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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Capon on August 29, 2017, 10:50:58 AM

Title: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Capon on August 29, 2017, 10:50:58 AM
For me is yes

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ponylon on September 21, 2017, 11:39:18 AM
it depends on how it's used. Propagating false information to influence outcomes is the negative thing, but think of all the positive ones that we were able to get from social media. Social media are aren't good or bad, it's how they are used that make them good or bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: georgethomas547 on September 21, 2017, 11:53:28 AM
social media is good or bad it based on the channel some news channels are using they influence and making bad news, but some are making good news.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Bankz1 on October 25, 2017, 05:32:15 PM
Everything has its positive and negative effects but it's only up to people how they take that,
so social media will help you to connect people among can share your interest among will be able to learn new things from people of same interest or different interest.Bad effects are people are using social media sites whole day and not concentrating on their work..

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tayyip baba on October 25, 2017, 05:35:42 PM
yeah he cause me badly

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: camps74 on October 25, 2017, 06:16:12 PM
I think it's bad, very negative.  It begins to shape you, and you don't realize it.  Everything that is put in front of you is there for a purpose, to either get you to buy something, or click on this to read that, or this or that.  it's all designed to learn and figure out your wants then cater to you.  Sounds great on the surface, but, then when it starts to realize what you want and what it takes for you to pay it attention, it will begin to twist and distort the news and other proganda put in front of you, in order to sway you possibly...

besides...  too much time 'connected' can't be good...  we all need to get away from the computers/phones/etc and connect more with nature!

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: hrt197 on October 25, 2017, 06:27:56 PM
I don't like social media, feels like you're supposed to be worried what others think about you...  no thanks, I am who I am, and if joe schmoe doesn't like it, I don't need it to flash up in front of me telling me that joe schmoe doesn't like me or approve of me....  I opt out.  joe schmoe can tell me he doesn't like me in person when I run into him at the grocery store...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: seizetehday5 on October 25, 2017, 06:44:48 PM
Overall yes probably but it does depend on why you use it. For instance I have a friend who uses Instagram purely for work purposes and promote his brand, I would say that is a positive use of social media. As for anything

in life it depends on how you use it and how often because something as simple as eating apples can be bad for you..if you eat 5 a day everyday! :D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: mayadin on October 25, 2017, 07:15:07 PM
You mean on crypto? it spreads a lot of FUD, or it works in favour of some group of individuals who use the media to accumuate the coin and announce pump and dump.
bad bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Forts1946 on October 25, 2017, 08:33:37 PM
All social media bad Because it waste  time  make other fat Break connection Between family

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: abztabz on October 25, 2017, 09:57:58 PM
for me yes, everything that is "to much" can cause bad effects to nature even humans, there's a lot of reports to much use of social media can cause bad to humans health, a few months ago there's a report that kid suffering form brain malfunction, his in coma because of to much effect of social media, social media is not bad, but people how they response or involved to social media can cause bad effects. so for me my answer is yes.   

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: SarahAfiah on December 09, 2017, 03:18:51 AM
Maybe yes, maybe no. depending on each personal use. but what I experienced when using social media we become dependent so there is no day without internet and it makes us become addicted

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Cris.pama on December 16, 2017, 03:08:49 PM
Yes. Social media can harm people physically or mentally. Cyber bully is one of the bad causes of social media. People intented to harm other thru social media because they think it's fine but isn't.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Harp8 on December 16, 2017, 07:59:23 PM
yes because of the criminals

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ezoleyta1 on December 16, 2017, 10:03:17 PM
Social media depends on governments and secret services gettin know where people are what they do (intelligence) and ad companies work on social medias so that in every way governments and companies are after your labor and money at the same time. You live work and even breath for nothing but them.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: salayog01999 on December 17, 2017, 12:49:37 PM
Yes. If you are addicted in using social media, you will always staying up late just to chat with your friends or scrolling down in news feed. Staying up late will decrease your immune system that can cause sickness.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: inklingzade on December 20, 2017, 02:38:55 PM
Yeah man, there is an addicted cause of the social media cause they're using social media too much.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Zandar on December 20, 2017, 02:43:02 PM
Everything has its good side and its bad side, but social media has mostly a bad side. People are obsessed with checking their facebook, instagram, whatsapp etc. They can't even sit for half an hour without checking up on it. It took them over and is practicly controlling them. You can't even talk to them face to face without seeing them nown and then checking their phones while trying to hold the conversation.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: lesinset on December 20, 2017, 04:41:07 PM
Yes. Even almost all people rely and are fond of using social media sites, though it's really useful in terms of communication and entertainment, it still has it bad cause and effect to people. Social media gives us the freedom, to post or talk and to do whatever we want and share it to other people, but some users don't apply it in a good way. The main reason why some people are being toxic nowadays is because of social media. I don't blame the site itself but the people using it. We should not use this opportunity nor abuse it, for it will have a big impact or effect in the future.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: antioxidants on December 20, 2017, 04:50:52 PM
if the purpose of business, why not. that's very helpful.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ikipiye on December 20, 2017, 06:27:20 PM
it's good and some bad too.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: du0srigala on December 20, 2017, 06:28:10 PM
depending on the user. all in their respective controls. not a few people use social media for positive things, such as sharing knowledge, tutorials and buying and selling.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Diversity24 on December 20, 2017, 10:57:46 PM
Yes, social media had a bad cause,
but also had positive effect
for example, we can share the information for anyone around the world,
but the bad cause is hoax information,
so many people believe what they read in social media, that's why  people who share hoax should be punish.
Be careful with the bad cause  8)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: mellyvaugh on December 20, 2017, 11:40:13 PM
Of course, it has. Social media connects you the world but it disconnects you to the people around you.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: daarul50 on December 21, 2017, 12:13:33 AM
Depending on how we use the social media. If we use to support the business we have or even in positive things then the results will be good. But, if we use the social media for a crime then the result will be bad, especially nowadays everybody is dependent on the internet so it must be everyone has a social media account.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Papapat22 on December 21, 2017, 01:42:15 AM
For me social media had a bad cause. First it is an addictive thing to do especially to the younger people who loves to live in a social world. It also leaves bad cause because social media kills the time of togetherness with the family. It will give unhealthy lifestyle for yourself because instead of being productive, you'll just gonna lay everytime.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: muhsin1312 on December 21, 2017, 03:58:10 AM
For me, social media sometime good and sometime bad, with social media we can do the best and useful for other people, if the social we use to negative content and so on, it is very bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: pheonyx on December 21, 2017, 04:14:10 AM
Both.  Because both bad and good is using social media to influence people.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: lesinset on December 21, 2017, 04:47:44 AM
Yes. Even if it reduces communication barrier, some users are abusing it. Nowadays, more and more people use social media for selfish reasons and that's not good. We should use these sites to promote goodness and peace.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Bu meuloed on December 21, 2017, 04:58:24 AM
Benar ni jika di pake pada link yang tidak baik ,
Tapi baik untuk berbisnis online.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: putrisafrina94 on December 21, 2017, 05:27:06 AM
i think also yes ..
many unusual things are scattered in social media for now. such as violence and dissemination of negative advertising...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ClayDouglas on December 21, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
No, not really. It has allowed some to reach an audience when in the past you would just outraged with what's going on around the world with not much you can do.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: shinjisyko on December 21, 2017, 07:21:08 AM
yes it has, if you become addicted to it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: jundel on December 21, 2017, 07:24:26 AM
yes of course, depends on the people are posting. they can bash other people even you. and adult post like porn/nudes may be present too. it bad for children.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: JLCoin on December 21, 2017, 07:46:54 AM
It depends on what it is used for. Unfortunately, it is often used as a substitution for a real life and real friends, time-wasting with games etc., bullying, spamming, etc. If you genuinely use it to keep in touch with people, and are careful to monitor your usage, then that's great.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: susumilo on December 21, 2017, 08:00:49 AM
For me is yes

social media is not something that can make and influence a person to be good or bad, he is just a product that makes for promotions and information, good and bad is generated by users who use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Fhano on December 21, 2017, 08:45:45 AM
Yes. Besides the positive impact of social media also has a negative impact. Today many social media are abused. some examples of the negative impact of social media spreading false news.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: nathanielpogi on December 21, 2017, 11:09:15 AM
everything that is too much is bad so ill say spending too much time on the internet can gruadually reduce your social standing and social wellbeing.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: wondondone on December 21, 2017, 01:56:58 PM
Social Media makes your life an open book that others can read, like it or not.  If you say one wrong thing, it can cost you your job, wealth, and maybe even family.  I only have Facebook and Twitter so I can participate on the forum.  The things that people disclose about themselves blows my mind.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: silvereign25 on December 21, 2017, 02:04:15 PM
everything in social media has advantages and disadvantages it depends on the user.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: jamalisa on December 21, 2017, 02:14:18 PM
not at all ,,, because with social media we know many other regional problems,, :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Manjek on December 21, 2017, 02:57:22 PM
For me not, because social media can learn a lot can add insight and can have many friends as well

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: krobutrengek on December 21, 2017, 03:59:47 PM
actually social media has no bad reason, there are just a few people who misuse the purpose of social media, such as the means to insult people, the means to spread hatred, the means for other negative things, that is what causes social media is judged to have bad reasons  :D ;D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Boseda on December 21, 2017, 04:00:05 PM
It depends on which use you make out of such websites. But yes, I think many people just waste their lives on social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: suyanico on December 22, 2017, 12:16:26 AM
Of course because person which always using social media every time resulting in indifference to the people around  because the attention of the person will always be focus on the their smart phone screen. This is many can be find in public places.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: davastand on December 22, 2017, 12:23:03 AM
If social media many negative aspects depends on how to use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Nida Salva on December 22, 2017, 12:31:47 PM
Yes. A lot of bad people out there using social media to harm innocent one. Think before you Click!

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Zurbuchen on December 22, 2017, 11:26:23 PM
Yes, it does. Some people use social media to bully others, hiwever it also has its own good. like it helps you communicate to your relatives overseas and be updated in everything around the world.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: DAOfan on December 23, 2017, 12:24:34 AM
I think social media, for the most part, is lacking in quality. We have a quantity problem and for some reason everyone just accepts it. It doesn't help that this generation was taught that all ideas have value and EVERYONE should get their chance to say whatever nonsense they believe.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: harp9 on December 23, 2017, 12:58:51 AM
Of course yes,social media can be used in such a way which was not meant to be depends on the user.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: glgeux on December 23, 2017, 01:00:05 AM
For me is yes

I don't think so , but always end up to be something related to documents mining.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: inklingzade on December 23, 2017, 01:01:29 AM
people can't be safe while using them as their information is public in the internet-

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: GueCoy on December 23, 2017, 01:52:02 AM
Social media is one of the greatest inventions.
There are a lot of great things but sometimes leads to negative ones used inappropriately. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jamesy10 on December 23, 2017, 05:33:01 AM
What do you mean? It is your choice to use social media or not. Depends on you.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Extrago on December 28, 2017, 08:12:02 PM
Well, depending on how you use social media. Many of course only devolve there.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Sneginka111 on December 28, 2017, 09:28:29 PM
It depends on which use you make out of such websites. But yes, I think many people just waste their lives on social media.

If there was no social media they'd waste their lives on something else. Like smoking opium or joining a band of thieves or whatever people used to do in the 18th century when the internet wasn't around

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: simolen on December 28, 2017, 09:56:00 PM
depending on the people who use social media, if people use social media well, the response would be good.  ;)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: SupportBitcoin on December 28, 2017, 10:05:01 PM
It depends. Most of the time, social media is used with good intent in mind. However, it should not replace real human interaction. I see people often hanging out together but staring at their phones the whole time. What is even the point of going out with other people if you aren't really involved? I think it has a time and a place, but not to an excessive extent as I see out in the world.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Nassim Allam on December 30, 2017, 10:39:04 AM
Yes, unfortunately, we see most cases of hacking lead to the attraction of a victim to assassinate him and in his son that he is his friend and so, but have a positive side that we do not deny

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Krebus on December 30, 2017, 10:47:29 AM
For me is yes

I think it depends how used it, everything can be bad if we do a bad things.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kyubown on December 30, 2017, 10:53:01 AM individual can easily destroy a person in an instant

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Railedwalk on December 30, 2017, 11:41:46 AM
For me is yes

This is a similar argument to asking if guns are bad. There's no truly evil tool/platform in the world, only the bad people who misuse it and cause harm with it. The gun isn't a bad thing until someone uses it to take another life, just like how social media is purely meant for engaging with people who aren't physically close by from you until people abuse it. When they stop meeting others simply because they're lazy and rather talk on social media, bully others, and negatively change their way of life to suit the social media platform, then it becomes bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: XKadzuvic on December 30, 2017, 04:12:13 PM
Ofcourse, but its all depend on who using and who are wathcing thats social media. If he/she are wise enough, i think it will be useful thing for them. but if they are not, it may cause serious problem

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: zamorast3ph on December 30, 2017, 05:09:53 PM
There seem to be several. For example, some criminals use social media to lure victims. There are also instances of infidelity, many of which originated from introductions through social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ToLiZ on December 30, 2017, 05:40:13 PM
For me social media shows how stupid people are, I preffer to not use them. So yes, they have a bad influence.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: crypto-words on December 30, 2017, 11:23:40 PM
It's just the new way of interacting with people, nothing particularly wrong with it.
There were lots of people criticizing the telephone, too, when it first came out,
so personally I see the obvious pros outweigh all criticism.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Boybugwal760820 on December 31, 2017, 12:49:52 AM
Social Media has many uses and advantages.... bad cause? it's just an opinion....

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: genwealth17 on December 31, 2017, 06:22:11 AM
yes people take facebook and instagram everywhere, people dont talk to each other anymore. social media is bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tengui on December 31, 2017, 06:44:36 AM
It depends on how to use it. If social media is used for negative things, it will be bad for us. Conversely, if social media is used for positive things then it will be beneficial for us. So, use social media as best you can.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jambo tape on December 31, 2017, 07:12:09 AM
For me is yes

depending on the wearer is also gan kalo the pakek its good and the right way, social media even become a very useful tool but kalo wearing wrong then social media is means destruct generation of nation

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: edzquimno16 on January 04, 2018, 10:19:33 AM
For me is yes

Anything that surrounds us has a corresponding good and bad effect. On this case how you will make use of it defines it's outcome. As for me I use social media to earn and be updated on current events, so is that a bad cause? definitely not. It will always up to how you uses it and how long you uses it on your daily basis.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kunsh on January 04, 2018, 12:23:51 PM
Having involved in Social media life can be good and bad depend how you manage that. If you become addicted and you don't have anything except liking and reading other's post than you are on wrong rails but if you enjoy that, make some progress in life you are ok to go. My business is 50% social media depend as photographer, dunno for you. Around 50% jobs I collected is 50% thru social media, other 50% comes from suggestions, my web page and other things. so, use social media wisely and you are OK.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: saquib67 on January 04, 2018, 12:52:06 PM
It depends on how social media is used... If we use it for good purpose and responsibly media becomes nd amazing tool... It becomes the voice of majority... But if someone uses it for ex extremists for creating havoc.. It can unleash hell...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Tiana1 on January 04, 2018, 12:52:20 PM
Social media has its good and bad sides. It all depends on how one uses it. Some peeps waste their time on it while some make use of it to make money and improve their lives. It has positive and negative influence, it depends on how you are using it. My time mostly on social media is for business and information.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: GloriousDonkey52 on January 04, 2018, 12:55:28 PM
Social media is a great marketing tool. I guess it will depend on how it will be used for. Its a great way to reach more people and some uses it to sometimes manipulate the mind of the people, in that way it is considered as a bad way.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Fluffinfinity on January 04, 2018, 01:24:41 PM
Yes of course, somehow, Social media has it's advantages and disadvantages. Well, it's still on the user, on how he or she manage using it. There are some that end up addiction with social media sites and so they alse forgot to take good care of themselves. However, most users took advantage of this gadgets that they may use in their academic purposes. Recently, there were teenagers who are thought that they'd stop using social media sites because of some reasons such as depression and many more.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: erwingemini on January 04, 2018, 01:29:14 PM
Its depends if how will you use it.If you do it in a positive way,then its good,then bad for opposite way.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ann Impas on January 04, 2018, 01:53:15 PM
Depends on the person using social media. Sometimes it was used to abused people. Minors are exposed to unpleasant post in social media like sex, dirty politics, crimes, gambling, etc...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Acutcin9 on January 04, 2018, 02:17:03 PM
Yes, I agree with you, my according many people right now spend much time in sosial media, dont care about people who have stand infront me, always care about sosial media it can make our daily life not good

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: sebo.k on January 04, 2018, 04:43:13 PM
You can conclude yes because there is a lot of benefit that far outweigh the bad side of social media. It is beneficial to me and is the best thing to happen to our generation.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Natkist on January 04, 2018, 08:14:52 PM
Sure.... It have because people abuse it uses

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: elena91 on January 04, 2018, 11:38:19 PM
For me is yes
theres always positive and negative in anything. it can definitely alter your reality, but only if you choose to let it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: nebuch on January 05, 2018, 06:23:09 AM
Social media is good to every people who discipline themselves not too much intouch with it.
The bad cause of social media is easy to connect to xxx movies. Easy to play online games. Easy to find girlfriend or boyfriend. You can use it every time you want. Then after all these things your mind will work accordingly accordingly on what you feed. Sometimes you feel lazy to do your task. Sometimes health is affected that result to got easily sickness. In relationship social media is helpful but sometimes this is the reason in broken up with your lovelife.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tandex on January 13, 2018, 05:23:29 PM
Every good thing that is abused will have a bad cause. If social Media are abused, they can have bad cause

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: WeedGoW on January 13, 2018, 07:14:45 PM
For me is yes
Both good and bad, depence on how we use.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ayston on January 13, 2018, 08:28:24 PM
Yes..... It is bad for people who has a little understanding...
They only read a stupid statement once about someone and they judge that person based on what they read on social media's... Sometimes I fell sorry for them....

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: AnhHoang on January 13, 2018, 08:29:21 PM
Many studies have shown that the extensive use of social media can actually cause addiction to the users. Throughout their day, they feel to post something on their pages or check others posts as it has become an important part of our life.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Mari santia on January 13, 2018, 08:45:04 PM
of course it does.
Social Media can make us addicted to it. it causes us avoid social life and makes us live in fantasy. Facebook, lately, offers many games that makes teenagers wasting times and ignoring social interactions.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: scission on January 13, 2018, 09:48:24 PM
It seemed like a huge waste of time to me, and I would much rather use that time to acquire something meaningful.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Vinkona on January 16, 2018, 05:00:11 AM
Don't make a monster out of social media. It is nothing more than a tool, and it's up to you what you're gonna do with it. Works just the same no matter is it facebook, internet itself or a knife from your kitchen. Networking, education, sandwiches...or the other side.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Bazinga442 on January 26, 2018, 08:41:14 PM
Well I have used social media for almost 13 years now and I would say that I have gained a lot from this network so I won't say entirely that it is bad,  it has its good and bad side

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: dindunwa on January 26, 2018, 09:47:15 PM
I feel that it all depends on its usage by the user. for instance, we that crypto traders, it helps us alot in dissemination of information. Nut for who uses it for the negative stuffs, then i think its not worth it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: twochain on January 26, 2018, 10:56:48 PM
It could have a bad effect I. Your life if you are useing it too much

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: daniel08 on January 27, 2018, 12:36:43 AM
Yes it does have a bad effect in people who are using it. But it depends on how people handle it and use it , if people use it frequently and forget to eat his/her meal just to make sure he/she is updated in its social media accounts and feeds that is the time where social media had a bad effect or cause to one's people health and life. Using too much social media is bad , and as peoples say to much use of a thing is bad for our life.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: miyaka1014 on January 27, 2018, 01:05:54 AM
It is not the social media but the person itself who is making a bad habit,  it's just a matter of time management. You just have to know your priorities.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: shawncole on January 27, 2018, 01:10:50 AM
I think so if you will not filter the content you're seeing. I stop following some friends who always love to complain. :D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: beibi on February 02, 2018, 11:03:12 PM
Social media have become prominent parts of life for many young people today. Most people engage with social media without stopping to think what the effects are on our lives, whether positive or negative. Are we as a society becoming more concerned with Facebook "friends" than we are with the people we interact with face-to-face in our daily lives? What will the longterm effects of today's social media will see.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Chubbytex on February 02, 2018, 11:54:53 PM
Social media has a lot of positive impacts  on human daily activities but it has equally  created so many negative impacts  on the survival of crypto space.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: zedkiel08 on February 03, 2018, 12:43:03 AM
Yes their is a bad cause in using the social media , people who intend to use social media in bad way will cause people in trouble. Many people is using social media to steal money , scams and even using it illegal transactions. That is when social media had a bad cause to people but it is also depends in a user whether he use it in a good way or in a bad way.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: henryp2 on February 03, 2018, 03:01:32 AM
Of course it has...but the social media has done more good than harm however. You can just sit at the comfort of your home and chat with someone who is thousands of mile from you

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Majalena2016 on February 03, 2018, 03:06:37 AM
It depends on how you understand it and how you use it...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: francisvien on February 03, 2018, 03:31:16 AM
YES.Negative effects of social media. Anxiety & depression:  young people who spend more than 2 hours per day on social media are more likely have poor mental health, including psychological distress .

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: putra daerah on February 09, 2018, 08:21:31 PM
if for me, social media there is a downside
where some people use social media sites as a tool to deceive others.
but there is also a good side too
depending on the understanding of the person

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: DANDANcrypto on February 09, 2018, 08:42:40 PM
Yes it has. Because it gives people fake source of dopamine.  And they become more apathetic to reality

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: LovellaSai on February 10, 2018, 10:39:59 PM
Yea i think so; it can make youngster to get addicted to it leaving all their works.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Mark 123 on February 11, 2018, 12:45:02 AM
Social media is a good thing or a bad thing? That is the most frequently asked question today. Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for social media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society.

We have complied some of the positive and negative opinions people express for social networks:

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kat22 on February 11, 2018, 12:15:02 PM
Yes especially to kids. They are addicted to facebook. They post every moment.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ricche on February 11, 2018, 12:16:51 PM
Good and bad both. Because it's totally depends on you how will you use this one. :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: edski on February 11, 2018, 01:26:04 PM
Social media is a good thing or a bad thing? That is the most frequently asked question today. Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for social media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society.

We have complied some of the positive and negative opinions people express for social networks:

Surething social media has it's bad side coz nowadays having a social media is kind of a must to have, everything has its good side and a bad side but some of the netizens doesn't understand what social media can do to people. We people must educate ourselves in what we are into, don't let yourself drown with it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ms Emi on February 11, 2018, 03:56:19 PM
Yes, people now a days, stay or spend more time in social media compare to how much time they spend on someone or talk to their family, social media distruct students on doing their study, specially when their no one around guiding them.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: MKH on February 11, 2018, 06:10:11 PM
I want to say two thing about this....

1:"Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction"- Sir Issac Newton's third law of motion.

2:If you use Social media as a good platform and you want to help the mankind/others with this it will be Good. But if you want to use it as a daily routine work/for doing any crime/a way to spend your time or you spend more time than it should be, then it will be a bad cause for you. So the answer of this question fully dependent on your thought.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Sese-chan on February 11, 2018, 06:24:15 PM
The social media is just a part of the network society in which we are living now
Of course it has both positive and negative causes. Nowadays we have access to the biggest archieves of the information and some social media are posting really helpful and amusive stuff. But also social media can be a hotbead of all sorts of propaganda, hatred and different horrible things.
But as for me - a person can always choose for themselves.You can read about stydying or some sort of conspirology. And we can't say will it be good or bad for them

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Niya on February 11, 2018, 08:30:23 PM
They extort many personal data and then sell it. So I think it's quite bad for users...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ginika on February 12, 2018, 12:13:26 AM
It depends on how users can use social media wisely, because social media can also be a place for young people to express their opinions and ideas, and from social media they will also learn to adjust, socialize with the community and manage friends' networks and access information about new things .

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: RogerKlotz on February 12, 2018, 12:19:29 AM
I gave up Facebook a year ago and tho im out of the loop on some things, im happier for it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jon599$ on February 12, 2018, 02:03:40 AM
For me is yes

hmmm interesting question. I can't keep my eyes off facebook and whatsapp. Its ruining my business. I go there every second. Please help cos does one bad cause of social media

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: leogeraldo501 on February 12, 2018, 03:43:17 AM
maybe it's a matter of fact that, they're some reason na, its okay to used social media for just a kill time, or if you're bored . but in our era as of now, social media goes wrong, in terms of false news .

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: eysiiizxc26 on February 12, 2018, 08:16:51 AM
No, as long as they can handle it right and using it correctly or properly.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: itsmesanti on March 26, 2018, 12:08:16 PM
Yes but it depends on how you use it and there are many fakes on social media so use it wisely :D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: inactivechorley5 on April 01, 2018, 09:45:36 PM
No it is a medium of awareness and it helps raising issues.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: 4Bergerfa on April 01, 2018, 11:48:10 PM
Yes. It depends on what exactly one is putting on social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Simplyield on April 02, 2018, 12:52:04 PM
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. It depends on how one uses it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: cedrixperez on April 02, 2018, 01:02:59 PM
There's a theory that it's bad for people - creates the illusion that other people have great lives unlike your life, offers an undesirable substitute for necessary personal contacts, and encourages bad manners. I suppose social media is what you make it. Maybe I'm being optimistic here.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Weriskacili on April 02, 2018, 03:07:53 PM
I do not think so, because social media can I use to get information about something or can also add my insight  ;)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: pureesconned on April 03, 2018, 01:44:40 AM
It cannot be bad as there are things that happens online.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: mercy02 on April 03, 2018, 07:27:57 AM
In this life there are two certain things, positive and negative, there is no way something will have it's advantage and there will not be disadvantages,  some people have experienced bad cause through this social media, people use social media for evil and lot more, even some students in the college fail most times because of this social media, to me social media had a bad cause

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: RoolBi on April 03, 2018, 08:26:41 AM

In my opinion, the media will have two sides. Good and not good. But in this modern life, media has a good influence. People everywhere will be connected to each other. Stories of positive information will be communicated to everyone. Everybody will have knowledge as well

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: excitingconvex04 on April 03, 2018, 10:18:16 PM
There are many things that social media causes but it is not bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: mechanic081971 on April 03, 2018, 11:28:37 PM
For me, yes because there's a lots of fake news that other social media users create some fake news to get some attention of the other social media users. And that's a really bad because the affected of this fake news will be confuse and stress because of that fake news. It can cause suicide i guess for the others or it can affects in their careers.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Rollkal on April 04, 2018, 03:48:55 AM
This is where the bad news, the unknown news. So the social network users are vulnerable to fraud.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: adonaiking on April 04, 2018, 04:16:12 AM
Social media is not bad at all it depends on how people   how they will use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: hotcoin1234 on April 04, 2018, 04:47:27 AM
I will say yes. Although social media let us be more connected with our family but at the same time due to this convenice the gathering time become lesser also. Many people like to share their personal infos on social media and this is putting their safety at risk.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: 7uisaa7vin on April 04, 2018, 05:49:08 AM
For me, social media has a bad cause especially to us teens, having a social media today feeds our ego, which is a bad thing. People and teenagers are getting stressed because they don't follow the trends and hype of the social media world in times.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: HelperAdvisorsLLP on April 04, 2018, 07:10:02 AM
Of course, it does
But it also very useful for communication

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Hvalreiki on April 04, 2018, 01:08:31 PM
Might be so if one spends much time there, procrastinating and not doing the job. Or putting too much personal info may lead to some unwanted consequences.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kier on April 04, 2018, 02:14:39 PM
It depends on how it use, like me i use social media on connecting more people.And stay in touch with those with whom i already close.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: BayuMunawar on April 04, 2018, 05:03:11 PM
I think it all depends on us

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: pacapa mloloh on April 04, 2018, 05:18:58 PM
social media has a positive and negative effect on every aspect of life and as a whole it depends on the user. for me social media can help add insight and knowledge

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bunga vatika on April 04, 2018, 05:36:15 PM
depending on the social media users themselves, want to use for good or bad, social media is only a tool so dependent on the user

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ToyMonster on April 05, 2018, 02:28:24 AM
Yes. It is used a lot nowadays to propagate the things.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: WorldBiz project on April 05, 2018, 04:46:49 AM
No if you don’t spend on it more than 59 percent of your time

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Azael12 on April 05, 2018, 07:03:46 AM
Yes.Spending time in social media can led to depression, sleep problems etc.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: linpinkhok on April 05, 2018, 10:45:52 AM
social media is good or bad it based on the channel some news channels are using they influence and making bad news, but some are making good news.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: arnold william on April 05, 2018, 10:51:48 AM
Of course, the social media has a bad cause as more likely to report poor mental health, has a significant association with poor sleep quality in young people, and bullying during childhood is a major risk factor for a number of issues including mental health, education and social relationships, with long-lasting effects often carried right through to adulthood.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jake Carlo on April 05, 2018, 11:18:06 AM

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bugdirty8 on April 05, 2018, 01:28:30 PM
Nope. It is the only way where people are getting updated.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: janbernardsanchez on April 05, 2018, 03:11:28 PM
It depends on how people make use of it. Some people use social media badly.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Pallium on April 05, 2018, 05:50:33 PM
It all depends on what you use. Usually bad examples are called out in the news, which is why there are negative associations with social media. However there many good causes that found their place in social media :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: nereidkeck3eh on April 08, 2018, 08:44:41 PM
I believe yes and it is also a very bad addiction.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Babycuteless on April 09, 2018, 11:42:47 AM
Well, there are always two sides positive and negative of everything it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for social media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: sailorjupiter on April 09, 2018, 12:04:44 PM
Yes, 'cause there's fake news in social media that might others believed it. But of course that's one of the bad side of social media; there's also a good side of it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: necktiearrival0 on April 09, 2018, 03:50:39 PM
It is bad sometimes and sometimes it does good things.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Naveenrandy619 on April 10, 2018, 05:21:51 AM
Social media is really a good thing becoz it helps us to connect people and we can get lots of support from that and good and bad view of social media depends upon the user ...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: windyharm on April 10, 2018, 02:47:43 PM
Nope, I don’t think that social media is anything bad. It is just a platform.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: GordonJames143 on April 10, 2018, 02:51:37 PM
Users are responsible for their actions, anything can be used for good and bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Shark200nn on April 11, 2018, 09:04:59 AM
Yes  :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Zevikabi on April 11, 2018, 09:15:10 AM
Yes, in all thigns social media is bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Deamindit on April 11, 2018, 07:14:51 PM
Social media is good as it makes things easier and better.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: jessequick on April 11, 2018, 07:25:20 PM
Everything in this world can be considered bad or good, but we can not look at it that way. Everything has bad and good sides and our goal is to use only good sides.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: LindsayWWW on April 12, 2018, 01:40:55 PM
Social media can be a problem if people misuse it all the time.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jaco13 on April 12, 2018, 01:51:51 PM
It's bad, but it's also good. It depends on the use you give it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: oxygensignature0 on April 13, 2018, 12:27:46 AM
It is not bad at all. It is something that is pretty good and nice.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: outdatedruff7 on April 13, 2018, 04:37:04 AM
No. It is not the bad cause rather it is always for a good cause.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: EloisaBerdon on April 13, 2018, 04:46:07 AM
For me is yes

I'm not saying that social media are bad, but for me one of the  major negative effect of social media is cyberbullying

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Blinkstar on April 13, 2018, 05:02:57 AM
depends on the person, but mostly they have both: good and bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Muramblend on April 13, 2018, 01:01:09 PM
Just like crypto, it is a tool. Good or Bad depends on how we use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: staineddreserved7 on April 14, 2018, 03:03:04 PM
Yes, sometimes as it propagates the things that are not even important.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: cheesegrilledU on April 14, 2018, 08:18:00 PM
According to me social media is not bad at all. It rather helps.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: saberibm3 on April 14, 2018, 11:16:39 PM
It can be harmful sometimes and recently it is proving to be jut bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: molkovawi on April 15, 2018, 09:11:50 AM

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: TomWilson32959 on April 15, 2018, 02:33:04 PM
It really depends how is it being used. But somehow.. I Yes, I do agree because some of the people use it with their personal problems in life wherein it does not help them at all.
Instead, they are just making themselves funny out of other people's point of view.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: EfganMiu on April 17, 2018, 01:33:43 AM

In my opinion, social media has a positive and negative influence. But it has the most positive impact. Thanks to it, people can capture information around themselves. People have more modern life

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Cjbrinces11 on April 17, 2018, 04:16:00 AM
For me is yes

Definitely yes, especially when overusing the democracy attached on it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: jaac on April 17, 2018, 04:56:59 AM
Yes social media has bad causes. There's many teens out there being bullied and stalked and blackmailed ending up getting killed. We need to limit out the social media from teens as our generation is becoming bad in the U. S. A something must be done!

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Creepyman200876 on April 17, 2018, 05:39:43 AM
Social Media for me has nothing to do on anything... all depends upon its users.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: lositech on April 17, 2018, 06:47:07 AM
Social media has its good and its bads it depends on what you do with it. For me I use mine to make money doing bounty.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: GrahamMuhr on April 17, 2018, 05:55:10 PM
They are bad, that's why I have never used facebook or any social network, except for whatsapp and apps to work.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: rmc518 on April 17, 2018, 06:20:20 PM
yes, because people becomes addicted and spends most of their time into social media. And some people are now attention seekers to be able to gain likes and followers. There is also cyberbullying that you cannot prevent.
But it still depends on how much information you give and time you spend on it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: stirrergreenish on April 17, 2018, 07:24:53 PM
It can be harmful sometimes and recently it is proving to be jut bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bitcoin54321 on April 17, 2018, 07:30:22 PM
Yes, because some of us focusing to social medias instead of the real world. Our body become weak. In other side, by social medias, we are about to open on what happening in our society. Like facebook and twitter. Those social medias may give us information on what are happenings. Because they talking about trending news in social medias.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Spidermcn on April 17, 2018, 07:36:01 PM
Everything depends on the use that is given. They can be bad or they can be good, but you should always take into account the use and take into consideration that they are for or promote a work or art, or to communicate.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: G.Gaus on April 19, 2018, 10:51:38 AM
not for me. i personally don't spend so much time there, so i think it's not a problem for everyone :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: imunk on April 19, 2018, 01:02:20 PM
For me is yes
Yes for the young generation, some of then can have smoth conversation in social media but so awkward when in face to face talk.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Technos on April 19, 2018, 01:16:12 PM
Most social media platforms deviates people from things that really matter, making them lose their focus from important tasks, pay attention in other people's lives and, in the worst cases, lose unique opportunities.
However, it's not all of them... there are platforms like Linkedin that helps people to show their competences, and find opportunities that can chance their lifes for the better.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: whiteseven on April 19, 2018, 02:46:58 PM
Social media is good as it makes things easier and better.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: DonnieMitchel on April 19, 2018, 07:43:27 PM
definitely yes. It all depends on how we are using it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tartaruga on April 21, 2018, 07:12:52 AM
The reason is  who use it. Only human is decide - good or bad)))

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Yhandukha on April 21, 2018, 07:14:44 AM
Yes!  It has.  But it still  depend on you how would you handle it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: uletkeket on April 21, 2018, 09:35:11 AM
I think that social media is bad and good. Depend on you. Bad, because  it makes us addicted. Making a lazy man. Good, because we know news update and faster.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ololesia on April 21, 2018, 09:52:34 AM
Of course! People are too stuck in the social media and they don't see the real life
Moreover, the scientists have found that social media cause depression and anxiety, which may lead even to the suicide. It is especially bad for children and teenagers
That is why I try not to give devices to the children

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: octagonsaute on April 24, 2018, 02:52:13 AM
It does sometimes as it has the capability to influence people.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: slushee on April 24, 2018, 01:02:09 PM
Social media sometimes has a bad cause and therefore we must use it smartly.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Viktor N. on April 24, 2018, 01:15:55 PM
For me no, at least not so far because it helps people, yes it has its flaws but still it's helpful  ;D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: nambanpipe on April 24, 2018, 03:06:14 PM
yes, by sharing your personal information

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: hongchao123 on April 24, 2018, 03:24:39 PM
Yes of course...I start and end my day scrolling insta... i think that's not good :-\

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: luffy.2 on April 24, 2018, 03:27:39 PM
Yes, because some of us focusing to social medias instead of the real world. Our body become weak. In other side, by social medias, we are about to open on what happening in our society. Like facebook and twitter. Those social medias may give us information on what are happenings. Because they talking about trending news in social medias.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: amandaza on April 24, 2018, 03:32:21 PM
It can be harmful sometimes and recently it is proving to be jut bad.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: luffy.2 on April 24, 2018, 03:41:38 PM
Everything depends on the use that is given. They can be bad or they can be good, but you should always take into account the use and take into consideration that they are for or promote a work or art, or to communicate.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Citra00 on April 24, 2018, 05:34:29 PM
many people are wrong to use it. if using it for good then it is a positive activity. tp if using for bad things then it will be bad for us also .. it all depends on the person who uses it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: crwth on April 25, 2018, 08:49:19 AM
I'm an avid fan of online shopping, but before I purchase items, I always assess myself if I need the thing. If I do, I double check its authenticity, watch and read reviews of the product, go to a mall that sells the item and checks it if it is really as good as it does in its reviews, or ask friends who have the item if it's worth buying. Most of the purchases I've made online has given me an impression that it's only satisfactory. If you really want the item to be as good as it looks on advertisements, I think it's better if you buy it personally. Don't waste good money on stuff that isn't worth it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kenmobility on April 25, 2018, 11:51:34 AM
it depends on how its been used, if abused..then it has a bad cause

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: stammeramusing8 on April 28, 2018, 09:29:15 PM
Yes, surely for me. I have had faced bad experiences and things that is not right.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: josky on April 28, 2018, 10:39:12 PM
social media is good just as any other media

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: a_t_e_e_b on April 29, 2018, 08:00:15 AM
depends on how we are using it for me it has not caused anything bad or good it has played a neutral role in my life

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: nilstairsa on April 29, 2018, 04:32:13 PM
It has made things bad for a lot of people and we must be aware of it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Brainerp on April 30, 2018, 09:53:06 AM
It certainly does. First of all, it distracts up from more important things, and also it substitutes our real-life communication.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: racingboy on April 30, 2018, 10:18:59 AM
yes, very time consuming

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: sepeda karat on April 30, 2018, 11:21:18 AM
yes, there are causes of social media addiction harm people physically or mentally. People intend to harm others through social media because they think it's okay but it is not.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: shmenton22 on April 30, 2018, 12:14:50 PM
social media has cause, other than to make money. it is a business after all.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Cyanics on April 30, 2018, 07:57:07 PM
It totally depends on  how affected you as a person gets from social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: linesretweetG on April 30, 2018, 08:33:36 PM
It is not a bad cause but you must be able to filter the news as per your understanding.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: inquirybanjoE on May 01, 2018, 09:21:37 PM
There is a difference between the good and the bad and its up to you what you chose.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: LovellaSai on May 01, 2018, 09:59:12 PM
It has its positive and the negative sides just like the two sides of the coin.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: ShitTL on May 02, 2018, 03:00:53 AM
no it bad because you have for it bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: timtam996 on May 02, 2018, 06:12:49 AM
i see sooo much hate speech and hoax there, filter it for your own good

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: godz_illa on May 02, 2018, 06:41:38 AM
Certainly for me. It just gets you addicted to it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Satin Chan on May 02, 2018, 06:51:47 AM
Of course it has bad causes, but it really depends on how people used.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: AnalynCadiz on May 02, 2018, 08:49:28 AM
On the other side yes. People nowadays get addicted to different social medias. The growing technology made our lives easier,better and connects us to our loved ones away from us but it also drives us away to the people around us.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Hughes_Ryan on May 02, 2018, 12:43:13 PM
For me is yes
Social media has a lot of good and evil points, and there are virtual currencies in the developing world that are being advertised in the press, and this has helped many virtual people to pay attention. More.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Garret44eza on May 03, 2018, 01:42:20 PM
Social media is a good thing sometimes and bad sometimes and you must differentiate.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: SchiefelbeinBTC on May 11, 2018, 09:53:04 PM
It has its positive and the negative sides just like the two sides of the coin. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Karis2018 on May 11, 2018, 11:21:03 PM
it has its positive and negative side.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Deamindit on May 12, 2018, 12:04:43 PM
It completely depends on what you as a person do and like to do in life. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: fritzwalter195 on May 13, 2018, 08:51:21 AM
It is definitely addictive which is never good

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Chamaplal123 on May 13, 2018, 11:58:44 AM
yes absolutely

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: HawkinsAntonio on May 13, 2018, 02:12:20 PM
Quite a few social media outlets are dealing with virtual currency advertising, with many inexperienced people also involved to judge the negative virtual currency.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: TheOneTrueCrypto1 on May 13, 2018, 02:51:06 PM
sometimes it feels like got more far apart then closer

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: MoasKiaet on May 13, 2018, 04:47:06 PM
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. It depends on how one uses it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Pikachu18 on May 13, 2018, 10:17:21 PM
Part of the reason social media makes people feel socially isolated is the comparison factor. We fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others as we scroll through our feeds, and make judgments about how we measure up.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: isthisusernametaken on May 13, 2018, 10:49:03 PM
Social media is good and bad. I feel bad is more memorable and that's why we relate to social media being bad. The constant negative news and distraction on our lives social media can have is obviously bad, however, the information it can provide and the ability to keep families in touch is a big positive.
I guess it all depends on how you use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: THEsnowdonmelody7 on May 14, 2018, 02:03:09 AM
It is a good thing sometimes and it depends on how you use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: LienTHETRADER on May 14, 2018, 02:12:14 AM
It’s totally your choice and you must know the difference between the good and the bad. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: milomeo on May 14, 2018, 02:30:25 AM
Everything in this world can be considered bad or good, but we can not look at it that way. Everything has bad and good sides and our goal is to use only good sides.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: HeavenIneed on May 16, 2018, 01:02:45 PM
You can always filter the news according to your choice and it might not be a bad option. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: olalaMaty on May 16, 2018, 01:40:32 PM
I think it has two sides, positive or negative, because of the purpose of its creator and its user

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jakevella28 on May 16, 2018, 01:59:16 PM
It is pretty controlling that our lives these days

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bhana693 on May 16, 2018, 02:15:54 PM
It depends on the item being posted. But not all is bad. Sometimes there is always a good cause.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Steelman1988 on May 16, 2018, 02:25:15 PM
Most of the media have had bad moves in talking about virtual currencies, and now the development of virtual currency is widely reported by media and media, which also contributes to advertising.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Tatsuyashiba on May 16, 2018, 03:34:21 PM
It looks like social media has a bad and good effect. It all depends on how we use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Eloson on May 16, 2018, 04:06:46 PM
Yeah but it also have a good cause it depends on the user.......but i believe internet was invented for a good cause

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: break0ut on May 16, 2018, 04:08:07 PM
Sometimes when you get too involved can have some bitter impact on you

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: altcoinic on May 16, 2018, 04:17:11 PM
I think its more of a platform to be an activist and I don't think it spoils you

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: udik235 on May 16, 2018, 09:34:35 PM
I support social media because it is very useful for all

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: JohnnyLVC on May 16, 2018, 09:58:38 PM
Everything has positive and negative effects. There's nothing that only gives positive effects except for religion. It only depends on how you use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: stuartup57 on May 16, 2018, 10:03:03 PM
It causes too much stress for people..

A research claims that 40% of the world population spends on average 2 hours or more on social media platforms- liking , tweeting, retweeting, commenting, etc.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Zebulun18 on May 16, 2018, 10:29:16 PM
It actually depends on how  you use it. using it for the propagation of wrong information which breeds arguments, quarells and fights will make it have a bad cause.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: gumeny on May 17, 2018, 06:56:29 AM
ofcourse they do

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: janhllr on May 17, 2018, 07:08:46 AM
It's like Yin and Yang. There's bad and good inside of it. If it;s bad for the social public then it's gotta to be good to some entrepreneurs and investors BECAUSE the social media is there to serve SOMEBODY.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Brainerp on May 17, 2018, 09:56:31 AM
I would say both good and bad. Goods because you can communicate with people on daily basis without meeting them, and bad because it gets you too distracted.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: krixi on May 18, 2018, 03:22:38 AM
it depends on how it's used. Propagating false information to influence outcomes is the negative thing, but think of all the positive ones that we were able to get from social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: NCN_Moon on May 18, 2018, 06:09:35 AM
Social media was born with a positive purpose but I do see its negative impacts on people at times. People get to say whatever they want, whereas they wouldn't in face to face conversation, and it often hurts other's feeling and makes the society a bit more hostile.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kopamo on May 18, 2018, 06:33:41 AM
Good and bad both are them

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Sanserif on May 18, 2018, 09:35:33 AM
The question is a bit unclear...but if it means what I think it means then on the general, Social media has had a positive impact on globalization. The increased multicultural interaction has led to better tolerance between different cultures. The decentralized dissemination of knowledge and ideas on social media to me is a major development.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bendingappaloosaH on May 18, 2018, 12:01:15 PM
You can always filter the news according to your choice and it might not be a bad option. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Mark Stephen on May 19, 2018, 04:05:12 AM
Yes. I know a person the social media has badly affected their lives, it is scandal.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Leah Ducan on May 19, 2018, 04:36:30 AM
maybe yes ???

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: LovellaSai on May 21, 2018, 10:51:32 PM
What you like to do and who you are as a person everything depends on that.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: boatswaincreditE on May 22, 2018, 12:51:16 AM
It has its positive and the negative sides just like the two sides of the coin. 

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: kennialsyda on May 22, 2018, 01:30:42 AM
yes people take facebook and instagram everywhere, people dont talk to each other anymore. social media is bad

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: imunk on June 30, 2018, 06:08:35 AM
Yes, cause social media make people have less direct conversation that make he or she to have sosial disorder when it come conversation face to face.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: actuealth on June 30, 2018, 07:57:34 AM
I absolutely agree with you. Social Media are the leading cause for all the troubles heaped on the world by 'triggered' people. The instant reactivity emotional cocktail generated by social media is usually negative, and toxic for everyone concerned.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: authur on June 30, 2018, 09:45:37 AM
It is not bad at all. It is something that is pretty good and nice.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: CJ7 on June 30, 2018, 09:52:03 AM
depending on how we use it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Impulseboy on June 30, 2018, 10:07:17 AM
Yes, because kids these days would rather spend their day bent over their phone Instgramming or Facebooking things and all those social media websites/apps teenagers use these days. Because of these, they tend to lack personal interaction, which is sad. Also, it is so easy to spread lies on social media. That said, it also has positive effects, I think, like spreading awareness. It depends on how you use it, I guess.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: RavenousKatana on June 30, 2018, 11:12:30 AM
Yes, because it can be hindrance on your priorities.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: edzleochico6 on June 30, 2018, 01:58:28 PM
Social media has its place but should never be an exception to replace human contact. Tonight while having dinner, turn off the phones and begin the tradition of face to face communication. Take turns sharing your joys and concerns and practice the forgotten art of conversation.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Gaselemeg on June 30, 2018, 02:43:48 PM
I have a positive attitude to social networks. There was an opportunity to maintain closer contact with friends from other cities and countries.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Impossiblehangman25 on June 30, 2018, 02:49:36 PM
Yes It have bad causes.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: RalphNorman on July 01, 2018, 05:03:35 AM
use and abuse are always there in every subject it depend on us totally.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Terar on July 01, 2018, 03:35:34 PM
Yes.Spending time in social media can led to depression, sleep problems etc.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: godknowsxs on July 21, 2018, 09:53:18 AM
Everyone paid for a fake news to cover the bad real thing specially for fame people artist , celebrity , government , etc. so i don't believe for some basic news cos i believe in what i see and reality

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: 5SOLAS on July 21, 2018, 10:33:32 AM
Its yes and no.. YES because too much utilization can affects the aspect of a human being, NO because it is an advanced technology that help people in every aspects of course of once life..It maybe bad or good depending on how it was utilized!!!.. setting the limits or knowing how to maintain the balance over it can be helpful...  ;D ;D :)

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Rindu_Adelia on August 10, 2018, 12:42:38 PM
Social media can be one of the most influential aspects of people's lives today. too "addicted" to social media turned out to have a negative impact on mental health :o

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: beatzcoin123 on August 10, 2018, 01:03:50 PM
Social media has got cause, good and bad, there is a bad side and a good side, and i think the good side outweigh the bad side, which makes me believe social media has got more of a good side than a bad side it all depends on what you are looking for. for instance, i use my facebook account to promote lots of icos campaigns, same as my twitter account and i get rewarded for doing that, meanwhile others uses the same facebook and twitter for scams and fraudulents activities.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: bonniedeloera10 on August 10, 2018, 01:05:49 PM
Social media has a number of high-quality influences  on human each day activities however it has similarly  created so many poor impacts  at the survival of crypto area.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tuhnupeppu on August 10, 2018, 01:10:18 PM
Social medial has always been about propagation. Now the government can use this for the wrong reasons and make everyone either against or for a cause. It's a way to manipulate the people therefore it can be a bad thing but it also can be a good thing. It just depends on the usage.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Gleoth on August 10, 2018, 01:12:43 PM
Many studies have shown that the extensive use of social media can actually cause addiction to the users. Throughout their day, they feel to post something on their pages or check others posts as it has become an important part of our life.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: tronghai12345 on August 10, 2018, 01:13:48 PM
Yes. The social media highly influences the society. The people can use it to inject thoughts and ideas about a certain way. Social media also increases our stress and disconnects us from our families. On the other hand it raises our awareness on a certain thought.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: herrzinfakt on August 10, 2018, 01:16:50 PM
I'm sure there are negative effects on us. Like making us believe fake news and such. And causing us to worry about things we don't have but also important things. Most of social media is either for more attention or to sway attention from another direction.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Belmyl on August 10, 2018, 08:25:19 PM
Yes, unfortunately, we see most cases of hacking lead to the attraction of a victim to assassinate him and in his son that he is his friend and so, but have a positive side that we do not deny

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Iamskr on August 10, 2018, 09:02:17 PM
In my opinion it's depends on how people use it. Just like we choose social media bounties to get some tokens or earning some people share funny things to entertain people so it's totally depend how the user use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: GlockCoin on August 11, 2018, 08:51:21 AM
It depends on how you understand it and how you use it...

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Haax on August 14, 2018, 06:44:12 PM
of course it does.
Social Media can make us addicted to it. it causes us avoid social life and makes us live in fantasy. Facebook, lately, offers many games that makes teenagers wasting times and ignoring social interactions.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Hawkinsjr10 on August 14, 2018, 07:16:23 PM
Sometimes social media can have bad reasons, but we as humans if we can avoid this kind of reason, because it is not good to follow it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Nabilah97 on August 14, 2018, 07:18:53 PM
Yes, of course, sometimes social media has bad reasons and there are also good reasons. So we avoid bad ones and follow the good ones.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Marcelobuck on August 15, 2018, 05:22:19 AM
Adverse effects may be from excessive use and do not protect your privacy data incorrectly. Apart from that social media also has a good impact such as communicating with friends

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Sexteh on August 15, 2018, 07:09:37 AM
For me is yes
Social Media right now is being used for bad things like scamming, spreading false information or fake news, bullying, fraud, illegal transactions, etc.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: JustReadThis on August 15, 2018, 07:14:53 AM
Kinda, well everything have plus and minus side.
If you not carefull enough, the minus side can affect you.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Rsamunios on August 15, 2018, 07:37:33 AM
Good or Bad depends on how we use it.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Peaker2 on August 15, 2018, 09:54:53 AM
Social media have lots of benefit and the bad effects of it are always up to the people. So for me, social media is an advantage because it can make our life easier.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: cross_over100 on August 15, 2018, 10:41:48 AM
For me, social media have a good cause in every viewers because it helps to update what happen in local and international places and so many more.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: marapundavela on August 15, 2018, 12:46:08 PM
It has a bad cause but social media has a good cause too. Sometimes are being used for scamming, spreading fake news, bullying and pornography.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: HI KITTY on August 15, 2018, 01:14:23 PM
yeah he cause me badly
really?, by how? for me social media had a bad effects most of all in children because there are picture or words/video that's not for children. Because if children seen watch some videos that not appropriate for them they will adapt it thinking that they can do it also because other people doing it .

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jboikoin on August 15, 2018, 01:30:22 PM
I can't stress this enough. Sure social media has bad cause. Remember that doesn't mean it does not have good cause. There are so many ways you can benefit from social media. Meeting your love ones who are not near  and getting in touch. Reading news and etc. However , back to the bad side, social media ruins relationship like hell. It brings problems in marriage and dating. Instead having time for your love one, you are here on social media doing other things to extent that you don't even get time for your loved ones

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Rsamunios on August 16, 2018, 03:16:36 PM
Spending time in social media can led to depression, sleep problems etc.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: waroengstick on August 16, 2018, 07:12:44 PM
yes, surely social media has a negative influence, because the news distributed from social media is not necessarily the truth. In addition, social media is a place for fraudsters, so be careful and never believe the news on social media

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Gleoth on August 16, 2018, 07:38:24 PM
Experts have not been in total agreement on whether internet addiction is a real thing, let alone social media addiction, but there’s some good evidence that both may exist. A review study from Nottingham Trent University looked back over earlier research on the psychological characteristics, personality and social media use.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: DHaosociu on August 17, 2018, 01:56:40 AM
Social media can I use to get information about something or can also add my insight.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: anjirlu76 on August 17, 2018, 03:08:53 AM
the initial concept must have been positive but in its application many also used it for bad activities which had a negative effect on many people

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: yayansoftware on August 17, 2018, 03:20:30 AM
currently social media has a lot of negative effects on me, especially pornography and gaming communities that make children difficult to learn while they are still in school

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: jeanetteLine on August 17, 2018, 06:45:13 AM
It depends. Social media has it's good and bad sites. The good one: we have an access to news from all the word, but on the other hand we have fake news, which leads us to better use the Internet and the most important, look at real sources of this news. Today, the news is overwhelming and frequently, they are creating by journalist only for clicks, and there are not true. So, in this case, social media is a tool where people easily pass content forward. However, thanks to social media we can without any doubts communicate with others, learn and sometimes also earn money.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Nguyen_Quyet on August 17, 2018, 09:16:42 AM
there may be good and bad effects but for me now there are a lot of bad influences like racist

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: shakawaski on August 18, 2018, 06:58:31 AM
It cannot be bad as there are things that happens online.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ragoth on August 21, 2018, 11:15:12 PM
Yes, unfortunately, we see most cases of hacking lead to the attraction of a victim to assassinate him and in his son that he is his friend and so, but have a positive side that we do not deny

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Rsamunios on August 23, 2018, 02:44:10 PM
But in this modern life, media has a good influence. People everywhere will be connected to each other.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Jboikoin on August 23, 2018, 02:53:01 PM
is there anything without bad cause? let me know...For sure social media has bad cause but i would say the good cause overweighs the bad cause. With social media , its easily to spread false news and it moves like wild fire and the same social media helps us to get fresh news , get in touch with our loved ones we've truely missed and the same social has bring problems in some relationships . Some give attention to social media than their close partners. So you see, it has merits and demerits

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Theldal on August 23, 2018, 08:22:10 PM
No, as long as they can handle it right and using it correctly or properly.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Banggrambeng on August 29, 2018, 04:58:07 PM
Social media can certainly be a very practical communication tool for its users. The most vulnerable thing from social media is the easy access to communication to others. No exception if your partner has a crush on a friend on his social media. And this increases your partner's chances of cheating too.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Dofotonomo on August 30, 2018, 09:01:03 AM
No. It is the only way where people are getting updated.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Firma94 on August 30, 2018, 09:10:11 AM
social media can be a bad thing if used with bad goals like hoax news spreads

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: carmenanderson11 on August 30, 2018, 09:12:17 AM
I feel that all of it depends on its utilization through the person. as an instance, we that crypto investors, it facilitates us alot in dissemination of data. Nut for who uses it for the poor stuffs, then i assume its now not worth it

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: CharityTerry12 on August 30, 2018, 09:15:24 AM
Social media has its top and its bads it depends on what you do with it. For me i use mine to make cash doing bounty.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: C.limag on August 30, 2018, 10:38:43 AM
Social media has a positive and negative effects. The negative part is about fake news or wrong informations, bullying a person through using social media accounts and posting false alarm are just some of the bad cause of social media.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Atlantic12 on September 13, 2018, 10:33:13 AM
I think yes is the answer. especially when it comes to time management, social media really consumes time for productive work if care isn't taken.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Teclyna on September 13, 2018, 03:04:40 PM
Everything depends on the use that is given. They can be bad or they can be good, but you should always take into account the use and take into consideration that they are for or promote a work or art, or to communicate.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Kelvin bruyne on September 15, 2018, 05:36:58 PM
Yes. It depends on what exactly one is putting on social media. :D :D

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: rachelstar on September 15, 2018, 05:42:58 PM
social media is good or bad it based on the channel some news channels are using they influence and making bad news, but some are making good news.

Yes it has specially if you will trust immediately every news you hear and see. Some of  this news are fake so before spreading it make sure that it is true. Another bad influence if you open those dark web site you view things that not suppose to see always be careful of what site you want to open.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Mercel on September 15, 2018, 08:14:58 PM
Yes specially to the kids. They will see unnecessary post that they can imitate.

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Cannerald on September 15, 2018, 11:59:39 PM
For our new and young generation it is bad yes, in my school time we used to play card games!

Title: Re: Does social media had a bad cause?
Post by: Ethercool on September 16, 2018, 12:52:33 AM
With trolls, it's yes!