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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: PrintMule on July 04, 2013, 02:43:17 PM

Title: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: PrintMule on July 04, 2013, 02:43:17 PM

Is this for realzies? Long time ago I had my yahoo account deleted for posting a black humor question in yahoo answers (deleted along with my emails and etc), but this is too much. Freedom of speech much?

In the meantime lets sing "Who dropped the soap? Who dropped the soap?"  ;D

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Lethn on July 04, 2013, 02:57:09 PM
Going by that logic I should be seeing a psychiatrist for porn and game addiction the silly wankers, unfortunately people getting into this sort of trouble for saying things on Facebook and Twitter is a regular thing now.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Mike Christ on July 04, 2013, 03:06:26 PM
Going by that logic I should be seeing a psychiatrist for porn and game addiction the silly wankers, unfortunately people getting into this sort of trouble for saying things on Facebook and Twitter is a regular thing now.

I dare say I'm jaded.  I'd like to be shocked that this happened but it's already happened before.  It used to be criminals slipping up and posting their alleged crimes on Facebook which got people jailed.  Now all you gotta do is make even the slightest reference to an act of terrorism and you can see jail time.

Just imagine if your account is hacked.  Just imagine by whom.  Put two and two together and you could potentially have the key to jailing anybody (who has a Facebook.)

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on July 04, 2013, 03:16:04 PM
He'll learn if he hasn't already that's not really something to joke about.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Lethn on July 04, 2013, 03:18:53 PM
Even if it isn't something to joke about he shouldn't be arrested for it, you either believe in freedom of speech absolutely or you don't, going around censoring things you don't like just makes you a total hypocrite especially if you say whatever you want without facing the same consequences.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: tinus42 on July 04, 2013, 03:21:47 PM
Going by that logic I should be seeing a psychiatrist for porn and game addiction the silly wankers, unfortunately people getting into this sort of trouble for saying things on Facebook and Twitter is a regular thing now.

I dare say I'm jaded.  I'd like to be shocked that this happened but it's already happened before.  It used to be criminals slipping up and posting their alleged crimes on Facebook which got people jailed.  Now all you gotta do is make even the slightest reference to an act of terrorism and you can see jail time.

Just imagine if your account is hacked.  Just imagine by whom.  Put two and two together and you could potentially have the key to jailing anybody (who has a Facebook.)

But don't think that you can get away with terrorism charges by not having a Facebook account. That's a clear sign of terrorism!

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: jackjack on July 04, 2013, 03:23:50 PM
I hate people...

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Mike Christ on July 04, 2013, 03:27:18 PM
I'm thinking either way about it.  On one hand, if someone goes to your house and says "I'm going to kill you and your family on this exact date at this exact time if you don't give me money", and then walks away, you're better off not taking chances and it would be in your interest to figure out if the guy was actually serious or if he was just some wild hobo making empty threats.

On the other hand, the kid here had said,

'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were lol and jk [all sic]."

In response to:

'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head,’

If this was posted anywhere else, it would've been blown off as bullshit, because that's what it is: bullshit.  Which is funny as it reminds me of this quote (which I keep posting I know but it's a good one):

“Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it.”
– Niccolo Machiavelli

So, naturally, in the eyes of the state, any empty threat should be taken seriously, as the kid must be plotting to shoot up a school because he is evil and because he said so.  On the Internet.  Where people say so much stupid inane shit that it's hard to take any of it seriously.  It's a clash of cultures, I suppose; perhaps the Internet is raising different children than the state wants, but I suspect this behavior of jailing people on future possible crimes is going to keep happening.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Mike Christ on July 04, 2013, 03:28:34 PM
But don't think that you can get away with terrorism charges by not having a Facebook account. That's a clear sign of terrorism!

I fit over half of those qualifications :o  I'm not sure, but...I think I might be a terrorist.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: PrintMule on July 04, 2013, 04:58:19 PM
He'll learn if he hasn't already that's not really something to joke about.

it's comments like this that crack me up
he SHOULD NOT learn the lesson, he SHOULD be able to say everything he wants
otherwise it's a Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak? ( all over

What next? Jail comedians? It started with political correctness and ends with terrorism paranoia.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 04, 2013, 05:18:26 PM
The lad's comment was taking completely outta context. What if somebody were to interview the lady (assuming she's a fat whore), and during the interview she was quoting someone to the tune, "I'going to blow up a school...", of which was recorded. But that would be the evidence presented to the police, along with her living in a proximity of a school, thus another terrorist needing taken off the streets of America. Same exact circumstances, yet she, too, shouldn't be incarcerated, stripped naked in a padded cell, sans foreign objects to stick up her cunt.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 04, 2013, 05:33:42 PM
Jeysus, if this kid got 4 months with half a mil bail for that then what would Phin get for his gazillion posts? The US truly has gone mad, build a big wall around it with some thick padding and air drop plenty of happy pills. Ship that kid out before though, sounds like he got singled out for being normal.

If you search this forum using my name and IRS, I believe you'll find that I've said worse. I even invited them fuckwards to come get me.

The whole fuckin' issue could have been resolved with a couple/three officers, the worse detective on the force and an psychologist. Come to think of it, that's probably all that were involved. Sadly, they all suck each others dicks prior to cumming to a conclusion as to what needed to be done. Jack off one judge, and wham-bam the lad's locked up, all because some women didn't get her daily tire-iron-prodding stuck up her ass on the day she discovered that FB page and Googled where the nearest school is.

Tit-for-tat dictates that if that woman were ever found out, she will probably live a worst faith then what that poor lad is going through.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: redtwitz on July 04, 2013, 05:50:11 PM
Jeysus, if this kid got 4 months with half a mil bail for that then what would Phin get for his gazillion posts?

The kid didn't get anything yet. He's in jail since February awaiting trial, has been indicted on a charge of making a terroristic threat and faces up to 10 years in prison.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: niko on July 04, 2013, 06:03:44 PM

Is this for realzies? Long time ago I had my yahoo account deleted for posting a black humor question in yahoo answers (deleted along with my emails and etc), but this is too much. Freedom of speech much?

In the meantime lets sing "Who dropped the soap? Who dropped the soap?"  ;D

In reality, anyone with "I support our troops" sticker is much more guilty of threatening the innocent with violence and murder.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 04, 2013, 06:03:50 PM
Jeysus, if this kid got 4 months with half a mil bail for that then what would Phin get for his gazillion posts?

The kid didn't get anything yet. He's in jail since February awaiting trial, has been indicted on a charge of making a terroristic threat and faces up to 10 years in prison.

I've got an idea! During the trial, friends-of-the-terrorist-lad stage a protest demanding the kid should be convicted and jailed for life with no chance for parole. We need to set an example, drawing a line in the sand that comments taken outta context shouldn't go unpunished.

<done correctly, it'll work, with the message getting out>

I just thought of something else, and boy am I getting really pissed now.

How is it that Russia can inform the US about two brothers being expected terrorist, but nothing was done prior to the Boston Marathon, yet some woman who has a hard time getting her pussy wet is able to get an innocent lad locked up due to an LOL FaceBook comment?

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Gabi on July 04, 2013, 06:06:27 PM
It seems something worth of one of the worst dictatorships!

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: BurtW on July 04, 2013, 06:16:18 PM
You still use Facebook?  What the hell is wrong with you?

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 04, 2013, 06:20:28 PM
You still use Facebook?  What the hell is wrong with you?

The account was a freebie that came with the AOL disc.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Online24o0n on July 04, 2013, 06:35:44 PM
I hope the U.S. burns to the ground, I hope someone nukes washington!

 Ok, lets see if this works, come and get me Police! Come and arrest me for being a terrorist since we do not have freedom of speech anymore.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Amph on July 04, 2013, 06:39:52 PM
I hate the human race

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: luv2drnkbr on July 05, 2013, 02:57:22 AM
He'll learn if he hasn't already that's not really something to joke about.

you are what's wrong with the world

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: CoinsForTech on July 05, 2013, 07:27:31 AM
Honestly, I think he's an idiot and if he were my son he would be getting some very stern words.

But c'mon, 4 months & $500,000 bail?! Not only will he have to spend some time in jail for a momentary lack of sense (and a harmless one at that), but this will ruin the kids life if it leaves a permanent record.

TL;DR - Joking about shooting up schools isn't funny, at all. Ruining a persons life over a stupid comment on the internet isn't funny, at all.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: favdesu on July 05, 2013, 08:20:31 AM
US being the US. good thing I'm not living there.

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: PrintMule on July 05, 2013, 02:46:38 PM
Haha, in my own country (Latvia) there's news (10 minutes ago) about 31 year old woman who made 2 messages on her facebook, about how she's "gonna make massacre similar to Breivik's in Norway". She's been taken in police custody now. So shit's sure is spreading. We have some laws against internet bullying and against motivating racial hate (which is still against freedom of speech, imho) but this one is taking us to the next tier.

UPDATE/EDIT: She left total of 2 messages. One "gonna make massacre similar to Breivik's in Norway" and other "gonna make massacre similar to recent USA massacre". Twice the fun there!

Stay tuned, folks!


Local kindergarten kid drew Mohammad, faces 5 years in jail with 20.000 bail! Neighbor posted a video in his facebook account featuring his dog dressed up as one of Tsarnaev brothers, and violently barking, SWAT is on it's way as we speak!

BREAKING NEWS!  Sally Goldstein, the 14 year old facebook user has left a comment saying that she "hates her classmates, and hopes they die slow death tomorrow, along with the principal". There's emergency meeting going on at LAPD headquarters, there's rumors about possible military involvement!

Back to you Tom!

Title: Re: Kid jailed for 4 month now, for a facebook comment with a 500k $ bail
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 05, 2013, 05:11:14 PM
Haha, in my own country (Latvia) there's news (10 minutes ago) about 31 year old woman who made 2 messages on her facebook, about how she's "gonna make massacre similar to Breivik's in Norway". She's been taken in police custody now. So shit's sure is spreading. We have some laws against internet bullying and against motivating racial hate (which is still against freedom of speech, imho) but this one is taking us to the next tier.

UPDATE/EDIT: She left total of 2 messages. One "gonna make massacre similar to Breivik's in Norway" and other "gonna make massacre similar to recent USA massacre". Twice the fun there!

Stay tuned, folks!


Local kindergarten kid drew Mohammad, faces 5 years in jail with 20.000 bail! Neighbor posted a video in his facebook account featuring his dog dressed up as one of Tsarnaev brothers, and violently barking, SWAT is on it's way as we speak!

BREAKING NEWS!  Sally Goldstein, the 14 year old facebook user has left a comment saying that she "hates her classmates, and hopes they die slow death tomorrow, along with the principal". There's emergency meeting going on at LAPD headquarters, there's rumors about possible military involvement!

Back to you Tom!

If I were to make a comment about blowing shit up outta the blue, I should be arrested. But if I'm commenting on somebody calling me a nut case on the internet, stating such with an LOL, then I should be questioned by the authorities, perhaps given a court date, and if found guilty, punished and fined with a little tic next to my name.

Locking me up naked in a padded cell for months on end because some woman can get her pussy wet the normal way alarms the authorities is too way outta whack for my taste.