Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: realdos on June 03, 2013, 10:07:21 PM

Title: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: realdos on June 03, 2013, 10:07:21 PM
I went to some bitcoin gatherings in NYC in the past few weeks. There were like 40+ people there discussing all aspects of bitcoin. To my surprise, only two ladies were present and one of them was the girlfriend of some guy there. She had no knowledge of bitcoin. I'm not sure whether this is common in bitcoin world but I guess ladies are not as familiar with bitcoin stuff as men are now.

So if men continue to buy and hoard bitcoins, someday in the future when bitcoin becomes mainstream, will this re-allocate wealth totally as men on average are wealthier than ladies?

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: wachtwoord on June 03, 2013, 10:08:52 PM
Ladies usually have a way of securing men's wealth.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Rassah on June 03, 2013, 10:28:33 PM
It's a simple formula, really.
Bitcoin requires heavy knowledge of computers
Knowledge of computers requires nerds.
Male nerds > Female nerds.

If you want more ladies to be involved in Bitcoin at this early stage (or in Linux, or in a multitude of computer games and other software), make more lady nerds. If you happen to actually find and marry a lady, it is your duty to have daughters and raise them as nerds!

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: franky1 on June 03, 2013, 10:41:30 PM
there are many ladies in finance and computing industries. but they know from experience most of these nerd conventions end up as being a bunch of guys hounding them and trying to act smart, thinking they can get into the girls pants because she has similar interests.

most women don't want to be hounded at such events, they go there for the professional reasons of learning the economy. most guys though at first go there for the same reason, but due to the fact that most nerds are single.. it soon changes to a mood of chasing girls.

i have been to such conferences and seen times where one girl had like 7 guys circled around her. atfirst i thought she was a Rep of a business. but after listening in for just 20 seconds i soon learnt the conversations were more 'speed date' conversations... poor lass, one sight of cleavage and BTC transforms to the immature cavemen drawing of boobs and no longer bitcoin

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 05:47:11 PM
there are many ladies in finance and computing industries. but they know from experience most of these nerd conventions end up as being a bunch of guys hounding them and trying to act smart, thinking they can get into the girls pants because she has similar interests.

most women don't want to be hounded at such events, they go there for the professional reasons of learning the economy. most guys though at first go there for the same reason, but due to the fact that most nerds are single.. it soon changes to a mood of chasing girls.

Couldn't agree more...  this was more or less my experience at the conference.  Bitcoin does not require heavy knowledge of computers though.  I got into it because of the finance/politics of it, and I'm learning about the technical stuff as I go. 

I like the advice of having daughters and raising them to be nerds.  I'd say as long as you keep them out of the public school system they'll be fine :P

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: wachtwoord on June 04, 2013, 06:03:59 PM
Nerd does not imply intelligence, just lack of social skills. Please don't raise people to have low social skills.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: FoBoT on June 04, 2013, 06:09:52 PM
... make more lady nerds. If your happen to actually find and marry a lady, it is your duty to have daughters and raise them as nerds!

i have done this, two lady nerds are in the pipeline, hoping at least the younger one evolves all the way to FULL GEEK status

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: JimCGSavings on June 04, 2013, 06:17:20 PM
Ladies usually have a way of securing men's wealth.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Elwar on June 04, 2013, 06:23:00 PM
Women's menstual blood attracts sharks...

do we really want women to have bitcoins knowing this?

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Gabi on June 04, 2013, 06:29:33 PM
Nothing stop women to come and learn about bitcoin, how it works, use it etcetc. On the internet, gender does not matter.

Why they aren't interested? That is a question feminists should answer  ::)

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 06:40:18 PM
Nerd does not imply intelligence, just lack of social skills. Please don't raise people to have low social skills.

I'd be careful with the use of "social skills"...  more often then not its a sociocentric platitude used to justify government indoctrination.  Social health should be viewed through the lens of a child's individual temperament.  This is where the non-aggression principle applies to parenting...  if your kid is an introvert don't force them to be an extrovert :)

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: wachtwoord on June 04, 2013, 06:44:24 PM
Introvert does not imply nerd :) (although this is usually true the other way around).

Nerd is an insulting term with only negative aspects. For some reason intelligent introvert people started accepting being called it and treating it as some sort of compliment. This is silly; it's an insult.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 06:51:19 PM
Well now you're just forcing your definition of nerd on others...  we should probably start talking about the evolution of language now ;)

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: franky1 on June 04, 2013, 06:52:08 PM
words are only insulting if used in an insulting way..

like the N(nigerian) word.

which inside the culteral circle translates loosely to the term Bro.

but if person not from the same neighbourhood/culture used it. they are obviously not close enough to refer to each other as bro. then using the N word would be considered a insult.

so wear the nerd badge with honour if your skills from being a nerd make you wealthy. but do take an offence if called a basement dwelling nerd with no hope of success

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: RandyFolds on June 04, 2013, 06:55:45 PM
I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

This psyche actually has nothing to do with bitcoin in particular. Go to any industry conference and you'll see the exact same thing. I will be at E3 this month for work, and the overwhelming majority of women there will either be models paid to be there, or girlfriends getting dragged along. The same goes for the aquaria conferences I present at...95% men, with a few girlfriends and the inevitable one skirt that's actually into it, getting swarmed by nerds thinking they've got a chance.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Rassah on June 04, 2013, 06:58:11 PM
Nerd does not imply intelligence, just lack of social skills. Please don't raise people to have low social skills.

From my experience with many different types of nerd-dom, I'd say nerd implies aquiring knowledge/intelligence at the expense of social skills. I.e. screw building social skills, going out to social meets, and interacting. I'd rather stay home and read/watch Star Trek/do Bitcoin stuff.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: bbit on June 04, 2013, 07:11:04 PM
Women's menstual blood attracts sharks...

do we really want women to have bitcoins knowing this?


Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 07:13:24 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: bbit on June 04, 2013, 07:15:06 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club


Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Rassah on June 04, 2013, 07:32:03 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

Was thinking, "yeah, that statement was a bit sexist," but then remembered that I was really enjoying the views at Bitcoin 2013 too. Those Norwegian guys were hot! Avalon Yifu was cute, too; just a smiley ball of bouncy positive energy!  :D

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: RandyFolds on June 04, 2013, 07:45:38 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

She takes her clothes off for bitcoin, you twat. It's all about context, my man. Were she there in business attire lecturing about emerging crypto-algorithms, I'd be paying attention to something else.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: mprep on June 04, 2013, 07:48:03 PM
Thread evolution from gender to language in just 2 pages. Amazing...

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: RandyFolds on June 04, 2013, 07:49:03 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

She takes her clothes off for bitcoin, you twat. It's all about context, my man. Were she there in business attire lecturing about emerging crypto-algorithms, I'd be paying attention to something else.

That and she is just fucking staggeringly beautiful. If you aren't paying attention to women like that, you are just a neutered friggin' husk of a human.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: wachtwoord on June 04, 2013, 07:50:54 PM
Thread evolution from gender to language in just 2 pages. Amazing...

Sorry, mostly my fault.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 07:59:33 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

She takes her clothes off for bitcoin, you twat. It's all about context, my man. Were she there in business attire lecturing about emerging crypto-algorithms, I'd be paying attention to something else.

That and she is just fucking staggeringly beautiful. If you aren't paying attention to women like that, you are just a neutered friggin' husk of a human.

Context is important...   like knowing when you're replying to a male or a female in a thread post...   my man ;)

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: Elwar on June 04, 2013, 08:09:19 PM
Women's menstual blood attracts sharks...

do we really want women to have bitcoins knowing this?


And bears.

You cannot set up a decent mining rig with bears around.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: realdos on June 04, 2013, 08:18:55 PM
Nerd does not imply intelligence, just lack of social skills. Please don't raise people to have low social skills.

I think we could safely say that nerds in bitcoin community imply intelligence.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 04, 2013, 09:42:33 PM
Nothing stop women to come and learn about bitcoin, how it works, use it etcetc. On the internet, gender does not matter.

Why they aren't interested?

They are interested in everything by default but you people are approaching them the wrong way. <--- be careful with this one! <--- be very careful with this one!


Nice stuff...  probably wouldn't wear the jewelry but love the yoga mat :)   Would love it more if it came in the classic orange/white

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: RandyFolds on June 04, 2013, 11:00:35 PM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

She takes her clothes off for bitcoin, you twat. It's all about context, my man. Were she there in business attire lecturing about emerging crypto-algorithms, I'd be paying attention to something else.

That and she is just fucking staggeringly beautiful. If you aren't paying attention to women like that, you are just a neutered friggin' husk of a human.

Context is important...   like knowing when you're replying to a male or a female in a thread post...   my man ;)

So as a woman, you think it is sexist for me to ogle a woman who is literally employed by that very action? Seems natural on my part, and empowering on her part. Enjoying human beauty is not something that is restricted to men. My old lady likes vagina just as much as I do, and she'll be checking out the hot women and the room right along with me. Is that sexist, too?

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: JimCGSavings on June 05, 2013, 12:02:00 AM
...My old lady likes vagina just as much as I do, and she'll be checking out the hot women and the room right along with me. Is that sexist, too?

I don't know whether to say TMI or tell me more. This is a very interesting forum.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: TheBitcoinWife on June 05, 2013, 03:20:25 AM
So if men continue to buy and hoard bitcoins, someday in the future when bitcoin becomes mainstream, will this re-allocate wealth totally as men on average are wealthier than ladies?

Assuming that most men who buy/mine/earn Bitcoin are single is pretty naive in my mind. There are plenty of couples who are mutually invested, and I would venture to guess a fair percentage of the men there had significant others at home who are just as savvy and involved with Bitcoin. We should be encouraging more women to attend these Bitcoin get-togethers, and as long as the Neft Booth girls are around, I don't think we'll have a problem with nerd-herding around the chicks ;) Bitcoin2013 was a BLAST and I can't wait for next year.

Title: Re: Hmm..this could be a gender issue
Post by: BE Phoenix on June 05, 2013, 05:47:04 AM
Nerds do "have a chance"...  intelligence is attractive and females are far less visual then males when it comes to choosing a mate.  But this...

I mean, if Ravin Tavin was hanging out at a bitcoin conference, I certainly wouldn't be paying heed to some pasty basement nerd droning on about cryptography...I'd be leering at her and imagining dem titties bouncin' in ma face!

... is probably why Bitcoin is still a boys club

She takes her clothes off for bitcoin, you twat. It's all about context, my man. Were she there in business attire lecturing about emerging crypto-algorithms, I'd be paying attention to something else.

That and she is just fucking staggeringly beautiful. If you aren't paying attention to women like that, you are just a neutered friggin' husk of a human.

Context is important...   like knowing when you're replying to a male or a female in a thread post...   my man ;)

So as a woman, you think it is sexist for me to ogle a woman who is literally employed by that very action? Seems natural on my part, and empowering on her part. Enjoying human beauty is not something that is restricted to men. My old lady likes vagina just as much as I do, and she'll be checking out the hot women and the room right along with me. Is that sexist, too?

If you re-read my comments you'll realize I never called you sexist...  the gay guy did :)  As a complementarian I could care less about pointing out or dwelling on sexism.  I did, however, make an objective observation as to why there could be a gender disparity which is still relevant.  Your lady sounds lovely, but discretion has its benefits as well (think lady in the streets freak in the sheets)