Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 09:47:17 AM

Title: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 09:47:17 AM
Hi Bitcointalk,

I'm Ryan Zhou (aka zhoutong). I recently joined a Melbourne-based Bitcoin startup with two other co-founders Asher (Australian economist and business writer) and Jerrold (Enterprise software engineer with 10 years of experience). I think it's great to give bitcointalk forum members a quick update and overview about what we are doing and how we are improving the Bitcoin economy.


"CoinJar is a Melbourne-based startup bridging the divide between digital currency and the dollars in your wallet. Bitcoin was naturally the best place to start, being the world's leading digital currency. Founded in 2013, we quickly caught the eye of early start-up investor AngelCube who have generously provided us seed funding and mentorship."

Currently we offer three Bitcoin services:


CoinJar is a hosted Bitcoin wallet ("hosted" means "store just enough for transactional purposes and NEVER use it for savings") that integrates well with other parts of the platform. To be honest, there's nothing too much we can innovate on Bitcoin hosted wallets because they are so simple. However, we aim to deliver the best possible user experience. Aside from the web, we are also building an iPhone app for CoinJar wallet with great mobile experience (finally).

Please note that CoinJar wallet is a full-reserve platform with automated sweep to cold storage and we will never use customer funds for our business expenses. That said, be aware with any hosted wallet service. We recommend against our users to use CoinJar for Bitcoin savings. Always use cold storage!

CoinJar Checkout

CoinJar Checkout is the best Bitcoin merchant solution. We provide a PayPal-compatible API (in addition to our standard RESTful API) to help any online merchant to integrate. On top of that, industry-standard features: 1% fee, daily settlement in local currency (Australia only for now) and exchange rate guaranteed for 15 minutes.

CoinJar Filler

This is our killer app. Most other Australian Bitcoin buying sites charge excessive fees (usually 8-10%) and we really HATE to see that. A high fee will severely limit adoption and result in bad consumer confidence. Even though Australia has a well-developed financial system, when it comes to anything related retail foreign exchange services, it's a straight-up nightmare (even major banks in Australia all charge ridiculous ~4% spread each side for AUD/USD TT rate). As a full-service Bitcoin startup, we have sufficient liquidity available from our merchant solution and arrangements with institutional forex brokers (who give us wholesale rates), we want to pass on the savings to consumers by charging a just 2% flat fee.

Both Checkout and Filler are Australia-only for now, but we are definitely interested in expanding overseas. (Contact us at if you're interested in partnerships. Please reference this post when you contact us.)

We also have a by-product:

Melbourne Bitcoin Euthusiasts meetup! (

I attended yesterday's first meet-up session with 17 other Bitcoiners. It was really a great event and CoinJar plans to do it approximately every two months. So please join the meetup group if you're located in Melbourne!

Let me know if you have any feedback with our service offerings. Feel free to comment in the forum post.

We are in the process of setting up a company bitcointalk account.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 13, 2013, 09:49:24 AM
An Australian bitcoin buying site is great, but CoinJar?  ::)

Client sided encryption please.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 09:50:49 AM
An Australian bitcoin buying site is great, but CoinJar?  ::)

Hmmm. What's wrong with that? Is it because of our funny name?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 13, 2013, 09:54:26 AM
It's not encrypted in the client - the user doesn't control the private keys. That can be ultra transparent and not affect the user experience.

Your reset password function is also broken FYI: "1 error prohibited this user from being saved: Reset password token can't be blank"

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Monetizer on June 13, 2013, 09:56:36 AM
Seems pretty good and I may use it but why not a .com or or something?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 13, 2013, 10:00:26 AM
Also, is this a shared wallet?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 10:06:24 AM
It's not encrypted in the client - the user doesn't control the private keys.

Your reset password function is also broken FYI: "1 error prohibited this user from being saved: Reset password token can't be blank"

It's a fair comment. We had two options to choose from, either Blockchain-style wallet or Coinbase-style wallet. We decided to go with the latter because we need full control over the whole user experience. This decision should make a lot of sense to many people if you have seen the one-click payment button on CoinJar Checkout page.

CoinJar also has full APIs available for programmatic access to wallet. Self-managed private keys will greatly increase the complexity.

Also, managed wallet solution makes instant payment between CoinJar users possible without paying network fees. This instant payment is used by our own platform components. For example, when you buy Bitcoin from Filler, the Filler application will actually send money from its own CoinJar account to yours. We also heavily utilize the internal payment system to do our accounting and hedging.

Many new Bitcoiners are not familiar with the concept of private keys. As long as they don't hold a large amount of deposit with a hosted wallet, we shouldn't close the door for them. I'm thinking of a system to notify users when their balance cross a certain threshold, to give them tips and guides on how to set up a secure Bitcoin storage themselves. Do you think that will help?

Again, we are only interested in facilitate the transactions as there are no interest to be earned from Bitcoin anyway.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 10:08:35 AM
Seems pretty good and I may use it but why not a .com or or something? is already taken by a domain squatter. is registered by us, but as we may want to use it globally, it looks a bit inappropriate. That said, we will consider making a localised version of the platform, as most features are useful in Australia anyway.

.IO is a really popular "gccTLD" right now, and many startups (such as GitHub and started using it. We think it's cool.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: worldinacoin on June 13, 2013, 10:09:12 AM
Nice to see you back and best wishes on the new venture.  You coined the word "zhoutonged" :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 13, 2013, 10:09:15 AM
It's a fair comment. We had two options to choose from, either Blockchain-style wallet or Coinbase-style wallet. We decided to go with the latter because we need full control over the whole user experience. This decision should make a lot of sense to many people if you have seen the one-click payment button on CoinJar Checkout page.

Not really. There's plenty of technical ways where you can allow the user to store the private key, and provide a one click checkout experience - for example, storing a encrypted (so only CoinJar can access it) paraphrase in a cookie. Giving a user access to their private keys is important as anything that relies on Bitcoin address will not work.

Also, managed wallet solution makes instant payment between CoinJar users possible without paying network fees. This instant payment is used by our own platform components. For example, when you buy Bitcoin from Filler, the Filler application will actually send money from its own CoinJar account to yours. We also heavily utilize the internal payment system to do our accounting and hedging.

I saw that! (Pretty sleek UI btw) - that is actually possible while letting a user control their own private key too. The same way where you can make a multi currency wallet.

Sure, it would take some time to develop, but seeing as what happened with Bitcoinica..

Bitcoin is designed[1] where each user has access to their own private keys. Going against this will mean that when you get hacked, it's bankruptcy for you, instead of a "Oops, we'll have service restored soon". Sites get hacked all the time, especially when there a multiple vectors. Take a look at Sony, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google. Luckily, they don't store the most liquid form of money :)

1: "A generation ago, multi-user time-sharing computer systems had a similar problem.
Before strong encryption, users had to rely on password protection to secure their
files, placing trust in the system administrator to keep their information private.
Privacy could always be overridden by the admin based on his judgment call weighing the
principle of privacy against other concerns, or at the behest of his superiors. Then
strong encryption became available to the masses, and trust was no longer required.
Data could be secured in a way that was physically impossible for others to access, no
matter for what reason, no matter how good the excuse, no matter what.
Its time we had the same thing for money. With e-currency based on cryptographic
proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and
transactions effortless."

-Satoshi Nakamoto

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 10:12:48 AM
Also, is this a shared wallet?

Yes it is. We have to do that due to the reasons above. I believe that there are plenty of good solutions available for client-side wallets, and personally I use wallet service (but infrequently).

After all, for a security paranoid, the only no-trust solution is to use the official Bitcoin client and only update after reviewing the source code. We *may* be able to contribute to reduce the "trust bar" for Bitcoin services in the future, but that's not our focus right now.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 13, 2013, 10:14:54 AM
What if you get a court order to freeze/seize someone's account? That's simply not possible with wallets. With growing crackdown on "money laundering" and how the blockchain is 100% public, imagine some rubber stamped warrants for Bitcoins with known silk road taint :(

Anyways, you guys have made the decision to go with a shared wallet. Best of luck, I'm just expressing the concerns and problems with shared wallets in general.

Also, what are your fees for Bitcoin payments?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 10:18:24 AM
It's a fair comment. We had two options to choose from, either Blockchain-style wallet or Coinbase-style wallet. We decided to go with the latter because we need full control over the whole user experience. This decision should make a lot of sense to many people if you have seen the one-click payment button on CoinJar Checkout page.

Not really. There's plenty of technical ways where you can allow the user to store the private key, and provide a one click checkout experience - for example, storing a encrypted (so only CoinJar can access it) paraphrase in a cookie. Giving a user access to their private keys is important as anything that relies on Bitcoin address will not work.

Also, managed wallet solution makes instant payment between CoinJar users possible without paying network fees. This instant payment is used by our own platform components. For example, when you buy Bitcoin from Filler, the Filler application will actually send money from its own CoinJar account to yours. We also heavily utilize the internal payment system to do our accounting and hedging.

I saw that! (Pretty sleek UI btw) - that is actually possible while letting a user control their own private key too. The same way where you can make a multi currency wallet.

Sure, it would take some time to develop, but seeing as what happened with Bitcoinica..

Bitcoin is designed[1] where each user has access to their own private keys. Going against this will mean that when you get hacked, it's bankruptcy for you, instead of a "Oops, we'll have service restored soon". Sites get hacked all the time, especially when there a multiple vectors. Take a look at Sony, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google. Luckily, they don't store the most liquid form of money :)

1: "A generation ago, multi-user time-sharing computer systems had a similar problem.
Before strong encryption, users had to rely on password protection to secure their
files, placing trust in the system administrator to keep their information private.
Privacy could always be overridden by the admin based on his judgment call weighing the
principle of privacy against other concerns, or at the behest of his superiors. Then
strong encryption became available to the masses, and trust was no longer required.
Data could be secured in a way that was physically impossible for others to access, no
matter for what reason, no matter how good the excuse, no matter what.
Its time we had the same thing for money. With e-currency based on cryptographic
proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and
transactions effortless."

-Satoshi Nakamoto

Thanks for your feedback and I really appreciate it. As a huge believer in Bitcoin and Libertarianism, I share the philosophy that ultimately every user should be able to gain absolute liberty over his money (i.e. medium of exchange and store of value), both technically and legally.

We will definitely think about the solutions you proposed. Maybe we can implement a CoinJar "Advanced" mode for non-shared wallet and limited-trust private key management (client-side encryption).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 10:22:06 AM
What if you get a court order to freeze/seize someone's account? That's simply not possible with wallets. With growing crackdown on "money laundering" and how the blockchain is 100% public, imagine some rubber stamped warrants for Bitcoins with known silk road taint :(

Anyways, you guys have made the decision to go with a shared wallet. Best of luck, I'm just expressing the concerns and problems with shared wallets in general.

This is a valid concern. I like your reasoning and feedback. Even though we have made the decision for our version 1, we are still innovating every single day! (That's how VC-backed startup should work right?)

If you come to Melbourne sometime, feel free to come to our office to say hello. We are currently working in Inspire9 (

EDIT: We don't charge any fees for CoinJar wallet service. We absorb all Bitcoin transaction fees. Our business mode is to make money from Filler and Checkout services.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ArcticWolf on June 13, 2013, 12:39:01 PM
I just signed up, the site looks very nice!
One question - is there plans to implement some form of 2 factor authentication like Google Authenticator?

Also I just arrived in Melbourne today and - it seems - JUST missed the bitcoin meetup :(

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 13, 2013, 03:22:36 PM
I just signed up, the site looks very nice!
One question - is there plans to implement some form of 2 factor authentication like Google Authenticator?

Also I just arrived in Melbourne today and - it seems - JUST missed the bitcoin meetup :(


2-factor is in our planned feature list. We spent a lot of time on the infrastructure itself, but features like this are easy to add. If you have more ideas after trying out our services, please give us feedback at

If you haven't, you can join the meetup group to subscribe to our updates.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Alph0nse on June 14, 2013, 06:53:07 AM
Hi Zhou, just signed up, was wondering if you were going to implement a 'buy order' feature, where the order is automatically executed when the price falls to a preset price?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 14, 2013, 07:53:13 AM
Hi Zhou, just signed up, was wondering if you were going to implement a 'buy order' feature, where the order is automatically executed when the price falls to a preset price?

That's a good idea. I will tell my team about this.

In the future, feel free to contact us at Thanks!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: xavier on June 14, 2013, 08:40:29 AM
Please make sure the code is well designed this time around. I ended up looking through the bitcoinica code for a client couple months ago. Let's just say, the software engineering was a little inadequate for a site grossing $1m. In any case, good luck!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: suryc on June 14, 2013, 09:01:18 AM
Very interested in the Checkout feature and paypal compatible API, but why does that need to be restricted to Australia only.

I work with several online merchants that would add bitcoin as a method of payment to their sites if there was an easy way to integrate with what they are already using and this sounds like it might make that possible.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 14, 2013, 02:23:44 PM
Very interested in the Checkout feature and paypal compatible API, but why does that need to be restricted to Australia only.

I work with several online merchants that would add bitcoin as a method of payment to their sites if there was an easy way to integrate with what they are already using and this sounds like it might make that possible.

We didn't restrict to Australia only. Our system supports over 10 different currencies and everything was designed to be global. However, we can only do daily settlement to Australian bank accounts at the moment as we don't have bank accounts elsewhere. International wire transfer will cost $20-$25 per transaction for us. We are happy to take any international client onboard if he is willing accept the wire fees.

EDIT: We will definitely expand into more countries in the future. At this moment we can't overcome the geographical and legal limitation to support international clients globally. We're also interested in partnerships (Email us).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Monetizer on June 15, 2013, 06:21:10 AM
Are you accepting customers as of now? I am really tempted to buy a couple BTC from you :P

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ninjaboon on June 15, 2013, 03:46:30 PM
Nice to see you back and best wishes on the new venture.  You coined the word "zhoutonged" :)

zhoutonged- no wonder his name was familiar.
I thought he was still in Singapore.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 16, 2013, 12:38:39 AM
Are you accepting customers as of now? I am really tempted to buy a couple BTC from you :P

Yes. Definitely.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on June 16, 2013, 10:23:15 AM
I have transferred my $$'s. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly. Am tired of getting paypal scammed.

Will let everyone know over next couple of days how it goes :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 16, 2013, 11:28:58 AM
goose20: This is definitely legit.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on June 16, 2013, 12:58:10 PM
Well it looked good enough for me to send them my cash. Definitely needed in oz.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Monetizer on June 17, 2013, 11:22:22 AM
Well it looked good enough for me to send them my cash. Definitely needed in oz.

Any updates? It'll be great if it does work, I'll be sure to use them soon.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on June 18, 2013, 01:36:50 AM
Yep, all good. Easy and smooth. If this was one of my eBay transactions, it'd be positive A+++.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Stephan21 on June 25, 2013, 03:15:08 AM
You guys claim to be instant, but I have been told by friends that have tried to use this service, that it is not instant. 

One of my friends deposited money on a Friday and could not get bitcoins from you guys until Monday!!  (you guys really should not be claiming instant bitcoins - It's false advertising)

I also really don't like the fact that we have to put so much personal information into your website before being able to buy coins, that is why people hate using Mt Gox.

None of the other bitcoin sellers in Australia demand any personal info...

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: felix123 on June 25, 2013, 06:11:20 AM
None of the other bitcoin sellers in Australia demand any personal info...
None of the other sellers only charge you a 2% fee either.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: b!z on June 25, 2013, 06:57:26 AM
Zhou tong is back? This will be interesting.  ::)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Stephan21 on June 25, 2013, 03:13:38 PM
Zhou tong is back? This will be interesting.  ::)

Yeah man, I am really concerned after reading about the founder of this website.
I read on many threads that he has scammed many people with previous websites...
[search Zhoutong]

Some have actually coined the term: "getting Zhoutonged" meaning to get ripped off or raped... "to loose all your BTC"

I have always been a big believer in "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't"... 2% fee just doesn't sound like it is a sustainable business model.  All the other websites charge much higher fees, SpendBitcoin is the highest and his website explains very well why the fees are so high in Australia.

To be fair, I have friends who have used this new CoinJar service and got their Bitcoins fine (although not instantly as claimed)...  However, that is how scams usually work, build everyone's trust and then scam hard for heaps of money.

The fact that all the money and bitcoins in your CoinJar account are held in their possession is very scarey.


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on June 26, 2013, 01:56:43 PM
Damn it... I just got caught in their NON-instant btc.

I've been only positive of coin jar as I've made several transactions. All have been quick smooth and instant. All have been for $100.

I just transferred $500 into btc but no instant coins...

I had an online purchase already to go and now I dont have enough btc to buy.

Damn it, I thought you guys were INSTANT coin jar.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: asically on June 26, 2013, 02:54:09 PM
Welcome home ;D (

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 27, 2013, 02:24:33 AM
You guys claim to be instant, but I have been told by friends that have tried to use this service, that it is not instant. 

One of my friends deposited money on a Friday and could not get bitcoins from you guys until Monday!!  (you guys really should not be claiming instant bitcoins - It's false advertising)

I also really don't like the fact that we have to put so much personal information into your website before being able to buy coins, that is why people hate using Mt Gox.

None of the other bitcoin sellers in Australia demand any personal info...

Interbank deposits usually take 1 business day. If you want the deposits to clear as soon as possible, please transfer from a CBA account or before your bank's cut-off time.

Bitcoin purchases are instant. Once you have the deposit in your account, you can buy Bitcoin and get any number of instant exchange rate quotes. If you confirm the quotes within 30 seconds, they are locked in and the Bitcoins are automatically sent to your wallet.

The only personal information we collect includes your name, email and phone number. And we accept cash deposit.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 27, 2013, 02:26:54 AM
Damn it... I just got caught in their NON-instant btc.

I've been only positive of coin jar as I've made several transactions. All have been quick smooth and instant. All have been for $100.

I just transferred $500 into btc but no instant coins...

I had an online purchase already to go and now I dont have enough btc to buy.

Damn it, I thought you guys were INSTANT coin jar.

Unfortunately, due to huge spikes in demand, we had to fall back to manual processing to deliver the Bitcoin purchases. This usually takes no more than a few hours and we have arranged a source to continuously supply Bitcoin in large amounts. We're already doing something like $5k a day within 2 weeks of launch. It's expected that instances like this will be very infrequent in the future.

Thanks for your support BTW. :-)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on June 27, 2013, 02:43:17 AM
Zhou tong is back? This will be interesting.  ::)

Yeah man, I am really concerned after reading about the founder of this website.
I read on many threads that he has scammed many people with previous websites...
[search Zhoutong]

Some have actually coined the term: "getting Zhoutonged" meaning to get ripped off or raped... "to loose all your BTC"

I have always been a big believer in "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't"... 2% fee just doesn't sound like it is a sustainable business model.  All the other websites charge much higher fees, SpendBitcoin is the highest and his website explains very well why the fees are so high in Australia.

To be fair, I have friends who have used this new CoinJar service and got their Bitcoins fine (although not instantly as claimed)...  However, that is how scams usually work, build everyone's trust and then scam hard for heaps of money.

The fact that all the money and bitcoins in your CoinJar account are held in their possession is very scarey.


CoinJar is backed by Melbourne-based startup accelerator AngelCube (can be verified from their press release). Please be assured that VCs do due diligence much more carefully and responsibly than a few random forum members.

You're under no obligation to use CoinJar Filler or keep your Bitcoins with CoinJar. We discourage our users from saving excessive amount in their CoinJar Bitcoin wallet (and any hosted wallet in general). There's nothing scary about it. We want to facilitate instant transfers and innovative use cases of Bitcoin, and we made the decision that we need to hold the private keys.

CoinJar's business model is to make money from Bitcoin-fiat transactions, mainly from our Filler and Checkout services. 2% is very sustainable because we have access to wholesale foreign exchange rates (1-2 pips vs 300-400 pips by Big 4). We have been gross profit positive since the launch of Filler and our investors are quite happy with our progress.

A key thing to remember is that CoinJar has a long term vision that prevents us from taking excessive short-term profits. Instead of asking whether 2% is sustainable for CoinJar, you probably want to ask yourself whether 10% fee is sustainable for Bitcoin's growth in Australia. CoinJar is not simply a place for you buy Bitcoins in Australia. It represents our vision to bring innovation to Bitcoin and potentially the financial services industry. We are keen to solve problems for Bitcoiners, and buying Bitcoin is just one of them.

It'll be great if you can spend some time to learn more about our products at If you come to Melbourne, you're welcome to come to our office or join a meetup organized by us as well. Our business is tied to the broader market (that is Bitcoin) and it's in our every incentive to grow with the Bitcoin economy and we will never work against this principle.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: hamiltino on June 28, 2013, 04:58:13 PM
I hope all the success to you guys, you have done an amazing job with the website, unbeatable fees and a very user friendly experience.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: redmetal on June 29, 2013, 10:05:10 AM
Hi, love the process and the fees, a bit slow with all the manual inputs ect. but this time when I have purchased BTC it says "We will send you ฿ 1.0653 within 24 hours."

the other times I have bought BTC it has been instant (after the bank transfer)

I will use in the future, and I hope you guys introduce a withdrawal(AUD) system at some point too  :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: kelsey on July 08, 2013, 01:32:13 AM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on July 08, 2013, 07:46:14 AM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Care to point out some hints?

We're VC-backed so I'm fairly sure that we (and our investors) have done thorough research on everything we've done so far. At the very least we have access to professionals in the field.

It'll be great if you can be more specific in your questions.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ninjaboon on July 08, 2013, 08:10:51 AM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Spoke to Asher on whatsapp.
He's a fellow Malaysian.
Good to see this new initiative taking shape.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: kelsey on July 09, 2013, 05:01:49 AM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Care to point out some hints?

We're VC-backed so I'm fairly sure that we (and our investors) have done thorough research on everything we've done so far. At the very least we have access to professionals in the field.

It'll be great if you can be more specific in your questions.

ok then so you don't know and you never actually did the ground work......OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW DIRECT TRANSFERS INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT FROM CLIENTS BANK ACCOUNT......101 of trading btc in Oz dumbass

and don't even comback saying oh but we sat down with the banks business advisors told them what we were doing and its all cool with cause that means squat.

BTW not attacking what you guys are doing, your platform is good, your fees are great and a breath of fresh air in Oz (but trading via bank transfers will be your undoing).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: btctraderr on July 09, 2013, 01:54:46 PM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Care to point out some hints?

We're VC-backed so I'm fairly sure that we (and our investors) have done thorough research on everything we've done so far. At the very least we have access to professionals in the field.

It'll be great if you can be more specific in your questions.

ok then so you don't know and you never actually did the ground work......OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW DIRECT TRANSFERS INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT FROM CLIENTS BANK ACCOUNT......101 of trading btc in Oz dumbass

and don't even comback saying oh but we sat down with the banks business advisors told them what we were doing and its all cool with cause that means squat.

BTW not attacking what you guys are doing, your platform is good, your fees are great and a breath of fresh air in Oz (but trading via bank transfers will be your undoing).

Do you have evidence to suggest depositing from a clients bank account to another bank account used by a service like this is a problem? Or just posts from people like bitinnovate and spendbitcoins saying that they are discontinuing parts of their business so you have assumed this is due to client bank transfers?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on July 10, 2013, 05:24:01 AM
I signed up to check you guys out, then jaw drops, seriously have you guys done your research on this? You know why there's no others doing this?
There's been a few attempt at this by others you do know that? You know why they've failed?

Care to point out some hints?

We're VC-backed so I'm fairly sure that we (and our investors) have done thorough research on everything we've done so far. At the very least we have access to professionals in the field.

It'll be great if you can be more specific in your questions.

ok then so you don't know and you never actually did the ground work......OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW DIRECT TRANSFERS INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT FROM CLIENTS BANK ACCOUNT......101 of trading btc in Oz dumbass

and don't even comback saying oh but we sat down with the banks business advisors told them what we were doing and its all cool with cause that means squat.

BTW not attacking what you guys are doing, your platform is good, your fees are great and a breath of fresh air in Oz (but trading via bank transfers will be your undoing).

Thanks for the insult. I'll take that as your sincere request to help us grow.

I'm interested in the "ground work" you've done. Please drop us an email at and we're happy to listen to your opinions. Evidence or detailed explanation will be more appreciated than advice in all caps.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on July 10, 2013, 05:55:40 AM
coinjar is the next attempt of zhou tong in stealing your coins like bitcoinica

HE WAS RESPONSIBLE for the bitcoinica hack.. guilty as pirate.

don't buy bitcoins from him. I suggest btcquick or mtgox

Transfer money, get Bitcoin and immediately transfer out of CoinJar wallet. - Suggested workflow if you just want to buy Bitcoin and not spend it with CoinJar Checkout merchants.

Keeping large amounts of coins in CoinJar is discouraged. We don't get interest from the deposits.


Name:   hennessyhemp
Posts:   183
Activity:   154
Position:   Full Member
Date Registered:   February 16, 2013, 06:33:27 AM

So you weren't even here when Bitcoinica was being liquidated. What's your authority on this matter?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on July 10, 2013, 06:30:58 AM
You are now attacking the messenger. This is an ad hominem attack. I can clearly see how you were able to manipulate everyone into giving your coins for Bitcoinica for you to run away, with your professional fraudster skills.

I don't know what's an "ad hominem attack" (never studied psychology). I was just telling the truth. Everyone knows how to tell the truth. It's the easiest thing to do.

I'm happily developing products that make the world a little bit better. I enjoy what I'm doing - building stuff. Defrauding people will be obviously downgrading my life. Who wants that?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: cooldude123 on July 11, 2013, 11:36:15 PM
+1 to coinjar, really quick processing and low fees compared to others.

Only had one issue which was about a week ago with the manual transfer thing, but that was sorted out pretty quickly.

Do you accept cash trades at your office? It'd be really handy if you did.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jklp on July 12, 2013, 03:53:22 AM
Hi, Jerrold here from CoinJar. 

Just thought I'd add another voice to the conversation.  Kelsey, we've done a lot of background work on the banking system here in Australia before pursuing CoinJar, though we're very interested here to hear why you think direct credit is a bad way to do a bitcoin business in Australia.  If you'd like to discuss on the forum we're more than happy to hear your thoughts.  Consequently I'm also happy to discuss privately via email, which you can reach at my first name, at coinjar dot io.

As for zhoutong being on our team, both us and our investors are more than happy to have him on board.  We are a public and open company, and all information about us and our team can be found on our website.  We are not hiding anything.


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jklp on July 12, 2013, 04:00:55 AM
+1 to coinjar, really quick processing and low fees compared to others.

Only had one issue which was about a week ago with the manual transfer thing, but that was sorted out pretty quickly.

Do you accept cash trades at your office? It'd be really handy if you did.

Thanks cooldude123, we're still growing and we try our best to make everything right by our customers.

Unfortunately we won't be accepting cash trades at our offices.  Just from a security point of view, having a large number of people coming in and out of our offices, and also having cash lying around, we're just not at that size where we can guarantee safety. 

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: perlboy on July 12, 2013, 04:53:31 AM
Hi coinjar & Co,

Firstly, congratulations on launching a service which many in Australia will no doubt use. I do have one question though, you specify there's only 2% on the current spot price. For Australian customers does this include the GST element of 10%? If it does and given that once your revenue exceeds $75K you would be required to charge GST how is charging 2% on current spot price sustainable?



Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on July 12, 2013, 05:03:37 AM
Hi coinjar & Co,

Firstly, congratulations on launching a service which many in Australia will no doubt use. I do have one question though, you specify there's only 2% on the current spot price. For Australian customers does this include the GST element of 10%? If it does and given that once your revenue exceeds $75K you would be required to charge GST how is charging 2% on current spot price sustainable?



Without a specific ruling from the ATO, we consider Bitcoin input-taxed supply, just like shares, bonds, derivatives, foreign currencies and precious metals. That means you have to pay GST for goods and services when you make purchases using Bitcoin.

The 2% fee itself already includes GST, because we charge 2% for the service we provide, and we will absorb it for now. (We may increase the fee to 2.2% if our profit is affected by GST, but there's no immediate plan.) Currently for CoinJar Checkout merchants, we give them access to a paper trail of GST paid, so they can easily claim GST credits if they are eligible.

(We are still in the process of GST registration, but the registration will be backdated to our incorporation date.)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: perlboy on July 12, 2013, 06:00:40 AM
Hi coinjar & Co,

Firstly, congratulations on launching a service which many in Australia will no doubt use. I do have one question though, you specify there's only 2% on the current spot price. For Australian customers does this include the GST element of 10%? If it does and given that once your revenue exceeds $75K you would be required to charge GST how is charging 2% on current spot price sustainable?



Without a specific ruling from the ATO, we consider Bitcoin input-taxed supply, just like shares, bonds, derivatives, foreign currencies and precious metals. That means you have to pay GST for goods and services when you make purchases using Bitcoin.

The 2% fee itself already includes GST, because we charge 2% for the service we provide, and we will absorb it for now. (We may increase the fee to 2.2% if our profit is affected by GST, but there's no immediate plan.) Currently for CoinJar Checkout merchants, we give them access to a paper trail of GST paid, so they can easily claim GST credits if they are eligible.

(We are still in the process of GST registration, but the registration will be backdated to our incorporation date.)

Ok, and further to this since you're targeting the use of a tax ruling associated with financial services and intend to onsell them to end users (essentially acting a currency exchange) does this mean coinjar has an Australian Financial Services license and conversely is coinjar registered with AUSTRAC to ensure money laundering regulations are adhered to?


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ArcticWolf on July 16, 2013, 02:48:53 AM
On a side note, is there any plan to incorporate google 2FA in CoinJar?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jklp on July 17, 2013, 03:36:32 AM
On a side note, is there any plan to incorporate google 2FA in CoinJar?

Hi ArcticWolf, we don't like to pre-anounce features though we've had a lot of requests for this from our users.  All I can say is keep an eye on our blog and you might see something appear soon ;) -

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: triib4l on July 20, 2013, 08:37:20 AM
am i able to tranfer electronically to coinjar account from bankwest???? hope for reply soon

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: perlboy on July 21, 2013, 12:19:01 PM
Ok, and further to this since you're targeting the use of a tax ruling associated with financial services and intend to onsell them to end users (essentially acting a currency exchange) does this mean coinjar has an Australian Financial Services license and conversely is coinjar registered with AUSTRAC to ensure money laundering regulations are adhered to?

So.. that's a no on both counts?

<no stop loss>

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: bapakece on July 21, 2013, 04:05:25 PM
coinjar will be seized like technocash

dont use registered services. qt is the way to go

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: triib4l on July 25, 2013, 01:41:12 AM
have just made first deposit into coinjar to purchase bitcoins, hoping for an easy happy experience, will keep everyone posted. aint gunna be leaving my coins there but tranfer straight to QT client

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ArcticWolf on July 25, 2013, 10:03:03 AM
have just made first deposit into coinjar to purchase bitcoins, hoping for an easy happy experience, will keep everyone posted. aint gunna be leaving my coins there but tranfer straight to QT client

Thats what Ive done a few times. No problems as yet.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: triib4l on July 25, 2013, 11:18:50 AM
great service very good all aussies should jump on this service

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: TimJBenham on August 01, 2013, 06:04:53 AM
great service very good all aussies should jump on this service

Seems too good to be true. Unless they have a clever new way to do verification they will suffer the fate of Bitpiggy ( Also they are exposed yet trying to play the regulatory gray area as to whether Bitcoin is a financial product or not.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on August 01, 2013, 06:26:50 AM
great service very good all aussies should jump on this service

Seems too good to be true. Unless they have a clever new way to do verification they will suffer the fate of Bitpiggy ( Also they are exposed yet trying to play the regulatory gray area as to whether Bitcoin is a financial product or not.

Yeah, wonder how many reversed transactions they'll absorb before things change?  Even bitinnovate, that only accepted over-the-counter cash deposits, closed their doors....

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: TimJBenham on August 01, 2013, 10:22:30 AM
great service very good all aussies should jump on this service

Seems too good to be true. Unless they have a clever new way to do verification they will suffer the fate of Bitpiggy ( Also they are exposed yet trying to play the regulatory gray area as to whether Bitcoin is a financial product or not.

Yeah, wonder how many reversed transactions they'll absorb before things change?  Even bitinnovate, that only accepted over-the-counter cash deposits, closed their doors....

They do have a progressive limit raising system where your limit goes up for each successful transaction, and a 7 day hold on the first transaction (which is limited to $100). This will help protect them from casual scamming.

The fact that they claim their product is taxed as a financial product but they're not registered to deal in financial products is another worry. Some people are bothered by the fact Mr. Zhou is a principal. I wasn't on the scene then but apparently he has a controversial history with his previous ventures. Another pink flag is the very low spread they charge. AFAIK it is far tighter than any competitor in the Australian market which makes you wonder, why? A grocer undercuts his competitor by 5c, not a dollar. Businesses with extraordinary prices often have non-business motives, such as scamming or money laundering.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: btctraderr on August 01, 2013, 12:00:59 PM
Haters gonna hate, Coinjar is fine, if you dont like dont use it. I'll continue using them.

They're the lowest fees and best price, nuff said.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on August 01, 2013, 09:31:44 PM
They do have a progressive limit raising system where your limit goes up for each successful transaction, and a 7 day hold on the first transaction (which is limited to $100). This will help protect them from casual scamming.

That makes good sense.  Protection from casual scammers is relatively easy, it's the dedicated scammers you have to be careful of.

The fact that they claim their product is taxed as a financial product but they're not registered to deal in financial products is another worry.

Not with you on that one.  Calling something "X" for tax purposes is not the same as saying something is "X".

Some people are bothered by the fact Mr. Zhou is a principal. I wasn't on the scene then but apparently he has a controversial history with his previous ventures.

Dunno about anyone else, but I think keeping any more than a couple of coins on any exchange is risky.  Move them home, move them offline.

Another pink flag is the very low spread they charge. AFAIK it is far tighter than any competitor in the Australian market which makes you wonder, why? A grocer undercuts his competitor by 5c, not a dollar. Businesses with extraordinary prices often have non-business motives, such as scamming or money laundering.

Maybe they recognise that Aussie exchanges are gouging the hell out of us locals, and want to become the Australian bitcoin exchange (they've said as much).  Maybe they are hoping that by becoming internationally competitive, not just locally competitive, they can increase the size of the market?  Makes some sense to me.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: clicksmoney on August 14, 2013, 08:16:20 AM
Can we get an update due to the stupid CBA news - would a Coinjar NAB to Commbank withdrawal not be advisable/safe?

Half considering quitting CBA if there's any chance they'll treat me the same (though my volume is 100x less that CoinJar's).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on August 15, 2013, 03:02:40 AM
Can we get an update due to the stupid CBA news - would a Coinjar NAB to Commbank withdrawal not be advisable/safe?

Half considering quitting CBA if there's any chance they'll treat me the same (though my volume is 100x less that CoinJar's).

We really don't have further information at this point. Yesterday all of our directors received notice from CBA that our personal accounts will be closed, but today when I called back again they said that was just a "current decision" and investigation was still in progress.

All sell orders are still stalled because we can't access client funds. There's not a single cent available under CoinJar Pty Ltd as we do not keep company cash. (But our all our Bitcoin are safe and we are still accepting buy orders as normal.)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: kelsey on August 15, 2013, 01:27:14 PM

We really don't have further information at this point. Yesterday all of our directors received notice from CBA that our personal accounts will be closed, but today when I called back again they said that was just a "current decision" and investigation was still in progress.

Exactly the same story with many others who've tried the same, not that wasn't trying to tell you guys this, but then again you guys had done your "research" :(

so much dumb here

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: perlboy on August 16, 2013, 12:11:01 PM
All sell orders are still stalled because we can't access client funds. There's not a single cent available under CoinJar Pty Ltd as we do not keep company cash. (But our all our Bitcoin are safe and we are still accepting buy orders as normal.)

Sorry to kick someone while he's down (it's not an Aussie thing to do), but if you were "VC backed" how is it possible that CoinJar Pty Ltd did not have a cash position?

Hate to say "told you so" but requoting what I wrote July 12:

Ok, and further to this since you're targeting the use of a tax ruling associated with financial services and intend to onsell them to end users (essentially acting a currency exchange) does this mean coinjar has an Australian Financial Services license and conversely is coinjar registered with AUSTRAC to ensure money laundering regulations are adhered to?

Australian financial institutions are highly skittish on companies not playing by the governments rules.


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Oldminer on August 21, 2013, 07:03:37 PM
Came across this service just googling..have registered an account & will buy some BTC today. 2% fee is nice. Site looks impressive too and I set up my account and 2-factor authentication in seconds. Good stuff for aussies  ;D

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 02, 2013, 01:20:13 PM
CoinJar Filler's transaction volume has officially exceeded US$1 million today. We have traded more than A$1,100,135 in the first 77 days of our operation, and our business is continuing to grow at exponential rates. I represent the CoinJar team to thank all our customers and friends for the wonderful support.

We are sharing our success with every CoinJar supporter. Redeem the voucher ONEMILLION before the end of September in CoinJar Filler to get a no-strings-attached A$1.00 credit for Bitcoin purchase. This offer is available for all current and new CoinJar Filler customers with a verified mobile number! Get free Bitcoin now at CoinJar Filler.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: carpetbagger on September 02, 2013, 01:51:26 PM
Thanks Zhou. Congratulations to the team.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: tobyaus on September 03, 2013, 12:23:17 AM
Congrats! Great service. Will hit 2 mill before month end I am sure.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: redmetal on September 03, 2013, 02:41:49 AM
Congrats on the milestone,

Love the service,

I would like to ask one thing, When selling BTC can you give the option to choose the amount of BTC or AUD rather than just AUD?
This would make selling alot easier,


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 03, 2013, 05:25:38 AM
Congrats on the milestone,

Love the service,

I would like to ask one thing, When selling BTC can you give the option to choose the amount of BTC or AUD rather than just AUD?
This would make selling alot easier,


Thanks for your feedback. We are working on this shortly. Stay tuned!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jimbobway on September 03, 2013, 05:26:42 AM
zhoutong, what happened to the third guy on the team?  I remember there was an engineer (Jerrold Poh?) and now it's just you and Asher.  See here:

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Alienwalkerx on September 03, 2013, 06:35:13 AM
Congrats on the milestone,

Love the service,

I would like to ask one thing, When selling BTC can you give the option to choose the amount of BTC or AUD rather than just AUD?
This would make selling alot easier,



I often go to sell my btc and forget instantly how much I currently have so I have to go back to the coinjar wallet and double check (about 5 times because of my memory).
Also when selling BTC it would be good to place orders, as I am often refreshing to get that 1$ extra when the price is fluctuating.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 03, 2013, 06:47:10 AM
zhoutong, what happened to the third guy on the team?  I remember there was an engineer (Jerrold Poh?) and now it's just you and Asher.  See here:

Jerrold decided to go back to his previous job because he wasn't really comfortable with startup life (12+ hours a day with no salary). But now Asher and I are very proactively bringing new guys on board, and we are planning to raise another seed round in the US.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 03, 2013, 06:55:31 AM
Congrats on the milestone,

Love the service,

I would like to ask one thing, When selling BTC can you give the option to choose the amount of BTC or AUD rather than just AUD?
This would make selling alot easier,



I often go to sell my btc and forget instantly how much I currently have so I have to go back to the coinjar wallet and double check (about 5 times because of my memory).
Also when selling BTC it would be good to place orders, as I am often refreshing to get that 1$ extra when the price is fluctuating.

Done! We have deployed the feature just now. You can choose to place buy or sell orders in both AUD and BTC. In most cases you should get the exact amount, but fluctuations can also happen in which case you can always cancel and create the order again. (This is a tricky feature to implement because Filler and Checkout platforms are entirely independent and they don't trust each other.) Thanks!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Ego on September 03, 2013, 07:02:11 AM

Done! We have deployed the feature just now. You can choose to place buy or sell orders in both AUD and BTC. In most cases you should get the exact amount, but fluctuations can also happen in which case you can always cancel and create the order again. (This is a tricky feature to implement because Filler and Checkout platforms are entirely independent and they don't trust each other.) Thanks!

Yay I have been waiting for this feature. Thanks Guys

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: skitchen on September 03, 2013, 07:07:50 AM
Keep it up guys! An Aussie BTC start-up gives inspiration.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: stripykitteh on September 03, 2013, 07:35:24 AM
Wow, you guys hit the million quickly. I used you again today to sell some coins, keep up the good work!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Skinnkavaj on September 03, 2013, 09:22:19 AM
Sounds very good.
When is more songs comming from Zhoutong? Maybe som rap about Coinjar?  :o  ;)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: skitchen on September 04, 2013, 11:56:49 PM
Done! We have deployed the feature just now. You can choose to place buy or sell orders in both AUD and BTC. In most cases you should get the exact amount, but fluctuations can also happen in which case you can always cancel and create the order again. (This is a tricky feature to implement because Filler and Checkout platforms are entirely independent and they don't trust each other.) Thanks!

Personally I don't find the new implementation very helpful.

It'd be nice to be able to figure out the conversion rate without clicking the 'request quote' button. On other websites I am able to input BTC or AUD and immediately find out what I am going to be purchasing and for how much before clicking any submit buttons or making any actual deposits.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: tobyaus on September 05, 2013, 01:28:07 AM
Unable to sell bitcoin on Coinjar since drop. Says the global maximum has been reached.
I used an old quote to get to the screen. Clicked requote and somehow got an old rate and sold 3 Bitcoins for 105aud each :( :(.... Zhou you able to resolve this by cancelling that sale?

Lodged a support ticket for it.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: tobyaus on September 05, 2013, 10:39:38 AM
No response yet on if I will get this confusing bitcoin quote fixed. Looks like it won't go through anyway as they have a 20k per day sale limit which was hit today.

From Coinjar's FAQ.

I'm getting an error "Global maximum reached" when selling bitcoin.
Modified on: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:54 PM

Looks like today's been a popular day for selling bitcoin. CoinJar has reached its limit of allocated bitcoin sell orders for today ($20,000 as of 28/8/2013). Try checking back in 6-12 hours.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 06, 2013, 11:00:14 AM
No response yet on if I will get this confusing bitcoin quote fixed. Looks like it won't go through anyway as they have a 20k per day sale limit which was hit today.

From Coinjar's FAQ.

I'm getting an error "Global maximum reached" when selling bitcoin.
Modified on: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:54 PM

Looks like today's been a popular day for selling bitcoin. CoinJar has reached its limit of allocated bitcoin sell orders for today ($20,000 as of 28/8/2013). Try checking back in 6-12 hours.

I have replied to the support ticket, but will clarify here again just in case.

The actual quote for the transaction was correct and since you paid for it, we will send you the exact amount of AUD that you requested. However there was a presentation error in Filler because the exchange rate requote was not updated by the Filler system. CoinJar Filler is showing a larger BTC amount than what you have actually paid, and hence the exchange rate is much lower than actual (which is about 131.06).

Please also check your Bitcoin transaction history to see that you have paid the correct amount.

We are working on an update to address this issue. Requotes have been very rare but we agree that it's important to handle these situations smoothly. Thanks!

FYI, CoinJar Filler uses CoinJar Checkout to process sell orders (we use our own APIs to build the thing).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Monetizer on September 08, 2013, 08:51:35 AM
I have done bank transfers using your site before to buy bitcoins but I can't anymore. Why is this?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on September 08, 2013, 04:11:12 PM
Sold a couple of BTCs via coinjar, awesome service!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 09, 2013, 05:26:57 AM
I have done bank transfers using your site before to buy bitcoins but I can't anymore. Why is this?

CoinJar now requires customers to be identified in order to use bank transfers to make deposits. However, cash deposits will still be available for all customers regardless of identification process. Identification is secure and optional.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on September 10, 2013, 01:16:25 PM
Well thanks to mtgox's inability to do cashouts and btc-e having bitcoind offline for over 24 hours I finally decided to give a whirl.

I have to make the following statements:

  • I do have reservations about zhoutong, but the PR team behind have been great at engaging the community directly without side stepping any questions, they have also gone to above reasonable lengths to ensure they are easy to contact.
  • For someone living in AU, it does seem to be an extremely convenient cash out method
  • The rates are good to fair.
  • Im unfamiliar with their coin hosting service, but it seems to work well.
  • Trust for the site can be limited to whatever you feel comfortable depositing, I suggest doing regular increments as opposed to huge dumps.
  • The UI is clean, but it needs a touch more work. That being said, after 1-2 transactions its very easy to find your way around.
  • 3 Test cashouts later with a 4th just started and I have to say, the transfer time for me as a bankwest customer is 1-2 business days, very convenient

So, consider me your grumpiest most cynical sceptic that still likes to think of himself as "reasonable" ......Im impressed. 
Keep up the great work and I shall continue to use this nice service in bigger increments as my trust builds.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 10, 2013, 01:26:52 PM
Well thanks to mtgox's inability to do cashouts and btc-e having bitcoind offline for over 24 hours I finally decided to give a whirl.

I have to make the following statements:

  • I do have reservations about zhoutong, but the PR team behind have been great at engaging the community directly without side stepping any questions, they have also gone to above reasonable lengths to ensure they are easy to contact.
  • For someone living in AU, it does seem to be an extremely convenient cash out method
  • The rates are good to fair.
  • Im unfamiliar with their coin hosting service, but it seems to work well.
  • Trust for the site can be limited to whatever you feel comfortable depositing, I suggest doing regular increments as opposed to huge dumps.
  • The UI is clean, but it needs a touch more work. That being said, after 1-2 transactions its very easy to find your way around.
  • 3 Test cashouts later with a 4th just started and I have to say, the transfer time for me as a bankwest customer is 1-2 business days, very convenient

So, consider me your grumpiest most cynical sceptic that still likes to think of himself as "reasonable" ......Im impressed. 
Keep up the great work and I shall continue to use this nice service in bigger increments as my trust builds.

Thanks for your nice feedback. We are still improving everyday and we expect the service will be even better over time. It's our vision to bring digital currency like Bitcoin to the real world.

As for your reservations, I completely understand. CoinJar is my fresh start. You can trust that my co-founder and our investors have made a good decision to work with me to contribute to the Bitcoin economy.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on September 11, 2013, 03:23:34 AM
Thanks for your nice feedback. We are still improving everyday and we expect the service will be even better over time. It's our vision to bring digital currency like Bitcoin to the real world.

As for your reservations, I completely understand. CoinJar is my fresh start. You can trust that my co-founder and our investors have made a good decision to work with me to contribute to the Bitcoin economy.

Keep up the fantastic work Zhoutong and team.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: redmetal on September 11, 2013, 11:00:32 PM
Once again I have had fantastic service purchasing through CoinJar

Keep up the great work guys, things will only get better from here :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on September 12, 2013, 01:29:42 AM
Sold 1 btc last night, sales order still showing as pending this morning.

I'll chase up zhoutong and see whats what.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 12, 2013, 05:45:27 AM
Sold 1 btc last night, sales order still showing as pending this morning.

I'll chase up zhoutong and see whats what.

CoinJar is a participant of the Direct Entry system through our bank NAB. We only clear our books once every business day because otherwise it would make no difference in processing time. In most situations proceeds from Bitcoin sell orders should be received by the end of next business day.

I can see that your payment has been released.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on September 12, 2013, 06:04:15 AM
Sold 1 btc last night, sales order still showing as pending this morning.

I'll chase up zhoutong and see whats what.

CoinJar is a participant of the Direct Entry system through our bank NAB. We only clear our books once every business day because otherwise it would make no difference in processing time. In most situations proceeds from Bitcoin sell orders should be received by the end of next business day.

I can see that your payment has been released.

And confirmed, Thanks again Zhou.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on September 19, 2013, 11:53:21 AM
ok been using coinjar for a while now, pretty good, nice interface, though a tad confusing, buy bitcoins/sell bicoins would be easier inmho that filler, and buy and sell nested under that


[1] CBA fell off, exactly what happened, I could not see the full story ITT
[2] So NAB now?
[3] Read TF's comments, would like a private key option....
[4] The rates are good 2% but even with PIP points at 2, not sure how you do it....I mean where are you buying from?
[5] Since the engineer left, who is doing the codebase? It looks like a lift from coinbase, but still alooot of work to keep it all running and mod it to Oz banks, do you hire people in?

I admire your efforts to date...!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on September 19, 2013, 05:14:25 PM
ok been using coinjar for a while now, pretty good, nice interface, though a tad confusing, buy bitcoins/sell bicoins would be easier inmho that filler, and buy and sell nested under that


[1] CBA fell off, exactly what happened, I could not see the full story ITT
[2] So NAB now?
[3] Read TF's comments, would like a private key option....
[4] The rates are good 2% but even with PIP points at 2, not sure how you do it....I mean where are you buying from?
[5] Since the engineer left, who is doing the codebase? It looks like a lift from coinbase, but still alooot of work to keep it all running and mod it to Oz banks, do you hire people in?

I admire your efforts to date...!

[1] CBA closed all our business accounts and all directors' personal accounts without prior notice. We are still waiting for their final bank cheque and account closing statements.
[2] The NAB transition was very smooth and successful. We did not have any interruption in this business. Customers are now able to make cash deposits at any NAB branch, or use internet banking transfer. In the future, we will introduce an even easier and faster way to deposit funds.
[3] Do you mean self-managed private keys? At this stage it's not in our plan, because we recommend our customers to not keep an excessive amount of Bitcoin in CoinJar (or any other web wallet). However we will work on more security features to help our users manage their Bitcoin wallets.
[4] CoinJar enjoys a substantial advantage in terms of economies of scale. We have traded over A$1.5 million to date (though the company is only 4.5 months old) and we have access to much better FX rates than retail customers. We take both buy and sell orders and the excess exposure will be hedged in overseas Bitcoin exchanges.
[5] I have always been working on product development at CoinJar. The handover was perfectly smooth and we are still introducing new features every week.

Thanks for your support!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on September 20, 2013, 09:37:58 AM
used coin jar today!!!

one question how do I cancel a pending, Ie i went to the first stage to buy a BTC but then did not click through, timed out

it just shows pending now

I'm still not sure how you can work so much to maintain the code base, customer support, financials fx etc, you must not sleep.....its a great effort!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on October 21, 2013, 11:43:56 AM
Finally, the wait is over. We just launched CoinJar for iPhone, the best and most beautiful Bitcoin wallet designed for iOS devices.

You can now use your iPhone to easily manage your Bitcoin wallet on the go, and quickly send/receive payments using the Bitcoin network. As a bonus, you can access to CoinJar Fair Rate™ right from your smartphone and even do simple calculations.

This is just version 1.0, so there might be some minor issues. We are collecting user feedback and suggestions. Please contact us at or visit if you want to share your thoughts or need help. A new version of this app will be available in the next few weeks.

Download it for free from the App Store: (

Note to 2FA users: You cannot sign in to the iPhone app when 2FA is enabled (because 2FA support wasn't built into the client). The workaround for now is to disable 2FA from CoinJar temporarily, sign in, and re-enable it again. The token credentials will be securely stored in your device keychain until you sign out. CoinJar for iPhone doesn't remember your password, so even if you change your email/password on the website, the mobile client will still be linked to your account.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: dyseac on November 13, 2013, 11:10:53 PM
Finally, the wait is over. We just launched CoinJar for iPhone, the best and most beautiful Bitcoin wallet designed for iOS devices.

You can now use your iPhone to easily manage your Bitcoin wallet on the go, and quickly send/receive payments using the Bitcoin network. As a bonus, you can access to CoinJar Fair Rate™ right from your smartphone and even do simple calculations.

This is just version 1.0, so there might be some minor issues. We are collecting user feedback and suggestions. Please contact us at or visit if you want to share your thoughts or need help. A new version of this app will be available in the next few weeks.

Download it for free from the App Store: (

Note to 2FA users: You cannot sign in to the iPhone app when 2FA is enabled (because 2FA support wasn't built into the client). The workaround for now is to disable 2FA from CoinJar temporarily, sign in, and re-enable it again. The token credentials will be securely stored in your device keychain until you sign out. CoinJar for iPhone doesn't remember your password, so even if you change your email/password on the website, the mobile client will still be linked to your account.

Any word on Android App ?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on November 14, 2013, 10:08:19 PM
What's going on with CoinJar's service and support?  Support queries raised yesterday still not answered, deposits that should be same-day not in my account yet.

Can I get some support love from the team please?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: faustus66 on November 14, 2013, 11:51:20 PM
So far they have been very responsive however I am experiencing the same support/deposit issues over the past couple of days.


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: faustus66 on November 15, 2013, 12:17:36 AM
Just saw this on their facebook page (from the 14th):

"Team CoinJar is in Singapore for the next 3 days. Phone lines will be unanswered till Monday.

We'll get to your queries soon. Additional support staff starting next week!"

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: stripykitteh on November 15, 2013, 12:39:45 AM
I had a fast-track deposit made on Monday that wasn't processed until overnight. Cost me a bit as I missed a dip in the buy price. I got an email from them saying:

We had some issues with NAB's system recently and the bank wasn't able to report intraday payments to us in real-time due to the huge volume we have been doing lately. CoinJar is processing over $2 million per month and we are constantly looking for more scalable ways to handle our banking.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on November 15, 2013, 12:42:28 AM
I had a fast-track deposit made on Monday that wasn't processed until overnight. Cost me a bit as I missed a dip in the buy price. I got an email from them saying:

We had some issues with NAB's system recently and the bank wasn't able to report intraday payments to us in real-time due to the huge volume we have been doing lately. CoinJar is processing over $2 million per month and we are constantly looking for more scalable ways to handle our banking.

Bummer that.  It's been 24 hours now and the "fast track" deposit is still nowhere to be seen :(

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: faustus66 on November 15, 2013, 03:24:06 AM
My deposit took 3 business days and cleared today.


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on November 15, 2013, 08:54:57 AM
so I noticed the other day, your site said something about transfer limit had been reach with your bank?

what is this limit?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: BitHub on November 18, 2013, 06:44:51 AM
I'm worried if we're going to see the same thing here as with bitconica scam.

I am getting very nervous i wish i never signed up and deposited $400

I have already written it down as a loss.

Nab to Nab since friday, no idea why its still not in my account.

If not in soon i will personally fly down to melbourne to visit their office to find out where is my money (no threat)

sort it out guys this is ridiculous.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on November 18, 2013, 09:11:09 AM
I'm worried if we're going to see the same thing here as with bitconica scam.

I am getting very nervous i wish i never signed up and deposited $400

I have already written it down as a loss.

Nab to Nab since friday, no idea why its still not in my account.

If not in soon i will personally fly down to melbourne to visit their office to find out where is my money (no threat)

sort it out guys this is ridiculous.

NAB to NAB deposit made Thursday, credited Sunday.  I would expect you would see yours tonight or tomorrow.  Have you raised a support ticket - I did, and did eventually get a response.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: maskielli on November 23, 2013, 10:30:36 PM
Is coinjar back up and running properly? I was about to make my first deposit but this thread made me hesitate. What would be the next best site for an Australian to purchase BTC, I dont want to solely rely on Coinjar in the future.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on November 24, 2013, 12:50:17 AM
Is coinjar back up and running properly? I was about to make my first deposit but this thread made me hesitate. What would be the next best site for an Australian to purchase BTC, I dont want to solely rely on Coinjar in the future.

The only problem I've had with coinjar is slow deposits.  A friend had a problem with a slow order fill (all day) during the crash earlier in the week.

I use bitpiggy as well as coinjar.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Gyrsur on November 28, 2013, 07:36:58 PM
welcome back zhoutong (! wish you many new friends.

"Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup" must not mean it is good per definition.  ::)

...the best and most beautiful Bitcoin wallet designed for iOS devices.
sounds like you learned not much in this past year of grow up.

your new bitcoin related project is a direct competitor to (Australia) and was hacked a few weeks ago. surprise, surprise!  ::)

Ryan is a veteran entrepreneur and Bitcoin guru. Technically and commercially adept, he’s founded several successful startups and remains a prominent figure in the Bitcoin community.

Bitcoin guru? maybe...

Remains a prominent figure in the Bitcoin community? definitely... in touch with the Bitcoinica ( desaster and personal drama of many users.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ArcticWolf on November 29, 2013, 05:44:06 AM
I have personally been using Coinjar to buy and sell bitcoins for the last 6 months. I dont use is as an online wallet, and if you do you should only keep a small amount on it.
That being said, buying and selling on coinjar is very easy, and I have never waited more than 48 hours for a deposit to arrive from a sale, or for my money to be credited to my coinjar.
As soon as you have bought BTC move them to an offline wallet. Simple.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: bernard75 on November 29, 2013, 09:30:49 AM
Werent you involved with Bitcoinica?  8)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ScammerZhouTong on November 29, 2013, 09:53:44 AM
Yes. Not only were I involved in Bitcoinica, but on the same day Bitcoinica was hacked for $40,000 goxusd codes, someone exchanged $40,000 worth of bitcoins, with the account, to try and launder the funds.

MtGox has said that's first account action back in 2011 was to redeem a Gox BTC code generated by Zhou Tong.

Erik Voorhees, a trusted member of the community says that Zhou Tong has emailed from before.

a day later, Zhou Tong on his main email sold $40,000 worth of BTC... he says it is for a "friend".

Hash: SHA1

* On Friday, July 13 I was notified by MtGox that somebody had gain unauthorized access to Bitcoinica's MtGox account. I was also notified that most of the redeemable codes used in the heist were exchanged through AurumXchange on July 12.
* At the time I was on an extended weekend vacation with very limited internet access. I immediately notified Mark Karpeles at MtGox as well as Charlie Shrem at Bitinstant that I would take a closer examination of the situation on Tuesday upon my return.
* Upon closer examination of our database on Tuesday, I discovered that the hacker had indeed exchanged the MtGox coupons to Liberty Reserve through our instant exchange facility. The hacker had also exchanged Liberty Reserve back to MtGox presumably in an effort to conceal and/or "launder" the funds.
* Over all, the hacker exchanged a total of $61,875 USD from MtGox to Liberty Reserve, and a total of $17,500 Liberty Reserve to MtGox, for a grand total of $44,375 MtGox to Liberty Reserve. After our fees, this number amounts to approximately $40,000 USD.
* These orders were placed on our systems between 2012-07-12 11:46:48 and 2012-07-12 19:41:27 UTC.
* The IP addresses used by the hacker belong to TOR exit nodes to my understanding, and are as follows:

* The Liberty Reserve account used by the hacker is U9236056.
* The email address used by the hacker was
* To my surprise, upon further examination of our order system, I found an order from Zhou Tong to sell Liberty Reserve to us for the amount of USD 40,000, requesting a wire to his bank account in Singapore. The amount for the order closely matches the total USD exchanged through us (after fees) using the MtGox USD codes stolen from the Bitcoinica account.
* This order was placed the next day the hacking attempts occurred. In addition, it should be noted that Zhou Tong has never dealt with us before as an exchange customer.
* This information was immediately sent to our two biggest trusted business partners: MtGox and Bitinstant in an effort to join forces to further investigate this situation.
* Mark Karpeles indicated that there was an account opened at MtGox using the email sometime in 2011.
* Mark replied stating that there was activity on this account, that the account was opened using an IP address belonging to Microsoft Singapore, that Zhou Tong was known to have worked for said company at said location, that the email have been verified, and that ALL activity on this account is linked to the MtGox account belonging to Zhou Tong.
* Mark has also indicated that the very first operation on the MtGox account opened with email was the redeeming of a 10 BTC MtGox code generated from Zhou Tong's account.
* Charlie indicated that Erik Vorhees (a well known member of this community) has emails he exchanged with Zhou using the email address

At this time, it appears that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence linking Zhou Tong personally to the Bitcoinica account hack at MtGox. Our legal department has advised us to freeze the funds for the exchange order mentioned above until further investigation by the authorities and/or legal proceedings are concluded.

Both Charlie and Mark have informed the current Bitcoinica owners of the situation and advised to start legal proceedings as soon as possible.

Posts corroborating this information from both MtGox and BitInstant will follow. I am technically on vacation until mid august with limited internet access, however, I will attempt to answer any questions the community might have as often as possible. Please understand that some information will not be released until all legal proceedings have been concluded.


Roberto Gutierrez
General Manager
The AurumXchange Company
Version: GnuPG


But please use coinjar, I will be pleased to serve you my pocket

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ojm on December 03, 2013, 12:41:11 AM
Australian Bitcoin Exchange CoinJar Gets A$500,000 in Venture Funding

Melbourne, Australia-based startup CoinJar announced it will receive “Australia’s first major bitcoin investment”, signing a deal with local venture capital firm Blackbird Ventures to the tune of A$500,000 (US$455,000). The money will come from a group of individual investors with years of technology and startup experience.

CoinJar, founded in February 2013 by local entrepreneurs Asher Tan and Ryan Zhou, is a bitcoin buy/sell exchange and online wallet service with a clean and simple interface that allows customers to link certain bank accounts for direct transfers in and out of the system. It has also developed an iPhone app available internationally and CoinJar Checkout, a payment processing system for merchants with daily transfers from bitcoin to local fiat currency.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: alikim on December 03, 2013, 03:55:39 PM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

All sites that buy coins in AU basically say it on the first page, like $1234 + 5% and do not require any subscription, you just fill in your bank details, get a quote - before sending coins - and then send coins if you're happy.

Your service for selling coins seem to be very unclear and unnecessarily complicated.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ojm on December 03, 2013, 09:53:34 PM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

It's very easy once logged in.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Gyrsur on December 03, 2013, 09:57:04 PM
wow, 2% and 1.1% are nearly Bitcoinica spread fees of arround 10%  ;D

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: alikim on December 04, 2013, 05:15:24 AM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

It's very easy once logged in.

To see this, do you need to send coins to them first?

Also, can you please tell me what is that bank account verification procedure?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ninjaboon on December 04, 2013, 05:22:48 AM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

All sites that buy coins in AU basically say it on the first page, like $1234 + 5% and do not require any subscription, you just fill in your bank details, get a quote - before sending coins - and then send coins if you're happy.

Your service for selling coins seem to be very unclear and unnecessarily complicated.

so those other sites did not collect AML or KYC documents?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: alikim on December 05, 2013, 01:30:36 AM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

All sites that buy coins in AU basically say it on the first page, like $1234 + 5% and do not require any subscription, you just fill in your bank details, get a quote - before sending coins - and then send coins if you're happy.

Your service for selling coins seem to be very unclear and unnecessarily complicated.

so those other sites did not collect AML or KYC documents?

Not for selling for sure, I've never bought coins in my life so can only talk about selling, you can google "sell bitcoin Australia" and see for yourself, normally it's just one page where as I said you first get a quote for the desired amount, then fill in your email and Australian bank details, that's it. I'm no expert but I believe they operate legally and some of them do it for a long time, so demanding anything more than that simple interface seems unreasonable.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ArcticWolf on December 05, 2013, 09:25:11 AM
It's very hard to say without subscribing to your website and sending coins, how much exactly I get from you for 1 coin in AUD at any given time.

All sites that buy coins in AU basically say it on the first page, like $1234 + 5% and do not require any subscription, you just fill in your bank details, get a quote - before sending coins - and then send coins if you're happy.

Your service for selling coins seem to be very unclear and unnecessarily complicated.

so those other sites did not collect AML or KYC documents?

Not for selling for sure, I've never bought coins in my life so can only talk about selling, you can google "sell bitcoin Australia" and see for yourself, normally it's just one page where as I said you first get a quote for the desired amount, then fill in your email and Australian bank details, that's it. I'm no expert but I believe they operate legally and some of them do it for a long time, so demanding anything more than that simple interface seems unreasonable.

To get the current spot price I just go to coinjar and click "Filler" at the top - that takes you to the spot prices. You have to sign up to get a quote - I dont think you have to send coins to get a quote, but Im not 100% sure on that point.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ojm on December 06, 2013, 08:18:48 AM
To see this, do you need to send coins to them first?

Also, can you please tell me what is that bank account verification procedure?

To buy BTC, I had to provide photo ID and proof of address (well first few purchases I didn't, but they have changed policy: ).

Also, for withdrawing, they have this blog article:

To get the current spot price I just go to coinjar and click "Filler" at the top - that takes you to the spot prices. You have to sign up to get a quote - I dont think you have to send coins to get a quote, but Im not 100% sure on that point.

You just need to sign-up to get prices, no need to deposit. They want you to buy, so need to see prices before you can buy.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on December 08, 2013, 01:04:02 AM
Warning: CoinJar Filler can take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar at any time.

whats this all about please explain?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on December 11, 2013, 11:51:09 PM
Warning: CoinJar Filler can take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar at any time.

whats this all about please explain?

CoinJar Filler is just an app for CoinJar. When you sell Bitcoin, you are not authorising a payment directly in your wallet, so you need to give CoinJar Filler authority to take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar. We obviously own both services so this is just a matter of explicit consent.

You won't be charged anything if you don't place a sell order.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on December 12, 2013, 12:27:13 AM
Warning: CoinJar Filler can take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar at any time.

whats this all about please explain?

CoinJar Filler is just an app for CoinJar. When you sell Bitcoin, you are not authorising a payment directly in your wallet, so you need to give CoinJar Filler authority to take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar. We obviously own both services so this is just a matter of explicit consent.

You won't be charged anything if you don't place a sell order.

my concern is "at any time"

does this mean say I had 1 btc in coinjar, you could just come and take that so meet some other short term supply demand....?

also when you say wallet you you mean my coin jar wallet?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on December 13, 2013, 11:15:36 PM
Warning: CoinJar Filler can take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar at any time.

whats this all about please explain?

CoinJar Filler is just an app for CoinJar. When you sell Bitcoin, you are not authorising a payment directly in your wallet, so you need to give CoinJar Filler authority to take Bitcoin out of your CoinJar. We obviously own both services so this is just a matter of explicit consent.

You won't be charged anything if you don't place a sell order.

my concern is "at any time"

does this mean say I had 1 btc in coinjar, you could just come and take that so meet some other short term supply demand....?

also when you say wallet you you mean my coin jar wallet?

This phrase describes what CoinJar Filler can technically do by the establishment of the billing agreement. We won't do that.

If you replace "CoinJar Filler" with "SomeRandomApp", the same phrase should make sense to you. It's like giving out your credit card number to a merchant, who can really take money from you "at any time".

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on December 14, 2013, 04:12:21 AM
does this apply for cash deposited as well?

also why would you allow the app to function to be able to take coins without a specific order from the customer/account holder?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: xaviarlol on December 20, 2013, 07:25:17 AM
Can someone from coinjar pls PM me regarding a transaction I am trying to do that requires human intervention? Want to use coinjar to trade but need something done first.

Coinjar will make $1k commission from me, so please pm me :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: zhoutong on December 23, 2013, 01:51:49 PM
Can someone from coinjar pls PM me regarding a transaction I am trying to do that requires human intervention? Want to use coinjar to trade but need something done first.

Coinjar will make $1k commission from me, so please pm me :)

Please submit a ticket on I'm mainly working on technical stuff but there will be other people in the team to help you out while I'm not available.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on January 15, 2014, 02:00:29 AM
Id just like to voice my support for

Im no fan of zhoutong at all, I still consider what happened with bitcoinica to be an ugly corrupt mess with him at the center of it all.

That being said, I have used frequently over the last 4 months and they have enabled me to pay off my house with my bitcoin investment.
Ive processed nearly 1/2 a million AUD through their site without any issues.

Good work

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: trackpantsboner on January 15, 2014, 03:26:07 AM
I deposited $1000 cash a week ago, it is still not in my account and they are not replying to me.

I accidentally used the same deposit reference as a previous deposit - so it looks like if you do that, they just keep your money.

Anyone got a phone number or a street address so I can go and get my effing money from them?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on January 15, 2014, 09:55:14 AM
I deposited $1000 cash a week ago, it is still not in my account and they are not replying to me.

I accidentally used the same deposit reference as a previous deposit - so it looks like if you do that, they just keep your money.

Anyone got a phone number or a street address so I can go and get my effing money from them?

Did you try looking on their website?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: trackpantsboner on January 15, 2014, 10:57:32 AM
Ah, thanks

Problem was fixed an hour after my post anyway.

Back to being a fan of coinjar!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: MPOE-PR on January 15, 2014, 10:59:27 PM
Id just like to voice my support for

Im no fan of zhoutong at all, I still consider what happened with bitcoinica to be an ugly corrupt mess with him at the center of it all.

That being said, I have used frequently over the last 4 months and they have enabled me to pay off my house with my bitcoin investment.
Ive processed nearly 1/2 a million AUD through their site without any issues.

Good work

On the internet nobody knows you live in a doghouse?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Qwiner on January 17, 2014, 01:21:11 PM
Fellow Aussies, check out this website as well       

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: noident on January 29, 2014, 03:58:34 AM
I've used Coinjar before once, and everything went as advertised.
But this second time I am having problems with my deposit at the bank not coming through (filler still doesn't show the money in my account).
As I have used their printout NAB deposit slip, there can be no mistake on my part.
24 hours later - no money, coinjar isn't replying to emails or tickets raised at their site.
Not happy.
Will go elsewhere next time.
Buyer beware coinjar, definitely.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Kapz786 on January 29, 2014, 11:08:31 AM
I've used Coinjar before once, and everything went as advertised.
But this second time I am having problems with my deposit at the bank not coming through (filler still doesn't show the money in my account).
As I have used their printout NAB deposit slip, there can be no mistake on my part.
24 hours later - no money, coinjar isn't replying to emails or tickets raised at their site.
Not happy.
Will go elsewhere next time.
Buyer beware coinjar, definitely.

Have used them many times never let me down - if the operator that entered your deposit got a digit wrong etc on the reference number it will have to manually be processed and takes time

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on February 18, 2014, 10:59:06 PM
I've used Coinjar before once, and everything went as advertised.
But this second time I am having problems with my deposit at the bank not coming through (filler still doesn't show the money in my account).
As I have used their printout NAB deposit slip, there can be no mistake on my part.
24 hours later - no money, coinjar isn't replying to emails or tickets raised at their site.
Not happy.
Will go elsewhere next time.
Buyer beware coinjar, definitely.

So, did your money come through eventually?  I would have hoped after a posting such as yours, you would have at least had the decency to come back and either confirm they stole your money, or that it eventually came through.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: jubalix on February 20, 2014, 02:58:13 AM
hi, where are you getting your spot rate from? it seems quire high

667.7894??? USD

when on bit coin wisdom it looks about $630 USD excluding gox

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: only on March 10, 2014, 03:26:56 PM
Paid for a domain name on Nameterrific, domain unavailable, no reply from support for at least a week.

Zhou Tong get back to me asap!

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: manatwork on March 19, 2014, 06:16:16 AM
I would say that their customer services are very very bad, send them a support ticket 10 days ago to clarify a btc payment, answer 1 question had to wait for 2~3 days,got nothing sort out after 10 days, they just ignore you. stay away from them people.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ldr77 on April 11, 2014, 05:07:28 AM
NAB severs ties with bitcoin vendors.
Basically after May 2nd CoinJar customers will no longer be able to deposit AUD through National Australia Bank.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on April 12, 2014, 02:39:07 AM
I've used Coinjar before once, and everything went as advertised.
But this second time I am having problems with my deposit at the bank not coming through (filler still doesn't show the money in my account).
As I have used their printout NAB deposit slip, there can be no mistake on my part.
24 hours later - no money, coinjar isn't replying to emails or tickets raised at their site.
Not happy.
Will go elsewhere next time.
Buyer beware coinjar, definitely.

I doubt its coinjar themselves.

NAB severs ties with bitcoin vendors.
Basically after May 2nd CoinJar customers will no longer be able to deposit AUD through National Australia Bank.

I think this is the issue, coinjar is again without a bank to work with.
Ive no doubt your BTC deposit and withdrawals are working but it looks like the powers that be are not finished fucking around with bitcoin businesses.

edit: seems still have some BTC etc there, I'll fire off a $100 withdrawal now and report if it doesnt come through in the usual time.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: mem on April 14, 2014, 11:45:23 AM
bump, $50 came though no issues.

I heard through the grapevine that coinjar has already switched to a new bank from NAB, so well done to them :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Kapz786 on April 14, 2014, 01:44:59 PM
bump, $50 came though no issues.

I heard through the grapevine that coinjar has already switched to a new bank from NAB, so well done to them :)

Yep I have always thought they are pretty solid

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: sprucemoose on May 07, 2014, 09:51:21 AM
CoinJar announced there new deposit/Filler plans today.

From the 10th onwards you will be able to deposit using BPay.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: redmetal on July 03, 2014, 06:15:38 AM
Nice new sign up program, $5 free to sign up and be verified :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: ojm on July 11, 2014, 06:24:53 AM
CoinJar DNA

Become a part of CoinJar's evolution. Apply now and get early access to our new Swipe™ card and all new apps.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: nmderr on July 12, 2014, 11:52:48 AM
Zhou Tong?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Seanzqt on July 15, 2014, 10:05:32 PM
I like CoinJar, however, their site doesn't tell me like Xapo would on how much my BTC are worth - either that or I am looking in the wrong place :D

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: hodap on July 16, 2014, 11:11:05 PM
Is coinjar still operating?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on July 19, 2014, 01:29:18 AM
Is coinjar still operating?

Yes. I get regular emails and have used them many times.

Start off with a small purchase if you are tentative (if you are new they limit your buying ability and build it up over each subsequent trade in any case).

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: DhaniBoy on August 10, 2014, 05:33:05 PM
Hi Bitcointalk,

I'm Ryan Zhou (aka zhoutong). I recently joined a Melbourne-based Bitcoin startup with two other co-founders Asher (Australian economist and business writer) and Jerrold (Enterprise software engineer with 10 years of experience). I think it's great to give bitcointalk forum members a quick update and overview about what we are doing and how we are improving the Bitcoin economy.


"CoinJar is a Melbourne-based startup bridging the divide between digital currency and the dollars in your wallet. Bitcoin was naturally the best place to start, being the world's leading digital currency. Founded in 2013, we quickly caught the eye of early start-up investor AngelCube who have generously provided us seed funding and mentorship."

Currently we offer three Bitcoin services:


CoinJar is a hosted Bitcoin wallet ("hosted" means "store just enough for transactional purposes and NEVER use it for savings") that integrates well with other parts of the platform. To be honest, there's nothing too much we can innovate on Bitcoin hosted wallets because they are so simple. However, we aim to deliver the best possible user experience. Aside from the web, we are also building an iPhone app for CoinJar wallet with great mobile experience (finally).

Please note that CoinJar wallet is a full-reserve platform with automated sweep to cold storage and we will never use customer funds for our business expenses. That said, be aware with any hosted wallet service. We recommend against our users to use CoinJar for Bitcoin savings. Always use cold storage!

CoinJar Checkout

CoinJar Checkout is the best Bitcoin merchant solution. We provide a PayPal-compatible API (in addition to our standard RESTful API) to help any online merchant to integrate. On top of that, industry-standard features: 1% fee, daily settlement in local currency (Australia only for now) and exchange rate guaranteed for 15 minutes.

CoinJar Filler

This is our killer app. Most other Australian Bitcoin buying sites charge excessive fees (usually 8-10%) and we really HATE to see that. A high fee will severely limit adoption and result in bad consumer confidence. Even though Australia has a well-developed financial system, when it comes to anything related retail foreign exchange services, it's a straight-up nightmare (even major banks in Australia all charge ridiculous ~4% spread each side for AUD/USD TT rate). As a full-service Bitcoin startup, we have sufficient liquidity available from our merchant solution and arrangements with institutional forex brokers (who give us wholesale rates), we want to pass on the savings to consumers by charging a just 2% flat fee.

Both Checkout and Filler are Australia-only for now, but we are definitely interested in expanding overseas. (Contact us at if you're interested in partnerships. Please reference this post when you contact us.)

We also have a by-product:

Melbourne Bitcoin Euthusiasts meetup! (

I attended yesterday's first meet-up session with 17 other Bitcoiners. It was really a great event and CoinJar plans to do it approximately every two months. So please join the meetup group if you're located in Melbourne!

Let me know if you have any feedback with our service offerings. Feel free to comment in the forum post.

We are in the process of setting up a company bitcointalk account.

this is become a competitor of bitcoins
but you fix the system, until it's same as bitcoin system

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on August 11, 2014, 06:43:19 AM
Is coinjar still operating?

Yes. I get regular emails and have used them many times.

Start off with a small purchase if you are tentative (if you are new they limit your buying ability and build it up over each subsequent trade in any case).

And always remember, any bitcoins that someone else holds the private key for aren't really your bitcoins. 

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Rodyland on August 11, 2014, 06:43:44 AM
this is become a competitor of bitcoins
but you fix the system, until it's same as bitcoin system

Don't take this the wrong way, but..... Can we get this in English please?

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: redmetal on August 13, 2014, 02:36:14 AM
Nice new sign up program, $5 free to sign up and be verified :)

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: goose20 on September 03, 2014, 07:28:17 AM
Anyone know/can explain how coinjar workout their buy price?

Its always been around the actual market price. But the market price for the last 24 hours has been $475-$478 or so and coinjar price has been $488-$490. Then they add their fee on top of that.

Seems like double dipping. Has there been an announced change in their pricing?


Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: perlboy on September 30, 2014, 03:54:41 PM
Hi coinjar & Co,

Firstly, congratulations on launching a service which many in Australia will no doubt use. I do have one question though, you specify there's only 2% on the current spot price. For Australian customers does this include the GST element of 10%? If it does and given that once your revenue exceeds $75K you would be required to charge GST how is charging 2% on current spot price sustainable?



Without a specific ruling from the ATO, we consider Bitcoin input-taxed supply, just like shares, bonds, derivatives, foreign currencies and precious metals. That means you have to pay GST for goods and services when you make purchases using Bitcoin.

The 2% fee itself already includes GST, because we charge 2% for the service we provide, and we will absorb it for now. (We may increase the fee to 2.2% if our profit is affected by GST, but there's no immediate plan.) Currently for CoinJar Checkout merchants, we give them access to a paper trail of GST paid, so they can easily claim GST credits if they are eligible.

(We are still in the process of GST registration, but the registration will be backdated to our incorporation date.)

Ok, and further to this since you're targeting the use of a tax ruling associated with financial services and intend to onsell them to end users (essentially acting a currency exchange) does this mean coinjar has an Australian Financial Services license and conversely is coinjar registered with AUSTRAC to ensure money laundering regulations are adhered to?


And, we come back to this and link it with this:

I wonder what the ATO will think about prior GST collections.. Hopefully Coinjar will get an exception on past transactions.

Good luck cause Mr. ATO isn't someone you want to annoy.



Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Gyrsur on October 21, 2014, 07:13:30 PM
got an email and it sounds like zhoutong (;u=38455) in his best days with Bitcoinica (

It's your last chance to claim $5

Hi Stupid

You are eligible to claim $5 when you activate and identify with CoinJar. This offer ends on Friday 25 October, so don't miss out - activate and get identified now.
Claim your credit now.
Activating Filler and getting identified lets you buy and sell bitcoin and makes you eligible for CoinJar Swipe, our bitcoin EFTPOS card.
Copyright © 2014 CoinJar Pty Ltd, All rights reserved.
CoinJar users who have opted to receive communications from CoinJar.

Our mailing address is:
CoinJar Pty Ltd
P.O. Box 116
Collins Street West, VIC 8007

oh, his other business came to an end. maybe he realized that serious business is not so easy for getting rich than stealing other people coins.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: js1985 on August 21, 2015, 03:12:02 PM
Can someone from coinjar pls PM me regarding a transaction I am trying to do that requires human intervention? Want to use coinjar to trade but need something done first.

Coinjar will make $1k commission from me, so please pm me :)

Please submit a ticket on I'm mainly working on technical stuff but there will be other people in the team to help you out while I'm not available.

Avoid Coinjar and any project this Zhoutong motherfucker has ever started, he always shafts his users

he is the scum of the bitcoin world

I still have domains stranged in his nameterrific project, and I heard he screwed users with bitcoinica project

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Sir_lagsalot on October 31, 2015, 09:40:02 PM
Does coinjar use a shared wallet? Or does it have a new address for every single deposit

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: OutCast3k on November 09, 2015, 03:22:59 PM
Why is there not a huge warning in bright red flashing colours on this thread and coinjars website making everyone aware of Zhou Tong's background and history which meant many users lost their bitcoin in what looks like a huge scam??

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: CoinSkipper on November 12, 2015, 08:36:09 PM
Why is the minimum loan 1 bitcoin? I've never many loans and I would have borrowed from you guys but you guys didn't let me buy 0.1 BTC.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: 1future74 on February 05, 2018, 01:51:29 AM
@GetCoinJar whats going on with the support ,,, This just so slow..... 2FA is locking people out without any reason,,,, website has Bugs .... Requested deposit Cancellation from Bank.... #Coinjarsupportstepupthegame 

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: Kapz786 on February 05, 2018, 03:02:30 AM
@GetCoinJar whats going on with the support ,,, This just so slow..... 2FA is locking people out without any reason,,,, website has Bugs .... Requested deposit Cancellation from Bank.... #Coinjarsupportstepupthegame 

They are very average - dont trust them one bit. BTC Markets is much better and cheaper.

Title: Re: CoinJar - Australia's first VC-backed Bitcoin startup
Post by: NickoCrypto on April 03, 2018, 09:26:48 PM
I recently joined Coinjar and their support team are great though they recently made a change to their verification system, I used Austpost ID when I joined.  Now they want a JoP to verify my I’d documents and send them into them.

The problem is they want to hold your money for a minimum of 7days to deter fraudsters from using their exchange. However they never sent out any notification this would be happening and I have been locked out of the market for a week nearly and been unable to buy alt coin.

I also notice their BTC price is delayed or different from current market by a few hundred dollars.