Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 01:47:58 PM

Title: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding | CTS
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 01:47:58 PM
This is the old and not actual thread! Please do not use it for translation!
New ANN thread is at the

CTS - Continuous Token Sale

In contrast to traditional crowdfunding Fundaria intends to provide service for developing of any business related idea from the scratch, from the "first thought", helping gather community around an idea, invite people to the future project development team, giving opportunity for idea initiator to issue Ethereum tokens for attracting investments and provide maximum convenient business development tools to help an idea to grow in sucessful business.

This is the scheme of idea development part

This picture summarizes business development tools to be provided during the first phase of Fundaria development

This is presentation of idea development part (

Detailed description of Fundaria project (commenting is available) (

Intentions & Policy Document (

Some business development tools are already implemented. This allowed to create datailed planning of the first phase of Fundaria dev. You can see this on the main page of Fundaria project ( (click/touch and move to scroll the area). Currency unit used for costs is US dollar.

Here is "Fundaria Development Diaries: Part 1" video ( with some exploring of current developed tools.

Why to invest in Fundaria?
✔ Fundaria is the only one project which unites idea development & business development
✔ Most aspects of the first phase of Fundaria development well thought out and planned
✔ We have strong development beginning
✔ All distrubutions of funds and majority of development processes will be visible to stakeholders
✔ Fundaria should greatly increase evolution of Ethereum and tokens idea
✔ Fundaria would help people with interesting ideas but with lack of time and no business experience to have a chance of the ideas realization

Investing in Fundaria Development
Investing in Fundaria development occurs when RI token is purchased using FundariaTokenBuy ( Ethereum contract buy() function. Simply call function buy() with some amount of ETH on address 0xacce8e31616e608d001afdd63aa764f589666879 . Please do not send ETH to this address without calling buy() function - it doesn't accept it. If you do not have local synced Ethereum network node I created article of how to invest in Fundaria using Metamask+Remix which you can read here (
There are two main variables are defined in related FundariaToken contract to proceed buying process:
course - current course of RI to ether is 100 RI per 1 ether (100:1)
supplyLimit - current limit of tokens available to supply is 2'000'000 (2mln)

I decided not to use standard token supplying scheme. The main difference to usual ICO can be expressed in the phrase "supplying on demand with total supply limit". This scheme is best fit to the Fundaria development and investment intention: "supply tokens no more then development costs planned".
Important note: every second purchased RI token is auto distributed to Fundaria creator address, so totally 50% of all tokens will be owned for further distribution to development team according to efforts contribution into development and other parametres to determine the reason and quantity of these tokens teammate should recieve in addition to the wage and money bonuses.
The end timestamp of the first development phase is August/22/2018 14:00:53 (1534946453).
The costs planned for the first phase of Fundaria development are 223'700 USD.  According to current USD/ETH course ($231.55/ETH) this approximately rounded as 1000 ETH. As to Bonus Refund program during the "bonus period 1" (till July/20/2017 08:40:53) 90% of ether invested are refunded and stored in FundariaBonusFund contract. So only 10% of ether for bought RI tokens will be distributed to Fundaria Pool address for development at this bonus period. According to these conditions totaly 10'000 ETH are needed to be invested to accomplish first development phase investment goal. This equals to 1'000'000 RI and including RI for dev. team the supplyLimit varaible defined at the moment when this text is written is 2'000'000.
At the begining of "bonus period 2" (there will be totally 9 bonus periods with decreasing investment bonus refund shares) supplyLimit variable will be restated and decreased (because at the next bonus period bonus refund share will be decreased 90% -> 80% and Fundaria Pool share increased accordingly).

Bonus Refund Scheme
According to this scheme early investors will recieve more RI tokens for the same amount of money (up to X10). When tokens are purchased the ether amount of transaction is devided in two parts, one transfered to Fundaria Pool for development, second transfered to FundariaBonusFund contract to be stored for further withdrawing or investment purposes by purchased tokens owner.

The Bonus Refund share shedule is:
FromToBonus Refund
July/20/2017 08:40:53   September/08/2017
September/08/2017 03:20:53   October/27/2017
October/27/2017 22:00:53   December/16/2017
December/16/2017 16:40:53   February/04/2018
February/04/2018 11:20:53   March/26/2018
March/26/2018 06:00:53   May/15/2018
May/15/2018 00:40:53   July/03/2018
July/03/2018 19:20:53   August/22/2018

Bonus Refunds will be stored in Ethereum contract for each appropriate RI token owner. "FundariaBonusFund" contract is at the address 0x042a277368cb43a70b06361e7ab7d1d0a2096b0e
Bonus ether refunded to tokens owner can be observed on ( on the field ownedBonus
These bonus wei can be used in two ways:
+ they can be withdrawn after the first phase of Fundaria development (after August/22/2018 14:00:53)
+ they can be transfered to Investor Account (which will be created) and used for buying tokens of Fundaria based companies before the end of the first phase of Fundaria development AND they can be withdrawn from Investor Account after the first phase of Fundaria development.
This condition according to which Bonus Refunds can be transfered to Investor Account can be fulfilled if Fundaria development team will finish first development phase earlier then in planned terms. This condition creates strong motivation to complete usable beta-version of Fundaria much earlier before August/22/2018 14:00:53 because part of bonus ether could be distributed to Fundaria based projects (companies) and this gives life to Fundaria based companies development. And at the same time early investors recieve really great advantage.

Fundaria Token RI Serving Contracts
I created 3 Ethereum solidity contracts for dealing with Fundaria Token RI:

1. The "root" contract for RI storing and transfering. Expanded ERC: Token standard ( contract named "FundariaToken" which stores tokens ownership information and have functions for tokens supplying and transfering. The contract source ( for reading and commenting on google docs and the contract data on page (
Ethereum address: 0x0cfae4866c11cf6194d787cf76d479e28a7cc577
There are some standard functions as transfer, transferFrom, approve and standard variables as totalSupply. Along with them are created special function supplyTo and variables supplyLimit, course for token purchasing purposes. In addition there are some supporting functions such as weiForToken and tokenForWei.

2. The contract named "FundariaTokenBuy" to purchase RI tokens by calling buy() function. Google docs ( & page ( See detailed information of how to buy RI tokens above.
Address: 0xacce8e31616e608d001afdd63aa764f589666879

3. "FundariaBonusFund" contract for storing of ETH bonus refunded. Google docs link ( & page (
Address: 0x042a277368cb43a70b06361e7ab7d1d0a2096b0e


Don't forget that on ( you can observe planned funds, projects & task, costs & times. This page will be opened to all during the first phase of Fundaria development (and opened forever to investors), so stakeholders can see how Fundaria is developing and monitor most of dev. related processes reflected in these bisiness development tools.

Slack (
On there is also chat which I created in 2008 year with easy 'no email confirmation' registration and even with private chats (the chat located in the bottom left corner of the screen).
Twitter ( is still in "alfa mode" because logo is not created yet.

As to the logo located on this page - this is *ONLY* for using on bitcointalk logo because I did not ask permission to space ship graphics authors to use their creations on that picture. Only one of them - tfaddy mentioned about free using. I created special "Contributions For Graphics Used in Logo" fund to pay for these ships "rents". That was a great dilemma, use or not this "logo" and finally I came up to conclusion that because I do not use these ships graphics for their direct appointment - for games, authors will not be angry especially considering planned contributions for them. This "logo" is very precisely reflects Fundaria structure as something which gathers great ideas which these space ships are symbolizing.

The team

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: topbitcoin on June 01, 2017, 01:49:45 PM

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 01:54:09 PM
Some questions & answers

Q: How course is difined?
A: During development phase 1 course defined as 1 ETH : 100 RI . When Fundaria Pool will receive desirable funds (to cover planned costs) - no more RI will be able to supply. Investors can use approve() function of FundariaToken contract to allow exchangers to sell their RI on market. And this cause to defining market course of RI. So when Fundaria will need supply more RI for new planned costs this market course will be used to define course of supplying.

Q: 50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it?

A: Team-tokens (50%) will be used to distribute dividends between teammates and everyone involved in developing of Fundaria. This distribution will be visible to stakeholders (investors and teammates). This distribution supposed to be occured according to several factors:
+ 'Contribution to development index' based on deep analysis of company statistical data (this should be open-source evolving algorithm with the regular addition of new founded data relations to this algorithm). The amount of direct benefit received in form of salaries and bonuses as a indicator will be used to balance situations for overvalues and undervalued teammates to receive less and more dividends accordingly.
+ 'Mutual evaluation index' based on mutual estimation of teammates on each other on various criteria (with voting to prioritization of such criteria influence)
This should be another Ethereum contract created (and linked to EthereumToken 'root' contract) with inputs of these indexes and outputs of transactions of dividends (in ether) to addresses related.
So as to this rules team-tokens will not be distributed in usual way by changing their balanceOf addresses and always keep the same address in the FundariaToken, but indexes for deividends distributions can be changed of course.

Q: With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?
A: The trending advantage of Aragon its focusing on fully decentralized network, whereas Fundaria intents to use Ethereum contracts for main financial aspects: investing in companies & raising funds, companies business transactions, while for other goals using traditional methods. At least this accepted on the development phase 1.
In my opinion Fundaria intents to act in an more effective and transparent way.
Fundaria turning $223700 to detailed planned functional beta version showing to public appropriate business processes in medium term.
Aragon turning more X100 amount of funds to their no clearly defined goals not showing business processes to public.
Investor with the same amount invested would receive more share of Fundaria assets and rights then with the same amount in Aragon (if we accept that both Companies has the same 'assets & rights' policy).
Aragon has no idea-development part. I cann't go to Aragon with idea hoping to turn it to business from scratch like I'll do it in Fundaria.
Aragon functionality is well explained, core and based on Ethereum contracts. Fundaria functionality is moderately explained, intenting to include all aspects of business development based not only on contracts. Focusing on contracts opportunities is revolution way, but is not enough to embrace most part of company's business processes.
As to accounting. Aragon representatives says "Accounting is fully built in, and we will eventually provide connections to third party
visualization services, in order not to reinvent the wheel". Fundaria is intent to develop 'customizable accounting' with ability to create custom datashits and forms based on custom formulas to be gently integrating in any jurisdiction (this availability will be realized in alpha form during development phase 1). And sharing of such custom tamplates for each hosted companies is logical feature of course.
Aragon sets most of the concentration to relations between network parties, while fundaria concentrates mostly to providing service for company's inner development.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: mrongoz22 on June 01, 2017, 01:57:26 PM
need information bounty

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: leero9 on June 01, 2017, 02:01:06 PM
wow this has some of the shittiest graphics ever.

i mean why not right, just throw an idea together, write a couple paragraphs of words, and host an ICO!!

because every project needs to be funded before any product is built!  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: erikalui on June 01, 2017, 02:01:48 PM
Reserving Hindi translation if needed.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: kawasaki5050 on June 01, 2017, 02:27:00 PM
PM if you need Japanese translation.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 02:47:12 PM
wow this has some of the shittiest graphics ever.

i mean why not right, just throw an idea together, write a couple paragraphs of words, and host an ICO!!

because every project needs to be funded before any product is built!  ::) ::) ::) ::)

I know that the "logo" not traditionally minimalistic. The main purpose of "logo" to show sence of the project. I do not think that the best strategy is to create traditionally minimalistic "title logo" which perceived easy but quickly forgotten among dozens similar graphics from other projects. I would like to create something unusual and put up maximum meaning in it. I think, as a "temporary bitcointalk-only logo" it not bad at all.

As about a tip that "every project needs to be funded before any product is built" - of course you right. Moreover Fundaria itself is the project which based on this idea at all :-)

Anyway thanks for your attention.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Texto on June 01, 2017, 03:04:10 PM
i need some of this coin.. they seems to have an objective

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 03:38:04 PM
i need some of this coin.. they seems to have an objective

If you want to get RI tokens just use this contract ( by calling its buy() function with sending some ether to it.

If you don't have ETH or local synced Ethereum network node - this article for you How to buy Fundaria Token without syncing to Ethereum network (

You can watch your tokens on this page (

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: truimpheriues on June 01, 2017, 06:40:40 PM
iam not understand why must create 3 token
i think is very dificult added to exchanger and same holder coin/investor confuse

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: mekar sari on June 01, 2017, 06:47:33 PM
Reserve indonesia translate

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: XCNP on June 01, 2017, 06:48:53 PM
Alex Ayaho and Voktor Melifaro are machines or human. These logo looking weird but this concept is looking interesting would like to give try to this project as it has plan for long term.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 07:07:21 PM
iam not understand why must create 3 token
i think is very dificult added to exchanger and same holder coin/investor confuse

Sorry if the explaination forced to think you that these are 3 tokens, not one. There are 3 Ethereum contracts, not tokens.
1-st for RI storing with initial functions to transfer and supply. This is a "root" contract where token owner can see how many tokens are supplied already, what current supplying course of token, how many tokens are owned. "transfer", and "transferFrom" are standard ERC20 functions which allows Dapps to parse this contract and show tokens in wallets. These functions are well described on page.
2-nd for RI buying. Anyone can call buy() function on this contract at the time sending some ETH.
3-d for Bonus Refund Program. This is a special contract to store bonus ether for refunding. This contract created for early token buyer advantage. For example if you will buy 1000 RI now for 10 ETH, 9 of these ETH will be transfered to FundariaBonusFund contract and will be stored there for this token buyer future needs.

I would correct text to reduce some misunderstanding. Thank you for the advice.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 01, 2017, 08:07:17 PM
Alex Ayaho and Voktor Melifaro are machines or human. These logo looking weird but this concept is looking interesting would like to give try to this project as it has plan for long term.

We are humans but when is time to work is coming we are turning to machines :-) I have been preparing this project for developing many years, gradually drawing up a detailed picture in mind and reinforcing the intention to implement it to life.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: MisO69 on June 01, 2017, 08:20:57 PM
So we have ironman and guile as devs. Okay.. well lets see where this goes.

Title: Re: [RI] Fundaria ⇐ any idea has a chance
Post by: Fundaria on June 02, 2017, 10:24:07 AM
How bonus refund is working?

For every 1 ETH invested in Fundaria 0.9 ETH are distributed to Bonus Fund. This bonus ETH will be availabe for withdrawing by their owner later or for investing to Fundaria based companies. This means that during this bonus period every Fundaria Token holder receive 10X more tokens for the same price or in other words gets a discount of 90%. The only condition - refunded ETH owner should wait when beta-version of Fundaria will be developed to take control on their refunded ETH. Or after August/22/2018
14:00:53 - when all bonus refunds will be available for withdrawing (till that moment they will be safelly are keeping on Bonus Funds and no one can withdraw theme from there).

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 02, 2017, 02:16:15 PM
Can I expect that we can debate not only on graphics used in announce but about the project itself and its prospects? Maybe this is the next 'big thing', what do you think? Should people always be crowdfunding backers, but not investors of the projects?

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: miramare on June 02, 2017, 02:25:04 PM
The pictures for team are damned good. I love them.

You got my trust.

Shut up! and take my money.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 02, 2017, 06:51:45 PM
The pictures for team are damned good. I love them.

You got my trust.

Shut up! and take my money.

Glad to hear this! Thank you for confidence.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Lukas2112 on June 04, 2017, 10:24:34 AM
I have the following questions which I think will help you set up your initial FAQ or provide deeper understanding for the broader public... While also confirming and or answering my own concerns or questions:

1. If I read the contract code and you announcement correctly:

There are 2 million tokens total supply and a bonus system.
If I purchase tokens now with 10 ETH. I will receive 1000 RI to my wallet. 1000 RI go to your 'development cost'-pool ('Foundation' Pool?).

1. A: So currently there are 1,000,000 RI's up for grabs for public? Total supply is 2,000,000 (will not change) but 50% is held by foundation for later rounds of funding or distribution among the team, is that the idea?

1. B: 50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it?
F.e. (EXAMPLE, Think this through properly yourself.):
5% Promotion/Marketing during Phase 1/Launch Alpha.
8% reserved for Founders (With 50% vested for 12-24 months from the Alpha Launch?).
12% Development Team and Advisors (With 50% vested for 12-24 months from the Alpha Launch?).
25% Fund for Development Cost (Second Round in 2018: 300,000 RI for sale).
Which would total to end of phase 1 totals:

Publicly Available/Held/Circulating:
Phase 1 Raise: 1,000,000  RI (50%)
Phase 1 Promotion/Marketing: 50,000 RI (5%)
Phase 1 (50% of 8%) Tradable from Founders : 40,000  RI (4%)
Phase 1 (50% of 12%) Tradable from Dev Team and Advisors : 60,000 (6%)

= 65% Circulating after/On Launch.

After Alpha Launch

25% To be sold in the upcoming (2nd) round. (Makes for 90% Circulating)
10% Available from Founders, Dev Team, Advisors - 12-24 Months after Alpha Launch

1. B: 9 ETH will be held in a smart contract until 22 August 2018 or until you (creator) set an earlier date?
1. C: 1 ETH will go to a 'Foundation Fund' to finance development?

2. If I buy in Phase 2. 10 ETH == 1000 RI to my wallet. However 8 ETH will go to the Smart Contract [FundariaBonusFund], 2 ETH to Fundaria Development Financing-Pool?

3. Bonus Refund in Ethereum contract (FundariaBonusFund). Option 1. Turning into a RI Investor on the Fundaria platform. Option 2. Withdraw ETH from contract back to wallet
3. A : Option 1: I turn my can turn my 'bonus (ETH)' into more RI at the current course. Which will transfer more RI tokens to my wallet, which I can then use to invest in projects hosted on Fundaria?
3. B : Option 1:
they can be transfered to Investor Account (which will be created)
Do you mean that my wallet address will be allowed to use the Fundaria platform because it activates the (for now) 'exclusive state' of 'Able to Invest' ( (x) Investor Account), correct? ('Closed Alpha Access for Early Investors')
3. C : Option 1: At what 'course' am I turning my ETH to RI?
3. D : Option 1: Where or who are these tokens coming from when I exchange 'WEI' (bonus ETH) for RI?

4. Option 2: I simply send a transaction request that withdraws my ETH from Smart Contract [FundariaBonusFund] to [My Wallet] IF the 'First Phase' has ended, correct? (Phase 1: 9 ETH, Phase 2: 8 ETH)

5. If I do either option 1 or 2. I lose my bonus fund status and my entire balance turns into either a withdraw-transaction or a tokenbuy-transaction? As I can not determine the amount of bonus ETH to use?

6. The 2,000,000 RI. Can you confirm that that is the maximum amount of tokens Fundaria will ever have?

7. If I send ETH to the buy contract now, I will receive my tokens right away, correct?
(10 ETH in Phase 1: 1 ETH to Fund. 9 ETH to BonusFund. 1000 RI Tokens to my Wallet (sender address). 1000 RI Tokens to Fundaria Fund (creator address))

8. Any more information on you two, the first on the team? A name and self-subtitling is fun and all. But it doesn't say much. Age, where are you from, what's your background, what's your experience, what knowledge and skills do you have? What other projects have you worked on? Who do you intend to bring on-board or who else is involved? Have you spoken to anyone who might become an advisor?

9. With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: izunuy on June 04, 2017, 10:34:38 AM
still waiting update more about bounty social media

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 04, 2017, 03:55:24 PM
Lucas2112, Thanks for the questions!

So currently there are 1,000,000 RI's up for grabs for public? Total supply is 2,000,000 (will not change) but 50% is held by foundation for later rounds of funding or distribution among the team, is that the idea?

50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it? [/quote]
Team-tokens (50%) will be used to distribute dividends between teammates and everyone involved in developing of Fundaria. This distribution will be visible to stakeholders (investors and teammates). This distribution supposed to be occured according to several factors:
+ 'Contribution to development index' based on deep analysis of company statistical data (this should be open-source evolving algorithm with the regular addition of new founded data relations to this algorithm). The amount of direct benefit received in form of salaries and bonuses as a indicator will be used to balance situations for overvalues and undervalued teammates to receive less and more dividends accordingly.
+ 'Mutual evaluation index' based on mutual estimation of teammates on each other on various criteria (with voting to prioritization of such criteria influence)
This should be another Ethereum contract created (and linked to EthereumToken 'root' contract) with inputs of these indexes and outputs of transactions of dividends (in ether) to addresses related.
So as to this rules team-tokens will not be distributed in usual way by changing their balanceOf addresses and always keep the same address in the FundariaToken, but indexes for deividends distributions can be changed of course.

9 ETH will be held in a smart contract until 22 August 2018 or until you (creator) set an earlier date?
Yes. The availability to set on earlier date is for force majeure circumstances if Fundaria development is terminated and no more sence to keep holding these ether.

ETH will go to a 'Foundation Fund' to finance development?
Yes, go to Fundaria pool to be distributed to funds. All detailed information is on working area

If I buy in Phase 2. 10 ETH == 1000 RI to my wallet. However 8 ETH will go to the Smart Contract [FundariaBonusFund], 2 ETH to Fundaria Development Financing-Pool? Correct?
Correct. Althoug 'Phase 2' is the 'Bonus period 2' not to be confused with terms ('phase' term is used for development phases). All 'bonus periods' are exists within 'development phase 1'.

Bonus Refund in Ethereum contract (FundariaBonusFund). Option 1. Turning into a RI Investor on the Fundaria platform. Option 2. Withdraw ETH from contract back to wallet.
Option 1 is not defined correctly. If you have bonus refunded ether, you are already RI holder and Fundaria investor and cann't loose this status untill transfer RI to another address.

Option 1: I can turn my 'bonus (ETH)' into more RI at the current course. Which will transfer more RI tokens to my wallet, which I can then use to invest in projects hosted on Fundaria?
Investor Account is used for investing to Fundaria hosted companies only. It's not related to RI token owner status. Investor Account is the Ethereum contract to serve transactions of buying Fundaria hosted companies supplied tokens. By executing function fillInvestorAccountWithBonus() bonus refunded ether is transfered to Investor Account for further buying of Fundaria hosted projects (companies, businesess - any of this terms are suitable) tokens.

Option 1:
they can be transfered to Investor Account (which will be created)
Do you mean that my wallet address will be allowed to use the Fundaria platform because it activates the (for now) 'exclusive state' of 'Able to Invest' ( (x) Investor Account), correct? ('Closed Alpha Access for Early Investors')
In general, yes. Owning bonus refund automatically creates right to use these ether to invest in Fundaria hosted projects when this availability will be created.

Option 1: At what 'course' am I turning my ETH to RI?
Option 1: Where or who are these tokens coming from when I exchange 'WEI' (bonus ETH) for RI?

'Option 1' do not open availability to direct transfer bonus refunds to RI. I put answer to common question 'How course will be difined?' below.

I simply send a transaction request that withdraws my ETH from Smart Contract [FundariaBonusFund] to [My Wallet] IF the 'First Phase' has ended, correct? (Phase 1: 9 ETH, Phase 2: 8 ETH)


If I do either option 1 or 2. I lose my bonus fund status and my entire balance turns into either a withdraw-transaction or a tokenbuy-transaction? As I can not determine the amount of bonus ETH to use?

Owned bonus refund is visible here . Maybe correctly to say "entire bonus refund balance turns into a withdrawal-transaction or investor-account-transaction" (if using such words).

The 2,000,000 RI. Can you confirm that that is the maximum amount of tokens Fundaria will ever have?

Following to document Fundaria Intentions & Policy ( , RI supplying will be expanded but only according to clear and visible to stakeholders information about planned costs. On the 'development phase 1' there is no intent to increase supplyLimit variable - on the contrary - to decrease. When the 'development phase 1' will be completed there will be created new planned costs on the next phase and supplyLimit will be increased according to these costs. It not means that such quantity of tokens will be automatically supplied. It means that such amount can be supplied on demand. We are casting off 'unlimited supplying' scheme but accept 'supply only for explained costs' scheme. When there will be appeared some quantity of hosted companies, Fundaia will be able to gain enogh profit to provide development without supplying of new tokens. It depends also on quality of bisuness processes in hosted companies which Fundaria will increase permanently.
As to current 2'000'000 limit - it will be decreased according to decreasing bonus refund share on each bonus period (see table in the announcement).
[planned costs] = 223'700 USD ~ 1000 ETH (USD_EHT_COURSE_ON_ANN_POSTING_MOMENT)
[planned costs considering bonus refund] = 1000 ETH * 10 = 10'000 ETH
[RI supplyLimit as to planned costs considering bonus refund] = 10'000 ETH * 100(COURSE) = 1'000'000
[RI supplyLimit as to planned costs considering bonus refund + tokens for team] = [total RI supplyLimit] = 1'000'000 * 2 = 2'000'000

The used 10 multiplyer in [planned costs considering bonus refund] means that Fundaria Pool need 10X more ETH to be invested in RI because at this bonus period 90% of ETH are refunded.

At the next bonus period if the course USD/ETH will be the same as current, there will be less needed ETH to be invested in RI to meet the needs of the Fundaria Pool, that's because we already no need 10'000 ETH to be invested in RI on the 2-n bonus period, but 5'000. So
[planned costs considering bonus refund] = 1000 ETH * 5 = 5'000 ETH, and [total RI supplyLimit] = 1'000'000 already.
And already supplied tokens (totlSupply) on the moment of every the next bonus period taken in account too so final supplyLimit variable depends on current totalSupply variable.

I know that this math can be difficult to understand. But we need such math to do all things right. The main difficulty is related to existence of Bonus Refund program with 9 changing, decreasing bonus refund shares from 90% to 10% during the 'developing phase 1'. We should everytime to recount supplyLimit so RI supplying will be totally right correspondenting to costs defined for 'developing phase 1'.

But this is math is positive factor for investment, right?

Also supplyLimit will be periodically corrected to USD/ETH course to stay appropriate to planned costs. I think that every 30% USD/ETH course changing is the trigger to change supplyLimit variable.

If I send ETH to the buy contract now, I will receive my tokens right away, correct?
(10 ETH in Phase 1: 1 ETH to Fund. 9 ETH to BonusFund. 1000 RI Tokens to my Wallet (sender address). 1000 RI Tokens to Fundaria Fund (creator address))

Any more information on you two, the first on the team? A name and self-subtitling is fun and all. But it doesn't say much. Age, where are you from, what's your background, what's your experience, what knowledge and skills do you have? What other projects have you worked on? Who do you intend to bring on-board or who else is involved? Have you spoken to anyone who might become an advisor?
I'm 35 years old, located in Kiev, Ukraine. Have bachalour economy degree, self educated programing in 2006. Mostly JavaScript, PHP. Have been working in several companies, but moslty freelanced. In 2011 I created 'Questions and Answers' project On you can see chat (far away not simple) which I created in 2008 year. Others most of projects I was working on was narrowly specialized. As to all projects I was involved - Fundaria is the quintessence of all my experience and efforts. I started thinking about such project in late 2000s. Fundaria's code is object-oriented JavaScript with own created components based framework specially designed for unlimited expanding without loading performance loses. I'm also have many ideas to be hosted in Fundaria. I would like to develop project for co-writing screenplays, for example. Maybe even all my ideas have been pushing me to develop Fundaria :) As for Viktor he never freelanced and now working hard from early morning to late night on company in Kiev which create soft for US hospitals. He is mostly my adviser and intent to be co-developer of Fundaria.

With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?
Answer forwarded to "Most interesting summarized questions & answers" (

How course will be difined?
Answer forwarded to "Most interesting summarized questions & answers" (

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: disbil on June 04, 2017, 04:30:56 PM
The project description is really much interesting, and the dev also very active.
I believe this project will be success.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: gerbas on June 04, 2017, 04:59:31 PM
I like the idea of this project, helping the funding on anyone/group that are in the process of building their company.
Great success for Fundaria.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Lukas2112 on June 04, 2017, 05:51:01 PM

I think you are living upto the idealogy of Fundaria by the manner in which you are being so 'open' with everything you intend to do and work on.
While this is core to a lot of Crypto-related projects, it feels that Fundaria is already the first-hosted project 'on Fundaria'. It works in the same manner, any and all questions are answered and investers are able to weigh in. Good on you!

Thank you for taking the time to read all the questions and taking the time to answer them all fully and so clearly.

However I have two more points to clarify as of this moment (might reply more later tonight).

Q: 50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it?
A: Team-tokens (50%) will be used to distribute dividends between teammates and everyone involved in developing of Fundaria. This distribution will be visible to stakeholders (investors and teammates). This distribution supposed to be occured according to several factors:
+ 'Contribution to development index' based on deep analysis of company statistical data (this should be open-source evolving algorithm with the regular addition of new founded data relations to this algorithm). The amount of direct benefit received in form of salaries and bonuses as a indicator will be used to balance situations for overvalues and undervalued teammates to receive less and more dividends accordingly.
+ 'Mutual evaluation index' based on mutual estimation of teammates on each other on various criteria (with voting to prioritization of such criteria influence)
This should be another Ethereum contract created (and linked to EthereumToken 'root' contract) with inputs of these indexes and outputs of transactions of dividends (in ether) to addresses related.
So as to this rules team-tokens will not be distributed in usual way by changing their balanceOf addresses and always keep the same address in the FundariaToken, but indexes for dividends distributions can be changed of course.

This might be just me, but I still don't feel it is entirely clear what will happen to the 1,000,000 Tokens.

What I mean to ask is... Are those 1,000,000 (50%) 'Team-Tokens' ever going to end up distribution?
If so, does this happen through the dividends you described by selling off RI --> ETH  in public markets (ending up in Circulation). Then with those ETH, the dividends are paid?

Also supplyLimit will be periodically corrected to USD/ETH course to stay appropriate to planned costs.

So when the roadmap expands, you determine a new 'budget' for further development and growth.
Where investors and users of Fundaria see and perhaps weigh in (vote) on what goals or features will/should be realized?

So you only add X amount of RI where [Expected Cost of Further Development/Growth] / [Course of RI] = X (Amount of RI to add).


Q: With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?
A: I will evaluate Aragon's whitepaper and answer to this question later.

Looking forward to it!

Sidenote: If you need any translation work to Dutch, let me know!
Also, I would love to send you some brainstorm-ideas regarding promotion, business and or marketing material.

All the best! I expect to invest soon. It all sounds very well thought out and I really click with the 'idea machine'-philosophy, along with a lot of my friends.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 04, 2017, 09:31:51 PM
I think you are living upto the idealogy of Fundaria by the manner in which you are being so 'open' with everything you intend to do and work on.
While this is core to a lot of Crypto-related projects, it feels that Fundaria is already the first-hosted project 'on Fundaria'. It works in the same manner, any and all questions are answered and investers are able to weigh in. Good on you!

I have been thinking about it in the same style :)

Thank you for taking the time to read all the questions and taking the time to answer them all fully and so clearly.

You are wellcome. Basically communicating and answering to questions is the major advantage to the project at this moment.

However I have two more points to clarify as of this moment (might reply more later tonight).

Q: 50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it?
A: Team-tokens (50%) will be used to distribute dividends between teammates and everyone involved in developing of Fundaria. This distribution will be visible to stakeholders (investors and teammates). This distribution supposed to be occured according to several factors:
+ 'Contribution to development index' based on deep analysis of company statistical data (this should be open-source evolving algorithm with the regular addition of new founded data relations to this algorithm). The amount of direct benefit received in form of salaries and bonuses as a indicator will be used to balance situations for overvalues and undervalued teammates to receive less and more dividends accordingly.
+ 'Mutual evaluation index' based on mutual estimation of teammates on each other on various criteria (with voting to prioritization of such criteria influence)
This should be another Ethereum contract created (and linked to EthereumToken 'root' contract) with inputs of these indexes and outputs of transactions of dividends (in ether) to addresses related.
So as to this rules team-tokens will not be distributed in usual way by changing their balanceOf addresses and always keep the same address in the FundariaToken, but indexes for dividends distributions can be changed of course.

This might be just me, but I still don't feel it is entirely clear what will happen to the 1,000,000 Tokens.

What I mean to ask is... Are those 1,000,000 (50%) 'Team-Tokens' ever going to end up distribution?
If so, does this happen through the dividends you described by selling off RI --> ETH  in public markets (ending up in Circulation). Then with those ETH, the dividends are paid?

As opposed to other tokens suppliers we are not acting by the tenet 'get as much investment as possible'. As I know in the world of investment the more amount of money is invested to bisiness the less part of shares receives the business founders and their team. If we would act in such style, I would create contract which would decrease team-tokens supplying with supposedly increasing investments. Current team's share is not usuall but not bad for such investment strategy at all as I see it. So if our business processes will occur as planned this 50%-50% contract will be in use. If this would be a problem we would propose to use another contract for investors with diminishing team's share.
Practically such condition wouldn't much disturb minor investors. But as for major - this can be a problem - because they love take control on company with their major shares and this is important factor for them to make investment descisions.
I see now, that taking in account described conditions, selling on public market team-tokens is not good idea. This can break balance. If you are nor seeing this - no problem. But this fact is good for investors. Fewer quantity of tokens circulation on market can be a factor of their high value (if I see it right).

Also supplyLimit will be periodically corrected to USD/ETH course to stay appropriate to planned costs.

So when the roadmap expands, you determine a new 'budget' for further development and growth.
Where investors and users of Fundaria see and perhaps weigh in (vote) on what goals or features will/should be realized?

So you only add X amount of RI where [Expected Cost of Further Development/Growth] / [Course of RI] = X (Amount of RI to add).



Q: With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?
A: I will evaluate Aragon's whitepaper and answer to this question later.

Looking forward to it!

Sidenote: If you need any translation work to Dutch, let me know!
Also, I would love to send you some brainstorm-ideas regarding promotion, business and or marketing material.

All the best! I expect to invest soon. It all sounds very well thought out and I really click with the 'idea machine'-philosophy, along with a lot of my friends.

Thank you! Communication with you maked some things more clear for me and for readers of our posts. It seems that you can be a good advisor.

Time for Fundaria is comes! :)

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 04, 2017, 10:36:03 PM
I like the idea of this project, helping the funding on anyone/group that are in the process of building their company.
Great success for Fundaria.

Thank you for summarizing :) See you soon with your ideas on Fundaria.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: izunuy on June 04, 2017, 10:48:53 PM
dev you any bounty social media

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: DaMut on June 04, 2017, 11:06:33 PM
What the hell is this ?
From page to page what i saw FAQ and copied 3 times.
And that Graphic  ::)  ::)
Like 2005ish,when i was young(still young and handsome) i always playing that game.
And he's taking that Graphic for this 'crowdfunding coin'.
Are we in 2005 right now ?

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: necromastery on June 04, 2017, 11:12:20 PM
damn, i give up.. i can't read anymore. My eyes burned.  ;D
You didn't need to explain it each word, make it little simple and easy to understand

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 04, 2017, 11:37:02 PM
A well planned project does not mean to make too much info to the people.
When i look at joining a project i look for information ,
not pages and pages and pages and pages of copy and paste

Well planned project is advantage - why not to show it? Especially if this planning is the part of project's functionality.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: mrongoz22 on June 05, 2017, 01:26:46 AM
goodluck for dev and team with this project
support full

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: killerjoegreece on June 05, 2017, 07:53:27 AM
I would like to reserve the Greek translation of this project dev. Have a good day everyone!

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 05, 2017, 09:31:25 AM
What the hell is this ?
From page to page what i saw FAQ and copied 3 times.
And that Graphic  ::)  ::)
Like 2005ish,when i was young(still young and handsome) i always playing that game.
And he's taking that Graphic for this 'crowdfunding coin'.
Are we in 2005 right now ?

Truly to say copied 1 time. Did it for summarizing questions & answers in one place. As to 2005 year graphics - 1 picture from 4 is likely 1995 year's graphic, not 2005. A project of the future with some graphics of the past? Why not.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 05, 2017, 12:44:44 PM
With the recent successful ICO of Aragon (ANT) and maybe other similar platforms. Can you clarify how maybe Fundaria is similar, how it's different and how it will be better?
Answered here Summarized questions & answers (

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 06, 2017, 11:17:57 AM
The project description is really much interesting, and the dev also very active.
I believe this project will be success.

The best way you can show interest in the project - buy RI tokens.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: KuriousCate24 on June 06, 2017, 01:46:08 PM
Chocolate Thunda ? Thing 1 and thing 2 ?

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 06, 2017, 04:21:09 PM
I like the idea of this project, helping the funding on anyone/group that are in the process of building their company.
Great success for Fundaria.

Thanks, but in addition want to say that not only helping with the funding, but with idea developing & business developing.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 07, 2017, 03:34:55 PM
damn, i give up.. i can't read anymore. My eyes burned.  ;D
You didn't need to explain it each word, make it little simple and easy to understand

By and large main information which reveals the essence is located in the first paragraph. This announcement is intended for those who want to invest in the Revolution. But that does not mean that it is necessary to take emotional investment decisions following the crowd. Wise people need to know every small detail about the project before to invest in it.

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: The_QNK on June 07, 2017, 03:36:38 PM
reserved for french translation if needed.

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: ikm on June 07, 2017, 03:37:46 PM
Congratulations on an interesting presentation. ;D ;D ;D
Hope will succeed. 

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: Fundaria on June 07, 2017, 08:02:27 PM
Anybody wants to live in the world, where an idea much easier turn to a business then now? You only need cool idea + Fundaria and all the rest will carry you like a surfer on the wave. Not kickstarter neither any other service in the web gives such opportunity. I think it can help to all creative people. It is possible with Ethereum smart contracts and with us who charged with unbending intentions to bring this project to life.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: necromastery on June 07, 2017, 08:48:11 PM
damn, i give up.. i can't read anymore. My eyes burned.  ;D
You didn't need to explain it each word, make it little simple and easy to understand

By and large main information which reveals the essence is located in the first paragraph. This announcement is intended for those who want to invest in the Revolution. But that does not mean that it is necessary to take emotional investment decisions following the crowd. Wise people need to know every small detail about the project before to invest in it.
Sure, every detail is needed. If that's necessary, then feel free. I just telling what i feel and my suggestion. Firstly attract more interest, then investor will coming by itself.

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: Fundaria on June 08, 2017, 06:43:46 PM
Replaced team image with real faces and some bio.

Title: Re: [ANN][RI] Fundaria 🌱 revolutionizing crowdfunding
Post by: Fundaria on June 09, 2017, 06:07:46 PM
Q: 50% of total Token supply in hands of the developer is quite large. What will happen to it?
Are you able to provide a approximate distribution or plan for those tokens so that we can understand 'how' this 50% will be released, used or who will own it?

I have been thinking a lot about solving the task of guaranteeing that team-tokens will be used in proper way, not for speculating and unjustified enrichment by us.
I would like to propose core improvement in contract and upgrade in the 'intention & policy' document.

1) I can lock team-tokens from transfering. This will guarantee that these tokens will never be used for speculative trading.
2) Such rule for dividends distribution can be accepted.
In traditional companies, where Board of Directors decides what part of profit will be directed to pay dividends and what to company pool for development purposes and profit is distributed only after such descision.
In Fundaria there can be another method. At first, profit will be devided in two parts. Then one part (50% of profit) entirely forwarded for dividends distibution to token holders (no team-tokens involved!). And finally the second part of profit is voted by all parties (development team + investors) to define how to distribute second 50%, what share of this part to direct for bonuses to team and what share to retain in Development Pool.
So according to this scheme receiving of profit by investors, who bought RI - in high priority.

On my opinion this is significant improvements for making RI tokens more attractive.

And including Bonus Refund program we give to RI tokens owners very great privileges.

If I should receive at least 5 confirmation of readiness to buy RI tokens in the nearest 5 days, I will implement these proposition. In another case all remains so.

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Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: KuriousCate24 on June 10, 2017, 07:54:28 PM
Replaced team image with real faces and some bio.

What does that do then ? A Face to a Picture ? How to we know it is the real Name of the Persons face ?

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding
Post by: Fundaria on June 10, 2017, 09:43:51 PM
Replaced team image with real faces and some bio.

What does that do then ? A Face to a Picture ? How to we know it is the real Name of the Persons face ?

You can call me with video chat for example :) No one can be sure in anything. If someone would like to get money 'for free' they wouldn't come up with such a complex project like Fundaria, preparing its initial developing functionality, creating and showing such strong idea in all details.

If I wanted to 'get' easy money I would 'create' several those EmptyCoin's blockchains (copying source code from another projects). That's much easy then writing thousands of strings of original code, creating own framework on JavaScript. Most scams are simple - the simpliest, the more similiar to other projects - the more successful they will be.

Then may I ask you the same question: how do you know are there real names and real faces in many other projects?

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Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding | CTS
Post by: Melifaro Viktor on June 11, 2017, 09:17:34 AM
With such offers you made investors "Kings of the Party" :D
- bonus scheme (90% return)
- monitoring our dev activities
- priority in getting of dividends
- participating in voting for dev team's part of profit distribution

What else? Give our souls?) Please stop..))))

Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding | CTS
Post by: Fundaria on June 11, 2017, 12:38:40 PM
That is question of trust. When lack of trust - we should create various bonuses and additional advantages. When trust is high - all is needed a token existence as reason to buy them. Maybe we need to pass not a short way to earn the trust in the community. I decided to start working on 'idea developing' part and gradually post updates about it. The first task - to create innovative chat which will include tree-like 'commenting' in itself.

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Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding | CTS
Post by: Fundaria on June 12, 2017, 07:02:08 PM
Why 10% of tokens for developing team not always better than 50%?

Because if a team will not fight for tokens value, if they do not care how much dividends they will receive for their minor share, they will count only on money taken from ICO. And this disposable amount received from the gullible crowd, like a casino winning. And it turns out to hot money not related to serious detailed planning where 95% will be distributed to any kind of promotion and spent to anything whatever in mind. And only 5% invested to usefull software functionality which was declared as the main goal in White Paper. And when teams will spend money gained from ICO, despite to their amount, they will find that receive no constant profit scheme, bacause world will no be still prepare infrastructure to total decentralization on which most of these ICO makers are aimed.

I see this deeply. That's why Fundaria has very limited, strictly correspondingly demand of sum for the first development phase.
And that's why we need those 50% for the team and all people involved in development. We very appreciate our idea and we do not bet on "the more money during ICO the better" but to economical and accurate using of investment, always oppened and clear spends, to highest possible motivation for our team and to simple, hundred to one profit scheme in planned middle terms.

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Title: Re: ⇝ RI ⇜ Fundaria: the revolution in funding | CTS
Post by: elegant_joylin on September 19, 2017, 08:12:15 AM
Filipino ANN thread: