Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 03:29:23 AM

Title: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 03:29:23 AM
Original Post :

I am going to re-post or rather copy paste an article from siliconindia here with my question that will follow it :

Original Article :
Location plays an important role in the progress of any business. Also, obstacles are an integral factor in the expansion of any business. Lesser are the obstacles, better growth can be expected in the business.

Nowadays, most of the nations are targeting on the revenues, coming from the business, inside their boundaries. While some countries already had friendly policies for the ‘already developed’ or ‘developing’ business within its boundaries, some other countries are now accepting newer policies to encourage the same.

According to the list of the ‘business-friendly’ countries in the world by ‘doing business’, India ranks 132, while Singapore tops the list.

1. Singapore

From the last few years, Singapore has been ranked as the best country for business. Singapore provides an encouraging environment to all the newcomers, irrespective of their gender, nationality, etc.

At present, Singapore is the fourth largest financial center in the world and is also an impactful nation. Major portion of Singapore’s GDP comes from its manufactured goods. Export and import also plays an important role in the economy of Singapore.

It has the fifth largest as well as the busiest ports in the world.

2. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is highly known for its low taxation and free trade policy, has retained its second position this year; it ranked the second position last year. Hong Kong’s per capita income is very high compared to other Asian countries.

In terms of business, Hong Kong provides the maximum economic and financial freedom in the Asian region. The quality of life in Hong Kong is also very high and has already received many appreciations from the UN and WHO.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand has a highly protectionist economy that offers a free-trade economy. Its free trade policies are one of the main reasons; it is still the third best country for business.

New Zealand has one of the modernized as well as developed economies in the world. It’s GDP and PPP is also very high.

Agriculture is one of the main reasons behind the economic growth of New Zealand. Over the past century, wool was the main agricultural products of New Zealand. However, the reduction in the price has made dairy farming as one of the main source in the recent times.

4. United States

The nineteenth century has been the best period for the economic growth of U.S.

U.S. stands in the fourth rank in this list; it was also the same in 2012. It has the largest economy in the world as well as a higher rate of per capita GDP.

It has a capitalist mixed economy, which depends mostly on its natural resources. The U.S. currency is one of the mostly used currencies across the globe.

5. Denmark

Doing business rank (2011): 5 Doing business rank (2012): 5

Denmark is the pioneer nation to introduce social and labor-market reforms. This took place in Denmark in the early twentieth century. Well, this is the main reason of Denmark’s highly developed economy.

Denmark has the most flexible labor market in the Europe. It has also been ranked as the easiest place to do business. Setting up a business in Denmark can be accomplished within a few hours and the cost is also comparatively low. The flexibility in the market allows the employers to hire employees whenever they want and also do the same, in case they has to fire the employees.

6. Norway

Norway has made a progress of one move. When last year, it was on the seventh position, this year, Norway has made it to the sixth rank in this list.

It is second wealthiest county in the world. From the last six years, it has been the leader in the Human Development Index rate. The Norwegian economy is considered as one of the most stable economies in the world.

The main resources of Norway are petroleum, hydropower, forests, minerals and fish. It also has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

7. United Kingdom

Last year, United Kingdom was ranked as the sixth best nation to carry out business. This year, it has slipped down to one slot to the seventh position in the same list.

United Kingdom is the world’s first industrialized nation of the world and is considered as one of the developed nations in the world at present. Its economy is the sixth largest in the world.

It is an impactful country and has a higher influence in the international trade and commerce. It offers much freedom of business to the insiders as well as to the outsiders.

8. South Korea

South Korea has climbed up by seven slots and is ranked as the eighth best country for doing business; last year, it was on the fifteenth place.

The economy of South Korea, which is highly dependent on the exports, is the fourth largest economy in the world. In order to promote international trade, South Korea joined hands for a free trade government in 2010.

South Korea is one of the global leaders in exporting robotics, electronic products, petrochemicals, automobiles, ships and petrochemicals.

9. Georgia

Since Georgia is very closely associated with the Black Sea, it has been the trading partners of many other nations from the ages. During the olden times, Georgia was one of the leaders in trading valuable and precious metals; gold, silver and coppers were the chief metals. Wine making has also been one of the traditional businesses in Georgia.

At the recent times, Georgia has reformed itself into a free market economy. It is one of the fastest growing nations in the world. It has been ranked as the ‘the number one economic reformer in the world’ by the World Bank.

10. Australia

In the year 2010, Australia was ranked as the third country in the list of 'Index of Economic Frredom'. Australia has the thirteenth largest economy in the world and is also the country with fifth largest per capita GDP.

Australia's trade and commerce started rising vigorously by the starting of the twenty-first century. even though the Australian economy tasted growth in the early 2012-2013, its non-mining economy affected its economy by a certain extent.

Agriculture has been one of the main sources of Australia’s economic growth.

NOW My Question :

Some of these countries are already Bitcoin friendly, after all most of the Miners and traders are from Japan and US. But which of these countries has the best possibility to turn into what 'Switzerland is to Fiat currency' .. in other words, which of these countries are still under exposed to the concept of Bitcoin and why do you think they can become a better market in the future.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 03:41:18 AM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 03:43:48 AM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

Its just a small platform on 2 giant Pillars !!! no way in hell will it be ale to support & sustain itself in the long run ... let alone support the Bitcoin community !

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 03:53:05 AM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

Its just a small platform on 2 giant Pillars !!! no way in hell will it be ale to support & sustain itself in the long run ... let alone support the Bitcoin community !
3 things:
1) How much space do you need to run a bunch of servers? A digital Switzerland for a digital currency.
2) How long-run do you need? It's been going since '67.
3) And like I said, there are other micronations. It doesn't have to be Sealand.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Walter Rothbard on April 24, 2013, 03:59:14 AM
How about Tor?


Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: chmod755 on April 24, 2013, 04:27:57 AM
Denmark is listed twice. Relevant:

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 04:43:51 AM
How about Tor?


Isnt that a Browser ?

Edit -

1) How much space do you need to run a bunch of servers? A digital Switzerland for a digital currency.

At least a few large hangars. That little shelf isnt as big as a single hangar.

2) How long-run do you need? It's been going since '67.

If I remember correctly they are trying to sell it.

3) And like I said, there are other micronations. It doesn't have to be Sealand.
Well yeah but Micronations arent really strong or powerful enough to make an impact globally

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 04:45:17 AM
Denmark is listed twice. Relevant:

Fixed ;)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: glub0x on April 24, 2013, 09:27:23 AM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: w00t on April 24, 2013, 09:33:14 AM

I don't know how it is to do business in Iceland but I believe after 2007 it got better (as the big banks were wiped out).

Though considering what happened with megaupload I think US and HK are absolutely out of the question. NZ might be possible I have no idea about the others.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 09:48:54 AM

I don't know how it is to do business in Iceland but I believe after 2007 it got better (as the big banks were wiped out).

Though considering what happened with megaupload I think US and HK are absolutely out of the question. NZ might be possible I have no idea about the others.

I Still listen to that song :D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on April 24, 2013, 10:25:17 AM
Curious ... Switzerland is not listed as poll option?

Why can't Switzerland be the Switzerland of bitcoin?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BitGlory on April 24, 2013, 12:01:08 PM
Belize, one of the few blacklisted nations by OCSE.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: johnyj on April 24, 2013, 12:26:28 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

Exactly, bitcoin need a totally different country since most of the existing countries are all tied to the same old financial system

Another possibility is off-shore tax heaven countries

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on April 24, 2013, 12:33:50 PM
And don't forget the Cayman Islands. Antigua. Etc. the poll is not broad enough IMHO. :-)

Belize, one of the few blacklisted nations by OCSE.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: fivemileshigh on April 24, 2013, 01:08:19 PM
If you mean Switzerland of its former banking reputation, then the whole concept does not apply to bitcoin. All you need is net access, power and a place you gear won't get rained on.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Kaiji on April 24, 2013, 01:36:38 PM

Scandinavian countries might be able to fit that role.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: SuperHakka on April 24, 2013, 01:40:18 PM
methinks finland is best

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Spendulus on April 24, 2013, 02:23:30 PM
First it is necessary to establish what is desirable for a "switzerland of bitcoin."

It certainly must have multiple sound and long established links into the major banking systems.  The banks should preferably not be owned or operated by the State.  There should be multiple independent international banks which can accept wire transfers and do wire transfers without restrictions.  (Belize has some problems in these respects, as does Hong Kong.)

Having said that, I'd vote for multiple places to include the Bahamas and Singapore.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 03:37:28 PM
Curious why none of you take the name of middle eastern countries like UAE ??

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: oleganza on April 24, 2013, 05:35:33 PM
Iceland? Cheap electricity that cannot be moved outside, only wasted inside (perfect for mining farms). Newly elected government, yet not communistic. The moment BTC becomes their reserve or daily currency, they become the richest country on the planet.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: wrenchmonkey on April 24, 2013, 05:42:24 PM
I think the U.S. is crucial to the ability of the Bitcoin to become a stable currency (without a USD exchange, it's not a viable currency). Hopefully the oligarchs don't catch on too early, and shut down the exchanges. Once Bitcoin is capable of standing on its own, I believe Singapore is the next most important piece of the pie, and the U.S. can then go ahead and die an economic death, and it won't affect BTC much, globally. Not before, however.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Ivanhoe on April 24, 2013, 05:51:43 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

You can't pick Sealand or other micronations, because they are not recognized by other countries. It only takes 3 boats full of cops for the UK to wipe Bitcoin out of there.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: becoin on April 24, 2013, 05:59:00 PM
I am going to re-post or rather copy paste an article from siliconindia here with my question that will follow it
LOL. How can I vote for Switzerland?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: niner on April 24, 2013, 06:05:30 PM
... Some of these countries are already Bitcoin friendly, after all most of the Miners and traders are from Japan and US. But which of these countries has the best possibility to turn into what 'Switzerland is to Fiat currency' .. in other words, which of these countries are still under exposed to the concept of Bitcoin and why do you think they can become a better market in the future.

You mean what Switzerland *was* to Fiat currency.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 06:12:54 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

You can't pick Sealand or other micronations, because they are not recognized by other countries. It only takes 3 boats full of cops for the UK to wipe Bitcoin out of there.

On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: teodor87 on April 24, 2013, 06:14:44 PM
Singapore is the best country of doing business. So I guess bitcoin is going to be best accepted there.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BTCLuke on April 24, 2013, 06:34:46 PM
No Chile?

Here's a thought for you; Perhaps we don't WANT a 'Switzerland of bitcoin?'

Remember that thing called decentralization? It's hard to stay decentralized when a nation becomes a prominent miner.

Frankly I'd be much more happy to learn that ALL countries started mining some bitcoin each...

On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.
I think we both know that if Sealand were pumping up oil or something that the UK wanted, that judge would never have been allowed to even address the subject.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 06:43:25 PM
On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.
I think we both know that if Sealand were pumping up oil or something that the UK wanted, that judge would never have been allowed to even address the subject.
Probably not, no. But he was, and he said it, and it's been the basis of Sealand's ongoing independence since. It's in international waters, and everyone seems to respect it's "borders," So I'd say it's de facto recognized, even without a UN declaration.

Frankly I'd be much more happy to learn that ALL countries started mining some bitcoin each...
As would I. Get them involved in the currency wars on the light side of the Force.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BTCLuke on April 24, 2013, 07:30:12 PM
As would I. Get them involved in the currency wars on the light side of the Force.
Wouldn't that be sweet, sweet irony?

Politicians can be quite dumb sometimes though, perhaps we could pull it off. ;)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: bitcoincraps on April 24, 2013, 07:32:45 PM
Offshore jurisdictions or maybe Singapore.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: glendall on April 24, 2013, 07:33:22 PM

Most of the Earth is currently in the year 2013.  Japan I think exists in the year 2015, or 2015 and a half.

I mean they have robot spiders and stuff.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: kokjo on April 24, 2013, 07:37:26 PM
@myrkul: Sealand, offshore offline bitcoin cold storage?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 07:39:59 PM
@myrkul: Sealand, offshore offline bitcoin cold storage?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: nobbynobbynoob on April 24, 2013, 07:40:41 PM
Yeah, Bitcoin doesn't really need a "capital" or anything. But Japan wouldn't be the very worst option, with it being the (currently) accommodating home of Magic The Gathering Online eXchange.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: kokjo on April 24, 2013, 07:45:26 PM
@myrkul: Sealand, offshore offline bitcoin cold storage?
yes, but thats all about big data. a private key can you have in your head... there would be no need for a data haven in bitcoin's case.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 07:48:52 PM
@myrkul: Sealand, offshore offline bitcoin cold storage?
yes, but thats all about big data. a private key can you have in your head... there would be no need for a data haven in bitcoin's case.
Not for individual wallets, no. But a data haven would be a great place for Bitcoin businesses to be "registered" and hosted.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BTCLuke on April 24, 2013, 07:58:23 PM
Not for individual wallets, no. But a data haven would be a great place for Bitcoin businesses to be "registered" and hosted.
I think we should set our standards higher than this.

Instead of so many putting so many eggs in one single basket, even if that basket is on Neptune, governments have proven themselves sinister and will go anywhere and break any law to take out these single points of failure that this strategy would create. Look at what they did to KimDotCom.

Whenever a problem presents itself like this, any time in the future, just remember that Decentralized, peer-to-peer software can solve it. ANY problem.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Malawi on April 24, 2013, 08:03:48 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

A bonkers guy with his family? Nah.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Malawi on April 24, 2013, 08:07:06 PM
Curious why none of you take the name of middle eastern countries like UAE ??

Name one that is stable enough, and is a democracy that can guarantee future stability.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 08:10:19 PM
Curious why none of you take the name of middle eastern countries like UAE ??

Name one that is stable enough, and is a democracy that can guarantee future stability.

Those two things? Mutually exclusive.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: zeroday on April 24, 2013, 08:13:27 PM
Ecuador, when they adopt bitcoin as advised by Julian Assange

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: dtuur on April 24, 2013, 10:30:48 PM
Where is Argentina on this list?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Ivanhoe on April 24, 2013, 10:38:04 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

You can't pick Sealand or other micronations, because they are not recognized by other countries. It only takes 3 boats full of cops for the UK to wipe Bitcoin out of there.

On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.
Yes, but did they anything harmful to the UK except for being rebels? I don't think so. If bitcoin would base there they would wipe it out immediatly. I like your out-of-the-box thinking, i think however that it is better for bitcoin to base in a country which has better diplomatic relations with the current powers.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 10:44:10 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

You can't pick Sealand or other micronations, because they are not recognized by other countries. It only takes 3 boats full of cops for the UK to wipe Bitcoin out of there.

On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.
Yes, but did they anything harmful to the UK except for being rebels? I don't think so. If bitcoin would base there they would wipe it out immediately. I like your out-of-the-box thinking, i think however that it is better for bitcoin to base in a country which has better diplomatic relations with the current powers.
I'd rather bitcoin not base in any country. It's stateless as it is, it should stay that way. Maybe Somalia?  :D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Ivanhoe on April 24, 2013, 10:47:43 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

You can't pick Sealand or other micronations, because they are not recognized by other countries. It only takes 3 boats full of cops for the UK to wipe Bitcoin out of there.

On the contrary, they've already tried to kick him out, and failed:
During his summing up the judge said “This is a swash buckling incident perhaps more akin to the time of “Sir Francis Drake” but it is my judgment is that the UK courts have no jurisdiction.” This was Sealand’s first de facto recognition.
Yes, but did they anything harmful to the UK except for being rebels? I don't think so. If bitcoin would base there they would wipe it out immediately. I like your out-of-the-box thinking, i think however that it is better for bitcoin to base in a country which has better diplomatic relations with the current powers.
I'd rather bitcoin not base in any country. It's stateless as it is, it should stay that way. Maybe Somalia?  :D
I prefer the moon or mars.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 24, 2013, 10:52:03 PM
I prefer the moon or mars.

We need to make sure one of these guys is a Bitcoiner, then.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 24, 2013, 10:55:21 PM
Curious why none of you take the name of middle eastern countries like UAE ??

Name one that is stable enough, and is a democracy that can guarantee future stability.

UAE is stable enough.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: botlove on April 25, 2013, 12:28:04 AM
I'd like to see an exchange created within a native American reservation territory in the USA


Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 25, 2013, 12:41:27 AM
I'd like to see an exchange created within a native American reservation territory in the USA

That's... a really good idea.

I wonder how the AML stuff would play out.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: DoomDumas on April 25, 2013, 06:00:40 AM
You must add : ICELAND to the pool, as they are aiming to become the switzerland of the information.. With cheap electricity, and an interesting geographic position, their politicians have understood the potential.. ICELAND may become to the information/internet what Switzerland was to the money !

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on April 25, 2013, 08:02:39 PM
I agree, please add Iceland, The Cayman Islands, Antigua, the Cook Islands, Panama, and Monaco.  Many are tax havens and could be amenable to other ideas that would help their economies.   :-)

Edit: and Honduras  - perhaps in one of their new cities: (

You must add : ICELAND to the pool, as they are aiming to become the switzerland of the information.. With cheap electricity, and an interesting geographic position, their politicians have understood the potential.. ICELAND may become to the information/internet what Switzerland was to the money !

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Malawi on April 25, 2013, 08:57:44 PM
Disagree about the tax-havens, as they are generally connected to crime.

BTC should be everywhere. There should be a large network of smaller exchanges that together make a huge one. Just like the internet, you want many accessspoints and you want the accesspoints to be connected to several other nodes.

Try getting your fiat in and out of the BTC, unless you are in the US, it takes days! It's quicker to get in a car drive non-stop to the receiving bank than it is to wire it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 25, 2013, 09:34:32 PM
Disagree about the tax-havens, as they are generally connected to crime.
LOL... and of course Bitcoin isn't... ::)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Malawi on April 25, 2013, 11:06:30 PM
Disagree about the tax-havens, as they are generally connected to crime.
LOL... and of course Bitcoin isn't... ::)

My point exactly  ;)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: thomashrev89 on April 25, 2013, 11:08:28 PM
in scandinavia sweden will be first, they are the technology geeks of this area.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Malawi on April 25, 2013, 11:46:06 PM
in scandinavia sweden will be first, they are the technology geeks of this area.

U sure? How about Finland? I think Finland have a pretty large footprint online compared to number of inhabitants. Hey - even Linus Torvalds is from Finland.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 26, 2013, 05:11:25 AM
The real obstacle for bitcoin according to MY THINKING is its comparison to USD.

Lets face it Bitcoin is the currency of the future it is NOTHING like the paper money, yet when we talk about profitability for mining bitcoins we consider what is it's price relative to USD or EURO .. seriously dont you think that this is a drawback ?

I would say any country that adopts bitcoins in a way and allows small shops and local vendors to accept bitcoins instead of credit cards  and also allow banks to accept such,

If Sealand allows this then sealand it is if England allows this then England it is.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Raize on April 26, 2013, 05:32:59 AM
It's hard to take this poll seriously when it doesn't have Thailand or Iceland.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 27, 2013, 03:22:22 AM
It's hard to take this poll seriously when it doesn't have Thailand or Iceland.
Other voters and commenters have :)
Explain your reason for adding those countries ? WHY are they any better ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on April 27, 2013, 10:07:42 AM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 27, 2013, 05:04:44 PM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?


Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 27, 2013, 05:08:04 PM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?

Well, in that case, why is any country on this list? They all stand to lose control of their currency if they adopt Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 28, 2013, 10:18:31 AM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?

Well, in that case, why is any country on this list? They all stand to lose control of their currency if they adopt Bitcoin.

If the local police didnt loose their jobs because the 'Interpol' existed why would these governments loose their indigenous currency if 'Bitcoins' exist ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 28, 2013, 01:35:58 PM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?

Well, in that case, why is any country on this list? They all stand to lose control of their currency if they adopt Bitcoin.

If the local police didnt loose their jobs because the 'Interpol' existed why would these governments loose their indigenous currency if 'Bitcoins' exist ?
You're talking about a country becoming the "Switzerland" of Bitcoin, ie basing a large percentage, perhaps even 100%, of it's economy on Bitcoin services. Any country that did so would soon find that it's currency was valued in Bitcoins, rather than the other way around, and in any economy where one can live entirely in bitcoin, the local government has officially lost control of that economy. The best it can hope for is to tax around the edges.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: micalith on April 28, 2013, 05:54:58 PM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: arruah on April 29, 2013, 04:34:42 AM
Please add Kazakhstan to vote :)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 29, 2013, 07:29:48 AM
Statist/socialists don't like bitcoin because they lose control.

Where is Argentina on this list?

Well, in that case, why is any country on this list? They all stand to lose control of their currency if they adopt Bitcoin.

If the local police didnt loose their jobs because the 'Interpol' existed why would these governments loose their indigenous currency if 'Bitcoins' exist ?
You're talking about a country becoming the "Switzerland" of Bitcoin, ie basing a large percentage, perhaps even 100%, of it's economy on Bitcoin services. Any country that did so would soon find that it's currency was valued in Bitcoins, rather than the other way around, and in any economy where one can live entirely in bitcoin, the local government has officially lost control of that economy. The best it can hope for is to tax around the edges.

We have to look past the fact how the OLD currency system used to work. Everyone knows that paper money is not made for online transactions. So for a country to become the 'switzerland' of bitcoin does not necessarily have to depend it's ENTIRE economy on bitcoin, it can simply adopt it's traditional currency for day to day & physical use  while adopting Bitcoins as the officially recognized currency for online transactions.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on April 29, 2013, 07:30:28 AM
Please add Kazakhstan to vote :)

If you want a certain country included then please explain your reasons as to why it should be included.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: dtuur on April 29, 2013, 01:24:38 PM
My reasons to include Argentina were:

- people are willing to take a risk, as the fiat status quo is already financially extremely risky
- there is already a functional système D in Argentina, functioning outside of official boundaries and procedures
- this is not a third world country, there is a large middle class that is reasonably well informed and with internet in Argentina

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on April 29, 2013, 02:35:41 PM
Given the events in Argentina, I believe it would be possible that a lot of *people* would be interested in bitcoin to preserve wealthy and get money out of the country.  Under the current regime, having it official is highly unlikely, but having it unofficial seems much more reasonable.  Avalon or Butterfly (or ?) could no doubt sell a lot of units there in order to seed bitcoins in the area.  This seems to be the problem - there are a lot of people who have pesos, converting them to BTC or USD or any other currency is difficult.

(Similarly, Venezuela could have used a similar vehicle in the late 1990s.)

My reasons to include Argentina were:

- people are willing to take a risk, as the fiat status quo is already financially extremely risky
- there is already a functional système D in Argentina, functioning outside of official boundaries and procedures
- this is not a third world country, there is a large middle class that is reasonably well informed and with internet in Argentina

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on April 29, 2013, 02:39:46 PM
We have to look past the fact how the OLD currency system used to work. Everyone knows that paper money is not made for online transactions. So for a country to become the 'switzerland' of bitcoin does not necessarily have to depend it's ENTIRE economy on bitcoin, it can simply adopt it's traditional currency for day to day & physical use  while adopting Bitcoins as the officially recognized currency for online transactions.
I see. So, Why isn't "The Internet" on the list?

Switzerland's economy is largely banking and finance-based. In order for something to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" it would need to base a large portion of it's economy on bitcoin services. If you mean by that, only online services, then why must there be a physical location at all?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 02, 2013, 09:37:54 AM
We have to look past the fact how the OLD currency system used to work. Everyone knows that paper money is not made for online transactions. So for a country to become the 'switzerland' of bitcoin does not necessarily have to depend it's ENTIRE economy on bitcoin, it can simply adopt it's traditional currency for day to day & physical use  while adopting Bitcoins as the officially recognized currency for online transactions.
I see. So, Why isn't "The Internet" on the list?

Switzerland's economy is largely banking and finance-based. In order for something to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" it would need to base a large portion of it's economy on bitcoin services. If you mean by that, only online services, then why must there be a physical location at all?

I m not an all knowing expert or a guru, I m just saying what I think is right according to me, I could be probably wrong and hence I started this discussion.

My point : Just because the Internet came into existence didnt mean the SW radios went extinct.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: dego on May 02, 2013, 04:16:01 PM
You can send your coins to my moon base... I'll only take a fee for storage to cover my cost... Should I start a kickstarter project? C'mon and fund moon.bit....

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: qualalol on May 02, 2013, 04:48:59 PM
We have to look past the fact how the OLD currency system used to work. Everyone knows that paper money is not made for online transactions. So for a country to become the 'switzerland' of bitcoin does not necessarily have to depend it's ENTIRE economy on bitcoin, it can simply adopt it's traditional currency for day to day & physical use  while adopting Bitcoins as the officially recognized currency for online transactions.
I see. So, Why isn't "The Internet" on the list?

Switzerland's economy is largely banking and finance-based. In order for something to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" it would need to base a large portion of it's economy on bitcoin services. If you mean by that, only online services, then why must there be a physical location at all?
False: The financial sector is only about 12% of GDP.

Switzerland looks as good for BTC as it does for Fiat precisely for exactly the same reasons: neutrality, stability, independence. Laws aren't set on the whims of those in Government or their sponsors (mainly since the people have full control over the laws, partly since you don't have one overall leader and/or leading political party), and due process is more or less guaranteed.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 04, 2013, 09:33:19 AM
You can send your coins to my moon base... I'll only take a fee for storage to cover my cost... Should I start a kickstarter project? C'mon and fund moon.bit....

+1 lol

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 04, 2013, 09:37:55 AM
We have to look past the fact how the OLD currency system used to work. Everyone knows that paper money is not made for online transactions. So for a country to become the 'switzerland' of bitcoin does not necessarily have to depend it's ENTIRE economy on bitcoin, it can simply adopt it's traditional currency for day to day & physical use  while adopting Bitcoins as the officially recognized currency for online transactions.
I see. So, Why isn't "The Internet" on the list?

Switzerland's economy is largely banking and finance-based. In order for something to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" it would need to base a large portion of it's economy on bitcoin services. If you mean by that, only online services, then why must there be a physical location at all?
False: The financial sector is only about 12% of GDP.

Switzerland looks as good for BTC as it does for Fiat precisely for exactly the same reasons: neutrality, stability, independence. Laws aren't set on the whims of those in Government or their sponsors (mainly since the people have full control over the laws, partly since you don't have one overall leader and/or leading political party), and due process is more or less guaranteed.


Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Ferdinandreyes on May 04, 2013, 02:46:09 PM
I think that Bitcoin would be important in some parts of Africa too.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 04, 2013, 07:57:43 PM
I think that Bitcoin would be important in some parts of Africa too.

Lol most of them (Africanos) dont have computers :P

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on May 04, 2013, 07:59:50 PM
I think that Bitcoin would be important in some parts of Africa too.

Lol most of them (Africanos) dont have computers :P
But a surprising amount have cell phones.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 04, 2013, 08:21:32 PM
I think that Bitcoin would be important in some parts of Africa too.

Lol most of them (Africanos) dont have computers :P
But a surprising amount have cell phones.

In all seriousness I believe South Africa can be a great place to start with Bitcoin in Africa.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Zaih on May 05, 2013, 01:03:20 AM
Australia... *chuckles*

South Africa!

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Bennmann on May 07, 2013, 04:26:25 AM
Finland not on the list? Surprising:

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: kurious on May 07, 2013, 08:37:35 AM

Possibly the coolest country in the world - and with plenty of cheap, green power for server farms....

A lot of frustrated people there who are tech savvy, highly educated and savvy with banking and exchange - they have to be!

Gets my vote - seriously.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: zero3112 on May 07, 2013, 11:06:30 PM
Somewhere in Asia most likely.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on May 08, 2013, 10:46:54 AM
Guys take a look.

Leave Feedback PLEASE Read my entire post & all the replies/comments there before asking anything.;all

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on June 07, 2013, 07:58:21 PM
So I guess I should take off america from the List now ?? #Prism ???

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: myrkul on June 07, 2013, 09:10:23 PM
So I guess I should take off america from the List now ?? #Prism ???
I don't understand why it was ever on there, frankly.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: torbank on June 08, 2013, 06:06:41 AM
Macau maybe?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: niothor on June 08, 2013, 01:18:03 PM
I find it ironic that Switzerland is not on the list :)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on September 04, 2013, 09:08:03 AM
I find it ironic that Switzerland is not on the list :)
I find it ironic when Iron has nothing to do with Ironic.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: caveden on September 04, 2013, 09:16:35 AM
I can't answer the question, but shouldn't Panamá at least be on the list?

They have no central bank. They're also "dollarized". The Panamanian government has much less motivation to resit Bitcoin than most others, as it doesn't control money supply (so it doesn't feed itself from inflation) and it doesn't even have a central bank cartel to look after. Of course, when pressure comes from uncle Sam, they may eventually fold. But that applies to all of them.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on September 04, 2013, 09:27:40 AM
I can't answer the question, but shouldn't Panamá at least be on the list?

They have no central bank. They're also "dollarized". The Panamanian government has much less motivation to resit Bitcoin than most others, as it doesn't control money supply (so it doesn't feed itself from inflation) and it doesn't even have a central bank cartel to look after. Of course, when pressure comes from uncle Sam, they may eventually fold. But that applies to all of them.

Good point, but you also failed to notice that you are the first person even mentioning Panama.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: caveden on September 04, 2013, 09:47:27 AM
Not really:

But anyway, I was just trying to explain why I think Panamá is a decent candidate, not criticizing you for not having put it there from the start.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: viboracecata on September 04, 2013, 10:02:31 AM
South East Asia.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on September 04, 2013, 10:57:21 AM
Your points regarding Panama are very good.

Not really:

But anyway, I was just trying to explain why I think Panamá is a decent candidate, not criticizing you for not having put it there from the start.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: flagel8 on September 04, 2013, 02:04:41 PM
Canada:        TIMBITCOINS!

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 04, 2013, 03:01:34 PM
It feels like there never will be one individual "Bitcoin country", the propagation so far has been thin and disparate. The imbalance of having an economy (especially a small national economy) that all but forces all foreign inflows and outflows to convert into and out of BTC should act as a natural barrier to it. What I'd expect is the low-level prevalence to gently climb amongst many economies and "common business pathways", until BTC use and inter-use get to some significant minority status within these numerous nations. Then, it's make or break (before that stage happens, transaction rate scaling problems must be solved + economic crisis must be kicked further into the rough)

Right now, the Bitcoin safe haven is confined to bedrooms, basements, apartments and datacenters across the whole world. Better than a nation state IMO.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on September 04, 2013, 05:16:26 PM
It feels like there never will be one individual "Bitcoin country", the propagation so far has been thin and disparate. The imbalance of having an economy (especially a small national economy) that all but forces all foreign inflows and outflows to convert into and out of BTC should act as a natural barrier to it. What I'd expect is the low-level prevalence to gently climb amongst many economies and "common business pathways", until BTC use and inter-use get to some significant minority status within these numerous nations. Then, it's make or break (before that stage happens, transaction rate scaling problems must be solved + economic crisis must be kicked further into the rough)

Right now, the Bitcoin safe haven is confined to bedrooms, basements, apartments and datacenters across the whole world. Better than a nation state IMO.

I think we should form a virtual state.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on September 04, 2013, 05:16:46 PM
Not really:

But anyway, I was just trying to explain why I think Panamá is a decent candidate, not criticizing you for not having put it there from the start.

I appreciate your research and admit my fault.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 04, 2013, 05:42:23 PM
It feels like there never will be one individual "Bitcoin country", the propagation so far has been thin and disparate. The imbalance of having an economy (especially a small national economy) that all but forces all foreign inflows and outflows to convert into and out of BTC should act as a natural barrier to it. What I'd expect is the low-level prevalence to gently climb amongst many economies and "common business pathways", until BTC use and inter-use get to some significant minority status within these numerous nations. Then, it's make or break (before that stage happens, transaction rate scaling problems must be solved + economic crisis must be kicked further into the rough)

Right now, the Bitcoin safe haven is confined to bedrooms, basements, apartments and datacenters across the whole world. Better than a nation state IMO.

I think we should form a virtual state.

I think we might already be doing it  ;D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: xxjs on September 04, 2013, 07:29:19 PM
I can't answer the question, but shouldn't Panamá at least be on the list?

They have no central bank. They're also "dollarized". The Panamanian government has much less motivation to resit Bitcoin than most others, as it doesn't control money supply (so it doesn't feed itself from inflation) and it doesn't even have a central bank cartel to look after. Of course, when pressure comes from uncle Sam, they may eventually fold. But that applies to all of them.

Panama is one of a few countries that use USD in stead of its own money. Digging just a bit, it appears that they also have a Panama Balboa, which is pegged to the USD. They have not printed bills for years, and their coins have the same shape as the USAian ones. They have a relatively small government consistent with absense of the inflation tax. It could also be non-related. There is close connection to the USA via different treaties, Panama Canal, return of bases, war on drugs. Supposedly some of the police and militarty support programs from USA could compensate for the lack of inflation tax. They also have a "vibrant" financial sector.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on September 04, 2013, 11:15:18 PM
It feels like there never will be one individual "Bitcoin country", the propagation so far has been thin and disparate. The imbalance of having an economy (especially a small national economy) that all but forces all foreign inflows and outflows to convert into and out of BTC should act as a natural barrier to it. What I'd expect is the low-level prevalence to gently climb amongst many economies and "common business pathways", until BTC use and inter-use get to some significant minority status within these numerous nations. Then, it's make or break (before that stage happens, transaction rate scaling problems must be solved + economic crisis must be kicked further into the rough)

Right now, the Bitcoin safe haven is confined to bedrooms, basements, apartments and datacenters across the whole world. Better than a nation state IMO.

I think we should form a virtual state.

I think we might already be doing it  ;D

These are actually really important ideas. I'm not sure if you have read Stephenson's "SnowCrash" but there is a theme running through it whereby virtual nations are formed around common virtual currencies, kind of like rewards point or etc issued by multi-nationals and other groups.

So imagine if many local bitcoin groups formed their own bitcoin-friendly trading areas (e.g. Kreuzberg), gated communities, villages or similar all over the world. Then when any bitcoin user is travelling they can stay at the local bitcoin village and use his/her bitcoins there. These 'enclaves' form something of separate micro-economy in each of the countries they reside but are all connected by the common currency globally. Like a global 'virtual' state that exists inside every nation state they are allowed to ...

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: luckyindia on September 05, 2013, 01:54:56 AM
Presently Bitcoin is in Beta phase-it is in CORRECTION MODE.The Switzerland of Bitcoin is that virtual land where BTC is freely convertible to any fiat currency/precious metal.....and where NO FUCKING HACKER  can dance as every Bitcoin exchange functions with GOLD STANDARD as its FUNDAMENTAL STRENGTH....Please check

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Spekulatius on September 05, 2013, 06:13:34 AM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on September 05, 2013, 10:13:08 AM

Support your Answer with reason ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tspacepilot on September 05, 2013, 05:57:22 PM
You forgot The Principality of Sealand (

No, I'm not trolling. I think they, or another micronation, could very well take Switzerland's place in the Bitcoin economy.

Its just a small platform on 2 giant Pillars !!! no way in hell will it be ale to support & sustain itself in the long run ... let alone support the Bitcoin community !

All they need is a lot of servers and good bandwidth.  Why would the size of the platform get in the way?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 05, 2013, 07:44:10 PM
It feels like there never will be one individual "Bitcoin country", the propagation so far has been thin and disparate. The imbalance of having an economy (especially a small national economy) that all but forces all foreign inflows and outflows to convert into and out of BTC should act as a natural barrier to it. What I'd expect is the low-level prevalence to gently climb amongst many economies and "common business pathways", until BTC use and inter-use get to some significant minority status within these numerous nations. Then, it's make or break (before that stage happens, transaction rate scaling problems must be solved + economic crisis must be kicked further into the rough)

Right now, the Bitcoin safe haven is confined to bedrooms, basements, apartments and datacenters across the whole world. Better than a nation state IMO.

I think we should form a virtual state.

I think we might already be doing it  ;D

These are actually really important ideas. I'm not sure if you have read Stephenson's "SnowCrash" but there is a theme running through it whereby virtual nations are formed around common virtual currencies, kind of like rewards point or etc issued by multi-nationals and other groups.

So imagine if many local bitcoin groups formed their own bitcoin-friendly trading areas (e.g. Kreuzberg), gated communities, villages or similar all over the world. Then when any bitcoin user is travelling they can stay at the local bitcoin village and use his/her bitcoins there. These 'enclaves' form something of separate micro-economy in each of the countries they reside but are all connected by the common currency globally. Like a global 'virtual' state that exists inside every nation state they are allowed to ...

Indeed, the proto-state-virtual trail seems to be nearing unbroken chain proportions according to USA and EU can almost be traversed spending BTC on the vitals as you go, but there just isn't quite enough take-up to reliably get all goods everywhere. I thought the recent thread asking "are we in a closed-loop economy yet?" was interesting, it seems that Finland is closest of all. And you might expect that independent, self-reliant attitude from that sort of culture. Maybe the virtual state trail isn't yet possible trans-nationally, but you could have a close simulation by taking a week or a weekend out in Helsinki. Like a Bitcoin POS shop window  :D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: 600watt on September 05, 2013, 09:08:57 PM
what about germany ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: akhentek on September 06, 2013, 09:41:41 PM
Canada should be on that list.

FinTrac is the FinCen equivalent here, and their guidance is regards to digital currencies is much more favourable than our neighbours south of the border.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Herp on September 06, 2013, 11:28:17 PM
Germany is missing from the list. Berlin is already most popular Bitcoin city and attitude towards Bitcoin in Germany has been very friendly at the political level. After the nightmare of Weimar inflation a such deflationary currency is certainly an appealing proposition. It's also great way for Germans to escape the upcoming massive ECB printing.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: DPoS on September 07, 2013, 09:45:55 PM
Maybe India if they get their head out of their ass

they just dumped their currency 25% recently so the people got hosed there.. but it keeps the outsource jobs flowing

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 14, 2013, 02:22:19 AM
Maybe India if they get their head out of their ass

they just dumped their currency 25% recently so the people got hosed there.. but it keeps the outsource jobs flowing

I would be shocked if it is a country as vast, diverse, undeveloped, and superstitious as India. It would benefit them greatly if/when they do embrace virtual currency, but I cannot envision them leading the way. It will almost certainly be a small, progressive, technologically advanced country like Finland.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 14, 2013, 01:06:10 PM
Maybe India if they get their head out of their ass

they just dumped their currency 25% recently so the people got hosed there.. but it keeps the outsource jobs flowing

I would be shocked if it is a country as vast, diverse, undeveloped, and superstitious as India. It would benefit them greatly if/when they do embrace virtual currency, but I cannot envision them leading the way. It will almost certainly be a small, progressive, technologically advanced country like Finland.

I'm sort of surprised that Iceland haven't had more (visible) BTC take-up, although maybe they're just not shouting about it. Smaller than Finland, progressive, and technologically advanced too, plus there's the Internet Freedomtm branding as well. Maybe they're cautious about wild sounding banking concepts after their banking collapse, though.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 14, 2013, 08:00:55 PM
You guys are way off base.

You need to look at which countries have the best privacy laws.

Off the top of my head:

Principality of Andorra (located between Spain and France)
Monaco (Principality)
Sultunate of Brunei
British Virgin Islands
Gibraltar (UK)

Read this website:
It talks about the best countries to form an offshore corporation based on privacy laws and taxation laws. I believe the same principles would apply to this thread.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 15, 2013, 02:48:21 AM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 15, 2013, 03:46:25 AM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

If you want Bitcoin to die a quick death, then hope for that scenario. Really, could your suggestion be any dumber?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: becoin on September 15, 2013, 10:08:57 AM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

If you want Bitcoin to die a quick death, then hope for that scenario. Really, could your suggestion be any dumber?
Any arguments to back your statement?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 15, 2013, 06:53:28 PM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

If you want Bitcoin to die a quick death, then hope for that scenario. Really, could your suggestion be any dumber?
Any arguments to back your statement?

Sorry, I thought I was dealing with someone who knew better...

But to help you out, look at the state of Iran's current economy. In the last 2 years it has had crippling inflation, produce is unaffordable for the average Iranian.
Why? Because the US and cooperating International Countries have levied sanctions on this murderous regime who threatens to commit genocide on an entire nation, while actively pursuing nuclear weapons. Why would you want to side with the enemy of the USA and allied countries?

If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible. That is a line you do not want to cross.

I almost forgot to mention, their are international economic sanctions on Iran, with VERY HARSH PENALTIES for ANYONE who does business with Iran in any way, shape or form.

Plus, who the hell wants to be associated with Iran? The country's leaders regularly preach "death to the infidel" (any non-Muslims). They follow Sharia Law and accordingly cut off the hands of thieves, make raped women marry their rapist, and worse.

Still think it's a good idea?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: eXme on September 15, 2013, 08:34:45 PM
plzzzz pick Nigeria!!1

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: becoin on September 15, 2013, 09:14:31 PM
If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible.
My little boy, the whole question is not about Iran. It is about the US. Nobody will care about Bitcoin if the US government can destroy it at their will.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 15, 2013, 09:27:59 PM
If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible.
My little boy, the whole question is not about Iran. It is about the US. Nobody will care about Bitcoin if the US government can destroy it at their will.

If you do not think that is true, then you must be more deluded than I originally thought.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: becoin on September 15, 2013, 09:42:40 PM
If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible.
My little boy, the whole question is not about Iran. It is about the US. Nobody will care about Bitcoin if the US government can destroy it at their will.

If you do not think that is true, then you must be more deluded than I originally thought.
Then be responsible and tell everyone that is currently paying $140 per 1 bitcoin that they are diluded!

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 16, 2013, 12:18:41 AM
If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible.
My little boy, the whole question is not about Iran. It is about the US. Nobody will care about Bitcoin if the US government can destroy it at their will.

If you do not think that is true, then you must be more deluded than I originally thought.
Then be responsible and tell everyone that is currently paying $140 per 1 bitcoin that they are diluded!

How ridiculous.

There is no threat to Bitcoin now by the US Govt, but the minute you want to use it to aid a country like Iran, you're talking crazy. Maybe get off the computer for a couple days and watch some Fox News, you might learn something.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 16, 2013, 01:21:57 AM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

If you want Bitcoin to die a quick death, then hope for that scenario. Really, could your suggestion be any dumber?
Any arguments to back your statement?

Sorry, I thought I was dealing with someone who knew better...

But to help you out, look at the state of Iran's current economy. In the last 2 years it has had crippling inflation, produce is unaffordable for the average Iranian.
Why? Because the US and cooperating International Countries have levied sanctions on this murderous regime who threatens to commit genocide on an entire nation, while actively pursuing nuclear weapons. Why would you want to side with the enemy of the USA and allied countries?

If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible. That is a line you do not want to cross.

I almost forgot to mention, their are international economic sanctions on Iran, with VERY HARSH PENALTIES for ANYONE who does business with Iran in any way, shape or form.

Plus, who the hell wants to be associated with Iran? The country's leaders regularly preach "death to the infidel" (any non-Muslims). They follow Sharia Law and accordingly cut off the hands of thieves, make raped women marry their rapist, and worse.

Still think it's a good idea?

You make one good point, that in the case Iran successfully integrated Bitcoin into its economy the United States government would likely make greater efforts to destroy Bitcoin. However, Iran has murdered orders of magnitude fewer people than the United States in the past hundred years, and it is not a threat to the people of the United States in any possible way. Yes, Islam is a despicable political/religious system, but I thought one of the main points of Bitcoin is that anyone can use it freely, regardless of whether or not any other government or entity gives its permission. Besides, if Bitcoin would help Iran's economy improve, Islamic extremism would lose influence, as has happened in numerous cases in recent history.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 16, 2013, 01:28:02 AM
If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible.
My little boy, the whole question is not about Iran. It is about the US. Nobody will care about Bitcoin if the US government can destroy it at their will.

If you do not think that is true, then you must be more deluded than I originally thought.
Then be responsible and tell everyone that is currently paying $140 per 1 bitcoin that they are diluded!

How ridiculous.

There is no threat to Bitcoin now by the US Govt, but the minute you want to use it to aid a country like Iran, you're talking crazy. Maybe get off the computer for a couple days and watch some Fox News, you might learn something.

Fox News? OK, I admit, I have been trolled.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 16, 2013, 04:42:31 AM
It would make a lot of sense for a state with adversarial relations with the United States (Iran comes to mind) to embrace Bitcoin. It would be a great way to get around the economic sanctions, while posing more of a threat to Washington than it could ever do militarily.

If you want Bitcoin to die a quick death, then hope for that scenario. Really, could your suggestion be any dumber?
Any arguments to back your statement?

Sorry, I thought I was dealing with someone who knew better...

But to help you out, look at the state of Iran's current economy. In the last 2 years it has had crippling inflation, produce is unaffordable for the average Iranian.
Why? Because the US and cooperating International Countries have levied sanctions on this murderous regime who threatens to commit genocide on an entire nation, while actively pursuing nuclear weapons. Why would you want to side with the enemy of the USA and allied countries?

If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible. That is a line you do not want to cross.

I almost forgot to mention, their are international economic sanctions on Iran, with VERY HARSH PENALTIES for ANYONE who does business with Iran in any way, shape or form.

Plus, who the hell wants to be associated with Iran? The country's leaders regularly preach "death to the infidel" (any non-Muslims). They follow Sharia Law and accordingly cut off the hands of thieves, make raped women marry their rapist, and worse.

Still think it's a good idea?

You make one good point, that in the case Iran successfully integrated Bitcoin into its economy the United States government would likely make greater efforts to destroy Bitcoin. However, Iran has murdered orders of magnitude fewer people than the United States in the past hundred years, and it is not a threat to the people of the United States in any possible way. Yes, Islam is a despicable political/religious system, but I thought one of the main points of Bitcoin is that anyone can use it freely, regardless of whether or not any other government or entity gives its permission. Besides, if Bitcoin would help Iran's economy improve, Islamic extremism would lose influence, as has happened in numerous cases in recent history.

How's the weather in anti-American land, oh ignorant one? America's murdered more than Iran? Putin must be very proud of you, comrade.

You ignore that the poster referred to using Bitcoin to bypass American sanctions imposed on Iran. That's just illegal.

And finally, I'll address this gem:
It [Iran] is not a threat to the people of the United States in any possible way.

Your thinking isn't only stupid, it's dangerous. If you really feel that way why don't you go pay a visit to Iran. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.  ::)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 16, 2013, 04:53:33 AM
Fox News? OK, I admit, I have been trolled.

That's right, I forgot.

You like to watch MSNBC and get that chill up your leg every time they mention what a great job Obama is doing.

Go back to your basement ya douche!

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: becoin on September 16, 2013, 07:34:15 AM
You ignore that the poster referred to using Bitcoin to bypass American sanctions imposed on Iran. That's just illegal.
American sanctions are just American sanctions. The free world doesn't care about them. Maybe it's time for you to consider renouncing your US passport and move to live in some free country. Bitcoin is not a property of the US government.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on September 16, 2013, 12:12:42 PM
Fox News? OK, I admit, I have been trolled.

That's right, I forgot.

You like to watch MSNBC and get that chill up your leg every time they mention what a great job Obama is doing.

Go back to your basement ya douche!

Can we keep it on topic ... the disturbing nationalist fervour has no place in an Economics topic ...

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 16, 2013, 05:10:12 PM
You ignore that the poster referred to using Bitcoin to bypass American sanctions imposed on Iran. That's just illegal.
American sanctions are just American sanctions. The free world doesn't care about them. Maybe it's time for you to consider renouncing your US passport and move to live in some free country. Bitcoin is not a property of the US government.

Sorry, I am a proud American. You can keep your filthy commie ideas to yourself.

If you choose to ignore US, and NATO, and EU sanctions on Iran, that is your choice. Your douchey life, your choice.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: metal_jacke1 on September 16, 2013, 05:19:00 PM
United States has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. No. Not good for business. I dont even have to mention Obamacare. Fail.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ronimacarroni on September 16, 2013, 05:28:33 PM
Bitcoins will thrive in China.
China has a totalitarian regime that robs people of their savings via relentless inflation and intervention.
Bitcoins allows them to store their money in a way that its out of the reach of the state and their financial planners.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: metal_jacke1 on September 16, 2013, 05:31:09 PM
Bitcoins will thrive in China.
China has a totalitarian regime that robs people of their savings via relentless inflation and intervention.
Bitcoins allows them to store their money in a way that its out of the reach of the state and their financial planners.

When will people of China revolt against their Communist aggressors?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 17, 2013, 12:38:11 AM
Bitcoins will thrive in China.
China has a totalitarian regime that robs people of their savings via relentless inflation and intervention.
Bitcoins allows them to store their money in a way that its out of the reach of the state and their financial planners.

China is also making a concerted effort to encourage its people to buy gold and silver. Walk into any Chinese bank or look at any bank advertisement, and you will see what I mean.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 17, 2013, 12:42:24 AM
Bitcoins will thrive in China.
China has a totalitarian regime that robs people of their savings via relentless inflation and intervention.
Bitcoins allows them to store their money in a way that its out of the reach of the state and their financial planners.

When will people of China revolt against their Communist aggressors?

The odds of that happening are no greater than the odds of the people of the United States revolting against its government.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ronimacarroni on September 17, 2013, 01:54:14 AM
Bitcoins will thrive in China.
China has a totalitarian regime that robs people of their savings via relentless inflation and intervention.
Bitcoins allows them to store their money in a way that its out of the reach of the state and their financial planners.

When will people of China revolt against their Communist aggressors?

The odds of that happening are no greater than the odds of the people of the United States revolting against its government.
Well I agree with the commentator.
Let countries decide their own fate.
If you ask me though the Chinese like many former communist countries didn't know how to transition to democracy.
So they turned to a dictator with some capitalism.
With +1 billion people some capitalism can go a long way.
I didn't know about the state urging them to buy gold though, uh...

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tristan_luther on September 17, 2013, 03:32:43 AM
Well, I think most libertarian-minded people believe gold and silver are better and less totalitarian than fiat currency. The fact the the Chinese government is encouraging its citizens to invest in gold and silver is an indication that it is less totalitarian and communist than most Americans believe.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 17, 2013, 05:30:31 AM
Well, I think most libertarian-minded people believe gold and silver are better and less totalitarian than fiat currency. The fact the the Chinese government is encouraging its citizens to invest in gold and silver is an indication that it is less totalitarian and communist than most Americans believe.

You do realize all the mines in the country are all or partially state owned, and the only reason they are encouraging their slaves citizens to buy it, is so the government profits.

The Chinese banks ONLY sell Chinese mined gold. Internationally mined gold need not apply. Another act of self containment which will end up destroying China internally.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: dmartig on September 18, 2013, 02:21:44 AM
Well, I think most libertarian-minded people believe gold and silver are better and less totalitarian than fiat currency. The fact the the Chinese government is encouraging its citizens to invest in gold and silver is an indication that it is less totalitarian and communist than most Americans believe.

You do realize all the mines in the country are all or partially state owned, and the only reason they are encouraging their slaves citizens to buy it, is so the government profits.

The Chinese banks ONLY sell Chinese mined gold. Internationally mined gold need not apply. Another act of self containment which will end up destroying China internally.

not quite accurate. china imports around 2x what it mines.

as for slaves .....well i think most here would have a similar opinion about amerikans

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: metal_jacke1 on September 21, 2013, 05:13:48 AM
Well, I think most libertarian-minded people believe gold and silver are better and less totalitarian than fiat currency. The fact the the Chinese government is encouraging its citizens to invest in gold and silver is an indication that it is less totalitarian and communist than most Americans believe.

You do realize all the mines in the country are all or partially state owned, and the only reason they are encouraging their slaves citizens to buy it, is so the government profits.

The Chinese banks ONLY sell Chinese mined gold. Internationally mined gold need not apply. Another act of self containment which will end up destroying China internally.

not quite accurate. china imports around 2x what it mines.

as for slaves .....well i think most here would have a similar opinion about amerikans

Not sure how you can compare American Labor Law and Fair/Minimum Wage to Chinese Sweatshops. Just google China Foxconn. ;) That one's free.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 21, 2013, 07:13:52 PM
I hear FoxConn has to put up nets near all the ledges on the higher stories of their building, because people were throwing themselves trying to commit suicide rather than continue working there.

Really no comparison in USA vs China in regards to slave or even slave like labor.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: retrend on September 28, 2013, 05:53:46 AM
Another vote for Iceland from me.  As people have pointed out they have a lot of things going for them  Might be an idea to get eve to accept them first though.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ErisDiscordia on September 28, 2013, 11:27:25 AM
But to help you out, look at the state of Iran's current economy. In the last 2 years it has had crippling inflation, produce is unaffordable for the average Iranian.
Why? Because the US and cooperating International Countries have levied sanctions on this murderous regime who threatens to commit genocide on an entire nation, while actively pursuing nuclear weapons. Why would you want to side with the enemy of the USA and allied countries?

If you want to attach Bitcoin to Iran you are guaranteeing that the US will focus it's efforts at destroying Bitcoin, in everyway possible. That is a line you do not want to cross.

I almost forgot to mention, their are international economic sanctions on Iran, with VERY HARSH PENALTIES for ANYONE who does business with Iran in any way, shape or form.

Plus, who the hell wants to be associated with Iran? The country's leaders regularly preach "death to the infidel" (any non-Muslims). They follow Sharia Law and accordingly cut off the hands of thieves, make raped women marry their rapist, and worse.

Oh boy, someone has swallowed the propaganda hook, line and sinker  ;D

to stay on topic: As mentioned by other people, small, technologically advanced countries like Iceland and Finland might lead the way. I would personally love to see the scenario of African countries adopting Bitcoin come to pass. Those people stand to gain a lot from adoption.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: TheButterZone on September 28, 2013, 09:24:33 PM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BobbyJo on September 28, 2013, 09:30:43 PM
I would personally love to see the scenario of African countries adopting Bitcoin come to pass. Those people stand to gain a lot from adoption.

Many African countries are leading the way with mobile internet access etc, so it makes sense that BTC may well take off there.  Lack of infrastructure and mining  (in a BTC sense) probably limits exposure, but the concept is perfect for African communities.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: GodfatherBond on October 02, 2013, 06:42:14 PM
methinks finland is best
No way Finland. Finland stopped to accept huge russian cash deposits coming over border early 1990's. Without that move, Finland would be now really rich country... real tax heaven - but now - forget. Bureaucracy and real police state and current finnish government full of idiots. I have discussed with one finnish minister and one member of parliament few months ago about bitcoins and both admitted that they don't even know what it means. Ouch. Bye bye finland.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: GodfatherBond on October 02, 2013, 06:57:36 PM
Why not add Estonia on the poll? They have at least currently good tax laws regarding company profits (actually Estonia is 'tax heaven' as long as you keep profits in the company / or invest profits in the business) and quite dynamic government also at IT things. So, they maybe able to adpot BTC somehow fast in legal system also.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: btdir on October 02, 2013, 08:31:06 PM
    but how secure is secure?? wont the government find a way?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: vpitcher07 on October 09, 2013, 12:39:54 AM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: jeppe on November 08, 2013, 10:46:32 PM
Sweden should be on there !!! as it has been a perfect hiding place for the piratebay !!

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 15, 2013, 10:58:12 AM
`Why Malta?`

A 12-minute film highlighting the attractions of living, working and running a business in Malta, the `Why Malta` film which is available online, on usb or DVD is an excellent tool to use when talking to potential customers.

As well as showcasing Malta`s inspiring potential and great opportunities, along with its rich and cultured history, the film highlights the island`s position as a centre of excellence in a number of sectors and a perfect international hub for business.

HSBC Malta CEO Mark Watkinson describes Malta`s location as one of the world`s largest trade routes, connecting Asia, the Middle East and Europe. He also highlights HSBC`s role in supporting Malta`s growth and adding value to its economy, as well as using its global connectivity to help companies prosper at home and overseas.

`Why Malta?` focuses on the key attributes that makes Malta such an attractive business location, from its excellent telecommunications and flight connections to Malta`s Grand Harbour which lies at the crossroads of some of the world`s largest shipping routes.

As HSBC Malta Head of Commercial Banking Michel Cordina explains, HSBC aims to connect customers to opportunities with over 50 relationship managers providing that level of support and insight of the local market. He continues that Malta has a strategic location and has a huge potential to become a main hub as a logistics, warehousing and distribution centre from where companies can service European and North African markets.

Malta`s excellence across a range industries, including financial services, knowledge-based sectors, high-end manufacturing, maritime and aircraft maintenance, is also featured along with its high levels of education and its skilled workforce.

Chris Bond, HSBC Malta Head of Global Banking and Markets describes how Malta has rapidly become an International Financial Services Centre. It has benefitted from its membership in the European Union, it enjoys a robust banking sector, it has a sound regulatory framework and economic performance has been remarkably resilient especially through the financial crisis. He points out that HSBC shares the government's vision for the financial services sector to become an increasing part of local GDP.

To provide the all-important perspective of a business that has established a presence in Malta and is enjoying everything that the country has to offer, we also hear from David Walsh CEO of IT Solutions provider Crimsonwing.

As a modern, cost-effective Eurozone jurisdiction with attractive investment incentives, double tax agreements with major countries and a clear regulatory framework, Malta is an excellent place to do business. The `Why Malta?` film demonstrates the island`s business attributes in a clear, professional manner as well as showcasing its natural beauty and attraction as a great place to live and work.

Original Article (

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AnonyMint on December 15, 2013, 11:38:33 AM
I am thinking "better" means safe haven from government control, since you referred to Switzerland in the thread title.

All the countries you are listed are slaves to the banksters and the U.S.A.. Heck Hong Kong even pegs their currency to the dollar.

Your list is missing Ecuador!!

President Correa’s background is rooted in education and economics. He spent his earlier years in education and served as a director at the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) after volunteering at a pre-school in remote village in Ecuador for a year. His wife is also a teacher. President Correa studied economics in Belgium and the US. His questioning of the US was after his father spent five years and a half years in prison after being convicted of smuggling drugs into the US and witnessing the lack of due process of law and the 99% conviction rate. In December 2008, Correa declared Ecuador’s national debt illegitimate, and defaulted on over $3 billion worth of bonds eventually reducing the debt by 60%. Mr Correa said he had given the order not to approve debt default describing the international lenders as “monsters”.

However keep this in mind for any country, as we saw Iceland turn back to being controlled by the USA recently:

Snowden should be careful for everything could change in Ecuador with a different President

P.S. I am voting for India, because my (unverified) belief the people give the middle finger to the government.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: GigaCoin on December 15, 2013, 07:41:51 PM
Australia is great, however Power, water and utility companies have been looting the public and raising Cost of living in the last couple of years (among other factors). The Government has been v complacent in the insane rise of cost of living and unaffordable housing.

Also Mining in Australia would be v expensive

However, extreme cost of living in Australia gives Bitcoin adoption an advantage, as people want a currency that can keeps up with the rises.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 16, 2013, 12:27:28 AM
Australia is not really 'safe' for Bitcoins in my opinion the govt hasnt shown any signs of readiness to accept it there.
Ecuador, Malta and Sweden however are really on the spotlight.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 16, 2013, 12:29:10 AM
If you guys have a time do participate on the pole here and do comment if you have to share anything that you deem useful.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cczarek123 on December 16, 2013, 02:28:43 PM
Exactly, bitcoin need a totally different country since most of the existing countries are all tied to the same old financial system

Another possibility is off-shore tax heaven countries

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: AndrewWilliams on December 16, 2013, 08:47:26 PM
Hmmm.... what about using a large retired shipping liner? As long as it stays in international waters it's safe (except from pirates. Grrrr, those damn pirates!).

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: SuperZeus on December 17, 2013, 07:23:30 AM
Cyprus? (starting at 22:00 minutes).

Might help them make up for the beating they took earlier this year.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Oj0 on December 17, 2013, 09:38:19 AM
South Africa doesn't have any taxation for cryptocurrencies, not even capital gains tax :D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: zen2 on January 03, 2015, 07:28:11 PM
I think Dubai is good  ;)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Guido on January 04, 2015, 03:56:25 PM
add romania to list

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: glennmatthew on January 05, 2015, 06:21:05 AM
Australia is not really 'safe' for Bitcoins in my opinion the govt hasnt shown any signs of readiness to accept it there.

There is more than one 'government' in Australia; there's about a dozen. You're forgetting you can pay taxes with bitcoin ( in Launceston, Tasmania.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFreak12 on January 05, 2015, 09:12:17 AM
add romania to list

at the moment, just wait till our govenment finds out , it will tax the shit out of it :(

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: bitbunnny on January 05, 2015, 09:40:25 AM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: cbeast on January 05, 2015, 09:41:40 AM

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: HeroCat on January 05, 2015, 04:37:28 PM
USA will be main BTC country  ;D At this stage no one country have so many BTC users as USA  ;D

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Wendigo on January 07, 2015, 12:59:34 PM
I think the Switzerland of bitcoins should be..... Switzerland.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: SnokkomBTC on January 07, 2015, 03:35:31 PM
The Netherlands

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFreak12 on January 07, 2015, 04:25:41 PM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on January 07, 2015, 08:00:39 PM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Are you dutch ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFreak12 on January 07, 2015, 08:07:50 PM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Are you dutch ?

No, but i like their open mindedness, they are by far the most free society in europe. Most of the states in europe if not all of them are poisoned by socialism.

If any of them, then they will be the ones that will first make BTC the legal tender and their official currency.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on January 07, 2015, 09:06:19 PM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Are you dutch ?

No, but i like their open mindedness, they are by far the most free society in europe. Most of the states in europe if not all of them are poisoned by socialism.

If any of them, then they will be the ones that will first make BTC the legal tender and their official currency.

Ever heard of the phrase 'The grass is always greener on the other side" ??

I have a friend from Netherlands, albeit the only dutch I know and he has some... other views about his country.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: SnokkomBTC on January 08, 2015, 10:00:52 AM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Are you dutch ?
Yes, I'm Dutch. The Netherlands is the Switzerland of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on January 08, 2015, 04:19:54 PM
The Netherlands

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

While the rest of those countries are very statist, and will probably ban in in the future.

Are you dutch ?
Yes, I'm Dutch. The Netherlands is the Switzerland of Bitcoin.

Opinions vary I guess..

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: botany on January 09, 2015, 04:01:23 PM
USA will be main BTC country  ;D At this stage no one country have so many BTC users as USA  ;D

I guess the dollar has something to do with that.  :P

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Possum577 on January 10, 2015, 07:17:52 AM
It would have to be Sweden, they're the only country that truly remains neutral..out of everyone's business, doing their own thing an keeping cool with everyone.

An alternative would be the Cayman Islands, was that on the list?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: TheButterZone on January 10, 2015, 07:31:38 AM
It would have to be Sweden, they're the only country that truly remains neutral..out of everyone's business, doing their own thing an keeping cool with everyone.

An alternative would be the Cayman Islands, was that on the list?

Sweden =/ Switzerland

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFreak12 on January 10, 2015, 08:53:01 AM
It would have to be Sweden, they're the only country that truly remains neutral..out of everyone's business, doing their own thing an keeping cool with everyone.

An alternative would be the Cayman Islands, was that on the list?

Sweden =/ Switzerland

Haha not even Switzerland does that anymore, they are minions of the EU now.

They devalue their currency, then they peg it to the EUR.

And now they even vote down the referendum to get more gold reserves.

They are clearly being infested with globalist Keynesian manipulators.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: NUFCrichard on January 10, 2015, 11:19:50 AM
Russia would be the most obvious Bitcoin state, but they seem dead against it. Zimbabwe maybe??

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: clochard on January 10, 2015, 05:10:58 PM

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

I am from the Netherlands and based on the population I would vote yes. The population is very internationally oriented, most people posess an advanced level of English and many also one ore more other foreign languages, the population is tech savvy, everywhere in the country there is superfast internet and Dutch people are big online consumers and even grandparents buy stuff online. Furthermore, everyone uses iDeal, a money transfer systems that all webshops accept and allows you to buy instantly goods online with your debit card. There are systems that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoins in seconds with your debit card and without any account nor verification such as In certain Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague or Arnhem, there are already a lot of shops and services accepting Bitcoin. Heck, Arnhem is the Bitcoin capital of the world! In my surroundings (I have to admit, I study in a university, so the people here are already a bit more tech savvy) I see quite an interest in Bitcoin. In 2013 during the autumn bubble, I have explained many of them about Bitcoin and at least 10 other students from my study now also possess Bitcoin. Many of my friends as well. So population wise: definitely a yes!

Furthermore, a lot of Bitcoin companies are locating themselves in Amsterdam, such as for example Bitpay.

Even my parents have a 'Bitcoin wallet' now, since I talked them into using Gems :)

The Netherlands could be a Switzerland of Bitcoin, for Europe at least. Let Hong Kong or Singapore be it for the world :)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: SnokkomBTC on January 10, 2015, 08:35:36 PM

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

I am from the Netherlands and based on the population I would vote yes. The population is very internationally oriented, most people posess an advanced level of English and many also one ore more other foreign languages, the population is tech savvy, everywhere in the country there is superfast internet and Dutch people are big online consumers and even grandparents buy stuff online. Furthermore, everyone uses iDeal, a money transfer systems that all webshops accept and allows you to buy instantly goods online with your debit card. There are systems that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoins in seconds with your debit card and without any account nor verification such as In certain Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague or Arnhem, there are already a lot of shops and services accepting Bitcoin. Heck, Arnhem is the Bitcoin capital of the world! In my surroundings (I have to admit, I study in a university, so the people here are already a bit more tech savvy) I see quite an interest in Bitcoin. In 2013 during the autumn bubble, I have explained many of them about Bitcoin and at least 10 other students from my study now also possess Bitcoin. Many of my friends as well. So population wise: definitely a yes!

Furthermore, a lot of Bitcoin companies are locating themselves in Amsterdam, such as for example Bitpay.

Even my parents have a 'Bitcoin wallet' now, since I talked them into using Gems :)

The Netherlands could be a Switzerland of Bitcoin, for Europe at least. Let Hong Kong or Singapore be it for the world :)

Very true. I'm also from the Netherlands. My study mates, 2 brothers and my parents also have a Bitcoin wallet(more then 1 bitcoin each). People in my neighborhood are open to try something.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on January 31, 2015, 03:36:14 AM

I agree, the OP left out it from the poll, which is funny since Netherlands has the most ATM's and the most liberal ideology there (actually libertarian) ,which I really admire.

I am from the Netherlands and based on the population I would vote yes. The population is very internationally oriented, most people posess an advanced level of English and many also one ore more other foreign languages, the population is tech savvy, everywhere in the country there is superfast internet and Dutch people are big online consumers and even grandparents buy stuff online. Furthermore, everyone uses iDeal, a money transfer systems that all webshops accept and allows you to buy instantly goods online with your debit card. There are systems that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoins in seconds with your debit card and without any account nor verification such as In certain Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague or Arnhem, there are already a lot of shops and services accepting Bitcoin. Heck, Arnhem is the Bitcoin capital of the world! In my surroundings (I have to admit, I study in a university, so the people here are already a bit more tech savvy) I see quite an interest in Bitcoin. In 2013 during the autumn bubble, I have explained many of them about Bitcoin and at least 10 other students from my study now also possess Bitcoin. Many of my friends as well. So population wise: definitely a yes!

Furthermore, a lot of Bitcoin companies are locating themselves in Amsterdam, such as for example Bitpay.

Even my parents have a 'Bitcoin wallet' now, since I talked them into using Gems :)

The Netherlands could be a Switzerland of Bitcoin, for Europe at least. Let Hong Kong or Singapore be it for the world :)

Very true. I'm also from the Netherlands. My study mates, 2 brothers and my parents also have a Bitcoin wallet(more then 1 bitcoin each). People in my neighborhood are open to try something.

Did they acquire the coins to hold it as a novelty (virtual) item ? or are they actually looking to use them as a currency ?
No country can be the 'Switzerland of Bitcoin' unless there is a thriving exchange of the currency itself.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: muhrohmat on January 31, 2015, 07:49:58 AM
im living in portugal now i wish i could be a better place for indicator fo a crypto courrencies its just plug the net and plug the paypal and plug the bank acount and euros come out that would be good.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: thejaytiesto on February 01, 2015, 03:15:32 AM
I dont drink you can draw a papel with fiat, bitcoin is global and its everywhere.
But i guess china could be it if they start buying like crazy again.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tspacepilot on February 05, 2015, 05:05:19 PM
This topic has such a funny name that I have to ask whether Switzerland might be the Switzerland of bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: scox on February 06, 2015, 06:32:05 PM
Awesome thread.
BTW id say Panama, 0 internet laws.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on February 06, 2015, 07:24:47 PM
The recent news of Dominica and the initiative named  “Let the Bit Drop” was compelling enough to have their island's name put up on the poll.

Anyone knows of any bct forum threads related to any of these parties involved : Coinapult, Aspen Assurance, Bitcoin Beauties, and the College Cryptocurrency Network (CCN)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on February 07, 2015, 11:50:32 AM
This topic has such a funny name that I have to ask whether Switzerland might be the Switzerland of bitcoin.

I thought I would read China as the Swiss bank of Bitcoins.

Not any more they arent, countries that are predominantly communist like China and Bangladesh are strictly against Bitcoins and all that it stands for, but for some reason Russia are still very open towards it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: muhrohmat on February 08, 2015, 10:25:35 AM
well swiss will never be becuse they are de centralization of all banks its unbelivalbe thay would aceppt bitcoin that is too much registred as being crime form midle east but they do aceppt all soo i dont know lol

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: picolo on February 08, 2015, 11:34:25 AM
Original Post :

I am going to re-post or rather copy paste an article from siliconindia here with my question that will follow it :

Original Article :
Location plays an important role in the progress of any business. Also, obstacles are an integral factor in the expansion of any business. Lesser are the obstacles, better growth can be expected in the business.

Nowadays, most of the nations are targeting on the revenues, coming from the business, inside their boundaries. While some countries already had friendly policies for the ‘already developed’ or ‘developing’ business within its boundaries, some other countries are now accepting newer policies to encourage the same.

According to the list of the ‘business-friendly’ countries in the world by ‘doing business’, India ranks 132, while Singapore tops the list.

1. Singapore

From the last few years, Singapore has been ranked as the best country for business. Singapore provides an encouraging environment to all the newcomers, irrespective of their gender, nationality, etc.

At present, Singapore is the fourth largest financial center in the world and is also an impactful nation. Major portion of Singapore’s GDP comes from its manufactured goods. Export and import also plays an important role in the economy of Singapore.

It has the fifth largest as well as the busiest ports in the world.

2. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is highly known for its low taxation and free trade policy, has retained its second position this year; it ranked the second position last year. Hong Kong’s per capita income is very high compared to other Asian countries.

In terms of business, Hong Kong provides the maximum economic and financial freedom in the Asian region. The quality of life in Hong Kong is also very high and has already received many appreciations from the UN and WHO.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand has a highly protectionist economy that offers a free-trade economy. Its free trade policies are one of the main reasons; it is still the third best country for business.

New Zealand has one of the modernized as well as developed economies in the world. It’s GDP and PPP is also very high.

Agriculture is one of the main reasons behind the economic growth of New Zealand. Over the past century, wool was the main agricultural products of New Zealand. However, the reduction in the price has made dairy farming as one of the main source in the recent times.

4. United States

The nineteenth century has been the best period for the economic growth of U.S.

U.S. stands in the fourth rank in this list; it was also the same in 2012. It has the largest economy in the world as well as a higher rate of per capita GDP.

It has a capitalist mixed economy, which depends mostly on its natural resources. The U.S. currency is one of the mostly used currencies across the globe.

5. Denmark

Doing business rank (2011): 5 Doing business rank (2012): 5

Denmark is the pioneer nation to introduce social and labor-market reforms. This took place in Denmark in the early twentieth century. Well, this is the main reason of Denmark’s highly developed economy.

Denmark has the most flexible labor market in the Europe. It has also been ranked as the easiest place to do business. Setting up a business in Denmark can be accomplished within a few hours and the cost is also comparatively low. The flexibility in the market allows the employers to hire employees whenever they want and also do the same, in case they has to fire the employees.

6. Norway

Norway has made a progress of one move. When last year, it was on the seventh position, this year, Norway has made it to the sixth rank in this list.

It is second wealthiest county in the world. From the last six years, it has been the leader in the Human Development Index rate. The Norwegian economy is considered as one of the most stable economies in the world.

The main resources of Norway are petroleum, hydropower, forests, minerals and fish. It also has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

7. United Kingdom

Last year, United Kingdom was ranked as the sixth best nation to carry out business. This year, it has slipped down to one slot to the seventh position in the same list.

United Kingdom is the world’s first industrialized nation of the world and is considered as one of the developed nations in the world at present. Its economy is the sixth largest in the world.

It is an impactful country and has a higher influence in the international trade and commerce. It offers much freedom of business to the insiders as well as to the outsiders.

8. South Korea

South Korea has climbed up by seven slots and is ranked as the eighth best country for doing business; last year, it was on the fifteenth place.

The economy of South Korea, which is highly dependent on the exports, is the fourth largest economy in the world. In order to promote international trade, South Korea joined hands for a free trade government in 2010.

South Korea is one of the global leaders in exporting robotics, electronic products, petrochemicals, automobiles, ships and petrochemicals.

9. Georgia

Since Georgia is very closely associated with the Black Sea, it has been the trading partners of many other nations from the ages. During the olden times, Georgia was one of the leaders in trading valuable and precious metals; gold, silver and coppers were the chief metals. Wine making has also been one of the traditional businesses in Georgia.

At the recent times, Georgia has reformed itself into a free market economy. It is one of the fastest growing nations in the world. It has been ranked as the ‘the number one economic reformer in the world’ by the World Bank.

10. Australia

In the year 2010, Australia was ranked as the third country in the list of 'Index of Economic Frredom'. Australia has the thirteenth largest economy in the world and is also the country with fifth largest per capita GDP.

Australia's trade and commerce started rising vigorously by the starting of the twenty-first century. even though the Australian economy tasted growth in the early 2012-2013, its non-mining economy affected its economy by a certain extent.

Agriculture has been one of the main sources of Australia’s economic growth.

NOW My Question :

Some of these countries are already Bitcoin friendly, after all most of the Miners and traders are from Japan and US. But which of these countries has the best possibility to turn into what 'Switzerland is to Fiat currency' .. in other words, which of these countries are still under exposed to the concept of Bitcoin and why do you think they can become a better market in the future.

Honk Kong, New-Zeland failed to protect Dotcom.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: runningfree on February 08, 2015, 04:33:24 PM
All of these countries can become better Bitcoin market places. There is still a lot of work to do.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: picolo on February 08, 2015, 04:44:11 PM
All of these countries can become better Bitcoin market places. There is still a lot of work to do.

There could be more than a Switzerland of Bitcoin like there is more than one place that is business friendly.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: TXWA on February 08, 2015, 06:36:50 PM
I think Belize would be able to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" in the future  :)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: picolo on February 08, 2015, 07:28:12 PM
I think Belize would be able to become the "Switzerland of Bitcoin" in the future  :)

I doubt it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ajareselde on February 08, 2015, 07:33:19 PM
How about Uruguay, since you need a country small enough that they feel profit from its position,
and politicians that wont get easily bribed by banks or other financial institutions.
Their president seams straight up person, and i doubt they would mind being the best at atleast something :]

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: picolo on February 08, 2015, 08:01:59 PM
How about Uruguay, since you need a country small enough that they feel profit from its position,
and politicians that wont get easily bribed by banks or other financial institutions.
Their president seams straight up person, and i doubt they would mind being the best at atleast something :]

Bitcoin needs freedom, it needs the people to understand the value of really owning your wealth.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on June 07, 2015, 11:05:59 AM
How about Uruguay, since you need a country small enough that they feel profit from its position,
and politicians that wont get easily bribed by banks or other financial institutions.
Their president seams straight up person, and i doubt they would mind being the best at atleast something :]

Are you implying that people in Uruguay arent the best at anything ??

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Searing on June 07, 2015, 11:09:43 AM
 the Isle of Man should be on this list ..just saying

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on June 08, 2015, 04:44:13 AM
the Isle of Man should be on this list ..just saying

Why do you think so ? The point of the post is to back up the country you think should be on the list with some valid reasoning.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Searing on June 08, 2015, 06:31:40 AM
the Isle of Man should be on this list ..just saying

Why do you think so ? The point of the post is to back up the country you think should be on the list with some valid reasoning.

they are a small out of the way place..but they seem busy enough on trying to be the Switzerland of bitcoin :)

underdog thou they may be

just for the above links  think they should have made the list if Belize did imho

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: muhrohmat on June 10, 2015, 10:42:50 AM
well i guess the best are the usa and europe and japan cause the others are just to colsed to bitcoin vision but america south too its good.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: techgeek on June 10, 2015, 09:40:37 PM
The most countries that need it are the ones are people with most financial restrictions or developing countries.

I`d choose india, and has a mass population that hasnt even touched enough yet.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: knowhow on June 11, 2015, 12:01:57 AM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: lissandra on June 11, 2015, 12:08:15 AM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I tend to agree china is the next wave.

Only because the population difference is so huge compared to u.s that it`ll probably make a huge mark for prices.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: aso118 on June 12, 2015, 04:43:56 PM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I don't see China becoming bitcoin friendly. It would mean loosening capital control - something which is not going to happen soon.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Amph on June 12, 2015, 07:10:56 PM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I don't see China becoming bitcoin friendly. It would mean loosening capital control - something which is not going to happen soon.

in fact they will not, they are too much attached to the money of bitcoin, not to bitcoin itself, they don't care too much about what it can offer in the future over their currency, or over fiat in general

i still can't understand why japan cannot embrace it yet, they are always in favor of new tech, they love new technology...

anyway my vote go to singapore

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: funtotry on June 12, 2015, 07:14:16 PM
The switzerland of bitcoin is anywhere a bitcoin wallet is. No one is controlling my wallet and only I own the wallet key.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on June 14, 2015, 01:13:49 AM
Looks like Switzerland is making claimms on being Switzerland of bitcoin more and more. (

... and treatment as foreign currency status, i.e. no capital gains applicable.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: aso118 on June 14, 2015, 02:44:49 PM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I don't see China becoming bitcoin friendly. It would mean loosening capital control - something which is not going to happen soon.

in fact they will not, they are too much attached to the money of bitcoin, not to bitcoin itself, they don't care to much about what it can offer in the future over their currency, or over fiat in general

i still can't understand why japan cannot embrace it yet, they are always in favor of new tech, they love new technology...

anyway my vote go to singapore

Japan has been at the forefront, apart from the US. Mt Gox was in Japan.  ;D
Japanese always seem to prefer something which is localized. Monacoin is pretty popular now.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: xavi21 on June 16, 2015, 06:34:57 PM
I dont drink you can draw a papel with fiat, bitcoin is global and its everywhere.
But i guess china could be it if they start buying like crazy again

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: RealBitcoin on June 16, 2015, 06:58:40 PM

It's already the official currency of the Republic of Liberland:

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: lissandra on June 16, 2015, 08:32:21 PM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I don't see China becoming bitcoin friendly. It would mean loosening capital control - something which is not going to happen soon.

in fact they will not, they are too much attached to the money of bitcoin, not to bitcoin itself, they don't care too much about what it can offer in the future over their currency, or over fiat in general

i still can't understand why japan cannot embrace it yet, they are always in favor of new tech, they love new technology...

anyway my vote go to singapore

Singapore seems to be spot on.

They have known to adopt and grown their economy in other ways that most wouldnt, and almost made their building eco friendly that most havent done too.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: pereira4 on June 16, 2015, 09:56:32 PM
the land of bitcoin is china since big mining company there already but  the best country well ,potencial several of them the best well no one since all are making lays to try control bitcoin .... that is decentralized crypto coin ....

I don't see China becoming bitcoin friendly. It would mean loosening capital control - something which is not going to happen soon.

in fact they will not, they are too much attached to the money of bitcoin, not to bitcoin itself, they don't care too much about what it can offer in the future over their currency, or over fiat in general

i still can't understand why japan cannot embrace it yet, they are always in favor of new tech, they love new technology...

anyway my vote go to singapore

Singapore seems to be spot on.

They have known to adopt and grown their economy in other ways that most wouldnt, and almost made their building eco friendly that most havent done too.

I think Japan has the bigger odds. They are always ahead of the curve, and their crisis is an internal one, their debt is not external, therefore they can get away with any decision they take because it will only affect themselves. The problem of adopting Bitcoin as the official coin is taxing, the gov does not have the measures to properly tax as far as I know.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tspacepilot on June 16, 2015, 10:56:44 PM
For a while I thought maybe this thread had become a little irrelevant, but now, with that bit licenense thing in New York, it's sorta seems important again to consider which jurisdictions are attempting to punish bitcoin users/innovators and which ones are encouraging it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ammy009 on June 21, 2015, 05:21:16 PM
obviously america  :)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: dollarneed on June 21, 2015, 10:30:29 PM
i think singapore is the future of bitcoin because in there bitcoin is popullar and there so many merchant using bitcoin as alternative payment.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: n2004al on October 02, 2015, 11:35:59 AM
Original Post :

I am going to re-post or rather copy paste an article from siliconindia here with my question that will follow it :

Original Article :
Location plays an important role in the progress of any business. Also, obstacles are an integral factor in the expansion of any business. Lesser are the obstacles, better growth can be expected in the business.

Nowadays, most of the nations are targeting on the revenues, coming from the business, inside their boundaries. While some countries already had friendly policies for the ‘already developed’ or ‘developing’ business within its boundaries, some other countries are now accepting newer policies to encourage the same.

According to the list of the ‘business-friendly’ countries in the world by ‘doing business’, India ranks 132, while Singapore tops the list.

1. Singapore

From the last few years, Singapore has been ranked as the best country for business. Singapore provides an encouraging environment to all the newcomers, irrespective of their gender, nationality, etc.

At present, Singapore is the fourth largest financial center in the world and is also an impactful nation. Major portion of Singapore’s GDP comes from its manufactured goods. Export and import also plays an important role in the economy of Singapore.

It has the fifth largest as well as the busiest ports in the world.

2. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is highly known for its low taxation and free trade policy, has retained its second position this year; it ranked the second position last year. Hong Kong’s per capita income is very high compared to other Asian countries.

In terms of business, Hong Kong provides the maximum economic and financial freedom in the Asian region. The quality of life in Hong Kong is also very high and has already received many appreciations from the UN and WHO.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand has a highly protectionist economy that offers a free-trade economy. Its free trade policies are one of the main reasons; it is still the third best country for business.

New Zealand has one of the modernized as well as developed economies in the world. It’s GDP and PPP is also very high.

Agriculture is one of the main reasons behind the economic growth of New Zealand. Over the past century, wool was the main agricultural products of New Zealand. However, the reduction in the price has made dairy farming as one of the main source in the recent times.

4. United States

The nineteenth century has been the best period for the economic growth of U.S.

U.S. stands in the fourth rank in this list; it was also the same in 2012. It has the largest economy in the world as well as a higher rate of per capita GDP.

It has a capitalist mixed economy, which depends mostly on its natural resources. The U.S. currency is one of the mostly used currencies across the globe.

5. Denmark

Doing business rank (2011): 5 Doing business rank (2012): 5

Denmark is the pioneer nation to introduce social and labor-market reforms. This took place in Denmark in the early twentieth century. Well, this is the main reason of Denmark’s highly developed economy.

Denmark has the most flexible labor market in the Europe. It has also been ranked as the easiest place to do business. Setting up a business in Denmark can be accomplished within a few hours and the cost is also comparatively low. The flexibility in the market allows the employers to hire employees whenever they want and also do the same, in case they has to fire the employees.

6. Norway

Norway has made a progress of one move. When last year, it was on the seventh position, this year, Norway has made it to the sixth rank in this list.

It is second wealthiest county in the world. From the last six years, it has been the leader in the Human Development Index rate. The Norwegian economy is considered as one of the most stable economies in the world.

The main resources of Norway are petroleum, hydropower, forests, minerals and fish. It also has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

7. United Kingdom

Last year, United Kingdom was ranked as the sixth best nation to carry out business. This year, it has slipped down to one slot to the seventh position in the same list.

United Kingdom is the world’s first industrialized nation of the world and is considered as one of the developed nations in the world at present. Its economy is the sixth largest in the world.

It is an impactful country and has a higher influence in the international trade and commerce. It offers much freedom of business to the insiders as well as to the outsiders.

8. South Korea

South Korea has climbed up by seven slots and is ranked as the eighth best country for doing business; last year, it was on the fifteenth place.

The economy of South Korea, which is highly dependent on the exports, is the fourth largest economy in the world. In order to promote international trade, South Korea joined hands for a free trade government in 2010.

South Korea is one of the global leaders in exporting robotics, electronic products, petrochemicals, automobiles, ships and petrochemicals.

9. Georgia

Since Georgia is very closely associated with the Black Sea, it has been the trading partners of many other nations from the ages. During the olden times, Georgia was one of the leaders in trading valuable and precious metals; gold, silver and coppers were the chief metals. Wine making has also been one of the traditional businesses in Georgia.

At the recent times, Georgia has reformed itself into a free market economy. It is one of the fastest growing nations in the world. It has been ranked as the ‘the number one economic reformer in the world’ by the World Bank.

10. Australia

In the year 2010, Australia was ranked as the third country in the list of 'Index of Economic Frredom'. Australia has the thirteenth largest economy in the world and is also the country with fifth largest per capita GDP.

Australia's trade and commerce started rising vigorously by the starting of the twenty-first century. even though the Australian economy tasted growth in the early 2012-2013, its non-mining economy affected its economy by a certain extent.

Agriculture has been one of the main sources of Australia’s economic growth.

NOW My Question :

Some of these countries are already Bitcoin friendly, after all most of the Miners and traders are from Japan and US. But which of these countries has the best possibility to turn into what 'Switzerland is to Fiat currency' .. in other words, which of these countries are still under exposed to the concept of Bitcoin and why do you think they can become a better market in the future.

I don't see China. China will be, according to me, the motherland of bitcoin. It is already and it will be. Chinese people are loyal people and are to much friendly with bitcoin and the governments of Chine, even for the moment has no clear approach against it I'm sure that in the future will accept and regulate it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 26, 2015, 12:21:08 PM
So I guess Switzerland IS The Switzerland of Bitcoin (

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: pitham1 on December 27, 2015, 06:39:35 AM
So I guess Switzerland IS The Switzerland of Bitcoin (

How real is that news? I couldn't locate anything on it when I searched.
Plus,  you have people from Switzerland claiming that it isn't true.

I am Swiss, living in Switzerland, but I never heard about that referendum. It's not a real news...

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: prodigy8 on December 27, 2015, 10:04:56 AM
Well you mentioned Switzerland because most of people hold their money there as a safe place.

But about implementation of bitcoin it can be implemented in any country from the poll list.

One of the most which could be maybe are the UAE countries as they seem to be richer

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tyz on December 27, 2015, 12:41:43 PM
The thread is kinda old but I still believe that only one of the Scandinavian countries could become the Switzerland of Bitcoin. Why? Because they are more open-minded and paying by card is widely spread. More widely than in most other countries.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 27, 2015, 03:22:17 PM
Well you mentioned Switzerland because most of people hold their money there as a safe place.

But about implementation of bitcoin it can be implemented in any country from the poll list.

One of the most which could be maybe are the UAE countries as they seem to be richer

Then is there any specific country that you would like to add to the poll ?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 27, 2015, 03:27:50 PM
The thread is kinda old but I still believe that only one of the Scandinavian countries could become the Switzerland of Bitcoin. Why? Because they are more open-minded and paying by card is widely spread. More widely than in most other countries.

Technologies dont just spread by mass acceptance of a previous similar tech, it spreads by political reforms that nurture the growth of such a new tech and most importantly through education about that technology imparted to a specific geopolitical area and demography. While many would say Bitcoin is old already but it isn't. Many of us still dont know what is or how it works.

Any Scandinavian country that tackles this problem? or looks promising enough?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: HarryKPeters on December 27, 2015, 05:56:57 PM
I think Brazil is the country where bitcoin offers the most usuage.
I could be wrong but seeing the shop list of brazil you will become really flabbergasted.
They've got so many shops that accept bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: OROBTC on December 27, 2015, 06:05:37 PM

It's too bad that we could only vote for one country, I chose Argentina because of the growth seen there and the fact that BTC is popular for good reason there.

OK, HarryKPeters says that Brazil has lots of places that accept BTC.  That is encouraging.  Brazil has many problems, and BTC can help some locals better cope.  Brazil is a big country, "it matters", so if BTC gets popular there, that might be the critical mass the world needs to get the Bitcoin Express rolling...  :)

I would like to see more places in the USA accept Bitcoin too...

Peru (my beat when not in the USA) is not on the list.  But, there is VERY LITTLE BTC activity there.  Probably because they allow the US$ and their Sol to be freely traded, no currency restrictions.

*   *   *

As for safety and freedom to transact BTC, I would probably choose Switzerland, Dubai/UAEmirates or Singapore.

Biggest market over the next few years?  USA.

Biggest potential?  China or even India.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: wikenpp on December 27, 2015, 07:32:55 PM
In terms of potential i agree on India and China too.
In terms of actual representation it's obviously brazil or indonesia.

Geographically asia is the place to be when it comes to bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Altynbekova on December 27, 2015, 08:23:45 PM
With china having the biggest share in mining pools, china is the no 1 bitcoin place.
If their governement just thought about bitcoins and implementing it in their economy they could be the bitcoin country of the world.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: iv4n on December 27, 2015, 08:38:59 PM
With china having the biggest share in mining pools, china is the no 1 bitcoin place.
If their governement just thought about bitcoins and implementing it in their economy they could be the bitcoin country of the world.

I agree with this, and I voted for China also. They have best WoW temas, they have so many exchanges... they have everything a lot.
They have big potential like country, and everything is produced there. But maybe some little country will surprise us, and start something from little.
Can we expect something like this to happen? For 10, 20, 30... or more years?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: oblomov on December 28, 2015, 03:40:34 AM
Although I voted for Singapore, I believe that a Baltic country (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) may present opportunities.  They are small states with a generally free market orientation, and do not want to be economically dependent on Russia.

Panama and Costa Rica may also be opportunities for similar reasons.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Blind Legs Parker on December 28, 2015, 04:57:53 AM
OP, Zaire and DRC Congo are the same country. Zaire is the name Mobutu gave to it and it died with him in 1997. Now the only proper name is DRC Congo.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 28, 2015, 04:03:46 PM
OP, Zaire and DRC Congo are the same country. Zaire is the name Mobutu gave to it and it died with him in 1997. Now the only proper name is DRC Congo.

Thanks, made that correction.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: chennan on December 28, 2015, 05:30:53 PM
In terms of potential i agree on India and China too.
In terms of actual representation it's obviously brazil or indonesia.

Geographically asia is the place to be when it comes to bitcoin.

Idk about that though... There are a lot of barriers to cross when it comes to major adoption in India and China. 

For one with India, there is only a couple of cities there that have people with nice phones, computers, and are technologically capable of doing business with bitcoin.  Does this mean that they will do business with bitcoin right away? Of course not.  There has to be an incentive for wanting to do business with bitcoin, and bitcoin is way too volatile for people who are living off of a couple dollars in rupees a day.  If bitcoin falls out of the sky, then that would probably mean that they would lose their business and they are shit out of luck.  As of right now it's all a gamble for doing business in Bitcoins only.  Also, if I'm not mistaken, there aren't too many exchange sites for people in India to exchange for rupees.  Not to mention that we are just talking about a couple of cities... a lot of India are very poor areas who are doing great just to have electricity.

As for China, it comes down to regulation of the government. If they continue to allow bitcoin to be bought and used by the Chinese, then yeah it will be great for bitcoin... but from what I've been reading, China is becoming a lot stricter and are going to be enforcing rules in a really different way. Look up "Seasame Credit in China" for more info... They are allowing it now for any one who wants to participate and are going to enforce that every citizen partakes in 2020.  Basically, it makes everyone become a slave to the government, and if you as much as speak out against the government, then all of your rights are taken away essentially and those that do speak good about the government will be "rewarded" with benefits like being allowed to travel out of the country more frequently and other stuff.

There is a lot to consider which will be the next major nation that really accepts Bitcoin in general, but I'm surprised no one here is talking about the Isle of Man?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ACAB on December 28, 2015, 06:49:06 PM
None. Bitcoin don't need any country to boost them. All countries are free to ban or support Bitcoin, just Bitcoin don't care. Bitcoin is internet money, in 21st century you can't ban internet, so you can't ban Bitcoin. It just shows how ridiculous you and your laws are; like some countries tried to do and failed so hard.
It doesn't matter if we have Switzerland or not, we are in the internet. We have freedom, we don't need government chains. I don't really get your perspective, stop magnifying countries/governments.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Altynbekova on December 28, 2015, 07:26:04 PM
None. Bitcoin don't need any country to boost them. All countries are free to ban or support Bitcoin, just Bitcoin don't care. Bitcoin is internet money, in 21st century you can't ban internet, so you can't ban Bitcoin. It just shows how ridiculous you and your laws are; like some countries tried to do and failed so hard.
It doesn't matter if we have Switzerland or not, we are in the internet. We have freedom, we don't need government chains. I don't really get your perspective, stop magnifying countries/governments.

In a way you right, but also wrong.
Yes bitcoin, don't need a country to use it. But remember bitcoin is about transactoins too. And imagine how much governements can safe on fees while using bitcoin

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Newcoins2020 on December 28, 2015, 07:29:58 PM
I bet some asian country will take the lead eventually. I hope something else though.
A western nation taking the lead would give more credibility to bitcoin in the end.
The united stated adopting bitcoin f.e. would give a gigantic boost.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: isvicre on December 28, 2015, 10:19:36 PM
There is no Switzerland for Bitcoin. If government can't control money supply they can't use it as currency, it's that simple.
Maybe when the new world order start one nation project they have the control over majority of coins and they use it. That's a wild guess and pure speculation.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: legendster on December 28, 2015, 10:22:24 PM
There is no Switzerland for Bitcoin. If government can't control money supply they can't use it as currency, it's that simple.
Maybe when the new world order start one nation project they have the control over majority of coins and they use it. That's a wild guess and pure speculation.

There are many economic reasons why a one nation one currency thing will never work.
Look at the Euro.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ACAB on December 29, 2015, 12:14:44 AM
In a way you right, but also wrong.
Yes bitcoin, don't need a country to use it. But remember bitcoin is about transactoins too. And imagine how much governements can safe on fees while using bitcoin

Do you really think that any government can change their currency to some internet money which they can't have control over? Their central bank wouldn't print more money, they give their whole economy to the hands of Bitcoin speculators. That doesn't make sense at all.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: ObscureBean on December 29, 2015, 05:51:22 AM
I don't think you'll find any rich country willing to become the Bitcoin hub of the world. At least not at this stage in the game. Rich countries are rich by virtue of their higher degree of control. Control is power, power is money. Right now Bitcoin is synonymous with uncertainty and way too uncontrollable to be acknowledged as an asset by these governments. The race to become the 'Switzerland of Bitcoin' will start once Bitcoin has been tamed and is fully integrated into the system. For now, if there is to be a Bitcoin hub, it'll probably be a country that does not hold a lot of influence on the international front.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: isvicre on December 29, 2015, 01:43:59 PM
There is no Switzerland for Bitcoin. If government can't control money supply they can't use it as currency, it's that simple.
Maybe when the new world order start one nation project they have the control over majority of coins and they use it. That's a wild guess and pure speculation.

There are many economic reasons why a one nation one currency thing will never work.
Look at the Euro.

They try now, develop it for future. Everything has a beta phase, look at the history. Even Bitcoin is in beta phase and we'll develop a better crypto-currency and write history of monetary system.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: OROBTC on December 29, 2015, 06:06:45 PM

As of this moment, some 507 people have voted.  I note that most of the countries with the most votes are relatively free economies.  The USA, Singapore and Hong Kong got a lot of votes.  Norway, Denmark and Dubai also did rather well.  All of these countries make sense as places where BTC might thrive relatively unmolested.

I also note that OP did not even LIST China and Russia as candidates.  That would have made a better poll, as I think it would be illustrative that neither China nor Russia would ever be seen as a "Switzerland of Bitcoin", LOL...

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Newcoins2020 on December 29, 2015, 06:23:10 PM
The USA is leading by for.
Good to see how public opinion is counted here.

Honestly my guess is japan or indonesia are more the main countries for bitcoin at the moment.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: MaritiJames3 on December 29, 2015, 08:10:19 PM
I go for Japan and China. Since the chinese governemt tries to stop the uprising of bitcoin, Japan would be a better candidate.

Either way Asian is on it's way to rule bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: wikenpp on December 29, 2015, 08:35:37 PM
For me the US should be the leading country in the world.
Having a big and civilized country adopting bitcoin, will motivate other countries too.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinbro on December 29, 2015, 10:53:52 PM
I voted for China.
It's clearly they already rule bitcoin
- The largest mining pools already are in China.
- Most of the asics are made in China.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on January 02, 2016, 08:59:23 PM
In a way you right, but also wrong.
Yes bitcoin, don't need a country to use it. But remember bitcoin is about transactoins too. And imagine how much governements can safe on fees while using bitcoin

Do you really think that any government can change their currency to some internet money which they can't have control over? Their central bank wouldn't print more money, they give their whole economy to the hands of Bitcoin speculators. That doesn't make sense at all.

Your premise for this grand claim is that the government control the people instead of the people controlling government, i.e. you're a priori assuming a facististic, communistic or other authoritarian system of governance to enforce fiat central bank currencies.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: praprata on January 03, 2016, 08:28:35 PM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: wikenpp on January 03, 2016, 08:36:17 PM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

I do understand why the USA ar taking the lead.
Many Venture capital in bitcoin companies are from the united states.

Bit this shouldn't be the main factor.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: mtnsaa on January 03, 2016, 08:39:10 PM
I've voted for Argentina, but really only if China or a big country like that start adopting Bitcoin massively we'll see a major shift since there are only so many satoshis for all of us. I don't think any european country or the US will adopt it soon since their currency is perfectly stable, there's just no need. But in other economies like China, Brazil, India, Russia, etc the need is there, the problem is that Bitcoin is just not there in terms of usability, that's just the truth. Plus price volatility will be a huge obstacle for many years.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Amph on January 04, 2016, 08:01:06 AM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

the key items is not the mining activity, the merchants also are, and it's not controlled by chinese, and they know this

otherwise they can simply run their altcoin bitcoin, since they have 60% and more of the network and take profit from it, but they don't actually do that, guess why?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Newcoins2020 on January 04, 2016, 08:08:34 PM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

I am amazed at how many people vote for singapore and hong kong.
Clearly Asia is the favourite for users.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: wikenpp on January 05, 2016, 08:51:47 PM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

I am amazed at how many people vote for singapore and hong kong.
Clearly Asia is the favourite for users.

Yeah I expected 1 or 2 countries in the top 10, but so many.
European countries are really the underdog here, not sure why since we got a lot of miners + pools.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: HarryKPeters on January 06, 2016, 03:59:03 PM
I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

I don't think this is the actual result, it's main how people want to promote their own country.

Sure the population of bitcoin users here are reflected but where are factors like; pools, nodes, venture capital, service providers refecleted in this chart?

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: egghead123 on January 08, 2016, 11:49:47 AM
List needs to be more comprehensive because I dont see the UK or Ireland on it.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: tyz on January 23, 2016, 11:41:43 AM
It is very likely because there is a fear of Bitcoin regulation. There are some states which are very Bitcoin-friendly but it holds not to the governement and most state authorities.

I think this says enough:

Most people count Europe out as a heaven for bitcoin.
I did too, since my guess only China can be the one country for bitcoin since they control the key items.

Australia    - 22 (4.3%)
Japan    - 35 (6.8%)
United States of America    - 71 (13.8%)
Denmark    - 22 (4.3%)
Georgia    - 8 (1.6%)
Singapore    - 59 (11.5%)
Hongkong    - 53 (10.3%)
New Zealand    - 22 (4.3%)
South Africa    - 10 (1.9%)
Norway    - 30 (5.8%)
South Korea    - 12 (2.3%)
India    - 33 (6.4%)
Argentina    - 26 (5%)
Cuba    - 10 (1.9%)
UAE (Dubai)    - 22 (4.3%)
Belize    - 14 (2.7%)
Chile    - 6 (1.2%)
Papua New Guinea    - 21 (4.1%)
Panama    - 13 (2.5%)
MALTA    - 3 (0.6%)
Ecuador    - 0 (0%)
Sweden    - 7 (1.4%)
Netherlands    - 10 (1.9%)
Zaire / DRC Congo    - 2 (0.4%)
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe    - 0 (0%)
Republic of Congo    - 4 (0.8%)
Dominica    - 0 (0%)

I do understand why the USA ar taking the lead.
Many Venture capital in bitcoin companies are from the united states.

Bit this shouldn't be the main factor.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: Windpower on January 23, 2016, 11:57:14 AM
I live in Australia and there are barely any Bitcoin users. In Sydney, there is only Bitcoin atm's.

Title: Re: The Switzerland of Bitcoin
Post by: mtnsaa on January 23, 2016, 07:02:44 PM
Another option would be Isle of Man which is not mentioned here I think. We all focused in rather big countries and economies but this one is actually doing the heavy work already. Is not really a country but a self governing british island (not really the same but the closer example in the poll would be Honk Kong I guess).