Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: BitcoinEXpress on October 26, 2013, 08:37:18 AM

Title: delete
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on October 26, 2013, 08:37:18 AM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: digitalindustry on October 26, 2013, 10:45:52 AM
Ha ha im witnessing a unique political effect directly related to the aspects of a deflationary investment vehicle,  in an inflationary economy.

Quite interesting,  maybe he can claim its the economy fault ha ha .

I joke , but this predates me on this forum , but interesting to see the direct relationship between what people are/were willing to give then as to say for example the Primecoin donation for that miner.  As they value this capital. 

Everything seems to be where it should be, which means the market finds this balance quite nicely,  as I said beautiful in operation .

Just a question,  was his name " Realsolid"  when the community gave him 250 BTC ?

It just gets better ha ha .

Still not beating the guy that called himself a Pirate name and started an investment company that closely copied the name of a famous bankruptcy.  

Thats still number 1.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Carra23 on October 26, 2013, 06:07:58 PM
If the 250 BTC is stolen, it still can be traced. Did any of the donators follow the BTC trail?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Loki8 on October 26, 2013, 07:55:31 PM
Do you know many surveys showed that people who cheat have more chance of succeeding in life. Nobody ever got rich being honest (words of Danny DeVito).

RS is a smart scammer and the scam victims are often tagged as greedy and stupid.

But who are the worst? smart scammers or gullible people who believe in Father Christmas?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: freequant on October 26, 2013, 08:58:46 PM
It's been a while we hadn't seen a bit of BCX vs RealSolid public drama!
BCX, why don't you see if you can DDoS his exchange? ;)

Reminds me of the good old times where this subforum was actually readable instead of being filled with a continous flow of new altcoins garbage.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ahmed_bodi on October 26, 2013, 09:11:52 PM
plz dont bcx but +10000 to you it should be repaid its just another strike atm against the legality of RS and McxNow

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Tomatocage on October 26, 2013, 09:40:38 PM
It's been a while we hadn't seen a bit of BCX vs RealSolid public drama!
BCX, why don't you see if you can DDoS his exchange? ;)

Reminds me of the good old times where this subforum was actually readable instead of being filled with a continous flow of new altcoins garbage.

You mean the time when it was 90% about Solidcoin?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: defaced on October 26, 2013, 10:07:42 PM
It's been a while we hadn't seen a bit of BCX vs RealSolid public drama!
BCX, why don't you see if you can DDoS his exchange? ;)

Reminds me of the good old times where this subforum was actually readable instead of being filled with a continous flow of new altcoins garbage.

You mean the time when it was 90% about Solidcoin?

ohhh those days.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: challen on October 27, 2013, 12:16:42 AM
Sure he could probably return 250btc without a sweat now, but I believe the main thing keeping him from returning anything is it would be somewhat akin to admission of guilt, even though many eyes already see it that way. If he does return the coins though, it would at least be a step forward for some in the crypto-community to begin healing from past grievances.

Either way, the longer he stays in the crypto-community through his exchange, microcash or any other ideas he comes up with, the chances of his identity being revealed increases. The question is, how much backlash will he get when that finally happens?

RS, you'll probably end up reading this at some point. Return the bitcoin. It'll be a breath of fresh air to make good on your debts and likely help your creative juices flow.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: QuantPlus on October 27, 2013, 12:25:34 AM

RS addressed this in the MCX Chat box about one hour ago:

arlossantana: @duffer1 what's this btcx business?
realsolid: lol
realsolid: dude
hannibalimhotep: It's all good
hannibalimhotep: I thought of an awesome new username I want to use there
duffer1: @karlossantana user bitcoinexpress on the forums has a hard on for rs
realsolid: i thikn i nearly got 8 hours sleep last night, amazing
6strings: hes going to end of on that A&E show about OCDs
hannibalimhotep: Lol
hannibalimhotep: I don't have OCD
hannibalimhotep: I have PAFD
hannibalimhotep: "Poor As Fuck Disorder"
karlossantana: @duffer1 you've got a funny url for me? :D
eeharris: @karlossantana btx claims rs absconded with 250 BTC in 2012. I think RS should give him market value of 250 BTC at the timeframe. 40K DVC? :)
6strings: get a jerb
hannibalimhotep: @6strings They terk my jerb
6strings: mer jerb
eeharris: He can trade it on his own and get his value for it.
hannibalimhotep: They took ma jerb
karlossantana: @eeharris some donation money for Microcash?
6strings: mjerb
hannibalimhotep: They took our jerbs
eeharris: @karlossantana Are you asking for donation money?
duffer1: @karlossantana it's somewhere in the altcoin talk section i don't care enou..
karlossantana: @eeharris I mean the 250 btc, were they donations for microcash?
6strings: @eeharris ftc would be more insulting imo lol
karlossantana: @duffer1 thanks man
realsolid: @karlossantana yes it was donations for microcash project
6strings: jesus christ pump xpm for the love of god. pump something. anything. im going to take another nap and come back. something better be pumped by then or im gonna kick someone in the nuts.....hannibal, prepare for impact.
eeharris: @karlossantana That and SolidCoin. RS said his wallet was hacked and no longer had access to the coin. But no one has ever identified any coin coming from that wallet. Maybe he did, but proof would be a nice thing.
realsolid: @eeharris no my wallet wasnt hacked, my mtgox account was
eeharris: Ah...apologies. I guess I can't believe everything btx says. ;)
realsolid: i wasnt using 2fa back on it then, im not really sure how they got access but weak ass mtgox security just let them withdraw about 200btc
realsolid: which at the time was worth like $2000
aurum: Twats trade with bots
eeharris: That's like a gazillion bucks now!
6strings: @realsolid, karpeles cashed them in to get his first copy of minecraft
hannibalimhotep: fa as in Flouro-Amphetamine? That's not good
realsolid: if you use any of those sites you really need 2fa because their fucking databases get leaked so often
master916: my only btc purchase so far was minecraft lol
hannibalimhotep: Oh, it's a security thing
master916: 0.1882 btc
eeharris: I'm sure that the cash you make here daily and could easily pinch from us has no bearing on whether it's a true story.
vipah: RS is the best scammer ever...he scams repeatedly and never for all that much .. I mean what sort of idiot would do it like that? BitCoinDepressed in on to something
realsolid: i got another 50btc for microcash donations this year, but i havent touched that yet
hannibalimhotep: What is it for?
realsolid: funny that you wait a year and 5times less btc is worth double what i received in donations the year before
eeharris: I see Ahmed joined that discussion as well.
realsolid: or maybe 4x now
eeharris: Yeah, just wait until next year when DVC will rule the world.
hannibalimhotep: @eeharris VIVA DEVCOIN!!!!!
realsolid: @hannibalimhotep microcash needs a bit of money to get rolling due to the thin client design, nede a couple servers at least
master916: it never will...
eeharris: "Buy Devcoin." -Margaret "DVC" Thatcher
hannibalimhotep: @realsolid What is micro cash? A new coin?
realsolid: but this was before mcxnow made so much money so im not sure if ill really use that 50btc in donations
hannibalimhotep: @eeharris LOL
hannibalimhotep: @realsolid You should just use it in Advetising
realsolid: @hannibalimhotep nextgen cryptocurrency ive been workign on for some time
davidpate: anybody want to buy 1200fees and pay me in ltc?
hannibalimhotep: @realsolid I think more Coins need things implemented in them like Devcoin, where a percentage goes towards a project
eeharris: 1:1 DVC. I'm in.
realsolid: yeah im worried about releasing microcash really
master916: sure just let me buy 1 btc worth of ltc and ill trade it to you for the 1200 fees
hannibalimhotep: Ex: a coin that has a script that counts up chat posts, the more you post without bans, the nore you get paid or something
teletran01: Nobody minting Federation coins for the inevitable episode of Big Bang Theory?
realsolid: @davidpate 1200ltc deal
eeharris: It's not like you can't afford it. Take a risk, davidpate. Trade you for DVC.
realsolid: @hannibalimhotep all these bitcoin based things arent really suitable for currency use in my opinion
realsolid: microcash is designed to do thousands of transactions per second on commodity hardware and not get bloated
master916: I hear you there, I like the idea but they are not there yet
hannibalimhotep: @realsolid They need purpose. Bitcoin is the coin, now we just need to make stuff that people want.
realsolid: bitcoin is like digital gold
hannibalimhotep: Like the MCXfees, that makes it where people can buy site shares basically. It's a PURPOSE
davidpate: @realsolid hahaha toss my salad fag
eeharris: Ewww.
realsolid: @davidpate you just jelly my jet is bigger
** LOTTO **: ivanb has won a free day of pro trading and 0.008 MNC, 0.005 BTC, 0.005 LTC, 0.022 SC, 4.971 DVC, 0.338 WDC, 0.069 XPM, 0.019 CL, 0.001 PPC, 0.004 FTC
** LOTTO **: To get a lotto ticket buy any of the coins on the exchange.
master916: @davidpate seems i can only afford 77 ltc so rs has the better deal
davidpate: @master916 77 sounds great!!
realsolid: @hannibalimhotep i agree with you about things needing a purpose
master916: ok sign me up
realsolid: but the key to a successful digital currency in my opinion is the technology has to be good enough
hannibalimhotep: And if people could earn a coin for chatting here, you could bring completely impovershed people into the coin community @realsolid
realsolid: and it has to be free
hannibalimhotep: Or something like that
hannibalimhotep: Exactly
eeharris: @davidpate How many mcxFEE for 1 million DVC?
davidpate: RS i need to make some cash so start one of you epic pumps

Title: Re: delete
Post by: smoothie on October 27, 2013, 12:50:27 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Wolf0 on October 27, 2013, 02:33:29 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.

So am I.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Hazard on October 27, 2013, 03:01:47 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.
I'd sooner bet on pirateat40 returning stolen funds.

RS is a funny case. The only people who trust him are the ones who weren't around for all the shit he did, aka the 2013 crew. :D Some people gotta learn the hard way I guess.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Wolf0 on October 27, 2013, 06:20:40 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.
I'd sooner bet on pirateat40 returning stolen funds.

RS is a funny case. The only people who trust him are the ones who weren't around for all the shit he did, aka the 2013 crew. :D Some people gotta learn the hard way I guess.

Funny, looking at your profile...

Date Registered:    April 17, 2013, 01:34:16 PM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Hazard on October 27, 2013, 06:24:49 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.
I'd sooner bet on pirateat40 returning stolen funds.

RS is a funny case. The only people who trust him are the ones who weren't around for all the shit he did, aka the 2013 crew. :D Some people gotta learn the hard way I guess.

Funny, looking at your profile...

Date Registered:    April 17, 2013, 01:34:16 PM
Because having more than one account is an impossibility ::)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Wolf0 on October 27, 2013, 06:56:31 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.
I'd sooner bet on pirateat40 returning stolen funds.

RS is a funny case. The only people who trust him are the ones who weren't around for all the shit he did, aka the 2013 crew. :D Some people gotta learn the hard way I guess.

Funny, looking at your profile...

Date Registered:    April 17, 2013, 01:34:16 PM
Because having more than one account is an impossibility ::)

Not many reasons to have more than one account, unless you're a business... or a scammer.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: r3wt on October 27, 2013, 06:58:23 AM
Realsolid may be a scammer, i wasn't around back then, but atleast his shit actually works. It would take a busload of strippers swimming in henessee with 100 dollar bills for Cryptsy and Staff to get off their ass and fix something. that's whats grinding my gears. Now continue your rant BCX, i'm sure its warranted.

EDIT: Who's to say RealSolid actually coded anything or is an expert on anything? If he's collecting money for development, he's probably paying other people to do the work then coming on the internet acting like his shit don't stink, am i rite? something doesn't pass the "smell test"

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Carra23 on October 27, 2013, 07:03:29 AM
If the 250 BTC is stolen, it still can be traced. Did any of the donators follow the BTC trail?
Does anyone know the address? He might just be keeping them there, until he possibly disappears after MCXnow has been "hacked" and all funds stolen.  :D

The address can be easily traced if one of the donators tried.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: kelsey on October 27, 2013, 07:20:12 AM
Curious to know RS's response to the OP.
I'd sooner bet on pirateat40 returning stolen funds.

RS is a funny case. The only people who trust him are the ones who weren't around for all the shit he did, aka the 2013 crew. :D Some people gotta learn the hard way I guess.

Funny, looking at your profile...

Date Registered:    April 17, 2013, 01:34:16 PM
Because having more than one account is an impossibility ::)

The only 2013 crew who are old school are the previous known scammers  :o

Title: Re: delete
Post by: r3wt on October 27, 2013, 07:27:10 AM
He might not respond at all..

That's what I think will happen which clearly shows, he really doesn't care one way or another for the "community" he supposedly developed.

Well this is most likely. I'll feel sad for everyone once mcxnow dissapears..  :D

^BCX sockpuppet.

edit: since its a sock party, i'll invite a few of the "alters" over to party.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: extortion on October 27, 2013, 07:30:58 AM
r3wt and bcx, you are late on your payments. i'd hate to see a scam accusation popup. call realsolid what you will, but atleast he pays his extortion bill.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spoetnik on October 27, 2013, 10:00:37 AM
had no idea.. i have never set foot in mcx and never will.. don't like the guys involved with it never have.
Banning for coins ? lotto ?
wtf what is with that kiddy crap ?
Like you guys said earlier.. at least the place runs and works unlike Corruptsy hahaa
And sorry but i have as much faith in those orange colored named guys as i do RS.

I never heard this story before but it sure as hell seems to me the guy either
a) ripped people off
b) was hacked

either way he should pay the BTC back period. he doesn't he should be labbeled a scammer.

funny seeing him talk you can tell he's a slippery eel lol

Title: Re: delete
Post by: digitalindustry on October 27, 2013, 02:46:47 PM
had no idea.. i have never set foot in mcx and never will.. don't like the guys involved with it never have.
Banning for coins ? lotto ?
wtf what is with that kiddy crap ?
Like you guys said earlier.. at least the place runs and works unlike Corruptsy hahaa
And sorry but i have as much faith in those orange colored named guys as i do RS.

I never heard this story before but it sure as hell seems to me the guy either
a) ripped people off
b) was hacked

either way he should pay the BTC back period. he doesn't he should be labbeled a scammer.

funny seeing him talk you can tell he's a slippery eel lol

Ahh you are advertising cryptsy in your avatar,   but I agree I dont think id be trading on mxnow.

Cant recall anytime the Cryptsy crew ripped anyone off , that dude hacked my Caps but I gave that to them ha ha .

; D

BTCe for fiat  crypto x

Cryptsy for all the other little friends x

For every thing else there's our respective Federal Reserve banks looking after us,  making sure the labor you expend in your day to day life is being used effectivly as its transfered to them .

Title: Re: delete
Post by: SaltySpitoon on October 27, 2013, 06:01:08 PM
I'm confused, didn't he ask for 250 BTC in donations which he asked of people to help him take care of real life bills while he was developing Solidcoins? I remember it was a fairly large laugh, because at the time, Realsolid was trying to convince people that solidcoins were better than bitcoins, but yet he was asking for donations in bitcoins. But he never said he was going to pay back the 250 BTC I didn't think? It wasn't a loan, it was a donation request. If I remember correctly of course.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Buffer Overflow on October 27, 2013, 07:33:35 PM
I remember it was a fairly large laugh, because at the time, Realsolid was trying to convince people that solidcoins were better than bitcoins, but yet he was asking for donations in bitcoins.
Anyone got access to that image that used to be on the Solidcoin site he made of a Bitcoin getting exploded apart by a bullet?

He might not respond at all..
He's stuck between a rock and a hard place, because if he doesn't respond to defend himself he looks guilty. But if he does respond, he'll have to answer 'difficult' questions.  :D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: usahero on October 27, 2013, 08:42:44 PM
BitcoinEXpress, still crying for being banned on irc channel?

Thats beyond full retard.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Simran on October 27, 2013, 09:08:50 PM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Simran on October 27, 2013, 09:11:26 PM

Oh and for the donations address he originally asked for a year ago,

So, in total, he received 315 BTC...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spoetnik on October 27, 2013, 09:36:21 PM
i have tried to change my avatar numerous times in any way i can.. even to none and its stuck :(
in case people don't know (sorry off-topic warning)
My avatar was taken off a tech-news web site where they had a picture of a defaced/hacked web site (Ubuntu forums)
I didn't do it or know anyone involved least not that on that hacking incident ;)
So i photo-shopped the pic a bit because it was using a similar name (one i regged years before i ever heard of that other guy)
Sorry .. just want to make it clear i am not Ubuntu hacker guy.. but i did want to see if anyone would put two and two together
nobody did lol

Anyway guy has seen this topic yet not commented and it would be nice if he did.. i guess he doesn't care about his reputation ?

And digitalindustry i have never said Cryptsy has stolen coins from anyone in anyway shape or form. But i can safely say that in my view
many of the orange colored name guys that moderate the chat over there have been clearly and directly linked to shady behavior
and a LOT of people agree with me and have stated this and some have even gone and done some digging and emailed me proof.
Believe it or not i have done no digging on anyone or anything in this scene and any negative story i have told has been because it was
seen or heard simply by chance.. such as i happen to be a reading a topic or i just happened to be sitting on chat when someone is flappin their mouth
i keep saying to these guys hovering around cryptsy i am not the one they (and "they" know who they are) should be worried about and i am not the only "turd in the punch bowl"
there is others and many of them and THEY are the ones who actively seek out information on certain individuals, yet
Cryptsy and crew consistently pretend i am all alone and have stated so dozens of times even going as far as saying it word for word
such as i am the only one complaining and even when a few lines up in chat some other guy said the same thing (such as TIX ann day in my chat log)
A lot of people are playing games.. they pretend to not see or hear all kinds of warning signs or bad behavior or complaints etc
And i don't feel bad rubbing the puppies nose in shit if it craps on the floor.. how else is it going to learn ?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Simran on October 27, 2013, 11:41:09 PM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: prospector1 on October 28, 2013, 11:32:07 AM
So hang on a minute . . . all this drama is about DONATIONS??? come on the litecoin devs recently collected 20k LTC or something for a client update, and you lot are carrying on about a couple grand worth that got donated in 2012, the guy is evidently working on microcash and intends to release it, and the money has already been donated anyway.

Honestly wtf. Pathetic.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Buffer Overflow on October 28, 2013, 12:44:03 PM
Honestly wtf. Pathetic.

Yes, asking for a donation in a currency (Bitcoin) that you openly wanted to destroy is very pathetic.  :D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: gorgorom on October 28, 2013, 12:50:26 PM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: digitalindustry on October 28, 2013, 02:21:29 PM
i have tried to change my avatar numerous times in any way i can.. even to none and its stuck :(
in case people don't know (sorry off-topic warning)
My avatar was taken off a tech-news web site where they had a picture of a defaced/hacked web site (Ubuntu forums)
I didn't do it or know anyone involved least not that on that hacking incident ;)
So i photo-shopped the pic a bit because it was using a similar name (one i regged years before i ever heard of that other guy)
Sorry .. just want to make it clear i am not Ubuntu hacker guy.. but i did want to see if anyone would put two and two together
nobody did lol

Anyway guy has seen this topic yet not commented and it would be nice if he did.. i guess he doesn't care about his reputation ?

And digitalindustry i have never said Cryptsy has stolen coins from anyone in anyway shape or form. But i can safely say that in my view
many of the orange colored name guys that moderate the chat over there have been clearly and directly linked to shady behavior
and a LOT of people agree with me and have stated this and some have even gone and done some digging and emailed me proof.
Believe it or not i have done no digging on anyone or anything in this scene and any negative story i have told has been because it was
seen or heard simply by chance.. such as i happen to be a reading a topic or i just happened to be sitting on chat when someone is flappin their mouth
i keep saying to these guys hovering around cryptsy i am not the one they (and "they" know who they are) should be worried about and i am not the only "turd in the punch bowl"
there is others and many of them and THEY are the ones who actively seek out information on certain individuals, yet
Cryptsy and crew consistently pretend i am all alone and have stated so dozens of times even going as far as saying it word for word
such as i am the only one complaining and even when a few lines up in chat some other guy said the same thing (such as TIX ann day in my chat log)
A lot of people are playing games.. they pretend to not see or hear all kinds of warning signs or bad behavior or complaints etc
And i don't feel bad rubbing the puppies nose in shit if it craps on the floor.. how else is it going to learn ?

Hey no problem,  I dont mind what you hack, keep it real .

Yeah you will get that in life, but you know , get back on the horse .

I dont really get on the chat except the odd occasion where I like to troll the trollbox.

Be careful what we all know about  each other , its usally not worth knowing .

When the tire hits the road we are all around here fir some reason or another. 

Hey I like your avatar .

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Simran on October 28, 2013, 02:35:58 PM
So hang on a minute . . . all this drama is about DONATIONS??? come on the litecoin devs recently collected 20k LTC or something for a client update, and you lot are carrying on about a couple grand worth that got donated in 2012, the guy is evidently working on microcash and intends to release it, and the money has already been donated anyway.

Honestly wtf. Pathetic.

I also was bitching about those donations too.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: TheFuneral on October 28, 2013, 05:09:18 PM
I'm in no way defending RS, but BCE you gotta be smarter about your argument agains't him.

If it was a donation I really don't see why anyone has anything to uphold or a contract to agree upon. Kickstarter takes a lot of "donations" for projects that fail but the users don't bitch about it later. It's part of a high investment business opportunity. It sounds like in this situation you trusted your money with someone and lost.

What if RS didn't hit it big time would you still be begging for your money? Again tighten up your argument and put in some effort.

If your story is true and believe me I honestly don't care, then I'd recommend doing the leg work to prove him wrong. Asking someone to come out and admit guilt is NOT how you prove someone wrong.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: NUFCrichard on October 28, 2013, 06:33:38 PM
So hang on a minute . . . all this drama is about DONATIONS??? come on the litecoin devs recently collected 20k LTC or something for a client update, and you lot are carrying on about a couple grand worth that got donated in 2012, the guy is evidently working on microcash and intends to release it, and the money has already been donated anyway.

Honestly wtf. Pathetic.

End of the day, Realsolid has come out with a great exchange and must be loaded now.  The initial 5000 Fees netted him 500 bitcoins and the next 45000 should get him at least 18,000 more!  It wouldn't be a great act of charity to pay back the people who helped him out in his time of need...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Wolf0 on October 28, 2013, 08:30:18 PM
I'm in no way defending RS, but BCE you gotta be smarter about your argument agains't him.

If it was a donation I really don't see why anyone has anything to uphold or a contract to agree upon. Kickstarter takes a lot of "donations" for projects that fail but the users don't bitch about it later. It's part of a high investment business opportunity. It sounds like in this situation you trusted your money with someone and lost.

What if RS didn't hit it big time would you still be begging for your money? Again tighten up your argument and put in some effort.

If your story is true and believe me I honestly don't care, then I'd recommend doing the leg work to prove him wrong. Asking someone to come out and admit guilt is NOT how you prove someone wrong.

Yes it was donations, but it was donations collected under the conditions of doing one thing and then doing another. Just because it is a donation doesn't mean it cannot be a scam. Example, go out and collect donations to feed the hungry and then go out and buy yourself a for profit will go to jail because it is a scam.

Same thing really, he solicited donations in a tear jerking manner to complete Microscash and then went out and developed himself a rather snazzy exchange.

The point being again, if the 250 BTC is a drop in the bucket for RS, then he should make a drop if it wasn't a scam.


Kind of reminds me of mtrlt's GPU XPM miner...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: seleme on October 30, 2013, 04:01:56 AM
He's utter self-loving twat. Rich one since last night.

But he is smart one though, what he done with MCXNow in last month or two is amazing, some brilliant ideas. If he doesn't turn to scam people what I don't believe at this point, he has legite and well profitable business now, would be extremely stupid to ruin it and I don't think he is, it might be a top exchange in the future.

Can't stand his asslickers like prospector more than him to be honest though I certainly am not fun of cocky cocksuckers :D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Colaxais on October 30, 2013, 04:14:29 AM
Yes it was donations, but it was donations collected under the conditions of doing one thing and then doing another. Just because it is a donation doesn't mean it cannot be a scam. Example, go out and collect donations to feed the hungry and then go out and buy yourself a for profit will go to jail because it is a scam.

Same thing really, he solicited donations in a tear jerking manner to complete Microscash and then went out and developed himself a rather snazzy exchange.

The point being again, if the 250 BTC is a drop in the bucket for RS, then he should make a drop if it wasn't a scam.


Let's assume someone stole the money - go out and collect donations to feed the hungry and then get robbed on the way home, you don't really feel motivated to go out trying to do that any more, so you do something else for a while. That's not a scam, that's called life.
If anything, RS should pay back not the 250btc, but the value of the btc back then in btc. That said, it was a donation, so anything you'd receive back would be out of his good will.

If he did keep the money, and it wasn't stolen? That's pretty poor form, and he should pay back the value of the btc. Honestly though, if he were a scammer, it would be so much easier to claim option A, and pay back peanuts to shut you up so that he could continue scamming unchallenged, so chances are decent that it was a genuine tragedy that you should move on from.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: sidhujag on October 30, 2013, 04:22:29 AM
He's utter self-loving twat. Rich one since last night.

But he is smart one though, what he done with MCXNow in last month or two is amazing, some brilliant ideas. If he doesn't turn to scam people what I don't believe at this point, he has legite and well profitable business now, would be extremely stupid to ruin it and I don't think he is, it might be a top exchange in the future.

Can't stand his asslickers like prospector more than him to be honest though I certainly am not fun of cocky cocksuckers :D

Yea hes got people hooked because the site works well.. however there are questions about longevity snd trust based on his rep.. he has flashed a 500k min coin sell wall although i believe it is down to 250k now its still alot for one person to have... mnc is a good coin acting as a precious commodity and aslong as the site continues to run I expect that we will see it explode in popularity and therefor by extension pressents a fantastic opportunity to buy coins with good technicals. Even if he sells it I think alot of people are overlooking the fact that alt coins may provide a way for whales to hold bitcoins awayfrom fiat by "investing" or holding in these tokens.

Bottom line is even rs might not know what he has created. I dont believe he
will run away with peoples money as he has enough of his own now.

The alt coin rush may surprise people and as we are early adopters buying here regardless of his holdings preset a fantastic long term opportunity to the tune of buying btc sub $10.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: wetroof on October 30, 2013, 07:13:59 AM
Let's assume someone stole the money - go out and collect donations to feed the hungry and then get robbed on the way home, you don't really feel motivated to go out trying to do that any more, so you do something else for a while. That's not a scam, that's called life.
If anything, RS should pay back not the 250btc, but the value of the btc back then in btc. That said, it was a donation, so anything you'd receive back would be out of his good will.

If he did keep the money, and it wasn't stolen? That's pretty poor form, and he should pay back the value of the btc. Honestly though, if he were a scammer, it would be so much easier to claim option A, and pay back peanuts to shut you up so that he could continue scamming unchallenged, so chances are decent that it was a genuine tragedy that you should move on from.

yeah this is a good point.

RealSolid is kind of a mystery to me. when I was trading on mcxnow, I would see him very often in the chat. responding to anybody, making jokes. for someone that needed to keep their identity concealed, this seems like risky behavior. for instance he talks about (i remember) as a child, he wrote computer programs on paper, and ran them in his head. yeah that's intriguing I guess. I think maybe he has a psychological disorder. maybe just a neurotic personality type. actually I think that would explain a lot... but it's not a satisfying answer to explain all his contradictions.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Wolf0 on October 31, 2013, 04:51:40 AM
Let's assume someone stole the money - go out and collect donations to feed the hungry and then get robbed on the way home, you don't really feel motivated to go out trying to do that any more, so you do something else for a while. That's not a scam, that's called life.
If anything, RS should pay back not the 250btc, but the value of the btc back then in btc. That said, it was a donation, so anything you'd receive back would be out of his good will.

If he did keep the money, and it wasn't stolen? That's pretty poor form, and he should pay back the value of the btc. Honestly though, if he were a scammer, it would be so much easier to claim option A, and pay back peanuts to shut you up so that he could continue scamming unchallenged, so chances are decent that it was a genuine tragedy that you should move on from.

yeah this is a good point.

RealSolid is kind of a mystery to me. when I was trading on mcxnow, I would see him very often in the chat. responding to anybody, making jokes. for someone that needed to keep their identity concealed, this seems like risky behavior. for instance he talks about (i remember) as a child, he wrote computer programs on paper, and ran them in his head. yeah that's intriguing I guess. I think maybe he has a psychological disorder. maybe just a neurotic personality type. actually I think that would explain a lot... but it's not a satisfying answer to explain all his contradictions.

I did that too when I was bored in school. It's also known as "desk-checking" code. I don't think it's a sign of a mental disorder.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: extortion on December 14, 2013, 11:36:55 AM
Kind of reminds me of mtrlt's GPU XPM miner...