Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:16:28 PM

Title: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:16:28 PM
Welcome to the Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ, & Description thread

This thread is moderated, and is open for discussions.
Off-topic & trolling thread:

Anoncoin is released!

Windows and OSX binaries are released here:


You can also style your client with CSS. Put a CSS file inside your anoncoin config dir, like default.css, and then add style=default.css to load the stylesheet! Link to CSS reference is here:

1. What is Anoncoin? -
2. Services. -
3. How can it help you now and in the future to be Anonymous? -
4. Howto I2P -
5. Howto Tor -
6. History -
7. Why & Thanks to -

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:16:57 PM
What is Anoncoin?

Anoncoin is a coin with active development support which focus on Anonymity. It was forked out of Litecoin, but have since catched up with the Bitcoin source, and taken it's own way.

Features (Some will not take effect before protocol switch #3):
- 3 minute block targets
- 5 coins, then subsidy halves in 306600 blocks (~2 years)
- A limit on 4,2 Million coins
- Native I2P support (Anonymous darknet)

The I2P Network?
I2P is a scalable, self organizing, resilient packet switched anonymous network layer, upon which any number of different anonymity or security conscious applications can operate.

I2P is an open source project developed in early 2003 by a group of full time developers with a group of part time contributors from all over the world.

It is fundamental to understand that inside an I2P network the "hidden" component is represented by an application in execution on the node doing, and of course the path followed by the information to reach the destination. Another important concept for I2P is the "tunnel", a directed path which extends through an explicitly selected list of routers. The first router that belongs to a tunnel is named "gateway".

The communication within a tunnel in unidirectional, this means that it is impossible to send back data without using another separated tunnel.

Also for I2P a layered encryption model is implemented, known as "garlic routing" and "garlic encryption", the information transits on network routers that are able to decrypt only the respective layer.

I2P Routing?
When Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she does a lookup in the netDb to find Bob's leaseSet, giving her his current inbound tunnel gateways.

Alice's router aggregates multiple messages into a single "garlic message", encrypting it using a particular public key, in this way only the public key owner can open the message.

For typical end to end communication between Alice and Bob, the garlic will be encrypted using the public key published in Bob's leaseSet, allowing the message to be encrypted without giving out the public key to Bob's router.

She selects one of her outbound tunnels and sends the data include of necessary instructions message and with instructions for the outbound tunnel's endpoint to forward the message on to one of Bob's inbound tunnel gateways. When the outbound tunnel endpoint receives those instructions, it forwards the message according the instructions provided, and when Bob's inbound tunnel gateway receives it, it is forwarded down the tunnel to Bob's router.

Be aware, we have said that transmission is unidirectional, this means that if Alice wants Bob to be able to reply to the message, she needs to transmit her own destination explicitly as part of the message itself.

I2P is end-to-end encryption. No information is sent in clear or decrypted during its path including the sender and recipient. To each node is assigned an internal network address different from the network IP address that isn't used.

Layered Encryption
The term layered encryption refers to the encryption process used during the transfer from a source to the destination through a series of peers that composes the tunnel.

Both Tor and I2P use layered cryptography. Intermediate entities have only to know how to forward the connection on to the next hop in the chain but cannot decipher the contents of the connections.

I2P is end to end encryption. No information is sent in clear or decrypted along its path, including the sender and recipient. To each node is assigned an internal network address different from the network IP address that isn't used.

I2P uses cryptographic ID to identify both routers and end point services, for naming identifiers is used the "Base 32 Names" techniques that attributes a SHA256 digest to the  base64 representation of the destination. The hash is base 32 encoded and ".b32.i2p" is concatenated onto the end of the hash.

Garlic Routing
Garlic Routing is very similar to onion routing with several differences. Let's consider first of all that in garlic routing, it is possible to aggregate multiple messages. Another difference from Tor is that the tunnels are unidirectional.

Garlic routing in I2P is adopted mainly in three distinguished phases:

 1. For building and routing through tunnels (layered encryption). In I2P communication tunnels are unidirectional; this means that each interlocutor has to create a couple of tunnels, one for outbound and one for inbound traffic. There is also the possibility of a reply from the recipient, therefore another couple of tunnels must be created for a total of four tunnels.
 2. For bundling, determining the success or failure of end to end message delivery.
 3. For publishing some network database entries.

The Tor network?

The Deep Web is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web, not reported by normal search engines. It is a network of interconnected systems not indexed having a size hundreds of times higher than the current visible web.

A parallel web that has a much wider number of information represents an invaluable resource for private companies, governments, and especially cybercrime. In the imagination of many persons, the Deep Web term is associated with the concept of anonymity that goes with criminal intents that cannot be pursued because they are submerged in an inaccessible world. It’s fundamental to remark that this interpretation of the Deep Web is deeply wrong.

Tor is the acronym of “The Onion Router”, a system implemented to enable online anonymity thanks to the routing of Internet traffic through a worldwide volunteer network of servers hiding user’s information.

As usually happens, the project was born in the military sector, sponsored the US Naval Research Laboratory, and from 2004 to 2005 it was supported by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Access to the network is possible using a Tor client, a software that allows user to reach network resources otherwise inaccessible. Today the software is under development and maintenance of Tor Project.  Using a Tor Network a user could avoid his tracing, his privacy is guaranteed by the unpredictable route of the information inside the net and due to the large adoption of encrypting mechanisms.

Connecting to the Tor network
Imagine a typical scenario where Alice desire to be connected with Bob using the Tor network. Let’s see step by step how it is possible.

She makes an unencrypted connection to a centralized directory server containing the addresses of the Tor nodes. After receiving the address list from the directory server the Tor client software will connect to a random node (the entry node) through an encrypted connection. The entry node would make an encrypted connection to a random second node which would in turn do the same to connect to a random third Tor node. The process goes on until it involves a node (exit node) connected to the destination.

Consider that during Tor routing, in each connection, the Tor nodes are randomly chosen and the same node cannot be used twice in the same path.

To ensure anonymity the connections have a fixed duration. Every ten minutes, to avoid statistical analysis that could compromise the user’s privacy, the client software changes the entry node.

Up to now we have considered an ideal situation in which a user accesses the network only to connect to another. To further complicate the discussion, in a real scenario, the node Alice used could in turn be used as a node for routing purposes with other established connections between other users.

A malevolent third party would not be able to know which connection is initiated as a user and which as a node, making the monitoring of the communications impossible.

The Tor client distributed from the official web site of the project could be executed on all the existing platforms and many add-ons are freely available that allow the integration of navigation software in existing web browsers. Despite that the network has been projected to protect user's privacy, to be really anonymous it's suggested to go though a VPN.

A better mode to navigate inside the Deep Web is to use the Tails OS distribution which is bootable from any machine without leaving a trace on the host. Once the Tor Bundle is installed, it comes with its own portable Firefox version, ideal for anonymous navigation due to an appropriate control of installed plugins.

The user must be aware of the presence of many plugins in his browsers that expose his privacy to serious risks. Many of these plugins could be used to reveal a user's information during the navigation.

As said, the resources inside the Tor network are not indexed and is very hard to find them if we are accustomed to classic search engines. The way to search the information is profoundly different due to the absence of indexing of the content. A practical suggestion to new users is to refer to Wikis and BBS-like sites that aggregate links, categorizing them in more suitable groups of consulting. Another difference that the user has to take in mind is that instead of classic extensions (e.g. .com, .gov), the domains in the Deep Web generally end with the .onion suffix.

Be careful, some contents are labeled with commonly used tags such as CP= child porn. PD is pedophile, stay far from them.

The Deep Web is considered the place where everything is possible, you can find every kind of material and services for sale, most of them illegal. The hidden web offers to cybercrime great business opportunity, hacking services, malware, stolen credit cards, and weapons.

We all know the potentiality of the e-commerce in the ordinary web and its impressive growth in last couple of years, well now imagine the Deep Web market that is more than 500 times bigger and where there is no legal limits on the goods to sell. We are faced with amazing businesses controlled by cyber criminal organizations.

Conclusion from the first ref.
The article has the main purpose to introduce basics of the two most diffused softwares to anonymize a user's experiences on the web, Tor and I2P. Their importance is very high; thanks to these networks it is possible to avoid censorship and monitoring. At the moment I have a meaningful experience with Tor networks, its community as said provides a great support for those users that desire or need to be anonymous on Internet.

I believe that despite the fact that I2P has existed about a decade, it is very under-utilized, the presence of a limited community represents in my opinion a brake on its growth.

I have used both and I found both efficiency effective. I tried also to sniff a package using specific software with the intent to disclose navigation data or any reference to the user's identity, of course without success.

The success of anonymizing a network is related to their diffusion, and without doubt Tor is a step forward, and the more users have access to sharing resources, the faster will be the navigation.

Refs. - Thansk for this descriptions!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:17:19 PM

http://anoncoin.i2p (I2P link)
http://futz4b7tmqzoxnc6.onion (TOR link)

Block Explorer:




Mining pools:

Payment methods:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:17:44 PM
How can it help you now and in the future to be Anonymous?

First of all, Anoncoin is like other coins, it has a blockchain and transactions can be traced there as well as in all other coins.

As said, this coin focus on your Anonymity, and now the last version got Coin control, which helps a bit, but not much.

A good question was asked, and I decided to add it here to make people reading this post less confused.

What is anonymous about this coin? By nature all of these coins are 100% transparent but that doesn't mean anonymous. Just because I might not be able to tell A3jkh3234asdlknfk32h423nkjsadnf belongs to "someuser" doesn't mean I can't see that user's transactions. This is NOT anonymous...

Yes of course you can see transactions. What this coin is aiming for is to be used on darknets, which make it difficult to track regarding IPs etc. Also I2P/Tor provides a great encryption layer, but yes, it does not help the transactions. The transactions can never be anonymous in the way you describe it.

Anonymity is not a boolean, you have to know how to be it.. You can't just download a software and expect to be guaranteed 100% anonymous.

Also, the name isn't just because of the upcomming features. It's also a "activist" coin agains the Central bank monopoly which try to stop bitcoin and all other coins if you haven't noticed. Believing the Central banks won't try to stop coins, is naive..

What will it bring in the future?

We're looking and testing out both Coinjoin as a internal wallet function, and of course Zerocoin. And a chaos idea by Meeh which will be described more in detail at a later time. When those will be intregrated is still hard to say since it's a lot of work, and every core developers have dayjobs as well of working on the coin.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:18:07 PM
What/Howto I2P

Here are some parameters:
-i2psessionname=<session name> - name of an I2P session. If it is not specified, value will be "Anoncoin-client"
-samhost=<ip or host name> - address of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be ""
-samport=<port> - port number of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be "7656".
-mydestination=<pub+priv i2p-keys> - your full destination (public+private keys). If it is not specified, the client will geneterate a random destination for you. See below (Starting wallet with a permanent i2p-address) more details about this option.
-generatei2pdestination - if this option is specified, your client will start for generation i2p-destination only and will close after that.

Your client will act as a gateway between I2P and clearnet if you don't add -onlynet=i2p

If you have used your Anoncoin client on clearnet before, you might need to delete peers.dat if you don't get any connections.

To use the wallet on I2P do the following:

1. Download and install I2P ( ), then start it. (It will run as a daemon, so don't expect any window)
2. Wait a minute or two, then navigate to
3. Make sure to start the "SAM application bridge" (Tip: After starting it, check it for autostart and save configuration)
4. In run (enter the start menu and type run on windows Vista/7) type %appdata%
5. Open or create the Anoncoin folder
6. Create/edit the anoncoin.conf file
7. make sure to set the following options: rpcuser, rpcpassword and onlynet=i2p
8. (Optional) you can set i2p=1 instead of onlynet=i2p


Note: The I2P router uses a little time to integrate into the I2P network, so you might not get a connection before I2P have runned for about 5-10minutes.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:18:36 PM
What/Howto Tor

1. Install Tor

2. Put this in your config file (anoncoin.conf):

On windows, simply type "%appdata%" in Run, then navigate into Anoncoin folder and create the file if it does not exist.
MARK: create it with notepad and select all files (in save dialog), and make sure it don't add a trailing .txt so the file will be named anoncoin.conf.txt

On linux (Terminal):
cd .anoncoin
touch anoncoin.conf
open anoncoin.conf

Your client should over time intregrate with more Tor clients as well as clearnet since Tor is a "proxy" to the internet. (So yes, your connections will go via Tor if you use the setup above)

How to run Anoncoin as a Tor hidden service?
The following directions assume you have a Tor proxy running on port 9050. Many distributions
default to having a SOCKS proxy listening on port 9050, but others may not.
In particular, the Tor Browser Bundle defaults to listening on a random port. See for how to properly
configure Tor.

1. Run anoncoin behind a Tor proxy

The first step is running Anoncoin behind a Tor proxy. This will already make all
outgoing connections be anonimized, but more is possible.

-socks=5        SOCKS5 supports connecting-to-hostname, which can be used instead
                of doing a (leaking) local DNS lookup. SOCKS5 is the default,
                but SOCKS4 does not support this. (SOCKS4a does, but isn't

-proxy=ip:port  Set the proxy server. If SOCKS5 is selected (default), this proxy
                server will be used to try to reach .onion addresses as well.

-tor=ip:port    Set the proxy server to use for tor hidden services. You do not
                need to set this if it's the same as -proxy. You can use -notor
                to explicitly disable access to hidden service.

-listen         When using -proxy, listening is disabled by default. If you want
                to run a hidden service (see next section), you'll need to enable
                it explicitly.

-connect=X      When behind a Tor proxy, you can specify .onion addresses instead
-addnode=X      of IP addresses or hostnames in these parameters. It requires
-seednode=X     SOCKS5. In Tor mode, such addresses can also be exchanged with
                other P2P nodes.

In a typical situation, this suffices to run behind a Tor proxy:

  ./anoncoind -proxy=

2. Run a anoncoin hidden server

If you configure your Tor system accordingly, it is possible to make your node also
reachable from the Tor network. Add these lines to your /etc/tor/torrc (or equivalent
config file):

  HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/anoncoin-service/
  HiddenServicePort 9377

The directory can be different of course, but (both) port numbers should be equal to
your anoncoind's P2P listen port (9333 by default).

-externalip=X   You can tell anoncoin about its publicly reachable address using
                this option, and this can be a .onion address. Given the above
                configuration, you can find your onion address in
                /var/lib/tor/anoncoin-service/hostname. Onion addresses are given
                preference for your node to advertize itself with, for connections
                coming from unroutable addresses (such as, where the
                Tor proxy typically runs).

-listen         You'll need to enable listening for incoming connections, as this
                is off by default behind a proxy.

-discover       When -externalip is specified, no attempt is made to discover local
                IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. If you want to run a dual stack, reachable
                from both Tor and IPv4 (or IPv6), you'll need to either pass your
                other addresses using -externalip, or explicitly enable -discover.
                Note that both addresses of a dual-stack system may be easily
                linkable using traffic analysis.

In a typical situation, where you're only reachable via Tor, this should suffice:

  ./anoncoind -proxy= -externalip=57qr3yd1nyntf5k.onion -listen

(obviously, replace the Onion address with your own). If you don't care too much
about hiding your node, and want to be reachable on IPv4 as well, additionally

  ./anoncoind ... -discover

and open port 9333 on your firewall (or use -upnp).

If you only want to use Tor to reach onion addresses, but not use it as a proxy
for normal IPv4/IPv6 communication, use:

  ./anoncoind -tor= -externalip=57qr3yd1nyntf5k.onion -discover

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:19:24 PM

Anoncoin started somewhat bad. It was a hard period where 50 new coins where made per day almost. We didn't have a testnet and mined some blocks before the release and was blaimed for premining. Please see the history thread for more info. All the premined coins has gone to the facuet, and donations and tips from the users. This is also in the history thread.

History thread: (

Anoncoin started out with a somewhat special specs. This was corrected and a calculation mistake was made so the coin was highly instamined in the start. The first protocol switch was at block 15420. It then swiched again at block 77777 after abuse of the blockchain/diff. Now, multipools or solo miners have found a way to do that again. Therefore it will be a switch now at 87777 wthich will introduce Kimoto’s Gravity well.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. [Moderated]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 12:19:47 PM

Because first of all, we don't like the Central banks, and would love to see they lose their monopoly. If you haven't noticed, they aren't so happy about Bitcoin, Litecoin and all other coins out there. And they will try to stop them.

AnonCoin goal is to be used on both darknets like I2P, TOR and others, and internet/clearnet. At current moment it works with SOCKS over I2P/TOR. Native support to I2P should be in place soon. It's a scrypt based coin, forked from Litecoin but still got some nice features from other coins too. Not at least it's own twist of them.

Note, paypal etc isn't allowed anymore to do transactions which can be related to bitcoin trading. Not at least, it isn't the first time Central banks have stopped other currencies that have become large enough to threat their monopoly.

Related links:

Thanks to:

A list of people to thanks for this:
The Bitcoin developers.
The Litecoin developers.
The Primecoin developer.
The Megacoin developer.
Giv for the original I2P patch to the Bitcoin source code.
cozz for the original Coin control patch to the Bitcoin source code.
People from the community! You know who you are :)

I Probably forgot a few too! Sorry!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Dusty on October 12, 2013, 06:39:05 PM
Would Anoncoin be still useful if Bitcoin would gain native I2P support?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 12, 2013, 06:51:36 PM
Would Anoncoin be still useful if Bitcoin would gain native I2P support?

Yes because we implement more than just I2P support. Our main focus is anonymity. For example the last build have Coin control implemented that let you choose which coins to send instead of your client choosing it randomly.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: BroTroxer on October 12, 2013, 10:27:04 PM
As a reminder to those who haven't updated yet.

Anoncoin New mandatory client release. Be sure to upgrade your client as soon as possible. The Old version will be incompatible from block 87.777!

This update will fork to improve the difficulty adjustment. We can not allow the hit 'n run mining to continue as it makes coin transfers slow, and the mining unfair to regular miners.

We have implemented several improvements based on user feedback, and the dev teams own experiences.

Changes to block target and difficulty:
The Kimoto's Gravity well will improve upon the rapid difficulty adjustment, providing smoother transactions, improving security by rejecting blocks that are a direct result of "hit 'n run" mining by large coin jumping pools.
The target time has been changed to 3 minutes. This means there will be ~480 blocks per 24 hours instad of the previous ~420.
Overall this improvement will be noticed by most users by the faster, more stable transaction times.

Please visit our website to obtain the latest version today;

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Dusty on October 13, 2013, 08:58:18 PM
Would Anoncoin be still useful if Bitcoin would gain native I2P support?

Yes because we implement more than just I2P support. Our main focus is anonymity. For example the last build have Coin control implemented that let you choose which coins to send instead of your client choosing it randomly.
Coin control is possible also with Bitcoin, even if not with the standard client, for the time being.

What about implementing natively something like zerocoin?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 13, 2013, 11:07:06 PM
Would Anoncoin be still useful if Bitcoin would gain native I2P support?

Yes because we implement more than just I2P support. Our main focus is anonymity. For example the last build have Coin control implemented that let you choose which coins to send instead of your client choosing it randomly.
Coin control is possible also with Bitcoin, even if not with the standard client, for the time being.

What about implementing natively something like zerocoin?

What will it bring in the future?

We're looking and testing out both Coinjoin as a internal wallet function, and of course Zerocoin. And a chaos idea by Meeh which will be described more in detail at a later time. When those will be intregrated is still hard to say since it's a lot of work, and every core developers have dayjobs as well of working on the coin.

I think you have overseen one of my post, so I quoted myself :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Desten on October 14, 2013, 05:28:12 AM
1. You didn't fixed coind dll issue: libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll is missing (no mingw/gcc installed, Win).
2. You didn't fixed /? output. Default port in help are litecoin port.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 14, 2013, 08:13:51 AM
1. You didn't fixed coind dll issue: libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll is missing (no mingw/gcc installed, Win).

The build was built with "-static-libgcc" which eliminates the need of libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll. Do you have a issue with that on the newest version?
Ref. (

2. You didn't fixed /? output. Default port in help are litecoin port.

That might be correct. I'll check it out.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 14, 2013, 09:37:28 AM
anyone have a good list of updated notes for the config file? I do not seem to be able to connect to the network at this time :(

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 14, 2013, 10:51:45 AM
anyone have a good list of updated notes for the config file? I do not seem to be able to connect to the network at this time :(

Could you check your debug.log for any errors?


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 14, 2013, 11:15:01 AM
anyone have a good list of updated notes for the config file? I do not seem to be able to connect to the network at this time :(

Could you check your debug.log for any errors?


All is syncing now! Thanks :) I think what did it was i deleting all the other goods in the roaming folder except for chainstate. Deleted that and put in new add nodes and syncing up as i type.

Btw anychance pool or anyone else wants to do a block reward to help push us past this 87777? Just a thought as that worked pretty nice last time ;-)  Nonetheless great stuff anonteam! only coin i mine now besides LTC..mostly everything else IMO is just garbage

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 14, 2013, 12:58:37 PM
Btw anychance pool or anyone else wants to do a block reward to help push us past this 87777? Just a thought as that worked pretty nice last time ;-)  Nonetheless great stuff anonteam! only coin i mine now besides LTC..mostly everything else IMO is just garbage

Thanks :)

That's a good idea, but we should wait a bit longer so more people get the chance to upgrade first  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: klee on October 14, 2013, 05:20:47 PM
Vote for ANC:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 15, 2013, 01:18:27 AM
Vote for ANC:

Thanks for the info!  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 15, 2013, 08:13:49 AM
Remember to upgrade your wallets! Also, vote for Anoncoin  :D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 16, 2013, 08:52:05 AM
voted and looks to be we are in 3rd place! keep em coming

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 09:04:05 AM
Launched block search! (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 16, 2013, 09:07:15 AM
so looks that we have a looong ways to go until we hit block 87777 especially with the network dropping quite quickly :/ can anything be done about this as I dont see us hitting that block for weeks at this rate..eeps!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 09:34:08 AM
so looks that we have a looong ways to go until we hit block 87777 especially with the network dropping quite quickly :/ can anything be done about this as I dont see us hitting that block for weeks at this rate..eeps!

In a way it's good, because then slow people get the chance to upgrade.. I see nodes still with the first client I released ffs :P

But hopefully it would not take that long. I guess we find a way to make it more profitable for the miners to mine. E.g block reward @ pools. Will get back to this later.  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 16, 2013, 11:49:09 AM
If you run the installer pkg do you still need to place a config file? I am still having issues syncing up so am curious if I can get rid of that yet these days or which is the bad node i need to remove from the list?

Try use the list mentioned in the other thread.

I'm still trying to map out bad nodes, and is thinking about doing a forced rejection. E.g if version less than XX: disconnect.

Remember, on first sync, the GUI has a "bug" showing it waiting for the last block, even you are at the last block.

You can verify if you're at right block when you go to:

Hope this works for you. Sorry for the problems!

Actually have been using those nodes from the other thread but never finished syncing. I just deleted everything except my wallet.dat and ran the installer pkg without an config file. It is now fully synced? So do we not need a config after all? nonetheless its working! but confused on

so looks that we have a looong ways to go until we hit block 87777 especially with the network dropping quite quickly :/ can anything be done about this as I dont see us hitting that block for weeks at this rate..eeps!

In a way it's good, because then slow people get the chance to upgrade.. I see nodes still with the first client I released ffs :P

But hopefully it would not take that long. I guess we find a way to make it more profitable for the miners to mine. E.g block reward @ pools. Will get back to this later.  :)

 I am guessing if they haven't updated from the first client the miner is probably buried in a room full of a hundred others in the middle of the desert to be looked at again one year from now..just a guess

On another note i would add in the main post and your site how to update your wallet if you already have one as i see no info on that anywhere and probably would be good piece of info to have. Maybe a mailing list on your front page would be a easy way to keep the Anoncommunity all on the same page with updated news/wallets,etc..

and one more suggestion..plleeeeaaase!! can we get rid of the grey scale wallet look at some point in a future update even if it just has some black borders or something very simple to give it a little bit of a spiffier look. With how beautiful the site looks I am sure your team can put together something classy ;) its the small things..p.s Thanks again!!!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 11:57:25 AM
Actually have been using those nodes from the other thread but never finished syncing. I just deleted everything except my wallet.dat and ran the installer pkg without an config file. It is now fully synced? So do we not need a config after all? nonetheless its working! but confused on

Yes as said earlier we got some bad nodes out there. And it's just luck to not hit them. I'm trying to map them up to make sure they get banned.

I am guessing if they haven't updated from the first client the miner is probably buried in a room full of a hundred others in the middle of the desert to be looked at again one year from now..just a guess

On another note i would add in the main post and your site how to update your wallet if you already have one as i see no info on that anywhere and probably would be good piece of info to have. Maybe a mailing list on your front page would be a easy way to keep the Anoncommunity all on the same page with updated news/wallets,etc..

and one more suggestion..plleeeeaaase!! can we get rid of the grey scale wallet look at some point in a future update even if it just has some black borders or something very simple to give it a little bit of a spiffier look. With how beautiful the site looks I am sure your team can put together something classy ;) its the small things..p.s Thanks again!!!

*Forwarding to Brotroxer*

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: kriwest on October 16, 2013, 12:25:40 PM
+1 for a wallet makeover. I'd love a skinable client with custom themes... hey, you can dream right?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 12:42:35 PM
+1 for a wallet makeover. I'd love a skinable client with custom themes... hey, you can dream right?

Well, it's a easy task. The reason this is not done is because I lack time to do it. Nor am I an designer. But if a designer would join the Anoncoin team I wouldn't mind, actually it would be great.

Anoncoin, like all other coins with GUI is based on Qt. Qt support themes. And from the little I've read about it in newer time, it seems like they use CSS/JavaScript like stuff to do this. E.g simple, but still, I need to do the more advanced stuff in the coin and services around it.

Ref Qt styling:

The desktop environment KDE, based on Qt have done this since I started with Qt for about 6-7 years ago I think.

(However, I think they does it in another way)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 03:28:23 PM
Some great questions where asked and answered, so I paste them here:

I would like to see ANC expand darknet service/features.  
. ANC/BTC/USD.. crypto currency exchange, payment processor

You can't make USD "anon" in that matter other than meeting on the street exchanging physical money.

. i2p service built into AND android client

I2P is Java, so we can't just build it into the wallet. All of the devs have dayjobs and the I2P project itself is, well, I'm bad at estimates but at fulltime work each day except weekends, maybe it's doable within May 2014. I2P is also in constant change, so it will require a lot of resources to maintain it. There exists a C++ project for I2P but it is always behind trunk (java, current version).

However the Android client can we integrate the I2P router in, and that's the plan too. But we still have some issues we need to solve with the original client before jumping on another completely new project.

. i2p irc chat or some other messaging system built into client

Why don't I2P-Bote? or some other already build in I2P?

. i2p webhosting

Most likely no one have done it yet, is because of it's darknet.. Even with, or without a clear TOS, your hosting service will be abused to things like Child porn etc.. There is few people supporting stuff like CP, nor want to host a service that can be abused to this.

I can say that someone is working on a solution like that. But they are now stuck with the problem you read above. They do not want to host any child porn. I guess you saw what happened to the guy behind Freedom hosting from the Tor network.

I also hope to see ANC expand services for Clearnet:
. anonymous encrypted cloud storage with android ap (

Under heavy development. Actually the time of me writing this is delaying the time the service will be launched on since I help out with some of the code. :P

Also, since support sync via Tor/I2P, you can see this as a type of darknet service too. But it's clear where it is, and does not hide like other services.

. anonymous encrypted email service (possible to add to

There are talk about email hosting. But we might not want to store that in the cloud. E.g make it more safe.. Like a hidden I2P server somewhere in the world ;)

. vpn service (compete with

Great, someone from the community or our PR guy should look into that. I'm just developing.

. implementation of existing clearnet auction/classified market to support ANC or develop something like bitwasp specific for ANC.

People are free to set up any service they would like to our coin. :) We, as the developers of Anoncoin is not responsible to force services up for the coin. Just like the Central bank of US are not responsible to force use of USD in businesses, even trough it does ;) We're also humans, which means it's a limit to the number of projects we can do at once.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 16, 2013, 03:29:43 PM
If any developer/designer would like to help out with the project feel free to join us at #anoncoin @ for a chat. (or inside I2P-IRC, samme channel name.)  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 17, 2013, 10:26:03 PM
If any developer/designer would like to help out with the project feel free to join us at #anoncoin @ for a chat. (or inside I2P-IRC, samme channel name.)  :)

If i had the designer skills I would so be on that! but atlas I am lame and hope someone has the time and skills to spiff up the Qt just a bit :)  Bottlecaps just changed the icons on the new wallet update and even though its just a few small things it makes for a much cleaner look imo.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: ethought on October 23, 2013, 07:15:14 AM
Not sure what is going on but it looks like Anoncoin has forked twice in 2 days on

Yesterday I downloaded and compiled new source and the client seemed to be on the same chain as the only working block explorer:

Checked back today and it appears we are now on a different chain again  ???

Pool is on block 87084 block explorer is showing current block at 87068??

Any idea why this keeps happening?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: BroTroxer on October 23, 2013, 08:11:41 PM
As there seems to be a recurring forking issue going on which we do not know the cause of we will be releasing a reworked version of the 0.7 branch instead of 0.8. The new 0.7 release will still include the kimoto gravity well difficulty algorithm.

We will be back with more news as soon as possible. We apologize for the trouble the latest release has caused.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 23, 2013, 11:26:47 PM
Hotfix - downgrade 0.7.5

Windows binaries released:
Signed by me.

Hoping to get binaries for lin/osx ready within next day or two.

This release still have the new protocol in place when we hit block 87777.


Abstract: It seems like an yet unknown patch between bitcoin 0.6.9 and bitcoin didn't like the calculations Anoncoin used. Messages(blocks alerts, etc) between nodes got delayed, and some pools reported crashing. We have locked into a "last known good block".

More info is comming.


Goto %appdata% (type it in the dialog after pressing windows+r), then click into the Anoncoin folder. Delete all files except wallet.dat.

If you wish to contribute to find this yet unknown bug, please send in your debug.log as a PM or mail.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: BroTroxer on October 24, 2013, 12:31:01 PM
Reminder: Upgrade to latest release if you are having problems connecting to nodes.

A new mandatory update for ANC is released to deal with reported node communication issues. Due to an unknown bug in the 0.8 branch which may cause a minor chain fork issue we reverted to the latest 0.7 branch with modifications. The latest stable release (0.7.5) is now available for download at

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: idev on October 24, 2013, 02:10:08 PM
Whats happening with the zerocoin implementation, is this still going ahead ?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: erundook on October 24, 2013, 02:15:14 PM
Hotfix - downgrade 0.7.5

Windows binaries released:
Signed by me.

Hoping to get binaries for lin/osx ready within next day or two.

This release still have the new protocol in place when we hit block 87777.


Abstract: It seems like an yet unknown patch between bitcoin 0.6.9 and bitcoin didn't like the calculations Anoncoin used. Messages(blocks alerts, etc) between nodes got delayed, and some pools reported crashing. We have locked into a "last known good block".

More info is comming.


Goto %appdata% (type it in the dialog after pressing windows+r), then click into the Anoncoin folder. Delete all files except wallet.dat.

If you wish to contribute to find this yet unknown bug, please send in your debug.log as a PM or mail.

Is there an official blockchain explorer which we can use to check if our client is on the right chain? Thanks.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: idev on October 24, 2013, 02:19:21 PM
Hotfix - downgrade 0.7.5

Windows binaries released:
Signed by me.

Hoping to get binaries for lin/osx ready within next day or two.

This release still have the new protocol in place when we hit block 87777.


Abstract: It seems like an yet unknown patch between bitcoin 0.6.9 and bitcoin didn't like the calculations Anoncoin used. Messages(blocks alerts, etc) between nodes got delayed, and some pools reported crashing. We have locked into a "last known good block".

More info is comming.


Goto %appdata% (type it in the dialog after pressing windows+r), then click into the Anoncoin folder. Delete all files except wallet.dat.

If you wish to contribute to find this yet unknown bug, please send in your debug.log as a PM or mail.

Is there an official blockchain explorer which we can use to check if our client is on the right chain? Thanks.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: DiCE1904 on October 26, 2013, 05:17:46 AM
Any update on the OSX update? Did the releasing of 10.9 slowed a few things down?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 26, 2013, 08:51:58 AM
not positive but thinking Pool hasn't updated yet as these are there current stats:
Current Difficulty    1.75942332
Current Block    87507

p.s. the download url link for Windows installer package on the mainsite is a little off and needs fixing..thinking you forgot a www somewhere or just copy and pasted wrong

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: nicksmith on October 26, 2013, 07:07:00 PM
not positive but thinking Pool hasn't updated yet as these are there current stats:
Current Difficulty    1.75942332
Current Block    87507

p.s. the download url link for Windows installer package on the mainsite is a little off and needs fixing..thinking you forgot a www somewhere or just copy and pasted wrong

I updated within a hour of the new code on the pool, should be all up to  date.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: nicksmith on October 26, 2013, 07:15:12 PM
not positive but thinking Pool hasn't updated yet as these are there current stats:
Current Difficulty    1.75942332
Current Block    87507

p.s. the download url link for Windows installer package on the mainsite is a little off and needs fixing..thinking you forgot a www somewhere or just copy and pasted wrong

I updated within a hour of the new code on the pool, should be all up to  date.

sorry you are right git was checked out the the 0.8 branch, since that went back to master, anyone using a "git pull" will stay on the wrong branch :(

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 26, 2013, 08:08:55 PM
not positive but thinking Pool hasn't updated yet as these are there current stats:
Current Difficulty    1.75942332
Current Block    87507

p.s. the download url link for Windows installer package on the mainsite is a little off and needs fixing..thinking you forgot a www somewhere or just copy and pasted wrong

I updated within a hour of the new code on the pool, should be all up to  date.

sorry you are right git was checked out the the 0.8 branch, since that went back to master, anyone using a "git pull" will stay on the wrong branch :(

it happens ;-) so we are all good then to mine back on USR?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: nicksmith on October 26, 2013, 08:11:22 PM

it happens ;-) so we are all good then to mine back on USR?

No I can not find a version of stratum that works with this rolled back wallet :(
Still digging, they all crash the wallet.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on October 27, 2013, 10:00:34 PM

it happens ;-) so we are all good then to mine back on USR?

No I can not find a version of stratum that works with this rolled back wallet :(
Still digging, they all crash the wallet.

Assuming from the site having the maintenance status removed we can go back to your pool now? Thanks man! Hope you got it all figured out

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: nicksmith on October 28, 2013, 05:23:29 AM

it happens ;-) so we are all good then to mine back on USR?

No I can not find a version of stratum that works with this rolled back wallet :(
Still digging, they all crash the wallet.

Assuming from the site having the maintenance status removed we can go back to your pool now? Thanks man! Hope you got it all figured out

Ug that was a disaster and I lost 400 coins running the wrong version, well all is fixed now,  mine away.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on October 31, 2013, 09:46:21 AM
Anoncoin has now switched protocol! No more hit'n run ;D

I will start working on the again. Total rewrite of the I2P implementation, and now that the switch is done, it's looking better for the source. But it will be heavily tested before any new release.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on November 03, 2013, 01:01:44 AM
lost 186 Anon when i updated to new version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help  . I was one of the first people mining ANON and now i hold nothing
do you have a backup of the old wallet? are you willing to share the wallet to recover the coins? are you willing to do it yourself?

this happens if you dont build yourself and use different libdb (BDB) versions for the binarys... you have been warned!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: JungleBook on November 03, 2013, 03:18:32 PM
developer . could you send me and older version on the wallet so i can see if i can recover my 186 lost coins. i have never lost coins by udating wallets but i guess a first always happens

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: jago25_98 on November 12, 2013, 02:01:15 AM

There is a library somewhere I've seen, maybe in a security/pentest/hacking website which allows a program to connect to the tor network without having tor installed. It's the sort of thing botnet control server software probably uses. Perhaps that could be worked into the mix so no need to install tor as well?

Maybe there's something similar for i2p? If so that might be an even better line of enquiry.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on November 12, 2013, 05:03:58 AM
developer . could you send me and older version on the wallet so i can see if i can recover my 186 lost coins. i have never lost coins by udating wallets but i guess a first always happens

use git. with git you can compile any version from the past you want.
but i assume you waste my time (once again) as you refuse to answer questions... /ignore

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on November 12, 2013, 12:18:36 PM

There is a library somewhere I've seen, maybe in a security/pentest/hacking website which allows a program to connect to the tor network without having tor installed. It's the sort of thing botnet control server software probably uses. Perhaps that could be worked into the mix so no need to install tor as well?

Maybe there's something similar for i2p? If so that might be an even better line of enquiry.

The library is Tor. You embed Tor into the client as a library instead of having it running as an external process. :) This will also open new security issues, since the router software then share the same application memory with the wallet. Also, the I2P router is currently written in Java, and Anoncoin in C++. So it's not possible to do with I2P before the I2P C++ version is finished, but still, back to the security issues then.

But bundling I2P with Anoncoin might be a good idea yes. But then of course as an own application :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: BitcoinFX on November 12, 2013, 11:20:42 PM
Thought that some of you in this thread might appreciate my xeronet torrc config.

Advanced Tor Browser Bundle config. - Anti-Spying - Anti-ECHELON - Anti-FiveEyes



Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on November 13, 2013, 09:47:16 AM
Thought that some of you in this thread might appreciate my xeronet torrc config.

Advanced Tor Browser Bundle config. - Anti-Spying - Anti-ECHELON - Anti-FiveEyes



Nice guide!, would probably help a lot of users :)

+1 to you, thanks!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on November 23, 2013, 09:54:57 PM
Apparently support us now :)

And the price seems to be 1 ANC = 1.40 $ acording to :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: emunebtk on November 28, 2013, 09:21:05 AM
Go ANC Go!!  How often does it adjust difficulty to net hash rate?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on November 28, 2013, 03:53:12 PM
Go ANC Go!!  How often does it adjust difficulty to net hash rate?

Anoncoin changes difficulty per block based on the 120 blocks back from current :)

1 ANC = 4.64 $

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: rofus on December 04, 2013, 03:30:56 PM
For some reason I decided to trust Anoncoin...I have for a couple of weeks access to some office equipment and I manage to get 900kh/s, I'm mining only it going to be good choice?  ???

Looks to me more appealing than StableCoin that was my other idea (and someone suggested as well)...I can see difficulty is increasing a lot, as well as value though...convince me that I'm doing the right choice!  ;D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on December 04, 2013, 04:58:16 PM
For some reason I decided to trust Anoncoin...I have for a couple of weeks access to some office equipment and I manage to get 900kh/s, I'm mining only it going to be good choice?  ???

Looks to me more appealing than StableCoin that was my other idea (and someone suggested as well)...I can see difficulty is increasing a lot, as well as value though...convince me that I'm doing the right choice!  ;D

The convincing is on the first page. If you like the features on the coin you can use it, if not I suggest you don't. If you're just a miner trying to get more bitcoins, I suggest looking on the coinchoose page where you see which is most profitt in, or join one of those multipool things  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: GoodHosting on December 08, 2013, 03:21:16 AM
I can confirm that running that latest AnonCoin 0.7.5 does still have the libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll error.

Running on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: risim on December 13, 2013, 04:10:35 PM
whats happening with ?

I didnt get any earned anc for 4-5 days..

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on December 25, 2013, 08:56:05 PM
Finally, Anoncoin is released!

The new client will warn people using clearnet connections. Clearnet is internet, unencrypted without the usage of I2P or Tor. For pool operators which should run their wallet on clearnet can disable this with the stfu=1 flag. People that don't have a anoncoin.conf file will get it written by a Wizard while starting Anoncoin. The Wizard will ask if you run I2P or Tor, if you run one or both, it can autoconfigure the client to use I2P, Tor or both.

New features/changes:

* Leveldb
* More return params in RPC getinfo
* Tracking of moneysupply in blockchain
* Coin Control
* Darknet setup Wizard
* Lower fees, minimum fee are now 0.002 ANC

Windows and OSX binaries are released here:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: gostrol on December 25, 2013, 09:54:38 PM
I agree there is big problem with : it is more than two weeks I try to cash out >50 ANC I mined there without any luck !

IMHO this pool is operated by a thief and people shall be told to not mine there anymore...

Also if you look around there are many people reporting problem with this particular pool.

Meeh, maybe it would be wise to remove the link to this pool from to not have more people scammed by this pool.

BTW Good work for new ANC client and good to have coincontrol back ;)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on December 25, 2013, 10:17:55 PM
I agree there is big problem with : it is more than two weeks I try to cash out >50 ANC I mined there without any luck !

IMHO this pool is operated by a thief and people shall be told to mine there anymore...

Also if you look around there are many people reporting problem with this particular pool.

Meeh, maybe it would be wise to remove the link to this pool from to not have more people scammed by this pool.

BTW Good work for new ANC client and good to have coincontrol back ;)

I will get our PR manager to get in contact with them, and solve the issue or remove them :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on December 25, 2013, 11:51:33 PM
I forgot to mention the style feature!

You can also style your client with CSS. Put a CSS file inside your anoncoin config dir, like default.css, and then add style=default.css to load the stylesheet! Link to CSS reference is here:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on December 27, 2013, 06:46:11 PM
I will be at the I2P table at 30C3 for the next three days, if you're here and got questions you know where to find me :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: jt7382 on January 04, 2014, 03:32:57 AM
Trying to send some Anoncoins and I have been waiting for one confirmation for over an hour. Doing some reading on the forums and it looks like there may be a problem with the new client? How do I get some confirmations to get my coins out of limbo here?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 06, 2014, 03:02:37 PM
I am a web developer and want to design block exploer at .
Can you please provide me the existing code?
I tried installing anoncoind but having issues at my test server.
Can someone please help me with it?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on January 06, 2014, 07:24:55 PM
I am a web developer and want to design block exploer at .
Can you please provide me the existing code?
I tried installing anoncoind but having issues at my test server.
Can someone please help me with it?
github -> jtobey -> Abe

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 07, 2014, 12:03:45 AM
I am a web developer and want to design block exploer at .
Can you please provide me the existing code?
I tried installing anoncoind but having issues at my test server.
Can someone please help me with it?
github -> jtobey -> Abe
I am unable to install anoncoind in the server.  :(
I am getting Error 4, While trying to compile the code..

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 07, 2014, 10:07:58 AM
I am a web developer and want to design block exploer at .
Can you please provide me the existing code?
I tried installing anoncoind but having issues at my test server.
Can someone please help me with it?
github -> jtobey -> Abe

Hi , Finally i am able to run ANONCOND,
Please help me with configuration of Abe :

{"chain":"Anoncoin","code3":"ANC", "address_version":"\x00", "magic":"\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9"}

is it correct?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: nov on January 07, 2014, 10:09:19 AM
Would like to get started.

Some donation would be welcomed.

Looks interesting!


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on January 07, 2014, 11:49:32 AM
I am a web developer and want to design block exploer at .
Can you please provide me the existing code?
I tried installing anoncoind but having issues at my test server.
Can someone please help me with it?
github -> jtobey -> Abe

Hi , Finally i am able to run ANONCOND,
Please help me with configuration of Abe :

{"chain":"Anoncoin","code3":"ANC", "address_version":"\x00", "magic":"\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9"}

is it correct?
datadir += [{
        "loader":  "blkfile",
        "dirname": "/home/k1773r/.anoncoin",
        "chain":   "Anoncoin",
        "code3":   "ANC",
        "address_version": "\u0017" }]

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 07, 2014, 01:29:06 PM
Thanks for the settings.
I am getting another error while trying to run Abe using this command  " python -m Abe.abe --config abe-my.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve " :

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__
    super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
TypeError: keywords must be strings

Here is my configuration for MYSQL in abe-my.conf file
# MySQL example; see also README-MYSQL.txt:
dbtype MySQLdb
connect-args {'user':'abe','db':'abe','password':'XBKvkmIRWz5P'}
port 2750

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on January 07, 2014, 03:59:18 PM
Thanks for the settings.
I am getting another error while trying to run Abe using this command  " python -m Abe.abe --config abe-my.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve " :

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__
    super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
TypeError: keywords must be strings

Here is my configuration for MYSQL in abe-my.conf file
# MySQL example; see also README-MYSQL.txt:
dbtype MySQLdb
connect-args {'user':'abe','db':'abe','password':'XBKvkmIRWz5P'}
port 2750

use " not '

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 07, 2014, 04:33:36 PM
Thanks for the settings.
I am getting another error while trying to run Abe using this command  " python -m Abe.abe --config abe-my.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve " :

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__
    super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
TypeError: keywords must be strings

Here is my configuration for MYSQL in abe-my.conf file
# MySQL example; see also README-MYSQL.txt:
dbtype MySQLdb
connect-args {'user':'abe','db':'abe','password':'XBKvkmIRWz5P'}
port 2750

use " not '

I did. Still shows the same.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 07, 2014, 09:32:59 PM
Is the anoncoin lottery working ?
I sent 1 ANC to it 3 days ago. But nothing happened.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Tommo_Aus on January 08, 2014, 04:47:14 AM
Could you please add to the pool list?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 08, 2014, 09:42:55 AM
Trying to send some Anoncoins and I have been waiting for one confirmation for over an hour. Doing some reading on the forums and it looks like there may be a problem with the new client? How do I get some confirmations to get my coins out of limbo here?

How many connections do you have? - and please continue this in chat thread.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 08, 2014, 09:46:25 AM
Thanks for the settings.
I am getting another error while trying to run Abe using this command  " python -m Abe.abe --config abe-my.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve " :

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__
    super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
TypeError: keywords must be strings

Here is my configuration for MYSQL in abe-my.conf file
# MySQL example; see also README-MYSQL.txt:
dbtype MySQLdb
connect-args {'user':'abe','db':'abe','password':'XBKvkmIRWz5P'}
port 2750

use " not '

I did. Still shows the same.

I'm gonna check the config at my server after dayjob, please PM me if I forget it. And ofc reward you for designing :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 08, 2014, 09:46:46 AM
As said in the chat thread:

Many has wondered and asked about whats Anoncoin going to do when v2 of zerocoin is released, if it's gonna affect it's development, etc etc etc. And it's not time effective to answer one at a time :)

I will write a blog entry about it, where I will answer where,what,when,why and hopefully the rest of w's :p

We're about to release a new site as well. I'll get back to you in short time! Also, I think Matthew is going to give a talk on Monday at New York City College, so I think I post the blog entry after that, in case he says anything that could become a question.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 09, 2014, 12:01:55 PM
Thank you @Meeh and @K1773R.  :)
Finally i got it working.
Using 0.7.5 version of code .

Will soon have a well designed blockexplorer ready.

I may disturb you guys a few more times, if i get staled again..   :P

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: BroTroxer on January 09, 2014, 11:16:12 PM
It has been brought to our attention that the pool is under new management, and they are _not_ paying out requested withdrawals for an extended period. Find yourself another pool or you risk losing coins.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on January 10, 2014, 07:47:29 AM
It has been brought to our attention that the pool is under new management, and they are _not_ paying out requested withdrawals for an extended period. Find yourself another pool or you risk losing coins.
thats why ppl should use p2pool. technology cant be flawed by some administrator/stupid-human-being :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 10, 2014, 10:56:39 AM
It has been brought to our attention that the pool is under new management, and they are _not_ paying out requested withdrawals for an extended period. Find yourself another pool or you risk losing coins.
thats why ppl should use p2pool. technology cant be flawed by some administrator/stupid-human-being :)

Somehow I just knew that post would come :P

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 10, 2014, 09:40:06 PM
Two small bugs i have found in windows client.

1. When i copy transaction id by right clicking any transaction in transaction details in Anoncoin Client , it adds "-000" in the end.
2. When i change I2P setting of the client , it says , "This setting will take effect after restarting Bitcoin." It should be Anoncoin.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: coinpool_de on January 11, 2014, 04:24:06 PM
please join my Mining Pool.

Fast Server Xenon 4 x 3,2Ghs 32 GB Ram, SSD HD
Get your coin to your Wallet min payout 0.1 ANC
PROP Payout
Manual and Auto Payout
0,0% Fee (Saturday and Sunday)

Join our Pool:

Support Forum:


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on January 11, 2014, 04:29:51 PM
please join my Mining Pool.

Fast Server Xenon 4 x 3,2Ghs 32 GB Ram, SSD HD
Get your coin to your Wallet min payout 0.1 ANC
PROP Payout
Manual and Auto Payout
0,0% Fee (Saturday and Sunday)

Join our Pool:

Support Forum:


prop, really? pool hopping :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 12, 2014, 02:34:55 AM
I finally understood that , Its really not easy to get a php based blockchain exprloer up and running..

Here is what i have achieved till now :

Currently it gets data from mysql database. I think we can get abe to update data in background and use php to display frontend.
But there is a lot of data thats missing.. Like difficulty..

Can you please help me with formula for difficulty calculation of anoncoin?
I would also like to know whats the scrypt parameters for Anoncoin. for example ,  for Litecoin , its N = 1024, r = 1 , p = 1 and salt is same as input. 

Looking forward to answers. 

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 13, 2014, 12:37:07 PM
I finally understood that , Its really not easy to get a php based blockchain exprloer up and running..

Here is what i have achieved till now :

Currently it gets data from mysql database. I think we can get abe to update data in background and use php to display frontend.
But there is a lot of data thats missing.. Like difficulty..

Can you please help me with formula for difficulty calculation of anoncoin?
I would also like to know whats the scrypt parameters for Anoncoin. for example ,  for Litecoin , its N = 1024, r = 1 , p = 1 and salt is same as input. 

Looking forward to answers. 

Awsome! It's the same, we use N = 1024, r = 1 , p = 1 as well :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 18, 2014, 03:56:49 AM
I finally learnt python and completed the design. :)
unfortunately , i am having issues setting up it in my server.  But the new design is ready.
Will provide update soon.   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 20, 2014, 04:21:34 AM
Finally , Here the link to new blockchain design : (
Still making a lot of improvements in it.
I couldn't get it working with fastcgi and python. So , now its running just on python.  But this can be implemented with fastcgi in any server for high traffic.

Feel free to give feedback on design.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 20, 2014, 05:49:51 AM
I have created following function to calculate block reward. Please verify and let me know , if its as per specification.
Block reward calculation function :

def block_reward(blocknumber):
    if blocknumber < 77777 :
        return 7
        return 5 / (2 ** int((blocknumber + 1) / 306600))

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: FusionHash on January 22, 2014, 07:25:30 AM
New pool added:

FusionHash Anoncoin Pool (
  • New Venture-Backed Mining Pool
  • Dedicated 12-Core/32GB Server
  • PPLNS Payout, Stratum, VarDiff
  • DDOS Protection
  • 0% Pool Fee

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 24, 2014, 08:49:14 AM
Please support development of new design for blockchain explorer of anoncoin with your donations ( demo url :  )..
I want to add more features to it and i also want to launch it a new domain with a dedicated server if possible.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on January 24, 2014, 10:27:59 PM
Please support development of new design for blockchain explorer of anoncoin with your donations ( demo url :  )..
I want to add more features to it and i also want to launch it a new domain with a dedicated server if possible.


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on January 25, 2014, 06:50:52 AM
Please support development of new design for blockchain explorer of anoncoin with your donations ( demo url :  )..
I want to add more features to it and i also want to launch it a new domain with a dedicated server if possible.

Thank you  :)
I will provide the code once i fix all the pages and then this can be implement this official server at (  :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: bholzer on January 31, 2014, 07:12:39 PM
New pool added:

FusionHash Anoncoin Pool (
  • New Venture-Backed Mining Pool
  • Dedicated 12-Core/32GB Server
  • PPLNS Payout, Stratum, VarDiff
  • DDOS Protection
  • 0% Pool Fee

The luck at this pool lately has been insane: (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: eddlow on February 04, 2014, 06:46:25 PM
AnonCoin seems to be interesting. I'll look into it. Do you think it could be a successful coin?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: niteglider on February 05, 2014, 04:45:03 PM
AnonCoin seems to be interesting. I'll look into it. Do you think it could be a successful coin?

I think it almost has to be, as long as the devs stick with it and follow through. 

It's five times as rare as bitcoin, and has the potential to restore privacy in online purchases.

I expect ANC to be more valuable than BTC in the long term.  Hang on to your ANCs!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Gnosis- on February 12, 2014, 06:06:33 PM
Zerocoin update!

Hello all, I am Gnosis, the new member of the Anoncoin team; I will be implementing Zerocoin in Anoncoin.  Since an interested party has chosen to support this development financially, I will be able spend a lot more of my time on this.  Expect a release for testing Zerocoin sometime in March!

First of all, I wanted to clear up any confusion with respect to Matthew Green and the other Zerocoin project members.   The "new" Zerocoin, called "Zerocash", is based on completely different cryptography than the "old" Zerocoin (I will be implementing the old one).  The Zerocoin project has essentially abandoned their previous idea in favor of Zerocash, and expect to release both the paper and the coin in late May.

We are very grateful for the excellent work of the Zerocoin people in developing the original Zerocoin, however they have apparently chosen to ignore our communications, for unknown reasons.  Fortunately, I have the knowledge needed to implement this without their help.  :D

It is reasonable to ask why we are working on implementing the old Zerocoin when the cryptographers responsible for it are working on their own alt-coin implementing a new idea.  There are two reasons: 1) there is no way of knowing for sure that this new Zerocash coin will be released on time, or will work correctly, and there is strong demand for a truly anonymous crypto-currency ASAP; and 2) the new Zerocash may be fatally dependent on a trustworthy party for setting up the initial parameters, as is suggested by my readings about zkSNARKs.  It is an incredible stroke of luck that a workaround exists to this problem for the old Zerocoin (so-called "RSA UFOs", which I am working on at present), and it is likely that no workaround exists for Zerocash.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: haggis on February 13, 2014, 03:40:49 PM
Why did the devs of the old Zerocoin abondon their idea? In case of a lack of security it wouldn't be a smart idea to adopt it into ANC, is it?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Geenstijl on February 13, 2014, 03:49:16 PM
Anoncoin on BTC38! plz :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on February 13, 2014, 10:25:15 PM
This is awesome! :)
Zerocoin update!
  Expect a release for testing Zerocoin sometime in March!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: FallingKnife on February 14, 2014, 09:47:44 PM
I've accumulated a stake at recent prices and intend to buy a more if it should go lower. There's a lot of reason to love anoncoin at these prices.

- It's completely undervalued.
- At just 4.2 million coins max, placing anoncoin into a "rare" coin category (<5 million), an increasingly attractive altcoin niche (as btg and uno have proven recently).
- The devs have faithfully stayed with this coin since it's launch. They are active and communicative. Some coins (like astrocoin) the devs are gone within weeks of launch; anoncoin devs have demonstrated their commitment and maturity, withstanding the usual flames/hate/noobs that drive other teams to drugs.
- A direction for development as been articulated for anoncoin.
- Major improvements are planned for release, according to communication from the dev team. This will cause people to take a second look.
- Anoncoin is contributing to the state of the art of anonymous participation in a public p2p value transfer network; this work is open source and will benefit the entire crypto community. So what? It means that this project is important, not the usual yac.
- The devs were prescient in anticipating the need for this kind of approach to crypto, as Russia and other countries are proving now in real time.
- many recent coin launches have been only about the pre-mine and take no meaningful stand whatsoever, anoncoin has put themselves in squarely into the discussion about your privacy and anonymity -- this is clearly a mission, and not cheap a pump & dump scheme.
- There is an active community of supporters, miners, pools.
- This coin is vetted and tested in the real world; it's a known quantity, not a risky p&d scheme
- Anoncoin is liquid, listed on the immensely important Cryptsy exchange, and others.

This coin is set to explode, and I want to be part of that. I'm in at .003 an I expect to ride Anoncoin to .03 and beyond, and lend my support along the way.

This is a special coin, limited mintage, great dev team, important mission, and now we can buy in at a great price.  All this coin needs is a bit of good news, and people will quickly see that in a world of 200+ altcoins, this one stands out.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Gnosis- on February 15, 2014, 06:57:39 PM
Why did the devs of the old Zerocoin abondon their idea? In case of a lack of security it wouldn't be a smart idea to adopt it into ANC, is it?

It's not a lack of security. In fact, in the original Zerocoin paper, they proved that the difficulty of forging coins or de-anonymizing coin spends depends on standard cryptographic hardness assumptions.  In other words, no easier to break than breaking RSA or Diffie-Hellman with suitable key lengths.

They abandoned it because of the size of Zerocoin spend transactions, mainly.

I think it is a good idea to adopt this into ANC because I have a BitTorrent-like idea for dealing with the size of spend transactions that should make this a non-issue; and because the new Zerocash has potentially insoluble trusted party dependency, which is contrary to the decentralized and trustless nature of crypto-currencies.

Also, it is not possible to integrate Zerocash into ANC even if we wanted to, since they have said they will not release the paper on it until ~May 18.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: theskillzdatklls on February 15, 2014, 09:42:09 PM
Is there any site around offering this coin with any level of volume? Cryptsy and vircurex seem worthless.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: sparta_cuss on February 18, 2014, 03:09:35 AM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: CoinHoarder on February 18, 2014, 03:40:31 AM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: dapper3 on February 18, 2014, 02:34:20 PM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)
Yes, please. That would be an interesting read.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on February 20, 2014, 10:40:01 AM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)
Yes, please. That would be an interesting read.

I can't find a coin named darkcoin. Just a preannounce.

Anyway, Anoncoin plans both. Including i2pd built-in.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: niteglider on February 20, 2014, 03:20:30 PM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)
Yes, please. That would be an interesting read.

I can't find a coin named darkcoin. Just a preannounce.

Anyway, Anoncoin plans both. Including i2pd built-in.

So, just to be clear.... Anoncoin is going to go forward with protocols to protect privacy rather than create another digital coin to do so, right?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on February 20, 2014, 08:15:34 PM
So, just to be clear.... Anoncoin is going to go forward with protocols to protect privacy rather than create another digital coin to do so, right?

Yes we will not create a new coin, but implement in current.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Gnosis- on February 21, 2014, 08:22:49 AM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)

CoinJoin has questionable anonymity compared to Zerocoin.  The reason is that with CoinJoin, two or more users must somehow partner up and forge a transaction together.  They communicate over a secure channel to do this.  The coins are only mixed among these "partners."  Picking partners you can trust is a significant obstacle: how can you know that your partners will "forget" the mixing that happened?  One may try to repeat this 10 times with randomly chosen partners, but how can you know that your partners are not all just sock puppets of one malicious entity (on an anonymous network, it is trivial to create as many fake users as you want[1])?  If that is the case, then your efforts are in vain.

Compare this with Zerocoin, where you put your coins in an accumulator, and they are mixed with the coins of all users who have put coins into that accumulator, since the beginning of Zerocoin.  There would be a different accumulator for different denominations of Anoncoins (1, 5, 10, 50 ANC, etc.).

To put it simply, the more users' coins your coins are mixed with, the more anonymity you have.

I cannot speak to Darkcoin's implementation (or planned implementation) of CoinJoin since I cannot seem to find any specs or code on their Github or their site.  If anyone knows, please point me to them.


[1] Otherwise known as a Sybil attack: (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: eduffield on February 21, 2014, 03:33:51 PM
Can someone explain for the non-programmers/non-cryptographers what is the difference between Anoncoin and Darkcoin, please?

Darkcoin plans to use "CoinJoin":

Anoncoin plans to use Zerocoin:

I'm not sure on which is more anonymous.. I think we should start a debate thread perhaps. :)

CoinJoin has questionable anonymity compared to Zerocoin.  The reason is that with CoinJoin, two or more users must somehow partner up and forge a transaction together.  They communicate over a secure channel to do this.  The coins are only mixed among these "partners."  Picking partners you can trust is a significant obstacle: how can you know that your partners will "forget" the mixing that happened?  One may try to repeat this 10 times with randomly chosen partners, but how can you know that your partners are not all just sock puppets of one malicious entity (on an anonymous network, it is trivial to create as many fake users as you want[1])?  If that is the case, then your efforts are in vain.

Compare this with Zerocoin, where you put your coins in an accumulator, and they are mixed with the coins of all users who have put coins into that accumulator, since the beginning of Zerocoin.  There would be a different accumulator for different denominations of Anoncoins (1, 5, 10, 50 ANC, etc.).

To put it simply, the more users' coins your coins are mixed with, the more anonymity you have.

I cannot speak to Darkcoin's implementation (or planned implementation) of CoinJoin since I cannot seem to find any specs or code on their Github or their site.  If anyone knows, please point me to them.


[1] Otherwise known as a Sybil attack: (

I replied here:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: sparta_cuss on February 24, 2014, 02:02:38 PM
Excellent interview. I'm not technical, and this is exactly the kind of explanation that makes sense to me.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on March 05, 2014, 03:39:34 PM
My updates on the Zerocoin progress: (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on March 09, 2014, 04:59:22 PM
Anoncoin is now available in PPA and Debian repository!

PPA (Ubuntu only):

Anoncoin has also been added to the I2P Debian/Ubuntu repository, URLs for your release could be found here

Many thanks to KillYourTV from the I2P team for this!

Also, Gnosis has spoken more about the Zerocoin implementation:

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: matthewh3 on March 10, 2014, 03:47:08 PM
Anoncoin is now available in PPA and Debian repository!

PPA (Ubuntu only):

Anoncoin has also been added to the I2P Debian/Ubuntu repository, URLs for your release could be found here

Many thanks to KillYourTV from the I2P team for this!

Also, Gnosis has spoken more about the Zerocoin implementation:

Cool, I think you should list the PPA and repository in the OP along with the Windows binaries link.  As I just spent hours messing around with QT-creator unsuccessfully until I found this post.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Mikellev on March 12, 2014, 09:02:46 PM

0% fee - nothing less!

New pool for your Anoncoin - Come mine with us now.

for our complete list of supported coins, visit (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on March 14, 2014, 11:51:27 PM
New Design of Anoncoin blockexplorer forked from Abe has been published at

Please feel free to use this to create blockchain explorer of anoncoin.
Will be adding more improvements in the design within next couple of weeks  ;D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on March 17, 2014, 06:25:46 PM
Link to new block explorer : (
A Block: (
A Transaction : (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: darrahity on March 17, 2014, 07:39:48 PM
No I can not find a version of stratum that works with this rolled back wallet Sad
Still digging, they all crash the wallet.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on March 19, 2014, 09:45:23 PM
No I can not find a version of stratum that works with this rolled back wallet Sad
Still digging, they all crash the wallet.

Try .. I've never had problem with that :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: gostrol on March 25, 2014, 02:32:42 PM
Strangely ANCblockchain's adresses all start by KXWc9osG and not by A...

Also few days ago it was more like, now it is like ABE

Would be nice to go back to the style and with correct ANC address IMHO :D

Link to new block explorer : (
A Block: (
A Transaction : (

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on March 26, 2014, 09:07:36 AM
Strangely ANCblockchain's adresses all start by KXWc9osG and not by A...

Also few days ago it was more like, now it is like ABE

Would be nice to go back to the style and with correct ANC address IMHO :D

Link to new block explorer : (
A Block: (
A Transaction : (

Lol, you're right.

geekz: can you set the prefix to 23? (I will contact him in other ways too)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on March 26, 2014, 08:16:49 PM
Strangely ANCblockchain's adresses all start by KXWc9osG and not by A...

Also few days ago it was more like, now it is like ABE

Would be nice to go back to the style and with correct ANC address IMHO :D

Link to new block explorer : (
A Block: (
A Transaction : (

Lol, you're right.

geekz: can you set the prefix to 23? (I will contact him in other ways too)

What do you mean by prefix 23? Can you please help me with that?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on March 26, 2014, 10:27:16 PM
Strangely ANCblockchain's adresses all start by KXWc9osG and not by A...

Also few days ago it was more like, now it is like ABE

Would be nice to go back to the style and with correct ANC address IMHO :D

Link to new block explorer : (
A Block: (
A Transaction : (

Lol, you're right.

geekz: can you set the prefix to 23? (I will contact him in other ways too)

What do you mean by prefix 23? Can you please help me with that?
"address" version, see base58.h this makes the addresses show up correct

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on March 28, 2014, 08:32:10 AM
Finally , the design is back with few improvements at
Now the most important part is to get the addresses and hashes correct.  ;D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Spekulatius on March 29, 2014, 12:31:45 PM
Are there any problems now or in the future we can already anticipate, like Bitcoin wiki's Weaknesses: ?
I would love to learn more about it.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on March 30, 2014, 12:06:59 PM
Finally, i can proudly announce that is ready  ;D with all the latest feature.
I have sent pull requests to ABE , so very soon it will have the new design in built in abe explorer.

Let me know , what new feature you want to see in blockchain explorer.   also provide your feedback.  ;D

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: meeh on March 31, 2014, 03:04:52 PM
Finally, i can proudly announce that is ready  ;D with all the latest feature.
I have sent pull requests to ABE , so very soon it will have the new design in built in abe explorer.

Let me know , what new feature you want to see in blockchain explorer.   also provide your feedback.  ;D

Awesome! I will update the offical explorer with the new style as soon as possible :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on April 03, 2014, 06:47:54 PM
Finally, i can proudly announce that is ready  ;D with all the latest feature.
I have sent pull requests to ABE , so very soon it will have the new design in built in abe explorer.

Let me know , what new feature you want to see in blockchain explorer.   also provide your feedback.  ;D

Awesome! I will update the offical explorer with the new style as soon as possible :)

Great. You can also add ( in blockchain list of the official site. Also should the anonymous logo be taken as anoncoin's official logo?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: tz on April 09, 2014, 02:28:46 PM
All the links (wallet, website, forum) listed in the OP are dead. What's going on?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on April 09, 2014, 09:13:40 PM
All the links (wallet, website, forum) listed in the OP are dead. What's going on?
Yes. the site has been redesigned. Check out this : ( for download.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: tz on April 10, 2014, 08:39:13 AM
All the links (wallet, website, forum) listed in the OP are dead. What's going on?
Yes. the site has been redesigned. Check out this : ( for download.


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: minerador on May 06, 2014, 05:14:54 AM
I know devs must be quite occupied with zerocoin and i2pd implementations (good luck with that by the way). Still I feel a comment from them on the following topic is rather important.

What you plan to do about scrypt ASICs coming to scene and the increased possibility of a 51% attack?

As of today Anoncoin has little more than 1 GH/s of network hashrate ( Scrypt ASIC manufacturers are promising devices delivering up to 250 MH/s for the second or third quarter of the current year. Thus, it will be quite easy for an individual miner to do a 51% attack (even now it's easy for a multipool).
Are you planing something to prevent this? Changing PoW to an ASIC resistant algorithm like scrypt-n or to Multi-PoW like Myriad? Changing to PoS or PoW/PoS?

In order to integrate zerocoin an hard fork will be needed. Shouldn't you use this opportunity to also address the PoW issue?

Sorry if this has been asked before. If so, please point me to your previous answer.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on May 06, 2014, 08:46:58 AM
I know devs must be quite occupied with zerocoin and i2pd implementations (good luck with that by the way). Still I feel a comment from them on the following topic is rather important.

What you plan to do about scrypt ASICs coming to scene and the increased possibility of a 51% attack?

As of today Anoncoin has little more than 1 GH/s of network hashrate ( Scrypt ASIC manufacturers are promising devices delivering up to 250 MH/s for the second or third quarter of the current year. Thus, it will be quite easy for an individual miner to do a 51% attack (even now it's easy for a multipool).
Are you planing something to prevent this? Changing PoW to an ASIC resistant algorithm like scrypt-n or to Multi-PoW like Myriad? Changing to PoS or PoW/PoS?

In order to integrate zerocoin an hard fork will be needed. Shouldn't you use this opportunity to also address the PoW issue?

Sorry if this has been asked before. If so, please point me to your previous answer.
Currently there is no ASIC resistant algorithm expect XPM (as its complicate to calculate different kinds of chains including the sieving itself).
I think changing to another PoW is a good idea, but not some "butthurt GPU miner algo". ie, no scrypt-jane/scrypt-n/similiar.

For example, if you look at the scrypt coins when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N. Once N is changes, the ASIC technology is so old that nobody will use them anymore.

Of course i do have alot of GPUs myself too, but i aint greedy. I dont want to say "lets use this algo (so i can mine it with my GPUs, hehehe)" as otherwise this coin would be just worthless like all the others.

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining. The downsides is, you can mine anoncoins for free as you dont have to choose between coin X and ANC (in case we stay with scrypt and both are scrypt coins).
Therefore value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.

Il talk with Gnosis about some Ideas i have wrt PoW algo and with meeh about PoS in general.

Sry for spitting out such a huge post, it had to be said.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: minerador on May 06, 2014, 02:35:30 PM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
linkfee ( ( ( (

Note: P2Pool is PPLNS.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on May 06, 2014, 04:42:10 PM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
Multi-PoW isnt a good idea wrt security. more attack vectors.

All the ANC ive mined has come from running p2pool locally and pointing my miners onto it.
P2Pool isnt made for noobs/morons, thats why it fails to be big as normal pools.
Mining on a public p2pool node is also bad, the pool op can screw you in many ways. Also it dosnt help decentralization.

Is there currently a "guide" for beginners on how to mine ANC with P2Pool? If its done well (example -> we donate some coins for it (includes maintaining the thread too).

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on May 06, 2014, 07:18:45 PM
For anyone who wants to host Anoncoin Blockchain Explorer here is the code with new design as in (

You can download the latest code for anoncoin here :!DBxA3KxL!EFZX0iO5q03vN9yc-iRcn5GBUHX50ggDcnEGyAEmkTY (!DBxA3KxL!EFZX0iO5q03vN9yc-iRcn5GBUHX50ggDcnEGyAEmkTY)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Hippie Tech on May 07, 2014, 09:04:47 PM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
Multi-PoW isnt a good idea wrt security. more attack vectors.

All the ANC ive mined has come from running p2pool locally and pointing my miners onto it.
P2Pool isnt made for noobs/morons, thats why it fails to be big as normal pools.
Mining on a public p2pool node is also bad, the pool op can screw you in many ways. Also it dosnt help decentralization.

Is there currently a "guide" for beginners on how to mine ANC with P2Pool? If its done well (example -> we donate some coins for it (includes maintaining the thread too).

When you say, "pool op can screw you in many ways", do you mean things like :
- alternate payout addys
- "orphans"
- blocks that pay out 10% of normal reward
- extremely high minimum share difficulty
- extremely fast share expiry rate ect..

Can you tell that I've had my fill ? heh...

Are there any plans to integrate P2P with the client ?

Make it 'turn key' and us noobs :P (f the morons ;D ) will flock to Anoncoin. lol

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on May 07, 2014, 09:07:27 PM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
Multi-PoW isnt a good idea wrt security. more attack vectors.

All the ANC ive mined has come from running p2pool locally and pointing my miners onto it.
P2Pool isnt made for noobs/morons, thats why it fails to be big as normal pools.
Mining on a public p2pool node is also bad, the pool op can screw you in many ways. Also it dosnt help decentralization.

Is there currently a "guide" for beginners on how to mine ANC with P2Pool? If its done well (example -> we donate some coins for it (includes maintaining the thread too).

When you say, "pool op can screw you in many ways", do you mean things like :
- alternate payout addys
- "orphans"
- blocks that pay out 10% of normal reward
- extremely high minimum share difficulty
- extremely fast share expiry rate ect..

Can you tell that I've had my fill ? heh...

Are there any plans to integrate P2P with the client ?

Make it 'turn key' and us noobs :P (f the morons ;D ) will flock to Anoncoin. lol
Yes, things like that.

Do you mean shipping p2pool WITH the ANC QT client?

PS: "morons" wasnt ment as insult, more like a objective view. in case you feel insulted, excuse me ;)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Hippie Tech on May 08, 2014, 01:58:05 AM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
Multi-PoW isnt a good idea wrt security. more attack vectors.

All the ANC ive mined has come from running p2pool locally and pointing my miners onto it.
P2Pool isnt made for noobs/morons, thats why it fails to be big as normal pools.
Mining on a public p2pool node is also bad, the pool op can screw you in many ways. Also it dosnt help decentralization.

Is there currently a "guide" for beginners on how to mine ANC with P2Pool? If its done well (example -> we donate some coins for it (includes maintaining the thread too).

When you say, "pool op can screw you in many ways", do you mean things like :
- alternate payout addys
- "orphans"
- blocks that pay out 10% of normal reward
- extremely high minimum share difficulty
- extremely fast share expiry rate ect..

Can you tell that I've had my fill ? heh...

Are there any plans to integrate P2P with the client ?

Make it 'turn key' and us noobs :P (f the morons ;D ) will flock to Anoncoin. lol
Yes, things like that.

Do you mean shipping p2pool WITH the ANC QT client?

PS: "morons" wasnt ment as insult, more like a objective view. in case you feel insulted, excuse me ;)

None taken. heh..

Yup.. and done right.. it would make traditional pools a thing of the past. :)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on May 08, 2014, 02:03:40 PM
[...] when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N [...]

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining.  The downsides is, [...] value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.
I see your point on the "butthurt GPU miner algos" and also agree that merged mining would have a bad effect on the coin's value. Maybe Multi-PoW is a good solution for Anoncoin. Take a look at this: Multi-PoWs: converting an Exclusive, Fragmented CryptoLand into an Inclusive, Decentralization CryptoUtopia (

On another topic: Anoncoin miner's community doesn't seem aware of P2Pool, is that so?

When P2Pool is available, as is the case with Anoncoin, if find no arguments in favour of using a centralized pool. Quoting the P2Pool Bitcoin wiki article (, "Decentralized payout pooling solves the problem of centralized mining pools degrading the decentralization of Bitcoin and avoids the risk of hard to detect theft by pool operators. ".

May you should list the following P2Pool nodes on your Comparison of mining pools (
Multi-PoW isnt a good idea wrt security. more attack vectors.

All the ANC ive mined has come from running p2pool locally and pointing my miners onto it.
P2Pool isnt made for noobs/morons, thats why it fails to be big as normal pools.
Mining on a public p2pool node is also bad, the pool op can screw you in many ways. Also it dosnt help decentralization.

Is there currently a "guide" for beginners on how to mine ANC with P2Pool? If its done well (example -> we donate some coins for it (includes maintaining the thread too).

When you say, "pool op can screw you in many ways", do you mean things like :
- alternate payout addys
- "orphans"
- blocks that pay out 10% of normal reward
- extremely high minimum share difficulty
- extremely fast share expiry rate ect..

Can you tell that I've had my fill ? heh...

Are there any plans to integrate P2P with the client ?

Make it 'turn key' and us noobs :P (f the morons ;D ) will flock to Anoncoin. lol
Yes, things like that.

Do you mean shipping p2pool WITH the ANC QT client?

PS: "morons" wasnt ment as insult, more like a objective view. in case you feel insulted, excuse me ;)

None taken. heh..

Yup.. and done right.. it would make traditional pools a thing of the past. :)
Ive put it on my "TODO/DISCUSS" list for the team. Will get back to it once i know if its feasible.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on June 04, 2014, 02:22:42 PM
Started working on anoncoinj using (
Let me know , if anyone can help.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: geekz on June 06, 2014, 11:12:00 PM
Guys new Anoncoin Pool with great rewards and 0 fee has been published. Check our here : (

Another new pool is here : (
Please join and share your views.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: matthewh3 on June 08, 2014, 08:45:39 PM
I know devs must be quite occupied with zerocoin and i2pd implementations (good luck with that by the way). Still I feel a comment from them on the following topic is rather important.

What you plan to do about scrypt ASICs coming to scene and the increased possibility of a 51% attack?

As of today Anoncoin has little more than 1 GH/s of network hashrate ( Scrypt ASIC manufacturers are promising devices delivering up to 250 MH/s for the second or third quarter of the current year. Thus, it will be quite easy for an individual miner to do a 51% attack (even now it's easy for a multipool).
Are you planing something to prevent this? Changing PoW to an ASIC resistant algorithm like scrypt-n or to Multi-PoW like Myriad? Changing to PoS or PoW/PoS?

In order to integrate zerocoin an hard fork will be needed. Shouldn't you use this opportunity to also address the PoW issue?

Sorry if this has been asked before. If so, please point me to your previous answer.
Currently there is no ASIC resistant algorithm expect XPM (as its complicate to calculate different kinds of chains including the sieving itself).
I think changing to another PoW is a good idea, but not some "butthurt GPU miner algo". ie, no scrypt-jane/scrypt-n/similiar.

For example, if you look at the scrypt coins when they change their N parameter for the scrypt() call, there are years between switches so you can just create an ASIC for current N. Once N is changes, the ASIC technology is so old that nobody will use them anymore.

Of course i do have alot of GPUs myself too, but i aint greedy. I dont want to say "lets use this algo (so i can mine it with my GPUs, hehehe)" as otherwise this coin would be just worthless like all the others.

One thing which protects against 51% attacks is MergedMining. The downsides is, you can mine anoncoins for free as you dont have to choose between coin X and ANC (in case we stay with scrypt and both are scrypt coins).
Therefore value itself would drop dramaticly and we would screw over all our investors.

Il talk with Gnosis about some Ideas i have wrt PoW algo and with meeh about PoS in general.

Sry for spitting out such a huge post, it had to be said.

I think merged-mining is the way to go and maybe reduce the block reward if needed to maintain the price.  Or possibly go X11 if you want to keep it all GPU mined, but again I'd suggest merged-mining.  No permissions from other coins devs is needed to implement merged-mining BTW.  Also X11 ASIC's will come out sooner rather than later.  So you may as well just go straight to merged-mining on Scrypt and like I said you could always reduce the block reward.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: eternalgloom on June 15, 2014, 05:26:32 PM
Any reason why the supply is so low (looking at cryptsy)?
Not saying this is a bad thing, just curious.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: crackfoo on June 17, 2014, 03:48:24 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: matthewh3 on June 21, 2014, 05:25:03 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!

It would be better and I would use your X11 multipool if it actually paid out in ANC.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Red Star Mining on June 21, 2014, 05:32:40 PM
We should have 1(GH/s) of Scrypt rigs due in the next four to six weeks.  If your merged the chain with LTC we'd solo merge-mine it until the big pools pick it up.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on June 21, 2014, 08:38:02 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!
yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: crackfoo on June 21, 2014, 10:57:16 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!
yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Pardon moi?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Hippie Tech on June 22, 2014, 01:41:24 AM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!
yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Pardon moi?

I think he meant coin hopping, "let us do the driving" parasitic infection that allegedly has DDoS protection. :P

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on June 22, 2014, 07:47:26 AM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

xpool - BTC Multipool (
PROP reward system
BTC Payouts
Scrypt & SHA256 Algo's
DDoS Protected
High Performance Backend
Simple setup and usage
0% Fees while in BETA
To mine: (
Cheers and Happy Hashing!
yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Pardon moi?

I think he meant coin hopping, "let us do the driving" parasitic infection that allegedly has DDoS protection. :P
No, you can screw other ppls which regularely mine at a pool if the payout system is proportional (to get more infos, check pool hopping, its almost extinct).
DDoS protection in generals is a dream which major flaws, unless you have huge amounts of money at your disposal

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Hippie Tech on June 22, 2014, 12:28:53 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Pardon moi?

I think he meant coin hopping, "let us do the driving" parasitic infection that allegedly has DDoS protection. :P
No, you can screw other ppls which regularely mine at a pool if the payout system is proportional (to get more infos, check pool hopping, its almost extinct).
DDoS protection in generals is a dream which major flaws, unless you have huge amounts of money at your disposal

Pool hopping the coin hoppers. lolz..

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: crackfoo on June 22, 2014, 01:37:05 PM
Hey ya'll, I've added ANC to my new Multipool. Would love to have some miners stop by and mine! 0% fees while in beta!

yey Pool hopping and fake "DDoS Protection" :)
marketing nowadays...

Pardon moi?

I think he meant coin hopping, "let us do the driving" parasitic infection that allegedly has DDoS protection. :P
No, you can screw other ppls which regularely mine at a pool if the payout system is proportional (to get more infos, check pool hopping, its almost extinct).
DDoS protection in generals is a dream which major flaws, unless you have huge amounts of money at your disposal

Pool hopping the coin hoppers. lolz..

Pool hopping on multi pool is pretty much irrelevant anyway.  The pool runs on shifts and you don't get the block reward anyway only what coverts to the payout coin.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: smallbear on June 28, 2014, 04:41:11 PM
This post is really old

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: imar2014 on June 30, 2014, 12:32:30 AM
I've only got 3 connections, does anyone have any more node IP's i can add please ? Withdrawls take days to show up...

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on June 30, 2014, 06:16:48 AM
I've only got 3 connections, does anyone have any more node IP's i can add please ? Withdrawls take days to show up...
this is the fault of the shitty exchange your using. 1 connection to the p2p network would be enough to recieve transactions.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: imar2014 on June 30, 2014, 11:28:22 AM
I've only got 3 connections, does anyone have any more node IP's i can add please ? Withdrawls take days to show up...
this is the fault of the shitty exchange your using. 1 connection to the p2p network would be enough to recieve transactions.

yep agreed, I havent been on Cryptsy for some time and believe it or not have never had a problem with them other than some slows....ive got a few hundred ANC im trying to rescue there, lesson learnt.

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: matthewh3 on July 02, 2014, 07:28:08 PM
Is Anoncoin still in the I2p repository as i can't find it?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: btcsup on July 15, 2014, 04:26:02 AM
Is anoncoin really anon and is it better than SuperSend of supercoin?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on July 15, 2014, 07:48:49 PM
Is anoncoin really anon and is it better than SuperSend of supercoin?
SuperSend? cmon! maybe we should rename transactions to SuperExtremeStealthTransaction, some ppl would definately buy up ANC in this case...

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: btcsup on July 17, 2014, 04:45:16 AM
Is anoncoin really anon and is it better than SuperSend of supercoin?
SuperSend? cmon! maybe we should rename transactions to SuperExtremeStealthTransaction, some ppl would definated buy up ANC in this case...
Agree there are so much hypes, but SuperSend really works. They developed their own mixer technology

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: kalisto on July 18, 2014, 03:18:51 PM
Is anoncoin really anon and is it better than SuperSend of supercoin?
SuperSend? cmon! maybe we should rename transactions to SuperExtremeStealthTransaction, some ppl would definated buy up ANC in this case...
Agree there are so much hypes, but SuperSend really works. They developed their own mixer technology

The tool will be released in the next weeks. It scrutinizes every available mixing technology (ZC, Ring Signatures, Delegation excluded)  ;)

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: statdude on September 16, 2014, 11:37:35 PM
Is anywhere a chart of anoncoins mined/in existence?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 26, 2014, 10:30:48 PM

does this have the latest release?

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: Arrakeen on February 08, 2016, 12:02:47 AM
Is there a new thread for ANC?

It's alive and kicking over at  :o

Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on February 08, 2016, 12:51:17 AM

does this have the latest release?


Title: Re: Official Anoncoin Information, FAQ & Description thread. I2P/Tor explained [Mod]
Post by: K1773R on February 08, 2016, 12:54:18 AM
Is there a new thread for ANC?

It's alive and kicking over at  :o
the main thread is this one: