Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MyOddz on December 08, 2017, 12:59:03 PM

Title: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: MyOddz on December 08, 2017, 12:59:03 PM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: MyOddz on December 08, 2017, 01:09:16 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Beparanf on December 08, 2017, 01:36:37 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:

I don't know yet all details regarding this kittens, but it's really making the transactions too slow, it can be a good additional features if it will not cause too much delays.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: marks1976 on December 08, 2017, 01:47:01 PM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.
This just about the matter of time when ethereum will be implemented all of the scalability solutions and when sharding blockchain will real and a lot of the dapps will build on the ethereum platform. Cryptokitties just proves us about how the dapps that build in ethereum platform is really working right now. That's different with bullshit SDK by a competitor.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Alexander Mamaev on December 10, 2017, 02:56:46 PM
I agree. The case with CryptoKitties does not so much indicate that the system has serious vulnerabilities, as it demonstrates that the Ethereum blockchain’s technological development lags behind its popularity. The system just didn’t have enough capacity to accommodate so many users at once.

Public's interest in Etherium also offers many positive moments. It means that we will have more experienced users with knowledge concerning proper storage of cryptocurrency, as well as about the means to protect their assets.

The most pertinent danger  for Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies and other types of blockchain-based digital money is centralization.There is still a possibility that a pool of rich individuals or companies may buy all the digital assets in a decentralized system
for their own financial or other benefit.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: hanlieuiypm9832 on December 10, 2017, 03:00:10 PM
Yes, I think the cryptokitty is a good way to prove the ETH network is good though there is some crowded situations. I also think it is a good way to Let more people know the value of ETH.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: xenomorphe1 on December 10, 2017, 03:06:41 PM
ETH is going to be clogged like this for 1 or 2 months. People are going to be desinterested about it and ICO are going to move to other coins and not use ETH as people can't send ETH. I don't see how ETH is going to better. The price is the same and may get lower, but the transfer fees are more important and the difficulty to mine it also grows a lot. A lot of people are mining other coins as they are more profitable than ETH.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: on December 10, 2017, 03:06:44 PM
Even though it spikes up the transaction costs and generally makes for a slower network, I still like the kitties.
Introduces new people to crypto.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Despacito on December 10, 2017, 03:10:30 PM
ETH is going to be clogged like this for 1 or 2 months. People are going to be desinterested about it and ICO are going to move to other coins and not use ETH as people can't send ETH. I don't see how ETH is going to better. The price is the same and may get lower, but the transfer fees are more important and the difficulty to mine it also grows a lot. A lot of people are mining other coins as they are more profitable than ETH.

I'm a ETH supporter, let me indicate this first. I also couldn't understand how eth is going better with cryptokitties. The network is locked down and we can't make token transfers. I have to pay $2 for a simple token transfer, this is bad!

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Kaller on December 10, 2017, 03:11:19 PM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.

Yeah I am seeing tons of posts about CryptoKitties, or at least a couple so far, and it seems to be going viral. Hope the ETH network gets faster and gas prices decrease soon though. :P

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: JanEmil on December 10, 2017, 03:18:06 PM
Nice information. Thank you.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: motionerror on December 10, 2017, 03:18:32 PM
It's a great game and I can see why people are hooked with it, had a play with it myself yesterday.

Toshi has now released it, for anyone who doesn't know, Toshi is the Ethereum browser (mobile app) which coinbase have built.

The only downside I see at the moment, on Desktop especially, is that MetaMask is a little clunky. There needs to be a smoother way to transact.


Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: thejaytiesto on December 10, 2017, 03:38:59 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:

Yep but Bitcoin has monetary transactions. Ethereum on the other hand ends up with its network pretty much offline due massive flood of retarded usage such as CryptoKitties or buying into the latest ICO mega hypejob.

Also there is a lot of spam going on in Bitcoin:

Some of that doesn't seem like organic transactions to me. But the good news is they lose money doing that and eventually subside.

The point is, having use cases like "Cryptokitties" on a main chain instead of sidechain is just insane. Main chain should be for straight simple money transactions.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: munareal on December 10, 2017, 04:28:29 PM
Yes crypto kitties is good for ethereum blockchain  for it has given it much more exposure the smart contract of CryptoKitties has accounted for nearly 14 percent of the entire ethereum network’s transaction volume, which is higher than the transaction volume of all other crypto currencies in the market combined.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Crumple Cat on December 10, 2017, 08:17:20 PM
Кpиптoмиp никoгдa paньшe нe видeл пoдoбныx кoтят, и дaжe caми CryptoKitties никoгдa нe oжидaли тaкoй peaкции нa cвoй пpoeкт, этo бecпpeцeдeнтнo, нo нa caмoм дeлe paбoтaeт и пpoдoлжaeт этo дeлaть.

I think that Cryptokitties creators, among whom it seems to me, are secretly hiding Vitalik, planned and expected such a reaction and it is very similar to the creative way of testing the network :) And of course this is useful in general.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: OneUnderBridge on December 10, 2017, 08:24:35 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:

Yep but Bitcoin has monetary transactions. Ethereum on the other hand ends up with its network pretty much offline due massive flood of retarded usage such as CryptoKitties or buying into the latest ICO mega hypejob.

Also there is a lot of spam going on in Bitcoin:

Some of that doesn't seem like organic transactions to me. But the good news is they lose money doing that and eventually subside.

The point is, having use cases like "Cryptokitties" on a main chain instead of sidechain is just insane. Main chain should be for straight simple money transactions.

I agree 100 percent here. In fact, there are sidechain solutions already in the works. Check out the white paper in my signature. Ethereum cannot handle this type behavior and if it continues to develop in this manner, then there may be a rek in the works. And, once contracts become fully autonomous, access to the network will become unattainable without sidechains.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Praetorian.1legion on December 10, 2017, 08:25:02 PM
Everyone goes crazy in their own way, but how many are crazy? But, nevertheless, the more insane the idea, the more attractive.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: btcdamnit on December 10, 2017, 08:31:33 PM
Yes crypto kitties is good for ethereum blockchain  for it has given it much more exposure the smart contract of CryptoKitties has accounted for nearly 14 percent of the entire ethereum network’s transaction volume, which is higher than the transaction volume of all other crypto currencies in the market combined.

Its kind of stress testing the ETH network.
Hope Ethereum will fix Large scale network clogging soon and definitely it will come back stronger.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: nsasuiteb on December 10, 2017, 08:34:59 PM
Crypto kitties proves that ethereum platform and smart contracts are a new planet which need to be explored.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: JetSet11 on December 10, 2017, 08:35:48 PM
I think the Cryptokitties idea is great. The idea is novel and fun. Good for Ethereum overall, despite the current network congestion.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Diller5 on December 10, 2017, 08:38:38 PM
In addition to CryptoKittie, Cryptocrabs already appeared

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: portmanbtc on December 10, 2017, 08:41:18 PM
At now recommended gas prices 17 gwei. Yesterday was 30-45. The popularity of cats began to fall?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: CaptainKid on December 10, 2017, 08:42:30 PM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.
I can assume that you invested very well in ethereum ;D  ;) After your news, the price for it will grow, I'm sure.
In fact, I also think that, ethereum will only become stronger when these tests pass!

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: xiaohang07 on December 10, 2017, 09:55:35 PM
I tried cryptoKitties this morning. I really like it. It really demonstrates what a smart contract platform can do, granting Eth more media exposure.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: maxxdxx on December 11, 2017, 01:20:42 AM
Anyone noticed (the coincidence) how massively the price dropped around the time when CryptoKittens surfaced? So perhaps some investors were not amused?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Triple on December 11, 2017, 01:25:19 AM
I don't get what you're saying really. Sure ETH is handling a lot more transactions, but from what I can tell, it's slowing confirmation times by a huge amount. I don't see how this is better for Ether. All I have heard for the past couple of days is the confirmation times being delayed and high gas prices etc etc. Am I understanding you wrong and could you please explain more?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: jubalix on December 11, 2017, 01:30:30 AM
CK forces quicker dev of capacity tech or ETH so good.

Its kinda of funny though all these serious apps, and first blockbuster app is......Crypto Kitties, which must now forever be stored in the block chain.

I think CK may the app to actually make IOTA work!

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: bribed on December 11, 2017, 01:35:24 AM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.

I think you make some good points here and I agree with them. Cryptokitties has shown Ethereum where to work on and as things seem to settle down now, Ethereum network will continue to shine and it will be stronger than ever.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: brushtooth on December 11, 2017, 01:37:33 AM
The fact that the network is slowly starting to return to normality and processing transactions can be taken with an air of positivity but still the overall vibe will be that many things have ground to a halt for a few days because of the ridiculous fees needed to process a transaction with any speed. I agree in time ETH will be huge but I struggle to take much hope from this period, scalability solutions can't come soon enough.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: SparkyU on December 11, 2017, 01:46:16 AM
The issue is though what happens when 10 games like this are created and running at once.  You know how crypto works, 1 things becomes poplular and then a bunch of other people make a ton of clones of it.  1 was enough to cause a major headache, many more will grind it to a halt.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: bribed on December 12, 2017, 02:16:27 AM
The issue is though what happens when 10 games like this are created and running at once.  You know how crypto works, 1 things becomes poplular and then a bunch of other people make a ton of clones of it.  1 was enough to cause a major headache, many more will grind it to a halt.

Agreed, Im also wondering what this will be like, and as you said, its almost certain that we will soon see a lot of copyCATS. Curious if this kind of games will cause real damage to the network or if there will be measures in place from the Ethereum devs to prevent this.

Nevertheless the market seems to have reacted now to the resolved network congestion, Ethereum broke the $500 mark again.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Saifher on December 12, 2017, 02:18:05 AM
Cryptokitties was just a taste of whats to come. But if plenty of popular dapps start popping up too quickly i think the fee problem will come back to haunt us... We still need more capacity to withstand the huge crowd that is coming

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: erichall on December 12, 2017, 02:31:56 AM
Cryptokitties killed my ethereum transaction. Now it takes much more juice to get them going :(

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: v3liana on December 12, 2017, 03:20:02 AM
yes crypto kitties only makes ethereum stronger even though it makes eth transaction slow. its prove that games could use blockchain and i think if ethereum could be used in many more complicated game the industry of game would be big so as the ethereum

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: cliffhanger35 on December 12, 2017, 03:41:32 AM
Yeah I am annoyed with the crypto kittens too. I was trying to invest in the Angel Token ICO but my Ether just kept coming back in my wallet. I had no idea what was going on until they explained I needed to increase the gas price. I always thought that was automatic.

Anyway, finally got my 13,000 Angel Tokens now and very very happy with that!  ;D

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: OneUnderBridge on December 12, 2017, 05:04:20 AM
Somebody needs to build a DApp, called cryptopups, specifically designed to maul cryptokitties! Maybe it could fork off of cryptokitties and "eat" kitties to get more valuable until all them damn kitties are gone and all the pups are resigned to cannibalism. There has to be an innovative remedy to this problem.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: thaliaand on December 12, 2017, 05:15:44 AM
I'm sure ethereum devs now got lot of things to do in order to solve the blockchain network problem caused by the "kitties". Well, i think this will be another huge step for ethereum network to become better in the near future. Just take this mess as a trial  ;)

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: disconnectme on December 13, 2017, 03:19:10 PM
I think the effect it has on the network has also helps to popularize the game or what it is, Ethereum team need to work on their platform because if this had gained more traction than this it could have cause worse damage to the platform than this, but it seems no one is trying to take advantages of the lapses in Ethereum currently

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Maloppo on December 13, 2017, 03:28:39 PM
I think the effect it has on the network has also helps to popularize the game or what it is, Ethereum team need to work on their platform because if this had gained more traction than this it could have cause worse damage to the platform than this, but it seems no one is trying to take advantages of the lapses in Ethereum currently

I agree that The ethereum team need to hard work on their platfom to solved this problem
if many of game developer to using the ethereum platform, surely the ethereum platform is crash

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: dasha_buka on December 15, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
Yes you are right ,but they inhibit transactions in the last two weeks of the transaction a very long walk

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: finaleshot2016 on December 15, 2017, 04:15:36 PM
My opinion is that the CryptoKittie craze has been very good for Ethereum. I've seen comments that the Ethereum network can't handle a large number of transactions but this is patently untrue.

Prior to the cats being let out of the bag, in one day about 10 days ago now, Ethereum processed over 500,000 transactions, more than half of ALL cryptocurrency transactions and the vast majority of those were at approx 12 seconds and for a very low gas price.

Since then, the number of transactions per day has been increasing up to almost 800,000, even with kitties and dwarfing transactions by all other currencies combined!

Yes, transaction times have increased as has the price of gas (which is extremely frustrating), but this is due to scaling which will be sorted out in due course with solutions coming on board, in fact some are already on the mainnet.

We have Plasma, Raiden and in particular, Sharding, to look forward to which will not only bring transaction times back down again, but also GAS fees.

The crypto world has never seen the like of kitties before and even CryptoKitties themselves never expected such a reaction to their project, it's unprecedented but actually works and is continuing to do so.

This can only bode well for the future as we are now aware of the issues at a very early stage in the Ethereum network development and development of solutions will now be at the forefront of developers minds.

Rather than be disheartened this is positive I believe.

I still support ethereum, i know that eth can handle this problem and this is a great opportunity for them to change and improve there system. I know that someday they can handle millions of transaction in a second. It is a great lesson for all of us and it shows how strong eth is.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: andiko on December 15, 2017, 04:44:32 PM
Interest in CryptoKitties has already fallen. But what happens when the analogues of CryptoKitties appear? Ethereum hardly coped with one game, but what if there are several?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Antiqua on December 15, 2017, 05:19:56 PM
As for me, cryptokitties only helped for ethereum
1) People learned to use it, even who did not know how to do it before
2) They show, how powerful it is, that Ethereum transactions take up 50% of all the cryptocurrency
3) And learned what is it smart contracts

In general, the developers have taken the right tool - kitties, they all love it!
I even saw that one ICO ( gives cryptokitties for the purchase of tokens
it's so sweet  ::)
ah interesting post
instead blame cryptokitties for lame transaction, we can learn a lot of thing from this situation
sudden high demand from that aps will help ETH price to grow even more
i wonder what will happen in the next future with this platform and blockchain

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: OneUnderBridge on December 15, 2017, 06:47:37 PM
It just brings to the forefront the question that's been plaguing the blockchain space concerning scalability. I think that a protocol that utilizes sidechains to do the heavy work associated with these "smart contracts" will be the solution to much of this congestion arising from these robust contracts bloating the main chains. That's just my prediction and that's where I've been placing my investments.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Ging on December 15, 2017, 06:51:42 PM
i would say how is that ? how it proves Ethereum ? i think it got even worse i have major problems in trading i can not buy nor sell my tokens the platform is making use of they are taking fees on transaction not made i am thinking to leave this platform.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: bitorama on December 15, 2017, 07:01:18 PM
a cryptokitties game can make ethereum so slow, ethereum has still a long way to go

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Elgrown on December 15, 2017, 07:06:54 PM
the Ethereum transactions take up 50% of all the cryptocurrency, thats not bad

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: MyOddz on December 18, 2017, 08:47:20 PM
It just brings to the forefront the question that's been plaguing the blockchain space concerning scalability. I think that a protocol that utilizes sidechains to do the heavy work associated with these "smart contracts" will be the solution to much of this congestion arising from these robust contracts bloating the main chains. That's just my prediction and that's where I've been placing my investments.

This is possible to a degree already with state channes which can do tasks off chain. you can read more about those in our whitepaper if you'd like to as we will be adopting them in our upcoming ICO.

What will REALLY make the difference is quadratic sharding. these are like sub block chains which can do large numbers of transactions, and then upload the headers only to the main net. it will make a huge difference!

Kitties have accelerated the development which is great and these will take us to Ethereum 2.0 already!! After than, transactions numbers will go nuts and we could quite easily see 10,000 transactions a second by early 2019 which is insane.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Gloria_16 on December 19, 2017, 12:11:48 PM
Well, I do not know, because with the advent of Crypto Kitties constantly show that the ethereum network is loaded, these CryptoKitties do not attract me, so I do not see any benefit from them

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: captain8 on December 19, 2017, 12:12:28 PM
Anyone see the airdrop for cryptomon?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: bribed on December 19, 2017, 12:22:38 PM
I guess the kitty-crisis is over isnt it? shows a safelow of 4 again.
Did people stop playing that game and hype settled down or did the ethereum devs did something to improve scalability?

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: popolite11 on December 19, 2017, 02:50:50 PM
This is really unbelievable thing how much money people spend on Cryptokitties. In the very beginning I thought that this is just a game. But now this real business with turnout of thousands of dollars.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: treanski on December 19, 2017, 03:03:19 PM
@cryptokitties breeders

is there a demand for the breeded kitties? im thinking about to invest some eth, but i cant imagine that people pay shitload of eth for kitties.

looks for me like ponzi - u always need new users that need kitties to start breeding..

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: loaddebitcard on December 19, 2017, 03:27:07 PM
I was saying that Cryptokitties will be good for Ethereum when then game just launched. It was obvious that popularity of the game will affect the popularity of ethers. I'm sure that there will be more interesting projects based on Ethereum, thus I'd recommend investing in it.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: sakokinak on December 20, 2017, 08:58:58 AM
First, the game CryptoKitties revealed the weak spots of the ethereum, but over time it began to increase the popularity of the coin, which led to a significant increase in price. I think in the future will create similar games that will contribute to the growth of the price of the ethereum and its popularity.   

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: cryptochr on December 20, 2017, 09:58:53 AM
The case with Cryptokitties showed that Ethereum needs to deal with the network transaction issues.
There was also the blockchain problem being clogged up, and the different network congestions, so these needed to be addressed. Other than that, Ethereum is working fine!

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: chrisfatos on December 20, 2017, 11:47:23 AM

It was interesting for the Ethereum network, it put it under lots of stress and i think the Devs are most likely to fix any issues so that it don't repeat itself.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: Hopeman1 on December 20, 2017, 12:03:27 PM
Ethereum still has great potential, and if Ethereum can handle the number of transfers per second, then Ethereum could rise 10-20 times. ;D

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: jacquelinecr on December 20, 2017, 03:23:31 PM
its funny how we dont hear about cryptokitties anymore, it means the Ethereum network is less clogged up and running smoothly again.
It was good to see this happen because now Devs on Ethereum network can work on troubleshooting and find solutions to these issues.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: beerlover on December 24, 2017, 05:21:51 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:

I don't know yet all details regarding this kittens, but it's really making the transactions too slow, it can be a good additional features if it will not cause too much delays.
Cryptokittens is a game where you can breed some kittens and then see them grow in size as well as in value in the long run and then you can sell them more than you buy them. It has been the trending game on the Ethereum blockchain right now and people really got so crazy about it and with the huge number of transactions going on, that caused some congestion.

I really would say it has not really been that bad compared to the rate at which bitcoin just keeps getting worst and we just have to still stand by it being the legacy chain which we really want to see succeed, but if something is not done, it is not really going to speak well cause the currency value of it will be lost. However, for Ethereum, a lot can still be done to even make things better and from this little that has happened, that would give room for more improvement.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: LaitmanXY on December 24, 2017, 05:27:57 PM
CryptoKittie influenced the ether network on the positive side. Since helped identify the most vulnerable places of the network

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: hanlieuiypm9832 on December 24, 2017, 05:32:28 PM
CryptoKittie influenced the ether network on the positive side. Since helped identify the most vulnerable places of the network
I agree with you, the cryptokittie proves that the Etherium network is very reliable not only for ICO tokens distribution, but also for bath tranferring.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: sycaburatan on December 24, 2017, 05:34:38 PM
Here is a chart showing the growth in transaction numbers on the Ethereum network, prior to and since the introduction of CryptoKitties.


Ethereum has approximately 22k pending transactions as can be seen here:

And Bitcoin has over 210k pending transactions as can be seen here:
Youve compare two slow transaction coins,how about compare the two with litecoin or ripple?doesnt make sense if you compare two birds with the same disadvantages

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: upsidedown75 on December 26, 2017, 02:39:27 PM
Yes, I think the cryptokitty is a good way to prove the ETH network is good though there is some crowded situations. I also think it is a good way to Let more people know the value of ETH.
Honestly, it is and no matter how bad it was for the increase in gas fees, it was not as bad as if that would have been on the bitcoin network. So far, Ethereum has been doing its best, and what is being experienced is so little that can easily be solved in some little time later on, so I am still very optimistic with the Ethereum network, even though we have plenty of Kittens running around right now.

Title: Re: CryptoKitties proves Ethereum and it will only get better.
Post by: cryptotnak on December 26, 2017, 02:53:25 PM
I think the otherway around,it just proves the eth network isnt yet ready to be the top crypto coin.