Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: rudrigorc2 on May 10, 2013, 09:26:33 PM

Title: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on May 10, 2013, 09:26:33 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

pq deixariam de usar o otc original com muito mais opcao de compra-venda, pelo mundo inteiro?
se eh brasileiro, pq usar OTC, que eh uma expressao em ingles?


VC ja teve a minha resposta umas 3 vezes. Dessa vez eu não vou repetir. Como eu sei que vc esta apenas criando caso, como é seu de costume aqui no forum. Eu vou pedir pra vc olhar nos seus históricos.

Vc esta se tornando um belo Troll. Continue assim, sua contribuição esta se tornando cada vez mais relevante.

cara, vc eh o moderador mais troll que existe aqui, nem sei como foi parar aí nesse posto.

responda as perguntas, seria muito melhor pra voce e alem de troll é o maior flooder também.

isso aqui virou o senado brasileiro onde o cara nao lida bem com a critica e uma vez no poder usa tua reputacao pra alavancar as vendas e nada mais. responda o topico, isso aqui nao eh um chat pessoal, o que vc escrever pode vir a ser util para outros leitores que nao tiveram a chance de perguntar.

vida longa ao #bitcoin-otc.

This is a funny guy. A newcomer in a moderator post, he uses his position to sell his bitcoins(he is a professional trader)

How did he become a moderator in first place? He never answers questions towards him before deleting the post in the first place.
Just look how many posts he deleted in the trashcan.

He is a major flooder and troller.

What is he doing there?

edit: I meant: A newcomer in a moderator position with 80% of his posts from this year, most of them selling or advertising his trading group.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Coinbuck @ BTCLot on May 11, 2013, 10:07:40 AM
I just wonder why he is a moderator. It seriously does not make any sense and indeed is a strange choice.

The fact that he wants to agglomerate all alt coins in a topic is ridiculous and it only proves that he has 0 interest in alternative chains.

Well I was thinking.. Isn't supposed to a moderator apply the rules rather than to invent his rules ?

But hey, who am I to judge  ::)

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 11, 2013, 03:02:36 PM
The fact that he wants to agglomerate all alt coins in a topic is ridiculous and it only proves that he has 0 interest in alternative chains.

The name of this place is BitcoinTalk, not LitecoinTalk or FeathercoinTalk. 1 topic about alt chains is 1 topic too many.
There are plenty of domain registrars who will sell you or anybody else a domain name so you can create a site where you can talk about whatever tickles your pickle.
Now I'm going out on a tangent and say your reply proves you have a lot of interest on alternative chains. Being yourself so interested why don't YOU create your own alternative chains forum and leave BitcoinTalk for Bitcoins, like it should be?

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Coinbuck @ BTCLot on May 11, 2013, 03:09:05 PM
The name of this place is BitcoinTalk, not LitecoinTalk or FeathercoinTalk. 1 topic about alt chains is 1 topic too many.
There are plenty of domain registrars who will sell you or anybody else a domain name so you can create a site where you can talk about whatever tickles your pickle.
Now I'm going out on a tangent and say your reply proves you have a lot of interest on alternative chains. Being yourself so interested why don't YOU create your own alternative chains forum and leave BitcoinTalk for Bitcoins, like it should be?

I'm sorry but this forum policy is that we're allowed to talk about alternative chains. I'm not saying that I agree with that policy but it is how it works.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 11, 2013, 03:15:35 PM
The name of this place is BitcoinTalk, not LitecoinTalk or FeathercoinTalk. 1 topic about alt chains is 1 topic too many.
There are plenty of domain registrars who will sell you or anybody else a domain name so you can create a site where you can talk about whatever tickles your pickle.
Now I'm going out on a tangent and say your reply proves you have a lot of interest on alternative chains. Being yourself so interested why don't YOU create your own alternative chains forum and leave BitcoinTalk for Bitcoins, like it should be?

I'm sorry but this forum policy is that we're allowed to talk about alternative chains. I'm not saying that I agree with that policy but it is how it works.

You are allowed to talk about them on the proper boards. If there are no proper boards for your post, tough luck. Take it to the off-topic board. Ah, damn, there is no off-topic child-board on the Portuguese forum.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Coinbuck @ BTCLot on May 11, 2013, 03:18:26 PM
You are allowed to talk about them on the proper boards. If there are no proper boards for your post, tough luck. Take it to the off-topic board.

The problem in the Portuguese section is that there is no section to do that.

It is of the interest of some users to speak about this matter in Portuguese.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on May 13, 2013, 12:55:52 AM
The name of this place is BitcoinTalk, not LitecoinTalk or FeathercoinTalk. 1 topic about alt chains is 1 topic too many.
There are plenty of domain registrars who will sell you or anybody else a domain name so you can create a site where you can talk about whatever tickles your pickle.
Now I'm going out on a tangent and say your reply proves you have a lot of interest on alternative chains. Being yourself so interested why don't YOU create your own alternative chains forum and leave BitcoinTalk for Bitcoins, like it should be?

I'm sorry but this forum policy is that we're allowed to talk about alternative chains. I'm not saying that I agree with that policy but it is how it works.

You are allowed to talk about them on the proper boards. If there are no proper boards for your post, tough luck. Take it to the off-topic board. Ah, damn, there is no off-topic child-board on the Portuguese forum.

Why so serious?

Why so many rules? Do we need a dictatorship regime on Pt-br just because we are used to this treatment?
Cmon you are openminded fellow, you can see what is happening.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 13, 2013, 01:02:43 AM
Rules? You serious? This is the most lawless forum I know...

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on May 13, 2013, 01:05:44 AM
Rules? You serious? This is the most lawless forum I know...

Agreed. But not when you have a moderator that thinks he is the reincarnated law.

Check the trashcan, I bet the champion of deleted threads, even deletes threads himself created, its a pt-br moderator.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Coinbuck @ BTCLot on May 17, 2013, 08:34:06 PM
Well I've been active in the Portuguese section last weeks and I've seen that this moderator posts a lot of links to his reddit bitcoin channel.

This is not good for the forum and the community. I think that someone in such position SHOULD contribute to the community instead of redirecting users to another websites for own profit.

Example topics:

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Este Nuno on May 18, 2013, 03:08:00 PM
 Again with all this alt coin stuff... ::)

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on May 31, 2013, 09:03:44 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

Pode colocar meu link em pessoas que vendem P2P, obrigado.

Caro ditador, ops, moderador, tambem estou sempre disposto a ajudar, pode colocar meu nome na lista. Obrigado novamente.

he is unstoppable he did again.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on June 03, 2013, 11:59:44 PM
I opened a thread to discuss moderators conduct and.... its gone!

where is that moderators log page?

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: tysat on June 04, 2013, 12:07:37 AM
I opened a thread to discuss moderators conduct and.... its gone!

where is that moderators log page?

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: 2501 on June 04, 2013, 12:28:54 AM
I opened a thread to discuss moderators conduct and.... its gone!

where is that moderators log page?

As usual is OFF TOPIC

Your posts as anyone can see, and as always is about mods. First was ThiagoCMC and now me. U use the main page to advertise your opinions about how mods should act, calling them names, slandering, which has nothing to do with Bitcoin. All the posts that I have removed, was OFF TOPIC.They have personal attacks, to me and to others. This sort of attitude that only pollutes the portuguese section and leads to the confusion of the newbies that come to forum for the first time. I told you many times via chat and via PM that your conduct in the forum writing personal attacks only creates controversy. If your spend more time helping people on the forum as much as you do to in create post to talk about MODs , the bitcoin community would benefit  way more.
You are a old member in here and you should know how to act with accordance.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on June 04, 2013, 12:39:42 AM
you are quoting another user that I wont even talk about. The proof against him is all around  the forum.
curious fact: After above mentioned user lost his staff position due to misconducting, you came out of nowhere to substitute him.
are you linked somehow?

you are a newcomer that is trying to take over forums visibility, you as misbehaving on your position since day one.

STOP deleting threads that generate valid discussions and go back to your sellings, you are a professional seller, stop trying to make the forum your private outdoor, and its silly you give yourself feedback for your transactions because your fakes never come back to this forum, maybe they were never real people dealing with bitcoins.

stop silently editing user posts :

Hello theymos we need edited posts shown in a more explicit way.

stop creating fakes, I guess at least thes are yours:;u=96993;u=90524

stop advertising your facebook, reddit, and all the shit you bring the links and only the links to this forum.
you say in this topic towards newbies that you are the only one selling bitcoins person to person, is that a joke?

I would challenge you to quit your position of moderator, but I know you are not confident enough to leave behind your tiny little power.

PS: dont send me PM, yesterday I tried to answer one of them and I noticed you had blocked me. So, dont bloat my very useful inbox with your rigmarole nonsense.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: tysat on June 04, 2013, 01:41:39 PM
The Dictator 2501 erased another topic where he was questioned about his conduct...
He is using his power to promote their own sales...
Editing posts by users, deleting topics...

Who gave him that power was mistaken in the choice.

Got any links to the editing of posts or examples of how he's using his power to promote his own sales?

If there's proof/reason I'm sure we can get something done about it, I just don't really know all of the details.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: rudrigorc2 on June 04, 2013, 11:44:58 PM
The Dictator 2501 erased another topic where he was questioned about his conduct...
He is using his power to promote their own sales...
Editing posts by users, deleting topics...

Who gave him that power was mistaken in the choice.

Got any links to the editing of posts or examples of how he's using his power to promote his own sales?

If there's proof/reason I'm sure we can get something done about it, I just don't really know all of the details.

more proof:

stop silently editing user posts :

editted two days after my post. he even asked me in PM to remove that post...after it was adulterated. LOL.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: on June 20, 2013, 12:04:51 AM
New Reports:

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: capoeira on June 20, 2013, 12:08:38 AM
I can confirm that I saw topics here and on Facebook group beeing deleted.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: Raoul Duke on June 20, 2013, 12:24:34 AM
I can confirm that I saw topics here and on Facebook group beeing deleted.

Problem is being dealt with. No worries.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: xandebnu on June 20, 2013, 03:59:39 AM
This topic here before I post in the forum English, Portuguese was removed from the forum. Even being on topic. Not explained the reason for the exclusion. It just was not in the interest of the moderator who did.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: BadBear on June 20, 2013, 06:29:45 AM
This topic here before I post in the forum English, Portuguese was removed from the forum. Even being on topic. Not explained the reason for the exclusion. It just was not in the interest of the moderator who did.

There may be valid complaints in this thread, but this isn't one of them. Only reason I hadn't removed that one you linked to was because I didn't see it. It's just more referral spam, I've removed several threads similar to that one as well.

Title: Re: brazilian moderador is using his power to sell more bitcoins and delete posts
Post by: xandebnu on June 20, 2013, 09:58:41 AM
Thank you. But the message that I needed to pass already obtained results. More than 100 people have signed the bill that passed the post that was removed.