Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: finltc22 on December 02, 2013, 12:38:57 PM

Title: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: finltc22 on December 02, 2013, 12:38:57 PM

I've noticed these three options arent available anywhere, on any market...usually its just bank transfers and dodgy e-wallets (which also require bank trasnfer in the beginning)

It is quite hard to buy coins, if I decide to bank wire, it takes sooo much time for it to get processed and then it's too late....

Are there any time-reasonable ways to buy them darn coins?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 02, 2013, 12:48:31 PM

I've noticed these three options arent available anywhere, on any market...usually its just bank transfers and dodgy e-wallets (which also require bank trasnfer in the beginning)

It is quite hard to buy coins, if I decide to bank wire, it takes sooo much time for it to get processed and then it's too late....

Are there any time-reasonable ways to buy them darn coins?

Go to localbitcoins , if you want to avoid banks.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: jduartedj on December 02, 2013, 01:21:07 PM
Localbitcoins is an option but I don't have an opinion since I haven't used it.
I know it has some kind of escrow so should be ok, feedback seems ok.

They don't use paypal and such because it is easily "scammable", with virtual goods anyone can receive the value in BTC and then open a dispute saying he didn't receive it! Even though it is public paypal doesn't know if the Bitcoin address is yours and if the transaction has really been made and only has the option to give the money back!

I use Payza but there are sites many you can use like EgoPay or OKpay.
Then use a trading site like BTC-E or bitstamp to trade them up.

Beware of the fees:
  • funding the wallet in the site from your bank
  • transferring from the site to the trading site
  • trading fees
  • withdrawal fees to the site again
  • receiving fees on the site
  • withdrawal fee to you bank

(This is the reason why on localbitcoins you have such high trading rates!)

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: AuroraHF on December 02, 2013, 01:22:44 PM

I've noticed these three options arent available anywhere, on any market...usually its just bank transfers and dodgy e-wallets (which also require bank trasnfer in the beginning)

It is quite hard to buy coins, if I decide to bank wire, it takes sooo much time for it to get processed and then it's too late....

Are there any time-reasonable ways to buy them darn coins?

Problem with those three options are they are easily reversible so scammers and rippers take advantage of that by calling up their bank and saying that the payment was unauthorized.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: XCASH on December 02, 2013, 03:17:44 PM
I have been trying to find a way to buy bitcoins with paypal, but it seems very hard to do because of chargeback scams.

Has anyone used bank transfer?

A lot of services seem to offer this method of buying bitcoins, but I have no idea what the banks charge for the service. Is it cheaper to transfer money between bank accounts in the same country, or does it cost the same as international money transfers between bank accounts?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: RodeoX on December 02, 2013, 03:30:09 PM
Campbx takes USPS money orders. They cost $1.60 for depositing up to $1000. Also they are in the USA, and comply with financial laws.  Bitcoins are no longer hard to get.

Don't screw around with PayPal. Your money and bitcoins will be stolen and you will wish you had not tried it.  :'(

EDIT: I use bank transfers with verified accounts. Easy-peasy.


Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: bitcoinproplayer on December 02, 2013, 03:43:13 PM

I've noticed these three options arent available anywhere, on any market...usually its just bank transfers and dodgy e-wallets (which also require bank trasnfer in the beginning)

It is quite hard to buy coins, if I decide to bank wire, it takes sooo much time for it to get processed and then it's too late....

Are there any time-reasonable ways to buy them darn coins?


Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: vdcc on December 02, 2013, 04:34:14 PM
That's maybe the major drawback of bitcoin - no easy way in. And i'm talking about regular people, not miners, brokers/speculators etc. The ones that actually spend money (usually via PP and/or CC) to BUY things (not just cryptocurrencies), the ones that eventually can replace PP and other existing payment methods with bitcoin.
And they don't want to wire funds to some shaddy exchange, wait for 7-30 days just to buy coins.
Neither they want to meet with someone in person to exchange money for coins (or vice versa)

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: RodeoX on December 02, 2013, 06:55:37 PM
That's maybe the major drawback of bitcoin - no easy way in. And i'm talking about regular people, not miners, brokers/speculators etc. The ones that actually spend money (usually via PP and/or CC) to BUY things (not just cryptocurrencies), the ones that eventually can replace PP and other existing payment methods with bitcoin.
And they don't want to wire funds to some shaddy exchange, wait for 7-30 days just to buy coins.
Neither they want to meet with someone in person to exchange money for coins (or vice versa)
I find it no harder than managing and moving dollars electronically. You mentioned PayPal, well it's basically the same process to fund your PayPal account. Get verified, send money, wait for your account to be funded. It's getting through the morass of legal requirements on dollars that is the problem. Once you have bitcoin you are free.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: varun1244 on December 02, 2013, 07:46:26 PM
virwox is one such service which allows buying coins with PP but the fees is too high and first time transaction may take upto three days or more to be processed

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: vdcc on December 03, 2013, 07:22:31 PM
That's maybe the major drawback of bitcoin - no easy way in. And i'm talking about regular people, not miners, brokers/speculators etc. The ones that actually spend money (usually via PP and/or CC) to BUY things (not just cryptocurrencies), the ones that eventually can replace PP and other existing payment methods with bitcoin.
And they don't want to wire funds to some shaddy exchange, wait for 7-30 days just to buy coins.
Neither they want to meet with someone in person to exchange money for coins (or vice versa)
I find it no harder than managing and moving dollars electronically. You mentioned PayPal, well it's basically the same process to fund your PayPal account. Get verified, send money, wait for your account to be funded. It's getting through the morass of legal requirements on dollars that is the problem. Once you have bitcoin you are free.
People don't care if they're free or not, they want the easiest way possible to exchange and lowest fees.
Of course it's not a problem for someone who dislikes the current monetary system, or for the miners, traders, etc. but they're not majority (not even close). How many people know anything about cryptocurrencies, 1%?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: cryptocap on December 03, 2013, 08:01:17 PM
If you deposit cash in a bank account, that's pretty instant, but you have to be close to the bank that the seller uses. At least the fees are low. Western union is fairly quick but you have to bite the fees. Just a few other options that are quicker than waiting for paypal or another service to verify the funds.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: vdcc on December 03, 2013, 08:16:36 PM
WU is too expensive (and that's gonna ruin them even before coins do), wire takes too long (~week on most exchanges), nothing beats direct payment with CC or Paypal.
Hard to get in and even harder to get out (deposits and withdrawals) is a big problem that can cause a real damage to cryptocurrencies (totally stop or at least slow down the adoption)

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 03, 2013, 09:59:26 PM
That's maybe the major drawback of bitcoin - no easy way in. And i'm talking about regular people, not miners, brokers/speculators etc. The ones that actually spend money (usually via PP and/or CC) to BUY things (not just cryptocurrencies), the ones that eventually can replace PP and other existing payment methods with bitcoin.
And they don't want to wire funds to some shaddy exchange, wait for 7-30 days just to buy coins.
Neither they want to meet with someone in person to exchange money for coins (or vice versa)
I find it no harder than managing and moving dollars electronically. You mentioned PayPal, well it's basically the same process to fund your PayPal account. Get verified, send money, wait for your account to be funded. It's getting through the morass of legal requirements on dollars that is the problem. Once you have bitcoin you are free.

In theory , practically , it's a lot harder for some people.
You can fund a PP account with one click , check the speculation thread with people angry their funds haven't reached the exchanges at time and they missed "the boat "the crash"the rise" the god knows what.

You've been here long enough to know buying bitcoins is sometimes a pain in the ass.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: XCASH on December 04, 2013, 12:48:11 AM
Thanks for helping a newbie out.

Do most exchanges require a minimum fraction of a bitcoin deposit when starting trading for the first time?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: Ulysses1994XF04 on December 04, 2013, 01:05:08 AM
That's maybe the major drawback of bitcoin - no easy way in. And i'm talking about regular people, not miners, brokers/speculators etc. The ones that actually spend money (usually via PP and/or CC) to BUY things (not just cryptocurrencies), the ones that eventually can replace PP and other existing payment methods with bitcoin.
And they don't want to wire funds to some shaddy exchange, wait for 7-30 days just to buy coins.
Neither they want to meet with someone in person to exchange money for coins (or vice versa)
I find it no harder than managing and moving dollars electronically. You mentioned PayPal, well it's basically the same process to fund your PayPal account. Get verified, send money, wait for your account to be funded. It's getting through the morass of legal requirements on dollars that is the problem. Once you have bitcoin you are free.
People don't care if they're free or not, they want the easiest way possible to exchange and lowest fees.
Of course it's not a problem for someone who dislikes the current monetary system, or for the miners, traders, etc. but they're not majority (not even close). How many people know anything about cryptocurrencies, 1%?

Ditto; I've been reading up on this, watching tonnes of Youtube tutorials and I still can't figure this out.

I figured out how to install something called "guiminer" and it's been running at ~350 khash/s (f-ed if I know what that means, but I've been told it's slow). I have no idea how to access the Bitcoins it's generating or even if it's generating any.

What exactly am I "freeing" myself from?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: quone17 on December 04, 2013, 01:42:54 AM
Yeah I'm having trouble here. How can I buy an sell coins and the worst thing is it seems like none of these places will sen money to me. Like u can't cash out of mt gox.  Just seems so shady what's the problem why can't anyone open a reputable exchange where u can actually get fiat money out?

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: QuizMasterChris on December 04, 2013, 01:55:56 AM
Agreed that there is a STEEP curve to the average person in obtaining BTC in any way.

I tried using an exchange (eobot) that accepted PayPal for purchase.  They refunded the money after 5 weeks - after making $900 on my deposit! - and only gave me back the principal.

BTC's steep entry ability is a scammer's dream come true.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: velvet18 on December 04, 2013, 06:29:40 AM
thats not much posible , unrefund able bitcoin vs refund able ewallet

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 04, 2013, 12:10:03 PM
Yeah I'm having trouble here. How can I buy an sell coins and the worst thing is it seems like none of these places will sen money to me. Like u can't cash out of mt gox.  Just seems so shady what's the problem why can't anyone open a reputable exchange where u can actually get fiat money out?


Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 04, 2013, 12:14:36 PM
Generally crypto currency exchanges do not support PayPal or Credit Cards or any other payment method that is reversible, because the risk is detrimental to their business model. Simply because by design all BitCoin transactions are irreversible and there is no way for them to get their money back.

If you do find an Exchange that supports these payment methods it is likely that they will have significantly higher transaction fees.

Well , the main reasons is that there are lots of scammers that take advantage of those company policies.
If there weren't people who only thought about those schemes there won't be any problem.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 12:26:34 PM
I think Coin.Mx (http://Coin.Mx) may have found a way to mitigate credit card charge backs. I've had success with them twice, and I just signed up last night.

See my quick review  here  (

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 04, 2013, 12:43:58 PM
I think Coin.Mx (http://Coin.Mx) may have found a way to mitigate credit card charge backs. I've had success with them twice, and I just signed up last night.

See my quick review  here  (

Sounds like you're more the admin than the user of that website.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: Usernametoy on December 04, 2013, 12:45:19 PM
Go on a trustworthy forum and buy from trusted people with paypal

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 12:56:29 PM
I think Coin.Mx (http://Coin.Mx) may have found a way to mitigate credit card charge backs. I've had success with them twice, and I just signed up last night.

See my quick review  here  (

Sounds like you're more the admin than the user of that website.

lol, what the heck makes you say that?! Seriously, tho? Is it the way it was worded? ... Dude, that's the professional in me. I don't have much experience communicating on forums but I'm working on it :p  But I do review all the sites I use. And I was pretty impressed with their service. Trust me - if their service starts to degrade, I'll call it out too. 

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 01:02:55 PM
Go on a trustworthy forum and buy from trusted people with paypal

Which forum?

No previous trades + New online presence = No Trust. Virwox would be a better option for Paypal. 

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: kikeda on December 04, 2013, 02:30:05 PM
how about western union? seems banktransfer takes a lot of time to clear up.

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: fastsports on December 04, 2013, 03:22:51 PM is a very good and reliable website. You can give it a try

Title: Re: Purchasing coins via Moneybookers/PayPal/Credit Card
Post by: niothor on December 04, 2013, 04:00:46 PM is a very good and reliable website. You can give it a try

Mos of us don't speak Finnish.