Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Ozkhan on June 21, 2018, 04:28:33 AM

Title: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ozkhan on June 21, 2018, 04:28:33 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bitfocus on June 21, 2018, 04:45:13 AM
There are lots of short length videos on youtube to understand Bitcoin in very easy ways. People should use google a little. Also, sites like this one provides very informative how-to and guides

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: rommelzkie on June 21, 2018, 05:02:31 AM
Its not that difficult. bitcoin is plain and simple.

Bitcoin is the name of the token created under his block - chain

Block - chain is the name of the technology used to store transaction data of all bitcoin tokens.

In short, block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. It is irreversible.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Sulwan2612 on June 21, 2018, 05:05:40 AM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bonnie Cleary on June 21, 2018, 05:11:14 AM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: wantjokull on June 21, 2018, 05:35:02 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

May be yes that is how it all works. For general public bitcoin is just medium of transaction and lately it is just way of earning money. Thats all people think about it. In reality no one really want to understand how bitcoin is really working here or how the mechanism of action takes place when someone transact over the blockchain and how miners catch and verify it. They just know that its BTC and it has got value wroth thousands of dollars. They know various ways to grow their fiat by means of using bitcoin. That is all it is for general population and I think it will stay as it is !

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Pursuer on June 21, 2018, 05:37:06 AM
for the end user who wants to use bitcoin as a currency it is not at all difficult specially these days that there are lots of options to use as your wallet. maybe in 2009 things were complicated because you had one option and that was running a full node which could also mine for you but today you just choose a wallet and put the amount to pay in the respective field and click send. it is that simple! with web wallets, Coinbase, SPV wallets,... things are easy.

what you are pointing out is understanding things you don't need to know in order to use bitcoin. it is optional to learn and will help you know the technology. and that is not a problem with bitcoin you will face the same challenge if you try and understand any other technology like how does your smart phone work?

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 21, 2018, 05:44:57 AM

No. It's overkill if you don't refine your questions. If you ask too vaguely, you'll get much more info than you may need.
Do you know how banks send the money internally, how they store them, how your VISA card communicates with the bank when inserted into a PoS? I guess not. Then why you try to focus on all the details for Bitcoin?

You need to understand a small number of things:
1. Wallet safety and computer safety.
2. How to look onto a website to check if the fee you choose is right.
3. Install and run a simple wallet, like Electrum, how to send and receive.
4. [Maybe] How to check on a 3rd party website if a transaction was sent and confirmed.

This means that you need some 15 minutes to pay attention.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: reda on June 21, 2018, 05:51:25 AM

No. It's overkill if you don't refine your questions. If you ask too vaguely, you'll get much more info than you may need.
Do you know how banks send the money internally, how they store them, how your VISA card communicates with the bank when inserted into a PoS? I guess not. Then why you try to focus on all the details for Bitcoin?

You need to understand a small number of things:
1. Wallet safety and computer safety.
2. How to look onto a website to check if the fee you choose is right.
3. Install and run a simple wallet, like Electrum, how to send and receive.
4. [Maybe] How to check on a 3rd party website if a transaction was sent and confirmed.

This means that you need some 15 minutes to pay attention.

Before use the bitcoin lean the information and process. Then easy to use. If don't know any information. It nof easy to use. It digital currency. So it safely use the bitcoin. It good future saving. So don't want the coin. So lean the information of the coin. If need for more information check the market place and coin disk. Then get more information day by day. So time is important of all process. So time to buy and sell it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: hitrawal91 on June 21, 2018, 05:57:17 AM
There is nothing complex in bitcoin, it is only we who think bitcoin is complex and actually we don't know how to tell people what bitcoin is and it is difficult to teach people what is bitcoin and how all the process goes on. There are many youtube and vimeo videos released by which one can easily understand the concept of bitcoin. You can also make use of Facebook groups, google and yahoo answers in order to know the bitcoin or in order to explain the bitcoin in a much better way.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cryptokingdom on June 21, 2018, 06:08:35 AM
Some people naturally like to stick to what they know and what they learnt from their grand father without embracing new things. You will be surprise that so many people in my country do not use ATM, they still prefer to withdraw money inside the bank. No matter how you simplify the usage   of bitcoin most people will not understand because they do not want to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: davis196 on June 21, 2018, 06:12:07 AM
Why do people have to understand bitcoin?They can use it without the need to understand how the blockchain works.Most of the people don`t even understand how a bank works,but they open bank accounts all the time.Do you know how PayPal and VISA work?I don`t think so,but most likely you have a PayPal account or VISA card.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DooMAD on June 21, 2018, 06:23:20 AM
There is quite a bit to explain if they really want to understand on a technical level, but then the same applies to Automated Clearing Houses (  It doesn't matter if none of that makes sense, because you don't need to understand it to use cards to pay for stuff.  Just like you don't need to be a technical expert in Bitcoin to use it effectively.  Plus, clever people are always coming up with new ways to make the software more user-friendly.  It's only ever going to get easier to use over time.  All anyone really needs to understand is to observe someone sending a transaction to see how simple it is.

Of course, we should encourage people to understands things a little better.  Part of the reason the traditional financial system is such a mess is because the average Joe Public doesn't know how it really works.  Some people genuinely still believe banks lend out from existing deposits, for example.  Almost everyone has heard of the phrase "fractional reserve", but I doubt more than 50% of people could explain it correctly.  But anyone who really wants to understand Bitcoin will inevitably find their way here to these boards.   

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ariem on June 21, 2018, 06:24:55 AM
People are treated with apprehension and distrust to everything new, just like people immediately treated electricity, internet and credit cards. I think time will pass, it can be five or ten years and people will begin to understand and trust to bitcoin and will get used to it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bigmaster23 on June 21, 2018, 06:26:02 AM
many understands crypto as a rising aviation to success, delinquent person often chose the fact before waiting the goal of that matter, as for this some people had heard the news of the rising popularity of bitcoin and all of their friends tag along and friends of their friend also hang on the trend, we see that every person involve with the paragraph jump in to bitcoin without basic knowledge to crypto this is the reason why many or some lose about 50 to 70 percent investment in their bitcoin as bitcoin back down from 6k $ to 15K  ( if your not smart enough with this and hoping for bitcoin to recover as fast as it drops your living in a dilemma situation.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: happistarjp on June 21, 2018, 06:26:07 AM
You have to educate yourself if you really want to learn what is Bitcoin and how it works. There are a lot of instructional videos on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are also infographics on Pinterest that are very helpful. You got all the resources that y'all need. So it's really not that difficult after all ;).

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: brainape on June 21, 2018, 06:31:04 AM
You have to educate yourself if you really want to learn what is Bitcoin and how it works. There are a lot of instructional videos on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are also infographics on Pinterest that are very helpful. You got all the resources that y'all need. So it's really not that difficult after all ;).
I think its not a rocket science to understand. It even do not require a regular or proper education, you just need to study about it for some time so that you may know about the basics of bitcoin and understand how to use it. the only important is that you must have some basic knowledge about computer android mobile and about internet, and i think that you will learn about bitcoin within few hours. 

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DooMAD on June 21, 2018, 06:34:00 AM
People are treated with apprehension and distrust to everything new, just like people immediately treated electricity, internet and credit cards. I think time will pass, it can be five or ten years and people will begin to understand and trust to bitcoin and will get used to it.

Yes, there's definitely an element of that too.  It doesn't help that mainstream media often call it a scam/ponzi/bubble/etc, meaning that some people are less inclined to look into it because the media have already told them what to think.  Everyone wants to get their information second-hand rather than finding out for themselves.  I suspect it's going to take a while for perceptions to change.

You need to understand a small number of things:
1. Wallet safety and computer safety.

To play devil's advocate, this alone is sometimes too complicated a subject for many people, heh.  By the time you've told them to be careful with online services designed to hold funds (which should always be one of the first things to explain to new users), make regular backups, how to store the backups securely, use a unique and strong password, not lose your password, how to keep your devices secure and malware-free, etc. many of them will have glazed over and forgotten half of what you just told them.  

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: aoluain on June 21, 2018, 06:36:25 AM
I think the most difficult part that people have trouble understanding is mining
and the fact that coins are just created from "nowhere"

I find if the explanations are simple with simple language people can get their
head around the concept.

Phrases like:
Calculating transactions rather than Mining and algorithms
Secure folder on a computer instead of encrypted wallet

as an example.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Sir Cross on June 21, 2018, 06:46:32 AM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 21, 2018, 06:53:11 AM
You need to understand a small number of things:
1. Wallet safety and computer safety.

To play devil's advocate, this alone is sometimes too complicated a subject for many people, heh.  By the time you've told them to be careful with online services designed to hold funds (which should always be one of the first things to explain to new users), make regular backups, how to store the backups securely, use a unique and strong password, not lose your password, how to keep your devices secure and malware-free, etc. many of them will have glazed over and forgotten half of what you just told them.  

You're right, security can be a tough subject.
But there are also shortcuts there too, up-to-date antivirus/anti-malware/internet security is a start, don't click any links just because you've got them by e-mail (and also don't install every cr*p) is common sense and the hardware wallets are the cherry on top. See? Almost done. It's also common sense to read the manual and the hardware wallet will also tell to write down the seed and keep it super-safe.

And no, no online wallets, starting with "online services to hold funds" usually leads to safety risks and also can lead to misunderstandings (related to fees, for example).

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: RNGfight on June 21, 2018, 06:53:37 AM
Even now most people entering the crypto-currency market see bitcoin only as a speculative tool.
This is not appropriate, however, because they have not really discovered the value of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: BagzMM on June 21, 2018, 07:00:10 AM
Anybody could learn if theirs a willingness on it. If someone is interested to explore then in could be more easier to learn. Just take it slowly and not to feel hopeless then at the end of the day you will explore and love the world of BTC.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ShitTL on June 21, 2018, 07:04:54 AM
I find bitcoin as simple as our currency. One thing is that bitcoin does not use cash as our currency, if you have passion as well as you like discovering what you are going to understand. related to bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Batask on June 21, 2018, 07:06:00 AM
Anybody could learn if theirs a willingness on it. If someone is interested to explore then in could be more easier to learn. Just take it slowly and not to feel hopeless then at the end of the day you will explore and love the world of BTC.

There is no difficult to understand if you are deteremine enough to learn, if you are interested on something give some effort and willingness, just take it slowly, slowly but surely. Put some effort if you are willing to understand the nature of bitcoin. You will slowly realize the world of bitcoin someday.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: hermae on June 21, 2018, 07:08:45 AM
Anybody could learn if theirs a willingness on it. If someone is interested to explore then in could be more easier to learn. Just take it slowly and not to feel hopeless then at the end of the day you will explore and love the world of BTC.

There is no difficult to understand if you are deteremine enough to learn, if you are interested on something give some effort and willingness, just take it slowly, slowly but surely. Put some effort if you are willing to understand the nature of bitcoin. You will slowly realize the world of bitcoin someday.

Bitcoin may be difficult to understand for the people who dont have interest in it. If a person is really eager to know more about bitcoin, then he will find a way to understand it better. There are many references one can find like in google, videos in youtube and in the bitcoin forum.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Phinoy on June 21, 2018, 07:11:41 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

May be yes that is how it all works. For general public bitcoin is just medium of transaction and lately it is just way of earning money. Thats all people think about it. In reality no one really want to understand how bitcoin is really working here or how the mechanism of action takes place when someone transact over the blockchain and how miners catch and verify it. They just know that its BTC and it has got value wroth thousands of dollars. They know various ways to grow their fiat by means of using bitcoin. That is all it is for general population and I think it will stay as it is !

For those who are not interested on that particular activities like bitcoin it is difficult to understand of course to the people who are started on the activities but if you ask there is no way not to be understand and also research and always update on what is new so that you are updated always on that particular activities you are joining.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Donotfoolme on June 21, 2018, 07:14:26 AM
blockchain is an online ledger of transsactions accessible for all is irreversible
some people really need some information about bitcoin , bitcoin is just a name of a coin .
bitcoin isnt difficult bitcoin is a good news of all people .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: dothebeats on June 21, 2018, 07:30:32 AM
TBH if a user only intend using bitcoin on general transactions like sending and receiving, the user doesn't need to know about the inner workings and technicalities accompanied by it. The option of sending or receiving money by just scanning a QR code is actually good for the average Joes who wish to use the cryptocurrency. Also, fiat with its inner workings and technicalities is also difficult to grasp, but do people need to know about it? No, because as long as the paper/coin is able to hold value and is transferable, they can use it in exchange for goods and services, just like what bitcoin does essentially.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lynttrs on June 21, 2018, 07:42:49 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Because bitcoin is something new that people are not used to. It takes time for people the grasp the meaning and significance of it. But you don't have to totally understand the difficult technicalities behind to get involved with cryptocurrency. A basic research would help a beginner to start his way up.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Tosg399 on June 21, 2018, 07:45:45 AM
1).Mining is the way the bitcoin transactions are completed on the network. All over the world, computers verify bitcoin sending/receiving.
“The blockchain and mining — they are, of course, related.” –Joseph Hsieh, co-founder of Expresscoin
“Mining centralization: to what extent will it happen in the long term, and what will be its effect on Bitcoin’s decentralized nature?” –Elliot Michael Lee, engineer at Braintree.
“Economic benefits of not having monolithic trusted third parties middle-manning transactions, as well as how miner incentives will keep the network flowing, and how digital mining compares to real mineral mining.” –Chase Sechrist, just a spectator.
2).Speculation-The price of bitcoin seems to always be in flux. It’s a rather volatile store of value because it is still so new.
“It’s confusing to everyday people to distinguish between bitcoin (currency) and bitcoin (Protocol).” –Michael Dunworth, co-founder SnapCard
“People are usually reticent about investing in Bitcoin because of the high price tag on 1 coin. They don’t realize that a bitcoin can be broken into hundreths of millionths of peices, so unfortunately lose out on a great investment opportunity.” –Jason Rosenstein, technologist and entrepreneur
“Why its value hasn’t grown faster.” –Luis Buenaventura II, co-founder and head of product at

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MainIbem on June 21, 2018, 07:51:41 AM
I encountered a similar situation. What my mentor instructed me was as simple as this. View bitcoin in abstract context. He added, because everything about bitcoin is abstract. They are mathematical postulation and solutions.

I did and that has helped me continue to get a better understanding of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: richminded on June 21, 2018, 07:58:57 AM
Anybody could learn if theirs a willingness on it. If someone is interested to explore then in could be more easier to learn. Just take it slowly and not to feel hopeless then at the end of the day you will explore and love the world of BTC.
Exactly, if you really want to understand not just bitcoin but the whole cryptocurrency you must put effort on knowing more about this technology. Don’t expect someone to spoon feed everything to you, its time to stand up and adopt the system, if it still hard then do better.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: JamescrypTrader on June 21, 2018, 08:17:14 AM
I agreed that it is difficult to understand for a common person. But surely not overskill. If anyone try to understand and do sufficient study on bitcoin, it will be nothing gradually. If you found it difficult more now, you can do a thorough study at
I believe it will help you a lot to be clear as water.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Eureka_07 on June 21, 2018, 08:20:54 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Bitcoin becomes hard to understand because of two things: First, we do not completely understand bitcoin because we lack knowledge about it. Many people are afraid to take risk on bitcoin because the only knowledge they know is what they hear from news or sometimes the gossips. Another thing is, lack of interest, maybe bitcoin for some people is not their forte so they don't lend too much of their time to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Nelly.G0211 on June 21, 2018, 08:28:15 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

i think, now there are lots of information about blockchains and how they work. And I would say that there are different kinds of videos you can choose one to watch according your needs. For example, if you need to know general information, you don't need to choose some detailed reviews. Anyway, lots of information to get))

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: hdtqisg on June 21, 2018, 09:23:52 AM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand in terms of using Bitcoin's algorithms. You need to be a real developer to understand, so for simplicity, you just have to protect your private.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jose111 on June 21, 2018, 09:32:28 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Actually, I think even in anything that was new technology that appears in our society it's probably hard to understand in the beginning but for a long time of existing it for sure we can understand it soon. However, this system is really hard to understand but I believe that if we very determinated and have much willingness to understanding it I think eventually we really know it and can understanding it very well.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Lucius on June 21, 2018, 09:36:51 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Cryptocurrency and BTC are still in some shadow, many people are aware of his existence, but less than 1% of world population it actually owns / uses it. The remaining 99% have a very superficial knowledge about it, or even have never heard of such a thing. Since we live in digital age and BTC is live last 9 years, probably the rate of adaptation should be somewhat higher, but for some reasons this is not the case yet.

I do not think it is difficult for people to understand BTC, most do not want to have any connection with cryptocurrency because all risks that come with it. Imagine how easy is to use fiat, you have money in the bank, you can pay with cash, credit card, online and your money is always secured. On the other hand there is BTC, you need to be your own bank, take care of safety, in case of hack/robbery there is no insurance and so on...

I think that most people in the world prefer the security of the existing financial system rather than experimenting with something new, but that will change with time.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: hachiman13 on June 21, 2018, 09:38:47 AM
I do understand bitcoin at a basic level and I don't think that's a problem. People who want to use a regular dollar wouldn't want to know how it was printed, what paper was used for it or anything insignificant. They just want to spend it (or not) because that's how currencies work. As for the deeper understanding of the concept behind it, we ought to leave those task to the brilliant minds.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: athanz88 on June 21, 2018, 10:49:20 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I believe there is an easier way to describe anything in this world, even for something that is complicated. To make it easier to explain about bitcoin then you must master it first, then you can explain it simpler to other person. Using a learning media as a learnin tools can help people to understand better about bitcoin. My favorite tool is youtube, where i can find a lot of video about bitcoin, it is simple yet interesting.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Cutieh01 on June 21, 2018, 11:09:13 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I believe there is an easier way to describe anything in this world, even for something that is complicated. To make it easier to explain about bitcoin then you must master it first, then you can explain it simpler to other person. Using a learning media as a learnin tools can help people to understand better about bitcoin. My favorite tool is youtube, where i can find a lot of video about bitcoin, it is simple yet interesting.

Agreed, since Bitcoin is very popular, and it is been talked in television and newspaper. So I think by that even average person can understand what Bitcoin is.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jpespa on June 21, 2018, 11:14:18 AM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand for other people because  they are not trying to understand it. They just go directly straight to their desire to earn money even without learning the basics of the crypto world.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Saisher on June 21, 2018, 11:17:03 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

It's not the technology's fault people are not spending the time to acquire the necessary knowledge to learn how bitcoin works, there's a lot of articles written about Bitcoin there are countless videos about Bitcoin and blockchain, it's the people who just want to make money, not given enough to appreciate the technology.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pimkobai on June 21, 2018, 11:21:01 AM
In my opinion, I think an average person can easily understand bitcoin if he is interested to learn about this crypto currency. The most basic tool to earn more about bitcoin is by doing research on the internet like google or youtube. There are many blogs about how you can learn more about bitcoin and even learn how to make profit with bitcoin. It's a matter of interest if you really wanted to learn something, then you should have to work for it to acquire for that knowledge.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Akorharrison on June 21, 2018, 11:33:27 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

that is true, since then till I hardly understand it, moreover the growth of btc I m the market price of btc is what man can't predict how it's but how ever will I think with the little knowledge which I m gaining inside here is giving me more tips about btc. moreover what surprises me is the sudden fall of bitcoin at a certain spot it was 17k to $20k but I wonder what just happened it to get to $6777 is this not shocking?

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: BestW1shes on June 21, 2018, 11:34:48 AM
I do not think that bitcoin is difficult for understanding

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: BulbaLord on June 21, 2018, 11:42:50 AM
There is no difficulties if you know how to understand well and it is easy to understand if you are in focus and interested in a thing you want. 

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: reck1ess on June 21, 2018, 11:49:27 AM
This is why Bitcointalk is created, to simplify the complex things about bitcoin. All we need to do is read and research things we dont know about bitcoin. It would take time for newbies to understand much about bitcoin just like I did, but time and effort combined will make us learn most about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Johnny_ric0 on June 21, 2018, 11:53:59 AM
Imho bitcoin is not that hard to understand, the internet is full of (i)rellevant information, so who truly want to know, just read the info.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: KIKI.loi on June 21, 2018, 11:57:56 AM
Many people think that Bitcoin is a very confusing thing, but Bitcoin is something that is simple to understand. such as investing in bitcoin we buy at the time the price goes down and sells it at a high price. if mine problems we need to learn more about bitcoin gradually.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Stormyblue on June 21, 2018, 12:05:12 PM
Bitcoin is a new form of currency which is digital. This means that it lacks physical forms. This makes it difficult for people without much knowledge in operating digital systems. Moreover it is a new currency with a new technology so it takes time to gradually understand it totally.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Danisababy on June 21, 2018, 12:05:23 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Because bitcoin is something new that people are not used to. It takes time for people the grasp the meaning and significance of it. But you don't have to totally understand the difficult technicalities behind to get involved with cryptocurrency. A basic research would help a beginner to start his way up.

Some people are having difficulties in understanding bitcoin and cryptocurrency because they are not willing to take some time to study it and take a look at it. At first, I also have some confusions about this bitcoin and how it works, but because I am very interested to know more, so I take some time to do research and little by little, I already understand it. So for them who dont understand what bitcoin is yet, they just have to be open-minded and do some research like in google, youtube and sources like the bitcointalk forum.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Traslavin on June 21, 2018, 12:09:11 PM
This is why Bitcointalk is created, to simplify the complex things about bitcoin. All we need to do is read and research things we dont know about bitcoin. It would take time for newbies to understand much about bitcoin just like I did, but time and effort combined will make us learn most about bitcoin.
Definitely this is the purpose why Bitcointalk is made and that is to educate us, educate the new member of the group to be able to perform a certain tasks that is required here in crypto world. Bitcoin is difficult to understand to those people who are lack of knowledge about bitcoin, difficult to those who are on going process of learning crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: rosepetals on June 21, 2018, 12:39:29 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand if we just open our minds to this new trend of cryptocurrencies,most people nowadays don't believe that there were existing digital currencies that gives us an opportunity to change our usual way of living to a productive one.They thought that its concept is a scam, reality speaks people speculates all the time.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jemarie20 on June 21, 2018, 12:54:00 PM
We can understand bitcoin if we want to understand it thoroughly, just watch a video from youtube about bitcoin and read many article from google and you can easy to understand what is bitcoin and how its work.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: azhariusman1981 on June 21, 2018, 01:32:15 PM
Bitcoin is something new in the field of finance that is a digital currency that can only be used through block and internet network, bitcoin is not the same as fiat money that can be used as a means of transactions anywhere without the need of internet network, therefore people who do not understand the internet difficult to understand bitcoin because it has no real shape and physical.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jenilyn on June 21, 2018, 02:16:12 PM
First you need to research about bitcoin to know more about it. Sometimes it's difficult but it easy to know step by step. You need to be patient.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Marcsymon on June 21, 2018, 02:20:11 PM
Some people naturally like to stick to what they know and what they learnt from their grand father without embracing new things. You will be surprise that so many people in my country do not use ATM, they still prefer to withdraw money inside the bank. No matter how you simplify the usage   of bitcoin most people will not understand because they do not want to understand.

It is really difficult to undestand bitcoin because volatility and unpredictable behavior are the main constraint to undestand it's platform fully. That's why people are always opt those things they well greatly knows, because of their great difficulties in embracing what's something new in digitai currencies technology.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: vladaziya4 on June 21, 2018, 02:22:06 PM
Yes, I totally agree with you, since time is first and foremost, profit loves time, so do not expect 1-3 days, I think it's wrong.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: musta5a on June 21, 2018, 02:23:55 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

yes, right now the people are trying to understand the bitcoin because it's not being normally used so they don't accept it as it is. But once more people start using it, they will not think twice

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Jin xiou on June 21, 2018, 02:26:05 PM
Most people are not familiar with financial markets and such concepts as "risk" and "volatility." Not everyone understands the causes of volatility and know which factors may influence the btc growth and its fall

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: budismile on June 21, 2018, 02:32:15 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

In conclusion only people who know the computer science and systems that can understand Bitcoin, the rest just want to get the benefits only.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bhalibad on June 21, 2018, 02:39:35 PM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

I really believe that Bitcoin is hard to understand if we are not interested especially when we are older it is difficult to explain but if we are interested it is very easy to understand and we know how to work it and we know how to get more profit.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: drwhobox on June 21, 2018, 02:41:48 PM
Bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if you do want the elaborated way you can study the deeper parts of it. there are some videos on youtube that will make you understand the basic functions and what you're going to do with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: hilawnasaging on June 21, 2018, 02:45:31 PM
That is why people need to be educated with this kind of innovation. People tend to think that bitcoin is a scam, a fraud, a waste of time while for some people it becomes their profession. Bitcoin can be the center of trade, banking and finance and simply the innovation of a country. People with little knowledge about bitcoin will tend to tell false information about it. With that, people will think that bitcoin is nothing but trash. But for us users who gain something, we should be quiet about it and let the bitcoin do the talk.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ziomuro27 on June 21, 2018, 02:48:24 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
For some people it is hard for them to understand about the bitcoin, they need our knowledge to help them to know  what kind really is this. To inform them that it's not scam, I said this because some of them thought that this was not real. Yet they need to understand  the most important things about of this, ao that they will realized that it was not what like they thought, that they were wrong.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mjaranzasu on June 21, 2018, 02:54:20 PM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

I really believe that Bitcoin is hard to understand if we are not interested especially when we are older it is difficult to explain but if we are interested it is very easy to understand and we know how to work it and we know how to get more profit.

Yes it will be hard to understand if the person is close minded to understand and study more information about bitcoin. Also people who is fud will surely avoid bitcoin specially if they will know that they can loss money with wrong moves.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: tegarp90 on June 21, 2018, 02:57:27 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Yeah it's really difficult, because it's still illegal to many country so, no formal education will teach about this.
And also, the founder itself satoshi nakamoto is also an anonymous.
bitcoin is still rare.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lagracia on June 21, 2018, 03:03:39 PM
Its not that difficult. bitcoin is plain and simple.

Bitcoin is the name of the token created under his block - chain

Block - chain is the name of the technology used to store transaction data of all bitcoin tokens.

In short, block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. It is irreversible.

This blockchain is confusing me until I read this. Somehow this explained clearly enough for me, I think bitcoin talk is most likely to be understandable through this kind of explanations, less complex words could make it more easy to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: LovelyFLOWER on June 21, 2018, 03:07:19 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Yes I don't know why bitcoin is really difficult to understand now. Why is it so long for low volatility. But I keep on hoping that bitcoin will grow up soon and it will go back to normal situation so that we will live in a cashless society. That when bitcoin is recognized to the whole world  as a solution to world poverty bitcoin will be powerful.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: yusupjatigumilar on June 21, 2018, 03:08:14 PM
because to understand bitcoin at least we must first understand about IT and economics, IT understanding aims so that we can understand how bitcoin work itself and economy to understand how and what factors make price movements on bitcoin, if you already understand both things most basic then you will easily understand bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ardi wira on June 21, 2018, 03:12:04 PM
most people are always ambition to succeed in the world of crypto. tampa they understand the basics of the bitcoin world itself. until the end yes they are stuck in a downturn

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: amih on June 21, 2018, 03:15:08 PM
for some people who just know bitcoin it will be felt that is very difficult to understand. but if you continue to look for related information about bitcoin through a source or site that describes bitcoin of course you will gradually understand about bitcoin in detail.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: 0t3p0t on June 21, 2018, 03:24:14 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
It is not hard to understand an idea, it was the people who makes it difficult to get the thought and it's purpose. Without even going through the core and other technical system of Bitcoin, it was clearly a digital money and it is a new form of currency and also an investment. I am not an expert with this but it is what it is. We just need to be resourceful, and have knowledge about everything we got interested in so I think it is a matter of choice whether to study or not about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ewox on June 21, 2018, 03:31:16 PM
I dont think it is difficult to understand bitcoin however some people have a habit of thinking in advance that it is difficult to understand. I know someone who's just a teenager and is able to teach a 40 year old guy about bitcoin because he wanted to learn about cryptocurrencies. And sometimes it is not the difficulty of understanding but sometimes it is the willingness of a certain person who wants to know and learn about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Neraj Evad on June 21, 2018, 03:36:11 PM
for some people who just know bitcoin it will be felt that is very difficult to understand. but if you continue to look for related information about bitcoin through a source or site that describes bitcoin of course you will gradually understand about bitcoin in detail.
That is a good idea actually ,at first the people joining the botcoin ,has a difficulty in understanding bitcoin at the start, that also include myself, but later by later ,upon reading more about bitcoin, you will slowly understand the concept and goals of bitcoin and its member.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Direwolve735 on June 21, 2018, 03:46:26 PM
For a person, who has never before faced with crypto-currencies and knows little about financial issues, it is really difficult to understand the nature and functions of bitcoin. It's difficult, because you need knowledge in the field of mathematics, cryptography, to understand how it works. However, to use Bitcoin is no more complicated than the usage af QIWI, WebMoney or regular bank card. You don`t bother with the TCP/IP protocol device when using electronic money or pay attention to the language in which the code of the program is written, which you use to transfer funds from one to another? Most people need to understand how to use bitcoin, but it is not necessary to know all the subtleties of its organization.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: genolica on June 21, 2018, 03:48:35 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
It's really an overkill to some people. Well, luckily for us, we dug deeper in cryptocurrency and found this forum and we are really blessed that we knew bitcoin rather than those people.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: alfs75 on June 21, 2018, 03:50:32 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

actualy you have a point unto this your statement,that bitcoin is hard  to understand especialy to those average people and even you are professional you can pass through ,at first you attempt to understand the scenario of this cryptocurrency investment,because theres so many complicated situation,but when the months pass by,little by little you can easily understand the scenario or trading movement of this kind of investment,definetly at first you fell confused and troubled mind  but later on you can appreciatte the outcome of bitcoin learning given to your self.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: sabihanazir on June 21, 2018, 03:54:10 PM
I  think it is difficult to understand because it's still illegal to many country. Moreover some people it is hard for them to understand about the bitcoin, they need our knowledge to help them to know  what kind really is this. If you want to understand bitcoin you need to research about bitcoin to know more about it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: imstillthebest on June 21, 2018, 03:58:39 PM
I dont think it is difficult to understand bitcoin however some people have a habit of thinking in advance that it is difficult to understand. I know someone who's just a teenager and is able to teach a 40 year old guy about bitcoin because he wanted to learn about cryptocurrencies. And sometimes it is not the difficulty of understanding but sometimes it is the willingness of a certain person who wants to know and learn about bitcoin.

exactly. it is all about the willingness. if a person is eagerly willing to learn , he can possibly learned it even if he is not an educated person (or graduate at any college course ).

it is also normal to to be confused at get lost at first when we are trying to explore new things that we arent familliar but as soon as we are dedicated to learn it , we can eventually find our selves that we did already understand the basics of it.  there is nothing dificult in this world because anything is possible for a positive person.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: BlueMoonLight on June 21, 2018, 04:02:54 PM
It is not hard to understand as long as you know the basic fundamentals about it. If we don't know the basic we will not understand the big scope of bitcoin as decentralized digital currency.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: TheChung1904 on June 21, 2018, 04:03:54 PM
Bitcoin is hard to understand because bitcoin coins are the first digital money and most people probably do not understand

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: RawDog on June 21, 2018, 04:05:09 PM
Topic: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?

Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?  Because your brain is too small. 

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jowels0000 on June 21, 2018, 05:48:23 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand because it is an invisible coin and digital currency. Every bit of work to be done in bitcoin is very difficult but there are many ways to learn them, such as youtube, Google. These websites help bitcoin to understand how to work properly.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: LodisMcguire on June 21, 2018, 05:52:22 PM
Well everything has their explanation,i think it's not difficult to learn the basic knowledge about bitcoin.What you're talking about is the detailed explanation about bitcoin,for common people it's sure overwhelming,but people only interested in how to make money,so just explain little by little starting from how one can earn from this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: shvishal on June 21, 2018, 05:58:40 PM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand one should try to understand anything you found difficult can ask question every individual is so helpfull and ready to answer also one who have a to wish to understang will get it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: LETme on June 21, 2018, 06:21:15 PM
Try to read more articles about bitcoin or maybe you can watch video tutorial there's a lot of way on how to earn and how to used bitcoin it consumes a lot of of but after learning like investment, trading and other way for sure you will see that bitcoin its not hard to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: deadpool02 on June 21, 2018, 06:22:42 PM
Initially it might be a bit difficult to understand for an average person. But you can always watch videos, learn  the basic fundamental of bitcoin from youtube, google , read articles about it etc. You have to educate yourself if you really want to learn about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: yousuf123 on June 21, 2018, 06:22:51 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand because it is an invisible coin and digital currency.Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Zeronic on June 22, 2018, 02:53:53 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Why you think that bitcoin is difficult to understand? just think bitcoin is a currency, no need to think about how it was created, how the process
of transactions, etc.
We are users and not developers. If we believe in bitcoin, just use it to expand our investment and gain profit.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Dudeperfect on June 22, 2018, 02:59:21 AM
To be honest, Bitcoin is not a rocket science so it is not that difficult to understand but if you are going into the depth of every aspect then you will have to put more efforts in order to understand the whole thing. As we all know that, there are billions of people using internet and email system but not most of them have the idea of how it works in the background. Similarly, when a person is using Bitcoin he should have the basic information and knowledge about it and it is not difficult to get it. On the other hand, Bitcoin is a new technology and it will take some time to build awareness about it among the masses.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mickeybuddy27 on June 22, 2018, 03:16:48 AM
I  think it is difficult to understand because it's still illegal to many country. Moreover some people it is hard for them to understand about the bitcoin, they need our knowledge to help them to know  what kind really is this. If you want to understand bitcoin you need to research about bitcoin to know more about it.
Something is hard to understand when the person is not willing to learn and understand a thing. They are listening but their focus is on something else. Those people are just wasting your time and lazy to search on the internet for their own knowledge which is not worth of your time to help them.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Moiyah on June 22, 2018, 03:35:56 AM
Don't know where section did I've read it here in the forum but they said that studies shows, a person who knew and understand cryptocurrency has a high iq level. But then I am an average person but I understand well about the cryptocurrency. Maybe it really depends how far your understanding is and do not force yourself too much if you can't understand it well. There is nothing imposibble to understand it by patience.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: gohan21 on June 22, 2018, 03:36:41 AM
It's easy to learn bitcoin I really like you and want to earn a lot you really need to learn how to earn bitcoin. And what are the ways to earn bitcoin because in the field of crypto there is NO MONEY MONEY you need to work hard for it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: CRYPTON0101 on June 22, 2018, 03:47:17 AM
Every few centuries theres a disruptive major change in the way humans deal with money. Back in the day people bartered to receive what they wanted. Then people started paying with gold then coins to dollar bills all these changes were challenged and unwanted. At this point cash replaced by credit card and now digital currency, a natural flow or progression of the monetary chain.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ruthbabe on June 22, 2018, 04:00:36 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Not true. Bitcoin is easy to understand, but people like you tend to make it complex. Anyway, there were already 34 answers with regard to the subject, in case you missed those you may read here,

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Casa_de_Nova on June 22, 2018, 04:23:20 AM
All people around the world want money and search for easy money which make it difficult but when someone hear that his friend was rich by a currancy or with an easy try he try to do like him and which make him fail the difficulties that he find in the beggining of the project that is why he surrender and let it go without any try to understand it or learn how and what to do

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Mazda17 on June 22, 2018, 04:35:58 AM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.
A good opinion and I like your opinion.
Actually we have to rethink about bitcoin because bitcoin will be hard to understand if we are less familiar with the meaning of bitcoin and less deeper bitcoin way so we find it difficult to understand but if we really know and understand about bitcoin then I am sure anyone will love bitcoin with pleasure.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: travieso on June 22, 2018, 04:50:58 AM
Actually bitcoin is not difficult if we continue to learn information from google and youtube. bitcoin is difficult to understand if we just ask and do not practice.i think bitcoin is very simple provided be patient and always positive thinking

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: monchi on June 22, 2018, 04:51:54 AM
Though bitcoin have it's own system for its transactions it still function like the stocks in stock market.
The price is driven by the demand of the public.
The more people who are willing to pay for it will increase it's price. And the less people who want it will contribute to the decrease in it's price.

But even though the two is quite similar studying one of those is still a tedious thing to do. As it requires lots of experience and practice that comes along with the time you are investing in it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on June 22, 2018, 05:16:54 AM
It's not so difficult these days, if that average person wants to know more about bitcoin there's a lot of tutorials on the web where he can read and watch videos to make it more easier for him to understand.
In terms of technical terms, it is difficult but for an average person that only does trade, buy, sell and hold bitcoin there's no need to learn more of it in the beginning. He will understand that in the latter part where he will become curious more of it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: m.mendoza on June 22, 2018, 05:22:37 AM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy

What can i say is bitcoin is not difficult to understand because if you are interested to one thing even not only in bitcoin if you want that thing you will make a move like research to learn and adopt knowledge about it. I do not believe that bitcoin will hard to learn. Maybe it takes time to learn but if you are willing to learn you will learn.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cryptoasis on June 22, 2018, 05:27:07 AM
Bitcoin is totally a new concept and is very different than traditional methods of payment/currencies.  Bitcoins runs on math and is decentralized but traditional money is centralized and is controlled by government.  It is difficult to understand how it works in the beginning but as you get used to it, it will become simple.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Mazda17 on June 22, 2018, 05:38:48 AM
I find bitcoin as simple as our currency. One thing is that bitcoin does not use cash as our currency, if you have passion as well as you like discovering what you are going to understand. related to bitcoin

A good opinion and I like your opinion.
I found the bitcoin as simple as possible until I could run what bitcoin gave the rules so I could profit more.
Until now I understand about bitcoin and learn all about bitcoin so I feel like the bitcoins work now.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: marlonbatotoy on June 22, 2018, 05:39:37 AM
I thinks it's difficult to understand because it's not legalize and there is no any tutorial or some people dont know bitcointalk.. Even your here you learn some tricks to buy some btc but not all info about bitcoin And also Bitcoin is not known in some country that's why it's difficult to understand.. If Bitcoin is legal to world i think it's the time that some people explain how it works..

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jurelmartin on June 22, 2018, 06:29:26 AM
When you first search about bitcoin it is very hard to understand because there are a lot of terminologies that some of them are new to your ears, but actually it is really simple to understand the basics of bitcoin. As you go deeper on your research, you'll soon realize that you learned so much about it. Just take your time reading articles about bitcoin and it will be easier to understand bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: spyerf on June 22, 2018, 06:40:28 AM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.
yes, very difficult to understand. even if we repeatedly see the video on youtube, maybe understand but not really understand it. and for me the most important is when we benefit from it and understand how to get it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: uozer on June 22, 2018, 06:58:01 AM
You are somehow right to a reasonable extent, especially for an ordinary layman that is just hearing about Bitcoin. The reason is not far fetched to me. We can all infer from the fact that Bitcoin is Abstract in nature: that can not be physically seen or felt by touching unlike Fiat Currencies or even other on line currencies that are replaced with one form of ID or the other. So, people are wandering how can an unseen element be used as money.
Another reason is the peer to peer nature, i.e Decentralization and shall yield successful transaction, not to now talk of its deregulation or volatility. Above all, so many are lazy, going to websites for simple verification falsify that fact of been difficult to understand.on

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: addeqt on June 22, 2018, 07:29:45 AM
My friend, you find it hard because you are thinking about and explaining too much. One thing that I learn from the tv advertisement is that you need to convey all the necessary information that a person can comprehend within 30 to 60 seconds. If you could compress all the important aspect of a given time, and they could understand it even half of it, then I could say that you have done it right. You don't need to explain how complicated the algorithm, the ledger, mining and such in one explanation. You could just tell the benefit and the process of it. If they ask, then it is the time for you to explain further.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: libertsem on June 22, 2018, 07:43:00 AM
It is not difficult to understand if you give it some time. It also has to do a little bit with interest in my opinion.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Liternyy on June 22, 2018, 07:48:32 AM
it's not at all difficult to understand and accept it !!!! it is difficult only for those who do not have enough knowledge about it, although now it is possible to fully study it at home at the computer, taking all the information from the Internet to understand the whole meaning of bitcoin! it's not so difficult!

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Mazda17 on June 22, 2018, 08:36:00 AM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand in terms of using Bitcoin's algorithms. You need to be a real developer to understand, so for simplicity, you just have to protect your private.
Good thinking and I like your opinion.
Such suggestions that I really salute for in the future so that we can do bitcoin work well if we have the same understanding about bitcoin, therefore at this time I want to be a loyal developer so that one day I can reap the results of what i do that.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: paruru123 on June 22, 2018, 08:37:30 AM

It's easy to learn bitcoin I really like you and want to earn a lot you really need to learn how to earn bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ahimoth on June 22, 2018, 08:42:11 AM
Actually bitcoin is not difficult if we continue to learn information from google and youtube. bitcoin is difficult to understand if we just ask and do not practice.i think bitcoin is very simple provided be patient and always positive thinking
Actually if you will just gonna spend time and take it seriously then you will just easily understand bitcoin. It's not that complicated and can easily get so take some time to learn it and educate yourself personally. Joining some forum might help you it's just a matter of dedication and self motivation. Don't tell yourself that you can't understand bitcoin just study the concept and time will come that you can finally learn it. Personal studying is the key to learn it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: supergorg27 on June 22, 2018, 08:48:45 AM
Yes for me at first bitcoin is difficult to understand but as times goes by I tried to search with my own through google, you tube and other websites, gradually I understand how it works and what supposed to do.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: geniine on June 22, 2018, 08:52:30 AM
The concept  is new , so you need an open mind to understand this. You can watch YouTube videos for easier understanding.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: boddy.dy on June 22, 2018, 08:53:40 AM
Yes indeed bitcoin is quite difficult and challenging to understand because it has no control and very un predictable. With this ability of bitcoin it really need a hard work and more time to understand. I admit that I am one of those people who had a hard time before obtaining the thoughts and understand the concept and process flow of bitcoin. But I can say that this is worth it because after I understand bitcoin and start investing here I get a lot of benefits like having a good income or money with this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: alex_gr_cc on June 22, 2018, 09:01:40 AM
In fact, everything is simple enough to explain.
Bitcoin: there is something that can not be faked and its limited number. In addition, it is convenient for transfer from one person to another. And people see value in this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: leonellak on June 22, 2018, 09:03:42 AM
You compare it to TCP/IP which is not right. It is more of fiance combined with tech and one can easily learn about it with just some efforts.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DJ_Rick on June 22, 2018, 09:04:10 AM
I don't think it is difficult to understand. For many users, the concept of "crypto-currency" is equivalent to the word "bitcoin". Partly they are right. However, we need to clarify that Bitcoin is one of many crypto-currencies. A great number of crypto-currencies originated from basic ones

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: veejay2716 on June 22, 2018, 09:07:17 AM
Actually bitcoin is not difficult to understand, because if you want to learned something and you want to earned also then there is no hardships for you to do, you will look for everything just to learned.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: selivanb on June 22, 2018, 09:08:56 AM
I have very little interest in stocks and other financial investments. But I find crypto interesting and was able to understand it easily.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Mia Wallace on June 22, 2018, 09:13:07 AM
Bitcoin is a new form of economy in connection with the modern technology. Bitcoin has the specific characteristics and qualities but the beneficiaries should aware the in and out of it.For availing the benefits of the bitcoin the operator must have the minimum required computer.literacy .Among the global community a very few percentage of people  are only able to handle the computer as to deal with bitcoin.So the governments should focus to educate  their people otherwise it will be difficult to understand about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Farma on June 22, 2018, 09:16:57 AM
Bitcoin is a new form of economy in connection with the modern technology. Bitcoin has the specific characteristics and qualities but the beneficiaries should aware the in and out of it.For availing the benefits of the bitcoin the operator must have the minimum required computer.literacy .Among the global community a very few percentage of people  are only able to handle the computer as to deal with bitcoin.So the governments should focus to educate  their people otherwise it will be difficult to understand about bitcoin.
I think, so widespread this technology, even to this day I do not really understand how the working system of cryptocurrency. well, but I know that this is a great technology to browse, so I will continue to learn in this regard. I think there are still so many people like me.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: abiola1 on June 22, 2018, 09:48:38 AM
You need to teach yourself on the off chance that you truly need to realize what is Bitcoin and how it functions. There are a considerable measure of instructional recordings on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are extremely useful.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Andrew S on June 22, 2018, 10:00:19 AM
You need to teach yourself on the off chance that you truly need to realize what is Bitcoin and how it functions. There are a considerable measure of instructional recordings on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are extremely useful.

But I do not think so.  Not all YouTube videos allow you to correctly understand the essence of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: sneeze11 on June 22, 2018, 10:10:30 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Bitcoin is different to understand because there are so many process here before you can work or you can get the money you earn. Actually in bounty campaign or signature campaign you will get your token in a long time but there's so many process just like you need to change it to real money.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: normanderecho on June 22, 2018, 10:45:11 AM
I think its difficult to understand because bitcoin is a new currency and bitcoin is defference in fiat money or other investment and bitcoin is not so popular in every country so that people did not have a idea about bitcoin or cryptocurrency but if people hard to study bitcoin i think people understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jessica2020 on June 22, 2018, 10:53:41 AM
I think the hardest thing to understand in bitcoin is how it all works. But if you are interested and determined to learn about crypto, you should learn to understand and make your knowledge larger. You have to be open minded in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bardadymr on June 22, 2018, 10:58:11 AM
Because this is a new technology in which you need to figure out the end

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bitterdog on June 22, 2018, 11:08:37 AM
I think the reason why bitcoin is hard to understand is because there are many other components in bitcoin that have to be understood when we are learning bitcoin. Bitcoin is beneficial but in the other side its also complex too.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: faithofb on June 22, 2018, 11:10:18 AM
Not difficult to learn,  you only need to commit yourself and it will be easy

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Jimrch on June 22, 2018, 11:10:52 AM
It is not that difficult, maybe others just do not seriously taking this technology that's why it's difficult for them. If they will just concentrate on learning things about this currency maybe it will become easier for them.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on June 22, 2018, 11:14:58 AM
You need to teach yourself on the off chance that you truly need to realize what is Bitcoin and how it functions. There are a considerable measure of instructional recordings on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are extremely useful.

But I do not think so.  Not all YouTube videos allow you to correctly understand the essence of bitcoin.
If you think youtube is not enough then find other way! Don’t just give up easily, there’s a lot of ways to learn more about this market. Those who make effort to understand bitcoin will succeed in the long run, its hard but it still worth it for sure.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: iagyei259 on June 22, 2018, 11:16:28 AM
Is unfortunate bitcoin is tag as scam and illegal by some people and has allowed average Joe to interact with it. Bitcoin is a complex business for higher intellectual. That's why it seem difficult for average man

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: nazarova on June 22, 2018, 11:18:44 AM
Who says bitcoins are hard to understand ? There are teenagers who are investing and making millions in profit.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Marcommaso on June 22, 2018, 11:28:12 AM
Well, common people don't know anything about the basic of economy. They're so naturalized with the concept of money that maybe, when they see the papers, think of some intrinsic value on it. Furthermore, banks are a more or less trusted institute which give thrust to traditional money. Bitcoin its a new kind of value. If the decentralized nature could be seen as big advantage by us, for noob or totally stranger to cryptoworld it could be an unstable variable, difficult to understand. A common question is: "why something which not exist has a value? and why it rise or dig so fast?". I think more intense information is needed through traditional media, out of specialized places like BCT, to spread basic principle of traditional economy and cryptovalues.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jamota on June 22, 2018, 11:32:15 AM

This is the uniqueness of bitcoin, so that the fans are more curious. Behind the mystery is difficult to understand, stored value so great. So in the pursuit of the traders.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cyriljundos on June 22, 2018, 11:37:44 AM
why bitcoin is difficult to understand because they do not know the digital currency so it is difficult to understand that it's easy to do if somebody will teach you bitcoin or you can not watch youtube to find out what bitcoin really is

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: HaddenChapman on June 22, 2018, 03:20:57 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Nope! Bitcoin is pretty easy and simple. It is not difficult to interpret. You just need to be clear about some concepts which can be seen via different videos on youtube. PRG coin for instance seemed hard to understand until I saw the website and read its white paper. Now it is on my fingertips.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: rushel22 on June 22, 2018, 03:33:06 PM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy
Yeah that's right. It is really difficult to understand if you don't have an action to understand it. Try to collect information. There are many ways to do it and it's up to you.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: HaroldConway on June 22, 2018, 03:34:49 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
It might seem difficult to those who know nothing about bitcoin. At start even alphabets seem difficult to little kids until they start reading. In the same way, if you read about any coin, let’s say TAU, you will get to know what a great coin it is and how it functions without any complications.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lolehiM92 on June 22, 2018, 03:38:13 PM
I just joined the bitcoin community if you have the passion as well as the spirit of learning you will quickly capture the market as well as you will know what bitcoin is if you learn it

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: markiplier.jack on June 22, 2018, 03:42:23 PM
It was fairly a new concept to solve the complexity of middlemen in the financial market. It can be understood through many good references on the internet. Also this forum was made for that purpose only. What I think is, it will be really difficult for people of developing nations to understand this concept as ppl there are not used to digital payments, let alone bitcoins and other altcoins.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: 135cc on June 22, 2018, 03:48:53 PM
there are some reason that makes bitcoin is difficult to understand. But i think mostly is because the risk that bitcoin have. Beside that, bitcoin have another components that we have to know before understanding bitcoin well. It takes a lot of time, patient, and willingness to learn bitcoin. so, i think those reason thats make bitcoin is hard to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: inv_ker on June 22, 2018, 03:55:17 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

It takes really time and effort to learn and fully understand bitcoin. The main problem is, are you giving it time to learn it. Because today, there are already a lot of resources where you can learn bitcoin especially in youtube.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Indai24 on June 22, 2018, 03:58:21 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

It takes really time and effort to learn and fully understand bitcoin. The main problem is, are you giving it time to learn it. Because today, there are already a lot of resources where you can learn bitcoin especially in youtube.

For me it's very difficult at first but if you're really interested with it you'll find it easy in the long run, take time to study the market and be resourceful as well.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jirene21 on June 22, 2018, 03:58:54 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
If you are computer literate that you have an enough knowledge about computer and stuff in the internet it will not be hard for you to learn it. Although bitcoin is very complex thing and it is still new to our ears, bitcoin is easy to understand, just be passionate to knowing it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: tetyulfania on June 22, 2018, 04:03:35 PM
We have too difficult to understand about how bitcoin work and price, we can count correctly about bitcpin price day by day because some time bitcoin have expensive price but just few time bitcoin have drop on lower price. We have been take fast action when we buy bitcoin and have reached more profit to sell it because maybe just few time bitcoin will be back on lower price, no body know bitcoin price detail and when will be high or low.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bebebs12 on June 22, 2018, 04:12:13 PM
i think bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if you do want the elaborated way you can study the deeper parts of it. there are some videos on youtube that will make you understand the basic functions and what you're going to do with bitcoin and bitcoin is difficult to understand if we just ask and do not practice.i think bitcoin is very simple provided be patient and always positive thinking

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Dr.Nina on June 22, 2018, 04:14:37 PM
I think bitcoin is a platform of smart people. People also become smart with the touch of bitcoin. At earlier stage when I just introduced with bitcoin, I also think that it is very difficult. But with the touches of bitcoin, I not only understand bitcoin but also introduced with other think which are very much needed to our daily life. To understand bitcoin there are some site. YouTube is one of them. Different learning video is available there. So, it will be easier to the people with the passage of time.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: iram701 on June 22, 2018, 04:17:22 PM
Don't make it more difficult, you need to understand what bitcoin is, i think you know that bitcoin is the first and biggest cryptocurrency. Don't make yourself to be confused, there so many references that you can find on internet to make you comprehend about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: kasemin on June 22, 2018, 04:17:46 PM
Yes there is nothing complicated in Bitcoin, only you who think Bitcoin is complicated and in fact you do not know how to tell people what it is Bitcoin and it is hard to teach people what it is Bitcoin and how it all happens. There are many youtube and vimeo videos released by which one can easily understand the concept of Bitcoin. I think time will pass, it could be five or fifteen years and people will start to understand and believe in Bitcoin and get used to it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: kukurikapu on June 22, 2018, 04:31:50 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

It really sounds complicated because of the different terminologies but if you will give time to study it, you will understand that it is quite simple to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: adpinbr on June 22, 2018, 04:42:44 PM
For people who are really not familiar even on how the internet works and has far too little information how the network goes then I think Bitcoin will be difficult for them, and if you are focused on getting money instead of learning how BTC works then that may be the reason why Bitcoin will be difficult to you, you have the whole web to learn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, different terms and how things process here, its quite simple if you'll use this forum as a kickstart on learning crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Baby Dragon on June 22, 2018, 04:53:18 PM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy
Yes, at first it's so hard to understand but if you are willing to learn and you have dedication you need lot's of study there are so many reference you can use to study about in bitcoin you watch in the you tube channel and other website and also you get some information in the forum, there you can read lot's of articles that can improve your knowledge about the new technology of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: katarin2030 on June 22, 2018, 05:02:55 PM
Don't make it more difficult, you need to understand what bitcoin is, i think you know that bitcoin is the first and biggest cryptocurrency. Don't make yourself to be confused, there so many references that you can find on internet to make you comprehend about bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not much difficult to understand everything is available in the internet lot of forums are there there also will get lot of information about bitcoin, so I think it's not much difficult to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: playboy654 on June 22, 2018, 05:10:19 PM
Don't make it more difficult, you need to understand what bitcoin is, i think you know that bitcoin is the first and biggest cryptocurrency. Don't make yourself to be confused, there so many references that you can find on internet to make you comprehend about bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not much difficult to understand everything is available in the internet lot of forums are there there also will get lot of information about bitcoin, so I think it's not much difficult to understand.

I think the difficulty in Bitcoin was not it's all problem the problem is on the investors are uses of it because you January people had different kind of understanding modes so we cannot do nothing against but but it is not more difficult than any other I felt jobs it had some other intelligent works if you had a little bit of intelligent then you will be very easily understand bitcoin and it facilities.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Sharon2017 on June 22, 2018, 05:22:16 PM
It is difficult to understand because the area of knowledge is in the field of computer where most people don't want to explore more. In the world of computer or digital as you may say ordinary people only settle to basic information as long as it can be used on the task at hand. Where as fully understanding bitcoin requires going beyond basic knowledge in digital system.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: TechnoX_X on June 22, 2018, 05:31:13 PM
I do not think anything is hard if we want to learn to understand something. It's just how we understand its different. If the layman wants to understand bitcoin, better learn first what is bitcoin and what is cryptocurrency to avoid wrong response.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Prodigan786 on June 22, 2018, 06:04:30 PM
To convey its real meaning in a simple word is quite difficult. Describe it detail through this forum is not a good option,but I think its good to search about bitcoin in you tube or any other web sites that related to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: justinstewart704 on June 22, 2018, 06:07:32 PM
Because new technology is always in need of training.understanding Bitcoin is easy if you use educational videos.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: sormin on June 22, 2018, 06:23:31 PM
in my opinion, bitcoin is simple and practical. If you do not understand or understand what bitcoin is, you should find information about bitcoin in google or via wikipedia. If you'd rather watch a video, try to find her information through youtube.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DanicaManunson on June 22, 2018, 06:26:24 PM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy
Yes, at first it's so hard to understand but if you are willing to learn and you have dedication you need lot's of study there are so many reference you can use to study about in bitcoin you watch in the you tube channel and other website and also you get some information in the forum, there you can read lot's of articles that can improve your knowledge about the new technology of cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin is difficult at first because of its changing nature or the price itself, here in crypto everything is fast moving, learn everything, every knowledge you can get in able to understand what crypto really means, in that way, you can make techniques, decisions and other profitable executions for yourself,  a thing will be hard if you dont try to study it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Indra32 on June 22, 2018, 06:27:04 PM
You compare it to TCP/IP which is not right. It is more of fiance combined with tech and one can easily learn about it with just some efforts.

I think It's hard enough for people in the money room to really understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it,
If you see it as Currency, it's hard for the average person to understand it because it's different.
Bitcoin, which is a different kind of digital currency, undermines conventional thinking in many aspects. There is no central regulatory body. The concept of mining. Open-ledger (blockchain), how miners are valued, how the transport value is determined by packet size rather than value, hash level, limited supply concept. 100 Million cents in Bitcoin, etc.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: angchosenone on June 22, 2018, 07:01:15 PM
Bitcoin is unquestionably not for everybody. Bitcoin is somewhat difficult to disclose to individuals who are not slanted to innovation, particularly old individuals. Not to sum up, but rather individuals who are not into innovation may likewise not be occupied with considering bitcoin. It's difficult to disclose anything to somebody who isn't generally intrigued. A few people likewise have pessimistic perspectives with respect to bitcoin which makes them incredulous about it. Bitcoin isn't difficult to comprehend, I think it relies upon the enthusiasm of the individual to comprehend it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mimi4994 on June 22, 2018, 07:09:40 PM
But it has not really replaced the current currency! Because the world has not really embraced it!

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Dejech19 on June 22, 2018, 07:11:51 PM
For people who are really not familiar even on how the internet works and has far too little information how the network goes then I think Bitcoin will be difficult for them, and if you are focused on getting money instead of learning how BTC works then that may be the reason why Bitcoin will be difficult to you, you have the whole web to learn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, different terms and how things process here, its quite simple if you'll use this forum as a kickstart on learning crypto.

I agree, also bitcoin is difficult ro understand because of unpredictable value of bitcoin. No one can really predict what will happen next to bitcoin. Other reasons is that they don't have any internet connection and idea how to join and invest in bitcoin. This is a matter of choice and decisions.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NPKSing on June 23, 2018, 03:15:00 AM
I really believe that Bitcoin is hard to understand if we are not interested especially when we are older it is difficult to explain but if we are interested it is very easy to understand and we know how to work it and we know how to get more profit.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Khalp1 on June 23, 2018, 03:53:12 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
That's true at first Bitcoin is difficult to understand but if you willing to learn you just fucos study.and also Bitcoin is difficult for some people to understand because it is a complete disruption of the financial system as we know it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Nabilo on June 23, 2018, 04:23:14 AM
What so difficult to understand bitcoins ?. My nephew is just 10 year old and he do trade, Buy, and sell bitcoin what i mean even a 10 year old kid can handle his wallets and understand it.Anyways if you're newbie then you can use google or you can get help from daily motion,Vimeo, and YouTube there's large about of videos are there which can helps you to understand bitcoins Good luck

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MUSFIKAR on June 23, 2018, 04:46:39 AM
Yes many people understand the Cryptocurrancy as an increase in flights to success, mischievous people often choose facts before waiting for that purpose, because for this some people have heard the news about the rising popularity of Bitcoin and. In fact it does not require regular or proper education, you just have to learn it for some time so you may know about the basics of Bitcoin and understand how to use it. the only thing that matters is that you should have basic knowledge about Android mobile computers and about the internet.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: deppil on June 23, 2018, 04:48:31 AM
Don't make it more difficult, you need to understand what bitcoin is, i think you know that bitcoin is the first and biggest cryptocurrency. Don't make yourself to be confused, there so many references that you can find on internet to make you comprehend about bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not much difficult to understand everything is available in the internet lot of forums are there there also will get lot of information about bitcoin, so I think it's not much difficult to understand.
Actually only people who really intent to get to know bitcoin will understand and easily digest and understand bitcoin. for some people who already have a negative mindset that bitcoin is difficult to understand. of course they will find difficulties. actually there are many sources for you can read on google to understand bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Pubudu Isha on June 23, 2018, 04:52:29 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin.Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Potchi on June 23, 2018, 04:59:46 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

A person can learn about bitcoin once someone introduce it to him or her. But for able to understand the whole system of bitcoin or the digital currency or the cryptocurrency world, it takes not only a friend or someone, but you yourself to understand it through many means of gaining knowledge. It includes reading articles, watching infographic videos in youtube and others. Knowledge about bitcoin is not just about like spoon feeding that they will teach it to you but it takes initiative from yourself to learn those things such as bitcoin which is a complicated one.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jayveerastrullo on June 23, 2018, 05:57:21 AM
At first it is very difficult to understand bitcoin, all you understand is just the meaning of it. But with enough effort and time you will understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: AnalynCadiz on June 23, 2018, 06:26:47 AM
You really find it hard to understand bitcoin if you have no background information about it. But if you will do your own research and educate yourself to know the meaning and how it works,it will be a window for you to understand well bitcoin. You could also watch a youtube videos explaining about bitcoin since there's a lot of it on youtube. Everything can be learned if you want to be educated into something.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: strideynet on June 23, 2018, 06:30:32 AM
perhaps even we cryptocurrency users do not fully understand the essence of this technology. but for the average user, if the cryptocurrency will be as a final product-it will not matter how it works and more, this is important in any product

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: arya123210 on June 23, 2018, 06:31:53 AM
Actually, bitcoin is easy to understand if you are sure to learn more bitcoin and you can read a rowdy article to recognize bitcoin further if you have a friend who has already recognized bitcoin maybe you can ask with those who have more knowledge about bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Teawhalee on June 23, 2018, 06:37:13 AM
I don't this there is anything difficult to understand in Bitcoin. Anyone that has done very detailed research about it won't have any problems. The cryptocurrency is based on the revolutionary blockchain technology. The supply, mining, transaction fee, supply , use case are all that make up the cryptocurrency. Its as simple as this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jennie.alexander on June 23, 2018, 06:41:53 AM
Bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if you do want the elaborated way you can study the deeper parts of it.  if you already understand both things most basic then you will easily understand bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kurukungkwang on June 23, 2018, 06:49:20 AM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

Bitcoin is very hard to understand of the people, if they are not interested especially old because they don't know how to work it. Some people always think negative that the Bitcoin is scam. But if we know what is bitcoin and you know what are the benifets that we can get, it is easy for us to understand and we know how can get profit to earn.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Maclyn19 on June 23, 2018, 06:54:15 AM
Just learn from bitcoin and explore it one step at a time. To fully understand something like bitcoin needs time.  If one is interested and willing then that person will gradually learn.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ronaldcoin2017 on June 23, 2018, 06:59:33 AM
Therefore no difficult in bitcoin, if we believ rand trust on it. People having a hard time to understand bitcoin because they have their own doubt and understanding about it. But if we all believe and have a faith on it that it will be rise i think we can make it in a easy way. So I believe bitcoin is not difficult at all, we only make things difficult and we are responsible of it not the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Magic Sarap on June 23, 2018, 07:01:25 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

A person can learn about bitcoin once someone introduce it to him or her. But for able to understand the whole system of bitcoin or the digital currency or the cryptocurrency world, it takes not only a friend or someone, but you yourself to understand it through many means of gaining knowledge. It includes reading articles, watching infographic videos in youtube and others. Knowledge about bitcoin is not just about like spoon feeding that they will teach it to you but it takes initiative from yourself to learn those things such as bitcoin which is a complicated one.
Bitcoin is difficult to understand when you use it in first time thats why youre  here to study, understand and gain knowledge about btc. Its hard to understand also the price of btc because it is unstable. And to those people saying that btc is hard to understand, youll never understand btc if youre not really interested at first.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: wall101 on June 23, 2018, 07:16:27 AM
It's not really that difficult they just don't understand it a little bit more. there's youtube and vlogs that teach you what and how to use bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NevejElad on June 23, 2018, 07:30:43 AM
If you are well verse with new technology ,like gadgets , software, computer programme , bitcoin can be fully understand and performed well ,but if your are not familiar with technology like people in the rural places , bitcoin is difficult to understand , because bitcoin needs to familiarized the things especially that it is in digital world.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: abonti on June 23, 2018, 07:35:08 AM
I think it is difficult to understand because it's still illegal to many country. some people it is hard for them to understand about the bitcoin, they need our knowledge to help them to know what kind really is this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: AniviaBtc on June 23, 2018, 07:40:40 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
It's really hard to understand bitcoins especially if you do not really give them time to understand. It is difficult because it's different because we do not touch it. Its price is also not stable. But if we can say that bitcoin is a digita currency that can be bought in fiat moneys. It can also be a form of investment where the price rises and falls.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bulljcak on June 23, 2018, 07:58:18 AM
Some people naturally like to stick to what they know and what they learnt from their grand father without embracing new things. You will be surprise that so many people in my country do not use ATM, they still prefer to withdraw money inside the bank. No matter how you simplify the usage   of bitcoin most people will not understand because they do not want to understand.

Bitcoin is difficult to understand to those people who are in simple living and less in using technology.Because they dont want to rely on those things.They dont want to understand and get affected by it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mia khalifa on June 23, 2018, 08:09:02 AM
bitcoin is actually very easy to understand if the person has a computer background and already understand the computer would be very easy but for new people is difficult because the computer language is difficult to understand people who do not know computers and technology more deeply.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: moanna123 on June 23, 2018, 08:11:38 AM
actually bitcoin is not difficult to understand but the difficulty come from the usual things that we used to know and practice so it has become as a new thing new payment so it takes time to adapt and just by some tutorials and reading a little you can solve it and start to practice.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: muneeb.zain on June 23, 2018, 10:47:03 AM
Most of the people don't know about bitcoin and whenever the one who start to use something new it is definitely going to face some problems and as we first start banking we are not use to it so we face some issues as same with the the bitcoin it is a digital currency the new starters are going face some difficulty and to bear some loss to not invest on some coins on wright time or wright moment so after time passes they will use to it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: judel_2018 on June 23, 2018, 10:57:27 AM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

Bitcoin is not difficult to understand if we are interested especially when they are younger.some people difficult to understand because they have negative thinking and afraid of scam  because they can influence by media of what they are seeing.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: PIR on June 23, 2018, 10:57:57 AM
For those who are not up to computer and internet and know  little about bitcoin surely this is quite hard for them to understand and sometimes to explain with this new system or technology and how it works sometimes so hard to grasp, its so technical... for me is the reason why it find them difficult.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Captain Sneeze on June 23, 2018, 02:02:54 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Why bitcoin is difficult to understand? actually bitcoin is not really difficult to understand if you reading some articles in websites and if youhere in this forum you will understand and learn how bitcoin it is.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: muarip on June 23, 2018, 02:05:03 PM
it has happened from the beginning that Bitcoin can't be understood until now. that's how Bitcoin works.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: simaislam on June 23, 2018, 02:06:20 PM
I think,We should encourage people to understands things a little better.  Part of the reason the traditional financial system is such a mess is because the average Joe Public doesn't know how it really works.  Some people genuinely still believe banks lend out from existing deposits, for example.  Almost everyone has heard of the phrase "fractional reserve", but I doubt more than 50% of people could explain it correctly.  But anyone who really wants to understand Bitcoin will inevitably find their way here to these boards.   

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: vickycoin05 on June 23, 2018, 02:08:41 PM
At first it is very difficult to understand bitcoin, all you understand is just the meaning of it. But with enough effort and time you will understand it.
Yes true bitcoin is hard to understand at first,  but when you read and research about it you can slowly understand itband you will be familiar on how bitcoin works. Little by little you will get to know bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: heureca on June 23, 2018, 02:09:20 PM
BTC and blockchain technology is rather hard to understand because it is something new for people. However, there are a lot of videos in youtube, blogs and etc where it is explained

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: carlisle1 on June 23, 2018, 02:14:33 PM
Because this requires learning the technology behind the coin,not just the value of the coins how could you understand bitcoin if all you want is to earn and not to learn

This needs more time to invest than money,because if you will just invest money but not the time to make research then failure is what you will face

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: TheGreatUnknown on June 23, 2018, 02:18:20 PM
I think bitcoin becomes hard to understand because of the overwhelming feeling of you had a lot to know first to begin to understand this bitcoin/cryptocurrency industry, especially for beginners. Although bitcoin seems so complex at first because of how it is created and made and most of all bitcoin hasn't had many public open information about it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Pancheng on June 23, 2018, 02:27:10 PM
Don't focus to much on what is Bitcoin and don't just read and read and read, if you want to understand it deeply you have to try it your self, like buy some Bitcoin, use it, trade it transfer it and receive it from others, some people understand things when they engage with it, then little by little you can have some answer...

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: grabpopcorn536 on June 23, 2018, 02:35:03 PM
I participated in Bitcoin and tried my luck. But I'm still confused about how people make Bitcoin. I'm not good at stock trading. But I still want to try Bitcoin. One thing always attracts me.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Mcdacillo on June 23, 2018, 02:38:34 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

In my own opinion, it is not that actually hard for bitcoin to learn or to understand just make sure that you really want to learn and you are persevere and have the eager to learn and understand how bitcoin really works, what exactly bitcoin is, who make these bitcoin, how bitcoin will affect yourself and also the government. There is no impossible if you are really decided that you want to learn, you want to earn and also just because you want.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: adzino on June 23, 2018, 02:44:27 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Most of the things you mentioned is actually an in dept understanding of the technology which most of the people who want to use bitcoin as a form of currency or investment does not need to know (though gaining knowledge about the technology won't hurt them). All they need to know is the basic, that is how to store their coins, how to keep it secured and how the transactions are made using a wallet. Those are just quite simple things which isn't hard to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: callmeback on June 23, 2018, 02:54:45 PM
Actually its not difficult to understand its just too complicated to learn. All they need to know is the basic, that is how to store their coins, how to keep it secured and how the transactions are made using a wallet. Those are just quite simple things which isn't hard to understand. There is no impossible if you are really decided that you want to learn, you want to earn and also just because you want. Bitcoin is not difficult to understand but the difficulty come from the usual things that we used to know and practice so it has become as a new thing new payment so it takes time to adapt and just by some tutorials and reading a little you can solve it and start to practice.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: udanemas on June 23, 2018, 02:57:48 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

There are many references that will help you understand what bitcoin is, the first time I knew about bitcoin, I also had trouble understanding, I tried to study it step by step until now, keep learning. I have learned about bitcoin in here.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Shiversnow on June 23, 2018, 03:16:23 PM
You have to educate yourself if you really want to learn what is Bitcoin and how it works. There are a lot of instructional videos on YouTube, news articles from the web, there are also infographics on Pinterest that are very helpful. You got all the resources that y'all need. So it's really not that difficult after all ;).
Yes, before I learn about in bitcoin I studying a lot I always watch videos on you tube, ask my friend have knowledge in bitcoin and reading an article all about in the new technology of cryptocurrency and also read an opinion in bitcoin forum, yes there is lot of resources and instructional to learn and to gain your knowledge about in cryptocurrency. At first it's hard but later on i understand all about in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MrAntonius on June 23, 2018, 03:18:06 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I such a the answer already met on this forum. And I advised people to watch this video. It is in Russian, but you can understand in English what the actors say. Enjoy your viewing.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Apple Mac on June 23, 2018, 03:32:42 PM
Its not that difficult. bitcoin is plain and simple.

Bitcoin is the name of the token created under his block - chain

Block - chain is the name of the technology used to store transaction data of all bitcoin tokens.

In short, block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. It is irreversible.

I think that is because you are very well knowledgeable prior to this forum, and I think that is the advantage of you are wide awake about technology before this forum was existed, since the technicalities regarding a certain corner here is easier for you to handles since you have prior experiences and I guess that was the thing that most of the people doesnt achieved yet, which turn their backs for them to love thia forum.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: code on June 23, 2018, 03:38:25 PM
all technologies are similar, in open sources a lot of information about what it is. Do not study because it is not necessary, or laziness.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: insurgent on June 23, 2018, 03:45:23 PM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy
You can easily pick up anything about bitcoin using new technologies , there are videos that shares about the information on using and investing on bitcoin . Sometimes its hard to understand but if you're really determined to learn you will got it easily

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: HerbertMarcel on June 23, 2018, 04:20:03 PM
no it is not difficult we just need to spend a little more time here and it would be enough.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DannyMarco on June 23, 2018, 04:23:59 PM
bitcoin is never too difficult, understanding it never be a big deal.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: JeffreyKen on June 23, 2018, 04:30:36 PM
may be it is little difficult for the new comers but slowly we will find it very easy.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: speedy1987 on June 23, 2018, 04:37:10 PM
Nope bitcoin is not difficult as much you think. Its quite easy to learn. There are so many references that help you to understand about bitcoin. Also many youtube video about bitcoin. Better learn about that. At the initial stage you might be think that is difficult. After few day you will realize btc is easy.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ubay on June 23, 2018, 05:02:54 PM
Its not that difficult. bitcoin is plain and simple.

Bitcoin is the name of the token created under his block - chain

Block - chain is the name of the technology used to store transaction data of all bitcoin tokens.

In short, block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. It is irreversible.

I like your way to explain bitcoin to the new user, and also bitcoin have the best security until now. Bitcoin has limited supply that makes it so special, not like money that can be printed as many as you want.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: rameshrajan1000 on June 23, 2018, 05:22:16 PM
It's 2018. There are many ways to know about bitcoin. I think it's easy to find bitcoin in this period of Internet usage. But this blog is starting in 2009. It is amazing to think about how and when they learned about Bitcoin. Think of it now is easy for us.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on June 23, 2018, 05:27:42 PM
The concept is actually not bitcoin. but Blockchain. bitcoin is just the name of the coin who became the pioneer of this digital payment revolution. and why it's not easy to understand. because the blockchain is a transparent system and its division based on mining, and computer systems so that ordinary people would firstly be difficult to understand how it works without directly entering the world of this crypto. but I think phenomenal will guide people to know and learn about blockchain system someday .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: THATBTC on June 23, 2018, 05:29:09 PM
There are lots of short length videos on youtube to understand Bitcoin in very easy ways. People should use google a little. Also, sites like this one provides very informative how-to and guides
useful! the btc it's like a kind of asset that you can use easily and well, right now with a value a little volatile, but this will change when the crypto market be stabilized

maybe the people can be a litle confused with the paper that blockchain represents on btc

even like this basic terms

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pareshnakar on June 23, 2018, 05:33:37 PM
Yes it is difficult to find and less vedios and mannual it is starting digital currency so people dont know if people knows about bitcoin they must read whitpaper.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pathapoddo on June 23, 2018, 05:39:29 PM
Why are people take it so mich difficult. Bitcoin is just a online currency.  You can also say that it a digital currency. It has no Authority. So it has no control. Anyone can use it for good or bad purpose. People can invest in bitcoin by buying bitcoin. People can also invest in project which are related to bitcoin. You can also try Google.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kalm on June 23, 2018, 05:52:23 PM
Yes it is difficult to find and less vedios and mannual it is starting digital currency so people dont know if people knows about bitcoin they must read iwhitpaper.

It not difficult for the understanding. It easy to learn more information.  You have interest in the bitcoin easy to understand. So first learn the bitcoin history. Then learn to start the bitcoin process. It good future currency. So you must learn the information. It help to learn more information. It connect the other country people. So easy to chat with other people and get more information.
Bitcoin is future digital currency. So don't miss it. Let try to understand the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pernah ada on June 23, 2018, 05:53:15 PM
Because they do not want to learn to understand bitcoin, if they have a desire to understand now there are many articles and videos on how to understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Antonina on June 23, 2018, 06:06:57 PM
because many people do not understand why bitcoins are needed. They keep it until the moment when its price will be big. this is not acceptable for many people and therefore bitcoin is not understood by all people

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: eashikde on June 23, 2018, 06:24:49 PM
Because bitcoin is the most expensive crypto currency. People are afraid of its cost and its behavior in the market. When it starts unstable movement investors are afraid to lose their investment.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Osakrita on June 23, 2018, 06:29:10 PM
Part of the reason is because it is the first successful application of the blockchain to solve the problem of society.An attempt to simplify cryptography and apply it something directly useful to society.Everyone is used to centralization, the idea of a decentralized system is foreign to most persons.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ncan on June 26, 2018, 12:32:43 AM
less searching for information about bitcoin, something would be hard if from us naturally to seek reference.
look for reference on google, youtube or other sites.  ;)spirit

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: gwyncox.81 on June 26, 2018, 12:44:38 AM
Actually bitcoin is not difficult to understand, So the governments should focus to educate  their people otherwise it will be difficult to understand about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: umbara ardian on June 26, 2018, 01:19:57 AM
bitcoin is very difficult to understand and understand perhaps because bitcoin is a technology that created a very new and can only be used in digital media such as computers and others. so people who do not understand computers will find it very difficult to understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: XFlowZion on June 26, 2018, 01:46:35 AM
For me, we don't really have to know the deep technical aspects of bitcoin. Normal people just need to know how to use it and how it works. Just a reminder, smartphones, computer, laptops and internet are also very complicated technology but we just need to only know on how to use it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: devlincarter.868 on June 26, 2018, 08:11:17 AM
Bitcoin is a new form of economy in connection with the modern technology.But I find crypto interesting and was able to understand it easily.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: kenellis2017 on June 26, 2018, 08:17:04 AM
I think, bitcoin is difficult to understand for other people because they are not trying to understand it. Bitcoin is knowledge, they just go directly straight to their desire to earn money even without learning the basics of the crypto world. You should study bitcoin before make money from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Charles Avilaa on June 26, 2018, 03:19:56 PM
In fact, not any citizens know much about how financial system works but they've still been a part of that. Their national currency has been widely used no matter how little their knowledge about it is. It was not until I learned the lesson about currency at my university that I understood how money is made through bank system, but fiat money is what I hold eveyday. So I come to conclude that it's the government regulation and control that get paper money effectively circulated. For that reason, I firmly believe that Bitcoin will grow nowhere near hard to understand once the state undertakes digital currency system.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Noilee on June 26, 2018, 03:53:42 PM
Well, bitcoin is difficult to understand, because its an digital currency and its a kind of investment, so its better to do some research especially about uses of bitcoin.  Asides from that you have really understand if you using Youtube. Because there are some tutorials will guide you and teaching you. Because btc needs more knowledge and effort so that you can really understand well.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: a_t_e_e_b on June 26, 2018, 07:20:37 PM
BTC is pretty new and people and not very familiar with the way if functions and it is not like regular currency and it is digital which makes it difficult to understand

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Len_nin on June 26, 2018, 07:39:02 PM
It's difficlut to understand for people who make great effort to accept something new and of course people  are not ready to learn it,as digital currency is treated like something difficult to understand,especially for elder generations.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Maxson on June 26, 2018, 08:30:37 PM
There is not difficulties in understanding bitcoin, people only fear the transactions that involves there fiat currencies in purchase of bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, that scary act make a lot of persons keep of from knowing the details.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: setsuna_gray26 on June 26, 2018, 08:39:03 PM
Its not that difficult. bitcoin is plain and simple.

Bitcoin is the name of the token created under his block - chain

Block - chain is the name of the technology used to store transaction data of all bitcoin tokens.

In short, block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. It is irreversible.
Yeah, bitcoin is not just as difficult than we thought ago, bitcoin is not a broad topic but bitcoin is very simple and we can learn what is bitcoin easily, but the thing is how it works and how you can earn it is a much harder task to do.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Lorin on June 26, 2018, 09:06:44 PM
For me yes specially when you dont have knowledge about it unless they really want to know. And also it affects the different negative news about bitcoin. Sometimes those news that they heard are the one where they believe first.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: delightme on June 26, 2018, 09:12:38 PM
from my own view i think bitcoin difficult to understand because it is a the first  coin  digital and some people find it so difficult to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: queenlaurel on June 26, 2018, 09:25:38 PM
I don't think it difficult, what I think is that one needs interest to be able to deal in Bitcoin. The quest to know more and trade will also make it easy to understand. If you are the type that likes to trade then Bitcoin should be easy.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: tanginamoo on June 26, 2018, 09:30:09 PM
As for my own perspective, I think some people find bitcoin difficult yo understand because the bitcoin itself is unfamiliar and new to us and maybe they are not ready for the change so they cannot fully understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: fillippone on June 26, 2018, 09:46:22 PM
Sorry if i am late in the discussion and maybe I restate the obvious or something has aldready been said (i browsed quickly on the thread and didn't see anything btw).

Bitcoin is difficult because it is something at the intersection of four very different topics:

1. Monetary theory
2. Game Theory
3. Distributed computing
4. Cryptography

I thin a dozen people can understand the 4 topics with the full required details, a hundred 3 out of four, a few thousands two, and manw thousands just one of the four.
Note that each field is necessary fo fully understand bitcoin, and the lack of each of them deeply change the matter.
Of course say I am a cryptographer: I will tend to interpret bitcoin in a very different manner than an Austrian Monethariss, being the opbject exactely the same.
So, Bitcoin is difficult because it IS difficult, actually one of the most difficult topics right now (that's why i think there is a so high concentration of brain power, money, and efforts pouring in this industry).

My two cents,

PS. my 10th post, looking for merit as a way to understand how to contribute to this community...

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Lalafell on June 26, 2018, 10:01:14 PM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.
Yes, I agree in your opinion bitcoin is not for everyone, especially to people in very low common sense a illiterate , like my land lady she always say that bitcoin is illegal, scam she always see the negative views, its hard to explain her about bitcoin .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: prediction on bush on June 27, 2018, 12:11:13 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I think bitcoin is not difficult to understand if you really want to learn bitcoin you can read a articles in websites also you can read here in this forum and there are so many ways to understand bitcoin if you want really want to understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: markslayer23 on June 27, 2018, 12:21:53 AM
Since I am starting to know bitcoin and cryptocurrency yes, it is very difficult to understand if you don't know the process and the meaning of it and when no one is guiding you. The first question coming up in your mind is what is digital currency and how to use this cryptocurrency thing. But lately I give myself a research and reading about blockchain and now I understand slowly that digital currency is more easier to make transactions through paying and sending money and also you can earn and get a profit of these crypto coins.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: elwiswoodie on June 27, 2018, 12:26:36 AM
yes, the majority of people are only concerned with the price of BTC alone, without knowing that the technology behind Biitcoin, the blockchain is very powerful
even Jack Ma once said, that blockchain will revolutionize the world and Bitcoin will become Bubble

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cutecute on June 27, 2018, 01:02:38 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Bitcoin is difficult to understand because if it is easy I think there are so many toxic people that will also work here. There are so many process before you can work here so that they can see that if you make a research that's the time that you will say that you are interested to it

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MDIPANJAN on June 27, 2018, 01:08:23 AM
Actually it's quite correct that it's hard to understand Bitcoin, One day when I begin to start thinking
I've learned something about it and the next day it proves me wrong and shows me i've so many things
to learn about it.
I'm doing my due research on bitcoin and trying to understand it better not completely though.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: iotarocket on June 27, 2018, 01:13:55 AM
I think part of why it's so hard to understand is that the infrastructure is just being built for scaling, and when software is relatively new it tends not to be so user-friendly. It's merely a step beyond proof of concept - speaking of cryptocurrencies generally.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: reyanshbasu on June 27, 2018, 01:27:54 AM
Everything becomes easier if we put the time to study and to learn, like in Bitcoin before investing we need to have an idea of what it is. It's not difficult to understand because there are so many ways to get on it like viewing on youtube, searching google what is bitcoin and how it works. But its really true, I read some comments that bitcoin is not for all mostly for those negative mind.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: crossabdd on June 27, 2018, 01:28:59 AM
what is bitcoin.? I think it will mean a lot in this one question. but in essence they want to say that it is a digital currency. but how can it be useful.? few people understand that. because I myself also don't really understand about the inside of bitcoin. blockchain is something complicated to decipher. and can't be understood by ordinary people. and at the core of most people. bitcoin is a fiat moneymaker.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: anume123 on June 27, 2018, 01:39:33 AM

During my time of bitcoin for almost three years I've got much to understand about it but I think you just need to read it in the forum and you will learn more about rules and how to earn tokens to become a money.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MedicineVNT on June 27, 2018, 01:45:16 AM
Bitcoin makes the swimmers because bitcoin is the advent of modern digital technology that fits into the same investment market as investing in the real estate market but they are more modern

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: CryptoGamblingSites on June 27, 2018, 01:45:43 AM
Bitcoin is harder to understand because most people don't grow up knowing "where money comes from" or the politics involved in creating money.

Unless someone is willing to actually understand that, they won't "get" bitcoin or what problems it is solving.

Then you have different economies around the world that want to make bitcoin "work" within their current economy and financial systems easily. This is where the local media helps the governments, that don't want their citizens controlling their own money, believe that bitcoin is a scam.

If people just stuck to the basics with others when they don't know about bitcoin... stop talking about the price, it would be much easier for everyone. The non-believers don't NEED to believe in or buy bitcoin, if they want to know WHY some countries and some people see value in bitcoin then that is all they NEED to know when discussing bitcoin.

The world will catch up eventually, all the noise before the masses adopt is just a waste of time.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jassanpary on June 27, 2018, 01:46:51 AM
Everything becomes easier if we put the time to study and to learn, like in Bitcoin before investing we need to have an idea of what it is. It's not difficult to understand because there are so many ways to get on it like viewing on youtube, searching google what is bitcoin and how it works. But its really true, I read some comments that bitcoin is not for all mostly for those negative mind.
Yes I would also think that to understand the bitcoin is nkt a difficult task, first do the ground work means elementary study of bitcoin is necessary, once if we go through that then it would be easy to understand and also to follow the bitcoin and many are successful by doing so.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: appleyard on June 27, 2018, 01:48:42 AM
There are so many articles blogs and short books that, We may use to help us explain bitcoin to an average person who dont have technical knowledge. The key for the explanation here is the fast and easy to use then explain to them how it works, this will help them to gain interest to bitcoin. Showing a short film or video about bitcoin will help too.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: montaza on June 27, 2018, 01:50:42 AM
It is not so difficult for me when i start and heard bitcoin. if you want to learn something you just google it and read many articles of it.
Just like bitcoin, read more articles about it while learning, it just takes time to learn step by step, you will learn by your experience.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: LigwagGanern on June 27, 2018, 01:50:55 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Bitcoin is difficult to understand specially if your mind is not open in business. If you have a stand that earning money online is impossible. But if you really want to earn more money, just need to trust the one who told you about bitcoin or teach you. And you need to seek more information about it and you will saw many evidences saying that bitcoin is legit and you can earn money using it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: whoisyourking on June 27, 2018, 01:54:17 AM
Yes this is right i tried to explain it to my family and friends, they are just laughing, they say that why we need that bicoin if we have an online banking and paypal payments. An they also arguing why that bitcoin has so many digits. My friend say that "Bitcoin is use in online scam and criminality so stay away from bitcoin".  

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: founfition on June 27, 2018, 02:21:17 AM
BTC is fictitious data, but the market value of BTC is very high, many people think BTC is a ponzi scheme, they are not willing to buy BTC directly.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Duogembrot on June 27, 2018, 05:16:39 AM
maybe this is because bitcoin is a digital currency and a lot of people who only understand the currency that has a physical and not too meamhami digital currency like bitcoin is probably due to lack of technology they learn.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bangdol on June 27, 2018, 05:40:23 AM
indeed not many people who know this technology, it makes bitcoin as a digital currency is very difficult to understand. some beginners must be confused with the workings of bitcoins that have this great technology, but this is part of the development of the times, certainly in the next few years will all recognize the existence of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Goldenprog on June 27, 2018, 05:43:24 AM
bitcoin is difficult to understand. because, the way its work is not from the application. but from google.untuk learn nya.harus be patient and need time.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: zhopas on June 27, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
Some people cannot understand bitcoin immediately because they already have and create their own understanding by those people who are spreading false information about it so they easily judge it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: A Feeder on June 27, 2018, 05:50:02 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Very true. You forgot to mention that people can't understand bitcoin because they do not want to. They think that bitcoin is a scam and they close their minds for new opportunities containing knowledge. But, the truth is, the money game in this world is constantly changing and the ones who will be rich are the ones who can constantly adapt.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kotone on June 27, 2018, 05:53:56 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Very true. You forgot to mention that people can't understand bitcoin because they do not want to. They think that bitcoin is a scam and they close their minds for new opportunities containing knowledge. But, the truth is, the money game in this world is constantly changing and the ones who will be rich are the ones who can constantly adapt.
maybe the bitcoin ia difficult to understand for those who have an closemind. you will need an openminded to understand bitcoin. also you must have an knowledge in the internet or online world. also, if you are not ready to take a risk then you can't be here. the price Is fluctuating. you must research about it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: fillippone on June 27, 2018, 06:01:31 AM
I edited a previous post, so I am posting again:

Bitcoin is a very difficult subject to explain and generally speaking when telling people about bitcoin the bubble/ponzi scheme/fraud reply is the easiest answer of objection.
I thought about that and came out this happens for at least three reasons (or a combination of those):
1. You are not good at explaining
2. The subject (bitcoin) is a very difficult topic
3. The person you are addressing to has to be open to explain action about the difficult subject.

1. You are bad at explaining.
Bitcoin is a complicated subject so, as Latin used to say, you first have to have a good understanding of it in order to explain effectively, this is difficult (point 2).
It’s 2018, and you don’t need to be a very good explainer, but you can address your counterpart to a good plethora of resources: videos first of all from A.Antonoupolous, or the website from Jameson Lopp ( or even a few twitter account.
Now I am getting better, and the more I try the more effectively I can answer the easiest, and more common, objection to Bitcoin.

2.Bitcoin is a difficult subject because it is something at the intersection of four very different topics:

1. Monetary theory
2. Game Theory
3. Distributed computing
4. Cryptography

I thin a dozen people can understand the 4 topics with the full required details, a hundred 3 out of four, a few thousands two, and manw thousands just one of the four.
Note that each field is necessary fo fully understand bitcoin, and the lack of each of them deeply change the matter.
Of course say I am a cryptographer: I will tend to interpret bitcoin in a very different manner than an Austrian Monethariss, being the opbject exactely the same.
So, Bitcoin is difficult because it IS difficult, actually one of the most difficult topics right now (that's why i think there is a so high concentration of brain power, money, and efforts pouring in this industry).

3. There are people that are in a set of mind that will never understand Bitcoin, or they won’t accept any explaination about it.
Take Nouriel Roubini, he’s a supposedly very intelligent person, but badly reacts to every bitcoin news. I don’t know what happened in the past, but he’s blindly and stupidly against it. Bitcoin is a difficult matter, so for the persons not really willing to understand and adopting an open mind approach to the subject: staying in the ponzi/fraud/bubble position is a very easy and convenient position, as it doesn’t require any intellectual effort.

My two cents,

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: voron84-05 on June 27, 2018, 06:01:46 AM
Bitcoin is difficult for those who are trying to find something unusual in it. In fact, BTC is just as simple as the market for ordinary fiat money. there is no control center - I do not agree with this statement, how can you explain its behavior, controlled drop and controlled growth? everything has levers of control and somebody pulls at them.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Gabteb on June 27, 2018, 06:03:26 AM
Becouse its new every new thing goes through this ,it was with internet ,electronic money and others and its happens becouse some countries dont like it and ban so people start to deny to.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Serious475 on June 27, 2018, 06:10:23 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I agree. It is really hard to understand the concept of Bitcoin. By joining this forum and by researching on the internet, I guess you can earn an adequate knowledge about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a new discovery that is why many people are not familiar and difficult to understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: avoxosuccesful on June 27, 2018, 06:17:08 AM
i don't bitcoin is difficult to understand but i think trading bitcoin that's were the difficulty comes in. bitcoin is jst the name behind the blockchain technology,while block-chain is an online ledger of transactions accessible for all people. i also think if you make research first about blockchain maybe from google or on this thread u'll b able to understan how best this things works. the chain is long cause we also have minners and also these
1. Monetary theory
2. Game Theory
3. Distributed computing
4. Cryptography.     
but the more research u make it'll be easy to say it's not difficult

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Jessica2009 on June 27, 2018, 06:40:39 AM
        Bitcoin one of the major cryptocurrency which is operated world wide with the help of internet and computer. and is connected to the modern technology . The awareness of the technological development and computer literacy is essential to work in Bitcoin that means a minimum eduction is  a mandatory to handle otherwise it will be difficult to understand ,Bitcoin characteristics are widely attracted by the global community and the popularity is increasing world wide .Without awareness and literacy it will be difficult to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: nhoj25 on June 27, 2018, 06:43:40 AM
There are a lot of aspects to bitcoin, so it can be a bit overwhelming. Many have to do a lot of reading to completely understand it. The hardest thing to understand is how it all works. But for most people, they only know Bitcoin is a form of investment who can make his/her money grow.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: adejoke444 on June 27, 2018, 06:56:12 AM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand, i am  still new to this blockchain tech and already understood much it due to my own personal research, commitment is needed by you if you really want to grab it quickly..

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ruffian1314 on June 27, 2018, 07:00:50 AM
I don't think that bitcoin is very difficult to understand for people who are new to it because there's a lot of detailed information out there for you to learn and study bitcoin. It will be very difficult to understand if that specific person don't want to give his/her full attention to what he/she studying.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Imey77 on June 27, 2018, 07:05:11 AM
I often hear my friends talking about bitcoin, it is quite difficult to understand because bitcoin is the new currency of digital currency, which way to get it also requires learning process, I learn from youtube, google, and from friends who already understand, and certainly not there is something we can not understand if we want to learn it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Lazada on June 27, 2018, 07:26:43 AM
I often hear my friends talking about bitcoin, it is quite difficult to understand because bitcoin is the new currency of digital currency, which way to get it also requires learning process, I learn from youtube, google, and from friends who already understand, and certainly not there is something we can not understand if we want to learn it.
For Bitcoin, for those who can understand Bitcoin then I am sure it can be utilized and generate various benefits.
Enrichment is a goal for those who gather them to know Bitcoin. understand from the beginning and do not be lazy to ask.
I make it possible for those who have a strong curiosity so that they will be able to achieve their dreams.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: abiola4real on June 27, 2018, 07:31:03 AM
its not difficult to understand if you really wish to know it... Take your time to watch some videos and Google Search for information about it...

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: richpham on June 27, 2018, 07:31:47 AM
 You can also make use of Facebook groups, google and yahoo answers in order to know the bitcoin or in order to explain the bitcoin in a much better way. There are many youtube and vimeo videos released by which one can easily understand the concept of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: dadanpradana on June 27, 2018, 07:34:24 AM
indeed in terms of creating Bitcoin is difficult, as did in the first time Satoshi Nakamoto created it. but now there is no need to create again because we have seen how the way how to mine bitcoin and how to transfer it like where.

so the conclusion is that Bitcoin seakrang easy to understand because now Bitcoin has started can be learned through Youtube and many articles that talk about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: realcrypto on June 27, 2018, 07:38:09 AM
There is no concept that is very easy to understand. I am a chemist, before I got admission into the university I was thinking chemistry is very simple but when I got there the balancing of equations alone needed extra time and extra tutorial so I strive harder in order to scale through. Anyone that want know bitcoin in details need to get tutorials both online and offline.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ravijadon12jan on June 27, 2018, 08:03:10 AM
It's difficult to understand for almost 80% of the world population as of now, just because everyone has a perspective of paper money, bank money, etc. They haven't thought that money can be virtual. It will be really tough for them to change there perspective after using paper money for so long. I think this is the most tough part for crypto or especially bitcoin to get recognized by mass media. Also storing BTC is too much technical for a normal person, volatility in price, transaction time, transaction costs are other difficult technicalities.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kelvinikke on June 27, 2018, 08:05:23 AM
Trust me mate bitcoin and cryptocurrency is not difficult to understand at all. i have been in that position before and i know how it feels but when you make your mind to embrace the concept of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency trust me you will be amazed how you will learn very fast. It ain't going to come easy because nothing really comes easy but if you put in the work it becomes easy. I am glad i put in the work to get to know about crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MudahDanHemat on June 27, 2018, 08:09:48 AM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand but bitcoin is still a new thing and people are still glued to the old system so are reluctant to understand bitcoin or other crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lolehiM92 on June 27, 2018, 08:11:22 AM
If we are new to bitcoin then there will be a lot of things we find very confusing about bitcoin if you are involved in the time you will find it so understandable as yourself not difficult

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jengyang10 on June 27, 2018, 08:12:00 AM
we think that bitcoin becomes very difficult to understand because of the extraordinary feelings you have had a great deal of knowledge to begin to understand this bitcoin / cryptocurrency industry, first to the beginner.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Gorionh on June 27, 2018, 08:25:08 AM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.

It is difficult to understand because some people had luck of interest and don't have willingness to learn. There's nothing difficult if we only have the interest to learn from it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on June 27, 2018, 08:27:08 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I don't think it's difficult to understand at all. What I think is that people needlessly over complicate it with all the buzzwords like blockchain, decentralized, peer to peer etc and even more people are scared because of all the demonization in the media (oh, it's a scam and ponzi and drug dealers use it). Most people don't even know that fiat money refers to the money in their pockets so I'm not sure why we should expect them to know the economics and technology behind how bitcoin works right down to the code because they don't need to. Do you need to understand the complexities of how a computer or the internet works to be able to use it? Absolutely not. You turn on the computer and click a few buttons. Easy as pie. Do you need to know the mechanisms of how a petrol engine functions to be able to drive? Not at all. You put your foot on the gas (and brake when needed) and turn that circle thing in front of you and you get from A to B. Magic. Same goes with bitcoin. Bitcoin is very simple to use, especially with the ease of some apps today. I've seen someone mention this before that using the app isn't much different than using paypal and might even be easier and more secure. Scan a QR code, put the amount of bitcoins you'd like to send in (and use the dollar amount if all the decimal points confuse you and click send payment. Bingo. What is complicated about that? If you can use online banking then you can use bitcoin. One other function of bitcoin other than it being decentralized money (oops, evil buzzword again) is that people can treat it as an investment, and it's one that is very easy to get into. Most people don't know how to invest in the stock market or whatnot so a lot of them are now getting into bitcoin instead, which is a good thing. Just don't overly complicate bitcoin to newbies and explain it by comparing it to other things they're already familiar with. If they can use banking apps and paypal then there's no reason why they can't use bitcoin, so maybe just explain why bitcoin is good or at the very least different to current monetary models.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mickeybuddy27 on June 27, 2018, 08:33:27 AM
There are a lot of aspects to bitcoin, so it can be a bit overwhelming. Many have to do a lot of reading to completely understand it. The hardest thing to understand is how it all works. But for most people, they only know Bitcoin is a form of investment who can make his/her money grow.
There are people that only know about investment and not the other way to earn because they have limited information about it though there is available information unlimited on the internet. Information is given and it is for the people to exert an effort to find something important that can help to understand about crypto and how to make the profit grows.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: semarmesem195 on June 27, 2018, 08:44:05 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

You are right, to be honest I have not really understood the details of bitcoin in the first place, which I know only comes from the opinion of people in this forum and some web explaining about bitcoin. In my mind, my brain still can not draw conclusions about the truth about bitcoin and understand it.
I think that understanding bitcoin will be accomplished if we are really exploring about bitcoin from the beginning to the development process and even how it works, and we can draw conclusions.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Ziomuro27 on June 27, 2018, 08:50:53 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
We different perspective and point of view how we looks on something, but for me though that I can't fully understand yet the true meaning of bitcoin but I am trying to pursue what people also do. I need to get enough information to enlightened my mind to the things I dont know yet. I agree with you also that I and they who has a limited knowledge about bitcoin need to build progress to understand what this currency really are.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MetalGear on June 27, 2018, 10:49:43 AM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.
Indeed. bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is very difficult to understand especially if you do not have any interest on it. On the other hand, we can easily learn some new thing if we have interest on it so that if you want to learn more about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies you must have first interest on it. Lastly, you can also try to do some research so that you can learn more about it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Timere on June 27, 2018, 11:12:41 AM
it is not necessary to understand all the details of the bitcoin, it is enough to learn how to use it and store it correctly, observe the safety rules. It is enough to understand all its advantages over the standard monetary system

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Harrisonimo on June 27, 2018, 11:18:42 AM
True as regards saying the real knowledge of bitcoin is quite intricate and somewhat abstract to a lame man. A lot of persons really involved in the cryptocurrency/bitcoin business don't really know all these you have said but what they know is that they make profit when bitcoin increases and they also know that bitcoin is affected by some superficial factors determining its up and down movements. I think we can leave the sophisticated details to bitcoin analysts and programmers. It is quite synonymous to internet users too who don't really know what TCP/IP is but they use the internet still and very well/often.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jchav010101 on June 27, 2018, 11:30:35 AM
Bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if we do want the elaborated way we can study the deeper parts of it there are some videos on youtube that will make you understand the basic functions and what you're going to do with bitcoin.Bitcoin can be the center of trade, banking and finance and simply the innovation of a country.People with little knowledge about bitcoin will tend to tell false information about it.People will think that bitcoin is nothing but trash. But for us users who gain something,we should be quiet about it and let the bitcoin do the talk.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Spontebob on June 27, 2018, 01:12:49 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Been there. I actually had a hard time understanding the concept of bitcoin. It is complicated, definitely yes but if we use google, learn on this forum and watch documentaries or movies, we will be enlightened.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: domerosan10 on June 27, 2018, 01:24:03 PM
I think bitcoin is easy to understand. Maybe you have not found out about bitcoin, there are a lot of bitcoin news on social media and on the internet. If you find out there you will definitely understand bitcoin. thank you

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Saldom12 on June 27, 2018, 01:27:50 PM
I think bitcoin is not hard to understand. bitcoin is simple and easy to understand. If you find out about bitcoin on the internet and social media already there are ads about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Harrow30 on June 27, 2018, 01:35:14 PM
I wouldn't say that bitcoin is difficult to understand depending on the level of disclosure and also with respect to the categories of persons learning about it. To a lame man, I believe there is peripheral level of teaching that can be disclosed/taught to get the person in full understanding of what bitcoin is. To the Elites, there are levels of disclosures also given and to the Programmers, there are the jargons understood by them too. Do, it all depends on your level to have a detailed understanding of the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lekam0213 on June 27, 2018, 01:38:56 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand if you didn't have any idea about bitcoin or what is bitcoin, how it function or what their system can offer us and why bitcoin has so many supporter. In order to know about bitcoin we should study first you us to see and know that bitcoin is not that hard to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: gordeevaar on June 27, 2018, 01:41:44 PM
It is difficult to understand because the area of knowledge is in the field of computer where most people don't want to explore more. In the world of computer or digital as you may say ordinary people only settle to basic information as long as it can be used on the task at hand. Where as fully understanding bitcoin requires going beyond basic knowledge in digital system.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: abbasshan1 on June 27, 2018, 01:42:04 PM
understanding bitcoin is not difficult but it only need some focus on it. if you will study about it on google then you will learn everything.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: BanishedDemon on June 27, 2018, 01:42:26 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Your thread is exactly same as this ? , and clearly you're an lazy asshole who copy pasting without even ask for permission , you should be banned for this or atleast DT members will tag you sooner or later .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: johnsombero on June 27, 2018, 01:46:56 PM
for me Bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if we like the elaborated way we can analyze the deeper parts of it with some youtube videos that will make you understand the basic functions and what your to be done with bitcoin Bitcoin can be a trading center, banking and financial and simply transforming a country.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: demonist on June 27, 2018, 04:26:47 PM
I think bitcoin itself is not really hard to understand but if you do want the elaborated way you can study the deeper parts of it. 
I think bitcoin is very simple provided be patient and always positive .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: miraj0007 on June 27, 2018, 04:51:37 PM
Bitcoin really does not want to understand or understand it properly, because they do not understand when they work. We all can open an account in the bank, but many people do not know how to use it. So before using any of its work, we should use it properly.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: anhzaibro on June 27, 2018, 05:03:17 PM
I find it hard to understand because it is not like any other currency. It has no physical form and it is born from something we do not see. And it requires us to have knowledge in the cryo field for effective use.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: shamimal93 on June 27, 2018, 05:35:50 PM
Frankly telling bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency and first digital cryptocurrency in the world. It's not similar to other cryptocurrencies thats why it's difficult to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: saumang2m on June 27, 2018, 05:42:04 PM
It is difficult for some people to understand Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is a crypto currency. And for those people, crypto is a new currency. It takes a little time to understand them. But if Bitcoin understands it well then it does not have any special difficulty. It depends on people how much time they understand Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: guppak on June 27, 2018, 05:51:37 PM
The concept is actually not bitcoin. but Blockchain. bitcoin is just the name of the coin that became the pioneer of this digital payment revolution. and why it's not easy to understand. because blockchain is a transparent system and its division is based on mining, and computer systems so that the layman will first find it difficult to understand how it works without directly entering this crypto world. but I think phenomenal will guide people to know and learn about the blockchain system someday.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Wicked Sick on June 27, 2018, 05:54:13 PM
An average user doesn't has to know all these things that you have listed. For them all they should know is that bitcoin is a currency which is decentralized and can be used to send money from one point to another without any barriers. And that you are the sole owner of your coins and no government or organization can take control of it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: King money on June 27, 2018, 06:26:36 PM
Everything becomes easier if we put the time to study and to learn, like in Bitcoin before investing we need to have an idea of what it is. It's not difficult to understand because there are so many ways to get on it like viewing on youtube, searching google what is bitcoin and how it works. But its really true, I read some comments that bitcoin is not for all mostly for those negative mind.

I think They only know that BTC and got the value of thousands of dollars. They know various ways to develop their fiat by using bitcoin. It's all for the general population and I think it will stay that way!
For bitcoin the general public is just a medium of transaction and lately it's just a way of making money. That's everyone's thinking about it. In reality no one really wants to understand how bitcoin actually works here or how the mechanism of action occurs when a person transacts through a blockchain and how the miner captures and verifies it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Sandijoee on June 27, 2018, 06:28:53 PM
If I think bitcoin is not too difficult to understand. Bitcoin is very simple to understand. There's a lot of news about bitcoin, you just find out about bitcoin on the internet. There is a lot to say about bitcoin, if you intend to make a profit for sure you will understand that bitcoin is very profitable.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: zigfrider on June 27, 2018, 06:29:59 PM
It is actually not that different to understand if you have some interest Personally, I learn the basics in just a week only.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Core.BUSTER on June 27, 2018, 07:01:16 PM
There is no difficulties if you know how to understand well and it is easy to understand if you are in focus and interested in a thing you want. 
Yes, I agree of that,  bitcoin is not difficult to one person that willing to learn all about in cryptocurrency. He willing to face all risk and challenges cause bitcoin is not stable, bitcoin is easily to understand to one person with lots of interest even in small matters.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: kupido14 on June 27, 2018, 10:53:23 PM
For my own perspective, I do not find bitcoin difficult to understand. It just requires time to gain knowlegde. But eventually you will surely understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: leoleobeck on June 28, 2018, 03:45:05 AM
It is difficult to understand because the area of knowledge is in the field of computer where most people don't want to explore more.  If the layman wants to understand bitcoin, better learn first what is bitcoin and what is cryptocurrency to avoid wrong response.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: aryadiningrat123 on June 28, 2018, 03:47:31 AM
I do not think it's hard to understand bitcoin if you really want to understand bitcoin any further so if you want to bite bitcoin further you can also read the article on website many ways for you to understand bitcoin farther

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Moblie_Legend on June 28, 2018, 03:59:44 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
indeed it is the existence of cryptocurrency I think it is difficult to understand by the layman but cryptocurrency also we must know because it is already a demand of advancements of time and technology must be forcing to be understood

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bjmpoker001 on June 28, 2018, 04:11:57 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I think we as a user no need to understand bitcoin very very detailed. It is good for your knowledge though.
When we buy bitcoin with our money, it means we trust bitcoin. Investors trust their money on bitcoin without understanding the technical things about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: skibikipapa69 on June 28, 2018, 04:14:16 AM
The basics of bitcoin is not really that difficult to understand. But when you want to become an expert then that will be difficult. There are a lot of materials to read about bitcoin in here. Also there are tons of videos online which explains bitcoin and its technology. If you really want to learn and passionate about it then you will find ways to know bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jpnl0004 on June 28, 2018, 03:04:24 PM
Its the first digital currrency like the first ever so its very difficult for people to understand but i believe its not difficult for who ever that is ready and willing to learn.All that is needed is patience and commitment

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NerdofBTC on June 28, 2018, 03:20:18 PM
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital  currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: arjen18 on June 28, 2018, 03:35:12 PM
For me bitcoin is not difficult to understand the only thing you need is to do a research.about bitcoin on how it works uducate yourself and apply this in your daily life then one day you prove to yourself that bitcoin is very easy to understand

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: NeilLostBitCoin on June 28, 2018, 03:36:14 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Actually bitcoin or any other kind of virtual currency is not really hard to understand , why? because they are all based on the volume of investor and their supply. If you understand the system between demand and supply you will know what bitcoin is . Most of the time the main concern in bitcoin or in any other virtual currency is their value , so if you are referring why bitcoin's value changes over time it is because of the demand and supply , the more demand , the higher the price is. it is just plain and simple.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bad_apple on June 29, 2018, 01:33:50 AM
Bitcoin has a lot of stuffs going on, it has many things to learn first before a person/investor may engage on it without any issues at all. Why? Because of the "Blockchain". It is an advance technology today which it requires a broader mindset and a vast knowledge about the technology and its purpose itself. Without these, risks and problems may arise.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: careCentre on June 29, 2018, 04:56:24 AM
For most people bitcoin is just medium of transaction and lately, it is just way of earning money. That's all people think about it. In reality, no one really wants to understand how bitcoin is really working here or how the mechanism of the action takes place when someone transacts over the blockchain and how miners catch and verify it. They just know that its Bitcoin and it has got value worth thousands of dollars. They know various ways to grow their fiat by means of using bitcoin.  Bitcoin is not difficult to understand the only thing most people need is to do research on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Getmon on June 29, 2018, 05:00:55 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

This is very true. And this is most probably be one of the primary reasons why a lot of people all over the world do not immediately buy the use of Bitcoin. Sometimes, Bitcoin is actually perceived as something that only belongs to the geeks and the techy and the nerds and those that are always updated on the world of technology whether it is related to finance or gadgets or something else. There is no easy and straightforward learning and use when it comes to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: camric09 on June 29, 2018, 05:10:28 AM
For most people bitcoin is just medium of transaction and lately, it is just way of earning money. That's all people think about it. In reality, no one really wants to understand how bitcoin is really working here or how the mechanism of the action takes place when someone transacts over the blockchain and how miners catch and verify it. They just know that its Bitcoin and it has got value worth thousands of dollars. They know various ways to grow their fiat by means of using bitcoin.  Bitcoin is not difficult to understand the only thing most people need is to do research on bitcoin.

Yes, I agree that bitcoin is not difficult to understand, it just need to study and learn how to manage bitcoin also maybe other people are just closed minded enough this is the reason why others are telling it its difficult.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: solarisexodus on June 29, 2018, 05:41:15 AM
Yes it is true, because what it takes to relate and understand bitcoin is all about having mature knowledge about economics and financial aspects… We could not use to debate the words of Bitcoin to a child without giving him the basics of it. So people tend to identify only the shallow portion of the iceberg. They should learn the value and complexity of financial as well as the economics (though some factors may consider such as the emotion of fear of loss, worried and etc.).

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: chikading2016 on June 29, 2018, 05:54:59 AM
For most people bitcoin is just medium of transaction and lately, it is just way of earning money. That's all people think about it. In reality, no one really wants to understand how bitcoin is really working here or how the mechanism of the action takes place when someone transacts over the blockchain and how miners catch and verify it. They just know that its Bitcoin and it has got value worth thousands of dollars. They know various ways to grow their fiat by means of using bitcoin.  Bitcoin is not difficult to understand the only thing most people need is to do research on bitcoin.

Yes, I agree that bitcoin is not difficult to understand, it just need to study and learn how to manage bitcoin also maybe other people are just closed minded enough this is the reason why others are telling it its difficult.
Bitcoin is difficult to understand because it has a very simple ways to earn a huge amount of profit, that is why I believe that many people around really wonder about bitcoin existency. I think it is really hard to understand that in this world thatvis really hard to find an income there is still bitcoin who can give a huge amount of return from our investment.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: eann014 on June 29, 2018, 06:00:27 AM
In my opinion, bitcoin is not that hard to understand, maybe it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in bitcoin. There are still many of us that doesn't know bitcoin and that are not still interested until now, maybe those are the one whos difficult to understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: nguli on June 29, 2018, 06:39:13 AM
bitcoin is actually very easy to understand that makes bitcoin difficult to understand is because bitcoin can only be used in digital devices only and not everyone can understand the language of computers and even the Internet so bitcoin education is actually very important for all people in the world.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: OscarWatson3213 on June 29, 2018, 06:56:40 AM
At first it is very difficult to understand bitcoin, all you understand is just the meaning of it. The cryptocurrency is based on the revolutionary blockchain technology. The supply, mining, transaction fee, supply , use case are all that make up the cryptocurrency. Its as simple as this.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: yugyug on June 29, 2018, 07:41:08 AM
Bitcoin is really hard to understand particular to those non techie individual and even to those who have wide experience on financial sectors doesn't really understand how the bitcoin works but if we just simplify it as a form of money making machine then people are eager to learn and skip the technicalities and other knowledge-digging research on how it works as it might lead to endless asking questions on why's and how's.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: warning_btc on June 29, 2018, 07:47:34 AM
Bitcoin is not hard to understand, it simplest blockchain in all of other.
No smart contracts, look at monero blockchain cant understandable.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kaykay on June 29, 2018, 07:59:21 AM
Nope bitcoin is not difficult as much you think. Its quite easy to learn. There are so many references that help you to understand about bitcoin. Also many youtube video about bitcoin. Better learn about that.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: gesdan on June 29, 2018, 07:59:40 AM
yes for ordinary people i think that bitcoin is hard to understand because its totally different with other currency like USD or other currency but i think that bitcoin is more flexicble if somebody learn and know about bitcoin works. and after that i think bitcoin will give you some impact because of that

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mathtoughfat on June 29, 2018, 08:02:22 AM
As to how I see it now, the reason why many is having a hard time understanding bitcoin us because of a couple of reasons. First, bitcoin is not recognized by government. This means that information is not mainstream, you really have to dig in and study to learn how bitcoin works and what are the benefits of it. Second is that there were news about hackers that made the reputation of crypto currency bad. Given that most people think that any digital information whether it is money or personal information can be hacked. This made people think that bitcoin can easily be manipulated, in sinple there people has a fear to understand bitcoin and crypto currency.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Rooster101 on June 29, 2018, 08:20:14 AM
I think there is nothing difficult if you are determine to learn how bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies works. There are many learning materials in the internet and here in the forum. People who always criticize bitcoin because of this same reason aren't really interested in bitcoin so they can't understand bitcoin at all.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: adejoke444 on June 29, 2018, 08:22:50 AM
Its not difficult at all to understand, even me that am newbies, i have learned so much, whats needed is committed and the zeal to learn it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Supremacy2 on June 29, 2018, 08:24:41 AM
To understand Bitcoin, you have to understand how life works entirely.. To me, bitcoin is like a football competition where many teams plan to be the winner but we will surely have categories of team at the top.

On Bitcoin, we have the game changers and bring in FUD anytime( Government, big investors and whales), if you try to understand them, you will understand Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Fourgh on June 29, 2018, 08:33:41 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

It's hard to understand because of the concept and the idea of per to per transaction providing proof of work to generate bitcoins as reward thus it's called Bitcoin minning. The gretaer the number of computer's envolved the better the proof or the blockchain.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: yesuidanggan on June 29, 2018, 08:42:07 AM
Because the BTC has upended people's understanding of the financial system!
Traditional economics is hard to explain BTC, and computer technology is hard to explain!
It is a new block chain technology, predicting the future monetary form!

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Gurjasmeet on June 29, 2018, 08:56:42 AM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand, there are many sources for understanding like, Google, YouTube, most of websites's only depend necessity for us which way apply to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: youngsoft on June 29, 2018, 09:08:08 AM
bitcoin is in reality straightforward if the individual has a PC foundation and as of now comprehend the PC would be simple yet for new individuals is troublesome on the grounds that the script is hard to comprehend individuals who don't know PCs and innovation all the more profoundly.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cheerfulrobot on June 29, 2018, 09:13:48 AM
There are such a significant number of references that will assist you with understanding what bitcoin is, attempt to discover it in google , youtube , web journals, or numerous other site that clarify about bitcoin, the first occasion when I thought about bitcoin, I likewise got a trouble to comprehend, I endeavored to learn it well ordered as of not long ago, continue learning mate

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: revo1044 on June 29, 2018, 09:21:09 AM
i dont think that bitcoin is difficult to understand, because there is a lot of source information in the internet to learn evrything about bitcoin if you want to learn about bitcoin this forum is the best way to understand Bitcoin .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: magmar on June 29, 2018, 09:27:43 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

The bitcoins is not rasy to understand if you are not willing to understand it if you keep on blocking the messege to enter to your system then you qill not really understand it. But if you are taking all the advises and the loss into an understanding and a lessons then you can know wjat bitcoins really are in a plain and easy thing. If you really want something it is easy to know and understand it but if you dont understand then it seems like tjat is not you passions

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: big040994 on June 29, 2018, 09:44:15 AM
Those are the highlights of it, since it can not be managed, anonymously, and the amount of traffic will be promising for future bitcoins, I think.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: m.mendoza on June 29, 2018, 09:57:29 AM
There are so many references that will help you to understand what bitcoin is, try to find it in google , youtube , blogs, or many other website that explain about bitcoin, the first time i knew about bitcoin, i also got a difficulty to understand, i tried to learn it step by step until now, keep learning buddy

Actually bitcoin is not difficult to understand. If you will just give your time and effort for this you will not having a hard time to understand this. If you understand this you will bring this into your future and you can easily explain this to other people. There is no difficult things in life unless you work hard for it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Farrahyap27 on June 29, 2018, 10:14:36 AM
For me, I consider  Bitcoin as valuable thing or an asset to people for they want Bitcoin. For lile any other currency, Bitcoin follows the rules of supply and demand of the economy. This helps people to make trade easier, enabling holders to convert goods into a widely tradable commodity through the business sale and then it uses to purchase nearly anything they wish to have. The most important thing that makes Bitcoin valuable is that, Bitcoin is different from the other. It has its own capabilities to people's want, it shows its uniqueness to people.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Henry Sy on June 29, 2018, 10:16:17 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Anyone could learn if theirs an ability on it. On the off chance that somebody is intrigued to investigate at that point in could be more less demanding to learn. Simply take it gradually and not to feel miserable then by the day's end you will investigate and cherish the universe of BTC.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: dodz031718 on June 29, 2018, 10:26:42 AM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand because it is an invisible coin and digital currency. Every bit of work to be done in bitcoin is very difficult but there are many ways to learn.Investors are uses of it because we people had different kind of understanding modes so we cannot do nothing against but it is not more difficult than any other I felt jobs it had some other intelligent works if we had a little bit of intelligent then we will be very easily understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mitakatu on June 29, 2018, 10:40:27 AM
Of course it is confusing because if it dex understands it can not be profitable for many participants, and the big electronic money is operated around the world with the help of internet and computers. and is connected to modern technology. Awareness of technology development and computer literacy is essential to working in Bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Haiishdh on June 29, 2018, 10:55:36 AM
bitcoin is never too difficult, understanding it never be a big deal.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Cabecabean12 on June 29, 2018, 11:08:54 AM
in my opinion, there is nothing complicated in bitcoin, bitcoin science is rather difficult to explain to people who are not interested in technology, only we think that bitcoin is complicated and actually bitcoin is not complicated. actually how we understand the concept of bitcoin then we will understand Bitcoin.
thanks :)

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Samaaliu on June 29, 2018, 12:02:43 PM
Bitcoin may be difficult to understand especially to the layman. If you consider it as a means of exchange, you may not need to ask too many vague questions, just the same way you have not bothered to ask how your fiat currencies are been made or printed. The issue as to the codes driving the blockchain whose Bitcoin is built should be left to the developers just as you would leave the issue of how your money is being printed to the Treasury.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: manhhieudb4 on June 29, 2018, 12:06:18 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand because it increases erratic fluctuations at a certain price

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: loyseu on June 29, 2018, 12:10:41 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
I don't really see bitcoin as a thing that is hard to understand its just people don't want accept bitcoin so they only say that they hardly understand what bitcoin is. But if you think that bitcoin is hard to understand in the first place you will surely having a hard time to accept it

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: melirahma on June 29, 2018, 12:19:55 PM
well i think bitcoin is not difficult to understand one should try to understand anything you found difficult can ask question every individual is so helpfull and ready to answer also one who have a to wish to understan will get it and It's not difficult to understand because there are so many ways to get on it like viewing on youtube, searching google what is bitcoin and how it works. But its really true, I read some comments that bitcoin is not for all mostly for those negative mind.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: stimliall on June 29, 2018, 12:23:56 PM
BTC is difficult to understand and has little to do with traditional knowledge!
To understand Bitcoin you need the following introductory knowledge:
Mathematical principle
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Computer hardware and software knowledge
Cryptography knowledge
At least one programming language

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ruthbabe on June 29, 2018, 12:24:05 PM
Well, I guess, bitcoin it really is hard to understand because maybe you and me, or maybe the majority of people worldwide, don’t understand the concept of money in general.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: nicster551 on June 29, 2018, 02:02:46 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Bitcoin had a simple concept which is “the ease access of exchanges”. The key element to understand bitcoin is to know the reason behind its existence. However, it is not as easy as we thought. It comprises of complicated and complex process which some of them infer difficulties. Since, people tend to think as difficult then they can   `t able to distinguish right versus wrong. Some decisions might create negative effect and in result loss on investments. In contrary, the key element which is important for better investments has nothing to do with them but with you.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: mickeybuddy27 on June 29, 2018, 02:08:32 PM
i dont think that bitcoin is difficult to understand, because there is a lot of source information in the internet to learn evrything about bitcoin if you want to learn about bitcoin this forum is the best way to understand Bitcoin .
There is no difficult if that person is willing to learn things. Only lazy people think it is hard because they do not want to put any effort to understand though all information's provided in the internet. You have to find to understand the basic first before you deep in about crypto because some are complicated but can be understand when you want too. Bitcoin is very volatile and you have to analyze the market very carefully.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: LarryX5 on June 29, 2018, 02:14:03 PM
That`s because it`s a new concept. People of today are not surprised by electricity because they use it every day for a long time. Despite that, not many people understand fundamentals of electricity(or another example). I think for next-generation bitcoin won`t be difficult to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: wow.magic on June 29, 2018, 02:14:55 PM
There are lots of short length videos on youtube to understand Bitcoin in very easy ways. People should use google a little. Also, sites like this one provides very informative how-to and guides
Well its not actually difficult to understand , if youre really determined to learn bitcoin you will add an effort to understand it yourself. You can search for some information in google, watch some videos in youtube.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Aryadwipanggah on June 29, 2018, 02:16:01 PM
actually nothing is difficult to understand whatever it is its form including bitcoin, it all depends on our willingness to learn to understand it seriously

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Phyton76 on June 29, 2018, 02:18:06 PM
Base on my research, if you look at the currency it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different. Bitcoin is very volatile and you have to abalyze the market very carefully. Bitcoin is difficult to understand becauseit increases erratic fluctuation at a certain price

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cappy176 on June 29, 2018, 02:18:33 PM
At first glance it was a bit difficult for me to understand but after being involved for a little over a year I understand it completely and it is not difficult at all to understand, some of my friends still don't get it but they just see it and it seems too complicated for them to even try to understand but I know if they tried it would not be a problem for them. Although the only people I think will truly have difficulty understanding it is the older generation that hasn't grown up with computers and what not.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: malibogako2018 on June 29, 2018, 02:20:49 PM
Yes maybe bitcoin is difficult to understand but I think it depends if which people would study in this technology, like if you are not really focus in searching about crypto this will be hard for you and if you are fast learner and give passions in doing bitcoin, you will understand btc easily.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: KID_28 on June 29, 2018, 02:23:30 PM
Every new concept for people is definitely difficult. If you a person is willing to learn and give time to understand a thing like bitcoin, he/she will soon understand the concept behind the technoclogy that it offer and will soon have a deeper realization on the said technology. In short, it is up to a person whether it can be difficult or not. Also, you have to be interested in it in order for you ti easily adapt the terminologies behing bitcoin and how it works.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: KingOfWinterfell01 on June 29, 2018, 02:25:38 PM
What's so diffucult to understand? Bitcoins are technically money we own totally and we have the freedom to use it anytime without having to worry about banks looking at our accounts and we can send any value any time. Bitcoins are decentralized and convenient.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ajuelnah akun on June 29, 2018, 02:37:15 PM
If you think that bitcoin is not safe if used as currency because bitcoin does not have a central setting, maybe you should go back to a stone age that can only make payments with barter.
You say it as if you cornered bitcoin and say that bitcoin is not much better than paper money.
Can you think of the banknotes we use every day, and credit cards are worthless things that are conjured up by the bank used to deceive us. Do you know banks prefer to hoard our money with gold, and banks never run out of gold reserves.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kertmu on June 29, 2018, 02:39:23 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
In the role of the central regulatory body are Bitcoin whales, which can manipulate its value in not large limits, but this is enough for them to make a profit.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: isabuhay on June 29, 2018, 02:44:09 PM
Since the common currency that an average person used is the money in paper (depending on the country). Some people may hard to comprehend the currency that don't have physical form, in addition you have to be familiar on computer or any gadget to use bitcoin. For some people this will be a pain on the ass that will result them to give up

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: AntonGrishko on June 29, 2018, 02:47:39 PM
Actually, bitcoin is easy to understand if you are sure to learn more bitcoin and you can read a rowdy article to recognize bitcoin further if you have a friend who has already recognized bitcoin maybe you can ask with those who have more knowledge about bitcoin

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: jozymens7 on June 29, 2018, 02:53:33 PM
The best thing that can be done is to make sure that we learn much about the blockchain technology which is the backbone of all cryptocurrencies and all these difficulties will be out.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pisa123 on June 29, 2018, 02:56:40 PM
           Bitcoin transaction are done online with the help of mining it is operated without a third party influence and it is a decentralized one so it is difficult for a common man to digest or understand Bitcoin It is transacted all over the world without much effort or loss to the user.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lamcouz on June 29, 2018, 02:57:10 PM
people who do not like bitcoin are those who do not know what bitcoin is, they are affected by the negative information of bitcoin in the media. They do not know how bitcoin works and the benefits that bitcoin brings.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Jetakenare on June 29, 2018, 03:12:10 PM
Maybe it is overkill at the moment but that is the way of every new technology. As we progress,easier ways will be developed to make it easier to understand. The average guy does not really care to go deep into the process. Most just want to make money.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Peashooter on June 29, 2018, 04:07:49 PM
bitcoin difficult to understand because the bitcoin coin is first digital currency and most probably human not understand .and if you really want to know so go on youtube ....there have more videos of bitcoin.
Yes, bitcoin is difficult to a beginner in the world of crypto currency cause you need enough knowledge cause it not easy to  start here if you don't have basic information how to invest in digital currency it may cause lose your money. There is lot of resources and instructional materials you can use like reading articles on the forum or watching in you tube it is very helpful before you start to invest.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MxRizky22 on June 29, 2018, 05:45:03 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to understand just because of the way it is presented to people.
Nobody in the world really knows how "real money" works. If the focus of Mastercard's marketing strategy had been on the explanation of "how your credit card works", instead of simply says "your money wherever you are, whenever you want", probably we would be here asking: Why is Credit Card difficult to understand?
The issue we have is that this market has still been developed having the code vision as its guide.
To make Bitcoin as relevant as it can be, we will have to put more talent, expertise and focus on products and services that allow people to use Bitcoin without the obligation of "contemplate" the Bitcoin system. Bitcoin must be more a kind of invisible protocol.
The Bitcoin world, sorry to say, will have to kill the silly proud of being "so-hard-for-common-people".
Until there, Bitcoin will remain obscure.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Msworld83 on June 29, 2018, 06:07:19 PM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand if more research is conduct , for you to know bitcoin has max supply, block size, hashrate and 100mln of Satoshi then you must have read or do a little research, so you need more to know how it's work technically which determine it movement and other things that required for better understanding of Bitcoin I think with all these you will see that Bitcoin is not hard to understand.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Larva14 on June 29, 2018, 06:08:18 PM
Anybody could learn if theirs a willingness on it. If someone is interested to explore then in could be more easier to learn. Just take it slowly and not to feel hopeless then at the end of the day you will explore and love the world of BTC.
Anybody can learn about in bitcoin if willing to learn and have interested to explore in the new things of technology especially in crypto world. It's so easy to learn more about in cryptocurrency if you have determination to learn and I assure you at the end of the day you learn little by little and ready to explore to world of crypto currency and I think you love it .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: DewiKirana on June 29, 2018, 06:11:25 PM
Actually not a bitcoin that is difficult to understand, it's just that many people are lazy to learn bitcoin. If they want to take the time to learn bitcoin by reading articles or watching videos about bitcoin, surely they can understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: budiarmed on June 29, 2018, 06:11:58 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

The difficult to understand is the unstable bitcoin value, bitcoin can rise high and fall low depending on market demand, and therefore we must learn to make predictions to benefit from crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: MISERICORDAE PROJECT on June 29, 2018, 06:15:19 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

The technology behind Bitcoin and Blockchain in general is truly complex for a common person. However, an ordinary user don't need to get 'too' involved in the back-end complexities in order to adopt and use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, it worth it to learn the simple basics of cryptocurrencies at own pace.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bonsaiav on June 29, 2018, 07:51:00 PM
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

I'm an ordinary person, and in my opinion it is not excessive if we will try to learn it well.
What you say's no different with making a website, I myself look at it like a Pokemon Android GAME we will not know where bitcoin location's when mined however when we find and retrieve it then the number of points increases.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: thepers0n on June 29, 2018, 08:21:53 PM
I think that there are a lot of great videos and articles that explain BTC's technology. But some people can't understand it because it's a completely new technology

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: ofelia25 on June 29, 2018, 08:23:31 PM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand people are just taking it for granted, that they don't want this kind of industry what they want is an easy money for themselves and some were finding bitcoin as difficult due to the fact that price is unpredictable.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: vladimirhf on June 29, 2018, 09:08:12 PM

No. It's overkill if you don't refine your questions. If you ask too vaguely, you'll get much more info than you may need.
Do you know how banks send the money internally, how they store them, how your VISA card communicates with the bank when inserted into a PoS? I guess not. Then why you try to focus on all the details for Bitcoin?

You need to understand a small number of things:
1. Wallet safety and computer safety.
2. How to look onto a website to check if the fee you choose is right.
3. Install and run a simple wallet, like Electrum, how to send and receive.
4. [Maybe] How to check on a 3rd party website if a transaction was sent and confirmed.

This means that you need some 15 minutes to pay attention.

Talking about algorithms scares people.. for sure people don't know how their cards, tvs or phones work. They also don't need to know about mining but is good to know how wallets work. I think all explanations should start with the concept of decentralization and why they should own their keys and keep them safe.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: fourokavas on June 29, 2018, 09:15:23 PM
if you are a little bit introduced on the new technologies then i do not know why it should be difficult for you to understand how bitcoin works

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: keeee on June 29, 2018, 09:28:14 PM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand people are just taking it for granted, that they don't want this kind of industry what they want is an easy money for themselves and some were finding bitcoin as difficult due to the fact that price is unpredictable.
Most of the people who says bitcoin was difficult are those who are new here, maybe because they didnt knew and fully understand the volatility of bitcoin. Actually its not hard to understand if you will going to make research or read some information about it, you must need to take time for it if you want to fully understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cybersofts on June 29, 2018, 09:43:41 PM
Bitcoin is not hard to understand people are just lazy to read.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: tanjiran on June 29, 2018, 09:46:00 PM
The difficult to understand is the unstable bitcoin value, bitcoin can rise high and fall low depending on market demand, and therefore we must learn to make predictions to benefit from crypto.
What are you confusing about the unstable price? that's reasonable because the price of cryptocurrency is highly dependent on the demand and supply that is influenced by the news and rumors. If that confuses you is a way to make predictions, you can learn the techniques in trading using the indicators that are already available. Well, it is quite difficult and requires sufficient experience to finally be able to make a fairly accurate prediction.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: SemaVaflist on June 29, 2018, 09:48:11 PM
Nope bitcoin is not difficult as much you think. Its quite easy to learn. There are so many references that help you to understand about bitcoin. Also many youtube video about bitcoin.but I think phenomenal will guide people to know and learn about blockchain system someday .

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: khaled0111 on June 29, 2018, 09:48:17 PM
It is a new invention and it is normal to be difficult to understand it or even accept it.
Bitcoin propose a new way of payment which something new to most of us.
We weren't used to send money without going throw a third party service like banks, now it is possible to send money to any one with paying low fees.
This in it self hard to understand. We need more time to get used to it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: cmaxwell on June 29, 2018, 09:54:45 PM
bitcoin is not that difficult if only one can take time to understudy it and move closer to those that have indepth knowledge about it, you will discover that it is very easy. bitcoin is a token name which a very good reputation and value. you can always have access to the indicators available for you to learn more and know more.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: vladimirhf on June 29, 2018, 10:15:32 PM
Bitcoin is not difficult to understand people are just taking it for granted, that they don't want this kind of industry what they want is an easy money for themselves and some were finding bitcoin as difficult due to the fact that price is unpredictable.
Most of the people who says bitcoin was difficult are those who are new here, maybe because they didnt knew and fully understand the volatility of bitcoin. Actually its not hard to understand if you will going to make research or read some information about it, you must need to take time for it if you want to fully understand it.

Most people will never fully understand it and they won't even read this forum. Some will try and run from the sectarists. Gmail is popular because people can't configure email clients. That's why designers are so needed in crypto, we have to understand people's needs instead of imposing what we think and calling them dumb or lazy.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: darkphoenix2610 on June 29, 2018, 10:46:38 PM
There is nothing complex in bitcoin, it is only we who think bitcoin is complex and actually we don't know how to tell people what bitcoin is and it is difficult to teach people what is bitcoin and how all the process goes on. There are many youtube and vimeo videos released by which one can easily understand the concept of bitcoin. You can also make use of Facebook groups, google and yahoo answers in order to know the bitcoin or in order to explain the bitcoin in a much better way.

Maybe the people used to think bitcoin is there to give them profits, not realizing that bitcoin is a way of giving the community an opportunity to invest and make their life worth living, Bitcoin is like a bank for me, Changing its value is also natural for me, some other say that this year bitcoin will end well it is not, Bitcoin is the most used crypto currency in the history of crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bentong talong on June 29, 2018, 10:51:26 PM
Bitcoin is just difficult to understand if you do not research it. But if you do a research, you will be able to understand it deeply and everything will be easy for you to handle or work on it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: rob143 on June 29, 2018, 10:58:20 PM
bitcoin is not difficult to understand and you can easily start buying them with a tutorial of less than five  minutes to be honest

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Wish 107.5 on June 29, 2018, 11:02:51 PM
Bitcoin is just difficult to understand if you do not research it. But if you do a research, you will be able to understand it deeply and everything will be easy for you to handle or work on it.
Yes, it is really difficult to understand, I think bitcoin will be stuck at its low price until -ber months. Right now, I’m still hoping that bitcoin will rise again unexpectedly.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: lorapalmer on June 29, 2018, 11:11:45 PM
This is in people's nature not to accept anything new or what they don't understand. They are always against changes and technological development. It is the same story like with a comfort zone - only a few get out from there and get rich.  Overall bitcoin is quite easy to understand, you just need to do some research.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Azial on June 30, 2018, 08:30:48 AM
It is really difficult to understand especially for those who don't really want to understand it, there are lots of ways to easily learn about bitcoin bacause of the easy acces on the internet.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bugcoin5 on June 30, 2018, 10:46:49 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Bitcoin is difficult for some people to understand because it is a complete disruption of the financial system as we know it.But if you want to learn about it you need more time to study about crypto.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: HelenS on June 30, 2018, 11:00:36 AM
cause it exists somewhere in the digital space, and you cannot see it physically

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: bangkecol on June 30, 2018, 11:04:14 AM
it is true for people who really lay, to be understood quite difficult, let alone bitcoin, foreign exchange class is also sometimes difficult to understand by the laity. It takes time to be known by such people. I think the most important is the government's explanation of this bitcoin so that it can be understood and can be trusted.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: PeRo on June 30, 2018, 11:07:05 AM
Well, it is mostly hard for people that have low knowledge about technology overal, but if they know a bit in IT, there wouldn't be a problem explaining at least the basics, how to setup a wallet and use Bitcoin. Explaining how the whole system works, well that could be beyond confuding and hard to understand, the system isn't that simple. Overal, it seems hard to an average person mostly because it is new.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: blckhawk on June 30, 2018, 11:13:12 AM
There are so many references for us to understand deeply what is bitcoin. Others who lacks of knowledge sees bitcoin so easy. They just think it is an easy way to get rich. They don't know how complicated bitcoin is. Trading, mining, joining a campaign and etc. It might seems easy but you must invest your money and time. It seems easy if you got all the knowledge you need to manipulate bitcoin but it can be more complicated when you just want to earn money and you lacks of knowledge. Bitcoin talk is a good start and sustain of getting the knowledge you want to get, you can learn something without asking for it, just take time to read and take some advice from the hustlers to avoid confusions.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Markmolotok1488 on June 30, 2018, 11:34:47 AM
I think that it is difficult for many people to accept new things in principle, but they will have to. I think the fact is that people still do not need bitcoin, they did not collide with him and do not know its advantages.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Reena28 on June 30, 2018, 11:42:48 AM
I think a lot of people around us has told us that Bitcoin is a FAD or a SCAM or a Ponzi scheme.

Some of our closest relatives have told us to SELL before the BUBBLE will burst. {guess we hear that enough?}

The media is telling everyone that Bitcoin is the tool of criminals and terrorists and child pornographers and paedophiles.

Most of these people are not invested in Bitcoin, but it looks like they are looking for reasons to attack it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: AliMan on June 30, 2018, 11:49:09 AM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
Bitcoin is difficult for some people to understand because it is a complete disruption of the financial system as we know it.But if you want to learn about it you need more time to study about crypto.
Being new to this system makes it normal for you not to understand how it goes. If you don't have any idea about bitcoin then it will surely confuse you. But to be honest bitcoin is not that hard to understand if you will just give time for yourself to learn it. At the end of the day it's still a matter of interest whether you want to understand bitcoin or not.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Tahir460pk on June 30, 2018, 11:53:12 AM
For a newbie or a new persons who recently knew about crypto market its very difficult that they understand bitcoin because their are many ups and downs and in ICO how to invest many points which deeply seen and than take step thats why for newbie its difficult to understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Gummybear67 on June 30, 2018, 12:08:42 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.
For a newbie or a new persons who recently knew about crypto market its very difficult that they understand bitcoin because their are many ups and downs and in ICO how to invest many points which deeply seen and than take step thats why for newbie its difficult to understand bitcoin.
I agree that Bitcoin is really is difficult to understand mostly when you discovering it alone. It has ups and downs that if you're a newbie you might leave bitcoin because of this, it also has complicated background since its an open business (I think). But its easier to understand bitcoin when a friend of yours introduce it and explain it to you personally.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: thecoder2017 on June 30, 2018, 12:12:48 PM
Bitcoin is definitely difficult to teach to people who don't have knowledge about modern and advanced technology especially the older ones but they may try goggles and youtube to understand bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: royalparade01 on June 30, 2018, 12:56:39 PM
Bitcoin is definitely not for everyone. Bitcoin is kind of hard to explain to people who are not inclined to technology, especially old people. Not to generalize, but people who are not into technology may also not be interested in studying bitcoin. It’s hard to explain anything to someone who is not really interested. Some people also have negative views regarding bitcoin which makes them skeptical about it. Bitcoin is not hard to understand, I think it depends on the interest of the person to understand it.

Yes I agree, it's not difficult to understand if we studied about it . We should take a risk and more knowledgeable ,researchful  and learn the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: muzica0519 on June 30, 2018, 01:01:04 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Understanding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is very critical for those people with less knowledge in it. Because Bitcoin is a currency, then it could be used for online transactions. But this currency can also be used as investment not just a currency to purchase or do transactions.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: xamxam on June 30, 2018, 01:09:36 PM
To ne honest, yes it is dificult to understand at first, almost two or three weeks before I understand it and i also do some research regarding this. Bitcoin forum is a big help for me, when ihave some question in my mind and i see that there are related answer on this forum, i will consider it then.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: kiedis on June 30, 2018, 01:13:27 PM
It is difficult to understand both from the technological and economical side. People who are not in IT would not understand it completely (I am also in this group), but that is okay, most people don't understand how does the car or computer work and it it completely fine. Additionally, most people have no idea about the economical side of bitcoin, they just have no clue how money work. 

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: saranadia199 on June 30, 2018, 01:13:44 PM
it is likely that many people do not know the vision and mission of knowledge and understanding why bitcoin is needed. They mine at some point at a great price. yes this is unacceptable to many people because it is little bitcoin currency that is perceived by many people.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: arjen18 on June 30, 2018, 01:19:07 PM
Maybe for a newbie in crypto its normal to said that bitcoin is difficult to understand, but for the other member of bitcoin its very easy to understand because they have a strategy to learn bitcoin in everyday life.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Kimbohh on June 30, 2018, 01:33:18 PM
Well, i don't see anything reasons why do people hard to understand bitcoin while it is only a crypto currency? When i am just new in this forum i don't even call for a help to teach how it goes by but suddenly times goes by i already understand what bitcoin really is.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: The best one on June 30, 2018, 01:36:30 PM
As for me why is bitcoin difficult to understand? Because Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system. Beside that Bitcoin is one of the main cryptocurrencies operated worldwide with the help of internet and computers. and it is connected with modern technology. Awareness of technological developments and computer literacy is essential to work in Bitcoin which means minimum eduction is an obligation to deal with if it will not be difficult to understand, the characteristics of Bitcoin are widely attracted by the global community and its popularity is increasing worldwide. Without awareness and literacy, it would be difficult to understand. Thank you.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: moonami on June 30, 2018, 01:42:24 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

Its not difficult to understand. You can search it on google or even on youtube. You can study how it works, and how you can earn money from it. Its only difficult when you're not interested to learn from it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: phosphine on June 30, 2018, 01:45:05 PM
Theres nothing difficult in Bitcoin if you will just make time to read and understand whats Bitcoin all about.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Meowth05 on June 30, 2018, 01:51:01 PM
To ne honest, yes it is dificult to understand at first, almost two or three weeks before I understand it and i also do some research regarding this. Bitcoin forum is a big help for me, when ihave some question in my mind and i see that there are related answer on this forum, i will consider it then.
Indeed, bitcoin is absolutely hard to understand but thanks to this forum we could able to ask some question on those who have experience upon it. It is indeed hard to understand but this can be learn, all you need to do is to gain knowledge and experience then this cypto will not be a problem.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: adpinbr on June 30, 2018, 01:52:52 PM
if you think about it.. how can you understand something that is volatile. bitcoin is unpredictable because of its unstable and risky nature so understanding it will be quite hard. but if you look at the optimistic side you would realize that bitcoin is a system where patient and deep understanding is needed because without this you can't achieve a single goal.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: pencuri hati on June 30, 2018, 01:55:07 PM
Initially it is difficult to understand but in the end easy too, need to learn because this is new for me, but from the beginning if I do not understand I often read the article, watching vidio and the last I ask keteman more senior.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: KennyR on June 30, 2018, 01:59:29 PM
Bitcoin is not that difficult to understand when the user has the willing to learn something advanced related to the technology advancement. Particularly users who have known much about the negative part never intend to learn. People who overcome the negative and tend to learn easily understand and get the best out of the same.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Paka1 on June 30, 2018, 02:26:15 PM
Bitcoin is not that hard to understand, there are lots of things you can do in order for you to better better understand this kind of cryptocurrency. There are video tutorials available so that you will be able to picture out how it works. You could also search through the internet for your references. Bitcoin can be learned, if you are just determined all the things that involves this crytpcurrency you will definitely understand it.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Pemburu dollar on June 30, 2018, 02:34:49 PM
There are such a significant number of references that will assist you with understanding what bitcoin is, attempt to discover it in google , youtube , web journals, or numerous other site that clarify about bitcoin, the first occasion when I thought about bitcoin, I likewise got a trouble to comprehend, I endeavored to learn it well ordered as of not long ago, continue learning mate

I think Bitcoin is a new kind of value. If decentralized properties can be seen as a great advantage to us, being noob or completely alien to cryptoworld, it can be an unstable, elusive variable. The common question is: "why does something that does not exist have value? And why is it rising or digging so fast?". I think more robust information is needed through traditional media, from special places like BCT, to disseminate the basic principles of traditional economics and cryptovalues.
ordinary people do not know anything about the economic basis. They are naturalized with the concept of possible money, when they look at the paper, think of some intrinsic value on it. In addition, banks are more or less trusted institutions that provide a boost to traditional money.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: Bitdressa on June 30, 2018, 02:42:34 PM
probably because those who use this bitcoin if described to their friends or relatives may not be so complete in their explanation and still have to find their own explanation.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: connexus on June 30, 2018, 02:47:40 PM
Well the willingness to learn about bitcoin is the main key to better understand and appreciate bitcoin and other crypto currencies. It is not difficult to understand proper learning could lead us to better knowledge.

Title: Re: Why is Bitcoin difficult to understand?
Post by: doraegun on June 30, 2018, 03:33:35 PM
If you look at it as Currency, it is difficult for an average person to understand it because it is different.
Bitcoin, being a different kind of a digital currency, it breaks down conventional thinking in many aspects. No central regulatory body. The concept of mining. The open-ledger (blockchain), the way miners are rewarded, how transporting value is determined by its packet size and not value, the hash rate, the concept of limited supply. The 100 Million pennies in a Bitcoin, etc.
Its difficult enough for people in the money space to thoroughly understand Bitcoin (we all say we understand it, but do we really?).
For a common person, its an overkill. Its like trying to explain the concept of TCP/IP, Networking, Routing, the Internet for someone who wants to use email.  Overkill.

That's true 80% of the People don't know about the perfect  module and proceedure of bitcoin like me. But  the most impressive for me is earning profit without starting capital money through signature campaign even if if I don't know what is mining at least I earn income even just a little.