Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on April 15, 2017, 05:25:11 AM

Title: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Masha Sha on April 15, 2017, 05:25:11 AM

So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion. But this bomb is very small in size... can you understand the trend?

And this lead me to say that all those that support people like putin & co, those faking power weak dying men (all will die), are a problem to me and the earth.

Yes those type of munitions are necessary against "Power"men, however why isn't a better world worked on?

Spin your bullshit to defend them as you want mad(&dying)servants of those men... and the worst is that by defending them you will pay her dinner... she would eat the bones of her children if there was daimond in it...

Western civilization is a humanist vision in which Roman law integrated Jesus wisdom, thereby giving Western culture its distinctive character: freedom of speech and of the press, equal justice under law, the primacy of the individual, separation of religion and state, freedom of religion and from religion, property rights, sexual equality, an independent judiciary, and independent education, among other values, like clean natural nutrishious food, pure water, clean air, and formost respect and love for the biospheres.

Sadly, there are still a lot of barbarians around, one disctinctive feature is: personnality cult for men and women (the concept of honor, dignity, liberty or duty are relegated to their servitude to their leader (alive or dead). Another word for barbarians in subhumans, sadly they even with all their weakness still learn how to make and use weapons.

And this is why or they become human (they all can) or must be killed fisrt.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: darkseid1199 on April 15, 2017, 08:08:28 AM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Barrymore on April 15, 2017, 08:55:51 AM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: gabmen on April 15, 2017, 12:10:52 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

Either way, the world and the innocent people in it would take most of the effect these nukes are going to bring out. It's going to be a continuous process if we think that violence would resolve anything. Just look at what's happening in the middle east. The people that are most affected with the offensive against these terrorists are the people that should have been protected. We're doing more damage to them than the terrorists are

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Spendulus on April 15, 2017, 05:04:05 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

Either way, the world and the innocent people in it would take most of the effect these nukes are going to bring out. It's going to be a continuous process if we think that violence would resolve anything. Just look at what's happening in the middle east. The people that are most affected with the offensive against these terrorists are the people that should have been protected. We're doing more damage to them than the terrorists are

The illustration clearly shows the dial-in-power of the B61 being used to hit a military target next to a city with the city being unaffected. Just clarifying. I'm not in favor of these weapons or of war.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Slow death on April 15, 2017, 05:31:21 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

Either way, the world and the innocent people in it would take most of the effect these nukes are going to bring out. It's going to be a continuous process if we think that violence would resolve anything. Just look at what's happening in the middle east. The people that are most affected with the offensive against these terrorists are the people that should have been protected. We're doing more damage to them than the terrorists are

The illustration clearly shows the dial-in-power of the B61 being used to hit a military target next to a city with the city being unaffected.

I was frightened thinking that some city was destroyed with nuclear bomb, in the end it is a training and nobody was injured.

" Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb..."

Do not keep scaring us

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: tvbcof on April 15, 2017, 05:32:19 PM

The illustration clearly shows the dial-in-power of the B61 being used to hit a military target next to a city with the city being unaffected. Just clarifying. I'm not in favor of these weapons or of war.

The media and sock puppet armies of the United States of Zionism have been trying to justify in the minds of the sheeple the use tactical nukes for a while now.  They are 'Clean and Green'!  Just have to set the dial correctly and that's all there is to it.  American made nukes are humane and wonderful while Russian and Iranian nukes are bad bad WMD's.

Frankly, nukes of any type obsolete.  Biological and psychological weapons are where it's at as far as legacy un-enhanced humans are concerned.  I'm glad to be a relative mongrel genetically and ideologically speaking.  Could be and advantage or a dis-advantage depending on how things play out.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: grermezter on April 15, 2017, 05:41:59 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

I don't think he is contradicting himself he is just saying that it's  ironic and maybe hypocritical for people to use weapons that kill and causes mass destruction as a means to bring peace whiles dialogue and reasoning is the best option

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: olushakes on April 15, 2017, 07:57:55 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

Its really ironic and annoying that in the guise of protecting ourselves we turned into monsters that create weapons of massive destruction within minutes as you have rightly stated there but we forgot that even our lives is even worthwhile and interesting with the existence of our perceived enemies. The question that bothers me, is to what end exactly? Citizens across the world are still complaining of lack  but the leaders deem it fit to invest the resources in creating weapons.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Sakura_nakomoto on April 15, 2017, 08:02:03 PM
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

That is the type of thinking that lead to WW2 and every other war.
You are a little mistaken. Because the Second World War has already taken place. The third world war is on the turn. But it will still happen.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: BurtW on April 15, 2017, 08:22:22 PM
There is a lot about the actual bomb here:

This is also very interesting and terrifying:

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: BurtW on April 15, 2017, 08:28:01 PM
So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion.

For comparison:

Mark 1 – "Little Boy" gun-type uranium weapon (used against Hiroshima). (13–18 kilotons, 1945–1950)
Mark 3 – "Fat Man" plutonium implosion weapon (used against Nagasaki), effectively the same at the "Gadget" device used in the Trinity (nuclear test) with minor design differences. (21 kilotons, 1945–1950)

So more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

But it can be "dialed back" to only 5 or 10 kilotons.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: digaran on April 15, 2017, 08:39:49 PM
MOAB dropped on ISIS was 10 tones and a nuclear warhead with destructive power of 50KT means a 50,000 tones MOAB.
Lets kill all 1B+ Chinese and North Koreans Russians, Iranians and all the Arabs and in general all the third world countries then what?
Assuming you lived 90 years happily ever after but then what? total blackness and nothing else right? if so then kill yourself so you don't have to tolerate such a world.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: JengoFF_n0 on April 15, 2017, 09:57:49 PM
MOAB dropped on ISIS was 10 tones and a nuclear warhead with destructive power of 50KT means a 50,000 tones MOAB.
Lets kill all 1B+ Chinese and North Koreans Russians, Iranians and all the Arabs and in general all the third world countries then what?
Assuming you lived 90 years happily ever after but then what? total blackness and nothing else right? if so then kill yourself so you don't have to tolerate such a world.
I think that you understand that if it had not been for the world community, it has long since been dropped on the idyl all that can be discarded. But everyone wants to kill humanely.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Mometaskers on April 16, 2017, 07:07:27 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

It's a MAD world. We can't even call this mutually-assured destruction anymore... Even non-belligerents will suffer.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Masha Sha on April 17, 2017, 04:30:51 AM
Time to try to understand... thanks for both of your comments.

MOAB dropped on ISIS was 10 tones and a nuclear warhead with destructive power of 50KT means a 50,000 tones MOAB.
Lets kill all 1B+ Chinese and North Koreans Russians, Iranians and all the Arabs and in general all the third world countries then what?
Assuming you lived 90 years happily ever after but then what? total blackness and nothing else right? if so then kill yourself so you don't have to tolerate such a world.

So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion.

For comparison:

Mark 1 – "Little Boy" gun-type uranium weapon (used against Hiroshima). (13–18 kilotons, 1945–1950)
Mark 3 – "Fat Man" plutonium implosion weapon (used against Nagasaki), effectively the same at the "Gadget" device used in the Trinity (nuclear test) with minor design differences. (21 kilotons, 1945–1950)

So more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

But it can be "dialed back" to only 5 or 10 kilotons.


The kilojoule (kJ) is equal to one thousand (10^3) joules. One square metre of the Earth receives about 1.4 kilojoules of solar radiation every second in full daylight.

The gigajoule (GJ) is equal to one billion (10^9) joules. 6 GJ is about the amount of potential chemical energy in 160 L (approximately one US standard barrel) of oil, when combusted.

The terajoule (TJ) is equal to one trillion (10^12) joules; about 0.278 GWh (often used in energy tables). About 63 TJ of energy was released by the atomic bomb that exploded over Hiroshima.

The petajoule (PJ) is equal to one quadrillion (10^15) joules. 210 PJ is equivalent to about 50 megatons of TNT. This is the amount of energy released by the Tsar Bomba, the largest man-made nuclear explosion ever.

The zettajoule (ZJ) is equal to one sextillion (1021) joules. The human annual global energy consumption is approximately 0.5 ZJ.

The yottajoule (YJ) is equal to one septillion (10^24) joules. This is approximately the amount of energy required to heat all the water on Earth by 1 °C. The thermal output of the Sun is approximately 400 YJ per second.

And finally MOAB Blast yield 11 tons TNT (46 GJ), and B61 nuclear bomb 300-340000 tons TNT?

It's not easy appreciate the difference in the scale... how could a barrel of oil hold 6 GJ and a moab only produce 46 GJ blast yield? Why yield, seems more appropriate for farmland.

Anyway my all point was small in size but not in power, but I am still discovering how impactfull it can be... i though that the little box in the first pictures were boxes... not a city.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: HabBear on April 17, 2017, 05:03:58 AM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

Yes, incredibly ironic. The wars are are all the same - one side doesn't agree with another's view point, so they try to force them into submission with weapons. The other side (or a third side) identifies the first side's audacity to oppress a people so they bomb the shit of them to force them into submission.

The only way this shit stops is when everyone puts the guns down.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: tvbcof on April 17, 2017, 03:41:37 PM

... how could a barrel of oil hold 6 GJ and a moab only produce 46 GJ blast yield? Why yield, seems more appropriate for farmland.  ...

Ya, common misconception about the power of explosives.  They tend to release even less energy than a good fuel.  They just release it faster making a high enough peek energy density to mechanically fracture a target material.

If one computes the area under the curve of a the energy release from:
 - a pound of C4 detonated
 - a pound of C4 lit on fire to heat an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)
it will be similar.  It's just that the peak value for the detonated curve will be much higher.

We use a slower explosive like ammonium nitrate for cratering charges which tends more to heave rather than shatter material.

Looked at another way, I could move a lot more dirt with 40 pounds of diesel fuel and a bulldozer than I could with a 40 lb cratering charge.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Lancusters on April 17, 2017, 11:18:23 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

Yes, incredibly ironic. The wars are are all the same - one side doesn't agree with another's view point, so they try to force them into submission with weapons. The other side (or a third side) identifies the first side's audacity to oppress a people so they bomb the shit of them to force them into submission.

The only way this shit stops is when everyone puts the guns down.
It is not possible. Who will agree to put your weapons on the ground? I don't believe it. Nuclear weapons of North Korea can only scare neighboring States, but the faster will be destroyed the regime of Kim the less will be the victims.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: popcorn1 on April 18, 2017, 12:34:42 AM
The people vote and the elections must be checked in case of fraud I.E Turkey  and then the winner of that party does what the people voted for..
YOU WORK FOR THE PEOPLE..If the people want new schools YOU DO IT  that's why we voted for you..
You don't get in and then rob our taxes and contracts to line your own pockets ..YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL..

You are not a leader like kings and queens of yesteryear ..IT'S OVER THOSE DAYS ARE GONE..
Why because it protects the future children ..

The people need to rule this planet .OR we will never move forward ..

Even down to birth control..If we all one day unite we can all say planet lets all stop having children for 2 years to lower the population
and every country can stop for 2 years and some old will die off leaving less people on this planet and every so often we can do this..

Saves going to war and destroying this planet and humanity..

We all get a universal income no one person rules THE WHOLE EARTH PEOPLE DO..

My thinking is if Russia makes something good then we all benefit if china does something good we all benefit..

Travel into space plenty of tech needed that the whole planet needs to be involved with..

It reminds me of drug dealers fighting over turf ..OIL GANGSTERS MINING GANGSTERS ..All fighting to sell to the masses.
also fighting for the mines..GREEDY RATS..

When a universal income could solve it all ..

Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of ...
Video for universal income i everything▶ 30:11
7 May 2016 - Uploaded by
Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of Unconditional Basic Income.

Robert Reich: The Truth About Taxes [CC] - YouTube
Video for Robert B. Reich universal income▶ 2:31

Introducing the universal basic income | IN 60 SECONDS - YouTube
Video for Robert B. Reich universal income▶ 1:18
6 Jun 2016 - Uploaded by American Enterprise Institute

Or as the planet become?    if you can talk good you become elected and then can rob the people of taxes.

Seems so..

We the people buy these peoples stuff lets stop buying it THEY ARE FINISHED THEN ;).
No paying your way or bad business practice THEN WE SHOULD NOT BUY..

So someone make a website about BAD COMPANIES ..And make sure IT'S THE TRUTH .or you will be sued..

But if i looked and a company was ripping us off i wouldn't use ;) ;)..
Or a company killing us by what they do..JUST DON'T BUY..
Come on as a people we can do this..

WE GIVE COMPANIES THE RIGHT TO SELL TO THE MASSES..So be thankful you made a good living as it is..GREEDY PEOPLE..
So lets name them and shame them and never buy again..

Or the might be one already a site who names and shames companies..
WE HAVE THE POWER ..Without the masses buying they loose they are gone over..
Don't worry someone will come along and will do the right thing by the people to make good money..
They will just make what you made .And you greedy man is finished..

This is how we win..

I HATE GREEDY PEOPLE HATE THEM..Have so much and still want more..And not a care in the world who they hurt..

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Boobies00 on April 18, 2017, 06:32:10 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

So you would be for attacking North Korea? gotta destroy the enemy before he has a chance to destroy the world.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: BurtW on April 18, 2017, 07:07:58 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

So you would be for attacking North Korea? gotta destroy the enemy before he has a chance to destroy the world.
Whether you, I or any other random nobody on a forum in the backwaters of the Internet wants to or not it appears that president Trump probably will bomb North Korea at some point.  It appears he is just that kind of guy.  All it would take is for one of his many scandals to spin out of control to the point he needs something to distract everyone from his and/or his people's shenanigans.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Sithara007 on April 19, 2017, 01:55:26 AM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

So you would be for attacking North Korea? gotta destroy the enemy before he has a chance to destroy the world.

No. Do you have any evidence to prove that North Korea intends to destroy the world? IMO, the Americans and the South Koreans must stop their provocations, and peace will return to the Korean peninsula.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: squatz1 on April 19, 2017, 11:56:17 AM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.

Well the big thing about making peace, is that if you want it you're going to have to prepare for war "Si vis pacem, para bellum" "If you want peace, prepare for war" This is one of the core things that I think of based on the fact that if you're going to keep flaunting your armaments at countries that also have these arms no one is going to go to war with eachother.

Simply put, the Soviets and the US both had nuclear bombs and knew that if they dropped one on one another it would cause nuclear war and would obliterate the world as we know it.

So, it's horrible to say but if you want peace countries need to have nuclear arms, and other military armaments.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Xester on April 19, 2017, 12:12:15 PM

So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion. But this bomb is very small in size... can you understand the trend?

And this lead me to say that all those that support people like putin & co, those faking power weak dying men (all will die), are a problem to me and the earth.

Yes those type of munitions are necessary against "Power"men, however why isn't a better world worked on?

Spin your bullshit to defend them as you want mad(&dying)servants of those men... and the worst is that by defending them you will pay her dinner... she would eat the bones of her children if there was daimond in it...

Western civilization is a humanist vision in which Roman law integrated Jesus wisdom, thereby giving Western culture its distinctive character: freedom of speech and of the press, equal justice under law, the primacy of the individual, separation of religion and state, freedom of religion and from religion, property rights, sexual equality, an independent judiciary, and independent education, among other values, like clean natural nutrishious food, pure water, clean air, and formost respect and love for the biospheres.

Sadly, there are still a lot of barbarians around, one disctinctive feature is: personnality cult for men and women (the concept of honor, dignity, liberty or duty are relegated to their servitude to their leader (alive or dead). Another word for barbarians in subhumans, sadly they even with all their weakness still learn how to make and use weapons.

And this is why or they become human (they all can) or must be killed fisrt.

If you remember the atomic bombed dropped on hiroshima Japan that was a 15 kiloton megabomb. That event has causes tremendous damaged and has damaged an entire city causing thousand of people to die. Imagine if those 50 kilotons nuclear bomb will be dropped in an area it will be stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima and the damage will be also greater and at the same time the place will be inhabitable after how many years due to radiation. Truly the United States of America is crazy and will panic if a terrorist will have access to one of those bombs and will be used against it.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: ImHash on April 19, 2017, 02:17:57 PM
~S      N         I          P
Simply take the veto power from US in UN and instead of NATO establish a world wide army taking commands from the UN only by 95% consensus without any veto rights because when a member use veto the other members go and do their own damn job.
But nope as soon as they became a power in the region they started to expand and kill and steal to build the strongest army and here we are now.

They'll try to convince you that separating religion from the law/ government is the answer, what freedom of speech? where did anyone hear all the victims and dozens of nations voices? or if they heard when did they care?

30 years ago Iranians told the world to sell them the materials needed and let their scientists and engineers build nuclear reactors to produce electricity and for medical purposes and said if you don't give us then we'll make them ourselves which they did.

US and EU countries helped Saddam in war against Iran while all they did was just defending and they even were importing barbed wire from Russia and other countries, imagine a country without having the knowledge and technology to make barbed wires defended itself for 8 long years and now that they're naturally evolving advancing peacefully, they couldn't tolerate, they couldn't accept it.

US soldiers raped gang banged 12/14/16 years old girls and filmed it in Iraq and after a few weeks the same soldiers were decapitated in front of the cameras, you have no idea how many girls and women were raped during the invasion, now you see western girls getting raped your blood boils up and wanting to nuke all of them?
North Korean wants to be left alone but can they let them be? no they want to poke everyone and everything.

Do you think writing in Arabic on flags and filming some people shouting God is great then decapitate some people and then showing it on internet will make the world to believe Islam is bad and evil? do they think that they can annoy God causing him trouble by misguiding the masses?

US is good and loves human rights? then why don't they unfreeze billions of dollars of frozen assets of Iranian people and find a way to distribute that money between their people? wouldn't that be the humane thing the heroic action? you might want to think again.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Forester618 on April 19, 2017, 02:43:24 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

So you would be for attacking North Korea? gotta destroy the enemy before he has a chance to destroy the world.

No. Do you have any evidence to prove that North Korea intends to destroy the world? IMO, the Americans and the South Koreans must stop their provocations, and peace will return to the Korean peninsula.
Are you sure that the Koreans want to live in such a world? I'm not sure. Moreover I don't like the world in which maniacs possess nuclear weapons and not only mock his people, but threaten other countries. Jerzy Kim should be destroyed and nuclear weapons of North Korea must be liquidated.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 19, 2017, 05:15:15 PM
Are you sure that the Koreans want to live in such a world? I'm not sure. Moreover I don't like the world in which maniacs possess nuclear weapons and not only mock his people, but threaten other countries. Jerzy Kim should be destroyed and nuclear weapons of North Korea must be liquidated.

Destruction of Kim Jong Un is not that easy. He commands an army of almost 4 million people, and these people are ready to die for him. You need to analyze whether 5-6 million deaths (may be much more) is OK, if you want to topple Kim Jong Un. For me, it will be better to maintain a status quo, rather than causing the mass murder of so many people.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Boobies00 on April 19, 2017, 05:47:50 PM
Isn't it ironic that we try to achieve peace by having weapons that can obliterate the world in a matter of minutes.
You contradict yourself. On the one hand you do not want nuclear weapons because it can destroy the whole world, and on the other hand you are opposed to destroy the enemy until he has a chance to destroy the world.

So you would be for attacking North Korea? gotta destroy the enemy before he has a chance to destroy the world.

No. Do you have any evidence to prove that North Korea intends to destroy the world? IMO, the Americans and the South Koreans must stop their provocations, and peace will return to the Korean peninsula.

North Korea has to stop its provocations first. The US and the South are just responding to the North's craziness.

As for evidence who needs that when you have another potential Hitler with nukes. They should have taken him out years ago before he had a chance to create more nukes and ICBMs. Anyhow, his behavior thus far constitutes him being removed from power.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Masha Sha on April 20, 2017, 06:10:54 AM

... how could a barrel of oil hold 6 GJ and a moab only produce 46 GJ blast yield? Why yield, seems more appropriate for farmland.  ...

Ya, common misconception about the power of explosives.  They tend to release even less energy than a good fuel.  They just release it faster making a high enough peek energy density to mechanically fracture a target material.

If one computes the area under the curve of a the energy release from:
 - a pound of C4 detonated
 - a pound of C4 lit on fire to heat an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)
it will be similar.  It's just that the peak value for the detonated curve will be much higher.

We use a slower explosive like ammonium nitrate for cratering charges which tends more to heave rather than shatter material.

Looked at another way, I could move a lot more dirt with 40 pounds of diesel fuel and a bulldozer than I could with a 40 lb cratering charge.

Thank you! Self evident from the word it itself ex-plosion! So the speed or intensify at which the energy can be released.

If wmds weren't invented i would say time to weaponize Oil ;).

So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion. But this bomb is very small in size... can you understand the trend?

And this lead me to say that all those that support people like putin & co, those faking power weak dying men (all will die), are a problem to me and the earth.

Yes those type of munitions are necessary against "Power"men, however why isn't a better world worked on?

Spin your bullshit to defend them as you want mad(&dying)servants of those men... and the worst is that by defending them you will pay her dinner... she would eat the bones of her children if there was daimond in it...

Western civilization is a humanist vision in which Roman law integrated Jesus wisdom, thereby giving Western culture its distinctive character: freedom of speech and of the press, equal justice under law, the primacy of the individual, separation of religion and state, freedom of religion and from religion, property rights, sexual equality, an independent judiciary, and independent education, among other values, like clean natural nutrishious food, pure water, clean air, and formost respect and love for the biospheres.

Sadly, there are still a lot of barbarians around, one disctinctive feature is: personnality cult for men and women (the concept of honor, dignity, liberty or duty are relegated to their servitude to their leader (alive or dead). Another word for barbarians in subhumans, sadly they even with all their weakness still learn how to make and use weapons.

And this is why or they become human (they all can) or must be killed fisrt.

If you remember the atomic bombed dropped on hiroshima Japan that was a 15 kiloton megabomb. That event has causes tremendous damaged and has damaged an entire city causing thousand of people to die. Imagine if those 50 kilotons nuclear bomb will be dropped in an area it will be stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima and the damage will be also greater and at the same time the place will be inhabitable after how many years due to radiation. Truly the United States of America is crazy and will panic if a terrorist will have access to one of those bombs and will be used against it.

The problem is that single nukes are more in the 20000+ kilotonnes range (20Megatonnes)... and with MIRV missiles (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) at 100kt per bomb...

For example the biggest used, tsar bomba was only 50M because the max design of 100M would have killed the airplan pilots 100%... read it's crazy, soviet ways...

And here is what a 50M Total destruction radius, superimposed on Paris.

Hiroshima was atomic, this is next level: hydrogen...  

I don't understand what you mean by the your remark on the fear of terrorists or rogues or barbarians actors getting such a weapon? Common defense as per the constitution is very rational against such weapons, and not crazy at all.

The best way to suppress this risk, is removed nuke technology civilian and military and sadly eliminate the regimes persuing it. And no there will be no panick, as it's not the proper way to handle such a situation...

Are you sure that the Koreans want to live in such a world? I'm not sure. Moreover I don't like the world in which maniacs possess nuclear weapons and not only mock his people, but threaten other countries. Jerzy Kim should be destroyed and nuclear weapons of North Korea must be liquidated.

Destruction of Kim Jong Un is not that easy. He commands an army of almost 4 million people, and these people are ready to die for him. You need to analyze whether 5-6 million deaths (may be much more) is OK, if you want to topple Kim Jong Un. For me, it will be better to maintain a status quo, rather than causing the mass murder of so many people.

The problem is that there is no status quo, kimi and his alike are still investing massively in wmds. The more time pass the better they get (ever played a rts?), the tsar bomb was made end in 1961...

Sadly I think you are right, it will be hard to eliminate dprk conventionnally... but against a nuclear wmds ready actor the doctrines of engagement are quite different... and your number maybe too low... furthermore if you add that Seoul must be unscatered...

But who knows what may really lie in the us arsenal... because winning but making a giant ecological nightmare isn't really winning.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: Podgor on April 20, 2017, 12:46:38 PM
Meanwhile the most powerful people build shelters, tunnels and undreground bases.

Title: Re: Hey idiots & low iqs; This is a nuclear bomb...
Post by: criptix on April 20, 2017, 12:50:32 PM
Nuke kim. Let the russians go bankrupt. China will surrender out of her own afterwards.
Mission accomplished