Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: bitkoyun on January 22, 2018, 08:51:50 PM

Title: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: bitkoyun on January 22, 2018, 08:51:50 PM



Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: DeadAbrasiveness on January 22, 2018, 09:56:54 PM
A wonderful mission, great vision with real depth of knowledge and experience in the medical world - sincerely wish you the very best with this, the next stage of your mission.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: DOUBLEKAY11 on January 22, 2018, 10:04:32 PM
Really a wonderful and nice concept. I will want to follow up and be part of this project.
Pls can u make the website address available?
Good luck guys.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: SeveralQ on January 23, 2018, 04:27:51 AM
Hi everyone! Just added PeerAtlas ICO to my website ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group:

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: dietmarfritz59 on January 23, 2018, 06:10:24 PM
Really a wonderful and nice concept. I will want to follow up and be part of this project.
Pls can u make the website address available?
Good luck guys.
The website is (http://"").

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: dietmarfritz59 on January 23, 2018, 06:12:10 PM
I do love the concept of this project. I know little to none about the medical world, but a big question I have is how you will get mass adoption of this project? It seems like the medical world would be a tricky one to get everyone on the same page.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: CryptoClyde on January 23, 2018, 06:18:14 PM
Love the concept and mission statement. How can I get involved?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: CryptoWhaler on January 23, 2018, 06:36:03 PM
Great idea and a noble cause. The fact that its not announced by a newbie but a Legend is something refreshing and to be taken seriously.

Just one question to start with; if the encyclopedia will be free, what function will the ATLAS token perform that will make it desirable?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: bradmattson on January 24, 2018, 12:49:40 AM
Thank you sincerely everyone. I am the Founder of PeerAtlas. I expect our whitelist to open within a week. If you need answers to questions, the best place to ask them is our Telegram at CryptoWhaler, the ATLAS token has many great features: (1) No inflation, (2) 50% of the tokens go to the crowdsale because we believe that the only way this project will be successful is if we have complete and total support of the community, (3) We will be profitable by redeeming CME credits for physicians in exchange for physicians sending ATLAS tokens to the PeerAtlas foundation, this is our main profit mechanism. For example, I am a board certified radiologist and every year I need to send CME credits (continuing medical education) to the American Board of Radiology to legally practice medicine in the United States. When doctors use our website they will accumulate CME credits, and we will send the credits to their respective boards in exchange for them sending ATLAS tokens to the foundation. Hope to see you soon in our Telegram!

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: dorismak on January 25, 2018, 08:51:05 PM
Medical Information Free, it looks great, but I have a question. how to make the project profitable? this is what investors want to know.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: bradmattson on January 26, 2018, 11:01:08 AM
Dorismak, please refer to (3) from my post above.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: simongoat on February 05, 2018, 08:48:43 AM
This is a great project and I'm definitely going to invest in the ico. Are you planning on running a bounty programme at all?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: bradmattson on February 11, 2018, 11:47:53 PM
We are not currently offering a bounty program and do not plan to give free ATLAS tokens away, however, we may offer a bounty program in the future with rewards given in either NEO or NEOgas

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: green547 on February 11, 2018, 11:49:20 PM
This is a scam ICO I would stay far far away before you lose all your money.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: melsell1 on February 12, 2018, 03:12:07 PM
I won't be the first one to say that the idea is beautiful. Is token secured though?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 16, 2018, 06:39:58 PM
This is a scam ICO I would stay far far away before you lose all your money.


July 2013: Dr. Mattson enters a five-year radiology residency.

4 years later:

July 2017: Dr. Closser completes the first PeerAtlas whitepaper, and officially postpones his medical career to work full-time on the PeerAtlas project.


July 2017: Dr. Mattson becomes a board-certified radiologist.

This is a scam.  First off, nobody finishes a residency a year early and there would be a fellowship following residency for radiology.  You say you postpone your medical career on the same date you supposedly become board-certified.......

REDACTED following proof as listed below:

Dr. Mattson is a board certified radiologist that is finishing up his final year of residency and you should click on and then "PGY5" to see his current profile and then you should feel bad about yourself.

I do indeed feel bad about myself.  I'm sorry.  You have to admit the roadmap wording is a little off though.  Typically, when somebody says that they are postponing their medical career, they stop medical school, take a gap year prior to boards, or something similar.

I do think that this sounds like an interesting project and will start following to see further updates.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 17, 2018, 03:41:19 PM
Hey what's up guys my name is Colin Closser, M.D., I have been friends with Dr. Mattson for 20 years and I am co-founder of the PeerAtlas project

This is a scam ICO I would stay far far away before you lose all your money.

Cool story bro  ::)  Personally, I would stay far far away from people shilling ERC20s...but you do you, we're all adults here hopefully


When it rains, it pours. Jeez

Yes, that's right, I wrote the whitepaper in the same month that Brad passed his radiology boards on the first try. I also traded my sweet little fingers off during that month putting up volume specifically between Antshares markets in the USA and China. So I postponed my career. Conspiracy confirmed.

Dr. Mattson is a board certified radiologist that is finishing up his final year of residency and you should click on and then "PGY5" to see his current profile and then you should feel bad about yourself.

He finishes his residency on June 30. Fellowships are optional. Deal with it

I won't be the first one to say that the idea is beautiful. Is token secured though?

Thank you for the positive feedback, we are trying to launch our token on the NEO blockchain as an SEC compliant security, if that's what you were asking

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 19, 2018, 05:50:38 PM

I sincerely appreciate this redaction. You should know that I am extremely suspicious of healthcare projects on blockchain and would short 85 percent of them if crypto was a more traditional market.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 21, 2018, 05:15:22 PM

I sincerely appreciate this redaction. You should know that I am extremely suspicious of healthcare projects on blockchain and would short 85 percent of them if crypto was a more traditional market.

I will join the telegram and see if I can help at all.  I'm in the healthcare industry as well and clearly I'm suspicious of most projects like this one. 

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 21, 2018, 06:10:07 PM
I debated on sending this as a private message, but wanted to be transparent and have replies visible to all.  I went trough the whitepaper and have a number of questions/concerns.  Overall, I am excited for this project as  I see a great need for it.  Please take my comments in stride.  They are only meant to aid in furthering the understanding of everybody involved in the project.
The ATLAS token represents the permanent destruction of the world’s most unethical

This is pretty intense for an opening line.  The content costs money because they have to monetize its upkeep or it will remain stagnant.  I like this project's idea, but 'permanent' is never the case with anything.

Because of its highly independent design, the PeerAtlas foundation can direct its community to reward qualified individuals that help its mission in a transparent and ethical manner.

Who gets to decide who is 'qualified' enough to participate.  I'm worried that this could turn into another Wikipedia where anybody can change anything.  You wouldn't want somebody going around and saying the medical treatment for every sort of pain is jelly beans would you?

ATLAS will transact in two major pathways that directly benefit the project. Firstly, direct donations of ATLAS will be enabled for verified creators of medical articles and
algorithms that the community finds useful.

Using UpToDate as an example, they look over multiple peer-reviewed articles, studies, and guidelines before writing their recommendations.  How to you plan on separating the qualified community from the unqualified community?  Just because somebody went to a professonal school doesn't mean that they are an expert in everything.  I don't pretend to know everything and I practice within my scope.

This allows contributing professionals to receive compensation for their time and effort.

Will this be based on a 'community' vote or will each article be a true peer review from qualified individuals?  I see that you have civilian accounts.  Are they able to take part in such votes?  I see this as a possible source of collusion.  

Secondly, medical professionals using
the site will accumulate continuing medical education (CME) credits that will be redeemable through the site in exchange for ATLAS tokens.

How does this work for claiming CME?  Typically, these are tied to specific activities that have to be vetted.  Even sites like UpToDate tie each individual amount of CME to each article that you search for on their site.  Are you implying that one could simply buy enough CME for the year and not have to read articles, takes quizzes, etc?

These direct transfers of ATLAS from the community are
the best long-term strategy for PeerAtlas to offer paid content for free.

Now, I see this as a good idea in the long run if you answer that the general civilian population is unable to vote for quality of posts as I stated above.  This makes collusion pointless and the donations would be anonymous.

This is to avoid indirect donations to PeerAtlas from drug companies and
other special interests that would benefit from influencing the library.
PeerAtlas Co-Founder Ling Wu is currently employed by a pharmaceutical company as
a chemist, and will submit her resignation at the completion of crowdfunding.

BRAVO!  This was a welcome part of the paper!

PeerAtlas anticipates a shifting focus towards the use of
AI (Artificial Intelligence) to create individualized treatment recommendations and
algorithms for specific patients through the use of the patient’s existing EMR data. AI
could work with anonymized EMR data to offer a worldwide live rolling clinical trial for
evidence-based recommendations.

Now this is definitely interesting.  The HIPPA regs would likely need to be circumvented, but who knows what sort of regs will exist in 20-40 years from now.  I could see anonymized EMR data being used in the near future for such a project.  There are number of current projects that are attempting this such as Medibloc and Medicalchain.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 21, 2018, 09:35:26 PM
This is pretty intense for an opening line...'permanent' is never the case with anything.

Shakespeare had some intense opening lines, too. Try telling the encyclopedia industry that their pay model was not permanently destroyed by crowdsourcing. I'm comfortable with calling a successful displacement of the subscription model 'permanent'. Young doctors raised around a trustworthy free medical resource will never go back.

Who gets to decide who is 'qualified' enough to participate.

Well at first I do, along with Brad, and we're physicians. "Qualified" in this context means a medical degree, most likely an M.D. or equivalent. Yes we are inspired by the spirit of Wikipedia, but PeerAtlas is not Wikipedia, so don't get it twisted. Medical decision making and treatment is every bit as serious as the military. Wikipedia doesn't have peer review. "Peer" is literally in our name

How to you plan on separating the qualified community from the unqualified community?

By evaluating their...qualifications. We are doctors. Doctors are public figures. And again, the peer review process is a further safeguard

will each article be a true peer review from qualified individuals?


 I see that you have civilian accounts.  Are they able to take part in such votes?


Even sites like UpToDate tie each individual amount of CME to each article that you search for on their site.  Are you implying that one could simply buy enough CME for the year and not have to read articles, takes quizzes, etc?

You can't 'buy' CME. You have to earn it through research and use of the platform, the same as with the gold standard, UpToDate. Once healthcare professionals have earned the CME, we will redeem them for ATLAS tokens.

BRAVO!  This was a welcome part of the paper!
PeerAtlas anticipates a shifting focus towards the use of
AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Brad's personal interest is reducing physician error and improving outcomes though eventually introducing machine learning to medical treatment and decision making.
In the fifth century A.D., Saint Patrick cast all of the snakes out of Ireland by driving them into the sea. My personal interest, to keep our platform free from special interest dollars, is a smaller task.

Thanks for your interest in our project and all the good questions.

Colin Closser M.D.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 23, 2018, 12:40:39 PM
Shakespeare had some intense opening lines, too. Try telling the encyclopedia industry that their pay model was not permanently destroyed by crowdsourcing. I'm comfortable with calling a successful displacement of the subscription model 'permanent'. Young doctors raised around a trustworthy free medical resource will never go back.

Excellent analogy.  I imagine it is smart to make an impactful opening line to grab the attention of the reader.

Well at first I do, along with Brad, and we're physicians. "Qualified" in this context means a medical degree, most likely an M.D. or equivalent. Yes we are inspired by the spirit of Wikipedia, but PeerAtlas is not Wikipedia, so don't get it twisted. Medical decision making and treatment is every bit as serious as the military. Wikipedia doesn't have peer review. "Peer" is literally in our name

Thank you for this response.  I did not intend on getting it 'twisted'.  Touche' with the 'Peer' is literally in our name.  Wikipedia has appointed fact-checkers, but you are correct in that it is certainly not a peer review.

How to you plan on separating the qualified community from the unqualified community?

By evaluating their...qualifications. We are doctors. Doctors are public figures. And again, the peer review process is a further safeguard

Do you plan on accepting other disciplines for different conditions?  There are multiple 'doctors' in the medical field: MD/DO, DPT, OD, PharmD, DNP, ect.
I would expect a multidisciplinary approach to the medical decision making as is the push in the medical field currently.  As you are well aware, the typical hospital rounding team in a teaching hospital consists of an attending physician, residents and interns, clinical pharmacy specialists, nutrition, charge/floor nurse, and associated students in those fields.
The 'push' was apparent at my school at least.  Interprofessional care is the future to ensure the best care is given to the patient and that is what I preached to my students.  I see this as a tool to encourage contribution from multiple specialties and sub-specialties in order to get the most appropriate decision.


Thank you for the clarification regarding who is able to vote.

You can't 'buy' CME. You have to earn it through research and use of the platform, the same as with the gold standard, UpToDate. Once healthcare professionals have earned the CME, we will redeem them for ATLAS tokens.

Forgive me, but from your wording in the whitepaper: 'Secondly, medical professionals using the site will accumulate continuing medical education (CME) credits that will be redeemable through the site in exchange for ATLAS tokens.'
I see this as only being able to redeem the CME by losing ATLAS tokens.  Are you saying that it is the other way around?  You earn CME through the site and then get a to-be-determined amount of ATLAS tokens for earning said CME?

Brad's personal interest is reducing physician error and improving outcomes though eventually introducing machine learning to medical treatment and decision making.
In the fifth century A.D., Saint Patrick cast all of the snakes out of Ireland by driving them into the sea. My personal interest, to keep our platform free from special interest dollars, is a smaller task.

I honestly hope that you can cast out the snakes of the big industry and allow a comprehensive platform free for the general public.

Thanks for your interest in our project and all the good questions.

Thank you for getting back to me and addressing every question!  I look forward to your further replies.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 27, 2018, 01:49:23 PM
I see two important questions in the latest post.

Do you plan on accepting other disciplines for different conditions?  There are multiple 'doctors' in the medical field: MD/DO, DPT, OD, PharmD, DNP, ect.

In general, having attained a high level of education in a specialty is best when writing articles about that specialty, although simply having a degree is not enough to make a fantastic resource. Let me elaborate.

The information has to be high quality, and the information has to be trusted by professional users. I can say at this point that we will accept contributions from users that create trust from civilians and professionals alike in areas which they are qualified. Additionally, I am very aware that midlevel care providers can be far more competent in certain areas than the attending physicians because they benefit from specialization and hands-on experience.

To repeat myself, a contributor needs to be both correct, and trusted. In the real world these do not always overlap. People should feel a sense of relief when they use the encyclopedia. I'm being vague on specific degrees at this point because they need to fulfill these two requirements.

I see this as only being able to redeem the CME by losing ATLAS tokens.  

That's correct. Professionals send ATLAS to the foundation and then the foundation redeems CME hours that professionals have accumulated with their boards.

I honestly hope that you can cast out the snakes of the big industry and allow a comprehensive platform free for the general public.
We do too!

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: ceferov on February 27, 2018, 02:21:09 PM
Good to make that free idea  and I like token share  but how will atlas token help to project make that free? Whats the role of this token on project? And I think  if medical information means medical card of each customer then the I think security also matters. Coz those info should be private

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 27, 2018, 02:46:18 PM
To repeat myself, a contributor needs to be both correct, and trusted. In the real world these do not always overlap. People should feel a sense of relief when they use the encyclopedia. I'm being vague on specific degrees at this point because they need to fulfill these two requirements.


That's correct. Professionals send ATLAS to the foundation and then the foundation redeems CME hours that professionals have accumulated with their boards.

I'm glad you are considering other specialists.  Correct and trusted is also a little vague, but I would assume that the expert panel from the community would determine this.  I look forward to seeing how things will be implemented.

Now, you shed some more light on something regarding the CME hours in your statement.  You only get the ability to redeem CME for ATLAS IF you have contributed to the project and that article/algorithm/etc was deemed appropriate as above.  I was under the assumption that you would simply gain CME by browsing the encyclopedia similarly to UpToDate.  I understand this a lot better now and it makes perfect sense. 

You may want to update that statement in the whitepaper  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptocommoner on February 27, 2018, 02:50:51 PM
Good to make that free idea  and I like token share  but how will atlas token help to project make that free? Whats the role of this token on project? And I think  if medical information means medical card of each customer then the I think security also matters. Coz those info should be private

This is a project for a free large-scale medical encyclopedia.  This has nothing to do with medical card for each customer.  Perhaps you are thinking of Medibloc or Medicalchain?  The data from the patients to be used down the line would not actually have to have any PII to benefit the project.  

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 27, 2018, 05:35:07 PM
Good to make that free idea  and I like token share but how will atlas token help to project make that free? Whats the role of this token on project? And I think  if medical information means medical card of each customer then the I think security also matters. Coz those info should be private
This is three questions--

1) How will ATLAS token help make the project free?

Issuing a token is the only way that I have figured out how to offer a paid resource for free worldwide, and I've been on this project since 2011. Everybody wants us to not have a token but no one is going to wire me $15MM, and I designed ATLAS as a very efficient, fixed supply token using the very best technology we can get our hands on.

There's conflicts of interest with the advertising-funded and subscription-funded models. ATLAS allows us to not offer subscriptions or sell advertising.

2) Why a token?

Borderless - Doctors across the world can tip each other with no restrictions (unlike sending fiat)

Incentive - Holding a significant minority of ATLAS tokens gives the PeerAtlas foundation the ability to fund its more ambitious long-term goals if it is successful in its short-term goals (unlike using someone else's token, and unlike if someone wired me $15MM)

3) How will we protect patient data?

PeerAtlas is starting out as an open source medical encyclopedia. Another more fancy way of saying this, is that it is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool to help medical professionals make decisions.

At this stage in the project, we won't use patient data at all. We aspire to have the high quality of the peer-reviewed resource UpToDate ( but without a subcription-based paywall.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: colinclosser on February 27, 2018, 05:46:10 PM
I like the idea dev proposed. I think this is a good project.
Thank you  :)

...(Professionals will) gain CME by browsing the encyclopedia similarly to UpToDate.

This is a true statement, and the established industry standard. UpToDate is the current gold standard online for Western medical information, and American medical licensing boards widely accept CMEs from UpToDate.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: gaurav250387 on April 21, 2018, 08:15:56 AM
ATLAS will transact in two major pathways that directly benefit the project. Firstly, direct donations of ATLAS will be enabled for verified creators of medical articles and
algorithms that the community finds useful.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: SparkIt on April 21, 2018, 03:08:46 PM

Information about important news and updates from PeerAtlas-team could posted in topic "Comparison of existing blockchain projects in the medical field." -

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: enflammer on April 21, 2018, 03:26:12 PM
Hey there, this project is really a great idea and i would like to know 2 things:
- do you already have private investors? the softcap sets to 5M it won't be an easy taks (especially when investors don't see any benefits for their own wallet...)
- what is the point for common people to get ATLAS token? i mean i see the point for professional but i don't get how it will be used by people like me.

Thank you in advance and truely, i believe this is a great project to spread knowledges.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: tuananhdn on April 22, 2018, 12:51:26 AM

I first learned about the project and found it quite interesting. a project that runs on the NEO platform and projects with a community focus. I joined the telegram and twitter group to follow up and update PeerAtlas news.
thank you

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: harrycalik on April 22, 2018, 07:18:37 PM
It will certainly become a big success as well as useful after a certain period of time. The project has high potential. It will succeed. Good luck team!

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: minchubby on April 29, 2018, 03:53:32 AM
This is a great project and I'm definitely going to invest in the ico. Are you planning on running a bounty programme at all?

Yes they have bounty campaign , and i will send you the link below , go active with great work and you will receive great reward :D . Thanks for heling Peeratlas spread the word to the world .
Bounty link :

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: minchubby on April 29, 2018, 03:56:30 AM
This is a scam ICO I would stay far far away before you lose all your money.

Why do you say that ? please give proof or your analyze . Please do not create the FUD here ,in my opinion ,their project is great and developed few years ago , with experience team and far vision .

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: minchubby on April 30, 2018, 02:00:26 AM
Love the concept and mission statement. How can I get involved?

Hi , you need to access to their website here : , then you click the button " whitelist Open " , then do KYC , wait for their approval . When they confirm youwill receive the email to inform you are in , just wait until ICO time and buy it .

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: engkususman on April 30, 2018, 02:09:50 AM
the concept of the PeerAtlas project is good, a new solution in the field of free medical information, permanently. but there are several similar projects that have been present in the market. I hope the team will work hard and compact in promotion for the bright progress of the PeerAtlas project.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: flysohigh.noshy on May 01, 2018, 05:44:45 AM
Do you have any plan to hold the bounty campaign? If so, when and what kind of campaigns?  I would love to help spread the world 

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: tomalours on May 01, 2018, 09:26:23 AM
Hello there please find here PeerAtlas French ANN thread ( !

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: french_andrey on May 01, 2018, 10:14:27 AM
Hello, I understand correctly that CME credits are related to the American health care system? And how will the cooperation with medical specialists from other countries, where there is no CME credit system?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Departure on May 01, 2018, 07:15:21 PM

Join The Revolution
Make Medical Information Free

Welcome to Russian ANN  (

The topic will be supported and moderated.

All Russian-speaking forum users -Welcome to the Russian announcement of the project.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Jaka.Sembuh on May 02, 2018, 05:57:38 AM
the concept of the PeerAtlas project is good, a new solution in the field of free medical information, permanently. but there are several similar projects that have been present in the market. I hope the team will work hard and compact in promotion for the bright progress of the PeerAtlas project.
all the team involved in this project, will certainly work hard with very good to be able to make this project a success and gives satisfactory results.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: wongedanbebas on May 02, 2018, 09:38:41 AM
Do you have bounty program?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: snakejack on May 02, 2018, 03:57:36 PM
Do you have bounty program?
Hello, you can find the Bounty campaign here: ;)

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: T85083598 on May 03, 2018, 08:24:50 AM
Does peeratlas maintain close participation with NEO foundation? I attended NEO meetup in Europe and could see some companies coming with them as well for presentation

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: LoveStory on May 04, 2018, 02:58:15 AM
a project that deserves to be developed to succeed later on, I am also confident the team in this project will not disappoint all participants and investors who have joined this project.a success for this project.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: tom14cat14 on May 04, 2018, 08:27:10 PM
Do you have any plan to hold the bounty campaign? If so, when and what kind of campaigns?  I would love to help spread the world 

There is a link with the bounty campaign on the main page. I think you simply missed it. Here is the link

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: heru ardhianta on May 05, 2018, 11:36:42 AM
PeerAtlas project is highly innovative with medical world relovation in medical information by combining blockchain technology

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Kutuzov44 on May 05, 2018, 11:41:07 AM
Hi all,do i have to go trough KYC in order to join the sale?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Departure on May 06, 2018, 07:36:59 PM
The project has a good community that it has collected for a very long time

Also NEO ecosystems is very friendly and growing fast.

I'm sure that the collection in sales will be good.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: gabygabyD on May 06, 2018, 09:45:06 PM

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: appraiser on May 07, 2018, 07:01:56 AM
A good telegram community of the project. A lot of people attracted your QUIZ competitions. Unfortunately, English is not my native language and I did not have time to answer. But the idea is good.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: claudiotiego on May 08, 2018, 01:35:27 AM
Portuguese ANN is here:

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: jaksone on May 08, 2018, 08:54:04 AM
Very good program to raise awards to the people doctor specialist to be more excited in carrying out his profession ..hopefully the future can be applied throughout the world

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: appraiser on May 08, 2018, 10:04:05 AM
I do not quite understand where the project monetization is. Where will the profit come from. This can not be altruism, explain to me. Medical Encyclopedia is fine, but who will pay for its use? Doctors? Patients?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: bL4nkcode on May 08, 2018, 06:37:57 PM
See and read the article about Peeratlas on my site
How PeerAtlas Wants to Make Medical Information Free -

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: T85083598 on May 10, 2018, 06:32:44 AM
Hi, any date yet on when airdrop will be distributed en when you will go on an exchange?Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: collins3 on May 10, 2018, 06:41:36 AM
The idea of the project lamg me interesting.
I wonder if the medical information is free, the value of the token will look like? How will the project develop?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: appraiser on May 10, 2018, 12:58:53 PM
You are going to pay professional doctors for writing articles. Tell me, how will the fact be determined that the article is really qualitative and can be published?

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: appraiser on May 14, 2018, 05:50:33 PM
Tell us about the new cooperation, who is this mysterious superproject, for which sales are postponed. I think this name should be a weight in the industry blockbuster. And tell me when all the same will be known for new dates and conditions.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Madlen on May 16, 2018, 01:01:21 PM
Good morning! Today is an excellent day for investing in ICO! Do not miss the chance, you will be able to increase your capital several times and change your standard of living!

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: T85083598 on May 16, 2018, 06:51:24 PM
I'm interested in what it means that unsold tokens will be frozen, it's like saying a burned one))

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: appraiser on May 24, 2018, 10:53:26 AM
I'm interested in what it means that unsold tokens will be frozen, it's like saying a burned one))

As far as I understand it has not yet been any sales, and what unsold tokens you are now saying?

the project has found some big investor and sales are postponed

Bounty program is suspended.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Martasoloviy on May 27, 2018, 11:33:45 AM
PeerAtlas has no right to accept from the contribution to ATLAS, which the authors of PeerAtlas information receive. Such a measure is applied so that even an indirect donation was not PeerAtlas from the pharmaceutical company and others who have special interests that affect the library. For this reason, the payment of the work of the colleagues of the platform does not depend on the volume of new materials accepted for their specialties or what type of content that is decided to be accepted

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Martasoloviy on May 27, 2018, 07:50:02 PM
PeerAtlas recently announced a partnership with iScientia, a healthcare information service provider. The two organizations will seek to develop an advanced medical information resource on top of the NEO blockchain.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Martasoloviy on May 27, 2018, 07:50:51 PM
Brad Mattson, founder of PeerAtlas, recently made an announcement to the community Telegram group, highlighting the changing scope and subsequent segments of the project that are going through an update.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Martasoloviy on May 27, 2018, 07:51:22 PM
PeerAtlas has been working on including additional features to the platform, and is currently updating the whitepaper, roadmap, website, token metrics, and legal documents. Additionally, the team will be launching a referral program soon, where doctors will be rewarded for referring other doctors.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: Martasoloviy on May 27, 2018, 07:52:30 PM
The ATLAS token is rare in blockchain that it works to solve a problem with quality of treatment, and not financial relationships. But as an NEP-5 token on NEO, ATLAS transacts quickly, smoothly, and without wasting fees or resources.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: SalmaBR on May 27, 2018, 08:40:45 PM
Medical information not being free is an issue. Making it permanently free will solve a major problem.

Title: Re: [ANN - ICO] PeerAtlas: Improve life by making all medical information free
Post by: cryptoslate01 on June 18, 2018, 09:36:36 AM
Hello Team  :)

We just added PeerAtlas ( to  CryptoSlate's ICO database (

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If you need help in editing any information about your ICO, please go to PeerAtlas ( ICO page on our website and click "Suggest an Edit". Feel free to contact us via if you have any questions. Thank you.