Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ClaytonLWils on May 22, 2018, 04:28:58 PM

Title: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ClaytonLWils on May 22, 2018, 04:28:58 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: SuperD007 on May 22, 2018, 04:56:38 PM
People who think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme simply don't understand it and are too lazy to make the effort to understand it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: aardvark15 on May 22, 2018, 05:00:20 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I think it’s because people have a hard time understanding how Bitcoin gets its value. It’s hard to grasp since it is not a tangible thing like gold and not backed by a government.

I like to compare Bitcoin to something like PayPal. PayPal is also not a tangible thing but it has a purpose and we are willing to pay for its services. The same is true for Western Union. The bottom line is that Bitcoin provides a service that gives it value.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bitcub on May 22, 2018, 05:03:12 PM
Because of pyramiding schemes that uses Bitcoin as a registration method. In our country, when you say Bitcoin some people will think Bitcoin as a scam. These mafias ruins the reputation of crypto currency as a whole.
Aside from pyramiding, some mafia's are doing very bad by scamming people thru their fake ICO.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: VitKoyn on May 22, 2018, 05:34:05 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
It is because they don't fully understand what is Bitcoin and how it works and they don't know the definition of ponzi scheme. How can they call it a ponzi scheme if there is no company that is operating it, so who will scam people, none right? ponzi scheme also offers high payouts, so who offers that in Bitcoin? none, because there's really no one obligated to pay you when you invest. It is just that some people are basing their comments on what they've read or heard to other people that also have wrong information. They easily judge anything without having enough knowledge about what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: aces777 on May 22, 2018, 05:42:09 PM
Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme to those who weren't able to get in early into bitcoin. Now they are just spewing their hate on Bitcoin due to them not gaining the huge returns that everyone else who got in early earned. You shouldn't really think about or care about these kind of people as they wont be able to harm bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: crypto002 on May 22, 2018, 06:25:28 PM
I feel those people who say bitcoin as ponzi scheme .They  don't want to adopt blockchain technology. This people dont want to understand what bitcoin ,blockchain and also they just want to earn old fashion way 9 to 5 job.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: stayeduptolate on May 24, 2018, 05:11:25 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
We can’t say anything about the someone’s mentality. There could be even thousands of people who consider bitcoin a scam and doea not believe bitcoin as an asset and sustainable crypto currency and as you are also saying that some people consider bitcoin a Ponzi scheme, I think they called it because of rapid flactuation in the valuation of bitcoin that it get hikes to such a high value so people use to compare it with any chit fund company who use to collect people money then flew away but for them is that bitcoin is an asset a resource which is a boon for the humanity.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Catch-22 on May 24, 2018, 05:22:04 AM
Because they are too lazy to do some research. Most of these kinds of people are from the Third World. Stop wasting your time persuading them to invest in bitcoins. Just let the business news headlines do the convincing.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2018, 05:46:08 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

bitcoin is actuall a huge ponzi scheme

its an it system marketed as money, the losers will reveal themselves soon enough.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: emmybd on May 24, 2018, 05:48:54 AM
Some pundits are saying that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and it wouldn't last long. They are either ignorant about it, or don't want you to earn money. Bitcoin has made a lot of people rich over the past one year or so. It is still the best long-term investment out there.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: PsylockReborn on May 24, 2018, 06:02:21 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This is mainly because there are people who uses bitcoin in there ponzi schemes to scam money. I can't blame those people since they lack knowledge about bitcoin and the blockchain that's why calling it such. Sometimes lack of knowledge into something will make people become skeptic and just talk shit to things that they don't actually know about. I myself talk shit about bitcoin few years back since I don't have any knowledge about the technology thinking that it was just merely a scheme to scam peoples' money but I was wrong and regret that I never invest in bitcoin, it could've made me so much profit.

Because they are too lazy to do some research. Most of these kinds of people are from the Third World. Stop wasting your time persuading them to invest in bitcoins. Just let the business news headlines do the convincing.

I concur. You just have to show them your portfolio and the profits that you've made from crypto and its their loss if they don't believe in you.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Kakmakr on May 24, 2018, 06:30:36 AM
People have been conditioned from a early age, with the saying that says - "If it is too good to believe, then it probably is" and this is echoing in their brains when they analyse Bitcoin.

Here is a digital token that increased in value from $1000 to $19 000 in 1 year. This would have triggered the little red flag with most traditional investors. They will not even do more research when things like this happen, because they just believe in the saying that, "If it is too good to believe, then it probably is"

What do they do next? They label it as a "Ponzi Scheme", because it fits their definition of a Ponzi scheme. If they did a little more research, they would have found that the usual methods to grow a Ponzi scheme is absent, when you look at Bitcoin.

There is no referral bonuses and aggressive marketing for people to buy bitcoins. It is a open market and you are allowed to buy and sell at your leisure. You do not get a higher interest rate , if you invest more money or if you introduce more people to Bitcoin. It is just another digital token that are traded as a commodity and a currency.  ;D

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kier010 on May 24, 2018, 06:42:23 AM
they don't understand it because of lack of knowledge. they believe what they saw in the internet about bitcoin being a ponzi without knowing why. or they are scammed before and the scammer use bitcoin as bait.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2018, 07:21:47 AM
Some pundits are saying that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and it wouldn't last long. They are either ignorant about it, or don't want you to earn money. Bitcoin has made a lot of people rich over the past one year or so. It is still the best long-term investment out there.

all money, all obligations, all contracts, always were and have been ponzi schemes, and always will be those,

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: leoliln45 on May 24, 2018, 10:07:36 AM
Not every investor is experienced and wise. The novice investors make comment based on the price. So if the price is low then they will claim it as Ponzi. I believe this is on account of individuals experience serious difficulties seeing how Bitcoin gets its esteem. It's difficult to get a handle on since it's anything but a substantial thing like gold and not supported by a legislature. Actually this is the talk of novice not the expert. If bit coin is Ponzi scheme then all the coins in the market are super Ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0004 on May 24, 2018, 10:30:20 AM
Thats because most of them have decided not to leave the past behind them and move forward. Thinking that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme is simply based on the fact that they invested so much in ponzi schemes  in the past that failed or went down the drain with no profit or talk less of them seeing  their capital with which they invested with.I advised that they get clear understanding about bitcoin and invest than still leaving in the past.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: BIRC on May 24, 2018, 10:35:11 AM
I must say, some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme just because they don't understand the nature of Bitcoin, or they just want to promote their ponzi schemes so they say Bitcoin is ponzi scheme first.

Some trash ICOs are real ponzi schemes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: xx-man on May 24, 2018, 11:56:06 AM
Some pundits are saying that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and it wouldn't last long. They are either ignorant about it, or don't want you to earn money. Bitcoin has made a lot of people rich over the past one year or so. It is still the best long-term investment out there.

The person who says Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme has no deep knowledge about Bitcoin because I think Bitcoin is a digital asset that must be properly understood to understand how Bitcoin will make your life better for the future.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Cynooza on May 24, 2018, 12:07:41 PM
First of all, pure ignorance and misconception of how bitcoin and blockchain technology works. Secondly, it's hard for some people with conservative thinking to conceive how something not backed by any physically valueable be not a bubble.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Taki on May 24, 2018, 12:13:11 PM
Bitcoin itself is not a ponzi scheme, but some people create ponzi schemes on the base of bitcoin or other crypto currencies. People should to make clear difference between such projects and crypto currency, but unfortunately there are those who blindly follow fast and easy profit, that's why they became an easy victim for such ponzi schemes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Timok Abiodun on May 24, 2018, 01:42:15 PM
It looks like a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme. If I buy bitcoin today, it will be more valuable tomorrow because others have bought it at a higher price. As an existing “investor,” I am benefitting from others getting in. Meanwhile, what I’m actually owning is a bitcoin. Don’t get me wrong, bitcoin is valuable, but it’s not worth $10,000 per coin, or even $1,000 per coin. It’s a currency. It’s not Amazon or Apple stock.

If you bought Apple or Amazon stock early on, then you bought something that had a massive hidden future value, and as that value was revealed, you benefited by investing in it very early, before the value was apparent. Apple and Amazon are companies which generate revenue and profits, and a share in these companies represents ownership in something that is growing.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: BrewMaster on May 24, 2018, 01:44:22 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

you must be a time traveler from back in 2009-2011ish.
these days in 2018 nobody even thinks bitcoin is remotely close to a Ponzi scheme but you! there is no similarity even. why would you even think that?!

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Playmode Kreative on May 24, 2018, 01:45:23 PM
When we talk about Bitcoin, or Ethereum or any other digital coin, for that matter, neither “ponzi” nor “pyramid” are perfectly accurate descriptions for how these systems actually work.

Ponzi schemes, as traditionally run, usually are administered by a central operator (Charles Ponzi, Allen Stanford, Bernie Madoff, Sergei Mavrodi) who is responsible for bringing in new funds and disbursing withdrawals from the scheme in an orderly fashion. These schemes fall apart when demands exceed deposits and the scheme promoter is unable to satisfy investor requests, causing a loss in confidence or a run which first ruins the scheme’s liquidity, which in turn ruins the scheme as a whole (or rather, brings the scheme to its inevitable end, since Ponzi schemes are doomed to die from the moment of their inception – none can expand forever).

Pyramid schemes, by contrast, are more decentralized in character. Each victim of the scheme, to recoup their funds, is required to become a principal in the scheme and recruit further victims, who then pay the principal and earlier principals above him. Not all multi-level schemes that are pyramidal in structure are illegitimate; see, e.g., Avon, which has a genuine product at its core  and employs a legally-sound “direct selling” structure.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Dudeperfect on May 24, 2018, 03:45:38 PM
I am worried not only about the people who believe that it is a Ponzi scheme but also we have a threat from the people who believe that Bitcoin is a get quick rich scheme. The biggest reason behind this misconception is the lack of understanding of what Bitcoin and blockchain are all about. I believe that we will see growth in the maturity over the time.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: johnethearn on May 24, 2018, 03:50:02 PM
Definitely Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme. The people who think Bitcoin to be a ponzi scheme, have misunderstood the scheme and does not primarily has the time to re-evaluate their decisions

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: 1billo on May 24, 2018, 04:06:16 PM
Most people don't know about things but calling everything a scam, they are afraid about.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ariaalex on May 24, 2018, 11:02:18 PM
People who doesn't know about bitcoin properly, they consider it to be ponzi scheme. Bitcoin is a decentralized platform where everything is safe if you're concerned about it.  Bitcoin has never been hacked by someone unless the account password has ben disclosed. It is platform which we can fully trust.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: AlexAtom on May 25, 2018, 04:12:57 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

because they think bitcoin is a hype that same as ponzi scheme.
bitcoin value has been increased every years and makes they doubting it because the significant increment of bitcoin price.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: BitpokerONI on May 25, 2018, 04:20:56 AM
Playing bitcoin requires a lot of luck and computation !!!

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: neerajimittal on May 25, 2018, 04:21:27 AM
Extreme volatility.
Investing in cryptocurrencies involves very high risk, as prices have been extremely volatile. Many experts are sceptical about bitcoin as an investment primarily because there is nothing for them to analyses. Vivek Belgavi, Partner and Fin tech Leader, PwC says, “There isn’t enough of an ecosystem surrounding bitcoins to allow fundamental analysts to study it as an investment. People are therefore investing with imperfect information and joining the herd of speculators.” Since these cryptocurrency prices are not regulated, as more people enter the market lured by the high prices, the prices climb ever higher. This might lead to formation of a bubble that will eventually burst and cause widespread losses.


Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Moiyah on May 25, 2018, 05:28:53 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

At first, they are trying to brag the name of bitcoin to each of their target client. They are explaining the benefits of volatility of btc when the value is at the increasing side but they didn't tell the whole thing they have to know about bitcoin as cryptocurrency. I believe this people who thought about bitcoin as a ponzi scheme didn't have a knowledge what really bitcoin is, and/or what is the truth behind btc. Additionally, they never realized that there is really bitcoin existing even if other people will not use it as networking scheme to promote it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: harrypot on May 25, 2018, 06:09:09 AM
some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme just only because they don't know the properly about the whole crypto currency thing, why they are confused about the thing man, it's simple and easy. it makes me sad.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: AK47- on May 25, 2018, 06:21:54 AM
They have reasons to believe that.
First, it has no intrinsic value. The entire system is working on trust. The price of bitcoin is high because we all have put our trusts into it. If one morning everyone runs away with your money you won't have anyone to catch.
Second, no customer support or help desk. How are people going to trust a system which has no support system?

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: wantjokull on May 25, 2018, 06:24:35 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

If it has made many people rich and they are happy in their life then why do you even believe in those thoughts anyway.

There will always be such people who dont care about the technology or when they fail in their life with some achievements for example getting to know bitcoin and earning it then it could lead to bad impact on their thoughts and thus they start calling it as ponzi stuff and all.

The ideal way to cop up these kind of people is to ignore them and have the bliss.  ;)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: tunapa on May 25, 2018, 06:26:17 AM
Majority of people don't understand the mechanism behind the Bitcoin and they simply don't want to learn. And so they just assume its a ponzi scheme since they can't understand why its growing. Such people will regret missing out on this cryptocurrency revolution. Too many lazy people who doesn't want to learn. Everyone should read , research and learn new things. Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme. If it were to be, it won't have survived 8 years ago.  No ponzi can last up to that.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 25, 2018, 06:33:41 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
It's due to some of the coins that projected their scammy behavior such as bitconnect.

And you know that once the people see something similarity and they'll compare it to each other as the same thing, they'll think of it as one. Bitconnect scammed, others are thinking that bitconnect = bitcoin so it was affected on what bitconnect did.

Another thing is when others doesn't have an idea on what bitcoin, they'll categorized it as scam.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: LogitechMouse on May 25, 2018, 06:51:45 AM
Its because Bitcoin has been used by scammers in numerous ponzi scheme around the world and that makes people treat BTC as a ponzi scheme. Most of us know that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme right?? Its just scammers use bitcoin in different schemes like pyramiding scheme. If we understand how the bitcoin works then we will see that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Glory90 on May 25, 2018, 07:50:33 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
it's because of personal experience, people who have experience in ponzi scheme will be more sensitive and have assumption about any investment that can generate high profits and high risk is Ponzi, sensitive people can easily assume Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme because Bitcoin has no intrinsic value

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: daniel2023 on May 25, 2018, 08:31:51 AM
People think that it is a ponzi because they do not know what it is all about. I never believe Bitcoin so much till a friend of mine that is into it explained to me; what it is and how i can invest there and make money. Now, i am the one spreading the news ot it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Genamant on May 25, 2018, 08:37:42 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

People will always judging everything new as a ponzi and they do not do their own research but just listen to hearsay or haters or people bringing btc price down so they can buy it cheap.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: coinriver on May 25, 2018, 08:43:12 AM
The Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam that promises low risk and high returns. The Ponzi scheme rewards old investors by acquiring new investors. But on the contrary, bitcoin, in fact, many people who have had Bitcoin very early in fact did not receive excessive returns on investment. I know that many people have bought thousands of bitcoins to spend on pizza, mining equipment, and gambling. Sites, video games.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: raidarksword on May 25, 2018, 08:48:46 AM
Those people accusing bitcoin as a ponzi scheme might experienced that they were scammed or something using bitcoin. It's sad to hear that kind of accusation towards bitcoin because personally bitcoin is overly legit to all networking companies or any profit organizations out there.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jops on May 25, 2018, 08:48:53 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
In my own opinion why some people treat btc as ponzi scheme, it is because they don't understand what is bitcoin or they don't have a knowledge on bitcoin. Because if you think if you don't understand what is bitcoin the first thing that will enter on your mind is doubt, because you think how can you earn money through this. they treat btc as scheme because of lack of knowledge.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: tonyvo2017 on May 25, 2018, 08:51:34 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Ponzi model is similar to bank. The creators of the bank are considered a ponzi business model. They take money from depositors and sell other things.
I'm questioning those behind will do with the money of investors. The business owner has been anonymous and we can not know where our money is. I'm pretty worried about this. :-\

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jagaban on May 25, 2018, 09:16:43 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This is because many ponzi schemes accept bitcoin as a mode of deposit and withdrawal. Because many people don't understand Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency on its own they relate it to be a ponzi scheme. This people are ignorant and too lazy to do any research. Pay no attention to them.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Reza1893 on May 25, 2018, 09:27:01 AM
maybe they know bitcoin through it, so they have strong thoughts related to ponzi scheme on bitcoin. And say it to the nearest person and become a belief. I will not question that, because it's none of my business.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ondabeat on May 25, 2018, 10:07:41 AM
Novice investors make comments based on price. So if the price is low then they will claim it as Ponzi. I believe this is because people have serious difficulties seeing how Bitcoin got the award.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bristlefront on May 25, 2018, 10:11:36 AM
It is because they have entered a wrong investment platform by the use of bitcoin as investment. Stay away from a fixed, too good to be true bitcoin interest. Bitcoin investment is unpredictable and it depends on its price and demand and not on the amount you have invest in the wrong company. Most ponzi are the cloud mining you see in the surface web, don't believe those and stay away.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: richminded on May 25, 2018, 10:12:15 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

People will always judging everything new as a ponzi and they do not do their own research but just listen to hearsay or haters or people bringing btc price down so they can buy it cheap.

Two things, they actually don't know bitcoin and or they are just forced to invest by someone without introducing bitcoin to them. This cannot be stopped because people wants easy money and they think if someone offer a thing like this, they can easily make money. If you really want to invest on bitcoin you should make effort on studying this thing and don't depend your decision to someone you don't fully know.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: laiya94 on May 25, 2018, 10:15:36 AM
People will say bitcoin is a ponzi sheme because they can't understand the market and blockchain technology and there are so many ponzi sheme sites that accept bitcoin payments so peoples look from outside and they decide not to deal with bitcoins. Actually loose minds.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: menoharrison on May 25, 2018, 11:30:14 AM
People who think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme simply don't understand it and are too lazy to make the effort to understand it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: neya on May 25, 2018, 11:37:28 AM
Others treat bitcoin as ponzi  scheme because they dont search study about bitcoin first before they invest.lack of knowledge is one of the reason.they jist want to earn but necwr tried to learn.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Reza1893 on May 25, 2018, 01:37:57 PM
Others treat bitcoin as ponzi  scheme because they dont search study about bitcoin first before they invest.lack of knowledge is one of the reason.they jist want to earn but necwr tried to learn.
Yes sir.. most people just listen to rumors and do not have a strong desire to read or find out the truth itself. this is the biggest mistake.
as well as the number of MLM and ponzi systems that use bitcoin or blockchain to attract people getting popular right now. and finally, make the name of bitcoin and blockchain become dirty.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: aimman on May 25, 2018, 01:59:22 PM
Well, imo its normal human reaction on anything new, kinda self-protecting reflex. And it may serve as shield sometimes.
Just think about it: imagine yourself a world, where people accept each idea and theory without doubts and differentiation. That naïve world won’t survive long.
At the other hand it is actually pity that people aren’t ready to accept the fact that cryptocurrency is real and profitable.
It illustrates that some ppl just too afraid of new technologies or too lazy to educate themselves and learn how to differentiate the truth from scam.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: rogerjordan07 on May 25, 2018, 04:52:16 PM
Bitcoin is the leader of crypto market. Peoples are investing on bitcoin and day by day its popularity also increasing. Some peoples are can’t take this in a positive way that’s why i think they are the treat for BTC. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: AlekSandRAx on May 25, 2018, 06:18:56 PM
Why people feel the need to ask questions like this in a new post? Ignorance is a bliss, or a curse. Depends who you ask.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: charlotte04 on May 25, 2018, 06:20:07 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Because maybe people tend not to believe on money making in an easy way, but it I were they I would try to research and study it well.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: layoutph on May 25, 2018, 06:31:45 PM
Because Bitcoin is decentralized, and anonymous , this coin is very attractive to web bandits and online thieves. Just take a look, there are so many ponzi sites that requires Bitcoin to make you join their scam. Victims often think that Bitcoin that way. Curse to them who promote scam to ruin Bitcoin.

I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jakebell on May 25, 2018, 07:31:35 PM
Every investor doesn’t have the proper knowledge about crypto currency. The novice investors make comment based on the price. So if the price is low then they will claim it as Ponzi. I believe this is on account of individuals experience serious difficulties seeing how Bitcoin gets its esteem. It's difficult to get a handle on since it's anything but a substantial thing like gold and not supported by a legislature. Actually this is the talk of novice not the expert. If bit coin is Ponzi scheme then all the coins in the market are super Ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: dancingnancy on May 25, 2018, 07:57:50 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Unawareness is the major issue here. People mostly act
Without having enough knowledge which is the major reason for the widespread hatred towards btc which people believe will lead to loss of money of one indulges in the trading with crypto. Education is one of the ways to solve this issue.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: thend1949 on May 25, 2018, 08:36:22 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

People will always judging everything new as a ponzi and they do not do their own research but just listen to hearsay or haters or people bringing btc price down so they can buy it cheap.

Two things, they actually don't know bitcoin and or they are just forced to invest by someone without introducing bitcoin to them. This cannot be stopped because people wants easy money and they think if someone offer a thing like this, they can easily make money. If you really want to invest on bitcoin you should make effort on studying this thing and don't depend your decision to someone you don't fully know.
Different opinions, increasing controversies, lack of knowledge and more are the agitating factors that can change the mindset of the people and think that Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, and these can't be controlled. To reduce the level of misconceptions I think what we can do is to spread good information about Bitcoin, positive news, success stories, and share it to others in a positive manner.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Mujensirio on May 25, 2018, 09:05:25 PM
because it can be a bubble

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Tylev on May 25, 2018, 09:27:13 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
The Ponzi scheme is a financial pyramid, in which each subsequent participant makes contributions and allows earning the previous one. Ultimately, the last members of this community cease to make their contributions and the entire pyramid collapses. Bitcoin has never been and will not be a financial pyramid, but it has its own problems with the bubble. Many people, wanting to get superprofits by sharply increasing the cost of bitcoin, invest in it and therefore it grows in price. However, at large price values, bitcoin may fall sharply in price due to a possible panic among investors, if negative information appears and the nervous will start selling their bitcoins. In this very large risk of investing in bitcoin, when it very much rises in price.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: markleal on May 25, 2018, 09:45:57 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Hi there ClaytonLWils! The just not think of it as a ponzi, there are true company who use bitcoin as ponzi. What just happened is the bad things seems truthful than the real thing. That is a human instinct, even a good person who dedicated his live for years of good doing, if even for a day of wrong action. People will eventually judge him as a bad person. The same thing happened to bitcoin. But the truth is, most of the transaction in the early days of bitcoin fall under illegal activities, and there are a lot of company who took advantage of it to earn more by conducting illegal schemes. 

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: daniel2023 on May 25, 2018, 09:48:37 PM
People think that it is a ponzi because they do not know what it is all about. I never believe that Bitcoin real till a friend of mine that is into it explained to me; what it is and how i can invest there and make money. Now, i am the one spreading the news of it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpespa on May 25, 2018, 09:57:53 PM
Because people always think that earning easy money on bitcoin is not possible so they close their mind and conclude that bitcoin is a ponzi while in fact bitcoin was just used as a currency by the ponzi creator.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: zolfa on May 25, 2018, 09:58:55 PM
yes, that's because every people different to understand bitcoin, even fools who do not understand bitcoin also talk about bitcoin, so I think the stupid better keep quiet. so that does not cause ambiguous understanding.

and I think some books created by crypto world figure about bitcoin, can be literature to understand bitcoin. because if it is wrong to interpret bitcoin, then bitcoin will be considered a threat.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Daboy_Lyle on May 25, 2018, 10:06:44 PM
They treated btc as ponzi scheme because they're just careful and wants to avoid scam.
What is ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator provides fabricated reports and generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on May 25, 2018, 10:10:06 PM
Because people always think that earning easy money on bitcoin is not possible so they close their mind and conclude that bitcoin is a ponzi while in fact bitcoin was just used as a currency by the ponzi creator.

They probably think this is a scam simply because the news always make it public when its all about scam and people think bitcoin is a whole investment scheme that can make their money lose. We can still share our knowledge about cryptocurrency so people will come and believe that bitcoin is a good investment.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Jay Jay crypto on May 25, 2018, 10:23:56 PM
Some people .has blasted bitcoin as a "gigantic ponzi scheme" commonly used for the funding of terrorism and promised Labour would regulate cryptocurrencies if elected.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: badakjawa on May 25, 2018, 10:34:54 PM
this is an old topic, question about ponzi appear after the ICO Ponzi like onechain. so, every member asking about Ponzi, do you know MMM business?
I think that pozi scheme like MMM system. but bitcoin is not ponzi. bitcoin follows the crypto market kurs.

I'm afraid if there are still many people who see that bitcoin is ponzi, then it will have a bad impact on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ladydark on May 25, 2018, 10:41:04 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Some even think it as a pyramid scheme too because they actually don't know about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Goodday on May 26, 2018, 10:20:44 AM
Bitcoin is a digital asset instead of a ponzi scheme and not a different scam with a ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment designed to separate investors.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: weiweianll on May 26, 2018, 10:28:31 AM
Because people who do not understand BTC only saw the high profits of BTC!
They can't understand blockchain and cryptocurrency! They are not evil, nor are they enemies. They are just ignorant and short-sighted.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: njmulhsn on May 26, 2018, 11:27:52 AM
The reason for people to believe in bitcoin being a ponzi is the volatile nature. Its up one minute and the next minute it is on an steep downward slope. In simple they have no insight into whats happening around.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: nicksnn on May 26, 2018, 01:08:02 PM
they did not understand the blockade and the crypto currency and are angry when others make money on it, but they do not

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: shampapk1988 on May 28, 2018, 10:01:21 PM
I think these people without knowing much about bitcoin invest into bitcoin and then trade like fools and lose their money. Then they say that bitcoin in s ponzi scheme. I will tell everyone to do thorough research on bitcoin before investing into it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: joebrook on May 28, 2018, 10:06:51 PM
The reason for people to believe in bitcoin being a ponzi is the volatile nature. Its up one minute and the next minute it is on an steep downward slope. In simple they have no insight into whats happening around.
Though they are wrong it seems there is a little truth to it. People invest when the value is low and they wait for others to invest again and the price starts to go up and they immediately sell to the extent that it goes downhill and then they start tuto whole thing again.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: 13risingforce on May 29, 2018, 02:11:00 AM
It seems because bitcoin is too anonymous but has a very high value. One speculates in such a way that one is that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: dragoz11 on May 29, 2018, 02:15:19 AM
they compare btc with ponzi scheme because when new comers invest in market there are new buy orders and new money flow, so the holders on top who have bought earlier get so much revenues from new comers. It may have some characteristics of ponzi but it is obvious that this is not ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: yusupjatigumilar on May 29, 2018, 02:23:51 AM
because there are some irresponsible people pretending to do business with bitcoin capital, and usually every time we invite our friends to follow the business we will be given referral bonus, and this continues, each member must find new members to get bonuses, this is of course very profitable for members who have already registered in advance for a profit without having to work...

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: hakertajniak on May 29, 2018, 06:23:15 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

maybe because some peoples think joining bitcoin later won't give you good earnings, but the earlier you join, the more you will get.
but fortunately, bitcoin is not like that. anytime you join to bitcoin and cryptocurrency, you will have the same opportunity to earn incomes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Satin Chan on May 29, 2018, 06:27:01 AM
Because they don't wanna accept the world is changing right now.
The paper currency is going to vanish one day and they can't deal with that.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: lamcouz on May 29, 2018, 06:28:45 AM
I think the bitcoin's future is great and it will be even more popular that it is today. I hope it will overcome those difficulties that it has today with the regulations and legalization and will be accepted internationally at some point.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jademacoy on May 29, 2018, 06:42:47 AM
Because these people are not like us the way they think on cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency for them could be a disastrous especially if it will end without prior notice. However, it could never happen because people around the world are believing on cryptocurrency day by day. Even the known celebrity and politicians or owners of big business had already acknowledge the presence of cryptocurrency. And of course i am one of the cryptocurrency believer. No fast and easy money as they think and that include cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Remainder on May 29, 2018, 07:32:42 AM
People treat bitcoin as ponzi scheme because they really don't know about bitcoin and how it's really works and that's the people who don't embrace change in currencies, the oldies people, but for us who is now earning bitcoin it is the future of money and opportunity for us to chance our life.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: TomUyamot on May 29, 2018, 07:36:46 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Some people treat Bitcoin as a ponzi scheme because they do not understand Bitcoin at all. What they only know is that the value of Bitcoin is growing big time. From this observation, they immediately jump into the conclusion that since the price is increasing and the number of investors are also equally increasing, the gain of Bitcoin's price is taken from the money that is paid by the new investors. This indeed looks like a ponzi scheme to someone who does not want to understand more.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: rachelia13 on May 29, 2018, 12:52:05 PM
I think some people treat bitcoin as a ponzi scheme because they do not understand about bitcoin and how it works, so spreading the news that will lead to misperceptions, especially from the bank because they may be worried that people will move to cryptocurrency all, and leaving the conventional bank due to the crypto price that always rise up.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: adifariz on May 29, 2018, 01:03:37 PM
for those who can not get in early to bitcoin. Now they are just spewing their hatred on Bitcoin because they do not get the big profit that everyone earns an early income. You do not have to really think or care about these kind of people because they will not be able to harm the bitcoin. to collect people's money then fly but for them is that bitcoin is a resource asset that is a gift to humanity.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: arkawa040 on May 29, 2018, 05:37:06 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
it's very simple bro people are not used to think for some theoretical image they are much all perceive physically, they do not believe because they think that bitcoin can not be spent, every day I ask people how I withdraw money from my ETH wallet, and when I explain the process they still do not believe me! so people say that luck is on the side of the strong, all who will experience the new world they love bankrupt or a millionaire!!!

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: badjoke on May 29, 2018, 05:56:44 PM
it is all about the "perspective" . If you want to see bitcoin as ponzi you can see easily but if you want to see bitcoin as the future also you can see easily , that is why .

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Mr.Dick on May 29, 2018, 06:01:59 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

maybe because there were/are many ponzi schemes based on bitcoin payouts... so people relate to it after getting told from a friend who somehow entered into btc and it ended upo beeing a ponzi scam..

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: TommyJr on May 29, 2018, 06:03:04 PM
First of all they don't understand bitcoin and they feel jealousy.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: supermine on May 29, 2018, 06:11:20 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

maybe because there were/are many ponzi schemes based on bitcoin payouts... so people relate to it after getting told from a friend who somehow entered into btc and it ended upo beeing a ponzi scam..
Just rumors made them in this way because they really don't have any idea about what is bitcoin they just keep repeating the words heard from other people.Ponzi scheme means if we invest on something the site will give returns in a fixed percentage but in bitcoin no one is giving the money to us if we are smart enough we can make money from bitcoin investments.So it takes time for the people to understand what is bitcoin but the who knows the potential earlier will get more advantage.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Jimmymoriarty on May 30, 2018, 04:16:19 PM
Because either they have no proper understanding about this mechanism and how it works or that they have a bad experience with this coin. This bad experience could be not gaining any profits and as a result, they lose faith in the coin. This leads them to believing that the coin is a Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: imteaz on May 30, 2018, 04:32:38 PM
Because people do not understand how bitcoin works, as last decades people made off lots of money of Ponzi scheme hence they believe it is one of them without study or research. I talked to a couple of people who heard about bitcoin but they afraid to invest as they think it is kind of online ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: castellodocet on May 30, 2018, 04:57:27 PM
Simply because people doesn't even try to understant how it works something that they don't know. Somebody once said that cryptos are a Ponzi scheme, and now that voice is all over the web. Some medias are happy about that and doesn't do anything to clarify that concept

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: 9emb3lelit3 on May 30, 2018, 05:07:34 PM
Bitcoin is a Digital Asset, not a ponzi scheme and not a fraud! often news that is spread from people who do not understand, or understand) about Bitcoin will certainly cause a misperception, or maybe that is something else outside Bitcoin, but stuck in Bitcoin, but it is not true, because that is not necessarily him know very well about Bitcoin, even though there are frills from the bank, this expert, this graduate, this expert, and so on. Though never plunged into Bitcoin and do not understand how it works, so if you just use the bitcoin situation that is booming. (If from the bank certainly most say not support, because this is indeed the real bank rival).
With the existence of Bitcoin is expected to create a financial order more transparent, cheaper, faster, and free from elements of manipulation and conspiracy, and the existence of Bitcoin will be self-confidence in the financial economy and will also create a comfort and security more well again in our future.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: xiboothrezi on May 30, 2018, 05:20:55 PM
they compare btc with ponzi scheme because when new comers invest in market there are new buy orders and new money flow, so the holders on top who have bought earlier get so much revenues from new comers. It may have some characteristics of ponzi but it is obvious that this is not ponzi.
Actually the most basic reason because bitcoin is a very new technology. So some people make various speculations about Bitcoin without understanding the real situation. Another reason is the presence of certain parties who want to block the development of bitcoin so spread the issue and fud. This is not a ponzi system, the bitcoin price movement is wholly influenced by demand and supply.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Slipingbed on May 30, 2018, 05:21:47 PM
Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme to those who weren't able to get in early into bitcoin. Now they are just spewing their hate on Bitcoin due to them not gaining the huge returns that everyone else who got in early earned. You shouldn't really think about or care about these kind of people as they wont be able to harm bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: taeewo on May 30, 2018, 05:23:23 PM
Its because of the volatility nature of it and that how ponzi scheme work which you can loose or gain..

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mrtryonebiggums on May 30, 2018, 05:27:11 PM
Because they don't understand the technology and look at the fact that early investors are getting richer as more people join. Yes that is an aspect of ponzi schemes but you also have to look at what the technology is offering. If Bitcoin gave money to previous investors with new investors money then yes that is a ponzi scheme, but it is radically different from this and anybody with a basic understanding of Bitcoin knows that.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: gaurav82 on May 30, 2018, 05:54:28 PM
I think people using traditional type of currency. And this is new type of currency so its hard to believe on it.
It multiple the money of investors. Any currency never do it. So it treat like bubble which growth till a rate and after it will rip up. There are many scheme has come in market. Which given good return and after it was fraud. People treat Bitcoin also cheat like other schemes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: komisan on June 03, 2018, 05:43:02 AM
Probably those people think bitcoin is not an investment you can see as one if the characteristics of ponzi scheme.
They think the money of those that are just joining the investment are used to pay outrageous fees to the older investors.
However, with these and other reasons, these people do not understand the technology behind bitcoin.  They have forgotten that it is not being controlled by anybody unlike ponzi where some people will be somewhere and swindle people. Bitcoin is entirely different from ponzi scheme

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Swanh on June 03, 2018, 06:56:44 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
It is because some people they don't understand what is bitcoin and definition of ponzi scheme  and some are basing their comments on what they have read or heard to other people that also  have wrong information.They easily judge anything without having enough knowledge what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: paruru123 on June 03, 2018, 06:58:53 AM

People who think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme simply don't understand how it works.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: goldenmistletoes on June 03, 2018, 07:01:08 AM
Because they dont really know what it is. A lot of people have a very limited knowledge about bitcoin. They dont really know its true nature and how it works thats why they think of it as a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: shadyrifles on June 03, 2018, 07:07:34 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Bitcoin is opposite of Ponzi/pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme generates its income from new investors and it is a fraudulent investing scam that promises a high rate of returns. Some people believe Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme because they don't have enough information and knowledge about both Bitcoin and Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Heopu on June 03, 2018, 07:32:19 AM
Some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme probably do not know much about bitcoin and not yet enriched from bitcoin. If they learn and invest profitably from bitcoin they will probably have other thoughts.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Shreek on June 03, 2018, 07:33:51 AM
they just read from the media media, then they improvised to incite the humans not to participate in the community cryptocurrency
this is usually the act of a central bank that does not want its position in place of technology

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Sampson7 on June 03, 2018, 07:40:02 AM
As a result of pyramiding plans that utilizations Bitcoin as an enlistment strategy. In our nation, when you say Bitcoin a few people will think Bitcoin as a trick. These mafias ruins the notoriety of digital money all in all.

Beside pyramiding, some mafia's are doing terrible by misleading individuals through their phony ICO.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: zhanyiguai261315 on June 03, 2018, 07:51:58 AM
The high rate of return of BTC is easy to cause misunderstanding!

Those who know nothing about the BTC will use the ponzi scheme to explain the high profit of BTC!

When you understand the technology behind bitcoin and why it was invented, it's actually the opposite of a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Taronet-division on June 03, 2018, 08:35:29 AM
initially many beginners come to bitcoin to invest without knowing other bitcoin functions, so many people who take advantage of it without being responsible

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: elachious123 on June 03, 2018, 08:38:54 AM
I think is a wrong assumptions that bitcoin is a ponzi, bitcoin exist on a decentralized platform while ponzi is controlled by some individuals

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kidoseagle0312 on June 03, 2018, 11:47:20 AM
A ponzi scheme has a intricate system and Bitcoin clearly stated that it uses blockchain technology and is a digital currency. Maybe some crossed their minds that Bitcoin "can" be a ponzi scheme but I think if you know about Bitcoin and how it works, you won't think it that way. Bitcoin is very far from being a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ambisyon on June 03, 2018, 12:20:23 PM
I believe in btc as much as every member of this community and regarding to the thread, I guess these people are not very familiar about bitcoin and just making conclusions without proper research. I personally believe btc is not a ponzi scheme as this cryptocurrency has already proven it's worth in the crypto market wherein it had even reached it's highest price value reaching nearly $20K USD in the last Q4 of 2017.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Denies on June 03, 2018, 12:32:40 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

international news and television media plays an important role in errors that deliberately spread by agency agencies in each country. and it's very effective. a lot of proof, as you say is one proof why many people think that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kulikovar on June 03, 2018, 12:34:16 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This is because they do not give time to do research about bitcoins. They simply make conclusions based on the past experiences where people got ruined with such ponzi schemes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: francesyrus on June 03, 2018, 12:35:18 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Some people think bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme because of some scammer that make use of bitcoin as instrument to scam others through investment. There are also some websites that promises to double your bitcoin, yes they double your bitcoin at first but suddenly when more people invest especially huge amount it will disappear.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Juggy777 on June 03, 2018, 12:37:10 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

To explain this simply see the movie X men there's a scene where one of the X men asks why are we feared, we're not doing any harm, we're humans to, and the answer is that people will always be afraid of what they don't understand. Same rule is applied for bitcoins people treat it as ponzi as they fail to understand it, and the negative media and fud only assist this notion.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ngano ba on June 03, 2018, 01:08:29 PM
Some other people treat BTC as ponzi scheme, 
P but they are mistaken, because in ponzi scheme, the older investor are given the profits from which it is get from the new investors, the management of ponzi thus make some fabricated reports about the scheme, but bitcoin is different when you invest, you are the one who will manage your account on how you grow your investments.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: fernando48 on June 03, 2018, 06:48:03 PM
These people do not take into account such a process as mining. Bitcoin can not be considered a ponzi scheme because it requires huge resources for its production

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: hitrawal91 on June 03, 2018, 08:08:51 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

It is all because of their fear of losing their investment or fear of losing their coins. There are mmany schemes out right their in the market but to predict which one is good and which one is bad is the real deal and many people get stuck in some scam and because of this bad experience they used to fear investing in BTC and other altcoins and treat each and every coin as ponzi scheme. Even some of my friends used to tell me that BTC and crypto are ponzi schemes but i neven heard their sayings.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bakekang on June 03, 2018, 08:35:20 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Because they thought bitcoin is a bubble. Anytime bitcoin will instantly fall and will vanish. But believe in yourself, trust your actions, then if you in bitcoin then go.  Dont believe it is a ponzi scheme.
You also said many paople made them rich, but there is some people too lost their money in investing in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: apolonio on June 03, 2018, 09:30:04 PM
Some people treat bitcoin  a ponzi scheme because they dont know about bitcoin. They regret not knowing it earlier and they cant believe that its value will become this high thats why some people think it was not true and bitcoin will die anytime.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mahibul49 on June 03, 2018, 09:34:25 PM
people who doesnt have any knowledge about bitcoin and its technology those are just telling btc ponji and after they realize what is bitcoin.they say bitcoin is real and an asset.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: eloymjb on June 03, 2018, 10:07:04 PM
 people who treat bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, is those people who doesnt have any knowledge about bitcoin and doesnt believe. and aside of doesnt have any knowledge, i think those people who treat btc as a ponzi scheme is those people who have fear by losing money.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Ilegendph on June 04, 2018, 04:27:14 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I think it’s because people have a hard time understanding how Bitcoin gets its value. It’s hard to grasp since it is not a tangible thing like gold and not backed by a government.

I like to compare Bitcoin to something like PayPal. PayPal is also not a tangible thing but it has a purpose and we are willing to pay for its services. The same is true for Western Union. The bottom line is that Bitcoin provides a service that gives it value.

Most of the time people are scared of something about investments. Specially, cryptocurrencies are not endorsed by the government in some countries and in others they even ban the usage and right to own.

Anonther reason is the false and half true advertisement of bitcoin and other cryprocurrencies. There are people that are keep telling that if they buy bitcoin their money would get doubled noy knowing the risk they are entering because they are promised yo wait until sometime it will grow. Its just like any other ponzi schemes.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: zanezane on June 04, 2018, 04:56:54 AM
People are using bitcoin's fame to scam people and the victims will think that bitcoin is scam when the fact the people behind it are the one. So when you don't really know bitcoin you'll get afraid to invest and you'll regretting for thinking that way and not taking the opportunity to invest.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jonaire99 on June 04, 2018, 05:01:25 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Those people who believe that bitcoin is also ponzi scheme need to educate themselves to understand what cryptocurrency is all about. Bitcoin is often used by some individual or groups to lure people in their online investment schemes which later turns to scam. People should always make their own research before making a conclusion or before joining any investment schemes to avoid being scammed in the future.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ngacengan on June 04, 2018, 05:12:37 AM
yes you are right ponzi schemes can indeed make you become rich but in my opinion it is a way to make money that is not good because ponzi scheme is detrimental to the longest person enter and benefit first person enter.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: fly99 on June 04, 2018, 07:48:14 AM
They do not understand Bitcoin. They always see the media's negative reports on Bitcoin. They are blinded by those negative reports.
There is a famous saying that truth is always in the hands of a few people! ;)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jcarlo on June 04, 2018, 08:25:26 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Maybe they just dont know how bitcoin work. They think bitcoin is ponzi scheme because bitcoin dont have back up from government or any authorities. Bitcoin is not ponzi scheme because right now many financial institution start to involve in cryptomarket

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: befriendmywater on June 04, 2018, 08:28:32 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
People consider the BTC to be a ponzi scheme because it is a business that attracts money from investors and hidden business strategies. At the bank, they will send interest to the investors and make them support the bank longer.
Bitcoin is completely different, investors are buying Bitcoin and not receiving dividends! So people think this is a ponzi scheme. ;D

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: IndigoRed on June 05, 2018, 01:26:56 AM
Those who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme are clearly misinformed. A Ponzi scheme is defined as a fraudulent investing scam that promises high rates of return with little risk to investors. That definition alone differentiates bitcoin. Bitcoin is a software. It does not generate returns. Bitcoin is fueled by scarcity  and demand. This demand is not forced on others. And also, those who are new to bitcoin don’t need to make payments to the older users with their new money.
Perhaps they’re connecting the two, because people can get rich from both.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bigblackdeck45 on June 05, 2018, 01:31:30 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
People who think bitcoin is a whole scheme or a big scam are either misinformed or have little understanding how bitcoin works. Thanks to fake news and rumors people immediately judge and conclude that bitcoin is a scam without even bothering checking it. But it is their loss not ours, while we enjoy all the perks bitcoin has given us they are just out there hating without any credible reason.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: MrCrank on June 05, 2018, 01:31:45 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This is wrong opinion. Bitcoin is not ponzi.
Many people think it because they don't know basic of cryptocurrency market.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Arkham Knight on June 05, 2018, 02:48:43 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

A ponzi is where  a perpetrator lie to investors that they could get a huge amount of profit easily. And bitcoin is very different from that because it's a technology and also a specualtive investment but it was clear that there is risk there where you can go rich or go broke.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: thirdkiller on June 05, 2018, 12:47:40 PM
people do not know how to and do not want to wait, they want everything at once, and this does not happen, it's life in a cruel world

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Lhaine on June 05, 2018, 12:57:08 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This is wrong opinion. Bitcoin is not ponzi.
Many people think it because they don't know basic of cryptocurrency market.

Maybe other people think bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme because others will make a Ponzi scheme by using the name of bitcoin, that's why we need to be careful every time we invest our money, make sure that you invest in real bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: fulled on June 05, 2018, 02:28:40 PM
i think people tell bitcoin as a ponzi because many website offering fast ROI if investing their money using bitcoin, and also because of bitconnect exit scam last year make people assuming bitcoin is a ponzi scheme

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Enijesiku Sulaimom on June 05, 2018, 03:34:30 PM
This is due to the fact that most people did not av fundamental knowledge of bitcoin and the trade ability of bitcoin as a future currency in that sense they miss bitcoin with ponze scheme

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0005 on June 05, 2018, 04:25:26 PM
Poverty of the mind, they have just refused to learn and to  keep themselves updated with the current happenings around them.Or maybe must have been involved in different kind of ponzi scheme that made no or less returns for them so they tag bitcoin as been same.Well i hope they learn early enough to start investing and stop leaving in the past.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Glorypaasa on June 05, 2018, 04:39:52 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Because they don't have enough knowledge what is the true purpose of bitcoin and there are many scammers out there that used bitcoin to scam people so the they think bitcoin is a form of scam too so we cannot blame them on what they believe but if they realize and truly understand bitcoin I think they will change their mind.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0004 on June 05, 2018, 04:55:00 PM
Inability to learn and make research about bitcoin if only the know the benefits of bitcoin they would be on the front line making investments they need to get up and do whats right and thats investing

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: gabbie2010 on June 05, 2018, 05:21:33 PM
People treats btc as a ponzi scheme because of the instability in the price, imagine showing the price of btc to a newbie in a wallet e.g $100 suddenly the price jumped to $180 in less than 24 hours obviously no amount of explanation will convince a newbie that it is not a ponzi scheme due to the unfamiliarity with how btc works.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: removebeforeflight on June 05, 2018, 05:24:28 PM
People treat BTC as ponzi scheme are mad people I think since they don't know anything about BTC and just like that they spread negativity about it. Mad people always hears what others say and don't have their own brain to think so they say BTC is a ponzi scheme or spread some other rumors as well.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: 1billo on June 07, 2018, 02:01:11 AM
Calling Bitcoin a scam is very narrow-minded. Why would Bitcoin be a scam? I don't know any reasons...

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: PX-Z on June 07, 2018, 03:36:15 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Because those people simply don't understand what really bitcoin is, they don't actually know what is the true purpose of bitcoin in our lives on how it works and how to do with it. But if they would try to open there minds on cryptocurrency specially in bitcoin they will realize the true worth of this thing.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: dorofee on June 07, 2018, 03:50:23 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This happens when someone has not done his research about bitcoins. They are blindly following the FUD they hear from media or bitcoin haters.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: laiya94 on June 07, 2018, 03:57:53 AM
Because majority of people do not know bitcoins and there are some ponzi schemes which accepts bitcoin payments, so newbies will consider bitcoin as a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: akishang on June 07, 2018, 04:05:53 AM
In our country, bitcoin created a stigma of being used as "ponzi scheme" to scam people. A lot of them popped out recently and its destroying the image of bitcoin. The media were just making things worst by just reporting what happened and not explaining what bitcoin really is. Also, social media platforms are one of the factors, they just believe what they saw on their news feed without even reading the whole story.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: sorokinpo on June 07, 2018, 04:55:21 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Those people are simply bitcoins haters and they need different excuses. Most of them are people who could not invest in bitcoins in early stages and are thus jealous of others.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Al-Geron on June 07, 2018, 05:18:42 AM
I think every human being is free to assume, when saying bitcoin is a fonzy system, and we also have the right to think GETTING, it is important we work and feel the results, and not harm any party, okay ;)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Serious475 on June 07, 2018, 05:44:43 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

People think Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme because the old investors gain money from new investors. For me, it is not a ponzi scheme because there is no one controlling the money gained from the investors. No one or even satoshi nakamoto gains and escape the money that was earned. Bitcoin didn't promised that you will earn money but due to the law of demand and supply many people are gaining money in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: S.R Rikto on June 07, 2018, 05:47:10 AM
I think. Those who think that Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, they just do not understand and do not get too lazy to try to understand it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: voron84-05 on June 07, 2018, 06:15:58 AM
Everything is quite simple, people see it from the side as ordinary users get huge profits in a short period of time, without doing a lot of work and this does not seem to fit in with their ideas about earnings. Further they find the simplest explanation of such a profit - this is a pyramid. As a rule, such people live in their closed world and find the simplest explanations for complex things.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Olalomi on June 07, 2018, 06:39:19 AM
Many people perception of bitcoin as a ponzi scheme is because there lack of knowledge and instability in the price i.e high volatility in the price, 0.05 btc might increase to 0.06btc in the next 24 hours which might looks odd and confusing to a newbie but a learnt fellow in the world of cryptos will know how btc operates and wouldn't regard btc as a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: haocoin on June 07, 2018, 06:45:09 AM
Because those people did not try to understand bitcoin,
They will only think that this is a scam. Just bring someone to the cryptocurrency and they will have money.
The cryptocurrency market is not like this

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: angchosenone on June 07, 2018, 06:52:34 AM
It is because they don't fully understand what is Bitcoin and how it works and they don't know the definition of ponzi scheme. How can they call it a ponzi scheme if there is no company that is operating it, so who will scam people, none right? ponzi scheme also offers high payouts, so who offers that in Bitcoin? none, because there's really no one obligated to pay you when you invest. It is just that some people are basing their comments on what they've read or heard to other people that also have wrong information. They easily judge anything without having enough knowledge about what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: retnoanjani on June 07, 2018, 06:56:43 AM
It is because they don't fully understand what is Bitcoin and how it works and they don't know the definition of ponzi scheme. How can they call it a ponzi scheme if there is no company that is operating it, so who will scam people, none right? ponzi scheme also offers high payouts, so who offers that in Bitcoin? none, because there's really no one obligated to pay you when you invest. It is just that some people are basing their comments on what they've read or heard to other people that also have wrong information. They easily judge anything without having enough knowledge about what they are talking about.
In addition, the rise in bitcoin prices is quite high. So many suspects that it is due to ponzy or bubble scheme. You are right, it is based on the lack of understanding of bitcoin, if they want to learn it will get enlightenment that price movements really depend on market interest, namely the amount of supply and demand.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: letzdodiz on June 07, 2018, 07:05:37 AM
Each financial specialist doesn't have the correct information about digital money. The beginner financial specialists make remark in view of the cost. So if the cost is low then they will guarantee it as Ponzi. I trust this is because of people encounter genuine challenges perceiving how Bitcoin gets its regard. It's hard to understand since it's definitely not a considerable thing like gold and not bolstered by an assembly. In reality this is the discussion of fledgling not the master. In the event that bit coin is Ponzi plot then every one of the coins in the market are super Ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: carles enck3 on June 07, 2018, 07:09:51 AM
Because they are lack of knowledge, they can't make different between bitcoin and ponzi scheme, actually they don't want to know about bitcoin deeper.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: walemil on June 07, 2018, 07:18:14 AM
Ignorance is a major factor that can make anyone to ascribe a wrong classification to anything. People are just too lazy and unwilling to engage themselves in any research, no matter how little. If you have to call bitcoin a ponzi scheme, then you must have valid reason for doing so. The sooner you do the better you discover what you have missed for not joining cryptocurrency early enough.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: CAPTEZECC on June 07, 2018, 07:24:56 AM
One of the reasons people see bitcoin as ponzi is because of its decentralized nature and the way it makes people rich quickly. Again government are not really in support of it so because of that people think there is something not clear about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: a2offrb on June 07, 2018, 07:26:43 AM
Ignorance is the worst disease. Most of these people are quite stacked illiterates with respect to Bitcoin whether they are educated or not, since they cared less to make findings or researches into what exactly is this Bitcoin and its mode of operation cum its effect on the economy. But yet, they can perceive the Bitcoin Users to be doing good with respected integrity. I feel illiteracy mostly due to negligence or ignorance cum FUDs which is a major barrier are the causes behind these people terming Bitcoin to be Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mrben77 on June 07, 2018, 08:00:25 AM
Because they are in the possession of a large number of people around the world. They became money thanks to tradition, brutal experience and countless exchanges on a voluntary basis.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Cryptogid on June 07, 2018, 08:12:01 AM
People treat BTC as ponzi scheme because they are yet to understand the way it works, and also because of its decentralized nature and the way it makes people rich quickly. if only they can come to understand how it works then we are good. We will keep going

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: tabas on June 07, 2018, 08:13:46 AM
The internet is polluted with various money making software's and investments so people are already considering anything that comes out to be a ponzi.
They don't want to be victimized by another scheme that they don't know but the real thing is bitcoin isn't like that, they don't know that it's a traditional upgraded online payment system.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: buwaytress on June 07, 2018, 08:19:16 AM
It's difficult not to treat Bitcoin as yet another pyramid scheme when, in the eyes of the uninitiated, the very first exposure they're likely to get about Bitcoin is on mainstream media and/or online ads, all of them purporting profits and returns far beyond conventional methods, and even putting traditional HYIPs to shame (I mean, come on, more than x10 profit in a year?).

So it is unfortunate, in a sense, that everything about Bitcoin seems to boil down to its price. But people fail to look past the dollars and see the true value of Bitcoin, and fail to see all the absent characteristics of a ponzi (centralized management, money created and paid out to older investors from newer ones, for example).

But take what information they can see, and it makes sense that they'd form such opinions. Their loss.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: DimensionsOfHell on June 07, 2018, 08:20:28 AM
Part of the problem lies in the fact that people simply do not understand what the Ponzi scheme is. In general, to draw any conclusions without having a complete and correct understanding of the subject matter is simply illogical and unreasonable. However, people just do it when it comes to bitcoins.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mkcube on June 07, 2018, 08:23:15 AM
Simply because they dont understand. They dont know the nature and the way it makes people rich quickly. Ignorance also is the major factor that can make anyone to ascribe a wrong classification  to anything.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Seriousbizz on June 07, 2018, 08:25:39 AM
Because most people don't believe in the coin,some don't have faith in it,and most importantly a number don't even believe in crypto. Most  governments have created a hostile environment to BTC scaring away most potential investors,and shoving off interested parties

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Maestro75 on June 07, 2018, 08:26:14 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I think it’s because people have a hard time understanding how Bitcoin gets its value. It’s hard to grasp since it is not a tangible thing like gold and not backed by a government.

I like to compare Bitcoin to something like PayPal. PayPal is also not a tangible thing but it has a purpose and we are willing to pay for its services. The same is true for Western Union. The bottom line is that Bitcoin provides a service that gives it value.
You are correct perfectly. And again given to the evidence that something that was nothing has made so many poor and young people very rich overnight also explains the ponzi thought tied to bitcoin. We can't blame them for that thought. I was like that until I started thinking of bitcoin as gold rather than as a currency. But I know it is a currency.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Leo Barnes on June 07, 2018, 08:31:29 AM
It is because what they are observed heard, the words Ponzi scheme scam are already peg to bitcoin cause BTC is very promising the Gold rush of the new era.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Emilyp on June 07, 2018, 08:40:53 AM
I think it might be related to the volatility of crypto in general, it might be worth $1 at the moment, in the next minute it has tripled, so some see it as a get rich quick scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: sumanto on June 07, 2018, 08:44:02 AM
think of bitcoin as ponzi seems like they are just victims of hyip or web that are doubling the bitcoin so quickly that they might get the loss from there so the person calls it the same as the ponzi scheme. bitcoin editing is needed to overcome this.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Bitfling on June 07, 2018, 09:24:30 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I dont think bitcoin or crypto is ponzi scheme. If crypto is ponzi scheme, i think goldman sachs and other investor will not join to invest on cryptocurrency market.
I am better believe that cryptomarket have big potential in the future and if we want to make big profits, better invest now

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Jpja on June 07, 2018, 09:31:48 AM
I don't think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. First of all, bitcoin is decentralized and this is the strongest argument in favor of the fact that it is not a ponzi. Bitcoin has very good growth prospects, you just need patience.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: odpadnik on June 07, 2018, 09:40:42 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

People felt the same way when the first official banks came out... "no worries, leave all your cash here, trust us".

But for some reason, banks got accepted :) Just make sure you know who you work with... You would not give all your cash to the first guy on the street who says "yo man, I have a bank, give me all your cash"

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bohtrung3 on June 07, 2018, 10:19:12 AM
treat bitcoin as a ponzi scheme because they do not understand about bitcoin and the actual workings, so spreading the news will cause misperceptions, especially from banks because they may worry people will move to all cryptocurrency, leaving conventional banks because of the crypto price always up, I talked to some people who heard about bitcoin but they were afraid to invest because they thought it was some kind of ponzi online.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: billionaireSHS on June 07, 2018, 12:45:42 PM
Many people treated bitcoin as ponzi scheme because they don't have enough knowledge about btc and they don't know what  ponzi scheme is. They are easily to judge btc like ponzi scheme because of adopting and hearing some false information from others. So I can say that, before you judge make sure that you have enough knowledge about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ArnoldChippy on June 07, 2018, 10:48:31 PM
I don't think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. First of all, bitcoin is decentralized and this is the strongest argument in favor of the fact that it is not a ponzi. Bitcoin has very good growth prospects, you just need patience.
No doubt that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme. It is real and trusted. Perhaps it was a ponzi scheme, then it may not be so much succeeded, and may not be still in active form. Bitcoin will remain in its origional position forever.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: crustycrab666 on June 07, 2018, 11:18:57 PM
I don't think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. First of all, bitcoin is decentralized and this is the strongest argument in favor of the fact that it is not a ponzi. Bitcoin has very good growth prospects, you just need patience.
For the layman, let alone those easily influenced by the issue, would surely assume bitcoin is a ponzi or bubble scheme. The most relevant reason is that of the very high price spike.
While you assume that bitcoin is not ponzi, it means you understand exactly what it is cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: poplolnman on June 07, 2018, 11:37:19 PM
Ignorance is a major factor that can make anyone to ascribe a wrong classification to anything. People are just too lazy and unwilling to engage themselves in any research, no matter how little. If you have to call bitcoin a ponzi scheme, then you must have valid reason for doing so. The sooner you do the better you discover what you have missed for not joining cryptocurrency early enough.
That's right.  How people don't want to look at Bitcoin deeper to the root makes them got burned with people opinion who hates Bitcoin out there since first time for no reason . This cycle are crazy . They keep making opinions without valid reason why , simply think that it's doesn't makes any sense something that invincible could become worthy .and sooooo on.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: allthebitandbobs on June 07, 2018, 11:53:29 PM
Well it kinda is and isnt .As a investor your hoping to unload your coins to some other sucker at a higher price then u bought it .

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kcirnhoj15 on June 08, 2018, 12:13:33 AM
Those people have no knowledge about bitcoins, bitcoins is a cryptocurrency that will transfer money in a fastest and secured way or wireless transaction of money. Maybe, bitcoins is one way in constructing ponzi scheme because it so easy to handle and transfer every transaction but I repeat that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme it is only a tool they used to make their transaction faster and reliable.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: deejayce48 on June 08, 2018, 01:54:30 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I think it’s because people have a hard time understanding how Bitcoin gets its value. It’s hard to grasp since it is not a tangible thing like gold and not backed by a government.

I like to compare Bitcoin to something like PayPal. PayPal is also not a tangible thing but it has a purpose and we are willing to pay for its services. The same is true for Western Union. The bottom line is that Bitcoin provides a service that gives it value.

Agreed. They just get the impression of negativity since they do not know what Bitcoin is. They don't make time to know about it because even the government are trying to tell to its people that Bitcoin is harmful. People are too easy to deceive by someone superior to them. I think we should learn how to search on our own and make an understanding on our own.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: poletando on June 08, 2018, 02:18:36 AM
many people said that bitcoin is scam and PONZI scheme because as they see from their friends and other people that they get money fast from bitcoin and they think its not make sense so they make a conclusion about bitcoin is a PONZI scheme and will scam soon if you on it everyday and every time

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Arlette Foxsparkle on June 08, 2018, 02:29:35 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

You know it is because they simply didnt understand it....  We all know that if we a have a lack of knowledge something we easily judge it but after we discover its uses we realize that it is good and great....  Just gave them a time and soon they will understand it and also they will know that it is great...  We cant blame them....  It is very difficult to trust especially now but their mistakes is for judging btc easily even they didn't fully understand it....

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: teklang01 on June 08, 2018, 02:54:38 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Here in my country, before bitcoin was introduced, there were lots of ponzi scheme happens and there were many victims of it.  They have had enough shares of the frauds and scam specially online. And when the bitcoin was introduced, they thought that it is another ponzi scheme so they don't give time to know more about it and understand it. Some also were haters that they want to ruin the bitcoin reputation. Give it a time because bitcoin community is growing, all the negative people will surely wants to invest in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Gudhal Untu on June 08, 2018, 03:04:19 AM
People who do not understand bitcoin will say all the bad things of bitcoin, they will say bitcoin is a scam, used only for illegal transactions, and many say that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, we must explain it correctly.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: anything9ce on June 08, 2018, 03:17:41 AM
Human's through the quest of making more money has got into different kinds of business, they have ventured into many of this business without having the right knowledge and information about the business, in most cases due to the failure in the business they tend to blame it on people and other businesses. people treat BTC as ponzi scheme, basically because of the following:
1. They are ignorance
2. They believe it's like ponzi because it functions with the internet
3. They believe it will not stand the test of time, that it is just going to fuse out with time
4. They think it's a fraud just because they cant regulate the cash flows
i want you to understand that BTC is not a ponzi scheme and will never be.............BTC IS REAL AND HAS COME TO STAY AND CHANGE THE WORLD

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: levvv on June 08, 2018, 06:27:09 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Some peoples think that bitcoin value is come from nowhere. they only think someday bitcoin will vanish like other ponzi scheme.
and they will say bitcoin is a ponzi to find a reason just for not getting involve in cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Piggymonster on June 08, 2018, 07:02:12 AM
I think, it is because they don't get to know bitcoin better, they immediately believe in the false news and criticism by other negative people. In time, when the bitcoin will be adapted by people around the world and became a huge success, we can prove them wrong that this bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme and it is the future of money. Many lives have been transformed by the advent of this bitcoin and in time, they can see that and they will believe in it. 

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: odpadnik on June 08, 2018, 07:34:29 AM
Well it kinda is and isnt .As a investor your hoping to unload your coins to some other sucker at a higher price then u bought it .

Soooo... It can really work both ways, depends of how much  of a-hole the current "owners" are.

Guess I am an optimist - I hope, that sooner or later the majority of people will get on the Bitcoin train, because they believe in the project and what Crypto in general brings to the world, not just short-term $

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Driggers95 on June 08, 2018, 07:39:43 AM
People who think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme simply don't understand it and are too lazy to make the effort to understand it.
Right. They do not understand bitcoin. They think all crypto markets use the ponzy model. But maybe they were right with some mlm ICO projects. Perhaps they have confused mlm with bitcoin

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Blackhammer321 on June 08, 2018, 12:00:01 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
We can't really blame them. Bitcoin as of now is nothing but a glorified pump and dump scheme that requires users to buy more and invite more users to buy more of bitcoin investments. Not circulate those readily available investments in the market. That's why I don't think bitcoin will have a bright future as an asset for investment. Because later on it will be a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Livshic on June 09, 2018, 01:08:06 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Do you mean financial pyramid? Actually, most of the assets are pyramids. Imagine the situation, when every single holder will sell his bitcoins, what will happen then? Losses, of course. Non-pyramidical systems don’t work so.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: btcprospecter on June 09, 2018, 01:41:58 PM
Whenever someone hears of ways that may make them rich they are always going to think that it is a good possibility that it is a scam. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are the ones that first come to mind. Bitcoin has no relation to either with nobody like devs in control it is alot harder for a single entity to profit. Bitcoin is what it is a crypto currency that is traded and with that comes its value.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: twitami1 on June 09, 2018, 02:25:43 PM
the Ponzi scheme is based on the fact that, in fact, Ponzi is the central element that attracts new members for money and organizes payments. in the case where the claims of payments are greater than the funds invested, the scheme falls apart. This happens inevitably, sooner or later, since infinite expansion is impossible. and in the bitcoin scheme there are no intermediaries between who entered the scheme sooner or later. This is a replacement - technology blockchain. besides, there is no central element in Nakamoto's scheme. these are the main factors that prove that bitcoin is NOT a Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: iyamoxjhian on June 09, 2018, 09:56:21 PM
It's simply because of not understanding what is bitcoin and how it works. They giving their judgement easily without fully understanding how it works. Plus, there were certain people who do scamming works and claims that it was bitcoin like here in our country, they do ask money for investments from other people and tell them that this will be invested in bitcoin but that scammer will run away and take their money. That is why most of the people who do not understands bitcoin gives misconceptions about it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Jossy111 on June 09, 2018, 10:05:52 PM
you cant really blame people who sees it as a scam because it happened to me too at first before i had a change of mentality this is due to the fact that lots of people as been scammed by cyber scammers and fraudsters, so people are being  not to be scammed. now people are beginning to see bitcoin as an investment but not a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Afobaje38 on June 09, 2018, 10:15:46 PM
You know ponzi scheme is also a little similar of investing, at least people put in money to get more money, but BTC is totally different because it's also a soft currency not hand to hand money

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Radio-Active on June 10, 2018, 05:42:54 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Because they saw many bitcoin holders from the earlier time have gain so much returns with their bitcoin.
They are wrong, but we can prove that bitcoin is not a ponzi by join to involve in bitcoin and get some incomes to show them.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: napoleoni1 on June 10, 2018, 05:47:20 AM
I think it has to do something with the things that happened before.
People do not tend to embrace something new, instead they try and find similarities with what they already know.
Therefore, until BTC will be accepted as the real currency (which i doubt), we gonna find people thinking of it as "another ponzi scheme"

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: MrRiuss on June 10, 2018, 05:48:21 AM
because they dont understand what btc is. so they are assuming that btc as a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Fafabol on June 10, 2018, 07:02:15 AM
some people treat btc as pozi scheme because there are people who offers an easy money way.They offered great earnings at very easy way which can lead to fake investment.Let us just be careful if someone says that they found a new and easy ways of earning and eventually they asked to you to lend some btc as initial investment.Consider these truth,we can be able to avoid these fake investment or so called ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on June 10, 2018, 07:39:31 AM
Because the fact that happened in the market looks like it was .
although now bitcoin looks more like an actual market but moment moment pump still many who assume if there is certain group that move its price.
I think it makes some new users or new adopter think that this is ponzi . but it is not .

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Norwood Daniell on June 10, 2018, 03:04:35 PM
I suppose they're unaware of what Bitcoin is and what Ponzi scheme is and just follow the bad rummors about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Samuel Elliss on June 10, 2018, 03:13:21 PM
Scammers use Bitcoin's fame as well as other cryptocurrencies' fame to hoodwink unaware people into investing in their system. Those scammers offer extremely high interest rate and a well-above average returns. More lucratively, they promise to pay tip for those attracting others to invest. But all of a sudden, those clever tricksters vanish into thin air. Consequently, the victims blame on Bitcoin for scamming their money and consider it as a Ponzi Scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Lx2018 on June 10, 2018, 03:29:10 PM
This is because of the way that a great many people did not av principal learning of bitcoin and the exchange capacity of bitcoin as a future money in that sense they miss bitcoin with ponze plot

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ibrahimovic89 on June 10, 2018, 03:35:09 PM
each person a different thinking. No one can think like anybody. bitcoin has changed many lives, so many people got rich. But there are some who have aversion to bitcoin for some reason. As in my country some ignorant people still think bitcoin is deceptive

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Stephen Martinss on June 10, 2018, 03:35:39 PM
I think it's Bitcoin's dramatic increase in price that leads a bunch of unknown poeple to believe Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Donald Regoo on June 10, 2018, 03:44:57 PM
Bitcoin is obviously a profitable asset and is an open market in which people sell and buy at will. No one pulls the strings behind it. So if one has got the idea that Bitcoin and a Ponzi scheme have something in common then he/she must be anti Bitcoin and lack knowledge.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: hachiman13 on June 10, 2018, 03:47:46 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
THAT is the reason why they think it is a ponzi scheme. Many people get rich and some made their lives easier in a short amount of time that a normal person with zero knowledge of cryptocurrencies assume that it really is a ponzi scheme. We can't do anything for them but to explain why it is not what they think it is.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Sam San on June 10, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Do you mean financial pyramid? Actually, most of the assets are pyramids. Imagine the situation, when every single holder will sell his bitcoins, what will happen then? Losses, of course. Non-pyramidical systems don’t work so.
Cryptocurrency in General and bitcoin in particular continue to remain for many completely incomprehensible phenomenon,hence the comparison with the financial pyramid.In fact, cryptocurrency is a virtual means of payment like any currency.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Joyeeta on June 10, 2018, 03:54:59 PM
Not many people are familiar with crypto, or digital currency, some people believe it's all fake, and there can't be a digital currency, however within 2 years, they will understand what is crypto.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Aryadwipanggah on June 10, 2018, 04:19:06 PM
maybe we can only tolerate the thinking of those who call bitcoin like ponzi, because they have no basis and do not understand about bitcoin

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: pancawati77 on June 10, 2018, 04:34:21 PM
The ponzi scheme no one knows it and at first I did not believe that bitcoin was real until a friend of mine who explained it to me. How can I invest and make money? Now I'm still spreading the word about it. 8)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpaul on June 10, 2018, 04:37:22 PM
Because they dont know what they are doing, or probably dont know what bitcoin is all about. Bitcoin has repeatedly proved its worth in the crypto platform severally, recovering from the dip zones to regain lost value overtime. Ponzi schemes are cash grabs, the founders would have gone under when Bitcoin hit its peak but they are still here. Bitcoin is not a ponzi, has never been and will never be and those people treating it as so probably dont know what they are doing

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: aryadiningrat123 on June 10, 2018, 04:54:39 PM
I do not really know about it but I try to explain to you because bitcoin is a very popular investment tool so they just want to get the advantage of bitcoin they also do not think down they have made bitcoin decreased

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Google+ on June 10, 2018, 04:58:14 PM
it seems that mentions bitcoin as ponzi scheme because bitcoin has a referral function and there are many groups that use bitcoin as a tool for false investment containing hyip and ponzi elements so that many new people are trapped there.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Len_nin on June 10, 2018, 05:34:16 PM
Those who treat BTC as ponzi scheme maybe were just unlucky and invested some finance,not trying to explore it better and know how everything works on BTC. And high likely result didn't satisfy them,work har and you succeed.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bce on June 10, 2018, 05:54:47 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
the good and bad thinking depends on the investor itself because we know that bitcoin can grow and even can be destroyed also it is also the investor who made it

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: qiqide on June 10, 2018, 06:11:17 PM
When we talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other crypto currency, neither the "Ponzi" nor the "pyramid" are completely accurate descriptions of how these systems actually work. Traditional Ponzi schemes are usually managed by a central operator , who is responsible for attracting new funds and paying out a certain algorithm. Schemes collapse when the claims exceed the amount of funds deposited, so that the scheme operator can not satisfy investors' requests, causing a loss of confidence or a massive outflow that undermines the liquidity of the system.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: collision00 on June 10, 2018, 06:20:21 PM
We can't say anything in regards to the somebody's mindset. There could be even a large number of individuals who consider bitcoin a trick and doea not accept bitcoin as an advantage and manageable digital currency and as you are likewise saying that a few people consider bitcoin a Ponzi conspire, I think they called it in light of fast flactuation in the valuation of bitcoin that it get climbs to such a high esteem so individuals use to contrast it and any chit subsidize organization who use to gather individuals cash at that point took off however for them is that bitcoin is a benefit an asset which is an aid for the mankind.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: AlisaWhishie on June 10, 2018, 06:20:41 PM
If you have some friends that call bitcoin a "Ponzi scheme", then you probably should send them this video by Khan Academy or any other material about this topic. It's necessary to have a clear understanding of how these schemes actually work, especially for newbies in crypto market, as there are so many scam projects around, including Ponzi schemers.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: cryptocurrencyguru on June 10, 2018, 06:28:42 PM
if some feel btc is still a Ponzi scheme it is lack of knowledge on blockchain technology and even Japan government legalized they should devote some time rather than saying it is Ponzi

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: anitaraymonds on June 10, 2018, 06:42:43 PM
It actually depends on the experience after their being part of the crypto currency. If his experience is bad  and met with loss, how on earth will he on  meeting same people again talking about  with same product. He will never want to be part of it because of his past experience. But when someone is well guided and entrenched in bitcoin will he then understand  bitcoin   and its operations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Syakbrown on June 10, 2018, 06:52:07 PM
actually this problem can be solved if they want to find out what exactly bitcoin is, because those who consider this bitcoin the same as ponzi are those who conclude an without the science of bitcoin. hence they can not distinguish between bitcoin and ponzi

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: JohnHendry on June 11, 2018, 09:00:14 AM
I think they don't have the capability to understand it though if they want they can get a lot of proves that is enough to prove them wrong.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: roborttyler on June 11, 2018, 10:31:44 AM
I think the bitcoin's future is great and it will be even more popular that it is today. From this observation, they immediately jump into the conclusion that since the price is increasing and the number of investors are also equally increasing, the gain of Bitcoin's price is taken from the money that is paid by the new investors. This indeed looks like a ponzi scheme to someone who does not want to understand more.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: charlemagne_15 on June 11, 2018, 10:59:47 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

We really can't blame the others if they think bitcoin is a scam. We cannot judge them easily by that because I believe they have a reason why they labeled it as a scam. I think most people have a mind set like that is because of the experienced they encountered. Hearing bad incident regarding to bitcoin by others is also one. Another is they simply just can't understand it well.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Boysen on June 11, 2018, 11:35:41 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Many people describe bitcoin as being a large-scale ponzi scheme mainly because without users and investors, bitcoin would pretty much be dead right now. And the increase or decrease of its users vastly affects its value. That is why it is regarded by many as a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: AngelJoshua on June 11, 2018, 11:46:43 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

I didn't say that I fully understand what bitcoin is but some people who think that way obviously don't know what bitcoin is and what it can do for us, Like what you said it makes some people rich and bitcoin gave us some money too because we know the simple knowledge/way on bitcoin that will help us to earn some money using or doing some work in bitcoin industry.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: xiebaowang on June 11, 2018, 12:23:33 PM
Bitcoin itself is valuable, and the circulation system is more advanced. In the future, the currency may evolve towards Bitcoin. However, bitcoin itself does not generate profits. Just like gold, investment gold can only preserve value and cannot increase value.
BTC is not a Ponzi scheme!

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: nichoslalble on June 11, 2018, 04:06:46 PM
The Ponzi scheme is a financial pyramid, in which each subsequent participant makes contributions and allows earning the previous one. Ultimately, the last members of this community cease to make their contributions and the entire pyramid collapses.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: queenlaurel on June 11, 2018, 09:32:22 PM
Its only natural for those who believe it's ponzy scheme, maybe they have being involved in one before. The only thing is that they have to be enlightened about Bitcoin. That is of they are not too lazy and unwilling. They need to be explained to properly and taught on how Bitcoin works.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Raggie on June 12, 2018, 02:53:00 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Let them think like that. We already know and experience it that we can get much earnings from bitcoin and crypto.
Peoples who always think bad about bitcoin should not join bitcoin. They only destroy the community.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Considered on June 12, 2018, 03:04:23 AM
people treating Bitcoins as a ponzi scheme dont know what they are doing or atleast arent well informed on what Bitcoin are, the coin has proven its value  time and gain and has managed to recover from very tight situations, if BTC was a ponzi, the developer would have gone under when it was at the peak.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: iMark on June 12, 2018, 03:31:01 AM
Its only natural for those who believe it's ponzy scheme, maybe they have being involved in one before. The only thing is that they have to be enlightened about Bitcoin. That is of they are not too lazy and unwilling. They need to be explained to properly and taught on how Bitcoin works.
Yeah, because they don't know bitcoin in depth yet, I don't know which article or news they see, maybe from the state media? so they can say that bitcoin is a ponzi investment lol, whereas the system is so much different with bitcoin, you can make a big profit even if you're a new user though

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Arata on June 12, 2018, 03:52:25 AM
Maybe it all started with the spread of bad news about bitcoin which I think is a FUD strategy to market new coins, yes by dropping bitcoin. Especially now many new users, just signed in with the understanding of FUD isoktrin. The rich and the rich with bitcoin are old people who are not affected by the FUD.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: leoleobeck on June 12, 2018, 04:04:41 AM
The Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam that promises low risk and high returns. The Ponzi scheme rewards old investors by acquiring new investors. It's sad to hear that kind of accusation towards bitcoin because personally bitcoin is overly legit to all networking companies or any profit organizations out there.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: odpadnik on June 12, 2018, 09:54:44 AM
people treating Bitcoins as a ponzi scheme dont know what they are doing or atleast arent well informed on what Bitcoin are, the coin has proven its value  time and gain and has managed to recover from very tight situations, if BTC was a ponzi, the developer would have gone under when it was at the peak.

Well, let's be fair here. Being well informed takes hard work (and even then you can't really be 100%, can you?).

Cases of fraud that went on for months or longer are everywhere in Bitcoins past,..just remember Onecoin for example.

But, it's not only the Ponzi schemes, it's also other types like "fake investors", "fake coins" or simply various ransomware that was popular not to long ago.

Long as people are greedy enough, they will find a way to exploit the system and it's users.

Take a look at  types of crypto fraud and how to avoid it (http://"“), it may give some more clarification.

Cheers  8)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Manc89 on June 12, 2018, 10:05:32 AM
I don't think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. First of all, bitcoin is decentralized and this is the strongest argument in favor of the fact that it is not a ponzi. Bitcoin has very good growth prospects, you just need patience.
No doubt that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme. It is real and trusted. Perhaps it was a ponzi scheme, then it may not be so much succeeded, and may not be still in active form. Bitcoin will remain in its origional position forever.
Why is ponzi? I know people think about volatility which make many people loss but its not reference to say its a ponzi or not.
In other trading like forex also many people loss and profit and its the same with crypto. Will you say forex is ponzi? I dont think so. Bitcoin is made by blockchain technology. The technology is the proof that bitcoin is not ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Boldmaxx on June 12, 2018, 10:15:27 AM
  Many people do not really understand exactly how blockchain technologies work. Rather than taking their time to carry out a critical research which can depict the fundamental application of blockhain, they will just call it what they like or what they think it is. Calling Bitcoin a ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme shows that the individual who does that does not really understand the platform and its usage.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: avary18 on June 12, 2018, 10:55:22 AM
Lack of knowledge i think for what is cryptocurrecy and what is bitcoin.And they did not exactly understand the whole fundamental blockchain and this is what they all say that bitcoin is ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0005 on June 12, 2018, 08:29:44 PM
Sometimes people get affected with other people's stories who might have been a part of it and made a big loss from it so they decide not to be a victim of same situation without understanding the mistakes made by the other persons they conclude by saying its a ponzi scheme.Some people are so lazy that they do not ask questions or make researches.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: helen28 on June 12, 2018, 08:30:46 PM
Sometimes people get affected with other people's stories who might have been a part of it and made a big loss from it so they decide not to be a victim of same situation without understanding the mistakes made by the other persons they conclude by saying its a ponzi scheme.Some people are so lazy that they do not ask questions or make researches.
They don't know what they are doing so they are really treating bitcoin as scam, some were also victim of it without investigating what is bitcoin and how it works, that is why in everything that we are doing we must have at least knowledge and background with it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0004 on June 12, 2018, 08:39:03 PM
Understanding is very important but some persons fail to realize this part of it you can not succeed in what you do not understand i wonder if people feel bitcoin is some sort of magic that is to be performed to get money there are procedures to it and that they must followed.I believe they treat bitcoin as scam because they do not understand it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: alexs_03 on June 12, 2018, 08:43:00 PM
Each financial specialist doesn't have the correct information about digital money. The beginner financial specialists make remark in view of the cost. So if the cost is low then they will guarantee it as Ponzi. I trust this is because of people encounter genuine challenges perceiving how Bitcoin gets its regard ;D

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ivrynx on June 12, 2018, 08:49:08 PM
The Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam that promises low risk and high returns. The Ponzi scheme rewards old investors by acquiring new investors. It's sad to hear that kind of accusation towards bitcoin because personally bitcoin is overly legit to all networking companies or any profit organizations out there.

It is true that networking companies use bitcoin for profit, but this just gives a bad image on bitcoin, bitcoin was never meant to be in those companies, this is encouraging more FUDs, since we all know networking schemes seems to be profitable, but only for those who had started it first, those who are left out and on the bottom will never havr the same profit at the top, and then once you incorporate bitcoin with it, what will bitcoin be? Is it a product of their company or a as means of transactions? And bitcoin is volatile those people who will join in that networking company wouod never understand how it works, since the only thing that they want to see is fast earnings.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: arguelles84 on June 12, 2018, 08:51:02 PM
when people believe that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, they simply do not really know what the Ponzi scheme really is. in this scheme, the former can profit from the latter, and the latter usually lose their money. in bitcoin, they make a profit at the expense of demand and appreciation of the currency, that is, a priori, all in a win, only if you do not make emotional and hasty actions.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: darkangel020716 on June 12, 2018, 08:51:18 PM
people treating Bitcoins as a ponzi scheme dont know what they are doing or atleast arent well informed on what Bitcoin are, the coin has proven its value  time and gain and has managed to recover from very tight situations, if BTC was a ponzi, the developer would have gone under when it was at the peak.

True, Maybe people like that is simply dont know anything about bitcoin, They just here to speculate and do some fraud accusations against bitcoin, Bitcoin has proven its value until now, When the price is declining, people always making some thoughts that it is the end of bitcoin, which is not true, bitcoin is always been this way since it began and now some normies are treating bitcoin as a waste of time? come on do some research dont just speculate.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: tuanta on June 19, 2018, 04:20:27 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
In my opinion, they do not yet understand the nature of the blockchain, bitcoin, currency, bitcoin values are valued by the limit and decentralized number, and the community believes in bitcoin as a valuable, cryptocurrency asset. In the future, many people are willing to spend money to own cryptocurrency as an open minded

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: LarryX5 on June 19, 2018, 04:31:41 PM
Bitcoin doesn`t meet the definiton of Ponzi Sheme. They conclude it just from the surface viewpoint.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: MbakNarti on June 19, 2018, 04:49:39 PM
Many people think that Bitcoin is a very confusing thing, but Bitcoin is something that is simple to understand.
If asked what is bitcoin (abbreviated BTC), then the simplest explanation is Bitcoin is a decentralized global transaction cash system.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Gurjasmeet on June 19, 2018, 05:38:10 PM
I surprised to know that some people treat btc as ponzi scheme . There is a main reason who have didn't knowledge of btc.whenever btc has expanded its projects in early days & become a popular name of currency. I think it is a crowd of  those people who wants btc could not increase his popularity in the market.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Pemburu dollar on June 19, 2018, 06:02:51 PM
you cant really blame people who sees it as a scam because it happened to me too at first before i had a change of mentality this is due to the fact that lots of people as been scammed by cyber scammers and fraudsters, so people are being  not to be scammed. now people are beginning to see bitcoin as an investment but not a ponzi scheme.

I think some people base their comments on what they have read or heard to others who also have the wrong information. They easily judge anything without enough knowledge of what they are talking about.
That's because they do not fully understand what is Bitcoin and how it works and they do not know the definition of ponzi schemes. How can they call it a ponzi scheme if no company operates it, so who will cheat people, is not there right? ponzi schemes also offer high payouts, so who offers it in Bitcoin? no, because absolutely no one is obliged to pay you when you invest.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: evfrosini on June 19, 2018, 06:32:27 PM
This is cause they are too lazy to understand it. Just ignore those people as they make no difference.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Daniel91 on June 19, 2018, 06:39:15 PM
People just don't care enough to do their own research and understand subject.
It's much more easy to hear a few news or read a few articles and get own, wrong and simple idea about something new, unknown and revolutionary.
They don't understand crypto and see it as some kind of ponzi scheme, not like real market where price depends on supply and demand.
Such people I don't listen because they are losers and never make any success in life.
Because they are not willing to make any effort and they are scared to try anything new.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: leviathon on June 19, 2018, 06:40:25 PM
The people treating Bitcoin as a ponzi scheme are doing so cause they aren't able to grasp how a currency can gain so much value in such a short time. Also how a currency can have so much volatility, they relate this volatility with ponzi characteristics. Also some people hate the fact that they weren't able to get in early into bitcoin so just call it a ponzi scheme to make themselves feel better.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: muravevat on June 19, 2018, 06:56:07 PM
They treat it as a Ponzi scheme because they have done no research about it. They call it ponzi as it such huge returns and everything is online only.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: taeewo on June 19, 2018, 07:05:01 PM
I think its lack of making proper research about it and many that are already in ponzi scheme knows how the system work where you can gain or loose and btc too its volatile in nature which makes them believe its ponzi

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: makolz26 on June 19, 2018, 07:32:33 PM
I think its lack of making proper research about it and many that are already in ponzi scheme knows how the system work where you can gain or loose and btc too its volatile in nature which makes them believe its ponzi
That is right, they are easily getting discourage of what they are hearing from the news and from everywhere, they don't exert much effort of investigating about it or knowing the real one if they really want this to have in their life, they are the kind of person that are just happy go lucky.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Bonsaiav on June 19, 2018, 07:34:46 PM
A similar tone was also pronounced by DBS Singapore group technology director David Gledhill, one of the largest banks in Asia, deeming that the currency of cryptocurrency bitcoin is a financial fraud scheme. The Ponzi scheme is an illegal investment mode that gives investors an advantage of their own money or money paid by the next investor. Profits aren't obtained from individuals or organizations that carry out investment activities.
The Ponzi scheme usually persuades new investors, by offering higher profits, than any other investment in the short term, with a very high rate of return. The continuity of such high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to keep this scheme going. However I don't think so, IMO Bitcoin's a Digital Asset not a Ponzi scheme and not a fraud. Those who say so usually people who are altogether, have never been in the world of cryptocurrency, so they don't understand how Bitcoin works.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: dutchkay on June 19, 2018, 07:36:26 PM
Probably because it's not yet backed by the government. Some people believes that so far the government is against it then it's ponzi and there is no two wah about it. Many have not been able to wrap their hands around and it's complicated nature keeps confusing them. Besides the media FUD helps to make it confusing the more. So I don't blame anyone believing it's ponzi.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: SamsonFlores on June 20, 2018, 03:24:53 AM
Its only natural for those who believe it's ponzy scheme, maybe they have being involved in one before.  It's sad to hear that kind of accusation towards bitcoin because personally bitcoin is overly legit to all networking companies or any profit organizations out there.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Bitfling on June 20, 2018, 04:14:15 AM
Probably because it's not yet backed by the government. Some people believes that so far the government is against it then it's ponzi and there is no two wah about it. Many have not been able to wrap their hands around and it's complicated nature keeps confusing them. Besides the media FUD helps to make it confusing the more. So I don't blame anyone believing it's ponzi.

Government regulation can reduce issue about bitcoin. With government regulation, investor in cryptocurrency will more confident. But many peoples dont understand about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, so its natural if they think crypto is ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: zhanyiguai261315 on June 21, 2018, 09:41:24 AM
Because they are completely ignorant of bitcoin technology, they only pay attention to BTC’s high profits in the short term!

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: The best one on June 21, 2018, 10:28:04 AM
As for me I disagree about it because some people know that in the case of Ponzi-schemed investments, whose profits seem so fantastic, potential investors are usually approached by trusted people. Coupled with a proposal that promises huge returns from a previously unknown investment model so there are some people treated BTC as Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jirene21 on June 21, 2018, 11:19:20 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
I think it is because that they are lack of knowledge how bitcoin works, what bitcoin really is. We can say that today there are lots of people that joining the bitcoin community to get rich, in that sense they are joining the bitcoin community without knowing the whole truth, in fact, people just want to get rich, period.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: blue_id69 on June 23, 2018, 04:36:17 PM
Bitcoin is a digital asset, not a ponzi scheme and not a fraud. People may think that it is a ponzi because they do not know what it is all about. I never believe that Bitcoin real till a friend of mine that is into it explained to me; what it is and how i can invest there and make money. Now, i am the one spreading the news of it. They did not understand the blockade and the crypto currency and are angry when others make money on it, but they do not.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: popelene1 on June 26, 2018, 07:27:34 AM
Its not ponzi scheme, its those people that has loss much on ponzi that also see bitcoin as ponzi... Bitcoin is a real digital currency

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: blingow on June 26, 2018, 09:34:45 AM
Long gone are the days when Bitcoin was treated as a ponzi scheme, the coin has proven its worth over a period time and earned a number of people good returns overtime, those who still think BTC is a ponzi are misinformed and has missed quite a lot and will miss a lot if they dont  change the persppective

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: rolerVX on June 26, 2018, 09:45:42 AM
Because of successful testimonies of the people. But whether we like it or not even we think this is ponzi still we have something in us that we believe in bitcoin and having our hope that it will recover as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Itcher on June 26, 2018, 12:17:23 PM
people are used to associate large earnings with Ponzi, because they can not explain this growth for other reasons. all just because of ignorance

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: violet catona on June 26, 2018, 01:50:01 PM
i think people tell bitcoin as a ponzi because many website offering fast ROI if investing their money using bitcoin, and also because of bitconnect exit scam last year make people assuming bitcoin is a ponzi scheme  ;)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: HugoHeasia on June 28, 2018, 09:47:35 AM
Bitcoins is a cryptocurrency that will transfer money in a fastest and secured way or wireless transaction of money. Maybe, bitcoins is one way in constructing ponzi scheme because it so easy to handle and transfer every transaction but I repeat that bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme it is only a tool they used to make their transaction faster and reliable.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jessicaldiaseso on June 28, 2018, 03:41:05 PM
Because they dont really know what it is. Because as a result of pyramiding plans that utilizations Bitcoin as an enlistment strategy. In our nation, when you say Bitcoin a few people will think Bitcoin as a trick. These mafias ruins the notoriety of digital money all in all.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Leonon1Ellis on June 29, 2018, 08:05:49 AM
Many people treated bitcoin as ponzi scheme because they don't have enough knowledge about btc and they don't know what  ponzi scheme is. Bitcoin has very good growth prospects, you just need patience.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: MrCrank on June 29, 2018, 08:09:40 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Because people don't know what is this and how it works..
They think that bubble only. They are wrong.
This is future.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kingdom2710 on June 29, 2018, 08:19:07 AM
Because they have not seen the actual value of it. It's hard to describe, btc's technology is in blockchain and trust. I personally lose confidence in this market. Because I'm losing money from it

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: JakeJM0st on June 30, 2018, 12:21:52 AM
t's simply because of not understanding what is bitcoin and how it works.Bitcoin is what it is a crypto currency that is traded and with that comes its value.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: MiguelCryptoss on June 30, 2018, 12:28:28 AM
In my own opinion, people treat Bitcoin as a ponzi scheme with different reasons from different individuals. The first is what you don't know automatically turn to become ponzi scheme because of lack of wisdom while other individuals have wrong understanding of cryptocurrencies tha make them to called it ponzi scheme..

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: haanhictu on June 30, 2018, 12:37:34 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
The truth is that so many people have made a lot of money with bitcoin and we can not deny the value of its contribution.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: coinholic on June 30, 2018, 01:01:10 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
This is media's fault! The media loves creating fake news just to have something to talk about. Sometimes they would say, "It's just a speculation with no concrete conclusion." Speculate my ass! Bitcoin has been a medium for wealth and better living for so many in the past years. And yet, people still think even up to this time that it's a scam. Poor people...they're missing on a lot of opportunities in crypto! But hey, not everybody can be pleased.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Johnzky on June 30, 2018, 01:07:42 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Thinking is different from treating so the title is not what the body says

People think that bitcoin is ponzi because these people dont know about technology or if they have idea but not willing to learn the blockchain this is why they dont want to enter cryptocurrency and misses the benefits they can earn upon dealing with it

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: DoublerHunter on June 30, 2018, 01:17:20 AM
Most of the time those people who treat bitcoin as ponzi scheme are the one who are always getting screwed in the investment online and they putted in their mind that bitcoin is also a ponzi scheme because most of their friends are inviting them to get into bitcoin so they think that it is some sort of investment. At the end of the day, they should do some research first before judging or putting any of their money to it just like in bitcoin since it is a pure investment and not a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: vladimirhf on June 30, 2018, 01:22:01 AM
because actually many ponzi schemes are related to bitcoin mining, 'vip btc clubs' and unfortunately people can't see the difference.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Alacate615 on June 30, 2018, 03:20:53 AM
Its only natural for those who believe it's ponzy scheme, maybe they have being involved in one before. The only thing is that they have to be enlightened about Bitcoin. That is of they are not too lazy and unwilling. They need to be explained to properly and taught on how Bitcoin works.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: nory51 on June 30, 2018, 04:02:39 AM
Bitcoins is a cryptocurrency that will transfer money in a fastest and secured way or wireless transaction of money,Because they dont really know what it is.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: James_H on June 30, 2018, 04:13:47 AM
Maybe people who say bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme maybe because they do not understand about bitcoin and they also have no more knowledge about bitcoin, maybe they just think why i should learn bitcoin if i have money i can directly invest in bitcoin without having to learn bitcoin and recognize bitcoin even further

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: fulled on June 30, 2018, 06:05:16 AM
The reason is many online investment method with a ponzi scheme on the internet in the past years using bitcoin as a payment, so this make people think bitcoin is a part of it too, and also recently bitconnect case can be a reason too for people think btc as ponzi scheme

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Chachacoin17 on June 30, 2018, 06:29:28 AM
Maybe people who say bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme maybe because they do not understand about bitcoin and they also have no more knowledge about bitcoin, maybe they just think why i should learn bitcoin if i have money i can directly invest in bitcoin without having to learn bitcoin and recognize bitcoin even further

In most probable cases that bitcoin became misinterpreted by most of the people who started to find interest about digital currency, was due to lots of general misuse which other scammer victimized innocent people.

When its over for them, of course it was alarming to society and they're subjected to being punished by the law. It won't happen if people will have proper education about bitcoin, and as decentralized currency it's worthy to be publicly introduced by Government of different developing countries. With that virtue,I guess it won't happen bitcoin will be a ponzi scheme treatment from people without proper understandings.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ajiswaggs on June 30, 2018, 06:54:41 AM
People think that it is a ponzi because they do not know what it is all about. I never believe that Bitcoin real till a friend of mine that is into it explained to me; what it is and how i can invest there and make money. Now, i am the one spreading the news of it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: NevejElad on June 30, 2018, 07:27:32 AM
People who are not educated and does not know about bitcoin would say that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, but they are mistaken because in bitcoin you are the one who manage your own investment, and the profit you gain is from the trading sites that you are engage in trading your bitcoin.while in ponzi scheme your profit are taken from new recruit members investment.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: on June 30, 2018, 07:28:28 AM
Because they saw the high returns of BTC, they did not understand that BTC had no way to explain BTC, so attack!
They need to study the blockchain and BTC seriously! Bitcoin is the first application of the blockchain.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Ruffian1314 on June 30, 2018, 07:40:44 AM
I think these types of people are just not interested at all in bitcoin so they don't bother to research and study about bitcoin or any cryptocurrency related topics. They call it scam maybe because of its volatility and they don't understand that why it is very volatile due to lack of knowledge in it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: skibikipapa69 on June 30, 2018, 07:54:17 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
These people don't know what they are talking about. The biggest factor that affects these peoples thingking is fake news. I too once thought that bitcoin is just a scam and lies. But as soon as I checked it out I learned so much and change my view of seeing bitcoin. If only these people take time to acrually check out bitcoin then I am sure they will change their minds as well like I did.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: adejoke444 on June 30, 2018, 08:10:52 AM
Even me myself see it then as ponzi scheme when i have not made any research on it, the reason is just that people are too lazy to do their own personal research before condemning it...

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Renai0925 on June 30, 2018, 08:22:58 AM
Well, in the tradition of ponzi schemes, bitcoin does make thousands to millions of money (depending on the currency) for some individuals almost overnight. Some people does not take kindly to others who made their wealth without too much work. But that's just life is what I say. You have to be smart with your money and don't be too envious of others.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: TGD on June 30, 2018, 08:37:56 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
These people don't know what they are talking about. The biggest factor that affects these peoples thingking is fake news. I too once thought that bitcoin is just a scam and lies. But as soon as I checked it out I learned so much and change my view of seeing bitcoin. If only these people take time to acrually check out bitcoin then I am sure they will change their minds as well like I did.
True this currency may take some attention to be before we can have through it out to understand and listen for everything about here.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Akenosi on June 30, 2018, 08:40:14 AM
Its because the price is volatile which changes from time to time and that's one of the concept of how ponzi scheme works

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: ukboss on June 30, 2018, 10:46:59 AM
In 2017 there is true money advertising company came in this online industry and they start his business policy as like Ponzi scheme. This site is the offered to everyone if you invest$100 after 7 days later it will be $200 because it is a Ponzi scheme. On the time people already clear that is 100% Ponzi scheme. Some advertising company offers if you want to grow your traffic you can purchase some traffic with your money this is not a Ponzi scheme but people say it is also Ponzi scheme. Nowadays people say Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Who don't have any idea about Bitcoin only those people say Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jpnl0003 on June 30, 2018, 03:15:20 PM
People dont  give no value to what they  dont understand most persons are still going through the shock of been scammed  from different programs they must have engaged themselves in so the feel every which has to do with them investing their money is a scam.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Konco126 on June 30, 2018, 03:38:04 PM
I think everyone who has complete information or knowledge is very knowledgeable will understand that. But among them many still don't understand, maybe because they don't want to try to understand it. not strange again today many people are lazy because they are busy playing mobile phones with advanced technology is used only to play games only.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Henry Sy on June 30, 2018, 03:41:02 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
As a matter of first importance, unadulterated numbness and misinterpretation of how bitcoin and blockchain innovation functions. Furthermore, it's hard for a few people with moderate reasoning to consider how something not upheld by any physically valuable be not an air pocket.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: DgurJIupyf on June 30, 2018, 05:08:00 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

Perhaps the price of bitcoin and inflated over the last 2017 year, but the model of bitcoin, called the block and block chain is unique in this generation. Ponzi scheme tries to find an analogy with the bitcoin price. That payments to old depositors, at the expense of new revenues. But if you go deep into the stock market and its fundamental feature, we will notice there is a similar similarity. If in one place will arrive at YYY amount, on the same amount and lose anything.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: poli_btc on July 04, 2018, 07:29:31 PM
People who think that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, absolutely do not understand anything. Technology bitcoin can not be understood simply by looking at it, and since people are lazy they still have not figured out what bitcoin is. That's why people say every kind of nonsense.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: phelbaby on July 04, 2018, 09:00:20 PM
For me the reason why most people think that Bitcoin is Ponzi scheme is because they have not not know the meaning of Bitcoin. they think it is just like that of MMM and others... any time they go deep and read about they will understand the value.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: elachious123 on July 04, 2018, 09:21:42 PM
Many people took the mentality of quick money making to Crypto (BTC) they want to invest today and reap within a short time.

Bitcoin invest is a long term investment that's what I have come to realize and that's remains the fact about it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Ozero on July 04, 2018, 10:32:49 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
I do not think that bitcoin and other crypto currency is a financial pyramid. Absolutely different mechanisms work here. However, it can not be denied that there are certain similarities. Now in bitcoin, really a lot of people have earned money and become rich. However, what will happen if all bitcoin holders try to sell their bitcoins? They will not be able to sell it at a good price and very many will suffer losses. Why? Just because the first people have already enriched themselves in bitcoin. Bitcoin does not create any material value for us. Why then did people become rich using the difference in his course?

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: nvt2511 on July 05, 2018, 02:07:29 AM
Lack of knowledge i think for what is cryptocurrecy and what is bitcoin.And they did not exactly understand the whole fundamental blockchain and this is what they all say that bitcoin is ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Hallmader on July 05, 2018, 02:11:42 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

You have to understand that if and when someone does not know the truth, he or she will be able to create a lot of things in his or her mind. This is what is happening to those whose knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is equal to nothing. So, this is not something that we should be angry about.  We need to enlighten them and explain to them the truth about Bitcoin and crypto. Let us start from the people that are immediately around us.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: SistaFista on July 05, 2018, 06:48:42 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

It just because they think the profit parties are only the earlier investors of bitcoin. But actually not like that.
Ponzi scheme cannot exist for long, it will out of players some day. But bitcoin is for everyone, both earlier players or late players.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: tenebriscaelum on July 05, 2018, 07:53:53 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

That is so sad to hear that some people think that BTC is a ponzi scheme, for me BTC is not a ponzi scheme because I earn big from BTC and it has changed my life. Maybe some other people are not believing in BTC cause they cannot see theirselves earning in cryptocurrency and they lack of knowledge on how they can earn in BTC. If they open their minds to the BTC and become industrious in finding ways on how they will earn in BTC they will start to love BTC. Like me at first I do not believe in BTC because I cannot see myself on how I will earn from it. But when I give BTC a try I discover that when I do and become industrious in finding ways on how I will earn. It will give me a good profit.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Hua cuong on July 05, 2018, 08:41:55 AM
Ponzi is the central element that attracts new members for money and organizes payments. Plus, there were certain people who do scamming works and claims that it was bitcoin like here in our country, they do ask money for investments from other people and tell them that this will be invested in bitcoin but that scammer will run away and take their money. That is why most of the people who do not understands bitcoin gives misconceptions about it.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Emilyp on July 09, 2018, 11:07:38 PM
I think many of such people lack the knowledge about bitcoin and don't wish to understand how it works. Bitcoin doesn't promise any monthly or weekly return on investment as most Ponzi schemes do, instead those who invest in Bitcoin have to decide when to sell that will profitable and that's the only way to make money from Bitcoin. So the two are not related in anyway.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Kobiniki300 on July 28, 2018, 05:06:45 PM
Well they I just trying to be over conscious and they have a wrong perception

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Macon Bargeman on July 29, 2018, 11:51:04 AM
No, its not a ponzi scheme. Well,it matters from where you buy the bitcoins and whom you sell them to. Don’t forget bitcoins made millionaire overnight but those who believed in it. If you want to make profit from bitcoin then buy and forget it at least for 1 year. Buy when its low and sell when it go high. Remember one thing you should invest as much as you afford to loose.

You should have faith and patience then it’s not a big deal to make profit from bitcoins.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: drm on July 29, 2018, 11:53:11 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

That is so sad to hear that some people think that BTC is a ponzi scheme, for me BTC is not a ponzi scheme because I earn big from BTC and it has changed my life. Maybe some other people are not believing in BTC cause they cannot see theirselves earning in cryptocurrency and they lack of knowledge on how they can earn in BTC. If they open their minds to the BTC and become industrious in finding ways on how they will earn in BTC they will start to love BTC. Like me at first I do not believe in BTC because I cannot see myself on how I will earn from it. But when I give BTC a try I discover that when I do and become industrious in finding ways on how I will earn. It will give me a good profit.

Doesn't matter, those people are uneducated and/or salty, and do not understand what ponzi schemes are.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Zhess Miller on July 29, 2018, 11:59:35 AM
 Pyramid schemes work on the idea of trickle-up shares, where you sell something, but someone above you takes a cut, and someone above them takes a cut, until you reach the top where one or a few people are taking a small cut from everyone selling on the bottom. You also get a cut from those under you, and from those under them, continue ad nauseum.
 Bitcoin has no pyramid structure to talk about. Where the gains come from is in the limited supply of the coins, so that the more people who acquire the coins, the more valuable each coin becomes because the supply gets rarer.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mornabo on July 29, 2018, 12:02:15 PM
I think many of such people lack the knowledge about bitcoin and don't wish to understand how it works. Bitcoin doesn't promise any monthly or weekly return on investment as most Ponzi schemes do, instead those who invest in Bitcoin have to decide when to sell that will profitable and that's the only way to make money from Bitcoin. So the two are not related in anyway.
Yeah maybe they lack the information about bitcoin, or they hear bitcoin only from the state media, you know that they are very anti with bitcoin, of course they just spread bad news only, we know that there are many types of investments in bitcoin including ponzi, but they can not generalize on bitcoin investments

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: PROFIT_REVIEW on July 29, 2018, 11:18:24 PM
Those who believe that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme do not understand anything in the crypto currency and do not want to understand. It's easier for such people to say something and leave without showing any evidence.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Nakedbitcoin on July 29, 2018, 11:47:32 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

This people are lack of knowledges about bitcoin, that's is why we can not blame them why they treated bitcoin is like a ponzi scheme. But if we help them to learned about the important information of bitcoin we can assure that this people will realized and remove their fear to invest their money in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Stormyblue on July 29, 2018, 11:55:44 PM
This is the world, people are allowed to have their own perceptions and ideologies. However, making perceptions with seeking much knowledge about a venture is a great mistakes because you can live to regret. I don't think people will still call Bitcoin a ponzi scheme if they tried to understand the concept of Bitcoin

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Testament28 on July 30, 2018, 01:06:19 AM
Many people think of bitcoin as ponzi scheme. Maybe they were just scared of something that they don't truly understand. Or maybe they were victims of HYIP scams. But if they take a good look of bitcoin, they will see that it is not what they think of it. They just have to learn what bitcoin is all about, by then they will understand its true purpose.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: leoric251 on July 30, 2018, 01:12:29 AM
Because of its volatility, The price move so fast that you can earn a lot or you can lose all of your money.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: pocket_lck on July 30, 2018, 01:13:01 AM
it is true that there are still many people who consider bitcoin as a ponzi, maybe it's all because of the price bubble, and many people are losing out on it all.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Cryptotissue on July 30, 2018, 01:13:17 AM
People who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme are just ignorant of the whole idea of digital currency and blockchain technology. People are just confused due to the type of information the media present about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: edzleochico6 on July 30, 2018, 10:29:16 PM
It is because they don't fully understand what is Bitcoin and how it works.They easily judge anything without having enough knowledge about what they are talking about. It's easier for such people to say something and leave without showing any evidence.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: bitfocus on July 30, 2018, 10:32:49 PM
Because they have Zero ideas about Bitcoin, Crypto, The Blockchain, and Investment.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: circlesseeker on July 30, 2018, 11:07:11 PM
Because treating it as ponzi is easier than doing a proper research.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: jonsky05 on July 30, 2018, 11:13:35 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Maybe they don't know totally what bitcoin is that's why many people use it as a pond scheme. And it's very disappointing that they don't even want to understand it or study it about bitcoin. Ponzi scheme will bring you to lose your money be careful.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: airdrophunter on July 30, 2018, 11:25:24 PM
Not all of them really don't know what's bitcoin is. Some of them we're just being wrongly fed by information that is telling them that bitcoin is a scam and that they should not use them. Others already been into the cryptoworld but turned their backs on it when they realized their investment almost gone when bitcoin fell down. BTC has never been a ponzi schem; only those people doing such activity  using bitcoin's name and fame are to be blame and they should be put behind bars.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kyledavid on July 31, 2018, 07:00:00 AM
because they believe that bitcoin is a investment platform but they didnt know that it was a online money or a virtual money which can be use in investing , paying bills or paying anything , like in our country if bitcoin was part of the scam they call it bitcoin as a scam but they don't know that bitcoin was a virtual money . The tv news is really strong in believing people that the bitcoin itself was a scam

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: thinkabout on July 31, 2018, 07:17:17 AM
because they don't know much about btc. they just pay attention on bad aspect of bitcoin

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: metenjean on July 31, 2018, 07:18:23 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Ponzi was based on pyramid scheme where people who join last transfer their wealth for people who join in the first time or even create the system and there is nothing wrong with people having these perspective to bitcoin as they think bitcoin was creating money out of thin air rather than just maintaining their price for steady growth. Surely bitcoin boom last year has create pessimistic opinion and grudge for people who didn't even join the ride.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Ahimoth on July 31, 2018, 07:26:02 AM
because they believe that bitcoin is a investment platform but they didnt know that it was a online money or a virtual money which can be use in investing , paying bills or paying anything , like in our country if bitcoin was part of the scam they call it bitcoin as a scam but they don't know that bitcoin was a virtual money . The tv news is really strong in believing people that the bitcoin itself was a scam
Personally I don't care about what other people is saying about bitcoin. If they gonna tell that the system is just a ponzi scheme then they are completely wrong. Actually I know what is true about bitcoin so I felt bad for them saying that the system is just a ponzi scheme. Well I think it would be better for them if they will just appreciate the system itself.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Zidanetribal on July 31, 2018, 07:33:46 AM
People who think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme because the multiple companies cheat people have been based on the name of on the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: brooklynian on August 01, 2018, 06:32:11 PM
The people treating bitcoin as ponzi are still basking in extreme ignorance. It is important to seek clarifications when one is confused as to whether something is genuine or not. It won't cost anything. At least it is better than to later realise that you have lost huge opportunities by have the wrong mindset about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: lumeire on August 01, 2018, 06:41:01 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
There are a lot of people who think that bitcoin is a ponzi and it is a bubble which is fueled by the new investors which are coming late in the cryptocurrency atmosphere. But I don't think that cryptocurrency in general is a ponzi scheme as it has paid some people handsome amount of money and changed most of the people's lives who work for bitcoin or have been holding cryptocurrencies in general.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: LukeCage on August 01, 2018, 07:04:37 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
Because some people are envious of the first people who have taken knowledge about bitcoin and took the risk. Sometimes I feel the same. I wish I could go back in time.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: mak2017 on August 01, 2018, 07:13:19 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

In my view those people usually have very poor knowledge about bitcoin, or being if it comes to some well known person, they are simply being paid to say so.
It's obvious that bitcoin price can be easily manipulated with such statements, and crowd usually fell for that sadly.
There isn't anything in the world where all people are 100% positive about something, and bitcoin is not an exception, so there will be always someone trying to pour dirt on bitcoin, just ignore such statements and people, be smarter.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Sirnero111 on August 01, 2018, 07:32:26 PM
It is because the don't understand what bitcoin is all about and since it has to do with online most people get to think or passive bitcoin to be a ponzi due to past events.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: nolestiket on August 01, 2018, 07:42:06 PM
This is an investment in the future. The currency is a new technology that can move humanity forward, it's very much like the appearance of the Internet

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Denisdzx on August 01, 2018, 08:00:35 PM
In the Ponzi scheme, the founder of the business will convince investors that they will get a certain level of profit, while Bitcoin does not promise such things. No central entity; there are only individuals who run a decentralized economy. In Ponzi schemes, the early adopters (those who first join) will benefit from those who join later. While in Bitcoin, there is a solution to this. The early adopters benefit from an increase in the value of bitcoin, while late adopters will benefit from currencies that are stable, fast, and cheap. The fact that early adopters get more profits does not make Bitcoin immediately as a Ponzi scheme. All good investments in successful companies have these characteristics.
that's my opinion  ;)

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Nick Abimanyu on August 01, 2018, 08:12:09 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now. 
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?

We all certainly know there are a lot of people out there who hate bitcoin not only the government and banks, in fact a number of politicians also participate in aggravating the atmosphere with their skeptical tone. However if we pay close attention, in fact they don't understand the benefits and the positive meaning of cryptocurrency, let alone bitcoin.
Ponzi schemes are fraudulent acts carried out by unscrupulous third parties. By their cruelty, they have damaged the image and popularity of bitcoin so bitcoin in Cap as its only medium or tool for fraud with Ponzi scheme style. It feels what they accuse is unethical.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: inspirone1 on August 01, 2018, 08:57:49 PM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
People do not want to spend time learning, they only want to get money. And this does not happen. Always need to lose to get. I think having some knowledge about the market, you can earn enough money over time.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: kirkarsedat on August 01, 2018, 09:03:47 PM
Some people think bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme because of some scammer that make use of bitcoin as instrument to scam others through investment. Some people think bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme because of some scammer that make use of bitcoin as instrument to scam others through investment

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: stayeduptolate on August 03, 2018, 07:40:04 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
As I stated that after the bitcoin introduction in the world, the entire world population has been divided into 2 half, the first one who lives bitcoin and has understood well the fate and potential of bitcoin and the second one is the people who calls bitcoin a Ponzi scheme or a bubble that would burst soon or a scam and I think they are also right at there place because if you don’t know that potential of bitcoin then obviously you will call it a scam because no currency has that potential to be that much profitable.

Title: Re: Why some people treat BTC as ponzi scheme?
Post by: Dmitry.Vastov on August 03, 2018, 10:53:10 AM
I really wonder to some people who think bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. It has made so many people rich and doing better till now.
But I don't understand the reason behind this type of thought?
I don’t know what these people want from the bitcoin, these are the kind of people who don’t understand the fate and potential of bitcoin and these are the part of population who comes in category of bitcoin haters and I think these people should meet once to those countries who has legalised bitcoin and now what conditions they are going through, the growth they are experiencing in their nation and even increase in GDP of nation and they should also understand the fate and potential of bitcoin.