Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: SkyscraperFarms on September 03, 2017, 05:27:20 PM

Title: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 03, 2017, 05:27:20 PM
Is Satoshi Nakamoto Mike Hearn?
There are many coincidences involving a Mike Hearn and Satoshi Nakamoto connection.   Though many of you will automatically reject the notion because you dislike Mike Hearn, I would suggest you at least entertain the idea’s possibility. I have seen Mike Hearn on the long list of “Satoshi candidates” posted on bitcointalk but I have never seen anyone explore the idea.

Besides Mike being British and Satoshi using British English my first inclination to even consider Mike Hearn as being Satoshi Nakamoto was that Mike’s profile was created 1 day after Satoshi last logged in to the forum.

Satoshi’s profile:;u=3
Mike’s profile:;u=2700

Mike’s bitcointalk presence began 1 day 53 minutes and 13 seconds after Satoshi’s bitcointalk presence ended. Almost exactly 1 day separating their profiles seemed odd to me especially considering the impact Mike had in development later on.
Why would Satoshi Nakamoto hide his real identity?

The people who created the precursors to Bitcoin were not anonymous. Satoshi even referenced multiple influences by name in his whitepaper like Wei Dai, Ralph Merkle, and Adam Back. So why did the person behind Satoshi feel the need to remain anonymous? There doesn’t seem to be any precedent in the small niche of people who attempted to make digital/electronic cash. A lot of people are constantly regurgitating the idea that Satoshi knew how big Bitcoin would become and that Governments or nefarious people would want to hunt him down for his bitcoin holdings or for simply inventing bitcoin.
In reality, Satoshi didn’t even know if his invention would gain traction. Satoshi didn’t know he would be one of a handful of users running bitcoin in the first year which would allow him to mine as many blocks as he did. Satoshi didn’t know how much bitcoin would actually be worth.

So I think the better question is why would Mike Hearn hide is identity?

Mike Hearn in mid August 2006 was hired on by Google as a Site Reliability Engineer (

Why would an employee of Google secretly develop something? Well, Google themselves sum it up pretty nicely here: “As part of your employment agreement, Google most likely owns intellectual property (IP) you create while at the company. Because Google’s business interests are so wide and varied, this likely applies to any personal project you have. That includes new development on personal projects you created prior to employment at Google.“ ( )

Here Mike was indeed fully aware of Google’s policy when he released bitcoinj as a Google copyrighted project under the Apache 2 license:

Then here he is emailing Satoshi (himself ;)) a few hours after the bitcointalk announcement:
From: Mike Hearn <>
Date: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 2:13 PM
To: Satoshi Nakamoto <>
Hi Satoshi,
I hope you are doing well. I finally got all the lawyers happy enough
to release BitCoinJ under the Google name using the Apache 2 license:

I have no idea how long it takes Google to vet an employee project and license it, but combine that with building bitcoinj and doing that all under 3 months seems fast. What do I know, maybe bitcoinj was a pretty simple project.

I wonder what Google would have done with Bitcoin had Satoshi been an employee of Google?


Mike claiming he supposedly “coined the term SPV”.  Or, did he?
Here is Peter Todd and here is the reddit thread to go along with it:

The term “SPV” does not appear in the whitepaper but its meaning does. Simplified Payment Verification is section 8 of the whitepaper.  Did Mike slip and just inadvertently hint to him being the real Satoshi? Upon further investigation Mike had claimed months earlier that he coined the term “SPV wallet”. So he could have meant to say SPV wallet when Peter Todd was calling him out or maybe he did mean to say just “SPV”. Still not the smoking gun but interesting that he would throw that around knowing full well that Simplified Payment Verification was in the Whitepaper.

[After writing this up, Mike just released all his private Satoshi Emails through a user named CipherionX. Mike did show up in a reddit thread to confirm that they came from him and are indeed not fake. Bitcointalk link:
Reddit link to Mike’s post: ]
It is very plausible that in order to remain separate from something, that someone would in fact have email conversations between himself and an alias as “proof” that they are completely different independent people. Of course this would only make sense if the emails were made public at some point. Well guess what?  Mike just made them public and Mike also attempted to divulge them to Charles Hoskinson in 2013 who did not release them to the public.

If the dates can be trusted, Mike’s email leak serves as proof that he was there early on even if he was corresponding with himself ;) Besides the new email dump the only known public involvement that I could find was here on the sourceforge forum in October 2009: . 

Why did Mike not use Sourceforge as he posted openly so frequently in other project lists or forums? Are there posts that I haven’t seen from early on?

Mike did produce an email he sent to Satoshi In April of 2009 here in this thread: which does correspond with the new email dump.  An interesting thing I noticed in the above link is that Mike stated,
Fun. Here's mine, 12th April 2009. Back then the only documentation was the white paper and hardly anyone had explored the code, so a lot of my questions were very newbie-ish. Also I capitalized Bitcoin wrong.
But Mike continued to capitalize Bitcoin as BitCoin not just in that email but until May 14, 2011. Why is that interesting? Well, every thread and post he responded to that mentioned the word bitcoin didn’t capitalize the “C” ever. It would seem like he was almost doing it on purpose to show what a noob he was to the project. Oh then he of course points out the fact that he was a newbie for capitalizing bitcoin that way. It is odd that he continued to use that spelling without regard to how everyone else was spelling it and then later direct people’s attention to the fact that he use to spell it that way early on.

Also, what is odd about Mike’s involvement early on is that it doesn’t really parallel with his natural online demeanor. He is very vocal and has an involved online presence yet he just really isn’t vocal during the early stages of Bitcoin. Even his personal blog posts came to a halt in early 2009. For someone who is  generally very active online before Bitcoin and then after Satoshi’s disappearence, I find it peculiar that there is a dead silence period from Mike Hearn while Satoshi existed online.
Mike went Facebook silent from July 23, 2007 to March 8, 2011 which also coincides with Satoshi’s existence and pre-release development of Bitcoin.

The next step in my exploration of this idea was to create a calendar of time periods where Satoshi was silent on the forums. For example, Satoshi was silent on the forum from March 24, 2010 until May 16, 2010. I am guessing this is a period when Satoshi was away from his home travelling or vacationing. I was wanting to then correspond them with known dates when Mike was on vacations or at a conference, but as I stated above MIke wasn’t very public during Satoshi’s presence. If anyone knows of any of the potential Satoshis that were vacationing, hospitalized (Hal?), or travelling during that March to May gap in 2010, it would be a good link to the real Satoshi.

Hal Finney was also involved at the start only to leave and eventually return. He came back a month before Satoshi departed though.  Hal was the recipient of bitcoins first transaction and helped Satoshi troubleshoot early problems [Suspicious link removed]

Their correspondence lead me to believe that Satoshi may have had either a rapport or at the least some familiarity with Hal. I decided to search Mike Hearn and Hal Finney together which turned up a nice find. Here, Mike and Hal are talking about Trusted Computing back in July 2008, just months before the bitcoin whitepaper surfaced. Unfortunately I don’t quite fully understand Trusted Computing and the reason Mike Hearn was inquiring about a trusted web browser or how it would relate to Bitcoin,
- I'd like to launch Firefox in a protected domain and have it usable for
surfing the web. My vague, poorly thought out plan was to let the user pick
a photo from a library as proof of the trusted path, then show it in a tab
at startup. Once you saw the personal photo, you'd know you were interacting
with a copy of the browser that'd be safe to use even on a malware-riddled
However, I did also find this thread from Mike Hearn that Hal Finney later resurrected about TC: And even more interesting, Hal Finney later wrote in his brief memoir of bitcoin, “Bitcoin and Me”, posted on the bitcointalk forum (  that he was currently “working on something Mike Hearn suggested, using the security features of modern processors, designed to support "Trusted Computing", to harden Bitcoin wallets.” Was Mike Hearn originally researching a use for trusted computing in Bitcoin but never implemented it only to later pass it on to Hal FInney as a “suggestion”?  Mike on Google+ posted a link to Hal’s TC project when he learned Hal passed away and linked to Hal’s post on BTCtalk ( ; )


here is Satoshi stating he started working on bitcoin in 2007,
here Satoshi said he was done writing Bitcoin by July 2008 because that is when Google protocol buffers was made public”I looked at Google protocol buffers when they were released last year, but I had already written everything by then.”
and then above Mike Hearn in July 2008 is seeking guidance from Hal about trusted computing and then Hal working on trusted computing application on the suggestion of Mike for bitcoin. Ok why? Well bitcoin was done by July 2007 when Mike was inquiring about TC and Hal was working on a TC application later, meaning that TC has some application not related to the core of bitcoin but rather to a peripheral of bitcoin.
[Weak] Searching for more clues about Satoshi I came across a colloquial/slang term that he used. “Hack on” was used by Satoshi in the context of “work on”.
I found multiple instances where Mike Hearn used the same exact term in the same context:
I do admit the “hack on” argument is lame evidence as it is somewhat common term. However, not everyone used it in that context (like Hal Finney didn’t) and it does add to the list of coincidences.
[Warning: Reaching] Another super weak semi-coincidence is Mike Hearns birthday. Mike’s birthday is April 17th, 1984. Satoshi’s birthday was chosen as April 5th, 1975. I don’t know about you, but a lot of times when I have to enter a birthday in a service where I don’t want them knowing the truth, I usually always use my real birth month with fake day and year. [More reaching] adding 1975’s digits equal adding 1984’s digits/ 7+5=12 and 8+4=12.

According to Mike Hearn, Satoshi “communicated with a few of the core developers before leaving. He told myself and Gavin that he had moved on to other things and that the project was in good hands.“ This is also backed up by the new email release here:   
Mike- “I had a few other things on my mind (as always). One is, are you planning on rejoining the community at some point (eg for code reviews), or is your plan to permanently step back from the limelight?”
Satoshi- “I've moved on to other things.  It's in good hands with Gavin and everyone.”
The above communication is supposedly the first time anyone heard that Satoshi was leaving for good and it was none other than Mike Hearn as the recipient. Then a few days later Satoshi told Gavin the same thing.

None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Newmine on September 06, 2017, 06:46:43 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Basmic on September 06, 2017, 06:59:13 PM
What's the difference who is this Satoshi Nakamoto? You from if you know who this man is? If you do this it will be easier then may think that it's me. Lol! The main thing that you in their hands received the lever is able to turn the whole world dreamed of Archimedes.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: HODLwearz on September 06, 2017, 07:08:09 PM
SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola

There ya go.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: DooMAD on September 06, 2017, 07:17:40 PM
I'm inclined to agree there's no point in trying to identify someone against their wishes when they want to remain anonymous.  That said, I'm fairly confident Mike Hearn isn't Satoshi purely on the basis of his ideas about "redlists (" alone.  Satoshi seemed quite conscientious about matters of fungibility.  The concepts of any kind of blacklist/whitelist/redlist or any other colour list you care to name simply isn't compatible with fungibility.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: zokora on September 06, 2017, 08:04:10 PM
Guys I am convinced. It does not make sense below if these two are different people

"Mike’s bitcointalk presence began 1 day 53 minutes and 13 seconds after Satoshi’s bitcointalk presence ended. Almost exactly 1 day separating their profiles seemed odd to me especially considering the impact Mike had in development later on."

Just look at their profiles. It is really odd. These two guys emailed each other and had connection, but just Satoshi left the site and Mike registered. That does not make sense. We now know who Satoshi Nakamoto is :)

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: exstasie on September 06, 2017, 08:07:21 PM
None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Interesting story, and taken together, one could posit that there is a connection between the two. However, it doesn't add up for me.

The biggest issue is that Satoshi was a cypherpunk. He posted the whitepaper on a crypto mailing list. I think that Hearn thought Bitcoin was really cool as a payment system, but never really appreciated the underlying security premises of a decentralized Bitcoin. As DooMAD mentioned, I also think Satoshi would have been staunchly opposed to Hearn's blacklisting/redlisting ideas.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: 1Referee on September 06, 2017, 08:41:52 PM
SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola

There ya go.

I actually like that one - case closed. :D

In all seriousness, there is no point into speculating about who or what satoshi is - there is no way we will know for sure who or what is him, unless that entity actually signs from the address containing the first ever minted block reward. And even that for some people might not be a sufficient form of evidence - in that case there won't be anything that will ever point out who or what he is. Other than him being the master mind of Bitcoin, the misterious aspect that surrounds his character, and him supposedly holding close to a million coins, there is nothing of importance in Satoshi anymore. He left for a reason, and that's why I am inclined to think that he won't ever bother signing from whatever address to prove existence.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 06, 2017, 09:49:21 PM
None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Interesting story, and taken together, one could posit that there is a connection between the two. However, it doesn't add up for me.

The biggest issue is that Satoshi was a cypherpunk. He posted the whitepaper on a crypto mailing list. I think that Hearn thought Bitcoin was really cool as a payment system, but never really appreciated the underlying security premises of a decentralized Bitcoin. As DooMAD mentioned, I also think Satoshi would have been staunchly opposed to Hearn's blacklisting/redlisting ideas.

Satoshi was not a cypherpunk. Even Gavin thought he was not a cryptographer, see here:

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: AgentofCoin on September 06, 2017, 10:23:05 PM
None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Interesting story, and taken together, one could posit that there is a connection between the two. However, it doesn't add up for me.

The biggest issue is that Satoshi was a cypherpunk. He posted the whitepaper on a crypto mailing list. I think that Hearn thought Bitcoin was really cool as a payment system, but never really appreciated the underlying security premises of a decentralized Bitcoin. As DooMAD mentioned, I also think Satoshi would have been staunchly opposed to Hearn's blacklisting/redlisting ideas.

Satoshi was not a cypherpunk. Even Gavin thought he was not a cryptographer, see here:

Being a cypherpunk does not always mean you are a cryptographer, just
as being a cryptographer does not always mean you are a cypherpunk.

When Satoshi provided his solution to one of the cypherpunk puzzles,
that alone proves that he is aligned with cypherpunk ideals, and grants
him the title of being a "cypherpunk". Why solve a puzzle, if the outcome
brings the destruction and disillusionment of your own beliefs.

Here was a Satoshi belief of his solution type, at the time:
"... we can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory
of freedom for several years. Governments are good at cutting off the
heads of a centrally controlled networks like Napster, but pure P2P networks
like Gnutella and Tor seem to be holding their own.
" This Satoshi quote
is self evident as to what his ideals likely aligned to: financial choice.

Satoshi may have been a coder and activist more than an experienced
cryptographer, but that does not negate his cypherpunk nature. It is
clear that the creation of a Bitcoin like system, if successful, would
bring about changes to the outside world by providing the people a
choice that was forbidden to exist by the powers that be.

Update: To add my two bits as the OP theory, I agree with DooMAD's
reasoning above. Redlists are something that can not be ignored. It is
an insidious threat to Bitcoin and to the freedom our network provides.

Edit: added Update

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 07, 2017, 12:00:39 AM
None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Interesting story, and taken together, one could posit that there is a connection between the two. However, it doesn't add up for me.

The biggest issue is that Satoshi was a cypherpunk. He posted the whitepaper on a crypto mailing list. I think that Hearn thought Bitcoin was really cool as a payment system, but never really appreciated the underlying security premises of a decentralized Bitcoin. As DooMAD mentioned, I also think Satoshi would have been staunchly opposed to Hearn's blacklisting/redlisting ideas.

Satoshi was not a cypherpunk. Even Gavin thought he was not a cryptographer, see here:

Being a cypherpunk does not always mean you are a cryptographer, just
as being a cryptographer does not always mean you are a cypherpunk.

When Satoshi provided his solution to one of the cypherpunk puzzles,
that alone proves that he is aligned with cypherpunk ideals, and grants
him the title of being a "cypherpunk". Why solve a puzzle, if the outcome
brings the destruction and disillusionment of your own beliefs.

Here was a Satoshi belief of his solution type, at the time:
"... we can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory
of freedom for several years. Governments are good at cutting off the
heads of a centrally controlled networks like Napster, but pure P2P networks
like Gnutella and Tor seem to be holding their own.
" This Satoshi quote
is self evident as to what his ideals likely aligned to: financial choice.

Satoshi may have been a coder and activist more than an experienced
cryptographer, but that does not negate his cypherpunk nature. It is
clear that the creation of a Bitcoin like system, if successful, would
bring about changes to the outside world by providing the people a
choice that was forbidden to exist by the powers that be.

Update: To add my two bits as the OP theory, I agree with DooMAD's
reasoning above. Redlists are something that can not be ignored. It is
an insidious threat to Bitcoin and to the freedom our network provides.

Edit: added Update

Yes, I shouldn't have worded my post that way. Of course a cypherpunk doesn't mean cryptographer but it is someone who advocates cryptography.

Also Satoshi didn't even know who Wei Dai is or about his b-money nor did he know about Nick Szabo and bit-gold.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: soy on September 07, 2017, 12:10:40 AM
Truly interesting topic, I did not know that Satoshi had an account on bitcointalk and even more than he was the creator ... Are we really sure it is indeed him? Forum administrators may have access to payments since the summer posted messages in their statistics? This would break many rumors!

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Dhaaaw on September 07, 2017, 01:00:23 AM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: k@suy on September 07, 2017, 01:10:05 AM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

We should be thankful about him, he created an opportunity to all of us here. There are always possibilities but still I hope one day  he would go  on public. But still Satoshi Nakamoto's identity is still not revealed maybe due to security reasons or whatsoever, we should respect him.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 07, 2017, 03:43:55 AM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

It's a mystery and we have curiosity. Are you not curious?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 16, 2017, 08:45:21 PM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

It's a mystery and we have curiosity. Are you not curious?
Add this as another reason why Satoshi probably should be known, because of people like Jamie Dimon:
Its murky origin raises questions, he said. "It is believed that an unknown person (or persons) known as 'Satoshi Nakamoto', before disappearing, mined the first 1-2 million coins or about 10 percent of the coins that will ever exist."

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: DooMAD on September 17, 2017, 01:52:02 PM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

It's a mystery and we have curiosity. Are you not curious?
Add this as another reason why Satoshi probably should be known, because of people like Jamie Dimon:
Its murky origin raises questions, he said. "It is believed that an unknown person (or persons) known as 'Satoshi Nakamoto', before disappearing, mined the first 1-2 million coins or about 10 percent of the coins that will ever exist."

It's because of people like Jamie Dimon that Satoshi felt compelled to act.  If it weren't for the even murkier traditional finance sector being such a disgusting abomination, it's possible no one would have created what we now have.  And I'd happily give Satoshi the benefit of the doubt when compared directly against some of the known people in this world with large fiat holdings.  Why should we trust "people" (in the most generous sense of the word) like Dimon with their decidedly above average proportion of the wealth?  Not to mention their undue influence over the global economy.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: 2double0 on September 17, 2017, 02:01:08 PM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

It's a mystery and we have curiosity. Are you not curious?

Satoshi can't be, and should not be known. We should never be curious to know who they are, and that's respect.
Respect to their decision about being anonymous in order to support their invention's properties (Bitcoin helps you remain anonymous - though it's your choice to be it or not because it's more pseudonymous than completely anonymous). There were many who came ahead, proclaimed to be Satoshi but I still believe that they are yet to be unleashed (it's my personal wish for Satoshi to never come up and stay anonymous, stay safe always).
We all know coincidences occur, but it's not necessary what we have found is truth. If they were to be found, they might have left some footprints through which they may be traced. It's still unlikely to find someone if they decide to remain unnamed.
Think once again, if someone tries to know about you without your consent and you want to remain anonymous, will you give anyone a chance by leaving any traces behind?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 18, 2017, 12:59:28 AM
First of all this is a really pleasent theory that i enjoyed reading, BUT, I don't understand the fixation that people have around unveiling the identity of satoshi, He/She/Them did a great job and we should be greatful but here we are not respecting his whishes to stay hidden.

It's a mystery and we have curiosity. Are you not curious?

Satoshi can't be, and should not be known. We should never be curious to know who they are, and that's respect.
Respect to their decision about being anonymous in order to support their invention's properties (Bitcoin helps you remain anonymous - though it's your choice to be it or not because it's more pseudonymous than completely anonymous). There were many who came ahead, proclaimed to be Satoshi but I still believe that they are yet to be unleashed (it's my personal wish for Satoshi to never come up and stay anonymous, stay safe always).
We all know coincidences occur, but it's not necessary what we have found is truth. If they were to be found, they might have left some footprints through which they may be traced. It's still unlikely to find someone if they decide to remain unnamed.
Think once again, if someone tries to know about you without your consent and you want to remain anonymous, will you give anyone a chance by leaving any traces behind?

What does him staying anonymous have to do with safety? It is absurd that this idea is constantly thrown around that Satoshi would be in fear for his life if he revealed his identity. It is far more likely that the scenario in the post is the case for staying anonymous. There are plenty of game changing innovators, and millions of people richer than what people presume Satoshi to be who are not in a constant threat for their well being. I know it is more fun to believe that there are governments, corporations, mobs, and criminals after the real Satoshi because he invented something that was likely to be discovered eventually anyway as if it was a cloak and dagger blockbuster mystery you payed $10 to see at the theater last weekend. The truth is likely not that exciting.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: futile-resistance on September 29, 2017, 05:47:44 AM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!
May be because nobody knows who is this man. I sometimes think that satoshi Nakamoto is not a human. It is a system and the name of a new digital technology. Although I am nit interesting who this man is. I am interesting in the creation of satoshi Nakamoto.

I mean bitcoin, An anonymous person has given us such a thing that we must have these 100 years ago if possible. All the people would be built in one currency chain.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Coin++ on September 29, 2017, 05:51:27 AM
No, Mike Hearn is not Satoshi Nakamoto.
Satoshi Nakamoto is a woman (why would it be a man ?).
Satoshi Nakamoto is the mother of the USA president ;-).

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on September 30, 2017, 04:51:16 AM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto Mike Hearn?
There are many coincidences involving a Mike Hearn and Satoshi Nakamoto connection.   Though many of you will automatically reject the notion because you dislike Mike Hearn, I would suggest you at least entertain the idea’s possibility. I have seen Mike Hearn on the long list of “Satoshi candidates” posted on bitcointalk but I have never seen anyone explore the idea.

Besides Mike being British and Satoshi using British English my first inclination to even consider Mike Hearn as being Satoshi Nakamoto was that Mike’s profile was created 1 day after Satoshi last logged in to the forum.

Satoshi’s profile:;u=3
Mike’s profile:;u=2700

Mike’s bitcointalk presence began 1 day 53 minutes and 13 seconds after Satoshi’s bitcointalk presence ended. Almost exactly 1 day separating their profiles seemed odd to me especially considering the impact Mike had in development later on.
Why would Satoshi Nakamoto hide his real identity?

The people who created the precursors to Bitcoin were not anonymous. Satoshi even referenced multiple influences by name in his whitepaper like Wei Dai, Ralph Merkle, and Adam Back. So why did the person behind Satoshi feel the need to remain anonymous? There doesn’t seem to be any precedent in the small niche of people who attempted to make digital/electronic cash. A lot of people are constantly regurgitating the idea that Satoshi knew how big Bitcoin would become and that Governments or nefarious people would want to hunt him down for his bitcoin holdings or for simply inventing bitcoin.
In reality, Satoshi didn’t even know if his invention would gain traction. Satoshi didn’t know he would be one of a handful of users running bitcoin in the first year which would allow him to mine as many blocks as he did. Satoshi didn’t know how much bitcoin would actually be worth.

So I think the better question is why would Mike Hearn hide is identity?

Mike Hearn in mid August 2006 was hired on by Google as a Site Reliability Engineer (

Why would an employee of Google secretly develop something? Well, Google themselves sum it up pretty nicely here: “As part of your employment agreement, Google most likely owns intellectual property (IP) you create while at the company. Because Google’s business interests are so wide and varied, this likely applies to any personal project you have. That includes new development on personal projects you created prior to employment at Google.“ ( )

Here Mike was indeed fully aware of Google’s policy when he released bitcoinj as a Google copyrighted project under the Apache 2 license:

Then here he is emailing Satoshi (himself ;)) a few hours after the bitcointalk announcement:
From: Mike Hearn <>
Date: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 2:13 PM
To: Satoshi Nakamoto <>
Hi Satoshi,
I hope you are doing well. I finally got all the lawyers happy enough
to release BitCoinJ under the Google name using the Apache 2 license:

I have no idea how long it takes Google to vet an employee project and license it, but combine that with building bitcoinj and doing that all under 3 months seems fast. What do I know, maybe bitcoinj was a pretty simple project.

I wonder what Google would have done with Bitcoin had Satoshi been an employee of Google?


Mike claiming he supposedly “coined the term SPV”.  Or, did he?
Here is Peter Todd and here is the reddit thread to go along with it:

The term “SPV” does not appear in the whitepaper but its meaning does. Simplified Payment Verification is section 8 of the whitepaper.  Did Mike slip and just inadvertently hint to him being the real Satoshi? Upon further investigation Mike had claimed months earlier that he coined the term “SPV wallet”. So he could have meant to say SPV wallet when Peter Todd was calling him out or maybe he did mean to say just “SPV”. Still not the smoking gun but interesting that he would throw that around knowing full well that Simplified Payment Verification was in the Whitepaper.

[After writing this up, Mike just released all his private Satoshi Emails through a user named CipherionX. Mike did show up in a reddit thread to confirm that they came from him and are indeed not fake. Bitcointalk link:
Reddit link to Mike’s post: ]
It is very plausible that in order to remain separate from something, that someone would in fact have email conversations between himself and an alias as “proof” that they are completely different independent people. Of course this would only make sense if the emails were made public at some point. Well guess what?  Mike just made them public and Mike also attempted to divulge them to Charles Hoskinson in 2013 who did not release them to the public.

If the dates can be trusted, Mike’s email leak serves as proof that he was there early on even if he was corresponding with himself ;) Besides the new email dump the only known public involvement that I could find was here on the sourceforge forum in October 2009: . 

Why did Mike not use Sourceforge as he posted openly so frequently in other project lists or forums? Are there posts that I haven’t seen from early on?

Mike did produce an email he sent to Satoshi In April of 2009 here in this thread: which does correspond with the new email dump.  An interesting thing I noticed in the above link is that Mike stated,
Fun. Here's mine, 12th April 2009. Back then the only documentation was the white paper and hardly anyone had explored the code, so a lot of my questions were very newbie-ish. Also I capitalized Bitcoin wrong.
But Mike continued to capitalize Bitcoin as BitCoin not just in that email but until May 14, 2011. Why is that interesting? Well, every thread and post he responded to that mentioned the word bitcoin didn’t capitalize the “C” ever. It would seem like he was almost doing it on purpose to show what a noob he was to the project. Oh then he of course points out the fact that he was a newbie for capitalizing bitcoin that way. It is odd that he continued to use that spelling without regard to how everyone else was spelling it and then later direct people’s attention to the fact that he use to spell it that way early on.

Also, what is odd about Mike’s involvement early on is that it doesn’t really parallel with his natural online demeanor. He is very vocal and has an involved online presence yet he just really isn’t vocal during the early stages of Bitcoin. Even his personal blog posts came to a halt in early 2009. For someone who is  generally very active online before Bitcoin and then after Satoshi’s disappearence, I find it peculiar that there is a dead silence period from Mike Hearn while Satoshi existed online.
Mike went Facebook silent from July 23, 2007 to March 8, 2011 which also coincides with Satoshi’s existence and pre-release development of Bitcoin.

The next step in my exploration of this idea was to create a calendar of time periods where Satoshi was silent on the forums. For example, Satoshi was silent on the forum from March 24, 2010 until May 16, 2010. I am guessing this is a period when Satoshi was away from his home travelling or vacationing. I was wanting to then correspond them with known dates when Mike was on vacations or at a conference, but as I stated above MIke wasn’t very public during Satoshi’s presence. If anyone knows of any of the potential Satoshis that were vacationing, hospitalized (Hal?), or travelling during that March to May gap in 2010, it would be a good link to the real Satoshi.

Hal Finney was also involved at the start only to leave and eventually return. He came back a month before Satoshi departed though.  Hal was the recipient of bitcoins first transaction and helped Satoshi troubleshoot early problems [Suspicious link removed]

Their correspondence lead me to believe that Satoshi may have had either a rapport or at the least some familiarity with Hal. I decided to search Mike Hearn and Hal Finney together which turned up a nice find. Here, Mike and Hal are talking about Trusted Computing back in July 2008, just months before the bitcoin whitepaper surfaced. Unfortunately I don’t quite fully understand Trusted Computing and the reason Mike Hearn was inquiring about a trusted web browser or how it would relate to Bitcoin,
- I'd like to launch Firefox in a protected domain and have it usable for
surfing the web. My vague, poorly thought out plan was to let the user pick
a photo from a library as proof of the trusted path, then show it in a tab
at startup. Once you saw the personal photo, you'd know you were interacting
with a copy of the browser that'd be safe to use even on a malware-riddled
However, I did also find this thread from Mike Hearn that Hal Finney later resurrected about TC: And even more interesting, Hal Finney later wrote in his brief memoir of bitcoin, “Bitcoin and Me”, posted on the bitcointalk forum (  that he was currently “working on something Mike Hearn suggested, using the security features of modern processors, designed to support "Trusted Computing", to harden Bitcoin wallets.” Was Mike Hearn originally researching a use for trusted computing in Bitcoin but never implemented it only to later pass it on to Hal FInney as a “suggestion”?  Mike on Google+ posted a link to Hal’s TC project when he learned Hal passed away and linked to Hal’s post on BTCtalk ( ; )


here is Satoshi stating he started working on bitcoin in 2007,
here Satoshi said he was done writing Bitcoin by July 2008 because that is when Google protocol buffers was made public”I looked at Google protocol buffers when they were released last year, but I had already written everything by then.”
and then above Mike Hearn in July 2008 is seeking guidance from Hal about trusted computing and then Hal working on trusted computing application on the suggestion of Mike for bitcoin. Ok why? Well bitcoin was done by July 2007 when Mike was inquiring about TC and Hal was working on a TC application later, meaning that TC has some application not related to the core of bitcoin but rather to a peripheral of bitcoin.
[Weak] Searching for more clues about Satoshi I came across a colloquial/slang term that he used. “Hack on” was used by Satoshi in the context of “work on”.
I found multiple instances where Mike Hearn used the same exact term in the same context:
I do admit the “hack on” argument is lame evidence as it is somewhat common term. However, not everyone used it in that context (like Hal Finney didn’t) and it does add to the list of coincidences.
[Warning: Reaching] Another super weak semi-coincidence is Mike Hearns birthday. Mike’s birthday is April 17th, 1984. Satoshi’s birthday was chosen as April 5th, 1975. I don’t know about you, but a lot of times when I have to enter a birthday in a service where I don’t want them knowing the truth, I usually always use my real birth month with fake day and year. [More reaching] adding 1975’s digits equal adding 1984’s digits/ 7+5=12 and 8+4=12.

According to Mike Hearn, Satoshi “communicated with a few of the core developers before leaving. He told myself and Gavin that he had moved on to other things and that the project was in good hands.“ This is also backed up by the new email release here:   
Mike- “I had a few other things on my mind (as always). One is, are you planning on rejoining the community at some point (eg for code reviews), or is your plan to permanently step back from the limelight?”
Satoshi- “I've moved on to other things.  It's in good hands with Gavin and everyone.”
The above communication is supposedly the first time anyone heard that Satoshi was leaving for good and it was none other than Mike Hearn as the recipient. Then a few days later Satoshi told Gavin the same thing.

None of these things points or alludes to Mike being Satoshi by themselves. But I do think that all these things together do paint a possible connection. Mike denied being Satoshi when I emailed him and also didn’t seem to care that I would post these things online attempting to connect him to Satoshi.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 30, 2017, 03:01:30 PM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Why apologize for quoting? Why would you feel the need to quote it too? I don't care that you did, just curious why.

Link to your theory? I am always interested in other peoples ideas of who Satoshi could be. I don't know who James Simons is. I have never come across his name. I definitely think Hal could be involved with Mike. Nick Szabo definitely has the same missing online presence as Mike Hearn during Satoshi's online life. However, I am not convinced Nick Szabo was involved. If Szabo created bit gold before, why would he originally call bitcoin electronic-cash then change it to Bitcoin? I believe Nick probably would have called it that from the beginning or not called it that at all since it does sort of link the 2 projects together in name.

Also, I think it was Wei Dai or Adam Back that said Satoshi had no idea about Nick Szabo's bit gold. This definitely makes sense that Satoshi would change the name to Bitcoin after he discovered Bit Gold just months before Bitcoin was released.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Taki on September 30, 2017, 03:36:49 PM
SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola

There ya go.
Does a real person is hiding behind the name of Satoshy Nacomoto or it's just a global conspiracy? Opinions are going to be shared half to half.
I think all this persons who are showing them selfs like Satoshi, just as Mike Hearn does, are simply trying to catch the success of Satoshi's personality and the greatest meaning of his invention.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on September 30, 2017, 05:59:54 PM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Why apologize for quoting? Why would you feel the need to quote it too? I don't care that you did, just curious why.

Link to your theory? I am always interested in other peoples ideas of who Satoshi could be. I don't know who James Simons is. I have never come across his name. I definitely think Hal could be involved with Mike. Nick Szabo definitely has the same missing online presence as Mike Hearn during Satoshi's online life. However, I am not convinced Nick Szabo was involved. If Szabo created bit gold before, why would he originally call bitcoin electronic-cash then change it to Bitcoin? I believe Nick probably would have called it that from the beginning or not called it that at all since it does sort of link the 2 projects together in name.

Also, I think it was Wei Dai or Adam Back that said Satoshi had no idea about Nick Szabo's bit gold. This definitely makes sense that Satoshi would change the name to Bitcoin after he discovered Bit Gold just months before Bitcoin was released.

I apologized because it's a long OP. I quoted it mostly for my records, having nothing to do with any other reason.

I still think that James Simons put the team together with Nick being the public-facing voice of SN. The team was, and is well paid for their NDA. At the same time, Steve Bannon was working with Brock Pierce where they just got U$65M from Goldman Sachs. Speaking of, how many Sachs dudes make up Trump's cabinet? Don't forget, Robert Mercer was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Simons and Mercer are no friends with the Federal Reserve. Breitbart News publishes Bitcoin/crypto related articles on a regular basis, with all articles first approved by Rebekah Mercer.

The above is just a teaser for my book that'll come out in 2028.  :P

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on September 30, 2017, 09:24:30 PM
Gleb Gamow knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is but he won't tell you. I am Moses ! Bitcoin Moses ! So let me prophesy and tell you all who is Gleb Gamow ?

The word 'Gleb Gamow' is not belong to the man who is running this account. The account 'Gleb Gamow' is belong to Satoshi Nakamoto. The Palace photo of Gleb Gamow's avatar is the one of the Palace belong to the great great grand cousin brother of Satoshi Nakamoto. The man who is running the account Gleb Gamow is one of 'them'. Satoshi is coming out from the cloud and he is looking for you. Because you are doing very good work for Satoshi Nakamoto.  He will definitely buy some sushi and Champaign and roast kangaroo ! yahoooo ! Yahooooo  !   Gleb Gamow ! ;)

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: FasTroy on September 30, 2017, 09:46:58 PM
According to the Banking on Bitcoin film which it diffused on netflix, Satoshi nakamoto is a anonymous person  or maybe group of people, He talked with Gavin Andresen which it's a member here on bitcointalk, but after a period of time satoshi disappear, and he never reply to Gavin anymore.

So i think it's too bit hard to search who is satoshis nakamto and where he live, and why he don't like to show himself to the world?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on September 30, 2017, 09:50:34 PM
Mike Hearn is not Satoshi Nakamoto but he could be one of the Anglotoshi Maccamoto. Mike has contributed his skills and knowledge to Bitcoin Project, he told Hal Finney that  he will contribute a decent amounts of money (USD$100 - $300 Dollars)  if the Forty Thieves together contribute little money to send Satoshi Nakamoto to Financial Cryptography. Haven't you read that in Hal Finney's thread Lets Send Sartoshi To Financial Cryptography ?

Many people are looking for Satoshi Nakamoto, and few earlier developers and some NSA agents are not looking for Satoshi Nakamoto. The man who controlling one of Satoshi's account 'Gleb Gamow' he is also not looking for Satioshi .
My prophesy is not false !  I am Moses ! Bitcoin Moses ! I am not a False Prophet.

Satoshi is coming down from the cloud with his Riddle of the Twin Brother soon ! Yahooooo ! Yahoooo ! Ho ! Ho ! Ho !

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: kabz on September 30, 2017, 09:55:45 PM
really good finds here, enjoyed reading this, whoever is Satoshi, hat off to him, he made such a good job with btc.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Scallywag on September 30, 2017, 09:58:06 PM
Just leave it, he doesn't want to be known so why are people looking so hard.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Renji Abarai on September 30, 2017, 10:07:41 PM
really good finds here, enjoyed reading this, whoever is Satoshi, hat off to him, he made such a good job with btc.

Salute to this Satoshi guy. He change the online financial technology and disrupting more fields also with the application of blockchain technology. He is really smart. Though there are many claimants and some investigations leads to many personality but I think he is hiding for his personal security. It could be Mike Hearn, who knows.. ;)

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: eaLiTy on September 30, 2017, 10:42:30 PM
Truly interesting topic, I did not know that Satoshi had an account on bitcointalk and even more than he was the creator ... Are we really sure it is indeed him? Forum administrators may have access to payments since the summer posted messages in their statistics? This would break many rumors!
I hope you are not joking here,you being in the forum for a long time and you still did not notice the old posts created by the creator himself and his response to all the queries . ::) It is good to search all the old posts and you could find some interesting conversations from interesting people in the forum,the individual who is capable of proving himself by signing the genesis block will be Satoshi  ,other than that let us bar these speculation as i had enough for a very long time on finding the identity of the creator.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on September 30, 2017, 11:03:51 PM
Gleb Gamow knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is but he won't tell you. I am Moses ! Bitcoin Moses ! So let me prophesy and tell you all who is Gleb Gamow ?

The word 'Gleb Gamow' is not belong to the man who is running this account. The account 'Gleb Gamow' is belong to Satoshi Nakamoto. The Palace photo of Gleb Gamow's avatar is the one of the Palace belong to the great great grand cousin brother of Satoshi Nakamoto. The man who is running the account Gleb Gamow is one of 'them'. Satoshi is coming out from the cloud and he is looking for you. Because you are doing very good work for Satoshi Nakamoto.  He will definitely buy some sushi and Champaign and roast kangaroo ! yahoooo ! Yahooooo  !   Gleb Gamow ! ;)

Thanks for not mentioning that I secretly fuck kids as in young goats.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 01, 2017, 10:04:51 AM
Just leave it, he doesn't want to be known so why are people looking so hard.

You are literally describing Bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 01, 2017, 10:11:48 AM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Why apologize for quoting? Why would you feel the need to quote it too? I don't care that you did, just curious why.

Link to your theory? I am always interested in other peoples ideas of who Satoshi could be. I don't know who James Simons is. I have never come across his name. I definitely think Hal could be involved with Mike. Nick Szabo definitely has the same missing online presence as Mike Hearn during Satoshi's online life. However, I am not convinced Nick Szabo was involved. If Szabo created bit gold before, why would he originally call bitcoin electronic-cash then change it to Bitcoin? I believe Nick probably would have called it that from the beginning or not called it that at all since it does sort of link the 2 projects together in name.

Also, I think it was Wei Dai or Adam Back that said Satoshi had no idea about Nick Szabo's bit gold. This definitely makes sense that Satoshi would change the name to Bitcoin after he discovered Bit Gold just months before Bitcoin was released.

I apologized because it's a long OP. I quoted it mostly for my records, having nothing to do with any other reason.

I still think that James Simons put the team together with Nick being the public-facing voice of SN. The team was, and is well paid for their NDA. At the same time, Steve Bannon was working with Brock Pierce where they just got U$65M from Goldman Sachs. Speaking of, how many Sachs dudes make up Trump's cabinet? Don't forget, Robert Mercer was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Simons and Mercer are no friends with the Federal Reserve. Breitbart News publishes Bitcoin/crypto related articles on a regular basis, with all articles first approved by Rebekah Mercer.

The above is just a teaser for my book that'll come out in 2028.  :P

Dude, really?

A few years ago I thought you had real insight. But this is just troll garbage. No offense if you believe this, but man the Brock and Goldman shit is crazy wierd unsubstantiated nonsense. Unless you can link support to it beyond some blog shit posts that is...Otherwise, this is just Alex Jones type BS.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: StonedWolf on October 01, 2017, 10:43:39 AM
Sorry but this question cannot be answered !
It is part of the questions that have no answer historically, like that "Hitler fled from the US Army or committed suicide ? " or "who killed malcolm X ?"
However, no one can deny that Satoshi Nakamoto has changed the history !

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 01, 2017, 08:51:39 PM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Why apologize for quoting? Why would you feel the need to quote it too? I don't care that you did, just curious why.

Link to your theory? I am always interested in other peoples ideas of who Satoshi could be. I don't know who James Simons is. I have never come across his name. I definitely think Hal could be involved with Mike. Nick Szabo definitely has the same missing online presence as Mike Hearn during Satoshi's online life. However, I am not convinced Nick Szabo was involved. If Szabo created bit gold before, why would he originally call bitcoin electronic-cash then change it to Bitcoin? I believe Nick probably would have called it that from the beginning or not called it that at all since it does sort of link the 2 projects together in name.

Also, I think it was Wei Dai or Adam Back that said Satoshi had no idea about Nick Szabo's bit gold. This definitely makes sense that Satoshi would change the name to Bitcoin after he discovered Bit Gold just months before Bitcoin was released.

I apologized because it's a long OP. I quoted it mostly for my records, having nothing to do with any other reason.

I still think that James Simons put the team together with Nick being the public-facing voice of SN. The team was, and is well paid for their NDA. At the same time, Steve Bannon was working with Brock Pierce where they just got U$65M from Goldman Sachs. Speaking of, how many Sachs dudes make up Trump's cabinet? Don't forget, Robert Mercer was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Simons and Mercer are no friends with the Federal Reserve. Breitbart News publishes Bitcoin/crypto related articles on a regular basis, with all articles first approved by Rebekah Mercer.

The above is just a teaser for my book that'll come out in 2028.  :P

Dude, really?

A few years ago I thought you had real insight. But this is just troll garbage. No offense if you believe this, but man the Brock and Goldman shit is crazy wierd unsubstantiated nonsense. Unless you can link support to it beyond some blog shit posts that is...Otherwise, this is just Alex Jones type BS.

Steve Bannon learned to harness troll army from 'World of Warcraft'

Before Steve Bannon oversaw the conservative Breitbart News Network and, subsequently, joined then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign, the chief political strategist became a player in Hollywood and ... World of Warcraft.

Bannon's migration from banker at Goldman Sachs to his current post in Trump's inner circle is chronicled in the new book Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency, out Tuesday, by Joshua Green, a reporter with Bloomberg Businessweek.

“You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump.”

In 2005, Bannon secured $60 million in funding from Goldman Sachs and other investors for Internet Gaming Entertainment, a Hong Kong-based company. IGE did not make games, but instead employed "low-wage Chinese workers" to play online multiplayer game World of Warcraft and earn in-game gold that could be traded for virtual goods, which in turn could be resold to players of the hugely popular PC game for real money, Green writes. At the time, the game published by Blizzard Entertainment, had about 10 million subscribers.

Some players fancied the idea of paying for goods that would take hours of grinding through the game to earn. But other players "considered it a form of cheating," Green writes, and many posted "anti-Chinese vitriol" on bulletin boards.

Eventually, Blizzard shut down accounts used by virtual "gold farmers" and IGE became the target of a class-action suit by a player who said the company's practices were "substantially impairing" players' enjoyment of the game.

Bannon took control of the company from Brock Pierce, a child actor who appeared in The Mighty Ducks films and, according to Internet Movie Database, was a consultant on an episode of HBO series Silicon Valley.

Even though the business plan was a flop, Bannon became intrigued by the game's online community dynamics. In describing gamers, Bannon said, "These guys, these rootless white males, had monster power. ... It was the pre-reddit. It's the same guys on (one of a trio of online message boards owned by IGE) Thottbot who were [later] on reddit" and other online message boards where the alt-right flourished, Bannon said.

Green postulates that Bannon's time at IGE was "one that introduced him to a hidden world, burrowed deep into his psyche, and provided a kind of conceptual framework that he would later draw on to build up the audience for Breitbart News, and then to help marshal the online armies of trolls and activists that overran national politicians and helped give rise to Donald Trump," Green writes.

After taking over in 2012 at the Breitbart News Network — it was founded five years earlier by Andrew Breitbart, who died in 2012 — Bannon recruited Milo Yiannopoulos to handle technology coverage.

Like Andrew Breitbart, Yiannopoulos "just had that 'it' factor," Bannon says in the book. "The difference was, Andrew had a very strong moral universe, and Milo is an amoral nihilist."

Yiannopoulos devoted much of Bretibart's tech coverage to cultural issues, particularly Gamergate, a long-running online argument over gaming culture that peaked in 2014. And that helped fuel an online alt-right movement sparked by Breitbart News.

"I realized Milo could connect with these kids right away," Bannon told Green. "You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump."

Fuck Wired! Read the book:

Bonus Link:

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Snaic on October 01, 2017, 09:42:15 PM
The person who subscribed as Satoshi Nakamoto pretty well thought out his line of behavior in order to remain unidentified. With what motives he did this, apparently, this will remain a mystery. Perhaps, it should not be attempted to disclose it. It's even more likely that this will remain a mystery forever. Too much time has passed from January 3, 2009, when the first bitcoin was created.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: IdoandWill on October 09, 2017, 07:08:17 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

There is evidence that about 65% of all mining capacities are concentrated in large carpages. This data is not difficult to find online.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Hydrogen on October 09, 2017, 07:47:44 PM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(

Everything makes sense if David Kleiman was Satoshi Nakamoto. Here’s why

There is so much about Craig Wright’s claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto that does not add up.

It all started back in December when he was ‘outed’. The problem is all the evidence back then pointed to an elaborate fraud, orchestrated by Wright himself.

Why would Craig Wright want people to believe he is Satoshi Nakamoto? Well, he’s under investigation from the Australian Tax authorities who gave his company a $54m tax refund for spending on R&D, spending it looks possible was never was actually spent, since the manufacturer denied ever selling the supercomputer this research was supposed to be carried out on. If he could persuade them he was Satoshi Nakamoto it would certainly help him convince them of his legitimacy, and make it easier to attract additional investment. The motive here is obvious.

David Kleiman was an expert in Computer security. He was paralyzed from the chest down after a motorcycle accident in 1995 and became a reclusive computer forensics obsessive. In late 2010 he was hospitalised where he would remain until discharging himself a few months before his death from MRSA complications in April 2013. He died broke and in squalor.

In December 2015, following the ‘leaked’ documents, Gizomodo ran with the headline “This Australian Says He and His Dead Friend Invented Bitcoin”, and Wired said:

Another leaked email from Wright to computer forensics analyst David Kleiman, a close friend and confidant, just before bitcoin’s January 2009 launch discusses a paper they’d been working on together.
From the leaked documents, it seems the tone was that Kleiman and Wright worked on Bitcoin together.

Fast forward to the BBC interview and Wright says that while there were others involved, he [Wright] “was the main part of it”.

If the leak was the result of a genuine hack on Wright, then the documents that were leaked should be considered more accurate than anything Wright is saying now, since everything he is saying now he will be shaped to serve his own self interest.

If the leak was made by Wright, as seems likely, perhaps the change of tone reflects a change in strategy. Maybe ‘sharing’ credit for somebody else’s work feels more acceptable, but you get to a certain point where you’ve sunk so deep into the deceit and you might as well go all the way.

It gets even more interesting, according to the Gizmodo article Wright made contact with some of Kleiman’s business partners in February 2014 to inform them they’d been working on a project together and that Kleiman had mined an enormous amount of Bitcoins, and he requested they check his old computers for wallet files.

Kleiman’s business partner, Patrick Paige, called to ask for more information and was told by Wright that Kleiman was the creator of Bitcoin, before he later backpedaled and said Bitcoin was invented by a group of people which included Kleiman.

At around this same time, on Feb 12th 2014, Kleiman’s then 92 year old father commented on a Techcrunch article about Bitcoin with the message “Please send information pertaining to David Kleiman’s participation in the development of Bitcoin”. Perhaps this was related to something Kleiman had told his father while still alive, or details of Wright’s phone call being passed on by Paige.

There is good reason to believe Kleiman and Wright knew each other well. Wright posted an emotional tribute to Kleiman on YouTube (since removed) upon learning of his death. It is entirely possible that Wright was a trusted friend and confidante of Kleiman’s, and this might have given him access to information that ‘only Satoshi could have known’ that would have been useful when Craig Wright convinced Gavin Andresen of his legitimacy.

What does not make any sense, if Wright is Satoshi, is for him to create a trust to prevent himself being able to access his own Bitcoins until 2020 – and leave this in the trust of a man in Florida.

Such a trust is detailed in the December 2015 leak and includes bizarre stipulations including that if Wright dies, all the Bitcoins would transfer to his wife, minus a deduction to show the “lies and fraud perpetrated by Adam Westwood of the Australian Tax Office against Dr Wright”. It would be interesting to know when the Australian Tax Office began their investigation. The trust is dated 9th June 2011, and values 1.1 million Bitcoins at $100,000 at a time when their actual value was closer to $30 million. The document is just odd and full of inconsistencies.

What seems more likely is that Kleiman possessed the Bitcoins, and Wright is trying to create a retrospective paper trail to enable him to make a legal claim for ownership of them in the event they ever become accessible. Perhaps Kleiman had made provisions that would enable his family to recover his Bitcoins at some future point in the event of his death, and that he had disclosed details of this to Wright.

Everything makes a lot more sense if David Kleiman was Satoshi Nakamoto and confided in Craig Wright. It explains why Wright would possess enough information to convince some people of his authenticity, but has been unable to provide any verifiable proof that he has access to any of Satoshi’s private keys. Craig Wright has gone to an extraordinary level of effort to convince people he is Satoshi Nakamoto. Given that 1.1 million Bitcoins are currently worth around $500m – it’s not hard to imagine why.

If Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto he could easily verify it cryptographically. The fact he has gone to such lengths without providing this proof suggests he simply doesn’t have it. What’s most likely to happen next? Well, if he’s been involved in Bitcoin since the early days he probably has some early coins – so he’ll probably move them as ‘proof’. Not early enough to be linked to Satoshi, but early enough for him to claim they are and make the circus drag on a little longer.

I believe the fact that he has gone to such lengths to link himself to 1.1 million Bitcoins held by Kleiman suggests he genuinely believes David Kleiman possessed that number of Bitcoins, and that he has a chance of being able to claim them for himself. This adds support to the idea that Kleiman, and possibly the also deceased Hal Finney, really were Satoshi Nakamoto.

It is also notable that Kleiman was hospitalised in late 2010. Gavin Andresen became lead developer of Bitcoin in December 2010 and Satoshi then disappeared.

Whatever is happening is fascinating, it’s a plot worthy of Hollywood. Sadly, this is the real world, and I can’t help but feel sadness for the family of David Kleiman who are possibly about to encounter tremendous invasions of their privacy as a consequence of Craig Wright’s actions.

Keiman was a security expert who practised what he preached. All his data was no doubt encrypted and any evidence of his being Satoshi likely died with him. It is possible this mystery will never be solved.

It is also possible that David Kleiman had nothing to do with Bitcoin at all.

I just know that if he was Satoshi, he seemed a modest man who died a pauper while likely sitting on a trove of millions and avoiding the abundance of recognition he deserved. Craig Wright on the other hand is an egotist who fakes having PhDs and drags out a bizarre media circus to reveal himself as Satoshi without providing simple evidence.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 12, 2017, 05:10:17 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

There is evidence that about 65% of all mining capacities are concentrated in large carpages. This data is not difficult to find online.

What does carpage mean?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 12, 2017, 05:16:59 PM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(


Even Mike clues everyone in as to what happened to all the early coins that are still unspent.
I no longer have the keys that were referenced in my initial emails with Satoshi. That's why the remaining coins are unspent. At the time bitcoins had no value at all and nobody else was using the system, so I didn't bother backing up the wallet and eventually lost it. Back then there were no forums, no markets, no exchanges, no usage at all as far as I could see and Satoshi did not seem to have any interesting in marketing either.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 12, 2017, 05:20:39 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

There is evidence that about 65% of all mining capacities are concentrated in large carpages. This data is not difficult to find online.

What does carpage mean?
"Seriously, you never heard of CarPages?"

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 12, 2017, 05:44:11 PM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(


Even Mike clues everyone in as to what happened to all the early coins that are still unspent.
I no longer have the keys that were referenced in my initial emails with Satoshi. That's why the remaining coins are unspent. At the time bitcoins had no value at all and nobody else was using the system, so I didn't bother backing up the wallet and eventually lost it. Back then there were no forums, no markets, no exchanges, no usage at all as far as I could see and Satoshi did not seem to have any interesting in marketing either.
"You mistaken a 2009 Bitcoin forum for a Bitcoin forum in 2009.";u=2700

<link> On 17 Mar 2010, the now-defunct exchange is the first one that starts operating. (

Does anybody know what Mike Hearn has been smoking?

Aside: Re the last link above, I smell an update for the below in the making ...

Oh, and speaking of "no market", let's revisit Mike's first post, eh?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 12, 2017, 05:45:55 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

There is evidence that about 65% of all mining capacities are concentrated in large carpages. This data is not difficult to find online.

What does carpage mean?
"Seriously, you never heard of CarPages?"
Nope. Am I missing out on something?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 12, 2017, 05:55:35 PM
Nice finds.

Man, if Google could lay claim to bitcoin and the blockchain, that would be very interesting to watch. We'd find out how decentralized bitcoin could really be!

There is evidence that about 65% of all mining capacities are concentrated in large carpages. This data is not difficult to find online.

What does carpage mean?
"Seriously, you never heard of CarPages?"
Nope. Am I missing out on something?

Humor, bud. See the car is saying ... And in case you're not versed, cars can't talk.  :P :P :P

TBC, I, too, don't have a clue as to what carpages is/are.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 12, 2017, 06:20:31 PM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(


Even Mike clues everyone in as to what happened to all the early coins that are still unspent.
I no longer have the keys that were referenced in my initial emails with Satoshi. That's why the remaining coins are unspent. At the time bitcoins had no value at all and nobody else was using the system, so I didn't bother backing up the wallet and eventually lost it. Back then there were no forums, no markets, no exchanges, no usage at all as far as I could see and Satoshi did not seem to have any interesting in marketing either.
https[Suspicious link removed]TwrC8/hqdefault.jpg[/img]
"You mistaken a 2009 Bitcoin forum for a Bitcoin forum in 2009."[/center];u=2700

<link> On 17 Mar 2010, the now-defunct exchange is the first one that starts operating. (

Does anybody know what Mike Hearn has been smoking?

Aside: Re the last link above, I smell an update for the below in the making ...

Oh, and speaking of "no market", let's revisit Mike's first post, eh?

You do realize that Bitcoin started 11 months before what ever it is you are trying to reference here and everything I am talking about happened during that first year. For example, the bulk of Satoshi's coins are from 2009, and Mike is confirmed to have been involved in October of 2009 for sure and through his emails as early as April 2009. Also there was no value in bitcoin during this time as you submitted a link to that proof yourself. I think you are confusing December 2009 with December 2008 or something. Even up until Satoshi went silent here, bitcoin had very little value and didn't find dollar parity until after he walked away from the forum. I am not sure what you think you are proving here but you are wrong in whatever you are attempting.

Mike is Satoshi.

Mike doesn't have the keys to the coins he mined in 2009 which means Satoshi does not have the keys to the coins mined in 2009 because they had no value.

For fun, let's assume Satoshi did mine 1 million coins throughout 2009 and 2010. Up until August of 2010 bitcoin had zero value. That is $0. So for 1 year and 8 months (or 20 months) Satoshi was holding onto a wallet or private keys for 20,000 blocks mined (1,000,000 divide by 50) worth of coins that had zero value. Why? Why would he preserve something so worthless at the time when he said multiple times it was an experiment and beta?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 12, 2017, 07:17:51 PM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(


Even Mike clues everyone in as to what happened to all the early coins that are still unspent.
I no longer have the keys that were referenced in my initial emails with Satoshi. That's why the remaining coins are unspent. At the time bitcoins had no value at all and nobody else was using the system, so I didn't bother backing up the wallet and eventually lost it. Back then there were no forums, no markets, no exchanges, no usage at all as far as I could see and Satoshi did not seem to have any interesting in marketing either.
https[Suspicious link removed]TwrC8/hqdefault.jpg[/img]
"You mistaken a 2009 Bitcoin forum for a Bitcoin forum in 2009."[/center];u=2700

<link> On 17 Mar 2010, the now-defunct exchange is the first one that starts operating. (

Does anybody know what Mike Hearn has been smoking?

Aside: Re the last link above, I smell an update for the below in the making ...

Oh, and speaking of "no market", let's revisit Mike's first post, eh?

You do realize that Bitcoin started 11 months before what ever it is you are trying to reference here and everything I am talking about happened during that first year. For example, the bulk of Satoshi's coins are from 2009, and Mike is confirmed to have been involved in October of 2009 for sure and through his emails as early as April 2009. Also there was no value in bitcoin during this time as you submitted a link to that proof yourself. I think you are confusing December 2009 with December 2008 or something. Even up until Satoshi went silent here, bitcoin had very little value and didn't find dollar parity until after he walked away from the forum. I am not sure what you think you are proving here but you are wrong in whatever you are attempting.

Mike is Satoshi.

Mike doesn't have the keys to the coins he mined in 2009 which means Satoshi does not have the keys to the coins mined in 2009 because they had no value.

For fun, let's assume Satoshi did mine 1 million coins throughout 2009 and 2010. Up until August of 2010 bitcoin had zero value. That is $0. So for 1 year and 8 months (or 20 months) Satoshi was holding onto a wallet or private keys for 20,000 blocks mined (1,000,000 divide by 50) worth of coins that had zero value. Why? Why would he preserve something so worthless at the time when he said multiple times it was an experiment and beta?

I stand corrected. Thanks, bud.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: EcoChavCrypto on October 12, 2017, 07:21:07 PM
I dont know, but you should know that this sounds crazy mate, but it would be amazing to know how is Satoshi, it looks like a Tabu in all bitcoin forums, because nobody knows who was the real person behind bitcoin technology, and it would be a great experience to know who is the father of this incredible coin.
This is a nice conspiracy, a little bit crazy, but it makes sense at all, but i dont think that he is the real Satoshi.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: macartem on October 12, 2017, 07:36:52 PM
SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola

There ya go.

It's just your speculation, there is no evidence. But you thought it well.
And what is NAKAmichi? - I hear it for the first time

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 12, 2017, 07:41:57 PM
SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola

There ya go.

It's just your speculation, there is no evidence. But you thought it well.
And what is NAKAmichi? - I hear it for the first time

Not his speculation, but others:

Someone else wondered whether the name might be a sly portmanteau of four tech companies: SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola. It seemed doubtful that Nakamoto was even Japanese. His English had the flawless, idiomatic ring of a native speaker.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: moinul018 on October 12, 2017, 07:42:57 PM
You research looks interesting. I thought they already found the guy, it is an Australian engineer. However, does it really matter who Satoshi Nakamoto is !?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on October 12, 2017, 10:23:13 PM
You research looks interesting. I thought they already found the guy, it is an Australian engineer. However, does it really matter who Satoshi Nakamoto is !?

Does it matter? No. But it is satisfying curiosity.

Does it matter what the motive was behind the Las Vegas shooters rampage? No. But everyone is very interested in that which will have no bearing on what already occurred.

People want to know. That is part of life. Without curiosity, we probably wouldn't have made far from the cave.

Wouldn't it be cool to talk to the person behind bitcoin? How did they piece it all together? What motivated him in the beginning? What does he think about the state of the crypto currency realm today? Does he really have all those Keys or are those bitcoins lost forever lowering the overall bitcoin total distribution?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: AGD on October 25, 2017, 05:25:04 AM
Truly interesting topic, I did not know that Satoshi had an account on bitcointalk and even more than he was the creator ... Are we really sure it is indeed him? Forum administrators may have access to payments since the summer posted messages in their statistics? This would break many rumors!

LOL@U for having a legendary rank.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: AGD on October 25, 2017, 05:31:41 AM
According to the Banking on Bitcoin film which it diffused on netflix, Satoshi nakamoto is a anonymous person  or maybe group of people, He talked with Gavin Andresen which it's a member here on bitcointalk, but after a period of time satoshi disappear, and he never reply to Gavin anymore.

So i think it's too bit hard to search who is satoshis nakamto and where he live, and why he don't like to show himself to the world?

Damn. I regret I used the show/hide feature.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: CryptosapienZA on October 25, 2017, 05:35:47 AM
Who is Satoshi will remain one of the greatest mysteries. Though there is no need for us to know who Satoshi is I do hope one day we find out who he is. I am glad he created the first truly decentralised digit currency and protocol. The community will forever be grateful to him.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: AGD on October 25, 2017, 05:40:53 AM
Apologies for quoting the [long] OP since nobody else had to date. Nice write-up, bud. Almost puts my James Simons theory to rest, but I can still see him backing Bitcoin's creation, using Mike and perhaps Hal and Nick Szabo as the voice of SN, the latter, NS, being the main voice.

Why apologize for quoting? Why would you feel the need to quote it too? I don't care that you did, just curious why.

Link to your theory? I am always interested in other peoples ideas of who Satoshi could be. I don't know who James Simons is. I have never come across his name. I definitely think Hal could be involved with Mike. Nick Szabo definitely has the same missing online presence as Mike Hearn during Satoshi's online life. However, I am not convinced Nick Szabo was involved. If Szabo created bit gold before, why would he originally call bitcoin electronic-cash then change it to Bitcoin? I believe Nick probably would have called it that from the beginning or not called it that at all since it does sort of link the 2 projects together in name.

Also, I think it was Wei Dai or Adam Back that said Satoshi had no idea about Nick Szabo's bit gold. This definitely makes sense that Satoshi would change the name to Bitcoin after he discovered Bit Gold just months before Bitcoin was released.

I apologized because it's a long OP. I quoted it mostly for my records, having nothing to do with any other reason.

I still think that James Simons put the team together with Nick being the public-facing voice of SN. The team was, and is well paid for their NDA. At the same time, Steve Bannon was working with Brock Pierce where they just got U$65M from Goldman Sachs. Speaking of, how many Sachs dudes make up Trump's cabinet? Don't forget, Robert Mercer was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Simons and Mercer are no friends with the Federal Reserve. Breitbart News publishes Bitcoin/crypto related articles on a regular basis, with all articles first approved by Rebekah Mercer.

The above is just a teaser for my book that'll come out in 2028.  :P

That Brock Pierce, who is known to like pool partys with underage boys? I'd buy that book. Keep writing, Bruno.
But I will wear a tutu if Mike Hearn is Satoshi Nakamoto...

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: toddy47 on October 25, 2017, 05:43:01 AM
I'll wait for the documentary in 10 years which gives us all the facts and secrets. Hopefully there is a stash of notes and ideas which he releases once he feels comfortable.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: trollercoaster on February 28, 2018, 09:43:13 AM
David Kleiman, who unfortunately passed away in 2013, could be our best candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity. Here's an article on Kleiman's background and story. None of those claiming to be Satoshi have ever moved the genesis blocks Satoshi is known to own the private keys to. With Satoshi holding 1 million plus btc, which are now worth more than $4 billion, the best explanation is Satoshi must have passed away.   :(


Even Mike clues everyone in as to what happened to all the early coins that are still unspent.
I no longer have the keys that were referenced in my initial emails with Satoshi. That's why the remaining coins are unspent. At the time bitcoins had no value at all and nobody else was using the system, so I didn't bother backing up the wallet and eventually lost it. Back then there were no forums, no markets, no exchanges, no usage at all as far as I could see and Satoshi did not seem to have any interesting in marketing either.
https[Suspicious link removed]TwrC8/hqdefault.jpg[/img]
"You mistaken a 2009 Bitcoin forum for a Bitcoin forum in 2009."[/center];u=2700

<link> On 17 Mar 2010, the now-defunct exchange is the first one that starts operating. (

Does anybody know what Mike Hearn has been smoking?

Aside: Re the last link above, I smell an update for the below in the making ...

Oh, and speaking of "no market", let's revisit Mike's first post, eh?

You do realize that Bitcoin started 11 months before what ever it is you are trying to reference here and everything I am talking about happened during that first year. For example, the bulk of Satoshi's coins are from 2009, and Mike is confirmed to have been involved in October of 2009 for sure and through his emails as early as April 2009. Also there was no value in bitcoin during this time as you submitted a link to that proof yourself. I think you are confusing December 2009 with December 2008 or something. Even up until Satoshi went silent here, bitcoin had very little value and didn't find dollar parity until after he walked away from the forum. I am not sure what you think you are proving here but you are wrong in whatever you are attempting.

Mike is Satoshi.

Mike doesn't have the keys to the coins he mined in 2009 which means Satoshi does not have the keys to the coins mined in 2009 because they had no value.

For fun, let's assume Satoshi did mine 1 million coins throughout 2009 and 2010. Up until August of 2010 bitcoin had zero value. That is $0. So for 1 year and 8 months (or 20 months) Satoshi was holding onto a wallet or private keys for 20,000 blocks mined (1,000,000 divide by 50) worth of coins that had zero value. Why? Why would he preserve something so worthless at the time when he said multiple times it was an experiment and beta?

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on March 01, 2018, 03:45:58 AM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: DooMAD on March 01, 2018, 01:20:09 PM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

There are only two explanations I can think of that Satoshi's coins aren't moving.  Either Satoshi had second thoughts about scarcity and decided there should be less coins in circulation and deliberately put theirs beyond use.  Or, more likely, when Satoshi said they were "moving on" they meant that figuratively to say they were dying.  

Satoshi wouldn't have accidentally lost access.  It's not even remotely plausible.  Either it was deliberate or it was something outside of their control (like mortality). 

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: cloud.runner on March 01, 2018, 01:42:14 PM
Hi, mate. He is Elon Musk as I have said before. Elon is a humble genius and very likely to create such thing as Bitcoin.

For changing the world.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: josegr4ham on March 01, 2018, 02:04:58 PM
I don't think Saroshi is Mike Hearn. Satoshi (or the Satoshi team) is too smart to discover themselves and to let them open to the public

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: nelson4lov on March 01, 2018, 02:10:46 PM
Hi, mate. He is Elon Musk as I have said before. Elon is a humble genius and very likely to create such thing as Bitcoin.

For changing the world.

Stop speculating man. By now we should've gone past the stage of trying to figure out the identity behind Satoshi Nakamoto. It's neither Mike Hearn, Elon Musk or even Craig wright. If Satoshi wants to be known, I think he would've revealed his identity a long time ago. For all we know, He might just be thus unpopular tech guy

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: bug.lady on March 01, 2018, 02:55:37 PM
Hi, mate. He is Elon Musk as I have said before. Elon is a humble genius and very likely to create such thing as Bitcoin.

For changing the world.

Stop speculating man. By now we should've gone past the stage of trying to figure out the identity behind Satoshi Nakamoto. It's neither Mike Hearn, Elon Musk or even Craig wright. If Satoshi wants to be known, I think he would've revealed his identity a long time ago. For all we know, He might just be thus unpopular tech guy
Thank you guys for bumping the thread. I have just found it and it was a good and an interesting read. I don't know if it got me convinced, but I don't agree that people should stop speculating. It is very human to be curious, speculate and try to solve misteries. Isn't it exactly why Satoshi invented bitcoin in a first place, out of pure human curiosity?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: trollercoaster on March 01, 2018, 04:59:36 PM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

But this isn't me, this is Satoshi... I mean, if I create something, something I want to be valuable I would be careful with the asset I owned. No matter the value. It's not about the value, it's about believing in what you made.

Today, many of us hodl some tokens that aren't worth any shit right now. But we believe in that project so hodl them. If there was a situation and we lost access to our token wallets it would hurt.

And this isn't a small fragment of the project we're talking about, it's 1 friggin million btc! It's %5 of the whole bitcoin project. %8 of the current market cap...

And those 1 million btc will always be locked away in some inaccessible wallets... So we can say that the total market supply of btc is 21mil, not 22mil...

And, someday in the future, when the last btc is mined, if there are 22 million btc circulating, we can safely say that this argument is pointless and satoshi is still among us and he's using those btc...

Well... 1million tokens are worth around 10billion, I can't even imagine their worth 20 years in the future... I'd surely be hiding away with all those money... And I'd surely spread a rumor about me losing those coins, so no one will ever come looking for me for those coins...

And saying again, if I had really lost all those coins, I'd be ashamed to show my face...

So, stop looking for the man and give him some peace, maybe he'll show up in the future...

Lastly, for the record, I don't think Mike Hearn is Satoshi too. But, he may be one of the few who can reveal his identity.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: bug.lady on March 02, 2018, 12:25:23 PM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

But this isn't me, this is Satoshi... I mean, if I create something, something I want to be valuable I would be careful with the asset I owned. No matter the value. It's not about the value, it's about believing in what you made.

Today, many of us hodl some tokens that aren't worth any shit right now. But we believe in that project so hodl them. If there was a situation and we lost access to our token wallets it would hurt.

And this isn't a small fragment of the project we're talking about, it's 1 friggin million btc! It's %5 of the whole bitcoin project. %8 of the current market cap...

And those 1 million btc will always be locked away in some inaccessible wallets... So we can say that the total market supply of btc is 21mil, not 22mil...

And, someday in the future, when the last btc is mined, if there are 22 million btc circulating, we can safely say that this argument is pointless and satoshi is still among us and he's using those btc...

Well... 1million tokens are worth around 10billion, I can't even imagine their worth 20 years in the future... I'd surely be hiding away with all those money... And I'd surely spread a rumor about me losing those coins, so no one will ever come looking for me for those coins...

And saying again, if I had really lost all those coins, I'd be ashamed to show my face...

So, stop looking for the man and give him some peace, maybe he'll show up in the future...

Lastly, for the record, I don't think Mike Hearn is Satoshi too. But, he may be one of the few who can reveal his identity.
Hey it is 21m total supply, so when you reduce it, you reduce it to 20m (not 22m -> 21m).

Also, I think that if they considered the project as a testnet at the time, really, I understand they may not have been keeping the private keys for the blocks they generated. I am not saying that it is what happened, but I think it is a plausible explanation. This situation was very different from this:
many of us hodl some tokens that aren't worth any shit right now. But we believe in that project so hodl them
They were really just playing with the code and testing the software, discarding any intermediary data, they were not hodling coins with the hope and intention the coins will eventually rise.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: twingall1 on March 05, 2018, 10:51:46 PM
Love it! Best& most substantive stuff about this topic I've read so far!


Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on March 06, 2018, 04:05:46 AM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

So, how many 10K BTC pizzas did Satoshi own when he quit mining?

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on March 12, 2018, 04:32:27 AM
Love it! Best& most substantive stuff about this topic I've read so far!


Thank you. I think any one of these things alone wouldn't mean anything, but all these things together paint a compelling picture.

I think one of the biggest takeaways from what I presented here if you still don't believe Mike is Satoshi is that whoever created bitcoin did it anonymously to evade intellectual property claims from their respective employer.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: alphaomega.f on March 12, 2018, 04:45:47 AM
nobody knows who Satoshi Nakamoto really is and he stayed anonymous for a reason. maybe because he doesn't want to be known and be identified by the world. that's my opinion about him. many people have already tried to track who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on March 13, 2018, 04:11:51 AM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

So, how many 10K BTC pizzas did Satoshi own when he quit mining?
Probably none.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: andrew1carlssin on March 13, 2018, 04:13:23 AM
no .. he even sent his assignment about distributed computing ...

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: Gleb Gamow on March 15, 2018, 04:31:52 AM

If I'm getting all these right, you're telling me that Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin and the genesis block miner, had 1,000,000 BTC from the 20,000 blocks he solved. AND because he lost faith in this project becoming reality, he didn't care about them enough and lost the goddamn keys to this 1mil btc?

Damn son! I'd be hiding from my stupidity as well...

No, I am saying that Bitcoin wasn't worth anything for the first 18 months and therefore people including Satoshi didn't care much about preserving the private keys. Remember the 10,000 BTC pizza transaction? That transaction took place at the end of May 2010 which kind of established any worth for BTC for the first time. Think of it like something that was like a penny but wasn't even close to worth a penny. If you dropped one of those pennies, I bet you wouldn't care much.

So, how many 10K BTC pizzas did Satoshi own when he quit mining?
Probably none.

Theoretical was implied/inferred/assumed (playing pick a verb).

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on March 15, 2018, 02:41:47 PM
no .. he even sent his assignment about distributed computing ...

No what?
And what assignment are you talking about? I think you responded to the wrong post.

Title: Re: Could Satoshi Nakamoto be Mike Hearn?
Post by: SkyscraperFarms on September 26, 2018, 07:48:44 PM
The next step in my exploration of this idea was to create a calendar of time periods where Satoshi was silent on the forums. For example, Satoshi was silent on the forum from March 24, 2010 until May 16, 2010. I am guessing this is a period when Satoshi was away from his home travelling or vacationing. I was wanting to then correspond them with known dates when Mike was on vacations or at a conference, but as I stated above MIke wasn’t very public during Satoshi’s presence. If anyone knows of any of the potential Satoshis that were vacationing, hospitalized (Hal?), or travelling during that March to May gap in 2010, it would be a good link to the real Satoshi.

After a period of disinterest, I decided to look into those dates from March 24-May 16 2010.

Then only thing that kind of corresponds to time period is Google I/O conference took place on May 19-20, 2010. If Satoshi did work for Google like Mike then he perhaps was working furiously to get development done on something that Google wanted to present at the I/O conference such as:



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