Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitpop on June 02, 2013, 10:55:31 PM

Title: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 02, 2013, 10:55:31 PM

I am offering 2,000 BTE bounty for a merged mining patch and for everyone to agree on the fork.
All of you will need to setup your own p2pool to merged mine. Or pools like Bitparking will likely join VERY quickly. You can't use mine since mine will only pay in BTC. And help me fork the blockchain.

Add to the bounty below in BTE or BTC and pledge allegiance to the fork. I will also be merged mining with 8 GH/s. This is an excellent coin to merged mine along with NMC, Ixcoin and Devcoin.

+1000 BTE BladeRunner
+1000 BTE Anon136

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: jackjack on June 02, 2013, 10:59:15 PM
A 3-satoshi worth bounty
That sure is generous

You should double it for making people have to read your shitty, big, red and bold text

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: BladeRunner on June 02, 2013, 11:00:07 PM
I will Chip in 1000BTE as well

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 02, 2013, 11:00:53 PM
Once we merged mine, it can get to NMC values, eg. .007 btc = 14 BTC.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: Anon136 on June 02, 2013, 11:02:48 PM
what the hell, ill throw in 1000

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: jaywaka2713 on June 03, 2013, 01:48:47 AM
If my encrypted container didn't have a 30 time lock on it I'd send some too. Expect a donation

In the meantime how do I donate in BTC?

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 01:56:12 AM
How do you time lock?
Pledge it here and hold on to it. I might escrow when a developer starts.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 02:33:00 AM
All the merged mined coins all need the same basic template from which to update themselves:

A copy of bitcoin with the merged mining patches applied.

Given that, each coin then only needs to fork it and apply their own usually pretty trivial modifications that makes them different from each other, such as their coins per block, their difficulty adjustment system, their default ports, their IRC channel or channels, their magic handshake bytes, and the cosmetics.

So really the best place to start is with a good recent stable copy of bitcoin.

Otherwise its a huge waste of programmer time with everyone hacking directly at just one coin instead of all being able to work from the common ancestor, which is bitcoin with ONLY the merged mining patches applied.

NOTE that doing it this way would also allow I0coin and geistgeld, the most troublesome / hardest to merge, to be updated too, allowing more people to be able to successfully merge the full panoply of merged mined coins.

So for anyone who is actually going to merged mine, having this raw "pure bitcoin with ONLY merged mining patches applied" is pretty much a no-brainer, allowing all merged coins to then be upgraded thus allowing all miners who merge to maximise their merges.

(To update Bytecoin you would diff it against the version of bitcoin it was forked from, then apply that diff as a patch to the "raw bitcoin with ONLY merged mining patches applied" repo, nice and simple. Oh and pick a block number at which merged mining will turn on.)


Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 02:40:49 AM
Sorry I dont understand much of that. Are we on the same page with having bte merged mined under btc just like nmc, ixc, dvc? right now bte doesn't return Getauxblock which is what we need.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: BrewCrewFan on June 03, 2013, 02:44:08 AM
Holy fuck good bounty. I would not be able to mine that much in a year :/

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 02:50:45 AM
Sorry I dont understand much of that. Are we on the same page with having bte merged mined under btc just like nmc, ixc, dvc? right now bte doesn't return Getauxblock which is what we need.

Bytecoin is a simple clone of bitcoin with very little changed, correct?

So the best way to make a merged mining version of it is to make those same little changes to a copy of bitcoin that has merged mining patched in.

Every merged mined coin can also be easily updated too, once we have a copy of bitcoin that has ONLY the merged mining patches applied.

No changes other than those that enable merged mining. As more changes just confuse the issue, as what is needed is a new merged mining patch that applies cleanly to a new version of bitcoin. That will be needed next time all the merged mined coins need to update to a new version of bitcoin.

So the first thing to do is take bitcoin and apply the merged mining patches.

Make that a repo, so each and every merged mined coin can fork it to make a new version of themselves.

Bytecoin also will fork it but will need one additional thing the others won't: to pick a block at which to turn on the merged mining.

The others already picked a block at which to turn it on, so they won't need to pick, they will merely need to replace whatever the default in the patches is with the number they picked back when they first were adapted to be able to merged mine.

Basically all merged mined coins are just bitcoin with the merged mining patches then also with a few little changes like coin name, ports, block rewards and so on, which are different from each other. They all though all need bitcoin with the merged mining patches, it is the common ancestor from which each and every merged mined coin can then easily be brought up to date.

So it is the first thing needed, and each and every merged mined coin needs it.

Once it exists, they all have only tiny trivial changes to make to turn it into their own new updated client.

So it is crazy to make each and every coin go through the whole crap of making the merged mining patches apply. Just apply once, to bitcoin itself, then all the alts change the name etc to make that into their own new self.

ALso, getauxblock is not all you need, You need the entire merged mining patch set applied to a recent bitcoin, and with the way bitcoin has moved code out from main.cpp to separate files that means manually carefulyl checking each "blob" of patch to find out where it goes in the latest bitcoin.

That is manual work that only need be done ONCE for ALL merged mined coins to then be able to do the name and image and port etc changing that makes them different from each other.

A copy of the merged mining patch as it was when it once upon a time did apply cleanly to some old version of bitcoin is at

It won't apply cleanly to latest bitcoin, else it  would already have been applied to a recent bitcoin so all the merged mined coins could update from the resulting repo.

So someone needs to fiddle around with applying it to a very recent, but stable, version of bitcoin until it applies cleanly, call the result mergedcoin or whatever, check that it didn't break anything, then make that a repo so all the merged mined coins, plus bytecoin, can all take that new repo and change the names ports etc to form a new version of themself.


Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 02:50:53 AM
Yeah I hope it's possible. Markm mentioned 2 options I think but its over my head.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 02:52:49 AM
But that makes no sense to me. Bitcoin is patched to be a merged mine "master" not a slave and hence getauxblock function isn't there. I'm sure bytecoin already has the merged mining master code which isn't what we need.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 02:54:13 AM
Repo template is a good idea. I'll ask whoever does it to possibly do that. I think we should get some diff from nmc.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 03:01:10 AM
Repo template is a good idea. I'll ask whoever does it to possibly do that. I think we should get some diff from nmc.

No no no not namecoin.

It is way different from bitcoin and all the others.

It might even need to not work from this new repo thing at all but just do all the work separately on itself.

Namecoin might not be able to update so easily as its not really based on bitcoin.

So okay, maybe it is only all the other merged mined coins - all those that are actually based on bitcoin not on namecoin - that will be easy to update once this generic "bitcoin with merged mining" repo is created.

Namecoin is way more alien than the others, the others are just like all the recent scamcoins, they are only trivially different from bitcoin just like all the recent scamcoins are only trivially different from litecoin.

They are all just bitcoin with the merged mining patch applied then the new altcoin's own trivial changes applied.

But if you apply their own trivial changes first, before the merged mining patch, you could screw up the clean-ness with which the merged mining patch can be applied. So you should always start with bitcoin, apply the merged mining patch, and THEN alter the result into whichever altcoin you want.

They ALL need the merged mining patch, the rest of how they are different from bitcoin is unique to each of them, making them all different not only from bitcoin but from each other.


Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 03:27:11 AM
Oh ok thanks. Good info for a prospective developer.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 03:36:05 AM
Basically what we will get out of doing it right is all the merged mined coins, with the possible exception of namecoin, all being up to date with the latest bitcoin fixes and so on, including not using Berkely DB anymore thus not having its number of locks limitation that made bitcoin itself fork a while ago.

They will all download blockchain much faster than before and so on and so on. They will all have ability to encrypt wallets. Whatever other new features bitcoin has.


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 03:36:31 AM
We will be doing 3 things

Forking the blockchain to enable merged mining

Getting merged mining pools on board, you can run your own P2pool until then, not a bytecoin p2pool, one based on Bitcoin merged mining bytecoin

Getting a real exchange like vircurex to support it

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 03:37:40 AM
Cool with the right bounty we can accomplish all this. More people should pledge and it will benefit more coins.

Basically what we will get out of doing it right is all the merged mined coins, with the possible exception of namecoin, all being up to date with the latest bitcoin fixes and so on, including not using Berkely DB anymore thus not having its number of locks limitation that made bitcoin itself fork a while ago.

They will all download blockchain much faster than before and so on and so on. They will all have ability to encrypt wallets. Whatever other new features bitcoin has.


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 03:56:32 AM
I have just now forked bitcoin to a new repo,

This is to be the Mergecoin repo.

I am going to clone it at home and try to get the merged mining patches to apply.

If I can do that I can then push the changes back up to the repo and presto we will have the wonderful common ancestor repo from which all the merged mined coins can then update themselves, and from which bytecoin (and any other bitcoin clone that wants to add merged mining) can also create a new version of itself.


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 03:57:25 AM

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: jaywaka2713 on June 03, 2013, 04:04:52 AM
Can't we take Devcoin or Ixcoin merge mining code?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: xan_The_Dragon on June 03, 2013, 05:02:21 AM
il ad 1000 memecoins and .15 ltc to the bounty

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 05:14:37 AM
Can't we take Devcoin or Ixcoin merge mining code?

Both of those are simply bitcoin with the merged mining patches added then the specific alt-coin's "things that make it unique" added.

So both of those are now waiting for the new Mergecoin repo to be ready, so they can both apply to that the things that make them unique.

If your coin is based on some ancient version of bitcoin, then maybe you might be able to apply merged-mining.patch directly to your coin, and your coin will stay as ancient outdated code like IXCoin and DeVCoin currently are. They are so old they have no encrypting of wallets, gosh knows what other features they lack and what bugfixes they do not have. Is your coin's code THAT out of date?

As an example, does your coin use Berkely DB, like old bitcoin used to do? Or is it based on newer bitcoin, thus uses the new type of database?

Part of why this patch is hard to apply is because it was created back before the new type of database came into use...

I have now applied the merged-mining.patch to latest bitcoin, and even also manually gone through one of the .rej files of rejected chunks. But there are still three .rej files I have not tackled yet. I have pushed what I have done so far to


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 03, 2013, 05:20:35 AM
Yeah I'm disgusted by devcoin, it's embarrassing having the word developer in it
 Great work markm

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: soma13 on June 03, 2013, 05:57:36 AM
Yeah I'm disgusted by devcoin, it's embarrassing having the word developer in it
 Great work markm
I agree, and think that this should be eligible for a devcoin bounty as bitcoin/altcoin client development should one of devcoin's primary goals at the moment.  Devcoin should always be based against the most current (or better) bitcoin client codebase and working on it's own new features.  One thing that i'd like to see is a multi-wallet, with modular alternative blockchain plugins.  I don't understand why there aren't more (specific) bounties posted for cryptocoin development.  For instance, all of the BIPs should have bounties assigned.  Eligibilty would be integration in either the devcoin or mainline bitcoin client.  I think Gavin should be eligible for devcoin bounties for all the hard work he does.  Whether he's interested in claiming them should be up to him.

Thanks for the hard work markm.  I'd love to be able to claim the devcoins i dumped on a compressed key.  These altcoins really need the updated security and bugfixes too.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on June 03, 2013, 06:43:45 AM
This is something DeVCoin itself needs to update its code, so in effect DeVCoin already is paying to have it done, as I am already basically "on salary" or "tenured"; I have to work on something free open source, today I chose to work on this that DeVCoin needs, that also of course all the merged mined coins and wannabe-merged-mined coins all also need.

So its just another case of DeVCoin helping out around the place. :)


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: noel on June 08, 2013, 01:04:21 PM

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 10, 2013, 08:47:26 PM

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: Anon136 on June 11, 2013, 02:37:40 AM

is that it then? has the bounty been claimed?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 11, 2013, 03:55:51 AM
Sadly that's just the current version.


is that it then? has the bounty been claimed?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on June 12, 2013, 03:47:46 AM
Well here is an update. The cocreator/actual coder wants 1btc per day to work. 5btc to take over the domain.
We can basically take over bytecoin but I don't know if it is worth it or to just give up.
Does anyone want to join me or take over?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 03:10:43 AM
BUMP! would you guys mind paying up to allow us to continue working with BTE we have a few sites in line willing to accept BTE as payment method but would like some BTE to start off

EDIT: do you guys have a way to get in contact with the original dev id like to get the original bytecoin site up. Also would you guys pm me if youre interested in a merged mining pool so i can add you to the list. we are currently working on 4 nodes 2xpushpoo/stratum and 2x p2pool based. so if you guys would be willing to donate some BTC to get hold of some servers it would be appreciated. We have some sites waiting to accept BTE one is bitgrenade another is a site design company by serversides.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: daemondazz on July 25, 2013, 03:55:14 AM
BUMP! would you guys mind paying up to allow us to continue working with BTE we have a few sites in line willing to accept BTE as payment method but would like some BTE to start off

EDIT: do you guys have a way to get in contact with the original dev id like to get the original bytecoin site up. Also would you guys pm me if youre interested in a merged mining pool so i can add you to the list. we are currently working on 4 nodes 2xpushpoo/stratum and 2x p2pool based. so if you guys would be willing to donate some BTC to get hold of some servers it would be appreciated. We have some sites waiting to accept BTE one is bitgrenade another is a site design company by serversides.

I'm not really sure what you're after, but I'm happy to run merged-mining on my BTC/TRC P2Pool nodes.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 03:58:15 AM
im in the process of creating a big mining operation of 4 nodes, merge mining multiple pools. i am also getting various ites to accept bytecoin. now id like to claim the bounties offeredhere and would like all interested in the pooled operation to pm me

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: Anon136 on July 25, 2013, 04:18:44 AM
im in the process of creating a big mining operation of 4 nodes, merge mining multiple pools. i am also getting various ites to accept bytecoin. now id like to claim the bounties offeredhere and would like all interested in the pooled operation to pm me

show bitpop your proof. if he is of the opinion that you have satisfied the requirements for the bounty than i will release my share.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 04:20:31 AM
i believe ive sent it to him already i know he donated 100BTE in my private release thread, well wait for him to reply

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 08:23:51 AM
This bounty was for mm as a slave so it was not satisfied but I will do more personal donations in the future.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 08:25:44 AM
Make a new site. Old guy wants a lot of cash as I posted somewhere. You don't need the domain.

Title: Re: 2,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: Hydroponica on July 25, 2013, 10:11:13 AM
All the merged mined coins all need the same basic template from which to update themselves:

A copy of bitcoin with the merged mining patches applied.

Given that, each coin then only needs to fork it and apply their own usually pretty trivial modifications that makes them different from each other, such as their coins per block, their difficulty adjustment system, their default ports, their IRC channel or channels, their magic handshake bytes, and the cosmetics.

So really the best place to start is with a good recent stable copy of bitcoin.

Otherwise its a huge waste of programmer time with everyone hacking directly at just one coin instead of all being able to work from the common ancestor, which is bitcoin with ONLY the merged mining patches applied.

NOTE that doing it this way would also allow I0coin and geistgeld, the most troublesome / hardest to merge, to be updated too, allowing more people to be able to successfully merge the full panoply of merged mined coins.

So for anyone who is actually going to merged mine, having this raw "pure bitcoin with ONLY merged mining patches applied" is pretty much a no-brainer, allowing all merged coins to then be upgraded thus allowing all miners who merge to maximise their merges.

(To update Bytecoin you would diff it against the version of bitcoin it was forked from, then apply that diff as a patch to the "raw bitcoin with ONLY merged mining patches applied" repo, nice and simple. Oh and pick a block number at which merged mining will turn on.)


Why is every single post you make, TLDR. You are smart, we get it ::)

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 10:18:04 AM
the new client that i released is for merged mining as a slave ??? thats how we got it to work

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: coretechs on July 25, 2013, 10:26:20 AM
Is it based on 0.8.3?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 10:55:49 AM
im not sure if its 0.8.3 i believe it was 0.8.1 ill have to check the source for you and get back

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 10:58:04 AM
The new client can mine bte UNDER btc?

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 11:04:00 AM
precisly. our plans is to operate 4 pools offering bitcoin merged mining various other coins including BTE and doing auto exchange or sending each coin to specified address as the user wishes once we are out of beta stages.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 11:11:23 AM
You told me master earlier. I was under that assumption.

But sure, I will release the bounty once the following are complete:
I have a windows binary. Is this patched?
I sucessfully add it to a p2pool node as a slave mergedmine coin. I plan to use my own p2pool.
The fork begins and people support it. Have you set the block at which it begins?
And I find the first block. This won't take long with 22 ghs.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 11:26:20 AM
thats the binary for the non merged mined bytecoin. I requested everyone interested to pm me for a copy of the source for the merged mined copy. So that i can compile a list and then decide based on feedback where to go from there. keep it as slave or hardfork and move to master. I dont believe that a hardfork is neccesary from my discussion when using bytecoin as a slave so no fork and block has been set. I shall pm you later with a copy

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 11:29:47 AM
Hmm you're the expert, but I think a hardform is required. NMC had to do it. Others came mm stock from the beginning.

Anyway, you are close to 3,000 bte. We will have to find the other guy.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 11:32:52 AM
PS. a daemon would be a nice addition.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: markm on July 25, 2013, 11:34:44 AM
What aux-chain I.D. was chosen for this chain? It has to be different from the others, you know that, right?

Also i think they might be indexes into an array in coinbase, so skipping a bunch of numbers probably isn't a good idea either as it would waste space in the parent blockchain maybe in all blockchains. So probably using the next number available is the way to go?


Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 11:40:04 AM
Mark I welcome your opinion on bounty satisfaction.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 12:01:04 PM
yep it compiles into a daemon just not a qt yet, a few more commits needed yet thats why its currently in beta, so any input is welcome

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on July 25, 2013, 12:40:14 PM
No rush. I am excited though.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: defaced on July 25, 2013, 01:46:50 PM
I have just now forked bitcoin to a new repo,

This is to be the Mergecoin repo.

I am going to clone it at home and try to get the merged mining patches to apply.

If I can do that I can then push the changes back up to the repo and presto we will have the wonderful common ancestor repo from which all the merged mined coins can then update themselves, and from which bytecoin (and any other bitcoin clone that wants to add merged mining) can also create a new version of itself.


You have created the Adam of new MM coins. :)

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: ahmed_bodi on July 25, 2013, 01:56:10 PM
ive not used knotwork's repo, if you ask markm himself he'll tell you he never got it to work. I modified doublec's bitcoin source and then created the bytecoin wallets from there

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: Anon136 on July 25, 2013, 04:44:08 PM
You told me master earlier. I was under that assumption.

But sure, I will release the bounty once the following are complete:
I have a windows binary. Is this patched?
I sucessfully add it to a p2pool node as a slave mergedmine coin. I plan to use my own p2pool.
The fork begins and people support it. Have you set the block at which it begins?
And I find the first block. This won't take long with 22 ghs.

sounds good. keep us posted.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on December 22, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
I'm revoking the bounty. I no longer have the funds.

Anon136 and BladeRunner, feel free to do what you wish. Thanks for the support.

Unfortunately, we didn't gain mass support.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: BladeRunner on January 02, 2014, 05:35:48 PM
I'm revoking the bounty. I no longer have the funds.

Anon136 and BladeRunner, feel free to do what you wish. Thanks for the support.

Unfortunately, we didn't gain mass support.

Im still trying to figure out if I owe a bounty and if so to who. BTE is certainly been gaining market support.

Title: Re: 4,000 BTE bounty for patching Bytecoin to merged mine
Post by: bitpop on January 03, 2014, 02:03:09 AM
I'm revoking the bounty. I no longer have the funds.

Anon136 and BladeRunner, feel free to do what you wish. Thanks for the support.

Unfortunately, we didn't gain mass support.

Im still trying to figure out if I owe a bounty and if so to who. BTE is certainly been gaining market support.

Well this merged mining bounty is canceled but you can donate to ahmed I think it is.