is th eonly people at TheTalk
[09:04] <Febo> i also see in my country stores started aceptingin 2013 and now no new more.
14[09:05] <Spoetnik> exactly..
[09:05] <Febo> we had now selling btc on petrol stations :P
[09:05] <Febo> lol
14[09:05] <Spoetnik> If Monero can succeed then go for it..
[09:05] <Febo> and not even our guy did it but soemeone looking lik eindian
14[09:05] <Spoetnik> but i dont think it has done much *yet*
[09:05] <Febo> monero wil stay. i am not worried.
14[09:05] <Spoetnik> it needs to do things in the real world not on that scammy shithole forum
[09:06] <Febo> that wil be superhard
[09:06] <Febo> lol
14[09:06] <Spoetnik> woudl you brag about planting arose in a field of dog shit ?
[09:06] <Febo> many other coins did it
14[09:06] <Spoetnik> imagine a million pounds of shit then 1 rose sticking out LOL
14[09:06] <Spoetnik> it is STILL a rose in field of shit..
14[09:07] <Spoetnik> context ;)
[09:07] <Febo> asi see chance for monero is something that wil happen with privacy.
[09:07] <Febo> to be known more
14[09:08] <Spoetnik> i am not so sure the public is going to be interested in that
[09:08] <Febo> i think it will
14[09:09] <Spoetnik> I think it will hamper adoption mostly
[09:09] <Febo> but it differs on diferent part of world i guess
14[09:09] <Spoetnik> hackers will want to attack ot & govt's will want to also
[09:09] <Febo> it is hard to attack PoW
[09:09] <Febo> i mean you need to do it constantly
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> Govts may push regualtion on us because of it..
[09:10] <Febo> yes
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> so far they have..
[09:10] <Febo> but what they will do lol
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> i kept warning gusy for 3 years take part and vote for regulation ..or.....
[09:10] <Febo> is dencentralized
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> they will push it on us anyway with OUT our input on it
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> and people said who cares..
14[09:10] <Spoetnik> they said they can;t stop us etc
14[09:11] <Spoetnik> they can !
[09:11] <Febo> they cant
14[09:11] <Spoetnik>
14[09:11] <Spoetnik> what do you do when the FBI arrests you for selling Bitcoin ?
14[09:11] <Spoetnik> YES they can ;)
14[09:11] <Spoetnik> and they DO !
14[09:12] <Spoetnik> Cryptsy was reporting user to the Fed's
[09:12] <Febo> i guess something they di dwas against law
14[09:12] <Spoetnik> ..for example
14[09:12] <Spoetnik> yup and the laws coudl get waaaaaay worse pushing "Anon" coins i think
[09:12] <Febo> in my country mining is taxable, gaining profit on exchanges or selling it is not
[09:13] <Febo> so here no poblems sell on localbitcoins
14[09:13] <Spoetnik> that link shows a guy who sold Bitcoin adn got arrested by the FBI
[09:13] <Febo> yes i just read title
14[09:13] <Spoetnik> he broke Florida's anti-money-laundering laws
[09:13] <Febo> yes
[09:13] <Febo> he shoudl pay tax
14[09:13] <Spoetnik> anything over 10k usd is bad news
14[09:14] <Spoetnik> it was not about taxes
14[09:14] <Spoetnik> it was about having yoru identity attacked tot he transaction
14[09:14] <Spoetnik> attached*
14[09:14] <Spoetnik> anything over 10k has to be documented with picture ID etc
14[09:14] <Spoetnik> see a problem with ANOn yet ? lol
14[09:15] <Spoetnik> they set up those laws LONG ago to combat money laundering from the Mob etc
14[09:15] <Spoetnik> But it applies to Crypto still we see
14[09:15] <Spoetnik> with all the ransomware out and the FBI hunting them.. we got more drma coming
14[09:16] <Spoetnik> sorry i just think ANON coin is a bad idea lol
[09:16] <Febo> i understand
14[09:16] <Spoetnik> and if it *can* be used optionaly then THAT si what it WILL be known for..
14[09:16] <Spoetnik> EVEN if it an option
14[09:16] <Spoetnik> imagien Monero on SilkRoad
14[09:17] <Spoetnik> the puclic already thinks BTC is a drugs & guns thing on the web.. lots of people on the street told me eh
14[09:17] <Spoetnik> we might know better but hte ublci may not..
14[09:17] <Spoetnik> and the govt may over reacte with ahrsh laws making it super hard to get BTC to buy monero etc
[09:18] <Febo> lol
14[09:18] <Spoetnik> that would cripple crypto
[09:18] <Febo> now you are owerreacting
14[09:18] <Spoetnik> we need the flow off fiat money into BTC into Alt's
14[09:18] <Spoetnik> cut off the chain & you got a big problem
[09:18] <Febo> yes
14[09:18] <Spoetnik> for example..
14[09:18] <Spoetnik> Paypal
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> they forbid for 4+ years now ANY connection with ANY viryual currency
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> if they catch you yoru accoutn + money is GONE !
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> they cut off th elink to FIAT with "laws"
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> that is reality
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> rigth in thier TOS agreement
[09:19] <Febo> istheir loss
14[09:19] <Spoetnik> i know they naield me 2 years back LOL
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> no mine when they popped me LOL
[09:20] <Febo> paypal coudl use crypto nicely
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> i hade to get a lawyer and fight them for 2.5 months
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> almost lsot 5k
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> lost*
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> this is not shit that is helping adoption Febo LOL
14[09:20] <Spoetnik> that is regulations causing a problem..
[09:21] <Febo> no that is paypal be afraid
14[09:21] <Spoetnik> i had to pay the laweyr fee's out of pocket and had my coisn / money seized tide up unable to be used for months randomly out fo th eblue
[09:21] <Febo> stop using paypal lol
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> and all i did was send over the min amount from BTCe two times..
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> i did ;)
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> min amount was $2,500 usd
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> and fee's for the 2 tx's was $500
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> from both the exchange + PP
[09:22] <Febo> lol
14[09:22] <Spoetnik> ouch LOL
[09:22] <Febo> that is what makes crypto great
[09:23] <Febo> simple
14[09:23] <Spoetnik> they gouged me then locked my account
14[09:23] <Spoetnik> you would not believe the bullshit htey put me through man
14[09:23] <Spoetnik> i th end they said they woudl give it back and unlcok my account
14[09:23] <Spoetnik> then they stoel $700
14[09:23] <Spoetnik> and ketp demanding tehy already gave it back..
14[09:24] <Spoetnik> they did not.. i think satff were stealing from me on purpose :(
14[09:24] <Spoetnik> eventually i got them to admit it though and i got it..
14[09:24] <Spoetnik> nightmare LOL
14[09:25] <Spoetnik> well good talking to you but i shoudl start getting ready to head out now
14[09:25] <Spoetnik> i will go AFK soon'ish
[09:25] <Febo> goooo
Session Close: Sun Jun 26 13:18:00 2016

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Febo on February 11, 2017, 11:23:20 PM
lol OMG. I said Spoetnik is a super nice guy with nice personality. But here on this forum is really hard to understand at least for me.  

On bottom line, we will never agree. You think Crypto is evil, I think Crypto will save the world. It is simple as that.  But we both know you are just making fun and you think mostly same as I do.

To return to the main OP question. There are plenty useful Spoetniks threads and posts here, but sadly they are hard to find among all others.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: rokkyroad on February 12, 2017, 12:25:22 AM
[. I said Spoetnik is a super nice guy with nice personality.quote]

Well ... lets not exaggerate. He may be the Shitcoin Hunter but he's not shy about posting private conversations and squealing to the mods whenever he can.
No one is going to read that page of verbal diarrhea you posted Spoet.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: bbc.reporter on February 12, 2017, 12:42:42 AM
I have explained a LOT.
So have others..

The problem is the scene itself.

And especially this forum and how it has played out.
It can be gamed and the Monero guys know it.

It boils down to posting a lie here enough that it turns into the truth here.
..for profit.

Take for example Quark.. people wanted to attack it and some guys started spreading rumors it was premined.
It was not.
But that ended up becoming the commonly held belief because it was repeated enough here.
(forum posting tactics)

Monero ?
The people behind it are bullshitters and have a track record of doing things they shouldn't
It's insulting to those of us watching Monero since day 1.
Watching them all run around pretending they have squeaky clean image / track record.
If any other coin "community" pulled half the shit they did they would be flamed heavily.

Monero is popular today because of one thing.
The fact the scene degenerated so badly that they now look better than all the other ICO schemes etc.
By default they look better (on the surface)
Had others came here and made better and better coins Monero would have been left in the dust with Terracoin or World Coin or Krueger Coin or Name Coin or PeerCoin etc.

This forum is a vortex of deceit.
People who spew idealism then turn their back and count their cash.. while violating the rabble they were just chanting.

Monero was not launched as some altruistic vision.
The millionaire who launched it and kept it afloat all this time did so for a reason.
So the shallow hollow pathetic rich man in a castle driving a Bentley can get another Bentley.

I find it funny the dev said what i did all these years defending his GAMBLING SITE HACK.
He copied my words to defend his stupid ass greedy business built off of Monero.
Wallet coded yet ? They have rambled on about priorities huh ?
Like making money off gambling sites with a closed source business ?

Did you all read what the Jaxx wallet guy said ?
In a quick click of a button the Monero dev's wiped out his work.
Decentralized ? Democracy ? Free Market ?
Nope.. Monero is led by a Cabal who pull the strings so things benefit them.
Did the community get a vote or say in that or the MEW funds spent ?
Nope.. the rug was pulled out from under them because the millionaire and their friends paid by the millionaire chose do what ever the hell they wanted to.. behind close doors.
And apparently no matter what they do or how many stunts pile up you all drop to your knee's and suck King Risto's cock as he lays his feet on your back long as those ROI's keep flowing in.

The point ?
This shit is a joke.

You all spew moronic idealistic rabble then throw it out the window seconds later .. for profit.

THEN have the fucking nerve the gall the audacity, to sit there and fucking deny it and play dumb.

Reality CHECK !
Monero gets criticized because they deserve it !
They deserve it because of the actions they have taken.
It is a simple cause & effect.

No one is sitting around fabricating things about them making up (and i quote) "lies"

I can think of one dev or service provider in Crypto who admitted to making mistakes and owning it.. long term.
His name is R3wt.
The rest of you all might on rare occasions admit to a mistake then an hour later pretend you got amnesia.

And the simply brilliant wonderful part of it all is..
The old guys end up leaving as this shit gets worse and new guys pop up with no clue at all what happened in the past.

Perfect system huh ?

Your knowledge about Monero information that is hidden from the public is very eye opening. I did not realize that everything in this cryptocoin might be a manipulated effort to create its own economic ecosystem. They have been successful in it especially with XMR acceptance in alphabay.

There is speculation that Mr. Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. I cannot help think that Bitcoin and Monero might have the same strategy with Bitcoin also having its own man in the castle.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: NattyLiteCoin on February 12, 2017, 12:47:49 AM
I read all of his posts, I wish they were committed to the forum in full paragraph form, rather than mini paragraphs for each point. Loves the return key.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 12, 2017, 12:56:48 AM

the ultra long log is proof.. at least i back up my mouth right ?

Proof Febo knows little about Monero and sits there saying "LIES" at anything about Monero brought up.
EVEN when it's public common knowledge.

And that conversation was after numerous posts where he popped up here chanting lies at me over Monero.
Either he is deceitful simply denying shit or really has no bloody clue.
Either way he shows up here defending Monero attacking me etc screaming "Lies"

ALL of them do !

I have proven crystal clear beyond any shadow of a doubt all these Monero shill's are the real liars.
I have proven it then they show up and spam crying lies person after person chanting troll bumping away what i said.
They have been doing it for 2+ years.

When a coin is created and backed by deceitful shit heads i think the coin is decetful shit.
Never mind the stupid gimmick associated with it.

I could write a book the size of a phone book on Monero retardation.
All of it verifiable.

ANY of it would land any other coin dev or supporter in hot water too.
But because you pieces of shit here want to make money off it you turn a permanent blind eye to this scammy ass bullshit cult coin.. it sickens me !

Yup.. another topic hijacked by sock-puppet dummy / noob accounts with accusations of lies over MONERO while they lie themselves to sweep up their bad history.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: buwaytress on February 12, 2017, 04:09:52 PM
Surprised I missed this poll earlier. I voted yes without hesitation - but my support does not equal endorsement.

1. I support plurality of opinion, this forum is all the better for it.
2. Scrape away the padding and there are some useful truths (I don't say facts) in his posts.
3. As OP says, a lot of thought goes into his posts, if not a lot of consideration.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 12, 2017, 06:01:08 PM
You will all notice i have been trying to get you all to be outspoken as well.
It's not like i rail on and tell everyone they should be quiet.
Let's talk.. it's what forums are for.
It has little to do with agreeing with each other and more about trying to get where the other is coming from.

And i hear ya people criticisms and all that.
I have to remind you all i have bad habits with grammar that are tough to break out of.
That are rooted in the fact my eyes site is sketchy and my color theme in my browser makes edit boxes tough to read.
(i always see mistakes after hitting submit that i didn't see before hand)
Point being is i type out my crap so i can read it myself LOL ;)

Ask yourselves why it's always me who has to bring up the key *ignored meaningful points in discussions.
Time after time i look at the crowd piling in commenting and i think WTF ?
I see extreme tunnel vision ..on greed.
..not healthy.

Most of you are here because you want profit.. off anything.
And you need it NOW so you HAVE to spend your BTC on a shitcoin ASAP.
Then you have to come here and flog & defend it.. crying Troll & FUD.

Unlike myself who will criticize anything anytime no problem.

I also am not trying to spit shine the entire scene to attract "Investors"
Like Polo mod's claiming they are breaking records and life has never been better (compared to 2013)
The fact you all use terms like Investor and White Paper and Company and NO laws and Free Market etc sickens me.

When you look beneath the surface it's a poorly thought out corrupt scene run by those that run services and the leaders of coins sitting on fortunes.. playing the poor like a violin.. in a corrupt game of crypto-monopoly.

Well Spoetnik is here to piss all over the Altcoin scene ?
No i am one of the last older ALT users who did not dump & LEAVE in complete disgust.
STILL HERE trying to improve the situation while others do the opposite.
Either way you have to move forward with this or it will be forced on your behalf.
You really have no choice in the matter.. change is coming !

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Febo on February 12, 2017, 06:39:05 PM

I said Spoetnik is a super nice guy with nice personality.

Well ... lets not exaggerate. He may be the Shitcoin Hunter but he's not shy about posting private conversations and squealing to the mods whenever he can.
No one is going to read that page of verbal diarrhea you posted Spoet.

Well if you would would force yourself to go thru my spellings and typos, you would see by yourself, he is super nice.

And also that he hate crypto. Bitcoin is evil. ETH is evil, Monero is evil. All crypto is evil.

Maybe I misunderstood it myself. But that is what I understood. Governments will unite and close all block chains soonTM

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 13, 2017, 06:25:59 AM

I said Spoetnik is a super nice guy with nice personality.

Well ... lets not exaggerate. He may be the Shitcoin Hunter but he's not shy about posting private conversations and squealing to the mods whenever he can.
No one is going to read that page of verbal diarrhea you posted Spoet.

Well if you would would force yourself to go thru my spellings and typos, you would see by yourself, he is super nice.

And also that he hate crypto. Bitcoin is evil. ETH is evil, Monero is evil. All crypto is evil.

Maybe I misunderstood it myself. But that is what I understood. Governments will unite and close all block chains soonTM

We are on opposite sides of the war so to speak.
Funny we both post like shit if there is no auto correct LOL
I have to type on my lap and i keep changing keyboards so i can't get used to them.
I actually have a pile of good reasons why i type like shit but anyway..

You are far more a nice guy than me and that messy ugly log earlier shows it.
What i was trying to show is that you come across with Monero as naive.
I post here Risto did this or that and you post a knee jerk response before.. "lies"
I see you on IRC and you deny it.. then i say fuck man, i can prove it easily.. here is a link with him saying it.
You are like oh like .... well...  then you go on to defend Monero more and down play Risto's involvement and activity etc.

You put me through that bud.
And yet i wasted my time trying to convince you and others.

There has been a tornado of bullshit with Monero since day 1.
Every step of the way from day 1 there has been suspect activity.
Every step of the way the usual suspects have been caught up in drama ..then they deny it happened later.

The reality is the people that surround it and started it way back etc are not honest.
They have been doing things they shouldn't then peddling bullshit to cover it up for years.

There is no denying fuck all.. what i said is common knowledge and easily provable.
If any other people pulled a small fraction of the shit the "Monero Team" pulled they would be flamed hard.
So why does Monero get a free pass forever ?

There are people who do things in crypto then deny it.
Crypto dev's are notorious for this.
Do what ever you want then when anyone criticizes you attack them and deny it.
Its the iGotSpots official defense retort.

Get it ?
There is a pattern at work here all along.

I'd say it's matter of time until Monero idiots get taken out at the knee's.
They positioned themselves for it.
No one in crypto has bent over backwards to spit shine their sketchy past and attack others.. as much as them.

When i think of Monero i think of sooooooo many little stunts and games and lies and bullshit i witnessed myself here.
I'd trust V. Butters before i trust any of those Monero dev assholes who were here flogging it way back.

You all CHOOSE to turn a blind eye to all the shit Monero tard's pull.. for profits i have to assume.
Who else would they get a free-pass for the "community take over coin" shit ?
Yeah.. that's right.
The original dev vanished as they took it over.. fishy ?
Oh of course not.. not 1 bit ...unless it's some other coin of course right ?

I don't trust all those guys because their actions have been untrustworthy.
People can bash me all they want but i never paraded around here acting like a fucking saint.
Monero doesn't have a good history.. it's been non stop bullshit and drama from day 1.
I know i was here and watched it all.
So how the fuck in gods name do you all sit there and deny it and chant lies ?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Monerobuyer on February 13, 2017, 11:11:40 AM
He just makes claims without citing his sources...the only sneaky thing about xmr so far is the cripplemine but thats nowhere near as bad as an instamine....

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Febo on February 13, 2017, 01:50:25 PM
He just makes claims without citing his sources...the only sneaky thing about xmr so far is the cripplemine but thats nowhere near as bad as an instamine....

There was no disadvantage to mine for anyone.

One guy ( on this forum under nick "dga" if i remember right) made a optimised miner. Maybe was more then one guy. But one guy told about it. He have skills and he did it. It was open race for anyone to do it. And he rented lots hashpower and mined in first month or was two. That is all.

That is same as this. There is a race. And everyone brings horses they work on fields with them. One guy decide to train his horse for ruining in last few months. So his horse win game easily.  What is here sneaky about it? Everyone could spend time and instead of work on field making food for winter, rather train their horse.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: rdnkjdi on February 13, 2017, 10:35:51 PM
No one knows anything about Spoetnik - he doesn't appear to do much research and throws shit against the wall to see what sticks.

Except for Jackpotcoin ... he loves Jackpotcoin. 

Luckily he has entertainment value and the scammers hate him (IDK why - since he just throws shit at everything).  So his presence is tolerated.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 13, 2017, 11:31:02 PM
I have "cited sources" so much that mod's sometimes delete them.
Such as the Coindesk we need clone coins news topic. (is everything about Monero ?)
It gets tiring playing with back stabbing little Monero assholes who run around here creating piles of accounts to chant "lies" over & over then having to re-type out a long winded explanation that you all say is too long and you don't want to read.

My trust rating says it all.. Monero assholes negged me claiming "Lies"

Your citation ;)

[NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated] (

They ruined my rating over that topic.. claiming i "lied"
And since i didn't that means it is more lies from them.. to go along with all the other trolling bullshit they pulled for years.

They have skeletons in their closet and i have said before it will come out eventually.
Their pattern of behavior will catch up with them all i can guarantee it.

Which is what this is about.. Monero assholes trashing on my rep hoping i will leave.
So i will stop bringing up the bullshit they pulled before.

I would urge users to look at the history of the Monero cult.
See for yourself.

Bottom Line:
If the Monero Cult guys pulled all their shit with some other coin you would all be screaming scam.
Why do the Monero assholes get a free pass ?

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Joint Force on February 13, 2017, 11:56:49 PM

I like to use Spoetnik's tips. He often justly calls out scams. There's difficulty in judging if something is a scam or not though when it comes to the word decentralization. I find it perfectly acceptable for some people to come together and start a new coin/network where they have 100% of all coins. I like ICOs but I'm biased because I'm running an ICO. I find the ICO can break down the monetary barrier of entry for applications and software.

You can't expect every coin to be a success. You also can't expect everyone to join bitcoin. ICOs are going to be huge. They'll be the new company. Sort of like a Corporation 2.0. Like companies today, some will be bad and others will be good. Buying coins is like a real life shark tank. If you want to be a shark, you better have skills at being a VC. Big things are coming with PoS consensus, smart contracts and content delivery all being wrapped in a nice little open source package.

I've noticed decentralization is becoming played down in favor of cryptocurrency/altcoins/gas fee/coupon/usage tokens. The public seems to want altcoins but does not want to deal with all the decentralization, which I completely understand. Setting up and maintaining a server is extremely difficult.

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 14, 2017, 12:11:48 AM
If your ICO was regulated like a traditional IPO etc would get far more "investors"
Or would you ?
Do teens with a desire for a token on Polo asking for a million via kickstarter always get funded on the New York Stock Exchange ?
Get it ?

Laws are created to address the abusers.. such as teens with no experience who want a "me too coin"
Or posting fake company IPO's on the stock exchange then using illegal trade tactics to manipulate it for profit.

No wonder you all like ICO's and no Laws here ::)

BlockNET got 1 million in Bitcoin for a posting a jpeg in the ANN section.
What's not to like ?
I dunno maybe go ask the "investors" asking why nothing happened a year later ?

This has all devolved into a silly greedy scammy little joke.
You all CHOOSE to see it as wonderful.... because it puts money on your pocket.
That is like saying robbing banks is great.. i need to get paid.
You all know this crap is not fair and heavily exploited.. by the others of course ..not me and *MY* coin.

I am done i will never buy an ICO coin.
This scene is boring and just gets worse in time.
I've had about enough and can only envision getting more bored and wandering off like so many before me.
Have fun guys and good luck you are going to need it.

I can't really support 90% of the Altcoin scene anymore.. it's a joke.
And the only people laughing are the guys making ICO's etc on their way to the bank.
Losing money is not fun.  ::)
..which would be the majority (basic math)

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: rdnkjdi on February 16, 2017, 05:27:34 PM
<<A bunch of shit>>

I should have added.  Scamming is 95% of the altcoin space.  So even though Spoetnik is ineffectual.  Everyone squealing should just STFU.  I like Monero and it wasn't a scam (sorry buddy).

But we should have THOUSANDS of more people like you yelling about what they think are scams and maybe this shithole would have a tad more legitimacy

Title: Re: Do you support Spoetnik's contributions to the Altcoin Discussions?
Post by: Joint Force on February 22, 2017, 11:32:55 PM
the only people laughing are the guys making ICO's etc on their way to the bank.

I think it extends past that. I like DAOs but they failed. DCOs Decentralized Co-ops are looking pretty good right now until DAOs can take over. Over time the amount of money ICO creators make compared to other people should balance out. Teams of 1000s of people can come together to run DCOs. There should be plenty of spots for all kinds of people to get parts of the pemined coins, not just devs like happens right now.

A lot of projects are scams. Probably 99%. It sucks. I can't believe people fall for this. Stuff is so over priced right now. Things are going to get better and cheaper. Most of the things people buy on bittrex and poloniex are pretty bad. 99% seems a bit excessive. If a coin makes it on bittrex or poloniex there's probably only a 80% chance that it's a scam. The other ones are legit but that doesn't mean the project will become popular and scale to a high amount of users. Also, make sure to remember that what we have now isn't very good and replicating what we have today will be very easy and cheap to do in the coming years.