Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 12:04:29 PM

Title: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 12:04:29 PM
I think most of big influencers in the crypto world, pushing regular people into thinking there will be a massive investments from big institutions over world.
I use to think with my own brain.
So, therefore, i see very big troubles ahead for normal people that think, watch, quote those influencers.

I just don't see how major institutions will rush to coinbase and make accounts and expecting to buy from there.
I give you 3 sources where they can buy, none of them involve exchanges and therefore, prices will be unaffected in first sentence.
1) They will buy in a hidden way from whales large amounts of bitcoins with a package cost.
2) They buy from confiscated coins from authorities that have from financial seizure
3) From companies that work through off-shore , especially from gov's hidden companies where the stolen bitcoins will go as a money laundering
 So, i am expecting price to go way more down in next 2 years. And guess what can happen when those institutions will sell their assets!
Yes, some small institutions might get their bitcoins in transparent way from exchanges.
So, the question is: how much you guys trust this technology?
Would you use it at 50$ / bitcoin? Would you used after you bought at 20k and hold it, if bitcoin would worth 50$? To my vision, i can use this technology at any price. But for major adoption we need a coin that not have a fluctuation more then 1% / year not per hour.
What's your vision about future? How much trust you are willing to give for blockchain technology?

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: hollowdoor on June 27, 2018, 12:09:10 PM
Did you ever put your brain to think about these possibilities you mentioned?
Why the institutions will go for risky way while they can easily buy bitcoins from renewed exchanges.
So you think peoples who buys bitcoin from exchanges are only traders!

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 12:20:47 PM
More then 95% are bought as a speculative investment, and for tradings :) . Not many use it as a payment. When price of bitcoin will be under cost of production in China for 1-2 years, that is for me a cleaning process. When mining facilities will collapse under their own weight.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: kasurnya on June 27, 2018, 12:36:30 PM
I think there is no advantage for the government to buy bitcoin in large quantities except for the profit from the money being pumped. Buying a large amount of bitcoin does not mean the government can have full rights to bitcoin and even though they do, they will just become anonymous.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 12:56:05 PM
I think there is no advantage for the government to buy bitcoin in large quantities except for the profit from the money being pumped. Buying a large amount of bitcoin does not mean the government can have full rights to bitcoin and even though they do, they will just become anonymous.
There is biggest dirty corruption. The greed is in us. I really wish bitcoin go to at least under 3k and stay there for 1-2 years. I know a lot of 20k investors will hate me, that's not my problem.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: kasurnya on June 27, 2018, 03:22:50 PM
There is nothing wrong if they join the market and buy bitcoin, but even if they buy bitcoin, it does not mean they can set the bitcoin completely. They can only pump money and take advantage.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: FXTradingPro on June 27, 2018, 05:47:47 PM
Institutions will be an added benefit to the crypto market. they will bring increased security and standardize trading. They will also help improve liquidity which is needed in a 90% retail market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: r32godzilla on June 27, 2018, 06:30:24 PM
It seems to me nothing other than a good imagination far away from reality.B Blockchain technology is to rule the future world and bitcoin being working on blockchain technology,i don't understand how many people doubt whether bitcoin would last long or not.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: cellard on June 27, 2018, 06:49:56 PM
Well one would expect that institutions would be competent enough to find good OTC deals from other institutions or individuals in which they could get enough liquidity from without resorting to exchanges, but look at what happened with the MtGox situation: The person in charge of liquidating the coins in order to pay creditors went to freaking Kraken to dump the coins. Then recently they seem to have given up and will do the correct thing (to send creditors their actual BTC, not converting to fiat). But if they wanted to convert to fiat, they should have gone OTC, and they didn't, this shows how institutions can be really amateur.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 10:58:36 PM
Yeep is exactly what i mean, they buy from external sources, and price will be unaffected, then they dump into exchanges coins and prices will drop like stone.
Ofc this will happen behind closed doors and far away from regular people view.
We can see these effects even today after MtGox stolen bitcoins. Who knows how many offshore companies own millions of bitcoins.
I give one simple example. Look at Winklevoss twin brothers, they bought their bitcoins from auctions, so bitcoin price was unaffected when they pumped those money at that time period. And examples can go on forever.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: funsponge on June 27, 2018, 11:16:59 PM
I think there is no advantage for the government to buy bitcoin in large quantities except for the profit from the money being pumped. Buying a large amount of bitcoin does not mean the government can have full rights to bitcoin and even though they do, they will just become anonymous.

They could purchase a lot of coins and then dump it at a prime time where they attack the network via a majority attack which causes panic and confusion and could result in a lot of panic selling. This is not very plausible but would cause short term instability and could prevent more people investing in it in the future.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 11:38:25 PM
Well guys, my post is made to make some bitcoin adopters more careful with their money and not look into what influencers like McAfee says.
I don't really care about their money, they can do whatever they want with their money at the end.
If some read my post and understand what i am talking about, maybe i save them some loss.
Me personally, i can use bitcoin at 1$ price same like i would use it at 50k dollar price.
But i kinda feel sorry for those who credited money to invest in this market, especially those who bought at 20k.
For me, a healthy correction in price is to stay at least for 2-3 years under 3k, from how i understand this market and macro-economy at basis level.
So, the question is:
How much you believe in Bitcoin?
Reminder: Bitcoin is a peer to peer CASH system, not a Peer store of value.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: zolfa on June 27, 2018, 11:45:43 PM
blockchain is a new technology that can make direct transactions without third parties. blockchain has many transaction blocks.

today we see a lot of people or institutions that adopt the model of blockchain system, even in korea the demand for game applications with basic blockchain is increase high.

and I think the reality of today is enough to make us believe that blockchain technology will be a technology that has a very important role in every aspect of our lives. so I say that blockchain is part of our life now and in the future.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 27, 2018, 11:58:33 PM
blockchain is a new technology that can make direct transactions without third parties. blockchain has many transaction blocks.

today we see a lot of people or institutions that adopt the model of blockchain system, even in korea the demand for game applications with basic blockchain is increase high.

and I think the reality of today is enough to make us believe that blockchain technology will be a technology that has a very important role in every aspect of our lives. so I say that blockchain is part of our life now and in the future.
Don't get me wrong, i learn in school from Isaac Newton, to all sort of mathematics possible. And i believe this technology is beating all those innovators from past.
I would put this technology with biggest society impact after greeks invented modern medicine that extended our lifes, it happen 2500 years ago :) .
So, to me, that  bullish i am on blockchain, it is bigger then what A. Einstein has done in physics, and for sure bigger then internet itself (that's the paradox).
You are pretty skeptic compare to me.
I just have a problem with how we tangle the value to fiat money.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: JacobLiam12 on June 28, 2018, 08:41:45 PM
The price of btc is really higher than others so many institutions buy this because they run many projects based on this crypto so they buy more where as general people buy a short portion of coin which is 5% or more so based on projects they buy more.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Sampson7 on June 28, 2018, 08:48:17 PM
Well one would expect that establishments would be sufficiently able to discover great OTC arrangements from different organizations or people in which they could get enough liquidity from without turning to trades, however take a gander at what occurred with the MtGox circumstance: The individual accountable for exchanging the coins keeping in mind the end goal to pay loan bosses went to cracking Kraken to dump the coins. At that point as of late they appear to have surrendered and will do the right thing (to send loan bosses their genuine BTC, not changing over to fiat). However, in the event that they needed to change over to fiat, they ought to have gone OTC, and they didn't, this shows how establishments can be extremely novice.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: bedulook on June 28, 2018, 08:54:52 PM
Your sources of getting information about where big institutions will buy from is false and has no merit.Exchanges treat institutional investors as their first clients and they have been dealing with them since. It is only the few that goes to sell to individual buyers.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: collins_89 on June 28, 2018, 09:10:45 PM
Bitcoin is a profitable site. That’s why so many institutions are connecting with this project. But it does not mean government accept bitcoin. Only some countries are accept bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: cryptomichael87 on June 28, 2018, 09:35:34 PM
People thinking of institutions buying bitcoins from the exchanges is growing more and more. The think institutions need large amount of investments and expenditures. So it would be better to deal with bitcoins.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: lizardbtc on June 28, 2018, 09:37:05 PM
I think most of big influencers in the crypto world, pushing regular people into thinking there will be a massive investments from big institutions over world.
I use to think with my own brain.
So, therefore, i see very big troubles ahead for normal people that think, watch, quote those influencers.

I just don't see how major institutions will rush to coinbase and make accounts and expecting to buy from there.
I give you 3 sources where they can buy, none of them involve exchanges and therefore, prices will be unaffected in first sentence.
1) They will buy in a hidden way from whales large amounts of bitcoins with a package cost.
2) They buy from confiscated coins from authorities that have from financial seizure
3) From companies that work through off-shore , especially from gov's hidden companies where the stolen bitcoins will go as a money laundering
 So, i am expecting price to go way more down in next 2 years. And guess what can happen when those institutions will sell their assets!
Yes, some small institutions might get their bitcoins in transparent way from exchanges.
So, the question is: how much you guys trust this technology?
Would you use it at 50$ / bitcoin? Would you used after you bought at 20k and hold it, if bitcoin would worth 50$? To my vision, i can use this technology at any price. But for major adoption we need a coin that not have a fluctuation more then 1% / year not per hour.
What's your vision about future? How much trust you are willing to give for blockchain technology?

Honestly I would use it even if the price is 50$, why? Because it feels easier for me to do a transaction and know it is safe after confirmations take place. Maybe the price of bitcoin will go down but crypto as crypto will sustain. Even goverments are looking into developing their own cryptos and thus you can clearly see that in the future the way how we use money will change. Internet is the middleman and with p2p technologies like bitcoin they are going to change how we use and see money.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: gantez on June 28, 2018, 09:55:38 PM
I just want to say that the reason that big buyers would buy from exchange is obvious. Large buyers are encouraged to buy from exchange to avoid being defrauded.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: javadsalehi on June 28, 2018, 09:56:08 PM
I don't think so. Because it does not work.
Let's assume they are buying bitcoin from the whales. Then whales can easily pump the remaining coins even if the number of them is very low. For example they can rise 1 satoshi go 1 dollar.
And what about the other coins and the coins that will generated in future? They can be also pumped.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Dod Ong on June 28, 2018, 10:22:15 PM
I think most of big influencers in the crypto world, pushing regular people into thinking there will be a massive investments from big institutions over world.
I use to think with my own brain.
So, therefore, i see very big troubles ahead for normal people that think, watch, quote those influencers.

I just don't see how major institutions will rush to coinbase and make accounts and expecting to buy from there.
I give you 3 sources where they can buy, none of them involve exchanges and therefore, prices will be unaffected in first sentence.
1) They will buy in a hidden way from whales large amounts of bitcoins with a package cost.
2) They buy from confiscated coins from authorities that have from financial seizure
3) From companies that work through off-shore , especially from gov's hidden companies where the stolen bitcoins will go as a money laundering
 So, i am expecting price to go way more down in next 2 years. And guess what can happen when those institutions will sell their assets!
Yes, some small institutions might get their bitcoins in transparent way from exchanges.
So, the question is: how much you guys trust this technology?
Would you use it at 50$ / bitcoin? Would you used after you bought at 20k and hold it, if bitcoin would worth 50$? To my vision, i can use this technology at any price. But for major adoption we need a coin that not have a fluctuation more then 1% / year not per hour.
What's your vision about future? How much trust you are willing to give for blockchain technology?

I think if the bitcoin is supported by our government, I think some of our millenials especially students are using bitcoin because the millenials are more on gadgets so I think they can enter in the crypto world. So if the demand of bitcoin become high I think the government make their move to become the transactions become faster.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: bartolo on June 28, 2018, 11:09:05 PM
Yeep is exactly what i mean, they buy from external sources, and price will be unaffected, then they dump into exchanges coins and prices will drop like stone.
Ofc this will happen behind closed doors and far away from regular people view.
We can see these effects even today after MtGox stolen bitcoins. Who knows how many offshore companies own millions of bitcoins.
I give one simple example. Look at Winklevoss twin brothers, they bought their bitcoins from auctions, so bitcoin price was unaffected when they pumped those money at that time period. And examples can go on forever.

What's the problem for them if the price goes up after buying? If they want to buy a large amount, they can open accounts in several exchanges and see how their investment is revalued instantly. The OTC deals can be interesting for them if they can get a price quite below the market price, if not, I think the exchanges are a better option for them.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: dothebeats on June 28, 2018, 11:43:46 PM
This is not a hidden or secret thing in the cryptomarket. Aside from not getting any potential discounts or lower-than-market price, it also gives them a good leverage since the price won't move even after eating up a huge volume of the coins. Same when big mining companies offload their coins: they do the trades not in rexchanges but P2P. There's just too many benefits in doing P2P for buyers and sellers, especially in moving large amounts. No one wants to inflate the market by buying hundreds of millions worth of coins only to be dumped at by bears.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: p3ppymon on June 28, 2018, 11:50:29 PM
The OTC transactions do exist exactly for that purpose. If you were to exchange 1k or 10k bitcoins all in one go, the price will sudden spike in the opposite direction (even if positions will be soon filled up by bots). Nevertheless, you might need some sort of exchange to cash out eventually. No idea how much would be exchanging to fiat in the “blackmarket” or alternative routes.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on June 28, 2018, 11:53:12 PM
Yeep is exactly what i mean, they buy from external sources, and price will be unaffected, then they dump into exchanges coins and prices will drop like stone.
Ofc this will happen behind closed doors and far away from regular people view.
We can see these effects even today after MtGox stolen bitcoins. Who knows how many offshore companies own millions of bitcoins.
I give one simple example. Look at Winklevoss twin brothers, they bought their bitcoins from auctions, so bitcoin price was unaffected when they pumped those money at that time period. And examples can go on forever.

What's the problem for them if the price goes up after buying? If they want to buy a large amount, they can open accounts in several exchanges and see how their investment is revalued instantly. The OTC deals can be interesting for them if they can get a price quite below the market price, if not, I think the exchanges are a better option for them.
Really? You do not see the problem?
When influencers buy bitcoins from 3rd party sources, then they influence you to buy the market so they can dump their coins at high prices? What i want to say, be aware in who you trust, judge with your own mind, then decide what you do with your money. Otherwise you can get burn't in this market.
Do whatever you want, i don't care about your money. Me, i expect to go much lower bitcoin, i am prepared to use bitcoin at price of $500/btc. Question is: are you prepared to see that price?

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Dudeperfect on June 29, 2018, 02:49:19 AM
We call big whales big not because they have a high amount of capital but they think in a broader aspect. It is true that they won't buy Bitcoins in a single shot but they will buy it through a systematic investment plan which focuses on buying a smaller number of units at the higher frequency of time. It is true that they might not buy from the exchanges directly but they will diversify their destinations when it comes to the acquisition of Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Khacdoan194 on June 29, 2018, 03:33:46 AM
Well written, I also think that to use btc as a tool, organizations can take over and place the price wherever they want, because the market is too small to handle it.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: RoyalWood01 on June 29, 2018, 11:38:34 AM
I don't really agree with you. The big institution getting involved with Bitcoin always brings a spark to the market. Blockchain technology is completely a decentralized system and no one can control this.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: ClintonJ on June 29, 2018, 07:47:37 PM
Mainly a large number of coins buy by the institutions based on this people of investor only invest a little portions of money in the market mainly they do this because of this they do various types of project which is related with this coin and market based on this they buy 95% of coins.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: bungutko on June 29, 2018, 09:46:33 PM
I don't think big institutions will make a move in buying more btc this time since the market has not stabilize yet. I believe that in due time where it has already stabilized and the fluctuation will no longer drop high just like the current situation then the big institutions will start buying more btc.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Komobit on June 29, 2018, 10:09:47 PM
I don't think big institutions will make a move in buying more btc this time since the market has not stabilize yet. I believe that in due time where it has already stabilized and the fluctuation will no longer drop high just like the current situation then the big institutions will start buying more btc.

Agreed. It is even easier to the big ones to just make theyr own cripto and release it to the market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: annasadia on June 30, 2018, 10:17:13 AM
I really do believe this project. But some people are just manipulating the market overall. Few years ago, there was not so much problem with this market. When people got known that a huge amount of money can be earned from this market, they started pupm and dump. But ultimately, all are suffering. So I think, we all general traders move for fair way foreard to have a better market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: jhache on June 30, 2018, 03:11:32 PM
Most of the institutional and big investors never buy from the exchanges, they mostly buy it through OTC. As buying from exchanges will cause the price to skyrocket and it will be costly for them to purchase this way. But by buying through OTC they buy at a fixed price and get the amount of coins they want in a single go.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: makatia on July 02, 2018, 06:27:15 AM
You see that buying on the trading floor is far more secure than buying black markets and whales,

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: Kakmakr on July 02, 2018, 06:33:43 AM
The institutional capital will definitely enter the Bitcoin market, but I predict that it would be in a more regulated environment. You just had to look at the manner in which Bitcoin Futures were introduced, to see where Bitcoin ETFs would be going with this. Governments will not allow institutional investors to invest large amounts of money into a speculative market, without proper regulation to protect the consumers.

This is probably why they are looking at exchanges like Gemini that are more compliant with the current financial sector.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: 2weent6 on July 02, 2018, 06:34:38 AM
You see that buying on the trading floor is far more secure than buying black markets and whales,
They will buy for sure because the market is very cheap and if you invest right now your profit will be much higher. Don't miss this opportunity, in any market the bear market is the best to invest time to enter the market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: xTz on July 02, 2018, 10:37:57 AM
You see that buying on the trading floor is far more secure than buying black markets and whales,
They will buy for sure because the market is very cheap and if you invest right now your profit will be much higher. Don't miss this opportunity, in any market the bear market is the best to invest time to enter the market.
What makes you think is cheap? Maybe under 1k is cheap.
With that thinking when bitcoin drop'd from 20k to 13k same said all, now bitcoin is cheap ..... buy.... then you know the result. With other words... you cannot know where is the bottom, bitcoin dip from 30 dollars to 2 dollars that over 90% drop.
I can almost say with certain that institutions will not buy from exchanges, so price will be unaffected. There are plenty ways to avoid purchasing from exchanges. They will buy external and sell internal :), so price can literally go much more lower, for those who use it as a payment only are not a problem, for traders can be a pain.
Remember: Bitcoin is a peer to peer cash system, not a peer to store of value, nor a peer to speculation or peer to trade.
Only then you gonna see the real value of bitcoin, when you start to use it as a payment.
Cheers, hope i do not offended too many traders :)

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: RobertChaney on July 02, 2018, 11:59:54 AM
I see normal people are getting influences by many negative comments and I am afraid that could cause serious troubles but they should use their own brain to decide that institution can buy their bitcoin very easily and if those institution sell their assets the prices can get down

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: tanjilrifat on September 06, 2018, 12:07:25 PM
You just had to look at the manner in which Bitcoin Futures were introduced, to see where Bitcoin ETFs would be going with this. Governments will not allow institutional investors to invest large amounts of money into a speculative market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: doanlang on September 06, 2018, 12:41:38 PM
The market is in a state of rapid reflexes, both up and down. This is the result of trading being dominated by short-term investors who are using leverage and structured derivatives to speculate on the day. This, of course, limits the medium to long term growth momentum of the market.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: HanaBin on September 30, 2018, 09:45:32 AM
When large operators reduce their payloads: they carry out transactions not in rexchanges but P2P. Nobody wants to exaggerate the market by buying hundreds of millions of coins just to be dumped by the bear. If you exchange 1k or 10k bitcoins at once, the price will suddenly surge in the opposite direction (even if the position will soon be filled by the bot). No idea how much will be exchanged to fiat in "blackmarket" or alternative routes. Yes they would not buy Bitcoin in a single shot but they would buy it through a systematic investment plan, focusing on buying smaller units at higher frequencies.

Title: Re: Why everyone thinks institutions will buy Bitcoins from exchanges?
Post by: rosemary4u on November 13, 2018, 10:19:44 PM
You see that buying on the trading floor is far more secure than buying black markets and whales,
Institutions can easily accept the world of cryptocurrency with ease. Bitcoin has travelled really far and I believe the time is really here with us where governments are beginning to appreciate the value ad philosophy behind bitcoin. I think the institutions are ready to accept bitcoin and use it in various business transactions.