Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LeoC on January 11, 2014, 09:35:38 PM

Title: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 11, 2014, 09:35:38 PM

Courtesy of a little birdy, I take zero credit (will post your name or delete thread with your permission):

eMunie is looking like it will be a scam.   I am later posting this on Bitcointalk and I have everything saved to hard drive and/or screenshotted and a lot of the evidence on Google cannot be deleted.
Forewarn Disclaimer:  I have no personal vendetta with Daniel.  Never messaged or talked with him, but I am genuinely concerned that this guy could be pulling off the biggest heist in Altcoin history.

Case 1 -  Beta Presales

    Daniel claims to have 600 BTC ($500K to $600K USD) and there is a $8K investment limit.  That means they needed 75 to 500 people in the beta test to take part in a beta presale.    If you think people would invest into a 'beta', of all things, then I have a bridge in Somalia for sale.
Fuserleer could counter and said that BTC was raised a long time ago but still no one would invest $60K or $120K into a 'beta' - it's all bollocks.
    This leads us to ask serious questions.  Who are the 75 to 500 people who invested?  What of the other beta testers?  Where are these beta testers?  They don't seem to be posting or downloading on eMunie's forum.  In fact, hundreds of people have been waiting to get into the beta for months.  If there were really 75 to 500 people who invested $600K then eMunie would be huge, with articles all over the net and Bitcoin investors would be nervous.

    It would also break records.  Mastercoin only raised the equivalent of $450K before November and that was through a huge public presale with articles posted throughout the net.  NxT barely attracted any investments (which led to complaints of a monopoly), et al.  So who exactly dumped $600K into eMunie?
    (take a note at the number of downloads.  I have this page saved in case Fuserleer modifies the numbers).

    Fuserleer may bring up "well I brought the beta testers from elsewhere".  Where is elsewhere?  The biggest eMunie beta thread on Bitcointalk is only around 32 pages (as per January 9, 2013) and the thread contains people posting multiple times and most people didn't get into that beta.


    Conclusion: Daniel is lying about the beta presales.

     If Daniel is lying about that then what else could he lie about?



    Case 2 - Identity

    Daniel goes by the name "Fuserleer" (Google it) and you can find him on many interesting websites. From Scam Websites to Dating Websites to Conspiracy forums. Neat. I was also able to find his Plenty of Fish and his Linkedin.

    We know Daniel is a 34 year old male, with no education, no sure status about his real profession (unless being a scammer counts), et cetera.  Take a note at his age on Plenty of Fish and compare it with his Linkedin profile.  Age 34 means Daniel was born in 1980.

    Daniel's first listed job at was a "Senior Developer at Senior Creations" (see Linkedin), in 1996 - meaning he was only 16 years old.  Did Daniel drop out of Highschool to become a senior developer?  Damn - he should had dropped out at age twelve, maybe he would had been made CEO.  Daniel learned so much in his first year and a half that he later made "Director of Technology" at another company.

    The ludicrus claims on his Linkedin continue ad infinitum.  The last salaried job was in 2005 and we don't even know if it was real.  There was a Daniel Hughes at that company but the name Daniel Hughes (in the UK) may as well be "John Doe".

    Therefore, we can make the immediate conclusion that the Linkedin profile consists of fake jobs, with the exception of eMunie (which I doubt is a full time job).


    Case 2.5 ~ Identity and Scamming


    Daniel also had membership on Blackhatworld

    So we know what Daniel was doing for a living - he was running scams.  Just because he was banned in 2012 does not mean he stopped running his scams, he was likely doing them until March of 2013 (and still could be continuing with them).


      There was a post by Fuserleer bragging about scamming $1500 in a single day.

    (Fuserleer / Daniel bragging about making $1500)
(Fuserleer permanently banned from Paypal and has a court order against him.  If Fuserleer uses paypal again and is caught then he can go to jail)
(Fuserleer accused of stealing $2200)


    It doesn't matter why Daniel was banned from that website - no normal person posts on a website full of criminals and scammers.  No normal person brags about making $1500 by stealing from other people.  If Daniel took pride by stealing that much money - imagine how much pleasure it would be if he stole $1 million from Bitcoin users?

    Case 3 - the forum is proof eMunie is real! Yay!

    This forum is no proof eMunie is a real thing. eMunie's forum format can be downloaded by anyone for $5.

    Case 4 - "but but eMunie is real cuz it was delayed several times"

    That's no proof of anything. As we far as we know, Daniel is waiting until a Bitcoin ATM is open in London and then he can launder money at the ATM. People hack and broke the ATM's palm reader (the only means of identification in the Robochain ATMs) in Vancouver and Hong Kong - so Daniel can easily launder a million dollars.

    The longer eMunie is active than the less likely it looks like a scam to potential victims. Bernard Madoff knows that pretty well, when he started his scam in the 1960s.



    If you still want to invest into Daniel's scheme then you need to look up Visa Coin or Neon Coin.  What Daniel is doing is no different from the other IPO scams.  Daniel will run his IPO, will say "this isn't a scam because I have been around for awhile" (he was waiting for the ATM) and then steal your money.  Visa Coin stole $110K.  Daniel, unless you guys read this and pass this information along, WILL STEAL UP TO A MILLION.


    Final Disclaimer: If Daniel comes across this information then he can address these concerns and bring in a


    * * * * * *  Four Simple Requests * * * * * * *


    1. Public White Paper

    2. Public Beta (no restrictions on joining)

    3. Screenshots of Beta Presales and Public Presales

    4. Optional third party escrow to receive presale investments and then hand them to Daniel after we receive our wallets. An escrow who is a reputable member on Bitcointalk with a good reputation and a long history on that website.



    As I said - let's not be irrational or act like children, I made four simple requests.  If Fuserleer refuses to meet them then we know Fuserleer is a scammer.  My four simple requests are requirements that every IPO should follow on Bitcointalk.  If you think my four simple requests are extreme then you should try investing into an IPO on the stock market, they make you go through way more hoops than the four requests I made.





    In all likelihood - Fuserleer will never concede to his demands.


    If Fuserleer responds, if he decides not to flee the Bitcoin world, then he will address me in one of the following ways


    1.  Ad Hominen.  It doesn't matter who I am and what I posted, it doesn't change the evidence I provided or the fact that Daniel lied about the beta presales, his linkedin and his paper trail on the internet


    2. Rhetorical response pleading people to still invest (see above, you're going to give money to a guy who is a known scammer?  Don't say you weren't warned)


    3. Fuserleer will seen his eMunites / Cult Followers to spam my thread and spam the report button on Bitcointalk?  If a Bitcointalk moderator is reading this and, if he isn't an eMunie investor, he would know what I have written here is reasonable and the truth.  The links speak for themselves.  The evidence speaks for itself.

Post by: wontonforevuh on January 11, 2014, 09:36:54 PM
interesting, good to know.

Post by: 2bfree on January 11, 2014, 09:42:34 PM
I come from a Communist country where you have to watch what you say the national slogan was Shhhhh (someone might hear you). What I love about this community is people are not afraid to speak up. I just wished I discovered this cryto currency much earlier! Keep posting what you know even it saves one person by giving hi a chance to be more careful it's worth it. I got saved yesterday someone warned me about a Costa Rican scammer and I was able to avoid doing a deal. Great stuff!

Post by: r0ach on January 11, 2014, 09:46:34 PM
shit just got real

Post by: Nullu on January 11, 2014, 09:50:50 PM
Another IPO scam. How many does that make of the IPOs that have come out in the past month that are scams?

Oh, that's right. All of them.

Post by: sprinkles on January 11, 2014, 09:53:43 PM

Post by: tk808 on January 11, 2014, 09:54:58 PM
This one was huge though, I'm sure people will fail to read this thread and lose their money. I hate what crypto is turning into.

So far, the only real 2nd gen crypto is Nxt.

Post by: tk808 on January 11, 2014, 10:02:26 PM
Dunno about that either. NXT is the same as an altcoin with 100% premine and interest based on how much you buy from them. How is that second gen? I could do the same thing with a scrypt coin.

Sure you could. Nxt is a new-baby. They announced several plans and what they could do with Nxt, features you could not add to existing alt-coins.

Time will tell, Nxt could be a big success. The community is growing, and the support for it is strong.

Post by: miramare on January 11, 2014, 10:08:37 PM
Actually, I'm planning to invest some money on Emunie.
But your warning makes me confused.

Post by: oncebitcoinedtwiceshy on January 11, 2014, 10:14:22 PM
What you do with your money is up to you. The dev has been known to brag about money that he has scammed from other people. He will likely brag about how much money he scammed from eMunie investors.

You may want to fix all the hyperlinks in your OP as actually none of them work. Doesn't give a good impression.

Post by: IrateChinaman on January 11, 2014, 10:16:56 PM
What you do with your money is up to you. The dev has been known to brag about money that he has scammed from other people. He will likely brag about how much money he scammed from eMunie investors.

You may want to fix all the hyperlinks in your OP as actually none of them work. Doesn't give a good impression.

This may save me great heartbreak though. Thank you LeoC for this informaton.

Post by: emu on January 11, 2014, 10:34:05 PM
lol Cossakman, come on man, just because you didn't get invited in the beta (and we have to keep warning you on the forum to not be a total douche) doesn't mean you have to get all angry and bring up invalid points.

Should we state on BTT your eMunie username and also let people know why you had to get 'disciplined'?

I will not even acknowledge your points to 'not be a scam'.

well still it's normal to answer with facts and arguments and not with accusations. would be nice as I think EMU is a great thing and I want to leave some money there. So got some proofs? shouldn't be hard to give them without anon-problems, get real :)

btw: PTS is also a 2nd gen crypto which is working I think, at least PTS holders got MMC.2s for free

Post by: emu on January 11, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
Whatever you say buddy.  ::) You are grasping at straws and are only succeeding in making eMunie look worse.

... you two guys both seem to be a bit confused and overheated?

Post by: cremstopper on January 11, 2014, 10:41:29 PM
Let's see how he responds.

Post by: emu on January 11, 2014, 10:42:00 PM
Huh? Why would I be overheated lol. And how am I confused? It's pretty clear to me not to spend a dime on EMU, not confusing at all.

na just talking about how you guys talk to each other. your info is more than interesting as I wanted to invest in EMU, I mean the concept sounds good. But I'm not interested in scams... so thx. time and this thread will show what's true, anyway good to have that infos NOW :)

Post by: paulthetafy on January 11, 2014, 10:52:58 PM
So you're looking to find out who all the beta testers are?  Shouldn't be hard to invite a few to reply here.  I'm one.

I've followed eMunie since the first couple of weeks and there has been a huge amount of time and hard work from Daniel and the founders / beta testers to get it where it is now.  If it is a scam, then there will also be a good product that will result from it!

Personally I'm just waiting on an email back from Daniel with some instructions before I invest.  I'll happily put a few BTC into it.  

If any of you think that eMunie is NOT the most advanced and fully featured currency/client to be released, then clearly you haven't educated yourself on it's capabilities.  I suggest you do.  

Post by: Krabby on January 11, 2014, 10:53:33 PM
Come on cossakman, just invest your whole $1000 into eMu already. What is there to lose? ;)

Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:55:39 PM

hehehe just take giveaways and dont invest. I think is the best. the price is anyway overpriced. I mean it does not cost so much money to develop. Nothing started with 0.1 cents. remember its only as much worth as people value it. And as I know for now, there are many cryptocurrencies out there which would be better to support. since any cryptocurrencies with enough financial background can develop the same.

so if you invest in a more fair cryptocurrency, it will have the same features if there are some people behind which can earn a bit money :-)

Post by: de3mka on January 11, 2014, 11:20:05 PM
so the main concern is about where the founder of emunie got 600BTC to start his project?

As far as I understood, there is an official info on emunie website, where one can send an email and be notified on how to invest before IPO. So there was no investment from third parties so far.. or am I wrong?

Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 11:21:01 PM
Why do people keep mentioning Cossakman, who is he and why should I care? The person that sent me the PM was NOT named Cossakman (unless name change?) and had over 200 posts on their forum.
I digress because regardless of who it was from, it doesn't fucking matter. Facts are facts no matter whos mouth they come out from or whatever motives they may have. This guy did his research and I am thankful.

Personally though, I think that eMunie will stick it in everyone's ass twice. Once during the presale, and then again on release where everyone has a psychological price of 0.1 in their head so the devs can dump and make even more profit.

you are perfectly right, they will get amazingly rich. than they dont need to care anymore. and its perfectly legal if people are stupid enough to just pay someone for is work a lot money even they dont need to since they want to get rich like people on bitcoin.

but this is a highly complex business model alot of manipulation which goes on.

they think because its a bit different people want it since nxtcoin went up, mastercoin. but noone needs the coin. there are already good coins. just need to be further developed. and the share its way more fair.

only smart people get rich on emunie. buying and selling to the right moments

Post by: JohnDoe21 on January 11, 2014, 11:24:58 PM
Should we state on BTT your eMunie username and also let people know why you had to get 'disciplined'?

This is the problem with the newer altcoins coming out. The supporters are thugs willing to do whatever it takes to make a RoC.

It's disgusting is what it is.

Post by: paulthetafy on January 11, 2014, 11:27:38 PM
The price of $0.10 was agreed on by vote by the founders and beta testers.  That's a relatively large and representative group.  Remember that the beta testers are almost exclusively volunteers who just want to get involved in a new project.  They have nothing to benefit from this (unless they invest in the pre-sale and receive a few added bonuses but nothing extravagant).

What isn't immediately clear is where the money from the pre-sale is going.  Some of it is going to go back to Fuserleer to cover his development costs (fair enough IMO, would you work for a year for free?) but most of it will be used for further development, liquidity on the exchange, PR etc.  How much goes where will, I believe, be decided by a poll!!  

Post by: albertdros on January 11, 2014, 11:29:47 PM
so what about some valid response on the OP's post? All i see is some raging from Emunie fanboys/staff. Doesn't look all that professional to me.

Post by: albertdros on January 11, 2014, 11:42:12 PM
so what about some valid response on the OP's post? All i see is some raging from Emunie fanboys/staff. Doesn't look all that professional to me.

 I follow eMunie since few weeks and would like to see official statement from Dan about this accusations

yup. Im an emunie newbie too so I am interested.

Post by: kelsey on January 12, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
The term "valid response" does not compute with eMu followers.

So people from emunie have to respond immediately to the demands of a btt newbie signed up just since "December 31, 2013, 03:47:59", posting almost identical post to what Dan has already responded to?

Title of your post suggests you are more then just trying to ask valid questions, no?

Post by: eid on January 12, 2014, 12:30:21 AM
Wow this again so soon. And we only just finished with the last thread.

Before I address any point here, I'd like to let everyone know that I'm a moderator on the emunie forums. About a month ago we had a guy join called Cossakman. Cossakman likes to think he's in the know, so he made loads of posts, so full of misinformation presented as facts, that I had to give him a gentle warning to be more careful as it was confusing our new forum members at a time when they are trying to understand what they are investing in.

Cossakman has changed his name twice on our forums since, and is now known as Maet. Thankfully he doesn't post much anymore.

A few days after I gave him the warning, someone posted a thread on BTT claiming "an anonymous source" had given him information proving emunie was a big scam. So much good information was then posted on this thread that the original poster withdrew the claim about emunie, deleted any reference to emunie from his OP, and sent messages to all the posters apologising for being taken in by this spreader of lies (his source).

What Cossack doesn't know, is that the guy gave up his source to us along with everything he had said to him. Yes Cossak, we have copies of it all.

The source was of course our poor friend Cossak who apparently couldn't take being warned by me and decided to spend his hours doing as much damage to emunie as he possibly could. The thread I speak of is here, though the OP has removed the emunie bits, you can find it quoted later in the thread from this post onwards:

If you want to see the character of this guy (now known as Maet) please have a look on our forums where his attitude has always been very different indeed.

Cossak, I say this to you: Perhaps my warning to you was not as diplomatic as I meant it to be. I really thought it was, but I apologise otherwise. You obviously feel wronged and this is how you've reacted to that. Please, do yourself a favour and just walk away and lick your wounds. All this energy you’re putting into this is more harmful to you than anyone else.


    Case 1 -  Beta Presales

    Daniel claims to have 600 BTC ($500K to $600K USD) and there is a $8K investment limit.  That means they needed 75 to 500 people in the beta test to take part in a beta presale.    If you think people would invest into a 'beta', of all things, then I have a bridge in Somalia for sale.
Fuserleer could counter and said that BTC was raised a long time ago but still no one would invest $60K or $120K into a 'beta' - it's all bollocks.
    This leads us to ask serious questions.  Who are the 75 to 500 people who invested?  What of the other beta testers?  Where are these beta testers?  They don't seem to be posting or downloading on eMunie's forum.  In fact, hundreds of people have been waiting to get into the beta for months.  If there were really 75 to 500 people who invested $600K then eMunie would be huge, with articles all over the net and Bitcoin investors would be nervous.

    It would also break records.  Mastercoin only raised the equivalent of $450K before November and that was through a huge public presale with articles posted throughout the net.  NxT barely attracted any investments (which led to complaints of a monopoly), et al.  So who exactly dumped $600K into eMunie?
    (take a note at the number of downloads.  I have this page saved in case Fuserleer modifies the numbers).

    Fuserleer may bring up "well I brought the beta testers from elsewhere".  Where is elsewhere?  The biggest eMunie beta thread on Bitcointalk is only around 32 pages (as per January 9, 2013) and the thread contains people posting multiple times and most people didn't get into that beta.


    Conclusion: Daniel is lying about the beta presales.

     If Daniel is lying about that then what else could he lie about?


Ok. Weve been arguing this point recently in another thread, so I'll give you the quick facts and a couple of links with proof:

The thread Cossak speaks of that is the waiting list for emunie beta testers has 53 pages and 1014 people on it.

Emunie has over 400 people registered as beta-testers, founders and administrators. All of these are able to invest in the sale right now. This is where 600BTC came from.

This is a post I made earlier which proves the above:

I made a post on emunie's forum this morning addressing one of the issues in this thread. I'll just paste it here for your information:

There seems to be the idea that there are only a few beta-testers and so how is it that they are able to come up with 600 BTC? I think this idea has been spread by someone intentionally trying to cause FUD. As well as the testers I speak with on a daily basis, there are many given that rank who (as far as I can see) don't participate in the testing at all.

I also wonder, how exactly do you think you know how many testers there are? Where are you getting your information (if not out of thin air, or the misinformation of others)?

 This pre-sale for the beta-testers is also for the founders. Do you know how many of those there are? I think if you do some research, you'll realise that 600BTC isn't such an unlikely figure as you imagine.

 What you (or anyone who desires the truth) should do now, is go to the top of this board ( where you will find a tab named "members". If you go into this tab and click on "More Search Options", you will be able to show members of a certain rank. I encourage you to count how many beta-testers and founders emunie has. All of those have access to this sale, regardless of how much testing, or posting they do.

So, maybe the question you should ask yourself is this: If Cossak is willing to lie about this, what else is he lying about?

He then goes into an attack on Fuserleer's identity, schooling etc. I just ask you to not take in what he is saying as truth, but follow the links and decide for yourself. This guy is not doing this for the betterment of this community so please don't take what he says for granted. Also, ask yourself why it is this supposed master criminal and scammer-extroadinaire uses his real name and never changes his forum nick from one site to another? Honestly?

"No normal person brags about making $1500 by stealing from other people". Funny because I visited the link and that's not what I saw.

I wont go into the rest about scamming and identities as its just more FUD and Dan can clear anything up himself if he wants to.

The rest is just more drivel honestly that's already been dealt with in the thread I linked.

     Case 3 - the forum is proof eMunie is real! Yay!

    This forum is no proof eMunie is a real thing.

    Case 4 - "but but eMunie is real cuz it was delayed several times"

    That's no proof of anything.

Firstly no one claimed it was proof. Secondly, since when does proof rest on the shoulders of the accused?

Yes we have a website and our launch was delayed. Its a fair cop; lock me up now!


    * * * * * *  Four Simple Requests * * * * * * *


Demands at the end of a character assassination, not simple requests. Dont attempt to appear reasonable after all that. Cossak, you do not get to run the show. Not now, not ever.


 As I said - let's not be irrational or act like children

ROFL it's a bit late for that isnt it??  :o

The icing on the cake:

 "Fuserleer will seen his eMunites / Cult Followers to spam my thread"

Typical underhand tactic used by people who make accusations and want to remove the accused right to defend themselves.

To the OP, if you're not just a sockpuppet, I suggest you ask yourself why you take the word of someone like this and are willing to just post it without doing a little research first. Your credibility is worthless now.

By the way, it really saddens me how many poeple took the OP and his "little birdy" at their word. Try and think for yourselves guys. Please.

Edit: The name Cossak had between this and Maet, was CMC. Here he is trying to get $10,000 from the Nxt crowd to destroy their competition:,2750.msg27177.html#msg27177

Post by: claycoins on January 12, 2014, 12:32:41 AM
These are facts:

The emunie beta started in June, I replied to the thread here, signed up and have run about 10 versions of the client since then.  (there have been many more versions I have been too busy to test).

Post by: Pitstop on January 12, 2014, 12:38:00 AM
Calm down, calm down!! I really doubt it's a scam, no one puts that much time and effort into a project to scuttle it once it's launched!! Those that don't invest ( due to mis-trust ) can hatch and earn when it goes live! eMunie could blow the doors off even Bitcoin with it's innovation, if it does pre launch investors get really rich, if not, I don't really see them losing anything as it will do more than hold it's own!   

Post by: Pitstop on January 12, 2014, 12:47:46 AM
NSA must be getting worried!! They got Google to take over Skype coz they didn't have the algo to get access to all conversations!! With eMunie they are screwed!! private conversations for everyone!!

Post by: syphen on January 12, 2014, 12:48:24 AM
Sounds like a scam to me , I was thinking about investing too but after reading this no thanks. Put your money into a scrypt coin where this is a honest community behind it. People should goto jail for this.

Post by: Pitstop on January 12, 2014, 12:56:21 AM
Let's see how he responds.

You're already getting a glimpse at how eMu management handles facts. By throwing hissyfits and presumptuous accusations that have no merit.

na just talking about how you guys talk to each other. your info is more than interesting as I wanted to invest in EMU, I mean the concept sounds good. But I'm not interested in scams... so thx. time and this thread will show what's true, anyway good to have that infos NOW :)

If you saw a person mugging another person on the street and then you caught and confronted them, you wouldn't get heated? I wouldn't even let them speak a word before they were laying on the floor face down.

Ha!!! I just noticed LeoC is a noob - Activity: 28, NSA or not I have to say, he's a bit of a Dickhead!!!

Post by: francism on January 12, 2014, 01:24:55 AM
But still OP has proof the backup his claims.  ;D

Post by: cryptonoob50khs on January 12, 2014, 01:27:46 AM
lol i don't know about emunie, but biggest scam is already in action its NXT - 100% premined and "bought" by 71 man.
have seen enough of big wall on dgex that only made for afraid people - so its clearly manipulation by big players. pump and dump.

Post by: windjc on January 12, 2014, 01:31:24 AM

Courtesy of a little birdy, I take zero credit (will post your name or delete thread with your permission):

eMunie is looking like it will be a scam.   I am later posting this on Bitcointalk and I have everything saved to hard drive and/or screenshotted and a lot of the evidence on Google cannot be deleted.
Forewarn Disclaimer:  I have no personal vendetta with Daniel.  Never messaged or talked with him, but I am genuinely concerned that this guy could be pulling off the biggest heist in Altcoin history.

    Case 1 -  Beta Presales

    Daniel claims to have 600 BTC ($500K to $600K USD) and there is a $8K investment limit.  That means they needed 75 to 500 people in the beta test to take part in a beta presale.    If you think people would invest into a 'beta', of all things, then I have a bridge in Somalia for sale.
Fuserleer could counter and said that BTC was raised a long time ago but still no one would invest $60K or $120K into a 'beta' - it's all bollocks.
    This leads us to ask serious questions.  Who are the 75 to 500 people who invested?  What of the other beta testers?  Where are these beta testers?  They don't seem to be posting or downloading on eMunie's forum.  In fact, hundreds of people have been waiting to get into the beta for months.  If there were really 75 to 500 people who invested $600K then eMunie would be huge, with articles all over the net and Bitcoin investors would be nervous.

    It would also break records.  Mastercoin only raised the equivalent of $450K before November and that was through a huge public presale with articles posted throughout the net.  NxT barely attracted any investments (which led to complaints of a monopoly), et al.  So who exactly dumped $600K into eMunie?
    (take a note at the number of downloads.  I have this page saved in case Fuserleer modifies the numbers).

    Fuserleer may bring up "well I brought the beta testers from elsewhere".  Where is elsewhere?  The biggest eMunie beta thread on Bitcointalk is only around 32 pages (as per January 9, 2013) and the thread contains people posting multiple times and most people didn't get into that beta.


    Conclusion: Daniel is lying about the beta presales.

     If Daniel is lying about that then what else could he lie about?



    Case 2 - Identity

    Daniel goes by the name "Fuserleer" (Google it) and you can find him on many interesting websites. From Scam Websites to Dating Websites to Conspiracy forums. Neat. I was also able to find his Plenty of Fish and his Linkedin.

    We know Daniel is a 34 year old male, with no education, no sure status about his real profession (unless being a scammer counts), et cetera.  Take a note at his age on Plenty of Fish and compare it with his Linkedin profile.  Age 34 means Daniel was born in 1980.

    Daniel's first listed job at was a "Senior Developer at Senior Creations" (see Linkedin), in 1996 - meaning he was only 16 years old.  Did Daniel drop out of Highschool to become a senior developer?  Damn - he should had dropped out at age twelve, maybe he would had been made CEO.  Daniel learned so much in his first year and a half that he later made "Director of Technology" at another company.

    The ludicrus claims on his Linkedin continue ad infinitum.  The last salaried job was in 2005 and we don't even know if it was real.  There was a Daniel Hughes at that company but the name Daniel Hughes (in the UK) may as well be "John Doe".

    Therefore, we can make the immediate conclusion that the Linkedin profile consists of fake jobs, with the exception of eMunie (which I doubt is a full time job).


    Case 2.5 ~ Identity and Scamming


    Daniel also had membership on Blackhatworld

    So we know what Daniel was doing for a living - he was running scams.  Just because he was banned in 2012 does not mean he stopped running his scams, he was likely doing them until March of 2013 (and still could be continuing with them).


      There was a post by Fuserleer bragging about scamming $1500 in a single day.

    (Fuserleer / Daniel bragging about making $1500)
(Fuserleer permanently banned from Paypal and has a court order against him.  If Fuserleer uses paypal again and is caught then he can go to jail)
(Fuserleer accused of stealing $2200)


    It doesn't matter why Daniel was banned from that website - no normal person posts on a website full of criminals and scammers.  No normal person brags about making $1500 by stealing from other people.  If Daniel took pride by stealing that much money - imagine how much pleasure it would be if he stole $1 million from Bitcoin users?

    Case 3 - the forum is proof eMunie is real! Yay!

    This forum is no proof eMunie is a real thing. eMunie's forum format can be downloaded by anyone for $5.

    Case 4 - "but but eMunie is real cuz it was delayed several times"

    That's no proof of anything. As we far as we know, Daniel is waiting until a Bitcoin ATM is open in London and then he can launder money at the ATM. People hack and broke the ATM's palm reader (the only means of identification in the Robochain ATMs) in Vancouver and Hong Kong - so Daniel can easily launder a million dollars.

    The longer eMunie is active than the less likely it looks like a scam to potential victims. Bernard Madoff knows that pretty well, when he started his scam in the 1960s.



    If you still want to invest into Daniel's scheme then you need to look up Visa Coin or Neon Coin.  What Daniel is doing is no different from the other IPO scams.  Daniel will run his IPO, will say "this isn't a scam because I have been around for awhile" (he was waiting for the ATM) and then steal your money.  Visa Coin stole $110K.  Daniel, unless you guys read this and pass this information along, WILL STEAL UP TO A MILLION.


    Final Disclaimer: If Daniel comes across this information then he can address these concerns and bring in a


    * * * * * *  Four Simple Requests * * * * * * *


    1. Public White Paper

    2. Public Beta (no restrictions on joining)

    3. Screenshots of Beta Presales and Public Presales

    4. Optional third party escrow to receive presale investments and then hand them to Daniel after we receive our wallets. An escrow who is a reputable member on Bitcointalk with a good reputation and a long history on that website.



    As I said - let's not be irrational or act like children, I made four simple requests.  If Fuserleer refuses to meet them then we know Fuserleer is a scammer.  My four simple requests are requirements that every IPO should follow on Bitcointalk.  If you think my four simple requests are extreme then you should try investing into an IPO on the stock market, they make you go through way more hoops than the four requests I made.





    In all likelihood - Fuserleer will never concede to his demands.


    If Fuserleer responds, if he decides not to flee the Bitcoin world, then he will address me in one of the following ways


    1.  Ad Hominen.  It doesn't matter who I am and what I posted, it doesn't change the evidence I provided or the fact that Daniel lied about the beta presales, his linkedin and his paper trail on the internet


    2. Rhetorical response pleading people to still invest (see above, you're going to give money to a guy who is a known scammer?  Don't say you weren't warned)


    3. Fuserleer will seen his eMunites / Cult Followers to spam my thread and spam the report button on Bitcointalk?  If a Bitcointalk moderator is reading this and, if he isn't an eMunie investor, he would know what I have written here is reasonable and the truth.  The links speak for themselves.  The evidence speaks for itself.

Hopefully your post is enough to scare any people, those not willing to do their own research, away from emunie. Its like natural selection. Anyone who would take these ramblings over their own independent research really doesn't deserve to be a part of the initial investment.

For the record, I am a beta tester and have invested the maximum amount allowed. I really don't want "dumb" money invested. That's just my personal preference though. Most of my fellow emunie beta testers are kinder and more patient than I. I could never do what Dan is doing - work for free for months just to have idiots babble on about second hand information they were fed by people with agendas. Lol.

I'd just tell you to go stick it in your you-know-where.

Anyway, any people reading this thread are welcomed to come over to the emunie forums and ask or read the answers to any questions you may have. In fact, Dan has a whole thread about his background. He really is about as forthcoming about himself as one could possibly be. Which is ironic, seeing as how he is developing the worlds premier truly anonymous decentralized exchange.

Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 12, 2014, 01:39:00 AM
Wow this again so soon. And we only just finished with the last thread.

Before I address any point here, I'd like to let everyone know that I'm a moderator on the emunie forums. About a month ago we had a guy join called Cossakman. Cossakman likes to think he's in the know, so he made loads of posts, so full of misinformation presented as facts, that I had to give him a gentle warning to be more careful as it was confusing our new forum members at a time when they are trying to understand what they are investing in.

Cossakman has changed his name twice on our forums since, and is now known as Maet. Thankfully he doesn't post much anymore.

A few days after I gave him the warning, someone posted a thread on BTT claiming "an anonymous source" had given him information proving emunie was a big scam. So much good information was then posted on this thread that the original poster withdrew the claim about emunie, deleted any reference to emunie from his OP, and sent messages to all the posters apologising for being taken in by this spreader of lies (his source).

What Cossack doesn't know, is that the guy gave up his source to us along with everything he had said to him. Yes Cossak, we have copies of it all.

The source was of course our poor friend Cossak who apparently couldn't take being warned by me and decided to spend his hours doing as much damage to emunie as he possibly could. The thread I speak of is here, though the OP has removed the emunie bits, you can find it quoted later in the thread from this post onwards:

If you want to see the character of this guy (now known as Maet) please have a look on our forums where his attitude has always been very different indeed.

Cossak, I say this to you: Perhaps my warning to you was not as diplomatic as I meant it to be. I really thought it was, but I apologise otherwise. You obviously feel wronged and this is how you've reacted to that. Please, do yourself a favour and just walk away and lick your wounds. All this energy you’re putting into this is more harmful to you than anyone else.


    Case 1 -  Beta Presales

    Daniel claims to have 600 BTC ($500K to $600K USD) and there is a $8K investment limit.  That means they needed 75 to 500 people in the beta test to take part in a beta presale.    If you think people would invest into a 'beta', of all things, then I have a bridge in Somalia for sale.
Fuserleer could counter and said that BTC was raised a long time ago but still no one would invest $60K or $120K into a 'beta' - it's all bollocks.
    This leads us to ask serious questions.  Who are the 75 to 500 people who invested?  What of the other beta testers?  Where are these beta testers?  They don't seem to be posting or downloading on eMunie's forum.  In fact, hundreds of people have been waiting to get into the beta for months.  If there were really 75 to 500 people who invested $600K then eMunie would be huge, with articles all over the net and Bitcoin investors would be nervous.

    It would also break records.  Mastercoin only raised the equivalent of $450K before November and that was through a huge public presale with articles posted throughout the net.  NxT barely attracted any investments (which led to complaints of a monopoly), et al.  So who exactly dumped $600K into eMunie?
    (take a note at the number of downloads.  I have this page saved in case Fuserleer modifies the numbers).

    Fuserleer may bring up "well I brought the beta testers from elsewhere".  Where is elsewhere?  The biggest eMunie beta thread on Bitcointalk is only around 32 pages (as per January 9, 2013) and the thread contains people posting multiple times and most people didn't get into that beta.


    Conclusion: Daniel is lying about the beta presales.

     If Daniel is lying about that then what else could he lie about?


Ok. Weve been arguing this point recently in another thread, so I'll give you the quick facts and a couple of links with proof:

The thread Cossak speaks of that is the waiting list for emunie beta testers has 53 pages and 1014 people on it.

Emunie has over 400 people registered as beta-testers, founders and administrators. All of these are able to invest in the sale right now. This is where 600BTC came from.

This is a post I made earlier which proves the above:

I made a post on emunie's forum this morning addressing one of the issues in this thread. I'll just paste it here for your information:

There seems to be the idea that there are only a few beta-testers and so how is it that they are able to come up with 600 BTC? I think this idea has been spread by someone intentionally trying to cause FUD. As well as the testers I speak with on a daily basis, there are many given that rank who (as far as I can see) don't participate in the testing at all.

I also wonder, how exactly do you think you know how many testers there are? Where are you getting your information (if not out of thin air, or the misinformation of others)?

 This pre-sale for the beta-testers is also for the founders. Do you know how many of those there are? I think if you do some research, you'll realise that 600BTC isn't such an unlikely figure as you imagine.

 What you (or anyone who desires the truth) should do now, is go to the top of this board ( where you will find a tab named "members". If you go into this tab and click on "More Search Options", you will be able to show members of a certain rank. I encourage you to count how many beta-testers and founders emunie has. All of those have access to this sale, regardless of how much testing, or posting they do.

So, maybe the question you should ask yourself is this: If Cossak is willing to lie about this, what else is he lying about?

He then goes into an attack on Fuserleer's identity, schooling etc. I just ask you to not take in what he is saying as truth, but follow the links and decide for yourself. This guy is not doing this for the betterment of this community so please don't take what he says for granted. Also, ask yourself why it is this supposed master criminal and scammer-extroadinaire uses his real name and never changes his forum nick from one site to another? Honestly?

"No normal person brags about making $1500 by stealing from other people". Funny because I visited the link and that's not what I saw.

I wont go into the rest about scamming and identities as its just more FUD and Dan can clear anything up himself if he wants to.

The rest is just more drivel honestly that's already been dealt with in the thread I linked.

     Case 3 - the forum is proof eMunie is real! Yay!

    This forum is no proof eMunie is a real thing.

    Case 4 - "but but eMunie is real cuz it was delayed several times"

    That's no proof of anything.

Firstly no one claimed it was proof. Secondly, since when does proof rest on the shoulders of the accused?

Yes we have a website and our launch was delayed. Its a fair cop; lock me up now!


    * * * * * *  Four Simple Requests * * * * * * *


Demands at the end of a character assassination, not simple requests. Dont attempt to appear reasonable after all that. Cossak, you do not get to run the show. Not now, not ever.


 As I said - let's not be irrational or act like children

ROFL it's a bit late for that isnt it??  :o

The icing on the cake:

 "Fuserleer will seen his eMunites / Cult Followers to spam my thread"

Typical underhand tactic used by people who make accusations and want to remove the accused right to defend themselves.

To the OP, if you're not just a sockpuppet, I suggest you ask yourself why you take the word of someone like this and are willing to just post it without doing a little research first. Your credibility is worthless now.

By the way, it really saddens me how many poeple took the OP and his "little birdy" at their word. Try and think for yourselves guys. Please.

Edit: The name Cossak had between this and Maet, was CMC. Here he is trying to get $10,000 from the Nxt crowd to destroy their competition:,2750.msg27177.html#msg27177

Whether emunie (ain't got a clue as to what the fuck it is) is a scam or not, this is exactly how an accusation should be addressed, whether by a scammer or not, each and every time (within reason) such resurfaces.

Well-played, eid!


Post by: Hansen on January 12, 2014, 01:52:51 AM
Ha!!! I just noticed LeoC is a noob - Activity: 28, NSA or not I have to say, he's a bit of a Dickhead!!!

Well aren't you an elitist moron? Who the fuck cares how long I have been on some stupid forum. Facts are facts, everything this person PM'ed me regardless of his history and motives were backed by facts and I reposted it here on this forum for everyone to disseminate. Yes the person that sent it to me was named Maet.

Fact: "A fact (derived from the Latin factum, see below) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience." (Wiki)

What you do: An interpretation of the "case", mentioned above. Thats not a fact. Come down and verify, what you say, by real facts. Facts don't come from what you believe, they stand for themselves. So just keep your mouth shut, wait for 6 month and keep gibbering. If your "facts" will be veriefied by then, I, in advanve, will keep my mouth shut. Deal?

Grüße, Hansen

Post by: cryptonoob50khs on January 12, 2014, 01:56:41 AM
Ha!!! I just noticed LeoC is a noob - Activity: 28, NSA or not I have to say, he's a bit of a Dickhead!!!

Well aren't you an elitist moron? Who the fuck cares how long I have been on some stupid forum. Facts are facts, everything this person PM'ed me regardless of his history and motives were backed by facts and I reposted it here on this forum for everyone to disseminate. Yes the person that sent it to me was named Maet.

Whether emunie (ain't got a clue as to what the fuck it is) is a scam or not, this is exactly how an accusation should be addressed, whether by a scammer or not, each and every time (within reason) such resurfaces.

Well-played, eid!


Dafuq you talking about? Eid did absolutely nothing but talk about the person who did the digging. That's like if some private investigator finds your wife or girlfriend cheating and then everyone says its ok because the investigator is a chronic chain smoker. Facts are facts. Daniel sounds and acts like an egotistical douchebag too if you read his profiles. Who'd want to dump half a million dollars into that. Theres a sucker born every minute.

PM? why you? fail.

Post by: Hansen on January 12, 2014, 01:59:08 AM
Go lose your money, I really don't care. I'll leave it at that, I got better things to do than babysit this thread and respond to blind fanboyism and associate scammers.

Well, thats great for all of us I guess. I loose my money, both of us get to sleep. Deal! :-)

Post by: Sharky444 on January 12, 2014, 02:04:28 AM
     There was a post by Fuserleer bragging about scamming $1500 in a single day.

Because of such accusations you should be banned from Bitcointalk. I'm dead serious here. A crimical case against you (character assassination) could be also made.

In the thread you are linking to he does at no point say he has scammed anyone.

On the contrary:

"Nope, even though I'm on BHW its all pretty much white hat techniques and a little grey in for good measure."


Emunie has over 400 Founders, Mods, Beta testers. The list is publicly available on the Emunie forums.

Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 02:05:30 AM
haha everytime.

tl;dr - eMunie is not a scam, OP is an angry troll.

Post by: zakorus on January 12, 2014, 02:07:16 AM
haha everytime.

tl;dr - eMunie is not a scam, OP is an angry troll.

all ipo are scams. kthxbye

Post by: Sharky444 on January 12, 2014, 02:10:29 AM
Because of such accusations you should be banned from Bitcointalk.

You're an idiot. And so are you Visin, and unprofessional idiot (or professional idiot, take your pick).

Anyways, this thread is here to stay, please feel free to bump it at your leisure.

You have been reported.

Post by: extee on January 12, 2014, 02:12:15 AM
lol i don't know about emunie, but biggest scam is already in action its NXT - 100% premined and owned by 71 man.
LOL, even if they "bought" them, going through risk - IT'S DOESN'T CHANGE nothing, few people have ALLl premine. they bought this? who fucks?
The result is the same - the market is totally under their control, they give to public little amount of their huge stakes - then pump and dump the price and turn back all coins at cheap price that before they "gave" to investors. LOL.

They are arrogant enough to say its not true. NXT - biggest scam ever. Even if those 71 people are invested the money and "bought" all premine from genesys block, the distribution of 100% of coins to only 71 people - automatically turns it in scam scheme. it was big mistake do distribution in this way, and now this people ahah telling us that they "giveaway" large amount - then i see when they pumped and dumped and bought back their coins for cheap price. I saw incredibly big walls that were only to make "fear" and never were for long. So that were their manipulation. 71 lucky people scam entire community. and community is blind.

Try to tell me that i lost the train,yeah big scam train. ahah, better i be honest than big asshole that scam people. and i didnt loose nothing, bought when it was cheap - already sold. don't like it. we are enough scammed in the real world with dollar, now we starting to use scam NXT as 2-nd gen. damn
most dumb post i ever read in my life.
crypto is a technology.
were facebook, google and twitter a scam? less than 5 people owned facebook shares....and look how many own them now.
and btw NXt is already right now more distributed than bitcoin was in its first 2 months.
bitcoin wasn't widely distributed in its origin....very few ppl knew of its launch......only feckless unemployed ppl playing world of warcraft or taking drugs got wind of it....early miners were few....early miners got tons  ...and now noone can mine anything at all without massive investments in asic. and after 5 years  less than 1000 ppl own more than 50% of total bitcoins. not widely distributed at all.
 i'd rather invest directly in an IPo and pay directly the developers  than pay miners which are not even needed anymore thanks to Proof of stake software. the real scam coins are the miner coins....cos miners make you believe they give a usefuil service...when infact it's now a total waste (of resources and money). and they jump in in all IPO threads calling them scam. they want to safeguard their current "non job" of miners. I have no interest in paying lazy gits miners for processing fees, mantaining system stability and mining new coins when new proof of stake software can do all that without them. investing is a more legitimate job than the current crypto mining industry.
whatever your opinion may be NXT works as intended and it is what the dev said it would be  when he announced it.  the NXT developer said he would deliver X ...and delivered exactly X . you may not like X.....but you have no right to call it a scam.

about the OP and  eMunie .....eMunie has verified beta testers and screenshots (maybe a video would be nice seeing it in action)....i don't care in any way what furseleers past is....he can be even the biggest criminal the wolrd has ever seen ....but if he delivers a good working technology which is better than what is now available,.....that is all i care about.
do we know anything about satoshi, sunny king etc? no ...nor we care.
if he will deliver a good product.....the first thing I would do is sue you. one thing is to raise awareness or asking question.....another thing is calling emunie a scam without any real evidence as of yet.
your unconditional public beta request is unrealistic.....but i'm sure dan could invite someone of the mods of bitcointalk to beta test to verify that there's indeed a product in development. i think that would put some of the slander at rest

Post by: windjc on January 12, 2014, 02:18:55 AM
Lol. OP exposed.

Post by: Hansen on January 12, 2014, 02:20:07 AM
Because of such accusations you should be banned from Bitcointalk.

You're an idiot. And so are you Visin, and unprofessional idiot (or professional idiot, take your pick).

Anyways, this thread is here to stay, please feel free to bump it at your leisure.

It took you exactly 13 minutes to lie. What you said 13 mins before posting the quote above: "I'll leave it at that..."
Not a good reputation.

Post by: Hippie Tech on January 12, 2014, 02:22:41 AM
Let's see how he responds.

You're already getting a glimpse at how eMu management handles facts. By throwing hissyfits and presumptuous accusations that have no merit.

na just talking about how you guys talk to each other. your info is more than interesting as I wanted to invest in EMU, I mean the concept sounds good. But I'm not interested in scams... so thx. time and this thread will show what's true, anyway good to have that infos NOW :)

If you saw a person mugging another person on the street and then you caught and confronted them, you wouldn't get heated? I wouldn't even let them speak a word before they were laying on the floor face down.

Ha!!! I just noticed LeoC is a noob - Activity: 28, NSA or not I have to say, he's a bit of a Dickhead!!!

Noob or not... your sig tells me you're a ponzi promoting schill douche. :P

Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 02:48:45 AM
Well its about time I done this as regular responses aren't cutting it, below I will be listing Cossakman aka. Maet (the guy who sends this 'anonymous information' to people on BTT LOL)

He does a lot of private messages on our forum to our members, which they report to me because his is an ass. So there are a ton of private messages to go through. This is about to be a big wall of text, so read it if you want, or move along. You are about to see what kind of guy he really is...

Cossakman: I don't have any active warnings on my profile.  They gave me two for FUD.  The first was ages ago when I said a 51% attack can still happen with a branching system on one machine through macros and multiple clients (the post was deleted by EID and then I was warned by him, seems a bit over the top).
Then I was given one yesterday for sending "eMunie is a scam" messages to newbies, it took them two whole weeks to catch me and that warning was only for 24 hours.   The warnings don't even exist anymore.

Person 1: Hi, Maet:
I cannot find the source of the 600 BTC you mentioned. Do you have any link so I can confirm Dan has collected 600 BTC from beta testers. As far as I know, it's free to be a beta tester. Yes, I applied when the thread was titled as 'slot full' and have not received any reply yet.

Maet: Did you see the link I provided?
There was 600 BTC 'invested' into the presale.  Whatever the hell that means.
Practically no one gets admitted into the beta and, honestly, I don't think there's more than 20 or 25 beta testers.  Raising 600 BTC is an excessive number - doesn't matter if it was in November / December or back in June when Bitcoin was $100 to $200.  No one invests $60K into a beta, let alone $600K.  Mastercoin had a very public sale and it only raised the equivalent of $450K before November.  NxT barely got any investments (hence the accusation of it being a scam coin).

Cossakman: So what do you think I should or we do?
We either destroy eMunie or we could blackmail Daniel in giving us stuff. I am putting that last option as a hypothetical.

Private Message Title - Congratulations Beta Tester
Sorry to disappoint with the thread title. eMunie is a lot of scam and, if you take the time to see the links, you would agree with me. This information will be posted on Bitcointalk during the Presale.


The private messages go on and on and on, same FUD different day.
My favorite private message is how he wants to blackmail Dan to get free stuff. LOL, and they try to say eMunie is a scam. psch.

This is first of many that will come regarding 'anonymous' information. I didn't want it to come to this, but what can you expect from such a scammy user?


Post by: tk808 on January 12, 2014, 03:01:16 AM
So in a few words.

Fuserleer (Lead of eMunie) used to be a big scammer, this is pretty much a fact from the evidence in this forum.

Now the question is, has he reformed himself? What made him change? Is it even possible to do a heist on this scale?

Post by: Sharky444 on January 12, 2014, 03:04:03 AM
So in a few words.

Fuserleer (Lead of eMunie) used to be a big scammer, this is pretty much a fact from the evidence in this forum.

There is no piece of evidence whatsoever. If you follow the links you will see that the accusations are made up. I've reported the OP already.

Post by: Bebopzzz on January 12, 2014, 03:28:43 AM
eMunie guys are straight up pathetic

Post by: billotronic on January 12, 2014, 03:36:05 AM

eMunites are a bunch of tards, imho.


My man! I can not thank you enough for helping the eMunie cause by bringing us so much good press. These hilarious threads boost our new sign ups every time you run one. Is there any way you can keep this up, say once a week at least till we launch?

For services rendered we are willing to pay you 9001 BTC out of the scam fund assuming our market saturation meets its goal. Heres to keeping our fingers crossed!



Post by: doitnow on January 12, 2014, 03:37:06 AM

Seriously WTF with this guy?? even if he made personal vendetta against eMunie project he should STFU after few his posts and LET PEOPLE DECIDE for themselves. He seems to be mentally deficient..

Post by: hyunsookmom on January 12, 2014, 03:43:24 AM
I think people are waking up to the idea that NXT is the only real contender to BTC.

Post by: extee on January 12, 2014, 04:07:59 AM
what a psycho-troll.....
and gotta love his "demands"
one of the most appealing things about emunie is that it offers greater anonymity and he demands for investors to give their real name??? big LOL
a public beta?  I hope emunie will only put out the client to the masses when ready and polished and not a day before. putting out an unfinished buggy temp client like NXt put many people off, especially the less tech savvy. nxt client is improving now and I'm sticking with it ...but many have already ran scared from it and will be difficult to make them return and try the new clients.
emunie proposes itself as being easy to it needs to be a polished release when it goes public.
btw the white paper , more screenshots, videos etc are all planned if you read the emunie forums. keep in mind pre-sale has not even started.
I keep checking their forum and obviously wanna see more before i put a penny in pre-sale...but there's no evidence that it is a scam as of yet....and the little I've seen looks promising.

Post by: tk808 on January 12, 2014, 04:09:30 AM
I think people are waking up to the idea that NXT is the only real contender to BTC.


Post by: MsCollec on January 12, 2014, 04:15:13 AM
More people are willing to empty their bank account on next generation coins that brings new innovative features to the market.  XCP counter party has burnt almost 500 BTC within days. I don't understand how Emunie can be a scam when there's a client that's already working and tested by beta tester.  If you have doubts about Emunie don't invest in the presale wait until it's fully launched.

Post by: Edward50 on January 12, 2014, 04:20:59 AM
What worries me about emunie is the fact that new emunie will be created to keep the price stable.

This may be OK with me, but where does the money go to when new emunie is created and sold?

What scared me also is that any talk about this on the forum has moderators yelling about how you can't talk about it. Others also told me that it was said you will not get rich on this coin.

What I can see is that the original creator will pocket the pre-sale money, then they will also pocket the money when new coins are sold onto the market.

Yes, I heard some of the newly generated coins (maybe 50%) will go to the people already holding them, but what about the other 50%?

Simply put, this was created to put money into the original developers pockets. Maybe you can make some, but half or more will go to the developers.

However, you guys better do your homework here because they are very strict on the forum about people talking about this stuff. Seems like they want to silence and hide it as they know they are setting up to take a lot of money from you guys, and intend to take it also through selling newly made coins after the pre-purchase. They will get all pre-sales money, and at least 50% of after sales money from what I can read. Could be even worse.

To me it is not 100% scam, they won't be running out the door with your money. But they are scamming you by taking all your pre-sale money for what they claim are development costs. We all know how much it costs to develop these coins, close to nothing. They also will scam you guys out of new coins generated to keep the price stable. They sell them and keep at least half of the money.

I liked this coin and even wrote that it had a fair distribution in other posts here on bitcointalk in the past. However, I wonder what is up and I don't like the forum banning talks about how the currency will be price controlled and where the money will go. Again, do your homework before throwing down money.

I am not saying this is a scam coin, it is just that I don't really understand it fully yet and also any talk about how the new emunie will be split up is banned on the forum. I had other good sources tell me they were skeptical also. Do your homework. This coin will not work like a bitcoin. It will be price stabilized so it will always be say 10 cents a coin. New coins will have to be made if demand makes the coin higher than 10 cents. Money from newly purchased coins does not flow back fully to the investors.

Post by: y3804 on January 12, 2014, 04:27:49 AM

eMunites are a bunch of tards, imho.


My man! I can not thank you enough for helping the eMunie cause by bringing us so much good press. These hilarious threads boost our new sign ups every time you run one. Is there any way you can keep this up, say once a week at least till we launch?

For services rendered we are willing to pay you 9001 BTC out of the scam fund assuming our market saturation meets its goal. Heres to keeping our fingers crossed!



weakest argument so far

Post by: cremstopper on January 12, 2014, 04:28:04 AM
What worries me about emunie is the fact that new emunie will be created to keep the price stable.

This may be OK with me, but where does the money go to when new emunie is created and sold?

What scared me also is that any talk about this on the forum has moderators yelling about how you can't talk about it. Others also told me that it was said you will not get rich on this coin.

What I can see is that the original creator will pocket the pre-sale money, then they will also pocket the money when new coins are sold onto the market.

Yes, I heard some of the newly generated coins (maybe 50%) will go to the people already holding them, but what about the other 50%?

Simply put, this was created to put money into the original developers pockets. Maybe you can make some, but half or more will go to the developers.

However, you guys better do your homework here because they are very strict on the forum about people talking about this stuff. Seems like they want to silence and hide it as they know they are setting up to take a lot of money from you guys, and intend to take it also through selling newly made coins after the pre-purchase. They will get all pre-sales money, and at least 50% of after sales money from what I can read. Could be even worse.

To me it is not 100% scam, they won't be running out the door with your money. But they are scamming you by taking all your pre-sale money for what they claim are development costs. We all know how much it costs to develop these coins, close to nothing. They also will scam you guys out of new coins generated to keep the price stable. They sell them and keep at least half of the money.

I liked this coin and even wrote that it had a fair distribution in other posts here on bitcointalk in the past. However, I wonder what is up and I don't like the forum banning talks about how the currency will be price controlled and where the money will go. Again, do your homework before throwing down money.

I am not saying this is a scam coin, it is just that I don't really understand it fully yet and also any talk about how the new emunie will be split up is banned on the forum. I had other good sources tell me they were skeptical also. Do your homework. This coin will not work like a bitcoin. It will be price stabilized so it will always be say 10 cents a coin. New coins will have to be made if demand makes the coin higher than 10 cents. Money from newly purchased coins does not flow back fully to the investors.

I would like to know if that ^ is true.

Post by: td services on January 12, 2014, 04:35:51 AM
lol i don't know about emunie, but biggest scam is already in action its NXT - 100% premined and owned by 71 man.
LOL, even if they "bought" them, going through risk - IT'S DOESN'T CHANGE nothing, few people have ALLl premine. they bought this? who fucks?
The result is the same - the market is totally under their control, they give to public little amount of their huge stakes - then pump and dump the price and turn back all coins at cheap price that before they "gave" to investors. LOL.

They are arrogant enough to say its not true. NXT - biggest scam ever. Even if those 71 people are invested the money and "bought" all premine from genesys block, the distribution of 100% of coins to only 71 people - automatically turns it in scam scheme. it was big mistake do distribution in this way, and now this people ahah telling us that they "giveaway" large amount - then i see when they pumped and dumped and bought back their coins for cheap price. I saw incredibly big walls that were only to make "fear" and never were for long. So that were their manipulation. 71 lucky people scam entire community. and community is blind.

Try to tell me that i lost the train,yeah big scam train. ahah, better i be honest than big asshole that scam people. and i didnt loose nothing, bought when it was cheap - already sold. don't like it. we are enough scammed in the real world with dollar, now we starting to use scam NXT as 2-nd gen. damn
most dumb post i ever read in my life.
crypto is a technology.
were facebook, google and twitter a scam? less than 5 people owned facebook shares....and look how many own them now.
and btw NXt is already right now more distributed than bitcoin was in its first 2 months.
bitcoin wasn't widely distributed in its origin....very few ppl knew of its launch......only feckless unemployed ppl playing world of warcraft or taking drugs got wind of it....early miners were few....early miners got tons  ...and now noone can mine anything at all without massive investments in asic. and after 5 years  less than 1000 ppl own more than 50% of total bitcoins. not widely distributed at all.
 i'd rather invest directly in an IPo and pay directly the developers  than pay miners which are not even needed anymore thanks to Proof of stake software. the real scam coins are the miner coins....cos miners make you believe they give a usefuil service...when infact it's now a total waste (of resources and money). and they jump in in all IPO threads calling them scam. they want to safeguard their current "non job" of miners. I have no interest in paying lazy gits miners for processing fees, mantaining system stability and mining new coins when new proof of stake software can do all that without them. investing is a more legitimate job than the current crypto mining industry.
whatever your opinion may be NXT works as intended and it is what the dev said it would be  when he announced it.  the NXT developer said he would deliver X ...and delivered exactly X . you may not like X.....but you have no right to call it a scam.

about the OP and  eMunie .....eMunie has verified beta testers and screenshots (maybe a video would be nice seeing it in action)....i don't care in any way what furseleers past is....he can be even the biggest criminal the wolrd has ever seen ....but if he delivers a good working technology which is better than what is now available,.....that is all i care about.
do we know anything about satoshi, sunny king etc? no ...nor we care.
if he will deliver a good product.....the first thing I would do is sue you. one thing is to raise awareness or asking question.....another thing is calling emunie a scam without any real evidence as of yet.
your unconditional public beta request is unrealistic.....but i'm sure dan could invite someone of the mods of bitcointalk to beta test to verify that there's indeed a product in development. i think that would put some of the slander at rest

I'm afraid I have a very strong bias against NXT for personal reasons. I was planning to invest, thought investment deadline was January 3, had door slammed in my face when I went to go do so while someone else was allowed in. I was waiting for Mastercoin to go back up, was watching NXT thread on bitcointalk. After a pause in activity, a message was posted that they were going ahead. I double checked original post of project, saw it was ambiguous about actual end date of investment round. I posted a message asking for clarification of actual due date, got response that they'll check with project founder to find out when the deadline is, then I saw another post 8 hours later that BTC coins had been moved from address, no more investment was accepted, but they were allowing BTC that was deposited after BTC coins were moved but but before post announcing close of investment.

early termination of NXT funding round:

Can we still join in between now and January 3? I haven't really seen any clear definition of a deadline.

I'm waiting for the answer. BCNext reads this thread.

Some changes in the plan:

1. Fundraising is over. That last 1 BTC, sent after the 2nd marking transaction, will be accepted but no more deposits should be made.
2. Nxt will be launched earlier than on the 3rd of January, right after the final test.
3. New Nxt users r supposed to be attracted by selling NXT and distributing via Nxt Faucet.
4. Messaging feature will be released later to avoid situation when somebody attempts to bloat the blockchain making it too huge for newcomers.

BTW we need one more bootstrapping server, coz 2 servers is not enough.
So, if I understand this correctly:

1) the main dev (BCNext) no longer posts directly to this thread but you purport to communicate with him and speak for him about the project, something we can't confirm,
2) the deadline for contributing BTC to acquire Nxt, which was originally described as being open until the genesis block was approved by the community sometimes at least a month from now, is now suddenly declared over with no advance warning; and
3) the BTC that were already sent to acquire Nxt, which the main dev (BCNext) promised earlier in this thread not to touch until the genesis block was generated, have now been moved.

To me, this is like posted hours on business having a sale being 8-5, I see lights go off from their back office across the street at 1 PM, I call to see if they're closing early, if so, when, get voicemail and leave message, get a call later back at 2 PM saying they'll check with owner to see if closing, then get another call at 3 PM saying yes, they closed at 2:30 and the sale is over and I'm out of luck, then I find out that someone else who slid a check under the door at 2:45 after it was closed got to buy at the sale price.

I thought this was pretty crappy treatment of a potential investor. If this is how they treat people, I suspect their lack of social skills and flakey approach to business will eventually doom their project. I'm amazed at how much it has gone up in value with only the release of a buggy, partially closed source client.

The initial intro of NXT had some weird drama, there was no white paper, and very ambiguous definition of the project and the funding schedule. It doesn't seem at all professional and the initial funding round only raised 21 BTC. Any additional development will have to be volunteer or stakeholders offering bounties. So far, the development has been a one man band. There has been a lot of 3rd party development, with an ecosystem quickly evolving.

The upside of NXT is if such a crap project could have this kind of success, then a well thought out, documented, and beta tested project with equitable opportunity for all investors, developers, and other participants should be able to do even better. eMunie seems to be such a project.

Post by: r3animation on January 12, 2014, 04:40:25 AM
I'm a beta-tester for eMu and I must say Fuseleer is building great software for it. If this is some kind of scam, he sure is doing alot more work then needed.

I have NXT and have used it's software extensively and if I were to compare software, eMu is far ahead in terms of development.

Just throwing my experience out there.

Post by: billotronic on January 12, 2014, 04:46:34 AM
What worries me about emunie is the fact that new emunie will be created to keep the price stable.

This may be OK with me, but where does the money go to when new emunie is created and sold?

What scared me also is that any talk about this on the forum has moderators yelling about how you can't talk about it. Others also told me that it was said you will not get rich on this coin.

What I can see is that the original creator will pocket the pre-sale money, then they will also pocket the money when new coins are sold onto the market.

Yes, I heard some of the newly generated coins (maybe 50%) will go to the people already holding them, but what about the other 50%?

Simply put, this was created to put money into the original developers pockets. Maybe you can make some, but half or more will go to the developers.

However, you guys better do your homework here because they are very strict on the forum about people talking about this stuff. Seems like they want to silence and hide it as they know they are setting up to take a lot of money from you guys, and intend to take it also through selling newly made coins after the pre-purchase. They will get all pre-sales money, and at least 50% of after sales money from what I can read. Could be even worse.

To me it is not 100% scam, they won't be running out the door with your money. But they are scamming you by taking all your pre-sale money for what they claim are development costs. We all know how much it costs to develop these coins, close to nothing. They also will scam you guys out of new coins generated to keep the price stable. They sell them and keep at least half of the money.

I liked this coin and even wrote that it had a fair distribution in other posts here on bitcointalk in the past. However, I wonder what is up and I don't like the forum banning talks about how the currency will be price controlled and where the money will go. Again, do your homework before throwing down money.

I am not saying this is a scam coin, it is just that I don't really understand it fully yet and also any talk about how the new emunie will be split up is banned on the forum. I had other good sources tell me they were skeptical also. Do your homework. This coin will not work like a bitcoin. It will be price stabilized so it will always be say 10 cents a coin. New coins will have to be made if demand makes the coin higher than 10 cents. Money from newly purchased coins does not flow back fully to the investors.

You need to come spend some time reading our forums. As a moderator I can tell you that there are no 'banned' talks about anything other then the name eMunie. This is just plain FUD. Every single statement here is false and half of it can be found here on the bitcoin talk forums.

eMunites are a bunch of tards, imho.


My man! I can not thank you enough for helping the eMunie cause by bringing us so much good press. These hilarious threads boost our new sign ups every time you run one. Is there any way you can keep this up, say once a week at least till we launch?

For services rendered we are willing to pay you 9001 BTC out of the scam fund assuming our market saturation meets its goal. Heres to keeping our fingers crossed!



weakest argument so far

I was told not to curse at people any more. I agree, but it had to be addressed.

Look at the end of the day we could have really had some clarification on eMunie. Instead we get counter claims attacking the integrity of the posters credentials. From now on could we please get some clarification on the points mentioned without slander from either side.

You do well to address cossokaman and Maet and potential conflicts of interest(well not exactly but bitterness maybe). Visin your second link about the NXT post you didn't link the identity to Cossokman or Maet and without it it appears poor play but anyway I digress. I know from my own reading some points/issues which were brought up have been clarified but not all of them.

Could we please just get some clarification of the points mentioned rather than the cossokman/maets personal background?

Furseeler/Dan has not addressed some of these points yet which is a good thing as I think he usually has a lot more professionalism and maturity which I hope would make up for the lack thereof from the current eMunie founding members.

Anyone who wants clarification is more than welcome to come to ( and see what we have to offer. There is no one wanting to steal your money. You people are arguing about a project that at this time wont even take your money! Of course it's a scam!



Post by: td services on January 12, 2014, 04:47:51 AM
I am waiting for a response to the post I made on the eMunie forum to avoid a repeat of what happened with NXT. It has been several days. Either you have a set time period and/or capitalization limit for investment or you don't. Saying it may be arbitrarily ended without notice at any time by the founder  really means there is neither a set time frame nor cap limit.

from eMunie forum, :

Timb, on 26 Dec 2013 - 5:07 PM, said:

    Yes that is possible, discouraged but possible.

    There is currently no limit on the amount of coins being distributed in total, Fuserleer may choose to close the presale if he believes enough have been distributed. There are currently no plans or any mentions that there will be a total cap.

Could we please have better definition on this? It would help a lot if there is either a specific deadline date with no limit on distribution or a specific cap distribution limit to watch for if it is being approached prior to the planned ending date. It would also be good to have advance warning of the sale closing. NXT closed six weeks early without warning during the presale and I had the door slammed in my face while asking for similar definition on investment deadlines because of this kind of ambiguity. This has left me with a very strong bias against NXT.

Post by: Jamesco on January 12, 2014, 04:51:14 AM
Look at the end of the day we could have really had some clarification on eMunie. Instead we get counter claims attacking the integrity of the posters credentials. From now on could we please get some clarification on the points mentioned without slander from either side.

You do well to address cossokaman and Maet and potential conflicts of interest(well not exactly but bitterness maybe). Visin your second link about the NXT post you didn't link the identity to Cossokman or Maet and without it it appears poor play but anyway I digress. I know from my own reading some points/issues which were brought up have been clarified but not all of them.

Could we please just get some clarification of the points mentioned rather than the cossokman/maets personal background?

Furseeler/Dan has not addressed some of these points yet which is a good thing as I think he usually has a lot more professionalism and maturity which I hope would make up for the lack thereof from the current eMunie founding members.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: atta2k15 on January 12, 2014, 07:11:55 AM
thx 4 update  8)

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on January 12, 2014, 07:19:52 AM
are you two in it together or are you the same person?
did someone really pay you the bounty or you trolling for kicks?

also hate to break it to  you  but you ain't the only one who can use google lol.
dan used his real name and nickname all along and purposely....anyone could have looked him up at any time...showing he's got nothing to hide unlike you.
what do we know about satoshi/sunny king?....not doesn't matter. all we judge is the technology.
many inventors innovators started out their careers with dubious activities. rigging and maximizing ads revenues ain't no biggie in my eyes.
kim dotcom did it for years (and on top of that hosting copyrighted stuff) and is seen as a hero and respect person in the internet world.
i will judge just the technology....if the coin is technologically better than what we have I'll buy....if it sucks i won't.
and before I invest in a presale i ask to see at least a video of the client in action etc....which i'm sure along with the whitepaper will be avilable during presale.
people with 300+ posts here and with good rep say they have tried the beta....but we must trust 2 newbies out of nowhere who say there isn't one and that it is all a sham? lol
info from people who are using the beta:
everything indicates that is NOT a scam.

Post by: Edward50 on January 12, 2014, 07:21:26 AM
What worries me about emunie is the fact that new emunie will be created to keep the price stable.

This may be OK with me, but where does the money go to when new emunie is created and sold?

What scared me also is that any talk about this on the forum has moderators yelling about how you can't talk about it. Others also told me that it was said you will not get rich on this coin.

What I can see is that the original creator will pocket the pre-sale money, then they will also pocket the money when new coins are sold onto the market.

Yes, I heard some of the newly generated coins (maybe 50%) will go to the people already holding them, but what about the other 50%?

Simply put, this was created to put money into the original developers pockets. Maybe you can make some, but half or more will go to the developers.

However, you guys better do your homework here because they are very strict on the forum about people talking about this stuff. Seems like they want to silence and hide it as they know they are setting up to take a lot of money from you guys, and intend to take it also through selling newly made coins after the pre-purchase. They will get all pre-sales money, and at least 50% of after sales money from what I can read. Could be even worse.

To me it is not 100% scam, they won't be running out the door with your money. But they are scamming you by taking all your pre-sale money for what they claim are development costs. We all know how much it costs to develop these coins, close to nothing. They also will scam you guys out of new coins generated to keep the price stable. They sell them and keep at least half of the money.

I liked this coin and even wrote that it had a fair distribution in other posts here on bitcointalk in the past. However, I wonder what is up and I don't like the forum banning talks about how the currency will be price controlled and where the money will go. Again, do your homework before throwing down money.

I am not saying this is a scam coin, it is just that I don't really understand it fully yet and also any talk about how the new emunie will be split up is banned on the forum. I had other good sources tell me they were skeptical also. Do your homework. This coin will not work like a bitcoin. It will be price stabilized so it will always be say 10 cents a coin. New coins will have to be made if demand makes the coin higher than 10 cents. Money from newly purchased coins does not flow back fully to the investors.

You need to come spend some time reading our forums. As a moderator I can tell you that there are no 'banned' talks about anything other then the name eMunie. This is just plain FUD. Every single statement here is false and half of it can be found here on the bitcoin talk forums.

Take a look at this moderator, talking about closing down threads when talking about price appreciation. Not only that he threatened to lock/delete threads like this in the future.


You then say there are no banned talks?

Guys, better do your homework about how all this will work. Just how much money will flow into the developers hands and how the new coins sold in the future will be distributed.

Here is what is said in the post from eMunie web developer called Visin. On a thread titled

eMunie appreciation @ launch unlikely! (?)

This left me with a bad feeling as I was reading the thread and curious to how appreciation in the currency will be distributed. Seems like they want it to be kept quiet because they plan on taking most of the coins appreciation. I am surprised nobody on this thread is talking about this. The guy above who claims to be a moderator is saying nothing is banned, yet go look for yourself. Talks about price appreciation, and exactly about how new emunie will be split up is banned talk.

Below is quoted directly from "Visin" on emunie forum. I guarantee the thread will now be deleted. But I already took a snapshot of it.

Really, do I have to close another thread?

Dan has not said anything 100% final yet, you will know nothing until the day of launch whenever that day may be.

I've said it before, and I will say it again... nothing is official until Dan says it.

These kind of threads will be locked/deleted in the future without notice.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: tesslerc on January 12, 2014, 08:21:49 AM
Lol.. well i think the eMu beta testers have defended eMu enough.

Ok you are right, eMunie is a scam, this coin will fail ok? so now stop spamming everywhere about it, ignore emunie don't invest and come back and cry in half a year when you missed the ride of your life.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: testerx on January 12, 2014, 08:29:13 AM
Reading his posts on blackhatworld it doesn't really sound like he was scamming people, he wrote a bunch of crappy apps and sent out what sounds like spam e-mails to get ad revenue and affiliate commission revenue from retailers.  I mean it's not the nicest sounding way in the world to make money but it's not scamming anybody, at worst he's guilty of being a spammer since it sounds like went around posting links to random forums and websites to try and get traffic.  I don't see how any of this makes eMunie illegitimate though.  The fact that it's closed source is somewhat concerning, but mostly from the viewpoint that there may be critical vulnerabilities that we won't be able to recognize.  I *very briefly* ran a similar business once for two weeks and there was nothing illegitimate about it.  It was hard as hell to get revenue without resorting to spamming-I ended up getting some traffic anyways just by putting links in signatures on forums where I was already very established but I probably would have made a lot more money if I had spammed the hell out of it.  Ended up making about a hundred bucks within a week of launch even without tons of spam before I pulled the plug (had too much other work I had to prioritize) but there was nothing scammy about it at all-I just collected affiliate commissions for convincing people to buy stuff from large retailers.  I'm pretty sure that since I was making a hundred bucks with only a few thousand hits a day and within a week of launch that it'd be perfectly doable to make $1000+ daily if you had a large enough audience.  Nothing about it sounds like a scam, the only thing really to criticize is that spamming is lame but that's about it. 

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: procrypto on January 12, 2014, 08:31:41 AM
I remember the eMunie beta launch, and exchanged a couple of PMs with the guy though didn't follow it up. I didn't learn enough about eMunie to form an opinion then and haven't now.

That aside, my comment is specifically about your comments regarding the Black Hat World (BHW) forum.

   Daniel also had membership on Blackhatworld
Sounds scary. Please continue.

   So we know what Daniel was doing for a living - he was running scams.

Your immediate conclusion is that because the forum has a scary name, it must centre around scamming people? Continuing without comment..

      There was a post by Fuserleer bragging about scamming $1500 in a single day.

    (Fuserleer / Daniel bragging about making $1500)

You then post a thread in which the guy brags about his Amazon affiliate income. Are you by this point starting to get a sense of the fact that BHW isn't what you thought it was?

Finally you come out with this little gem, my favourite bit.

no normal person posts on a website full of criminals and scammers.  No normal person brags about making $1500 by stealing from other people.  If Daniel took pride by stealing that much money - imagine how much pleasure it would be if he stole $1 million from Bitcoin users.

Now.. BHW is generally frequented by people who practice SEO - across the whole spectrum, from well-known white hat internet marketers, many working for Fortune 500 companies, to hardcore black hats dropping hundreds of thousands of spammy web pages and backlinks across the internet on a daily basis.

The tools of their trade enable content scraping, spinning and auto publishing, but certainly not the botnets and credit card theft that you insinuate with your ill-informed thoughts on BHW.
A lot of the regulars on BHW are affiliate marketers (like the eMunie guy) looking to improve their income through reselling Amazon products, Payday Loans, Insurance, Gaming etc. To these people, black hat isn't financial cybercrime - its hardcore flouting of Google's webmaster guidelines.
As well as those black hat marketers who use web spam techniques to maximum effect, BHW attracts a lot of regular marketing professionals who like to ensure they've got the full picture when it comes to what is known about the known unknown of Google's search algorithm. If you know whats working or not for spammers, who are generally doing the most invasive prodding of the algo, you can know how extreme (or not) to go with your traditional marketing.

Like I said, I don't have an opinion about eMunie (or the rest of your post) at all, but I can't have you spouting rubbish without pulling you up on it.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 08:43:07 AM
The above poster deffinitely knows what he is talking about. I have been on BHW since I was like 16, and have learned a ton of things, most which involve spending my own money to market on Facebook/Adwords/Bing/etc. Blackhatworld is an actual okay place, and not the boogieman like the OP thinks.

+1 for the above guy doing his homework like most users should do.

Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 12, 2014, 10:01:43 AM
Why not kill four birds with one stone by requiring a forum membership to download the files?
1. Scam theories will fade.
2. Interest in the project will explode.
3. A huge increase in new members, with hopefully some being contributors.
4. People can already load up on the hardware needed, so you will have a more optimized and secure network with a larger amount of hatchers from day 1.

Good idea. I'm a little bit tired digging thru decompiled obfuscated binaries, but I have no other options coz:
1. I like eMunie features and would like to buy some coins
2. But Fuserleer didn't answer how eMunie core validates encrypted transactions (anonymity + public ledger combo looks impossible to me)

Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 10:08:49 AM
Why not kill four birds with one stone by requiring a forum membership to download the files?
1. Scam theories will fade.
2. Interest in the project will explode.
3. A huge increase in new members, with hopefully some being contributors.
4. People can already load up on the hardware needed, so you will have a more optimized and secure network with a larger amount of hatchers from day 1.

Good idea. I'm a little bit tired digging thru decompiled obfuscated binaries, but I have no other options coz:
1. I like eMunie features and would like to buy some coins
2. But Fuserleer didn't answer how eMunie core validates encrypted transactions (anonymity + public ledger combo looks impossible to me)

Haha I understand about the whole encrypted transactions, they are quite complex from what I have seen in the API. Everything is being built as we go and are making changes all the time, to expose different data needed for certain API tasks.

And for the record, we require beta tester level to even download the latest client, and we invite beta testers in waves (unless they make it specifically known that they are going above and beyond to be a helpful member in which we jump them to the head of the line (normally 1 or 2 members every wave gets boosted ahead).

We go through the beta thread where people are CONSTANTLY requesting invites and invite around 50 of them, every like 2 -3 weeks depending on need for testers. I understand that it may seem like we are hiding something, or we are the secret Illuminati conspiring to ruin everyone's lives, but its more that our beta access shoutbox is getting crowded as is, and is a primary way of reporting quick bugs/issues during our testing sessions.

With saying the above, we have though of maybe doing a live beta tester so people can view how it works and such? I am not sure if that would be wanted by the public, but if it is please let us know, and I will arrange something like that to take place.

--- edit :

consider this an official announcement asking anyone who sees this, to please request a general way to prove ourselves to you. If you all want it genuinely, we will try to show you whatever you need within our reason (ie. source code is still on hold).

NOTE: All attacks/insults/FUD will be ignored, only serious requests will be taken into consideration

Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 12, 2014, 10:13:18 AM
With saying the above, we have though of maybe doing a live beta tester so people can view how it works and such? I am not sure if that would be wanted by the public, but if it is please let us know, and I will arrange something like that to take place.

Could we (community) just have an explanation how it's possible to validate encrypted transactions? If u revealed this piece of code u would get much more credibility and still be protected against copycats.

Edit: Just noticed that u won't show the code. Well, an explanation should be enough.

Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 10:22:35 AM
With saying the above, we have though of maybe doing a live beta tester so people can view how it works and such? I am not sure if that would be wanted by the public, but if it is please let us know, and I will arrange something like that to take place.

Could we (community) just have an explanation how it's possible to validate encrypted transactions? If u revealed this piece of code u would get much more credibility and still be protected against copycats.

Edit: Just noticed that u won't show the code. Well, an explanation should be enough.

Well if we told you that, we would have to kill ya ;)
just kidding of course, but seriously, yeah we can't tell ya that as thats one of the best parts of eMunie! When source is released though, feel free to grab what you want and run with it, but until then, its going to have to be speculative. Dan may be able to comment on that, and explain it without giving it away.

However, we will welcome all attacks on an eMunie client and how you can show its NOT anonymous, that we will stand behind :)
(I can barely tell who is who on the network, and I am handling the API calls!)

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: miramare on January 12, 2014, 10:45:50 AM
Can any Emnunie guy stand up and say yes or no to "Fuserleer" sacmming money before?

I just want to know the truth.

Post by: lovely89 on January 12, 2014, 10:52:58 AM
What worries me about emunie is the fact that new emunie will be created to keep the price stable.

This may be OK with me, but where does the money go to when new emunie is created and sold?

What scared me also is that any talk about this on the forum has moderators yelling about how you can't talk about it. Others also told me that it was said you will not get rich on this coin.

What I can see is that the original creator will pocket the pre-sale money, then they will also pocket the money when new coins are sold onto the market.

Yes, I heard some of the newly generated coins (maybe 50%) will go to the people already holding them, but what about the other 50%?

Simply put, this was created to put money into the original developers pockets. Maybe you can make some, but half or more will go to the developers.

However, you guys better do your homework here because they are very strict on the forum about people talking about this stuff. Seems like they want to silence and hide it as they know they are setting up to take a lot of money from you guys, and intend to take it also through selling newly made coins after the pre-purchase. They will get all pre-sales money, and at least 50% of after sales money from what I can read. Could be even worse.

To me it is not 100% scam, they won't be running out the door with your money. But they are scamming you by taking all your pre-sale money for what they claim are development costs. We all know how much it costs to develop these coins, close to nothing. They also will scam you guys out of new coins generated to keep the price stable. They sell them and keep at least half of the money.

I liked this coin and even wrote that it had a fair distribution in other posts here on bitcointalk in the past. However, I wonder what is up and I don't like the forum banning talks about how the currency will be price controlled and where the money will go. Again, do your homework before throwing down money.

I am not saying this is a scam coin, it is just that I don't really understand it fully yet and also any talk about how the new emunie will be split up is banned on the forum. I had other good sources tell me they were skeptical also. Do your homework. This coin will not work like a bitcoin. It will be price stabilized so it will always be say 10 cents a coin. New coins will have to be made if demand makes the coin higher than 10 cents. Money from newly purchased coins does not flow back fully to the investors.

Ohh, the stupidity! Reading this actually hurt my brain. Please, for the sake of your own dignity spend as much time on the eMunie forum as you did writing this garbage and come back to apologise.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: crazywack on January 12, 2014, 11:16:22 AM
Can you tell us if or how long you expect to let emunie appreciate before the programming kicks in to keep it stable? I'm sure you guys are keeping this fairly quiet, but any information on this would probably attract more pre-sales.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on January 12, 2014, 11:22:33 AM
Can you tell us if or how long you expect to let emunie appreciate before the programming kicks in to keep it stable? I'm sure you guys are keeping this fairly quiet, but any information on this would probably attract more pre-sales.

If I understand correctly from Dans genius brain, I think the 'code' will be kicked in the entire time from the start, as the entire time it will be working to keep prices stable to a certain degree however.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: kikeda on January 12, 2014, 12:02:50 PM
Considering what was supposedly a 'scam' was HALF of my business as well, it was a user who sent fraud(scam) traffic to our affiliate program and we had a problem with his payment as our advertiser did not pay us for his fraud traffic.

The guy runs to the thread, and complains about not being paid expecting us to pay him again for his fraud traffic.
We refuse to pay up just because we are bullied.

The end.

It was an entire other industry that I have been involved in for years now. I am web developer and internet marketer, and people who abuse the system costs our business a ton of money like so... think like this for a moment.

1. We start a business, we make the partnerships with advertisers. Agreement being that the advertiser will pay us, once they have collected a legitimate lead (group of information).

2. Affiliate (user who complains of being scammed) joins our business and promotes the offer and we pay the affiliate $$$ every time they generate a valid lead. Lets say its $10 a lead we pay the affiliate, and we are being paid $12 a lead by the advertiser.

3. Affiliate racks up a ton of 'valid' leads in our system which would costs us thousands of dollars. We are fine with this and would have paid if not for the advertiser telling us they will not be paying us due to fraudulent leads coming from X user.

4. We tell affiliate they will not be getting paid, because their leads are all fake/scammed/fraud.

5. Affiliate runs and cries to forum to get revenge because they did not get paid.


Like I said, I know this industry inside and out and I currently still work time to time in this industry. It was a failed venture due to us being milked dry by fraud affiliates and not being paid by advertiser which caused us to shut down and cease operations.

I can give 100% full information on any aspect of this, but please dont ask the same questions over and over as I am a busy man and do not appreciate my time being wasted.

Thank you.


Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on January 12, 2014, 12:10:43 PM
aparently you and Daniel go a long way ;)

let me guess you are one of the founders having a seat in the foundation doing all the work for free you poor fellow.

untill source code is open it is a scam just like NXT and all other closed sourced coins

Its not only that the source is open it is even obfuscated.

I wonder where all them new eMunie will come from and most of all where do they go to...

eMunie is runned by few people not more then 10, they are the only ones that actualy will get rich on other peoples money. (there are only 30 active beta testers at most) you can all see for yourselves

So... what is eMunie gonna do with 800 BTC pre-sales?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: superresistant on January 12, 2014, 12:29:39 PM

The usual FUD. I feel like an old cypto-currency guy.

The more people troll about a coin, the bigger is their stack-holding.

Please don't feed the trolls. If people want to invest in something, they can do their own research.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: NXT on January 12, 2014, 01:25:00 PM
aparently you and Daniel go a long way ;)

let me guess you are one of the founders having a seat in the foundation doing all the work for free you poor fellow.

untill source code is open it is a scam just like NXT and all other closed sourced coins

Its not only that the source is open it is even obfuscated.

I wonder where all them new eMunie will come from and most of all where do they go to...

eMunie is runned by few people not more then 10, they are the only ones that actualy will get rich on other peoples money. (there are only 30 active beta testers at most) you can all see for yourselves

So... what is eMunie gonna do with 800 BTC pre-sales?

NXT is open source.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 12, 2014, 01:29:58 PM
NXT is open source.

Don't tell our secret. It's a special trick to find and auto-ignore trolls.

Smart guys know that non-obfuscated java binary is open source, but stupid trolls don't.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: emu on January 12, 2014, 01:37:28 PM
well this is partly SO psycho :)

at least some guys have the brain to answer normal and post evidence instead of trolling back.
guess I will do the same with EMU as I did with NXT, carefully invest, take back a part of the money after price goes up and see what time will show :)

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mvag on January 12, 2014, 01:59:45 PM
No further investment in eMunie: (

Does it prove the OP point?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: _teknowiz_ on January 12, 2014, 02:06:35 PM
i didn't read any deeper than 2 comments into the 2nd page, and i won't be here to read what follows. jus wanted to say this; if you invest in 2nd gen crypto or ipo, you are a fuckin idiot.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on January 12, 2014, 02:45:17 PM
No further investment in eMunie: (

Does it prove the OP point?

What is proves is that the OP really pissed off Dan and he is no longer interested in holding a public sale.  I'm a beta tester and have run multiple clients, if it's a scam, it's a damn good one, but in reality it's most definitely not a scam.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mvag on January 12, 2014, 02:58:17 PM
No further investment in eMunie: (

Does it prove the OP point?

What is proves is that the OP really pissed off Dan and he is no longer interested in holding a public sale.  I'm a beta tester and have run multiple clients, if it's a scam, it's a damn good one, but in reality it's most definitely not a scam.

hm… if you had a plan to distribute a new PoS coin trough croud funding, would you cancel that plan just because of a few troll-posts?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on January 12, 2014, 03:21:29 PM

this was the plan all along, woudnt be surprised OP is on of eMunie trolls.

Now danielle has a good reason to delay emunie for the 6th time and cancel the IPO. he is very happy now.

only the inner circle can buy in (40-50 people).

He does it becausse he CAN.

and again what will happen with 800 BTC collected so far?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: choose_username on January 12, 2014, 03:35:12 PM
Nice one, no more public IPO. Probably a few hundred more "beta testers" accepted who are all willing to pay big bugs for the 'exclusive' right to become one of the first ones to invest in this great new currency.
Smart move by Dan the blackhat scammer.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on January 12, 2014, 05:51:43 PM
No further investment in eMunie: (

Does it prove the OP point?

What is proves is that the OP really pissed off Dan and he is no longer interested in holding a public sale.  I'm a beta tester and have run multiple clients, if it's a scam, it's a damn good one, but in reality it's most definitely not a scam.

hm… if you had a plan to distribute a new PoS coin trough croud funding, would you cancel that plan just because of a few troll-posts?

He already has a couple hundred investors and enough eMu for initial distribution, which was the whole point of a beta test sale.  He is continuing to add Beta testers.  If so many people are cautious, then why not wait until the client is launched, stop complaining that you can't invest and that it's a scam at the same time.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: td services on January 12, 2014, 07:30:15 PM
Sounds more like an excuse to close the sale before it even happens - NXT all over again.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: wtman on January 12, 2014, 07:55:58 PM
Thanks for the alert, I was considering buying too.

The responses to your accusation are very ridiculous

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Angkor on January 12, 2014, 08:17:30 PM
Thanks for this thread, I seriously thought about buying pre-sale too but after him cancelling the IPO and reading your post I believe emunie is an absolute joke.

The guy delays his launch multiple times. Then all of a sudden he says he stops the prelaunch because of bad publicity. Makes absolutely no sense at all. Why listen to negativitey when you stand by your product and you have lots of people who want to invest?

I think it's just an excuse for something else. Either way, this guy is emotionally unstable and something I want to stay far away from when investing money. Thanks for the wasted time Dan, idiot.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: EloquentThinker on January 12, 2014, 08:18:51 PM
Sounds like a scam and this is the first time I've even heard of eMunie. I've locked up scammers in my previous line of work, and this guy has all the hallmarks of one.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Apraksin on January 12, 2014, 08:48:23 PM
Just keep saying scam, it still won't make it so. I bet you people haven't even taken the tiny amount of time needed to check out how emunie fuctions, cause if you had then you would not write it off so fast.

Go back to dogecoin, much currency, very rich.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: El Dude on January 12, 2014, 08:50:50 PM
nxt and emunie are to shitty scam coins , ill stick with Litecoin.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 12, 2014, 08:57:33 PM
nxt and emunie are to shitty scam coins , ill stick with Litecoin.

Good idea. I hope u won't change ur mind.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: doitnow on January 12, 2014, 09:47:18 PM
Sounds like a scam and this is the first time I've even heard of eMunie. I've locked up scammers in my previous line of work, and this guy has all the hallmarks of one.

So before talking nonsense, do your own research and stop spreading scam accusations without any knowledge to support this FUD

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: kdrop22 on January 12, 2014, 09:50:57 PM
Sounds more like an excuse to close the sale before it even happens - NXT all over again.
I was looking forward to the presale for a couple of months now, checking the emunie forums everyday. It is kind of disappointing, that a select group of founders and beta testers get to take part in the pre-sale, while others won't.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Snail2 on January 12, 2014, 09:51:41 PM
Sounds like a scam and this is the first time I've even heard of eMunie. I've locked up scammers in my previous line of work, and this guy has all the hallmarks of one.

 :D. You've made my day boy :D.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on January 12, 2014, 10:22:16 PM
first the trolls say emunie is a scam cos according to them all Dan wanted was to cash in on a public IPO and run off.
now they say it is a scam cos he decides to renounce to the public IPO (and giving up an all the income it could have generated him).
make your minds up trolls!!!
in any case i think he made a mistake to give in to some troll who was possibly paid by a NXT holder to slander emunie
here is the OP troll advertising his slander services in return for NXTs.

this "scam" accusation thread is complete troll by one sad individual to make a few coins and get back at dan for refusing him access to the beta  .
he opened this thread as soon as Dan announced on his forums he was taking weekend off/break  (so he couldn't answer promptly).
and btw most of the accusations regarding blackhat and personal life ..Dan had already answered them countless times before!!(in the past 2 weeks at least 3 times)
all is explained on the emunie forums and in other bitcointalk threads . he has been very open about it all.
here you can find Dan answering any questions about his life , including the blackhat stuff etc

I hope dan reconsiders but obviously it is disheartening when people call all your efforts and hard work a scam.
i think dan should ignore the trolls.....and shut them up in the only way possible : the release.
once emunie is released and there is indeed a working product which delivers on its promises.....all the accusations will count for nothing. and it will be obvious who the real scammers are.
I still feel he should do a public IPO...otherwise people are gonna complain about limited initial adoption (same story as NXT). and that would be a legitimate complaint.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Peachy on January 12, 2014, 10:26:56 PM
Well, I didn't WANT to join this board as it seems to be growing into a "wild west" type of adventure whereby the amount of disinformation is becoming ever more increasing day-by-day.

More as an fyi, I've done a geolocation map of those that are currently testing the newest version of the beta (2nd new version this morning) and here's the dispersion so you can see roughly how many individuals are involved. (

Regardless, in order to respond to the amount of FUD by propaganda-nistas, here's my "substantive" post so that I can then wait the requisite 4 hours before linking it as my "generic response" to false scam claims.

Original post:

Provided below as reference:
TL/DR: I really like eMunie. 

I was invited to the beta test group a few days ago.  I'm currently running several test instances of the user-client and hatcher-client across multiple servers spread out geographically. 

In no way ever have I been requested to contribute financially to the project.  I have, however, done so willingly based upon my initial testing results.

Initial first impression of the client:

This application will most likely be a game-changer.  I have to constantly temper my enthusiasm for how beautifully and elegantly the current beta version operates and thankfully my wife is always there to keep my "feet on the ground."   Wink     Regardless, in its current version I find it to be elegant, simple, easy-to-use and understand.  Those are high bars to leap over in the crypto-currency environment if "we" (the less than 1% of the world involved in the electronic money ecosystem) ever hope to achieve any significant adoption by the masses who don't care for complicated systems.

Fundamentally, my main reasons for why I believe in emunie are based on its economic model since it is founded upon "The Quantity Theory of Money"

The basic premise behind this theory is that the "supply" of a currency should equal "demand" for its use and nothing more.   This theory is the ONLY theory that ALL competing economic theorists can generally agree on (read up on Keynesians vs. Monetarists vs. Austrians vs. Milton Friedman).  As such, if you can find ANY theory that all of these guys can agree on as being an accurate representation for how trade and commerce should operate efficiently then you know you've stumbled upon something revolutionary.

However, "ideas" are dime-a-dozen, the real test of an idea is in its "implementation" in a real world environment.  Accordingly, once it has been tried and subsequently fails there are many critics available that will quickly pounce upon the notion that the "theory" itself is flawed.  This is not entirely true.  As someone with a Six-Sigma ( background for over 15 years + 20 years experience in Supply Chain Management (ie study of supply vs. demand in business I would suggest that the fault "might" lie instead upon the technical "implementation" of the theory since the tools to efficiently implement it might not have existed at the time it was implemented.

For the past 5000 years the "implementation" of this theory has been tested countless times to be a successful method of promoting trade and commerce.  However, the failure of each of these "implementations" has NOT been been because of the theory itself, but rather a failure in how best to "control" the supply vs. the demand through the limited tools available at the time.

Prior to the internet, there was really no easy, systematic, or automated method to determine supply vs. demand.  As such, humans were needed to be in control centrally.  This was done by Kings, central planners and, most recently, by central banks through the study and analysis of a whole host of trailing and leading economic indicators.  Unfortunately (by design), this system is flawed in numerous ways since primarily the central body is operating in a "reactionary" environment in that they must constantly be tweaking the supply to match demand based on the latest data available.  When they miscalculate in their analysis we get a predictable set of circumstances that lead to either an inflationary or deflationary environment.  At these extremes we find hysteria and depression since these are the natural outcomes from mismanaging the supply/demand based on imperfect information.

In the world of emunie the above scenario is removed from the hands of a centrally managed group that uses imperfect information to control suppy/demand and is instead autonomously managed by the system itself.  As demand increases so does supply.  As supply increases, it is distributed equally among all users so that the impact of inflation is eliminated (i.e. a rising tide lifts all boats equally).  A rising supply at "just the right level" ensures trade and commerce.  The ability to adjust supply/demand in near real-time across a decentralized network is what sets this system miles above any competing "coin" based solutions.

At this point I've probably waxed on for far too long (as my wife will agree I have a tendency to do) so in closing I'd like to suggest for you to watch the following videos I have seen recently if you have the time (yes, they are a bit long, but worthwhile nonetheless).

While watching each video try to avoid the conspiracy theory conjecture and the "us vs. them" rhetoric that can easily be incited in such an emotionally charged topic as money often leads to.  Instead, try to keep a pragmatic/rational mindset and always continually ask "Why?"  By that, I mean you should keep asking yourself "why" each of these "implementations" has failed.

History of currency:

Comment:  Granted this guy is a promoter of gold/silver, but the history lesson is quite relevant.  Technically, (my view) gold and silver are nothing more than non-technological method for "trying" to control supply/demand in world of imperfect knowledge of supply/demand by pegging it to something that we know is limited.  As stated earlier, previously we didn't know of any other way to manage it (although emunie has found a way).

Note how at around 3 to 4 minutes into it we see "why" it was successful in that it was standard, universal, fairly stable unit of account (price) that  allowed for the coins to be successful.

Biggest Scam in history
Comment:   This video does a solid job of explaining the current central bank process, but I provide it more so as an example of a flawed "implementation" of the theory to try and control supply/demand based on imperfect information.

Secret of Oz

Comment:  This provides a view of an alternative "implementation" based on who should manage supply (government instead of central bank), but never discusses "how" it will be controlled by the government to ensure supply matches demand.  As such, regardless of whether a central bank or the government controls it are meaningless since both would be dependent upon imperfect information and self interests to manage the environment.  However, the video does show several examples for how allowing "supply"  to be adjusted dynamically to meet demand results in the promotion of increased trade and commerce.


Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Peachy on January 12, 2014, 10:34:09 PM
Cossakman, LeoC, CMC, nauseum or whatever you go by under the myriad of pseudonyms you possess.

How is it that less than 4 days ago you sent me a PRIVATE message on the emunie forum whereby you clearly stated your opinion about emunie as being the BEST? (

Were you trying to scam me as well?  How can it be the best AND be a scam?


Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: doitnow on January 12, 2014, 10:37:56 PM
Cossakman, LeoC, CMC, nauseum or whatever you go by under the myriad of pseudonyms you possess.

How is it that less than 4 days ago you sent me a PRIVATE message on the emunie forum whereby you clearly stated your opinion about emunie as being the BEST? (

Were you trying to scam me as well?  How can it be the best AND be a scam?


He seems to be bipolar.. poor him

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Hansen on January 12, 2014, 10:46:57 PM
He wrote me those scam message and edited it to nonsense after I asked him what this is about...whoever doubts, there IS a working client, watch this:

I use it since november and can just say: there is way more things to trust in in emunie than most altcoins that are growing here without ANY reputation...if you guys think its a scam, thats fine. Dont invest then and keep throwing your money at all those btc clones. But don't keep Dan off his work, so we can have a REAL 2.0 crypto soon...

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jl777 on January 12, 2014, 10:56:39 PM
I have asked on eMunie forum, but no answer.

I am trying to figure out how new EMU gets created automatically and how it isn't inflationary.

I searched and searched, but could not find a clear mathematical description other than half the new EMU goes to prior EMU holders and half to hatchers. It seems that this requires all EMU holders to continue purchasing EMU to maintain their existing percentage. I guess if all EMU holders can maintain their prorata share of the hatching distribution, then it wouldn't be inflationary, but I haven't found a clear description on how exactly one controls one prorata share of hatching.

Also, how is the market price determined. There seems to be some mechanism that chooses the equilibrium point that the EMU should trade at. Is this algorithmically determined? It is arbitrary choice?

Sorry if these are silly question answered elsewhere, I just haven't found it after searching for hours.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on January 13, 2014, 12:05:31 AM
lets just ignore this psycopath troll.  
there's a video of a working beta client anyway. which should shut him up (he said there was no beta and that it was all a sham lol) but he still talks...
and dan has always been open about his blackhat memebreship or his history and has always welcomed questions in his presentation thread.
everything regarding blackhat was already answered here
the OP only intention was to attack DAn for being refused in the beta (no wonder he was refused lol) and collect a bounty from a competing coin (for slandering emunie).
lowest of the low.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on January 13, 2014, 12:27:23 AM
nxt and emunie are to shitty scam coins , ill stick with Litecoin.

Haha, okay buddy, Litecoin is the future, so innovative! Dumbass.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Apraksin on January 13, 2014, 12:30:35 AM
Nothing that I have heard from emunie supporters has led me to believe there is even an ounce of intelligence in that community and I would estimate the average IQ there to hover ~90

Says the guy complaining about ad hominem.

By the way Cossack, nice that you finally figured out that it is spelled hominem and not hominen. Was driving me nuts.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on January 17, 2014, 12:22:37 AM
Presenting eMunie - A Video Introduction

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 17, 2014, 12:24:02 AM
Presenting eMunie - A Video Introduction

Holding reservations until I get to use it myself. I won't lie that LOOKS pretty freaking good.
Fuserleer seems like a cool dude too. The removal of the IPO is a huge step up to creating trust and transparency as well.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on January 17, 2014, 12:35:31 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen..... wear sunscreen. (

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: dadon on January 17, 2014, 12:43:50 AM
the guy who is running emunie is clearly a jew, i was going to spend around 5k on emunie but changed my mind very quickly, JEW!!!!!!

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: pinarello on January 17, 2014, 01:00:33 AM
Huh them emu bunch used my username in one of their vids.

apparently they making something personally from it...good,

will reveal some good surprising personal stuff soon, better then OP.


the pinarello used in the video clip for eMunie is set in stage and it is not me.

I have my own opinion about eMunie and the pinarello in the video does not reflect that.

just letting you all know that the eMunie people are not afraid of trickery apparently. That are the people that will play with your money also.

I am not and will never get involved with eMunie.

word for the wise, look out for that kind of people they arent affraid to do anything

the real pinarello

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on January 17, 2014, 01:17:03 AM

will reveal some good surprising personal stuff soon,

You're going to reveal yourself?

Stand back ladies

p.s. Not trickery, just a small joke. It wasn't supposed to be believed.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: pinarello on January 17, 2014, 01:31:36 AM

will reveal some good surprising personal stuff soon,

You're going to reveal yourself?

Stand back ladies

p.s. Not trickery, just a small joke. It wasn't supposed to be believed.

NOT amused with them emu jokes.

no need to stand back...just wait and see at the right time.

You, Visin and Fuz made it personal NOT me.

BTW: administer peoples money isnt a joke guys...


Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Iffy on January 17, 2014, 01:38:35 AM
It was as serious as this, take a joke?

So laughing, much funny.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on January 17, 2014, 01:43:46 AM
Haha, look at Pin getting all ruffled up over an ENS registered to look like his name.

Calm down, just because you loved eMunie and then went to NXT doesn't mean you have to be so mad :)

TBH, we all think its funny how quickly you change your minds on crypto-currency so don't think we take it so personally, you are just our personal meme.

You can understand meme, right?

<3 Visin

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: pinarello on January 17, 2014, 01:43:55 AM
So are you saying that software or that video is edited in a way that could prove to be falsified?
More fuel for the fire it seems. I hope this is a joke. I'd caution anyone downloading that file above me.

the software or they hacked my old account there.

eather way both are dispicable.

you will soon see what meme is.


Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on January 17, 2014, 01:47:42 AM
So are you saying that software or that video is edited in a way that could prove to be falsified?
More fuel for the fire it seems. I hope this is a joke. I'd caution anyone downloading that file above me.

the software or they hacked my old account there.

eather way both are dispicable.

you will soon see what meme is.


Please do, our numbers keep soaring when you post about us, and we just use that to gain more fellow emunites!

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on January 17, 2014, 03:46:27 AM
If any of you care to do reading before making off the wall posts...

Dans announcement:

Title: Re: Emunie Scam Allegations Adressed By Developer
Post by: Fuserleer on January 17, 2014, 03:51:45 AM
Thanks for updating the original OP

Would it be too much trouble to fix the links, so that people get get to the information at the links I provided?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on January 17, 2014, 03:53:57 AM
If any of you care to do reading before making off the wall posts...

Dans announcement:

I've used eMu in Beta, it's definitely not a scam and Dan has worked hard.  I do think it's in poor taste to gang up on Pin.  He did a lot of free promotional work for you in the beginning and was genuinely interested in helping eMu.  eMu's loss is definitely Nxt gain.  Most of us using Nxt like eMu, it's like the movie Step Brothers, at first we don't like you, then we become best friends.

Title: Re: Emunie Scam Allegations Adressed By Developer
Post by: Fuserleer on January 17, 2014, 03:57:10 AM
Thanks, the pina vid wasn't anything to do with me, I was too busy working.

By the time I saw it, it was already out there.

Title: Re: Emunie Scam Allegations Adressed By Developer
Post by: Fuserleer on January 17, 2014, 04:05:56 AM
Appreciated!  :)

Title: Re: Emunie Scam Allegations Adressed By Developer
Post by: Visin on January 17, 2014, 04:13:04 AM
I will clean up my posts as well.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on January 17, 2014, 10:56:08 AM
If any of you care to do reading before making off the wall posts...

Dans announcement:

  I do think it's in poor taste to gang up on Pin.  He did a lot of free promotional work for you in the beginning and was genuinely interested in helping eMu.  eMu's loss is definitely Nxt gain.  Most of us using Nxt like eMu, it's like the movie Step Brothers, at first we don't like you, then we become best friends.

I agree, the video should never have been made public. I was the one who posted it and I take full responsibility for that.

NOT amused with them emu jokes.

no need to stand back...just wait and see at the right time.

You, Visin and Fuz made it personal NOT me.

BTW: administer peoples money isnt a joke guys...


I don't appreciate your threatening manner. If you have something which you think condemns emunie, then I suggest you share it for the good of the community and the sake of truth.

That being said, I apologise for posting the video using your name. It was insensitive and I will take it down.

Title: Re: Emunie Scam Allegations Adressed By Developer
Post by: tokeweed on January 17, 2014, 02:03:17 PM
Well my part is done, its up to your followers to clean the rest up.
Looking forward to the beta.

when is it?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 17, 2014, 11:27:03 PM
when is it?

Who cares, fuck emunie and fuck fuserleer.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on January 17, 2014, 11:30:56 PM
Oh ffs are you on medication or something?

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 17, 2014, 11:33:16 PM
You are the one on medication. Take your false sense of security and fuck off. No one likes an arrogant douchebag.
Besides, you "couldn't give a fuck" about our opinions remember? So gtfo of this thread.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on January 17, 2014, 11:35:48 PM
No pal, just yours, as it seems to change daily.  You read posts and create drama when they aren't even a direct reply to you but a general statement.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 18, 2014, 12:11:36 AM
HA, yeah right. I was the only person that had, or has ever mentioned the videos not being enough proof, how naive do you think I am?

Don't worry, it won't change again, I promise. With that said, I have nothing more to say to you.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: LeoC on January 18, 2014, 01:09:16 AM
Now this skinny dipshit banned me from his forum as a last gasp attempt to try and harm me and save face, all while saying "look at me!" to his followers, pathetic lol.

I hope this thread costs him and saves people thousands of BTC.

Title: Re: [POSSIBLE SCAM] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on January 18, 2014, 12:04:25 PM

Presenting eMunie - A Video Introduction

Holding reservations until I get to use it myself. I won't lie that LOOKS pretty freaking good.
Fuserleer seems like a cool dude too. The removal of the IPO is a huge step up to creating trust and transparency as well.

You are the one on medication. Take your false sense of security and fuck off. No one likes an arrogant douchebag.
Besides, you "couldn't give a fuck" about our opinions remember? So gtfo of this thread.

Apart from the fact that your opinion seems to have no more substance that the mood you happen to be feeling on any given day, the fact that you're willing to post accusations that you think are possibly untrue makes your credibility pretty much zero at this point.

See you around.... I guess.  :-\

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: SunCoina on January 18, 2014, 03:28:40 PM
im developing a new coin from Phantom Enterprises called Phantoms where i can send you my client that pretends it uses cryptography with rpc calls all made up in Java... It will only work for some weeks after some smart guy finds out its a scam... But please invest in this IPO 1 Phantom = 1.5 USD .... if you still interested send bitcoins  to this address... 1FXpKgPZP56wREcFibCTvbwHGWbSbVTYwQ

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on January 19, 2014, 12:36:03 PM
Fuserleer answered all of the slanderous accusation here, one by one.

let me quote that post here for convenience:

Case 1 - Beta IPO
    Daniel claims to have 600 BTC ($500K to $600K USD) and there is a $8K investment limit.  That means they needed 75 to 500 people in the beta test to take part in a beta presale.    If you think people would invest into a 'beta', of all things, then I have a bridge in Somalia for sale.
    Fuserleer could counter and said that BTC was raised a long time ago but still no one would invest $60K or $120K into a 'beta' - it's all bollocks.

All I need to do is post this -

The sharp eyed among you will notice a deficit in the current balance and amount received, there are 2 reasons for this.

1)  A few early investors requested that I cash out their Bitcoins to lock in their value early, the total was ~60BTC
2)  As I'm sure you are all aware, a couple of weeks ago BTC took a huge dump below $500 due to the China news.  I decided to move the majority of the BTC at that time to various exchanges, so that in the event that the drop continued, I could sell out a chunk of BTC and protect the investments.  Once BTC had stabilized and recovered, I moved those BTC back to the wallet as I had not cashed out.  The total was ~ 220 BTC at the time.
Case 2 - Identity

    We know Daniel is a 34 year old male, with no education, no sure status about his real profession (unless being a scammer counts), et cetera.  Take a note at his age on Plenty of Fish and compare it with his Linkedin profile.  Age 34 means Daniel was born in 1980.

    Daniel's first listed job at was a "Senior Developer at Senior Creations" (see Linkedin), in 1996 - meaning he was only 16 years old.  Did Daniel drop out of Highschool to become a senior developer?  Damn - he should had dropped out at age twelve, maybe he would had been made CEO.  Daniel learned so much in his first year and a half that he later made "Director of Technology" at another company.

The claim that my linked in and professional history are fake and manufactured are pretty insane.

If you check my linked in profile, you will see a large amount of individuals from the telecoms industry, mainly T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia, and others.  KDB Technology was my company for many years, and we worked with the companies I have just listed, T-Mobile being our main client.  I invite anyone to message any of my contacts to verify my identity and professional relationship with them.

I'm not sure of the relevance of the POF account, I did not realize that being married to the spawn of the devil, which resulted in my becoming single was a crime.

As for my "claims" of being a Senior developer at Software Creations at the at the age of 17, I refer you to this

I worked as an Assistant Lead developer (which is pretty senior) on the Playstation SKU, if you scroll down the page, you'll see my name.  You can get a copy of this game on eBay, Amazon still if you hunt around, my name is there in the credits listed as "Assistant Lead".

I am self educated in many disciplines, including development, business, mathematics/scientific & economic theory.  Most of brightest minds in the world are self-educated, which means they are not institutionalized and thus can think outside of the box.  Having no official qualifications should be praised, not judged, as those persons are typically more self-motivated and likely to succeed.

Case 2.5 - Scamming

Daniel also had membership on Blackhatworld

    So we know what Daniel was doing for a living - he was running scams.  Just because he was banned in 2012 does not mean he stopped running his scams, he was likely doing them until March of 2013 (and still could be continuing with them).


      There was a post by Fuserleer bragging about scamming $1500 in a single day.

    (Fuserleer / Daniel bragging about making $1500)

Daniel at the time wasn't doing anything for a living, I had sold the IP and assets of KDB and was living a nice, semi-retired lifestyle.  After being so active for so many years, I soon got bored, so I decided to learn some new skills, one that I thought would be useful in the future was internet marketing.

Say what you will about BHW, but it has some of the smartest white hat internet marketers on the planet residing there (its a shame management aren't quite as smart) and I decided to participate there, and other websites, to learn about IM.

If you actually spend some time to check out BHW, you will notice that many many people there post the results of their internet marketing milestones.  My posting about the first day I made $1500 was nothing out of the ordinary, and they generally help to motivate and encourage the people spending many hours learning and honing their IM skills.

Also in that thread there is a quote from me "...even though I'm on BHW its all pretty much white hat techniques and a little grey in for good measure..." Scammers don't use white or grey hat marketing, they use 100% black with a bit of blood colored red in for good measure.

Aside from my internet marketing, I was playing around with an retail online store, I had concentrated solely on telecoms for almost 10 years, and wanted to learn about everything.  Let me tell you, operating that retail site was TOUGH work and very long hours and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.  Delivery companies couldn't give 2 craps about your customers, or the goods you are sending out, and as result there were a lot of logistical problems, negative reviews, and I soon decided that it wasn't for me.

Paypal however decided it would be a great idea to freeze the account due to 1 rather hard to please customer while it had in excess of Ł30k in it, and they were going to hold it for 180 days.

Needless to say I was not best pleased, as aside from some of that being profit, a large portion of it was to cover my expenses incurred re-sending out replacement items for those that had been lost.  I decided not to wait to the 180 days for Paypal get around to releasing it and hit them head on.

Adpulse was a venture into CPA and other affiliate marketing methods and it started off extremely well.  I even have an award trophy sitting on my desk for "Best CPA Network 2012" that I am very proud of (and can post a picture of, including the day it arrived in the box).

As we are seeing here though, with good work come foul souls, and it wasn't long before we were seeing a lot of fraud in the network and our advertisers were refusing to pay for those leads.  All affiliate networks that are driven by lead generation take the same stance "If we don't get paid for your fraud leads, then you don't get paid for them either" and that is the stance we took.  Some fraudsters weren't happy, but overall things were moving well.

Then we get to the BHW incident which I have explained in other places already so I will simply re-post my response
Because some guy on there attempted to scam me out of $2k even though he had been paid.  It wasn't even anything to do with BHW, yet he posted a thread.  I kicked up a fuss about it, stating it was nothing to do with BHW, it wasn't for a service or product listed on there as it was personal business and refused to yield to his threats.

    For some reason the BHW mods decided to poke their noses in even though it was nothing to do with them, by this point I was trying to keep my good name yet they sided with him even though I had proof I'd paid him.  The BHW mods are as crooked as the members quite frankly and I wouldn't visit that place again if I was paid to.

    Hopefully that is a sufficient explanation regarding a crooked websites actions.

Case 3 & 4 - eMunie

Anyone that's ever spent any time interacting with the members on the eMunie forum will immediately notice that it is different from many other forums by way of it FEELS like a real community with everyone pushing in the same direction with the same goal.

The reason for that is the way I run my own house there, its fair, everyone gets a say, I don't victimize anyone for any opinion they have, even if it goes against my own, and I listen.  I encourage everyone to follow those same principles, and they do, because they feel part of something.

Some of the guys there have spent months now, working with me on a daily basis, honing and perfecting the eMunie system, and they rightly feel its as much their project as it is mine.

The client is not vaporware, and the delays are due to my own strive for perfection, if its not 100% right, I'm not happy, and if I'm not happy I feel like I have failed myself.  I could of released eMunie many times over, but as we have seen with other projects, releasing too soon can do more damage than good and I'm sure if I was to launch early and someone lost their life savings due to a bug, the pitchforks would be out and rightly so.

eMunie is a complicated piece of software, much more so than BitCoin and it's clones, thus it requires rigorous testing to ensure its stability, and should be THE highest priority of all because ultimately it is ME that will be held accountable for any losses.

In Closing

I'm going to wrap this rebuttal up at this point, I could continue and provide more solid evidence to counter the ridiculous claims made against me but I feel I have provided enough to vindicate any doubt regarding my ability, integrity and morality.

Of course, your opinion is your own and you are entitled to it, and should you choose to believe or not believe the claims or my responses that is up to you. 

Finally, I would ask and appreciate any future personal attacks are kept just that, personal to yourselves.  Critique of the project I welcome, some of it in the past has resulted in me looking at parts of the system and redoing them, usually at the cost of great effort and have provided a better implementation than before, just to be sure.


Dan Hughes / Fuserleer

after Fuserleer posted this rebuttal  in the emunie forum , LeoC was somehow apologetic as he realized he made wrong accusations.
LeoC is  the 2nd poster (Landro213) and look at him saying "Let me be the first to say thank you. I will be replacing my post with yours. Hopefully this will show that I am not completely biased."
so he then replaced the OP of this thread with Fuserleer's rebuttal as to make amends and all was fine for a couple of days.
but a few days later he then gets psycho and has an argument with Fuserleer in this thread
LeoC (leandro213)"I took the post down and apologized. I extended the olive branch and I thought you had taken it. Now all of a sudden you feel a sense of security and say you don't give a fuck about my opinion simply because I said I had to see it myself to believe it? Go fuck yourself tough guy. You've hit a new low. You don't care about people's opinion? Fine then I'll revert the thread and this time, permanently. " (wow schoolboy revenge)
so he reverted the OP to the old accusations although he now knows full well they are slanderous.
can't believe bitcointalk lets psychotrolls like him run riot. i know it's full of trolls on this forum but there must be a limit.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Hansen on January 29, 2014, 08:09:50 AM
For all who still doubt there is a working beta:


No need to invest, just try it on your own on feb., 1st and get your opinion about it. If anyone still thinks, its a scam, well you dont have to go for it then. In any case, this proves leo/coassackman, however he is calling himself now, wrong in one of his accusations. Have fun with the beta!


Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on January 30, 2014, 11:42:22 AM
I am not so stupid after all.

Emunie ltd. Or the total capitulation with the governments and laws, the complete surrender. (ripple all over) centralized as hell with only one dictator CEO Dan Hughes.

Like I said they should ban fusseleer for life. He lied from day one more than a year now to dedicated helpers and beta testers that were by his side day in day out, now he stabbing them a knife in the back by solely listing emunie as a company, no need to say all the consequences that come with that.

Dan Hughes in his eyes everyone and everything that don’t share his opinion is retarded looking down on average people, arrogance itself.
I hope for all them who dedicated one year of their life to test and help developing emunie that Hughes gets what he deserves (karma is a bitch you know).

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on January 31, 2014, 10:44:51 PM
I am not so stupid after all.

Emunie ltd. Or the total capitulation with the governments and laws, the complete surrender. (ripple all over) centralized as hell with only one dictator CEO Dan Hughes.

Like I said they should ban fusseleer for life. He lied from day one more than a year now to dedicated helpers and beta testers that were by his side day in day out, now he stabbing them a knife in the back by solely listing emunie as a company, no need to say all the consequences that come with that.

Dan Hughes in his eyes everyone and everything that don’t share his opinion is retarded looking down on average people, arrogance itself.
I hope for all them who dedicated one year of their life to test and help developing emunie that Hughes gets what he deserves (karma is a bitch you know).

I am also disappointed that emunie is a company now.  I know there will be arguments that it's still decentralization, but it worries that the company will be under government restrictions, I would prefer complete anonymity. 

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 01, 2014, 01:40:44 AM
I am not so stupid after all.

Emunie ltd. Or the total capitulation with the governments and laws, the complete surrender. (ripple all over) centralized as hell with only one dictator CEO Dan Hughes.

Like I said they should ban fusseleer for life. He lied from day one more than a year now to dedicated helpers and beta testers that were by his side day in day out, now he stabbing them a knife in the back by solely listing emunie as a company, no need to say all the consequences that come with that.

Dan Hughes in his eyes everyone and everything that don’t share his opinion is retarded looking down on average people, arrogance itself.
I hope for all them who dedicated one year of their life to test and help developing emunie that Hughes gets what he deserves (karma is a bitch you know).

I just don't see the problem with a company. The source code once released can be forked, if not then perhaps less value.

A company is just an interface and likely required as Dan is public....

Dan gains nothing for himself by having a company rather its a personal cost to him.

I think some understanding of what a company actually is, is needed around here.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Sweetbee on February 01, 2014, 04:39:03 AM
the protocol and software Emunie itself is still going to be decentralized, anonymous, and available in every country despite individual regulations - that makes it no different than bitcoins.

The LTD company Dan registered was just the active development side of it. I believe he has over 1 million dollars in pre sale funding now and has been working full time for the last year on this project. Every time he wants to spend money on advertising, promoting, hiring outside help, getting an office where employee's can work, paying taxes, etc etc etc their going to wonder why he hasn't registered as a company. This isn't a teenager's summer lawn mowing program. I'm willing to bet the Developer's of bitcoin have an LTD of similar qualities.

This is just like when everyone was throwing a hissing fit earlier last year when they claimed that "regulation was going to destroy bitcoin"; no it's these digital currencies acting legally, as a normal daylight operation that helps it break mainstream and be utilized by big businesses and every day people.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mckmuze on February 01, 2014, 04:56:45 AM
the protocol and software Emunie itself is still going to be decentralized, anonymous, and available in every country despite individual regulations - that makes it no different than bitcoins.

The LTD company Dan registered was just the active development side of it. I believe he has over 1 million dollars in pre sale funding now and has been working full time for the last year on this project. Every time he wants to spend money on advertising, promoting, hiring outside help, getting an office where employee's can work, paying taxes, etc etc etc their going to wonder why he hasn't registered as a company. This isn't a teenager's summer lawn mowing program. I'm willing to bet the Developer's of bitcoin have an LTD of similar qualities.

This is just like when everyone was throwing a hissing fit earlier last year when they claimed that "regulation was going to destroy bitcoin"; no it's these digital currencies acting legally, as a normal daylight operation that helps it break mainstream and be utilized by big businesses and every day people.

At least someone gets it. Sheesh, I'm begining to lose faith in humanity with all the blatant ignorance and lack of due diligence. Emunie will have a special place in the decentralization of the global financial system. I for one am already working on implementing Emunie in my own personal projects. Either pay attention or be left behind.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: morningtime on February 01, 2014, 12:54:22 PM
I can prove Dan Hughes / Fuserleer is lying.

He claims to have worked on a video game as a lead something something at age 17:
Where his name is listed as Dan Hughes.

However, click on his name. That same Dan Hughes also worked on Dj Hero 2 in 2010.,117344/

...but that's this guy - the REAL Dan Hughes:

eMunie is a scam. Fuserleer has constructed a fake identity based on guys named "Dan Hughes" (a very common name).

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on February 01, 2014, 01:32:26 PM
ofcourse he is lying!

Yes they do and you know it. You are even part of it.

They deleted criticism from founders and deleted whole section of the forum.

They have even placed the whole founder board in quarantine just to control the posts.

Visin controls and ows the forum!

There is some kind of chat box where things get settled between visin and hughes(these two are the real founders toghetter with the sockpuppet account of the economist).

And if you keep pushing saying I am a liar I will post evidence and names and will post some things you posted!

I have evidence the whole community if you can call it that is controlled, censored and centralized by Visin and Huges.

I will also post some conversation on how Hughes think about BTT people and his own followers (he think you all are retards)

A company is a company and has to obey all laws of the state where it resides, in this case the UK.

If Hughes wishes to handle any sort of market, exchange, money you name it, he has to obey the bank regulations, and I can assure you hughes won’t pay 3M € to do that.

I know they will try to sell it to you as “decentralized” but you have to be a complete retarded moron not to see it is centralized as hell and there is no way back.

So if you invest in this software without purpose you better know what you are doing, we have paypal, visa, mastercard, we have ripple.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MsCollec on February 01, 2014, 01:41:08 PM

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on February 01, 2014, 01:43:46 PM
Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 08857374

From Companies House:
Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 08857374
If you don't already know, 145-157 John Street is a fake address often used by scam companies to make it look like they have a legit business address. I believe it costs about Ł50 a year to get a mail redirect going from this address. BIG RED FLAG

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MsCollec on February 01, 2014, 01:52:32 PM
I see that you are Nxt supporter that explains alot. But i saw your recommendation and i love it "yes eMunie is a finished product that will blow all your efforts away'

Is anyone going to use Arbitrary Messages within next 2 weeks? It seems to me that without a client that supports this feature we don't need AM.

I realy do respect your work sir, but without a client you better stop loosing your time here.

No one will bother using API strings etc... no client = no product.

and yes eMunie is a finished product that will blow all your efforts away just becaus you will always be second!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on February 01, 2014, 02:01:03 PM
I see that you are Nxt supporter that explains alot.

O rly? He keeps trolling in main Nxt thread.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MsCollec on February 01, 2014, 02:03:28 PM
I see that you are Nxt supporter that explains alot.

O rly? He keeps trolling in main Nxt thread.

He's all over the forum, you can have him at your side he's one of your investors  lol

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on February 01, 2014, 02:06:19 PM
He's all over the forum, you can have him at your side he's one of your investors  lol

Well, let's just ignore him.

I think that Dan Huges =/= Fuserleer doesn't mean that eMunie == scam, but it still would be not bad to see Fuserleer's comment on that...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 02:37:07 PM
I can prove Dan Hughes / Fuserleer is lying.

He claims to have worked on a video game as a lead something something at age 17:
Where his name is listed as Dan Hughes.

However, click on his name. That same Dan Hughes also worked on Dj Hero 2 in 2010.,117344/

...but that's this guy - the REAL Dan Hughes:

eMunie is a scam. Fuserleer has constructed a fake identity based on guys named "Dan Hughes" (a very common name).

Oh just shut up now word ---- CHECKMATE

*waits for a nut job to claim I stole his passport too*

Would you like a driver license, birth certificate?  Hell do you want a DNA swab also?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: GigaCoin on February 01, 2014, 03:04:27 PM
All attempts to discredit emunie and its founders have failed. Can we now close this thread and move forward?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: wizzardTim on February 01, 2014, 03:10:36 PM
EMunie will be a huge success.

Much better and more complete than any othen 2nd gen currency at the time being

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on February 01, 2014, 03:51:15 PM
I can prove Dan Hughes / Fuserleer is lying.

He claims to have worked on a video game as a lead something something at age 17:
Where his name is listed as Dan Hughes.

However, click on his name. That same Dan Hughes also worked on Dj Hero 2 in 2010.,117344/

...but that's this guy - the REAL Dan Hughes:

eMunie is a scam. Fuserleer has constructed a fake identity based on guys named "Dan Hughes" (a very common name).
lol that other Dan Hughes you linked to started working in the game industry in 2007 and his first game he worked for was King of Clubs.
he does not list the FA premier League Stars (the one Fuserleer worked for) which infact is a game from 1999!!! (when that dan hughes was probably in nappies!)

mobygames (which is not the bible) simply linked all games to a name....but obviously it's not the same person .

and about registering a company in a redirect service that's common for techs who work from home. home businesses simply do not give out home addresses and emunie does not yet have offices.

the level of slander in this thread is so evident if I was Dan I would sue anyone involved, including bitcointalk for allowing it (and they have been informed that there is slanderous information in this thread). everything has been proven to be slander so far...yet it continues.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: HoboTheClown on February 01, 2014, 04:01:50 PM

Any here ever heard of the history of the Witches of Salem?  Or the story of the boy who cried wolf?  Can adults grow up and and be adults, do their due diligence and decide on their own what they want to do with their money and time?  Frankly quite annoying reading this post when we're talking about crypto.  We want technology to improve yet we're having these childish skirmishes.  It's like going through some kind of high school episode.

As some of the posters have already said/advised,  DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!  Join the forum, read the posts they have, ask the questions you need answered.

As an FYI, yes, I have invested in emunie, litecoin, BTC, FrozenCoin.  I am a beta tester for emunie as well.  

Note to Fuesleer: As much as you want to prove to childish people,  I advise you never ever post your personal information like that.  I've had a friend get his identity stolen before.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 04:10:53 PM
True but all the information on the passport is public info anyway, with the various numbers and signature blurred out.

If you search for eMunie on Google, this damn thread comes up #2, and despite endless requests to the lax mods of this forum, its still here.  I've posted rebuttals and all sorts of info to counter it, and its still here.  So my hope is that anyone coming to this thread from Google is able to see this thread for what it is, libelous accusations with no proof from a bunch of BTT trolls with nothing better to do.

TBH, as soon as OB1 is release I'm going to be looking at alternative options to have it taken down, by force if nessecary, as not only is it slanderous and possibly damaging to eMunie, but also towards my own person, perceived integrity et all.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 01, 2014, 05:02:05 PM
ofcourse he is lying!

Yes they do and you know it. You are even part of it.

They deleted criticism from founders and deleted whole section of the forum.

They have even placed the whole founder board in quarantine just to control the posts.

Visin controls and ows the forum!

There is some kind of chat box where things get settled between visin and hughes(these two are the real founders toghetter with the sockpuppet account of the economist).

And if you keep pushing saying I am a liar I will post evidence and names and will post some things you posted!

I have evidence the whole community if you can call it that is controlled, censored and centralized by Visin and Huges.

I will also post some conversation on how Hughes think about BTT people and his own followers (he think you all are retards)

A company is a company and has to obey all laws of the state where it resides, in this case the UK.

If Hughes wishes to handle any sort of market, exchange, money you name it, he has to obey the bank regulations, and I can assure you hughes won’t pay 3M € to do that.

I know they will try to sell it to you as “decentralized” but you have to be a complete retarded moron not to see it is centralized as hell and there is no way back.

So if you invest in this software without purpose you better know what you are doing, we have paypal, visa, mastercard, we have ripple.

Well this is a strange situation I find myself in. In the same thread I actually defended emunie against baseless accusations (, I now have to say that all of the above is completely true.

Ain't life strange....

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: cosmofly on February 01, 2014, 05:32:22 PM
ofcourse he is lying!

Yes they do and you know it. You are even part of it.

They deleted criticism from founders and deleted whole section of the forum.

They have even placed the whole founder board in quarantine just to control the posts.

Visin controls and ows the forum!

There is some kind of chat box where things get settled between visin and hughes(these two are the real founders toghetter with the sockpuppet account of the economist).

And if you keep pushing saying I am a liar I will post evidence and names and will post some things you posted!

I have evidence the whole community if you can call it that is controlled, censored and centralized by Visin and Huges.

I will also post some conversation on how Hughes think about BTT people and his own followers (he think you all are retards)

A company is a company and has to obey all laws of the state where it resides, in this case the UK.

If Hughes wishes to handle any sort of market, exchange, money you name it, he has to obey the bank regulations, and I can assure you hughes won’t pay 3M € to do that.

I know they will try to sell it to you as “decentralized” but you have to be a complete retarded moron not to see it is centralized as hell and there is no way back.

So if you invest in this software without purpose you better know what you are doing, we have paypal, visa, mastercard, we have ripple.

Well this is a strange situation I find myself in. In the same thread I actually defended emunie against baseless accusations (, I now have to say that all of the above is completely true.

Ain't life strange....

eid, u were the strongest supporter of emunie and u were a senior member of that project. But now u confirm that eMunie is a big scam, what happened can u plz let us know i am scared to invest and all my friends are now scared.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: miramare on February 01, 2014, 05:37:37 PM
Wow,  emunie is defeated from the inside!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 01, 2014, 05:39:24 PM
ofcourse he is lying!

Yes they do and you know it. You are even part of it.

They deleted criticism from founders and deleted whole section of the forum.

They have even placed the whole founder board in quarantine just to control the posts.

Visin controls and ows the forum!

There is some kind of chat box where things get settled between visin and hughes(these two are the real founders toghetter with the sockpuppet account of the economist).

And if you keep pushing saying I am a liar I will post evidence and names and will post some things you posted!

I have evidence the whole community if you can call it that is controlled, censored and centralized by Visin and Huges.

I will also post some conversation on how Hughes think about BTT people and his own followers (he think you all are retards)

A company is a company and has to obey all laws of the state where it resides, in this case the UK.

If Hughes wishes to handle any sort of market, exchange, money you name it, he has to obey the bank regulations, and I can assure you hughes won’t pay 3M € to do that.

I know they will try to sell it to you as “decentralized” but you have to be a complete retarded moron not to see it is centralized as hell and there is no way back.

So if you invest in this software without purpose you better know what you are doing, we have paypal, visa, mastercard, we have ripple.

Well this is a strange situation I find myself in. In the same thread I actually defended emunie against baseless accusations (, I now have to say that all of the above is completely true.

Ain't life strange....

eid, u were the strongest supporter of emunie and u were a senior member of that project. But now u confirm that eMunie is a big scam, what happened can u plz let us know i am scared to invest and all my friends are now scared.

My apologies. I wasn't saying the whole thread is true, just the post that I quoted. (I also struck out a bit which I have no opinion on).

I stand behind my earlier defence as these accusations were just wrong.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: oncebitcoinedtwiceshy on February 01, 2014, 05:48:49 PM
If you don't already know, xxxxxxxx Street is a fake address often used by scam companies to make it look like they have a legit business address. I believe it costs about Ł50 a year to get a mail redirect going from this address. BIG RED FLAG

I wouldn't normally bother to post on something like this but to be fair and objective about this, it's a real address not fake one. You are just claiming that because Emunie doesn't physically reside there that this is in someway a red flag.

It is not uncommon practice for Limited companies to have their registered and company address as either a forwarder service, such as the one you are saying this is, or even just the address of an accountant.  This is very common practice for businesses which operate virtual, geographically distributed, organizations or home workers. So in itself doesn't actually infer anything of significance.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: extee on February 01, 2014, 05:56:01 PM
fuserleer did say he registered the company legally (he even tweeted it) and he did say emunie would obey all UK regulations.
is he denying that? NO. he's simply denying the slanderous accusations about his past(and he proved them to be just that)
you may not agree with his decision to go down the regulatory route but its his product and his person on the line.
and from the moment he started the project with a real identity it really left him no choice in the end imo.
and i'm curious to see how ethereum will be with real identities to do an IPO they will need some sort of legal status.
and i couldn't care less if he's some narcisistic individual who thinks most people on bitcointalk are retards (anyone would agree with that lol)
and seen how patient they were with LeoC on emunie forum.....i wouldn't exactly call him and virsin forum nazis. never seen such patinet mods anywhere lol.
having said that me too i personally would have preferred emunie had no legal entity ...but i knew it would end up that way the moment i saw devs were not anonymous.
it still can be a much better Ripple. the technology is obviously more intersting and avanced.
and hopefully it goes open source in 6 months or so (although this point needs much clarification. will emunie be patented? i hope not).
i only judge the technology. the technology interest me and can't wait to try the beta tonight.
whether I invest or not that's another matter. but i'm in no place to call someone a liar cos he does things in a way I might not personally like.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: cosmofly on February 01, 2014, 05:56:26 PM
emunie website and forums have been attacked by hackers, its down since 2 hours :(

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on February 01, 2014, 06:03:01 PM
emunie website and forums have been attacked by hackers, its down since 2 hours :(

please don't spread lies. site is down, but not 'hacked'. we are working with the hosting provider now.


Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 06:12:42 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: wizzardTim on February 01, 2014, 06:16:57 PM

Why people attack eMunie? It is a nice concept with great chance of success. Open minded, different approach.

I don't get why people hate it. Maybe it's because they fear its success.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jlspartz on February 01, 2014, 06:19:00 PM
wow, what do these trolls have to gain? you want people to invest in ethereum instead where miners only end up with 1/4 of the coins? that post was ridiculous - invest in ethereum instead lol.  or nxt, that was also beta when people bought in, without fair distribution - 200x increase between initial investors and public launch.  bitcoin itself is a pyramid - at least a semi-inflationary coin would allow for merchants to enter a more stable currency.

first "case" i checked out was the claim to scamming $1500 in a day.  you have a warped view of scamming, since the site was an amazon affiliate website, where you get commission paid to you through referred amazon sales.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: starik69 on February 01, 2014, 07:59:14 PM
we are working with the hosting provider now.

Have you forgot to pay for hosting in February?  ;D

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on February 01, 2014, 08:16:53 PM
emunie website and forums have been attacked by hackers, its down since 2 hours :(

please don't spread lies. site is down, but not 'hacked'. we are working with the hosting provider now.


Nice job Cory :D :D

first day and caboom. that tells for the real tests that are comming.

I am pitty for them investors but have no mercy for liars like you and Hughes.

I will fight emunie as long as it pretends to be a crypto and as long as it pretends to be decentralized.

If emunie stops doing that I rest my case, till than....

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on February 01, 2014, 08:19:31 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

first impression does it all Hughes :D

this is childs play of what is comming

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on February 01, 2014, 08:20:43 PM
^ LOL What a moron.

Please show me your most wonderful project
Oh wait...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: NXT on February 01, 2014, 08:22:15 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

wah don't be a crybaby, NXT was attacked for weeks!part of the game

if you can't stand the heat,  blah blah

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on February 01, 2014, 08:23:43 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

wah don't be a crybaby, NXT was attacked for weeks!part of the game

if you can't stand the heat,  blah blah

Haha, we are definitely not crying over it. Just goes to show how much people fear something.

We encourage the enthusiasm this magnificent community has to offer :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Visin on February 01, 2014, 08:39:26 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

first impression does it all Hughes :D

this is childs play of what is comming

Why you stop emule? Something wrong?

You won't win this, and you cannot win this.


Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: instacalm on February 01, 2014, 09:07:27 PM

Why people attack eMunie? It is a nice concept with great chance of success. Open minded, different approach.

I don't get why people hate it. Maybe it's because they fear its success.

People attack all kinds of things, not rarely motivated by jealousy and other lower motives. Don't worry, opinions come and go but solid technology will prove itself.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Eadeqa on February 01, 2014, 09:14:43 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

wah don't be a crybaby, NXT was attacked for weeks!part of the game

if you can't stand the heat,  blah blah

Looking at old posts from Nov 2013, one of the attacker was Fuserleer himself who claimed it won't have a chance :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on February 01, 2014, 09:29:37 PM
GREAT opening day you guys have....

This is the 10th delay?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 09:33:13 PM
GREAT opening day you guys have....

Thanks for the support!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on February 01, 2014, 09:35:57 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: cryptopaths on February 01, 2014, 09:36:32 PM
GREAT opening day you guys have....

Thanks for the support!

When do you plan to launch your IPO?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: FredDag on February 01, 2014, 09:37:10 PM
At least someone gets it. Sheesh, I'm begining to lose faith in humanity with all the blatant ignorance and lack of due diligence. Emunie will have a special place in the decentralization of the global financial system. I for one am already working on implementing Emunie in my own personal projects. Either pay attention or be left behind.

That about sums up my position as well.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 09:38:17 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

For once we agree 100%

But humans have been trying to get along for centuries now, so idealistic wishes of that nature just wont happen, which is very sad!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MashRinx on February 01, 2014, 09:44:27 PM
Is the Open Beta client available to DL now, and if so, can someone post a link to it since the site is down for whatever reason?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: FredDag on February 01, 2014, 09:47:36 PM
ofcourse he is lying!

Yes they do and you know it. You are even part of it.

They deleted criticism from founders and deleted whole section of the forum.

They have even placed the whole founder board in quarantine just to control the posts.

Visin controls and ows the forum!

There is some kind of chat box where things get settled between visin and hughes(these two are the real founders toghetter with the sockpuppet account of the economist).

And if you keep pushing saying I am a liar I will post evidence and names and will post some things you posted!

I have evidence the whole community if you can call it that is controlled, censored and centralized by Visin and Huges.

I will also post some conversation on how Hughes think about BTT people and his own followers (he think you all are retards)

A company is a company and has to obey all laws of the state where it resides, in this case the UK.

If Hughes wishes to handle any sort of market, exchange, money you name it, he has to obey the bank regulations, and I can assure you hughes won’t pay 3M € to do that.

I know they will try to sell it to you as “decentralized” but you have to be a complete retarded moron not to see it is centralized as hell and there is no way back.

So if you invest in this software without purpose you better know what you are doing, we have paypal, visa, mastercard, we have ripple.

Seriously fella... Pull yourself together.
You sound like a 12 year old crying to mummy that the kids down the park won't play with you.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 09:48:52 PM
Is the Open Beta client available to DL now, and if so, can someone post a link to it since the site is down for whatever reason?

Not quite, we've had some server issues today that have eaten up a lot of time dealing with, support it will be a little later.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: username here on February 01, 2014, 09:52:34 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

Man, I can't imagine how you manage to put up with all this baseless crap day after day and still work on emunie.  I think I would have thrown in a towel a long time ago.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MsCollec on February 01, 2014, 09:52:51 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

+Respect  :D

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MashRinx on February 01, 2014, 09:57:55 PM
Is the Open Beta client available to DL now, and if so, can someone post a link to it since the site is down for whatever reason?

Not quite, we've had some server issues today that have eaten up a lot of time dealing with, support it will be a little later.

Okay, thanks Dan.  I will keep an eye out.  Congrats to you and the team on getting to this point.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 09:58:22 PM
It is open beta day remember, lots of load and traffic today.  Contrary to the wild and contradictory claims in this thread, eMunie is not dead!

Man, I can't imagine how you manage to put up with all this baseless crap day after day and still work on emunie.  I think I would have thrown in a towel a long time ago.

Sometimes it is challenging....then I remember that they are simply children, and haven't learnt manners or decorum yet.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 01, 2014, 10:02:03 PM
Could you post a link or thread in Alts here to the dropbox for emunie ob1?, it takes a few second to put it on a drop box link...!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 10:09:23 PM
Could you post a link or thread in Alts here to the dropbox for emunie ob1?, it takes a few second to put it on a drop box link...!

I will when its up, but not in this thread as hopefully it'll be history soon enough.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 01, 2014, 10:13:26 PM
Could you post a link or thread in Alts here to the dropbox for emunie ob1?, it takes a few second to put it on a drop box link...!

I will when its up, but not in this thread as hopefully it'll be history soon enough.

Could you start a new thread in here with it?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 10:18:00 PM
Yup will do.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: cryptomite on February 01, 2014, 10:29:26 PM
I'm not so sure it's a scam yet!!

How much is the min investment?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 10:33:10 PM
I'm not so sure it's a scam yet!!

How much is the min investment?

Zero :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: EvilDave on February 01, 2014, 10:33:33 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

For once we agree 100%

But humans have been trying to get along for centuries now, so idealistic wishes of that nature just wont happen, which is very sad!

We don't need to have all humans on the same side, just the guys who are trying to build something genuine vs the assholes who can only criticise and/or rip people off.

TBH; I've got no definite idea which side of the fence eMunie (and Dan etc) fall on, but I got the impression that eMunie is a genuine effort.

I'm a fairly rabid NXT supporter (putting it mildly), we are a direct(ish) competitor to eMunie in the 2nd generation crypto space and we have had more than our fair share of attacks over the last 2 months, ranging from common trolling, FUD, and lies all the way up to DDos attacks on our infrastucture and directed hacking attempts against everything even slightly NXT related.  Not to mention the great sock puppet army......

So I can have some sympathy for eMunie right now. Good luck....

Have u guys got a TL:DR version of the story so far? Too lazy to read full thread.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 01, 2014, 10:38:50 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

For once we agree 100%

But humans have been trying to get along for centuries now, so idealistic wishes of that nature just wont happen, which is very sad!

We don't need to have all humans on the same side, just the guys who are trying to build something genuine vs the assholes who can only criticise and/or rip people off.

TBH; I've got no definite idea which side of the fence eMunie (and Dan etc) fall on, but I got the impression that eMunie is a genuine effort.

I'm a fairly rabid NXT supporter (putting it mildly), we are a direct(ish) competitor to eMunie in the 2nd generation crypto space and we have had more than our fair share of attacks over the last 2 months, ranging from common trolling, FUD, and lies all the way up to DDos attacks on our infrastucture and directed hacking attempts against everything even slightly NXT related.  Not to mention the great sock puppet army......

So I can have some sympathy for eMunie right now. Good luck....

Have u guys got a TL:DR version of the story so far? Too lazy to read full thread.


TL:DR  Claims and accusations of scam, that I am a liar, fraud, not who I say and am and false credentials.   I countered ever single one WITH evidence.  Today some more came, I posted a picture of my passport as someone was claiming I was taking the ID of another Dan Hughes.

Yet still, it continues.  So from now on I'll just be ignoring anymore claims and BS.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: hamiltino on February 02, 2014, 01:14:57 AM
Its been many hours and the web server is still down?  :-\

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 01:20:41 AM
It will continue to be until OB1 is ready, then we will bring the new servers up then.

OB1 is more important.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 01:57:11 AM
It will continue to be until OB1 is ready, then we will bring the new servers up then.

OB1 is more important.

???what does this mean I though OB1 was compiled and ready for all to start using????

are the servers for hatchers is that why???

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 02:04:22 AM
No, just valuable time taken up today dealing the server failures.  Meant I wasn't able to work on getting OB1 ready.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 03:29:50 AM
No, just valuable time taken up today dealing the server failures.  Meant I wasn't able to work on getting OB1 ready.

are the servers needed to run emunie, hatchers etc, can we go without them???

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 03:34:22 AM
No, those servers are nothing to do with the client, so we can run without them

But email is pretty crucial as that went down also today, so had to spend time on getting that up again before anything else.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 03:39:11 AM
No, those servers are nothing to do with the client, so we can run without them

But email is pretty crucial as that went down also today, so had to spend time on getting that up again before anything else.

ok so client / servers needed for email at this time.....if I understand correctly.

any other functions, can we go without email?

e.g. its is OB1 so email may not have to function....

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 03:57:32 AM

I needed email....that email server died today along with the webserver.

the client doesnt rely on those at all

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mrvegad on February 02, 2014, 04:39:35 AM

I needed email....that email server died today along with the webserver.

the client doesnt rely on those at all

So its your server's and not the web hosting server's that are down?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 04:47:02 AM
See  :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Peachy on February 02, 2014, 04:47:45 AM
Relevant. (

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mrvegad on February 02, 2014, 04:58:34 AM
So then they are your servers?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 05:00:52 AM
I'm not sure I am following or getting your point (its been a long long day)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mrvegad on February 02, 2014, 05:11:47 AM
The servers that went down, do you physically own them or does a hosting company own them?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 05:14:06 AM
one is mine and co-located the other is provided by them  ???

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: mrvegad on February 02, 2014, 06:05:22 AM
one is mine and co-located the other is provided by them  ???

Sorry, just making sure I understand what is happening:

Visin : "please don't spread lies. site is down, but not 'hacked'. we are working with the hosting provider now."

hamiltino asked :"Its been many hours and the web server is still down?"

Fuserleer replied: "It will continue to be until OB1 is ready, then we will bring the new servers up then.

OB1 is more important."

So I wasn't sure if the servers belonged to you or a hosting provider.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 06:10:33 AM

I needed email....that email server died today along with the webserver.

the client doesnt rely on those at all

So its your server's and not the web hosting server's that are down?

so the, how does access to that stop the OB1 release????

there would be about 24hrs work left in OB1 max???

is that right?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 06:18:24 AM

I needed email....that email server died today along with the webserver.

the client doesnt rely on those at all

So its your server's and not the web hosting server's that are down?

so the, how does access to that stop the OB1 release????

there would be about 24hrs work left in OB1 max???

is that right?

Because if people are emailing me and there is no mail serve, then it will not be delivered nor can I pick it up. So even if I can't reply right away, people will get pissed and it will give a bad impression/create FUD ammo.

So email functional was #1 priority at the time

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: r0ach on February 02, 2014, 06:22:22 AM
Since the emoney man is posting in this thread, I wonder if we could get a response to my post here about 100% proof of stake coins/IPOs.  I would mainly like you to address the parts bolded:

In the real world (I guess we are still in the real world on this forum), the entity who is closest to the creation of the money supply in the fractional reserve, fiat system benefits the most.  In other words, central bankers issue currency for profit.  People who establish IPOs and advertise for investment on the forum, are in effect, recreating the exact same system Bitcoin was designed to defeat.  Some might argue there's a difference because the systems are Austrian in nature, and not Keynesian, but there's really nothing that prevents them from using either method, so the difference is non-existent.

The normal Bitcoin protocol was not designed to be issued for profit, or to have a central issuing authority.  It was designed to be a trust free system where others work to acquire it through mining, and for any reward to be independent of the creator.  If one acknowledges the previous points as fact, you can clearly see that any IPO has absolutely no place on the forum in the context of money supply creation.  It is an evolution backwards in the technical domain of distribution, and in the ethics domain of corruption issues.

What's that you say?  You claim 100% proof of stake systems have benefits?  If you believe proof of stake is superior for coin dynamics and security, there's no reason you can't release a coin that uses normal PoW for distribution, then utilizes PoS entirely once all coins are mined.  The idea that an IPO is actually required to make 100% proof of stake work is an outright lie.  The term PoW/PoS hybrid exists for a reason and has already been accomplished.  If you wanted to be extremely lazy and have a proof of stake client entirely separate from the PoW client, you could always release a crap coin clone, have people mine it, then trade units of the crap coin for shares in the 100% PoS client coin.  Where does the need for an IPO fit into this anywhere?  It doesn't.  They should be banned.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 06:34:30 AM
eMunie isn't a Proof of Stake implementation, nor does it use the BitCoin protocol, or have a fixed supply creation over I'm not sure how your argument applies comparing apples to oranges.

Or are you stating that eMunie shouldn't/doesn't need an IPO as an overall blanket categorization of crypto-currencies in general?  

If that is the case, as eMunie has a dynamic inflation/deflation model, which in turn uses reserves available that it and only it has control of to mitigate large peaks and troughs over short time scale, how would you propose that we provide those reserves to the system in the first place without having a distribution of eMu beforehand?

Furthermore, without an IPO, how do you propose that eMunie escapes the lowly sandpit that all crypto-currencies currently live, and actually make it before the eyes, and into the hands of the people that Satoshi originally intended for everyday use of BitCoin?

5 years have passed and BitCoin is no closer to being used for everyday purchases broadly across the globe than it was 2 years ago. It is firmly stuck in the sandpit of rampant speculation, selfishness and greed, as are other crypto-currencies, the magnitudes of which make the regular financial industry look tame on a per capital basis; alas because of this no party/parties are working collectively to inform and educate the man on the street to achieve that original goal.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 06:34:50 AM

I needed email....that email server died today along with the webserver.

the client doesnt rely on those at all

So its your server's and not the web hosting server's that are down?

so the, how does access to that stop the OB1 release????

there would be about 24hrs work left in OB1 max???

is that right?

Because if people are emailing me and there is no mail serve, then it will not be delivered nor can I pick it up. So even if I can't reply right away, people will get pissed and it will give a bad impression/create FUD ammo.

So email functional was #1 priority at the time

hmm I c, so maybe of OB1 just take this out, or put a declaimer on about that. i think this will be attacked relentlessly until i t can be decentralised anyway, since it seems to have central points of failure.

I misread, dan was referring to his emunie email, not the client fault here

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 06:40:43 AM
seriously...dude, wth??  ???

what has regular email got to do with eMunie being centralized??  ???

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: coinerjoe on February 02, 2014, 06:48:15 AM
Be cautious on anything OP says.   He was already outted on another thread for trying to blackmail somebody and when he was outted he didnt have anything to say to the guy who outted him cept some bs posturing about him violating the sites TOS for supplying proof of the blackmail.  He has shown the characteristics of an attention seeking scammer, and not a very intelligent one.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 02, 2014, 06:55:10 AM
Be cautious on anything OP says.   He was already outted on another thread for trying to blackmail somebody and when he was outted he didnt have anything to say to the guy who outted him cept some bs posturing about him violating the sites TOS for supplying proof of the blackmail.  He has shown the characteristics of an attention seeking scammer, and not a very intelligent one.

I got the same crap from him....."send me 10BTC or I expose your lies"...go ahead.  I countered all of them with a thing called evidence in my rebuttal.

Taking off my professional coat for a second, the guy is a complete low life scum bag that deserves whatever brute force comes his way, should he (and we) ever be fortunate enough that he meets someone hes attempted to blackmail. </procoatoff>

Aside from that, this thread will be history pretty soon anyway, so enjoy the drama while it lasts.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: garicup on February 02, 2014, 08:28:36 AM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 08:37:59 AM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

I'm not sure they said it  was a scam, as to centralised, I think some think having a company means centralised, it doesn't. Rather it a result of being public, you probably have to do it.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 02, 2014, 08:42:59 AM
seriously...dude, wth??  ???

what has regular email got to do with eMunie being centralized??  ???

no no I don't mean "centralised" as in what goes around here  as that, I mean, if you have identified that you need a mail server , and some how that has been taken down, then move to a service that cannot be taken down e.g. google,

If that means some emunie functionality it temporarily lost, then so be it....but I think I misread what you meant,

I may have my wires crossed I thought you were referring to emunie needed a mail server, but I think you meant you wanted your emunie mail server for questions and debug....!

in that case a google mail address is fine e.g. or something.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: r0ach on February 02, 2014, 09:33:43 AM
eMunie isn't a Proof of Stake implementation, nor does it use the BitCoin protocol, or have a fixed supply creation over I'm not sure how your argument applies comparing apples to oranges.

Or are you stating that eMunie shouldn't/doesn't need an IPO as an overall blanket categorization of crypto-currencies in general?  

If that is the case, as eMunie has a dynamic inflation/deflation model, which in turn uses reserves available that it and only it has control of to mitigate large peaks and troughs over short time scale, how would you propose that we provide those reserves to the system in the first place without having a distribution of eMu beforehand?

Furthermore, without an IPO, how do you propose that eMunie escapes the lowly sandpit that all crypto-currencies currently live, and actually make it before the eyes, and into the hands of the people that Satoshi originally intended for everyday use of BitCoin?

5 years have passed and BitCoin is no closer to being used for everyday purchases broadly across the globe than it was 2 years ago. It is firmly stuck in the sandpit of rampant speculation, selfishness and greed, as are other crypto-currencies, the magnitudes of which make the regular financial industry look tame on a per capital basis; alas because of this no party/parties are working collectively to inform and educate the man on the street to achieve that original goal.

That was a pretty impressive side skirting of every issue.  I feel like I'm talking to Bill Clinton himself.  I have no ill will towards your project, but the original poster claiming you had a history of membership on social engineering/black hat websites doesn't seem to be kidding.

Let me go over this again because these are problems that Bitcoin solved, and Emunie seems to be evolving backwards with:

The entity who is closest to the creation of the money supply in the fractional reserve, fiat system benefits the most.  In other words, central bankers issue currency for profit.

Bitcoin was designed from the ground up to defeat that system, to make it so people can't profit off issuing currency.  In the Satoshi model, he didn't issue any currency, he was not a currency creator, and there was no profit for him to make off his own invention that wasn't readily available to anyone else from adoption in using it.  

You're set to make lots of money off this project, correct?  So what we have is a guy attempting to replace the Federal Reserve with himself.  Ok, you're going to say you're a less tyrannical version of the Federal Reserve, but when the entire goal of the project seems to be based entirely on personal profit, it's hard to take seriously as a "trust free" system.  At any given time, why would we not expect some new, client update for you to make even more profit?  Or maybe since it's closed source, you can just sell it all off to Goldman Sachs and they can charge people $10 a month to use it.  As you can see, this is obviously not a trust free system when personal gain through issuing currency is a large part of the goal.  On a fundamental level, it's actually hard to differentiate you from the bankers we already have, albeit with slightly more transparency.

I'm not a lawyer, but the Satoshi system seemed extremely cleverly designed to avoid having the legal system classify him as a currency issuer.  Under legal framework, you, and all the other IPO currency people such as NXT and Ethereum, might actually be classifiable as "central bankers", which might subject you to a lot of laws or criminal proceedings you don't want to deal with.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on February 02, 2014, 12:20:29 PM
Under legal framework, you, and all the other IPO currency people such as NXT and Ethereum, might actually be classifiable as "central bankers", which might subject you to a lot of laws or criminal proceedings you don't want to deal with.

I won't say for Ether, but in Nxt only BCNext could be sued for being a currency issuer. Actually it's good for all Nxt users. What about BCNext... good luck if u want to catch him!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: td services on February 02, 2014, 05:45:50 PM
This makes me to worry. Someone attacks all launched cryptos. We would better unite against common enemy, instead of insulting each other...

+1 I'm seeing this pattern as well.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: td services on February 02, 2014, 06:12:36 PM
Be cautious on anything OP says.   He was already outted on another thread for trying to blackmail somebody and when he was outted he didnt have anything to say to the guy who outted him cept some bs posturing about him violating the sites TOS for supplying proof of the blackmail.  He has shown the characteristics of an attention seeking scammer, and not a very intelligent one.

I got the same crap from him....."send me 10BTC or I expose your lies"...go ahead.  I countered all of them with a thing called evidence in my rebuttal.

Taking off my professional coat for a second, the guy is a complete low life scum bag that deserves whatever brute force comes his way, should he (and we) ever be fortunate enough that he meets someone hes attempted to blackmail. </procoatoff>

Aside from that, this thread will be history pretty soon anyway, so enjoy the drama while it lasts.

LeoC appears to be scammer or in collusion with Level Coin, proven by identical funding addresses between extortion attempt by LeoC against Ethereum posted by Charles H and original funding address used by Level Coin in Level Coin announcement.

I had a detailed history, lost while composing, here's link to Level Coin:

LeoC says I'm too jumpy and should go smoke a bowl and relax. :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 04, 2014, 01:05:22 PM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

I'm not sure they said it  was a scam, as to centralised, I think some think having a company means centralised, it doesn't. Rather it a result of being public, you probably have to do it.

I thought I had explained this already but apparently not. Please read:

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 07, 2014, 09:46:26 AM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

I'm not sure they said it  was a scam, as to centralised, I think some think having a company means centralised, it doesn't. Rather it a result of being public, you probably have to do it.

I thought I had explained this already but apparently not. Please read:

this point is not correct

4: eMunie Ltd: This is the developer and whoever else is on the board of this corporation (who are they btw?) getting in bed with one of the most ruthless and dangerous criminal cartels in history (Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II and her government) and agreeing to play by their rules. We have to TRUST the developer when he says he will simply close the company if it becomes necessary.

a company is free to give stuff away.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 07, 2014, 12:03:10 PM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

I'm not sure they said it  was a scam, as to centralised, I think some think having a company means centralised, it doesn't. Rather it a result of being public, you probably have to do it.

I thought I had explained this already but apparently not. Please read:

this point is not correct

4: eMunie Ltd: This is the developer and whoever else is on the board of this corporation (who are they btw?) getting in bed with one of the most ruthless and dangerous criminal cartels in history (Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II and her government) and agreeing to play by their rules. We have to TRUST the developer when he says he will simply close the company if it becomes necessary.

a company is free to give stuff away.

I didn't claim otherwise.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 08, 2014, 04:03:33 AM
I just want to know what happened with Eid, or why people internally from the project now seem to have less faith in it and calling it centralized etc? Any note on this? Its kind of bad when you own employees / ex-employess / supporters / ex-supporter say its a scam

I'm not sure they said it  was a scam, as to centralised, I think some think having a company means centralised, it doesn't. Rather it a result of being public, you probably have to do it.

I thought I had explained this already but apparently not. Please read:

this point is not correct

4: eMunie Ltd: This is the developer and whoever else is on the board of this corporation (who are they btw?) getting in bed with one of the most ruthless and dangerous criminal cartels in history (Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II and her government) and agreeing to play by their rules. We have to TRUST the developer when he says he will simply close the company if it becomes necessary.

a company is free to give stuff away.

I didn't claim otherwise.

so 4's a non issue inmho

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 08, 2014, 11:21:31 AM
I'm not sure what point it is you're making here. Is it that there are no UK export restrictions on encrypted software if it's given away? If so, could you provide links. I would like to read this. This was brought up on the emunie forum and as far as I know never addressed fully.

In more general terms, you're entitled to your opinion and I thank you for sharing it here. My opinion is obviously otherwise regarding having to sign legally binding contracts with governments and trusting people to just walk away from those contracts when necessary (in terms of the claimed philosophical goals of emunie as opposed to making lots of money). This requires trust in the developer and his business partners that he won't give in when it gets rough (assuming he hasn't already). This has been my point right from the start.



Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 09, 2014, 12:09:25 PM
I'm not sure what point it is you're making here. Is it that there are no UK export restrictions on encrypted software if it's given away? If so, could you provide links. I would like to read this. This was brought up on the emunie forum and as far as I know never addressed fully.

In more general terms, you're entitled to your opinion and I thank you for sharing it here. My opinion is obviously otherwise regarding having to sign legally binding contracts with governments and trusting people to just walk away from those contracts when necessary (in terms of the claimed philosophical goals of emunie as opposed to making lots of money). This requires trust in the developer and his business partners that he won't give in when it gets rough (assuming he hasn't already). This has been my point right from the start.



I value your views, I am just trying to get to the core of it.

Corps law, (for corporations) usual gives a set of legislation that corporations are run by, and these generally allow pretty diverse operations. Eg Corps often start of with replaceable rules or something similar

You don't sign legally biding contracts with the government, rather you aquire a suite of formalised protection from state interference as well as obligations. These obligations may what worries you. And yes they are there. Usually they are not that onerous, e.g., not trading insolvent, directors duties, tax requirements.

Corporations offer many benefits such as survivability from their foudners, separate legal personhood, e.g. a corporation is explicitly not Dan. They are separate at law. A mean to organise structures and hold formal accounts with various entities. Enforce rights etc.

Don't get me wrong corporations do lots of nasty things and bilk a lot of people, but also they don't make life easy for Govt's just look at all the tax apple is not paying by its ireland-holand set up. legally avoiding minimising billions in tax and theres not a thing USA/EU can do about it. This is also as an aside an interesting way in which money finds a way to transact at minim cost through arbitrage of jurisdictions.

If what I apprehend you are getting at it the  Govt has legally got its claws in and can make Dan do whatever now, I actually feel Dan is in a better position that when he was emunie did not have a company. Because Dan went public he was bound by inumeral laws and easily locatable.

This forces him to incorporate and emunie is in whatever it does is much better protected this way. Corperations have much more protection, perhaps the biggest being limited liability.

I respect your views however.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: btcmania on February 09, 2014, 04:10:24 PM
5 years have passed and BitCoin is no closer to being used for everyday purchases broadly across the globe than it was 2 years ago. It is firmly stuck in the sandpit of rampant speculation, selfishness and greed, as are other crypto-currencies, the magnitudes of which make the regular financial industry look tame on a per capital basis; alas because of this no party/parties are working collectively to inform and educate the man on the street to achieve that original goal.

You can't argue with that. BTC is so volatile that one day it can be $1400 and a few weeks later $800. People want to actually sell houses with that kind of uncertainty? Not to mention that you'd be standing at the checkout line with your groceries (or plasma TV) for 30 minutes waiting for the confirmations.

Coins are all about greed nowadays, mining them before others can and before the difficulty skyrockets. These idiots with their garage full of racks of GPU's just raking in the money.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: eid on February 09, 2014, 04:33:49 PM
I'm not sure what point it is you're making here. Is it that there are no UK export restrictions on encrypted software if it's given away? If so, could you provide links. I would like to read this. This was brought up on the emunie forum and as far as I know never addressed fully.

In more general terms, you're entitled to your opinion and I thank you for sharing it here. My opinion is obviously otherwise regarding having to sign legally binding contracts with governments and trusting people to just walk away from those contracts when necessary (in terms of the claimed philosophical goals of emunie as opposed to making lots of money). This requires trust in the developer and his business partners that he won't give in when it gets rough (assuming he hasn't already). This has been my point right from the start.



I value your views, I am just trying to get to the core of it.

Corps law, (for corporations) usual gives a set of legislation that corporations are run by, and these generally allow pretty diverse operations. Eg Corps often start of with replaceable rules or something similar

You don't sign legally biding contracts with the government, rather you aquire a suite of formalised protection from state interference as well as obligations. These obligations may what worries you. And yes they are there. Usually they are not that onerous, e.g., not trading insolvent, directors duties, tax requirements.

Corporations offer many benefits such as survivability from their foudners, separate legal personhood, e.g. a corporation is explicitly not Dan. They are separate at law. A mean to organise structures and hold formal accounts with various entities. Enforce rights etc.

Don't get me wrong corporations do lots of nasty things and bilk a lot of people, but also they don't make life easy for Govt's just look at all the tax apple is not paying by its ireland-holand set up. legally avoiding minimising billions in tax and theres not a thing USA/EU can do about it. This is also as an aside an interesting way in which money finds a way to transact at minim cost through arbitrage of jurisdictions.

If what I apprehend you are getting at it the  Govt has legally got its claws in and can make Dan do whatever now, I actually feel Dan is in a better position that when he was emunie did not have a company. Because Dan went public he was bound by inumeral laws and easily locatable.

This forces him to incorporate and emunie is in whatever it does is much better protected this way. Corperations have much more protection, perhaps the biggest being limited liability.

I respect your views however.

You've shown that I've been making assumptions regarding registered companies having extra obligations (by law) particularly in terms of export and how they carry out their business. I've realised I don't know whether this is true or not.
For instance, if there are export laws regarding encrypted software, do they apply to private persons, or just businesses. Probably both, but I honestly don't know. The same goes for when the government realise just what it is Dan is up to and the laws which will apply (or they will make up). Does it make a difference here? Again I don't know.
This being the case, I will edit my OP to reflect this (for now at least).

Lets try and look at what we do know about Ltd companies.

1) It will make things easier when dealing with other companies (e.g. buying advertising and funding Dan's round-the-world holi...err promotional tour).

2) It will allow Dan to pay salaries and bonuses to himself and the other shareholders/employees. (not sure about this. Does it give Dan a license/protection to divert funds or would he even need that?)

3)It will protect Dan from financial ruin if the project goes tits up.

That's all I can think of for now. Any additions/thoughts?

As you said, this is a necessary evil since Dan decided to be public. As I see it, this was a big mistake in the first place, and its the reason I feel the project was faulty from the ground up. "Dan Hughes" is the point of all centralisation (the person and the fact that I know the name in the first place).

Thanks for challenging my points; it's quite refreshing and it's made me think.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: GigaCoin on February 09, 2014, 05:19:25 PM
*YAWN* This has gotten so boring that no one cares about the baseless FUD anymore  :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jubalix on February 10, 2014, 12:37:53 AM
I'm not sure what point it is you're making here. Is it that there are no UK export restrictions on encrypted software if it's given away? If so, could you provide links. I would like to read this. This was brought up on the emunie forum and as far as I know never addressed fully.

In more general terms, you're entitled to your opinion and I thank you for sharing it here. My opinion is obviously otherwise regarding having to sign legally binding contracts with governments and trusting people to just walk away from those contracts when necessary (in terms of the claimed philosophical goals of emunie as opposed to making lots of money). This requires trust in the developer and his business partners that he won't give in when it gets rough (assuming he hasn't already). This has been my point right from the start.



I value your views, I am just trying to get to the core of it.

Corps law, (for corporations) usual gives a set of legislation that corporations are run by, and these generally allow pretty diverse operations. Eg Corps often start of with replaceable rules or something similar

You don't sign legally biding contracts with the government, rather you aquire a suite of formalised protection from state interference as well as obligations. These obligations may what worries you. And yes they are there. Usually they are not that onerous, e.g., not trading insolvent, directors duties, tax requirements.

Corporations offer many benefits such as survivability from their foudners, separate legal personhood, e.g. a corporation is explicitly not Dan. They are separate at law. A mean to organise structures and hold formal accounts with various entities. Enforce rights etc.

Don't get me wrong corporations do lots of nasty things and bilk a lot of people, but also they don't make life easy for Govt's just look at all the tax apple is not paying by its ireland-holand set up. legally avoiding minimising billions in tax and theres not a thing USA/EU can do about it. This is also as an aside an interesting way in which money finds a way to transact at minim cost through arbitrage of jurisdictions.

If what I apprehend you are getting at it the  Govt has legally got its claws in and can make Dan do whatever now, I actually feel Dan is in a better position that when he was emunie did not have a company. Because Dan went public he was bound by inumeral laws and easily locatable.

This forces him to incorporate and emunie is in whatever it does is much better protected this way. Corperations have much more protection, perhaps the biggest being limited liability.

I respect your views however.

You've shown that I've been making assumptions regarding registered companies having extra obligations (by law) particularly in terms of export and how they carry out their business. I've realised I don't know whether this is true or not.
For instance, if there are export laws regarding encrypted software, do they apply to private persons, or just businesses. Probably both, but I honestly don't know. The same goes for when the government realise just what it is Dan is up to and the laws which will apply (or they will make up). Does it make a difference here? Again I don't know.
This being the case, I will edit my OP to reflect this (for now at least).

Lets try and look at what we do know about Ltd companies.

1) It will make things easier when dealing with other companies (e.g. buying advertising and funding Dan's round-the-world holi...err promotional tour).

2) It will allow Dan to pay salaries and bonuses to himself and the other shareholders/employees. (not sure about this. Does it give Dan a license/protection to divert funds or would he even need that?)

3)It will protect Dan from financial ruin if the project goes tits up.

That's all I can think of for now. Any additions/thoughts?

As you said, this is a necessary evil since Dan decided to be public. As I see it, this was a big mistake in the first place, and its the reason I feel the project was faulty from the ground up. "Dan Hughes" is the point of all centralisation (the person and the fact that I know the name in the first place).

Thanks for challenging my points; it's quite refreshing and it's made me think.

no probs, thanks for making me write cogently.

Your right there could be some type of laws on encryption by the UK/EU, I am not up on that aspect and if it will apply to emu. I think OS projects will get out into the wild regardless of this.

on 1) yes your right

2) If dan does do this, it will be the company that has to give out salaries, though not much turns on this if dan is has the directors power. Normal taxation will apply. In fact  companies often keep most of the profits themselves and buy things, then cast the use of those thing on beneficiaries this can be use full for effective tax minimisation.

3) it could, but there are still ways to get at directors. However it has given the government two targets instead of one, and a legit company is hard to take down (you have to wind it up and sell of assets to meet debts) this almost ensures that emu code base surveys inspire of anything Dan does, unless state seizes assets, but this is highly unlikely and the SC will be on GitH long before that I think, OB1 is out and can be recompiled so thats all ok (yea I know obfuscation). So good move.

I *think* what may have happened, is this was inevitable from day one, as we both agree, largely due to dan's public nature from day one.

We may not have realised this from day one, but put yourself in dans position for a moment and consider how you would likely do this as well.

Its no fun for Dan to go to this hassle and expense, lawyers documents, etc etc registration....its a lot of continuing paper work that almost anyone would rather not have.

I have had the advantage of undertaking business law (1&2) so have had to think about companies quite a bit. Essentially a company is a decision by the state to cast limited liability on a company and unlimited liability on the citizen when dealing with a company, and as a mechanism to organise capital. In that sense it de risks entrupenrial(sp)  endeavours and so encourage new forms of business. Its quite an efficient way on organising capital and labour. However what really gets interesting is holding companies, which drip feed subsidiaries with cash just enough to keep them going so this acts as a further barrier to liability. Another aspect is where you incorporate. Companies love certainty and freedom to make money. Thats why Delaware companies are popular (certainty, very good judicial bench, full of experts and quicker decisions) and city of London is good. UK Gov looks other way while companies Make , just capital raise for us(gov) when we need money. The Forex market in the Uk and AIM secondary market is a prime example of this, much less capital raising risk that other jurisdictions would frown upon. Companies are good way to influence the political landscape, because when one company gets a competitive advantage over another, the others have to adopt or buy out and apply the advantage (or try and kill it of or lobby govt to make illegal).

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MakeBelieve on February 10, 2014, 12:43:59 AM
I could put a scam report in for almost 95% of the alt coins posted but thanks for letting us know about this.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 10, 2014, 02:29:02 PM
OP: Thanks for revealing this scam!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: campeck on February 10, 2014, 02:59:12 PM
In case anyone didn't know.

LEOC is the scammer in LEVEL COIN.

So this post is pretty much a scam about a scam.

Don't listen to everything you read on here.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on February 10, 2014, 03:06:06 PM
Don't listen to everything you read on here.

Even this...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 10, 2014, 03:28:57 PM
In case anyone didn't know.

LEOC is the scammer in LEVEL COIN.

So this post is pretty much a scam about a scam.

Don't listen to everything you read on here.
Doesn't matter much if you can verify what he says.

Emunie is closed source, premined and Fuseleer already sold a lot of emu before it is even released.
Some people don't even care that he will take a huge cut, because they are blinded by this crook by the promise to make huge amounts of money.

That are the facts.  ;)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 10, 2014, 03:45:14 PM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 10, 2014, 03:57:21 PM
How honest of you that you tell people they will lose money except you who takes 300BTC from presales.  :D

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 10, 2014, 04:02:15 PM
How honest of you that you tell people they will lose money except you who takes 300BTC from presales.  :D

Nice twist of my words.

I don't agree with regulation, but some days I think users of the internet really should have to pass a test of general intelligence and obtain a license.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: superresistant on February 10, 2014, 04:18:31 PM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

True. The eMunie system is not made for profit and speculation. It is a cryptocurency made to exchange because the value doesn't increase.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 10, 2014, 04:19:40 PM
How honest of you that you tell people they will lose money except you who takes 300BTC from presales.  :D

Nice twist of my words.

I don't agree with regulation, but some days I think users of the internet really should have to pass a test of general intelligence and obtain a license.
I agree, but who would buy your emu's than?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: ciscokid on February 11, 2014, 06:00:04 AM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Total opposite of making a large amount of money would be losing a large amount (or percentage) of money.

Is this what you are implying? Please clarify as I am debating whether or not to invest now.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on February 11, 2014, 07:02:04 AM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Hughes, the main reason why people should NOT invest in your pyramide sceme is that you are a retard.

You already pre-sold 600 BTC on discount price to your "friends"

So get back to your emu corner and go pis there, you don't need BTC trolls.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Hansen on February 11, 2014, 11:06:33 AM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Hughes, the main reason why people should NOT invest in your pyramide sceme is that you are a retard.

You already pre-sold 600 BTC on discount price to your "friends"

So get back to your emu corner and go pis there, you don't need BTC trolls.

Oh, wow, another copy-paste post by you. You are so creative, we really need someone like you in the emunie community as we are all such retards.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 11, 2014, 01:29:20 PM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Hughes, the main reason why people should NOT invest in your pyramide sceme is that you are a retard.

You already pre-sold 600 BTC on discount price to your "friends"

So get back to your emu corner and go pis there, you don't need BTC trolls.

Oh, wow, another copy-paste post by you. You are so creative, we really need someone like you in the emunie community as we are all such retards.
Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. :P

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Ethapus on February 11, 2014, 02:59:07 PM
I never promised anyone would make a large amount of fact I've been doing the rounds for months saying the total opposite!!   :D

Total opposite of making a large amount of money would be losing a large amount (or percentage) of money.

Is this what you are implying? Please clarify as I am debating whether or not to invest now.

Nobody said that it will be the total opposite either. The middle path would be stability, which is Emunie's goal. A slow and stable increase of value, good for a currency, bad for people who want to make a quick buck.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: loaded101 on February 14, 2014, 11:09:54 AM

Does anyone know, or could Dan confirm is the user called "furseleer" selling BTC (over 150BTC sold) on localbitcoins the same person?


Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: superresistant on February 14, 2014, 04:26:47 PM
Does anyone know, or could Dan confirm is the user called "furseleer" selling BTC (over 150BTC sold) on localbitcoins the same person?

Link ?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on February 15, 2014, 10:35:02 PM

Does anyone know, or could Dan confirm is the user called "furseleer" selling BTC (over 150BTC sold) on localbitcoins the same person?


Yup thats me.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: BTCWizard on February 16, 2014, 07:01:14 PM

Does anyone know, or could Dan confirm is the user called "furseleer" selling BTC (over 150BTC sold) on localbitcoins the same person?


So he already sold 150BTC of the 900BTC raised, what a fucking douche bag.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Cryptock on February 16, 2014, 07:21:34 PM

Does anyone know, or could Dan confirm is the user called "furseleer" selling BTC (over 150BTC sold) on localbitcoins the same person?


So he already sold 150BTC of the 900BTC raised, what a fucking douche bag.

The investors gave him the go ahead to sell the BTC because the market is crashing.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Jeezy911 on February 16, 2014, 09:36:22 PM
The funny thing about this community is that coins with the most controversy profit the most.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Chang Hum on February 18, 2014, 11:41:16 AM
When's the IPO for Emunie?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: skywave on February 18, 2014, 02:45:36 PM
It always makes me sad to see so many people using foul language, which belongs in the gutter, towards other 'perceived enemies' in a forum.

When you only read/listen and believe rumors about another person from a forum - you are yourself the biggest loser.
Without 100% knowing the reality you are not competent to attack others.

I tend to agree with Fuserleer's comment that there should be a license to be allowed to comment in a forum.

The interesting thing is that a person you attack in a forum is basically just a fictive someone behind a username. And it is easy to sit in your armchair and spew doom on another username hidden behind your own comfy username, without repercussions: 'Oh so anonymous - I'm superior!'

But the reality is that if you meet that username you so happily attack, he/she may turn out to be one who could be your best friend because you realize you are in sync with opinions and life-view. Things you cannot possibly sense in a forum.

So stop this foul language and those stupid accusations.
Everything will be revealed when eMunie goes LIVE, and I can tell you that I have a strong feeling it will be big.

If the dev is making a good deal of bucks on it - well he made the effort, I didn't, so good for him - I'll be happy with whatever I can get out of it.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Chang Hum on February 18, 2014, 02:50:59 PM
It always makes me sad to see so many people using foul language, which belongs in the gutter, towards other 'perceived enemies' in a forum.

When you only read/listen and believe rumors about another person from a forum - you are yourself the biggest loser.
Without 100% knowing the reality you are not competent to attack others.

I tend to agree with Fuserleer's comment that there should be a license to be allowed to comment in a forum.

The interesting thing is that a person you attack in a forum is basically just a fictive someone behind a username. And it is easy to sit in your armchair and spew doom on another username hidden behind your own comfy username, without repercussions: 'Oh so anonymous - I'm superior!'

But the reality is that if you meet that username you so happily attack, he/she may turn out to be one who could be your best friend because you realize you are in sync with opinions and life-view. Things you cannot possibly sense in a forum.

So stop this foul language and those stupid accusations.
Everything will be revealed when eMunie goes LIVE, and I can tell you that I have a strong feeling it will be big.

If the dev is making a good deal of bucks on it - well he made the effort, I didn't, so good for him - I'll be happy with whatever I can get out of it.

Well said.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: superresistant on February 24, 2014, 09:03:18 AM
If the dev is making a good deal of bucks on it - well he made the effort, I didn't, so good for him - I'll be happy with whatever I can get out of it.

I agree but think about the fact that the money people invest in eMunie or any IPO is money earned from hard-work too.
It good that a dev make money with his work but it's not fair if he is the only one.

Anyway I'm just bitching.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: azwccc on March 26, 2014, 02:41:25 PM
eMunie changed their forum, some links in OP is lost.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: dewdeded on March 26, 2014, 02:51:57 PM
Is Emunie project dead?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Shivalein on March 26, 2014, 03:09:10 PM

wow very confusing. Lots of trouble around eMunie.
Still it doesn´t launch yet, it has a bad image.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: woetohice on March 26, 2014, 03:53:41 PM
 It doesn't matter why Daniel was banned from that website - no normal person posts on a website full of criminals and scammers.

Not defending the guy, but it's kinda ironic that you post this on a website full of criminals and scammers...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 06:35:41 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jamesclark on March 26, 2014, 07:06:11 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 07:21:23 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: freigeist on March 26, 2014, 08:20:05 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 10:51:52 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Do you know how much btc fusleer has collected in the beta tester IPO?

maybe enough already? :)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: MsCollec on March 26, 2014, 10:59:19 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Do you know how much btc fusleer has collected in the beta tester IPO?

maybe enough already? :)

1000+ BTC

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 11:03:14 PM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Do you know how much btc fusleer has collected in the beta tester IPO?

maybe enough already? :)

1000+ BTC

Holy shit, is this number for real?

Also does he allow the beta testers to pull back on their investments? I mean there is now a already 3 month delay atleast.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: freigeist on March 27, 2014, 12:24:32 AM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Do you know how much btc fusleer has collected in the beta tester IPO?

maybe enough already? :)

1000+ BTC

Holy shit, is this number for real?

Also does he allow the beta testers to pull back on their investments? I mean there is now a already 3 month delay atleast.

This I don't know but I can ask in the forum if you want me to.
For the terms of the IPO you can check this thread if you are interested:

Don't look at the sheduled dates in this mesasage as they are delayed a lot but I think the same terms are still valid.
The IPO and launch dates are still not precisely defined at least I was unable to find any fixed scheduled date.

I have found only this
but it seems to me that is not 100% up to date like they say in the thread.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 27, 2014, 12:39:43 AM
What is up with this coin?

Where can if find any updated infos?

Is the IPO dead?

Scam coin

Even if so, why don't they try to take my money?

Why should they take your money?! :)
You can join without giving any money. The product is still in development.
The 1st round of open beta testing is still running that means is open to
everyone to test before any investment.
There will be also a 2nd open beta testing round.
Even later when the system goes live there is not need
to invest to participate is just enough to run the client.

The latest software can be found here: or

for the info and other FAQ you can check here.

Do you know how much btc fusleer has collected in the beta tester IPO?

maybe enough already? :)

1000+ BTC

Holy shit, is this number for real?

Also does he allow the beta testers to pull back on their investments? I mean there is now a already 3 month delay atleast.

This I don't know but I can ask in the forum if you want me to.
For the terms of the IPO you can check this thread if you are interested:

Don't look at the sheduled dates in this mesasage as they are delayed a lot but I think the same terms are still valid.
The IPO and launch dates are still not precisely defined at least I was unable to find any fixed scheduled date.

I have found only this
but it seems to me that is not 100% up to date like they say in the thread.

thank you.

Two months ago i was very much in love with the idea of emunie, but the recent delays worry me very much.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: freigeist on March 27, 2014, 10:38:23 AM

thank you.

Two months ago i was very much in love with the idea of emunie, but the recent delays worry me very much.

You don't have to worry if you have not invested yet.
Also I think the delays had to be made as the product was not ready for the launch.
When comparing the last software version to the version i have tested few weeks ago
I have to tell that I see improvements.
The software is performing better and requires less CPU power then before.

As I mentioned before is better that anyone decides by himself to invest or not to invest
after testing the software.
I wish you best luck whatever your decision gonna be! :)

See ya around! ;)

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Hansen on March 28, 2014, 09:14:24 PM
Just to make yourself your own picture: go to

Sign up, read, ask, criticize, read and ask again. If you still doubt, that eMunie is legit come back here. If you're not interested in eMunie anyway or think it won't be a success, just spend your precious time mining "innovative" altcoins.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: jmlindn on March 29, 2014, 01:35:56 PM
support dan support emunie

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Cryptock on April 09, 2014, 02:50:24 AM
support dan support emunie

Dan should speed up the development of eMunie.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Sanglotslongs on June 11, 2014, 01:03:42 PM
And now Fuserleer said someone scammed 600 BTC from the emunie funds :


Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Fuserleer on June 11, 2014, 02:52:08 PM

I actually said over 600 BTC of my own and a portion of the eMunie funds!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on June 11, 2014, 03:02:21 PM

I actually said over 600 BTC of my own and a portion of the eMunie funds!

When is eMunie being released, seems like client has been in development for ages.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: Emule on June 11, 2014, 04:47:14 PM

I actually said over 600 BTC of my own and a portion of the eMunie funds!

care to elaborate how big of a portion?

just admit your in the end game, and emunie will never be released.

at least not a safe working part.

game over, nothing to see here go home people...

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: TwinWinNerD on June 11, 2014, 04:48:40 PM

I actually said over 600 BTC of my own and a portion of the eMunie funds!

care to elaborate how big of a portion?

just admit your in the end game, and emunie will never be released.

at least not a safe working part.

game over, nothing to see here go home people...

Emule, please don't waste your posts on EMUNIE. Come back to NXT please  :-\ Please!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: EvilDave on June 11, 2014, 06:39:37 PM
I thought Elmo was NXTs very own troll....I feel cheated somehow.

No more ear-tickling for you, you....hussy!
*starts to cry*

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: msin on June 11, 2014, 09:32:29 PM
I thought Elmo was NXTs very own troll....I feel cheated somehow.

No more ear-tickling for you, you....hussy!
*starts to cry*

Pin started as an eMu fanboy for those that don't remember.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: digitalindustry on June 12, 2014, 06:31:39 AM
all this topic proves is that chumps are nervous about Emuni - Dan release the code, the world is moving towards open source not away -

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: r3animation on June 12, 2014, 06:45:33 AM
all this topic proves is that chumps are nervous about Emuni - Dan release the code, the world is moving towards open source not away -

I think it's hard to release the source code when emunie hasn't been released yet.

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: ColossusOfCrypto on February 10, 2018, 10:50:50 AM
I think i just found out Daniels next move

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: ColossusOfCrypto on February 11, 2018, 04:11:24 AM
Haha, yeah me too I just discovered Radix. Looks like today is Radix day for a lot of people. I didn't read most of the above very carefully. Looked a bit over-the-top conspiracy theory. Do you know if there's any validity to the concern?

To be honest, and ive just started a Youtube channel just for ICO Scam Alerts - I went over Radix and to be honest, it actually seems like its in motion, they actually have a strong whitepaper and the technology seems to make sense, seems possible and e-Munie is actually Radix rebranded... Im still undecided so ive decided not enought evidence to suggest its a Scam, but not enough to suggest itll be the next moon! IMO staying away because i cant be sure!

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: richiesuazo on February 11, 2018, 04:20:51 AM
i think you should join the Crypto FBI's

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: ColossusOfCrypto on February 11, 2018, 04:25:45 AM
i think you should join the Crypto FBI's

LOL... Bro.....

I am the CrptiopianBI :D

Title: Re: [SCAM ALERT] ***********EMUNIE - CAUTION ADVISED*************
Post by: phavok on November 12, 2018, 10:03:34 AM
News on this project?