Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: coderrr on June 30, 2011, 06:16:22 PM

Title: .
Post by: coderrr on June 30, 2011, 06:16:22 PM

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on July 05, 2011, 06:42:11 PM
Hey guys I'm interested in getting people's thoughts on this.

- see all addresses, including change

- see which addresses are linked together (does recursive expansion of address linkages)

- select which address(es) to send from, rather than letting the client to chose for you

So what can you do about this? If you don’t have any Bitcoin yet then you can just make sure to use separate wallets for addresses you don’t want being mixed together.

That’s why I’ve made a patch to the official client which allows you to send from _only_ a single specific address.

I’ve added a ‘Send From Address’ tab to the main interface. It actually contains information which was impossible to get from the client before. That is, every address in your wallet and the balance thereof. This includes addresses which were created for the change of your outgoing transactions.

YES with a capital FANTASTIC!

I'm not even trying to be anonymous, but I still have a dozen wallets to keep track of 'accounts'. These patches bring us a long way toward personal financial control. I'd like to similarly be able to right click on a group of linked addresses and export them into a separate wallet... (as well as import wallets). I'm very happy to see all addresses, whether used in a transaction or not! Perhaps the ability to generate 'x' for the keypool buffer (and maybe delete unused addresses) would be handy.

I look forward to seeing your patch in the mainline along with encrypted keys!

Muchas gracias!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on July 13, 2011, 06:06:51 PM
I've repatched my changes onto v0.3.24rc1, see here:

I'll release new builds once the official v0.3.24 is released

I'm surprised this post generated so little chatter. Have you re-patched 0.3.24?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Mike Hearn on July 13, 2011, 07:22:34 PM
I hadn't seen it before. It looks neat. I worry about UI complexity though. This is definitely a power user feature.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 13, 2011, 08:01:04 PM
I'm an interested Windows user!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on July 14, 2011, 01:26:14 AM
I hadn't seen it before. It looks neat. I worry about UI complexity though. This is definitely a power user feature.

Well maybe, but I am driven batty by the opacity of the C++ client. Only the destination address is available (even if you double click the transaction). I find all the hidden features make it more complicated to use and understand.

Users don't understand why they should need to backup (again and again). They don't understand why it is not anonymous or how it could be. They don't understand 'copying' a wallet and certainly not the implications. I don't think users are dumb but the client is making them dumb. Even if a user never uses the 'addresses' tab, simply showing them their own addresses might produce an ah-ha moment.

Hey Coderrr, do you think you could release a 32-bit linux build?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: old_engineer on July 14, 2011, 01:44:04 AM
I'm all for it!  This is exactly what seems to be needed.  Can this get into the main release as an "advanced" option selection?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: QuantumMechanic on July 14, 2011, 02:03:55 AM
Can this get into the main release as an "advanced" option selection?
Was just about to say the same thing.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: HostFat on July 14, 2011, 06:43:27 AM
Can you make a Pull Request?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 07:42:23 AM
I'm an interested Windows user!

just finished the windows build:
Says it's not a valid Win32 application...?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: HostFat on July 14, 2011, 03:18:37 PM
It's better to put a pull request and see responses ;)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 04:28:46 PM
This is very interesting... on my work computer's wallet, all addresses except for one are linked together.  :o  Haven't checked my home computer's wallet yet.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 04:32:52 PM
This is very interesting... on my work computer's wallet, all addresses except for one are linked together.  :o  Haven't checked my home computer's wallet yet.

Yes, welcome to bitcoin ;P
New challenge for you:  Reverse it, so that I can type in any address and find out what other addresses are associated with it.  :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on July 14, 2011, 05:08:04 PM
This is very interesting... on my work computer's wallet, all addresses except for one are linked together.  :o  Haven't checked my home computer's wallet yet.

Yes, welcome to bitcoin ;P

Hey Coderrr, how many transactions back makes a link? Are C and E linked?:

A -> B -> C

A -> D -> E

I'm asking because I've done a lot of work to 'force' this property by splitting my coins into multiple wallets. I might like to merge many of the wallets (with different keys) if the clients start to behave predictably.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 06:55:08 PM
Question:  How do you know which address is the change address?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 07:02:50 PM
Question:  How do you know which address is the change address?

Your client knows which part of the transaction is the change because you own the key for that address.
Ahhhh, good point.  From the outside then, it would be much more difficult to 100% associate such addresses.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on July 14, 2011, 07:19:11 PM
Question:  How do you know which address is the change address?

Your client knows which part of the transaction is the change because you own the key for that address.
Ahhhh, good point.  From the outside then, it would be much more difficult to 100% associate such addresses.

From the outside you have a 50/50 chance AT WORST assuming you're looking at a tx from an official bitcoin client.  My guess is most of the time you have a much better chance at guessing which part of the transaction is the change than 50/50.  For example, on a transaction where the payment is 1 BTC and the change is 2.0291 BTC, it's pretty obvious which part is the change.  I haven't done too much research on how often change amts are obvious but I just decided to be conservative and assume they're always identifiable.
Oh definitely - I won't disagree with you there.  But that's why I said 100%...

Still, that would be an interesting project to undertake.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: QuantumMechanic on July 15, 2011, 12:10:54 AM
I'd like it be be in the main client, but I'd like it to be called "privacy mode", as opposed to "advanced view", for its educational effect. 

For further educational effect, privacy mode could enable informational warnings that let you know which addresses/identites are being linked during a transaction.

If address labels have multiple entries: identity, one to distinguish same-identity addresses, and an "Is Reused?" checkbox for send addresses that you know or expect get reused with multiple people, then the messages generated can be much more personalized and succinct, and will hit home better.

Imagine if when you tried to send some bitcoins you got a warning like this:


This transaction will reveal to


That you own 957 BTC minus the 2 you're currently sending to them, and that you received 955.5 of them from RichMistress on June 2, 2011 at 11:38 AM (for extra effect, assume her identity is public knowledge because you know she reuses addresses with multiple people ;)), and 1.5 from address 1B... on May 1, 2011 at 4:56 PM.


That you're sending 2 BTC to address 1M... right now, and that you received 1.5 from address 1B... on May 1, 2011 at 4:56 PM.


That you're sending 2 BTC to address 1M... right now, and that you received 955.5 BTC from RichMistress on July 12, 2011 at 11:38 AM.

If this is too revealing, then use the Send To Address tab to manually select the addresses to send from.

Or maybe replace ShadyDude with Wikileaks' public address, and RichMistress with BusinessIPatronize (who happens to reuse the same address and needed to send you a refund one time, and who is now being subpoenaed by the Stasi into identifying you as the owner of the address the sent the refund to in order to prove you donated to Wikileaks).

Clearly address reuse is really bad for privacy, and the consequences are not internalized to the address re-users, so I think new address requests (and labeling) should be automated for all clients, not just privacy-conscious ones.

Sorry if this is obvious or flawed - I'm new to this stuff - but here's an idea for how to do this:

This can be done by having a contacts list, and a single master public key from each of their contacts, from which they can deterministically derive as many addresses as they want.  These addresses can't be associated by outsiders as long as the master public key is kept secret.  See this post by Stefan ( and the one below by gmaxwell about choosing a sequence of serial numbers for how it might be implemented: .

Of course lost master private keys will be a problem, but this can be mitigated by users having (untrusted) storage servers that serve the master public keys to their contacts (the same one that syncs your everyday-use wallet between devices?).  This way they can be easily changed at any time, all at once, and in one place, if necessary, and the contacts will always check that they're up to date.

Hopefully privacy mode would also turn on Tor as well.

Considering the "Bitcoin is anonymous" spin in the media, I really think we're going to have a lot of people unwittingly find themselves in a lot of trouble with criminals, spouses, friends, governments, etc. if they can't easily learn how Bitcoin is working for them in practice.  Somebody said here that users aren't stupid, but the client is making them stupid, and I completely agree.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Gavin Andresen on July 15, 2011, 12:55:23 AM
Does this patch give any sort of warning if bitcoin isn't being used through a proxy?

I worry that a user will be REALLY careful keeping all their addresses separated so their ordinary transactions are separate from their fund-the-oppositition transactions, and then will get busted by the Secret Police who were eavesdropping on their bitcoin IP traffic at their ISP.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: old_engineer on July 15, 2011, 03:44:08 AM
Does this patch give any sort of warning if bitcoin isn't being used through a proxy?

I worry that a user will be REALLY careful keeping all their addresses separated so their ordinary transactions are separate from their fund-the-oppositition transactions, and then will get busted by the Secret Police who were eavesdropping on their bitcoin IP traffic at their ISP.

They're clearly separate issues that can be tackled one at a time.  This patch increases privacy with respect to all transaction partners, and those that can identify the transaction partners, but does not change anything with respect to eavesdroppers.  Which is fine - why conflate the two issues?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Gavin Andresen on July 15, 2011, 07:02:03 AM
why conflate the two issues?

Because to non-technical users, "privacy" is a single feature, not a series of separate technical issues.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on July 15, 2011, 07:52:50 AM
Does this patch give any sort of warning if bitcoin isn't being used through a proxy?

It raises the valid question whether the satoshi bitcoin client should actually have some kind of warning/button/icon to indicate that it isn't being used through a proxy.

(I mean checking in the Options... is not hard but all browsers now have the little padlock icon when a secure SSL connection is active ... for example.)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: figvam on July 17, 2011, 08:57:23 PM
Could you also compile a 32-bit Linux binary?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on July 17, 2011, 11:01:43 PM
why conflate the two issues?

Because to non-technical users, "privacy" is a single feature, not a series of separate technical issues.

Neither feature impacts nor increases the urgent need for the other and neither could claim to be the final "privacy" feature.

Could you also compile a 32-bit Linux binary?

I've failed to compile wxWidgets 2.9.2 and couldn't compile the patch with wxWidgets 2.8 on 32-bit Ubuntu 11.04  :'(

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ctoon6 on July 18, 2011, 06:48:02 PM
Does this patch give any sort of warning if bitcoin isn't being used through a proxy?

I worry that a user will be REALLY careful keeping all their addresses separated so their ordinary transactions are separate from their fund-the-oppositition transactions, and then will get busted by the Secret Police who were eavesdropping on their bitcoin IP traffic at their ISP.

I see what you're saying although I don't think that's really a fair criticism of the patch.  Obtaining any really high level of anonymity is a very complex endeavor that no patch alone will get you.

This patch and a tor patch and an integrated laundering patch would just about cover it.

It may even be worthwhile to make a network almost exactly like tor, except only for bitcoin.

Title: A 'Redistribute coins' button
Post by: Suggester on July 23, 2011, 01:39:35 PM
That's just excellent work. I'm surprised it generated so little buzz and isn't adopted into the official client until now.

On a separate note, Suggester suggests a Redistribute coins button, an option which moves all your funds to a chosen number of new wallets with the desired proportion of your current coins assigned for each. A user would then be able to consolidate his wealth from all his, say, 17 addresses into just 3 new ones, with the first one containing 49% of his coins, the second one 26%, and the third 25% (he will be able to assign those %'s arbitrarily using a simple interface). Similarly, he might want to break up his single wallet into, say, 4 different wallets, using them for 4 different purposes. When the transactions clear after 10 minutes, it'll be harder for anyone to prove that this user still owns the coins previously associated with his identity.

For the suggestion to be practical for anonymity purposes though, I strongly recommend another adjustable option where the user chooses how much time to assign for the whole operation. For example, choosing "63.2 hours" would move random chunks of the coins into their new distribution over that period of time (the client would have to be connected for the whole duration). That would make plausible deniability much stronger because you usually don't have 17 people simultaneously sending all their coins to 3 new addresses! If done correctly, it will be virtually impossible after that for anyone to prove that he still owns the coins. We're essentially simulating a change-of-ownership.

This can all be currently done using windows explorer and separate wallet files, but it'll be a big pain in the butt.

Title: Re: A 'Redistribute coins' button
Post by: SgtSpike on July 25, 2011, 08:27:46 PM
That's just excellent work. I'm surprised it generated so little buzz and isn't adopted into the official client until now.

On a separate note, Suggester suggests a Redistribute coins button, an option which moves all your funds to a chosen number of new wallets with the desired proportion of your current coins assigned for each. A user would then be able to consolidate his wealth from all his, say, 17 addresses into just 3 new ones, with the first one containing 49% of his coins, the second one 26%, and the third 25% (he will be able to assign those %'s arbitrarily using a simple interface). Similarly, he might want to break up his single wallet into, say, 4 different wallets, using them for 4 different purposes. When the transactions clear after 10 minutes, it'll be harder for anyone to prove that this user still owns the coins previously associated with his identity.

For the suggestion to be practical for anonymity purposes though, I strongly recommend another adjustable option where the user chooses how much time to assign for the whole operation. For example, choosing "63.2 hours" would move random chunks of the coins into their new distribution over that period of time (the client would have to be connected for the whole duration). That would make plausible deniability much stronger because you usually don't have 17 people simultaneously sending all their coins to 3 new addresses! If done correctly, it will be virtually impossible after that for anyone to prove that he still owns the coins. We're essentially simulating a change-of-ownership.

This can all be currently done using windows explorer and separate wallet files, but it'll be a big pain in the butt.
That would be a great feature of an online wallet website.  Just send funds with the parameters and addresses, and it'll all be done automatically by the site for a small fee.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: cjp on November 14, 2011, 06:34:04 PM
I really need this patch! Is it available for version 0.4.0?

It doesn't seem to be in the standard client (0.4.0) yet. Why not? Sure, advertising it as an anonymity feature might give false expectations, but the same is true for the current client, since Bitcoin already has an anonymity reputation. This feature is not sufficient for complete anonymity, but it is a necessary (IMHO) component of a anonymous set-up, and as such it is a useful addition to the client. Sure, it adds complexity to the user interface (I haven't seen it yet), but this can easily be an 'optional' feature (and disabled by default), can't it?

Besides, I need it for a completely different reason: I want to manage several separated accounts, for an open source software development 'bounty' system (e.g., 'if you want to have this feature, send BTC to that address'). I want others to be able to see how much has been donated so far (or even how much they can receive if they implement the requested feature), so I don't want to accidentally spend bitcoins from the donation address.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: pointbiz on November 16, 2011, 03:14:25 AM
I really need this patch! Is it available for version 0.4.0?

It doesn't seem to be in the standard client (0.4.0) yet. Why not? Sure, advertising it as an anonymity feature might give false expectations, but the same is true for the current client, since Bitcoin already has an anonymity reputation. This feature is not sufficient for complete anonymity, but it is a necessary (IMHO) component of a anonymous set-up, and as such it is a useful addition to the client. Sure, it adds complexity to the user interface (I haven't seen it yet), but this can easily be an 'optional' feature (and disabled by default), can't it?

Besides, I need it for a completely different reason: I want to manage several separated accounts, for an open source software development 'bounty' system (e.g., 'if you want to have this feature, send BTC to that address'). I want others to be able to see how much has been donated so far (or even how much they can receive if they implement the requested feature), so I don't want to accidentally spend bitcoins from the donation address.

It's possible  could be useful for you to create separate accounts which you won't accidentally spend.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: btc_artist on November 17, 2011, 07:52:44 PM
TLDR: this patch allows you to:
- see all addresses, including change
- see which addresses are linked together (does recursive expansion of address linkages)
- select which address(es) to send from, rather than letting the client to chose for you
Very nice. I hadn't seen this before now.

why conflate the two issues?
Because to non-technical users, "privacy" is a single feature, not a series of separate technical issues.
You have an excellent point about how non-technical users view privacy.  But you have to take a series of small steps to achieve a larger goal.  In privacy mode, Google Chrome lists several ways your privacy could still be compromised, yet that didn't keep them from adding privacy mode.  This patch should be added to the official client, but will obviously not be the last privacy-related improvement to bitcoin.

I updated the code for 0.4 but never released builds since I didn't perceive any demand for them.  The code is now updated for the 0.5 qt gui so once 0.5 is officially released I'll release builds with my patch as well.
Awesome.  I'll patch 0.5 when I start using it.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: cjp on November 17, 2011, 07:54:09 PM
It's possible  could be useful for you to create separate accounts which you won't accidentally spend.
Thanks for the suggestion. Isn't it true that I can do the same with some Linux scripts? I think I've read something like that in another thread. I'd prefer that approach, since I don't really trust arbitrary websites. It might secretly remember the private keys of the generated addresses and its operators might decide to cash out as soon as a certain amount of money is stored on addresses generated by them.

Anyway, I think this still requires a patch in my Bitcoin client, so that I can later import the private key.

I updated the code for 0.4 but never released builds since I didn't perceive any demand for them.  The code is now updated for the 0.5 qt gui so once 0.5 is officially released I'll release builds with my patch as well.

I don't need builds; please give me an URL for the source code of the version 0.4 patch. I'll give your code a quick security review (so hopefully it won't be too large) and then I'll compile my own client.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: btc_artist on November 17, 2011, 08:15:37 PM
I'd prefer that approach, since I don't really trust arbitrary websites. It might secretly remember the private keys of the generated addresses and its operators might decide to cash out as soon as a certain amount of money is stored on addresses generated by them. is designed so that you can download the HTML/JS file(s) and run them on an offline machine.  It's all done in Javascript client-side and nothing goes to the server.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: netrin on November 18, 2011, 04:31:53 AM
I don't need builds; please give me an URL for the source code of the version 0.4 patch. I'll give your code a quick security review (so hopefully it won't be too large) and then I'll compile my own client.

From the OP:

My github bitcoin fork:
The commits with the changes:

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: luv2drnkbr on November 24, 2011, 05:01:09 AM
Thank you!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: 0ni0ns on December 14, 2011, 08:43:18 PM
Any chance of a windows build of 0.5 with the patch?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on December 15, 2011, 06:30:50 AM
Any chance of a windows build of 0.5 with the patch?


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on December 15, 2011, 08:26:06 AM
Any chance of a windows build of 0.5 with the patch?


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: finway on December 15, 2011, 08:48:59 AM
That's where needs really are.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: mintymark on December 15, 2011, 09:39:18 AM
I have to say that having read this, I am very disappointed. The anonymity available in bitcoin comes done to this: with special tools, a specialist will be able to violate the anonymity of anyone using the standard client. Shouldn't this be fixed at the protocol level? Perhaps by exchange of bitcoin amounts with random clients, these transactions might disguise legitimate transactions breaking the chain of address dependency.  This is not 'what it says on the box'!

Its true that eves-dropping is an issue, but its another issue, and in particular it requires action beforehand, while the blockchain is a permanent record, so can be analysed years afterwards to prove that I was sending money to more than one hot_lady!  (or whatever!)

Eves-dropping is an issue, but its not a reason for lack of action on this issue, Gavin, how could you imply such a thing? It sounds like an excuse for inaction.

While I really applaud the work of coderr and the Bitcoin authors, anonymity is a part of Bitcoins promise, this post makes it clear to me that for now at least, the past blockchain can be forensically analysed to reveal far more information than a casual user would expect. We need to see how we can deliver on this promise.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on December 15, 2011, 05:21:55 PM
I have to say that having read this, I am very disappointed. The anonymity available in bitcoin comes done to this: with special tools, a specialist will be able to violate the anonymity of anyone using the standard client. Shouldn't this be fixed at the protocol level? Perhaps by exchange of bitcoin amounts with random clients, these transactions might disguise legitimate transactions breaking the chain of address dependency.  This is not 'what it says on the box'!

Its true that eves-dropping is an issue, but its another issue, and in particular it requires action beforehand, while the blockchain is a permanent record, so can be analysed years afterwards to prove that I was sending money to more than one hot_lady!  (or whatever!)

Eves-dropping is an issue, but its not a reason for lack of action on this issue, Gavin, how could you imply such a thing? It sounds like an excuse for inaction.

While I really applaud the work of coderr and the Bitcoin authors, anonymity is a part of Bitcoins promise, this post makes it clear to me that for now at least, the past blockchain can be forensically analysed to reveal far more information than a casual user would expect. We need to see how we can deliver on this promise.
The bottom line is, Bitcoin should have never been advertised as being anonymous, because it simply isn't true.  At least, not with the default client.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kwukduck on December 16, 2011, 11:35:53 PM

 I really wonder why this hasn't been adopted by the main client yet, anonymity is one of bitcoin's key aspects, yet every transaction potentially leaks a lot of addresses you don't wish to be associated with.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: old_engineer on December 17, 2011, 10:04:41 PM
+1 - it's not just for anonymity, it's also a look under the hood at addresses, which helps when explaining how bitcoin works.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Red Emerald on December 18, 2011, 01:45:48 AM
Watching this.

This should really be made into a pull request

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Red Emerald on December 18, 2011, 07:21:36 PM
Watching this.

This should really be made into a pull request

from my last reply on this thread

Here is the pull request, +1 it if you guys want to see this patch get into core:
Dunno how I missed that. Awesome.

Any help needed with testing? From reading the comments, it looks like that is all the pull request needs.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: bccasino on December 18, 2011, 08:35:38 PM
fantastic, ver 0.5.1 works great!

Thank you very much, this should really be part of the default client feature  :o

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: K1773R on December 19, 2011, 06:01:28 AM
thanks alot :)

EDIT: you forgot to put bitcoind in the archive ;)
compiling on my own then :P

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: btc_artist on December 19, 2011, 04:16:38 PM
+1 - it's not just for anonymity, it's also a look under the hood at addresses, which helps when explaining how bitcoin works.
This is an important aspect of it.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: 0ni0ns on January 04, 2012, 10:10:29 PM
I sometimes get a message saying error creating transaction when I want to empty an address and don't manually include the fee. This should probably be changed to the exceeds balance when fee is included message instead.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on January 26, 2012, 10:25:08 PM
Okay... what am I doing wrong? I had Bitcoin 0.5.2 installed, and I copied the bitcoin-qt.exe from the patch over the original exe. I re-ran it, and verified it says version 0.5.1 now, but I don't see anything for "send from address".

Any ideas? Thanks!


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on January 27, 2012, 03:03:44 AM

Great patch btw, it should be integrated into the main branch

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kjj on January 28, 2012, 01:04:56 AM
When you spend bitcoins, you redeem transactions that were previously sent to you.  To redeem a transaction, you have to redeem the whole transaction.  So, the client looks through the database and finds a set of available transactions that add up to more than your spend attempt.  It then creates a new transaction that redeems all of the selected subset and transfers the balance to the destination address.  Unless the spend amount happens somehow to be exactly the total of the redeemed transactions, there will be change due.  This change is sent to a new address pulled from your wallet's spare key pool.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Hawkix on January 29, 2012, 01:23:20 AM
Can I "empty" several of my addresses to single, already existing, MY OWN address?

I am getting "Error: Transaction creation failed".

Can it be "not enough money on all specified addresses to take a required fee from it" problem?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on January 29, 2012, 02:18:27 AM
Can I "empty" several of my addresses to single, already existing, MY OWN address?

I am getting "Error: Transaction creation failed".

Can it be "not enough money on all specified addresses to take a required fee from it" problem?

I also have the same issue.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Hawkix on February 02, 2012, 02:48:20 PM
Can I "empty" several of my addresses to single, already existing, MY OWN address?

I am getting "Error: Transaction creation failed".

Can it be "not enough money on all specified addresses to take a required fee from it" problem?

yes, most likely the tx needs the 0.0005 fee, so transfer the total amount minus that fee and it should be fine

How about to show the "Fee needed" dialog in such a case instead of failing with an error?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on February 10, 2012, 10:45:32 PM
Question -- how do I specify multiple source addresses for sending BTC?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: marked on February 11, 2012, 02:22:47 PM
Question -- how do I specify multiple source addresses for sending BTC?

(even though it's probably CTRL-click, for the sake of completeness...)

Settings - options - display
check that Display advanced anonymity features is ticked
click OK

There should be a new tab between address book and export

Go to Send coins and look at the bottom where it says send from:

Click anonymity

click the address you want to send from, and it will highlight in blue.
CTRL-click to add more addresses.

go to Send coins, at the bottom you will see the selected address(es). You can delete or add addresses directly here, each address separated with a ; (semi-colon)

if there is insufficient funds in the selected addresses it will error and you will need to reduce the amount or  use another tab.

CTRL-clicking all addresses is equivalent to having none selected. ie the client will use up to all of the addresses that contain balances to calculate.

Don't forget that there is a tx fee for EACH address used, not one combined fee.


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: mcorlett on February 11, 2012, 02:53:19 PM
Can we have this rebased against 0.6?


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: marked on February 11, 2012, 03:05:43 PM
Can we have this rebased against 0.6?


Would be nice but isn't 0.6 still RC?

Also would like the ability to see tx fees as either a separate transaction linked to the send, or as a separate column.
something the can be done through the options |display.


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on February 11, 2012, 09:25:36 PM
Question -- how do I specify multiple source addresses for sending BTC?

(even though it's probably CTRL-click, for the sake of completeness...)

Settings - options - display
check that Display advanced anonymity features is ticked
click OK

There should be a new tab between address book and export

Go to Send coins and look at the bottom where it says send from:

Click anonymity

click the address you want to send from, and it will highlight in blue.
CTRL-click to add more addresses.

go to Send coins, at the bottom you will see the selected address(es). You can delete or add addresses directly here, each address separated with a ; (semi-colon)

if there is insufficient funds in the selected addresses it will error and you will need to reduce the amount or  use another tab.

CTRL-clicking all addresses is equivalent to having none selected. ie the client will use up to all of the addresses that contain balances to calculate.

Don't forget that there is a tx fee for EACH address used, not one combined fee.


Awesome! Thanks.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: btc_artist on February 13, 2012, 07:05:50 AM
Two questions--

1. On the screen where you choose the input transactions, could you display the "age" as well, so that you can easily choose older ones to avoid paying a tx fee?

2. Is this patch under any kind of consideration for inclusion in the mainline client?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: mb300sd on February 13, 2012, 07:26:25 AM
Being able to sort the input addresses would be nice.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kwukduck on February 16, 2012, 06:16:46 PM
Am i right in saying that this feature will not be supported by the official client?

Anyway, i thought it would be nice to have an additional feature that makes use of the new import/export keys command in 0.6rc1. If we could just rightclick the address from the anonymity tab and select export.
And a new button to import a key.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: gmaxwell on February 17, 2012, 06:27:33 AM
Am i right in saying that this feature will not be supported by the official client?

I expect it to be at some point.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: viper1092 on February 17, 2012, 07:45:14 AM
This is the one reason I've been looking for alternative clients. I like the idea of controlling where it sends from. If this makes into the official build, I'd be totally convinced.

Any chance of a patched OS X binary? :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: HendrikJan on February 17, 2012, 08:31:55 AM
This is an eye opener for me and i hope it will make it into the official version.
I will follow this.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on March 15, 2012, 08:38:51 PM
Are you going to provide a patched build based off of Bitcoin 0.5.3?

many thanks

can't wait until they just merge this into the main tree!

Also, have you heard of this? From facebook group "Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency":

"Efforts are underway to make bitcoin transactions more anonymous.  Right now transactions are viewable using the blockchain.  However, the protocol could be changed such that an a anonymous transaction (not pseudo-anonymous) can prove it is valid by providing cryptographic proof of the validity of previous transactions.  If the developers succeed there will be no way to track bitcoins and it will be strongly anonymous."

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: BrightAnarchist on March 15, 2012, 08:39:52 PM
Also, please post a donation address so I can send you some btc for this feature - it has been extremely useful!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: mb300sd on March 17, 2012, 01:03:16 AM
merged into 0.5.3


linux64 and win32 downloads:

any chance of a 5.3.1 binary?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: wyager on March 17, 2012, 02:51:11 AM
This is exactly what I was looking for! I'll try to get this running on OS X.

ETA:I'm a Github noob, how do I download the source?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: jjjrmy on March 17, 2012, 04:04:26 AM

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on March 17, 2012, 01:48:29 PM
So isn't just going to the address level not quite enough?
e.g. shouldn't it be the transaction level for selecting inputs not just the address level?
Or does it already do that and I missed that comment somewhere?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: wyager on March 17, 2012, 08:47:45 PM
OK, got it working! Very cool patch. Quick tip for OSX users who can't get it to compile: change the makefile.osx so it looks like this:
#CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch i386 -O3 \
LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch x86_64 -O3 \

I don't think my install of Boost works with i386.

Which function do I use to check which accounts are tied together by transactions?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: dooglus on March 18, 2012, 04:50:58 PM
Is there a branch that merges cleanly to the official git master branch?  I get merge conflicts when I try.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on March 20, 2012, 09:13:55 AM
If you're on WINDOWS please use the new build which has the patch for the recent vulnerability.

If you use a previous version on WINDOWS you are in danger of being hacked and getting your wallet stolen.

does it work for everyone else? for me the anonymity tab does not show up with this version  :'(

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ptshamrock on March 20, 2012, 09:51:54 AM
works for me..check if u enabled it in settings of the qt client..isn`t called anonymity anymore..something with coinxxxx..:)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on March 20, 2012, 11:43:51 AM
works for me..check if u enabled it in settings of the qt client..isn`t called anonymity anymore..something with coinxxxx..:)

oops, I completely forgot about that. thanks, pt!

is there any particular reason why it is not activated by default?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on March 25, 2012, 05:01:36 AM
Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on March 25, 2012, 05:49:38 AM
Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on March 25, 2012, 09:18:19 AM
Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.

is it not possible to achieve the same with coin control and a separate address for every transaction?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: mb300sd on March 25, 2012, 07:43:26 PM
It would be nice to be able to sort by clicking the Address, Label, Balance, etc buttons. Should be a simple option of your using the standard controls.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Justin00 on April 10, 2012, 12:02:58 PM
hmm i have been using version 6.0 in win32, have a  few addresses setup and what not.
I wanted to try your version of 5.3 but it ses my wallet is not compatible.

Not sure of the best approach to get it working. I imagine I can setup addresses in 5.3 and then use 6.0 to send the coins across and start using 5.3?? dunno if there is a better approach ?

thanks :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on April 10, 2012, 01:03:03 PM
next-test ( should be compatible with 0.6.0, and has Coin Control

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Serenata on April 11, 2012, 10:06:54 AM
It should be mentioned elsewhere but what about an "Open Wallet..." function, for us keeping many different wallets?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Justin00 on April 14, 2012, 07:36:11 AM
Thanks I will test her out.

next-test ( should be compatible with 0.6.0, and has Coin Control

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: check_status on May 10, 2012, 05:44:56 PM
Is this still being developed?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on May 10, 2012, 06:50:10 PM
Is this still being developed?
The latest version is still included in next-test (

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Hawkix on May 15, 2012, 06:07:47 AM
Please, could we get 0.6.2 with this "Coin control" merged in?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on May 15, 2012, 06:15:30 AM
If the ability to specify a "change address" was also added to/included with coin control for release in the next version (i.e. 0.7.0) then I will gladly pay a bounty of 20 BTC to the author of the patch that is merged in (feel free to quote this for reference). :)



Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on May 15, 2012, 06:42:09 AM
Please, could we get 0.6.2 with this "Coin control" merged in?
The latest next-test is secure.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Ente on June 19, 2012, 09:43:48 AM
Please, could we get 0.6.2 with this "Coin control" merged in?
The latest next-test is secure.

Can't wait for it to be merged in the mainline client!


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 19, 2012, 10:34:22 AM
Please, could we get 0.6.2 with this "Coin control" merged in?
The latest next-test is secure.

Can't wait for it to be merged in the mainline client!


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on June 19, 2012, 10:55:42 AM
... and fixed so you can specify transactions, not just addresses.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on June 19, 2012, 03:21:41 PM
Can't wait for it to be merged in the mainline client!
As of right now, that probably won't be happening. There's a lot of cleanup needed before it can be merged, and both coderrr and dooglus who were maintaining it seem to have lost interest. I've been rebasing it for next-test, and Diapolo is trying to clean up the GUI code, but it still needs someone to clean up the internals.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 24, 2012, 02:04:33 PM
... and fixed so you can specify transactions, not just addresses.

Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.

is it not possible to achieve the same with coin control and a separate address for every transaction?


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 24, 2012, 02:06:43 PM
a feature that sets the transfer amount to all coins in the selected address minus fee would be nice. currently it's a pita to empty an address.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on June 24, 2012, 11:52:27 PM
a feature that sets the transfer amount to all coins in the selected address minus fee would be nice. currently it's a pita to empty an address.

It seems that knowing the fee in advance is beyond bitcoin.

This an issue that has been ignored or argued not possible for a VERY long time, every time it comes up, since there are some variables in the calculation that change over time I imagine is the excuse.

... what's that old timers term ... 2 phase commit ... not used much these days ...

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on June 24, 2012, 11:59:11 PM
... and fixed so you can specify transactions, not just addresses.

Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.

is it not possible to achieve the same with coin control and a separate address for every transaction?

So for the average joe's wallet that might want to use this to choose transactions or addresses, it's no good since you have to have done this from the start and always remember to do it that way?

My point being that your saying that this is only of use to people who have anonymity issues, rather than also for those who wish to have control over certain transactions
i.e. going one more level is as far as is possible with selecting sources for a transaction - and why not allow that? Why stop early?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Gavin Andresen on June 25, 2012, 12:45:17 AM
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.
See the raw transaction API ( I've been working on, and please help try to break it-- it needs more testing.

The main motivation is to move forward with multisignature transactions, but it also lets you have complete control over the source(s) for a transaction.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on June 25, 2012, 06:53:02 AM
See the raw transaction API ( I've been working on, and please help try to break it-- it needs more testing.

The main motivation is to move forward with multisignature transactions, but it also lets you have complete control over the source(s) for a transaction.

This looks interesting - just one question after reading this document (as the word "change" does not appear in it at all) - will it be also possible to specify the *change* address with such "raw transactions" (in perhaps the sendrawtx command itself)?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 25, 2012, 09:40:59 AM
a feature that sets the transfer amount to all coins in the selected address minus fee would be nice. currently it's a pita to empty an address.

It seems that knowing the fee in advance is beyond bitcoin.

This an issue that has been ignored or argued not possible for a VERY long time, every time it comes up, since there are some variables in the calculation that change over time I imagine is the excuse.

... what's that old timers term ... 2 phase commit ... not used much these days ...

I never understood why the fee calculation has to bee so complicated...  age of coins - wtf why?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 25, 2012, 09:41:37 AM
... and fixed so you can specify transactions, not just addresses.

Coin Control is included in today's next-test release ( Please give it a try!
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.

is it not possible to achieve the same with coin control and a separate address for every transaction?

So for the average joe's wallet that might want to use this to choose transactions or addresses, it's no good since you have to have done this from the start and always remember to do it that way?

My point being that your saying that this is only of use to people who have anonymity issues, rather than also for those who wish to have control over certain transactions
i.e. going one more level is as far as is possible with selecting sources for a transaction - and why not allow that? Why stop early?

maybe not stop but take one step after the other.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kano on June 25, 2012, 02:21:32 PM
As has been mentioned before and I mentioned in here recently (but got ignored), just going to address level is insufficient.
Selecting the source for a txn should be to transaction level.
See the raw transaction API ( I've been working on, and please help try to break it-- it needs more testing.

The main motivation is to move forward with multisignature transactions, but it also lets you have complete control over the source(s) for a transaction.

Yep sounds good - with that in there, tools like this will become simpler code calling your API.

However, as mentioned above, the issue of fees is still outstanding - which does relate VERY closely to this.

If you are selecting addresses or transactions to make up a transaction, you need to know the fees involved also.
What I was referring to further up was to simply have a 2 phase call to this process.
Phase 1 tells you the fee for your txn
Then phase 2 you send a modified txn with fee and it says yes it works, or replies with a new fee if it changed.
... well something like that anyway.
(not a 2 phase commit in database terms, but a 2 step commit)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Gavin Andresen on June 25, 2012, 03:22:10 PM
However, as mentioned above, the issue of fees is still outstanding - which does relate VERY closely to this.
Determining the "right" fees is a separate issue; see  for my current thinking.

The raw transaction API will let you create and try to send a transaction with as much or little fees as you like, but if you try to send a 20 kilobyte transaction with zero fees you shouldn't be surprised if nobody relays or mines it.

This looks interesting - just one question after reading this document (as the word "change" does not appear in it at all) - will it be also possible to specify the *change* address with such "raw transactions" (in perhaps the sendrawtx command itself)?

If you use the raw transaction API then you're responsible for saying exactly where all of the outputs go.  If you create a raw transaction with a 50 BTC input and a 2 BTC output then that is a no-change, 48 BTC fee transaction.  If you don't intend the 48 BTC to go to miners, then you need to specify where the change goes by adding another output.

I suppose the RPC calls could have limits to try to keep you from shooting yourself in the foot, but anybody using the raw transaction API should be doing a lot of testing with worthless testnet coins and I'd rather not start playing the "lets write lots of code to try to prevent RPC-users from being dumb" game.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: 49er on June 25, 2012, 03:25:05 PM
This interests me.  Not the anonymity aspect, but the fine grain control per address.  I prefer this to opening and closing multiple wallets, which feels like a clumsy approach.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on June 25, 2012, 03:28:09 PM
This interests me.  Not the anonymity aspect, but the fine grain control per address.  I prefer this to opening and closing multiple wallets, which feels like a clumsy approach.
I this the current multi-wallet plan allows for having multiple open concurrently.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on June 25, 2012, 03:29:26 PM
If you use the raw transaction API then you're responsible for saying exactly where all of the outputs go.  If you create a raw transaction with a 50 BTC input and a 2 BTC output then that is a no-change, 48 BTC fee transaction.  If you don't intend the 48 BTC to go to miners, then you need to specify where the change goes by adding another output.

Okay - thanks - I get it now - and yes I think that this will be of great benefit for the development of other clients that sit above bitcoind (or just for "power" users of the RPC interface).


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: 49er on June 25, 2012, 03:44:24 PM
This interests me.  Not the anonymity aspect, but the fine grain control per address.  I prefer this to opening and closing multiple wallets, which feels like a clumsy approach.
I this the current multi-wallet plan allows for having multiple open concurrently.
You that?  ;)

While I'm sure there are special use cases where it's the better option, I still feel multiple wallets is overkill when one will do for most people.  I also can't help but think the multiple "accounts" per wallet introduced in 0.3.18 should have covered most of the multiple wallet use cases.  I would have expected this in the GUI before the more heavyweight multi-wallet changes.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on June 26, 2012, 09:54:59 AM
/me is watching this.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: EnergyVampire on June 26, 2012, 10:49:34 AM

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: gmaxwell on June 26, 2012, 11:55:32 AM
I never understood why the fee calculation has to bee so complicated...  age of coins - wtf why?

The question:

How can we have free transactions, but not make it possible for someone to cheaply DOS the system into oblivion by simply typing "while true; do bitcoind sendtoaddress `bitcoind getnewaddress` 0.00000001 ; done" ?

To solve this we ask:  What characterizes that kind of activity which is distinct from normal usage?    We can't tell that the DOS transactions are all coming from a single party because they can just use many addresses.  We can't really single out smallish transactions because regular users make small transactions and the attack would work just as well even it was moving 50 BTC in each transaction. What characterizes them is that they're rapidly moving the same coins over and over again.

Bitcoin days destroyed is a simple metric that measures coin velocity, and it's basically what the prioritiy system uses.  Sum(input_values * input_ages) / tx_data_size = priority.

Our priority system in effect uses the transaction's Bitcoin days destroyed to pay for them— evidence that the user isn't engaging in a maximum speed coin recycling— in lieu of fees.  The metric is directly connected to real DOS attack behavior, it doesn't depend on the impossible task of distinguishing users, it doesn't disproportionally penalize low value transactions, it expends a real scarce resource (though not one that users consider otherwise valuable), it doesn't actively encourage bad behavior, and it's demonstratively effective. If you don't have enough priority or pay a fee peer nodes will not relay your transaction, miners will not mine it— not until it does have enough priority via aging.

With this metric an attacker is required to have an enormous and near unending supply of unmoved coin in order to sustain an attack or they must spend on fees (or con some suckers into paying fees for them).

The downsides are that it can be a bit inexplicable for the users— "you can't make a free txn now, but you can after the next block??", which is made worse by the fact that the reference software doesn't really try to construct transactions in a way that avoids fees— and more complicated to find _optimal_ coin selections with this metric (it makes the objective non-linear). But otherwise it's a pretty excellent metric.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Ente on June 26, 2012, 12:25:57 PM
I never understood why the fee calculation has to bee so complicated...  age of coins - wtf why?

The question:

How can we have free transactions, but not make it possible for someone to cheaply DOS the system into oblivion by simply typing "while true; do bitcoind sendtoaddress `bitcoind getnewaddress` 0.00000001 ; done" ?

To solve this we ask:  What characterizes that kind of activity which is distinct from normal usage?    We can't tell that the DOS transactions are all coming from a single party because they can just use many addresses.  We can't really single out smallish transactions because regular users make small transactions and the attack would work just as well even it was moving 50 BTC in each transaction. What characterizes them is that they're rapidly moving the same coins over and over again.

Bitcoin days destroyed is a simple metric that measures coin velocity, and it's basically what the prioritiy system uses.  Sum(input_values * input_ages) / tx_data_size = priority.

Our priority system in effect uses the transaction's Bitcoin days destroyed to pay for them— evidence that the user isn't engaging in a maximum speed coin recycling— in lieu of fees.  The metric is directly connected to real DOS attack behavior, it doesn't depend on the impossible task of distinguishing users, it doesn't disproportionally penalize low value transactions, it expends a real scarce resource (though not one that users consider otherwise valuable), it doesn't actively encourage bad behavior, and it's demonstratively effective. If you don't have enough priority or pay a fee peer nodes will not relay your transaction, miners will not mine it— not until it does have enough priority via aging.

With this metric an attacker is required to have an enormous and near unending supply of unmoved coin in order to sustain an attack or they must spend on fees (or con some suckers into paying fees for them).

The downsides are that it can be a bit inexplicable for the users— "you can't make a free txn now, but you can after the next block??", which is made worse by the fact that the reference software doesn't really try to construct transactions in a way that avoids fees— and more complicated to find _optimal_ coin selections with this metric (it makes the objective non-linear). But otherwise it's a pretty excellent metric.

Your question answered many of my questions regarding transactions, forwarding, fees and DOS.
Thank you.


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Red Emerald on June 27, 2012, 06:33:45 PM
I never understood why the fee calculation has to bee so complicated...  age of coins - wtf why?

The question:

How can we have free transactions, but not make it possible for someone to cheaply DOS the system into oblivion by simply typing "while true; do bitcoind sendtoaddress `bitcoind getnewaddress` 0.00000001 ; done" ?

To solve this we ask:  What characterizes that kind of activity which is distinct from normal usage?    We can't tell that the DOS transactions are all coming from a single party because they can just use many addresses.  We can't really single out smallish transactions because regular users make small transactions and the attack would work just as well even it was moving 50 BTC in each transaction. What characterizes them is that they're rapidly moving the same coins over and over again.

Bitcoin days destroyed is a simple metric that measures coin velocity, and it's basically what the prioritiy system uses.  Sum(input_values * input_ages) / tx_data_size = priority.

Our priority system in effect uses the transaction's Bitcoin days destroyed to pay for them— evidence that the user isn't engaging in a maximum speed coin recycling— in lieu of fees.  The metric is directly connected to real DOS attack behavior, it doesn't depend on the impossible task of distinguishing users, it doesn't disproportionally penalize low value transactions, it expends a real scarce resource (though not one that users consider otherwise valuable), it doesn't actively encourage bad behavior, and it's demonstratively effective. If you don't have enough priority or pay a fee peer nodes will not relay your transaction, miners will not mine it— not until it does have enough priority via aging.

With this metric an attacker is required to have an enormous and near unending supply of unmoved coin in order to sustain an attack or they must spend on fees (or con some suckers into paying fees for them).

The downsides are that it can be a bit inexplicable for the users— "you can't make a free txn now, but you can after the next block??", which is made worse by the fact that the reference software doesn't really try to construct transactions in a way that avoids fees— and more complicated to find _optimal_ coin selections with this metric (it makes the objective non-linear). But otherwise it's a pretty excellent metric.

Your question answered many of my questions regarding transactions, forwarding, fees and DOS.
Thank you.

This is a great explanation. I'm going to put this on the wiki.

EDIT: Or not. I've forgotten my wiki password. I guess I'll do it later :P

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on June 30, 2012, 04:50:59 AM
I never understood why the fee calculation has to bee so complicated...  age of coins - wtf why?

The question:

How can we have free transactions, but not make it possible for someone to cheaply DOS the system into oblivion by simply typing "while true; do bitcoind sendtoaddress `bitcoind getnewaddress` 0.00000001 ; done" ?

To solve this we ask:  What characterizes that kind of activity which is distinct from normal usage?    We can't tell that the DOS transactions are all coming from a single party because they can just use many addresses.  We can't really single out smallish transactions because regular users make small transactions and the attack would work just as well even it was moving 50 BTC in each transaction. What characterizes them is that they're rapidly moving the same coins over and over again.

Bitcoin days destroyed is a simple metric that measures coin velocity, and it's basically what the prioritiy system uses.  Sum(input_values * input_ages) / tx_data_size = priority.

Our priority system in effect uses the transaction's Bitcoin days destroyed to pay for them— evidence that the user isn't engaging in a maximum speed coin recycling— in lieu of fees.  The metric is directly connected to real DOS attack behavior, it doesn't depend on the impossible task of distinguishing users, it doesn't disproportionally penalize low value transactions, it expends a real scarce resource (though not one that users consider otherwise valuable), it doesn't actively encourage bad behavior, and it's demonstratively effective. If you don't have enough priority or pay a fee peer nodes will not relay your transaction, miners will not mine it— not until it does have enough priority via aging.

With this metric an attacker is required to have an enormous and near unending supply of unmoved coin in order to sustain an attack or they must spend on fees (or con some suckers into paying fees for them).

The downsides are that it can be a bit inexplicable for the users— "you can't make a free txn now, but you can after the next block??", which is made worse by the fact that the reference software doesn't really try to construct transactions in a way that avoids fees— and more complicated to find _optimal_ coin selections with this metric (it makes the objective non-linear). But otherwise it's a pretty excellent metric.

Your question answered many of my questions regarding transactions, forwarding, fees and DOS.
Thank you.

This is a great explanation. I'm going to put this on the wiki.

EDIT: Or not. I've forgotten my wiki password. I guess I'll do it later :P
thanks for the nice explanation and +1 to putting it into the wiki.

still this seems overengineered to me. what does somebody moving a large pile of coins once a year care about a 0.01btc fee? also it complicates emptying of addresses and I imagine the decision of pools to delay/not include free txs.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: zebedee on July 07, 2012, 05:45:38 AM
I don't think anyone has said it yet, so I'll just point out that this feature is available in the electrum client - you can prioritize addresses that you received at for a payment.  In particular, if you prioritize an address that received more than you're sending, you can be sure that only that address is used for the payment.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: N.Z. on July 07, 2012, 08:58:22 PM
Strange things are happening to this useful patch. Author and followers abandon support for it constantly. More than a year has passed, but there is nothing about it in official client, even "experimental" and "for advanced use only". WTF...

P.S. Just my 0.02 btc, nevermind :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on July 07, 2012, 09:14:12 PM
Strange things are happening to this useful patch. Author and followers abandon support for it constantly. More than a year has passed, but there is nothing about it in official client, even "experimental" and "for advanced use only". WTF...

P.S. Just my 0.02 btc, nevermind :)

Actually i remember reading somewhere that this will be implemented in 0.7.
Am I wrong ?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on July 07, 2012, 09:45:41 PM
Strange things are happening to this useful patch. Author and followers abandon support for it constantly. More than a year has passed, but there is nothing about it in official client, even "experimental" and "for advanced use only". WTF...

P.S. Just my 0.02 btc, nevermind :)

Actually i remember reading somewhere that this will be implemented in 0.7.
Am I wrong ?
No, since the author and subsequent maintainer have both abandoned it, there is nobody to address the problems still left unresolved. Until that happens, it will not likely be merged. For the time being, I am keeping it minimally up to date for my next-test branches.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on July 07, 2012, 11:44:53 PM
Strange things are happening to this useful patch. Author and followers abandon support for it constantly. More than a year has passed, but there is nothing about it in official client, even "experimental" and "for advanced use only". WTF...

P.S. Just my 0.02 btc, nevermind :)

Actually i remember reading somewhere that this will be implemented in 0.7.
Am I wrong ?
No (...)

BTW, You just did a double-negative answer which could be understood by me as "yes you are right" :P

(Just fooling around here, don't mind me)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on July 09, 2012, 07:47:13 AM
I don't think anyone has said it yet, so I'll just point out that this feature is available in the electrum client - you can prioritize addresses that you received at for a payment.  In particular, if you prioritize an address that received more than you're sending, you can be sure that only that address is used for the payment.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on September 24, 2012, 02:08:16 PM
Strange things are happening to this useful patch. Author and followers abandon support for it constantly. More than a year has passed, but there is nothing about it in official client, even "experimental" and "for advanced use only". WTF...

P.S. Just my 0.02 btc, nevermind :)

Actually i remember reading somewhere that this will be implemented in 0.7.
Am I wrong ?
No, since the author and subsequent maintainer have both abandoned it, there is nobody to address the problems still left unresolved. Until that happens, it will not likely be merged. For the time being, I am keeping it minimally up to date for my next-test branches.
like here:

thanks luke!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: pretendo on September 24, 2012, 05:12:44 PM
I support this

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on September 24, 2012, 11:25:55 PM
Good luck Luke-jr.

However, I think you are probably thrashing a dead horse since both Gavin A. and Jeff G. have indicated they will defend bitcoin's current level of traceability.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kjj on September 25, 2012, 12:04:44 AM
Good luck Luke-jr.

However, I think you are probably thrashing a dead horse since both Gavin A. and Jeff G. have indicated they will defend bitcoin's current level of traceability.

Did I miss something, or are you just trolling?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on September 25, 2012, 04:36:33 AM
However, I think you are probably thrashing a dead horse since both Gavin A. and Jeff G. have indicated they will defend bitcoin's current level of traceability.
So will I*. But I don't think any of us consider Coin Control to have much to do with traceability. I don't personally care about Coin Control either, which is why I've only been minimally keeping it up to date, not doing the proper maintenance it needs to get merged.

* Not to say there aren't things that could make Bitcoin less traceable for real, that could be accepted for other good reasons.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Bitcoin Oz on September 25, 2012, 05:06:01 AM
Good luck Luke-jr.

However, I think you are probably thrashing a dead horse since both Gavin A. and Jeff G. have indicated they will defend bitcoin's current level of traceability.

And why would they want that ?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Gavin Andresen on September 25, 2012, 01:18:15 PM
Yeah, where did I say that?

Oops, edited, I forgot about my "don't feed the trolls" rule.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on September 25, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Good luck Luke-jr.

However, I think you are probably thrashing a dead horse since both Gavin A. and Jeff G. have indicated they will defend bitcoin's current level of traceability.

Pictures or it never happened.

Of course there are plenty of disadvantages to coin control / sendfromaddress. Above all it makes bitcoin much more of a hassle to use.
But I think we somehow have to deal with this linkability issue. At least people using Bitcoin have to know about it, transparency is very important here. The patch lets people see what bitcoin really is currently.

I don't want Bitcoin to end up like the Royal Canadian Mint's Mintchip marketing vote incident.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: N.Z. on October 13, 2012, 08:52:08 PM
Gavin, if we, those who are interested in this function, provide our interest by donations to you or other developer, is there a chance that you will make this patch happen sooner?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 13, 2012, 10:58:52 PM
Gavin, if we, those who are interested in this function, provide our interest by donations to you or other developer, is there a chance that you will make this patch happen sooner?

+5 BTC

I join the question and pledge 5 BTC if anybody would want to finish it sooner.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: phelix on October 13, 2012, 11:09:39 PM
multibit with multiple wallets might be an alternative

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: K1773R on October 29, 2012, 09:07:42 AM
this is still a problem...

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 30, 2012, 08:31:50 AM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: K1773R on October 30, 2012, 09:07:19 AM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on October 30, 2012, 09:21:36 AM
For the more technically savvy the raw tx API (perhaps with help from reduces the priority of this feature a lot (as you have been able to do everything you want as far as controlling your coins since 0.7 was released).

For the less technically competent I guess the question is really whether the UI can be made easy enough to make the feature worthwhile implementing (if it's not easily understood then there is probably little point in doing more work on this). Note that I haven't actually tested the patch so have no idea how intuitive the UI is.

Certainly I doubt it will ever be a feature that Gavin's grandmother will be asking for. :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 30, 2012, 10:12:18 AM
Certainly I doubt it will ever be a feature that Gavin's grandmother will be asking for. :)

Well it's not necessary for normal usage and probably won't be used by 99% Bitcoin users, but it is a very important feature still for the uber-geek/cryptoanarchist/other WKWTAD* people.

* WKWTAD people = People Who Know What They Are Doing

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on October 30, 2012, 10:53:08 AM
* WKWTAD people = People Who Know What They Are Doing

And those people can't use the raw tx API (even with the help of

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 30, 2012, 11:52:29 AM
* WKWTAD people = People Who Know What They Are Doing

And those people can't use the raw tx API (even with the help of

Even if that is possible, it will be far more convenient (and less time consuming) if it would be integrated in the mainline client.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on October 30, 2012, 12:24:10 PM
Even if that is possible, it will be far more convenient (and less time consuming) if it would be integrated in the mainline client.

Well I am pretty sure I will be playing around with the raw tx stuff soon (probably using to make it easier). So hopefully I'll have something positive to report about using it down the track. :)

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 30, 2012, 01:21:41 PM
Even if that is possible, it will be far more convenient (and less time consuming) if it would be integrated in the mainline client.

Well I am pretty sure I will be playing around with the raw tx stuff soon (probably using to make it easier). So hopefully I'll have something positive to report about using it down the track. :)

You would basically have to write an advanced script or a frontend for bitcoind which would use this feature.

Anyway, it's complicated, not everybody has time for this and you don't have certanity that you did it properly. I would probably write my own script if that was easy enough.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: flatronw on October 30, 2012, 01:41:14 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

Forget the word anonymous, it has all sorts of negative implications.

What we want is privacy, and privacy in our transactions is what we are talking about here. We obviously have to do it ourselves.
Therefore start a Topic, find an Escrow holder, start a Bounty for a viable but entirely separate Privacy patch to be developed.

Who is interested??

Establish an Escrow and I pledge 10BTC

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Ente on October 30, 2012, 01:52:42 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

..quite a bold statement. Care to back it by something?


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kjj on October 30, 2012, 01:59:04 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

Forget the word anonymous, it has all sorts of negative implications.

What we want is privacy, and privacy in our transactions is what we are talking about here. We obviously have to do it ourselves.
Therefore start a Topic, find an Escrow holder, start a Bounty for a viable but entirely separate Privacy patch to be developed.

Who is interested??

Establish an Escrow and I pledge 10BTC

What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?

The reason this isn't included in the main client is because it is hard to maintain, and provides very little real benefit in reality.  This has been discussed at length in ( this ( very ( thread (  By all means, please, please! find someone to take charge of this.  But take your bullshit conspiracy theories elsewhere, none of the devs are excluding this to gain favor with "the man".

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on October 30, 2012, 02:22:39 PM
You would basically have to write an advanced script or a frontend for bitcoind which would use this feature.

Anyway, it's complicated, not everybody has time for this and you don't have certanity that you did it properly. I would probably write my own script if that was easy enough.

Actually if you use to do this it seems pretty straight forward - I will update when I've tested some tx's with it (will be doing this in the next few days).

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: flatfly on October 30, 2012, 04:48:40 PM
A little-known fact about Electrum is that it has supported this type of control over coin selection for a couple months now, both in gui and command-line mode. Also consider that the current (1.2) release fully implements satoshi's SPV protocol, so it's essentially becoming a fairly user-friendly, no-trust client!

Disclosure: I maintain testing and end-user Windows builds of Electrum.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: flatronw on October 30, 2012, 07:30:37 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

Forget the word anonymous, it has all sorts of negative implications.

What we want is privacy, and privacy in our transactions is what we are talking about here. We obviously have to do it ourselves.
Therefore start a Topic, find an Escrow holder, start a Bounty for a viable but entirely separate Privacy patch to be developed.

Who is interested??

Establish an Escrow and I pledge 10BTC

What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?

The reason this isn't included in the main client is because it is hard to maintain, and provides very little real benefit in reality.  This has been discussed at length in ( this ( very ( thread (  By all means, please, please! find someone to take charge of this.  But take your bullshit conspiracy theories elsewhere, none of the devs are excluding this to gain favor with "the man".

In answer to your question :-

“What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?”

This is what makes me bring this shit here!

Then I can see you have already seen it but others may not have. So here it is

It's very interesting that you immediately take it that I inferred conspiracy and defend your perception abusively. Makes one wonder exactly why a perceived inference of conspiracy would elicit such a abusive response from Bitcoin Foundation-Life Member.

In short what I attempted to convey was. Viewed realistically there is no benefit to BTC as a entity in increasing the level of anonymity. In fact it may be detrimental because the level of anonymity is already a major issue with Regulators. Don't take my word for it on the anonymity issue, read the ECB document, ECB is concerned, all the Central Banks will have exactly the same opinion. It is not a conspiracy, it is common sense. It is called not making matters worse!
I don't for one minute think that the developers are as inept as you seem willing to portray. If they saw it as a beneficial priority, they would develop a solution that was maintainable and offered better privacy. It seems it is simply not a priority. Why is it not a priority? see the paragraph above.
This topic currently has ~13886 views it is about the fourth most viewed topic on this Alternative Clients board. That indicates that this is a matter of concern for many. I would guess that once more people read the recent ECB document and start to fully understand the possible implications there will be a great deal more concern.

Now, as for “the man” as you so quaintly put it, “the man” may be unable to shut BTC down in a single stroke but “the man” can make it so God-damn long term difficult that BTC will become nonviable.
Don't try to tell me the developers are not watching “the man” According to the ECB document Gavin Andresen has an “invite” from the CIA to brief them regarding BTC. But if you say so, no, no, the developers are not watching “the man”  This is the Core Developer “invited” to brief the CIA.

Now, get real, if you are going to deny something, you have to make it at least plausible.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: K1773R on October 30, 2012, 08:05:14 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

Forget the word anonymous, it has all sorts of negative implications.

What we want is privacy, and privacy in our transactions is what we are talking about here. We obviously have to do it ourselves.
Therefore start a Topic, find an Escrow holder, start a Bounty for a viable but entirely separate Privacy patch to be developed.

Who is interested??

Establish an Escrow and I pledge 10BTC

What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?

The reason this isn't included in the main client is because it is hard to maintain, and provides very little real benefit in reality.  This has been discussed at length in ( this ( very ( thread (  By all means, please, please! find someone to take charge of this.  But take your bullshit conspiracy theories elsewhere, none of the devs are excluding this to gain favor with "the man".

In answer to your question :-

“What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?”

This is what makes me bring this shit here!

Then I can see you have already seen it but others may not have. So here it is

It's very interesting that you immediately take it that I inferred conspiracy and defend your perception abusively. Makes one wonder exactly why a perceived inference of conspiracy would elicit such a abusive response from Bitcoin Foundation-Life Member.

In short what I attempted to convey was. Viewed realistically there is no benefit to BTC as a entity in increasing the level of anonymity. In fact it may be detrimental because the level of anonymity is already a major issue with Regulators. Don't take my word for it on the anonymity issue, read the ECB document, ECB is concerned, all the Central Banks will have exactly the same opinion. It is not a conspiracy, it is common sense. It is called not making matters worse!
I don't for one minute think that the developers are as inept as you seem willing to portray. If they saw it as a beneficial priority, they would develop a solution that was maintainable and offered better privacy. It seems it is simply not a priority. Why is it not a priority? see the paragraph above.
This topic currently has ~13886 views it is about the fourth most viewed topic on this Alternative Clients board. That indicates that this is a matter of concern for many. I would guess that once more people read the recent ECB document and start to fully understand the possible implications there will be a great deal more concern.

Now, as for “the man” as you so quaintly put it, “the man” may be unable to shut BTC down in a single stroke but “the man” can make it so God-damn long term difficult that BTC will become nonviable.
Don't try to tell me the developers are not watching “the man” According to the ECB document Gavin Andresen has an “invite” from the CIA to brief them regarding BTC. But if you say so, no, no, the developers are not watching “the man”  This is the Core Developer “invited” to brief the CIA.

Now, get real, if you are going to deny something, you have to make it at least plausible.

holy shit totally paranoid and talking stuff without proof for it? wheres the troll flag :P anyway, ignored and b2t.

electrum client is someway about trust, trust is bad!

ppl who need this dont really need it per GUI, a patch for bitcoind should be fine for everyone i guess?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: kjj on October 30, 2012, 08:05:58 PM
This is what makes me bring this shit here!

Then I can see you have already seen it but others may not have. So here it is

It's very interesting that you immediately take it that I inferred conspiracy and defend your perception abusively. Makes one wonder exactly why a perceived inference of conspiracy would elicit such a abusive response from Bitcoin Foundation-Life Member.

In short what I attempted to convey was. Viewed realistically there is no benefit to BTC as a entity in increasing the level of anonymity. In fact it may be detrimental because the level of anonymity is already a major issue with Regulators. Don't take my word for it on the anonymity issue, read the ECB document, ECB is concerned, all the Central Banks will have exactly the same opinion. It is not a conspiracy, it is common sense. It is called not making matters worse!
I don't for one minute think that the developers are as inept as you seem willing to portray. If they saw it as a beneficial priority, they would develop a solution that was maintainable and offered better privacy. It seems it is simply not a priority. Why is it not a priority? see the paragraph above.
This topic currently has ~13886 views it is about the fourth most viewed topic on this Alternative Clients board. That indicates that this is a matter of concern for many. I would guess that once more people read the recent ECB document and start to fully understand the possible implications there will be a great deal more concern.

Now, as for “the man” as you so quaintly put it, “the man” may be unable to shut BTC down in a single stroke but “the man” can make it so God-damn long term difficult that BTC will become nonviable.
Don't try to tell me the developers are not watching “the man” According to the ECB document Gavin Andresen has an “invite” from the CIA to brief them regarding BTC. But if you say so, no, no, the developers are not watching “the man”  This is the Core Developer “invited” to brief the CIA.

Now, get real, if you are going to deny something, you have to make it at least plausible.

You are still accusing the devs of conspiracy.

The reasons why this patch is not included in the main client have been stated several times.  You don't believe them.  You think that the devs are intentionally leaving it out with the intention of reducing privacy, which is a flat out contradiction of public statements made by several of the devs in support of privacy.

You got an abusive response from me for two reasons.  The first is that I'm having a bad day.  The second is that I'm sick of you little fucks coming in here and making wild accusations about people that you know nothing about.  The people that write and maintain this software (for free!) are, as far as I can tell, all bigs fans of privacy and furthermore, they all seem to have serious libertarian leanings.  You should apologize to them, and I'm not above calling you out for it.

This patch requires a lot of effort to maintain, and provides very little privacy and can even be detrimental to privacy if a user gets careless with it out of a false sense of security.  That's it.  That's the reason.  Do you really think that the devs would get behind a new currency that we all hope will cause the downfall of the old financial order, but then pull back over a transaction correlation patch?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: flatfly on October 30, 2012, 09:05:13 PM
Any updates on the topic ? Is anybody working on it ?
i hope they will update it, or someone pick it up since this is really important!

Live in hope, die in despair! ---

It will never happen. The developers want BTC to get mainstream acceptance. The major issue that Governments and institutions have is the perceived anonymous nature of the BTC system. Therefore the developers will not countenance the idea of increased anonymity, perceived or otherwise.

Forget the word anonymous, it has all sorts of negative implications.

What we want is privacy, and privacy in our transactions is what we are talking about here. We obviously have to do it ourselves.
Therefore start a Topic, find an Escrow holder, start a Bounty for a viable but entirely separate Privacy patch to be developed.

Who is interested??

Establish an Escrow and I pledge 10BTC

What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?

The reason this isn't included in the main client is because it is hard to maintain, and provides very little real benefit in reality.  This has been discussed at length in ( this ( very ( thread (  By all means, please, please! find someone to take charge of this.  But take your bullshit conspiracy theories elsewhere, none of the devs are excluding this to gain favor with "the man".

In answer to your question :-

“What the fuck is wrong with you?  What makes you bring this kind of shit here?”

This is what makes me bring this shit here!

Then I can see you have already seen it but others may not have. So here it is

It's very interesting that you immediately take it that I inferred conspiracy and defend your perception abusively. Makes one wonder exactly why a perceived inference of conspiracy would elicit such a abusive response from Bitcoin Foundation-Life Member.

In short what I attempted to convey was. Viewed realistically there is no benefit to BTC as a entity in increasing the level of anonymity. In fact it may be detrimental because the level of anonymity is already a major issue with Regulators. Don't take my word for it on the anonymity issue, read the ECB document, ECB is concerned, all the Central Banks will have exactly the same opinion. It is not a conspiracy, it is common sense. It is called not making matters worse!
I don't for one minute think that the developers are as inept as you seem willing to portray. If they saw it as a beneficial priority, they would develop a solution that was maintainable and offered better privacy. It seems it is simply not a priority. Why is it not a priority? see the paragraph above.
This topic currently has ~13886 views it is about the fourth most viewed topic on this Alternative Clients board. That indicates that this is a matter of concern for many. I would guess that once more people read the recent ECB document and start to fully understand the possible implications there will be a great deal more concern.

Now, as for “the man” as you so quaintly put it, “the man” may be unable to shut BTC down in a single stroke but “the man” can make it so God-damn long term difficult that BTC will become nonviable.
Don't try to tell me the developers are not watching “the man” According to the ECB document Gavin Andresen has an “invite” from the CIA to brief them regarding BTC. But if you say so, no, no, the developers are not watching “the man”  This is the Core Developer “invited” to brief the CIA.

Now, get real, if you are going to deny something, you have to make it at least plausible.

holy shit totally paranoid and talking stuff without proof for it? wheres the troll flag :P anyway, ignored and b2t.

electrum client is someway about trust, trust is bad!

ppl who need this dont really need it per GUI, a patch for bitcoind should be fine for everyone i guess?

Err... read up on SPV?  Electrum now uses the SPV light-client protocol as defined by Satoshi to locally verify all payments, as well as connecting to Electrum servers (little more than bitcoind+ABE, really) to achieve faster synchronization. So, unless there's something I'm missing, Electrum 1.2, thanks to the very recent implementation of SPV by ThomasV, no longer needs to "trust" anyone.


Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Pieter Wuille on October 30, 2012, 09:45:05 PM
SPV does not mean verifying transactions. It means verifying the block headers and their proof of work, and verifying that the claimed transactions do in fact belong to the blocks. It does require some trust, in particular it relies on the majority of mining power creating valid blocks, but indeed far less than just randomly trusting a central server.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: SgtSpike on October 30, 2012, 09:54:21 PM
For the more technically savvy the raw tx API (perhaps with help from reduces the priority of this feature a lot (as you have been able to do everything you want as far as controlling your coins since 0.7 was released).

For the less technically competent I guess the question is really whether the UI can be made easy enough to make the feature worthwhile implementing (if it's not easily understood then there is probably little point in doing more work on this). Note that I haven't actually tested the patch so have no idea how intuitive the UI is.

Certainly I doubt it will ever be a feature that Gavin's grandmother will be asking for. :)

One only has to look at's implementation to see how easy a UI could be.

You simply tell the system how many coins you want to send, and to what address, and you have an optional drop-down asking you what address you would like to send from, and how many coins reside at said address.  It might be difficult to implement in the code (though seems to have done it quite successfully without much trouble), but it's certainly not difficult to use from an end-user perspective.  I'd even argue that it would give users a better understanding of addresses and wallets in general, rather than just having an account balance that is somehow tied to a variety of unknown addresses (once change addresses are created and not shown to the user).

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: N.Z. on October 30, 2012, 09:58:57 PM
This patch ... provides very little privacy
That`s not even close to truth.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: flatfly on October 30, 2012, 10:06:32 PM
SPV does not mean verifying transactions. It means verifying the block headers and their proof of work, and verifying that the claimed transactions do in fact belong to the blocks. It does require some trust, in particular it relies on the majority of mining power creating valid blocks, but indeed far less than just randomly trusting a central server.

Thanks for clarifying this. So I guess this is a security tradeoff that will eventually have to be accepted by all regular (as in, not able or willing to run bitcoind) end-users?

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Pieter Wuille on October 30, 2012, 10:10:17 PM
Actually, the one reason why I like coin control GUI's, is because they give users insight in the system. More transparency and understanding are a good thing if you want to want people to trust the software and the system in general. This is for me enough to vote for including it, if it gets implemented properly. I'm not a GUI programmer myself, though, and have other priorities.

However, and probably contrary to why most people want this feature, I believe it's a bad thing from a usability point of view. Privacy shouldn't require people to micro-manage individual coins in a wallet. If the software too eagerly links coins together (and it does), the software should be fixed. If people want to prevent several sources of income to be linked entirely, the software should provide easy multi-wallet support (and it hopefully will, in a not too distant future). Both of these are far more important for the end-user, in my point of view. That said, no problem with providing the expert user an expert mode that allows micro-management.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: Luke-Jr on October 31, 2012, 12:02:51 AM
Actually, if people really want to increase privacy, it's better to do more linkage... I believe it was coingenuity (if not him, copumpkin) who proposed a group of p2p nodes building a collective transaction with all their inputs and outputs combined and everyone signing it. This not only saves space in the blockchain and other nice benefits like that, it also means the assumption that all sources are the same is broken and improves privacy.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: K1773R on October 31, 2012, 12:51:19 AM
its not mainly about privacy, its mainly about being in control what goes where. im root and therefore i should be able to decide which input goes to which output.

@CIYAM Pty. Ltd.
if its so easy, why arnt u creating a little wrapper (best in C so u can directly patch bitcoind with it :P) for it? Altough i have to say i didnt check this function out yet, maybe its really that easy.

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: CIYAM on October 31, 2012, 01:36:20 AM
@CIYAM Pty. Ltd.
if its so easy, why arnt u creating a little wrapper (best in C so u can directly patch bitcoind with it :P) for it? Altough i have to say i didnt check this function out yet, maybe its really that easy.

Unfortunately I have very little time to spend on anything but my own project (working 7 days a week with very little time off in the last couple of years). :(

The "coin control" patch (as it is) in fact is not actually functional enough for what I need (as I need to control the "change" address which it doesn't do). This is why I had a look into the raw tx API stuff. It is quite complex but if you play with's web page then it looks as though you can put together a raw tx fairly easily (which by default sends the change back to the first input address which happens to be the exact behaviour that I am after).

Title: Re: Patching The Bitcoin Client To Make It More Anonymous
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on October 31, 2012, 09:40:45 AM
Actually, if people really want to increase privacy, it's better to do more linkage... I believe it was coingenuity (if not him, copumpkin) who proposed a group of p2p nodes building a collective transaction with all their inputs and outputs combined and everyone signing it. This not only saves space in the blockchain and other nice benefits like that, it also means the assumption that all sources are the same is broken and improves privacy.

Wouldn't that be like one-order-of-magnitude more complicated ?

Also, why not use both solutions (collective transaction & coin selection) as they are not exclusive ?