Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Long-term offers => Topic started by: Khanduras on December 01, 2013, 10:42:34 AM

Title: [Open to new investors] Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 01, 2013, 10:42:34 AM

Investment from msc of BTC2.0 -> BTC2.2 (12/3/2013) (Transaction Details (
  • (Day After) BTC0.04 (Transaction Details ( - BTC2.16 remaining
  • BTC0.40 (Transaction Details ( - BTC1.76 remaining
  • (12/15/2013) BTC0.20 (Transaction Details ( - BTC1.56 remaining <--- 55GH to 110GH
  • (12/23/2013) BTC0.40 (Transaction Details ( - BTC1.16 remaining
  • (1/2/2014) BTC0.46 (Transaction Details ( - BTC0.7 remaining
  • (1/12/2014) BTC0.3 (Transaction Details ( - BTC0.4 remaining   <--- 110GH to 230GH
  • (1/19/2014) BTC0.4 (Transaction Details ( - PAID IN FULL - 1.5 months return

Current Hash Rate: ~230 GH
Current return on BTC1 investment: ~3 weeks
Next 180GH miner in: BTC~1.6

Currently owned hardware:
1 x BFL Single 60GH (@55 GHash/sec)
1 x BFL Single 50GH (@55 GHash/sec)
1 x AMT 128GH (@~125 GH/sec avg)

Purchased through investments
1 x BFL Single 50GH (Transaction Details ( (CURRENTLY MINING)

Purchased prior to investments
1 x AMT 128 GH [120 expected] - End of December (Transaction Details ( - Order #805) (CURRENTLY MINING)
1 x Black Arrow 2TH miner - End of February (Transaction Details ( - Order #975)

The above will change as new hardware is bought and launched.


I know it's a silly thought. It's a silly title in general. But hear me out for a moment.

The idea here is to take a small amount of investors, to invest in my getting more mining power as quickly as possible. After thinking of what I can offer, I've come up with the following plan:

How things will work:

1.)  I will take a few minor investments from three people. Each investment must be one to five bitcoins.
2.)  From the investments made, AVAILABLE hardware will be purchased directly from reputable companies in order to increase the hash rate of my personal network.
3.)  From the moment an investment is received, I will dedicate 75% of my total hashing power to paying back the investors one at a time on a first-come first-serve basis.
4.)  This will continue until all investors have been paid back in full, plus 10% of their initial investment.
5.)  Once all the investors have been paid in full, I may repeat the process yet again for anyone willing to either re-invest, or to make a first-time investment.


  • Serious investors must contact me for an address to send their investments to.
  • All investments and payments out to investors will be made public.
  • Proof of hardware purchases will be provided as they are made.
  • Current hashrate will be made available at all times it becomes updated.

And that's about it..

If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can make this offer seem more tempting to people willing to invest in my name, please do share. I know I don't have a lot to offer, but do know that I DO take this seriously. Unfortunately, I can only work with what I have presently... which isn't much. These terms are not set in stone and are subject to change prior to being instated depending on how potential investors are feeling about the terms laid out. I'm definitely willing to negotiate as a group if necessary.

* = I will gladly put the investment towards upcoming hardware if the investor so chooses, however the payback period will not begin until the hardware is received.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Kouye on December 03, 2013, 01:32:20 AM
It will take several years before you can pay back 110% to everyone.
See the problem?

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 03, 2013, 01:47:46 AM
The entire point of the investment is to try to get enough hashing power as quickly as possible in order to pay people back. I figure if I continue to invest with what I'm earning, and invest what I could possibly receive, I'd be able to get a much faster infrastructure and returning the investment wouldn't be such an issue.

With 60Ghash and another 120 on the way in a couple of weeks, I won't be able to do much very quickly, but again... this whole thing is to mainly increase my infrastructure as quickly as possible, with every intention of returning said investments as quickly as possible.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Kouye on December 03, 2013, 01:54:05 AM
The entire point of the investment is to try to get enough hashing power as quickly as possible in order to pay people back.
Which will take years. Unless you're open to USD investors?

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 03, 2013, 02:11:04 AM
That's a possibility as well, depending on the terms requested by the investor. I still would have a maximum amount I'd be able to take for the sake of ensuring I'd be able to pay it back. I just don't want to bite off way more than I can chew.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 03, 2013, 08:19:28 AM
I don't have any mining experience, so my math could be way off, but I figure that with 55 GH, you could make 0.016 BTC/day from BTC Guild.  That's 0.48/month, which is not bad if you multiply it by 3 with your new hardware.  Your mining income address seems to be collecting 0.05/day in steady payments.  It may take several months to generate an investment return, depending on the size of the investments, but I don't think it would take years.  Does this all sound about right?

I might invest 1 or 2 BTC for fun, but would feel better if you have a partner who can take over the operation if anything happens to you.  I know that may not be possible - I'm certainly familiar with the idea of a one man operation.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 03, 2013, 10:15:00 AM
Well, I am steadily making .05 per day from BTCGuild alone using my 55 GHash. Making just under 1 BTC a month. The new hardware should be due in in three weeks tops, according to what I heard, which will bring in .12 a day considering any possible increases in difficulty between now and then, which should significantly increase the rate at which I could pay the investors back. I have a single Prospero X-3 (2THash) miner coming from Black Arrow at the end of February or early March which I had just purchased not too long ago as well.

Unfortunately, I do not have a partner at the current point in time - it's basically just me here. I may just be being optimistic here, but things are looking up as far as my health is concerned, so I don't foresee anything happening to me that would stop me from being able to keep things running smoothly.

With any investments I receive now, they're either going into BFL Singles, since they're already released, or 128 GHash miners from AMT, since they're also supposedly shipping miners out as of this past month. Unless anyone has some better ideas, of course. As soon as February comes along, I'll stop ordering current-gen ASICs and only invest in available Black Arrow products.

At least that's my plan. As I mentioned in my opening post, I'm always willing to change some things if it'll get more people interested.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 03, 2013, 08:54:10 PM
After looking at the numbers, I'm really tempted just to buy a BFL miner.  But I don't have a spare room and I'm not really equipped to handle the noise and heat that I assume they generate.

So, I'll invest 2 BTC with you.  Given the hash power that you already have, I think it's favorable.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 03, 2013, 09:31:11 PM
Excellent. I'll contact you with the address, then make the transaction details public. I'll also make sure that all payments to you get posted publicly as well.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 03, 2013, 10:31:23 PM
First investment received. 2.0 BTC. Transaction proof (

2.2 BTC to be paid in full using 80% hashing power as agreed upon. Each payment working up to this point will be posted publicly.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Vod on December 04, 2013, 01:02:47 AM
After looking at the numbers, I'm really tempted just to buy a BFL miner.  But I don't have a spare room and I'm not really equipped to handle the noise and heat that I assume they generate.

So, I'll invest 2 BTC with you.  Given the hash power that you already have, I think it's favorable.

I think you'll never see your coins again.   :-\

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 04, 2013, 01:06:24 AM
I think you'll never see your coins again.   :-\
We'll see.  I've been wrong before.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: TiagoTiago on December 04, 2013, 01:17:31 AM
Have you included your energy bill in the math? If you're paying more for running the machines than you're earning from them, then don't run the machines and use the difference in the bill to buy bitcoins directly.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 04, 2013, 02:05:20 AM
Yes, electricity was taken into consideration as well. Overall cost of running all the miners currently owned: $0.

Were I actually paying for the electricity consumed, it would cost roughly $70 a month to foot the extra of the two BFL Singles (second one coming in a week), which is about 18 hours of mining. Not a big deal.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 05, 2013, 02:08:20 AM
Sent your earnings for the past little bit to the address you specified. (Transaction Details (

Difficulty just dropped, though. Making just shy of .04 a day. Should be getting that second miner in soon, though. Got a shipping notice from BFL today. Hopefully that'll get things up to speed until the AMT comes in.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 05, 2013, 03:01:48 AM
Sweet - thanks.  You might want to throw a 0.0001 fee in there next time.  You can subtract it from the amount you send.  I've heard of 0-fee transactions taking forever.  I also don't mind if you save up a few days at a time.

I just signed up at Cloudhashing too - we'll see who does better.  :)

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 05, 2013, 05:15:42 AM
Yeah, I had no intentions of paying each day. That would get rather spammy here on the forums if I decided to make each one of them public. Just wanted something to show right now since most people still won't trust me. And rightfully so, with the amount of shenanigans that goes on around here.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 10, 2013, 11:46:50 PM
Sent .4 bitcoins towards returning msc's investment. Transaction details here ( Current earnings plus a little extra. I'll still keep sending them as they come in.

Got the second BFL miner, and it's up and running very slightly ahead of schedule. Not much of an improvement since the last difficulty increase, but it's good enough to decrease the time spent in getting payments to anyone who decides to invest.

Also, considering starting to put money into preorders if anyone has any suggestions as to what to order. I'm aware they won't be coming until Jan - March if I order now, but it's still an option if people would rather me invest in something upcoming rather than hardware that's already available.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Kouye on December 10, 2013, 11:53:20 PM
I'm aware they won't be coming until Jan - March
That's excellent!
Care to share which company can deliver in march if I order today, please?

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 11, 2013, 12:32:44 AM
Some of the companies shipping in March are Black Arrow, BFL, Cointerra, AMT... well, there's a bunch, but those are the only ones that seem reputable in any way. They have some devices shipping prior to then, but preorders are currently slated for late February / early March for all of them.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Kouye on December 11, 2013, 12:36:07 AM
Some of the companies shipping in March are Black Arrow, BFL, Cointerra, AMT... well, there's a bunch, but those are the only ones that seem reputable in any way. They have some devices shipping prior to then, but preorders are currently slated for late February / early March for all of them.
Ok, No delivery before next summer at best, then.  :(

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Vod on December 11, 2013, 02:47:25 AM
Sent .4 bitcoins towards returning msc's investment. Transaction details here ( Current earnings plus a little extra. I'll still keep sending them as they come in.

Now you have 1.6 BTC ($1600) of one "investor"'s coins.  Scam is to attract as many "investors" as you can before you stop making payments.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 11, 2013, 03:18:52 AM
Sent .4 bitcoins towards returning msc's investment. Transaction details here ( Current earnings plus a little extra. I'll still keep sending them as they come in.

Now you have 1.6 BTC ($1600) of one "investor"'s coins.  Scam is to attract as many "investors" as you can before you stop making payments.

View it however you wish. Fact of the matter is that, unlike some people on these forums, I don't feel the need for anonymity. I use this same name everywhere, and it's linked to so much real-life information that I would have to be pretty stupid to scam anyone. All I have to lose is my reputation here and just about everywhere else.

If you're too worried I'm going to take your money and run, then don't invest. It's that simple. Don't, however, try to sully my name before I can make one for myself here.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Vod on December 11, 2013, 03:38:21 AM
No one should invest until the current investor has been paid back with promised interest.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: TiagoTiago on December 11, 2013, 04:18:49 AM
No one should invest until the current investor has been paid back with promised interest.
That isn't a good advice in general though. It's quite easy to make some sockpuppets and give them some "profit" to convince the mark it is legit.

Perhaps this one is indeed legit, but just seeing someone else make a profit is no guarantee of that.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 11, 2013, 04:27:54 AM
That isn't a good advice in general though. It's quite easy to make some sockpuppets and give them some "profit" to convince the mark it is legit.
There's always a risk in lending.  Someone could have a perfect track record of paying 1000 investors, and the next day get hit by a car and never make a payout again. If we didn't want to take risk, we wouldn't own Bitcoin in the first place.  Granted, someone with a known track record is less risk, but not zero.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: specgamer on December 15, 2013, 03:04:44 AM
That isn't a good advice in general though. It's quite easy to make some sockpuppets and give them some "profit" to convince the mark it is legit.
There's always a risk in lending.  Someone could have a perfect track record of paying 1000 investors, and the next day get hit by a car and never make a payout again. If we didn't want to take risk, we wouldn't own Bitcoin in the first place.  Granted, someone with a known track record is less risk, but not zero.

I was surprised that you invested almost $2000 USD to someone you do not know without any trust and a sob story, hopefully you will get yor coins back but he may scam you, I'm just warning you.  Perhaps you should have started with a 1BTC and just been done with it.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 15, 2013, 03:27:23 AM
I was surprised that you invested almost $2000 USD to someone you do not know without any trust and a sob story, hopefully you will get yor coins back but he may scam you, I'm just warning you.  Perhaps you should have started with a 1BTC and just been done with it.
Don't worry, I've lost a lot more than that in my day.  I'm not rich, but I have a good profit in BTC even without those two coins. 

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 15, 2013, 11:36:57 AM
BTC0.2 sent towards paying off msc's debt.  Transaction Details (

Still looking for more investors. The more hashing power I have, the faster I can get the money to everyone, and the sooner everyone gets to go home happy.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: psyclon on December 15, 2013, 02:46:48 PM
he stole my title.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Vod on December 15, 2013, 09:42:14 PM
BTC0.2 sent towards paying off msc's debt.  Transaction Details (

Still looking for more investors. The more hashing power I have, the faster I can get the money to everyone, and the sooner everyone gets to go home happy.

More ponzi investors means more payments!  If you don't invest, the scheme collapses.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 15, 2013, 11:44:34 PM
BTC0.2 sent towards paying off msc's debt.  Transaction Details (

Still looking for more investors. The more hashing power I have, the faster I can get the money to everyone, and the sooner everyone gets to go home happy.

More ponzi investors means more payments!  If you don't invest, the scheme collapses.

You've made it blatantly clear you don't trust me, and that's all well and good. You have somewhat of a reputation for helping members of the community avoid being scammed, which even helped me at one point. However, now, you're starting to sound more like a child than a helpful member of the community. Feel free to quote me on that if need be.

Besides, you clearly don't know what a ponzi scheme is. Were that the case, no new hardware would have been purchased, and, if you care to check at my mining address, you'd see that all payments correspond to money made solely from mining income. Were this even closely resembling a ponzi scheme, none of that would be the case.

You'll also see that, even though I currently have more than enough to pay msc back now, I have not done so yet. Why? Because, contrary to a ponzi scheme, the investors cash goes directly into hardware, and is paid back directly from income of said hardware.

Now, please go cry wolf elsewhere.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: MoreBloodWine on December 16, 2013, 01:48:36 AM
Lol, last reply got deleted, suspect this one will to.

Either way, assuming the lender and the lendee aren't the same person, I hope the lender gets all of his funds back.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: monbux on December 16, 2013, 02:17:34 AM
I laughed when I noticed that this was a self-moderated topic. Nope, I didn't laugh at anything else.  ::)

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 16, 2013, 02:21:10 AM
Lol, last reply got deleted, suspect this one will to.

Either way, assuming the lender and the lendee aren't the same person, I hope the lender gets all of his funds back.

Nah, the last one got deleted because of the nature of the reply. Not very keen on the whole thread hijacking thing. No reason to remove this one.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 23, 2013, 08:19:28 PM
And even more BTC to msc, just in time for Christmas. (Transaction Details (

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on December 24, 2013, 01:07:04 AM
And even more BTC to msc, just in time for Christmas. (Transaction Details (
Thanks - Merry Christmas! 

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on December 24, 2013, 01:13:23 AM
And even more BTC to msc, just in time for Christmas. (Transaction Details (
Thanks - Merry Christmas!  
Merry Christmas to you as well!

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on January 02, 2014, 10:26:11 PM
BTC0.46 headed your way, msc. Hope you enjoyed your holidays! (Transaction Details (

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on January 12, 2014, 07:44:12 PM
Should just be one more payment left to msc, who was the only investor at this point thanks to the pen and paper badge brigade.

At this point I'd like to see if anyone else would be interested. Next few investments will be going towards this last round of recently released hardware, most likely an AntMiner device or such, or whatever the investors request.  If requested that I invest in upcoming hardware, that's a possibility as well.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on January 19, 2014, 10:41:18 AM
Last payment sent. Msc now completely paid back in full, plus the 10% interest, as promised. Transaction Details (

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: msc on January 19, 2014, 05:52:08 PM
Last payment sent. Msc now completely paid back in full, plus the 10% interest, as promised. Transaction Details (
Thanks - it's been a pleasure.  I left you some trust, and would be happy to loan again, but all my BTC is tied up right now.

Title: Re: Invest in me.
Post by: Khanduras on January 20, 2014, 04:54:03 AM
Thanks - it's been a pleasure.  I left you some trust, and would be happy to loan again, but all my BTC is tied up right now.

That's not a problem, man. Just glad you were happy with how things worked out.

Anyways, I'm ready to take on another investor or two. Same deal as with msc. Looking into buying AntMiners presently, since they're available and ready to go.