Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: heruspex on January 11, 2018, 06:59:57 PM

Title: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: heruspex on January 11, 2018, 06:59:57 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: heruspex on January 11, 2018, 08:09:09 PM
Dear investors and partners of the Prover project!

We congratulate everyone on the New Year and want to share with you the results of the project in 2017:

  • The MVP of the PROVER product already works for a month, allowing us to test the service and get feedback from you!
  • We went a path from the idea to the working technology and developed a video analytics system that allows to recognize the trajectory of the smartphone's movement. It is necessary to entering the swype code by using on the basis of motion in the frame.
  • We've developed and deployed in GooglePlay, a mobile application Prover MVP (SWYPE ID) - it is a full-featured product, based on the Ropsten Testnet blockchain, which allows to confirm the video by entering the swype code.
  • We've developed and deployed in GooglePlay, the mobile application Prover CLAPPERBOARD, which allows to add timestamps and comments for video files created by CCTV cameras, action cameras, as well as other cameras that do not have internet connections and SWYPE ID technology can’t be used;
  • We’ve developed the service ( for verification the authenticity of a video files, created using PROVER technology (SWYPE-ID or CLAPPERBOARD);
  • We’ve participated in several blockchain conferences in Russia, India, Japan and the United Arab Emirates, where we were able to demonstrate our idea to hundreds of people and to get a huge interest and readiness to use Prover technology in various of business.

Our plans for 2018 are even more ambitious!

We are happy to inform you the dates the ICO of the PROVER Project, which will be held on 30.01.2018 - 31.03.2018!

By the middle of 2018 we will finish the development of all the planned functionality of our product and turn the project into a full-fledged, protected technology solution. We decided not to limit our Project to the Ethereum ecosystem and plan to make the implementation of the PROVER technology for a very promising blockchain - NEM!

We are sure that our service will be used by thousands of organizations and millions of people around the world! Thank you for believing in us!
Happy New Year, dear friends!

Good luck and prosperity to you in 2018!

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: nxnqauff on January 11, 2018, 08:11:14 PM
Nice concept. How will you identify the matching hashes. I dont understand that. For that all the videos should be already registered in the blockchain? Or am I missing something?

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: SeveralQ on January 11, 2018, 09:45:01 PM
Hi everyone! Just added Cryptaur ICO to my website ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group:

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: bitekoin on January 12, 2018, 10:11:10 AM

Thanks for the promising concept.. Is there any specific reason for choosing the NEM blockchain other than the one stated?

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: TerrorFromTheDeep on January 12, 2018, 10:15:39 AM
Hello dev

Where I can find more detailed information about technology of verification? How it will work exactly? Will be able use this technology to protetc intellectual property?

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: MrDarkElf on January 12, 2018, 10:29:52 AM
Hello dev

Where I can find more detailed information about technology of verification? How it will work exactly? Will be able use this technology to protetc intellectual property?

I'm not Dev ,but  I think that this project will be unless for intellectual property protection due that if you make some minor change in the video - for example make it shorter on the 0.0001 sec - it will be the same intelectual property object, but it will give another hash...

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 12, 2018, 12:48:30 PM
Nice concept. How will you identify the matching hashes. I dont understand that. For that all the videos should be already registered in the blockchain? Or am I missing something?

The using of PROVER contains two steps:
* recording and confirming video - made by creator
* checking video content - made by consumer of video content (ensurance companies, banks, etc)

When you make video you need to confirm it, which mean that user enter special swype code (moving smartphone while recording on special traectory, determined by code, generated from blockchain) and after recording is finished - save hash to blockchain. Yes it looks like registration video in blockchain, when you record it. But not only hash means for confirmation. The second part is videoanalytic module, which recognize movements of smartphone by video content.

You can try to use our application, please follow the link

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 12, 2018, 12:51:15 PM

Thanks for the promising concept.. Is there any specific reason for choosing the NEM blockchain other than the one stated?

We love NEM :)

  • NEM’s Smart Asset System allows us to define and launch our own token PROOF. PROOF Tokens owners have the right to access PROVER and to obtain services that will be provided by PROVER.
    NEM blocks complete every 60 seconds. This is important for the PROVER. We must store the information about the swype code creation in the blockchain, and the time of the user's result waiting depends on the transaction confirmation time.
    We are going to create our own Namespace. It lets us create a unique place our project data on the NEM blockchain. This makes our assets unique, easy to use, and more trustable.
    We will use Messages to store information in NEM blockchain.
    Transaction fees are kept low. For each video confirmation we need two transactions, one for creating and saving the swype code, and the other for storing the hash of the recorded video file.

We are going to make two implementation, the first one will be based on Ethereum smartcontracts, the second one - based on NEM.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 12, 2018, 01:12:25 PM
Hello dev

Where I can find more detailed information about technology of verification? How it will work exactly? Will be able use this technology to protetc intellectual property?

I think the best way to understand our technology is to try our MVP :) Please follow link

If you have expirience in programming you can learn our source codes on GitHub. Sorry, but we don't have detailed description of our algorythms now.

I am sure our technology can be used for protect IP! Please learn information about our CLAPPERBOARD solution. The main idea, that you can use our application, which generate special QR-code based on blockhash from blockchain. You need to show this QR-code to camera and your video (IP) will be proved. The most difficult part of this solution will be implemented after ICO and consists from algoruthm of videoanalysis which confirm that video was not edited. if video was not edited and contains QR-code (automatically recognized), stored in blockchain, it means that this IP owner is owner of private key. Profit.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Beneko_Nakomoto on January 12, 2018, 01:15:16 PM
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 12, 2018, 01:18:20 PM
Hello dev

Where I can find more detailed information about technology of verification? How it will work exactly? Will be able use this technology to protetc intellectual property?

I'm not Dev ,but  I think that this project will be unless for intellectual property protection due that if you make some minor change in the video - for example make it shorter on the 0.0001 sec - it will be the same intelectual property object, but it will give another hash...

You are right if you speak about SWYPE-ID technology, where we use hash of videofile.

But we have another technology - CLAPPERBOARD, based on usage of QR-code (generatied from blockchain). Your video can be cutted from begin or end, you need only recordef QR-code inside your fragment. And of course your video must be original inside, no modification. It will be cheched by special videoanalytic modules.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 12, 2018, 01:49:23 PM
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 13, 2018, 10:57:44 AM
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

whether for bounty hunter will still get payment after the ICO?
I am happy to get an update about this project, hopefully the target can be achieved

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: babedota on January 13, 2018, 03:17:46 PM
I think this project has been discontinued due to the never updated update on its social media. but I am very happy to hear the news that this project will continue and I am not disappointed to have joined the project. hopefully the project starts from now will be more smoothly than and get the desired target.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: DOUBLEKAY11 on January 13, 2018, 03:35:38 PM
Nice concept. Can't wait to be part of this. I am sure it will be a success. Congrats guys in advance.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: VladimirB on January 13, 2018, 07:30:50 PM
For those who want to participate in ICO PROVER - great news.
You can buy tokens with a large discount

How to do it on January 22 (ONLY ONE DAY) we buy Cryptaur tokens with a 20% discount - 125 CPT = $ 1
125 CPTx 1.5 PROOF = 187.5 PROOF= $1

115 PROOF = 1 $ on the first day

110 PROOF = 1 $ in the first week

For large investors:
120 PROOF = 1 $ Non-recurring investments of more than $ 50,000

Registration 187.5 PROOF = $1 (

The most important thing in the Cryptaur project (platform for decentralized applications) at the ICO stage is to appear
three dApps, and the fourth to appear in April with the release of sales of Cryptaur tokens to the crypto-exchange.

The first of three dApps is a decentralized application of GoICO, designed to launch prospective partner block-projects.
The first client of the GoICO application is the innovative PROVER project
Soon in GoICO will add a few more promising crypto startups.

Hurry to get the maximum benefits Registration
Participants will also be able to use the referral program with bounty calculation.

Для тex ктo xoчeт пoyчacтвoвaть в ICO PROVER - oтличнaя нoвocть.
 Moжнo кyпить тoкeны c бoльшoй cкидкoй.

Кaк этo cдeлaть 22 янвapя (TOЛЬКO OДИH ДEHЬ) пoкyпaeм тoкeны Cryptaur co cкидкoй 20% - 125 CPT =$1
125 CPTx 1,5 PROOF= 187.5 PROOF= $1

115 PROOF = 1$ в пepвый дeнь

110 PROOF = 1$ в пepвyю нeдeлю

Для кpyпныx инвecтopoв:
120 PROOF = 1 $  Eдинoвpeмeнныe инвecтиции бoлee 50 000 $

Peгиcтpaция 187.5 PROOF = $1

Caмoe глaвнoe в пpoeктe Cryptaur (плaтфopмa для дeцeнтpaлизoвaнныx пpилoжeний) нa cтaдии ICO пoявитьcя тpи dApps, a чeтвepтoe пoявитьcя в aпpeлe c выxoдoм пpoдaж тoкeнoв Cryptaur нa кpиптo-биpжи.

Пepвoe из тpex dApps - дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoe пpилoжeниe GoICO, пpeднaзнaчeннoгo для зaпycкa пepcпeктивныx пapтнepcкиx блoкчeйн-пpoeктoв.
Пepвым клиeнтoм пpилoжeния GoICO, cтaнoвитcя иннoвaциoнный пpoeкт PROVER
Cкopo в GoICO дoбaвятcя eщe нecкoлькиx мнoгooбeщaющиx кpиптo-cтapтaпoв.

Уcпeй пoлyчить мaкcимaльныe выгoды Peгиcтpaция (
Учacтники тaкжe cмoгyт вocпoльзoвaтьcя peфepaльнoй пpoгpaммoй c нaчиcлeниeм бayнти.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 14, 2018, 07:49:16 AM
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

whether for bounty hunter will still get payment after the ICO?
I am happy to get an update about this project, hopefully the target can be achieved

Yes, we will send tokens to our bounty hunters immediately after ICO!

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 14, 2018, 01:43:24 PM
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

whether for bounty hunter will still get payment after the ICO?
I am happy to get an update about this project, hopefully the target can be achieved

Yes, we will send tokens to our bounty hunters immediately after ICO!

thanks for the answer, because many are waiting for the answer. and I am sure the bounty participants will be glad to have joined in this project, successful greeting

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Ukraine2020 on January 14, 2018, 07:55:32 PM
We waited a long time for the continuation of the fundraising. Good project!
I wish you success, guys!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Ukraine2020 on January 14, 2018, 07:55:50 PM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 16, 2018, 03:49:26 AM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

bounty already end, but i don't know bounty will restart again or not.
we just waiting announcement from dev about it.
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: lanmao on January 16, 2018, 05:50:30 PM
Nice concept. How will you identify the matching hashes. I dont understand that. For that all the videos should be already registered in the blockchain? Or am I missing something?

The using of PROVER contains two steps:
* recording and confirming video - made by creator
* checking video content - made by consumer of video content (ensurance companies, banks, etc)

When you make video you need to confirm it, which mean that user enter special swype code (moving smartphone while recording on special traectory, determined by code, generated from blockchain) and after recording is finished - save hash to blockchain. Yes it looks like registration video in blockchain, when you record it. But not only hash means for confirmation. The second part is videoanalytic module, which recognize movements of smartphone by video content.

You can try to use our application, please follow the link
That means I have to use it before recording, and the existing video can't be verified? thanks

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 16, 2018, 09:41:08 PM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

Sorry, no bounty programm on this stage.

Title: Re: [ANN] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 16, 2018, 09:44:17 PM
Nice concept. How will you identify the matching hashes. I dont understand that. For that all the videos should be already registered in the blockchain? Or am I missing something?

The using of PROVER contains two steps:
* recording and confirming video - made by creator
* checking video content - made by consumer of video content (ensurance companies, banks, etc)

When you make video you need to confirm it, which mean that user enter special swype code (moving smartphone while recording on special traectory, determined by code, generated from blockchain) and after recording is finished - save hash to blockchain. Yes it looks like registration video in blockchain, when you record it. But not only hash means for confirmation. The second part is videoanalytic module, which recognize movements of smartphone by video content.

You can try to use our application, please follow the link
That means I have to use it before recording, and the existing video can't be verified? thanks

Yes, you are completely right! Existing video can't be verified, BUT such videos can be checked for modifications using some of our algorithms.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Ukraine2020 on January 18, 2018, 04:46:24 PM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

bounty already end, but i don't know bounty will restart again or not.
we just waiting announcement from dev about it.
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

Thank you!
I participated in the past. So far I have not received any awards.
Also I was told by the developers in the correspondence that there will be a part of it.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 18, 2018, 08:48:27 PM
We've updated our White paper. Please, learn it.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 19, 2018, 12:00:41 AM
Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of our new product - Prover Clapperboard to confirm video files recorded from cameras that do not have an Internet connection (standard digital cameras, action cameras, CCTV cameras etc)!

The product is the mobile application that allows you to place any text comment in the blockchain and generate a special QR code that allows you later to find this text comment in the blockchain. A text comment can contain, for example, the name of the movie / scene / camera angle /take for filmmaking or the name of the hospital / surgeon ID / the name of the operation for videotaping the surgical operations, or the name of the construction site / site / job description for remote control of construction work at the site and much more.

To confirm the created video, you only need to display the QR-code generated by the application into the camera for a few seconds during the recording.

To verify the authenticity of a video containing such a QR-code, it just is enough to upload it to our online service or use our open algorithms. Video analysis modules will automatically detect and recognize the QR code in the video stream, specifying the block number and hash of the transaction, which allows you to determine a text comment previously saved in the block.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: dRAIH on January 19, 2018, 01:32:20 AM

no more bounty campaign for this project, very unfortunate. but I hope there is no doubt to further support this project. and hopefully ICO PROVER will succeed and achieve success in the future.
best regards

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Murile on January 19, 2018, 01:36:15 AM
perfect project, good roadmap I think will succeed good luck dev

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: orionluckyse7en on January 19, 2018, 07:27:03 AM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

bounty already end, but i don't know bounty will restart again or not.
we just waiting announcement from dev about it.
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

Thank you!
I participated in the past. So far I have not received any awards.
Also I was told by the developers in the correspondence that there will be a part of it.

I also took part in the campaign and I am glad to know that the project is ongoing to the successful stage. I will wait for the further progress and updates.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 19, 2018, 08:19:06 PM
Thanks to Paul Christian for promotion of our PROVER project among NEM comunity!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 20, 2018, 01:14:25 PM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

bounty already end, but i don't know bounty will restart again or not.
we just waiting announcement from dev about it.
Hello! Very interesting project!
And then there's the company's Bounty? I would like to participate!

Sorry, we closed bounty program after presale and don't want to restart it again. If smth changes in our mind, we will announce it.

Thank you!
I participated in the past. So far I have not received any awards.
Also I was told by the developers in the correspondence that there will be a part of it.

we just have to wait for this projet to finish 31/3 2018 and we'll get what we've been waiting for :)
I am confident with this project because it has a very good purpose for the future

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: jouns on January 22, 2018, 10:36:48 AM
Will there be payments to those who participated in the bounty campaign or did we work for free?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 22, 2018, 10:46:45 AM
Will there be payments to those who participated in the bounty campaign or did we work for free?

All payments will be done immediately after ICO complete. Only after ICO additional tokens emission will happen.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 25, 2018, 03:51:21 PM
Will there be payments to those who participated in the bounty campaign or did we work for free?

All payments will be done immediately after ICO complete. Only after ICO additional tokens emission will happen.

where i can find how much prover raise in ico sale?
i hope all transaction will transparant and all partisipant can see how this project move

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 26, 2018, 07:33:19 PM
Will there be payments to those who participated in the bounty campaign or did we work for free?

All payments will be done immediately after ICO complete. Only after ICO additional tokens emission will happen.

where i can find how much prover raise in ico sale?
i hope all transaction will transparant and all partisipant can see how this project move

Sure! To implement complete transparency we will get ether and CPT tokens only, and you can see all transactions looking at our smart contract. Address if contract will be published before tokens sale.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: jtalk on January 26, 2018, 07:42:18 PM
I can't acquire the benefits of big investor but still the offer for early investors is also very good. The set price for the token at 100 token= $1 which is very attractive. The lower the price these days the higher the chance to see it performing better at few times in post ICO era on exchanges. It is interesting concept overall and ICO is reaching fast.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on January 29, 2018, 04:54:45 AM
Will there be payments to those who participated in the bounty campaign or did we work for free?

All payments will be done immediately after ICO complete. Only after ICO additional tokens emission will happen.

where i can find how much prover raise in ico sale?
i hope all transaction will transparant and all partisipant can see how this project move

Sure! To implement complete transparency we will get ether and CPT tokens only, and you can see all transactions looking at our smart contract. Address if contract will be published before tokens sale.

your project take a long time to running ico sale, then if your project raised hardcap before 31 march all will clear and or this project not have hardcap target :)
i hope your project can succes soon

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 29, 2018, 08:39:47 AM
I can't acquire the benefits of big investor but still the offer for early investors is also very good. The set price for the token at 100 token= $1 which is very attractive. The lower the price these days the higher the chance to see it performing better at few times in post ICO era on exchanges. It is interesting concept overall and ICO is reaching fast.

Thank you very much! The way of getting the best price for PROOF tokens described here - You are welcome on board of our rocket :)

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Ukraine2020 on January 29, 2018, 11:53:54 AM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

Sorry, no bounty programm on this stage.

OK! =)
A great and interesting project!
I've been following you since September.

When will the participants of the last stage be awarded?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 31, 2018, 07:49:50 PM

Where can I read about the bounty?

Thank you!

Sorry, no bounty programm on this stage.

OK! =)
A great and interesting project!
I've been following you since September.

When will the participants of the last stage be awarded?

Thank you, that you are with us!
Tokens sale will be finished on 31.03.2018 and additional emission for bounty will be made.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 31, 2018, 07:53:55 PM
Dear PROVER community members!

We started voting for our project on NEM platform! Please, vote for us!

Community Proposal:

Voting is now open for the PROVER Community Fund proposal. Please show your support for the project.

To vote YES:
Send a 0 XEM transaction to:

To vote NO:
Send a 0 XEM transaction to:

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on January 31, 2018, 07:56:54 PM
Dear members of PROVER community! We are glad to announce that the tokensale of our project has begun!

💰The nominal value of the token is $ 1 = 100 PROOF, discounts for early investors - $ 1 = 110 PROOF in the first week. For large investors discounts of $ 1 = 120 PROOF are provided for a one-time investment of more than $ 50'000 during the whole period of the sales.

The address of the smart contract is PROVER 0x6f3a995e904c9be5279e375e79f3c30105efa618. To purchase PROOF tokens just transfer the ETH or Cryptaur CPT tokens from your wallet to the specified address and automatically receive the PROOF tokens to your wallet address. When transferring ETH, tokens are credited by a smart contract immediately after the transaction is committed to the blockchain, and when you invest Cryptaur CPT tokens the crediting can take from several minutes to several hours.

When investing ETH, specify  gas limit of 200'000, and when transferring CPT tokens, make sure that there is enough ether on the balance of your wallet to pay for the transaction.

Please note that when investing ETH, the minimal contribution is not set, and when you invest Cryptaur CPT tokens you need to transfer at least 5,000 CPT so that the PROOF token can be credited.

To see your PROOF tokens in the Cryptaur Ether Wallet no further action is required! When using another ERC20-compatible wallet, you need to specify the following parameters:
 - Smart contract address (Address) - 0x6f3a995e904c9be5279e375e79f3c30105efa618
 - Token  (Token Symbol) - PF
 - Decimals - 8

🎥 PROVER ( - Your independent assistant in the confirmation and verification of the authenticity of video content.

The technology is created on the basis of blockchain and video analytics to stop falsification of video materials and helps to confirm their authenticity. PROVER can work as a separate web or mobile application or be integrated into third-party platforms with extensions and API.

- Educational projects
- Online games and quests
- Progress Report
- Verification of video authorship
- Fixing traffic violations
- Monitoring the patient's condition
- Legal videos
- Granting of credits
- Auto Insurance

🔔 Dates of the ICO: 30.01.2018 – 31.03.2018 (00:00 GMT)

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: BadgerregdaB on February 02, 2018, 05:43:29 AM
prover it great project with security apps. active team make this project easy to get target in ico
i will join prover ico sale and hope this project success fast :)

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Ukraine2020 on February 18, 2018, 12:40:38 PM

When will the participants of the last stage be awarded?

Thank you, that you are with us!
Tokens sale will be finished on 31.03.2018 and additional emission for bounty will be made.

Thank you!

Good luck, team!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on March 03, 2018, 01:27:15 PM
how is this project now? less than a month before the ICO ended, how much total was made in ICO sales. it would be better if the results of the sale more transparent. thanks

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Gwyn on March 15, 2018, 12:41:14 PM
It has been a long time since the latest development of the community update, I don't know how the project is implemented.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 24, 2018, 05:42:46 PM
It has been a long time since the latest development of the community update, I don't know how the project is implemented.

Guys, sorry for low activity here. Please, join us in Telegram channel

Last week of tokens sale is began!

We are already collected more than 3,7M USD!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: marilouadrie on March 24, 2018, 05:43:47 PM
I hope a project like that would exclude situations where video content could be pirated.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 24, 2018, 05:47:04 PM
Dear PROVER participants!

We are glad to announce that we are introducing three elite levels of participants, depending on the number of PROOF tokens they have at their disposal:

  • partners (50'000'000 PROOF and more);
  • gold members (5'000'000 PROOF and more);
  • silver members (1'000'000 PROOF and more).

Participants of the elite level are granted special privileges.


  • Participation in PROVER Voyage offsite events (“partner” level).
  • Access to exclusive information about the project in advance of its official publication.
  • Participation in professional photo shoots with the project team.
  • Discount of 20% when using PROVER technology.
  • Possibility to initiate closed voting on issues of strategic importance for the development of the project.
  • Opportunity to participate in closed voting on issues initiated by the project team or elite members of the “gold” level or “partner” level.
  • Special memorable gifts of “partner” level.
  • Participation in closed online and offline conferences and other project activities with the possibility of speaking.
  • Participation in exclusive events with the CEO (business breakfast, business dinner).

Gold members

  • Participation in PROVER Voyage offsite events (“gold” level).
  • Access to exclusive information about the project in advance of its official publication.
  • Participation in professional photo shoots with the project team.
  • Discount of 10% when using PROVER technology.
  • Possibility to initiate closed voting on issues of strategic importance for the development of the project.
  • Opportunity to participate in closed voting on issues initiated by the project team or elite members of the “gold” level or “partner” level.
  • Special memorable gifts of the “gold” level.
  • Participation in closed online and offline conferences and other project activities.
  • Participation in exclusive events with the CEO (business dinner).

Silver members

  • Participation in professional photo shoots with the project team.
  • Discount of 5% when using PROVER technology.
  • Opportunity to participate in closed voting on issues initiated by the project team or elite members of a higher level.
  • Special memorable gifts of the “silver” level.
  • Participation in closed online and offline conferences and other project activities.
  • Participation in exclusive events with the CEO (business dinner).

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 24, 2018, 05:49:39 PM
We are glad to introduce our PROVER Rich List - !

Hope to see you, guys, among our participants of elite levels!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 24, 2018, 06:07:35 PM
I hope a project like that would exclude situations where video content could be pirated.

This is only one of many cases of our technology applience!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 26, 2018, 06:43:52 PM
We remind you that there are only 4 days left till the Tokens Sale of our PROVER project end. At the moment we have collected more than 4.5M USD from the planned 5M USD. Right now our project has more than 100 elite level members who are granted special privileges. Do not miss the chance to become one of them.

PROVER is a technology combining timestamp authentication and Blockchain, an SDK for third-party services and solutions, a protection system of frauds and fake content and establishing the trusted environment in legal, financial and other various industries where is critical to know the truth behind originality of video content.
Prover technology ensures that:
  • Video was recorded on a real camera, and not mounted in advance and emulated via a virtual camera as a fake.
  • The video does not contain traces of editing and modification.
  • The video was recorded in a strictly defined time interval.Not earlier and no later than specific timestamps, objectively stored and verified in the blockchain.

In general, Prover can guarantee that everything that was recorded on video using our technology, is a truth.
Prover technology consits of two products:
  • SWYPE ID Algorithm Illustration (MVP)
  • Prover Clapperboard (MVP)

All MVP available at and works on Ropsten Test Net for now.
Prover may be integrated into the third-party services and applications. Technology gives them competitive advantages by simplifying, speeding up and reducing the cost of their business processes.

Token PROOF - is the simple way to be a part of innovation security technology. Also it is internal way to pay for transaction.

Token sale is open till 31th of March.

Team has special offers for Big Token Holders.

Join token sale:

Follow project in socials:

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on March 26, 2018, 09:28:43 PM
Dear PROVER members!!!

Glad to say, that we have already reached our target capitalization - 5M USD!!!

You have 4 days more to join us! You are welcome!

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: 27_Mikhail_27 on April 01, 2018, 11:33:33 PM
Hello. Congratulations on the good token-sale!) When are payments for bounty participation expected?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 02, 2018, 08:33:56 AM
Hello. Congratulations on the good token-sale!) When are payments for bounty participation expected?

Thank you) We will send bounty till the end of this week.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 02, 2018, 08:34:27 AM
Dear friends!

The token sale of PROOF tokens has been successfully completed! Our project was supported by almost 2500 people all around the world! We would like to express special gratitude to our participants of elite levels, including 2 partners, 29 gold, and 155 silver participants - all of them will be awarded by memorable gifts as well as previously announced privileges.

In the near future we are planning to start the migration of the released tokens from the Ethereum platform to the NEM platform. Please notify that for major token holders (more than $ 5000 in the equivalent of PROOF tokens) the KYC procedure using PROVER MVP technology will be required. Detailed instructions on the order of migration will be published within a few days. The bridge for migration will be active until the end of 2018.

Please keep your PROOF tokens in your wallets right up to the migration procedure. The elite level of the participant will be fixed during migration for receiving memorable gifts and coming special events in April.

We want to thank all the participants for their support and interest in our project. Follow our news!

The PROVER team

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on April 03, 2018, 06:31:25 AM
congratulations for the success ico,
i want ask about bounty, when all bounty will credited?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: heruspex on April 03, 2018, 08:09:12 PM
congratulations for the success ico,
i want ask about bounty, when all bounty will credited?


It's Ivan Pisarev from Prover project.
You are the bounty hunter in our ICO. We have started payouts today.
I need to have your ETH wallet to send you our tokens.
Please contact me at telegram @Ivan_io and i will help you there.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on April 04, 2018, 02:26:54 PM
congratulations for the success ico,
i want ask about bounty, when all bounty will credited?


It's Ivan Pisarev from Prover project.
You are the bounty hunter in our ICO. We have started payouts today.
I need to have your ETH wallet to send you our tokens.
Please contact me at telegram @Ivan_io and i will help you there.

already sent pm in telegram about my detail like username, url, and MEW
i support this project everytime and i hope prover will get much enthusiastic from public
goodjob dev

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 06, 2018, 07:28:03 PM
Dear participants of bounty program!

Thank you once again for helping us with the ICO of our wonderful Prover project! And we want to inform you that the tokens for your services was accrued and paid to you today. Please check your wallets! And in case of any questions, please contact us.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: abahcoin on April 07, 2018, 08:45:31 AM
Dear participants of bounty program!

Thank you once again for helping us with the ICO of our wonderful Prover project! And we want to inform you that the tokens for your services was accrued and paid to you today. Please check your wallets! And in case of any questions, please contact us.
Token received.
Im waiting PF token get listed on big exchange, I think PF token can be have a minimum $0.5 after listed on exchange. waiting the next update from development
Succes for prover

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Brightdhykseen on April 07, 2018, 01:04:41 PM
Hello Dev.
My name is Bright dhykseen
I think there is a mistake in my bounty distribution
I participated in BLOG/ARTICLE Campaign
I should be getting 3000 PROOF but i only got 10 PROOF
please look into this.

Bitcointalk Username: Brightdhykseen
ETH address: 0xC20D87d300c2571ea47f1Eb257971dbDCA6FaDCD

Thank you.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 14, 2018, 06:39:55 PM
Dear PROVER participants!

We started the procedure of PROOF tokens migrating from the Ethereum platform to NEM platform. The process of migrating is accompanied by participants` verification, so we ask you to provide information about yourself for us to automatically transfer your PROOF tokens to wallets in NEM blockchain.
Please notify that for large PROOF token holders (from 500'000 PROOF and more) extensive verification is required, for which a number of documents, including passport or driving license scan, a payment document confirming the place of permanent residence, and a document confirming the possession of a bank account (for example, a photo of a bank card).
The bridge for PROOF tokens migration will be available until the end of 2018, however, one should remember that the members of elite levels can count on privileges only if the verification procedure has been passed successfully!
We do recommend to carefully read the instructions ( on passing the verification procedure. For Cryptaur project participants, whose PROOF tokens are in the wallet of Cryptaur Ether Wallet, there is a simplified procedure for migrating tokens to the NEM blockchain -  just go to your Cryptaur member account and follow the instructions (
ATTENTION! The tokens of the participants who have not been verified automatically are not transferred to NEM platform!
The PROVER team is ready to answer any questions and provide support in the Telegram chats or by mail:

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Rowane on April 14, 2018, 07:13:55 PM
uninformed projects you may need to add a whitepaper for this project so that participants are interested to join.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: supernva on April 14, 2018, 07:27:06 PM
Any news?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 14, 2018, 08:47:58 PM
uninformed projects you may need to add a whitepaper for this project so that participants are interested to join.

You can find whitepaper on our website

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: abahcoin on April 18, 2018, 05:29:13 AM
Dear PROVER participants!

We started the procedure of PROOF tokens migrating from the Ethereum platform to NEM platform. The process of migrating is accompanied by participants` verification, so we ask you to provide information about yourself for us to automatically transfer your PROOF tokens to wallets in NEM blockchain.
Please notify that for large PROOF token holders (from 500'000 PROOF and more) extensive verification is required, for which a number of documents, including passport or driving license scan, a payment document confirming the place of permanent residence, and a document confirming the possession of a bank account (for example, a photo of a bank card).
The bridge for PROOF tokens migration will be available until the end of 2018, however, one should remember that the members of elite levels can count on privileges only if the verification procedure has been passed successfully!
We do recommend to carefully read the instructions ( on passing the verification procedure. For Cryptaur project participants, whose PROOF tokens are in the wallet of Cryptaur Ether Wallet, there is a simplified procedure for migrating tokens to the NEM blockchain -  just go to your Cryptaur member account and follow the instructions (
ATTENTION! The tokens of the participants who have not been verified automatically are not transferred to NEM platform!
The PROVER team is ready to answer any questions and provide support in the Telegram chats or by mail:
How to migrate Proof Token from my ether wallet? we must create cryptaur account and then send the PROOF Token to cryptaur wallet? or we can automaticly migrations from My EtherWallet?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: susunyonya on April 18, 2018, 05:44:09 AM
the information about coin sales is very clear with some price developments at each phase of the coin sale, it will be more points to reach the coin sale target, but where I can see the fund allocation for some items developed on this project such as promotion program

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: memii on April 18, 2018, 07:55:06 AM
Yep, you are right that is standard procedure to replace the tokens in case of swap or migration to other protocol. That should be hassle and trouble free for holders of any token. Now to force people to submit their documents for swapping purpose is beyond ones comprehension. If KYC was required it had to be completed in ICO times not now like this.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 18, 2018, 09:50:14 AM
How to migrate Proof Token from my ether wallet? we must create cryptaur account and then send the PROOF Token to cryptaur wallet? or we can automaticly migrations from My EtherWallet?
You can migrate directly from MEW or any other external wallets.
If this case you need to send your tokens to temporary ETH address, which you receive by email.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 18, 2018, 09:53:34 AM
Yep, you are right that is standard procedure to replace the tokens in case of swap or migration to other protocol. That should be hassle and trouble free for holders of any token. Now to force people to submit their documents for swapping purpose is beyond ones comprehension. If KYC was required it had to be completed in ICO times not now like this.

Guys, you are completely right, but World changes every day and initially KYC was not planned... But it required for legal.
Pay attention, that for small tokens holder (<5000$ equivalent in PROOFs) you need to give us NEM address only and tokens will automatically transfer to NEM. For large holders we need additional information and documents.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: heruspex on April 18, 2018, 10:25:37 AM

Dear PROVER Participant!

As part of the privilege program for Elite Level Participants we prepared gifts, in memory of your contribution to our project. For Silver participants (from 1 million tokens) we give silver PROOF coins. Gold participants (from 5 million tokens) and Partner (from 50 million tokens) will be awarded gilded PROOF coins.

First gifts will be presented at the photoshoots with our CEO Ilya Svirin in Hanoi and HCMC from 19th to 25th April.

Pay attention that the participants should confirm their statuses. Confirmation passes when the participants fill verification form and move to the NEM platform.

We will inform you about the events in other cities in the near future.


Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: azuhramurray12 on April 19, 2018, 03:19:21 AM
Do you have any plan to hold the bounty campain?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 19, 2018, 05:07:07 AM
Do you have any plan to hold the bounty campain?


Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on April 19, 2018, 11:40:43 AM
I am still confused how to migrate prover to NEM platform, hope someone will help me. then whether later exchange out already using NEM platform? thank you

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: huu78 on April 19, 2018, 11:46:10 AM
I am having trouble migrating prover from MEW to NEM. I do not know what else to do, maybe someone can help?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: on April 21, 2018, 01:45:24 AM
all who participate in the Bounty campaign have earned the stakes and we welcome with pleasure

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: billy.ryoko on April 22, 2018, 04:59:38 AM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on April 22, 2018, 05:10:03 AM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

have you mutated to NEM platform? I have not dared to make a mutation for fear of failure and my prover's balance is gone

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: seanver12 on April 22, 2018, 09:10:34 AM
H0w about your team, where can I get more infor about them?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: BadgerregdaB on April 24, 2018, 06:27:30 AM
Dear friends!

The token sale of PROOF tokens has been successfully completed! Our project was supported by almost 2500 people all around the world! We would like to express special gratitude to our participants of elite levels, including 2 partners, 29 gold, and 155 silver participants - all of them will be awarded by memorable gifts as well as previously announced privileges.

In the near future we are planning to start the migration of the released tokens from the Ethereum platform to the NEM platform. Please notify that for major token holders (more than $ 5000 in the equivalent of PROOF tokens) the KYC procedure using PROVER MVP technology will be required. Detailed instructions on the order of migration will be published within a few days. The bridge for migration will be active until the end of 2018.

Please keep your PROOF tokens in your wallets right up to the migration procedure. The elite level of the participant will be fixed during migration for receiving memorable gifts and coming special events in April.

We want to thank all the participants for their support and interest in our project. Follow our news!

The PROVER team
is there any particular reason why prover moved to NEM platform? after I read about how mutation prover to NEM I think many people will be confused with step by step. there should be a video tutorial to do this mutation :) to help make it easier to do that

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Presario on April 24, 2018, 07:12:36 AM
I am still confused how to migrate prover to NEM platform, hope someone will help me. then whether later exchange out already using NEM platform? thank you

You can refer to here:

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: billy.ryoko on April 27, 2018, 02:56:51 PM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

have you mutated to NEM platform? I have not dared to make a mutation for fear of failure and my prover's balance is gone

Sorry, I don't know what is the NEM platform, is this mean PROVER from ETH to NEM platform, what should I do? Maybe I have missed something here, anyone can help me?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 29, 2018, 10:17:11 AM
I am still confused how to migrate prover to NEM platform, hope someone will help me. then whether later exchange out already using NEM platform? thank you

Please, give more detailes about you issues. Join our Telegram channel and read pinned message. We gave step-by-step manual. Tell me, on what step do you have problem.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 29, 2018, 10:18:41 AM
I am having trouble migrating prover from MEW to NEM. I do not know what else to do, maybe someone can help?

Join to out Telegram channel to get support -

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 29, 2018, 10:20:52 AM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

We have already listed on within the NEM ecosystem. In nearest days we are going to be listed on other exchanges.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 29, 2018, 10:21:25 AM
Dear friends! We are happy to inform you that PROOF tokens now could already be purchased and sold in a specialized crypto exchanger within the NEM ecosystem.
More information about how this crypto exchanger works you can see in this short video.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on April 29, 2018, 10:25:20 AM
is there any particular reason why prover moved to NEM platform? after I read about how mutation prover to NEM I think many people will be confused with step by step. there should be a video tutorial to do this mutation :) to help make it easier to do that

The main reasons why PROVER moved to NEM platform are:
  • We don't need smartcontracts inside our technology.
  • NEM has extremely cheap transactions fee.
  • NEM is more fast and stable.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: BadgerregdaB on May 02, 2018, 12:39:34 PM
Dear friends! We are happy to inform you that PROOF tokens now could already be purchased and sold in a specialized crypto exchanger within the NEM ecosystem.
More information about how this crypto exchanger works you can see in this short video.

so, now we can do trade prover at this is a very long awaited for this, hopefully not disappoint when looking at prover prices in exchange :)

is there any particular reason why prover moved to NEM platform? after I read about how mutation prover to NEM I think many people will be confused with step by step. there should be a video tutorial to do this mutation :) to help make it easier to do that

The main reasons why PROVER moved to NEM platform are:
  • We don't need smartcontracts inside our technology.
  • NEM has extremely cheap transactions fee.
  • NEM is more fast and stable.

that's very good, but what about volume trade? whether it can match the other smart contract?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: billy.ryoko on May 06, 2018, 09:37:21 AM
is there any particular reason why prover moved to NEM platform? after I read about how mutation prover to NEM I think many people will be confused with step by step. there should be a video tutorial to do this mutation :) to help make it easier to do that

The main reasons why PROVER moved to NEM platform are:
  • We don't need smartcontracts inside our technology.
  • NEM has extremely cheap transactions fee.
  • NEM is more fast and stable.

I have not much longer know about the smartcontracts how to used in the exchange, after I have watched the tutorial in youtube and visited the nemchange, the Nem platform are not like as the mainstream, the interface is not friendly, I will skip this exchange for the trading.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on May 07, 2018, 02:51:46 AM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

We have already listed on within the NEM ecosystem. In nearest days we are going to be listed on other exchanges.

whether the team can provide details of the time when provers listed on other exchange? 1 week, 1 month or more. looking at this project has a good potential in the market is very unfortunate when the project is too long into a good exchange. traders can not wait for provers listed on major exchange.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: billy.ryoko on May 14, 2018, 03:42:33 PM
I have received few of the PROVER token after the ICO, may I know if any listing plan in the future or which exchange will be list later?

We have already listed on within the NEM ecosystem. In nearest days we are going to be listed on other exchanges.

whether the team can provide details of the time when provers listed on other exchange? 1 week, 1 month or more. looking at this project has a good potential in the market is very unfortunate when the project is too long into a good exchange. traders can not wait for provers listed on major exchange.

This is the first authenticity verification project in blockchain that I know, I would like hold on the token until listing in the bigger exchange, anyway I not want to sell it.   
Another, I want to say the APP can't compatible with my mobile, how can I fix it?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on May 19, 2018, 03:16:35 AM
I am still confused how to migrate prover to NEM platform, hope someone will help me. then whether later exchange out already using NEM platform? thank you

Please, give more detailes about you issues. Join our Telegram channel and read pinned message. We gave step-by-step manual. Tell me, on what step do you have problem.
hello i.svirin
what is your name in telegram group. I want to ask about how mutation prover to NEM wallet. to hear this project partnered with humaniq i want to see the progress of this project :)

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Cryptocurrencies News on June 12, 2018, 04:55:40 AM
PROOF (PF) will be available on Cryptopia for trading at 3:00 AM (UTC) on 13/06/2018. The following trade pairs will be available – PF/BTC, PF/LTC & PF/DOGE. You can start depositing and withdrawing PF immediately.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on June 13, 2018, 02:37:22 PM
PROOF (PF) will be available on Cryptopia for trading at 3:00 AM (UTC) on 13/06/2018. The following trade pairs will be available – PF/BTC, PF/LTC & PF/DOGE. You can start depositing and withdrawing PF immediately.
after seeing the price prover in cryptopia I was quite surprised with the very cheap price. is it the normal price of the prover? so all this time bounty hunter work and like not get anything from their work. maybe many are disappointed with the current price prover, hopefully it's the beginning of the prover and will improve later

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: 21joker on June 17, 2018, 10:10:48 PM
Hi friends!

Prover is now listed on Bitgur price index - (! You can add it to customizable watchlist and create advanced price alerts.

Coin Tracking
There is Coin Tracking Alert in Bitgur Alerts. Add it once and you will receive important information about Prover. Price change, unusual volume, new listings, general news, and events.

We can send notifications by telegram, e-mail or browser push notification. You will find Coin Tracking alert in our alerting system.

Volume Profile
We have a unique financial chart called Volume Profile. This tool is indispensable for determining resistance and support levels.

Customizable watchlist
You can create your custom cryptocurrency watchlist using 35 financial indicators or charts and select their display order in the table.

Favorites coins on the main page
You can enable viewing only the favorites coins from your watchlist on the main page. Simply press Star Button.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on June 19, 2018, 06:01:09 AM
I am still confused how to migrate prover to NEM platform, hope someone will help me. then whether later exchange out already using NEM platform? thank you

Please, give more detailes about you issues. Join our Telegram channel and read pinned message. We gave step-by-step manual. Tell me, on what step do you have problem.
hello i.svirin
what is your name in telegram group. I want to ask about how mutation prover to NEM wallet. to hear this project partnered with humaniq i want to see the progress of this project :)

You can find me in official PROVER telegram channel.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on June 19, 2018, 06:02:37 AM
PROOF (PF) will be available on Cryptopia for trading at 3:00 AM (UTC) on 13/06/2018. The following trade pairs will be available – PF/BTC, PF/LTC & PF/DOGE. You can start depositing and withdrawing PF immediately.
after seeing the price prover in cryptopia I was quite surprised with the very cheap price. is it the normal price of the prover? so all this time bounty hunter work and like not get anything from their work. maybe many are disappointed with the current price prover, hopefully it's the beginning of the prover and will improve later

This price is normal to buy and hold. Market is down now, be patient.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on June 21, 2018, 01:14:07 PM
PROOF (PF) will be available on Cryptopia for trading at 3:00 AM (UTC) on 13/06/2018. The following trade pairs will be available – PF/BTC, PF/LTC & PF/DOGE. You can start depositing and withdrawing PF immediately.
after seeing the price prover in cryptopia I was quite surprised with the very cheap price. is it the normal price of the prover? so all this time bounty hunter work and like not get anything from their work. maybe many are disappointed with the current price prover, hopefully it's the beginning of the prover and will improve later

This price is normal to buy and hold. Market is down now, be patient.

what is the prover price in ico? if this price is normal should the team pay for bounty also in accordance with their work. if i see all nobody gets more than $ 50. is this also normal?
sorry if i am wrong in the calculation, hopefully there is an explanation about this. thank you

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on July 12, 2018, 10:29:06 AM
Dear PROVER project participants!

We are happy to inform you that we have an opportunity to win the listing on the KuCoin Exchange! To do this, we need to get maximum votes in this open competition.
We DO need your support! Let`s try to make the project even more popular!

How to vote:
1. Register on the KuCoin exchange
2. Join the telegram chat The bot will send you a voting link.
3. Answer 3 questions from the bot:
    a. Your KuCoin Account Email Address.
    b. The name of the project you want to get listed - PROVER project (write the name of the project only this way, NO changes, otherwise the bot will not count your vote)
    c. The reason why this very project should win, for example, you like the technology of video content authentication or the effective project team.

The contest starts today at 13:00 GMT+3 and will be finished on July 15th.
Every vote plays a big role!

Best regards,

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: huu78 on July 13, 2018, 12:22:30 PM
Dear PROVER project participants!

We are happy to inform you that we have an opportunity to win the listing on the KuCoin Exchange! To do this, we need to get maximum votes in this open competition.
We DO need your support! Let`s try to make the project even more popular!

How to vote:
1. Register on the KuCoin exchange
2. Join the telegram chat The bot will send you a voting link.
3. Answer 3 questions from the bot:
    a. Your KuCoin Account Email Address.
    b. The name of the project you want to get listed - PROVER project (write the name of the project only this way, NO changes, otherwise the bot will not count your vote)
    c. The reason why this very project should win, for example, you like the technology of video content authentication or the effective project team.

The contest starts today at 13:00 GMT+3 and will be finished on July 15th.
Every vote plays a big role!

Best regards,

This is good news and deserves to be supported. i hope prover will be achieved its goal to be listed in KuCoin through this event.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: yudi09 on August 06, 2018, 09:17:50 AM
hello dev, I want to ask about swap token prover. What is the old swap token comparison with the new token? before I swap, I want to know whether it's appropriate or not to swap my token. thank you

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on August 17, 2018, 01:51:50 PM
why is there no more information for this project, how do I have the desire to swap if I won't get anything for that.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: meongoan on August 19, 2018, 02:26:07 PM
it looks like the team in this project must be really vigorous and enthusiastic in promoting this project, and give excellence about this project, so that later this project can run as it has been planned, because I think this project provides many benefits so it deserves success.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: alfaisal890 on August 26, 2018, 12:52:12 PM
it looks like the team in this project must be really vigorous and enthusiastic in promoting this project, and give excellence about this project, so that later this project can run as it has been planned, because I think this project provides many benefits so it deserves success.

I am also still waiting for what the team will do for this project, following this project from the beginning and until now I have not received anything. and I am still optimistic to wait for the results until the end of this year

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: Nick808 on August 26, 2018, 01:10:38 PM
it looks like the team in this project must be really vigorous and enthusiastic in promoting this project, and give excellence about this project, so that later this project can run as it has been planned, because I think this project provides many benefits so it deserves success.

I am also still waiting for what the team will do for this project, following this project from the beginning and until now I have not received anything. and I am still optimistic to wait for the results until the end of this year

i think the fact that you did not get anything is a mistake. otherwise it turns out that the project is already beginning with the deception of the community. the very idea of the project is normal and working. but i will not invest that wow effect that i would like.

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: pikkie on August 26, 2018, 01:20:48 PM
Are there any benefits for video owners? like rewards points?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: jetmunkyvf on September 07, 2018, 06:57:20 AM
I look forward to the completion of the development project all planned functionality of the product and turn the project into a protected technology solutions. I see a lot of using arrays, are mentioned. Wish successful project

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: bighobbit on December 03, 2018, 12:32:31 AM
Any news?

Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] PROVER - Authenticity Verification of User Generated Video Files
Post by: i.svirin on December 30, 2018, 08:26:02 PM
By the end of the year we have more good news!

We patented Prover technology. Now our method of recording and authenticating recorded video data is officially recognized as original, useful and innovative.

Confirmed authorship and exclusive rights are our competitive advantages in the development of innovative technologies.