Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: merc84 on December 06, 2013, 02:22:08 AM

Title: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: merc84 on December 06, 2013, 02:22:08 AM
Hello everyone i have been mining xpm @ ypool for a while now and am happy to bring linux users an update on a more recent miner. For sometime now the only real choice has been tandyuk's port of Rde's v3.3 miner or running under a newer windows miner under wine. So now there is a newer linux miner out I am glad to finally share my easy setup code, please note this code was adapted for ubuntu and has been tested on 13.04 and 13.10 only so far(added code tested for centos 6.4 server), and is intended for use on ypool. Please note there maybe issue removing libgmp packages and it is suggested to either remove the self complied libgmp lines or start on fresh os install, the guide was designed and tested for setting up on machines not already loaded with required deps.

Copy paste the below into terminal editing the parts with < > also edit primorials (0 disables them), recommended 3-4 threads Per primorial, Max 1 primorial per 2 threads. Heres some of the more popular primorials 31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential m4 openssl libssl-dev git libjson0 libjson0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev && cd && rm -rf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.3 && wget && tar xjvf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 && cd gmp-5.1.3 && ./configure --enable-cxx && make -j<number of threads> && sudo make install && cd && sudo git clone && cd jhPrimeminer-Aero && sudo make && ./jhprimeminer -o -u <username>.xpm_< > -p <password> -m 61 -m2 0 -m3 0 -m4 0

yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y && yum install openssl openssl-devel openssh-clients git -y && cd && wget && tar xjvf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 && cd gmp-5.1.3 && ./configure --enable-cxx && make && sudo -s make install && cd && git clone && cd jhPrimeminer-Aero && LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib make && ./jhprimeminer -o -u <username>.xpm_< > -p <password> -m 61 -m2 0 -m3 0 -m4 0

"List of ports that are currently open for mining: 8080, 8081, 8082, 8083, 8084, 8085, 8086, 8087, 10034" quoted from ypool howto

This will install all required deps and compile libgmp from scratch with optimizations for ur system, compile the miner and kick off the mining process. If you are running on a multi cpu platform u should benefit from using 1 mining process for each physical cpu (using numactl).

Credits: Clintar for the linux port of Aero's T16, Aero for the source code, myself for the easy setup code. If you found this helpful please support the Dev's (Clintar and Aero) and myself for the setup code.
clintar xpm:AGWshdugRrRBXwR63Eqs3sgdcMiZV3koJE
aero: XPM: AFv6FpGBqzGUW8puYzitUwZKjSHKczmteY
BTC: 1Btqu2HjBmzdwgF98E97ArJLmqBBXeSbpT
PTS: PtNDjXdcf8bPwgZvhscQE2GfwSVJZUkRyK
Merc xpm: APNZ86mBed8KXbqpjxmL71u2VkCKBMFQSp

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on December 06, 2013, 02:35:20 AM
Please message me with any issues you find, and thank you to merc84 (mercuryminer) for helping spread the word.

Issues I've fixed since this was first posted:

Input only worked for the first keypress.
Default target set to 10.
Version shows now in connected miners page.

If you had any of these issues, run "git pull" to get latest code, and then "make" to build new version with fixes.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: nreal on January 04, 2014, 11:12:49 AM
Works great on Gentoo, how about avx and v.17?

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: BinoX on January 06, 2014, 02:12:13 PM
Compiled this for FreeBSD 9.1, with only one source modification and 1 small change to the makefile... (The source change shouldn't actually make any difference, it's just extra curly braces where they shouldn't be needed, but the compiler was being fussy)

I'll send you the changes to check over via PM soon, so you can check them yourself (you may well have a better way of doing it)

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on January 06, 2014, 09:31:43 PM
Compiled this for FreeBSD 9.1, with only one source modification and 1 small change to the makefile... (The source change shouldn't actually make any difference, it's just extra curly braces where they shouldn't be needed, but the compiler was being fussy)

I'll send you the changes to check over via PM soon, so you can check them yourself (you may well have a better way of doing it)

Was that you who sent me the merge request. it should be ok now.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: BinoX on January 07, 2014, 09:51:29 AM
Nope, wasn't me... Github dislikes me... I had to clone it onto another machine and then bring it to my FreeBSD box on a USB pen for compilation.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on January 07, 2014, 08:30:20 PM
Works great on Gentoo, how about avx and v.17?

Gonna paste what I said on github about avx:

I'm pretty sure that mostly depends on how your libgmp is compiled. that has some pretty good instructions. I'm not sure, but I think you may want to do the LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib make command to make sure jhprimeminer uses your compiled libgmp rather than the one installed with your OS.

About v17, I don't think AeroCloud's made his source public, yet. I've had little time lately to work on this, too. I still have to fix the xpt so it shows version info on connected miners page, and possibly get it working for 32bit. Saw someone's comments about that in chat yesterday.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clockzok on January 15, 2014, 07:37:50 PM
clintar / merc84 : can you guys add an opensuse / suse linux installation guide please?

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: ThE_AdMiRaL on January 16, 2014, 07:56:48 AM
Hey there!

I'm currently testing your code; as far as I can see everything works properly except one minor bug: The miner doesen't seem to take a manually set sievesize using "-s" in the command line.

Question: Does the aero-miner perform some kind of auto tuning?

It would also be great if you could add an option to enable the output messages via command line, too. I'm usually running the application via startup script and I didn't came across a method to send keystrokes to an application using the command line.

But overall very solid work, currently running benchmarks to compare it with tandys miner. Keep it going! :)

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on January 17, 2014, 01:19:03 AM
Hey there!

I'm currently testing your code; as far as I can see everything works properly except one minor bug: The miner doesen't seem to take a manually set sievesize using "-s" in the command line.

Question: Does the aero-miner perform some kind of auto tuning?

It would also be great if you could add an option to enable the output messages via command line, too. I'm usually running the application via startup script and I didn't came across a method to send keystrokes to an application using the command line.

But overall very solid work, currently running benchmarks to compare it with tandys miner. Keep it going! :)
-s should work. I've done it myself. hit 's' to show settings. It does have limits as far as how small they can be, though. I'm not sure what you mean enable output messages via command line. do you mean as if you hit 'm' to show stats, but have it be turned on with a command line switch?

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: ThE_AdMiRaL on January 17, 2014, 03:48:37 PM
-s should work. I've done it myself. hit 's' to show settings. It does have limits as far as how small they can be, though.

Alright, I checke dit again and found out that the setting of the Sieve Size actuelly works. I thought it wasn't working because the miner prints something like "Generated Table [0,1000000] with 664854 Primes" on startup. Don't know if it is a bug, though... ;D

Question: Does the miner automatically adjust this value to the performance of the system? If yes, it might be better if I didn't even touch that value.

I'm not sure what you mean enable output messages via command line. do you mean as if you hit 'm' to show stats, but have it be turned on with a command line switch?

Exactly! :)

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: Zerogiven on January 26, 2014, 03:02:41 AM

Is there any possibility to get a working version for gpool? I'm not sure if it is much work but if i try
the latest source i'll get the following message:

xpt: Failed to log in
Reason: Unknown version

I prefer clintar's version for ypool, but would be very great for gpool too! I also donated 0,5 XPM
to clintar few weeks ago ;)


Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on January 29, 2014, 07:34:42 AM
-s should work. I've done it myself. hit 's' to show settings. It does have limits as far as how small they can be, though.

Alright, I checke dit again and found out that the setting of the Sieve Size actuelly works. I thought it wasn't working because the miner prints something like "Generated Table [0,1000000] with 664854 Primes" on startup. Don't know if it is a bug, though... ;D

Question: Does the miner automatically adjust this value to the performance of the system? If yes, it might be better if I didn't even touch that value.

I'm not sure what you mean enable output messages via command line. do you mean as if you hit 'm' to show stats, but have it be turned on with a command line switch?

Exactly! :)
Finally got around to adding this option. It's -M to enable messages.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on January 29, 2014, 07:52:23 AM

Is there any possibility to get a working version for gpool? I'm not sure if it is much work but if i try
the latest source i'll get the following message:

xpt: Failed to log in
Reason: Unknown version

I prefer clintar's version for ypool, but would be very great for gpool too! I also donated 0,5 XPM
to clintar few weeks ago ;)

latest works for me if i use

./jhprimeminer -o -u AGWshdugRrRBXwR63Eqs3sgdcMiZV3koJE -p x

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: ThE_AdMiRaL on February 01, 2014, 01:27:43 AM
Finally got around to adding this option. It's -M to enable messages.

Hey clintar, thank you for adding this option. I also sent you 2 XPM to support you and your work. I know it isn't much, but I don't have much more atm anyways. ;D

However, I think you introduced a bug with the last update. A new System of mine using your latest version crashes after some hours of working quite fine with the following output:
xpt: Disconnected, auto reconnect in 30 seconds
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small

First occurence after ~8 hours, second one after ~14. The earlier version of the miner is running on another system for > 1 Week now without any problems. :-\

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: fabtho on February 03, 2014, 11:08:26 AM
thanks for your work.

I just compiled your linux version. Its running fine on Linux Mint 16.

How is its performance compared to the running the windows version under wine? Just asking, I am not intrested to change to wine, because I don't want to install it.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: pire on February 10, 2014, 04:55:50 PM
Hello Clintar,

I have compiled jhPrimeminer-Aero from on a Debian 7.4 box (x86-32 bits).

The resulting binary starts fine but shortly dies with a:

║  jhPrimeMiner - mod by AeroCloud - T17vCl                     ║
║     optimised from rdebourbon 3.3 build + HP11 updates        ║
║  author: JH (                                ║
║  contributors: x3maniac, rdebourbon, clintar                  ║
║  Credits: Sunny King for the original Primecoin client&miner  ║
║  Credits: mikaelh for the performance optimizations           ║
║                                                               ║
║  Donations:                                                   ║
║        XPM: AFv6FpGBqzGUW8puYzitUwZKjSHKczmteY                ║
║        BTC: 1Ca9qP6tkAEo6EpgtXvuANr936c9FbgBrH                ║
Launching miner...
GeneratePrimeTable() : prime table [1, 10000000] generated with 664579 primes
Connecting to ''
Using 16 threads
Username: ************
Password: ************
Using x.pushthrough protocol
xpt: Logged in
Keyboard shortcuts:
   <Ctrl-C>, <Q>     - Quit
   <s> - Print current settings
   <h> - Print Help
   <m> - Toggle SPS Messages
   <p> - Print Primorial Stats

New Block: 398387 - Diff: 10.42422318 / 7.00000000
Valid/Total shares: [ 0 / 0 ]  -  Max diff: 0.00000000
        [    7ch] [    8ch] [    9ch] [   10ch] [   11ch] [  12ch+]
 Total: [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0]
  ch/h: [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000]
  Val/h: 0.000000                     Last Block/Total: 0.000000 / 0.000000
Segmentation fault

I have tried different compile flags without results, still getting the segfault.
Is there anything I can do to help you debug and fix that issue ?


Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on February 12, 2014, 07:36:12 PM
Hello Clintar,

I have compiled jhPrimeminer-Aero from on a Debian 7.4 box (x86-32 bits).

The resulting binary starts fine but shortly dies with a:

║  jhPrimeMiner - mod by AeroCloud - T17vCl                     ║
║     optimised from rdebourbon 3.3 build + HP11 updates        ║
║  author: JH (                                ║
║  contributors: x3maniac, rdebourbon, clintar                  ║
║  Credits: Sunny King for the original Primecoin client&miner  ║
║  Credits: mikaelh for the performance optimizations           ║
║                                                               ║
║  Donations:                                                   ║
║        XPM: AFv6FpGBqzGUW8puYzitUwZKjSHKczmteY                ║
║        BTC: 1Ca9qP6tkAEo6EpgtXvuANr936c9FbgBrH                ║
Launching miner...
GeneratePrimeTable() : prime table [1, 10000000] generated with 664579 primes
Connecting to ''
Using 16 threads
Username: ************
Password: ************
Using x.pushthrough protocol
xpt: Logged in
Keyboard shortcuts:
   <Ctrl-C>, <Q>     - Quit
   <s> - Print current settings
   <h> - Print Help
   <m> - Toggle SPS Messages
   <p> - Print Primorial Stats

New Block: 398387 - Diff: 10.42422318 / 7.00000000
Valid/Total shares: [ 0 / 0 ]  -  Max diff: 0.00000000
        [    7ch] [    8ch] [    9ch] [   10ch] [   11ch] [  12ch+]
 Total: [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0]
  ch/h: [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000]
  Val/h: 0.000000                     Last Block/Total: 0.000000 / 0.000000
Segmentation fault

I have tried different compile flags without results, still getting the segfault.
Is there anything I can do to help you debug and fix that issue ?

Sorry, it's not meant to be 32bit. It might be workable, but nobody wants to try to support it since the performance is so low.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: pire on February 12, 2014, 08:26:49 PM
Thanks for the clarification.
I was about to offer a shell access to my Debian 7.4 32 bits box if anyone wanted to have a look, but I didn't know about the performance issue.
It may not be worth the effort then.


Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on February 12, 2014, 09:04:44 PM
thanks for your work.

I just compiled your linux version. Its running fine on Linux Mint 16.

How is its performance compared to the running the windows version under wine? Just asking, I am not intrested to change to wine, because I don't want to install it.
I think it was like 10% slower in wine.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on February 13, 2014, 10:20:24 PM
Finally got around to adding this option. It's -M to enable messages.

Hey clintar, thank you for adding this option. I also sent you 2 XPM to support you and your work. I know it isn't much, but I don't have much more atm anyways. ;D

However, I think you introduced a bug with the last update. A new System of mine using your latest version crashes after some hours of working quite fine with the following output:
xpt: Disconnected, auto reconnect in 30 seconds
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small
xptPacketbuffer_writeData(): Packetbuffer too small

First occurence after ~8 hours, second one after ~14. The earlier version of the miner is running on another system for > 1 Week now without any problems. :-\
I've found the bug. It's funky 'cause I couldn't get the program to think it got disconnected even by unplugging the ethernet cable, or setting a bad route to ypool. I had to trick it into thinking it did or it just happily keeps hashing thinking everything is fine, which makes me wonder what circumstances make it think it gets disconnected. I've got to look into the socket routines to see if something different needs to be done to check for a disconnect. I've got a few other fixes I need to test and I'll update when that's done.  Thanks for the report, and sorry it takes me so long to respond. I need more time...

Edit: Changes should be live now. WARNING: There is now a 3% dev fee. 2.5% going to AeroCloud, .5% to me.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: clintar on March 17, 2014, 06:40:48 AM
I finally added a fix for disconnects that was found by girino in his xptminer metiscoin stuff.

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: DarkAGeS on March 21, 2014, 05:49:49 PM
Compiled this for FreeBSD 9.1, with only one source modification and 1 small change to the makefile... (The source change shouldn't actually make any difference, it's just extra curly braces where they shouldn't be needed, but the compiler was being fussy)

I'll send you the changes to check over via PM soon, so you can check them yourself (you may well have a better way of doing it)

Was that you who sent me the merge request. it should be ok now.

how to compile on freebsd 9.1 ?..
I have this error:
# gmake
clang++ -c -mtune=native -Wall -Wextra -std=c++0x -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DHAVE_DECL_LE32DEC -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -Isrc/primecoinMiner/includes/ src/primecoinMiner/bn2.cpp -o src/primecoinMiner/bn2.o
In file included from src/primecoinMiner/bn2.cpp:1:
In file included from src/primecoinMiner/global.h:44:
/usr/local/include/gmpxx.h:55:10: fatal error: 'type_traits' file not found
#include <type_traits> // for common_type
1 error generated.
gmake: *** [src/primecoinMiner/bn2.o] Error 1

Title: Re: Xpm mining for linux using Clintars T16 linux port of Aeroclouds Xpm miner
Post by: PhilippeD on March 26, 2014, 04:24:08 PM

What wrong for me please ?
(Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64 bits)

║  jhPrimeMiner - mod by AeroCloud - T17vCl                     ║
║     optimised from rdebourbon 3.3 build + HP11 updates        ║
║  author: JH (                                ║
║  contributors: x3maniac, rdebourbon, clintar                  ║
║  Credits: Sunny King for the original Primecoin client&miner  ║
║  Credits: mikaelh for the performance optimizations           ║
║                                                               ║
║  Donations:                                                   ║
║        XPM: AFv6FpGBqzGUW8puYzitUwZKjSHKczmteY                ║
║        BTC: 1Ca9qP6tkAEo6EpgtXvuANr936c9FbgBrH                ║
Launching miner...
GeneratePrimeTable() : prime table [1, 10000000] generated with 664579 primes
Connecting to ''
Using 1 threads
Username: PhilippeDenoyer.worker1
Password: password
Using x.pushthrough protocol
xpt: Logged in
Keyboard shortcuts:
   <Ctrl-C>, <Q>     - Quit
   <s> - Print current settings
   <h> - Print Help
   <m> - Toggle SPS Messages
   <p> - Print Primorial Stats

New Block: 461373 - Diff: 10.41683763 / 7.00000000
Valid/Total shares: [ 0 / 0 ]  -  Max diff: 0.00000000
        [    7ch] [    8ch] [    9ch] [   10ch] [   11ch] [  12ch+]
 Total: [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0] [      0]
  ch/h: [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000] [  0.000]
  Val/h: 0.000000                     Last Block/Total: 0.000000 / 0.000000