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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Winchester2211 on April 25, 2017, 02:18:30 PM

Title: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Winchester2211 on April 25, 2017, 02:18:30 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Daniel91 on April 25, 2017, 03:09:08 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?

I have a few friends from Japan.
They told me about the great pressure under which people live in Japan.
Parents have very great expectations of their children.
They wants that their children go to better schools, in order to later get jobs in better companies, and thus better position and status in society.
It's very difficult to get position in better schools so parents push even small children, 5-6 years old, to learn old day and night.
If they don't succeed and don't enter a better school, then it is a disaster and a big shame for parents and relatives.
Children often break under such pressure and commit suicide.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: BitcoinBabbler on April 25, 2017, 03:11:49 PM
One word, Peer pressure. Living in a technologically developed country, there is much competioion among the people of the state. This gives rise to stress and ultimately, suicide.

I dont believe suicide is the ultimate solution

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 25, 2017, 06:04:34 PM
I have worked with Japanese colleagues and they have told me that the work pressure is extreme in Japan. You are not supposed to make a single mistake, no matter how small it is. You should always deliver your output on time, and it should be of the required quality. It is almost impossible for outsiders to adjust with the Japanese work culture.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Aikonio on April 25, 2017, 06:43:54 PM
I have worked with Japanese colleagues and they have told me that the work pressure is extreme in Japan. You are not supposed to make a single mistake, no matter how small it is. You should always deliver your output on time, and it should be of the required quality. It is almost impossible for outsiders to adjust with the Japanese work culture.

High technology requires high accuracy, which leads to stress. I would not want to live there.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: PancherBitCoin on April 25, 2017, 06:56:35 PM
I have worked with Japanese colleagues and they have told me that the work pressure is extreme in Japan. You are not supposed to make a single mistake, no matter how small it is. You should always deliver your output on time, and it should be of the required quality. It is almost impossible for outsiders to adjust with the Japanese work culture.

High technology requires high accuracy, which leads to stress. I would not want to live there.
Today the whole world Japan rattles because of the huge level of cases of
child suicides. Even the Japanese authorities are very much concerned
about this problem. As reported, this is due to violence in schools.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Aikonio on April 25, 2017, 07:07:19 PM
I have worked with Japanese colleagues and they have told me that the work pressure is extreme in Japan. You are not supposed to make a single mistake, no matter how small it is. You should always deliver your output on time, and it should be of the required quality. It is almost impossible for outsiders to adjust with the Japanese work culture.

High technology requires high accuracy, which leads to stress. I would not want to live there.
Today the whole world Japan rattles because of the huge level of cases of
child suicides. Even the Japanese authorities are very much concerned
about this problem. As reported, this is due to violence in schools.

There is violence in every country, but in Japan it is certainly higher. You need to change the whole system, but it will not be beneficial to anyone.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: CoinCube on April 25, 2017, 07:09:24 PM
Christian missionaries find Japan a tough nut to crack
But Christian missionaries find Japan a tough nut to crack. They always have, ever since the first of them, St. Francis Xavier, landed in Kyushu in 1549. His first impression, based on an initially friendly reception, was, “In my opinion no people superior to the Japanese will be found among the unbelievers.” Two years later, he left disheartened, calling Japanese Buddhism “an invention of the devil.”

Missionaries today use different language but express similar frustration. The Japanese have so eagerly embraced everything Western — from fads to philosophies, baseball to scientific method. Why not Christianity? Even China, officially atheist and repressive of anything outside state control, counts 52 million Christians. In South Korea, 30 percent of a population of 50 million professes Christianity. In Japan? Less than 1 percent.

One explanation comes from Minoru Okuyama, director, as of 2010, of the Missionary Training Center in Japan. That year, he told a global missions conference, “Japanese make much of human relationships more than the truth. Consequently we can say that as for Japanese, one of the most important things is harmony; in Japanese, ‘Wa.'” The Japanese, said Okuyama, “are afraid of disturbing human relationships of their families or neighborhood even though they know Christianity is best.” Chinese and South Koreans, by contrast, “make more of truth or principle than human relationships.”

A shrewd and outspoken samurai character in Shusaku Endo’s historical novel “Samurai” (1980) put a similar thought much more bluntly. His sullen response to a Spanish missionary’s evangelizing, circa 1610, was, “The Japanese don’t care whether God exists or not.”

Quote from: Anita Carey
First time in 100+ years newborn population dips below 1 million
TOKYO - Numbers recently released by the Japanese government show that the newborn population has dipped below 1 million for the first time in more than a hundred years.

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare released demographic data for 2016 revealing the biggest net decrease in the almost 10 years of population decline. The birthrate has fallen to its lowest level since World War II, with only 981,000 births, while the death rate is estimated at 1.3 million. It's the lowest number of births since the census first began in 1899.

Officials projecting the figures have determined the overall population of Japan to decrease to 99.1 million by 2048 and to 86.7 million — a decrease of nearly one third from today's population of 126 million. Additionally, the people are aging, decreasing the working population by almost half — an estimated 46 percent — over the same time period.

To understand how these two articles are related to the OP I would direct you to the Health and Religion ( thread.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: StefanReed on April 25, 2017, 07:18:34 PM
I have worked with Japanese colleagues and they have told me that the work pressure is extreme in Japan. You are not supposed to make a single mistake, no matter how small it is. You should always deliver your output on time, and it should be of the required quality. It is almost impossible for outsiders to adjust with the Japanese work culture.
However, I heard that the Japanese are literally persuaded to go on vacation and stay at work. So the work does not bring him stress? Strange country for me, but I would love to lived there 1-2 years.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: popcorn1 on April 25, 2017, 07:55:05 PM
Universal income for JAPAN   and a few more holidays it will rejuvenate your people .
But no slacking on the HONDA  they are the wonder cars.

If you want a car that never lets you down get a Honda ;D.

The whole planet will feel stressed very soon it's called   TOTAL CAPITALISM <It kills
With the few good jobs out there compared to the population IT'S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD..

So i can imagine the pressure the parents put on the children .
It's GOVERNMENT who put the pressure on the parents ;)..

Without a good job your DOOMED.< Government pressure ..

And what will happen when robots take 33% of jobs in the next 10 years ..

If everyone owns a business who becomes the policemen firemen <the robots?
plus if everyone owns a business how does everyone make money you will only be selling a few items
because everyone else sells what you sell.

Imagine 20 thousand top car companies how many cars would one company sell.

a million types of named trainers how many will one company sell..

So you see it's impossible for everyone to run a company ..
But this is what governments are saying to everyone..

If you don't produce something everyone wants your doomed..
CAPITALISM is if you don't make something everyone wants you don't CAPITALISE ..

So i suggest you come up with ideas that will make you CAPITALISE .

Price of homes ...
Police army nurses teachers binmen shop workers factory workers will never be able to afford a home
in the near future .

I bet it already like that in Japan..
Same in London they said on News if your not earning 80k in London your not welcome.
So they expect the poor to travel on trains in and out of London taking some of the wages

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version - YouTube
Video for four horsemen▶ 1:38:54

THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST IS HERE ..Just make sure you get as many of those beasts as you can get.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: coolcoinz on April 25, 2017, 08:10:10 PM
I've seen the video about suicide forest in Japan, really scary and sad place.
The number of suicides is high because the Japanese rarely show emotions which isn't very healthy. If you get abused and don't fight back the anger will consume you to the point of a breakdown. You will either kill your oppressor or yourself. In Japan people treat the outside world like a jungle that sucks out your energy. This sometimes makes them stay at home for months or even years.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on April 25, 2017, 08:52:04 PM
High pressure and the social hierarchy plus too much restraint. I've seen on a TV show that there are even smiling seminars there to get the people to, well, smile! Either they kill themselves or become hikikimoris.

I've seen the video about suicide forest in Japan, really scary and sad place.
The number of suicides is high because the Japanese rarely show emotions which isn't very healthy. If you get abused and don't fight back the anger will consume you to the point of a breakdown. You will either kill your oppressor or yourself. In Japan people treat the outside world like a jungle that sucks out your energy. This sometimes makes them stay at home for months or even years.

Oh yes, I've seen videos of Aokigahara, so fuckin creepy. There are long strands of strings (presumably people who go there unwind them, in case they change their minds) and plenty of abandoned wet tents. You get spooked out just looking at the place.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: CoinCube on April 26, 2017, 02:02:54 AM
Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt

OBJECTIVE: Few studies have investigated the association between religion and suicide either in terms of Durkheim’s social integration hypothesis or the hypothesis of the regulative benefits of religion. The relationship between religion and suicide attempts has received even less attention.

METHOD: Depressed inpatients (N=371) who reported belonging to one specific religion or described themselves as having no religious affiliation were compared in terms of their demographic and clinical characteristics.

RESULTS: Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. No differences in the level of subjective and objective depression, hopelessness, or stressful life events were found.

CONCLUSIONS: Religious affiliation is associated with less suicidal behavior in depressed inpatients. After other factors were controlled, it was found that greater moral objections to suicide and lower aggression level in religiously affiliated subjects may function as protective factors against suicide attempts. Further study about the influence of religious affiliation on aggressive behavior and how moral objections can reduce the probability of acting on suicidal thoughts may offer new therapeutic strategies in suicide prevention.

Japan: The Most Religious Atheist Country
However when a subsequent Gallup poll asked about atheism, it discovered that 31% of Japanese people were also willing to check the ‘convinced atheist’ box. If the phrase ‘religiously unaffiliated’ was used instead of ‘atheist’, the yes-result was a jaw-dropping 57%.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: crwth on April 26, 2017, 02:11:04 AM
Without research, what I think is the decline in love ones, sometimes they feel alone and becoming unloved by the society itself. I don't know if it's always been like that, but I think it's best to see the positive side instead. If you feel lonely, there actually people who would listen to you and don't forget that there are individuals who care about you, you just have to look.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: squatz1 on April 26, 2017, 03:05:02 AM
I would simply say that China and Japan are probably leading in this due to the insane amount of stress instilled upon them by family, government, boss, teachers, and so on and so forth. This type of stress, at least the level of it really isn't present in the Western countries, such as the US where I live. People are stressed, don't get me wrong it's not like we're all chilling and everything but people don't hit the same level nor even close to it.

It's insanely sad to see the drive for success of people lead to the death and suicide because people aren't living up to the expectations of others so they take their own lives, I would only hope someone could address this issue and these people who are on the verge of doing such a thing don't pull the trigger.

Bad choice to fix a short term problem with a permanent solution like this, something you can't turn back on and are going to force your family, friends, others and so on to suffer because of this too.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Russlenat on April 26, 2017, 03:44:52 AM
I think this suicide intent is inherited from their ancestor!
If you watch Japanese movies and Chinese movies they do suicide in time of trouble or having problem.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on April 26, 2017, 04:16:18 AM
Japan is a country where individuals live their own isolated lives. There is not much friendship or personal relations. This may be the reason why the people feel depressed and think about committing suicide.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Marcus_2017 on April 26, 2017, 01:55:12 PM
Japan is a country where individuals live their own isolated lives. There is not much friendship or personal relations. This may be the reason why the people feel depressed and think about committing suicide.
I have a cabin in the woods by the river. I often go there and stay there for several months. There is no one neighbor. Only the forest. To me there is not boring and no depression I have. Probably another reason.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on April 26, 2017, 02:42:54 PM
Japan is a country where individuals live their own isolated lives. There is not much friendship or personal relations. This may be the reason why the people feel depressed and think about committing suicide.
I have a cabin in the woods by the river. I often go there and stay there for several months. There is no one neighbor. Only the forest. To me there is not boring and no depression I have. Probably another reason.

You're cabin is at least relaxing. Life in these East Asian countries are extremely competitive. These people's brains would probably explode when you send them to a Latin American country. East Asians seem to live a rushed life.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Kolder on April 26, 2017, 02:47:36 PM
Is this really true. AFAIK arab country has the most many suicide incident if suicide bombing will be counted. Hahaha. But seriously most of the people of japan has a unique behaviour which is they are full pride. Once they become a failure, they choose to suicide rather than to become a disgrace to his/her own family.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Maximilian_333 on April 26, 2017, 02:50:55 PM
Is this really true. AFAIK arab country has the most many suicide incident if suicide bombing will be counted. Hahaha. But seriously most of the people of japan has a unique behaviour which is they are full pride. Once they become a failure, they choose to suicide rather than to become a disgrace to his/her own family.
This is probably a legacy of the past? This behavior occurs since the existence of suicide bombers. It is a pity of course. Such a unique country and such foolish customs.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Kolder on April 26, 2017, 02:58:09 PM
Is this really true. AFAIK arab country has the most many suicide incident if suicide bombing will be counted. Hahaha. But seriously most of the people of japan has a unique behaviour which is they are full pride. Once they become a failure, they choose to suicide rather than to become a disgrace to his/her own family.
This is probably a legacy of the past? This behavior occurs since the existence of suicide bombers. It is a pity of course. Such a unique country and such foolish customs.

Yeah. Because they believe that they where going to heaven once they offer their life even though they are going to kill many Innocent person. Is the term they called was JIHAD? Not sure but it is the same for Japan harakiri.  I don't what principle they are using to do such act like that. But I'm totally amazed to their courage.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Malsetid on April 26, 2017, 03:00:42 PM
Well hapan is a country where people think critically. For me they're one of the most intelligent race on earth and sadly with it comes vulnerability to depression. I've also read about this suicide issue with japan and it's likely because they still think the there are things more valuable than their lives. There are suicides when someone fails are work or school or if they've been shamed. I think this goes well back to the samurai ages

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: BossBee on April 26, 2017, 03:15:48 PM
As earlier said they set a high standard for themselves and those that cant handle it end it. Its kind of good from an evolutionary stand point. The weak are weeded out while the strong prosper and procreate. The samurais that failed their master often committed seppuku. World War II Japanese Kamakazi fighters flew their plans into their targets willingly. Its no surprise the highest quality goods in the world come from Japan. 

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: craked5 on April 26, 2017, 03:30:06 PM
Japan is a deepshit country.

They've been completely brainwashed by their WW2 emperor and then BOOM! USA capitalism came right in just after.

So now Japanese people have a very simplel life: you work, you work, you work and when you finished working you spend everything in crazy events once a month and then you work again until you die.

Japanese work like 12h a day, they are currently voting a law to make it mandatory for people to take vacations...

That's the dream of companies and the nightmare of humans...
They're barely human anymore, they're completely brainwashed now... And same is happening everywhere

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: v1ryspro on April 26, 2017, 03:33:45 PM
Japan is a deepshit country.

They've been completely brainwashed by their WW2 emperor and then BOOM! USA capitalism came right in just after.

So now Japanese people have a very simplel life: you work, you work, you work and when you finished working you spend everything in crazy events once a month and then you work again until you die.

Japanese work like 12h a day, they are currently voting a law to make it mandatory for people to take vacations...

That's the dream of companies and the nightmare of humans...
They're barely human anymore, they're completely brainwashed now... And same is happening everywhere

They have too high demands. A very good country with high technologies, but I even feel a little sorry for these people.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: kpcian on April 26, 2017, 04:50:29 PM
Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, basically Japanese are always looking for perfection. They love doing work after work that's why they have little bit opportunities to entertain themselves. Without refreshing no one can gain the hope of life. Besides work everybody should enjoy his or her life. Except this you will become a robot, then you only find yourself in working, after that you feel extremely frustrations and it will lead you to dangerous way of Life.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: DeanShow on April 26, 2017, 05:04:20 PM
As earlier said they set a high standard for themselves and those that cant handle it end it. Its kind of good from an evolutionary stand point. The weak are weeded out while the strong prosper and procreate. The samurais that failed their master often committed seppuku. World War II Japanese Kamakazi fighters flew their plans into their targets willingly. Its no surprise the highest quality goods in the world come from Japan. 
Before it was really possible to buy the best from Japan. Now I rarely see products from Japan. Yes indeed, technology and production China. Now maybe Japanese products can be seen only in Japan.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: xvids on April 26, 2017, 05:53:37 PM
Yeah and also they have this suicide forest Aokigahara,
Where people come to commit suicide.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Basmaty1212 on April 26, 2017, 07:35:39 PM
I don't understand how this could be. I think the more developed the country the less people have to be problems. Why the Japanese consider themselves so miserable? Maybe they need to go on vacation to countries in which people really live bad? Then they will rise self-esteem.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on April 27, 2017, 03:50:57 AM
Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, basically Japanese are always looking for perfection. They love doing work after work that's why they have little bit opportunities to entertain themselves. Without refreshing no one can gain the hope of life. Besides work everybody should enjoy his or her life. Except this you will become a robot, then you only find yourself in working, after that you feel extremely frustrations and it will lead you to dangerous way of Life.

This is the difference between the working conditions in Japan and Germany. In Japan, there is no divide between work and life. People work for 12-13 hours a day, and even after that time they think about work. They hardly ever take holidays or vacations. The situation is different in Germany. They work for 7-8 hours a day, and after that they don't bother about work. They take regular vacations with their family, unlike the Japanese.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Kemarit on April 27, 2017, 06:49:31 AM
Well to start of, historically Japanese culture taught the suicide is not a sin actually is honorable act and not against God. Buddhism and samurai culture allowed for committing suicide. That's why when we watch WW2 movies, we will see a lot of Japanese committing hara-kiri.

As a result of this, many Japanese committed suicide if they are having financial pressure or even individual who can't get a job took their lives because they can't find any in a very competitive job market. I also agree with the work hours rendered, that is too much if you are working like 12-14 hours a day and still the job is not complete. You are being pressured and the next thing you know the individual committed suicide already.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Okurkabinladin on April 27, 2017, 07:06:19 AM
One word, Peer pressure. Living in a technologically developed country, there is much competioion among the people of the state. This gives rise to stress and ultimately, suicide.

I dont believe suicide is the ultimate solution

No. This doesnt have much to do with technology - just look how degenerate Scandinavians have become.

East Asians have very different meaning of the word "honor". Putting concepts such as good family name, friendship and team way before relatively selfish "me and my rights", "free time" and "rest".

Seeing how competetive are Koreans, Japanese and Chinese next to the rest of world - can you really blame them? It works. Indeed sometimes crushing individuals.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: bering on April 27, 2017, 09:22:39 AM
Is this really true. AFAIK arab country has the most many suicide incident if suicide bombing will be counted. Hahaha. But seriously most of the people of japan has a unique behaviour which is they are full pride. Once they become a failure, they choose to suicide rather than to become a disgrace to his/her own family.
This is probably a legacy of the past? This behavior occurs since the existence of suicide bombers. It is a pity of course. Such a unique country and such foolish customs.
yes it is true that this culture has been exist since Shogun era even before that when the samurai have failed to serve their master then they will starting to suicide because japanese people cannot life with shame

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Slow death on April 27, 2017, 10:04:37 AM
Price of homes ...
Police army nurses teachers binmen shop workers factory workers will never be able to afford a home
in the near future .

In my country the price of a house costs a lot of money, to have a house you must steal money from the government.

Few people in my country have their own home bought with honesty.

I did not know that in Japan people leader in committing suicide, my brother once commented that in Japan people were under a lot of pressure, but I found something normal... hearing that they are Leader in committing suicide? i feel very shocked. I love the anime , Manga and electronic games that the Japanese do and knowing that the Japanese are leader in committing suicide, i wonder, what will be the life of people who create manga? Anime and electronic games?

The pressure that these people suffer must be enormous

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: youdamushi on April 27, 2017, 11:54:03 AM

So i can imagine the pressure the parents put on the children .
It's GOVERNMENT who put the pressure on the parents ;)..

Without a good job your DOOMED.< Government pressure ..
No, it's not the government here!
It's the banks, the big corporations, the rich families who lives from your rents...

Though I do agree that government is not doing what should be done in order to stop this.
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version - YouTube
Video for four horsemen▶ 1:38:54

Excellent documentary by the way. Not sure Popcorn1 understood it otherwise he wouldn't be... Like he is. But really a great masterpiece.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Barrymore on April 27, 2017, 12:13:15 PM
Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, basically Japanese are always looking for perfection. They love doing work after work that's why they have little bit opportunities to entertain themselves. Without refreshing no one can gain the hope of life. Besides work everybody should enjoy his or her life. Except this you will become a robot, then you only find yourself in working, after that you feel extremely frustrations and it will lead you to dangerous way of Life.

This is the difference between the working conditions in Japan and Germany. In Japan, there is no divide between work and life. People work for 12-13 hours a day, and even after that time they think about work. They hardly ever take holidays or vacations. The situation is different in Germany. They work for 7-8 hours a day, and after that they don't bother about work. They take regular vacations with their family, unlike the Japanese.
I think it is very foolish to dedicate his entire life to the work. The Japanese are very strange people. I don't understand their culture. They have a very strange TV show of a sexual nature. I watched them and I do not understand how can you. Although to be honest it look very funny.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: cybersofts on April 27, 2017, 12:41:11 PM
Japan is a country where individuals live their own isolated lives. There is not much friendship or personal relations. This may be the reason why the people feel depressed and think about committing suicide.

Of course, that might be the effect! When people are emotionally depressed they may likely commit suicide to bring end to their pain and loneliness!

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: sportis on April 27, 2017, 12:41:51 PM
The Japanese are a people with a culture that many people around the world will never understand. More than 200 people lose their lives each year in Japan, among whom many suicide because are victims of Karōshi (, that is the anxiety from exhaustive work as codified in Japan. As far as it concerns the young people the first day of every September is, the day with the most suicides of youngs under the age of 18 in Japan. The same day begins the second school semester. That means, like someone wrote above that starts the hunt for academic success  which also means the onset of unbearable psychological pressures.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Podgor on April 27, 2017, 12:43:26 PM
How ironic, Japan is the safest place in the world without any outside threats.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Mirconome on April 27, 2017, 12:48:02 PM
Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, basically Japanese are always looking for perfection. They love doing work after work that's why they have little bit opportunities to entertain themselves. Without refreshing no one can gain the hope of life. Besides work everybody should enjoy his or her life. Except this you will become a robot, then you only find yourself in working, after that you feel extremely frustrations and it will lead you to dangerous way of Life.

This is the difference between the working conditions in Japan and Germany. In Japan, there is no divide between work and life. People work for 12-13 hours a day, and even after that time they think about work. They hardly ever take holidays or vacations. The situation is different in Germany. They work for 7-8 hours a day, and after that they don't bother about work. They take regular vacations with their family, unlike the Japanese.

We also work for 12-13 hours and do not commit so many suicides because of this. Everything depends on the inner mood of a person.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on April 27, 2017, 09:22:27 PM
Is this really true. AFAIK arab country has the most many suicide incident if suicide bombing will be counted. Hahaha. But seriously most of the people of japan has a unique behaviour which is they are full pride. Once they become a failure, they choose to suicide rather than to become a disgrace to his/her own family.

I don't think so, there are not enough suicide bombers to dent the Arab's rabbit-pace reproduction.

As for Japan, yes, it's called "saving face". It seem to be a major factor for actions in most Asian countries (even in my Philippines which feel more like Latin America). You unknowingly embarrass them, they'll try their best to avoid you. They do something they feel embarrassed themselves, they dwell on it. You probably see some of their disgraced politicians or CEO in the past commit suicide.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on April 28, 2017, 05:38:05 AM
We also work for 12-13 hours and do not commit so many suicides because of this. Everything depends on the inner mood of a person.

In Japan, the people lead isolated existence. There is not much family bonding or friendship. So when someone is facing extreme pressure or depression, there is no way for him to relieve it. Perhaps this is the reason behind such a high suicide rate.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: youdamushi on April 28, 2017, 06:45:03 AM
We also work for 12-13 hours and do not commit so many suicides because of this. Everything depends on the inner mood of a person.

In Japan, the people lead isolated existence. There is not much family bonding or friendship. So when someone is facing extreme pressure or depression, there is no way for him to relieve it. Perhaps this is the reason behind such a high suicide rate.

Could you please stop talking about subjects you don't even know?
The problem is precisely otherwise!
Family bondings are incredibly strong! And they're at the base of most of the depressions you're talking about. Because Japan is a country where children feel a very strong sense of duty towards their parents, a sense of duty putting an incredible pressure on them.

Damn don't write if you don't know the subject!

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: thebestgamer on April 28, 2017, 07:52:31 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
Looks like that's what happens when a culture gets very bureaucratic and homogeneous. It's sad to see, but people will follow other people like sheep. That's why we need Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on April 29, 2017, 10:27:53 PM
We also work for 12-13 hours and do not commit so many suicides because of this. Everything depends on the inner mood of a person.

In Japan, the people lead isolated existence. There is not much family bonding or friendship. So when someone is facing extreme pressure or depression, there is no way for him to relieve it. Perhaps this is the reason behind such a high suicide rate.

Could you please stop talking about subjects you don't even know?
The problem is precisely otherwise!
Family bondings are incredibly strong! And they're at the base of most of the depressions you're talking about. Because Japan is a country where children feel a very strong sense of duty towards their parents, a sense of duty putting an incredible pressure on them.

Damn don't write if you don't know the subject!

I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
Looks like that's what happens when a culture gets very bureaucratic and homogeneous. It's sad to see, but people will follow other people like sheep. That's why we need Bitcoin.

Korea is also very homogeneous but don't have as high a suicide rate as Japan.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on April 30, 2017, 04:46:16 AM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on April 30, 2017, 07:40:57 PM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

At most, 1.4 would be two children. That's still too few to support aging parents if they also have to support their own families. Of course there's social security, but we all know it's mostly a Ponzi scheme where the current workforce is paying for the benefits of the retired sector.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 01, 2017, 04:20:50 AM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

At most, 1.4 would be two children. That's still too few to support aging parents if they also have to support their own families. Of course there's social security, but we all know it's mostly a Ponzi scheme where the current workforce is paying for the benefits of the retired sector.

In Japan, they normally work until 65-70 years. And the children and grandchildren do look after their parents and grandparents, rather than dumping them in some old-age home. And trust me, 1.4 is much better than the situation in the Chinese cities (where it is below 1.0).

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: dirokkl on May 01, 2017, 07:56:10 AM
How ironic, Japan is the safest place in the world without any outside threats.

External threats can not arise for the reason that they inside the country are killing themselves that's safe because of this ;D

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: chixka000 on May 01, 2017, 02:05:02 PM
They really needs to be free from the pressure. My father is working there for almost 14 years. He always makes sure that he goes home yearly because even him can also feel it. That is also the reason why he always told me that as long as i proceed for every grade that is fine you dont have to be an achiever if that is not what your heart desires

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on May 01, 2017, 05:23:14 PM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

At most, 1.4 would be two children. That's still too few to support aging parents if they also have to support their own families. Of course there's social security, but we all know it's mostly a Ponzi scheme where the current workforce is paying for the benefits of the retired sector.

In Japan, they normally work until 65-70 years. And the children and grandchildren do look after their parents and grandparents, rather than dumping them in some old-age home. And trust me, 1.4 is much better than the situation in the Chinese cities (where it is below 1.0).

If they're working up to that age then hopefully they've saved enough money for the family. Maybe it really is cultural.

As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: moonya on May 01, 2017, 06:08:44 PM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

At most, 1.4 would be two children. That's still too few to support aging parents if they also have to support their own families. Of course there's social security, but we all know it's mostly a Ponzi scheme where the current workforce is paying for the benefits of the retired sector.

In Japan, they normally work until 65-70 years. And the children and grandchildren do look after their parents and grandparents, rather than dumping them in some old-age home. And trust me, 1.4 is much better than the situation in the Chinese cities (where it is below 1.0).

If they're working up to that age then hopefully they've saved enough money for the family. Maybe it really is cultural.

As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

They are not interested in a large number of people, and therefore they are loaded with work in order to multiply.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: wolfracer on May 01, 2017, 06:54:24 PM
they have traditions that dictates about the honor and that sort of things, they have a huge amount of suicide because some of them cant live with the shame of dishonor for x's events in their life and for regain that honor they kill themself for the honor of their family.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: enhu on May 01, 2017, 07:10:56 PM
they have traditions that dictates about the honor and that sort of things, they have a huge amount of suicide because some of them cant live with the shame of dishonor for x's events in their life and for regain that honor they kill themself for the honor of their family.

It seem like dying is the easy way out for them actually. They can't just try harder and regain back the honor that they want.  There are Japanese nationals in our country that also kill themselves by a sword. If they only just talk to someone who can tell them living is much happier than being dead, they might not be  much of suicides to them. 

Why so much care for honor when all you really need is winning and having money to live life.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: bitcoin_user on May 01, 2017, 09:16:23 PM
Japan is far from being the leader in suicide rate according to Wiki

Sri Lanka has twice as many suicides (34.6/100 000 inhabitants vs 15.4).
Even among developed countries, South Korea and Belgium are ahead.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: FlamingFingers on May 01, 2017, 09:37:29 PM
Asian parents need help to overcome their psychological (maybe even mental) issues, literally. I know an 18-year old Japanese guy who got a grade of 'A' while the whole class got 'A+,' and he stayed 4 days away from his home because he didn't know how to face his parents....

Japan is far from being the leader in suicide rate according to Wiki

Sri Lanka has twice as many suicides (34.6/100 000 inhabitants vs 15.4).
Even among developed countries, South Korea and Belgium are ahead.
This is a 2015 list which could be older than that depending on the information/studies taken. 

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Mr.Pro on May 02, 2017, 03:51:20 AM
Japan is far from being the leader in suicide rate according to Wiki

Sri Lanka has twice as many suicides (34.6/100 000 inhabitants vs 15.4).
Even among developed countries, South Korea and Belgium are ahead.

Ffs, dont use wikipedia as a reference. Try researching thru credible websites.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 02, 2017, 04:08:19 AM
Japan is far from being the leader in suicide rate according to Wiki

Sri Lanka has twice as many suicides (34.6/100 000 inhabitants vs 15.4).
Even among developed countries, South Korea and Belgium are ahead.

No need to compare a nation like Sri Lanka, which has been ravaged by decades of civil war. The suicide rate in China is half of that in Japan. The rate in Russia (where there is a suicide epidemic) is very close to Japan. These two figures tell the story.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: bitcoin_user on May 02, 2017, 06:56:01 AM
Ok, fair enough. And what about Belgium?

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: kodes88 on May 02, 2017, 08:00:26 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: vantyzz on May 02, 2017, 08:27:57 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

They do wrong, because you have to learn from mistakes to become stronger and smarter. This way for the weak.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: craked5 on May 02, 2017, 12:16:59 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

Duuuuuuuuuude xD
What you're talking about is sepuku, it's a very old "traditional" ritual of suicide indeed but...
That's like asking if burning people alive is still a thing in Europe ^^

That WAS used but it's not anymore.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Karloff on May 02, 2017, 12:41:50 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

I really like this wonderful country and its production, but this tradition with suicide a little scares the horror. All the same already 21 centuries and it would be possible to refuse such crazy idea.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on May 02, 2017, 01:03:20 PM
I don't live in Japan and get all the info online and in the news. It seems the Japanese are already starting to feel the burden of their aging population. Maybe that's why some there are getting depressed. They already have a low birth rate and so there is increased pressure on the children for caring for their parents. Less siblings you have mean less help financially.

I don't think that ageing is the reason. The Japanese birth rate (1.4 children per woman) is still higher than that in the neighboring nations such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese life expectancy is much higher, meaning that the death rate is low.

At most, 1.4 would be two children. That's still too few to support aging parents if they also have to support their own families. Of course there's social security, but we all know it's mostly a Ponzi scheme where the current workforce is paying for the benefits of the retired sector.

In Japan, they normally work until 65-70 years. And the children and grandchildren do look after their parents and grandparents, rather than dumping them in some old-age home. And trust me, 1.4 is much better than the situation in the Chinese cities (where it is below 1.0).

If they're working up to that age then hopefully they've saved enough money for the family. Maybe it really is cultural.

As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

They are not interested in a large number of people, and therefore they are loaded with work in order to multiply.

Well, the government seem worried. After all, your citizens below 60 make up the workforce. That segment should always be larger than the retired to make sure you have a steady supply of workers. Of course I'm not saying the elderly cannot contribute to the economy but then again you can't be sure if they'll start businesses. Some would just survive on pension.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: d-trixx on May 02, 2017, 01:21:46 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

It's a good thing that we do not have such a ritual, and many of them now would not be sitting at this forum because of their mistakes ;D

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Barrymore on May 02, 2017, 01:52:18 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

It's a good thing that we do not have such a ritual, and many of them now would not be sitting at this forum because of their mistakes ;D
I think it's stupid. Mistakes are made all. If you are alive you always have the opportunity to correct your mistakes, and that can make dead? I believe that suicide is a sign of weakness, an attempt is easy to avoid problems.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: SoulBargain on May 03, 2017, 04:12:12 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

It's a good thing that we do not have such a ritual, and many of them now would not be sitting at this forum because of their mistakes ;D
I think it's stupid. Mistakes are made all. If you are alive you always have the opportunity to correct your mistakes, and that can make dead? I believe that suicide is a sign of weakness, an attempt is easy to avoid problems.
It is not of mistake actually but more in their pride/ego. Putting yourself in disgrace and shame is what really drives them to do suicides that is traced back from the history of Japanese people who do harakiri. I agree with you that by suicide, you are dumping the opportunity to correct your mistake and you are dumping the possibility to reclaim the honor or to get up from the disgrace/shame that you are in. Though in them, this is the only thing they can do to compensate it and they think that they will found honor or preserving the pride they have left by suicide and saving them and much especially their family or country from the disgrace/shame they have brought. Still, I believe that life is a gift to us and you have no right to take the life of others or to yourself but hence it on the time and to God's will as to when our life would end.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Mr.Pro on May 03, 2017, 05:50:40 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
I've heard of killing myself in Japan. People say that if anyone makes a big mistake, doing a very shameful thing, they choose to end their lives by thrusting a knife into their stomachs. Some say that in order to protect friends, and the crowds, if by suicide can protect many people, they are better suicide. I do not know if anyone is still doing that in this day and age. I'm not too sure.

It's a good thing that we do not have such a ritual, and many of them now would not be sitting at this forum because of their mistakes ;D
I think it's stupid. Mistakes are made all. If you are alive you always have the opportunity to correct your mistakes, and that can make dead? I believe that suicide is a sign of weakness, an attempt is easy to avoid problems.

Bla bla bla will you use your brain do you really expect a modernized people will do ancient rituals.
Most of the suicide are caused by stress. Cmon we are heading to an era where most people need 2 jobs in order to sustain basic living needs.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 03, 2017, 08:05:11 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Eternu on May 03, 2017, 11:09:10 AM
Well I do not know anyone from Japan, but maybe that happens because they life busy life. They are unique country with unique things, and there thinking is not same as ours in Europe. But those things maybe happen because they want for them and for there children best, and they want more and more until its too much for them, or something bad happen in there life which they cant deal with. There are much possible reasons why that could happen, but its Sad either way.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Alexzap on May 03, 2017, 12:41:02 PM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.
I don't see any disaster. In China people are not starving. Moreover, the Chinese produce a lot of industrial goods to the world and even export food. Until will continue these trends, the disaster will be.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: manyuta on May 04, 2017, 03:56:34 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.
I don't see any disaster. In China people are not starving. Moreover, the Chinese produce a lot of industrial goods to the world and even export food. Until will continue these trends, the disaster will be.
Do you think the problem is overpopulation of the country? But according to your example, China lives even more densely and there the problem of suicide is not so acute.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: joromz1226 on May 04, 2017, 05:33:38 AM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
My ideas about it, was Japan is the number one in terms of technology, most citizens to their places was a good inventor. At the young age of the kids you will find out they are good in fixing and investing something that are related in technology like robotic devices, gadgets and etc.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on May 04, 2017, 06:42:56 PM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Yes it's still growing but but elderly segment is growing as well. More elderly means more people on pensions, plus healthcare, etc. They would have not relaxed the policy if they think they'll still have a population boom for decades.

About the policy, we all probably heard horror stories of its implementation. Still, some would argue that it was necessary, like the Black Death in Europe.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: MattScott on May 04, 2017, 07:15:48 PM
Japan is one of the leaders in the world by quantity of suicides among adults and among children. I don't understand why. I've never been in this country, but I think that it is a very beautiful and technologically developed country. I think it interesting to live. Does anyone know why this happens?
My ideas about it, was Japan is the number one in terms of technology, most citizens to their places was a good inventor. At the young age of the kids you will find out they are good in fixing and investing something that are related in technology like robotic devices, gadgets and etc.
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 05, 2017, 06:20:56 AM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: wowanstrong on May 05, 2017, 10:30:07 AM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.

Due to the fact that they spend a lot of time working their country is very well advanced in the production sector.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Barrymore on May 05, 2017, 10:35:46 AM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.
I can't understand why this is happening. People do not want to go on vacation. Also, I heard that the Japanese government wants to encourage those Japanese who are to leave on time from work after the end of the day. Strange people, these Japanese!

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Eternu on May 05, 2017, 10:38:03 AM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.

Due to the fact that they spend a lot of time working their country is very well advanced in the production sector.
Yes you guys are right. They are leading country in technology, as far as i know. There people is hard working and there is no doubt about that. Stress is very dangerous thing if not dealt with on time. But somewhere i have heard that Japanese people have most non working days in the world, i do not know if that is right...

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: JofryTheKing on May 05, 2017, 10:43:15 PM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.

Due to the fact that they spend a lot of time working their country is very well advanced in the production sector.
Yes you guys are right. They are leading country in technology, as far as i know. There people is hard working and there is no doubt about that. Stress is very dangerous thing if not dealt with on time. But somewhere i have heard that Japanese people have most non working days in the world, i do not know if that is right...
Their rhythm of life is much stronger and more active. Perhaps life expectancy is also minimal.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 06, 2017, 05:45:41 AM
I've always thought Japan is a very prosperous country. Why do Japanese people not live? I think that in order to have no reason for depression they need to be sent on trips to poor countries. Then they will increase self-esteem.

Japan is extremely prosperous. No doubt about that. But the work culture is causing all this stress and strain. The people don't have enough time to spend with their families. Japanese people take far fewer vacations, when compared to those from the US and the EU.
I can't understand why this is happening. People do not want to go on vacation. Also, I heard that the Japanese government wants to encourage those Japanese who are to leave on time from work after the end of the day. Strange people, these Japanese!

It is quite difficult to understand the Japanese mentality. To the westerners, they would seem quite weird. They remain firmly opposed to mass immigration of third world laborers. I appreciate them for their decision. This is the reason why we are not hearing about any terrorist attacks in Japan. But there are things which I hate. For example, their age of consent is 13, when it is 18 in most of the other nations.

BTW, can anyone explain this?

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: chixka000 on May 06, 2017, 06:12:53 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: freedomno1 on May 06, 2017, 06:28:49 AM
It comes down to peer pressure and the cost of living, once you get a job you need to constantly keep working and when your a student you have literally 1 year to get recruited before your considered a non-ideal employee. That said it also is hard to have a social life when you have so much that needs to get done and transport eats your cash, work takes up your life and their isn't much chill time.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: criptix on May 06, 2017, 07:28:59 PM
Did someone said no terrorist attacks in japan? ? Islamic terror right in the middle of japan.

Sarin gas subway attack?

Let me train you dumb people in google-fu:

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: criptix on May 06, 2017, 07:51:34 PM
It comes down to peer pressure and the cost of living, once you get a job you need to constantly keep working and when your a student you have literally 1 year to get recruited before your considered a non-ideal employee. That said it also is hard to have a social life when you have so much that needs to get done and transport eats your cash, work takes up your life and their isn't much chill time.

If that is true then your society is just fucked. Go demonstrate for better work conditions.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Sithara007 on May 07, 2017, 04:38:07 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

The Japanese culture is very different. The mother is expected to remain at home and care for the baby. If she goes to work leaving the baby at some childcare facility, then she is likely to face a lot of harassment from the family and the friends. That is also one of the reasons for the low birth rate.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: criptix on May 07, 2017, 10:29:03 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

The Japanese culture is very different. The mother is expected to remain at home and care for the baby. If she goes to work leaving the baby at some childcare facility, then she is likely to face a lot of harassment from the family and the friends. That is also one of the reasons for the low birth rate.

That logic makes zero sense. In a patriarchal society the birthrate is high because woman have the standard role of a mother. Staying home and getting kids on mass.

Maybe you are right sithara, most immigrants like you might be just as dumb as shit and should stay outside  :(

Maybe there is a connection between level of stupidity and islam?
Sithara are you muslim? :D

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Barmen on May 07, 2017, 10:32:04 AM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

The Japanese culture is very different. The mother is expected to remain at home and care for the baby. If she goes to work leaving the baby at some childcare facility, then she is likely to face a lot of harassment from the family and the friends. That is also one of the reasons for the low birth rate.
I do not understand Japanese. Maybe the Japanese are a nation of robots? They have a strange entertainment and they work without breaks. Exactly robots!

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: Eternu on May 07, 2017, 12:30:24 PM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

The Japanese culture is very different. The mother is expected to remain at home and care for the baby. If she goes to work leaving the baby at some childcare facility, then she is likely to face a lot of harassment from the family and the friends. That is also one of the reasons for the low birth rate.
I do not understand Japanese. Maybe the Japanese are a nation of robots? They have a strange entertainment and they work without breaks. Exactly robots!
I would not agree with you, i do not thing they are country of robots. Country of robots could not build everything that they built. They are just different from use. They just got used to work hard, its there life stile, they have limited resources and space. So maybe to have everything they have, they found a way in hard working. But that can break person sometime, and that is the problem. We all need break time from time to time, no matter how good at work we are, or we think that we do not need free time.... we do need break time from time to time.

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: chixka000 on May 07, 2017, 12:46:14 PM
As for China, this is a result of the One Child Policy. They are trying to reverse it now because of the aging population but it seems people are not interested in having more children.

The Chinese population is around 1.4 billion, and despite the one-child policy, the population is still growing. Analysts expect the Chinese population to grow until 2030. Without the one-child policy, the situation could have been disastrous.

Having a one child policy can kill chinas economy in the future trust me. However that is being irrelevant to the topic. Japan had 2 child policy and been working this for a while so their current population is quite healthy. Yet this idea as well can stress out their child because they can focus o their children with regards to everything

The Japanese culture is very different. The mother is expected to remain at home and care for the baby. If she goes to work leaving the baby at some childcare facility, then she is likely to face a lot of harassment from the family and the friends. That is also one of the reasons for the low birth rate.

That logic makes zero sense. In a patriarchal society the birthrate is high because woman have the standard role of a mother. Staying home and getting kids on mass.

Maybe you are right sithara, most immigrants like you might be just as dumb as shit and should stay outside  :(

Maybe there is a connection between level of stupidity and islam?
Sithara are you muslim? :D
Hmm i kinda agree with you. My relatives are living their for decades and they only have one or two children and usually when the kid turns 18 it now lives independently. For the childhood days of my cousins their mom and dad were actually working most of the time which nullifies the statement of sit but if he is going to say that one in the Philippines then he might be right

Title: Re: Japan is one of the leaders in the world in number of suicides.
Post by: ice18 on May 08, 2017, 02:02:22 AM
This is true japan has the most number of suicides every year almost 30,000 per year this this very alarming in one country where technology is highly advance ,according to some news one reason is the pressure on jobs like in politics, means of apology and some are dealing with no cure diseases.