Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: DimensionsOfHell on January 30, 2014, 12:27:10 AM

Title: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: DimensionsOfHell on January 30, 2014, 12:27:10 AM
Hi all

I've starting this thread so that anyone who is interested in Purchasing upgrade modules/Jupiters from KnCMiner should voice their needs to them.

We need to let them know we are interested and that we need some type of answer. They've gone silent long enough.

Back in December they told us to ready our Bitcoins for the sale of Jupiters and upgrade modules. Since then we've heard NOTHING regarding it.

We need some kind of answer from them.

If we show them we have enough interest, they will either:

1. Sell the Jupiters/Upgrade Modules


2. Let us know that it is no longer a possibility

They need to let us know SOMETHING.

Please take 5 minutes out of your busy life and let them know you want to purchase from them.

Send one email (to both email addresses) to &

And post here to let everyone know you're interested so we can keep track as well (what you want to purchase and how many). I will try to keep up and update this thread with everyone's interest and email KnC the link to this thread so they can see as well.

Example: You may use this and change what you need/want to or create your own. Thank you.

Dear KnC,

     We your past/current/future customer would like to get an update as to if or when you will be selling the Jupiter units and the Upgrade Modules. We have been patiently waiting from Dec. 14th, when you announced that you may be selling more units, and to have our coins handy. We have not heard back from you guys since then regarding this subject.

     We are very interested in purchasing more Jupiter's and/or Upgrade Modules. Please inform us as to when that may occure, or if you no longer have an interest in receiving our business towards your products.

     Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

UPDATE: People who have emailed so far:

     Username                               Interested in                          Quantity

1. joeventura

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: arousedrhino on January 30, 2014, 12:33:34 AM
I second this motion!

edit: oh duh need to send the email, email sent!

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: joeventura on January 30, 2014, 12:45:21 AM
I have emailed them both

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: joeventura on January 30, 2014, 05:46:34 AM
P.S. I am interested in 8 modules for October units

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: 1l1l11ll1l on January 30, 2014, 06:37:32 AM
They don't care. I know someone who sent a 6 figure $ offer and they turned it down saying they didn't have anything to sell.

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: madsusies on January 30, 2014, 07:23:20 AM

I think, they got the option to sell the october  boards, they just don't care 

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: edgar on January 30, 2014, 08:41:59 AM
i feel this is the closest to the truth, nor do i believe they ever did care.

they had a 'foreign' shill promoting them while denying any involvement who is now the director? of KnC...

its all a sham and it looks like alexorama is going to be the fall guy when they just abandon us for icelandic hosted mining(or just private mining)

its been a mess since it began. only the fanboys & girls have made any attempts to convince us otherwise (presumably for free boards and/or expense accounts)

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: joeventura on January 30, 2014, 01:24:28 PM
Liam (kncminer)
Jan 30 08:56


Upgrades cards will go sale very shortly. An announcement will be made on the website and newsletter within the coming days.
It has yet to be decided which versions of the board we will be selling.


Med vänlig hälsning Best regards

Liam Vardy

Office: +46 8559 253 20

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: jelin1984 on January 30, 2014, 01:41:32 PM
Nice updated

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: madsusies on January 30, 2014, 01:54:49 PM
Nice updated
Lol I got same answer in December  :-*

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: jelin1984 on January 30, 2014, 02:00:34 PM

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: madsusies on January 30, 2014, 02:07:06 PM
Really a dude from help desk just copies this massage to everyone, I know because I was scared how do I make bank transfer before Christmas, or if this "SHORTLY" would started during the Christmas holidays....... came on folks don't be stupid

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: dogie on January 30, 2014, 03:39:02 PM
Heresay: They used the 3rd batch to create some private farms, rather than upgrade modules. After that it wasn't viable for them to make an entire batch as they couldn't sell the rest of the modules at a decent markup. Instead they've used the money for the Neptunes.

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: Tehfiend on January 30, 2014, 05:55:44 PM
Heresay: They used the 3rd batch to create some private farms, rather than upgrade modules. After that it wasn't viable for them to make an entire batch as they couldn't sell the rest of the modules at a decent markup. Instead they've used the money for the Neptunes.

This is my theory as well. I find it hard to believe they would stop producing Jupiters after batch 2 since all of the RnD was paid for so at the point it's all gravy. Maybe they offered batch #3 to employee's first who then bought them all up. I know I would have given the opportunity :D

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: arousedrhino on January 31, 2014, 03:04:51 AM
This is what I got back:

Lu (kncminer)
Jan 30 08:49

Dear [me],

We are really appreciate your support.
We are not holding any information, we always post news into our webpage at first place when the news are ready. For the moment we still don't have more update regarding Jupiter or upgrade modules.
As you know, we are probably one of the most realistic company in BTC filed, we don't want just give false information to our customer, or give out unsure information, and change it all the time. We need to make sure all news we have is 100% be sure.

Please keep on follow our webpage and news, you will not be disappointed.

Med vänlig hälsning |  Best regards

Lucy Edvardsson
Office: +46 8559 253 20

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: merv77 on January 31, 2014, 09:26:55 AM
what do you guys think would be a fair price for a module?
keep in mind if they sold them tomorrow you probably wouldn't see them before next difficulty increase.

Personally I would like to see them for under $500 but that's probably wishful thinking.

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: edgar on February 01, 2014, 03:40:07 AM
id like to know if october rigs will happily run with November boards (if that still makes sense)

Title: Re: Voice yourself to KnCMiner
Post by: joeventura on February 01, 2014, 01:40:18 PM
what do you guys think would be a fair price for a module?
keep in mind if they sold them tomorrow you probably wouldn't see them before next difficulty increase.

Personally I would like to see them for under $500 but that's probably wishful thinking.

Yeah at this point I think we are just getting led on by KNC and they are just waiting for some good news (Neptunes) before they give us bad news.

'Orama is in these threads everyday and his lack of comment makes it pretty clear.