Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: tonymidlee on December 24, 2013, 09:02:27 AM

Title: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: tonymidlee on December 24, 2013, 09:02:27 AM
First I am a newbie here, but I am not a newbie in the digital world. The reason I want to register and post is all the sudden I have a good idea or want to talk to a very interesting post. However, the so called newbie policy killed the passion.

I understand you must have some reasons to restrict new registered user, from what I read trollers? but the benefit of saving some work for mods does not match the loss of a new passionate bitcoiner(or altcoiner).

I think the spirit of bitcoin is freedom and equal opportunity, but the so called newbie policy does not fit it.

I strongly suggest the forum remove this policy or at least make it reasonable. There are many other ways to stop trollers, like setting the post frequency, etc. Not like this!

Thanks for listening, hope more and more people join the family of bitcoin(or altcoin) family!

Merry Xmas to all!  :)

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: infinitybo on December 24, 2013, 09:12:01 AM
It's weird to say "listening" because actually people are "reading" you ;D Merry Christmas too !

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: berrtus on December 24, 2013, 10:41:56 AM
I agree 100% and was also offended by this policy.  Additionally, when you first sign up there is no mention of this, that I noticed.  So then you waste time trying to figure out why there are no places to make a post.  That is HIGHLY INCONSIDERATE.  And yes it makes you not feel like participating at all once you find yourself relegated to newbie.  my only suggestion is that people look elsewhere for a more considerate forum.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Lethn on December 24, 2013, 10:49:17 AM
I don't like it either, but I think people who don't run forums or website don't understand what pests bot spammers can be, the only work around I have found for these scumbags is setting up a chat room that they aren't clever enough to sign into yet, unfortunately it's one of the only methods aside from captcha's ( which hardly ever work anyway ) to stop them. If they didn't do this, half their time would probably be spent banning over 20 spammers per day because that's the kind of stuff I had to deal with before and the worst part is on those invisionfree forums and stuff they don't even have a click all button.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: sssubito on December 24, 2013, 10:58:50 AM
I think the current policy makes more sense than a arbitrary minimum of posts limit. A minimum post limit is easily passed by posting a bunch of useless posts in the appropriate part of the board. Or worse, some "me too" or "I agree" posts everywhere...  :P

So what is a substantial post here? A few sentences of valuably arranged words that make sense to others?

Gosh, right now I try to do this, hope noone is getting upset. Once there will be a time when a newbie gets initiated and looses its miserable status. :)

Looking forward...

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Lethn on December 24, 2013, 11:02:12 AM
To be honest I think the only thing that will get rid of any of these restrictions including captcha's is a worldwide anti-spambot crusade, campaign is going to easy on them lol.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: berrtus on December 24, 2013, 02:49:59 PM
Spammers may be a problem but that does not excuse the inconsiderate part of not explaining the policy and where to post from the beginning.  I always marvel at how spam is considered such a dire emergency and then look there are ads in between each post.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: spazzcat on December 24, 2013, 02:54:15 PM
I some what agree and was lost to why I couldn't post. A lot of will come here from Google, read a thread and want to reply. So, we sign up, don't read everything, who does. Then be lost as to why you can't reply. I can see this slowing spammers down, but I don't see how it would stop them from create 100s of users, posting stuff in the newbie area and they waiting. Thing about spammers is they have time, spamming is their job...

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 24, 2013, 03:02:02 PM
Spammers may be a problem but that does not excuse the inconsiderate part of not explaining the policy and where to post from the beginning.  I always marvel at how spam is considered such a dire emergency and then look there are ads in between each post.

Are you sure it doesn't explain? It states in the Newbie readme sticky at least.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: hilariousandco on December 24, 2013, 03:06:35 PM
First I am a newbie here, but I am not a newbie in the digital world. The reason I want to register and post is all the sudden I have a good idea or want to talk to a very interesting post. However, the so called newbie policy killed the passion.

I understand you must have some reasons to restrict new registered user, from what I read trollers? but the benefit of saving some work for mods does not match the loss of a new passionate bitcoiner(or altcoiner).

I think the spirit of bitcoin is freedom and equal opportunity, but the so called newbie policy does not fit it.

I strongly suggest the forum remove this policy or at least make it reasonable. There are many other ways to stop trollers, like setting the post frequency, etc. Not like this!

Thanks for listening, hope more and more people join the family of bitcoin(or altcoin) family!

Merry Xmas to all!  :)

You can't've been that passionate if a 4 hour wait killed your desire. Whilst I agree the limitations can be annoying as a new user, they're there as a security precaution and to cut down spambots etc.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: TheLostBuddha on December 24, 2013, 03:12:30 PM
I too fell victim to this policy - however I know it was due to my own negligence as I do remember a key sentence reading something along the lines of "by agreeing ... you know that you will not be able to post until ... etc" -

In all fairness.. I get the policy. In my case the whole reason to even start an account here was trouble with one of my pools - the issue is resolved, but just now reading about a 4 hour wait while I had to set up an alternate pool was quite inconvenient when just posting a reply/question in the post would have solved the problem. 

The Policy is fine - there isn't much else you can do against spammers/bots.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: eternaluniverse on December 24, 2013, 03:22:11 PM
It is in the terms and conditions when you register I believe, I didn't have a problem with it. I don't think the community is going to crumble because you guys can't post outside the newbie section for a few days.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: zoosher on December 24, 2013, 03:43:28 PM
Well I might as well take advantage of this thread and make my first post, as I too have just joined. After reading the policy my first thoughts were "where do I start".

Not being funny but I see this as an opportunity to write my first few sentences.

I'm not practically clever when it comes to grammar and the queens English, thank goodness for spell check as I wouldn't be able to communicate.

Point being I've been reading the threads for about 3 weeks now, I find it Bitcoin fascinating and love the idea, being totally against the system all my adult life, I am in full support of it.

So to lay my cards on the table, I am here to learn and understand Alt currencies.

Viva the revolution. ;D


Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: shtuffit on December 24, 2013, 04:26:17 PM
Spammers may be a problem but that does not excuse the inconsiderate part of not explaining the policy and where to post from the beginning.  I always marvel at how spam is considered such a dire emergency and then look there are ads in between each post.

Spam clogs legitimate activity, the ads between posts help pay to keep this service up and running.

I think that the policies on minimum posts are a good thing, is it really that much to ask that you introduce yourself to the bitcoinTalk community before you focus on your own agenda? As someone who has managed forums in the past it is always a constant battle, on one had you do not want to alienate your user base by making your policies to strict, at the same time you don't want to spend all of your time on moderation.

If you have issues with the policy you are free to start your own forum :D

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: eternaluniverse on December 24, 2013, 04:29:29 PM
Im starting to like the policy even more because it will discourage individuals like the OP from being a part of community and individuals like last 2 posters would join instead.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on December 24, 2013, 05:08:55 PM
I agree 100% and was also offended by this policy.  Additionally, when you first sign up there is no mention of this, that I noticed.  So then you waste time trying to figure out why there are no places to make a post.  That is HIGHLY INCONSIDERATE.  And yes it makes you not feel like participating at all once you find yourself relegated to newbie.  my only suggestion is that people look elsewhere for a more considerate forum.

Spammers may be a problem but that does not excuse the inconsiderate part of not explaining the policy and where to post from the beginning.  I always marvel at how spam is considered such a dire emergency and then look there are ads in between each post.

Life is easier when you start reading ...

Here is some important information about the forum. This is not a rulebook or agreement.


After registering, you will be unable to post in any section except "newbies" until you have spent some time on the forum and have published a few posts.

If you are registering to ask a question, please ask it in the newbies section. Do not wait to ask it just because you must post it in "newbies": the question is very likely to have already been asked. If you don't end up getting good responses, you can ask it again elsewhere after you are established, or you can move the entire topic.

If you are commenting on Bitcoin, use your newbie wait time to read more about Bitcoin. If you are criticizing Bitcoin, find similar criticism using the search tool to see which points have already been covered. A good use of your newbie wait time is reading Satoshi's old posts.


[ ] I understand that I will initially be unable to post to most forum sections, as explained above.

Note the portion that last sentence which requires your agreement (with checkbox) in order to create the account.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: netjmt on December 24, 2013, 05:12:22 PM
Anyone is free to accept or to reject the TOC on this forum. Anyway, is just a way to keep spammers out of the way a little.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: data297 on December 24, 2013, 05:29:12 PM
So how many people read the TOS and came here first? Rather then discovering you couldn't make posts then when hunt hunting for the right thread?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: hilariousandco on December 24, 2013, 05:32:56 PM
So how many people read the TOS and came here first? Rather then discovering you couldn't make posts then when hunt hunting for the right thread?

Let's be honest, who actually reads the TOS of forums when they sign up?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Gabi on December 24, 2013, 05:34:08 PM
Deal with it. You get "offended"?  ::) QQ more  ::)

Additionally, when you first sign up there is no mention of this, that I noticed
You are quick to get OFFENDED. But you can't be bothered to actually READ what you SIGNED? Go away please.  :)

In my opinion the newbie policy should be more restrictive, look what mess are the newbie creating  ::) Not even reading what they sign  ::)

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: rubinho93 on December 24, 2013, 05:36:03 PM
It indeed took me a lot of time to figure out that with these forums, for some reason you first have to post somewhere here before your account gets unlocked. This is rather irritating, especially when some mining pools only deliver support using these forums. So when for example your account is locked, you first have to go through these strange ´approval´ procedures before you can post anywhere else.

I haven´t seen this on forums anywhere else, so yes, I think this is rather strange.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Ladydoge on December 24, 2013, 05:44:42 PM
So I'm browsing the forum for 4 hours and 21 minutes. Still can't post anywhere except the noob section.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: abstractednerve on December 24, 2013, 05:45:48 PM
I some what agree and was lost to why I couldn't post. A lot of will come here from Google, read a thread and want to reply. So, we sign up, don't read everything, who does. Then be lost as to why you can't reply. I can see this slowing spammers down, but I don't see how it would stop them from create 100s of users, posting stuff in the newbie area and they waiting. Thing about spammers is they have time, spamming is their job...

unsolicited and paid advertising are two different monsters.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 24, 2013, 05:47:22 PM
So I'm browsing the forum for 4 hours and 21 minutes. Still can't post anywhere except the noob section.

Maybe your posts wernt substantial enough?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Gabi on December 24, 2013, 06:15:34 PM
So, we sign up, don't read everything, who does
I'm sorry i stopped reading your post here. Who does read everything you write?  :)

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: bitcointaco on December 24, 2013, 06:32:00 PM
First I am a newbie here, but I am not a newbie in the digital world. The reason I want to register and post is all the sudden I have a good idea or want to talk to a very interesting post. However, the so called newbie policy killed the passion.

Looks like you're not a newbie anymore. Congrats.  ;D

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: TaaviHV on December 24, 2013, 07:47:09 PM
Yes, its quit annoying :-\

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Pavel268-2 on December 24, 2013, 08:16:39 PM
How long do i hve to wait?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Gabi on December 24, 2013, 08:28:40 PM
How long do i hve to wait?
This one can't even be bothered to read the sticked topic.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: samwan on December 24, 2013, 08:33:46 PM
Yes, it's annoying. Specially the need to wait 4 hours until you can answer something in the other forums. But OK, it's the decision from the admin here.

Let's be patient.  ;)


Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: ariolis30 on December 24, 2013, 08:59:30 PM
yea we might not like it but we just have to deal with it.  The policy is here for a reason even though it wasnt really specified.  At first I didnt like it but right now im good with it.  Imma newb anyways so the policy is probably implemented for guys like me =/

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Nathonas on December 24, 2013, 09:23:00 PM
I'm not offended but annoyed. Does this policy help with trolls/spammers?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: MAbtc on December 24, 2013, 09:28:49 PM
Stick around for a few days. Make some posts. The more you post, the more the restrictions lighten up. This actually happens very quickly.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: donneur2lumiere on December 24, 2013, 09:44:42 PM
Here is some important information about the forum. This is not a rulebook or agreement.


After registering, you will be unable to post in any section except "newbies" until you have spent some time on the forum and have published a few posts.

At the begining my opinion was near of the OP
but after learned that Only 4 hours was good to post i agrree with the policy

BUT notice the quote !
it was said nowhere precisely how much time
if the newbies cant know how can they truely accept the policy
please be more precisely

happy christmas

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: dr4ug on December 24, 2013, 09:57:37 PM
Stick around for a few days. Make some posts. The more you post, the more the restrictions lighten up. This actually happens very quickly.

I have a coin logo that I want to submit and I have no way to share it...

Kind of annoying, contest might be closed before I get the chance to post it.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: eivsemb on December 24, 2013, 10:02:03 PM
I totally support you on this, as I just registered to reply on a specific topic.

Anyway, as the number of new users are growing I guess it will take a lot of time for the mods to actually go through and approve new members? Are we talking hours, days or even weeks..?

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: olinnebit on December 24, 2013, 10:59:16 PM
First I am a newbie here, but I am not a newbie in the digital world. The reason I want to register and post is all the sudden I have a good idea or want to talk to a very interesting post. However, the so called newbie policy killed the passion.

I understand you must have some reasons to restrict new registered user, from what I read trollers? but the benefit of saving some work for mods does not match the loss of a new passionate bitcoiner(or altcoiner).

I think the spirit of bitcoin is freedom and equal opportunity, but the so called newbie policy does not fit it.

I strongly suggest the forum remove this policy or at least make it reasonable. There are many other ways to stop trollers, like setting the post frequency, etc. Not like this!

Thanks for listening, hope more and more people join the family of bitcoin(or altcoin) family!

Merry Xmas to all!  :)

If the policy killed your passion you had no passion to start with. You wanted to get rich quick, but a noobie policy stopped you? I love the policy, it takes longer for noobs to join a otherwise serious discussion. Maybe we don't actually like it when 90% of the posts in any thread is from a noob who "have faith in this coin, yay!!!" :)

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: guiltmanager on December 24, 2013, 11:17:37 PM
I also agree. I am totally blind, and wish to reply to certain posts, and private message developers about accessability concerns, and am unable to do this because of this policy!

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: n00dles0up on December 24, 2013, 11:18:14 PM
Rather than telling me I cannot post, it tells me I made a post in the last 360 seconds, which is a lie. Annoying

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Lala on December 24, 2013, 11:19:02 PM
Same here, so damn annoying. It should be 60 seconds or 120 seconds maximum, not 360 seconds its so bad. I'm glad I have 28 activity now its gone.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: JackRecher69 on December 24, 2013, 11:22:20 PM
Same here, so damn annoying. It should be 60 seconds or 120 seconds maximum, not 360 seconds its so bad. I'm glad I have 28 activity now its gone.
Yeah that's really to long.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: blehrange on December 25, 2013, 12:44:32 AM
Yeah lame policy. I want to post in the Catcoin thread to enter the competition but this dumb newbie crap means I'll miss it.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Iraskor on December 25, 2013, 12:59:23 AM
i also just registered to try to pn a vendor on here regarding a purchase of mine
(well he possibly talks about my purchase, i'm not a 100% sure)
i'll just wait and read my way through some forum posts which i haven't read yet.

i only found out about cryptocurrencies 2 or so weeks ago, but it's a highly interesting topic
can't wait to learn more

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 25, 2013, 10:37:27 AM
Same here, so damn annoying. It should be 60 seconds or 120 seconds maximum, not 360 seconds its so bad. I'm glad I have 28 activity now its gone.
Yeah that's really to long.

Just wait it out. the time posting limits get lower the more activity you get.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: MineAllTehCoins on December 25, 2013, 10:43:57 AM
I registered months ago, but only now visited to give feedback for I've probably wasted a half hour because of this idiotic policy. So I have to make a few posts on this board to make posts elsewhere? Here's your post right here:

Fuck the mods.
,,|,, >:( ,,|,,

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: hilariousandco on December 25, 2013, 10:47:54 AM
I registered months ago, but only now visited to give feedback for I've probably wasted a half hour because of this idiotic policy. So I have to make a few posts on this board to make posts elsewhere? Here's your post right here:

Fuck the mods.
,,|,, >:( ,,|,,

I think it's the admin(s) you want to direct your fucks at, not the mods.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: jonanon on December 25, 2013, 12:05:11 PM
I really can't see the issue in waiting 4 hours.

It's a minor difficulty that you could easily shrug your shoulders at - after that time there are no limits so it really is a small price to pay in my opinion.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Andaloons on December 25, 2013, 12:09:45 PM
The newbies policy forces newbies to spam off topic posts on threads like this one.  Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 25, 2013, 12:26:18 PM
The newbies policy forces newbies to spam off topic posts on threads like this one.  Merry Christmas!

It doesn't force them. If you can't think of anything constructive to post, then that's your issue.

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: MineAllTehCoins on December 26, 2013, 05:27:17 AM
I registered months ago, but only now visited to give feedback for I've probably wasted a half hour because of this idiotic policy. So I have to make a few posts on this board to make posts elsewhere? Here's your post right here:

Fuck the mods.
,,|,, >:( ,,|,,

I think it's the admin(s) you want to direct your fucks at, not the mods.
You're right.

Fuck the admins.
,,|,, >:( ,,|,,

Title: Re: I dont like the newbie policy regarding waiting period
Post by: Gorush89 on December 26, 2013, 05:30:54 AM
These are the forum rules...
We have to accept them