Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TokenSell on August 18, 2017, 06:05:10 PM

Title: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 18, 2017, 06:05:10 PM
This topic is dedicated to reviews of ongoing or nearest ICOs. I am doing analytics to pick up interesting ICOs to invest and want to share this information with others. However I do not want to tell you exactly where to invest. Here I am just sharing my opinion for educational purposes only. You invest in an ICO at your own risk.

First I want to share how I review ICO before making any decisions.

ICO review steps:

1. Product. Things I am looking for in the product before ICO:
Unique idea, blockchain usage, open-source.
Product should solve some important problem.
The market is ready for that product or will be ready in the next 24 months.
Product is not dependent on other blockchain solving their problems.
There is positive feedback from the community about the product.

2. The Market:
How big is the potential market?
How many competitors are at that market now?
Project team should have realistic plans on how this market will be captured.

3. Token should be used within the product ecosystem. It means that project can not work without that token. That will allow the demand to increase while project will be developing.

4. RoadMap usually contains milestones that makes the token price go up. That is why having RoadMap with concrete goals within time periods is important.

5. Project Team should contain people with experience and knowledge in selected market. It is preferable that there are blockchain developers, managers, CEO with entrepreneur experience. All missing experience and knowledge team does not have should be covered by people from the advisory board.

6. Current project status. Do they have MVP (minimum viable product), partners, are they presented in the mass media or conferences.

7. Token Distribution and ICO conditions. This part completely depends on why do you invest during ICO. Do you want quick exit to sell tokens right after they will be traded on one of the exchanges? Or do you believe in the project and team and want to buy and hold for several years? It is up to you. Escrow is another thing I would recommend everybody to notice. Having no escrow can make all investors money disappear right after the ICO. :o

Be careful.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 18, 2017, 06:26:00 PM

Here is a video if you do not want to read:

We are starting reviews of ICO projects that are going on now or will take place in the nearest future. Today we will review the Nexus project. It is a secure and private decentralized social network.
Looks like this guy - Jade, meet him, you can see his video. He worked on his social network for 2.5 years. He got web app, iOS and Android app. He or his team did very nice job. They have an MVP (minimum viable product) which is very nice for an ICO to have.
There is a bunch of stuff that they want to integrate.
Instant messaging, market place... Looks like facebook icons to me.
Well... Let's take a look at their roadmap. They had launched nexus in the mid 2016. Lets take a look at their iOS app. Here are some screenshots. Looks nice. They have simple instant messaging already. Reviews... only one. That is not a lot. Updated on November 19, 2016.
Let's take a look at the mobile app for the Android. Looks like the one that was for iOS. All the reviews are in August this year. They were done right before the ICO. Not so many reviews for a project that is already a year long.
Let's move on and take a look at their whitepaper.
The most important part for me is coin distribution. No coins are offered for bounties as all bounty payouts are in Bitcoin. Not bad. Looks like those guys already got some money. They raised some money during presale. Good for them.

Let's review how the funds will be allocated.
65% towards development, 10% each - security audit, legals and advertising and 5% for hardware upgrades.
First of all I had noticed that do not have anything about the team so I assume that the team is part of the development share. They have only 10% for marketing which makes me think that they are very confident about their project and that they think it does not need a lot of advertisement. Probably they think that ICO investors will be users who will get involved into social networking activities. I do not see anything about the Escrow so they do not have one. It means that Jade can use the money the way he wants. By the way the company is registered in Australia. Hello, Australia!

Let's review their social networks. They got pretty much everything reddit, youtube. Let's review their youtube. They got 4 videos. The earliest one two weeks ago right before the ICO.
Not so many followers on twitter for a social network. They only started twitter on July 26. The reposts, no comments. 44 reposts having 312 followers. Looks like they got pretty active audience.

Lets see what they got on the reddit. Well, only basic answering of the questions. That is how it looks to me.

Let's take a look at their roadmap one more time. So they are planning to raise money. Then they are planning to release by the end of the year new version of front end. How many developers do they have now? Two. Jade and Mo. Well... pretty ambitious for two developers. Of course I hope they will use 65% towards development and that will help a lot to get the team. But the problem is mid of August you need to build the team very quickly to make a release by the end of the year. That is achievable. But according to everything that they have... they are planning to update the backend, integrate social coins... We wish good luck to the team. I hope it is not another scam. ICO will be for the next 30 days. I will leave the link down below.

Well. I am trying to be as critical as possible and I hope you guys will do your own conclusions before you will start doing any actions review their website one more time, look at the team, look at their social network.

Title: DMarket – a decentralized marketplace for virtual items ICO review
Post by: TokenSell on August 18, 2017, 08:56:02 PM
If you do not want to read you can see video review here:

Dmarket is a decentralized marketplace for virtual items basically for game items. First, when I reviewed that project I sort of did not pay enough attention to it. And right now after going through it a couple times and reading several reviews on mass media I think it worth a while and I want to take a closer look.
From what I figured out the potential market of that project is huge which is 2.2 billion people of 7.5 billion people from all over the world. Virtual items as we know were already sold for many years. It all started after release of World of Warcraft in 2004.Virtual item selling business had launched right after that.

Let's take a look at the website and they propose us. The team is very interesting. The CEO is the founder of It was launched in the mid 2016 and it is second largest marketplace for virtual items. Just in case I decided to take a look at this tool. You might know it. It is similar web. This is how you can check that the website actually exists and has trafic. So I had notice some interesting things. This website has over a million visitors per month. Most of them come from Russia but in any case looks like it is real and they have some results in the market.

So this guy had decided to put blockchain technology into that marketplace. He attracted a couple people. One of them is CTO - Sergey Nemesh who is blockchain developer. And the other one is Andriy Khavryuchenko who was a senior developer at DASH. So they have enough experience to integrate blockchain technology. The team also has this guy Alexander Kokhanovskyy which is besides everything else shareholder of ESforce Holdings which is 3rd biggest e-Sports entity funded by USM Group.
I would say that those guys have enough potential for marketing that project. After reviewing the market of virtual items I had identified several things that I want to share with you.
First of all the market is huge. It is really huge.
Second thing if those guys will integrate a lot of games using their API that will open a new market of used items. And what might appear is durability. Probably those of you who had played online games understand what I am talking about. The reality is you can actually track the history of the item. If some experienced player will start selling his items someway down the road everybody will understand that this item you had bought belonged to that experienced guy that everybody knows. Well. That is not a bad thing for the game world you know. That changes the game a bit.
The other thing if they will integrate using their API e-commerce that will allow any e-commerce project to start selling virtual items and it will attract new customers to that market and increase trade volume.

I do not want to be too optimistic about this project. They do not have any MVP yet. The only thing those guys have on github is smart contracts.

Now the roadmap. See they had launch in June 2016 the and now in June 2017 they decided to do the ICO. All the social activity started in the end of June. We will review the social networks later.

What they are planning to do is after the token sale they are planning to have main development phase in the mid of next year. So they are planning to spend 6 to 9 months and then do the first steps of global marketing influencing in the end of next year.

Of course from what I read from the interview of the ICO they are planning to do expansion even first 12 month of company evolvement. They are planning to add 50 games and attract 10 million audience during that time. I do not know if that will be 10 million but 1 million from will be already a good start for a project like that.

Tokens will be used within the platform. They are planning to give the biggest amount of commission to game developers. That englishes the new way of monetization of their games and probably will motivate the companies that create games to join their partner network.

Let's see who are already their partners. GSC Game World
developer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., 4A Games developers of Metro 2033 and Tatem Games (mobile game developers).
That is not bad.

Let`s see what they have in their twitter. They had started twitter in July less than a month. They have realistic number of likes and reposts according to their number of followers. They got enough on their reddit to describe what they are doing.

Let`s take a look at their white paper. The most important part for me is the token distribution. I had noticed that they do not have an escrow. So I decided to watch the interview that was done by their CEO a couple days ago where he said that they will not have an escrow. Keep that in mind. We hope that is not a scam, it does not look like a scam. It is very interesting project. I want to remind you that I am doing those videos only for educational purposes. I am sharing my personal opinion.

What I had noticed from their website and one pager they did pretty good job in marketing. Looks like they know what they are doing.

I hope this project will succeed. They can get most of the market that is not even their right now. I did not find any competitors among blockchain projects. Probably competitors will appear as soon as they will start. But the one who will be first might get the biggest piece of the cake. The ICO had already started.

Let's discuss in comments if you want to invest in this project or not? Why? We still have time to take part in that ICO. We wish good luck to DMarket team and we will review their progress according to their RoadMap.

Title: ICO review: MakersMarks is a practical blockchain solution for product identific
Post by: TokenSell on August 19, 2017, 09:59:21 PM
Here is a video if you do not want to read:

Today is August 19th and we will review two projects that I think have deep concept but can make better their marketing campaign.
The first one is MarkersMarks. It is a blockchain solution for product identification and ownership. What they want to do is create proof of ownership using blockchain. Everything that you create can be marked with a Marker that will link it to your public account. Then you can create an identifier that will be used in separate sidechain that will carry all heavy loaded operations.
The reason why I think they could have done a better job on their marketing is cause reviewing their website I did not find anything about social activities besides linkedin. We will review it a bit later. Btw that email at the bottom is not clickable what makes it inconvenient for me to write them an email. It is not a hard task to add a mailto hyperlink tag to it.
According to their white paper they are planning to distribute tokens in three phases.
We can see here that the first phase will start on August 23rd and will last for a month. Project team is planning to do releases and distribute 30% of the tokens during each period. 10% of the tokens the team is planning to leave to themselves.
What I want to attract your attention to is that they have three people in their team. It is Adam, Sergey and Kimber. Reviewing their social profiles in linkedin Adam is working on that project since January. Looks like he brought the main concept to this project. Then there is CTO Sergey. Does not look that he had mentioned anything about the fact that he is CTO in this project and at the same time he is CTO at Kelecorix. The third guy Kimber is a Freelance Senior Event/Digital Producer. May be he is the one responsible for digital marketing.

Let's take a look at one thing. When I was reviewing the website I noticed that github link on the homepage is broken. Check out our code under github. First thing I thought was cmon guys you are doing an ICO and you have broken links on your homepage. Be careful. But I decided to move on and went to the contacts page. There was a correct link to the github. I did not review the code. I will leave it up to you guys to take a look at if what they declare is done here correctly. If you are a blockchain developer you can tell us in the comments under this video if what they have on github has anything to do with the project they are doing.

So the presale had already started. On pre sale page it says that the ICO starts in 23 days. I thought it should start in 4 days. Let's take a look at the homepage one more time. The roadmap says that they should start the ICO in 4 days. What I want you to do is to read their whitepaper it might be useful for you. I think that this project can be applied in Industry 4.0 for instance. The only thing I did not find is how they are planning to monetize it. Looks like it is another technology startup that you might want to support in case you are interested in this technology in the future. But the business model is unclear. Leave your comments if I did not notice. Good luck.

Title: ICO review: Matryx - A Decentralized blockchain Research Platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 19, 2017, 10:21:15 PM
Video review available here:

Let`s Matryx. Do not think that it is The Matrix with Neo, no, no, no. It is a decentralized research platform.
The reason why I want to review this project is the concept they are brining on the table is very interesting. What they are planning to do is get  people outside universities and colleges involved into solving ideas science has right now. They are trying to introduce the technology from other projects they did to the [Suspicious link removed]munity. Reviewing their home page everything looks nice. They have a lot of different things. The white paper is written in the format science articles are bein written. This is the first project I see that has two column white paper. In any case lets move on.

I tried to check who those guys are. The bad thing is that they have not links to their social profiles here. That is why I had to review their previous projects like calc flow and nanoone. Calcflow looks interesting they allow you using VR 3D manipulations with moleculars and other 3D objects. The second project nanome. Here they have links to their social profiles. Just in case I decided to write to the CEO Steve and ask him if he has anything to do with matrix. It is really hard to identify if a project that is going to ICO is a scam or non scam. Peole can use photos from google and try to raise money for nothing. The guy did not answer yet. But today is Saturday. We will see what will happen.

Their twitter account looks more friendly then their website. They had started doing it on July 6th. They also have some activity on their facebook public page. They also have a couple articles on medium.

I also took a look at their slack chat which has under 20 invloved just like their telegram channel. For a science project it is not bad. People from science are not usually marketers. I do not know how successful this project can be but according to their team and technologies from previous project and attaching blockchain they have chances to do everything planned.

I do not know if I want to invest money into this project. I will wait for an answer from the CEO and I will notify you in the comments to this video if he will answer or not.

Write in the comments to this video would you invest into this project or not? Why? And if you have interesting information about the technology they are using share with us

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: Agostosmori on August 19, 2017, 10:31:45 PM
In what world do you know all of this, are you the maker of this ICO's?

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: ophyrim on August 19, 2017, 10:47:18 PM
Thank you very much, my friend, for this topic. I put this topic to my favorite list and will follow very closely.
I will be grateful if you review DIMCOIN's ICO
Good Luck

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 20, 2017, 09:30:24 PM
In what world do you know all of this, are you the maker of this ICO's?
No. I am not a maker of those ICOs. I am just doing some research, go though their websites, whitepapers, social profiles, etc., the way I show it in videos.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TC Alt 20 on August 20, 2017, 09:44:36 PM

Check out one of the next healthcare platform token sales coming up...just announced a couple of days ago.

MedCredits (MEDX) is a blockchain powered platform connecting patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network.

BCT thread: (

MEDX White paper (

The MEDX team brings decades of medical experience to their telemedicine platform. Cofounded by US medical doctors, with a team of dentists, engineers, programmers and Wall Street traders. Token sale to be announced next month with goal of raising $30 million in Waves/Ether/Bitcoin. Potential to disrupt a $200 billion market in telemedicine.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 20, 2017, 09:55:18 PM
Thank you very much, my friend, for this topic. I put this topic to my favorite list and will follow very closely.
I will be grateful if you review DIMCOIN's ICO
Good Luck

Thanks. I really appreciate that. I will review DIMCOIN in the nearest few days. As far as I see they had almost raised $10 million which is their goal. Anyways I will take a closer look and will share it here.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 20, 2017, 10:03:13 PM

Check out one of the next healthcare platform token sales coming up...just announced a couple of days ago.

MedCredits (MEDX) is a blockchain powered platform connecting patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network.

BCT thread: (

MEDX White paper (

The MEDX team brings decades of medical experience to their telemedicine platform. Cofounded by US medical doctors, with a team of dentists, engineers, programmers and Wall Street traders. Token sale to be announced next month with goal of raising $30 million in Waves/Ether/Bitcoin. Potential to disrupt a $200 billion market in telemedicine.

Do you have ICO date already identified? I do not see you in any of the ICO calendars online. I am trying to review most of the ICOs that will start soon or just started.
In any case your project looks interesting and promising. You might wanna add links to your linkedin and other social profiles in your team section.
Let`s stay in touch and do your full review later on.

Title: ICO review: FLiK is entertainment ecosystem for creative projects to be funded
Post by: TokenSell on August 20, 2017, 10:16:26 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today is August 20th and we are going to review several ICOs that are coming soon. First I want to remind everybody that all videos on TokenSell channel are only for educational purpose only and you invest into any of the ICOs at your own risk. Please before investing anywhere go through the project website, get in touch with the team and make sure everything is real. Here we are only to express our own opinion about what is going and what we see.
The first project to review will be FLiK. FLiK is an end-to-end entertainment ecosystem that allows for creative projects to be funded, filmed and distributed.
Let`s take a look at the team. So we see the founder and co-owner T.I. The first thing I thought about Clifford Harris joining the project should be mentioned somewhere in the social. So let`s check it. I saw on his account in twitter that he retweeted that announcement and even got 2700 retweets. Let's move on. Tony Gallippi is also part of the team. Looks like those guys already did a project called BitPay. In any case we are trying to figure out if FLik worth a while. While reviewing their whitepaper I had noticed that those guys are planning to raise more than 100 million bucks. Here are the token distribution part. They are planning to sell 540 million tokens. 1000 tokens costs 2 eth.
I did not see anything about the tech team but in their blog I saw that they are planning to outsource some of technical work. Digital Glue will help them in deployment in network installations. But how will you create the coins? And will you distribute them at all?
If you see where this information is please let me know in the comments to the video review.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TC Alt 20 on August 20, 2017, 11:28:06 PM

Check out one of the next healthcare platform token sales coming up...just announced a couple of days ago.

MedCredits (MEDX) is a blockchain powered platform connecting patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network.

BCT thread: (

MEDX White paper (

The MEDX team brings decades of medical experience to their telemedicine platform. Cofounded by US medical doctors, with a team of dentists, engineers, programmers and Wall Street traders. Token sale to be announced next month with goal of raising $30 million in Waves/Ether/Bitcoin. Potential to disrupt a $200 billion market in telemedicine.

Do you have ICO date already identified? I do not see you in any of the ICO calendars online. I am trying to review most of the ICOs that will start soon or just started.
In any case your project looks interesting and promising. You might wanna add links to your linkedin and other social profiles in your team section.
Let`s stay in touch and do your full review later on.

MEDX token sale date and details will be announced in a few weeks. The launch will be in Q4 2017, but we have not announced the date yet. Good idea about adding LinkedIn links. Look forward to staying in touch.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: Gatotare on August 20, 2017, 11:47:05 PM
thanks for the infos! added to my bookmark and will follow this topic closely!

Title: ICO review: Imperium is a revolutionary sports betting platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 11:29:57 AM
You can watch video review here -

Current project we are reviewing Imperium intends to revolutionise betting industry. What they are trying to do right now is do the same functionality that betting exchanges have already but make it with zero fees. I have several questions. First of all, is how they are going to compete with such big players like which are
in that industry for many years. Of course betfair takes up to 6% commission. But still it has being stable. Let`s see what they propose. No fees, no limits, no risks. No risks with the blockchain. It all depends on miners you know. Let`s move on. The team decided to stay anonymous. It is not a bad idea if you are doing a betting project. But if you are planning to raise money on ICO how can we make sure that those guys know enough and have skill to complete this project.
Of course the answers to the Frequently asked questions makes me think that they did good job research. But I can not find anything proving me that I need to invest into this project unless I see something like an MVP.
What about Roadmap? They are planning to go to the exchange in the last quarter of this year. Right now they are raising and then they are going to exchanges. I wonder when are they planning to do the development?
May be I am missing something here. If you have any additional information please share it with us in the comments.
Now let's move on. According to their blog on they are saying that they do not want to show their names because they are aiming to a multi billion industry where some part of it is controlled by black market. I can understand that. However from what I read in articles when Betfair appeared they were also going into the same industry competing with the same bookmakers or bookkeeping companies. and they were completely open and transparent.
I decided to take a look when did they register their domain name. It was less than 5 weeks ago. Not much time has gone since then.
The twitter account. They got Spart. Twice. Hello Sparta. This is Sparta! Cmon. They started social activity less than a month ago. And their facebook fan page. They are trying to be active here but the anonymousness does not make me confident to invest into this project.
The decision is up to you. Write in comments if you will invest into this project or not? What concerns do you have about it? And may be the team of Imperium will get in touch with us and answer our questions.

Title: ICO review: Umbrella Coin is a next generation insurance platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 11:36:39 AM
You can watch video review here -

We continue discussing projects that are going to ICO on August 20th and the next project is Umbrella Coin. I went through their whitepaper and their website and first I want to talk about the team. This is the first website where I see almost the whole team on one photo. What I notice from their linkedin profiles is that most of them are working for Microsoft right now. Only Terry Tata and SOn Nguyen had mentioned that they are in Umbrella Coin project.

Let's move forward. What are they doing? They are sort of revolutionizing the insurance industry by bringing the blockchain and letting community decide if you should receive your insurance payment or not. The crowd intelligence is a nice idea. We like that idea. We can wish good luck to those guys.

To be honest I do not like their website with that background and scrolling thing. But what I can tell you exactly that they have very clear videos on their homepage. They are pretty active in social networks. However some of the posts looks to me having too many likes and reposts compared to the number of subscribers. But all this depends on how your audience is.  They are also presented in the facebook. They had mentioned in one of the articles on their medium blog that they made some big steps forward. So I decided to take a look at their github. And guess what, yes they have some progress. The way I figure out they are doing something is cause they got 41 commits in one of the branches and in another one they have 65 commits. Here are the updates.

Write in the comments to this video what do you think should we invest into this company or not? Do you see any concerns besides those I had mentioned? Do you think insurance industry is ready for such blockchain project or will it be ready in the next two years?
Ok. Lets move on

Title: ICO review: Feeed an open source fundraising and trading platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 12:20:11 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today we are reviewing ICOs and the next project to review is Feeed. This project is about fundraising money for small startups. Hold on is not the ICO about raising money for startups? Well. Let's move on. You can see this nice video that those guys had created for us. You can also find it in the project Wiki.
The first thing I did not find on the homepage is the RoadMap. What they say is that RoadMap is on trello. But everything is in progress even the RoadMap. Cmon guys everything should be there including the RoadMap. Make it public and very concrete with milestones.
Lets see their trello. Roadmap is in "Progress" stage. That is what he meant.
Moving on.
What those guys are planning to do is allow people  to vote, to invest into projects and according to their whitepaper here is the functionality that will be in their system:
- opinions about project (like kickstarter)
- upvoting for the most trusted startups (like product hunt)
- follow the evolution of the startups.
- track accounts on feeed.
- track the amount of feeed in circulation.
- knowing the total valuation of the fund.
Good. Lets see what they have about tokens. Token distribution. 90 million tokens will be distributed. The top cap is $20 million. At least they show what their hard cap is.
How are they planning to spend money they will raise? Do not see here.
Oh, the roadmap is part of the white paper.
So they are  in process of development. They are planning to launch it in september.  Open feeed startup investment already in october. Good for them.
Those guys are pretty active and open on their social networks: facebook, twitter. Not afraid to show their faces. Looks like  they are working. Doing some commits on github. They are being discussed on bitcointalk. Everything looks so far transparent and clear.

Now. Things I do not like and I want to mention. The first thing that I did not find how they will use the money raised. I understand that it looks like there are only two of them in the project and it is hard to do everything: development, put all of the updates on the website, etc.
I do not want to be too unoptimistic about this project. At least I see all the attributes the project should have.
I wish them good luck.

Title: ICO review: TorrentChain Anonymous and Blockchain based torrenting or scam
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 01:09:13 PM
You can watch video review here -

We are doing reviews of ICOs and we got an example of how not to do an ICO website.
Welcome to torrent chain project. First, I want to mention that I like the idea of mixing blockchain and torrents. You can share your opinion in the comments to this video. But looking at this website scroll down. Crowdsale details. Ok. Torrent distribution. It is good to have percentage of how many tokens will go where. Cause here it is not obvious how many percentage it is: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 percents.
Ok. Userfriendly, rewarding. Great. They had described how they will be doing it. But let's take a look at their RoadMap. They had started in 2015 and in July 2017 they had started security and privacy audit. But they are planning to finish it guess when. After the crowdsale. I do not like that idea. I would like to see that report before the crowdsale will start. In any case lest see further they have on their website. Look at the team. No names, nothing is clickable. How should I understand that you guys are real? That you are not a teenager that did not graduate from high school and trying to raise some money using ICO instruments.
I decided to take a look who and when registered the domain name. Looks like the domain name was registered just a few weeks ago. All that makes me think that this is not something serious. May be the team of TorrentChain will get in touch with us and how what they are doing, their github, social networks, so we can talk to them and ask if they are real or not.
Leave your comments to this video and let's move on to the next one.

What do you think about this project?

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: dealung on August 21, 2017, 01:32:10 PM
There are some interesting projects for me, spheris, cindicator, rootproject, monetha and utrust. Can you give me a review about monetha and utrust, because I want to invest there.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: realbigs21024 on August 21, 2017, 01:33:46 PM
Has anyone heard of ATS ( not sure how good it is but giving away 75 tokens said to be worth $10 in ETH at the moment

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: chesegrinder on August 21, 2017, 01:47:44 PM
hey! thanks for the information this thread helps me alot.... the way how you look and review ICO is very much concrete and strict. If you dont mind i would pm you one company i am scouting for a month for there ICO and upcoming Coins in the blockchain. i would like to see what is your insight about that company.

thank you and best regard!

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 05:36:55 PM
hey! thanks for the information this thread helps me alot.... the way how you look and review ICO is very much concrete and strict. If you dont mind i would pm you one company i am scouting for a month for there ICO and upcoming Coins in the blockchain. i would like to see what is your insight about that company.

thank you and best regard!
Hello. Sure. Send me a personal message and we will discuss it.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: Xxmodded on August 21, 2017, 07:17:44 PM
you give a logical and appropriate exposure to education for beginners who want to follow ico, want to invest or in bounty projects. But my question is, what do you want to say? Do you have ico project? If yes what is it.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 08:47:49 PM
you give a logical and appropriate exposure to education for beginners who want to follow ico, want to invest or in bounty projects. But my question is, what do you want to say? Do you have ico project? If yes what is it.

Thanks for your question. I had already answered it in my first post in that topic: "I am doing analytics to pick up interesting ICOs to invest and want to share this information with others. However I do not want to tell you exactly where to invest."

Title: ICO review: Tracor is the premier decentralized logistics platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 21, 2017, 09:00:23 PM

You can see the video review here -

Today we are reviewing an ICO project called Tracor. Instead of reviewing 6 ICOs like I did yesterday I decided to pick on that I think might worth our while and that might have a breakthrough in the next few years. This project is dedicated to logistic industry and what they are saying is that they will revolutionize the self-storage, tracking and logistic industry in the future.
First of all I want to mention a couple of mistakes or things that the guys did not think about. On the homepage I did not find anything about the team. But I found it in their whitepaper but without any links to linkedin profiles or any other personal social networks so we can reach them.
The second thing why didn't they put any countdown here. It usually motivates and creates sort of urgency.
Let`s review their whitepaper and see what they are planning to do. Tracor is a decentralized platform allowing users to connect, buy & sell their storage capacity, and buy & sell goods internationally while being able to track it real time. That is a very interesting idea and they had mentioned in their medium blog a self-explanatory phrase "Would you like to be able to list your self-storage and make extra income by renting it out, similar to Airbnb". Those guys have ambitious plans. We can find their team down below in the white paper. The team looks profession and able to achieve the goals they have. The only thing as I mentioned I do not see any links to linkedin profiles. And I do not want to google them to see who they are. May be the team will see and fix that issue.
Now the guys are aiming for a business for many years. You can see it not only from their goals but also from how they are planning to distribute their tokens. They are planning to distribute 700 million tokens. 600 million will go to contributors (investors during ICO), 50 million is 20% bonus. Only 30 million tokens will go to the team and 20 million to advisory board. That will vest over the course of 2 years. That makes me think that people believe in their project and for sure will do the best to finalize it.
The other important thing to mention is that their system will have Proof-of-Stake consensus. And token holders will be able to participate in the evolution process. That will allow to get people involved and get feedback from the community. They say in their whitepaper that they will use most of money raised towards development.
According to their roadmap they are planning to make first release in January 2018 which is less than in a half a year.
I also want to take a look at their twitter account. Let's see where it was.
They have 2600 followers and the number of posts and likes which is close to 0 makes me think they do not use any black promotion techniques for their twitter account.

Let us wish this team good luck, collect the money, do the project and we will look closely at their results in future programs.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: 100degrees on August 21, 2017, 09:40:24 PM
Check out many large partnerships with big business. Check it out.

Title: ICO review: Liquid Asset Token (LAToken) - assets tokenization platform
Post by: TokenSell on August 22, 2017, 08:33:24 PM
You can see video review of LAToken ICO here -

Today I want to review the project that is called liquid assets token. The reason why I want to talk about is because we are joining the tokenization of economy. LAToken is one of the projects that already has a MVP and will be one of the projects that might change the economical situation around depts. Because of this type of companies appeared banking system and huge banks started to attract attention to blockchain technology early this year.
To make a long story short this company is proposing to tokenize real eatate, peaces of artwork and sell them partially to investors. For instance, if you want to buy out your house and instead of paying percentage to the banks you can buy it out by selling tokens and then buy out tokens with less commission during next years. Lets review what they have. I do not want to go through their website too deeply. You can see all that interesting information, eye catching animation. They have a preaty strong team from what I learned. Their CEO did some project in Russia bout getting credits. They have their first round of token sell. By the way they have live support that answers questions which is nice.
They did good job in marketing. They did a presentation which looks nice. Of course some of the ideas are way to optimistic about selling tokens of pyramids in Egypt.
This team is aming to help four groups of individuals to rais money:
1) Equity
2) Dept
3) Real estate
4) Work of art
The main adavantage of this way of raising money is that you have very low commission rates. You can see the differenct between LAToken and ordinary exchange.
Comparing 6 months to 1 week of preparation. Of course you can do an ICO. Everybody knows this.
I am not very strong about leagal issues in USA and I am not sure how they will deal with Securities and Exchange Commission. They are proposing very low fees on the trades which is 0.001% and 0.01% on assets creation.
From what I saw on their website and whitepaper. They have already a working product. I am not sure how real those numbers are. Some of the items are part of the test network. It is a good idea for a prjoect that is constantly updated so you distinguish what they are doing new and at the same time have working with real assets.
Project team is very active in social network. They visit different conferences, make photos with famous people from [Suspicious link removed]munity. They even a have a video with Etherium found where they share ideas and get feedback.
Token distribution. They are planning to raise 400.000 Eth which is now $120 million.
They create 400 million tokens and other 600 million tokens will be frozen for next 10 years. They assume that company and project will grow.
Let`s see how they are planning to use their funds.
40% will be used to engage new investors and owners.
10% spent on development. Taking into account that they say the product is ready it is ok to have such small percentage for development.
They are also going to provide an ability to develop assets on their platform.
The important thing is that team bonus pool is 10% with a cap of $1 million. It means that they will not just take 10% of all the money raise and throw them into a bank account and fly to some islands.
If there are people watching this video who know how legal this stuff is and is there a chance for that project to be block by SEC share with us your opinion. I see this as the greatest risk.
I want to remind you that this article is created only for educational purposes and you invest into any ICO at your own risk.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: itsonlikedonkeykong on August 22, 2017, 08:56:00 PM
Thank you for sharing this!

You should keep a running list in bold with links at the top of all the ico reviews.

What do you think about (vs. Blockcat?)


Title: ICO review TokenStub - Decentralized, secure and low-cost event ticketing market
Post by: TokenSell on August 23, 2017, 08:37:04 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today we will review another ICO. It is an ICO of decentralized ticket marketplace with low commission and additional costs. The name of it TokenStub. Let`s move on directly to the team. Oh, before that let us review the key dates. So the ICO was announced on August 6th, the presale started on August 18th, today the ICO starts and then the revolution begins. Let's see who will do this revolution. This team got a very interesting combination cause the second person mentioned is a lawyer. They do not have any links to their linkedin profiles. When I searched for Sean McHale I got around 40 results and none of them looked like him. Too bad.
Let`s jump to the white paper and review the Crowdsale details. They are planning to create 200 million stubs which is their coin. They are planning to raise 15 million. So they have a hard cap which is nice to know how much money you are planning to spend.
And this is where the money will go: half of it will go towards development, 23% for marketing, 2% fro accounting, 15% for consulting and 10% for legal issues.
The road map. This year they are planning to launch their wallet. Then in the beginning of next year their platform. After this in the second quarter of 2018 iOS and Android wallet. Then iOS and Android ticket application. So looks like they have a year of development and then they are planning to do the marketing.
Good luck guys.
Lets review their facebook. They got 78 people following. Not much. And they started the facebook page in the beginning of August. Their twitter is a bit better. They got 804 followers.
The other thing I notice they got an unanswered question on bitcointalk forum from one of the bounty team members.
So far the project looks nice. Does not look like the project has an MVP.
Another thing I want to show you is how you can understand if the team did a good job on visualization of their project on the website. I call it Chinese test. You just switch to Chinese or whatever language you do not understand and see what can you understand about the project. This team passes the test only with their faces. The chinese test does not help me understand what the project is about. A bit more visualizations, illustrations might help. Something that will help to visualize how the tokens will be used or how the tickets will be sold.
Anyways we wish this team good luck. Leave in the comments if you will invest into this project or not and why?

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on August 23, 2017, 08:52:38 PM
Thank you for sharing this!

You should keep a running list in bold with links at the top of all the ico reviews.

What do you think about (vs. Blockcat?)


It is good to review projects like that when you can test the product. In my own opinion right now it is a good time to build platforms that can cover all needs of a project going to ICO. Sort of create your own standard ICO infrustructure (instead of smart contracts only) and kill the market of custom development. If there is a project like that with MVP I will surely review it.

Right now I am reviewing projects that start their ICO at the day of the review. If you think your project worth reviewing send me an email at tokensell [at] and we will discuss.

Title: ICO review: Hubii Network - Blockchain based decentralised content marketplace
Post by: TokenSell on August 25, 2017, 05:20:04 AM
You can watch video review here -

Today I want to review a project that is going to ICO right now. It is called hubbi network. It is blockchain based decentralised content marketplace. You know when I first was reviewing this project I was thinking that since we are right now in the digital age and we are so used to it we do not realize what does it take to product a good piece of content. Right now everybody is overloaded with content that is reaching us in social networks, different news website, portals, ect. Sometimes we stick with some resources that contains good content. Usually this type of content is produced by professionals. By those people who understand what they are doing. This project in my own opinion can possible make this situation better. Hubbi network will allow a lot more professionals to be reached by content distributors and make sort of new wave in that industry. And may be change the situation for people who produce the content to make more revenue from it. The content that is being discussed in this project is text, audio, video, images. From what I understood right now those guys already have a working project which is and they are working with text and images to be sold. They have about 50 million audience that they are reaching. According to their whitepaper they can reach 800 million audience if they raise the money. I do not want to stress test this website using chinese test. You can see at the website that their team is quite big and they all have linkedin profiles. The CEO of the project had mention this company in his linkedin profile.  They are very active in the social network in twitter. They have almost 2000 followers. They had started that twitter account around a month ago. They have 186 tweets and a lot of engagement of the audience. You can see number of likes and reports.
Reviewing their whitepaper showed me that the team know where they are going. They had thought about the verification of the content and de-verification in case some evidence will appear after the content will be verified. If someone will be able to prove that it was his/her content de-verification will take place.
They are also aware of the technical issues that will appear especially you can imagine how much space will be necessary to store audio and video content.
What I liked in their white paper is that they have a lot of cases how their project will be used and users will benefit from that. You can go through list of cases by yourself I do not want to spend too much time reviewing it now.
What I also liked in their white paper is that they say that if they do not raise enough for their hard cap they will still follow their roadmap but it will be slower. They will also have to raise some venture capital in this case. Lets wish those guys good luck to raise all the money during crowdsale.
They are aware of vulnerability of currency rates.
They talk a lot about storing the content and they understand that at first stages their system will be only partially decentralized. They seem to understand how many efforts it will take to do that.
I do not like being very optimistic about projects that are going to ICO. But this project makes me think that may be the content will get better and we will see more websites with professional content. And may be we will spend less time researching it. Huge companies like google are trying to make our life easier by page ranking websites and their pages. However it does not solve the problem of more good content be created. It can only identify the best content. I think that still a lot of content makers are not able to make their hobby something that will give them enough to live. There are a lot of content makers who are working from home, office or coworking centers and they are self-employed. This type of adding blockchain technology to this type of relationships when you create and sell content might lower the commission rates, remove middleman reselling the content. Possible this will help people producing professional content will allow to make more money and produce more content.
Hubbii network is planning to raise $40 million. They seem to be aware of things connected to distributing tokens using Ethereum. You should definitely go through their white paper yourself.
I just want to add that reviewing ICO I am meeting more and more projects that worth a while. There is still a lot of scam. But projects who have an MVP, who have strong team who can explain why do they need to raise the money are good examples. This is type of projects who might be a sustainable business that is raising money to grow, scale.
Write in the comments will you invest into this company or not? What do you think about ways for this project to evolve? If you have any additional information about this project share with us.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: Soranith on August 25, 2017, 06:52:09 AM
This thread is quite interesting and a good read keep posting here bro at least we have some references about the ICO's that is going on, keep the information coming.

Title: ICO review: Godzillion - The New Disruptive Decentralized Marketplace Where Peop
Post by: TokenSell on August 25, 2017, 09:34:14 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today is August 25th and we are reviewing ICOs again. I want to attract your attention to the fact that there is about 6 or 7 ICOs starting today. I had reviewed all of them. The first thing that was on my mind is it a joke or not? Some of them obviously are a joke. Instead of making a very critical video about all of them I decided to pick on that might worth reviewing on TokenSell channel. This project is called Godzillion. It is done by chilean company. They are from South America. This is first project that we review from Chile.
It is ethereum based token that will unable to vote, issue and distribute the tokens within ethereum virtual machine. You can review video with this guy. He seems to be very confident about what he is saying. I do not want to go too deep through their whitepaper. You can do it by yourself. I just want to mentioned that guys had placed a lot of information on their website. I can not agree with the way they designed it: colors, backgrounds. It is more of destruction than a help.
They have one pager, terms. Nice thing that there is their company profile on linkedin with list of staff. Looks like their are all from Chile which is good for a project to be located at least in one country.
They are pretty active on facebook and twitter. You can see the cofounders here btw. They are reaching different audience in different languages. The RoadMap looks just fine. They have pretty clear and decent plan on what and when they will do. They seem to have clear understanding on how they will use money.
However none of the ICOs today had answers the question why are they different and in what way. Or maybe they do answer it in a way that does not satisfy me.
We wish good luck to godzillion team. Lets hope they will raise those money and they will do the project they are planning to do and they will not scam and will prove that teams from different countries can raise money and do projects like that. See you in the next videos.

Title: Re: ICO review: FLiK is entertainment ecosystem for creative projects to be funded
Post by: on August 26, 2017, 05:07:57 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today is August 20th and we are going to review several ICOs that are coming soon. First I want to remind everybody that all videos on TokenSell channel are only for educational purpose only and you invest into any of the ICOs at your own risk. Please before investing anywhere go through the project website, get in touch with the team and make sure everything is real. Here we are only to express our own opinion about what is going and what we see.
The first project to review will be FLiK. FLiK is an end-to-end entertainment ecosystem that allows for creative projects to be funded, filmed and distributed.
Let`s take a look at the team. So we see the founder and co-owner T.I. The first thing I thought about Clifford Harris joining the project should be mentioned somewhere in the social. So let`s check it. I saw on his account in twitter that he retweeted that announcement and even got 2700 retweets. Let's move on. Tony Gallippi is also part of the team. Looks like those guys already did a project called BitPay. In any case we are trying to figure out if FLik worth a while. While reviewing their whitepaper I had noticed that those guys are planning to raise more than 100 million bucks. Here are the token distribution part. They are planning to sell 540 million tokens. 1000 tokens costs 2 eth.
I did not see anything about the tech team but in their blog I saw that they are planning to outsource some of technical work. Digital Glue will help them in deployment in network installations. But how will you create the coins? And will you distribute them at all?
If you see where this information is please let me know in the comments to the video review.

Hi TokenSell,  thanks for the nice write-up about FLIK.  I'd like to answer your questions about how we will create coins and will we distribute them.  1) Coins are created "minted" at the time of purchase.  2) The coins are sent to the purchaser as soon as their purchase (transaction) is processed on the blockchain.  Our buyers do not have to wait 30 days or 60 days, they receive their coins/tokens almost immediately.

Also, we have posted a new video that explains what FLIK is doing and why we're so excited about it.  You can view it on Twitter (feel free to retweet it!) here:

Let me know if I can answer anything else for you.  Keep up the great work!


Title: Re: ICO review: Godzillion - The New Disruptive Decentralized Marketplace Where Peop
Post by: godzillion on August 26, 2017, 07:02:49 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today is August 25th and we are reviewing ICOs again. I want to attract your attention to the fact that there is about 6 or 7 ICOs starting today. I had reviewed all of them. The first thing that was on my mind is it a joke or not? Some of them obviously are a joke. Instead of making a very critical video about all of them I decided to pick on that might worth reviewing on TokenSell channel. This project is called Godzillion. It is done by chilean company. They are from South America. This is first project that we review from Chile.
It is ethereum based token that will unable to vote, issue and distribute the tokens within ethereum virtual machine. You can review video with this guy. He seems to be very confident about what he is saying. I do not want to go too deep through their whitepaper. You can do it by yourself. I just want to mentioned that guys had placed a lot of information on their website. I can not agree with the way they designed it: colors, backgrounds. It is more of destruction than a help.
They have one pager, terms. Nice thing that there is their company profile on linkedin with list of staff. Looks like their are all from Chile which is good for a project to be located at least in one country.
They are pretty active on facebook and twitter. You can see the cofounders here btw. They are reaching different audience in different languages. The RoadMap looks just fine. They have pretty clear and decent plan on what and when they will do. They seem to have clear understanding on how they will use money.
However none of the ICOs today had answers the question why are they different and in what way. Or maybe they do answer it in a way that does not satisfy me.
We wish good luck to godzillion team. Lets hope they will raise those money and they will do the project they are planning to do and they will not scam and will prove that teams from different countries can raise money and do projects like that. See you in the next videos.

Thank you for the Review and Analysis that you did with our Project Godzillion! We appreciate it. About the doubts that you may have, related to how we are different to the rest of the projects, it is because of this key arguments:

1) We are a DApp ready in the Alpha. It's not only an Idea + Team + whitepaper, like a lot of projects
2) We have a team that has shown traction of investor and clients (we have angel and vc fund investors and companies that already had use our DApp)
3) the DApp bring solutions to 2 big segments that are real today: Startup Crowdfunding contributors and Startups. This market is not future is present and demanding. Godzillion has a 50 startup around the world waiting for submitting their proposal to be voted.
4) the DApp offer free ERC20 exchange 0% Fee; and
5) The DApp has the potential to be integrated with several successful models that are being developed on the Blockchain.

Those are our key arguments. Also, We invite you to join us on Slack ( or Telegram ( and talk with the funders. They are online!

Title: ICO Review: commodityadnetwork network of creative minds
Post by: TokenSell on August 27, 2017, 04:43:03 PM
You can watch video review here -

Today we are reviewing another ICO. This time it will be commodity ad The first that attracted my attention was the amount of languages that this website is presented in. Talking about concept of this project if you remember a couple days ago we were reviewing which is a marketplace for content creators to sell their work directly to distributors without resellers and with low commission. This project is close and the idea is close the difference is if was more in general about media and stuff. This project is more about alternative video. You can see the team presented on their website.
They have almost every social network they might need. They have understanding of how they will be doing business. I am not sure about their business model and if I would invest into this project.
They have a white paper. There is one thing that made me confused is this: "A network of the Good Guys, for the Good Guys". Well. That is not bad. But right now we are in the 21st century and titles like that might not work. I might be wrong. It is my only opinion. I want to remind you that all the videos create on that channel are only for educational purpose. It is up to you to invest or not to invest into any projects that is going to ICO.
Next thing I want to mention is that guys are presented in social networks on twitter, facebook, they have their own youtube channel with 130 subscribers. There is a thread on bitcointalk.
The worst thing that happens right now to almost every single ICO is that people who are doing those projects do not explain the difference between them and other projects. Why they will succeed. If we are talking about They already have a working website with millions of visitors. Talking about this project I would like your involvement and if you have any information about how successful their business is right now. This might be an additional reason to invest into this project. I do not want to make any conclusions. I will leave it up to you. You can review this project website and you can try to get deep into their idea and make your own decision about investing into this company.

Title: ICO review: UTRUST is a revolutionary payment platform that empowers buyers to p
Post by: TokenSell on August 28, 2017, 08:07:09 PM
You can watch video review here -
Today we will review another ICO. This project is in the stage of pre-ICO. The reason why I chose this project is cause I like there website and they have descent white paper. This project - UTRUST - does a new revolutionary payment platform. They will help people to use fiat currencies to pay in their tokens and at the same time provide an ecosystem for solving disputes and do it faster than it is done by services as bitpay. Now what I like about this website and about this project is they have partners, nice video describing the project, they also have a strong team that makes me think they have all chances to succeed. And everybody in the team has linked in profiles which proves they are real people. It is nice to work with real people at our ICO age.
Reviewing their white paper you will notice that they have description of the problem and clear explanation how they will solve the problem.
They will try to make an ecosystem for ecommerce and cryptocurrencies to make it more safe and reliable for buyers, merchants and for token holders who will be supporting their project. An interesting thing is that they are planning to have a commission that will be burned usage. This fact will decrease number of tokens available and raise the price of tokens on exchanges. As soon as the system will grow the price of the token will go higher.
One of the things they will have is an escrow service. That will allow user pay money to the merchant only in case when he receives what he paid for. They will have a dispute resolving system. During first week all misunderstanding between buyer and merchant could be solved directly and if they will not be solved dispute will be sent to mediator who will help them solve that issue.
Their tokens will be used everywhere in the system. They are creating 1 billion tokens and raise a bit less than $50 million.
Today on august 28th their pre-ico starts. Here is their comparison to paypal and bitpay. As you can see they have all the features listed here and some of the features are not presented in bitpay or paypal like decentralized token linked to platform. Well, bet ya.
Now let's move on and I want to show you one more thing which is important is how they are planning to spend the money.
51% will go towards engineering and development - I like this one.
21% will be used for marketing and promotion, 14% for legal and regulation issues, 7% for partner engagement. 5% for administrative costs and 2% for other things.
I do not see what the team is getting. Another thing I do not see in the white paper is how the team is planning to store money raised. Will it be a cold wallet stored in a safe place. Will there be an escrow that will give out hte money only when the team will achieve some results
By the way we can review their roadmap to review what they will do and when.
They have pretty ambitious plans as I see. They want to release in second quarter of 2018 the test api and then in third quarter client api and web wallet app. They have a year of development ahead of them. They want to release native apps on iOS and Android in the end of next year and also have 200 plus merchants involved.
Lets wish this team good luck. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you have any questions please ask them.
Starting from this video all the ICOs will be reviewed according to a certain scheme that our team had developed. And according to that scheme or review procedure we are reviewing project idea, business model, team, token distribution and budget usages, what achievements the project has and social media.
The most important aspects are the problem project is solving, business model and the team, do they have an MVP or not (this project does not have one as I see). This ICO is rated 51/100 which is very nice. The results could be better if the team would have an MVP, if we had clear understanding about escrow and the last thing I would recommend is to budget each stage of development.

Title: ICO review: cartaxi - World's first operating car towing platform on blockchain
Post by: TokenSell on August 30, 2017, 09:22:57 PM
You can see video review here -
Today we will review a project called cartaxi. It is going to ICO. Right now it at the stage of pre-ICO. The reason why I picked up this project because it is one of those project that are already working projects with an MVP and other applications in apple store and google play. Let`s see what this project has. The team had created an application that allows car drivers to get their car towed to a place where it can be repaired. Right now it is a trend that a lot of services like that are being aggregated and the leads from real calls from people are forwarded to the nearest service provider available. This industry is not an exception. Reviewing this project I see that the team has understanding of where their project is going, they did their marketing research and are aiming towards markets of Russia, China and USA. You can see the team here on their website. The team is quite big - over 40 people. They have names and descriptions with linkedin profiles.
The tokens they are created looks to me very close to security because they are planning  to pay out dividends. For us as investors we need to be very careful about things like that because Securities and Exchanges Commission in USA is monitoring project like that. That is why it is obvious that this team will have to deal with SEC to be listed on US exchanges like poloniex.
Of course all of the things connected to SEC are solvable because you just need to be regulated. But current situation in token industry and ICOs and because there is so much scam over there being a security becomes an issue for projects.
This project has clear business model where they take 10-20% commission from services provided to users.
They have application on AppStore and Google Play. They have clear explanation of the problem to be solved. This application allow you to quickly find nearest car towing service that can help you in case of emergency.
They also have explanation how they will be distributing the dividends in the future. THey have a hard cap around $70 million. They are planning to raise during pre-ICO around 3000 ETH which is more than $900 thousands and $65 million during ICO. Good thing they know how they will use money raised. They have budgets on each of the stage in their RoadMap and they had mentioned that they have an escrow. I did not find who will be the escrow of this project but having one already makes me more confident in that project.
Project team is very active in social network on facebook and twitter. They are quite popular. They also have telegram account.
This project looks to me very promising. But I want to remind you that you invest on your own risk in any ICO. This video is created in educational purposes only.
This project is rated 71/100 which is biggest rating for ICO this week we have so far. We wish this team good luck during the ICO and after they ICO.
If you have any information about this project leave it in the comments.

Title: ICO review: Belrium - First KYC compliant blockchain
Post by: TokenSell on September 08, 2017, 04:46:19 PM
You can see video review here -

Belrium is getting 73 / 100 in our rating.

Hello everyone. Today is September 8th and we are reviewing another ICO which is called Belrium. This ICO comes from a company called belfrics. They already have a trading platform that they had built. They are introducing right now KYC complient blockchain. To make a long story short they are trying to make a blockchain where users will be verified which means that they will do KYC before the transactions will be processed which is nice for companies who want to be open and receive payments from known people. What makes me think that this ICO will succeed is that they already have a working product and also introducing another application for retailers, shoppers and advertisers. They believe that this application will bring more users to their blockchain. We will see. Let's move on. Token distribution: the team is planning to distribute tokens into 4 pools.
Pool A (60%) : Pool A will represent the contribution made during the token sale period.
Pool B (20%) : Belfrics reserve and founders allocation
Pool C (10%) : Reserved for Key team members and contributors who worked to develop the company and the ideas, supporting structures and facilities provided.
Pool D (10%) : Discretionary distribution to early backers, introducers.
This is how they are planning to spend the investment money.
25% for blockchain product development for the next 3-5 years.
10% for BelfricsBt development.
10% first strike acquisition
5% belrium foundation
5% for existing investors
5% pre-ICO marketing contributions
40% belfriks exchange operation for next 3-5 years.
If you will take a look at their documentation you will see 3 main documents. The first one is about technical aspects of the project. This document is detailed enough for you to understand how systems like that should be built. You will see how they will organize their blockchain which will be Delegated Proof of Stack where every miner will be verified.
They have pretty clear information about how the transactions will be processed or not processed for users who are not verified. The tech document contains everything you need to understand about tech aspects of this project at the stage of ICO.
White paper contains information about the team, business model. The business model is not that clearly explained. But we all understand that they have a trading platform, will have a blockchain and an app for retailers and they will do their best at monetizing information collected from that. Having all the information about their users from trading platform and retailer app will help them monetize their services.
The whitepaper contains information about their current companies. By the way they have a development company which will probably help them do the technical part of this project.
You can also see their team members, advisors and partners.
Now here are the numbers from their current business. They say that they had invested $500K and are working for 2.5 years and declare to be one of the top exchanges.
The RoadMap is pretty descent. THey are planning to introduce the belfrics proprietary trading platform in the end of this year, first strike application in the beginning of next year and belrium blockchain in the second quarter of next year which is quite quick comparing to most of other projects.
The ICO starts today and ends in a month from now.
Talking about their social networks I want to mention that they are pretty active their. Their twitter account is more than half year old however they do not have so many followers. Probably they did not spend that much time promoting it. Their facebook page has more than 18 thousands people following it.
What I also like about this company is their page on linkedin with a list of company employees. It make more confident in the company when it has a public page on linkedin.
I want to remind you that you invest at your own risk in any of the ICO. This video was created only for educational purposes only.
If you have any important information about this company please share with us in the comments.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on September 19, 2017, 07:40:49 PM
It`s being a while since I made a review. If you have propositions about video reviews of ICOs I should make for this or next week send me an email at tokensell [at]

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: johnsm79 on September 19, 2017, 08:07:05 PM
It`s being a while since I made a review. If you have propositions about video reviews of ICOs I should make for this or next week send me an email at tokensell [at]

I would advice you to start your own blog. You can then re-post some ideas here or provide a link here or add links to other posts that will help people.

Title: Re: ICO review: Tracor is the premier decentralized logistics platform
Post by: FutureC0in on September 24, 2017, 12:10:08 AM

You can see the video review here -

Today we are reviewing an ICO project called Tracor. Instead of reviewing 6 ICOs like I did yesterday I decided to pick on that I think might worth our while and that might have a breakthrough in the next few years. This project is dedicated to logistic industry and what they are saying is that they will revolutionize the self-storage, tracking and logistic industry in the future.
First of all I want to mention a couple of mistakes or things that the guys did not think about. On the homepage I did not find anything about the team. But I found it in their whitepaper but without any links to linkedin profiles or any other personal social networks so we can reach them.
The second thing why didn't they put any countdown here. It usually motivates and creates sort of urgency.
Let`s review their whitepaper and see what they are planning to do. Tracor is a decentralized platform allowing users to connect, buy & sell their storage capacity, and buy & sell goods internationally while being able to track it real time. That is a very interesting idea and they had mentioned in their medium blog a self-explanatory phrase "Would you like to be able to list your self-storage and make extra income by renting it out, similar to Airbnb". Those guys have ambitious plans. We can find their team down below in the white paper. The team looks profession and able to achieve the goals they have. The only thing as I mentioned I do not see any links to linkedin profiles. And I do not want to google them to see who they are. May be the team will see and fix that issue.
Now the guys are aiming for a business for many years. You can see it not only from their goals but also from how they are planning to distribute their tokens. They are planning to distribute 700 million tokens. 600 million will go to contributors (investors during ICO), 50 million is 20% bonus. Only 30 million tokens will go to the team and 20 million to advisory board. That will vest over the course of 2 years. That makes me think that people believe in their project and for sure will do the best to finalize it.
The other important thing to mention is that their system will have Proof-of-Stake consensus. And token holders will be able to participate in the evolution process. That will allow to get people involved and get feedback from the community. They say in their whitepaper that they will use most of money raised towards development.
According to their roadmap they are planning to make first release in January 2018 which is less than in a half a year.
I also want to take a look at their twitter account. Let's see where it was.
They have 2600 followers and the number of posts and likes which is close to 0 makes me think they do not use any black promotion techniques for their twitter account.

Let us wish this team good luck, collect the money, do the project and we will look closely at their results in future programs.

Anyone have any idea about Tracor network ico ?
The ico supposedly ended now but strangely, the main company website is not accessible and even twitter account is removed ?

This is doesn't looks good for company just finished the ico.

Title: Re: ICO review: Tracor is the premier decentralized logistics platform
Post by: HashieNewb on September 27, 2017, 09:55:53 PM

You can see the video review here -

Today we are reviewing an ICO project called Tracor. Instead of reviewing 6 ICOs like I did yesterday I decided to pick on that I think might worth our while and that might have a breakthrough in the next few years. This project is dedicated to logistic industry and what they are saying is that they will revolutionize the self-storage, tracking and logistic industry in the future.
First of all I want to mention a couple of mistakes or things that the guys did not think about. On the homepage I did not find anything about the team. But I found it in their whitepaper but without any links to linkedin profiles or any other personal social networks so we can reach them.
The second thing why didn't they put any countdown here. It usually motivates and creates sort of urgency.
Let`s review their whitepaper and see what they are planning to do. Tracor is a decentralized platform allowing users to connect, buy & sell their storage capacity, and buy & sell goods internationally while being able to track it real time. That is a very interesting idea and they had mentioned in their medium blog a self-explanatory phrase "Would you like to be able to list your self-storage and make extra income by renting it out, similar to Airbnb". Those guys have ambitious plans. We can find their team down below in the white paper. The team looks profession and able to achieve the goals they have. The only thing as I mentioned I do not see any links to linkedin profiles. And I do not want to google them to see who they are. May be the team will see and fix that issue.
Now the guys are aiming for a business for many years. You can see it not only from their goals but also from how they are planning to distribute their tokens. They are planning to distribute 700 million tokens. 600 million will go to contributors (investors during ICO), 50 million is 20% bonus. Only 30 million tokens will go to the team and 20 million to advisory board. That will vest over the course of 2 years. That makes me think that people believe in their project and for sure will do the best to finalize it.
The other important thing to mention is that their system will have Proof-of-Stake consensus. And token holders will be able to participate in the evolution process. That will allow to get people involved and get feedback from the community. They say in their whitepaper that they will use most of money raised towards development.
According to their roadmap they are planning to make first release in January 2018 which is less than in a half a year.
I also want to take a look at their twitter account. Let's see where it was.
They have 2600 followers and the number of posts and likes which is close to 0 makes me think they do not use any black promotion techniques for their twitter account.

Let us wish this team good luck, collect the money, do the project and we will look closely at their results in future programs.

Anyone have any idea about Tracor network ico ?
The ico supposedly ended now but strangely, the main company website is not accessible and even twitter account is removed ?

This is doesn't looks good for company just finished the ico.
I am not sure of that coin, did they have an ann thread on this forum? I see the brand within the search results yet there is no information on it.

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: TokenSell on September 28, 2017, 10:14:43 AM
It`s being a while since I made a review. If you have propositions about video reviews of ICOs I should make for this or next week send me an email at tokensell [at]

I would advice you to start your own blog. You can then re-post some ideas here or provide a link here or add links to other posts that will help people.

Thank you for your advice.
Your can find TokenSell blog here: ( ( - twitter ( - blog on blogspot

Title: ICO review: - Get paid calls in cryptocurrency. Democratizing the co
Post by: TokenSell on September 28, 2017, 10:17:45 AM
You can see video review here:

Today is September 28th and we are reviewing another ICO.This time we are gonna review This project is only in the preparation stage of the ICO. It is not like other projects that we reviewed before that were on the ICO start date.
That is why some of the things that the team is still working on like their whitepaper. The team is working hard on the technical aspects of their project. You can see what the guys do in the video here. How their project works. They have an alpha version of the app. You can see they are building their app and they show us the process of money transferring within the system.
The main idea of the project is that you will be able to monetize the time you spend over the phone consulting people or projects by billing them on a minute basics.
They have a bunch of use case describing the wide audience they are reaching. This project is interesting for us too cause we are providing consulting for ICO projects too.
What the team also mentions is that they are  not marketplace and they will not compete with other expert platforms. They will provide experts and consultants a tool to work with they existing or new clients  that reach them in current places they are presented like facebook, linkedin, over email, ect.
The RoadMap of the project shows us that the first release will be in the first quarter of 2018. And which is very nice and we will be waiting for this.
The team is from Poland. They are working on developing mobile applications for several years already. And they have a list of mobile applications for companies all over the world. The team has linked in profiles so you can see who they are and what they are doing. This project also has a list of advisors that will help them during the project.
I want to mention one more time that the project is still in the preparation mode for the ICO so it means that they do not have everything necessary for the ICO. That is why they get from our team 38/100. Which is nice. This project has all chances to get a better rate during a review closer to ICO.
This project is interesting and lets wish this team good luck. We will  see what they will be doing during the ICO.

Title: Re: ICO review: Tracor is the premier decentralized logistics platform
Post by: TokenSell on September 28, 2017, 06:34:42 PM

You can see the video review here -

Today we are reviewing an ICO project called Tracor. Instead of reviewing 6 ICOs like I did yesterday I decided to pick on that I think might worth our while and that might have a breakthrough in the next few years. This project is dedicated to logistic industry and what they are saying is that they will revolutionize the self-storage, tracking and logistic industry in the future.
First of all I want to mention a couple of mistakes or things that the guys did not think about. On the homepage I did not find anything about the team. But I found it in their whitepaper but without any links to linkedin profiles or any other personal social networks so we can reach them.
The second thing why didn't they put any countdown here. It usually motivates and creates sort of urgency.
Let`s review their whitepaper and see what they are planning to do. Tracor is a decentralized platform allowing users to connect, buy & sell their storage capacity, and buy & sell goods internationally while being able to track it real time. That is a very interesting idea and they had mentioned in their medium blog a self-explanatory phrase "Would you like to be able to list your self-storage and make extra income by renting it out, similar to Airbnb". Those guys have ambitious plans. We can find their team down below in the white paper. The team looks profession and able to achieve the goals they have. The only thing as I mentioned I do not see any links to linkedin profiles. And I do not want to google them to see who they are. May be the team will see and fix that issue.
Now the guys are aiming for a business for many years. You can see it not only from their goals but also from how they are planning to distribute their tokens. They are planning to distribute 700 million tokens. 600 million will go to contributors (investors during ICO), 50 million is 20% bonus. Only 30 million tokens will go to the team and 20 million to advisory board. That will vest over the course of 2 years. That makes me think that people believe in their project and for sure will do the best to finalize it.
The other important thing to mention is that their system will have Proof-of-Stake consensus. And token holders will be able to participate in the evolution process. That will allow to get people involved and get feedback from the community. They say in their whitepaper that they will use most of money raised towards development.
According to their roadmap they are planning to make first release in January 2018 which is less than in a half a year.
I also want to take a look at their twitter account. Let's see where it was.
They have 2600 followers and the number of posts and likes which is close to 0 makes me think they do not use any black promotion techniques for their twitter account.

Let us wish this team good luck, collect the money, do the project and we will look closely at their results in future programs.

Anyone have any idea about Tracor network ico ?
The ico supposedly ended now but strangely, the main company website is not accessible and even twitter account is removed ?

This is doesn't looks good for company just finished the ico.

Looks like they are gone. Did they collect any money? Any information about that?

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: kkofor on October 02, 2017, 07:17:16 PM
thank for share these question. very useful for us when review any ICO. nice day bro

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: FrankNoland on October 02, 2017, 07:31:56 PM
Thank you very much, my friend, for this topic. I put this topic to my favorite list and will follow very closely.
I will be grateful if you review DIMCOIN's ICO
Good Luck
I also think this would be a great platform to actually read about ICOs from a different perspective before we can actually invest. I would definetily love to read DIMCOIN ICO review 8).

Title: Re: ICO reviews by TokenSell
Post by: rufus59 on October 02, 2017, 07:42:48 PM
I wish to follow this tread, I hope his are not biased review