Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: GreenishCoin on March 28, 2018, 05:29:24 PM

Title: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: GreenishCoin on March 28, 2018, 05:29:24 PM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: richardsNY on March 28, 2018, 05:37:37 PM
It's a great step forward for crypto in its entirety, because what happens in one country will eventually happen in other countries as well. Japan has been a benchmark in the Asian region when it comes to how they benefit from an open minded stance when it comes to crypto, and Belarus can hopefully do the same in their field. The only thing to do take into consideration, is the fact that Belarus isn't really that attractive for major entities in the crypto world due to the situation there, and the unstable government. I first want to see if they manage to keep word consistently for a few years straight. After their main vision will be more clear, it very likely will give even international players the incentive to settle themselves there.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Atajio on March 28, 2018, 05:50:23 PM
Bceм дoбpoгo вpeмeни cyтoк! Ктo-тo влaдeeт инфopмaциeй o тoм кaк в Бeлapycи бyдeт paбoтaть cвязкa opгaнизaция - биpжa - бaнк? Ecть пpaктикa или paзъяcнeния пo этoмy вoпpocy?

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: gentlemand on March 28, 2018, 06:14:51 PM
Cool. But what happens if Russia ever follow through on their endless and empty threats to squish crypto? Belarus is hardly in a position to defy them when they're on their doorstep and suckle on their teet for survival much of the time.

And it would nice if the 'unprecedented freedoms' extended a little further into everyday life.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Mahanton on March 28, 2018, 09:43:49 PM
It's a great step forward for crypto in its entirety, because what happens in one country will eventually happen in other countries as well. Japan has been a benchmark in the Asian region when it comes to how they benefit from an open minded stance when it comes to crypto, and Belarus can hopefully do the same in their field. The only thing to do take into consideration, is the fact that Belarus isn't really that attractive for major entities in the crypto world due to the situation there, and the unstable government. I first want to see if they manage to keep word consistently for a few years straight. After their main vision will be more clear, it very likely will give even international players the incentive to settle themselves there.
Even they do accept crypto then it wont really give much impact or attention into other nearby countries which same as you said due to the current situation of their government but somehow having such act might potentially give a change.Its really good to see and does give a good feeling to see countries which do consider and accept crypto due to its potential benefits.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Biscutard on March 28, 2018, 11:58:15 PM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.
Congratulation to their country but i'm still waiting for this kind of opportunity in my country so i can easily spend my crypto without using any exchanges anymore due to the high fees but i will still use it if i needed something. I hope more and more business would open something like this in the future.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: marielbeckham on March 29, 2018, 08:15:05 AM
Finally, this has also happened in Belarus leading to the numerous positive changes.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Rajamuda on March 29, 2018, 08:17:20 AM
It looks very good, it's certainly can be a something that can support the development of crypto prices and the interest of many people will be encouraged by this statement to be seen by other countries to accept crypto and the country will look more advanced following the development of technology for the life and progress of the country+its citizens to ensure a better and more beneficial future.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Palmerson on March 29, 2018, 09:49:32 AM
I support such actions of the Belarusian authorities. But let's be honest. How can it benefit business? Now it is impossible to use cryptocurrency to purchase goods. This means that every cryptocurrency user has to have access to Fiat. sanctions have been imposed on Belarus and therefore many banks do not want to work in Belarus. This may have a negative impact on the attractiveness of this country to attract the capital of users of cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: BitHodler on March 29, 2018, 10:13:42 AM
Cool. But what happens if Russia ever follow through on their endless and empty threats to squish crypto? Belarus is hardly in a position to defy them when they're on their doorstep and suckle on their teet for survival much of the time.

And it would nice if the 'unprecedented freedoms' extended a little further into everyday life.
It may very well be that Russia was waiting or even pushing Belarus to do this, while it may not even have been the choice of Belarus itself. Russia's delay and back and forward moving may have explained itself now.

Russia itself is still running its old policy that it is forbidden to use anything other than the ruble as a means of exchange, but lacks the will to actually enforce its own laws, which is somewhat contradicting.

Some sites and services there are still allowed to accept Bitcoin or other cryptos as payment option, while others are being shut down with an iron fist. It's selective filtering that makes Russia extremely unstable for crypto startups.

Belarus may play an important role here for those affected.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Kemarit on March 29, 2018, 11:22:44 AM
Cool. But what happens if Russia ever follow through on their endless and empty threats to squish crypto? Belarus is hardly in a position to defy them when they're on their doorstep and suckle on their teet for survival much of the time.

And it would nice if the 'unprecedented freedoms' extended a little further into everyday life.

I think this moved is likely to get the ire of the Russians. On the other hand, this is way for Belarus to say "f*** off guys. LOL. Anyways, I'm not surprised by the moved of the Belarus government because as early as December of last year they have initiated or offering tax incentives (5 years tax exempt) to attract potential crypto activity on their country. Belarus really wanted to be a big player in this cryptoverse, they even wanted to be a cryptohub, boosting of High Tech parks and Economic Zone. Even drafting laws friendly to crypto. So lets hope that they will attract a lot of ICO companies who wanted a safe haven.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: matuson on March 29, 2018, 12:52:33 PM
I have no illusions about Lukashenka. He is a tyrant and I will never open a business in Belarus. But perhaps the locals are familiar with the peculiarities of business development in this country and can organize it. I am happy with any positive news regarding bitcoin. This will help add optimism to the bitcoin community.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Universal pics on March 29, 2018, 10:51:44 PM
Truly believe that action done by Belarus must be implemented worldwide. This is the only way to have crypto future, which seems to be a bit better that current one =)

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: terrific on March 30, 2018, 07:01:12 AM
Great country for great investment and aspiring leader in digital currencies.
This can be the start of other countries that will also do the same thing as Belarus legalized crypto.
Is Belarus is also the country that doesn't crypto profits right?
I hope nearby countries will do the same and what's the best if others will recognize what they've done.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: miningguru on March 30, 2018, 07:37:02 AM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.

Congrats to the people who are actively trading cryptocurrency community in Belarus country. Still, we are waiting for many other countries to make their country as Digital Economy with Blockchain, i am also waiting for my country to declare news like this.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: sidd456 on March 30, 2018, 08:01:04 AM
FAUCETHUB is the ultimate site to earn a lots of cryptos... This is a earning machine!

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: MoonJeina on March 30, 2018, 04:25:38 PM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.

That is actually one of the most positive news about bitcoin in along time now amid all the negativity due to the ad bans etc .
I think that  Belarus government is  a smart one and have a fair idea about what lies in the future . They are sure that the block chain technology is going to be one of the most widely used technology in some years then why not start spreading and using it now . I think many other governments needs to learn from the. It is such a big initiative .

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: MCVXYZ on March 30, 2018, 04:58:04 PM
I always say that there will be a good tendences about  legalizing crypto related relations,why? answer is very simple,because of its possibilities.This news is not  good only for Belarus citizens its also good for all crypto investors in the world.I hope Soon neighboring states will also share this approach...As I know in Belarus Ease of doing business and economic freedom index is so high ,this process will help to develope faster social-economical conditions,its not only about technologies it will be also good for another forms of human capital.Just imagine many investors will chose your country if goverment creates legislative base which is suitable as for people as large investors.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: olubams on March 30, 2018, 07:02:02 PM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.

This is really a great move and good news at that but would appreciate if the source of the news can be included in other to verify that source and the modalities for such approval because that is the key thing with current happenings these days. We should not just be happy about news like this without considering the compromise that might have to follow if it will go through. Government is known to be the master in carrot and stick approach to dealing with people.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: darkangel11 on March 30, 2018, 07:38:22 PM
Cool. But what happens if Russia ever follow through on their endless and empty threats to squish crypto? Belarus is hardly in a position to defy them when they're on their doorstep and suckle on their teet for survival much of the time.

And it would nice if the 'unprecedented freedoms' extended a little further into everyday life.

Most countries of the former Soviet union depend on Russian gas and Russia is the bully that ends all conflicts with threats. That's why Poland, which used to be one of those countries threatened with gas shortages, stopped buying it from Russia and is now transporting it by sea.

As for Belarus, I'm interested how they will approach foreign investors that would like to move there to avoid crypto taxes. Maybe there are people among us who had to deal with local offices. What are the costs of registering a company there? How long do you have to wait? Is it difficult to get a citizenship?

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: veleten on March 31, 2018, 04:59:30 PM
overall its a very good step,akin to legalising bitcoin in Japan for Asia
we  have to wait and see the imnplementation though
Belarus is not very known for its IT,unlike India,for example but this decision can lead to a boom in both businesses
and home grown talents as more money will be invested into education to fill in the positions to be potentially opened
as for Russia's influence or being behind it-I don't believe this,although Belarus sometimes is a testing ground,but not in this case
besides Lukashenko has been criticising Russia alot lately,for example the great milk debacle when he told his enterpreneurs to look for different markets,other than Russia
following the ban of milk produce from Belarus in Russia starting 31 of March

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Lieldoryn on March 31, 2018, 05:38:30 PM
overall its a very good step,akin to legalising bitcoin in Japan for Asia
we  have to wait and see the imnplementation though
Belarus is not very known for its IT,unlike India,for example but this decision can lead to a boom in both businesses
and home grown talents as more money will be invested into education to fill in the positions to be potentially opened
as for Russia's influence or being behind it-I don't believe this,although Belarus sometimes is a testing ground,but not in this case
besides Lukashenko has been criticising Russia alot lately,for example the great milk debacle when he told his enterpreneurs to look for different markets,other than Russia
following the ban of milk produce from Belarus in Russia starting 31 of March
All the good news from Japan is over. Now I'm not sure that Japan will ever be a Paradise for cryptocurrency users. Exchanges are leaving Japan, and that's not a good signal. I think that the cryptocurrency business will not move to the countries of the former USSR. It's too risky. They will move to offshore jurisdictions.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Taki on March 31, 2018, 07:32:50 PM
Bceм дoбpoгo вpeмeни cyтoк! Ктo-тo влaдeeт инфopмaциeй o тoм кaк в Бeлapycи бyдeт paбoтaть cвязкa opгaнизaция - биpжa - бaнк? Ecть пpaктикa или paзъяcнeния пo этoмy вoпpocy?
You have to create such question thread in your or Russian Local section. The law is new and I guess nobody understand how it is going to work exactly. If you are from Belarus, my advice to you is to find the information from the bank and exchanger directly.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Sorento on March 31, 2018, 09:14:46 PM
This a great news, how i wish Russia can do the same.... Congratulations to Belarusians!!

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: alie121 on April 01, 2018, 05:27:12 AM
this is a good news tho, although in my country crypto business is not legal yet. Hope in my country crypto will be legal soon ..

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Harlot on April 01, 2018, 09:19:26 AM
It will take more than that to lure in some entrepreneurs in doing business in there. I mean to keep things real as possible Bitcoin or any cryptocurrencies in that matter is not one of the main things a businessmen is looking at for, things like taxes, economy, target market are the things a businessmen is looking for before they venture out and try a business out there. They are only attracting a specific group of people who want to create a business out there and all of it will be crypto related businesses. 

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Binugon on April 01, 2018, 09:23:09 AM
Belarus, a country suffering from a bad reputation with politicians in the West, is now poised to improve its image with western Moscow allies close to Moscow, also called the last dictatorship in Europe, becoming European leader as far as freedom crypto is concerned. Comprehensive regulation, which largely legislates the crypto sector, is now officially in force.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: veleten on April 01, 2018, 10:33:08 AM
Belarus, a country suffering from a bad reputation with politicians in the West, is now poised to improve its image with western Moscow allies close to Moscow, also called the last dictatorship in Europe, becoming European leader as far as freedom crypto is concerned. Comprehensive regulation, which largely legislates the crypto sector, is now officially in force.

with all the "last dictatorship of Europe" stigma,Belorus has a democratically elected president,no dictatorship there whatsoever
it is just another western media fake news :)
if a country and its leader don't suit the west they brand them dictators,war mongers,evil etc.
take it with  a pinch of salt,will ya :)
Belarus can become the flagship for the cryptocurrency in Europe,if the legislation is supported by the goverment and the business
otherwise it could become just an empty declaration,we will monitor the news closely as this is important for both Belarus and Russia
and ,probably,to many european countries as well,to serve as a stimulus to adopt same measures

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Smpdytz1 on April 01, 2018, 11:02:12 AM
good news,we need some kind of good news like that for the recovery of btc. good decision from Belarus government by allow their country to new technology

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: ahmad21 on April 01, 2018, 11:44:00 AM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.
A really great news for all the crypto business maniacs all around the world. Crypto businesses have been on a great roar around the world. There are new ICOs coming up everyday to establish their names in the market. So belarus is really giving a great opportunity to all of them and not to forget that most of the countries don't even recognize crypto as legal whereas this country is giving incentives for the same. Belarus might be aiming to create a business friendly economy.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Basmic on April 01, 2018, 02:27:06 PM
Belarus, a country suffering from a bad reputation with politicians in the West, is now poised to improve its image with western Moscow allies close to Moscow, also called the last dictatorship in Europe, becoming European leader as far as freedom crypto is concerned. Comprehensive regulation, which largely legislates the crypto sector, is now officially in force.

with all the "last dictatorship of Europe" stigma,Belorus has a democratically elected president,no dictatorship there whatsoever
it is just another western media fake news :)
if a country and its leader don't suit the west they brand them dictators,war mongers,evil etc.
take it with  a pinch of salt,will ya :)
Belarus can become the flagship for the cryptocurrency in Europe,if the legislation is supported by the goverment and the business
otherwise it could become just an empty declaration,we will monitor the news closely as this is important for both Belarus and Russia
and ,probably,to many european countries as well,to serve as a stimulus to adopt same measures
I won't argue. I am not from Belarus, so I cannot say anything about this country. But I do not believe that there is freedom in any country from the former USSR. Communist ideology is destroying the minds of the citizens. I do not believe that big business will invest in a country with an ambiguous reputation. There are many other countries. But residents of Belarus may be able to freely access cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Oceat on April 01, 2018, 06:59:40 PM
Belarus, a country suffering from a bad reputation with politicians in the West, is now poised to improve its image with western Moscow allies close to Moscow, also called the last dictatorship in Europe, becoming European leader as far as freedom crypto is concerned. Comprehensive regulation, which largely legislates the crypto sector, is now officially in force.

with all the "last dictatorship of Europe" stigma,Belorus has a democratically elected president,no dictatorship there whatsoever
it is just another western media fake news :)
if a country and its leader don't suit the west they brand them dictators,war mongers,evil etc.
take it with  a pinch of salt,will ya :)
Belarus can become the flagship for the cryptocurrency in Europe,if the legislation is supported by the goverment and the business
otherwise it could become just an empty declaration,we will monitor the news closely as this is important for both Belarus and Russia
and ,probably,to many european countries as well,to serve as a stimulus to adopt same measures
I won't argue. I am not from Belarus, so I cannot say anything about this country. But I do not believe that there is freedom in any country from the former USSR. Communist ideology is destroying the minds of the citizens. I do not believe that big business will invest in a country with an ambiguous reputation. There are many other countries. But residents of Belarus may be able to freely access cryptocurrencies.
With all of this same kind of news popping out everywhere talking all about legality but the truth is no one really give a shit about of banning such crypto currencies in their countries. But the fact is that they just let the people to be aware of investing such as hyip and ponzi sites that could lead a loss of their money. I don't think crytocurrency could affect such political issues, because government doesn't bother it if it is not a hindrance to them.

Crypto currency is a different matter to them.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: lili song on April 01, 2018, 08:04:57 PM
It's a great news when crypto currency is legal in some country especially in Belarus. In means crypto currency for some people still needed. Some investors still buy and hold in some coins. I hope in the future many country accept and legal crypto currency world will grow fast.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: FrontierObscura on April 01, 2018, 08:05:46 PM
So... is crypto business different from the regular business? how so?

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: AVAMONEY on April 01, 2018, 09:02:07 PM
I read also this news from good source

"Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus" - "Crypto Activities Are Free, Tax-Free"
Decree №8, signed by President Alexander Lukashenko in December, entered into force on March 28 to create conditions for the development of the digital economy in Belarus. It effectively legalizes crypto business activities, like exchange services, initial coin offerings, mining operations, smart contracts.

With kind of information i got from source wikipedia, that
Economy of Belarus
GDP [Gross Domestic Product] Increase$173 billion (2017 est.)
GDP by sector agriculture (9.1%), industry (47.2%), services (43.7%) (2012 est.)

By stats, their citizen has huge interest in industry and services area, this is good point for both party either country accepting crypto and citizen using crypto for improving their business sector. The President Alexander Lukashenko has taken good decision with this issue.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: orions.belt19 on April 01, 2018, 11:57:53 PM
It's a great step forward for crypto in its entirety, because what happens in one country will eventually happen in other countries as well. Japan has been a benchmark in the Asian region when it comes to how they benefit from an open minded stance when it comes to crypto, and Belarus can hopefully do the same in their field. The only thing to do take into consideration, is the fact that Belarus isn't really that attractive for major entities in the crypto world due to the situation there, and the unstable government. I first want to see if they manage to keep word consistently for a few years straight. After their main vision will be more clear, it very likely will give even international players the incentive to settle themselves there.

I agree and I hope other countries would follow suit and this would have a domino effect. However, with the said unattractive state and unstable government of Belarus, others may not look up to it as a role model for others within the cryptospace to follow. Perhaps they have done so in the hopes to improve their economy. Legalizing cryptocurrencies opens up a lot of new opportunities and new businesses may be started to attract foreign investors. 

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: veleten on April 02, 2018, 05:33:22 PM
Belarus, a country suffering from a bad reputation with politicians in the West, is now poised to improve its image with western Moscow allies close to Moscow, also called the last dictatorship in Europe, becoming European leader as far as freedom crypto is concerned. Comprehensive regulation, which largely legislates the crypto sector, is now officially in force.

with all the "last dictatorship of Europe" stigma,Belorus has a democratically elected president,no dictatorship there whatsoever
it is just another western media fake news :)
if a country and its leader don't suit the west they brand them dictators,war mongers,evil etc.
take it with  a pinch of salt,will ya :)
Belarus can become the flagship for the cryptocurrency in Europe,if the legislation is supported by the goverment and the business
otherwise it could become just an empty declaration,we will monitor the news closely as this is important for both Belarus and Russia
and ,probably,to many european countries as well,to serve as a stimulus to adopt same measures
I won't argue. I am not from Belarus, so I cannot say anything about this country. But I do not believe that there is freedom in any country from the former USSR. Communist ideology is destroying the minds of the citizens. I do not believe that big business will invest in a country with an ambiguous reputation. There are many other countries. But residents of Belarus may be able to freely access cryptocurrencies.

believe me or not but there is much more freedom there than you can imagine
communist ideology? are you being serious? have a look at the Ukraine-the communist party has been outlawed
Latvia,Lithuania,Estonia all of them do not have any of the communist ideology whatsoever
Russia-P.Grudinin,the communist party candidate, got 11% of the votes,kinda shows you how popular it is
stop listening to the news and try to get information from different sources,
ambiguous reputation ,love the high horse approach  ;D
business will invest where the capital gets the most profit,so if it is profitable to invest in cryptobusinesses in Belarus,the money will flow
Germany,France,Poland hell,even Great Britain are buying russian gas,even if they are crying that the russians are evil at every corner

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: on April 03, 2018, 09:02:06 AM
Congrats to the people of Belarus about legalizing crypto business in your country. This will allow for many people from this country to trade and transact business with crypto currency freely without restriction. This will also boost the economic development of this  country. I hope other countries in the world will emulate this gesture.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: AGenser on April 03, 2018, 11:26:07 AM
Я дyмaю чтo для Бeлapycи в цeлoм этo oчeнь бoльшoй шaг впepeд. Ho здecь вaжнa oднa дeтaль - зa гpaницeй кpиптoвaлюты нaбpaли oбopoты и paзвивaютcя yжe дaвнo и интeнcивнo - вoпpoc : кaк быcтpo и мнoгo ли cпeциaлиcтoв бyдyт paзвивaть имeннo этo нaпpaвлeниe, и нacкoлькo кpиптa нaбepeт пoпyляpнocть. Пpивлeчeниe cпeциaлиcтoв и тpeнepoв из Poccии дyмaю oчeнь пoмoглo - пocкoлькy нa мoй взгляд тaм бoльшee кoличecтвo пpoфeccиoнaлoв нeжeли в Бeлapycи.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Edraket31 on April 03, 2018, 05:20:28 PM
I would like to extend my congratulation to the people of Belarus for sure now they are celebrating and very happy about the good news they have right now in their country, hope that some countries who banned bitcoin will consider to evaluate again what is in bitcoin why some countries regulating it.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: warrior333 on April 04, 2018, 10:55:47 AM
It's a great news when crypto currency is legal in some country especially in Belarus. In means crypto currency for some people still needed. Some investors still buy and hold in some coins. I hope in the future many country accept and legal crypto currency world will grow fast.
I think you pin a lot of hopes on the process of legalization of cryptocurrencies. You need to have more realistic thoughts. If governments regulate the turnover of cryptocurrencies, it can have the opposite effect. We may face an outflow of capital from cryptocurrencies. The most important property that attracts large capital to cryptocurrencies is decentralization and the inability of the government to control users of cryptocurrencies. This is now being questioned. Perhaps this was the reason for the current fall in prices?

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: nice_hoody_bro on April 06, 2018, 10:22:54 PM
Belarus is making huge steps towards crypto. I think that this approach will be very profitable for the country in a long term. Waiting for other countries to follow

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Palmerson on April 07, 2018, 12:30:45 PM
Belarus is making huge steps towards crypto. I think that this approach will be very profitable for the country in a long term. Waiting for other countries to follow
Why are you worried about what's good for the country? Are you a government official? It seems to me that the main task of the existence of any state should be comfortable living conditions for all citizens of this country. You offer people to take care of the state. You have to change your priorities.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: maarx on April 10, 2018, 06:50:27 PM
Crypto-related activities are now considered legal in Belarus. The presidential decree “On the Development of the Digital Economy” came into force on March 28. The country aims to become a global IT hub luring entrepreneurs from around the world with a business-friendly environment. Unprecedented freedoms and generous incentives are enticing crypto companies to invest in the former Soviet republic.

This is really a smoothing news heard. I wish every country which are yet to accept bitcoin should listen to this news from Belarus leader. They are really for ahead and foreseeing their growth with digital money / crypto currencies. Does not this make you welcomed? I am sure certainly, Belarus is going to be  the top listed country in wealth very soon. Why can't India, Pakistan and other countries see this news?

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: greeklogos on April 10, 2018, 07:16:41 PM
We all know that Belarus has weak economic, this is clear agricultural country. Legalization of crypto would  move Belarus on totally new level on whole post USSR territory, course other countries from this union are still did not decided what exactly to do with cryptos. Bravo Belarus! Show them all!

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: Sithara007 on April 11, 2018, 02:13:00 AM
Belarus is making huge steps towards crypto. I think that this approach will be very profitable for the country in a long term. Waiting for other countries to follow

Eastern European (especially the former USSR) countries are infamous for the difficulty in doing business. Nothing moves there if you don't want to bribe the officials and the bureaucrats. I just hope that the situation in Belarus is different from that in Russia and Ukraine.

Title: Re: Crypto Business Is Now Legal in Belarus
Post by: alexcryptofan on April 11, 2018, 01:04:11 PM
legalization of the crypto currency in Belarus is a Lukashenko's PR  8)