Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 02:14:52 AM

Title: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 02:14:52 AM
I’ll be honest, the hoarding mania has got to go if bitcoin protocol is ever to support a fully fledged BTC currency.

Don’t get me wrong, I do agree that speculators are an essential part in building a bitcoin-based economy, but can we really rely on this trigger-happy group to provide our beloved BTC with the key functions of money: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value?

Think about it for a minute, how do the key functions of money ever come into existence — what makes them tick, so to speak? In particular, what groups of money users are responsible for sparking and sustaining each of these functions? For example, would BTC have a “unit of account” function if it wasn’t for the miners keeping the block chain alive and intact?

It seems to me, the parties responsible for infusing BTC with the key functions of money are:

Unit of account is a product of miners contribution;
Medium of exchange is a product of consumers contribution;
Store of value is a product of merchants contribution.

But what about the speculators, you may ask? Well, as it turns out, speculators merely help to grease the fourth function of money for the money changers (Mt.Gox et al.): a standard of deferred payment. However, as you may have already come to your own realization, when it comes to BTC, that particular function of money would soon be irrelevant, since BTC is truly a global currency. So, unless some of you (and especially miners) are planning on establishing trading agreements with the aliens any time soon, the money changers and their highly speculative worker bees shouldn't be your main focus.

So, let's use our speculator-driven bubbles wisely, shall we?... Update a mining equipment, bootstrap a new product/service, etc... BTC is meant to be spent, not hoarded! It's what makes it a real currency. I also hope that some of you will find time to read between the lines, as I wouldn't want a panic to ensue, if you know what I mean... Godspeed!

If and when fiat fails, and we still have not determined what 1 satoshi is worth, no arguments. Bitcoin will also fail with the fiat. Which is the dreaded"deflationary trap." Well of course if its tied to inflationary fiat.

Dont SELL bitcoins, trade them.

It would be a good thing if all fiat was cut off from bitcoin, then people might wake the F up and realize how it really works.

All exchanges should disapeer, and getting ahold of a bitcoin, mean you must EARN it through work. Or you 'know someone'

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: Razick on June 04, 2013, 02:21:24 AM

I’ll be honest, the hoarding mania has got to go if bitcoin protocol is ever to support a fully fledged BTC currency.

Don’t get me wrong, I do agree that speculators are an essential part in building a bitcoin-based economy, but can we really rely on this trigger-happy group to provide our beloved BTC with the key functions of money: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value?

Think about it for a minute, how do the key functions of money ever come into existence — what makes them tick, so to speak? In particular, what groups of money users are responsible for sparking and sustaining each of these functions? For example, would BTC have a “unit of account” function if it wasn’t for the miners keeping the block chain alive and intact?

It seems to me, the parties responsible for infusing BTC with the key functions of money are:

Unit of account is a product of miners contribution;
Medium of exchange is a product of consumers contribution;
Store of value is a product of merchants contribution.

But what about the speculators, you may ask? Well, as it turns out, speculators merely help to grease the fourth function of money for the money changers (Mt.Gox et al.): a standard of deferred payment. However, as you may have already come to your own realization, when it comes to BTC, that particular function of money would soon be irrelevant, since BTC is truly a global currency. So, unless some of you (and especially miners) are planning on establishing trading agreements with the aliens any time soon, the money changers and their highly speculative worker bees shouldn't be your main focus.

So, let's use our speculator-driven bubbles wisely, shall we?... Update a mining equipment, bootstrap a new product/service, etc... BTC is meant to be spent, not hoarded! It's what makes it a real currency. I also hope that some of you will find time to read between the lines, as I wouldn't want a panic to ensue, if you know what I mean... Godspeed!

Tl:dr, but I have to say something based on your title:

Most of us here are Libertarians here, how in the world can a truly free market economy exist without banks? 1) banks are useful both to consumers and businesses and 2) if you support minimal regulation, do you suggest that banks be banned? That sounds like big government to me.

Also, contrary to some of the idea floating around, Bitcoin can be treated much like cash as far as banks are concerned, so it doesn't prevent or even change Bitcoin much (except that lower interest rates--compared to unmanipulated market rates--would likely be common).

Banks are not the enemy, red tape and bloated bureacracies are.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: lch on June 04, 2013, 02:26:28 AM
In a deflationary currency, such as bitcoins, gold, and silver hoarding is a natural occurrence. Therefore I'm fine with it.

In order to encourage the behaviour you want, the only way is to turn bitcoin into an inflationary currency. Which is something I dont want to see.

I think the more important issue, is how can a person with 0 bitcoins obtain a bitcoin or at least a fraction of it through the system?. Currently, there are none, because mining is already a high cost activity. I think it would be nice, if we can find a solution to this problem.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 02:26:34 AM
Bitcoin should at all attempts avoid trading a bitcoin for cash. A bitcoin economy is born, the current financial system collapses so something new can be built in its place. Banks will be determined if they are needed, after the collapse process occurs. Hopefully we will have a sane world, sane monetary policy,

One could announce to the world a start date to begin mining a new altcoin, given everyone in the world had a fairer chance and warning to be prepared, it could definately be worth becoming the world reserve currency. Taking the millions and billions some of you have made, into dust.

People will be cautious when some learn how much money some people made. as its a get rich quick ponzi scheme. I do believe the value of a bitcoin will be found when it is no longer valued in $$$

1BTC = XXXX amount of goods or services. No more questions. One hour of basic labor = 8satoshi's

The current aspect of deflation is found in bitcoin's connection to its price in dollars as dollar is inflationary.

The real deflation is simply when item are denominated in BTC and there over times are less BTC but that is not nearly as volatile this dollar scammy thing.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: TippingPoint on June 04, 2013, 02:29:47 AM
One could announce to the world ...

That is at least one weakness.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: TheGovernedSelf on June 04, 2013, 02:48:37 AM
I do believe the value of a bitcoin will be found when it is no longer valued in $$$

I think you meant "lost".

BTC/USD is a massively important metric to the bitcoin economy, and no matter what regulations are set or what you think of the situation, it isn't going away.
Without it, there is no way to measure the bitcoin economy to the USD economy.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: lch on June 04, 2013, 02:57:50 AM
I do believe the value of a bitcoin will be found when it is no longer valued in $$$

I think you meant "lost".

BTC/USD is a massively important metric to the bitcoin economy, and no matter what regulations are set or what you think of the situation, it isn't going away.
Without it, there is no way to measure the bitcoin economy to the USD economy.

Thats only true, because people are unable to obtain what they want, with bitcoins. The situation will change, once more merchants accept bitcoins.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: TheGovernedSelf on June 04, 2013, 03:21:13 AM
I do believe the value of a bitcoin will be found when it is no longer valued in $$$

I think you meant "lost".

BTC/USD is a massively important metric to the bitcoin economy, and no matter what regulations are set or what you think of the situation, it isn't going away.
Without it, there is no way to measure the bitcoin economy to the USD economy.

Thats only true, because people are unable to obtain what they want, with bitcoins. The situation will change, once more merchants accept bitcoins.

No. It is only true because their cost of living (BILLS, FOOD, GAS) is denominated in USD.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: lch on June 04, 2013, 03:32:06 AM
No. It is only true because their cost of living (BILLS, FOOD, GAS) is denominated in USD.

Doesn't that mean the same thing?

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 03:40:03 AM
No. It is only true because their cost of living (BILLS, FOOD, GAS) is denominated in USD.

Doesn't that mean the same thing?


Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: Foxpup on June 04, 2013, 03:59:57 AM
It would be a good thing if all fiat was cut off from bitcoin, then people might wake the F up and realize how it really works.

All exchanges should disapeer, and getting ahold of a bitcoin, mean you must EARN it through work. Or you 'know someone'
I think you don't have the faintest idea how money works. Money is a medium of exchange. It allows people to trade things they have for things the want. With me so far? Now what happens when two people who want to trade are each using different things as money? Neither of them has or wants the other's money, so they can't trade, right? Wrong, as long as both forms of money can be easily exchanged for one another. Then they can use a form of money they don't want, but it's okay because they can exchange it at a fair price for the one they do want. The ability to easily exchange one form of money for another is absolutely necessary for it to actually be used.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: ProfMac on June 04, 2013, 04:06:51 AM
In a deflationary currency, such as bitcoins, gold, and silver hoarding is a natural occurrence. Therefore I'm fine with it.

In order to encourage the behaviour you want, the only way is to turn bitcoin into an inflationary currency. Which is something I dont want to see.

I think the more important issue, is how can a person with 0 bitcoins obtain a bitcoin or at least a fraction of it through the system?. Currently, there are none, because mining is already a high cost activity. I think it would be nice, if we can find a solution to this problem.

A bank here has customers from another country, and they send money home.  Bitcoin is cheap.  A bank to bank settling mechanism with bitcoin would help the banks, and in turn make banks protect bitcoin.  Don't treat them as an enemy, treat them as a powerful neighbor that we want to form an alliance with.

To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins. 
Find what you can sell.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: lch on June 04, 2013, 04:22:50 AM
To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins. 
Find what you can sell.

Well I agree that is true, however that doing solve the underlying problem of scarcity.

A person who does not have a single unit of currency, be it bitcoin, USD, or otherwise are subjected to the control of whoever is holding the currency. I believe the problem can be alleviated if there was a way for the person with 0 currency to obtain some currency via the system itself. Because the system has no interest in manipulating its users.

With scarcity its essentially a zero sum game. Where either you have it or you don't. Bitcoin need not be such a system. At least that is what i believe.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CurbsideProphet on June 04, 2013, 04:30:48 AM
If and when fiat fails, and we still have not determined what 1 satoshi is worth, no arguments. Bitcoin will also fail with the fiat.

And what do you propose so that everyone comes to a unanimous consensus for value?

Dont SELL bitcoins, trade them.

I'll give you a bag of 100% Kona coffee for 1BTC.  Deal? 

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: frott on June 04, 2013, 05:38:31 AM
Bitcoin should at all attempts avoid trading a bitcoin for cash. A bitcoin economy is born, the current financial system collapses so something new can be built in its place.

I am with you in terms of sentiment... in terms of practical reality, you're on your own (maybe on the moon!)

As much as I want bitcoin to be what you're saying, you're not really providing a roadmap for how bitcoin will become mainstream without attaching to it first.

what you're saying is as if bitcoin is a tsunami that will crash onto the mainstream and crush it under its sheer force of will, creating a new entity.

what is far more realistic is bitcoin is a stream parallel to the mainstream that will widen until it joins with the mainstream and forms a wider mainstream. BITCOIN ALONGSIDE OTHERS

to get literal, wider adoption is great. but with that comes more regulation if more people are to use it. in short, govs aren't worried about bitcoin as more than a few smart people realizing clearly how money could work (and a whole lotta dumb people feeling the sentiment without really knowing why), because in the end of the day, as long as there's a gov, there is a gov approved currency and that's what you have to give the gov, and that's what gov sanctioned businesses will give you.

the counter force here is that the gov wants more tracking, not less.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: frott on June 04, 2013, 05:42:20 AM
To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins. 
Find what you can sell.

Well I agree that is true, however that doing solve the underlying problem of scarcity.

A person who does not have a single unit of currency, be it bitcoin, USD, or otherwise are subjected to the control of whoever is holding the currency. I believe the problem can be alleviated if there was a way for the person with 0 currency to obtain some currency via the system itself. Because the system has no interest in manipulating its users.

With scarcity its essentially a zero sum game. Where either you have it or you don't. Bitcoin need not be such a system. At least that is what i believe.

Well I believe that is the idea behind ripple. I had the same concept as you, calling it IdeaCoin, where it doesn't matter what the underlying implement is... but the problem comes down to "doing work" for it, aka, moving the blockchain along = generating coin.

That is the nature of btc, and will be unchangeable. The valuation would go bananas if suddenly there wasn't a scarcity issue.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: tutkarz on June 04, 2013, 08:50:15 AM
I’ll be honest, the hoarding mania has got to go if bitcoin protocol is ever to support a fully fledged BTC currency. (...)
and here i stopped reading that text. if you think people should stop hoarding bitcoins then it means you have no clue what bitcoin is about and how it works. nor how economy works. im not going to explain it here because it was said many times, just read more topics on this forum before trying to suggest more of such statements.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: wopwop on June 04, 2013, 08:54:08 AM
bitcoin is about hoarding and becoming rich by sitting on your ass because it's going up yes really this is true ask tutkarz

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 12:54:19 PM
In a deflationary currency, such as bitcoins, gold, and silver hoarding is a natural occurrence. Therefore I'm fine with it.

In order to encourage the behaviour you want, the only way is to turn bitcoin into an inflationary currency. Which is something I dont want to see.

I think the more important issue, is how can a person with 0 bitcoins obtain a bitcoin or at least a fraction of it through the system?. Currently, there are none, because mining is already a high cost activity. I think it would be nice, if we can find a solution to this problem.

A bank here has customers from another country, and they send money home.  Bitcoin is cheap.  A bank to bank settling mechanism with bitcoin would help the banks, and in turn make banks protect bitcoin.  Don't treat them as an enemy, treat them as a powerful neighbor that we want to form an alliance with.

To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins. 
Find what you can sell.

The banks will never be your friend. Hindsight vision is 20-20 right?

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 12:55:58 PM
bitcoin is about hoarding and becoming rich by sitting on your ass because it's going up yes really this is true ask tutkarz

I do think there are possible routes to disperse bitcoin to 2billion people, more than 1 satotishi also. There are ways to get adoption moving quickly. That is something the banks will freak the F out over.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 01:00:03 PM
If fiat is cut out from bitcoin, no one is 'laundering money,' there are no regulations to comply with, And bitcoin gains a stable unique unarguable value that does not suffer from exchange rate volatility.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: tutkarz on June 04, 2013, 01:13:01 PM
bitcoin is about hoarding and becoming rich by sitting on your ass because it's going up yes really this is true ask tutkarz

yep because we should listen to you and value bitcoin at $0.01 so nobody has any use of it. and maybe also send it somewhere so its not hoarded, maybe to your account? but then again, you will be hoarding them all and what will you do with that? shoot yourself?

hoarding increases value of bitcoin and bitcoin have to have meaningful value to be useful because there is too low amount for world needs. i know its hard for you to grasp it. but maybe someday you will be enlighten too.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 01:30:29 PM
bitcoin is about hoarding and becoming rich by sitting on your ass because it's going up yes really this is true ask tutkarz

yep because we should listen to you and value bitcoin at $0.01 so nobody has any use of it. and maybe also send it somewhere so its not hoarded, maybe to your account? but then again, you will be hoarding them all and what will you do with that? shoot yourself?

hoarding increases value of bitcoin and bitcoin have to have meaningful value to be useful because there is too low amount for world needs. i know its hard for you to grasp it. but maybe someday you will be enlighten too.

hoarding, sets up the scenario for massive dollar based price fluctuations, aka Volatility. Rendering it useless for trade.

I think 1 satoshi is equal to 0.10 cents.

We have the internet, there is no reason people can not get on board now-a-days. Its called synchronicity.

Why did ripple decide to give ripples away for free?

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 01:38:28 PM
In a deflationary currency, such as bitcoins, gold, and silver hoarding is a natural occurrence. Therefore I'm fine with it.

In order to encourage the behaviour you want, the only way is to turn bitcoin into an inflationary currency. Which is something I dont want to see.

I think the more important issue, is how can a person with 0 bitcoins obtain a bitcoin or at least a fraction of it through the system?. Currently, there are none, because mining is already a high cost activity. I think it would be nice, if we can find a solution to this problem.

Donation from the miners...

Mining itself does not produce anything, espcially if one mines a bunch of BTC, cashes out and turns off computer.

But if miner acts as central banker...

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: hashman on June 04, 2013, 02:00:52 PM

A bank here has customers from another country, and they send money home.  Bitcoin is cheap.  A bank to bank settling mechanism with bitcoin would help the banks, and in turn make banks protect bitcoin.  Don't treat them as an enemy, treat them as a powerful neighbor that we want to form an alliance with.

To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins. 
Find what you can sell.

The banks will never be your friend. Hindsight vision is 20-20 right?

Bankers are our enemy?  You need to be more specific.  Are you talking about MtGox?  Jamie Dimon?  Perhaps you mean US Central Bankers?  Satoshi, who figured out great ways to store, use and transfer money, was a banker.   If you're just looking for a scapegoat why not use traditional racial ones? 


Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 02:03:40 PM

A bank here has customers from another country, and they send money home.  Bitcoin is cheap.  A bank to bank settling mechanism with bitcoin would help the banks, and in turn make banks protect bitcoin.  Don't treat them as an enemy, treat them as a powerful neighbor that we want to form an alliance with.

To get bitcoins without mining:  do what you do with money without a printing press.  Work, or sell goods & services.  I try to convince my wife that bitcoin is valuable, because I can get on the web and buy coffee with them.

Someone sells coffee, and they get bitcoins.  
Find what you can sell.

The banks will never be your friend. Hindsight vision is 20-20 right?

Bankers are our enemy?  You need to be more specific.  Are you talking about MtGox?  Jamie Dimon?  Perhaps you mean US Central Bankers?  Satoshi, who figured out great ways to store, use and transfer money, was a banker.   If you're just looking for a scapegoat why not use traditional racial ones?  


The bankers fiat

Maybe I am on point with my argument, just 20 years too soon.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: tutkarz on June 04, 2013, 03:00:50 PM
bitcoin is about hoarding and becoming rich by sitting on your ass because it's going up yes really this is true ask tutkarz

yep because we should listen to you and value bitcoin at $0.01 so nobody has any use of it. and maybe also send it somewhere so its not hoarded, maybe to your account? but then again, you will be hoarding them all and what will you do with that? shoot yourself?

hoarding increases value of bitcoin and bitcoin have to have meaningful value to be useful because there is too low amount for world needs. i know its hard for you to grasp it. but maybe someday you will be enlighten too.

hoarding, sets up the scenario for massive dollar based price fluctuations, aka Volatility. Rendering it useless for trade.

I think 1 satoshi is equal to 0.10 cents.

We have the internet, there is no reason people can not get on board now-a-days. Its called synchronicity.

it would be good that some people would finally understand, that thanks to bitcoin promise of becoming rich and thanks to possibility to hoard bitcoins, we are talking here in this forums in the first place. Because if it wouldn't be possible, nobody would know about bitcoin to this day and nobody would use bitcoin ever. Because if it would have fiat properties and on top of all cons of fiat it would be also unregulated, then it would have 0 value forever and it would be impossible to even transfer any money using it.

When people will understand this then maybe they will stop complaining and forcing people to do things they dont want to do. Because we already had this in history when our precious governments cheated on us saying our money was worth as much as gold and later even stopped pretending its worth that much, they created financial crisis we already have. Imagine, you are trying to do the same. And bitcoin was created because of that crisis.

Why did ripple decide to give ripples away for free?

they didnt. many people including me didnt got any ripple for free and guess what, they advised me to BUY them. good one.

btw how much money you can transfer using protocol that has 0 value? simple question to enable thinking.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: Seth Otterstad on June 04, 2013, 05:00:04 PM
The government is our enemy, not the banks.  Banks don't make too much money on the areas that bitcoin will attack, which is stuff like wire fees and currency conversion fees. The bread and butter of banking profits is investing customer deposits. They don't care if that currency is USD or EUR or bitcoin. They will let me deposit bitcoin, make a profit with it, and give me a return.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: benjamindees on June 04, 2013, 05:28:43 PM
The bread and butter of banking profits is investing customer deposits.

Oh, jeez, please spare us from hearing your grandmother's view of how the world works.  It's a Wonderful Life hasn't been a realistic model of banking for decades.  Banks don't care about deposited capital.  They "invest" by using free money from the FED and insider information to front-run their own customers.  This predatory collusion between bankers and government is the entire reason Bitcoin exists.  And, yes, the OP is entirely correct to point out that banks will naturally attempt to use their government-granted privileges to co-opt Bitcoin, just like they co-opt everything else.  They aren't your friends.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on June 04, 2013, 05:35:33 PM

In order to encourage the behaviour you want, the only way is to turn bitcoin into an inflationary currency. Which is something I dont want to see.

I think the more important issue, is how can a person with 0 bitcoins obtain a bitcoin or at least a fraction of it through the system?. Currently, there are none, because mining is already a high cost activity. I think it would be nice, if we can find a solution to this problem.

Cut money out of it, and build a new world!!!!! And you will also see spending habits change, where dollars are attached to numbers, bitcoin become more than a number, it is unit of value.

I do think bitcoin may need to be reset. Let the current mode allow the miners to upgrade their software to asic, and then reset the game. Next time with no money involved. Just bitcoin to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: ArticMine on June 04, 2013, 06:39:45 PM
When it comes to the enemies of Bitcoin, it is not banks nor for that matter governments. The biggest enemy of Bitcoin so far has been Apple who by using their market share worldwide as a tool for censorship has already done way more damage.

At a very fundamental level Apple's business model is predicated on taking complete control over computing devices away from end users, on the other hand Bitcoin's entire security model is predicated on end users having complete control over their computing devices. The conflict on a very fundamental level should be clear to anyone who actually cares to look.

I should add that when it comes to harming Bitcoin Microsoft, is steadily heading in that direction with DRM, particularly after Vista, "secure"  boot in Windows 8 and especially with Windows 8 RT. So when it comes to the enemies of Bitcoin after Apple's gold Microsoft is fighting hard for silver.

Before going to war it might be a good idea to first determine who the real enemies are.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: ArticMine on June 04, 2013, 06:49:49 PM
The government is our enemy, not the banks.  Banks don't make too much money on the areas that bitcoin will attack, which is stuff like wire fees and currency conversion fees. The bread and butter of banking profits is investing customer deposits. They don't care if that currency is USD or EUR or bitcoin. They will let me deposit bitcoin, make a profit with it, and give me a return.

Replace "The government" with "Apple" and I will say +1

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: Seth Otterstad on June 04, 2013, 07:06:03 PM
The bread and butter of banking profits is investing customer deposits.

Oh, jeez, please spare us from hearing your grandmother's view of how the world works.  It's a Wonderful Life hasn't been a realistic model of banking for decades.  Banks don't care about deposited capital.  They "invest" by using free money from the FED and insider information to front-run their own customers.  This predatory collusion between bankers and government is the entire reason Bitcoin exists.  And, yes, the OP is entirely correct to point out that banks will naturally attempt to use their government-granted privileges to co-opt Bitcoin, just like they co-opt everything else.  They aren't your friends.

Clearly you are American and are under the impression that if something operates a certain way for 4% of the world's population, the entire planet must be the same.  The US banking system is archaic relative to other first world countries.  The vast majority of the world's banks earn their profits from reinvesting customer deposits.

US banks have 9t in deposits.  Saying they "don't care about deposited capital" is idiotic.  Loaning that out is how they make their money.

Title: Re: Lets think about the consequences of selling bitcoins to bankers. Our enemy.
Post by: TippingPoint on June 08, 2013, 04:48:46 PM
When it comes to the enemies of Bitcoin, it is not banks nor for that matter governments. The biggest enemy of Bitcoin so far has been Apple who by using their market share worldwide as a tool for censorship has already done way more damage.

At a very fundamental level Apple's business model is predicated on taking complete control over computing devices away from end users, on the other hand Bitcoin's entire security model is predicated on end users having complete control over their computing devices. The conflict on a very fundamental level should be clear to anyone who actually cares to look.

I should add that when it comes to harming Bitcoin Microsoft, is steadily heading in that direction with DRM, particularly after Vista, "secure"  boot in Windows 8 and especially with Windows 8 RT. So when it comes to the enemies of Bitcoin after Apple's gold Microsoft is fighting hard for silver.

Before going to war it might be a good idea to first determine who the real enemies are.

Nice post.  Buried in a vast ocean of alphanumeric packing material.

Centuries from now, archaeologists may discover it.