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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mwaqar17 on October 14, 2017, 01:38:11 PM

Title: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: mwaqar17 on October 14, 2017, 01:38:11 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: covfefe_ on October 14, 2017, 01:59:23 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: wRex on October 14, 2017, 02:08:42 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Ideally, the power in a democratic government comes from the people.  Elections are held wherein citizens of a given location (be it country, state, province, town, city, etc.) are able to vote for the candidate whom they feel will best represent their personal wants and needs when in a position of power.  Therefore, the main principle behind democracy is that of representation.  Even though the people themselves are not able to create and enforce laws, there is an expectation that the elected representatives will act on their behalf.

Benefits of a Democracy
Democracy is sometimes said to be the best form of government.  Namely because it derives its power from all of the people, and not just a small group.  This is also part of the reason democracy is thought to be a safeguard against a revolution.  Considering the people in charge were put there by the people themselves, there is less of a need to overthrow the government violently. Freedom is also a huge aspect of democracy.  Freedom of thought, worship, speech and action (assuming it is peaceful and within the limits of established laws) are often the backbone on which the rest of the government is built.  These freedoms enable individuals to grow and pursue their personal dreams and goals.

a dictatorship is a form of government where the majority, if not all of the power is granted to one individual.  The people being governed have no say in the way they are governed, and are unable to make any changes to the political system.  Whereas democracy thrives on freedom, a dictatorship thrives on oppression.  There are no competitive elections held, so therefore no chance of unseating the dictator.

Benefits of a Dictatorship
As referenced earlier, elections are imperfect things.  While the majority of a population is represented, there is always going to be a portion of the population that is not.  Society is a large and unwieldy thing, and some would argue that trying to apply something as potentially volatile as elections to it is a recipe for disaster. Instead, by giving all of the power to one person, the government can move quickly, and more like a machine.  A dictator is a leader who possesses exceptional talent in the fields of organization, and administration, and is also able to act decisively and without fear of dissenting opinions.

based on above explanation, I prefer Democracy with Realiable Person to be The President.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: illicit on October 14, 2017, 02:22:44 PM
I choose Democracy because there is an indispensable part of democracy is majority rule, which is carried out by voting. However, unrestricted majority rule poses a threat to the liberty of a population's minority members. All modern democracies operate within a framework of laws that restrict majority rule by guaranteeing all citizens the same rights.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Blockgraham on October 14, 2017, 03:08:03 PM
There has been a substitution of concepts above I guess. Probably most of us would prefer democracy, but when it comes to either choosing republic or monarchy opinions split. In that case I'm pretty much satisfied with the British monarchy. However, look at Saudi Arabia and see the difference.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: joebrook on October 14, 2017, 04:47:49 PM
Dictatorship never ends well even though the dictator initially wanted to really help his countrymen, it will get to a time that he will be so power drunk that he will not take constructive criticism very well and that's when he starts to maltreat his countrymen imprisoning and killing anyone who dare speaks against him

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 14, 2017, 05:56:50 PM
I would prefer a non-corrupt dictatorship to a corrupt-democracy. Let's compare China with India. The former is a communist dictatorship, while the latter is a democracy. In 1950, China was lagging behind India in terms of literacy, healthcare and human development. But now they are miles ahead, thanks to the visionary leadership. On the other hand, India has slipped quite far behind, partially due to the corruption by the ruling Nehru-Gandhi family.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Crankautist on October 14, 2017, 06:06:22 PM
I would prefer a non-corrupt dictatorship to a corrupt-democracy. Let's compare China with India. The former is a communist dictatorship, while the latter is a democracy. In 1950, China was lagging behind India in terms of literacy, healthcare and human development. But now they are miles ahead, thanks to the visionary leadership. On the other hand, India has slipped quite far behind, partially due to the corruption by the ruling Nehru-Gandhi family.

A dictatorship has one systemic problem.
You are depending on one sole leader entity that is controlling everything.
If the leader is good everything is fine. If your leader is called stalin, pol pot, hitler, nixon then you got a serious problem.

In a democracy there exist checks and balances, transparency, free press and usually a strong civil society.

Similiar to the concept of decentralisation vs centralisation

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: veleten on October 14, 2017, 06:25:39 PM
as we all know Democracy is the power of the Democrats :)
there is no such a thing as true democracy,also greeks considered it to be the lowest form of the goverments
democracy is just a smoke screen for the worst types of dictatorships and those honest enough
to not be hiding it behind the "democratic" institutions (and not strong enough to repel the democratic agression) aka Lybia,Iraq etc.
are usually made an example of and destroyed,for peace and human rights,of course

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on October 14, 2017, 08:27:54 PM
"A gilded cage is still a cage."

Democracy is best when it comes to personal freedoms. The main flaw of course is that it's only as good as its electorate. Go look up The Dictator's Handbook. You wouldn't be disappointed.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 14, 2017, 08:42:21 PM
Notice the topic title. It says "Dictator ship." Ships are on the ocean. Ships are owned. The captain is set in place by the owners as dictator on the ship. The reason for this is that ships often encounter dangerous weather and other dangers on the high seas. The captain has to be experienced, and has to be dictator to protect the ship from disaster. Democracy takes too long to work on a ship that is in danger.

On land it is different. Outside of temporary dictatorship-like emergencies (earthquake, flood, tornado), the people have the right to self-rule. Why? Because the people and the land are one. The people eat from the soil. Dictators aren't supposed to rule the people like they might rule their own piece of real estate.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 14, 2017, 11:47:35 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.
Reality in a nutshell. Also why I decided to never go into politics, since it's a waste of my lifetime. I'm not very fond of democracy either, since it's steered by money and power (by manipulating the public consens). And even if it wasn't, I wouldn't want people who do not take the time to carefully and objectively research facts being able to vote on important matters that directly impact my life. That's no different from being bullied by a stronger, but stupid and shortsighted, group of people.
Dictatorship isn't a lot better either though, unless the leader actually cares about betterment of humanity as a whole while actually having the competence to carry out long term visions.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: bakul idu on October 15, 2017, 02:30:49 AM
Modern humans the smart and would prefer democracy , because in democracy is free to pass an opinion

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: achsan fauzy on October 15, 2017, 02:44:10 AM
I think system dictator is a system of duping to the people. System dictator must be abolished.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 15, 2017, 07:39:23 AM
Democracy is simply dictatorship by the majority. Forget both, democracy, and formal dictatorship. Go for freedom.

The only freedom that is not allowed is to harm someone, or damage his property.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Mometaskers on October 15, 2017, 03:19:22 PM
Some people root for benevolent dictatorship but even that can go wrong if the successor is a dipstick. It seems one party countries with some level of political participation works OK enough (example, Singapore). Still, it is best if people are free to express themselves (with reasonable limits of course).

Democracy is simply dictatorship by the majority. Forget both, democracy, and formal dictatorship. Go for freedom.

The only freedom that is not allowed is to harm someone, or damage his property.


So basically anarchy? What type of anarchy though? There seem to be several.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Xester on October 15, 2017, 03:25:59 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I want to try being under dictatorship.  I am living in a democratic country wherein everything that was done whether it is good or bad always ends up stating about its freedom.  I do not think that having so much freedom gives good thing in one country.  Democracy lacks discipline.  Yes, it is up to people whether you are disciplined or not.  But no one will do the right thing if there is always so much freedom.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: September11 on October 15, 2017, 03:34:55 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

This is a quite accurate answer.
We could add that dictatorships usually are more efficient in the beginning, when the dictator has come to power due to the support from his people, and far less efficient years or decades later when his mind is not very lucid any more but he still has a strong grip on power.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: martina14 on October 15, 2017, 07:07:14 PM
Democracy is good but sometimes it is over use and most dirty politician use that democracy to ruin the country, dictatorship is ok as long as it is use for a good running of the country!!

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: innocent93 on October 15, 2017, 07:27:56 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
It depends of the historical moment. I mean if we are in peace then absolutely democracy, no doubt about it, but if we are in a military conflict then the things would go better with  dictators. For example Winston Churchill wouldn't have been a good prim minister if it wouldn't have been the WW2. At that moment he was the perfect choice.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: xvids on October 15, 2017, 08:24:32 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I think democracy is still the best type of government. Even though it does not really promise maximum development, it sure gives the people power to choose their leaders and even oust whoever they think is abusive of power. Having one leader doesn't really give us much freedom and misrule is most likely to happen. When it does, the people can't do anything about it.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 15, 2017, 08:33:51 PM
Some people root for benevolent dictatorship but even that can go wrong if the successor is a dipstick. It seems one party countries with some level of political participation works OK enough (example, Singapore). Still, it is best if people are free to express themselves (with reasonable limits of course).

Democracy is simply dictatorship by the majority. Forget both, democracy, and formal dictatorship. Go for freedom.

The only freedom that is not allowed is to harm someone, or damage his property.


So basically anarchy? What type of anarchy though? There seem to be several.

Not necessarily anarchy.

The U.S. of America was not set up as a dictatorship or a democracy. It was set up as a self-government of the people.

Notice the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th Amendments. Jury trial can be used to challenge any and every law of Government if used properly - 6th and 7th. The people and the States can overrule every law set up by the Federal, and the people can overrule every law set up by the States - 9th and 10th - and individually if they go through the jury (6th and 7th).

In other words, there is no secession needed if people want to put down the Federal or State governments. Why don't people do this? Because they say that they are CITIZENS. If they were not CITIZENS, they could stand as [wo]men and overrule anything and everything in Government, right down to destroying it.

Let me say it another way. Right now, if any foreigners want, all they have to do is learn how to avail themselves of the courts in [wo]man-fashion, and they could virtually take down the whole USA. They won't do this because they barely understand it. After all, We the People barely understand it.

This is built right into foundational law in the USA.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: z38630610 on October 15, 2017, 08:41:34 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

People choose their own managerial system. Therefore some countries have dictator and some of them doesn't. Lots of goverments use democracy for their own benefits. Then it becomes a kind of dictatorship. They don't use democracy as purpose. They use it as a tool. Therefore confidence of governments decreases.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Jovl on October 15, 2017, 10:35:54 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

Democracy,where as the people are given the right to vote for the person they believe who are intelligent enough to run the government,or local elections.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: bpc78 on October 15, 2017, 10:55:14 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I prefer democracy, the people has a lot of freedom,of speech,to choose or to vote.and also has the right to cast out the one who runs the country who is not running well the government,be it local.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: iconicavs on October 15, 2017, 11:37:38 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Most people will choose Democratic, even I myself. But the progress of a country under dictatorship is clearly visible. Democratic country allows people to have their own freedom to do what they please but the crime cases are evidently high. Dictatorship only requires countrymen/statemen to follow a certain leader.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: thugpi on October 15, 2017, 11:40:47 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
I agree with your thoughts, I also believe that every kind of leadership had its flaws and benefits. Dictatorship has more improvement because the government can do whatever they want without others permission but the bad thing about dictatorship is we have limited freedom

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 15, 2017, 11:44:08 PM
The UK Labour party is becoming a dictatorship have no idea what democracy means..

I was die hard labour never ever again a disgrace ..

John Martin McDonnell is a British Labour Party politician ..

What an IDIOT..

Watch him he is a snake don't like him one bit..
You labour will not win the next election because your LIARS and we already got lairs in so what's the point in changing..

Remember if we stay in the EU and labour win businesses will run anyways :D
TAX to death means businesses will run..

So we will be paying billions to the EU and borrowing billions putting our future children even in worse debt than ever before ..

Plus LABOUR lied about letting the young STUDENTS off with the university DEBT >:(
And that's the only reason why labour got more votes ..

But labour seem to think it's because the young came out to vote over the EU

FREE UNIVERSITY was the reason ..
And FREE UNIVERSITY should be free to all children of our planet ..

knowledge should be free ..

John Martin McDonnell this guy is looking after his own interest TRUST ME..A RAT..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 16, 2017, 12:01:03 AM
Sainsbury's boss David Tyler warns a 'no deal' Brexit would raise the ...
The Times-14 Oct 2017
Families will have to pay more for their weekly shop if Britain leaves the EU without a trade deal, the chairman of Sainsbury's has warned.

Who shops at Sainsbury's way to expensive ..
Your worried because other new up and coming shops are doing better than you :D ;D..

I wouldn't walk in that shop always been expensive ..

Your shops finished if you don't get with the program ;)..

Oh i am so excited to leave the EU ..
Like getting a new job ;D..

The UK will always do good we are to good at thinking and are very smart people..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Mometaskers on October 16, 2017, 07:51:26 PM
Some people root for benevolent dictatorship but even that can go wrong if the successor is a dipstick. It seems one party countries with some level of political participation works OK enough (example, Singapore). Still, it is best if people are free to express themselves (with reasonable limits of course).

Democracy is simply dictatorship by the majority. Forget both, democracy, and formal dictatorship. Go for freedom.

The only freedom that is not allowed is to harm someone, or damage his property.


So basically anarchy? What type of anarchy though? There seem to be several.

Not necessarily anarchy.

The U.S. of America was not set up as a dictatorship or a democracy. It was set up as a self-government of the people.

Notice the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th Amendments. Jury trial can be used to challenge any and every law of Government if used properly - 6th and 7th. The people and the States can overrule every law set up by the Federal, and the people can overrule every law set up by the States - 9th and 10th - and individually if they go through the jury (6th and 7th).

In other words, there is no secession needed if people want to put down the Federal or State governments. Why don't people do this? Because they say that they are CITIZENS. If they were not CITIZENS, they could stand as [wo]men and overrule anything and everything in Government, right down to destroying it.

Let me say it another way. Right now, if any foreigners want, all they have to do is learn how to avail themselves of the courts in [wo]man-fashion, and they could virtually take down the whole USA. They won't do this because they barely understand it. After all, We the People barely understand it.

This is built right into foundational law in the USA.


I wonder how the US would look like that. How large can the resulting "government" become?

Well, looks like the State as we know it today wouldn't be going away any time soon. I doubt the governments would allow that to easily happen.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2017, 08:08:02 PM
Some people root for benevolent dictatorship but even that can go wrong if the successor is a dipstick. It seems one party countries with some level of political participation works OK enough (example, Singapore). Still, it is best if people are free to express themselves (with reasonable limits of course).

Democracy is simply dictatorship by the majority. Forget both, democracy, and formal dictatorship. Go for freedom.

The only freedom that is not allowed is to harm someone, or damage his property.


So basically anarchy? What type of anarchy though? There seem to be several.

Not necessarily anarchy.

The U.S. of America was not set up as a dictatorship or a democracy. It was set up as a self-government of the people.

Notice the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th Amendments. Jury trial can be used to challenge any and every law of Government if used properly - 6th and 7th. The people and the States can overrule every law set up by the Federal, and the people can overrule every law set up by the States - 9th and 10th - and individually if they go through the jury (6th and 7th).

In other words, there is no secession needed if people want to put down the Federal or State governments. Why don't people do this? Because they say that they are CITIZENS. If they were not CITIZENS, they could stand as [wo]men and overrule anything and everything in Government, right down to destroying it.

Let me say it another way. Right now, if any foreigners want, all they have to do is learn how to avail themselves of the courts in [wo]man-fashion, and they could virtually take down the whole USA. They won't do this because they barely understand it. After all, We the People barely understand it.

This is built right into foundational law in the USA.


I wonder how the US would look like that. How large can the resulting "government" become?

Well, looks like the State as we know it today wouldn't be going away any time soon. I doubt the governments would allow that to easily happen.

The U.S. bureaucracy would shrink. There would be no income taxes; taxes would exist on import/export. The people would become strong in their self-armament. Criminals and terrorists would be too afraid to mess with Americans. Yet other nations would fear what America could do if her people decided to go against them. Prosperity would abound among Americans. The rest of the world would seek to trade with America, vying for her affections.

It's built into the Constitution and the Amendments to work like this. The only reason that it doesn't is that Americans have been distracted by all the political BS for too long. Once they wake up to their individual power as men and women, the U.S. bureaucracy will come down.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: greenbitsgm on October 16, 2017, 10:01:49 PM
Democracy for me,in a democratic form of government we have freedom,we have the right to choose our leader who will lead us by means of  election,we have freedom of speech to voice out our grievances and concern,we can go anywhere we wanted, no restrictions no limit, but it has flaws which sometimes hinders the progress of a country.On the other a dictatorship form of government it's the opposite,freedoms you enjoy is suppress,there is restriction and limitations...but the good side if the dictator is really focus on making the country rich and progressive by all means it will done...

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2017, 02:37:05 AM
Democracy for me,in a democratic form of government we have freedom,we have the right to choose our leader who will lead us by means of  election,we have freedom of speech to voice out our grievances and concern,we can go anywhere we wanted, no restrictions no limit, but it has flaws which sometimes hinders the progress of a country.On the other a dictatorship form of government it's the opposite,freedoms you enjoy is suppress,there is restriction and limitations...but the good side if the dictator is really focus on making the country rich and progressive by all means it will done...

Majority rules. Minority is in slavery to the dictates of the majority. Notice the word "dictates." Democracy is a dictatorship.

Rather, freedom for all in every way. Only if there is harm or damage should the guilty party pay.

In the current democracy, Monsanto harms many people, but is allowed by the majority who doesn't understand the harm, but allows them to go on harming.

Use the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments to make "damgers" and "harmers" pay. You are harmed even when there is real threat of harm.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: The_prodigy on October 17, 2017, 03:08:41 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I Think that the government should always be for the people. it should be thAT the power rests on the public that put the people on power there. it is also important to notE that a public that feels it is oprrssd or being conrrenered is not a country of progress but a country of slaves.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: superhelper on October 17, 2017, 03:10:20 AM
It depends on the population of a country. According to human nature, the lord imposed on them rulers! Democracy or monarchy is not a factor,  Whether the ruler is honest or not is the big thing for for ordinary people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Genemind on October 17, 2017, 03:23:55 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Democratic is great, you get to enjoy your freedom, express what’s in your mind and do what you want. However, too much freedom is also bad. There are time where dictator is somehow good for some countries.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Wilfrer on October 17, 2017, 08:26:10 AM
My point is to live in a world of democracy and peace. no war has occurred. no robbery, exploitation. Human beings live in equality without being subjected to monopoly pressure. If there is dictatorship, human society will not develop.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: J Gambler on October 17, 2017, 09:34:08 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Democracy is for the people and for each government it should be for the peoplee. Dictatorship has fooled the people into believing that giving sipreme power into one people can give success or progress into one country. Democracy is giving the power to the people to decide on who holds the power

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 17, 2017, 09:43:20 AM
My point is to live in a world of democracy and peace. no war has occurred. no robbery, exploitation. Human beings live in equality without being subjected to monopoly pressure. If there is dictatorship, human society will not develop.

Ironically, it is the democratic countries which are getting engaged in constant warfare and bullying. A perfect example is that of the United States. Ever since the end of the World War 2, they have got themselves engaged militarily in at least 70 different nations, including Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Libya.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: mozartopfer on October 17, 2017, 10:17:22 AM
In fact, democracy is the same as dictatorship in some way. However, when we talk about democracy we should take into account the fact, that because of the ability to decide collectively governors lose their sense of responsibility. That is why sometimes dictatorship can be a better solution. As for me, I would like small societies where everybody knows their place and tasks and where they decide certain problems together. The problem is, that this is an utopia because most of the people are indifferent and stupid.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: jiamileshuai on October 17, 2017, 12:30:07 PM
Since my country is democratic government, surely I prefer to chose democratic system. Even thought it applies democracy system, in some cases it seems to be dictator. It is caused several factors that democracy is not successfully reached. However, as mentioned before that democratic and dictatorship have own laws and benefits. 

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: inoymuninoy on October 17, 2017, 01:13:41 PM
 Dictatorship but the dictator must be very intellegent and very compassionate towards other

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2017, 01:18:39 PM
Dictatorship but the dictator must be very intellegent and very compassionate towards other

Right. Because if he isn't intelligent and compassionate, we will vote a new dictator in.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: otandelapaz on October 17, 2017, 06:19:44 PM
Its just a name, as long as the leader thinks about the welfare of his people its fine with me.  Development is also based on the people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: pkdas on October 17, 2017, 06:24:28 PM
I like democracy because it gives normal to speak up.Every people have some freedom to choice their leader and the democracy gives us the freedom.But sometime it's bad,because many misused this democracy by money and with their bad influnces..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2017, 06:30:28 PM
Its just a name, as long as the leader thinks about the welfare of his people its fine with me.  Development is also based on the people.

Ayn Rand, the author of "Atlas Shrugged," had as her theme in life, selfishness. If you are selfish, you will see that other people have success, just so that they lift you up.

Barely ever will you find a dictator who is not corrupted by his own selfishness. Rather, he skims off the top in secrecy so that his own people don't realize how he is stealing from them.

A good dictator is an idealistic notion.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: baseball12 on October 17, 2017, 07:25:31 PM
No  to both

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: trako on October 17, 2017, 08:47:47 PM
democracy ... because democracy is humanist..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Jonsnowstark on October 17, 2017, 11:41:05 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

When you take a look at it, with democracy, you have the freedom to express yourself according to the laws of the state, but with dictatorship you abide solely on the laws of the ruler. but if the ruler has but one goal which is to make a better country then dictatorship at its best.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 17, 2017, 11:55:44 PM
The EUROPEAN UNION is a dictatorship..

Any country who wants to stay in the EU will be DOOMED ..
Only a few countries that will benefit and it wont be it's people it will be the leaders politicians
the rest will be doomed..

You say the EU is so good for the uk..

So why is it all most impossible for a young adult to get a homes unless parents rich?..

Tell me why do students get put in debt before they even get a job?..
Tell me why we have FOOD BANKS ?..
Tell me why it takes 3 to 3 weeks to see a doctor?..
Tell me why no free school uniforms?..
Tell me why youth clubs shut down?..
Tell me why no school after sports anymore?..

You make out the EU is so good so why is our young adults killing themselves like never before?..


And you thick people want to live under NAZI RULES..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 18, 2017, 12:09:55 AM
I will show you how the ELITE SCUM BAGS WORK..

They make you think what they want you too all to line their pockets and their families only ..
We have been getting tricked for hundreds of years ..

Alistair camp bellend  this guy worked for tony blair just listen what he told
P. morgan on his show about not going in the EURO MONEY listen what he says..

Alastair Campbell and John Redwood Clash in Heated ... - YouTube
Video for alastair campbell and john redwood▶ 9:35
13 hours ago - Uploaded by Good Morning Britain
Subscribe now for more! Alastair Campbell and John Redwood join the studio to .

You will see how these snakes work..

You do understand we pay these scum bags plane tickets hotels and kick backs to line their own pockets so why wouldn't they want to stay :D :D..CHEEKY PEOPLE..


Remember not every rich dude is a shit face or in with their group some just made it the good old honest way..

Only the few are wanting their good lives and they don't care for the many ;) ;)..

Prof Patrick Minford schools the idiots in Parliament about the EU and ...
Video for professor patrick minford eu▶ 36:36

EU army inevitable, says senior German official - The Telegraph

19 Jun 2017 - One of Germany’s most senior defence officials has become the latest to add his voice to calls for a European army. Hans-Peter Bartels, Germany’s national defence commissioner, on Monday called for Nato’s EU members to organise their militaries into a single force..

Ask yourselves this countries all around the EU who will the EU ARMY be fighting?..

Yes you the own people ;)..

Poland your not doing as your told send in the EU ARMY.. :o NAZI DICTATORSHIP..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 18, 2017, 12:20:25 AM
The EUROPEAN UNION is a dictatorship..

Any country who wants to stay in the EU will be DOOMED ..
Only a few countries that will benefit and it wont be it's people it will be the leaders politicians
the rest will be doomed..

You say the EU is so good for the uk..

So why is it all most impossible for a young adult to get a homes unless parents rich?..

Tell me why do students get put in debt before they even get a job?..
Tell me why we have FOOD BANKS ?..
Tell me why it takes 3 to 3 weeks to see a doctor?..
Tell me why no free school uniforms?..
Tell me why youth clubs shut down?..
Tell me why no school after sports anymore?..

You make out the EU is so good so why is our young adults killing themselves like never before?..


And you thick people want to live under NAZI RULES..

It's not slavery. It's stupidity, on the part of you Brits.

Use the Magna Carta, and Queen's Bench in the courts, to individually take yourselves out from under any law that harms you. Brexit isn't the way to go, except if it happens through Queen's Bench. Start by examining the things here


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 18, 2017, 12:24:00 AM
16 May 2016 - The Nazis drew up the “basic plan” for the European Union decades before it was actually established..

EURO menace Jean-Claude Juncker's dad fought for Hitler in World War ... The Junckers live in a £2million mansion near Luxembourg City.

Think about it instead of bringing 1 million African slaves to work for nothing and causing all
human right abuses instead they make us work and we give 60% of our labour to the elite
YES 60% or even more remember tax on all the goods you but the rent of homes ..

Now just think instead of bringing 1 million African slaves just make 6 million of your own slaves
I.E working for nothing and making you think it's work experience or zero hour contracts
or self employed on construction sites no holiday pay no sick pay because your self employed..

THE EUROPEAN UNION is to self serve the ELITE ..


Video for bilderberg meetings▶ 15:53
12 May 2016 - Uploaded by A Changing World
In this short documentary I sum up the history of the Bilderberg Group and discuss the reason why the ..

Video for inside bilderberg meetings▶ 2:56
27 Oct 2013 - ..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 18, 2017, 12:34:26 AM
The EUROPEAN UNION is a dictatorship..

Any country who wants to stay in the EU will be DOOMED ..
Only a few countries that will benefit and it wont be it's people it will be the leaders politicians
the rest will be doomed..

You say the EU is so good for the uk..

So why is it all most impossible for a young adult to get a homes unless parents rich?..

Tell me why do students get put in debt before they even get a job?..
Tell me why we have FOOD BANKS ?..
Tell me why it takes 3 to 3 weeks to see a doctor?..
Tell me why no free school uniforms?..
Tell me why youth clubs shut down?..
Tell me why no school after sports anymore?..

You make out the EU is so good so why is our young adults killing themselves like never before?..


And you thick people want to live under NAZI RULES..

It's not slavery. It's stupidity, on the part of you Brits.

Use the Magna Carta, and Queen's Bench in the courts, to individually take yourselves out from under any law that harms you. Brexit isn't the way to go, except if it happens through Queen's Bench. Start by examining the things here


Badecker who owns most of the countryside? ..THE ROYALS..

When the EU subsidies farmers who do you think gets most of the subsidies ::)..

LORD SHITTY GOB gets it to so he can go FOX HUNTING.. >:( >:(..

Told us to join the EURO or our country is doomed ^^.. NEVER HAPPENED ..

Badecker you know nothing about the EU..

Also you agree with this person i mean anything she agrees with you know to stay well away ;)..

Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union | Politics ... › Politics › Brexit
23 Apr 2016 - Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union ... European Mainstream, said: “This shows how misleading it is to say this is just .


Farage blasts Hillary Clinton for blaming election loss on Brexit & says ... › News › World
1 day ago - HILLARY Clinton may have another run at the US presidency as she hopes to reverse Brexit, Nigel Farage warns. ... The former UKIP leader claimed that Clinton hates Brexit because she sees the European Union as a prototype for a global government. Mr Farage said: “Hillary sees the ...

Remember BADECKER you believe in fairy tales :-* :-*..

Just like the POLITICAL ELITES fairy tales you believe anything :D :D..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 18, 2017, 12:41:58 AM
The EUROPEAN UNION is a dictatorship..

Any country who wants to stay in the EU will be DOOMED ..
Only a few countries that will benefit and it wont be it's people it will be the leaders politicians
the rest will be doomed..

You say the EU is so good for the uk..

So why is it all most impossible for a young adult to get a homes unless parents rich?..

Tell me why do students get put in debt before they even get a job?..
Tell me why we have FOOD BANKS ?..
Tell me why it takes 3 to 3 weeks to see a doctor?..
Tell me why no free school uniforms?..
Tell me why youth clubs shut down?..
Tell me why no school after sports anymore?..

You make out the EU is so good so why is our young adults killing themselves like never before?..


And you thick people want to live under NAZI RULES..

It's not slavery. It's stupidity, on the part of you Brits.

Use the Magna Carta, and Queen's Bench in the courts, to individually take yourselves out from under any law that harms you. Brexit isn't the way to go, except if it happens through Queen's Bench. Start by examining the things here


Badecker who owns most of the countryside? ..THE ROYALS..

When the EU subsidies farmers who do you think gets most of the subsidies ::)..

LORD SHITTY GOB gets it to so he can go FOX HUNTING.. >:( >:(..

Told us to join the EURO or our country is doomed ^^.. NEVER HAPPENED ..

Badecker you know nothing about the EU..

Also you agree with this person i mean anything she agrees with you know to stay well away ;)..

Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union | Politics ... › Politics › Brexit
23 Apr 2016 - Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union ... European Mainstream, said: “This shows how misleading it is to say this is just .


Farage blasts Hillary Clinton for blaming election loss on Brexit & says ... › News › World
1 day ago - HILLARY Clinton may have another run at the US presidency as she hopes to reverse Brexit, Nigel Farage warns. ... The former UKIP leader claimed that Clinton hates Brexit because she sees the European Union as a prototype for a global government. Mr Farage said: “Hillary sees the ...

Remember BADECKER you believe in fairy tales :-* :-*..

Just like the POLITICAL ELITES fairy tales you believe anything :D :D..

I accept. You are welcome to stay stupid.     ;)

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 18, 2017, 12:51:31 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

When you take a look at it, with democracy, you have the freedom to express yourself according to the laws of the state, but with dictatorship you abide solely on the laws of the ruler. but if the ruler has but one goal which is to make a better country then dictatorship at its best.

The problem with democracy is that the voice of the minorities seldom matter. In a multi-party democracy, you need just 51% of the votes for a win. The remaining 49% will remain without power and the rulers will never listen to their concerns. On the other hand, dictatorships are somewhat unbiased in this regard. They take good care of the minorities.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 18, 2017, 02:10:05 AM
need just 51% of the votes for a win.. ::)

Never the less it's still a win..DEMOCRACY..

Now why not leave the EU like we voted and in 5 years when the next election comes up put it in your
manifesto that you will rejoin the EU and that way DEMOCRACY is up held ;D..

Now if people had any clue how this planet works then you would see who is the DOUGHNUTS ;)..

If you watch the video the EUROPEAN UNION is doing no different than big pharma just apply to
other products besides prescription drugs..

They are making us slaves for their own profits and the politicians get a cut BACKHANDERS
it's called .. PLEASE WATCH and you will see how we get ripped off by our own laws made by politicians ..

Elizabeth Warren GRILLS Big Pharma Lobbyist Over Prescription ...
Video for Elizabeth warren crushes big pharma▶ 5:54
5 hours ago - Uploaded by Reflect
Senator Elizabeth Warren questions "PhrMA" lobbyist, Lori Reilly, over the pharmaceutical industry's .

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: SamPo on October 18, 2017, 05:15:24 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

Democracy, so that we can have the power to express our opinions and our
Rights as human and a people of our society. We can express them our thoughts and needs so that the governmnent can take a necessary action to help .

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 18, 2017, 06:09:58 AM
need just 51% of the votes for a win.. ::)

Never the less it's still a win..DEMOCRACY..

Sometimes, it needs 30% or less votes to win an election (if the fight is triangular or quadrangular). The problem with this system is that a particular ethnic or religious group with 30% or 35% of the population can win the election with their demographic power, and then sideline the other groups. This is exactly how the problems started in multi-ethnic countries such as Sri Lanka (majority Sinhalese vs minority Tamils), Malaysia (Malays vs Chinese), and Afghanistan (Pashtuns vs Tajiks).

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: gabmen on October 18, 2017, 07:21:05 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Sometimes, it depends on the state of the country if dictatorship is needed or democracy. For those countries that as well off and its citizens know their responsibilities, then democracy is best fit. There are those countries as well that you can't run through democracy because of rotten leadership

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Kotone on October 18, 2017, 07:25:53 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Dictatorship should never be in the discussion of bringing countries to progress as this is not the way to go and it comes with a price like freedom and nlood. Dictators succeed on the putside because dissenters get imprisoned or worse killed and their plans enacted. Which have a high cost that is not the price for progress.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: In the silence on October 18, 2017, 07:47:34 AM
Both are good, democracy's flaw is manipulation of opinions to affect decisions. Dicatatorship's flaw is lack of leadership affecting the people.
But for me dictatorship is.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Pretty Boy on October 18, 2017, 08:58:23 AM
When it comes to the welfare of all the citizens then I would pick Democracy than Dictatorship. Dictatorship is not all bad but the point is what if the Dictator is like some bad leaders who only cared about themselves and not their own citizens.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Jaydeepjani on October 18, 2017, 08:58:39 AM
Democracy for sure . It's of the people for the people and by the people and so it is the people who chose and the people who get the power . Its utmost important

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 19, 2017, 08:18:45 PM
Democracy for sure . It's of the people for the people and by the people and so it is the people who chose and the people who get the power . Its utmost important
The problem is that most people don't know what they are talking about, but keep talking. Democracy isn't really different from peer pressure or a group of bullies that you can't do anything against. It's pretty close to just having a single dictator and gets romanticized way too much.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Renzyp on October 19, 2017, 11:45:28 PM
Money can buy anything yes! But not happiness Ye let say this your happy because you can buy any material thing you like ! But until when?

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 19, 2017, 11:49:01 PM
Money can buy anything yes! But not happiness Ye let say this your happy because you can buy any material thing you like ! But until when?
Wrong thread?

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: kryptopath on October 19, 2017, 11:50:50 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
Benefits of a Dictatorship
As referenced earlier, elections are imperfect things.  While the majority of a population is represented, there is always going to be a portion of the population that is not. 

The tyranny of the majority wiki is a good read:

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 19, 2017, 11:51:34 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
Benefits of a Dictatorship
As referenced earlier, elections are imperfect things.  While the majority of a population is represented, there is always going to be a portion of the population that is not. 

The tyranny of the majority wiki is a good read:
Nice to see someone on here gets the problem.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: kendra1107 on October 19, 2017, 11:57:21 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
Definitely democracy..Yes this is lenient compared to a dictatorship form of government wherein almost everything is controlled. But the same is still true with democracy. I don’t think that a military form of government would be ideal in our country today since our people are much more defensive compared before.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: soros017 on October 20, 2017, 12:04:18 AM
Democracy is not perfect, but over history dictatorship has been proven to be much worse.
I'm not so sure how a totally libertarian society would be, but I guess the transition would be slow, and until then, democracy is the best thing we have.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: croTek4 on October 20, 2017, 01:09:05 AM
First, true democracy doesn't exist. Just look at USA, it's not a democracy, it's more of a representative democracy, like, you elect a guy who will then make his own vote for the president. So, the president isn't actually elected by the people, but instead, by 50 old politicians.

Secondly, dictatorship isn't as bad as we think: sometimes, it's better to give all the power to one person, as long as this person has insight and common sense. I'd like to live under the reign of a Gandhi-like dictator. I wouldn't mind giving the lead of a whole country to such a guy.
Sometimes, even a bad dictator is better than a lazy democracy. Syria stands as a good example, in my humble opinion

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 20, 2017, 01:25:52 AM
First, true democracy doesn't exist. Just look at USA, it's not a democracy, it's more of a representative democracy, like, you elect a guy who will then make his own vote for the president. So, the president isn't actually elected by the people, but instead, by 50 old politicians.

The American system is a little bit complex. It is a true democracy, but the presidential elections are conducted in such a way that even the smallest state gets its say on the matters. If the election was conducted solely based on the popular vote, then no one will be campaigning in states such as Wyoming and Vermont. That is why they have the electoral vote system.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 20, 2017, 01:27:21 AM
First, true democracy doesn't exist. Just look at USA, it's not a democracy, it's more of a representative democracy, like, you elect a guy who will then make his own vote for the president. So, the president isn't actually elected by the people, but instead, by 50 old politicians.

The American system is a little bit complex. It is a true democracy, but the presidential elections are conducted in such a way that even the smallest state gets its say on the matters. If the election was conducted solely based on the popular vote, then no one will be campaigning in states such as Wyoming and Vermont. That is why they have the electoral vote system.
It's not a true democracy. Not even on paper due to the existence of the electoral college. And in reality it doesn't matter who's inside the WH.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Renzyp on October 20, 2017, 03:11:19 AM
Democracy for me is the best to the country that people fallow the policy  strictly becouse we have freedom , but other country of Dictator ship is very dangerous to those who cannot fallow the policy!

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 20, 2017, 04:36:05 AM
It's not a true democracy. Not even on paper due to the existence of the electoral college. And in reality it doesn't matter who's inside the WH.

Why not? I have studied the electoral college system in the United States and I could say that it is having both positives and negatives. But it is better than some of the other systems. As I told you earlier, one of the advantages with this system is that it gives voice to the sparsely populated states.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2017, 05:20:06 AM
It's not a true democracy. Not even on paper due to the existence of the electoral college. And in reality it doesn't matter who's inside the WH.

Why not? I have studied the electoral college system in the United States and I could say that it is having both positives and negatives. But it is better than some of the other systems. As I told you earlier, one of the advantages with this system is that it gives voice to the sparsely populated states.

But it is still dictatorship with a few twists. Why? Because:
1. The majority rules, which means the majority is dictator over the minority;
2. The majority simply decides who the popular leaders will be;
3. Then the leaders make their rulings and laws and statutes;
4. Then the leaders turn the responsibility of turning the rulings, laws, and statutes into codes, which are interpretations made by the code writers;
5. Then the enforcers interpret the codes even differently, in whatever ways they feel they want to.

The enforcers are the cops and judges in the courts, and usually the lower courts. The way they interpret may not at all be the way that the winning majority wanted in the first place, or even what the popular leaders thought they had passed into law.

The result is that we have an anarchistic dictatorship. The cops and judges are the dictators.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: saenko on October 20, 2017, 05:34:13 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
The main thing is not what he preaches politics, but how he does and what people feel at the same time. Personally, it is important that I and all people live in a normal society and can afford all the essentials, rather than survive in the state with corruption and the complete absence of government as an organ.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: popcorn1 on October 20, 2017, 06:12:15 AM
from the independent news paper ..
It's comment section from someone called AVIL

The EU might reduce the divorce bill for now but will claim elsewhere later on.  This is how you become creative and deceive people.  In the end the UK will pay what the EU demands or they will make you suffer.

I think the EU will suffer way way more than the UK ;)..

I fancy making new cars like 21st century cars made by the UK ..
I fancy making new planes 21st century ones made by the UK
and countries who want to join in making the new super planes ..

Lets just get one thing straight we BRITISH sit down and think the inventions we will make will
be shit hot and everyone will want one ;)..

I look at the shapes and i see better shapes  ;D..

MRS MAY you get us OUT NOW ..NO DEAL >:( >:(..
They are asking for way to much and i don't want a deal i want to show them how good we are at
building a 21ST CENTURY UK..


Food banks because you like lining lord twat faces pockets..

Explain how do people go to Europe if they need to go to food banks?..

Oh i know LONDON TWATS jump on a train for £100 while the rest go to food banks
Oh and beg people for 50P to make a phone call to try and get through to UNIVERSAL CREDIT..

Greece doing bad
Italy doing bad
france doing bad
Spain doing bad
Hungry and Poland want nothing to do with the EU .

And the rest besides germany and holland i don't even know who they are ..
No i do i was joking but not really known around the world..

I want out of the ERT European round table elite who have a hold on all our lives ..

LIKE TESCO telling me how to live and what to buy and what to use and all their products ..

You do understand business?..

5 phones on the markets or 50 phones on the markets..

The EU wants us to have 5 and they are their phones and nobody else's that we have to buy..
If 50 phones we will get 1 just as good if not better but way cheaper
More competition means cheaper ..

BUT the competition is gone but they make you think it's still there when it's not..
European round table have sowed all the business up..

If you notice the only ones that benefit are the major cities only the rest get swept under the carpet
like dust on the ground..

OH there is some shit holes sweep them under the carpet ALL OVER THE WORLD..

The EU is taking the competition away and then promote CAPITALISM ..
yes for them not for the little people..

Elizabeth Warren CRUSHES BIG Pharma Executive Lori Reilly "you ...
Video for Elizabeth warren crushes big pharma▶ 11:19
9 hours ago - Uploaded by Rolando Velasquez
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren questions Pharma Executive Vice President for Policy Lori Reilly ..

THE USA home of CAPITALISM but is it really competition or capitalism for the few ^^^^^^
Watch video and you will see what happens in business ..

WE the planet are sick of greedy bastards ..

Want to sail the world        buy a rubber dinghy greedy fuckers :D..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: GuppyMan on October 20, 2017, 07:20:54 AM
I stand for the democratic way of the country's development. However, if someone likes to live under the leadership of a dictator and their life suits, then why not?

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 20, 2017, 07:44:48 AM
I stand for the democratic way of the country's development. However, if someone likes to live under the leadership of a dictator and their life suits, then why not?

For certain group of people, dictatorships suit more than democracy. Even in my country, I hope that a dictatorship replaces the democratic government in the future. Here the democracy is a farce. Those who increase their population always get the power and the smaller ethnic and racial groups remain powerless. And no one cares about the 2% of the population which actually pays income tax. All the politicians are only bothered about the remaining 98%, who never pay any taxes.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: xena2 on October 20, 2017, 09:01:03 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
As long as it will help the country it won't matter what kind of leadership it will be.  The people and country matters the most don't you think.  It feels like those with dictatorship are countries who are more successful.  However,  there were no perfect system. It still has to do with the leader.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 20, 2017, 09:51:51 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
As long as it will help the country it won't matter what kind of leadership it will be.  The people and country matters the most don't you think.  It feels like those with dictatorship are countries who are more successful.  However,  there were no perfect system. It still has to do with the leader.
Which successful modern countries have a dictator..?

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Crassula on October 20, 2017, 09:54:42 AM
Democracy also has a lot of disadvantages but they all fade away comparing to the greatest thing democracy brings - freedom.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 20, 2017, 09:56:57 AM
Democracy also has a lot of disadvantages but they all fade away comparing to the greatest thing democracy brings - freedom.
Democracy doesn't bring freedom. Especially if you're in the minority.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Blue Think on October 20, 2017, 10:00:58 AM
Democracy also has a lot of disadvantages but they all fade away comparing to the greatest thing democracy brings - freedom.
Democracy doesn't bring freedom. Especially if you're in the minority.

Agree with that, recent conflicts around the world and specially in the EU confirm it

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sasuke102001 on October 20, 2017, 10:59:52 AM
Democracy gives rights to people, democracy gives a sense of freedom but in today's time when the world is being pushed over to darkness, Democracy is not what it should have been. Democracy is still being in power many don't get equal rights compared to some people. I think if this continues the day would be close when there would be no difference between democracy and dictatorship. Hope that day doesn't come.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2017, 12:02:16 PM
Democracy gives rights to people...

What? Are you trying to say that no matter who lives where, it is a democratic form of Government?

Siberia is a large country. It is something like two fifths again larger than the United States. Yet only about 13 or 14 million people live there, while about 330 million live in the States.

So, if you go to the Siberian wilds, all by yourself, and live off the land, hunting and "farming" as you want, that's a democracy? Are your rights something given to you by your democracy?

People have rights inherent in themselves. No democracy ever gives them rights.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 20, 2017, 12:07:54 PM
Democracy gives rights to people...

What? Are you trying to say that no matter who lives where, it is a democratic form of Government?

Siberia is a large country. It is something like two fifths again larger than the United States. Yet only about 13 or 14 million people live there, while about 330 million live in the States.

So, if you go to the Siberian wilds, all by yourself, and live off the land, hunting and "farming" as you want, that's a democracy? Are your rights something given to you by your democracy?

People have rights inherent in themselves. No democracy ever gives them rights.

I always found it weird that people insisted that humans had "human rights". Go ask a tornado if it cares about your rights and see how that works out. Human rights are just a made up concept created by humans. So yes, you can give yourself arbitrary rights if you're out in the wild on your own. It won't really mean anything though. Just like your rights won't mean anything if you mess with the wrong person.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: strend4239 on October 20, 2017, 04:53:49 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.
Democracy.because everyone has the right to speak and express there self you have freedom to do things you want as long you obey the law.while dictatorship has one ruller one policy.whatever the leaders said you have to follow...saw for me I go for democracy because thats my country is.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Ivan16 on October 20, 2017, 06:19:36 PM
I think China is good example Dictatorship with the certain degree of democracy we should find a way in other countries let's combine these two things to get the best solution for everyone.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: wxxyrqa on October 20, 2017, 06:33:36 PM
I think China is good example Dictatorship with the certain degree of democracy we should find a way in other countries let's combine these two things to get the best solution for everyone.
The fact is that China has a very complicated system of governing the country, Who we are already leading there in the same Communist Party. But why not call such countries as Russia or North Korea, as well as Iran, which can really be countries under the dictator's yoke.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on October 22, 2017, 02:08:50 PM
need just 51% of the votes for a win.. ::)

Never the less it's still a win..DEMOCRACY..

Sometimes, it needs 30% or less votes to win an election (if the fight is triangular or quadrangular). The problem with this system is that a particular ethnic or religious group with 30% or 35% of the population can win the election with their demographic power, and then sideline the other groups. This is exactly how the problems started in multi-ethnic countries such as Sri Lanka (majority Sinhalese vs minority Tamils), Malaysia (Malays vs Chinese), and Afghanistan (Pashtuns vs Tajiks).

Just like what happened here in the Philippines. Duterte won with just 38% of the votes. And then his fanatics would scratch their heads and go "but WE the majority voted for him, stop being sore losers".   ;D

There really need to a better system for voting where people get represented regardless of their background and that majority of the voters actually liked who gets into office.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Pixyoxx on October 22, 2017, 02:35:23 PM
Previously, most of the people were illiterate or unskilled, thus dictatorship worked at that time. But today since more and more people are aware of their rights and there responsibilities, for today's world, democracy is the best option.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 22, 2017, 04:56:58 PM
Previously, most of the people were illiterate or unskilled, thus dictatorship worked at that time. But today since more and more people are aware of their rights and there responsibilities, for today's world, democracy is the best option.
People aren't aware of anything, even today. Sure they can read and write, but they're just as ignorant as ever. University degrees are completely worthless these days too, because they get thrown around so easily that anybody can get one without having any real skills.. That's also why full democracy is terrible, because people don't know what they are doing and don't understand anything that is happening in the world. But thankfully, votes don't matter and people don't even get to vote on anything substantial. So democracy doesn't really exist, but allowing people to choose a "leader" at least gives them a fake sense of "freedom", so they pacified.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: bitkaboom2 on October 22, 2017, 05:13:04 PM
dictatorship because in dictatorship corruption come to very low level,law become strong while in democracy corruption become,separate laws for separate people its mean that for poor people have other law and for rich people have other democracy rich become rich and poor becomes poor

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: usorin on October 22, 2017, 05:27:13 PM
Definitely democracy. It is true that corruption is present all around no matter the guvernamental program. The difference between dictatorship and democracy is that in democracy at least you can protest and scream out your opinion.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 22, 2017, 05:35:33 PM
Definitely democracy. It is true that corruption is present all around no matter the guvernamental program. The difference between dictatorship and democracy is that in democracy at least you can protest and scream out your opinion.
At least in theory. In reality we can look at recent events in Spain for example.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Crankautist on October 22, 2017, 06:29:02 PM
Previously, most of the people were illiterate or unskilled, thus dictatorship worked at that time. But today since more and more people are aware of their rights and there responsibilities, for today's world, democracy is the best option.
People aren't aware of anything, even today. Sure they can read and write, but they're just as ignorant as ever. University degrees are completely worthless these days too, because they get thrown around so easily that anybody can get one without having any real skills.. That's also why full democracy is terrible, because people don't know what they are doing and don't understand anything that is happening in the world. But thankfully, votes don't matter and people don't even get to vote on anything substantial. So democracy doesn't really exist, but allowing people to choose a "leader" at least gives them a fake sense of "freedom", so they pacified.

Where do you live? What you describe usually happens in developing nations (we dont need to talk about the 3rd world) and in certain industry nations - actually only in the USA.
The difference of education in the USA depending on institution is like day a night (compare ivy league vs state schools full of blacks and mexicans). Such a difference doesnt exist in any other industry nation.
(This is actually one of the main reasons silicon valley wants people from outside - avg american is just too stupid/uneducated)

I can promise you that you can get a job everywhere with a west/north european university degree (STEM).
Additionaly it cost way too much to study in the US (above avg. College)

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 22, 2017, 07:06:18 PM
Previously, most of the people were illiterate or unskilled, thus dictatorship worked at that time. But today since more and more people are aware of their rights and there responsibilities, for today's world, democracy is the best option.
People aren't aware of anything, even today. Sure they can read and write, but they're just as ignorant as ever. University degrees are completely worthless these days too, because they get thrown around so easily that anybody can get one without having any real skills.. That's also why full democracy is terrible, because people don't know what they are doing and don't understand anything that is happening in the world. But thankfully, votes don't matter and people don't even get to vote on anything substantial. So democracy doesn't really exist, but allowing people to choose a "leader" at least gives them a fake sense of "freedom", so they pacified.

Where do you live? What you describe usually happens in developing nations (we dont need to talk about the 3rd world) and in certain industry nations - actually only in the USA.
The difference of education in the USA depending on institution is like day a night (compare ivy league vs state schools full of blacks and mexicans). Such a difference doesnt exist in any other industry nation.
(This is actually one of the main reasons silicon valley wants people from outside - avg american is just too stupid/uneducated)

I can promise you that you can get a job everywhere with a west/north european university degree (STEM).
Additionaly it cost way too much to study in the US (above avg. College)
I'm not saying that degrees don't help you gets jobs - they do. But they teach you nothing, waste everyone's time, and create a bunch of clueless kids with degrees instead of highly competend and self-sufficient professionals. And yes, I agree that US colleges cost way too much. I wouldn't even waste my time going to university without a full scholarship in the US.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: jauz70suni on October 22, 2017, 07:14:52 PM
I'm for dictator ship. Coz it's the most efficient way to create idial society. Sure, guys

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: terry.94 on October 22, 2017, 07:20:00 PM
Democrazy is the death of people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: jauz70suni on October 22, 2017, 07:21:06 PM
History is only progress and moving to democrasy

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 23, 2017, 04:18:10 AM
History is only progress and moving to democrasy

Pure democracy may be a good thing. Pure democracy means giving power to 100% of the people. But modern democracy is not like that. Sometimes 40% or even less votes are needed to win an election. And if an ethnic group comprises 40% of the population and votes en bloc for a particular political party, then that party can afford to ignore the remaining 60%.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Pekelangito on October 23, 2017, 04:41:47 AM
for me democracy, because it is giving every one the right to express their selves and to do what ever they like that is under the law.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Webberson on October 23, 2017, 04:54:02 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Talking about the welfare of the general people, i like democracy because it has to do with political freedom and equality.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: proTECH77 on October 23, 2017, 05:06:34 AM
Democracy unlike dictatorship has to do with a government being under the direct or representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction. It gives the people freedom of expression. So, I would go for democracy.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2017, 09:36:31 AM
Democracy unlike dictatorship has to do with a government being under the direct or representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction. It gives the people freedom of expression. So, I would go for democracy.

Democracy is just a round-about way to dictatorship. Here's what happens in a democracy to make it a dictatorship, and then anarchy:
1. The voting majority rules over the minority like a dictator;
2. The elections set some people in office who rule over everybody else dictatorially by making their laws;
3. The laws are made, and are turned into codes by people who interpret the laws as they wish. So they dictatorially rule over the officials in government office;
4. The codes are passed along to enforcers like police departments, who interpret the codes in any way they want. So, they are dictators over the people.

The result is that the things that both the majority and the minority had wanted in the first place, are totally tossed aside. What is left is a hodge-podge of interpretations by law enforcement, each enforcer of which acts like Judge Dredd whenever he/she does anything. The few cases that make it to trial are further messed with by the judges. And it is all a racket to steal money from the common people.

In other words, democracy, dictatorship, and anarchy all turn into the same thing... loss for the people.

The libertarian way is to get rid of all the laws, and let people do whatever they want. But if any man harms, or directly and maliciously threatens his neighbor, only then is he punished. His first punishment is to pay back to his neighbor 4 times the damages that he did to his neighbor. A jury of 12 competent people decides who is guilty.

If anybody intentionally cause the guilty to be released without paying, or the innocent to pay when he has done no wrong, then that person must pay back 10 times, and should be treated with dishonor for the rest of his life.

Don't believe me? Just look at the thread, ISIS is nothing compared to U.S. cops, at (


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: rhomzkie26 on October 23, 2017, 04:16:59 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

I remembered way back 1960's if I'm not mistaken the President of our country was implementing dictatorship, but even is like that he did so many things to our country and even up to now all He did was being used by His citizens nationwide, and He is so very intelligent and wise. But after He gone on His position the one who took his position was replaced by the leader who implemented democracy then after it happened the situation of our country's economy became doomed to all citizens. But now the president was really good and had the same characteristic of our former dictator President before in 1960's.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on October 24, 2017, 02:20:04 PM
History is only progress and moving to democrasy

Pure democracy may be a good thing. Pure democracy means giving power to 100% of the people. But modern democracy is not like that. Sometimes 40% or even less votes are needed to win an election. And if an ethnic group comprises 40% of the population and votes en bloc for a particular political party, then that party can afford to ignore the remaining 60%.

That's one of its flaws, even in ancient times. That's why it has been called "tyranny of the many". Socrates was deeply critical of direct democracy - and rightly so, it got him killed. Representative democracy was created to avoid descending into mob rule but it is far from perfect as well and can end up with the population divided into camps, like what we are seeing now in the US.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 24, 2017, 06:15:13 PM
History is only progress and moving to democrasy

Pure democracy may be a good thing. Pure democracy means giving power to 100% of the people. But modern democracy is not like that. Sometimes 40% or even less votes are needed to win an election. And if an ethnic group comprises 40% of the population and votes en bloc for a particular political party, then that party can afford to ignore the remaining 60%.

That's one of its flaws, even in ancient times. That's why it has been called "tyranny of the many". Socrates was deeply critical of direct democracy - and rightly so, it got him killed. Representative democracy was created to avoid descending into mob rule but it is far from perfect as well and can end up with the population divided into camps, like what we are seeing now in the US.

And like we see in Britain, with Brexit. Time to divide these nations (USA and Britain) into several smaller countries... and ultimately, to make each person his own country.

Hey, that's the way the USA and Britain were set up... The USA with Amendments 6, 7, 9, and 10, which give everyone the right to reject any or all government... and Britain with Queen's Bench (court), which gives them the right to do the same as the USA.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 25, 2017, 02:00:27 AM
History is only progress and moving to democrasy

Pure democracy may be a good thing. Pure democracy means giving power to 100% of the people. But modern democracy is not like that. Sometimes 40% or even less votes are needed to win an election. And if an ethnic group comprises 40% of the population and votes en bloc for a particular political party, then that party can afford to ignore the remaining 60%.

That's one of its flaws, even in ancient times. That's why it has been called "tyranny of the many". Socrates was deeply critical of direct democracy - and rightly so, it got him killed. Representative democracy was created to avoid descending into mob rule but it is far from perfect as well and can end up with the population divided into camps, like what we are seeing now in the US.

Absolutely correct. The 2016 POTUS elections are a prime example. The division of the population in to two opposing camps were never so much obvious. Representative democracy has been a failure in the United States. Apart from triggering the division of the population, it has also lead to some below the belt tactics, such as gerrymandering and ballot stuffing.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: salinizm on October 25, 2017, 08:51:03 AM
Democracy is good but sometimes it is over use and most dirty politician use that democracy to ruin the country, dictatorship is ok as long as it is use for a good running of the country!!

I completely disagree with your claims. The worst democratic system is better than any dictatorship. Because, Dictators are manipulating society for their own sake and they do not respect any human beings except themselves. On the contrary to this, people are precious and respected by their own governments in democratic regimes.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Xising on October 25, 2017, 09:20:09 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I think democracy is much better than dictatorship. With democracy, people can choose their political leaders through voting. The people can also oust abusive ones by uniting for the said goal. Dictatorship can also be great but only with a good leader who puts the people before himself. The amount of power given to one individual is way too risky though. The probability of a dictator turning into an abusive leader or a tyrant is always high.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on October 25, 2017, 10:13:48 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I think democracy is much better than dictatorship. With democracy, people can choose their political leaders through voting. The people can also oust abusive ones by uniting for the said goal. Dictatorship can also be great but only with a good leader who puts the people before himself. The amount of power given to one individual is way too risky though. The probability of a dictator turning into an abusive leader or a tyrant is always high.
If you check the relevant data, you will quickly find that people do not choose their leaders through voting.

They are voting on the surface, but ultimately they are influenced by media and electional ad campaigns.

You can verify this by checking the amounts of money that different candidates or parties spent for their election campaign and comparing it against the amount of votes they got.

This has only started to change very recently - due to social media. But even with social media this premise still holds, it's just less obvious and very difficult to check.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Nambuwan on October 26, 2017, 04:19:15 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
Every country is different that's why you cannot simply decide that dictatorship or democracy is better. Some countries need democracy because of the leader that are not listening to their people and on the other hand some countries has citizens that wants to put total control of the country to their leader.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Kevinvaonav on October 26, 2017, 05:36:52 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
Government of a country as long as it can provide prosperity for the people is a good government whether it is run in a democratic or dictator ship.Good government should always prioritize the interests of the people. But for me personally prefer to democracy ship because people and government can cooperate in governing the government .

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: kylekyle2000 on October 26, 2017, 05:52:57 AM
If the leader is responsible, competent and respects humanity and morality, I'm good okay with dictatorship. But when it is a tyrant, egoistic and selfish leader, then democracy is my bet.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: bboyjohn on October 26, 2017, 07:06:36 AM
If the leader is responsible, competent and respects humanity and morality, I'm good okay with dictatorship. But when it is a tyrant, egoistic and selfish leader, then democracy is my bet.

I agree with you. Leader is so important.
I don't believe democracy but sometimes democracy is better...

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Mobshady24 on October 26, 2017, 07:44:20 AM
It all depends on the citizen and the ruler, if most of the citizen are abiding their laws and respect it there will be no problem in democratic government on the other hand if citizen is the one causing chaos everywhere this is the time that the government should step in and put some order to the country that is why dictatorship was created.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: burong1 on October 28, 2017, 02:18:41 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
I will choose democracy because first of all you have the free will to do what you want. It make sense the importance of human being in this world. Through democracy, our world will become peaceful and united as a nation/country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: kristiano92 on October 28, 2017, 02:45:25 PM
I prefer democracy, but in some countries it is better if there is one strong leader who can manage country and people are united. e.g. Libya was one

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Kaye on October 28, 2017, 02:47:55 PM
Both can be good and bad. Democracy gives freedom. The freedom that was given can be abused. Same thing with dictatorship. Too much power can be wrongly used. It still depends on the leader of one's nation on how it will be handled.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: w33man on October 28, 2017, 03:25:35 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

The thing about democracy is it is often abused by the people. It is said that in democracy the people governs the country, however, most ineffective and poor countries have democracy.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 28, 2017, 04:44:18 PM
The EUROPEAN UNION is a dictatorship..

Any country who wants to stay in the EU will be DOOMED ..
Only a few countries that will benefit and it wont be it's people it will be the leaders politicians
the rest will be doomed..

You say the EU is so good for the uk..

So why is it all most impossible for a young adult to get a homes unless parents rich?..

Tell me why do students get put in debt before they even get a job?..
Tell me why we have FOOD BANKS ?..
Tell me why it takes 3 to 3 weeks to see a doctor?..
Tell me why no free school uniforms?..
Tell me why youth clubs shut down?..
Tell me why no school after sports anymore?..

You make out the EU is so good so why is our young adults killing themselves like never before?..


And you thick people want to live under NAZI RULES..

It's not slavery. It's stupidity, on the part of you Brits.

Use the Magna Carta, and Queen's Bench in the courts, to individually take yourselves out from under any law that harms you. Brexit isn't the way to go, except if it happens through Queen's Bench. Start by examining the things here


Badecker who owns most of the countryside? ..THE ROYALS..

When the EU subsidies farmers who do you think gets most of the subsidies ::)..

LORD SHITTY GOB gets it to so he can go FOX HUNTING.. >:( >:(..

Told us to join the EURO or our country is doomed ^^.. NEVER HAPPENED ..

Badecker you know nothing about the EU..

Also you agree with this person i mean anything she agrees with you know to stay well away ;)..

Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union | Politics ... › Politics › Brexit
23 Apr 2016 - Hillary Clinton urges Britain to remain in the European Union ... European Mainstream, said: “This shows how misleading it is to say this is just .


Farage blasts Hillary Clinton for blaming election loss on Brexit & says ... › News › World
1 day ago - HILLARY Clinton may have another run at the US presidency as she hopes to reverse Brexit, Nigel Farage warns. ... The former UKIP leader claimed that Clinton hates Brexit because she sees the European Union as a prototype for a global government. Mr Farage said: “Hillary sees the ...

Remember BADECKER you believe in fairy tales :-* :-*..

Just like the POLITICAL ELITES fairy tales you believe anything :D :D..

You only talk like this because you don't know anything about Queen's Bench in the courts.

Queen's Bench came out of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is the foundational British law that made the wealthiest of people - the king - essentially a slave to the people, along with all the rest of the wealthy. Wealth doesn't have anything to do with it when you use Queen's Bench. At Queen's Bench, it is man-to-man, based on who harmed whom, and how.

If the Brits knew anything about Queen's Bench, they would have sued the magistrates and lawyers who have harmed them. And they would have done it long ago. and nobody would need something like Brexit, because Britain would not be part of the EU... all because of the people using Queen's Bench.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge."


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 28, 2017, 04:46:53 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

It's about the motive of the ruler.
And Dictatorship or democracy is just a disguise.
No one can run a country without popular support from its citizens.
The parliamentary democratic system is so corrupt that no good person can rise to the top.

Democracy, so that we can have the power to express our opinions and our
Rights as human and a people of our society. We can express them our thoughts and needs so that the governmnent can take a necessary action to help .

Democracy doesn't give you the right to express your opinions. Nor does the government ever help. Government is selfish just like everyone. It only helps itself.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on October 28, 2017, 04:49:51 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

The thing about democracy is it is often abused by the people. It is said that in democracy the people governs the country, however, most ineffective and poor countries have democracy.

Democracy is still dictatorship with a few twists. Why? Because:
1. The majority rules, which means the majority is dictator over the minority;
2. The majority simply decides who the popular leaders will be;
3. Then the leaders make their rulings and laws and statutes;
4. Then the leaders turn the responsibility of turning the rulings, laws, and statutes into codes, which are interpretations made by the code writers;
5. Then the enforcers interpret the codes even differently, in whatever ways they feel they want to.

The enforcers are the cops and judges in the courts, and usually the lower courts. The way they interpret may not at all be the way that the winning majority wanted in the first place, or even what the popular leaders thought they had passed into law.

The result is that we have an anarchistic dictatorship. The cops and judges are the dictators.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: SugoiSenpai on November 17, 2017, 01:58:59 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
I personally wanted to have a Democratic country than a Dictatorial country. But in the condition My country is at, it is really hard to stop the totalitarianism of  the government of my country. Many are involved in drug trades and drug usage. This is a conflict between people and drugs, there is no other way than to have a strict dictatorial government to put a stop to this chaos of war on drugs. I look forward on stopping people from drug trades and using drugs, and having a democratic and peaceful country back.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Majesty0109 on November 17, 2017, 03:29:25 PM
I, hereby, am not advocating for dictatorship. But what I am saying is that we always need a leader, able leader who believes in people and not just revenge.Democracy has many faults that's true. But ultimately we have the choice.

We can choose anyone of our choice. It may not involve direct decision making, but it certainly involves choosing the right person. We can express our displeasure over matters and the elected representatives are bound to hear us, even if we are a minority.
But in a dictatorship we don't have a choice. And more often than not, it is a majority and authoritarian rule. Often minorities live in fear or are forced to do like the majority. It is also often hereditary and no other person is allowed to be a part of the government unless you are an accomplish.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: jdeanne92 on November 18, 2017, 01:18:11 PM
I would go for democracy.. In a democracy the government has less control over how people spend their time and what they believe. ... In a dictatorship the government tightly controls all aspects of the state and will often ban or tightly control groups and meetings. A dictatorship completely disregards the rights of individual citizens.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Xaad on November 18, 2017, 01:35:38 PM
if we talk about the welfare of people the democracy is best
democracy is the government of people by the people.
the majority decides about the progress rather then an individual
dictatorship includes many personal benefits then the benefits of state

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: nhattori27 on November 18, 2017, 01:52:08 PM
Of course Democracy. Well, Democratic government is elected by the people. In Democracy you enjoy all sorts of freedom. On the contrary, Dictators never got elected and there is no freedom at all.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: bosede1 on November 18, 2017, 02:18:00 PM
We have countries which have practiced Democracy as well as Dictatorship, both have its pros and cons, so far to the little have seen  I will give it to democracy. This is the government of the people, by the people and to the people, this would be the best to be practiced in any country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: HighlanderMonk on November 18, 2017, 02:32:38 PM
I think democracy, my country has been living too long under dictatory :-[

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: nagatraju on November 18, 2017, 02:40:33 PM
There is so much to say about this...on the one hand, everyone wants democracy, they want to be the master of their lives...but on the other hand people lack education and they need a leader to guide them...the best option is to know the leader you choose well...but we don't know them...but we are engaged in advertising, which says only what we want to the end we have a "democracy" that we have

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: spongegar on November 30, 2017, 10:42:34 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

If and only if the leader is great, I'd pick dictatorship. If the masses are well educated and informed then democracy. I mean both forms of government is good and what i just mentioned are their flaws abd downfalls. But weakness and pitfalls aside, I'd pick democracy. At least if i bitch about something, i could tell and voice my ideas freely.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: z38630610 on November 30, 2017, 07:46:59 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Every society is managed as it deserves. Some countries are ruled by democracy. Some countries prefer dictatorship. In some countries it is a democracy-based dictatorship.  Turkey is an example for last alternative.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on November 30, 2017, 10:52:20 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Every society is managed as it deserves. Some countries are ruled by democracy. Some countries prefer dictatorship. In some countries it is a democracy-based dictatorship.  Turkey is an example for last alternative.

Why not libertarianism? Libertarianism is freedom until you harm someone. Then the punishment fits the crime. If the punishment fit the crime, people would stop harming other people.

Both dictatorship and democracy take freedom away. They do it directly by making laws, and indirectly by making the punishment for crime to be a mere slap on the wrist.

It seems that dictatorship and democracy are the crime.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Samkol26 on November 30, 2017, 10:57:41 PM
Democracy all the way better than dictator

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on November 30, 2017, 10:58:38 PM
Democracy all the way better than dictator

Democracy is simply a multiple dictator dictatorship.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on November 30, 2017, 11:03:21 PM
The United States is NOT a democracy, yet. Rather, it is a common law country with a democratic government. When the people use common law with each other, even in court battles, Government is hands off, by law, in America.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: zedkiel08 on December 01, 2017, 12:20:28 AM
Here in our country democracy is the policy of the government , it is important for the people to say or express their own feelings. Democracy here in country starts when the spaniards is defeated by the americans , and when the japanese army is defeated also by the americans. But democracy has its own flaws like dictatorship.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: ducnh1022 on December 01, 2017, 01:30:11 AM
dictatorship is a "negative word", always
democracy is a "positive word", always
But reality said that sometime in real life dictatorship with right amount (20% maybe) is always better than full democracy (stupid people that don't even know what they talk of, they have the right to vote?)

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 01, 2017, 01:53:11 AM
dictatorship is a "negative word", always
democracy is a "positive word", always

Not "always". There are a few examples of good dictatorships out there, which did more good than harm to the people. On the other hand, there are hundreds of examples of failed democracies (Pakistan, Yemen.etc). It matters who is heading the government and which policies they are following. The type of government doesn't matter much.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: nemesis_ on December 01, 2017, 03:05:07 AM
Democracy gives chance of change. Under a dictatorship there is no room for change, people have no rights to fight for. Under a dictatorship there is no hope nor strength to fight against the oppression. A Democracy gives the people change to overthrow or impeach any legal power on the government. In democracy we actually have a chance to speak up, so we can all agree on something.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: dogz12 on December 01, 2017, 04:04:04 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
I would choose democracy because we can exercise rights and freedoms but would it really matter if we are in a democracy or under a dictatorial leader. I think what matter most is how we are being governed by a leader wether if we are in democracy or dictatorship.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: trikru on December 01, 2017, 04:20:31 AM
Dictatorship, because this speeds up the process especially in building infrastructure and economic policies. Downside is abuse of power.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: deean_3one on December 01, 2017, 04:34:53 AM
Every government system has its own flaws and advantages. But if told to choose between democracy and dictators I prefer democracy. The democratic system gives people the right to argue. It can not be found in a dictatorial country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sexie on December 01, 2017, 05:56:52 AM
Dictatorship maybe good to discipline people from doing things against the law, those who are abusive to the law .

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: moanamakeway on December 01, 2017, 06:12:00 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
If we will be talking about the welfare of the people, I will go with democracy. This is a type of government wherein it is run by the people and for the people. But for this type is often abused and taken for granted by also the people. But still, democracy is the best type of government.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: mikel00 on December 01, 2017, 07:11:01 AM
in my opinion is democracy is for better give chance to other voter or decide what ever they want

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: iyah09 on December 01, 2017, 07:33:35 AM
i think democracy is far better than dictator ship because democracy everyone have the rights majority wins

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: tuvic on December 01, 2017, 07:47:17 AM
A lot has been said about this topic already, dictatorship always come with many flaws and unrest in the community though it has to be said also that there are some social development attributed to dictatorship too but if we are to consider the wellbeing of the masses then we should always advocate for democracy because with democracy the masses has a say in the society and have the opportunity to choose their kind of leader

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: diegz on December 01, 2017, 09:00:35 AM
It has nothing to do with the government system. It's all about the leadership. If the government has democracy and yet the leader is corrupt, nothing will happen, it would just end up in people exercising their rights and ousting the leader, but the bad side of this is that this people can be used by some crooks to push thru their agenda.

While in dictatorship sometimes the leader is too harsh, making himself more like a king. The result of this depends on the leader too, if they are corrupt then their  citizens would suffer, but when the ruler is good, then  no one would even think that they havea dictatorial government.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: acener on December 01, 2017, 09:34:33 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

I still prefer democracy over dictatorship. It is true that in dictatorship, peace and order is definite since people only follow one leader, they only listen to one. Still, that doesn't give enough freedom and allowing me to express myself freely. On the other hand, democracy just needs discipline in order for it to be effective in a certain country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Yurkov on December 01, 2017, 09:39:17 AM
Here in our country democracy is the policy of the government , it is important for the people to say or express their own feelings. Democracy here in country starts when the spaniards is defeated by the americans , and when the japanese army is defeated also by the americans. But democracy has its own flaws like dictatorship.
The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in democracy you first vote and then take orders. In dictatorship, do not waste your time voting.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: -Redacted- on December 01, 2017, 09:57:10 AM
I choose Democracy because there is an indispensable part of democracy is majority rule, which is carried out by voting. However, unrestricted majority rule poses a threat to the liberty of a population's minority members. All modern democracies operate within a framework of laws that restrict majority rule by guaranteeing all citizens the same rights.

In my opinion, some sort of porridge. contradiction with one statement of another

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: dammang on December 01, 2017, 10:53:16 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
democray,,we are free what we like to express to government,not like the dictator government ony one person have the power to decide,thats not fair.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sneginka111 on December 01, 2017, 11:29:44 AM
Democracy ;)

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Vivimubarak on December 01, 2017, 11:35:29 AM
I choose democracy, because democracy provides an opportunity for everyone to be able to lead the country based on election results.  Unlike With democracy, monarchy government  power transition based on the descendants of the leader alone, In this case, the prince will inherit the throne of the king

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: dongyi17 on December 01, 2017, 12:30:45 PM
I would choose Dictator ship its strong and firm attitude he rule as if he owned the country but he guided it according to what he knows is right.. on the other hand democracy is good because we have freedom but sometimes people abused it, whenever they saw something they didn't like they rally and rebel against  the gov't because they  cry out for democracy..

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: snedyolo on December 01, 2017, 01:10:08 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.

Democracy is quite cool because the government of a country lies beyond it's people. But, due to too much freedom and voices heard, there comes a time where a country loses it's focus, thereby failing due to it's people. This may be the reason why, there are times when I prefer dictatorship because here people will only listen to one person, thus having order.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: coolcoinz on December 01, 2017, 01:41:35 PM
I choose democracy, because democracy provides an opportunity for everyone to be able to lead the country based on election results.  Unlike With democracy, monarchy government  power transition based on the descendants of the leader alone, In this case, the prince will inherit the throne of the king

As long as it's not fake democracy like the one in Russia. A fake democracy gives you a feeling that you can vote, that you can change something, that you're in control while in fact you have completely no influence. The voting takes place only to appease the crowd and the decisions are being made regardless of the public opinion. In such case dictatorship is much better. You at the very least know what you get.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on December 01, 2017, 03:15:11 PM
dictatorship is a "negative word", always
democracy is a "positive word", always
But reality said that sometime in real life dictatorship with right amount (20% maybe) is always better than full democracy (stupid people that don't even know what they talk of, they have the right to vote?)

Stupid people who would rather be under the dictatorship of the majority, are voting themselves into slavery in democracy.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: cava95 on December 01, 2017, 04:45:28 PM
Combination of this two options is best way to make country strong in economic and military sense,is depend from country,in my country peoples likes strong hand but without democracy is not good,because is not good when leader control every function of country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Saput on December 01, 2017, 05:06:54 PM
hey guys in your country government what do you choose with a democratic government or dictatorial government

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on December 02, 2017, 11:55:10 AM
dictatorship is a "negative word", always
democracy is a "positive word", always
But reality said that sometime in real life dictatorship with right amount (20% maybe) is always better than full democracy (stupid people that don't even know what they talk of, they have the right to vote?)

Stupid people who would rather be under the dictatorship of the majority, are voting themselves into slavery in democracy.

The funniest part is that these stupid people don't even get to vote on anything that matters.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: pheonyx on January 03, 2018, 12:36:51 AM
Democracy is the best, dictator will make the nation imprisoned by one man rule.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: balintong15 on January 03, 2018, 12:57:29 AM
For me, dictatorship. Being a dictatorial country is good because sometimes freedom is abused. They dont use their freedom on good terms instead they use it to harm other people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: moin2017 on January 03, 2018, 03:17:11 AM
Democracy is public view on the other hand Dictatorship is one's own view. Democracy is best when it comes to personal freedoms. Dictatorship never ends well even though the dictator initially wanted to really help his countrymen, it will get to a time that he will be so power drunk that he will not take constructive criticism very well and that's when he starts to maltreat his countrymen imprisoning and killing anyone who dare speaks against him

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Stegobit on January 03, 2018, 03:24:31 AM
Dictatorships allow concentration of large resources to certain projects (e.g. irrigation systems in ancient Mesopotamia and Gagarin's space flight in USSR).
Of course, this leads to imbalance and ordinary people start suffering after some time. Dictatorships are not sustainable in the long run!

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: CryptoIntegrity on January 03, 2018, 04:22:38 AM
If it is for the general welfare of people,  democratic government has been the way out so far.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 03, 2018, 04:23:36 AM
Democracy is the best, dictator will make the nation imprisoned by one man rule.

It depends. I am living in India, and my opinion is that here a dictatorship will perform better than democracy. We have seen the worst form of democracy in this country. People vote according to the caste and religion lines and the merit of the candidate hardly matters. No one can touch a corrupt individual, if he has the support from a powerful caste grouping.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: PIR on January 05, 2018, 01:46:56 AM
I choose Democracy as long as it is not over used, abuse every now and then by those politician who had hidden agenda in their every political affair man who had passion but not for good but of evil.. on the other hand not all dictatorship are evil sometimes they just have to be that way so that he can govern the rebellious nation with iron fist just to make them do what is right and follow what is right.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: locsta123 on January 05, 2018, 01:54:46 AM
I guess I think neither is better at this point in time. Both have their flaws and yes we have developed and benefited from both, but I think the foundation is there now we have to think in terms of not having a leader now. Not so much that we fend for ourselves, but less focus on a system to help us. There isn't much we need help with anymore and what can only grow now is our evolution.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Jrein23 on January 05, 2018, 01:57:59 AM
Sometimes democracy isn't good enough. Some people use democracy to manipulate people, they use it in a bad way. Politicians have sometimes bad agendas on which they use the power of democracy and free voice.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 05, 2018, 03:54:20 AM
Sometimes democracy isn't good enough. Some people use democracy to manipulate people, they use it in a bad way. Politicians have sometimes bad agendas on which they use the power of democracy and free voice.

Democracy will work only in regions where the people are intelligent and educated. Otherwise, they will elect the wrong people as their leaders and it will do more harm than good for them. In such cases, I would prefer either a monarchy or a dictatorship. Monarchies are not that bad. Look at Thailand and Malaysia.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: hugoworld on January 05, 2018, 03:56:19 AM
Sometimes democracy isn't good enough. Some people use democracy to manipulate people, they use it in a bad way. Politicians have sometimes bad agendas on which they use the power of democracy and free voice.

Yes , you are quite right democracy can sometimes be not enough to handle with societys' serious problems but this politicals system is better than any other dictatorship. Because, people have freewill to choose their leaders in democracy .

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Vinz1978 on January 05, 2018, 04:08:12 AM
Democracy is fallacy in practice Democracy is full of corruption and malpractices, selfish form of government. Dictatorship regimes have done far better economic progress than democratic regimes. Dictatorship regimes think about their country, fight for their country and die for their country what dictators say is always right in practical I prefer this type of leadership.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: almtu on January 05, 2018, 04:50:01 AM
Due to the public demand and goods. I'm prepared both. Dictatorship is good to the people who hard to follow rules. Democracy is good to everybody but some of the time the people make a rebel against the government because of being free. This two kinds of leadership is good to mix in one.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: shaun98 on January 05, 2018, 04:56:19 AM
I would still choose democracy over dictatorship, as at least citizens will still have some form of freedom. However, as far as the development of a country goes, I think it is entirely based upon the support the people give the government and whether or not the government is clean enough to develop parts of the country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Stegobit on January 05, 2018, 05:01:12 AM
Democracy is good to everybody but some of the time the people make a rebel against the government because of being free. This two kinds of leadership is good to mix in one.
Small riots and strikes that you see almost every week in Europe keep governments accountable for their decisions and add some level of political competition. Without them you just postpone and accumulate problems, so after decade or two you will get so large unrests/revolution/civil war that will throw back your country in development many years back. Nazi Germany, USSR, Libya, Syria, Iraq are good examples.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: mylifeisorandom on January 05, 2018, 06:04:50 AM
I choose to live in a country where I am free but still listens to the law. I'm in between the two, actually. Too much democracy will bring the country to ruins and too much dictatorship will also do that in my opinion. We need both.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: inlovewith on January 05, 2018, 06:38:11 AM
What kind of question is this? A person with maximum power is always going to eventually lead to a mad man taking a hold of that power, due to their much more motivated need to control others.

The vast majority of everyday people are assholes, and the rare kind, self sacrificing person that cares for all is less than 1 percent. That's why dividing power similar to how the US does is so much more important.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: pogiparin on January 05, 2018, 08:33:31 AM
Definitely democracy. Dictatorship can bring order but the cost of it is really high. No one could oppose the administration and there are no checks and balances. Democracy on the other hand, provides an array of citizen involvement and transparency. Democracy also helps the minority in representation.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: MNtrio on January 05, 2018, 09:56:09 AM
For me it's upon the situation because if many people sorrounded by increasing criminals,corruption,illegal drugs,human trafficking and etc. that's why we declare Dictatorship.And for Democracy that if many people can't speak their rights,and the government was abusive their powers and that's the possible way to declare Democracy.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: markdario112616 on January 05, 2018, 12:31:37 PM
If we talk about the welfare both types of Government has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's site one of the most common advantages of a Democratic Government. People have the right to elect their leader, why it became an advantage? Simple, People has the power or the freedom to choose who is fit for the position and the citizen can voice out there own expression as long as it doesn't violate any law. The disadvantage of it is that some politicians tend to sugarcoat every word they say, all their promises are just a way of selling their names out. In addition, A democratic government is prone to corruption (saying that not only the head of the state but also it's Government body).

For Dictatorship, The head of the state has the total control of everything which is quite not good but if we are to look at the bright side. A country that has a Dictator is far more civilized than other form government. The Dictator sites everything he/she sees that are good and remove what is bad. Though it is also prone to corruption but limited unlike at the Democratic type. The disadvantage of it is that People has a limited right especially about their freedom from expression and speech. Which is quite unfair for the citizen of the country.

If you are to ask, I still choose to live in a Democratic Country. Since I can maximize my freedom (legally) rather than to be a slave of my own country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: CookieGums on January 05, 2018, 01:36:27 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
in my country, we have democracy government and that is very good for the people because we are the one who choose who has a power that can rule and make our country a better place despite of all problems this country has.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: sabina2011 on January 05, 2018, 01:41:36 PM
I am not sure on this, i'm on the 50-50 opinion,because as we can in the world now who has democracy, people don't really benefit the advantage of true democracy. On the other hand, dictatorship depends on the one who leads. I guess it really depends on the conscience of a person.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: meshow1 on January 05, 2018, 02:01:32 PM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
For me Democracy so people is free for voting their leader and they free to expreess there complaint in there leader while in dictator ship leader is the commander and nothing will not break his/her rules for the sake of his country.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: richshopgh on January 05, 2018, 03:49:18 PM
Democracy is the best because it allows anybody to participate freely in governance by contributing but some dictatorship don't want to citizen to share ideas and normally imprisoned and do bad things to people who criticize them

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: JCJr222 on January 05, 2018, 05:39:00 PM
I prefer democracy over dictatorship. Absolute power without check can lead to abuse, so I'm against dictatorship. But beware there were no nation that practice 100% democracy mostly are mix.  I prefer 50% democracy and 50% socialist.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: nagatraju on January 05, 2018, 06:59:24 PM
I don't like dictatorship. I believe that she does not lead to anything good. People should have the right to choose. They don't must submit to only one person. It's horrible! I support democracy.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: BADecker on January 06, 2018, 02:07:24 AM
The captain is essentially a dictator on his ship. But if he is smart, he will often let the democratic majority help with the decisions. Or he might wind up with a "Mutiny on the Bounty" scenario.


Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: CryptoKyddie on January 06, 2018, 02:13:48 AM
Out of the two at face value: democracy everytime. I cant think of many dictators that actually help people or anyone other than themselves after some time in office. Lots of corruption and abuse of power. Democracy doesnt always get it right either, just look at the brexit referendum.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Stegobit on January 06, 2018, 03:34:06 AM
Though it is also prone to corruption but limited unlike at the Democratic type.
Look at modern Russia. Putin is a dictator, but corruption level nevertheless is one of the highest in the world!
We need more political competition and non-government organizations to fight corruption, not the dictatorship!

On the other hand, dictatorship depends on the one who leads. I guess it really depends on the conscience of a person.
Even smart dictator will die and most likely successor won't be good enough, so country will roll back in development.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: Hopeful2017 on January 06, 2018, 04:25:20 AM
If we look at the history some countries got maximum development in Dictator ship while some got maximum development in democratic government. Every system has it's own flaws and benefits. What do you like ? if we talk about the welfare of general people.
I still prefer democracy over dictatorship. Democratic government has more advantages like you have the freedom to do things you want that are according to law of course. Likewise, you can express yourself freely and go anywhere you want. Democracy is for the people, by the people and of the people. The dicisions of the government leaders still rely on the people.

Title: Re: Democracy or Dictator ship ?
Post by: noeycoon on January 06, 2018, 06:44:46 AM
It depends. What works for some is not applicable to other.