Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Service Discussion (Altcoins) => Topic started by: ICOchamps on February 10, 2018, 01:41:40 AM

Title: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 10, 2018, 01:41:40 AM
Dear fellow bitcointalkers,

As the name says, I'll be listing the in my opinion top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites here, along with a small description and personal opinion on each of them. I'll be happy to also hear your opinions on 'em and discuss.

1. ICO Champs (

Uh oh, some self-promo coming here: ICO Champs would be my ICO Rating website of choice.

We rate ICOs based on factors that do really matter in this industry — such as the hype, the risk and the profit potential, which is determined based on other criteria than you might think . Thanks to our "Quick Notes" feature, you can also always see why we have rated ICOs the way we did.

Also, you will find a feature for investors to participate in the site. Not only can you ask the ICO Team questions, you can even rate the profit potential of an ICO yourself and give your opinion about it.

Not to forget, we have really kicked in and created an extensive course teaching you all the knowledge we have about ICOs and how to best evaluate them. Give it a look, it really won't hurt, as it's absolutely free!  ;) I will guarantee you will have a different approach to evaluating ICOs than before after learning how this market really works.

2. ICObench (

ICObench is a social ICO Rating platform supported by their very own bot named benchy. Anyone can register, fill out some information about himself and apply as an expert. In case you get approved, you are now able to publicly rate ICOs based on three factors: Team, Vision, and Product.

In order for these ratings to be as accurate as possible, ICObench has published a strict rating methodology, which everyone has to follow. However, based on my knowledge there isn’t any kind of control whether people are really following their rating methodology.

In addition to those rather subjective ratings, ICObench uses the already named bot benchy to give an automated “ICO Profile” rating, looking if enough information is provided on the official ICO website. Again, I am not really sure how this bot works and if it really is able to find all necessary information, even if it is there. Or the other way around, if there’s some way to trick it.

3. ICORating (

ICORating is one of the, if not the, first ICO Rating platform out there. The website acts as an agency and focuses on evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score. Both of these factors are extremely important for the short term investment potential of an ICO.

The agency also provides thoroughly researched analysis of ICOs, not rarely almost as long as reading the ICOs whitepaper itself. What should be mentioned is that this service is a paid one which ICOs have requested themselves. Personally I think that ICORating’s target group are professional ICO Investors who are most probably investing in a dozen ICOs per month and just looking for short term profit, not caring a lot about the future development of a project.

A problem I see here is that ICOs have to pay a (quite large) amount of money to be thoroughly rated, but from my experience I don’t really think ICORating is biased or corrupt in any way.

4. CrushCrypto (

I really like CrushCrypto.

It is a cryptocurrency analysis website not focusing solely on ICOs, but they have their own section for it. You won’t find a real ICO List with ratings here but rather written analyzes of projects they find interesting. What I find really comfortable is that they have their own YouTube Channel and are creating an extra YouTube Video for every analysis, presented by a young woman named Victoria.

However, looking at their analysis approach I think their ratings are more longterm based and should not be taken too seriously from people looking for short term investments.

So, that's it. Let me hear your opinion. What websites do you personally use in order to find good ICOs? Is there maybe anything I've missed here?

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: carlfebz2 on February 11, 2018, 07:53:29 AM
I haven't hear out about and Thanks for sharing it out since only 2 sites been relying when it comes on seeing potential ICO or projects that are upcoming and ongoing which is on icorating and icobench.These sites do really give me some appropriate indications and reviews are somehow realistic for me to rely on. Its just only my personal preference though.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: squatz1 on February 11, 2018, 08:13:50 PM
While I do personally like a few of these sites listed, I do think they can be easily corrupted and probably are. Reason being (for my view) is that I think people in crypto, or at least some, are in it for the money. And people can make A KILLING shilling projects that are shitty, and they're going to do that. If an ICO came to one of these sites and went we'll pay you 5k to give us a 5-star review on our shitty project and 100k of our coins, I think the person would go ahead and do it.

Greed is going to kill this stuff.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 11, 2018, 09:17:40 PM
While I do personally like a few of these sites listed, I do think they can be easily corrupted and probably are. Reason being (for my view) is that I think people in crypto, or at least some, are in it for the money. And people can make A KILLING shilling projects that are shitty, and they're going to do that. If an ICO came to one of these sites and went we'll pay you 5k to give us a 5-star review on our shitty project and 100k of our coins, I think the person would go ahead and do it.

Greed is going to kill this stuff.

I think you are right with the point that most of the people in crypto are in it for the money, especially after the hype lately.
But I think that exactly because of this fact, most of these sites won't promote any shitty ICO just because they offer them some money. (I for sure will not.)
Because if they do that, users will most likely notice. And if the users notice, no one will use their site anymore - they would make less money in the long-term.
I do see a problem here for ICObench though, as most of their rating comes from independent "experts". And well, those experts indeed have nothing to lose. I also believe that most of them would give a shitty ICO an excellent rating for money.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: bL4nkcode on February 12, 2018, 01:18:08 AM
This 2 last site are not familiar to me, but it seems icochamps runs just this year and last month particularly and I wonder how they rate the risk of any project while all site/service that require investments involve high risks.
And obviously all rates/reviews can be manipulated once money talks.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Rahar02 on February 12, 2018, 03:17:03 AM
There are a lot of sites review or rate ICOs but I've never relied on any of those sites, it's a good idea to read and understand their methodology to rate an ICO though, such as mentioned above:
- Team, Vision, and Product
- enough information is provided on the official ICO website
- evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score
- reading the ICOs whitepaper
- Hype, Risk, Profit Potential and Longterm Potential
- whether they are using a safe Escrow Service or have a verifiable Soft Cap

It's a good idea to do your own analysis to assess an ICO before putting the money on the table which may end as loss or profit.
One thing to add is: read some review from other participants/backers/investors, whether the devs team provides convenient support and answers all the specific questions regarding their project.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: pinkflower on February 12, 2018, 04:26:49 AM
What "grade" did those sites give Beeeeconneeect before the fecal-hurricane that happened when it was exposed to be one of the biggest scams not only in cryptocurrencies, but the whole world?

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: h0lybyte on February 12, 2018, 05:43:37 AM
There are several websites specifically made for the ICOs to be reviewed and rated according to a user's experience with their team, service, support etcitra but icobench is one of the most visited website by ICO seekers, a lot of ICO links are updated daily but i am confused how users put their reviews, i can't see any options to do so on icobench

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Daria_daria1992 on February 12, 2018, 06:48:20 AM
I periodically look through the first two sites with ratings.  But I do not completely focus on them because not all ICOs with high ratings are guaranteed to be successful.  I like more to watch the team of projects in the telegram chats, to watch their activity, the answers.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: The Cryptologist on February 12, 2018, 07:35:24 AM
Thanks for the two sites because I already knew Icobench and Icorating. I can't completely say that they are reliable because I was once witnessed an ICO that has a very good rating from Icobench but they failed to reach their target even the softcap.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 12, 2018, 11:41:28 PM
What "grade" did those sites give Beeeeconneeect before the fecal-hurricane that happened when it was exposed to be one of the biggest scams not only in cryptocurrencies, but the whole world?

hello pinkflower,

I think that the BitConnect ICO happened before any of these sites launched (I'm sure for all except ICORating, maybe this one already existed back then).

I can't imagine that any of the sites would have given BitConnect a good rating though... they didn't even have a public team! These days, I believe an ICO like BitConnect wouldn't even be successful.

To me, it was always pretty clear that BitConnect is a big ponzi scheme, and it going down surprised me less than the fact it worked for so long.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: pinkflower on February 13, 2018, 02:57:33 AM
What "grade" did those sites give Beeeeconneeect before the fecal-hurricane that happened when it was exposed to be one of the biggest scams not only in cryptocurrencies, but the whole world?

hello pinkflower,

I think that the BitConnect ICO happened before any of these sites launched (I'm sure for all except ICORating, maybe this one already existed back then).

I can't imagine that any of the sites would have given BitConnect a good rating though... they didn't even have a public team! These days, I believe an ICO like BitConnect wouldn't even be successful.

To me, it was always pretty clear that BitConnect is a big ponzi scheme, and it going down surprised me less than the fact it worked for so long.

But didnt you realize that those sites can be paid to give a good rating for any ICO if "the price was right"? It would be naive not to think so.

During the 2008 housing bubble, regulated rating agencies were paid by the bankers to give subprime loans as Grade "A". Its far easier for a random, unregulated "ICO Rating" website to give fake ratings for money.


Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 13, 2018, 08:37:51 PM
Thanks for the two sites because I already knew Icobench and Icorating. I can't completely say that they are reliable because I was once witnessed an ICO that has a very good rating from Icobench but they failed to reach their target even the softcap.

Yeah the reason this could happen was that ICObench doesn't rate the factor whether an ICO will probably be able to reach it's target or not: The hype.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: auliahr on February 14, 2018, 05:54:05 AM
somehow I do not really like rating sites, I always ask myself, do they provide a truly objective assessment?
maybe we can select the ico available on the rating site, but we still have to do further research to produce the best choice.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: jrbone on February 14, 2018, 11:55:17 AM
For me personally, ICO rating website is only to find out the ongoing or upcoming ICO and to know the reviews but to make sure to join the bounty program or invest, then we should consider it yourself by studying whitepaper, find out the DEV and the project team, how strong media and community, soft cap and hard stamp, etc. Once we are sure, then we decide to join. Whatever the outcome, at least it is our own judgment.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: hs84 on February 18, 2018, 06:23:37 PM
What "grade" did those sites give Beeeeconneeect before the fecal-hurricane that happened when it was exposed to be one of the biggest scams not only in cryptocurrencies, but the whole world?

hello pinkflower,

I think that the BitConnect ICO happened before any of these sites launched (I'm sure for all except ICORating, maybe this one already existed back then).

I can't imagine that any of the sites would have given BitConnect a good rating though... they didn't even have a public team! These days, I believe an ICO like BitConnect wouldn't even be successful.

To me, it was always pretty clear that BitConnect is a big ponzi scheme, and it going down surprised me less than the fact it worked for so long.


i looked over your site.
looks nice.

may i ask you the way how you are rating?
with a fast search on your homepage is see these 3 categories.
but i do not see why you are thinking like that (maybe i just choosed the wrong project!)

thx a lot.
looks nice.
go for it!
and plz let us know the way you work!

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 18, 2018, 06:41:58 PM

i looked over your site.
looks nice.

may i ask you the way how you are rating?
with a fast search on your homepage is see these 3 categories.
but i do not see why you are thinking like that (maybe i just choosed the wrong project!)

thx a lot.
looks nice.
go for it!
and plz let us know the way you work!


I am happy that you like the site. We are still doing a lot of development on the website and most of the functionality should be implemented by the end of the next month.

However, the way we rate is already described in our FAQ section. (

Right now, you can't see specific reasons for the rating of a project, though that's coming soon. What you can do though, is take our rating factors from the FAQ section and analyze an ICO that's interesting to you yourself, then decide whether you want to invest or not. It is always recommended by us to do own research too, although we want to provide as much valuable information as possible.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: hs84 on February 18, 2018, 10:37:01 PM
thx a lot.
do you wanna give us some forecast what you are planning?

... nothing is better than dyor.
but always nice to know what could be interesting.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: anhzaibro on February 19, 2018, 01:38:15 AM
I think is pretty good. I'm looking for more information on it. if you have new information. please give me Thank you so much.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: vlast01 on February 20, 2018, 03:27:24 PM
Dear fellow bitcointalkers,

As the name says, I'll be listing the in my opinion top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites here, along with a small description and personal opinion on each of them. I'll be happy to also hear your opinions on 'em and discuss.

1. ICObench (

ICObench is a social ICO Rating platform supported by their very own bot named benchy. Anyone can register, fill out some information about himself and apply as an expert. In case you get approved, you are now able to publicly rate ICOs based on three factors: Team, Vision, and Product.

In order for these ratings to be as accurate as possible, ICObench has published a strict rating methodology, which everyone has to follow. However, based on my knowledge there isn’t any kind of control whether people are really following their rating methodology.

In addition to those rather subjective ratings, ICObench uses the already named bot benchy to give an automated “ICO Profile” rating, looking if enough information is provided on the official ICO website. Again, I am not really sure how this bot works and if it really is able to find all necessary information, even if it is there. Or the other way around, if there’s some way to trick it.

2. ICORating (

ICORating is one of the, if not the, first ICO Rating platform out there. The website acts as an agency and focuses on evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score. Both of these factors are extremely important for the short term investment potential of an ICO.

The agency also provides thoroughly researched analysis of ICOs, not rarely almost as long as reading the ICOs whitepaper itself. What should be mentioned is that this service is a paid one which ICOs have requested themselves. Personally I think that ICORating’s target group are professional ICO Investors who are most probably investing in a dozen ICOs per month and just looking for short term profit, not caring a lot about the future development of a project.

A problem I see here is that ICOs have to pay a (quite large) amount of money to be thoroughly rated, but from my experience I don’t really think ICORating is biased or corrupt in any way.

3. ICOchamps (

ICOchamps is my very own platform. You’re probably wondering why I’ve only listed it third on this list then, aren’t you? The reason is that the website is still under heavy development and I can still see advantages in some points for my competitors. However I find our rating the most reliable (of course), and you can stay tuned on seeing many more features coming in the next couple weeks. Enough talking, let’s tell you more about the website:

ICOchamps focuses on evaluating ICOs based on Hype, Risk, Profit Potential and Longterm Potential. Each of these evaluations are determined based on smaller rating factors, most of which you can read in our FAQ section. Investors have the option to also take a look at these smaller rating factors and see why we’ve rated them the way they are rated. This way, we try to be as open as possible with our ratings.
Important: some of the things mentioned here have also not yet been implemented, but will be very soon. You can be absolutely certain about our rating approach though.

Additionally, you are directly upfront able to see whether an ICO already has a working MVP/Prototype of the project they want to finance or not, along with whether they are using a safe Escrow Service or have a verifiable Soft Cap in their crowdsale code.

4. CrushCrypto (

I really like CrushCrypto.

It is a cryptocurrency analysis website not focusing solely on ICOs, but they have their own section for it. You won’t find a real ICO List with ratings here but rather written analyzes of projects they find interesting. What I find really comfortable is that they have their own YouTube Channel and are creating an extra YouTube Video for every analysis, presented by a young woman named Victoria.

However, looking at their analysis approach I think their ratings are more longterm based and should not be taken too seriously from people looking for short term investments.

So, that's it. Let me hear your opinion. What websites do you personally use in order to find good ICOs? Is there maybe anything I've missed here?

Good to know that there are plenty sites that can be used on ICOs Hunting but i only used
The other sites that I frequently used on ICOs Hunting is
  ICOhunter is a premier resource for obtaining unbiased information on current and upcoming initial coin offerings. They have gained a huge amount of experience monitoring and analyzing hundreds of ICOs at their fundraising stage. They are dedicated to improve your understanding of the exponentially growing cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem. Our team hand picks and audits every ICO we feature on our website to make sure you know what you are investing in ahead of time.

They also provide a place where you can browse a wide variety of projects, learn about the technology and creators behind them and choose the ones you want to support. They are working round the clock to improve your understanding about the various projects and help you get set for the coming ICOs. Their goal is to provide you with high quality and objective fundamental analysis in cryptocurrency investing.

This site are requiring 1$ payment for first 3 days and 200$ monthly, I know that its somewhat expensive but its worth paying for, for a valuable information you needed. This site is much applicable  if you are about to invest a huge amount of money on such ICO. Nowadays payable service is more accurate than free and its better to pay small amount of money for a legit and valuable information than risking a huge amount of your money to untrusted ICOs.

And if you are still looking for a promising and trusted ICO for a certain campaign, I may suggest you to have a look and try the Its former Bounty manager is Sir/Ma'am Sylon but dew to its revamped or part 2 of this campaign new promising bounty mananger/ ICO has been sprout and this ICO is Sir/Ma'am mazzer. is a project promoting an A.I (Artificial Intelligence) create and develop to help and guide investors in this cryptoworld.
Bounty name : [BOUNTY-NEW][ICO] 🤖 The 1st A.I Created To Help Crypto Investors
Link :

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: imsotiredofmoviereboots on February 25, 2018, 07:18:47 AM
I have a strong feeling that ICObench is a paid one. There are situation where the ICO got a good rate in teams, product and etc but that ICO turned out to be a scam so I feel sorry for those who based in ICObench when they invest.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on February 25, 2018, 04:39:39 PM
I have a strong feeling that ICObench is a paid one. There are situation where the ICO got a good rate in teams, product and etc but that ICO turned out to be a scam so I feel sorry for those who based in ICObench when they invest.

It's true that this often happens. But the thing is, it is not solely ICObenches fault. The platform allows registered users to "apply as advisor", which a lot of people who already have really once helped an ICO do. Most ICOs then accept the application because they think it's good for their reputation if there is a, more or less, known "advisor" (most of the time the so-called advisor doesn't advise anything and is just a face on the website). They get paid by the ICO and then also give the ICO a good rating, not caring if it's a scam or not. How else could there be people who have already "worked" for over 15 ICOs? Because of that I think ICObench is kinda corrupt, but we at ICOchamps want to change that soon, so stay tuned!  ;D

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: LightNestling on February 26, 2018, 11:30:26 AM
How about this site? They seem to have a voting system for the members to upvote or downvote the product..

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Icostock24 on February 28, 2018, 03:10:35 PM
We have a site with aggregated ratings from the top 6 rating agencies (Icobench, Icorating and others). We also give an arithmetic average of all the scores. At the moment we have more than 700 ICOs listed with numerous ratings.

One of the advantages of our site is that you always can see when we updated the ratings of the project so that it is visible if a rating site (for example Icobench) gave a high score to the project that turned out to be a scam. Thus we make all the info transparent.

Link to the list of projects:

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOchamps on March 04, 2018, 08:36:41 PM
Just wanted to note that, as said, we are indeed still really actively developing our site - and we've been making progress! Go check out our completely new homepage ( & the new descriptive ICO list (  ;D

P.S.: The next updates will be even bigger, so stay tuned :-)

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: IndiaStocksCoin on March 27, 2018, 11:12:51 AM
Dear fellow bitcointalkers,

As the name says, I'll be listing the in my opinion top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites here, along with a small description and personal opinion on each of them. I'll be happy to also hear your opinions on 'em and discuss.

1. ICObench (

ICObench is a social ICO Rating platform supported by their very own bot named benchy. Anyone can register, fill out some information about himself and apply as an expert. In case you get approved, you are now able to publicly rate ICOs based on three factors: Team, Vision, and Product.

In order for these ratings to be as accurate as possible, ICObench has published a strict rating methodology, which everyone has to follow. However, based on my knowledge there isn’t any kind of control whether people are really following their rating methodology.

In addition to those rather subjective ratings, ICObench uses the already named bot benchy to give an automated “ICO Profile” rating, looking if enough information is provided on the official ICO website. Again, I am not really sure how this bot works and if it really is able to find all necessary information, even if it is there. Or the other way around, if there’s some way to trick it.

2. ICORating (

ICORating is one of the, if not the, first ICO Rating platform out there. The website acts as an agency and focuses on evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score. Both of these factors are extremely important for the short term investment potential of an ICO.

The agency also provides thoroughly researched analysis of ICOs, not rarely almost as long as reading the ICOs whitepaper itself. What should be mentioned is that this service is a paid one which ICOs have requested themselves. Personally I think that ICORating’s target group are professional ICO Investors who are most probably investing in a dozen ICOs per month and just looking for short term profit, not caring a lot about the future development of a project.

A problem I see here is that ICOs have to pay a (quite large) amount of money to be thoroughly rated, but from my experience I don’t really think ICORating is biased or corrupt in any way.

3. ICOchamps (

ICOchamps is my very own platform. You’re probably wondering why I’ve only listed it third on this list then, aren’t you? The reason is that the website is still under heavy development and I can still see advantages in some points for my competitors. However I find our rating the most reliable (of course), and you can stay tuned on seeing many more features coming in the next couple weeks. Enough talking, let’s tell you more about the website:

ICOchamps focuses on evaluating ICOs based on Hype, Risk, Profit Potential and Longterm Potential. Each of these evaluations are determined based on smaller rating factors, most of which you can read in our FAQ section. Investors have the option to also take a look at these smaller rating factors and see why we’ve rated them the way they are rated. This way, we try to be as open as possible with our ratings.
Important: some of the things mentioned here have also not yet been implemented, but will be very soon. You can be absolutely certain about our rating approach though.

Additionally, you are directly upfront able to see whether an ICO already has a working MVP/Prototype of the project they want to finance or not, along with whether they are using a safe Escrow Service or have a verifiable Soft Cap in their crowdsale code.

4. CrushCrypto (

I really like CrushCrypto.

It is a cryptocurrency analysis website not focusing solely on ICOs, but they have their own section for it. You won’t find a real ICO List with ratings here but rather written analyzes of projects they find interesting. What I find really comfortable is that they have their own YouTube Channel and are creating an extra YouTube Video for every analysis, presented by a young woman named Victoria.

However, looking at their analysis approach I think their ratings are more longterm based and should not be taken too seriously from people looking for short term investments.

So, that's it. Let me hear your opinion. What websites do you personally use in order to find good ICOs? Is there maybe anything I've missed here?

most are crowded platforms, any option to submit ICO to multiple sites?

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: atithisha on April 21, 2018, 11:01:07 AM
Hi Guys,

There are numerous platforms that claim to provide Initial Coin Offering list. But only a few of them are reliable. establish on thorough research, I have come up with those few trust-worthy names. These platforms provide complete information about active, upcoming and past ICOs.

1. ICO Alert

2. ICO Bench

3. ICO Rating

4. ICO Picker

ICOs made simple. One platform, everything you need be here. ICO rating website. you can find Reviews, News and general knowledge about ICOs and tokenized assets. So launch your own ICO website easily! 

Get free reliable ICO Rating website consultation Call @ WhatsApp 9790097510  visit our website  (

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: boss1dg on May 01, 2018, 11:57:10 PM
icodrops is most reliable website . because it do not give fake ranking to projects .
i do not like any other website so much still if you want 1 more option then check icobench , but ratings here are not appropriate . you can check icobench just for reference .

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: michietn94 on May 02, 2018, 09:47:01 AM
icodrops is most reliable website . because it do not give fake ranking to projects .
i do not like any other website so much still if you want 1 more option then check icobench , but ratings here are not appropriate . you can check icobench just for reference .

Agree with you. I also like this website and I always visit if looking for ICO project. If viewed in alexa, icodrops and icobench has good traffic. it signifies a lot of people who go to this website.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: makuzi_alethena on May 03, 2018, 08:45:09 AM
Interesting thread which reflects the need for transparency about ICOs. Even we are quite at the beginning, please check out ( or ( - we are about to build up the first independent Swiss Blockchain-Asset Rating Agency which will provide not only assessments before the ICO but also tracking after the funding event.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: yehor on May 11, 2018, 02:48:52 PM
There are my top ICO ratings websites that are great for getting a basic idea about the plentiful and upcoming ICO's out there.

ICOBench - They have a clean interface right up front and I love how they break all the ICO's down into each individual category to make it super easy to find exactly what you are looking for. They use an algorithm to determine the scores for each ICO base on several factors here.

ICOMarks - This site has great search features and I really like their Calendar tab that shows all the ICO's listed by their date in an easy to read listing format. Their design is super clean and they have some fun UI elements. They rate their ICO's based on the amount of information a project provides, so this site can be a good indicator of projects that are very active.

TokenData - Ok, so this is not a "ratings" site for ICO's, but it is one of the BEST resources out there for information on ICO's and relevant data that is updated and focused. This is a MUST in an ICO rating and research arsenal!

ICORanker - All the projects are pushed right up front with this site and they even have different levels of membership and verification of projects so you know if someone is committed or just looking for a free listing. This is certainly a "premium" site for ICO listings as it seems you really only get a score if they have a paid listing.

TokenTops - The team at Tokentops have taken a bit of a different approach where they combine "expert" reviews with user submitted ones to derive an overall score. While I love this concept, it seems many of the ICO's listed don't get a score.

CryptoRated - These guys are more of a paid review site for ICO's, but they also have other information about existing projects too. The one thing I like is how they break down the coin by its attributes and assign an indicator score to each major area.

ICOBazaar - This is one of my favorite sites on this list. They have a clean design and all the listing pages for the ICO's are very detailed and seem to include really comprehensive information. They derive their rating scores from several factors including an outside expert review along with user generated reviews.

CoinSchedule - I am not a huge fan of the design of this site, it is pretty lackluster, but they do list a good amount of coins (sorted by ending date). The unique feature here, and why I included it in my list, is they offer dates and schedules for other crypto aspects like crypto conferences & events.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Lanatsa on May 11, 2018, 10:51:14 PM
I have a strong feeling that ICObench is a paid one. There are situation where the ICO got a good rate in teams, product and etc but that ICO turned out to be a scam so I feel sorry for those who based in ICObench when they invest.
This wont just be applied into ICObench alone which I do believe that most of them do really have this kind of thing where paid advertisements and ratings throughout to an ICO specially for those who paid up. This is why I don't really easily entrust these rating sites yet results aren't guarantee that those project were legit. For the sake of money they do really accept projects without knowing into its credibility.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Tokenicide on May 11, 2018, 11:23:53 PM
It might be possible to take your self-promo more seriously if you kicked ICObench off the list. They may not have been quite so bad when you first posted this but they're complete whores at this point. It's a total insider operation - near-perfect reviews can be traded for advisory board seats. Completely worthless. E.g., (

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: bustedsynx on May 12, 2018, 07:58:42 PM
I just don't know. Throughout 2016 and 2017, these sites come and go. Once was the one to check upon upcoming ICOs and now the site is not updated often. These sites sometimes just post ICOs without any reviews whatsoever.

In a nutshell, try them all and of course pick the one that is useful.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: solarion on May 12, 2018, 08:33:07 PM
I just don't know. Throughout 2016 and 2017, these sites come and go. Once was the one to check upon upcoming ICOs and now the site is not updated often. These sites sometimes just post ICOs without any reviews whatsoever.

In a nutshell, try them all and of course pick the one that is useful.
Just google it mate. Then you comes to who is the best pick for this current time if you want in the sense. There are plenty ICO projects comes to the market each and every day. So everyone looking to expect the statistical data on investing ICO projects.
To solve this problem we got many ICO listing website. Some are reliable and some being used as advertisement mode to show them at top.
We need to find the good site first for this. I used to check the ICO list on website. Here you can find active, past and upcoming ICO list. That will be work better find the good project as early as possible on pre sale time itself.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: dpui98 on May 14, 2018, 03:15:02 AM
I have a strong feeling that ICObench is a paid one. There are situation where the ICO got a good rate in teams, product and etc but that ICO turned out to be a scam so I feel sorry for those who based in ICObench when they invest.

I strongly agree, I try to search for some of the good ICO on ICOBench such as QuarkChain, EdenChain and they are not there... many projects listed there are just... high chance of scam so good luck if you are referring to them

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Fatunad on May 14, 2018, 08:16:56 PM
I just don't know. Throughout 2016 and 2017, these sites come and go. Once was the one to check upon upcoming ICOs and now the site is not updated often. These sites sometimes just post ICOs without any reviews whatsoever.

In a nutshell, try them all and of course pick the one that is useful.
Just google it mate. Then you comes to who is the best pick for this current time if you want in the sense. There are plenty ICO projects comes to the market each and every day. So everyone looking to expect the statistical data on investing ICO projects.
To solve this problem we got many ICO listing website. Some are reliable and some being used as advertisement mode to show them at top.
We need to find the good site first for this. I used to check the ICO list on website. Here you can find active, past and upcoming ICO list. That will be work better find the good project as early as possible on pre sale time itself.
Good suggestion but not all on pre-sale state would signify that you would rush up yourself to get in.Research would always been recommended.It isnt bad to have basis into your decision when it comes on checking out a new project into those rating sites just be sure that you will able to categorize or you will able to point out which is good or do have potential or just obviously being marketed by the site.Ive tried to use em up when i was starting which you can make your own basis and observation on past succession of projects that they reviewed.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: que91 on May 14, 2018, 11:26:22 PM
In the ICO review websites you have posted on this topic, I usually use ICObench to evaluate the ICO project because this site gives very accurate results. ICObench was created and established to evaluate potential ICOs based on expert opinion. So if an ICO project is rated> 4.5 on this website then surely that project will have potential if it invests or joins the bounty.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: makuzi_alethena on May 15, 2018, 11:19:15 AM
In the ICO review websites you have posted on this topic, I usually use ICObench to evaluate the ICO project because this site gives very accurate results. ICObench was created and established to evaluate potential ICOs based on expert opinion. So if an ICO project is rated> 4.5 on this website then surely that project will have potential if it invests or joins the bounty.

I disagree with the usefulness of icobench. I agree that it might be worth to read through such marketing platforms as the ones mentioned above, but I would like to highlight that these ICObench experts are often charging incredible amounts and are not necessarily properly reflecting the technical, business, governance and legal setup of the project. Furthermore, if the team is involved into multiple projects, there can be a significant lack of commitment. E.g. how can an advisor like Vladimir Nikitin (icobench #3) provide serious advice to more than 40 projects?

With Alethena we are about to provide a sustainable and transparent solution and we are gonna release our demo version shortly. Please check out our website

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ibuddy122505 on May 16, 2018, 06:10:42 PM
I would often like to use ICOrating, ICObench even update myself on telegram ICO related groups everyday. It's noted that those people has been proven to be amazing in the past. when I have manage time I usually use these websites look more into the project. Its worth to read.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: achlyss on May 18, 2018, 03:12:33 AM
my experience says: no guarantees ico project already listed in ico viewer will great,
it all depends on ico teamwork and most important is its marketing strategy

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Benizzel on May 21, 2018, 11:43:08 AM
Hi Guys

My bachelor thesis is about Initial Coin Offerings - ICO. In particular, I would like to examine how ICOs and Altcoins are valued by investors.

Link to the Survey:

The survey takes about 10/15 minutes and is anonymous and confidential.

If you have some experience with cryptocurrencies i would like thank you in advance for your participation.


Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Chaki on May 21, 2018, 12:45:46 PM
Have you heard airdrops who listed participant to have a little awards with their coin by voting unto this sites? I was not discouraging you not to believe on this but to consider that not 99% of what you see on this rating are true.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: meikelcoin on May 21, 2018, 04:50:16 PM
i think everyone gets money and gives the rating. at the beginning still normal, but later when they are known money is very important. and money rules the cheap from bounty people. it's much safer. I trust only myself  ;D

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: KONGNL on May 22, 2018, 03:17:55 PM
You can give a try:

Nice mix of listed active, upcoming and recently added ICO's, and Crypto related news. Free token reward system for commenting.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: tendy263 on May 22, 2018, 04:42:07 PM usually give out reports on top ICOs to watch although these reports are not consistent in their issuance but whenever they pick an ICO best belive that it will be a good one and very profitable. However the sucess of an ICO usually depend on the hardwork of the team behind the ICO as well as their whitepaper presentation.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: tropyc on May 29, 2018, 09:21:49 AM
Hi there,

I'd like to add our own website to the list: ( (you guessed it, it's an anagram of crypto)

Why are we better than other websites?

1. Rating is open source, we don't rate ICOs but our algorithm does. This means we cannot inflate a rate and cannot accept pay-for-rating.
2. Our focus is on token economics: we sort out the valuation of each and every token distributable (cost unit or stakeholder that earns/purchases the given token)

Hope you like the platform, more is to come, include a statistical tool for ICOs.


Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: waterproof on May 31, 2018, 04:05:23 AM
Dear fellow bitcointalkers,

As the name says, I'll be listing the in my opinion top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites here, along with a small description and personal opinion on each of them. I'll be happy to also hear your opinions on 'em and discuss.

1. ICO Champs (

Uh oh, some self-promo coming here: ICO Champs would be my ICO Rating website of choice.

Not only do we rate ICOs based on factors that do really matter in this industry — such as the hype, the risk and the profit potential, which is determined based on other criteria than you might think — no, you can also always see why we have rated ICOs the way we did.

And it will not be a reading experience as if you are looking at a whitepaper. No, we have introduced the “Quick Notes” feature where we will always just shortly give our reasons for rating the Hype, Risk or Profit Potential the way we did. This way, you will have a user-friendly, transparent visit. And not to forget: really reliable ICO ratings.

Not to forget, we have really kicked in and created an extensive course teaching you all the knowledge we have about ICOs and how to best evaluate them. Give it a look, it really won't hurt, as it's absolutely free!  ;) I will guarantee you will have a different approach to evaluating ICOs than before after learning how this market really works.

2. ICObench (

ICObench is a social ICO Rating platform supported by their very own bot named benchy. Anyone can register, fill out some information about himself and apply as an expert. In case you get approved, you are now able to publicly rate ICOs based on three factors: Team, Vision, and Product.

In order for these ratings to be as accurate as possible, ICObench has published a strict rating methodology, which everyone has to follow. However, based on my knowledge there isn’t any kind of control whether people are really following their rating methodology.

In addition to those rather subjective ratings, ICObench uses the already named bot benchy to give an automated “ICO Profile” rating, looking if enough information is provided on the official ICO website. Again, I am not really sure how this bot works and if it really is able to find all necessary information, even if it is there. Or the other way around, if there’s some way to trick it.

3. ICORating (

ICORating is one of the, if not the, first ICO Rating platform out there. The website acts as an agency and focuses on evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score. Both of these factors are extremely important for the short term investment potential of an ICO.

The agency also provides thoroughly researched analysis of ICOs, not rarely almost as long as reading the ICOs whitepaper itself. What should be mentioned is that this service is a paid one which ICOs have requested themselves. Personally I think that ICORating’s target group are professional ICO Investors who are most probably investing in a dozen ICOs per month and just looking for short term profit, not caring a lot about the future development of a project.

A problem I see here is that ICOs have to pay a (quite large) amount of money to be thoroughly rated, but from my experience I don’t really think ICORating is biased or corrupt in any way.

4. CrushCrypto (

I really like CrushCrypto.

It is a cryptocurrency analysis website not focusing solely on ICOs, but they have their own section for it. You won’t find a real ICO List with ratings here but rather written analyzes of projects they find interesting. What I find really comfortable is that they have their own YouTube Channel and are creating an extra YouTube Video for every analysis, presented by a young woman named Victoria.

However, looking at their analysis approach I think their ratings are more longterm based and should not be taken too seriously from people looking for short term investments.

So, that's it. Let me hear your opinion. What websites do you personally use in order to find good ICOs? Is there maybe anything I've missed here?
I would not trust any of them. Yes, they are convenient, the compressed information about the grid is collected, but everything is sold.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Curaizon on June 04, 2018, 12:43:36 PM
As a former investment banker and analyst, I can say without doubt that these ratings are fundamentally flawed. The sheer amount of new ICOs means that none of these so-called agencies have the time to do proper due diligence on any of these projects, so instead use some automated, arbitrary measurements. Our own ICO is ranked reasonably highly, but would rate as very high if we engaged in fake marketing, by which I mean buying members of a Telegram group, posting nonsense on social media etc. just to reach a specific number expected by these ratings sites. We singularly refuse to be dishonest or subversive in our efforts. Transparency, honesty and integrity are all measures that we consider extremely important, and none of these are realistically measured by any ICO ratings. :(

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: profdetected on June 05, 2018, 07:49:48 AM
As for me The top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites are: - List of actual ICO and pre-ICO cryptocurrency projects based on blockchain or without it.
Only trusted and relevant projects. - Browse the latest and upcoming ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. - ICOs ratings from top investors and experts - Find the most attractive ICO ever

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ken1704 on June 05, 2018, 08:00:56 AM
Thank for this two sites! I can check on them!

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: legendbtc on June 05, 2018, 10:26:46 AM
As for me The top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites are: - List of actual ICO and pre-ICO cryptocurrency projects based on blockchain or without it.
Only trusted and relevant projects. - Browse the latest and upcoming ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. - ICOs ratings from top investors and experts - Find the most attractive ICO ever

Yes, in my ICO listing those 4 has good rating from the users because mostly some ICO are based on the rating given by the community. Consider another ICO listing website which is, potential ICO are listing in the website.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: a31078 on June 05, 2018, 10:41:15 AM
You have a good listing of ico websites even if I am only familiar with the icobench and icoRating. Sometimes, ico rating websites can be very helpful but most of them do not take time to conduct a proper research about a project and just gives it rating as long as they will be paid in return. I think the success of an ico depends on the hard work of team members in making the project a success because some ico get good rating and ends up no worth investing in while some least rated ico becomes better and potential one.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: makuzi_alethena on June 11, 2018, 01:27:50 PM
An interesting article about a huge community as a successfactor:

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Pilip on June 17, 2018, 02:30:08 PM
I also find intersting these 2:

But what do you think of ?

 So far in my personnal "ICO benchmarker" benchmark they are in the top 3.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: carlosvaldes on June 17, 2018, 02:47:59 PM
thank you.I am bothering how to choose more and more projects are available for us to choose.we need choose the good of them.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: edulord on June 22, 2018, 11:30:20 AM
Though all this rating sites are good but for me, the success and potentials of an ico depends on the effort and work of the team members and the developer in making sure the project is a success. It also depends on how well it is accepted by the community because most of this rating sites rate some ico more than they deserve and some less rated ones do very well in the end.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: deort on June 22, 2018, 03:23:22 PM
Excellent rating! It is worthy of note that all the details of the ICOs held are displayed with the help of diagrams – this increases the level of demonstrativeness considerably.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: polonium84 on June 22, 2018, 04:04:57 PM
It’s nice that there’s such an element of estimation as “Guarantees”, especially in the modern world where ICO can deceive depositors without any consequences. 

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: waitsummer on June 22, 2018, 05:06:42 PM
It seems that you need to be hard at work to get at least B+. I hope that the ICO teams will take into account all the remarks and solve the problems.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: pamallison on June 22, 2018, 06:09:39 PM
The tab with partners is a real catch. There’re so many announcements of fake cooperation on the network now, but Brothers Rating don’t allow to deceive its visitors.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Veecker on June 22, 2018, 07:06:11 PM
I’m wondering whether it’ll be possible to get a positive rating for some amount of money. I hope that it won’t ‘cause i’m fed up with fake reviews.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: goyal.dkg on June 22, 2018, 07:14:18 PM
I’m wondering whether it’ll be possible to get a positive rating for some amount of money. I hope that it won’t ‘cause i’m fed up with fake reviews.

yes mostly ICO sites have many fake reviews , everything depend on bid you make to them . from 100 to 5000 usd any amount can be charged by so called experts on such sites . one site published eve john mccaffe charge 100k usd for a tweet to promote any project .

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: attornal on June 23, 2018, 06:26:02 AM
Btw, i usually check these four sites when i’m interested in some project and study the info. But i have took a note of this portal recently - Their approach to project estimation is different, and this made me interested.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: MkrKing on June 23, 2018, 07:28:18 AM
Btw, i usually check these four sites when i’m interested in some project and study the info. But i have took a note of this portal recently - Their approach to project estimation is different, and this made me interested.
Yep, i have already seen this site, but their attention to estimation is so serious… It looks like the projects have to work really hard to get at least  B+. In return, if they take into account all the recommendations of BrothersRating and improve smthng, the quality of all the ICOs will increase rapidly, in my opinion.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: attornal on June 23, 2018, 08:38:56 AM
Btw, i usually check these four sites when i’m interested in some project and study the info. But i have took a note of this portal recently - Their approach to project estimation is different, and this made me interested.
Yep, i have already seen this site, but their attention to estimation is so serious… It looks like the projects have to work really hard to get at least  B+. In return, if they take into account all the recommendations of BrothersRating and improve smthng, the quality of all the ICOs will increase rapidly, in my opinion.
They consider a lot of factors when they estimate the projects. And, by the way, they replace text with diagrams. As for me, it’s much easier to acquire information in this way. I have never seen ratings for “Guarantees” criteria yet. It’s just necessary when there’re so many scam ICOs.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: DPrillio on June 24, 2018, 12:48:14 PM
It’s nice that there’s such an element of estimation as “Guarantees”, especially in the modern world where ICO can deceive depositors without any consequences. 
Yes, websites for ICO rating is very important and plays a vital role to help investors and hunters choose a good coin to invest and for the hunters to join in the campaign to avoid wasting time and effort in an unprofitable coin.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: tampz on June 27, 2018, 05:38:32 AM
These sites are with ico rating, all paid. There you will not find honest information. Many times I checked who will give more money, and he got into the top.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: KONGNL on August 25, 2018, 08:43:16 AM
Give ICOgoals a try:

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: WuGong on August 25, 2018, 08:55:48 AM
Thank you for sharing, I have saved these ICO rating sites to my favorites, although I will not fully trust them, but it can be one of my reference investment materials!

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ikarasev10 on August 26, 2018, 05:19:45 AM
These sites are with ico rating, all paid. There you will not find honest information. Many times I checked who will give more money, and he got into the top.
Yes, it's true. I used to trust the site icodrops, all that is paid goes marked * sponsored and the team itself does not hide that these projects are weak, as they have a rating system low-medium-hi high-very high

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: mamesso on August 26, 2018, 11:57:56 PM
What about the issue that the website receives rewards for raising an ICO ranking?
I am worried that this will be a kind of fraud, please provide an explanation

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Idrisu on August 27, 2018, 02:13:56 AM
I am familiar with icorating and icobench and I do doing my investments research using this two rating sites.  I have never here about icocamp but since you have spoken well of them I will try to visit them and used them to analyze some icos.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: SherwoodP on September 06, 2018, 05:32:44 AM
I would like to add one more site:

PrimeICO is an independent research group focused on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

Our goal is to provide high quality and objective fundamental analysis in investing in ICO and cryptocurrency. Our content is based on our own research, analysis and personal opinion.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Riddikulo on September 14, 2018, 10:09:59 AM
There are a lot of informational services, platform around. Do you agree with me? I think so. The problem is that often information on those platforms is untrue or prepaid by someone.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: ICOSCORING_team on September 17, 2018, 07:33:04 AM

We are the team from ICOScoring:
We've been working on analysing ICOs for a year and made more over 200 detailed reports (170 are available on the website)

Recently we significantly upgraded the platform.
Could you include our resource in your list?

Best regards,
ICOScoring team

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Schirer on September 17, 2018, 05:39:25 PM
Dont belive and will not believe their rankings.
Dont care that you have made some list about their good rating practices.

This is their business, to do rankings on projects, they are not making a lot of money from google ads. They are getting paid to review projects and noone wants to pay for bad rating.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 17, 2018, 09:01:09 PM
There are a lot of informational services, platform around. Do you agree with me? I think so. The problem is that often information on those platforms is untrue or prepaid by someone.
Yes there are lots of it but i dont even have the trust to make it as a preference ever since and there are already platforms who have been revealed to have paid reviews or ratings.Why would i trust?

Dont belive and will not believe their rankings.
Dont care that you have made some list about their good rating practices.

This is their business, to do rankings on projects, they are not making a lot of money from google ads. They are getting paid to review projects and noone wants to pay for bad rating.
Business indeed and most of them are on that path but still there are quite few which you can still make use as a preference but wont be a good thing to rely on.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: makuzi_alethena on September 18, 2018, 07:19:52 AM
We from Alethena try to help you with insightful reports about projects including post-ICO tracking (yes, we just started being operational). Our report provides you with an indication about the risk to invest in the respective project. All feedback is very welcome!

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: on October 31, 2018, 01:41:19 PM
You can try ( where ICOs are rated by community and they offer Free ICO listing but you need to own a community behind your ICO project.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: Denodeno on November 16, 2018, 08:00:02 AM
For me,





Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: cryptobull3 on November 16, 2018, 04:16:30 PM
I have checked that website , did not heard of ICO champ , I didn't like it though , There are a lot of rating websites these days , I would rather to use ICODrop , It doesn't have much ICOs but its rating is perfect and there is an expert team behind it .

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: kubori102 on November 20, 2018, 07:10:35 AM
I offten use 3 pages are icodrops, icobench and tokenmarket. Here are 3 pages that provide complete information for the ICO and the bounty you can find.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: LUGHUL on December 04, 2018, 10:21:37 AM
Thank you for the information, at this time I often use IcoBench as a benchmark for participating in the bounty campaign of several ICOs that have high ratings at IcoBench. I am sure companies that have a high rating at IcoBench will have a higher percentage of success than those with poor ratings.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: niteroy on December 15, 2018, 07:41:20 AM
Thanks for the two sites because I already knew Icobench and Icorating. I can't completely say that they are reliable because I was once witnessed an ICO that has a very good rating from Icobench but they failed to reach their target even the softcap.
I use icobench to see if the KYC project team has passed, as this is an important aspect that can be a decisive factor in choosing a project to invest in or participate in a bounty campaign. Especially if the project is placed on icobench, then the chances that it is not more than those of projects that are not located there.

Title: Re: The Top 4 most reliable ICO Rating websites
Post by: CPN99 on December 16, 2018, 10:46:48 PM
Thanks for the two sites because I already knew Icobench and Icorating. I can't completely say that they are reliable because I was once witnessed an ICO that has a very good rating from Icobench but they failed to reach their target even the softcap.
I use icobench to see if the KYC project team has passed, as this is an important aspect that can be a decisive factor in choosing a project to invest in or participate in a bounty campaign. Especially if the project is placed on icobench, then the chances that it is not more than those of projects that are not located there.
yes, i also use the icobench to choose ico. clarity of team background is very important in a project, therefore we must know it to avoid fraud.