Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Long-term offers => Topic started by: mit1mit2 on July 18, 2013, 09:15:17 AM

Title: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: mit1mit2 on July 18, 2013, 09:15:17 AM
Dear Bitcoin community and possible investors,

I write this letter knowing that my background lacks any reason to trust me, it does not leave any reason to distrust me either but it is true that indeed, I am not known in the bitcoin scene. Now I realize that most of you want to play it very safe especially for the amount I'm asking with the interest I'm using but I'm hoping that at least one of you is willing to give me a chance.
Currently I am still mining with a mid-grade GPU to get some sort of BTC income and I'm using the mined coin's to invest in other people. Now doing that I have build a small network of people that can be trusted with my investments. The problem is that my investments are so low that it's really more of a hobby then money at the moment. Frankly the fact is that no matter how hard you try, if you want to earn money by investing you need a sturdy start capital. Now that's why I come here, I would like to ask for a 50 BTC loan payed back over the course of 9 months with a 7.5% interest. The reason I'm asking for an amount of 50 BTC is because that is an amount which I can continue to invest with without leaving a lot standing on the side. The course of 9 months and the interest of 7.5% are both products of my investment capabilities. I would offer a 10% interest but I am not entirely 100% sure that I will be capable of paying that back in the advertised 9 months without doing a personal investment. Because I would like to keep this entirely on the business side. Of course, if needed, I will have the money to back your investment up.
Any amount will be greatly appreciated yet I must admit that I'm looking for at least 10-50 BTC; I also won't accept more then 50 BTC as the risk above that amount gets too high, both for the investor and me. I will try to stay in constant contact with the investor(s) so to keep them up to date with my progress and with it their money. Repayment will be done in BTC, this means that the interest (in dollars) will fluctuate with the BTC market.
I sincerely hope to have informed you as much as needed; should you have any questions or concerns, I will be glad to answer them to the fullest of my potential.

Yours sincerely,
Mitchell (Mit1mit2)

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Tomatocage on July 21, 2013, 01:19:47 AM
Holy fuck, dude LOL

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: mit1mit2 on July 21, 2013, 09:19:50 AM
Holy fuck, dude LOL
I understand how it might be funny to you but considering I'm quite serious about it; a little more respect will be appreciated. The fact is that as long as I have noone willing to invest in me I will simply try to keep it up using the bitcoin's I've got, it just won't go as quickly.

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: nimda on August 03, 2013, 04:23:48 AM
Assuming you're actually legit (lol), you're going to need to find some way to assure lenders that you won't scam. Good luck with that.

The days of this ( are long, long past.

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 22, 2013, 05:18:01 AM
Sorry, most miners don't want to "invest" in equipment to mine themselves, or even into GB [group buys], because of the rate equipment is becoming obsolete, and the rapidly rising difficulty level. "Investment" is a relative term here...

If you get a 9 month loan, it's pretty likely the equipment will be obsolete at the 6-8 month mark.

That said, 50 BTC is ALOT of money, I don't think you will attract any investors unless you can bring something new to the table and inspire some confidence.

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Grim Death on September 22, 2013, 05:22:18 PM
You do realise you just came here and asked strangers to lend you £4150 right?

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Vod on September 22, 2013, 05:29:28 PM
You do realise you just came here and asked strangers to lend you £4150 right?

You do realize this thread is 3 months old?  OP is long gone.   ;)

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Fear on September 22, 2013, 06:53:36 PM
You do realise you just came here and asked strangers to lend you £4150 right?

You do realize this thread is 3 months old?  OP is long gone.   ;)
You should blame the guy who bumped a 3 months old post instead.

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Vod on September 22, 2013, 07:07:23 PM
You do realise you just came here and asked strangers to lend you £4150 right?

You do realize this thread is 3 months old?  OP is long gone.   ;)
You should blame the guy who bumped a 3 months old post instead.

I doubt he'll see it.  Today is "reassurance" day.  Members of his cult will gather together and chant and sing to try and convince each other they are not crazy.   ::)

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 22, 2013, 07:52:14 PM
You do realise you just came here and asked strangers to lend you £4150 right?

You do realize this thread is 3 months old?  OP is long gone.   ;)
You should blame the guy who bumped a 3 months old post instead.

I doubt he'll see it.  Today is "reassurance" day.  Members of his cult will gather together and chant and sing to try and convince each other they are not crazy.   ::)

Don't mind Vod.

He hates Christians and calls Christianity a cult. Apparently this is the way he refers to Sunday Sermons. It also seems to be the reason he gave me neg feedback too (saw my signature is a Psalm).

We'll pray for you, oh pathetic evil one.

Title: Re: Looking for a 9 month loan with a 7.5% interest
Post by: Vod on September 23, 2013, 06:07:37 AM
He hates Christians and calls Christianity a cult. Apparently this is the way he refers to Sunday Sermons.

Christianity is a cult. Have you looked in your dictionary yet?  

I hate christians as much as you hate atheists (the fastest growing religion in the world).  But you're gullible and we aren't.  I still get along with cult members and have many as friends.  They know my beliefs and don't rub their religion in my face like you do.  :)  And let's face it - you hate every religion other than your own, so don't be a hypocrite.

You can insult Jesus Christ and Christianity as much as you want, all it does is make my faith stronger.

I believe that is exactly how brainwashing is supposed to work.    ;)

P.S. as of this moment, I accept AW's offer of a cease fire.  We'll see what he does in the morning.  :)