Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Pmalek on August 10, 2013, 10:19:07 PM

Title: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 10, 2013, 10:19:07 PM
I am starting this topic because I like this coin! It has great name, nice specs, and real bad support. It would be a shame for this coin to die..
Developer Johnluc is not posting anything in DMD topic, and probably doesnt give a crap about this coin anymore! I would like to invite him to give the thorch to somebody capable and interested in further supporting this great coin! No hard feelings no harms done just hand it over like a gentleman! Hell I would take over and do it if I had knowledge!  ;D

What do you guys think about this?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Kruncha on August 10, 2013, 10:22:39 PM
I sold all mine, but may buy back in/mine - if it was in the right hands.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 10, 2013, 10:25:29 PM
You sold it just because of lack of support, right?

Thats my point. Dev is guilty for that...

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: portice on August 10, 2013, 10:32:06 PM
No, I sold it cause it was at 75 I made a bunch. 

Sarcasm aside I'm down for whatever solution helps further the coin, I actually like this one.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Kruncha on August 10, 2013, 11:00:49 PM
No, I sold it cause it was at 75 I made a bunch. 

Sarcasm aside I'm down for whatever solution helps further the coin, I actually like this one.

I'm making a fork right now.  Should we restart the blockchain and start fresh or not?

I would be in, I liked the idea behind it - that's why I mined 35 of them with 700kh/s (that takes a long time, by the way).

I only spend my meager resources on coins I like.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 10, 2013, 11:01:49 PM
That is great, are you up to the task?  ;D.  Maybe it is not wise to start from begining because the coin is already accepted on exchanges. But whatever majority wants...

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 10, 2013, 11:18:50 PM
ive spoken to Johnluc hes put some real work into the coin, i think hes just busy atm,

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: techbytes on August 10, 2013, 11:30:24 PM
ive spoken to Johnluc hes put some real work into the coin, i think hes just busy atm,

I know a lot of dev are very busy but they make time to update the community with the progress of their coins. 


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 11, 2013, 12:37:48 AM
ive spoken to Johnluc hes put some real work into the coin, i think hes just busy atm,

I know a lot of dev are very busy but they make time to update the community with the progress of their coins. 


Agree! It takes an effort, it is not easy. If he cannot make time to support this coin, he should hand it over. Nothing bad at that..

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: kebis on August 11, 2013, 02:36:26 AM
I like DMD and I would go back to mining if there was some active support. As of now I am holding my coins to see what happens. If the block chain was reset though I would probably just ignore the coin. Even though I am not holding so much I did put a few days into it and I would not trust the coin if it started over. I don't see much reason for that.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 11, 2013, 10:48:02 AM
im not saying dont take it over, i agree with you that there should be support, just ask the dev, although i know myself hes more active round these parts than you guys know

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Kruncha on August 11, 2013, 10:51:41 AM
Well, that's a pretty stupid way for a developer to behave.

I sold mine because there was no support and the price and confidence where plummeting, all it needed was some interaction from the dev, and I would of held instead.

I don't think there should be a reset or anything - just someone actively looking out for diamond with it's (and it's users) best interests in mind.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 11, 2013, 11:14:01 AM
id help you guys out with the dev work but im overloaded with the work on bytecoin and tenebrix, if any of you guys want to join forces and we can take care of all 3 coins then id be glad to help

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 11, 2013, 09:55:31 PM

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: sheinsha on August 11, 2013, 10:08:59 PM
Well i have been supporting this coin almost since start, and it makes me sad the way it is right now.
I dont think that a full restart would be necessary, but i totally agree that a new version of the client with checkpoints to make this the start of a new Diamond Coin. I can help with the pool and that stuff, so tell me if i can help with anything else!

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Kruncha on August 12, 2013, 11:39:15 AM
I can't really help - I have no Idea about managing a coin.

I would consider buying back in/mining some if it was being looked after by someone.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: cryptohunter on August 12, 2013, 12:54:12 PM
I am starting this topic because I like this coin! It has great name, nice specs, and real bad support. It would be a shame for this coin to die..
Developer Johnluc is not posting anything in DMD topic, and probably doesnt give a crap about this coin anymore! I would like to invite him to give the thorch to somebody capable and interested in further supporting this great coin! No hard feelings no harms done just hand it over like a gentleman! Hell I would take over and do it if I had knowledge!  ;D

What do you guys think about this?

Yes, for sure, great name and good design.

Full blockchain restart?  what will that mean for the coins in my wallet? they vanish?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 12, 2013, 02:26:05 PM
Can somebody please ask some trustworthy devs if they would be interested? I sent PM to few PPL but no response yet. Also wouldnt be a bad idea to PM JohnLuc and ask of him nicely again to organize the handover if he doesnt want to continue..

And I have no idea what would happen to the coins in a wallet, it does metter a little, but primarily I would like to save a coin..

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 02:50:55 PM
id be willing to help out, but i would like to collaborate with a few people

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 12, 2013, 03:03:03 PM
I know Ahmed! I conntacted that person you told me to, but no response... Maybe it would be wise if you try..

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 03:03:35 PM
ill skype him, see if he replies

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: gatra on August 12, 2013, 03:42:27 PM
hi! would you please explain what do you mean by "managing a coin" or "providing support"? I really don't know what tasks are required or expected...
One would be updating checkpoints in the client. What else?
You don't need the devs for setting up a pool or asking an exchange to support the coin.
If there are no bugs that need fixing, what other support do you need that you can't do yourself (not you personally, I mean members of the community without the programming skills involved in updating the client and without access to the github account to make an "official" new client)?

I'm a software developer and I could add a checkpoint to a source code, but I'd really like to know what are you expecting from the devs.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 03:47:21 PM
new services, promotion, community support, new features built into clients. These things seperate one coin from the other

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: gatra on August 12, 2013, 03:59:31 PM
new services, promotion, community support, new features built into clients. These things seperate one coin from the other
but the developers are not needed for anything of that (except new features built into clients, and let's face it: most clients all feel the same without any new features except maybe messages embedded in the transactions).
you don't need a takeover to ask service providers to accept payments in DMD... service providers are not (at least most of them should not be if you want a healthy economy) the same people as the coin developers.

EDIT: I agree that you need them to be present and active for people to have any confidence on the coin, I was just wondering what tasks would they have to perform that cannot be performed by other people interested in the coin

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 12, 2013, 04:06:42 PM
So the coin needs a team! Excelent idea...

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 04:09:16 PM
haha yes, ive tried numerous times to get bytecoin onto places and every person has asked why should i add the coin? is there any dev support? is it secure and maintained?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: SardonicJester on August 12, 2013, 05:39:07 PM
Diamond definitely needs an active dev team.

Johnluc has done a good job overall and created a nice alt coin, but for Diamond to move forward, it needs a team.

It needs the kind of support/promotion/features that iGotSpots puts into his coins.
He seems to actually care about the future of his coins. (Even though I do not mine either, I respect his dedication)

Maybe someone could convince iGotSpots to add diamonds to his exchange and use DMD as the payment method?
Buy gold/silver/copper/diamonds with SPT/CPR/DMD......sounds good to me.  ::) 

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 05:52:15 PM
i for one will never support any coin which igotspots supports, i dont trust him for my own reasons. yes he is dedicated but because he has a team behind it, if we built a team then im sure we can bring dmd far, here are the possible list of people who i might be able to get to join the team:

zelles(with payment provided by me)
r3wt(with payment provided by me)

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: asor on August 12, 2013, 07:05:08 PM
..:: [ Sorry for bad english ] ::..

I'm supporting this coin because I like the idea of a rare coin, but I also sold all my coins because of the bad exchange rate... as I already mentioned in another thread, DMD should be worth 4 or 5 times more than BTC. But what's the exchange course? 0.00026000 on Coins-E (Cryptsy was down :()... absolutely undervalued compared to their max coins (4,38 Mio.). I've to pay $0,38 per kW/h, thus it's not worth mining DMD with the current exchange course...
The first thing I thought was.... yes finally a real alternative to BTC and a coin not as inflationary as BTC because there are only 4,38 coins. I saw BTC as the "real" money and DMD the real Diamond. It's sad to see such a great coin with such a bad acceptance and exchange course...
Did I alredy mentioned that I like Diamonds? ;D I'm a software developer, I'm using cryptographic functions in my applications and I already startet a (private) project called Astat [AST] (because it's "the rarest naturally occurring element" (Wiki) on earth). My specifications were as follows:

  • Algorithm: Scrypt-Jane
  • Coins total: 102 200 Coins total
  • Coins per day: 10
  • Coins per block: 0,25 (40 Blocks per day)
  • Mining will last for 28 years (fair for PPL which start mining after some years)
  • No bonus blocks
  • Of course, no premine

That's the intention behind my own coin (really really rare - only 0,0048% compared to BTC). I would like to help to restart or recreate DMD, but my problem is that I've no expiriences maintaining a coin and that's also the problem of my own coin. The problem of the most alt-coins is, that there no real community or team behind the coin... the coins are posted here on bitcointalk, probably has a homepage, created in one or two days, mined for 3 or 4 weeks (until they are unprofitable) without no long term support or team which is responsible for the coin or tries to increase their acceptance. Additionally I never read anything about DMD, JPC, STR or the most other alt-coins on BTCe, Bitsamp, Vircurex or some other, large and popular exchanges. Newcomers know BTC and probably LTC, but nothing about other coins... how should they know that there're more, other (rarer) coins? As Pmalek already mentioned, DMD needs a team, a forum, avatars like other coins, blog entries AND... a service accepting DMD-payments. Finally... DMD needs more press articles and services/shops!

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: SardonicJester on August 12, 2013, 08:13:58 PM
i for one will never support any coin which igotspots supports, i dont trust him for my own reasons. yes he is dedicated but because he has a team behind it, if we built a team then im sure we can bring dmd far, here are the possible list of people who i might be able to get to join the team:

zelles(with payment provided by me)
r3wt(with payment provided by me)

Who is he working with? I thought he was on his own.

Ummm.....r3wt??? Gascoin......... (
Haha.  ::)

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 12, 2013, 08:34:13 PM
..:: [ Sorry for bad english ] ::..

I'm supporting this coin because I like the idea of a rare coin, but I also sold all my coins because of the bad exchange rate... as I already mentioned in another thread, DMD should be worth 4 or 5 times more than BTC. But what's the exchange course? 0.00026000 on Coins-E (Cryptsy was down :()... absolutely undervalued compared to their max coins (4,38 Mio.). I've to pay $0,38 per kW/h, thus it's not worth mining DMD with the current exchange course...
The first thing I thought was.... yes finally a real alternative to BTC and a coin not as inflationary as BTC because there are only 4,38 coins. I saw BTC as the "real" money and DMD the real Diamond. It's sad to see such a great coin with such a bad acceptance and exchange course...
Did I alredy mentioned that I like Diamonds? ;D I'm a software developer, I'm using cryptographic functions in my applications and I already startet a (private) project called Astat [AST] (because it's "the rarest naturally occurring element" (Wiki) on earth). My specifications were as follows:

  • Algorithm: Scrypt-Jane
  • Coins total: 102 200 Coins total
  • Coins per day: 10
  • Coins per block: 0,25 (40 Blocks per day)
  • Mining will last for 28 years (fair for PPL which start mining after some years)
  • No bonus blocks
  • Of course, no premine

That's the intention behind my own coin (really really rare - only 0,0048% compared to BTC). I would like to help to restart or recreate DMD, but my problem is that I've no expiriences maintaining a coin and that's also the problem of my own coin. The problem of the most alt-coins is, that there no real community or team behind the coin... the coins are posted here on bitcointalk, probably has a homepage, created in one or two days, mined for 3 or 4 weeks (until they are unprofitable) without no long term support or team which is responsible for the coin or tries to increase their acceptance. Additionally I never read anything about DMD, JPC, STR or the most other alt-coins on BTCe, Bitsamp, Vircurex or some other, large and popular exchanges. Newcomers know BTC and probably LTC, but nothing about other coins... how should they know that there're more, other (rarer) coins? As Pmalek already mentioned, DMD needs a team, a forum, avatars like other coins, blog entries AND... a service accepting DMD-payments. Finally... DMD needs more press articles and services/shops!

I think you should be on the team! And I like you guys for not wanting to let this coin disappear.. I would help too, but as I said I am just a noob in programing and developing. But this is the right way we are going...

One question: How does coin takeover work?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: cryptohunter on August 12, 2013, 09:03:08 PM
Yikes, the coins may vanish?? don't like the sound of that at all, is it essential to restart the blockchain??  can not another dev take over without this happening?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Kruncha on August 12, 2013, 09:15:28 PM
Yikes, the coins may vanish?? don't like the sound of that at all, is it essential to restart the blockchain??  can not another dev take over without this happening?

I can't see any benefit in restarting the block chain - just carry on with what there is.


Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 12, 2013, 09:39:37 PM
i for one will never support any coin which igotspots supports, i dont trust him for my own reasons. yes he is dedicated but because he has a team behind it, if we built a team then im sure we can bring dmd far, here are the possible list of people who i might be able to get to join the team:

zelles(with payment provided by me)
r3wt(with payment provided by me)

Who is he working with? I thought he was on his own.

Ummm.....r3wt??? Gascoin.........
Haha.  ::)
i know r3wt outside of bitcointalk, trust me, i can code well enough to know he couldnt pull a stunt like that off with me. igotspots has got a business and existing services to help his ccoin so he has a significant advantage compared to folks like us

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: SardonicJester on August 12, 2013, 09:41:29 PM
Takeover is the wrong word.

There is no reason to remove Johnluc. He is the creator and has done a good job so far.
He just needs others to join him.

No reason to restart the block chain. Just need a team set up that will collaborate together to support/promote/enhance the existing DMD.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: sheinsha on August 12, 2013, 10:44:41 PM
Takeover is the wrong word.

There is no reason to remove Johnluc. He is the creator and has done a good job so far.
He just needs others to join him.

No reason to restart the block chain. Just need a team set up that will collaborate together to support/promote/enhance the existing DMD.
I agree with every word ^^

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 12, 2013, 11:19:59 PM
But the point is JohnLuc disappeared in thin air ??? I dont have anything against him, he did a great job, but if he cant do it anymore let someone else does..

I would really like to hear his oppinion, someone maybe try contact him? He is logging in from time to time, but he doesnt post anything..

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: JohnLuc on August 13, 2013, 12:02:23 PM
I don't see where come up this takeover idea. I made the coin - the first pow/pos with random blocks, and I maintained it until it hits cryptsy, it's a great success.. I will continue maintain it if there are any issues - so far the only minor issue is the pos payout, which given small dmd payout, is a normal thing.

I did all the work without premine, and the results seem that people are just never satisfied. I am really a developer, not a promotor, so if you think the coin is not promo'd enough, please do it, it is a work of the community, not the developer.

Guys, this is a public source project, if you guys are not happy, make any changes yourself, as long as the community accept them. Don't do the stupid things like start another blockchain etc. Because if you know how to do it, then you better start another coin. And don't just talk, talk is too easy and cheap, only talking is not worth anything. Again the code is there, you are welcome to make any changes (and take over) there.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 13, 2013, 12:04:58 PM
great so JohnLuc has accepted, time to get to work guys!

Pool, Faucet, Web Wallet i can have up in around a day

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: JohnLuc on August 13, 2013, 12:10:08 PM
great so JohnLuc has accepted, time to get to work guys!

Pool, Faucet, Web Wallet i can have up in around a day

Not sure I understand Ahmed, what did I accept? The DMD is a public source project, I welcome anyone to take it over, to enhance it, as long as the community agree on it. :)

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 13, 2013, 12:47:54 PM
First off thanks for update! The problem is with all coins they demand activity and updates on progress and plans to be succesful... You were just not active in the thread and people including me started panic.. I understand you are a dev of this coin and no one wants to take that from you. I just think the team should be assembled to promote and maintain this coin constantly. If you are busy or dont wanna be active non stop in these areas it is only natural for someone else to do it. I hope you agree?

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 16, 2013, 11:44:23 PM
So what are we gonna do with Diamond? Are you guys gonna team up to promote and support this coin? It is showing signs of life but needs further help!

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Hippie Tech on August 19, 2013, 04:48:52 PM
Let start of with a block explorer. ;)

Plz see the main thread for my idea. lol

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: sheinsha on August 20, 2013, 03:16:52 AM
Let start of with a block explorer. ;)

Plz see the main thread for my idea. lol
I can help setting it up, but currently i cannot host it myself :-\
Any interested user with spare hosting contact me if you need help setting up some kind of explorer like ABE.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: ahmed_bodi on August 20, 2013, 11:48:19 PM
ill be willing to host an abe based block explorer, i have the main stuff set up actually its only usable on my LAN atm

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Hippie Tech on August 21, 2013, 12:38:45 AM
Thats is awesome guys. ;D

To celebrate I will up the bounty for the block explorer to 100 DMD and let you decide as to how to split it up.

If you wish to add to the block explorer bounty, post your pledge or send the DMD here.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Pmalek on August 23, 2013, 09:45:44 PM
Great if Ahmed would host it then thats one less thing to worry about.

Also I support the idea of Palmdetroit take over updating and maintaing the client. He did a superb job with PHS and I have no doubt he will do great with DMD!

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: Lauda on August 23, 2013, 09:51:05 PM
No, I sold it cause it was at 75 I made a bunch. 

Sarcasm aside I'm down for whatever solution helps further the coin, I actually like this one.

I'm making a fork right now.  Should we restart the blockchain and start fresh or not?
and who are you to decide that you should be the one to fork DMD?
You need a community pool with a few reputable members. Forking something, you can add/remove anything you like in it.
Also don't restart the blockchain, else you might aswell make DMD v2.0

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: sheinsha on August 27, 2013, 04:41:59 AM
No, I sold it cause it was at 75 I made a bunch. 

Sarcasm aside I'm down for whatever solution helps further the coin, I actually like this one.

I'm making a fork right now.  Should we restart the blockchain and start fresh or not?
and who are you to decide that you should be the one to fork DMD?
You need a community pool with a few reputable members. Forking something, you can add/remove anything you like in it.
Also don't restart the blockchain, else you might aswell make DMD v2.0

Why would you do that ?  A restart will kill the coin.

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: digicoin on December 12, 2013, 12:35:27 PM
DMD has new maintainers. See

Please mine it together

Bitcoin: Gold
Litecoin: Silver
DMD: Diamond

Title: Re: [PROPOSAL] Let there be DMD Takeover!
Post by: zuper on December 16, 2013, 12:04:57 PM
We are proud to annouce the official takeover of Diamond.