Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 01:36:08 AM

Title: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 01:36:08 AM
Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale

First of all:

I am not a newbie.

I was known on here as "usscfounder" before the FBI raided the tormail servers and I lost my email account.

You can look at the creation date of this account and you will see that it was registered shortly after the FBI raids on the tormail servers.

You can request bitcointalk to validate that usscfounder's email was

I am offering information and an (optional) service for sale.

I am a theoretical physicist and have a background in information systems and business analysis [I.T].  I have also been told on more than one occasion that I am a genius.

I have an idea for a new type of cryptocurrency or coin if you will.  

If my idea is properly implemented it should produce a dominant coin with a possible valuation higher than bitcoin.

However, the coin will have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market and community as a whole.

Please understand that I found a weakness in Bitcoin and ALL of the other cryptocurrencies; a weakness that can be exploited if the exploit is implemented properly.  

Possibly it may devalue bitcoin and the other coins or maybe it won't have much effect; but, I guarantee that it will have an impact and change cryptocurrency forever.

I made this discovery years ago and thought it too dangerous to implement because I knew it would change cryptocurrencies forever; so, I kept it to myself until now.

The exploit is not in the code itself but rather in the overall design of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin greatest strength is also it's greatest weakness:  It's own blockchain

I am offering information on the exploit and a coin that if implemented properly can de-throne bitcoin as the number 1 coin in market share valuation.

I am obligated to tell you that in the long term this exploit will absolutely destroy Bitcoin or whatever crypto is targeted irregardless of the valuation.

I am willing to give this information and offer my service as a consultant to implement a coin that can take dominance away from Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.

Using escrow that we both agree on I will give this information for 50 BTC and offer my service for an negotiable fee.

All escrow fees are to be paid by the buyer.

(Using Escrow with no knowledge of the information)
This is the type of information you may not want anyone else to know; including escrow. You can buy it from me and then just sit on it and do nothing if you want but I will honor the payment and disclose it to no one else. However, If you should decide that the information is not worth 50 BTC and tell escrow not to pay then escrow will pay me 5 BTC (10%) because of the information that I gave you. After that I will solicit another buyer.


(Using escrow with the same knowledge of the information that I give you)
If the escrow is to be let in on the secret then the escrow has the power to pay me even if you don't believe that the information is worth 50 BTC.  If the escrow feels that the information will have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency markets then the escrow can choose to pay me the 50 BTC at his or her option whether you agree or not.

If you and the escrow both agree that the knowledge is not worth 50 BTC and that payment should not be made to me then I will post all of the information for all the world to see right here in this topic and let them decide for themselves; I will keep it a secret no longer.

If payment is made to me for the information (the service is optional) then I will disclose the secret to no one else and let you do what you will.

If no buyers or offers are made within a specific time frame I will disclose the information for all the world to see here in this topic.

BTW: I found a way to make it ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to trace coins.  I will include this information as well.  If you can figure out a way to trace the coins then you don't have to pay.  If I do not find any buyers then I will post this information as well for all the world to see.

If the information is not sold by Wed April 26th 11:59pm 2017 then I will post the information here to this topic.

I am obligated to tell you that in the long term this exploit will absolutely destroy Bitcoin or whatever crypto is targeted irregardless of the valuation.

If I post the information here I promise you that things in crypto are going to change forever and you will wish you had bought this information from me.  I promise you.

PM me if interested.

[UPDATE Wed April 26th 2017]:

Since I am not getting any offers I will start to post below the method of how to use an altcoin to take market share from another coin (hostile takeover).

I will post the information to make coins untraceable at the very end.

I am offering my services to help you design the below altcoin.  

My price is negotiable. I require a percentage of any coins gained from any conversion fees in the ICO.

I am offering my services to help you design an altcoin according to the specs below:

INFORMATION BELOW:(April 26th 2017)

As I stated before, there is an altcoin that can be designed to transfer value from one coin or blockchain to another.  In order for this altcoin to be successful the altcoin MUST NOT generate ANY OTHER COINS except the coins converting from the other blockchain.  This will ensure that most if not all of the value of the coin is transferred along with the coin itself.

When transferring the coin use the following method:

We will use "Bitcoin" (BTC) as the primary coin and "HostileCoin" (HTC) as the altcoin for this example:

1. Using a passphrase, generate an HTC wallet address using the brain wallet generator.  The wallet will be empty and the passphrase will generate a wallet address and a key to unlock that address. Let's say for example the HTC wallet address = QWERTYASDFGZXCVBQWERTYASDFGZXCVB

2. Now send the Bitcoin (BTC) you want to convert to HTC to the same HTC address : QWERTYASDFGZXCVBQWERTYASDFGZXCVB

3. Your BTC will now goto that same address - BUT in the Bitcoin blockchain instead: QWERTYASDFGZXCVBQWERTYASDFGZXCVB.


5. After the coins you sent are confirmed in the bitcoin blockchain the HTC client will should start to look for its own address BUT in the Bitcoin blockchain instead (not the HTC blockchain).  When it finds it's own address in the Bitcoin blockchain it knows those coins have been destroyed.

6. Once the HTC client has done at least 6 confirmations of the amount of coins at the BTC address on the Bitcoin blockchain it should then start protocols for generating the same exact amount of coins at the same address in it's own blockchain (HostileCoin blockchain).

7. The protocols to generate coins in the HTC blockchain should populate the wallet address: QWERTYASDFGZXCVBQWERTYASDFGZXCVB with the same exact amount of coins that have been destroyed minus any conversion fees.

8. At this point depending on how you develop the client you can either start to use the coins in HTC wallet or use other protocols to make the coins untraceable (More on this later).

9. You can use standard transaction fees afterwards when people start to spend their HostileCoins.  Because the only way to generate an HostileCoin is to destroy a Bitcoin, the value of a HostileCoin should be close to or about the same as a Bitcoin.  If your HostileCoin has more popular features than a Bitcoin then the value should actually increase.  This is what will cause a problem for Bitcoin in the ICO; if the ICO has a small cap on the number of coins that can be converted everyone will rush to convert their coins before the cap is reached - especially if the price of the HostileCoin is rising.

Also there are other factors to consider.  If you add protocols to prevent the coins from being traced the value will increase even more.  Persons highly motivated to get rid of their Bitcoins would jump at the opportunity to convert their coins.  I would bet they would even pay a premium to convert their coins rather than just letting the coins sit in a BTC wallet monitored by the FEDS.

10. Developers of the HostileCoin can actually make a profit by charging a small conversion fee in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO).  An additional fee can be charged to make the coins untraceable.

11. Fork DASH or some other high value coin - removing the mining for coin generation and put HostileCoin generation to generate the coins instead.

12. Put a Cap of 210,000 coins on the HostileCoin [that's 1% of all Bitcoins]. Hard code it to make sure no more coins can be made after the cap.

13. Launch the ICO.

Ok I am back now.

I have decided to sell the first method I have developed to make the coins untraceable AFTER the transfer to HostileCoins.  

The method I am selling WILL ALLOW anyone to trace the coins to the HostileCoin Blockchain but no further.

I will sell the info to whomever will make the best offer.

I am starting the bid at 2.295 BTC

I will accept BTC, DASH, or ETH

PM me.

I have even found a way to defeat all of these high speed, high production mining rigs using a special type of mining that I call Stake of Destruction (Sod)


I have bids coming in now.  Once payment is made I will close this post.



Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 03:18:28 AM
If the information is not sold by Wed April 26th 11:59pm 2017 then I will post the information here to this topic.

I am obligated to tell you that in the long term this exploit will absolutely destroy Bitcoin or whatever crypto is targeted irregardless of the valuation.

If I post the information here I promise you that things in crypto are going to change forever and you will wish you had bought this information from me.  I promise you.

Bitcoin would have to fork in order to survive and it would not be the same coin; in addition, the fork would still be susceptible to another attack.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 01:48:43 PM
I am not getting any reply's or offers.

It does not seem like anyone is interested so I will just post the information today maybe someone will contract me to design the coin after I submit.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: robelneo on April 25, 2017, 02:13:32 PM
Well to see is to believe,I hope no one here had 50 bitcoin to deal with your offer so you can post it here and let see how credible on what you have there,honestly I have never read what you have just posted here so I'm interested if it is really worth it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 02:16:47 PM
Well to see is to believe,I hope no one here had 50 bitcoin to deal with your offer so you can post it here and let see how credible on what you have there,honestly I have never read what you have just posted here so I'm interested if it is really worth it.

I just posted this ad in alternate coin services as well so I will give it a little more time to get offers.

There is not escrow service that can be trusted with 50 BTC?  What do you have to lose?

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: khufuking on April 25, 2017, 02:48:23 PM
The real problem here is you will get 5 BTC either way even if the person who bought the info from you already know this info you told him or found it useless you still gonna force him to pay 5 BTC . Why would anyone do this to himself .

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 02:53:39 PM
The real problem here is you will get 5 BTC either way even if the person who bought the info from you already know this info you told him or found it useless you still gonna force him to pay 5 BTC . Why would anyone do this to himself .

If you read the post you would see there is another option where I don't get anything as long as the escrow is in on the information.  The first option is to protect me from being scamed and robbed.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 02:55:17 PM
OK - To show that this is serious I will give out SOME information here and now:

Everyone knows that in order to destroy coins one just simply has to send the coins to an address where there is no known key - but how do we know that the key is really unknown or that the coins are really destroyed?

But have you ever accidentally sent BTC to an LTC address or another altcoin address?  If you managed to do so we know that those coins are really destroyed because there is no way to generate an wallet address on one blockchain that is identical to a wallet address on a different and alternative blockchain.

But what if there was an altcoin that COULD accept coins from a different blockchain?  An altcoin that could generate coins not through mining but through finding destroyed coins on an alternative blockchain?

More to come...

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: coin-investor on April 25, 2017, 03:05:49 PM
OK - To show that this is serious I will give out SOME information here and now:

Everyone knows that in order to destroy coins one just simply has to send the coins to an address where there is no known key - but how do we know that the key is really unknown or that the coins are really destroyed?

But have you ever accidentally sent BTC to an LTC address or another altcoin address?  If you managed to do so we know that those coins are really destroyed because there is no way to generate an wallet address on one blockchain that is identical to a wallet address on a different and alternative blockchain.

But what if there was an altcoin that COULD accept coins from a different blockchain?  An altcoin that could generate coins not through mining but through finding destroyed coins on an alternative blockchain?

More to come...

Sounds interesting but if I were you I will just create a coin for this and do an ico,you can easily raise 50 Bitcoin with this,instead of one man getting hold of that information,truth not every one here are whales and could not cough out more than $50,000

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 03:12:06 PM
Im flexible

Make an offer.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 03:24:23 PM
An altcoin could be created that could make a "Hostile Takeover" on another coin.

All the altcoin would have to do is have better features or a higher valuation and everyone would destroy their coins to convert over.

There even a way make your coins untraceable once converted over.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: kidsrock on April 25, 2017, 03:47:42 PM
so its like we created one coins that will accepted all coins including bitcoin? the coins will receive whatever coins, but my question is how this coins will be survive if all coins has receive in that new coins? because that new coins will be like one big place that can collect all coins that have wrong destination wallet. and beside that, this coins have another function to search all coins that have been destroyed. its sounds really interesting and i think it could be happen and i think if this new coins can do receive all crypto currency and then can convert it into each of coins with no problem, then this coins is really superior because its not depend with one source blockchain. am i right?

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 03:57:31 PM
so its like we created one coins that will accepted all coins including bitcoin? the coins will receive whatever coins, but my question is how this coins will be survive if all coins has receive in that new coins? because that new coins will be like one big place that can collect all coins that have wrong destination wallet. and beside that, this coins have another function to search all coins that have been destroyed. its sounds really interesting and i think it could be happen and i think if this new coins can do receive all crypto currency and then can convert it into each of coins with no problem, then this coins is really superior because its not depend with one source blockchain. am i right?

There is a specific way to do this.  If it is done right the coin WILL dominate whatever coin is targeted.

Without going into too much detail, the coin would not accept all other coins just a percentage of the targeted coin.  You would have to put a cap on the number of coins generated - this in effect would create a type of ICO - if hyped and pumped right a sizable chunk of the targeted coin could be lost in minutes.  

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: kidsrock on April 25, 2017, 04:15:39 PM
so its like we created one coins that will accepted all coins including bitcoin? the coins will receive whatever coins, but my question is how this coins will be survive if all coins has receive in that new coins? because that new coins will be like one big place that can collect all coins that have wrong destination wallet. and beside that, this coins have another function to search all coins that have been destroyed. its sounds really interesting and i think it could be happen and i think if this new coins can do receive all crypto currency and then can convert it into each of coins with no problem, then this coins is really superior because its not depend with one source blockchain. am i right?

There is a specific way to do this.  If it is done right the coin WILL dominate whatever coin is targeted.

Without going into too much detail, the coin would not accept all coins just a percentage of the targeted coin.  You would have to put a cap on the number of coin generated - this in effect would create a type of ICO - if hyped and pumped right a sizable chunk of the targeted coin could be lost in minutes.  

but the coins will need other coins to supply this coins and it makes this new coins unlimited and without having mining process because this coins doesn't need that. and if this coins is getting the big pump, i can not imagine what will happen. but i wonder, how much the price will be? will it defeat bitcoin price?

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 04:27:51 PM
so its like we created one coins that will accepted all coins including bitcoin? the coins will receive whatever coins, but my question is how this coins will be survive if all coins has receive in that new coins? because that new coins will be like one big place that can collect all coins that have wrong destination wallet. and beside that, this coins have another function to search all coins that have been destroyed. its sounds really interesting and i think it could be happen and i think if this new coins can do receive all crypto currency and then can convert it into each of coins with no problem, then this coins is really superior because its not depend with one source blockchain. am i right?

There is a specific way to do this.  If it is done right the coin WILL dominate whatever coin is targeted.

Without going into too much detail, the coin would not accept all coins just a percentage of the targeted coin.  You would have to put a cap on the number of coin generated - this in effect would create a type of ICO - if hyped and pumped right a sizable chunk of the targeted coin could be lost in minutes.  

but the coins will need other coins to supply this coins and it makes this new coins unlimited and without having mining process because this coins doesn't need that. and if this coins is getting the big pump, i can not imagine what will happen. but i wonder, how much the price will be? will it defeat bitcoin price?

I cant give out too much details until the sale is expired.  But there are all kinds of things that can be done with this.

If I can't find a buyer then I will post on here how to make an altcoin that WILL dominate and takeover whatever coin is targeted and how to make transfers and conversions completely untraceable - just so long as my instructions are completely followed to the letter.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 04:32:01 PM
If bitcoin users converted their coins the value should start at or close to the same price - just as long as there are no other coins generated by any other method.

If hackers stole bitcoins and converted the coins the price might actually jump.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: fortunecrypto on April 25, 2017, 04:33:12 PM
so its like we created one coins that will accepted all coins including bitcoin? the coins will receive whatever coins, but my question is how this coins will be survive if all coins has receive in that new coins? because that new coins will be like one big place that can collect all coins that have wrong destination wallet. and beside that, this coins have another function to search all coins that have been destroyed. its sounds really interesting and i think it could be happen and i think if this new coins can do receive all crypto currency and then can convert it into each of coins with no problem, then this coins is really superior because its not depend with one source blockchain. am i right?

There is a specific way to do this.  If it is done right the coin WILL dominate whatever coin is targeted.

Without going into too much detail, the coin would not accept all coins just a percentage of the targeted coin.  You would have to put a cap on the number of coin generated - this in effect would create a type of ICO - if hyped and pumped right a sizable chunk of the targeted coin could be lost in minutes.  

but the coins will need other coins to supply this coins and it makes this new coins unlimited and without having mining process because this coins doesn't need that. and if this coins is getting the big pump, i can not imagine what will happen. but i wonder, how much the price will be? will it defeat bitcoin price?

I cant give out too much details until the sale is expired.  But there are all kinds of things that can be done with this.

If I can't find a buyer then I will post on here how to make an altcoin that WILL dominate and takeover whatever coin is targeted and how to make transfers and conversions completely untraceable - just so long as my instructions are completely followed to the letter.

I will definitely going to support this kind of coin,but I also recommend that you do not post the whole information and just create this coin  this could become a big hit in the market,who knows it might surpass all the other altcoin's price and you can gain 100 times of the price you are selling this information.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 04:33:57 PM
If bitcoin users converted their coins the value should start at or close to the same price - just as long as there are no other coins generated by any other method.

If hackers stole bitcoins and converted the coins the price might actually jump.

Not that I am condoning stealing.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 04:35:27 PM
If bitcoin users converted their coins the value should start at or close to the same price - just as long as there are no other coins generated by any other method.

If hackers stole bitcoins and converted the coins the price might actually jump.

Not that I am condoning stealing.

I would make this coin myself if I had a team to work with.  I would but I am not a developer.  

I would like to put a team together.  Anyone want to work with me on this?

PM me.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: BitBustah on April 25, 2017, 04:45:06 PM
I wish I could help out, but I lack the knowledge.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 04:49:19 PM
Finally I am starting to get PM's for this

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 05:07:25 PM
people are asking me for this info.

If I cant find a buyer I may just sell this info to whomever send me crypto.

How much do you think people would be willing to pay for it?

1.5 BTC or best offer for a copy?

how much are you willing to pay?

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: khufuking on April 25, 2017, 05:08:53 PM
Hmmm i am sorry but i really do not understand anything from what you saying . But i can a sure you one thing fall of BTC will bring the whole crypto world to ground that is a fact . tell me any store / vendor that will accept any crypto currencies after they lose that kinda of lost with BTC  . they will lose faith in the whole crypto world all together . so the coin you gonna make the new coin that will bring BTC to its knee will prob be useless too :) .

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 05:19:56 PM
Hmmm i am sorry but i really do not understand anything from what you saying . But i can a sure you one thing fall of BTC will bring the whole crypto world to ground that is a fact . tell me any store / vendor that will accept any crypto currencies after they lose that kinda of lost with BTC  . they will lose faith in the whole crypto world all together . so the coin you gonna make the new coin that will bring BTC to its knee will prob be useless too :) .

Not quite.

Remember If it is done right there would be a cap.  

Only a portion of the coins would be generated.  

If the percentage is small enough people who have a good reason to convert their coins would do so.

People who are highly motivated to convert their bitcoins would find these coins extremely valuable - especially if the new coins are untraceable.

Here's why:

With a cap on the new coins and a limited supply an ICO would be the only window of opportunity they would have to get rid of their coins.

An ICO if done right, should generate coins that are more valuable than bitcoin or whatever coin is targeted.  

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 05:26:29 PM
Conversion fees can be added to support transaction nodes.

OK I am giving out too much information now.

So how much BTC is this worth to you?

PM me

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 05:30:16 PM
Hmmm i am sorry but i really do not understand anything from what you saying . But i can a sure you one thing fall of BTC will bring the whole crypto world to ground that is a fact . tell me any store / vendor that will accept any crypto currencies after they lose that kinda of lost with BTC  . they will lose faith in the whole crypto world all together . so the coin you gonna make the new coin that will bring BTC to its knee will prob be useless too :) .

Not quite.

Remember If it is done right there would be a cap.  

Only a portion of the coins would be generated.  

If the percentage is small enough people who have a good reason to convert their coins would do so.

People who are highly motivated to convert their bitcoins would find these coins extremely valuable - especially if the new coins are untraceable.

Here's why:

With a cap on the new coins and a limited supply an ICO would be the only window of opportunity they would have to get rid of their coins.

An ICO if done right, should generate coins that are more valuable than bitcoin or whatever coin is targeted.  

Then if you add in new and additional features the converted coins become even more valuable.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 25, 2017, 07:37:21 PM
The long term threat to Bitcoin [or whatever coin is targeted] would be if multiple altcoin ICOs were attacking bitcoin consecutively.

There are over 800 "shitcoins" on the market right now.  What would happen if there were 800 "altcoin ICOs" attacking bitcoin?:

Each altcoin ICO could attempt a "hostile takeover" of Bitcoin.  Just think about it:

If each ICO just got a small percentage of the bitcoin it would erode the bitcoin ecosystem because most if not all of the coins would be destroyed.

The remaining coins would be highly valuable because of limited supply; however, bitcoin would have to compete against it's former coins that used to be in it own blockchain.


Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: BitBustah on April 26, 2017, 09:14:39 AM
Will the information you sell be enough for a novice (like me) to earn something on this "flaw" or "exploit" or whatever you call it?

If you are so sure about this, why not keep it quiet and exploit it yourself (with or without a team)?

I get the feeling that you are really onto something, and that a lot of money (coins) could be gained... but it would take a lot of knowledge and perhaps a team.
I have money to spend/invest, but I'm sure your info wouldn't give me something in return.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: pedrog on April 26, 2017, 01:25:26 PM
Nothing new, proof of burn has been described long ago.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: robelneo on April 26, 2017, 01:28:44 PM
Will the information you sell be enough for a novice (like me) to earn something on this "flaw" or "exploit" or whatever you call it?

If you are so sure about this, why not keep it quiet and exploit it yourself (with or without a team)?

I get the feeling that you are really onto something, and that a lot of money (coins) could be gained... but it would take a lot of knowledge and perhaps a team.
I have money to spend/invest, but I'm sure your info wouldn't give me something in return.

I agree he has to prove it first,it's just a theory and he is selling that for 50 Bitcoin,anyone who knows coding a crypto currency can come out a theory,but that doesn't mean that it's effective and can be done 100% he has to prove it himself.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 07:54:08 PM
Nothing new, proof of burn has been described long ago.

This is not proof of burn:

The wiki you gave says:
Proof of burn is a method for distributed consensus and an alternative to Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. It can also be used for bootstrapping one cryptocurrency off of another.

The idea is that miners should show proof that they burned some coins - that is, sent them to a verifiably unspendable address. This is expensive from their individual point of view, just like proof of work; but it consumes no resources other than the burned underlying asset. To date, all proof of burn cryptocurrencies work by burning proof-of-work-mined cryptocurrencies, so the ultimate source of scarcity remains the proof-of-work-mined "fuel".

There are likely many possible variants of proof of burn. This page currently describes Iain Stewart's version. Other people can add variant versions that still belong to the broad proof of burn idea.


By "burning" a tranche of bitcoins I just mean sending them to an address which is unspendable. The precise technical details of this will vary from cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency. With Bitcoin, any address which is [the RIPEMD160/SHA256 hash of] a script that evaluates to false will do. So, the script should do a "deliberately silly" thing - instead of things like "check such-and-such signature, and put the validity result on the stack", it should do something like "add 2 and 2, and now check if what's on top of the stack is equal to 5". (Or just "push 4, and check if it's equal to 5". Anything of that sort.) There are thus an unbounded number of such scripts, with entropy saturating RIPEMD160 since you can choose big numbers to taste. So, bitcoins sent to such a txout can never be redeemed on a future txin. (Barring the cracking of RIPEMD160 and the finding of an alternative matching script, that is. If that happens, the cryptocurrency is in big trouble anyway!)

With this definition of burning, it's not obvious to blockchain-watchers that some bitcoins have been burnt, at the time of burning. They've been sent to an address which doesn't stand out from any other. It's only later, when a miner who burned them earlier now wants to exhibit proof that "yes, these coins are burnt", that blockchain-watchers get their proof. (Which basically consists of exhibiting the script that manifestly always evaluates to false, and hashes to the address.) If it's thought desirable that the act of burning should be obvious right away, rather than later, then this can be achieved: burning merely needs to be defined as sending to some fixed unspendable address, with no variation - e.g. we could settle on the hash of "push 4, and check if it's equal to 5".

So, miners are creating candidate winning blocks by saying to the listening world, not "Look! I've done this many trillion hashes! [or struck lucky with fewer: you, the listening world, wouldn't know the difference... but this doesn't matter...]", but rather "Look! Two months ago I burned this many bitcoins!". In both cases, "this many" means an adjustable difficulty parameter, which the network adjusts from time to time (fortnightly, in today's Bitcoin) to squeeze out marginal miners (and keep more-efficient-than-marginal ones in profit) to just the extent needed to regulate block creation to a preferred pace (one per 10 minutes, in today's Bitcoin).

What I am doing is transferring the monetary value from one blockchain to the other:

An altcoin blockchain that creates money based on the destruction of money on another blockchain.

I am also adding additional features to the coin while limiting the number of coins that can be produced [Low Capping]; thereby creating a ICO that if implemented correctly, should entice users to burn their coins [hostile takeover].

I can add features that Bitcoin does not have like complete untracability during the conversion process.  An inspector might find that the coins were sent to an alternative blockchain but that would be all he would find.  He could inspect no further.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 08:02:31 PM
The method that I am using to generate the coins is also different than what is posted in the proof of burn method.

And regarding transfering the coins with untraceability:

I have even found a way to transfer the coins from one blockchain to an alternative blockchain with no proof that a transfer has even taken place.

Complete untraceability.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 08:28:24 PM
I have even found a way to transfer the coins from one blockchain to an alternative blockchain with no proof that a transfer has even taken place.

Complete untraceability.

The untraceable method itself is worth far more than 50 BTC

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: khufuking on April 26, 2017, 08:42:46 PM
Well you said that if no one pmed you to buy you will be posting the info in public . why you did not post it yet :) . what you are waiting for ? any on going negotiation with anyone in pms ?

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 08:58:17 PM
Well you said that if no one pmed you to buy you will be posting the info in public . why you did not post it yet :) . what you are waiting for ? any on going negotiation with anyone in pms ?

The time limit has not expired yet. 

But you are right. 

If anyone wants this information make your best offer. 

If I get enough money from an individual or different parties I wont post this info to the public; but more than one party may know.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 09:56:42 PM
Ok, since I am not getting any offers I will start to post the method of how to use an altcoin to take market share from another coin (hostile takeover).

I will post the information to make coins untraceable at the very end.

I am offering my services to help you design this altcoin.  

My price is negotiable. I require a percentage of any coins gained from any conversion fees in the ICO.

I will put the design at the beginning of this post.

Go to the top of page 1 to see the information.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: Enre on April 26, 2017, 10:06:30 PM
Im sure that wallets dont allow sending to invalid bitcoin addresses.. (litecoin addresses)

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 11:39:04 PM
Im sure that wallets dont allow sending to invalid bitcoin addresses.. (litecoin addresses)

That is up to the altcoin design not bitcoin.

Then there are other things you can do like add three letters to the beginning of the address then just ignore them when looking for the same bitcoin address. There are hundreds of other way to solve that problem.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 26, 2017, 11:41:14 PM
I have update the beginning of this post with some of the information.  Go to Page 1 at the top then scroll down for the info:

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: khufuking on April 27, 2017, 12:14:00 AM
Hmm the info you posted is hardly worth a penny . I told you before why would anyone want to destroy a coin worth almost $1300 to get another shitty coin . you did not answer . now tell me why ever any one want to do that ?!! for a coin with more futures? then just build new coin . to convert BTC to another altcoin ? just use your btc to buy any coin you want . what you mention make no logic .

what you saying for example one person have big building and you trying to tell him to destroy this building to get small rocks and then use this rocks to build big building again  ??? ::) .

maybe i need to sleep to process this better  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 27, 2017, 12:27:24 AM
Hmm the info you posted is hardly worth a penny . I told you before why would anyone want to destroy a coin worth almost $1300 to get another shitty coin . you did not answer . now tell me why ever any one want to do that ?!! for a coin with more futures? then just build new coin . to convert BTC to another altcoin ? just use your btc to buy any coin you want . what you mention make no logic .

what you saying for example one person have big building and you trying to tell him to destroy this building to get small rocks and then use this rocks to build big building again  ??? ::) .

maybe i need to sleep to process this better  ;D

Yeah get some sleep because apparently YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND or worse your a troll on someone's payroll.

You think I don't know that large BTC holders are paying people to troll altcoins?

It's trolls like you that's motivating me to publish this.

Only time will tell...

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 27, 2017, 04:31:26 AM
I have decided to sell the first method I have developed to make the coins untraceable AFTER the transfer to HostileCoins.  

The method I am selling WILL ALLOW anyone to trace the converted coins to the HostileCoin Blockchain but no further.

I will sell the info to whomever will make the best offer.

I am starting the bid at 2.295 BTC

I will accept BTC, DASH, or ETH

PM me.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: khufuking on April 27, 2017, 07:03:58 AM
Hmm the info you posted is hardly worth a penny . I told you before why would anyone want to destroy a coin worth almost $1300 to get another shitty coin . you did not answer . now tell me why ever any one want to do that ?!! for a coin with more futures? then just build new coin . to convert BTC to another altcoin ? just use your btc to buy any coin you want . what you mention make no logic .

what you saying for example one person have big building and you trying to tell him to destroy this building to get small rocks and then use this rocks to build big building again  ??? ::) .

maybe i need to sleep to process this better  ;D

Yeah get some sleep because apparently YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND or worse your a troll on someone's payroll.

You think I don't know that large BTC holders are paying people to troll altcoins?

It's trolls like you that's motivating me to publish this.

Only time will tell...

So i got paid to figure out that what you said is totally B.S ! . Well I hope I do that would be easy money . the real thing here is you did not answer any of what i said and started to attack me :) which means you are weak . And btw you are the one trying to troll us here with that kind of b.s info  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: BitBustah on April 27, 2017, 07:25:28 AM
I have decided to sell the first method I have developed to make the coins untraceable AFTER the transfer to HostileCoins.  

The method I am selling WILL ALLOW anyone to trace the converted coins to the HostileCoin Blockchain but no further.

I will sell the info to whomever will make the best offer.

I am starting the bid at 2.295 BTC

I will accept BTC, DASH, or ETH

PM me.

Does this include info/tips on how to earn from this method? Remember, I'm a novice.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 27, 2017, 07:40:29 PM
I have decided to sell the first method I have developed to make the coins untraceable AFTER the transfer to HostileCoins.  

The method I am selling WILL ALLOW anyone to trace the converted coins to the HostileCoin Blockchain but no further.

I will sell the info to whomever will make the best offer.

I am starting the bid at 2.295 BTC

I will accept BTC, DASH, or ETH

PM me.

Does this include info/tips on how to earn from this method? Remember, I'm a novice.

I will do better than that.  Yes I will include info and tips. but I will also offer my services as a consultant throughout your project for a reasonable fee if you want.

There are many, many ways to earn from this method.  I can show you how.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 27, 2017, 10:35:56 PM
I have even found a way to defeat all of these high speed, high production mining rigs using a special type of mining that I call Stake of Destruction (SoD).

SoD should put high production mining rigs on an even playing field with GPU and CPU mining.

I have lots and lots of other ideas as well... and they keep coming.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 28, 2017, 03:42:11 PM
I have bids coming in now.  Once payment is made I will close this post.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: daniel244king on April 28, 2017, 06:11:58 PM



Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: arubi on April 30, 2017, 04:46:08 PM
OK - To show that this is serious I will give out SOME information here and now:

Everyone knows that in order to destroy coins one just simply has to send the coins to an address where there is no known key - but how do we know that the key is really unknown or that the coins are really destroyed?

But have you ever accidentally sent BTC to an LTC address or another altcoin address?  If you managed to do so we know that those coins are really destroyed because there is no way to generate an wallet address on one blockchain that is identical to a wallet address on a different and alternative blockchain.

But what if there was an altcoin that COULD accept coins from a different blockchain?  An altcoin that could generate coins not through mining but through finding destroyed coins on an alternative blockchain?

More to come...


$ randhex 32
$ key_priv2pub D391EFDB25A444378BCE5FA210FDD4D1463E42B1D6AF40B6448C5D7B6D81F8E4

1PCvTZ6Jn8KYMfP3t3r2eU4N5dRbU5MzSe - bitcoin
n3iskcBHb9ko8mrfbcpQUPGgwd2JV94LdS - testnet
LhRsimQ8rnZbcU5D4BqKvV88HqnsenDJG6 - litecoin

what are you saying here exactly?  you can't just send litecoins to a bitcoin address or vise versa because the wallet will fail on a wrong network version byte.  if you meant "send them to the valid address on another chain", then you can obviously still redeem it because the p2pkh script is still solvable with the same conditions (hash160 matches the pubkey).
unless you mean something else?

if you want to accept coins from a different chain, this is a good starting point:

let me know if I just didn't get what you mean.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: Victor_sueca on April 30, 2017, 05:12:37 PM
This has already been atttempted in Slimcoin and TGCoin and it failed miserably, see (

If you still want a explanation from the technical point of view, the previous post by arubi is a good point of start.

Title: Re: [ANN] Service for Very Dangerous Coin for Sale [ANN]
Post by: judeafante on May 01, 2017, 05:02:18 AM
Op is trying to post something unique and have not been found or conceive by other coders and developers makes me think that he is satoshis himself but why sell it and when you can develop it ask people for funding or do an ico much better this way.