Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bittycoin on July 21, 2011, 05:04:40 PM

Title: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: bittycoin on July 21, 2011, 05:04:40 PM
Today Lulzsec wrote a public letter to the US FBI.  It's a manifesto, a declaration of independence. (!/LulzSec/status/77771916794011648 (!/LulzSec/status/77771916794011648)

Later, Greg Maxwell released a 33 GB torrent of public-domain scientific papers, along with his own declaration of independence: (

Lulzsec is anonymous and Greg Maxwell is not, but both are accepting bitcoin donations, the currency of independence.

Is this good or bad for the bitcoin experiment?  Will you support them?

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: evolve on July 21, 2011, 10:18:01 PM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.

as for how itll affect btc, who knows? on one hand, its decent publicity...on the other, it may encourage a crackdown on btc...

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: em3rgentOrdr on July 23, 2011, 10:02:50 AM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.

as for how itll affect btc, who knows? on one hand, its decent publicity...on the other, it may encourage a crackdown on btc...

I do share some of those concerns, although I do secretly admire them for hacking into corporate servers that may have contained my passwords (of course non are unique) and my credit card info (of course I would have cancelled my card immediately a company I used was one of those compromised).

It's complicated.  There are a lot of interesting moral questions.  For instance, is it necessarily immoral to hack into a computer system that isn't secured?  Just like how it's not necessarily illegal to walk into a business if the door is unlocked.

But very inspirational pastebin anyway.  You can't trust governments or corporations.  I only trust cryptography.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: em3rgentOrdr on July 23, 2011, 10:26:51 AM
Today Lulzsec wrote a public letter to the US FBI.  It's a manifesto, a declaration of independence. (!/LulzSec/status/77771916794011648 (!/LulzSec/status/77771916794011648)

very bold and inspirational manifesto.

Later, Greg Maxwell released a 33 GB torrent of public-domain scientific papers, along with his own declaration of independence: (

Wow...I read that too!  Very interesting read.  The tl;dr summary is: "Copyright is immoral, the academic journal publishing system is obsolete, and forcing people to pay $19 to JSTOR for 80+ year-old public domain journal articles is wrong.  Lobbying the government to release thm will take too long and waste too much resources, so I'm just going to upload my previously downloaded repository of Papers from Philosopical Transactions of the Royal Soceity to piratebay instead."

Is it okay to post that entire manifesto text right in here to bitcoin forum.  People may be afraid to visit the piratebay website.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: Sovereign on July 23, 2011, 01:12:22 PM

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: em3rgentOrdr on July 23, 2011, 08:07:53 PM
In related news, on July 19, 2011 the open-source programmer dude who tried to release JSTOR journal articles was arrested (

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoin_Silver_Supply on July 23, 2011, 08:19:48 PM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.


Governments have been waiting a long time for a substantive excuse to crack down on the internet and bring in internet IDs. The goatse antics are a great excuse to do so, to "stop the cyber terrorists" who are "threatening the economy" and personal info and so on, and so on. This is, in my view, the only reason they haven't already begun cracking down hard. They need some true chaos before public opinion will demand an "ordered," centralized internet; and it will.

Some of the propaganda coming out of Anonymous is very effective and it has the potential to inspire people to question statism/corporatism outside of the media pen. However, I think the final result of this lulzsec/anon cooperation will be hugely unpleasant for those who value a free and decentralized net. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2011, 05:19:25 AM (

LulzSec needs an "insurance file"

just saying....

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: bittycoin on July 24, 2011, 06:17:16 AM
So the consensus here is that the civil disobedience of Lulzsec et al will be used as a pretext to militarize the internet.  Government and corporate elites have wanted to do this all along, and this is a convenient excuse that the proles will support.

This would be bad news for bitcoin, because a militarized internet would filter unapproved traffic.

Do you really think we're at that point?  Do governments and corporations really have that much power?

Seems to me we'd need a much bigger and more urgent pretext than Lulzsec and Wikileaks.  We'd need something on the scale of Pearl Harbor to justify an internet police state.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: GideonGono on July 24, 2011, 07:19:19 AM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.

as for how itll affect btc, who knows? on one hand, its decent publicity...on the other, it may encourage a crackdown on btc...

I read an article recently that was arguing against the notion that Anonymous & LulzSec should be condemned because govt will use it as a pre-text for a more draconian internet. I think it was on I'll post it when I find it.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: evolve on July 24, 2011, 07:24:48 AM

Do you really think we're at that point?  Do governments and corporations really have that much power?

Seems to me we'd need a much bigger and more urgent pretext than Lulzsec and Wikileaks.  We'd need something on the scale of Pearl Harbor to justify an internet police state.

i hope your right. i dont think you are, but i hope you are.

personally, i think governments across the world would love to impose china level internet information and communtication is a dangerous thing.  it wont take much evidence (in my country at least) to convince the sheeple to give up those rights....just look at the patriot act....

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: evolve on July 24, 2011, 07:25:40 AM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.

as for how itll affect btc, who knows? on one hand, its decent publicity...on the other, it may encourage a crackdown on btc...

I read an article recently that was arguing against the notion that Anonymous & LulzSec should be condemned because govt will use it as a pre-text for a more draconian internet. I think it was on I'll post it when I find it.

please do

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: FCTaiChi on July 24, 2011, 11:13:32 AM
The power seems to want more power.  Clandestine ops, joining groups opposed to them is very common.  It's hard to even tell who wants what anymore.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: em3rgentOrdr on July 24, 2011, 01:14:57 PM (

LulzSec needs an "insurance file"

just saying....


Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: V4Vendettas on July 24, 2011, 02:33:22 PM
Bitcoins do seem to walk hand in hand with freedom and liberty don’t they.

Fear is a tool and I see its working well as usual, what a shame. :-\

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: lemonginger on July 24, 2011, 07:21:23 PM
I would welcome a crackdown on the internet because it would spur on activist techies to get even more creative with privacy, routing, domain name resolution, etc. P2P darknets already function quite well, what is needed is further reason for more people to traverse them.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: LokeRundt on July 24, 2011, 08:31:04 PM
I hope the MondoNet (, check out the interview on project reaches critical mass before major governments go on CRACKdown

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: lemonginger on July 24, 2011, 09:35:36 PM
I should amend. I'm not one of those "hope the shit hits the fan so people realize how much it stinks" kinda people. But, if there's gonna be a crackdown, I think it will result in more resilient and private networks. Right now the internet essentially routes through google, the NSA, zuckerberg and the Chinese government

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: bittycoin on July 25, 2011, 01:13:00 AM
This must be Manifesto Week.  The Norwegian right-wing fanatic posted a 1400-page treatise before bombing downtown Oslo and shooting 85 young people.  At least he didn't mention bitcoin.

So I'll amend my original post.  I still think it would take a pretty major event to trigger a rapid militarization of the internet and crackdown on bitcoin.  But it probably doesn't need to be on the scale of Pearl Harbor.

If this disturbed Norwegian had used bitcoin to fund the massacre, you can be sure the crackdown would be sure and swift.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: GideonGono on July 25, 2011, 04:51:30 AM
i think lulzsec is playing with fire. thier antics were cute and funny at first, but i think they are paving the way for an internet crackdown...i think they will be propped up as examples of why the government should censor the internet.

as for how itll affect btc, who knows? on one hand, its decent publicity...on the other, it may encourage a crackdown on btc...

I read an article recently that was arguing against the notion that Anonymous & LulzSec should be condemned because govt will use it as a pre-text for a more draconian internet. I think it was on I'll post it when I find it.

please do

Can't find it. it was pretty good though. The crux of the argument was that the govt is gonna screw us no matter what, so should we take the ass raping lying down or fight even if you may lose either way. I choose to fight.

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: riceberry on July 25, 2011, 05:18:40 AM
Sure lulzsec will be used as reasons for censorship by governments/corporations. But I think lulzsec was a response to governments trying to crack down on net neutrality, not the other way around.

Without them, these pro-censorhip persons would still be using CP, media pirating, etc as reasons to crack down on the internet regardless if lulzsec existed. Anything opposing them will be used as more reasons to try to brainwash others why 'censorship' of the internet is necessary.

Bitcoin seems to have birthed along with wikileaks lulzsec etc, as unique solutions/developments to push towards a neutral net and free world

Title: Re: The revolution is funded by bitcoin
Post by: bittycoin on July 27, 2011, 01:04:51 PM
Here's yet another communiqué from the resistance.  It's clear to me that money and payments are one of the primary battlegrounds in this struggle. (

What the FBI needs to learn is that there is a vast difference between adding one's voice to a chorus and digital sit-in with Low Orbit Ion Cannon, and controlling a large botnet of infected computers. And yet both of these are punishable with exactly the same fine and sentence.
In addition to this horrific law enforcement incompetence, PayPal continues to withhold funds from WikiLeaks, a beacon of truth in these dark times. By simply standing up for ourselves and uniting the people, PayPal still sees it fit to wash its hands of any blame, and instead encourages and assists law enforcement to hunt down participants in the AntiSec movement.
Quite simply, we, the people, are disgusted with these injustices. We will not sit down and let ourselves be trampled upon by any corporation or government. We are not scared of you, and that is something for you to be scared of. We are not the terrorists here: you are.

We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative. The first step to being truly free is not putting one's trust into a company that freezes accounts when it feels like, or when it is pressured by the U.S. government. PayPal's willingness to fold to legislation should be proof enough that they don't deserve the customers they get. They do not deserve your business, and they do not deserve your respect.