Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: andylowe on August 15, 2017, 08:56:00 AM

Title: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: andylowe on August 15, 2017, 08:56:00 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sunsilk on August 15, 2017, 09:00:38 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: talkbitcoin on August 15, 2017, 09:16:50 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

first of all stocks market is different in each country, where i live the market is not in a good state right now. but last year it was good enough for a good investment.

bitcoin is also the same. back in 2013-2014 the price was falling. but ever since 2015 (and of course from 2009 to 2013) it has only been rising, making it a very good investment.

as for trading. both markets are good. you just have to know how to do it. stocks market movements are more predictable than crypto which makes it easier, or probably we can say "safer". but it is smaller profit. bitcoin and by extension altcoins are less predictable (specially alts) but their movements are huge. you can never see a 100% rise like altcoins in any other place!
this simply means if you have the experience you can make a good profit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Chachacoin17 on August 15, 2017, 09:38:57 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
These are the things I know. First in Stock market, less profit but more predictable and safer. While in bitcoin, you can gain more profit due to its volatility yet it is hard to predict and more risky. Choose what applies to you, and what matters to you, the safer one yet with less profit or the bigger profit with a by more risky? Be the captain in your own money and decide what's best.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Hamphser on August 15, 2017, 09:45:25 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I do engage on stock trading and i would say that in terms of money making or profits i would say that crypto currency is much more better because it will really give you fast profits unlike on stocks which it would really takes long time for you to harvest profits depending on the stock that you do have bought and regards to its movement stocks do move slowly which i can say its less risky than crypto trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Seansky on August 15, 2017, 09:45:50 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
In terms of safety both are on par with each other since stock market is backed by the government while bitcoin is decentralized with no one controlling it so the price is always determined by supple and demand. In terms of profitability, I would go with bitcoin since one can get a return on their investment fast on bitcoin and multiply money faster. Stock market on the other hand takes a long time for one to get profit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Captimiz on August 15, 2017, 10:01:37 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

If you invested in a bitcoins about a month ago, you would've doubled you money, can't do that with stocks in large companies. A 10% return in a year is considered good.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: hatshepsut93 on August 15, 2017, 10:03:44 AM
There's one very interesting and important difference between stocks and Bitcoin - BTC is traded 24/7, while stocks are traded only in certain hours. This means that time passes significantly faster for BTC, and this is one of the major factors why it is so volatile. This also means that you should be prepared for price changes while you are away from exchange, this can be done via built-in tools like stop-limits and even some advanced methods like writing your own bot with official API from your exchange platform.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ocid on August 15, 2017, 10:36:56 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Both of course can be profitable if we know how, but I think if trading in the stock market profits will not be obtained instantly, because it requires a fairly long process because the market movement is fairly slow, but if we trade on bitcoin we will feel the benefits Faster because bitcoin price movements are faster than stock market movements.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Lampaster on August 15, 2017, 01:43:09 PM
Yes, bitcoin can really bring in income much higher than stock trading in the stock market, but I do not agree with you that for trading bitcoin, basic knowledge is enough. The price of bitcoin does not have any patterns and therefore one must have a good intuition to trade in crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Carlsen on August 15, 2017, 01:52:56 PM
Bitcoin brings you more profit right now, even if you just sit on your bitcoins.
But you must be careful because you are in charge of your wallet all alone.
When you buy stacks, you are registered as the owner of those stocks.
The only way to lose your money completely is when the firm you invested in goes belly up.
There are many ways to lose bitcoins, the price does not have to fall for that.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Oilacris on August 15, 2017, 02:39:48 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

If you invested in a bitcoins about a month ago, you would've doubled you money, can't do that with stocks in large companies. A 10% return in a year is considered good.
Real talk here since you can really say such thing if you do have experience on trading stocks 8-10% annual growth on your investment would really be considered as good investment into that stocks which its really small compared on the potential income here on cryptocurrency world which i can really say that its way too better than on stocks this is the thing why i did quit on it because i do really bore on waiting for my profits to be felt.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on August 15, 2017, 02:51:29 PM
Stock market is completely all about the mathematical evaluation of the shares of specific service renders who sell their shares based on the growth. Here with bitcoin everything is purely on speculation and the market circulation happening in the network. So each has got its risk and one who overcome by gaining knowledge in the same platform will be successful.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Supreemo on August 15, 2017, 02:57:27 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

If you invested in a bitcoins about a month ago, you would've doubled you money, can't do that with stocks in large companies. A 10% return in a year is considered good.
Real talk here since you can really say such thing if you do have experience on trading stocks 8-10% annual growth on your investment would really be considered as good investment into that stocks which its really small compared on the potential income here on cryptocurrency world which i can really say that its way too better than on stocks this is the thing why i did quit on it because i do really bore on waiting for my profits to be felt.
,is it really that low in terms of profits? I had heard so much about stock market and before as I can remember, there was someone who wants me to join stock market trading or, he even invited me to join. I just didn't even give a care about it and luckily that i found bitcoin. I know most probably they would say that it would double your money for few weeks or days, but as i would also like to clarify it is not that easy or even it is still not sure if you would be going to double it, but in the long run, i would say yes i can.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Captimiz on August 15, 2017, 03:03:02 PM
Stock market is completely all about the mathematical evaluation of the shares of specific service renders who sell their shares based on the growth. Here with bitcoin everything is purely on speculation and the market circulation happening in the network. So each has got its risk and one who overcome by gaining knowledge in the same platform will be successful.

So, while risky, bitcoin has more potential profit?

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Bananier on August 15, 2017, 03:05:56 PM
Stocks are safer because growth or falls are predictable, but profits are very low. On the other hand, Bitcoin can bring way more profits way quicker, but however the price is totally unpredictable. Make your choice ! For me, no need to think about it twice, better risk money on something that is actually well-paying !

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Jannn on August 15, 2017, 03:17:25 PM
Which is more profitable and safe?
For me , its more profitable in trading Bitcoin than trading in  the stock market , why? because Bitcoin is have a big potential to grow in the market than the stocks for now.
But if you want to do some safe play just go to stock because some stocks/company giving some dividends to their investor every year or months.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: fullypak on August 15, 2017, 03:55:39 PM
Which is more profitable and safe?
For me , its more profitable in trading Bitcoin than trading in  the stock market , why? because Bitcoin is have a big potential to grow in the market than the stocks for now.
But if you want to do some safe play just go to stock because some stocks/company giving some dividends to their investor every year or months.
The stock market is more complicated we need more time to understand that how it will work and which company is good to invest. Here once we started to get a loss, it takes years to recover. But Bitcoin is not like that this month the price went down definitely within 1 or 2 months it will pump, and we can make a profit. So for me, bitcoin is best.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: webtricks on August 15, 2017, 04:38:31 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Yes, I am regular investor in both of your mentions. I have written about my experience yesterday. Here's the part of it.

Surely, it had. I am from Commerce background thus most of the time I am interested in investing my amounts in different investment plans. Earlier I did in stocks, shares, MFs but in the end I could hardly make 10-25% per year. But since I am introduced to cryptocurrencies, definition of investment and return have changed for me completely. I easily made 900% of my invested amount through Bitcoin and other coins in last one year.

Stock Market generally requires lots of market knowledge, you can't expect extraordinary results being amateur. Either you will run safe and make very nominal returns or run into risk and loose amount.
Best way out is Bitcoin. No matters when you invest, where you invest, how much you invest; profits are guaranteed in near future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: HeRetiK on August 15, 2017, 04:49:58 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

You can lose money trading the stock market just as easy as trading Bitcoin. Just go for leverage ;)

(on a serious note, don't go for leverage. Not until you really know what you're doing.)

According to a trading friend of mine, stock markets are much easier to handle and analyze than cryptocurrencies, since those are much more chaotic and volatile. However he didn't trade Crypto for long and didn't have as much experience back then, so it may just be a question of knowing the in and outs of your market environment.

Apart from that -- stock markets offer a wider range of order options than your run-off-the-mill crypto exchange. However keep in mind that you're likely to face much higher trading fees than in crypto. So unless you're running with big money, fees will be taking a huge bite off your profits.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Nathland on August 15, 2017, 05:14:17 PM
I think Bitcoin gives you greater chance of a very high potential profits within no time but you can not expect such a high return in stock market. The average growth rate of stock market is below 8 percent in most of the countries.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: FUKT on August 15, 2017, 05:41:36 PM
Hi traders! Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
When comparing to many new stocks out there, BTC is more safe to trade, but not comparing to the long living companies. When comparing profit, some new penny stocks grow faster than bitcoin right now (watch the Canadian NVO Novo Resources). Both stocks and crypto currencies are assets that can loose 100% of their value, so do not put all of your money in them (keep half in precious metals and cash).

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: swapcity on August 15, 2017, 05:46:55 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Most of the bitcoin traders are also coming from the stock market. Some of them former traders who retired from their jobs after getting rich from bitcoin and ethereum.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Cacingkemi on August 15, 2017, 05:59:06 PM
The stock market is too long to harvest results and is too little to choose but not big a risk as crypto bitcoin,While bitcoin markets are fast harvesting yields but very risky.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 15, 2017, 06:01:59 PM
So many ignorant replies here, it's breathtaking. 

The stock market usually is more stable than crypto, but that's not a given.  I think certain stocks are much safer than bitcoin, but not all of them.  I'd stay away from penny stocks.  And if you buy solid companies that pay good dividends,  you've got passive income right there, which you're not going to get with bitcoin.

I say do both--and that's exactly what I do, with much more money in the stock market than crypto.  But that's just me.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Qunenin on August 15, 2017, 06:30:02 PM
You want to look at the Commodities Market not the stock market. Bitcoin is legally considered a commodity and meets those standards more directly. while there is more Capital to bitcoin most of the new alkaline shimoda pre-existing off coins don't have any Market capital and they need to come out any Market head-on as far as standards and practices. Bitcoin itself can pretty much be handled the same way just be aware that they do have a market Capital base.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: audaciousbeing on August 15, 2017, 06:35:25 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Comparing the two is even haphazard on its own because its like comparing two unlikely things when it comes to profit making in the case of stock market its highly regulated, stock prices don't just go up without fundamental reasons such as change of management or declaration of dividend and even at that the increase is marginal as well as individual allowed to trade without prerequisite qualifications compared to bitcoin where there is free entry and exit, no one controlling anything. As easy it is to make profit, so also is to make loss.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: gunhell16 on August 15, 2017, 06:36:21 PM
BOTH are safe PAL..

though in trading on stock it is rikier that in BITCOIN
there is a more percent profit here in btc because of the rising market value of bitcoin you can check it out time by time theres no doubt BTC is conquering the market value :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: virtualkeybuyer on August 15, 2017, 08:27:58 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
A lot of people are here to investing in bitcoin and trading in bitcoin because these two steps in these days very famous for to have bitcoin i would like to say that I’m one of them to invest in bitcoin and to have bitcoin i would like to say that if you are trading in bitcoin if you are doing something and to get bitcoin instead cash so you should keep hold these coin in wallet to have more income in future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Skillboard on August 15, 2017, 08:55:46 PM
Did CFD's for a while. When I started out with crypto's it felt kind of familiar due to the volatility but I definitely prefer crypto's nowadays since the entire market is bullish.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: PacePay on August 15, 2017, 09:46:57 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Well I have experience in both stock market and bitcoin, the main huge difference between them is risk level, in stock market there is much more risk than bitcoin, and the profit level is little bit high in bitcoin, so if you have investment you better invest on bitcoin, in stock market it is every difficult to find profitable shares and if you do not find shares the make profit then your money will lost.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: lixer on August 15, 2017, 09:56:36 PM
There's one very interesting and important difference between stocks and Bitcoin - BTC is traded 24/7, while stocks are traded only in certain hours. This means that time passes significantly faster for BTC, and this is one of the major factors why it is so volatile. This also means that you should be prepared for price changes while you are away from exchange, this can be done via built-in tools like stop-limits and even some advanced methods like writing your own bot with official API from your exchange platform.
Yes, this is the basic difference between stock market and bitcoins and this is the cardinal reason why bitcoins surpass stock in trading. Bitcoins are accessible all the time anywhere if you have internet connection.
Today’s world is hell fast and people don’t like those things that time. That’s the reason people are preferring bitcoins over other trading investment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: grermezter on August 15, 2017, 10:06:20 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The stock market is a very risky business, I'd not advise thay you indulge in it. Most people who are successful in Stock Exchange often receive insider tips without which they wI'll not be making that much profit and it's often based on pure luck and it's akin to gambling. Bitcoins on the other hand is sure to give profits to those who invests in them.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bitcoinmaniac52 on August 15, 2017, 11:02:47 PM
Since Trump got elected the stock market has been booming. I think the risk is getting higher because as we all know, what goes up - must come down. Everyone will soon sell their stocks and then panic will start and before we know it there will be a big correction.

Actually, the same thing could be said for Bitcoin as it is growing exponentially right now and due for a correction so I think in a short time people will start panicking too and sell their Bitcoins, especially the beginners who just bought their first Bitcoin recently.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Hui8 on August 16, 2017, 05:04:42 AM

Hi traders!

Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?

Thanks ahead!

For stocks you have to wait for longer time than crypto world. Pick any coin and you will see dramatic movement in its price on daily basis. The thing is we can manipulate the price of bitcoin or altcoins in the crypto world (Pump groups!) but this is not the same case with stock market. That is completely different and it need heavy patience as compared to bitcoin (mean it!). Stock market moves with big industries and happenings of the world. The bitcoin is straight and open on blockchain so its easy to trade and hence contains bigger profits really.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: pinkflower on August 16, 2017, 05:11:53 AM
It is safer to trade stocks because all the brokers thats holding all your money is operating under a regulatory body that protects its customers' and clients' money. We dont have that in BTC trading. An exchange can always run away with your coins at anytime.

Whats more profitable will depend on how good you are in trading. A good trader will say they both are.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Dudeperfect on August 16, 2017, 05:23:20 AM
Well, I do invest in Both (I do not trade frequently) but I think when it comes to the high returns, one is supposed to take the high risk no matter in stocks or crypto currencies. However, I see that cryptocurrencies have far more volatility in the price as compared to that of stocks (I mean, you can see 100% growth or loss of your investment in crypto currencies within 24 hours which don't happen usually with the stocks) so the risk is comparatively low in stocks. High risk gives high returns, low risk gives low returns.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: quarkyplum on August 16, 2017, 05:38:26 AM
Did CFD's for a while. When I started out with crypto's it felt kind of familiar due to the volatility but I definitely prefer crypto's nowadays since the entire market is bullish.
And the volatility of cryptocurrency market strong and interesting than stock market many more. An altcoin can increasing up the price in one week to +1000% the base price is normally :D

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sunsilk on August 16, 2017, 06:09:50 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

If you invested in a bitcoins about a month ago, you would've doubled you money, can't do that with stocks in large companies. A 10% return in a year is considered good.

Very true, in stocks you actually need a lot of time before seeing your profit.

But don't expect that it will be a bigger amount, the motion of your investment there is very slow but it is a legit source.

Bitcoin is way better of it and trading of alt coins can be better than stocks.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: CryptoBry on August 16, 2017, 06:47:39 AM
I have an investment in a stock of a big commercial bank here in my country and I started years ago (I think 5 years ago) and I already have a 50% increase in value. It is still good but you know that if at that time I invested in Bitcoin then I am already a millionaire today. There is a big difference because stocks (also forex) is different so much different than Bitcoin. This is why many stock and forex traders are now also in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Kakmakr on August 16, 2017, 06:52:31 AM
I used to trade some CFD's for a while, but it was slow and not very profitable. I find trading in Bitcoin directly on exchanges are much more profitable, if you buy on the dip and sell on the high. Lately the price of Bitcoin has been very volatile and this is good for traders.

You have to buy on the lowest end and then sell on the highest end to cover your fees and still make some good profits on small amounts. < I made more profit in 3 days with Bitcoin trading, than what I made in 1 year with CFD trading > ^Isuck@trading^

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: francedeni on August 16, 2017, 07:15:15 AM
Actually for me both are profitable but I choose investing in bitcoin. In bitcoin by holding some of btc then in just a few months you might earn profit big. In stock market there is a high risks investing in it a big chance to lose money and the earn profit is too long to see the outcomes. Thus, bitcoin is the best investment as the price is continuously sky rocket.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: David Hoggs on August 16, 2017, 07:24:59 AM
Both are same, but in bitcoin we get more profit but we need more predicting experience so can make more profit in stock market too.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Golftech on August 16, 2017, 07:32:40 AM
i don't have much knowledge regarding to stock market but according to those people whom i talked which familiar with both system bitcoin are starting getting much attention due to much better fluctuation and those who have broad knowledge about stock use it too to bitcoin market as an advantage to anticipate certain movement.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: DhanThatsme on August 16, 2017, 07:49:39 AM
Both have risk.
Bitcoin gives strong return this past few years (appreciation is quite a boost) and it can be use as electronic/digital payment. In Stocks ( depends on economy)the income is too long to realize.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sled on August 16, 2017, 09:34:23 AM
Bitcoin and stock market are very different from each other because stock market is like a slow process to get rich because you need to invest in blue chip companies for long term rather than in bitcoin that you just need to invest in coins that has a good fundamental and after a few months you can easily double your money.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on August 16, 2017, 09:48:54 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I do trading in stock market as well as Bitcoin. Till now, I have received profits from both. But I don't need to explain it. The level of profits which I received from Bitcoin can't be compared with those which I got from the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ActiveP on August 16, 2017, 01:51:23 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Even when they go down in value, stocks are usually a much safer option. Cryptocurrencies are high-risk and unregulated but when they hit, they are much more profitable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: muncuss on August 16, 2017, 03:03:11 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Even when they go down in value, stocks are usually a much safer option. Cryptocurrencies are high-risk and unregulated but when they hit, they are much more profitable.
yep. bitcoin price down, you hold, no profit. stock price down, you hold, you get a dividend and you get a piece of a company. but btc trading is more profitable, though. So bitcoin=(more) profitable and stock=(more) safe

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: aishyoo17 on August 16, 2017, 03:15:27 PM
Trading cryptocurrecny gives you faster money but also can make you lose almost everything since the crypto market is crazy while trading in stock market it takes time for you to double your money because the market in stocks doesn't move that much compared to crypto.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bitcoinjames6 on August 16, 2017, 03:30:35 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Someone might have mentioned this to you, but even so, it would warrant repeating - there is a big difference between trading and investing

Trading is generally more hands-on and involves more transactions. You might buy a stock/crypto, wait for it to increase, and then sell once you have reached an increase level that you are happy with.

Whereas investing is to buy something and then not sell it for a long time (in some cases ever - I think legendary investor Warren Buffett talks about how he will never sell Coca-Cola stock).

There could be a place in your portfolio for all of the above - you could buy and hold some stocks/crypto for the long term (invest) and have some allocation for a more hands on approach where you are more consistently buying and selling (trading).

It is up to you of course - there are lots of different ways of going about this. What I am saying above is not advice, but something that you can consider for different approaches.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: severaldetails on August 16, 2017, 03:50:30 PM
I think that trading stocks and trading bitcoins is very much alike.
In both cases you have chart and price movements that do not make much sense if you look at them from a rational perspective.
There are unwritten laws like 'the trend is your friend' or 'never catch a falling knive'. From what I have experienced they are true in both stock market and bitcoin.
Personally I think that profit in bitcoin trading is higher at the moment. But risk as well.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: FUKT on August 16, 2017, 06:16:55 PM
So many ignorant replies here, it's breathtaking. The stock market usually is more stable than crypto, but that's not a given.  I think certain stocks are much safer than bitcoin, but not all of them.  I'd stay away from penny stocks.  And if you buy solid companies that pay good dividends,  you've got passive income right there, which you're not going to get with bitcoin. I say do both--and that's exactly what I do, with much more money in the stock market than crypto.  But that's just me.
Then may be (from the height of your experience) you could predict the maximum market cap BTC can get?

I have an investment in a stock of a big commercial bank here in my country and I started years ago (I think 5 years ago) and I already have a 50% increase in value. It is still good but you know that if at that time I invested in Bitcoin then I am already a millionaire today. There is a big difference because stocks (also forex) is different so much different than Bitcoin. This is why many stock and forex traders are now also in Bitcoin.
I see far more in common between the crypto currencies and FOREX, than between the crypto currencies and stocks, cause the stocks (more or less) represent a real value, while crypto currencies and FOREX is a pure speculation (80% of FOREX is gambling on interest rates direction and another 10% - playing with EURUSD pair).

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 17, 2017, 12:52:29 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

from what i know, i think it is more profitable and safe if we trading in bitcoin because we can make profit in anytime although we bought in high price and suddenly the price is down, the price will be recover. although if we are trading in stock market can making a big profit, but the risk is always big too and this is why i don't want to trading in stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Lieldoryn on August 17, 2017, 12:59:54 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Even when they go down in value, stocks are usually a much safer option. Cryptocurrencies are high-risk and unregulated but when they hit, they are much more profitable.
To trade in the stock market more difficult. You need to have a broker, and you can't quickly sell the stock. The income from growth stocks is much lower. The market of currency is easier, more liquid and flexible. And income is very high. I like the trade of crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: BingoDog on August 17, 2017, 01:14:10 PM
At first glance it seems more or less the same to invest in stock market or bitcoin, unpredictable and big risk on both of these sides. But if you look deeper you will see that investing in stock market is more demanding, more complicated and more risky than investing in bitcoin, at least from the current point of view. And the chances for profit are better now for bitcoin investors, so bitcoin would be my choice.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Bezobraznike on August 17, 2017, 01:16:30 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Even when they go down in value, stocks are usually a much safer option. Cryptocurrencies are high-risk and unregulated but when they hit, they are much more profitable.
To trade in the stock market more difficult. You need to have a broker, and you can't quickly sell the stock. The income from growth stocks is much lower. The market of currency is easier, more liquid and flexible. And income is very high. I like the trade of crypto currencies.

   You need to have broker, and to trade with alt-coin on any exchange is something you can do it yourself. Bitcoin is technology in rise, and
this up-trend is far from over, investing now in bitcoin is better then any other traditional investment.
   Stock market is unavailable for many people, this can be a reason why bitcoin is better then stock market, its open for all the people, you
can enter with $10 or $10000, there are no limitation and any discrimination. Crypto currencies are not regulated yet, regulation in some
countries already started, it will spread.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Risktaker31 on August 17, 2017, 01:43:44 PM
In my opinion bitcoin over stock because it'll take years before your stock grows but in bitcoin it can only take only a month or two it depends on ups and down of its value.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Theb on August 17, 2017, 01:52:32 PM
Stock market is where companies' stocks are traded are, this stocks like what I said are owned by companies and the performance of it financially is reflected in the price. Bitcoin on the other hand is based on the demand it is getting and right now it is volatile than ever. I can't say it as a whole but profitability will always depend on the user because there is a lot of stocks in the market in which you can choose from, a careful analysis might give you the upper hand on picking up a gem in the rubble, also in terms of stability the prices of stocks are much more stable than Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: PhucS on August 17, 2017, 03:53:49 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
According to my opinion, I think Bitcoin business is more profitable than stock trading. The Bitcoin investment market is surpassing the stock market. Bitcoin seems to be beating traditional forms of investment such as gold, stocks and bonds, with an increase of 220.59% in the first half of 2017. Bitcoin's value is at a premium, over $ 4,000 and is forecast to increase even further. More and more investors are directly pouring money into Bitcoin and other digital coins. You could be profiting from the Bitcoin investment. However, in terms of safety, stocks are more advantageous, it is the state. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, it is not under the control of anyone

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Zadicar on August 17, 2017, 04:26:15 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Safe? Theres no safe between on the two but if we do speak on the risk involved on both things i would say crypto trading would be more risky than on stocks since its price do fluctuates more than on stocks knowing that those stock prices move on slow pace which means we are just gradually losing money unlike on crpyto which we would anytime to blown up our bankroll depending on how the coin moves.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Mometaskers on August 17, 2017, 04:29:30 PM
Both have risks, there's no way you can get rid of that. It would really depend on where you are. For example, in my country, very few people know of stocks. I'm familiar with it but have no investment. A relative actually just invested in a bank plan where the bank manages it. So I guess it's safe to say that it's not the easy here.

Bitcoins though, I can just buy some at a convenience store or send money to the exchange from my bank account and I'm good to go. It's definitely much easier to get into it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: pitiflin on August 17, 2017, 06:02:43 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I would go for trading in bitcoin any day than trading stock market. I have seen experts trade in stock market which i find very appealing and interesting but then the expert advised me not to go for stock market just like that.Its so complicated and is not everyone's cup of tea is what he told.But when i asked why,he told that Stock market is full of assumptions,if one person wants to sell one share,there will be another available to buy most of the time. But anyhow i am still learning about stock market because i find it fascinating,so till then gonna trade with bitcoin.But that doesn't mean that i'll let go of bitcoin when i become an expert in stock market investment. Ill hold on to both of them and i guess it will be useful for me in the future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Hydrogen on August 17, 2017, 06:53:00 PM
Economic slowdown is more likely to affect stocks than crypto as stocks have reached a saturation point while crypto still has a lot of room to grow.

If world economies were growing at a good pace, that could create more room for stock growth. But since economic slowdown seems more like the norm than the exception, I would say that crypto is the better option as its far from reaching a point of maximum growth, unlike stocks.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: SirLancelot on August 19, 2017, 03:47:45 AM
Stock market is where companies' stocks are traded are, this stocks like what I said are owned by companies and the performance of it financially is reflected in the price. Bitcoin on the other hand is based on the demand it is getting and right now it is volatile than ever. I can't say it as a whole but profitability will always depend on the user because there is a lot of stocks in the market in which you can choose from, a careful analysis might give you the upper hand on picking up a gem in the rubble, also in terms of stability the prices of stocks are much more stable than Bitcoin.
There is no doubt in the stability of the stocks. They are much more stable than bitcoins but not more profitable than bitcoins. Stocks can’t make you rich that much which bitcoins can do. Bitcoins will always be preferred by investors than stock market because we all know the power of bitcoins of making us rich.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: CraigWrightBTC on August 19, 2017, 03:55:27 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I just traded bitcoins fair altcoins and some amount of profit be invested in local stocks markets,
choose the bluechip stocks for long time and we will get the dividen of profit from the company,
 for short term investing trading of course trading in digital coins (altcoins) is more profitable than stocks
but for the saving of whealty stocks are best choice and we will get passive income too.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Kaller on August 19, 2017, 05:20:57 AM
Bitcoin is certainly a better investment than stocks.
You get 6% to 12% return annually in the market.
Bitcoin on the other hand? There is no need even to compare.  8)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: lousie9 on August 19, 2017, 05:56:24 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I just traded bitcoins fair altcoins and some amount of profit be invested in local stocks markets,
choose the bluechip stocks for long time and we will get the dividen of profit from the company,
 for short term investing trading of course trading in digital coins (altcoins) is more profitable than stocks
but for the saving of whealty stocks are best choice and we will get passive income too.

I do not really like margins and something in the form of option/binary, bitcoin opens up more of my thoughts to buy and sell, this condition is very different from the stock market because they use more parties to intervene in the interests of every company. In this case bitcoin market is better.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sanforized on August 19, 2017, 06:52:38 AM
The stock market and bitcoin are like two coin eyes that can not be separated. The stock and bitcoin markets have their advantages and disadvantages. For the stock market we can predict the rise and fall of the stock market value with the state conditions. The stock market also provides security and comfort in every transaction made, but if the stock market moves slowly then the profits also slowed. To master the stock market required lessons on calculation and prediction.
In bitcoin the process to get the maximum profit can be reached quickly if it has mastered the technology and have relationships around the world. But the value of bitcoin can not be predicted rise or decrease bitcoin value.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: iram1011 on August 19, 2017, 08:18:36 AM
Which one is more profitable doesn't depends upon the market but your choice of cryptocurrency or stock.

I have been investing in both and I could say having a diversified portfolio of cryptocurrencies and stocks would be best. The difference is stocks are basically backed by the performance of the company and the market is centralised. Hence, free of pumps and dumps. Whereas cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and is decentralised and thus pumps and dumps are quite common.

If you don't understand market and charts refrain from trading and get into investing with a safer coin(Bitcoin, Ethereum etc) or stocks(some bigger and established company can be regional).

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Bitmedrano040117 on August 19, 2017, 08:55:10 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

It is much better to do bitcoin trading than stock market. When we talk about the profitable things bitcoin still the best because the volatility is very aggressive, in fact, bitcoin was a good investment than stock market though they're both have advantage and disadvantage but you can maximize and minimize your loss, this is just my opinion and thinking.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Lancusters on August 19, 2017, 09:03:22 AM
Investment in stocks is less risky and therefore the income from them naturally smaller. Bitcoin now is based entirely on speculative capital and is associated with a greater risk. Speculative capital has no such feature as to disappear within a very short time. You may not even notice when your investments turn into ashes.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Idrisu on August 19, 2017, 09:16:32 AM
Bitcoin is far more profitable than stock markets and altcoins market more profitable than penny stock. Bitcoin to me for  now is still more safe than stock though it is pron to manipulations. I have a Friend that is into stocks trading but it keeps regretting and he  always feel frustrated because of his investment but since I come into bitcoin trading I have averagely make profit and it ok by me. Bitcoin has make 3* this year alone I don't think there is any stock that has make that.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: FLoving on August 19, 2017, 09:49:19 AM
Both are same, but in bitcoin we get more profit but we need more predicting experience so can make more profit in stock market too.
No man, both are not same, there is huge difference between them and stock market totally work on business projects, the new and the older. We do not know the kind of business in which our money will going to invest, when we invest in stock market all dealings happen without us and we just come to know that we are loss or we won. Bu in biotin there is minimum risk and there is lot of profit and everything happen under your nose.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: yugyug on August 19, 2017, 10:00:32 AM
when speaking of investing between stock market vs bitcoin is quite similar when you are planning it to hold for a long time the result is similar the profit in stock market depends on the companies you are going to invest some are low gainer and some are fast but bitcoin is gaining exponentially every year so it is predictable for a long period of time.for a short term trader bitcoin is very volatile.bitcoin inflation is predictable because it is partly political nowadays.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: supercanada1 on August 19, 2017, 07:10:57 PM
Both are same, but in bitcoin we get more profit but we need more predicting experience so can make more profit in stock market too.
in bitcoin we cannot predict the lose and the profit but the stokes are safer than the bitcoin because the profit and the loss are profitable but in this we can get a profit of a low quality and bitcoin can give us a very fast and quick way to earn profit but the price of the bitcoin is not stable yet as the time passes the price is increasing and it will increase more.   

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Yakamoto on August 19, 2017, 07:50:04 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The stock market is essentially a bunch of bots trading against each other, nothing to see for the average person. HFT completely blocks most normal people from making money on the stock market, unless they aim for macro trends, and even that can be worthless in a fair amount of circumstances. Might as well just get involved in ETFs and Hedge Funds and let them do the trading, for a small fee on the money you invested into their services. The stock market is pretty safe most of the time, but economic crashes will absolutely slaughter people.

Bitcoin is pretty profitable most of the time, but there is a fair amount of risk due to volatility. Right now, basically everyone who bought in the past has made money if they held their Bitcoin and did not panic sell.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Gotottack on August 19, 2017, 08:48:08 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The stock market is essentially a bunch of bots trading against each other, nothing to see for the average person. HFT completely blocks most normal people from making money on the stock market, unless they aim for macro trends, and even that can be worthless in a fair amount of circumstances. Might as well just get involved in ETFs and Hedge Funds and let them do the trading, for a small fee on the money you invested into their services. The stock market is pretty safe most of the time, but economic crashes will absolutely slaughter people.

Bitcoin is pretty profitable most of the time, but there is a fair amount of risk due to volatility. Right now, basically everyone who bought in the past has made money if they held their Bitcoin and did not panic sell.

What, so in bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies don't have bots? Don't you think there are plenty more bots on the cryptocurrency exchanges than stock markets? If you proportion how big the stockmarkets compared to cryptocurrency exchanges, it is nothing comparable. But if you ratio and proportion the bots in a stockmarket exchange vs cryptocurrency exchanges, for sure you'll see the latter has a bigger percentage of bots.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Razick on August 19, 2017, 10:49:47 PM
Let's see, anyone who invest in the stock market made 10% annually this year...

Anyone who invested in Bitcoin made... ahem, 100%.

Yes, thos numbers are real in case anyone is reading this in the future. Bitcoin rose 100% (I mean 100% ROI) in only one year. That is equivalent to 10 years of investing in the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: BitHodler on August 19, 2017, 11:11:30 PM
Let's see, anyone who invest in the stock market made 10% annually this year...

Anyone who invested in Bitcoin made... ahem, 100%.

Yes, thos numbers are real in case anyone is reading this in the future. Bitcoin rose 100% (I mean 100% ROI) in only one year. That is equivalent to 10 years of investing in the stock market.
I think you should be starting to count the returns made starting at the first of January this year, which will obviously show a massive increase of over 300%.

That being said, I think the standards of people investing in stocks and Bitcoin are quite different. In terms of stocks, an annual return of 10% is quite a decent achievement.

If you look at Bitcoin, then people will be heavily disappointed if they ended up making just 10% in annual profits ~ people in the Bitcoin world are spoiled with massive returns.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: fullypak on August 19, 2017, 11:30:22 PM
Let's see, anyone who invest in the stock market made 10% annually this year...

Anyone who invested in Bitcoin made... ahem, 100%.

Yes, thos numbers are real in case anyone is reading this in the future. Bitcoin rose 100% (I mean 100% ROI) in only one year. That is equivalent to 10 years of investing in the stock market.
I think you should be starting to count the returns made starting at the first of January this year, which will obviously show a massive increase of over 300%.

That being said, I think the standards of people investing in stocks and Bitcoin are quite different. In terms of stocks, an annual return of 10% is quite a decent achievement.

If you look at Bitcoin, then people will be heavily disappointed if they ended up making just 10% in annual profits ~ people in the Bitcoin world are spoiled with massive returns.

For me investing in stock market is very difficult and analysing stock market is not possible for an ordinary person. We need to take some experience from any experts then only we can make a profit. But to make minimum 10% profit, we need to wait for a long time. Bitcoin is not like that within just 1 month we can make 50% profit or 100% profit. 

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Pearls Before Swine on August 19, 2017, 11:37:36 PM
Yezzir, I do both.  More so the stock market, but I follow crypto like a mad fiend.
Safe?  The stock market, but only if you pick the right stocks.  Micro cap companies
and ones that aren't traded on the big exchanges can get you into trouble and are
exceedingly risky.  Then again, the large cap stocks probably won't give you as
great a return.

Crypto is about as risky as it gets.  But you have the potential to make a lot of money
very quickly.  I say choose wisely only after doing a lot of research.  Even then you could
lose it all in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: zaisha on August 20, 2017, 12:26:23 AM
I think Bitcoin and Altcoins are the best investments they can make you get high profits, and the stock market's investment profits are very stable, up to 10% of the profits a year. ;D

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: HashFace on August 20, 2017, 01:04:23 AM
Looking at 5 years, and using the S&P 500 as a benchmark, the stock market is up to $2425 from $1411 in 2012.  11% a year, on average.

During that time frame, Bitcoin went from about $7 to $4100.  258% a year, on average.

Sadly, I missed the boat and didn't start getting into Bitcoin and Altcoins unit this year.  Let's hope for another 10 years like the last.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Aventhe on August 20, 2017, 01:34:42 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I would think that the stock market and bitcoin are 2 different things, at least from a certain perspective.
While they may both be classified as investments or trading, bitcoin is definitely the long term option. The best way to maximise your BTC profits is to hold onto your coins for as long as you can, withdrawing little to nothing in the process of doing so.
The stock market is much riskier and is more drastic. It can be subject to change by manipulation quite easily and / or fraud. It is much riskier in my opinion, but I may be wrong.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: yndye on August 20, 2017, 03:13:46 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

In terms of profit, bitcoin is profitable than stock market because the movement in stocks is slow compared to bitcoin has a fluctuating price which can be an advantage or disadvantage to bitcoin but if you have strategy and plan to counter it then you will still be profitable. Profit is slow moving in stocks especially if you only have small amount of capital but if you have small capital in bitcoin then you can still have big profits because of the volatile price.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sled on August 20, 2017, 06:23:37 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

In terms of profit, bitcoin is profitable than stock market because the movement in stocks is slow compared to bitcoin has a fluctuating price which can be an advantage or disadvantage to bitcoin but if you have strategy and plan to counter it then you will still be profitable. Profit is slow moving in stocks especially if you only have small amount of capital but if you have small capital in bitcoin then you can still have big profits because of the volatile price.
They have both advantage and disadvantage because it always depends on the investor if what he prefer a slowly but surely investment or a fast but a high risk investment. If you were going to ask me on what i will choose between those two, i will invest in bitcoin because it is faster than stock market and it is maybe a higher risk but i can manage those risks by consistently studying the market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: raven7886 on August 20, 2017, 07:08:55 AM
when speaking of investing between stock market vs bitcoin is quite similar when you are planning it to hold for a long time the result is similar the profit in stock market depends on the companies you are going to invest some are low gainer and some are fast but bitcoin is gaining exponentially every year so it is predictable for a long period of time.for a short term trader bitcoin is very volatile.bitcoin inflation is predictable because it is partly political nowadays.
I don’t think so stock market and bitcoins are really same, they may resemble up to some extent.

Yeah, in stock market, you buy shares of the companies that according to you have potential of ruling the market in coming day whereas in bitcoins, the all bitcoin investors are damn sure that bitcoins are definitely going to produce large profits. I prefer investing into bitcoins than in stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: addy4u on August 20, 2017, 07:14:49 AM
Both are profitable but I choose investing in bitcoin , hold some BTC and will get good return in the end , in stock we should have to be good in market prediction , u can earn big but may be u loose a lot in the end.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Beerwizzard on August 20, 2017, 07:18:57 AM
If under Bitcoin investing you mean some real actions (not just buying BTC and forgeting about it for some years) like cryptotrading or ICO. Then bitcoin is more profitable but stock market is more stable and have more rules that sometimes can help you to get more stable income. But also a huge advantage of crypto is that it have no borders and everyone in every country can be a part of it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: TrumpD on August 20, 2017, 07:21:58 AM
All investments are a potential profits vs risk calculation. Stocks are pieces of a company which have an underlying value. It owns IP, buildings, machinery etc. On the other hand, If you believe that bitcoin is going to change the world or believe a lot of people will believe this  ;)  then it could be an attractive investment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: pugman on August 20, 2017, 07:32:02 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Obviously Bitcoin.The reason would be that stock market is like gambling and you need to be way too careful and smart. Also stock markets are only useful to experts and not random people.Its one of the tricks played by smart people to get money which would attract normal people and the people will tend to make a terrible mistake. Bitcoin is any day safer because it won't result in heavy loss all the time,but stock market its possible every time, if you dont have proper expertise,then you are just donating your money to people smarter than you in the form of losing.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: calandra78 on August 20, 2017, 03:29:22 PM
I think Bitcoin gives you greater chance of a very high potential profits within no time but you can not expect such a high return in stock market. The average growth rate of stock market is below 8 percent in most of the countries.
I also thought the stock market and bitcoin also have in common that is when selling it can gain from the purchase price. but the stock market is defined in the form of securities that are traded in the market selling in the capital in which one holds the shares will get dividends and profits from selling shares is higher than the purchase price. While the unit price is influenced by the bitcoin demend circulating in public.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: olushakes on August 20, 2017, 04:30:24 PM
Let's see, anyone who invest in the stock market made 10% annually this year...

Anyone who invested in Bitcoin made... ahem, 100%.

Yes, thos numbers are real in case anyone is reading this in the future. Bitcoin rose 100% (I mean 100% ROI) in only one year. That is equivalent to 10 years of investing in the stock market.

The main reason why that happen is because of the peculiarity of bitcoin which include among other reasons such as its still an emerging currency that makes the volatility so high compared to stocks of companies another is the fact that bitcoin trading is basically a free market where the no regulation of any knid whatsoever which is very much in excess in the case of stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: TheGreatPython on August 23, 2017, 12:52:56 PM
The stock market is better than the bitcoin market in the sense that the stock market is safer and not as volatile as the bitcoin market. The stock market is for patient investors who are ready to wait years and months and be assured that the market won’t crash wholly in a day.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: FansUnite on August 27, 2017, 12:12:07 AM
I want to make it clear that none of this is meant to be investment advice in any capacity.

I love and am involved in the stock market. But bitcoin and the stock market are two very different entities.

You can take positions in the stock market that can be very slow and conservative - such as broad-based exchange traded funds (ETFs) that follow indexes or entire sectors. Or you can invest in a handful of major blue-chip companies (like Microsoft, Apple, Boeing, etc.) or some smaller companies that have more room to grow. Or anything in between, there are a ton of different approaches and combinations that you can take.

Whereas with bitcoin, you can only hold bitcoin. Of course there are other cryptos, but if we are discussing just bitcoin then that is all that you can invest in.

And with bitcoin you are completely subject to the movements of bitcoin. Whereas if you had different cryptos then you can be diversified.

But I think that cryptos are relatively correlated to each other (correct me if I am wrong) - whereas with other stocks you can look into different sectors or stocks that are not as correlated.

They are two very different ways to invest.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: exstasie on August 27, 2017, 01:22:29 AM
The stock market is better than the bitcoin market in the sense that the stock market is safer and not as volatile as the bitcoin market. The stock market is for patient investors who are ready to wait years and months and be assured that the market won’t crash wholly in a day.

That's not entirely true. You might be looking at less volatile indexes or funds, or maybe blue chip stocks. But stocks in the tech sector can be particularly volatile. And over-the-counter stocks can bring especially big gains and losses. That's one of the reasons that bitcoin was spoken of as a "penny stock" for so long: it was priced low and extremely volatile. That's originally why I got involved with bitcoin, just like I got involved with penny stocks....for the 10x-20x whale trades that make all the chart-watching worth it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: BCMB on August 27, 2017, 01:44:50 AM
It seems that there are a lot of comparisons of the stock market to Bitcoin, but saying the 'market' gained 10% per years while Bitcoin gained X% doesn't really seem like a fair comparison. There are plenty of stocks that gains 100's of % points in a very short time, but they are risky, just like cryptocurrencies. All you need to do is go ready something like r/WallStreetBets to see that its possible to gain and lose a very large amount of money very quickly, just like with crypto.

tl;dr, there is more to the stock market than blue chip stocks and S&P index funds, just like theres more to crypto than just Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: megynacuna on August 27, 2017, 02:40:51 AM
I think Bitcoin and Altcoins are the best investments they can make you get high profits, and the stock market's investment profits are very stable, up to 10% of the profits a year. ;D

Exactly, the stock market is less volatile and can be considered less risky unlike Bitcoin which is very volatile and can make you loose your investments in a instance if you don't set the right parameters in place.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Doamader on August 27, 2017, 03:12:21 AM
The companies that takes the risk with others money are mooving into bitcoin and crypto in the general, there is no way to avoid it, stock market arent able to make 3x its value into few months. Crypto potencial is huge, and any investment can get easy reach 3-20x, soo at this stage im pretty sure we will see more volatilaty over bitcoin since more money is coming.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: CoinOp on August 27, 2017, 03:16:14 AM
The stick market is set in such a way that those making the most profit are the wealthiest.  The rich get richer.  With Bitcoin if we have some discipline we can make a decent some without having to be rich first.  Just look out for good opportunities and take advantage of the lack of regulation while we can.  Regulation is always geared in favor of the wealthy.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: entrepmind23 on August 27, 2017, 03:49:08 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I trade in both and I would say bitcoin is much more profitable because of big price fluctuations. I would prefer the one which I can make profit in a short period of time. Though more people still trust the stock market since it is supported by the government and registered and they can track your income in there while bitcoin is decentralized and many people are still doubtful to it.

The profit in stock market is minimal because of stable price and since there are big volumes then it is hard to make the market move if you are just a small time trader unless you are a millionaire who have a lot of shares there. For the people who have small funds, bitcoin or cryptocurrency trading is more profitable than stocks.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Jeger on August 27, 2017, 03:57:30 AM
If you're a big whale I would suggest you to trade in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency because the volume is relatively small (risky) but if you have a small amount of funds I would suggest you to play in stock market and go with the flow

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Theb on August 27, 2017, 04:05:07 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I trade in both and I would say bitcoin is much more profitable because of big price fluctuations. I would prefer the one which I can make profit in a short period of time. Though more people still trust the stock market since it is supported by the government and registered and they can track your income in there while bitcoin is decentralized and many people are still doubtful to it.

The profit in stock market is minimal because of stable price and since there are big volumes then it is hard to make the market move if you are just a small time trader unless you are a millionaire who have a lot of shares there. For the people who have small funds, bitcoin or cryptocurrency trading is more profitable than stocks.
If you are willing t accept risk and you want to profit in a short time then trading cryptocurrencies is the best thing for you. But if you are patient and has a low risk tolerance than you might need to consider investing in stock companies inside the stock market. Both is built and can cater different people, and comparing Bitcoin to the stock market is not right because even stocks of companies have a different movement with each other, not all stocks have the same price and have the same potential to one another.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: PizzaBTC on August 29, 2017, 05:04:58 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The stock market is better than the bitcoin market. The stock market is more regulated and monitored than the bitcoin market, which assures you some level of security incase any thing goes wrong, but in bitcoin there’s nothing like that.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: kingntking on September 06, 2017, 04:20:38 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Stock market and bitcoin is no match at all, while the stock market is a big place, the bitcoin market is a big market and it’s the only thing being traded on the market, amazing isn’t it. Though the stock market is more established.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: franco123 on September 07, 2017, 03:07:57 AM
Stock market is a lot different in Bitcoin. First of all your investment in Bitcoin is just Bitcoin. You do not have the option to difersify it. Unlike stocks, you have a lot of companies as options to what stock you will buy and invest your money on. However, the advantage of this kind of setting is that Bitcoin can be easily managed as you only lool at one price. In stocks, you will monitor your stock portfolio and should determine what stock buy or sell at the moment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: fiomcorka on September 11, 2017, 10:41:08 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
That’s very hard to talk about, the stock market is my preferred destination though, because the market is very stable and very profitable in the long run if you get good brokers to manage your account for you.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Bitcotalk on September 15, 2017, 11:07:43 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
That’s very hard to talk about, the stock market is my preferred destination though, because the market is very stable and very profitable in the long run if you get good brokers to manage your account for you.
Stock market is stable but bitcoin market is more stable. Bitcoins are doing much better than stock markets and many stock market investors are turning to bitcoins’ market just because they are increasing in value day by day. Bitcoins produce much more profits than stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Choii on September 21, 2017, 05:19:16 AM
Stock Market is a good way to earn profit because you can manage or monitor your portfolio and should determine what stock you want to buy or sell at the moment but before that you need to wait years before you can get what your profit you want. But if you are ristaker i suggest you if you want get more profit in a couple of month or days you can try cryptocurrency investment or trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: palensya on September 21, 2017, 01:55:03 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: tambok on September 21, 2017, 02:05:23 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
Likewise, I prefer investing here in bitcoin market they are really more profitable that what is offering in the stock markets. I tried once in our stock market and I am really upset with the outcome, its been 3 months but I am still negative in profit so I just pull out my investments, but here in trading in btc I earn more that what I am expecting to.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jamesdean35 on September 21, 2017, 02:36:53 PM
it depends on your charecter.if you want to be safe,sleep relax and earn little,go invest stocks,You can't earn money as BTC.But also btc is more risky if i had so much money i invest stock market because i want to be relax

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Lampaster on September 21, 2017, 02:47:13 PM
it depends on your charecter.if you want to be safe,sleep relax and earn little,go invest stocks,You can't earn money as BTC.But also btc is more risky if i had so much money i invest stock market because i want to be relax
Investing in the stock market less profitable, but more reliable. Now after the merger of steel companies in Europe, the shares of these companies increased by 5%. It is considered an excellent result. Of such income as bitcoin exchange investors can only dream of. It is always hard to deal with speculative capital. So the stock market is a mechanism of protection and there is less risk.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: EdenHazard on September 21, 2017, 02:51:16 PM
The stick market is set in such a way that those making the most profit are the wealthiest.  The rich get richer.  With Bitcoin if we have some discipline we can make a decent some without having to be rich first.  Just look out for good opportunities and take advantage of the lack of regulation while we can.  Regulation is always geared in favor of the wealthy.
actually for me patience are the most important factor in any kind trading.

market always played by the whales when you are in stock market , but it is not happened in crypto currency market . the real power are in each of us decisions. there is no single person or institution could play with it. and people will realize soon about how bitcoin better than stocks market .

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaysabi on September 21, 2017, 03:11:02 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

This is horrible advice. First, volatility creates profits and losses in stocks and bitcoin alike, and stocks can be volatile, so profits can be instant. Second, trading just to trade in either stocks or bitcoin is risky. The real growth in stocks comes in the ownership stake in the company over years. Second, you seem to think bitcoin can only go up. Wrong, and naive to boot. Last, stocks are not backed by the government, but they are an ownership stake in a business that creates value, so stocks have an inherent value. Bitcoin does not. That is what makes bitcoin riskier, the fact that it ties to nothing of value.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Reid on September 21, 2017, 03:14:28 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

I guess he explained it thoroughly here.
I may add up some points here.
In bitcoin you are the one in control and you could recover it fast unlike in stocks where brokers are needed to be called if you want out and had a sudden change of mind.
You are the manager here and you are the boss of your own trade. You are the broker.
If it risk we will talk about then hell yeah it is bitcoin that is very risky but as they say. "The more riskier the larger the profits".

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Inkdatar on September 21, 2017, 04:16:14 PM
it depends on your charecter.if you want to be safe,sleep relax and earn little,go invest stocks,You can't earn money as BTC.But also btc is more risky if i had so much money i invest stock market because i want to be relax
Investing in the stock market less profitable, but more reliable. Now after the merger of steel companies in Europe, the shares of these companies increased by 5%. It is considered an excellent result. Of such income as bitcoin exchange investors can only dream of. It is always hard to deal with speculative capital. So the stock market is a mechanism of protection and there is less risk.
Stock Market is good to invest where your capital is safe and ofcourse it will grow. In btc it is always risky because of the fluctuation of the value daily. Actually both is good they are profitable and it is a matter of your choice on where to invest.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Harlot on September 21, 2017, 04:38:56 PM
Well you can't really compare Bitcoin against Stock Market as a whole because not all stocks in the stock market move the same. They are not built the same because they all represent their respective companies. Just like Bitcoin is to the cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin = Stock (GOOG, AAPL)
Cryptocurrency Market = Stock Market (NIKKEI, NYSE)

Not unless you are comparing a specific stock then you won't have an exact answer to your question.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: nkarm1 on September 21, 2017, 05:42:19 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you are looking for a more profitable way, so cryptocurrency is the answer for it. See to it that bitcoin is just 8 years, and it grows so large defeating all those stocks growth including like Facebook, Netflix etc. I do trading and the percentage of having profits here is big enough compared to the given numbers of the members here who invest in stock markets. Then for the next question? Safety of your funds? No I think the two are not safe, you can lose your funds in either way. There are no investments that will guarantee you a win situation unless it's a fraud.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: btc-facebook on September 21, 2017, 05:48:49 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you are looking for a more profitable way, so cryptocurrency is the answer for it. See to it that bitcoin is just 8 years, and it grows so large defeating all those stocks growth including like Facebook, Netflix etc. I do trading and the percentage of having profits here is big enough compared to the given numbers of the members here who invest in stock markets. Then for the next question? Safety of your funds? No I think the two are not safe, you can lose your funds in either way. There are no investments that will guarantee you a win situation unless it's a fraud.

Although bitcoin provide more profit but there is some risk beneath on it. The risk is very unpredictable since bitcoin value depend on supply and demand, not like other trading that include world issue for example that affect their market value.

When you decide to invest, you're risking your money for profit so prepare yourself before trading

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on September 21, 2017, 05:52:33 PM
Although bitcoin provide more profit but there is some risk beneath on it. The risk is very unpredictable since bitcoin value depend on supply and demand, not like other trading that include world issue for example that affect their market value.

When you decide to invest, you're risking your money for profit so prepare yourself before trading

Risk is associated with any investment asset. And equities are not free from market crashes and recessions. I still remember what happened to some of my stocks in 2008. One of them dropped by more than 90%.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: roadbits on September 21, 2017, 06:01:08 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you are looking for a more profitable way, so cryptocurrency is the answer for it. See to it that bitcoin is just 8 years, and it grows so large defeating all those stocks growth including like Facebook, Netflix etc. I do trading and the percentage of having profits here is big enough compared to the given numbers of the members here who invest in stock markets. Then for the next question? Safety of your funds? No I think the two are not safe, you can lose your funds in either way. There are no investments that will guarantee you a win situation unless it's a fraud.

Although bitcoin provide more profit but there is some risk beneath on it. The risk is very unpredictable since bitcoin value depend on supply and demand, not like other trading that include world issue for example that affect their market value.

When you decide to invest, you're risking your money for profit so prepare yourself before trading
The stock market is completely different to compare bitcoin trading. They way of business is same, but in real time it is different. You are looking for a profitable way then you can go for bitcoin trading. In a stock market if you buy any shares you have to wait for many years to get good profit. But bitcoin will give you double profit in just 1 year.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: el kaka22 on September 22, 2017, 07:42:38 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Slow profit or higher profit with similar risk (that is how I see both now anyway). Which one would you choose? The only thing that makes stock different from bitcoin is that it is very much recognised but that doesn't mean you cannot loose money in stock market. However, bitcoin is becoming even more known and the awareness is growing every day with a larger audience each day and this is absolutely reducing the risk we may have. I think it is best to know that bitcoin like any other currency is in an open market and it is in our hands if we want to dump all or not. What we do now determine its value.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: mr_enoc on September 22, 2017, 07:57:01 AM
I think bitcoin is more profitable than stock market if you manage your bitcoin properly because bitcoin is not stable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ShadowBits on September 22, 2017, 08:28:36 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

i would still go for bitcoin it is more profitable
the bitcoin  market can have a huge pump in a day
which you cannot get in stock market

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Kotone on September 22, 2017, 08:40:23 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I think risk wise it is better to trade in bitcoin however if in profits and possibilities and potential nothing beats the stock market but it has really high starting prices conpared to bitcoin which makes it bery hard to enter. That is why young people or starting investors ick bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: karmamiu on September 22, 2017, 08:47:21 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you are looking for a more profitable way, so cryptocurrency is the answer for it. See to it that bitcoin is just 8 years, and it grows so large defeating all those stocks growth including like Facebook, Netflix etc. I do trading and the percentage of having profits here is big enough compared to the given numbers of the members here who invest in stock markets. Then for the next question? Safety of your funds? No I think the two are not safe, you can lose your funds in either way. There are no investments that will guarantee you a win situation unless it's a fraud.

Although bitcoin provide more profit but there is some risk beneath on it. The risk is very unpredictable since bitcoin value depend on supply and demand, not like other trading that include world issue for example that affect their market value.

When you decide to invest, you're risking your money for profit so prepare yourself before trading
The stock market is completely different to compare bitcoin trading. They way of business is same, but in real time it is different. You are looking for a profitable way then you can go for bitcoin trading. In a stock market if you buy any shares you have to wait for many years to get good profit. But bitcoin will give you double profit in just 1 year.
                       There is also no assurance that you will double your money within one year but in different aspects there is also a high chance that it will happen. Honestly i've never tried stock market, but i have heard one of my colleagues saying that it should be better if i would invest in bitcoin rather than stockmarket, just like the reason you said that it takes enough time to gain some profits, but i also thought about it before, it is also kinda similiar for long term investments.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sengoko on September 29, 2017, 07:03:54 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
You have rightly said. I think there is hardly any reason to deny the fact that Bitcoin is more profitable than stock market. I think if you want to earn a good amount of money, then you have to take such risks.

Otherwise, you can only dream to have a good amount of money. You need to be strong enough to face those risks.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Ajan08 on September 29, 2017, 01:36:09 PM
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares), which represent ownership claims on businesses; these may include securities listed on a public stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. In Short, it slow to earn profit unlike the bitcoin and in bitcoin  are procedural or step by step that only you is to be open about in forum. Bitcoin can do in where ever you are. You can earn in bitcoin in a day unlike in stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: senne on September 29, 2017, 05:38:50 PM
Both Stock Market Trading and trading in Bitcoin is risky if done with any knowledge everyday many people come to make try luck with less or no knowledge and end up wasting all their money. Both Stock Market Exchanges and Bitcoin trading should be done after complete knowledge so the chances of losing money is less. But if you want to select among Stock Market trade and bitcoin trade , I will say you must go with Bitcoin as it provides better ROI, also one should note that Bitcoin's demand is increasing every hour but its production is limited hence, “high demand, low supply” which leads to high price. So Bitcoin trading can be more profitable as compared to Stock Market Trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: hashtag101 on September 29, 2017, 07:34:56 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
You have rightly said. I think there is hardly any reason to deny the fact that Bitcoin is more profitable than stock market. I think if you want to earn a good amount of money, then you have to take such risks.

Otherwise, you can only dream to have a good amount of money. You need to be strong enough to face those risks.

That is the truth, you also know the stock market or even forex market can not has many opportunities to make money every day as the cryptocurrency market. We are very lucky, not easy to know a good opportunity like Bitcoin, even I see it like the best.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Gozie51 on September 29, 2017, 08:40:58 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
You have rightly said. I think there is hardly any reason to deny the fact that Bitcoin is more profitable than stock market. I think if you want to earn a good amount of money, then you have to take such risks.

Otherwise, you can only dream to have a good amount of money. You need to be strong enough to face those risks.

That is the truth, you also know the stock market or even forex market can not has many opportunities to make money every day as the cryptocurrency market. We are very lucky, not easy to know a good opportunity like Bitcoin, even I see it like the best.

Is obvious that stock market is not profitable in a short time because you have to really wait for a very long time and the profit is very minimal though stock is highly secured because it is backed by the government unlike bitcoin that has potential for huge profit but it is decentralized and no government control over it. Meanwhile, bitcoin is said to have profit potential just because when converted to fiat, it very high depending on the country. Anyway, for forex too, you can make good money because it is equally volatile and you just take your profit within split seconds or also lose same immediately you make an order too.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Gozie51 on September 29, 2017, 08:47:56 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
You have rightly said. I think there is hardly any reason to deny the fact that Bitcoin is more profitable than stock market. I think if you want to earn a good amount of money, then you have to take such risks.

Otherwise, you can only dream to have a good amount of money. You need to be strong enough to face those risks.

That is the truth, you also know the stock market or even forex market can not has many opportunities to make money every day as the cryptocurrency market. We are very lucky, not easy to know a good opportunity like Bitcoin, even I see it like the best.

Is obvious that stock market is not profitable in a short time because you have to really wait for a very long time and the profit is very minimal though stock is highly secured because it is backed by the government unlike bitcoin that has potential for huge profit but it is decentralized and no government control over it. Meanwhile, bitcoin is said to have profit potential just because when converted to fiat, it very high depending on the country.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Lanatsa on September 29, 2017, 08:59:08 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Based on my experience Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. Though bitcoin is very risky but still the chances of getting profit is there. When i was trading at the stock market it took so long before my investment gained a profit thats why i choose bitcoin.
You have rightly said. I think there is hardly any reason to deny the fact that Bitcoin is more profitable than stock market. I think if you want to earn a good amount of money, then you have to take such risks.

Otherwise, you can only dream to have a good amount of money. You need to be strong enough to face those risks.

That is the truth, you also know the stock market or even forex market can not has many opportunities to make money every day as the cryptocurrency market. We are very lucky, not easy to know a good opportunity like Bitcoin, even I see it like the best.

Is obvious that stock market is not profitable in a short time because you have to really wait for a very long time and the profit is very minimal though stock is highly secured because it is backed by the government unlike bitcoin that has potential for huge profit but it is decentralized and no government control over it. Meanwhile, bitcoin is said to have profit potential just because when converted to fiat, it very high depending on the country. Anyway, for forex too, you can make good money because it is equally volatile and you just take your profit within split seconds or also lose same immediately you make an order too.
Compating stocks profitability on forex, i can say forex would really be more profitable because of volatility but comparing it to cryptocurrency i would say crypto trading is somehow profitable on short time depending on the coin but the more volatility it is the riskier it would be.Stocks are slow moving which as you said they do give less profits when it comes to short trades.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: mallboat on September 29, 2017, 09:48:10 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I am doing both Stock Market and Bitcoin Trading what I can recommed is Bitcoin trading because we could earn a higher profit here compare to Stock market a very low earning profit only. Thats why i prefer investing more to Bitcoin rather than the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Beicin on September 29, 2017, 09:53:40 PM
As many people have pointed out, the stock market is "slower" - that means it takes A LOT more news/updates/hype to move the price, because there is way too much money on both buy and sell sides. The bitcoin (and all of crypto) market is much more volatile - consequence of a lower market cap, lower amount of investors/adopters and lower volume in general.

My advice would be to diversify between the two, don't put all your eggs in one basket ;)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: _Dawid_ on September 29, 2017, 09:55:42 PM
What is more profitable? Of course trading in Bitcoin is more profitable but also much more risky. In stock market you have also an opportunity to find your golden goose but it will be much more harder.(usually) We(media) call all crypto speculative bubble  because of its huge profits and risk.
Trading in stock market is more safe, but also more complicated in my opinion. For example many people says that they have learnt much more during  BTC tarding than by the stock market. Because of crypto dycamins.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: palle11 on September 29, 2017, 09:58:26 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Stock market and bitcoin market are not the same . Also, stock is very slow to generate profit and it is a long time investment unlike bitcoin that is very fast to income and volatile, you can also lose that way too. So, it depends on the one that will work for you.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: clrpod on September 29, 2017, 10:28:44 PM
I have dabbled in both and I can tell you that crypto is far more profitable but the stock market is far safer, your mistakes there will not be nearly as costly.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: J. Cooper on September 29, 2017, 10:37:27 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you are looking for a more profitable way, so cryptocurrency is the answer for it. See to it that bitcoin is just 8 years, and it grows so large defeating all those stocks growth including like Facebook, Netflix etc. I do trading and the percentage of having profits here is big enough compared to the given numbers of the members here who invest in stock markets. Then for the next question? Safety of your funds? No I think the two are not safe, you can lose your funds in either way. There are no investments that will guarantee you a win situation unless it's a fraud.

Although bitcoin provide more profit but there is some risk beneath on it. The risk is very unpredictable since bitcoin value depend on supply and demand, not like other trading that include world issue for example that affect their market value.

When you decide to invest, you're risking your money for profit so prepare yourself before trading
The stock market is completely different to compare bitcoin trading. They way of business is same, but in real time it is different. You are looking for a profitable way then you can go for bitcoin trading. In a stock market if you buy any shares you have to wait for many years to get good profit. But bitcoin will give you double profit in just 1 year.
It's not that it's guaranteed that you will double your money but you will male a decent amount of you're invested in crypto currency. Buying  shares from a company takes a lot of time to give a reasonable return on investment. So if compared to crypto it's alot less profitable over time.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: eaLiTy on September 29, 2017, 10:52:53 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I am a stock trader and trading in crypto currency as well,the price fluctuation is the major factor between the two,the profit level in crypto currency is immense and the problem is that the market reacts to any rumors and the price goes down without any indication,where as in stock market you know how markets play and we have a reference how the market played out globally in a particular day and so we have a pretty good idea on how the market is going to open as in the crypto market it is open round the clock. When it comes to investment there is nothing safe. ;D

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Black Angel on September 30, 2017, 02:11:34 AM
Bitcoin trading easier and simpler, this is because the anonymous bitcoin so don't need the official data for trading, while the shares we have to register with legal data and it took a longer time to deposit and withdraw.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Nerman on September 30, 2017, 03:57:28 AM
I actually trade both but since i learned crypto currency trading i am more focused on it. Profit wise crypto currency trading is more profitable. If more dangerous i personally think it is the stock market since the stock market crashed twice and they actually expect a crash every 10 years which is not the case in cryptotrading

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bncbnc on October 03, 2017, 11:40:00 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I am a stock trader and trading in crypto currency as well,the price fluctuation is the major factor between the two,the profit level in crypto currency is immense and the problem is that the market reacts to any rumors and the price goes down without any indication,where as in stock market you know how markets play and we have a reference how the market played out globally in a particular day and so we have a pretty good idea on how the market is going to open as in the crypto market it is open round the clock. When it comes to investment there is nothing safe. ;D
I agree with you, you have defined both very much. i personally have good experience in stock market and for so many time i also faced a big lost, when due to some political reasons the market crashed and the values of the stocks i was holding comes to the ground. Stock Market is not much easy to understand and keep continue a smooth business in it. Basically Stock Market is a vast field and it takes years to understand and there are so many chances to face loss in Stock Market due to inexperience. If compare bitcoin with Stock Market so we find that Bitcoin is an instant and so easy business and it is so beneficial to earn more than enough through bitcoin in a shortest period of time.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: xaxistech on October 03, 2017, 11:42:19 PM
I prefer stock market, it is more difficult to trade in there, but it is funny and very interesting hobby to do. When i use to trade with stocks, it was really exciting, i had so much fun trading in there, since you had to be always checking for news, how the market was going to react over news, it is very interesting to investigate that market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: creeps on October 04, 2017, 12:02:53 AM
I think bitcoin is more profitable than stock market if you manage your bitcoin properly because bitcoin is not stable.

Bitcoin really more profitable than stock market if you look at the chart of bitcoin this year almost 200% profit but still the market of bitcoin are not stable yet but we should think long term, the future of bitcoin is really fine and investing on this one today will help you build your future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ljtronics on October 04, 2017, 12:08:11 AM
I have been invested in stocks market for a few months, and this is what I found:

*In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

*In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.

But again, it is always good to diversify your portfolio, hedging your bets !

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: aardvark15 on October 04, 2017, 12:53:22 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Bitcoin is a high risk investment with potential for high reward. The stock market can be less risky than Bitcoin but it can also be as risky or even more risky because there are so many options to invest in. Usually, the higher the risk, the greater the potential for profits or losses. Basically, there's no great answer because it just depends on the stocks or mutual funds you want to invest in.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jamids on October 04, 2017, 01:04:22 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

There are people who would prefer stocks over bitcoin because they feel safer given that it is regulated and backed by government. Bitcoin is decentralized thus there are no authorities they can go to in times when they have problems with their bitcoin. For me, I prefer bitcoin though it is more risky because of its nature being very volatile but it is also the advantage of crypto over stocks because you can find many entry points to maximize profit because of the unstable price. A little FUD can make the price dive and it is a good opportunity to buy while in stocks, once it will go up, there is a slimmer chance of it to go down especially if there is already an established trend. Bitcoin is more profitable than stocks for me because of the possibility also of multiplying your bitcoin value a lot of times compared to stock prices.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: donGeilo on October 04, 2017, 01:43:44 AM

Both stock market and bitcoins are different from each other but they also have some similar points . The only similar thing between them is that there is a level of risk in both of them. Stock market is supported by government so it is slightly more safer than government whereas bitcoin is not trusted that much.
But the the probability of getting profit through bitcoins is comapritively high and fast as compared to stock market.
Both bitcoins and stock market are based on predictions and risks which takes luck and expertise in order to get some good profit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ramsdaj28 on October 04, 2017, 04:05:55 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Trading in stock market will need a lot of money. You are going to trade oils, gold, local money, etc. in stock market. On the other hand, trading in bitcoin (I think, you mean CRYPTOCURRENCY) is better if you are newbie in the world of trading. The advantage of trading in cryptocurrency/bitcoin is that the volatility of the values of the different cryptocurrencies. Not only that, but the market of cryptocurrency has also a lot to offer to you. You can also start with a small amount of money which, I think, is another good thing in cryptocurrency trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sexcoyote on October 04, 2017, 04:12:24 AM
You never earn money from stock market like bitcoin. More risk, more profit. I always prefer bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: magz on November 29, 2017, 06:57:35 AM
Well, for me you can earn in both ways. But if you are asking which one is more profitable, it is definitely here in Crypto world. The increase in value here is very fast unlike in Stock market. But when it comes in security, Stock market is more of a legit one because it was regulated by the government.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Pixyoxx on December 10, 2017, 08:50:39 AM
Earning from both is possible. Its only the matter of safety and duration in which you start earning or making profit.
Butcoin value is rising very fastly. It can be a quick shot win here. While in trading generally profits are either less or if you want to earn more then the duration you need to stay invested is longer.

Trading on the other hand is safer compared to bitcoins because there you are investing in a renowned and stable companies and things like that while in bitcoins everything is volatile and uncertain. Not that trading guarentees gains but is cimparatively a safer option with respect to risks.

Bitcoins by the way can help you earn allot in a very less time as compared to trading option because of its high growth rate of value which is even higher in recent days.
Both are good ways of earning. One needs a little patience but is safer whole other is little but mkre risky but gives results faster.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bitkanu on December 10, 2017, 09:05:40 AM
You never earn money from stock market like bitcoin. More risk, more profit. I always prefer bitcoin.
It's all depending on the volatility though, bitcoin present you more high volatility meaning higher chance of doubling your money whereas the stock market need or took few years just to increase hundreds percent.
But if you're saying that you could never earn more money from stock market than bitcoin, not entirely true, there's plenty of stock investment that could give you hundreds percent of return.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: earnmoneyonl on December 10, 2017, 09:08:01 AM
I currently trading on both of them. As usual, high-risk high return so bitcoin is more profitable but higher risk and the stock is opposite.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ngacengan on December 10, 2017, 09:17:22 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

no I am not trading in the stock market I used to trade in bittrex and the security there is very amazing sophisticated, very difficult if hackers break bittrex and yes I am trading bitcoin and altcoin there.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: smile1218 on December 10, 2017, 02:22:29 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Bitcoin is more profitable compare to stock market. But it is more risky because of the volatility but the profit we will generate is very promising and remarkable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: boyptc on December 10, 2017, 02:32:55 PM
Stocks are safer than bitcoin but the gains there are not that too high and it's very slow. But with bitcoin, though it has higher risk but the gains are even better than stocks but be cautious that bitcoin is very volatile and its value can't go always at the top or bottom.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Thanasis on December 10, 2017, 02:34:19 PM
I think bitcoin trading is more profitable and safer than the stock market because stock market investments are very very risk so you never knows what will happen next but in bitcoin trading you can make profits if you have skills.Bitcoin trading is easy and less skills enough than stock market trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: A.Chanaka Bandara on December 10, 2017, 02:37:32 PM
Investing Bitcoin is safety than Stock market. Shares of stock market which someone bought price will drop. But BTC price will increase.
So BTC is safty

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: worle1bm on December 10, 2017, 02:58:31 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The working of the two is totally different as stock market
is regulated and backed by the government whereas on the flip side bitcoin is decentralized currency. In stock market you are more safe comparatively but you earn profits in small proportion over a long period of time and in btc early profits are generated and it also depends upon economic conditions of country to deal in stocks because in recession you loose your money and it is not the case with btc.So there are some more distinctive features but if you want to play safe invest in stocks but if you are ready to take risks go with crypto market with huge profits.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Gabrieelle on December 10, 2017, 02:59:39 PM
I think bitcoin trading is more profitable and safer than the stock market because stock market investments are very very risk so you never knows what will happen next but in bitcoin trading you can make profits if you have skills.Bitcoin trading is easy and less skills enough than stock market trading.
Investing always involves risks, but taking risks is worth it if you are going to invest it in bitcoin because we all know that the price of bitcoin is continuously changing and there is a bigger chance of earning much more profit. Bitcoin has many advantages than the stock market, it can do all things at once that is why it is worth it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: rfouziha on December 10, 2017, 03:10:30 PM
Stock market and Bitcoin both travels in different directions. Concept of Bitcoin is Cryptocurrency and it give you a value of it increasing on daily basis compare with other currencies bitcoin is the only currency give you the opportunity of gaining in holding. Stock market is need close watch and very risky only so now a days I am not even thinking of stock market where bitcoin giving me a best benefit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: shesheboy on December 10, 2017, 03:13:13 PM
I think bitcoin trading is more profitable and safer than the stock market because stock market investments are very very risk so you never knows what will happen next but in bitcoin trading you can make profits if you have skills.Bitcoin trading is easy and less skills enough than stock market trading.

i think your wrong mate. stocks market are infact less risky and much safer when compared to bitcoin because they are been known and existed just before the bitcoin begins. stocks market are also most popular and been trusted by most people worldwide because they are more familliar with it because it they always sees it anywhere whether in news, tv, radio, online, etc although stocks market arent really profitable when compared to bitcoin. stocks market can possibly predicted but bitcoin cant beacuse bitcoin is way to volatile and really unstable. overall id still prefer and choose bitcoin because it is obviously profitable than stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Manchumichael on December 10, 2017, 03:20:19 PM
Stock market and Bitcoin both travels in different directions. Concept of Bitcoin is Cryptocurrency and it give you a value of it increasing on daily basis compare with other currencies bitcoin is the only currency give you the opportunity of gaining in holding. Stock market is need close watch and very risky only so now a days I am not even thinking of stock market where bitcoin giving me a best benefit.
Like you, there are many people switched from stock market to cryptocurrency trading. Both have a risk, but both are different. The stock market takes years to give a good result but bitcoin will give quick profit, and we no need to worry about this digital currency. I hope it will not give us any big loss like how we get in the stock market. 

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: AVAMONEY on December 10, 2017, 03:27:23 PM
I think bitcoin trading is more profitable and safer than the stock market because stock market investments are very very risk so you never knows what will happen next but in bitcoin trading you can make profits if you have skills.Bitcoin trading is easy and less skills enough than stock market trading.

i think your wrong mate. stocks market are in fact less risky and much safer when compared to bitcoin because they are been known and existed just before the bitcoin begins. stocks market are also most popular and been trusted by most people worldwide because they are more familiar with it because it they always sees it anywhere whether in news, tv, radio, online, etc although stocks market aren't really profitable when compared to bitcoin. stocks market can possibly predicted but bitcoin cant because bitcoin is way to volatile and really unstable. overall id still prefer and choose bitcoin because it is obviously profitable than stock market.
Comparing these both will be difficult when viewed in terms of importance.
Because stock market brokers make decisions after learning all the possibilities that exist from news information, tv, internet, etc., so the data they get can be more accurate. While trading bitcoin or crypto currency does not require much information, because just need to wait for the trend that is happening in the market, the trend of movement can be easily read with many discussion as happened in this forum. So to make decisions in trading crypto currency more easier. But all that takes sufficient experience and skill before plunging into the world stock market and bitcoin trading.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: CaterpillarRave on December 10, 2017, 05:28:48 PM
I did with stocks and i'm now trading altcoins and it's totally better than stocks for sure.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: chrisrok on December 10, 2017, 05:41:16 PM
you should invest in booth to maximize your diversification

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: dancingnancy on December 10, 2017, 06:15:56 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Trading is done with many factors kept in mind mainly one being with what investment to trade with. Stocks are based on bullish and bearish nature whereas bitcoin is based entirely in on volatility. Btc is good for quick profits whereas stock is better for strategic long term earnings.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Gozie51 on December 10, 2017, 06:17:42 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

To this I would say that bitcoin trading is more profitable because of its volatility. Meanwhile, thats also how one loses money faster than the stock market. Hence, none is safe but bitcoin has an edge interms of its profitability.

I did with stocks and i'm now trading altcoins and it's totally better than stocks for sure.

Certainly, the gains of trading bitcoin far outweighs stock business.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Kazuyukie on December 10, 2017, 06:26:34 PM
they're both comes with a risk, though i prefer Bitcoin, i can always take advantage of its volatile nature to earn and easy profit, sell it when the value skyrockets and buy-in when it dumps to lowest. One thing i like about bitcoin is that i can always turn it into cash whenever i wanted, anytime and anywhere.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sanjida_j3233 on December 10, 2017, 06:40:32 PM
I think bitcoin is the famous and favurate cripto currency in this world, so I think bitcoin is batter than stock market.when an coin keep stock after some day it get some profit but if work at bitcoin side then get a lot if bitcoin is better than stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Netnox on December 10, 2017, 06:53:58 PM
you should invest in booth to maximize your diversification

I'd say if your portfolio is worth more than $100,000, then diversify it in to 5-6 sectors. Don't limit yourself to just equity and Bitcoin. There are a lot of other options, such as treasury bonds, bullion (gold, platinum, silver.etc), real estate (both residential and agricultural), and bank deposits. You can even think about investing in some of the altcoins.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: crypto4lambo on December 11, 2017, 12:09:37 AM
If you ask what is more profitable and safe then there is 2 different answers for that. For investment that is more profitable in the long run it would be Bitcoin. Because of its booming adaption of our society and the increasingly awareness of the cryptocurrencies then it would drive the prices of these specially Bitcoin upwards. It has many edge with its counterpart and have the accesibility and security advantage. As for safer investment, it would be stock market. Here, we invest in a publicly listed company which is a stable and have an outstanding records of growth year per year. Though it has smaller returns compare to Bitcoin in the long run, but it is more stable and have a real company that backed up your investment. If you want to maximize your earnings then I suggest to invest in both to at least diversify your investment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaysabi on December 11, 2017, 04:16:16 AM
If you ask what is more profitable and safe then there is 2 different answers for that. For investment that is more profitable in the long run it would be Bitcoin. Because of its booming adaption of our society and the increasingly awareness of the cryptocurrencies then it would drive the prices of these specially Bitcoin upwards. It has many edge with its counterpart and have the accesibility and security advantage. As for safer investment, it would be stock market. Here, we invest in a publicly listed company which is a stable and have an outstanding records of growth year per year. Though it has smaller returns compare to Bitcoin in the long run, but it is more stable and have a real company that backed up your investment. If you want to maximize your earnings then I suggest to invest in both to at least diversify your investment.

The old adage that past performance is no guarantee of future results is apt here. Anyone buying bitcoin at $15,000 per coin and expecting to get rich or go to the moon or whatever other nonsense is setting themselves up for disappointment. At the present valuation, it's not likely and possibly not even possible to see the same returns going forward. The law of large numbers is in play. As for what is safer, no question it is the stock market. Stocks represent ownership in a company that produces something of value. Bitcoin is merely an asset and it is not worth more or less than what everyone agrees it is worth. That arbitrariness is a huge risk.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: vegethegreat on December 11, 2017, 05:07:10 AM
Profit wise, bitcoin is profitable than stock market. But the good thing about stock market is that your investment is safe & secure unlike bitcoin that has a decentralised market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Rajamuda on December 11, 2017, 05:27:41 AM
I think at nowadays it seems will be more people are choosing trading on bitcoin rather than the stock market. Bitcoin prices continuesly having a tendency moving towards higher prices, of course this will be more highlighted by traders I guess.
On me personally also honestly.. I'm more prefer/still convinced to doing trading in bitcoin than the stock market, since it has been proven by many people who suceed to reap the profits till now.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: BILGPS on December 11, 2017, 05:55:17 AM
In my opinion bitcoin trading is easy and less risky as compared to the stock market. the main reason is that we have no knowledge of the stock and the brokers change the prices through different ways. but in bitcoin everyone knows the market and with in seconds they can made a transaction through internet everywhere. i prefer the bitcoin trading over stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Wexnident on December 11, 2017, 06:17:01 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
i believe that stock market is safer but bitcoin is more profitable. Stock market is abit safer compared to Bitcoin because all transactions are documented and recorded without anonymity while in Bitcoin, all are hidden since it is decentralized. But Bitcoin is more profitable because it has a higher rate of increase on its value which gives profit to its investors and users.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: carriebee on December 11, 2017, 06:29:09 AM
In my opinion bitcoin trading is easy and less risky as compared to the stock market. the main reason is that we have no knowledge of the stock and the brokers change the prices through different ways. but in bitcoin everyone knows the market and with in seconds they can made a transaction through internet everywhere. i prefer the bitcoin trading over stock market.
Stock market is always on social media and most talked about. But I didnt tried to enter the world of stock market though in bitcoin it is also risks. I also prefer in bitcoin trading because of my friend who taught me and he becomes rich because of btc. Thus, I believe in bitcoin is profitable and I believe its future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: USScrypto on December 11, 2017, 06:41:41 AM
If you search something with lower risk and lower income you should consider investing in stock exchange but if you are a risk taker and want more than coins.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Zero1One0 on December 11, 2017, 07:24:23 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you want to go for something "a little safer and with safe gains", go for the stock market as it is regulated.
If you have high risk tolerance and can withstand paper loss of 80%-90% without losing sleep, go for bitcoin or altcoins as it is unregulated at the moment. The gains in crypto are also huge.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sled on December 11, 2017, 12:25:24 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

If you want to go for something "a little safer and with safe gains", go for the stock market as it is regulated.
If you have high risk tolerance and can withstand paper loss of 80%-90% without losing sleep, go for bitcoin or altcoins as it is unregulated at the moment. The gains in crypto are also huge.

That is right and for me, it is best to have cryptocurrencies like bitcoin rather than the stocks in the stock market because the stock market needs a lot of time like 10 years before you can see some great gains in your investment but in the cryptocurrencies, for a few months you can easily see some great gains from your investment which is a great thing.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: 1969Dave on December 11, 2017, 12:30:20 PM
stocks are backed by the government? can you explain that statement?

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bill gator on December 30, 2017, 12:23:17 AM
You pose this question as if Bitcoin is not already the "best" way to invest, especially when juxtaposed with the stock-market. I feel confident saying that bitcoin has already proven itself to be a better investment than anything that's been mentioned in this thread, or publicly recognized. Compare the % increase in price, or your "would-be" holdings of bitcoin if you would've decided to invest your stock-market money sooner. You will find yourself astonished, appalled, belittled, anxious and frantic at the idea of what could have been, if all you did was realize bitcoin is and has been the best investment to make since it's inception.

Maybe you are simply interested in the discussion, but to me this case is closed and bitcoin is just superior to invest in when compared to anything long-term or recognizable.

The only difficulty I see with investing into bitcoin is lacking the technical "know-how" to manage/handle your bitcoins safely and securely. Bitcoin is not easily understood or accessible to people that have no idea what they're doing (though this is becoming more and more common with the big-box exchanges); the stock market welcomes any and all idiots to throw money at it and feel "safe" and feigning as if everyone is affected by the crashes, neglecting the fact that certain people cause these crashes..

The decentralization alone makes your investment in bitcoin astronomically more secure, because a couple rich old-farts aren't calling the shots. It cannot be contained, it spans internationally and it is out of grasp for the kind of manipulation we see routinely on the stock-market.

I've dabbled in each, and have always been disappointed by Forex and Stock Exchanges, where as bitcoin remains consistently bullish.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Tenderino on December 30, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
You can answer your question easily by yourself. You surely know that the stock market is regulated by governments and if something is regulated it is more safe and if something is relatively safe, then the possible profits are relatively lower. And bitcoin is the exactly opposite of what I have described in regard to the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: poldanmig on December 31, 2017, 04:41:02 PM
You can answer your question easily by yourself. You surely know that the stock market is regulated by governments and if something is regulated it is more safe and if something is relatively safe, then the possible profits are relatively lower. And bitcoin is the exactly opposite of what I have described in regard to the stock market.
yes of course obviously different if stocks with bitcoin, the stock already existed before the bitcoin appeared and recognized by the government, while bitcoin that yes including the old, but not yet recognized by the government for the existence of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: herecomesjohnny on December 31, 2017, 04:45:18 PM
The stock market is different for each country. Each country is presenting their own shares in the stocks of the certain companies. Stockholders cant probably brag about profit that came over the night. Being a stock investor is similar to the Bitcoin investment cause both need to be examined and researched to make the right investment that won't go down in the near future. Crypto market, on the other hand, is making its growth very big in the term of the new investors and Bitcoin holders. Crypto market isn't strictly oriented on the Bitcoin decentralized currency buts also crypto market offers fast profit if the trades or the choosing of the right coin is done in the proper way. Also, The Crypto market is available to all and the stock market is offering different stocks for different markets. Government is supporting the stock market cause many stock shares belong to the government companies and the Bitcoin is decentralized and as such, it cannot be controlled by anyone. Crypto market is the new future and anyone that isn't accepting that fact has the wrong view on the market world.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaysabi on December 31, 2017, 04:53:24 PM
In stock market, it is either you get scammed or get secured in profit from your investments. The duration that you might be required before you get your profit might take long depending on how the company you invested operates their business. In Bitcoin, the security is the risk due to its price randomly making a partial increase and decrease due to volatility. But its security is still profitable like it can be your short term investment or long term investment and expect a lot of profit from both strategies.

Stocks are a legal ownership of the business you hold the stock for. Bitcoin is merely a speculative asset that produces no income, produces no profit, and is only worth what everyone else agrees it is. That makes Bitcoin's value arbitrary and dependent on things you have absolutely no control over. By contrast, while stocks also are somewhat dependent on a consensus for value, they have an inherent value as well because they represent a legal ownership in a business that produces income and profit. There's no question as to what the safer investment is, and it's not Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: batang_bitcoin on December 31, 2017, 05:07:42 PM
I don't trade on stocks but it's my ever plan of investing before I knew about bitcoin. And upon doing some research and having basic knowledge I figured it out that getting into bitcoin market is even profitable than stocks market profit. You need to wait for longer time in stocks and you'll earn not that much unlike in bitcoin we can earn more than 1000% by just simply holding it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: cryptojaani on December 31, 2017, 05:15:31 PM
In my opinion bitcoin trading is easy and less risky as compared to the stock market. the main reason is that we have no knowledge of the stock and the brokers change the prices through different ways. but in bitcoin everyone knows the market and with in seconds they can made a transaction through internet everywhere. i prefer the bitcoin trading over stock market.
Bitcoin is much more bigger thing in the market than stock market. There us no comparison of both.The profit in stock market is minimal because of stable price and since there are big volumes then it is hard to make the market move if you are just a small time trader unless you are a millionaire who have a lot of shares.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Yatsan on December 31, 2017, 05:40:35 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Stock market are also considered as real estate investments which is unlike Bitcoin investment that is virtual and through a platform  Invwsting to Bitcoin I think is more profitable due to the high demand from the market and since digital currencies are now the new trend because of the advancement of technologym But since it relies on technology, stock market is much safer for sure.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Malaya on December 31, 2017, 05:53:14 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.
I would agree in this. I have been thinking the same thought for a couple of months about starting to invest on stocks as well aside from bitcoin. However, your post makes sense and true that in stocks, earning really takes time and you need to count years for it to be profitable. Yes it is safe and how it operates made the people accept it. Bitcoin is also safe and is starting to gain trust by the users like us. Just as what you said, both has a risk and it's up to you whether you will grab it now or later.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sparveenat on December 31, 2017, 05:54:12 PM
Stock market and Bitcoin trading both not same thing where stock market is full of market sentiments and the company profit lose aspects decide the bullish or bearish but bitcoin trading not that much affected and even there is small dip nothing is affecting and bitcoin is bounce back immediately. So if we compare stock market bitcoin is much profitable then stock market because it has lot of risk also.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: JL421 on December 31, 2017, 08:55:36 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
Bitcoin can be traded on various platforms but stocks can be traded in almost any market. Btc gives effective profits whereas stocks is purely long-term profits. Stocks are much more stable as they have a larger amount market cap compared to btc. But btc is useful for earning quick profits and hence is slowly being widely used.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: SailorCoin on December 31, 2017, 09:21:22 PM
With stocks it takes years to get a grow of 20%. But on the other hand its more "safe", because behind some stocks there are some billion dollar companys. But with Cryptocurrencies you can make much more profit with less amount. I invested some years ago in a Swiss Bank. I invested 10000$ and after 3 years i got a growth of 30% (3000$) If i invest this same amount 3 years ago in bitcoin, i would now drive lambo :(

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: HTML6 on December 31, 2017, 09:23:30 PM
What's more safe? Sticking with the status quo. The problem is if you stick with it for too long. Then the new status quo has changed and you're investing in old school investments that will never go anywhere close to as far as cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: serverus on January 01, 2018, 06:47:12 AM
Both bitcoin and stock market offer big opportunity to everyone. Stock market is good for long term investment while bitcoin is good for short term investment. Bitcoin is much profitable because of its frequent fluctuation but it is decentralized while stock market is supported by the government.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: malikusama on January 01, 2018, 07:43:18 AM
Although i never invest in stock market,  but i am pretty sure that the gained profit percentage in crypto market is far high than in stock market. Risk is also a bit high here in cryptos but who cares when a quick gain is possible within few weeks or months.
When you are aware of the market circumstances you can minimize your risk by choosing some profitable coins among the others.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: CutePanda on January 01, 2018, 11:11:52 AM
I did invest in stock market when I was in college. My lecturer gave assignment to the students in class to invest. But back then my group didn't gain any profit. We gained little profit in the first month, but at the end (2 months later) we were lost.
So, this makes me so sure that bitcoin is more profitable and save.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: biboy on January 01, 2018, 11:23:10 AM
I did invest in stock market when I was in college. My lecturer gave assignment to the students in class to invest. But back then my group didn't gain any profit. We gained little profit in the first month, but at the end (2 months later) we were lost.
So, this makes me so sure that bitcoin is more profitable and save.
There is nothing wrong with the stock market since you can really earn from it but was just depending on different factors especially the economy of the country, just like here in our country I have tried to invest on it and started at the minimum amount but after that my money loss 20% after 2 months and just came back after 6 months.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Hirameki on January 01, 2018, 11:27:54 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
When it comes to profit, I prefer bitcoin since it gives very high return on investment in little amount of time, while it is far more secure to invest in stocks because the volatility is not that great compared to bitcoin. My conclusion here is if you have too much time or all day then invest in bitcoin but if you have little time because you are professional in other field invest in stock market or mutual funds to maximize the profit you will get

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: carter34 on January 01, 2018, 11:29:50 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

These two ways of making money are like dissenting angles and thereby, do not converge.

However, bitcoin generates profits more , faster and loses profit easily. These informs my view of being like dissenting angles.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: mikeey89 on January 01, 2018, 11:31:41 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
It depends on what you invest in. Both stock markets and cryptocurrencies has more risky bets that if they hit the jackpot can give a lot of great profits, or big losses if they miss. Or you can select safer coins or stocks. I think we will see a lot of stock traders coming in to the cryptocurrency markets in 2018.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Low Sigma on January 01, 2018, 11:36:00 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
It depends on what you invest in. Both stock markets and cryptocurrencies has more risky bets that if they hit the jackpot can give a lot of great profits, or big losses if they miss. Or you can select safer coins or stocks. I think we will see a lot of stock traders coming in to the cryptocurrency markets in 2018.

I agree with you mikeey89, a lot of traditional market traders will come to crypto from now on because CBOE, CME added BTC Futures to their platform.
I saw that Bloomberg added also some cryptos to their terminals. So a lot of sceptical traders/investors are transitioning to crypto markets too. After all they were learned since the beginning that the only free lunch is diversification. And given that crypto correlation with other instruments is close to zero, then it's more than welcomed.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: vv181 on January 01, 2018, 01:08:40 PM
The difference is pretty foreseeable, We know that Cryptocurrencies market is volatile but stocks's not, and that is why cryptocurrencies a lot more profitable but when we talk about a big profit there will always a big risk.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: gesdan on January 01, 2018, 01:39:24 PM
as i know in the stock market there are any limitation in a day, so its mean that you will get the profit and loss in limit, its good when the price is going down, what happen if the price going up? your profit is not max in that times, because there are any limit increasing price in a day, so you need tomorrow to wait the price increasings

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Biphuy7eth on January 01, 2018, 02:17:01 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
if you start trading 10,000$ in stock market  from 2010 to 2017 may earn about 1 million after working hard.
if you start investment in bitcoin and just hold like 10,000$ in bitcoin will be milliner is so easy
Bitcoin can increase more than it because price was about 0.1111 dollar 8 years ago.
no one know how price will be after 10 years so if you invest 10000 to buy 1 bitcoin you may make 100000 dollar

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Stac on January 01, 2018, 02:42:17 PM
working with bitcoin will help to earn more than stock and share market as we can see from 2009 the value of bitcoins had a tremendous increase  in the price of bitcoins since 2009 the value of bitcoins was less a dollar but now value has surpassed above $ 19000 in Dec 17th 2007 with a slight drop in the market and now it has reached $ 12000 to $ 13000 USD which is also a good price in all the markets when compared to stocks or assets like metal gold bitcoin is more precious and there is only a limited number of 21 million bitcoins available in the market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: darewaller on January 02, 2018, 08:50:36 AM
What's more safe? Sticking with the status quo. The problem is if you stick with it for too long. Then the new status quo has changed and you're investing in old school investments that will never go anywhere close to as far as cryptocurrency.
Stock market is not bad for investment, they’ve been around before Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and they are still around till now.We just know that cryptocurrencies are the best cause every Investment made in cryptos yields a lot of profits. Well, I will still say Cryptocurrencies are the best. Why do we make investments if not to make money?

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: cybersofts on January 11, 2018, 08:55:47 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The bitcoin price went to the moon last year 2017 - it started the year early selling at $952 and end up the year reaching up to $20,000. The bitcoin is very valuable because it has a limited supply of only 16.7 million bitcoin in circulation worldwide. The bitcoin value will continue to grow in the future because of the limited supply and high demand. The stock market is just outclassed.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ivanst776 on January 14, 2018, 05:08:59 PM
Investing in the stock market will take time months and years, both are risky! that's correct. you need to study and make a research on the investment you will go thru and its really a patience you need to have. that's all correct but there's something wrong when you said that investing in bitcoin will just take a couple of days or months. Its been years before bitcoin reach these milestones it was 2009 when only a few were investing on bitcoiin it has just happened that this 2017 is profitable to bitcoin and well recognized all over the world. but we must not forget that it took years before we get into this! But if we will just for the present time, investing will always be a risk to take but people will go to bitcoin now instead of having trouble in the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaysabi on January 15, 2018, 09:39:03 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The bitcoin price went to the moon last year 2017 - it started the year early selling at $952 and end up the year reaching up to $20,000. The bitcoin is very valuable because it has a limited supply of only 16.7 million bitcoin in circulation worldwide. The bitcoin value will continue to grow in the future because of the limited supply and high demand. The stock market is just outclassed.

It's likely that this is a bubble and the price is driven by mania and FOMO instead of a rational assessment of limited supply and making valuation play. Bitcoin price is dominated by demand, but the demand comes from the common conception that there will be someone willing to pay a higher price later in order to get their hands on Bitcoin. When the majority of people no longer believe this, either because it's no longer possible or people can conceive of a time when they believe it will no longer be possible, demand for Bitcoin will fall and so will the price. At the point it stops being a vehicle for speculation, it will then only be worth it's functional utility, and currently that is incredibly low due to network congestion. So hodlers are playing a risky game while convincing themselves that they're not, and historically that has never ended well.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: craZyLovE0916 on January 15, 2018, 09:45:35 PM
Stock market returns are 10% annually at best. Subtract 2% due to the inflationary economy of fiat and you've got just 8% if you're lucky... more like 4-6% normally.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: szpalata on January 15, 2018, 10:25:44 PM
Stock market returns are 10% annually at best. Subtract 2% due to the inflationary economy of fiat and you've got just 8% if you're lucky... more like 4-6% normally.

That is why it advisable if you have money you can afford to loose to invest in bitcoin because even though it is very volatile you will still stand a chance of making it big should things turn your way and you make profit on your investment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: arlington on January 15, 2018, 10:32:08 PM
The stock market for sure is more safe as there are not so many manipulations and the volume is huge making prices more stable and reducing volatility, but profits are less.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: tabas on January 15, 2018, 10:35:22 PM
The stock market for sure is more safe as there are not so many manipulations and the volume is huge making prices more stable and reducing volatility, but profits are less.
It's safe but when it comes to manipulations I don't think so that there are not so many of it. Companies can declare something when they want to just for their convenience and advantage, it's happening in our country's stock market so I decided not get in to our stocks. Good thing that there is cryptocurrencies and yes bitcoin is the best choice of mine and followed by some altcoins.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: removebeforeflight on January 18, 2018, 07:33:33 AM
For huge profit bitcoin is the best and for slow and minimal profit stock exchange is preferred. If we talk about safety for our money, yes both bitcoin and stock market isn't that safe. However, considering the risk factor and the profit, I would go for bitcoin since the risk is same for both bitcoin and stock market are same. But the profit we earn is something x10 times of your investment in months from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: madwica on January 18, 2018, 07:48:23 AM
Both has advantage,
Stock market is less risk for me but it would gives you small income for long period of time even you put huge amount of capital it will takes too long to earn profit.
Bitcoin is much risky form of investment but it will gives you huge and fast income, I think many people from stock market transfer to crypto currency because they see the potential to be rich quick by investing in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: naily on January 18, 2018, 12:31:52 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

either trading in stock or bitcoin market the difference is if stock market there is a guarantee of security and its value can be predicted but the profit you get less than in bitcoin or altcoin market you will get much more profit, all the controls are in your hands as a financier

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on January 18, 2018, 04:38:01 PM
Investing in the stock market is always very risky. It carries a risk of losing money. Bitcoin allows you to earn more in less time but you can lose more.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: R21 on January 18, 2018, 04:57:12 PM
Stock market rising profit is so much slow then btc, it possible to you gain double profit within some month via bitcoin other then it's so much impossible to gain same profit from stock market! then you can prefer bitcoin then stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: sukamasoto on January 18, 2018, 05:01:21 PM
My government more legalize stock market rather than bitcoin trading but both of them have their own risk since they are just like investment but with different operation.

Luckily I can earn more profit on bitcoin trading ( 1000% over three years ) rather with stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sowik on January 18, 2018, 05:14:13 PM
With Bitcoin you will see bigger profit sooner while with Stocks something like this might not happen for a while.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: astrid.uchiha24 on January 18, 2018, 05:24:49 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
safety in exchanges comparing between crypto and stocks will be better in stocks because of regulation and exchanges being seriously high risk in attacks of hackers, profitability is a no brainer answer, it will be crypto trading of course. Movement in stocks trading is so slow compared to trade bitcoin and knowing the fact that some countries doesn't have tax regulation yet on cryptos.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Kevin77 on January 18, 2018, 05:35:51 PM
My government more legalize stock market rather than bitcoin trading but both of them have their own risk since they are just like investment but with different operation.

Luckily I can earn more profit on bitcoin trading ( 1000% over three years ) rather with stock market.
Worldwide most of the countries are having same stand against bitcoin and stock market because stock market is a simply centralized one and they can control them whereas bitcoin is cannot be tied within their control. So, we cannot expect governments to treat both of these with same regulations.

I guess in last 5 to 7 years, only bitcoin must have given more profits than any other investment opportunities in this world. Definitely in coming years also people will keep picking bitcoin against stock market for making good ROI.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: oriz345 on January 19, 2018, 04:20:36 AM
Yes I invest in both. Well I actually trade the stock market(via SPX options) and invest in crypto. While technically, crypto is considered riskier than stocks, at the moment I think it's actually the other way around. Stocks are in an overvalued bubble and won't give you really much of a return if any over the next decade. Crypto has much more to go and you can make great returns over the coming years. If it's gotta be one or the other right now I vote for crypto.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: chess888 on January 31, 2018, 04:14:49 PM
"Nobody is safe" Just kidding.

In my opinion, it is better to actually spend time on bitcoin since you actually have other option on earning it, not just through trading. That is it's advantage over stocks. Stocks are risky if you will just trade/buy and sell. Study more before investing on that, or just look for a good mutual fund instead. If it is long term investment, like you look for a good and stable company with price increasing chart in the long run, and instead of just savings on the bank you add that on the side, it could be worth it.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, (look for the thread regarding Bitcoin crash) will only go up, increase in demand and increase in individual and corporate users, it would definitely go up in the long run, although much more difficult since it's already way up compared to when it was starting.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ViceKing on January 31, 2018, 05:34:04 PM
Stock market and bitcoin has some similiarity but if you consider the project plan both of them are totally different. In stock market you have some shares, if the firm perform well you make money and if perform bad you loose money. In bitcoin, first of all it itself is a digital currency which price grows depending on it's demand and uses...

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Raufjoze on February 19, 2018, 04:21:28 AM
In my opinion bitcoin trading is easy and less risky as compared to the stock market. the main reason is that we have no knowledge of the stock and the brokers change the prices through different ways. but in bitcoin everyone knows the market and with in seconds they can made a transaction through internet everywhere. i prefer the bitcoin trading over stock market.

Bitcoin is more profitable because it has a higher rate of increase in value that benefits investors and users, because I believe that the stock market is safer but bitcoin is more profitable. The stock market is safer than Bitcoin because all transactions are documented and recorded without any temporary anonymity in Bitcoin, all hidden because decentralized

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: 1969Dave on February 20, 2018, 12:19:52 PM
Trading in coins can be more rewarding but so is the risk ...

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: InvestICO2L on February 20, 2018, 01:10:51 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I think Stock market or trading in Bitcoin is always exist risk which is the nature of the investment. Stock which listed to Stock exchanges, has been checked by the government where it released while Bitcoin is decentralized, so i think Stock market is safer but both if you are not prepared complete knowledge before joining Stock Market Exchanges or Bitcoin trading, i'm sure you will be lost your money. For Stock Market Exchanges you will need much knowledge while bitcoin is less. Bitcoin trading will bring much profit than Stock Market Exchanges which you need very long time to able see profit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Flickkk on February 20, 2018, 03:06:57 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!


for me investing in stock market take some time before your earn a good amount of profit .
while  in  Bitcoin you can earn a huge amount easy. for long term or short.

Investing In stock Market is Legal because it talks about Company .
While investing in Bitcoin is kinda risky because it has the possibility to Pop like a bubble.
because you don't know if it is legal or illegal.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ChConcept on February 20, 2018, 03:24:29 PM
I have investments on both, in stock market I can be more relax, I think my money is safer because it is backed up by big companies even the government. Although it will really take some time before you can see and get your profit. While in Bitcoin, in a matter of weeks or months you will be able to see you profit and yeah it is very profitable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: tprabash on February 20, 2018, 03:27:15 PM
In srilanka stock market is sucks but crypto market is growing up and bitcoins is a good invest method

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Jiddyyy on February 20, 2018, 03:51:46 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
I think both are good as a tool to gain income. In stock market you need money in order to earn as well as bitcoin, but in bitcoin you can also earn without investing cash just join in some campaigns and you can get an income. The advantage in stock market is that it back up by some companies and government which make it safer than bitcoin. But I think both are okay.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: 666#666 on February 28, 2018, 04:26:31 AM
For colossal benefit bitcoin is the best and for moderate and insignificant benefit stock trade is favored. On the off chance that we discuss wellbeing for our cash, yes both bitcoin and securities exchange isn't that sheltered. Notwithstanding, considering the hazard factor and the benefit, I would go for bitcoin since the hazard is same for both bitcoin and securities exchange are same. Be that as it may, the benefit we win is something x10 times of your interest in months from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Dawnpercy19 on February 28, 2018, 04:45:11 AM
For me sir bitcoin is safe and safe for investing because crypto market is growing up

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: carlisle1 on February 28, 2018, 04:46:08 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.
sorry to interrupt but i think i dont get it when you says "in stocks it will took years before seeing profit?maybe your pointing to those who has SMALL CAPITAL so i guess they should not enter stock exchange ,and thats right better invest here in bitcoin or maybe in altcoins small amount here can be got bigger in just a week or months if lucky enough

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaycobe24 on February 28, 2018, 04:47:43 AM
Crypto is still growing up and bitcoin is very safe

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Birdiebig on February 28, 2018, 04:56:32 AM
Now we can be happy that there is no tax law applied to cryptocurrency as the US stock market suffers. This makes the cryptocurrency community grow faster.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: teddyktl on February 28, 2018, 05:14:09 AM
I think stocks and Bitcoin trading is the same risky but Bitcoin is the way much more profitable cause of the huge of fluctuation.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: huanzhong644306 on February 28, 2018, 05:36:54 AM
In the stock market, profit is less, but more predictable and safer. In bitcoin, because of its volatility, you can get more profit, but it is hard to predict and the risk is greater.

Bitcoin will always be more popular than the stock market because we all know the power of bitcoin to make us rich.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: elvirecam430 on February 28, 2018, 06:17:55 AM
Obviously, the biggest profits always make by the biggest risk. Furthermore, the stock market's return is better than U.S. mkt's, which returns are higher than bond mkt or deposit.
Therefore, we should really treasure the experience of Stockprice, instead invest to much in /bitcoin :'(

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jsmithuk on February 28, 2018, 06:21:48 AM
Bet more, win more. Same in both stocks and crypto. :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jeanne513lefe on February 28, 2018, 07:19:07 AM
For me, trading in Bitcoin seems more risky and your revenue will be very volatile.
For those stocks traded long enough in the market, the movement tends to slow down, which means you earns money relative slow,
But I don't agree with idea that investing in Bitcoin is more profitable.
Because high profit always comes with high risk, and you earn a lot in this month but probably lose a lot after next price correction.
So, it's just trade-off between risk(volatility) and profit. Just be careful about what you choose.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: MIZANUR5033 on February 28, 2018, 05:46:51 PM
Bitcoin is the best coin at cryptocurrency and almost all people wants to invest their money into bitcoin. Bitcoin is a limited coin and its price is very high so that all people can not able to invest their money into this coin.

If you can able to invest your money into this coin then you should do that because you have a great chance to get so much benefits from this coin. Stock market is also good place to earn money but it is very much risky and anytime anything can happen so that many people dislike it. If you give the responsibility to me to select a thing between them then I will select bitcoin for all of the things

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: serverus on March 01, 2018, 06:00:58 PM
Stock market is supported by the government. But both bitcoin and stock market offer big opportunity to everyone. Stock market is good for long term investment while bitcoin is good for short term investment. Bitcoin is much profitable because of its frequent fluctuation but it is decentralized while stock market is supported by the government. The more you disperse your investment the more chance of success.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bagsladderg on March 18, 2018, 04:22:50 AM
Stock market is ofcourse safer as it deals with real world fiats not just with volatile bitcoins only :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: D1n4R on March 18, 2018, 05:09:22 AM
Stock market is ofcourse safer as it deals with real world fiats not just with volatile bitcoins only :)
but both still have risks. I know if the stock market is related to business in the real world but not every investment will result.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 18, 2018, 05:39:22 AM
Stock market is ofcourse safer as it deals with real world fiats not just with volatile bitcoins only :)
but both still have risks. I know if the stock market is related to business in the real world but not every investment will result.

although it has the same risk, I prefer with bitcoin only and will not trade stocks right now because I still believe that I can do many things in bitcoin and besides that, I believe that I can make more money from bitcoin. although bitcoin price is volatile, this is good for me so I can buy at low price and sell at the high price and I could still make a profit in a week.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jaydoes6 on March 18, 2018, 07:41:49 PM
A stock market is well set from even before the birth of btcs. So generally it would be profittable and reliable too :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: pubmongrelT on March 19, 2018, 04:13:26 AM
A stock market is well setup platform for dealing and discussing fiats all over the world. Its a globally trusted and accepted place :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: MMA on March 19, 2018, 07:34:27 PM
A stock market is well setup platform for dealing and discussing fiats all over the world. Its a globally trusted and accepted place :)
Yes every country has their own stockmarket, which are legal and regulated, they are dealing in fiat currencies, and therefore i think they do not have any competition with bitcoin, because bitcoin is still illegal in most of the countries and secondly bitcoin is not a fiat currency, it is an online currency and is not centralized, bitcoin can be use equally everywhere in the world.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bajigur894784 on March 19, 2018, 07:50:28 PM
Actually I do not really understand the world of the stock market, but a friend or rather my senior who has plunged and long been in the stock world said that, stocks are more susceptible to Fraud. because the stock market involves a broker or a third party.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: doycku on March 19, 2018, 08:38:55 PM
Actually I do not really understand the world of the stock market, but a friend or rather my senior who has plunged and long been in the stock world said that, stocks are more susceptible to Fraud. because the stock market involves a broker or a third party.
Generally speaking, trade is very difficult and it is not worth saying that in marriage, they do not engage in fraud. How can you not blame the crypto currency and give an example of something else that can also be very questionable.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Johnyz on March 19, 2018, 09:01:09 PM
A stock market is well set from even before the birth of btcs. So generally it would be profittable and reliable too :)

If you can do both much better, because this two market are pretty good in terms of making profit. Stocks are their with a big businesses who runs for a decade it a good market, however cryptomarket is new and have a big potential in the future.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: antliafightingR on March 19, 2018, 10:42:51 PM
They both have their own specific safety regulations so we cant compare them with each other. But i think bitcoins has more strict rules

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: laracastvue on March 19, 2018, 10:52:30 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Here in my country, it was really hard to get involve in the stock market because there are a lot of different businessman who are involve in the stock market industry and they are very competitive. The best thing to do is just invest on cryptocurrency and you can convert your coins anytime to earn profit.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: LynielZbl on March 19, 2018, 11:06:47 PM
Eventhough i never invest in stock market,  but i am pretty sure that the gained profit percentage in crypto market is far high than in stock market. But the risk is always there were it is so a bit high here in cryptos but many people would take the risk because they only cares when a quick gain is possible within few weeks or months. But still when you are aware of the market circumstances, you can minimize your risk by choosing some profitable coins among the others and that time you can gain profit of it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ROB18 on March 20, 2018, 06:32:12 AM
i did not directly trade in stock market but i invested through a fund manager. I just invested a small amount but its already a material amount for me. I did not touch the investment for three years and when i decide to withdraw it after 3 years, I lost around 40% of my investment. Its sad but thats the reality of investment: there are risk. In BTC, there are much greater risk but greater return as well in a short am

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sled on March 20, 2018, 06:52:04 AM
i did not directly trade in stock market but i invested through a fund manager. I just invested a small amount but its already a material amount for me. I did not touch the investment for three years and when i decide to withdraw it after 3 years, I lost around 40% of my investment. Its sad but thats the reality of investment: there are risk. In BTC, there are much greater risk but greater return as well in a short am
That is why the risk management is a must in order to prevent the possible huge losses for investing or trading in the market even it is about bitcoin or stock market. If you know how to invest properly and where are the limitations that you need to set to yourself then i think that there is no need to worry for the risk because you know how to manage it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 20, 2018, 09:11:49 AM
i did not directly trade in stock market but i invested through a fund manager. I just invested a small amount but its already a material amount for me. I did not touch the investment for three years and when i decide to withdraw it after 3 years, I lost around 40% of my investment. Its sad but thats the reality of investment: there are risk. In BTC, there are much greater risk but greater return as well in a short am
That is why the risk management is a must in order to prevent the possible huge losses for investing or trading in the market even it is about bitcoin or stock market. If you know how to invest properly and where are the limitations that you need to set to yourself then i think that there is no need to worry for the risk because you know how to manage it.

we need to know when we need to withdraw and I think don't take too long to withdraw because the investment can change in every time so I think maybe if we want to invest in bitcoin or the stock market, do it for at least one year. but I wonder how he could get lost around 40% after 3 years because as far as I know if we make an investment, we could expecting to get the profit although the profit is not too big, we still get the profit. I only choose bitcoin and another coin as my investment because I am too afraid to invest in stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bitcoinrays on March 20, 2018, 10:27:45 AM
Stock market is ofcourse safer as it deals with real world fiats not just with volatile bitcoins only :)
These both have their own pros and cons. If you talk about bitcoins, they are not much safer in investments as volatility can give you loss sometimes and sometime it may be profit for you. While in stock risks are little and you can have better profit numbers against losses. But what about profit ratios? Bitcoins are giving so huge profit ratios that you can become rich within no time while stock don’t have such capability.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Duogembrot on March 20, 2018, 10:34:43 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I think the two bourses are safer is playing bitcoin because if playing in the stock market seems too difficult because the movement up and down is very small different from bitcoin that can membeirkan very much from the rise and fall of the price.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: mahilchii on March 20, 2018, 10:47:30 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

No doubt that Bitcoin is more profitable than share market. Share market has many advantages and disadvantages like cryptocurrency but the the risk factor for share market is even worse. There are people who have lost their billions in share market but Bitcoin is something which a poor or a normal fiat investor may become billionaire investing into it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Geleve on March 20, 2018, 10:54:48 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

stock market is safer comparing with crypto market if you trade safe items you can not loose so much profit. however when you trade in crypto market there is no any safe currency. all of them have a huge risk but ofcourse more profitable...

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: qwertyup23 on March 20, 2018, 12:14:45 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Both have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of acquiring profit and time. Here are some of my opinions regarding the two options:

For Bitcoin:

  • Bitcoin has the potential of yielding large amounts of profits in a short amount of time;
  • Acquiring bitcoin is relatively easier than investing into stocks due to the presence of stock brokers;
  • Due to bitcoin's high volatility, this type of mechanism makes it a 'high-risk, high-reward' system;
  • A decentralised form of currency cannot be regulated, thus bitcoin is tax-free (relatively and debatable);
  • There are only a limited amount of bitcoins in the market, making its price dependable on the law of demand and supply; and
  • Bitcoin has been used as an alternative currency into some aspects as some services can be paid via this currency.
  • Lack of collateral and security hinders most investors from risking their resources;
  • Due to its high volatility, it is considered as a double-edged sword among the investors;
  • Its limited supply in the market may be potentially abused by whales by manipulating the price; and
  • Some countries have implemented laws which are prejudicial to bitcoin's existence. This may pose a problem in the future if further laws will be created prohibiting the use of such currency.

For stocks:

  • Investment gains may increase your investments over-time depending on the company where you invested it on;
  • It is controlled and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, thus abuses and conspiracies among corporations are rare and enforceable by law;
  • Other corporations have collateral and security among your investments which makes it relatively safer among other investment mechanisms;
  • Some stocks offer dividends to its shareholders; and
  • There exists a broad spectrum of choices on where you can acquire shares of stocks into different corporations.

  • Investing into a stock market is more of a long-term rather than a short-term goal since the realization of profits may take a while;
  • There is always the potential of the corporation losing its value in the long-run. That is why some people invest into blue-chip companies for safer security; and
  • Before you invest into a company, you are required to do research and background checks in order to maximise your profits!

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jeanpadel14 on March 20, 2018, 01:00:31 PM
Investing in the stock markets require a lot of patience as making a considerable amount of profit on your investment is a slow process and could take a few years.Bitcoin has been famous for its volatile nature as there are massive swings in its value within a very small time period.

Therefore, buying bitcoins with the same amount of risk taken as investing in the share markets, could prove to be a swift alternative in terms of profit-making.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: johnalyn on March 20, 2018, 01:13:10 PM
I prefer to use bitcoin, I dont have much knowledge stock market even my friend ask me to try it and I just focus in my works to be done in bitcoins world that's why I don't have enough time to take some time with stock market and it is easy for me to explore bitcoin in a few weeks that also lead me to put some investment in some coins that I use to make some big earnings at home.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: cerberus5424 on March 20, 2018, 01:16:33 PM
I think investing and trading Bitcoin and other altcoins is quite profitable. But long-term investments are safer. Although for many trade is a way of earning, and quite successfully.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Hadji on March 21, 2018, 12:30:30 AM
we are not yet accustomed to its constant price change, but ponder if it becomes a constant price will it be so interesting? Maybe we just get used to it, the exchange for him is like air.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Menawi12 on March 21, 2018, 12:51:53 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I think crypto trading more profitable than stock market. Last year, cryptomarket have gain more x10 on market cap and growth on stocks market average per years is 15% if I am not mistake

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: hoaryal1 on March 21, 2018, 03:24:00 AM
I am not in either of the things, nor in Bitcoins neither in stock market ;)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: susuberuang on March 21, 2018, 03:38:16 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I think bitcoin market is better than stock market, the risk is also less the bitcoin and its slack is also very much in bitcoin. Not only that bitcoin also has limited supply that makes the price will increase and when it goes down the rise will also be fast.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: richmcrich on March 21, 2018, 12:33:13 PM
A stock market is well setup platform for dealing and discussing fiats all over the world. Its a globally trusted and accepted place :)
Everything in this world has its own pros and cons and that the ones who are there in stock since long time are no doubt very much satisfied with the performance of stock market but still we can’t deny the importance and worth of the crypto currencies especially when it comes to that of bitcoin. It is you who needs to decide in between both but I will grade bitcoin to be much better option from future perspective.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jakoylantern on March 25, 2018, 04:12:04 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
For me, it will depend on the person what he will choose. But both sides is great to gain plenty of money. I just think that in the stock market the price of the stuff doesn’t fluctuate too much comparing in the bitcoin, but it always depends on the material that you are trading in the market. For example, like gas vs. bitcoin, we all know that in every minute bitcoin’s price rate change comparing to the gas amount. Gas amount changes but not every minute. Like I said it depends on the thing that you trade or market.  :)

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: carlbreezy on March 25, 2018, 06:55:07 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I do. Stock market is more safer but cryptos is more profitable. What you earn in crypto in days is what you earn in stocks in years. But be mindful that what you can earn is also what you can lose.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: PatronRH on March 25, 2018, 08:09:59 PM
Stock market and bitcoin are two different ways to make money. Bitcoin is very risky and not safe yet you can make a profit in a short period of time while you cannot make that amount of money with stock market because the profit is only noticeable in a long period yet is pretty safe because goverment regulates it.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: commlinx on March 26, 2018, 10:38:04 AM
For prodigious profit bitcoin is that the best and for moderate and insignificant profit stock trade is favored. On the off likelihood that we have a tendency to discuss welfare for our money, affirmative each bitcoin and securities exchange is not that protected . yet, considering the hazard issue and therefore the profit, i'd choose bitcoin since the hazard is same for each bitcoin and securities exchange area unit same. Be that because it could, the profit we have a tendency to win are a few things x10 times of your interest in months from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: tole123 on March 26, 2018, 10:50:25 AM
I think all altcoins are safe just different again bitcoin but I suggest to choose alt coin because its price is not like bitcoin which is very expensive and altcoin trading is more profitable than bitcoin

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: GamblingPurveyor on April 03, 2018, 11:44:47 AM
For prodigious profit bitcoin is that the best and for moderate and insignificant profit stock trade is favored. On the off probability that we tend to discuss prosperity for our money, affirmative each bitcoin and securities exchange is not that secure. even so, considering the hazard issue and therefore the profit, i might opt for bitcoin since the hazard is same for each bitcoin and securities exchange square measure same. Be that because it could, the profit we tend to win are a few things x10 times of your interest in months from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: gawer33 on April 03, 2018, 01:21:29 PM
"I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.
1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.
2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.
Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable."-quote

nope, I saw some stocks went 1000% gain in a single month, did ever bitcoin reach 1000% gain in a month? perhaps some altcoin does one example is this
that's one misconception about stocks, another advantage of stocks is you will get dividends is like airdrop, but I'm suggesting to diversify your portfolio to some crypto for daily/weekly trading and stocks for a safer investment.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: douhancan58 on April 03, 2018, 01:40:20 PM
The price is influenced by supply and demand, which affects supply and demand.

From the perspective of technical analysis, stock, foreign exchange and bitcoin can be analyzed and predicted in the same way, provided that the data is sufficient.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Ayush rana on April 03, 2018, 02:28:32 PM
Investing in stock market and bitcoin both are risky. But now if you talk about the best investment for a long term in between both then i will suggest you to buy stocks of such companies who is new in market and have a huge potential of growth. Or you can select such new companies which are under government subsidies.
Bitcoin has already seen its high value and i think the current situation of Bitcoin will take long time to again on track.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: genocide on April 04, 2018, 02:51:01 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

First, we have to study the differences of these two investments before we end up and jump to a conclusion and made a choice.

Stocks are not risk-free assets, it is volatile and some investors are focus on stocks because of its income that promise to pay large dividends, but their prices do not rise much. There is no doubt that some people simply are better at playing the role of a stock market investor than others. When talking about somebody who has successfully worked his way through investing in the stock market, it is never a matter of luck but rather it is a certain personal characteristics that decide how successful they are.

Bitcoins are created through mining, a process by which users can solve equations using software and earn rewards or gifts in return. Bitcoin platform is instant and fast, have online and offline wallets in which the processing fee is just enough or minimal. The transactions are transparent but the identity is anonymous and what is visible is the address only. It is highly decentralized and no authority has control over it that makes powerful and risky. But because it is risky, it involves cyber crime and theft.

Currently the price of bitcoin is fluctuating but since there is a thorough study and analysis, I think it is in the right direction that would make us prosper in the near future.

With these characteristics, you can now decide what is more profitable and safe.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Firdausiii on April 04, 2018, 03:14:53 PM
They both have their own specific safety regulations so we cant compare them with each other. But i think bitcoins has more strict rules

You should consider investing in the stock market, but if you are a risk taker and want more than a coin, you are looking for something with lower risk and lower income

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Fretcy on April 04, 2018, 04:13:08 PM
Stock market and bitcoins are similar in the sense that in both the financial markets there will be pump and dump in the market and investors normally look for the prices to drop to invest in a stock or a crypto coin and sells them when there is a hike in the market. In stock markets when one invest in a company stock there will be hike in the market but it will take five years or more to gain huge returns on your investment whereas in bitcoins when someone invest on bitcoins within a short interval of time the price of bitcoins goes up the rally which makes the investors to get onto the bitcoin technology as bitcoin network has changed many people's lives by investing in the bitcoins from rags to riches.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: nur rochid on April 06, 2018, 11:57:11 AM
Investing in stock market and bitcoin both are risky. But now if you talk about the best investment for a long term in between both then i will suggest you to buy stocks of such companies who is new in market and have a huge potential of growth. Or you can select such new companies which are under government subsidies.
Bitcoin has already seen its high value and i think the current situation of Bitcoin will take long time to again on track.
indeed most secure is the stock investment of government companies, because the security guaranteed by the government is different from bitcoin which is high volatile value. but with btc we can earn much larger income

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: BitProCoin on April 06, 2018, 12:07:08 PM
I think risk wise it is better to trade in bitcoin however if in profits and possibilities and potential nothing beats the stock market but it has really high starting prices conpared to bitcoin which makes it bery hard to enter.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Makingmoney2018 on April 06, 2018, 12:25:28 PM
Stock markets have been an important means of investment for a long time. In investing in the stock markets require a lot of patience. It takes away a considerable amount of investment. Bitcoin has been famous for its volatile nature as there are massive swings in its value within a very small period of time. It has no borders as they are accepted worldwide. Transacctions made through bitcoin are cheaper, with low transaction fees.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: racham02 on April 08, 2018, 09:53:52 AM
Based on my understanding and my research the Stock markets have been an important means of investment for a long time and Investing in the stock markets require a lot of patience as making a considerable amount of profit, Compared to that, bitcoins traditionally have been approached as digital currency, buying bitcoins with the same amount of risk taken as investing in the share markets, could prove to be a swift alternative in terms of profit-making. They both are very risky when it comes to investment and business.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: serverus on April 11, 2018, 02:49:41 AM
Everybody should have knowledge in investing. Both bitcoin and stock market offer big opportunity to everyone. Stock market is good for long term investment while bitcoin is good for short term investment. Bitcoin is much profitable because of its frequent fluctuation but it is decentralized while stock market is supported by the government.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Happydd on April 11, 2018, 03:50:06 AM
I think playing bitcoin is like playing securities. Stock market is the stock market bitcoin is the bitcoin. But what we care most about is how much it is worth. Risk is that both stocks and bitcoins have certain risks. I think investing in bitcoin is more profitable and safer. Securities are evidence of the legitimate rights and interests of the owner of the assets or the capital of the issuing organization. Securities are expressed in the form of certificates, book entries or electronic data. Securities include: stocks, bonds, investment fund certificates, derivative securities. The essence of stock is a special commodity.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: iv4n on April 11, 2018, 04:52:46 AM
I think playing bitcoin is like playing securities. Stock market is the stock market bitcoin is the bitcoin. But what we care most about is how much it is worth. Risk is that both stocks and bitcoins have certain risks. I think investing in bitcoin is more profitable and safer. Securities are evidence of the legitimate rights and interests of the owner of the assets or the capital of the issuing organization. Securities are expressed in the form of certificates, book entries or electronic data. Securities include: stocks, bonds, investment fund certificates, derivative securities. The essence of stock is a special commodity.

Of course they are different, they are so different that maybe there isn't stock market vs bitcoin, they represent two different worlds. Stoccommodity is place where you trade with companies shares, bitcoin is technology, digital gold or currency, asset. Bitcoin as it is can be s stock, and bitcoin is traded like stock, like other crypto. But we don't need special permissions to trade with crypto, like we need a broker if we wish to trade with stocks.
People like to compare everything with bitcoin, but its not quite possible. The essence of bitcoin is special commodity, you can use it as money, you can use it as stock and trade with it on many markets, you can do it always and from everywhere, bitcoin have so many advantages so I would say that bitcoin is special commodity and more it grow more special it is. Stock market will be replaced with crypto trading one day.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: tumokatok on April 11, 2018, 06:58:46 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

stock market is safer comparing with crypto market if you trade safe items you can not loose so much profit. however when you trade in crypto market there is no any safe currency. all of them have a huge risk but ofcourse more profitable...

I think with bitcoin makes more profit than the stock market. The stock market is stable but the bitcoin market is more stable. Bitcoin performs much better than the stock market and many stock market investors are turning to the bitcoin market just because they are increasing day by day

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Markyway88 on April 11, 2018, 07:13:59 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

I'm just planning to invest in stocks market but this is what I observed base on my studying before entering it.

1. In stocks, the profit is very slow. It will take years to see your profit.

2. In bitcoin,it will only take a couple of days or months and you can get an instant profit.

Stock is safe because it is backed up by the government, bitcoin is decentralized but we do trust it.

Both of them are risky but bitcoin is better and profitable.
I am also planning to trade in stock market but I think it is not profitable like what you've said. Unlike bitcoin, the price fluctuates rapidly and if you are a day trader, you can earn bitcoin fast specially, when the bull run comes along the way.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: websoftwareengineer on April 11, 2018, 07:55:24 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Stock market is safer obviously because country will not ban the items you are investing on stock market while on cryptocurrency, there is a chance for your country to instantly ban bitcoins so it was kind of risky on bitcoins but still you will gain more profit faster more than in the stock market.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: cryptojac17 on April 11, 2018, 08:07:29 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

Stock market is safer obviously because country will not ban the items you are investing on stock market while on cryptocurrency, there is a chance for your country to instantly ban bitcoins so it was kind of risky on bitcoins but still you will gain more profit faster more than in the stock market.
Yeah if you invest in Stock market you are protected by law and I would say it is minimal risk compare to bitcoin but bitcoin is really profitable  in a  point  that it is highly volatile. In just  a month or couple of months you  can earn, because prices movement is faster  in frequency.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: icoprofits on August 01, 2018, 04:16:02 PM
as of now present market conditions bitcoin is most preferable rather than a stock market in long term or short term bitcoin is future money

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: usorin on August 01, 2018, 04:58:57 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The medium is safe in stock but in the same time it is a controlled environment and the benefits comes in couple of years. Thru Bitcoin you can actually take part from something amazing, the changing of the economic system.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: greg0rioo on August 01, 2018, 06:59:15 PM
It's hard to predict about all of this, because they have the same great potential. But if in my opinion, I choose the stock market that is truly certain of its income, unlike bitcoin which is still in the development stage.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: virarara on August 01, 2018, 07:20:47 PM
I do not know all this, but if I have to choose I choose bitcoin. Because the benefits in bitcoin are quite large, even my friends have been successful with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: jak3 on August 01, 2018, 08:22:33 PM
I think you can make a very good profit in the cryptocurrency market right now and you will face a lot of competition in the stock market because it is pretty old and it is always fighting for the profits. But cryptocurrency market is mainly based on the public demand and supply so the more people join the network and more people using the currency will indirectly and directly profit you.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Cointoli on August 01, 2018, 09:38:46 PM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The medium is safe in stock but in the same time it is a controlled environment and the benefits comes in couple of years. Thru Bitcoin you can actually take part from something amazing, the changing of the economic system.
I know that investing in securities is a lot safer than investing in cryptocurrency but I still choose the crypto market because I assess its potential that can bring greater effect to investors. I like cryptocurrency because it is really a great solution for the 4.0 technology era.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Mariahenry86 on August 02, 2018, 03:31:06 AM
First, on the stock market, profits are less but may be safer. While at bitcoin, you may be more profitable due to its volatility but less predictable and risky. So the decision is to make yourself safer with less profit or bigger profit with more risk?

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: bbnt81 on August 02, 2018, 03:53:25 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!

For safety, definitely stock market. It has been with us more about 100 years.
The market has a lot of decent companies out there that if you know how to invest, you wont go wrong with any of them.
More profits, very debatable. But I would also choose stock market as its better for holders to get profits from annually returns.

Title: Re: Stock market vs. Bitcoin???
Post by: Sled on August 02, 2018, 05:25:19 AM
Hi traders!
Does somebody here do trading in stock market and also trading in bitcoin? Which is more profitable and safe?
Thanks ahead!
The medium is safe in stock but in the same time it is a controlled environment and the benefits comes in couple of years. Thru Bitcoin you can actually take part from something amazing, the changing of the economic system.
I know that investing in securities is a lot safer than investing in cryptocurrency but I still choose the crypto market because I assess its potential that can bring greater effect to investors. I like cryptocurrency because it is really a great solution for the 4.0 technology era.
The possible profit in cryptocurrency is better and bigger than the potential profit in the stock market and that is the reason why i always prefer to be investing in riskier type of investment like cryptocurrency rather than stock market because stock market requires a lot of time before giving decent income.