Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mizerydearia on October 03, 2011, 11:52:15 PM

Title: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 03, 2011, 11:52:15 PM
* Now talking on
* Topic for is: The Pirate Bay is up but network problems are preventing many people from reaching it.
* Topic for set by Adapa! at Sun Oct  2 23:11:32 2011
<mizerydea> My account was deleted and only a single torrent was affiliated with it, added yesterday or the day before.
<mizerydea> The torrent was in relation to bitcoin and not illegal in any way.
<Agricola> what is user name ?
<mizerydea> bitcoinm
<J0lle> [WTC-SWE] =)
<[WTC-SWE]> bitcoinmarkets !!!
<mizerydea> yep
<Agricola> yeah banned
<mizerydea> why?
<K`Tetch> ponzi scheme
<mizerydea> uhh, what?
<[WTC-SWE]> So you honestly thought i left you unabnned with you damn pyramid games
* [WTC-SWE] sets ban on *!*
* You have been kicked from by Jallers (Banned)
 No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>


Gah, it really fucking sucks when people in charge of or responsible for organizations, corporations, etc are incompetent. =/
I'm quite fuckingly disappointed in The Pirate Bay for this.  

The only tag I applied to the torrent was 'bitcoin.'

I see at that there are still other torrents with the 'bitcoin' tag and therefore reference of bitcoin being ponzi scheme to justify banning of my account seems to be not quite accurate.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Rarity on October 03, 2011, 11:57:54 PM
You should toss them an e-mail with some more information, sounds like you just ran into a couple of uninformed admins. 

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 04, 2011, 12:00:05 AM
OP is trolling

sorry for the one liner but it had to be said.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 12:05:22 AM
OP is trolling.

sorry for the one liner but it had to be said.

You can easily verify that I am not trolling by joining on EFNet, type /bans and see the ip address listed above as being banned.  Also, you can verify that that IP address is location in Milwaukee, WI, where I live in united states.  If you need verification that I live in Milwaukee, WI, see or come on IRC and verify my IRC presence with this forum account and check my IP address.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: julz on October 04, 2011, 12:07:43 AM
OP is trolling

sorry for the one liner but it had to be said.

If it was worth saying, then it was worth saying with evidence.
As a one liner it's useless even as a hint to investigate more.  
A glance over mizerydearia's previous posts doesn't clarify.

What is the assumed knowledge I am missing that makes this one liner worth taking seriously?

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 12:14:06 AM
Also, Rick Falkvinge will be speaking at the European Bitcoin Conference:

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: pekv2 on October 04, 2011, 12:23:12 AM
So is he calling Bitcoin itself a ponzi scheme or bitcoinmarkets a ponzi scheme?

Eitherway, how hypocritical they are, while tpb host torrent files leading to illegal content like movies, music, os's etc.

I bet the ones that banned you are 12 y/o's thinking they are tough shit.

What else could be said about the nubs in control over there. Morons.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 12:30:20 AM
An article by Rick Falkvinge:

For a while, I’d been noticing a trend in the way people who call themselves Anonymous seemed to think and act. Several days ago, this post on Pastebin ( summed it up quite nicely for me:

Anonymous is not a group. Many of us form groups, but Anonymous is not about groups.
Anonymous is not a hacker collective. Many of us hack, but Anonymous is not about hacking.
Anonymous does not live on the Internet. Many of us meet and communicate online, but Anonymous is not just about the Internet.

Anonymous is a movement. An idea. A meme. Over years and years, it has grown and matured: beginning like an immature child, pulling pranks and causing chaos with no rhyme or reason; then becoming a formidable activist movement, devoted to the freedom of information and anti-censorship.


"... devoted to the freedom of information and anti-censorship."

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Richard Rahl on October 04, 2011, 12:35:08 AM
I think he was referring to Bitcoin Markets, or w/e torrents you had up, being the pyramid scheme and not Bitcoins.

As you said, they have left other Bitcoin related material alone.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: genjix on October 04, 2011, 12:47:00 AM
00:47 < genjix> hey
00:47 <+J0lle> hmm.. then im not gonna disturb you any further =)
00:47 < genjix> what do you think of bitcoin?
00:47 -!- [WTC-SWE] changed the topic of to: Thepiratebay: UP| Bayimg: UP | Baywords: DOWN | Suprbay: UP  HTTPS avaible now at SB  | Ask in channel
          before PMing an OP
00:48 < genjix> i heard thepiratebay doesn't like bitcoin... why?
00:48 -!- mode/ [+b *!*] by [WTC-SWE]
00:48 -!- genjix was kicked from by Jallers [Banned]

Hypocrisy from the same people who are supposed to be fighting for free speech. (

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Richard Rahl on October 04, 2011, 12:53:22 AM
Sorry, I'm ignorant.

Who is this guy?

Looks like just some random uploader who's REALLY into UFO Conspiracy crap.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 12:58:51 AM
I think he was referring to Bitcoin Markets, or w/e torrents you had up, being the pyramid scheme and not Bitcoins.

As you said, they have left other Bitcoin related material alone.

Bitcoin Markets is an open source project similar to the closed source/proprietary project that collects market data from all bitcoin exchanges and prepares the data for view on the web (website still in development), but also #bitcoin-markets (not to be confused with #bitcoin-market (with no s)) shows almost real-time trade data.  I don't see how that project is in any way a ponzi scheme, similarly as to bitcoin charts not being a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 01:03:16 AM
"I'm pretty sure the whole point of The Pirate Bay is they don't take down torrents"

That may be true, and in this case, they didn't take down my torrent.  They got around that by merely banning my account.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 04, 2011, 01:11:48 AM
I think he was referring to Bitcoin Markets, or w/e torrents you had up, being the pyramid scheme and not Bitcoins.

I hope this is what it is, I'm surprised by this.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 01:18:14 AM
I think he was referring to Bitcoin Markets, or w/e torrents you had up, being the pyramid scheme and not Bitcoins.

I hope this is what it is, I'm surprised by this.

See the post two posts above yours.

Bitcoin Markets is an open source project similar to the closed source/proprietary project that collects market data from all bitcoin exchanges and prepares the data for view on the web (website still in development), but also #bitcoin-markets (not to be confused with #bitcoin-market (with no s)) shows almost real-time trade data.  I don't see how that project is in any way a ponzi scheme, similarly as to bitcoin charts not being a ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 01:44:49 AM - deleted this (a link back to this thread) since it had no comments/discussion and the issue has been resolved.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 01:56:31 AM
* Now talking on
* Topic for is: Thepiratebay:  UP | Bayimg: UP | Baywords: DOWN | Suprbay: UP |  HTTPS avaible now at SB  | Ask in channel before PMing an OP
* Topic for set by [WTC-SWE]! at Mon Oct  3 20:01:15 2011
<mizerydea> thanks for the unban ^_^
<[WTC-SWE]> np at all
<mizerydea> Is it possible the account could be unbanned also?
<[WTC-SWE]> Quote from: Richard Rahl on Today at 12:35:08 AM
<[WTC-SWE]> I think he was referring to Bitcoin Markets, or w/e torrents you had up, being the pyramid scheme and not Bitcoins.
<[WTC-SWE]> ^^^
<[WTC-SWE]> that is exactly what happened
<K`Tetch> we did a panel on bitcoins 4 weeks ago at Dragoncon
<mizerydea> mm.  Okay.  Do you evaluate 'Bitcoin Markets' as not a ponzi scheme now?
<K`Tetch> I do
<K`Tetch> very much a ponzi scheme
<[WTC-SWE]> and for the record i'm not 12 years old-...tell that to the rest of the guys and you can quote me if you wish:)
<mizerydea> K`Tetch: Is also a ponzi scheme?
<[WTC-SWE]> Anyways as a good will i willlift the ban
<mizerydea> Thanks
<Qwizy> [WTC-SWE] must be 14!!!
<K`Tetch> the 2011 torrents have the audio for the bitcoin panel
<[WTC-SWE]> mizerydea : As you can see, we don't ban other similar torrents.Anyways i lifted the ban for you.
<[WTC-SWE]> Try to log in so i know you're ok.
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], Yep.  I noticed and that was a cause for confusion.  However it makes more sense now.  I logged in to the account, but I see the torrent is gone also.  Can that be restored also or must I reupload it?
<[WTC-SWE]> I'm sorry to say so,but you'll have to reupload it.
<[WTC-SWE]> Give me the hash ,so i can clear it for you.
<[WTC-SWE]> That way you'll be able to reupload it.
<[WTC-SWE]> Look at your client at general..
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], 3d54cf85135fe0f122fec2259bfc2e13ab8bd221
<[WTC-SWE]> hash cleared
<[WTC-SWE]> Go ahead and reupload it mizerydea
<mizerydea> thanks
<[WTC-SWE]> and sorry for all trouble.
<Qwizy> Mod went nuts
<[WTC-SWE]> Qwizy : It's not "nuts" it was totaly a missunderstanding.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 02:04:06 AM
Even though it was admitted that not bitcoin itself, but the torrent release for 'bitcoin markets 2011.10 sql data dump' was assumed to be a ponzi scheme (or at least that is their excuse for the drama the last couple hours), it should be known that had any of the individuals affiliated with the pirate bay in relation to banning the account and the continued kickbanning of myself, genjix and a few others in who spoke anything of bitcoin (which as far as I know, text content is not ponzi scheme in any possible way) actually glanced at the content or the related forum thread linked in the description, they would have immediately realized that there was nothing to do with 'ponzi scheme.'

I guess it's easy to confuse sql, data or dump with "ponzi scheme"

My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.


<[WTC-SWE]> regarding similar sites/spam/adverts.
<[WTC-SWE]> I'm not an egoist and never been.If i'm wrong i make sure to fix the problem/issue and apologize.
<[WTC-SWE]> mizerydea
<mizerydea> hi
<[WTC-SWE]> Just a headsup...
<[WTC-SWE]> I just read the comment of yours.
<[WTC-SWE]> So listen what i have to say carefully
<mizerydea> sure
<[WTC-SWE]> The whole doesn't circulate around bitcoins ok!
<mizerydea> The whole?
<[WTC-SWE]> Lately the past 3-5 days we had major issues with spammers all over Efnet
<[WTC-SWE]> TPB was one the sites  that was targeted
<[WTC-SWE]> when you joined the second time(or your friend)
<[WTC-SWE]> i thought it was a troll messing around.
<[WTC-SWE]> So it wasn't a personal vendetta against you nor against bitcoins.
<[WTC-SWE]> mizerydea : You can quote me as much you want, but the truth is i don't give a rats ass about bitcoins or whatever.I simply explained to you earlier what happened and if you guys think you're smarter,then by all means....
<[WTC-SWE]> I lifted the ban as expected and cleared the hash for you-
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], I understand.  I'm just providing full disclosure of events.
<[WTC-SWE]> If you still think i'm 12 ...then good luck..
<mizerydea> I never made that claim and therefore am not the one who thinks that.
<[WTC-SWE]> My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.   <<--just for that comment i should of permanent ban you,BUT we're TPB and believe on free speech.So you see i'm not the one being "twisted" here.    
<[WTC-SWE]> That is clearly your comment!!
<EG> I love it,someone disagrees with what shit product you peddle so they must be incompetent :P
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], Yes.  It is referring to the initial recognition of the torrent (or the contents to be downloaded affiliated with the torrent file) being evaluated as a ponzi scheme (which I had established understanding of with your initial suggestive comments shortly after I joined to inquire about my account being banned).  I am not sure what led to the evaluation of 'ponzi scheme' by the particular data affiliated with the torrent
<mizerydea> , and I also am not certain or aware of who is involved in the banning of the account.  Therefore my claim of incompetency is not directed at anyone in particular, but is generally aimed at whoever was responsible for such evaluations and related response triggered upon 'ponzi scheme' evaluation (again, the 'ponzi scheme' claim is derived from your initial suggestive comment)
<suzitasti> O.O
<[WTC-SWE]> As i said earlier..The circumstances were thoose that you simply got banned though of similar sites.I've also explained the situation we had recently in here.You got kicked,send another guy in here ..etc...the whole process reminds of spam/troll activity, but you can't be aware of that since you'd proabably never been an op.Even if so ,barely the same stuff to deal with.If i knew you
<mizerydea> oops
<[WTC-SWE]> whereabouts and the quotes of yours an wouldn't accept it.
<mizerydea> K`Tetch's initial claim
<[WTC-SWE]> If you still think we're incompetent then i feel sorry for you
<[WTC-SWE]> Besides you qoute that damn thing even after i apologized to you on behalf of me/TPB
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], I'm certain you're fairly intelligent in various aspects, especially technical/technological aspects, however, for this particular issue, I am still a bit skeptical about the level of effort or thought put into making sure the account was banned appropriately instead of mistakenly.
<[WTC-SWE]> That shows low moral and definetely not worthy to arguee with
<[WTC-SWE]> now do me a favor
* You have left channel (Leaving)

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: genjix on October 04, 2011, 02:44:30 AM
Well that's nice to know that it was a misunderstanding. These things usually are and it can be hard being a mod. I guess bitcoinmarkets did look commercial at first glance, especially if you're busy. (

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: ineededausername on October 04, 2011, 02:57:11 AM
Wow what a jackass.
(referring to mr. conspiracy theorist)

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Gabi on October 04, 2011, 05:21:47 AM
Mh...the initial ban CAN be an accident (yeah sure...  ::) the admin cat pressed the Ban key by mistake? Lol)

But all the following bans in the irc chat? Accident too? There is something weird in pirate bay...

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 05:52:44 AM
received via pm

<*> i idle in this chat a lot, all day i see ppl coming here to get unbanned. your situation is a regular occurrence here

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: phillipsjk on October 04, 2011, 06:05:14 AM
So I didn't get kicked for asking about bitcoin, but saw this while idling:
<[4Q]>  [News] New worm turns PCs into Bitcoin miners
* rav0 (~rav0@2002:8a19:9505::8a19:9505) has joined
<luke-jr> not really new.
<luke-jr> if you get infected, please get in touch with me
<luke-jr> we're trying to fight it, but we need a police report before we have the authority to act
<luke-jr> (actually, that particular virus *is* a newer strain, and I can't personally do anything about it-- but if you get infected by the iexplorer.exe one, ping me)

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: pekv2 on October 04, 2011, 06:10:37 AM
Man oh man, thanks for the quotes because I was having some what a bad day today, those quo... Well here


<[WTC-SWE]> and for the record i'm not 12 years old-...tell that to the rest of the guys and you can quote me if you wish:)

<[WTC-SWE]> If you still think i'm 12 ...then good luck..
<mizerydea> I never made that claim and therefore am not the one who thinks that.
<[WTC-SWE]> My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.   <<--just for that comment i should of permanent ban you,BUT we're TPB and believe on free speech.So you see i'm not the one being "twisted" here.

made me almost spit my food out, laughing so hard.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Nicolai Larsen on October 04, 2011, 06:21:58 AM
Even though it was admitted that not bitcoin itself, but the torrent release for 'bitcoin markets 2011.10 sql data dump' was assumed to be a ponzi scheme (or at least that is their excuse for the drama the last couple hours), it should be known that had any of the individuals affiliated with the pirate bay in relation to banning the account and the continued kickbanning of myself, genjix and a few others in who spoke anything of bitcoin (which as far as I know, text content is not ponzi scheme in any possible way) actually glanced at the content or the related forum thread linked in the description, they would have immediately realized that there was nothing to do with 'ponzi scheme.'

I guess it's easy to confuse sql, data or dump with "ponzi scheme"

My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.


<[WTC-SWE]> regarding similar sites/spam/adverts.
<[WTC-SWE]> I'm not an egoist and never been.If i'm wrong i make sure to fix the problem/issue and apologize.
<[WTC-SWE]> mizerydea
<mizerydea> hi
<[WTC-SWE]> Just a headsup...
<[WTC-SWE]> I just read the comment of yours.
<[WTC-SWE]> So listen what i have to say carefully
<mizerydea> sure
<[WTC-SWE]> The whole doesn't circulate around bitcoins ok!
<mizerydea> The whole?
<[WTC-SWE]> Lately the past 3-5 days we had major issues with spammers all over Efnet
<[WTC-SWE]> TPB was one the sites  that was targeted
<[WTC-SWE]> when you joined the second time(or your friend)
<[WTC-SWE]> i thought it was a troll messing around.
<[WTC-SWE]> So it wasn't a personal vendetta against you nor against bitcoins.
<[WTC-SWE]> mizerydea : You can quote me as much you want, but the truth is i don't give a rats ass about bitcoins or whatever.I simply explained to you earlier what happened and if you guys think you're smarter,then by all means....
<[WTC-SWE]> I lifted the ban as expected and cleared the hash for you-
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], I understand.  I'm just providing full disclosure of events.
<[WTC-SWE]> If you still think i'm 12 ...then good luck..
<mizerydea> I never made that claim and therefore am not the one who thinks that.
<[WTC-SWE]> My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.   <<--just for that comment i should of permanent ban you,BUT we're TPB and believe on free speech.So you see i'm not the one being "twisted" here.    
<[WTC-SWE]> That is clearly your comment!!
<EG> I love it,someone disagrees with what shit product you peddle so they must be incompetent :P
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], Yes.  It is referring to the initial recognition of the torrent (or the contents to be downloaded affiliated with the torrent file) being evaluated as a ponzi scheme (which I had established understanding of with your initial suggestive comments shortly after I joined to inquire about my account being banned).  I am not sure what led to the evaluation of 'ponzi scheme' by the particular data affiliated with the torrent
<mizerydea> , and I also am not certain or aware of who is involved in the banning of the account.  Therefore my claim of incompetency is not directed at anyone in particular, but is generally aimed at whoever was responsible for such evaluations and related response triggered upon 'ponzi scheme' evaluation (again, the 'ponzi scheme' claim is derived from your initial suggestive comment)
<suzitasti> O.O
<[WTC-SWE]> As i said earlier..The circumstances were thoose that you simply got banned though of similar sites.I've also explained the situation we had recently in here.You got kicked,send another guy in here ..etc...the whole process reminds of spam/troll activity, but you can't be aware of that since you'd proabably never been an op.Even if so ,barely the same stuff to deal with.If i knew you
<mizerydea> oops
<[WTC-SWE]> whereabouts and the quotes of yours an wouldn't accept it.
<mizerydea> K`Tetch's initial claim
<[WTC-SWE]> If you still think we're incompetent then i feel sorry for you
<[WTC-SWE]> Besides you qoute that damn thing even after i apologized to you on behalf of me/TPB
<mizerydea> [WTC-SWE], I'm certain you're fairly intelligent in various aspects, especially technical/technological aspects, however, for this particular issue, I am still a bit skeptical about the level of effort or thought put into making sure the account was banned appropriately instead of mistakenly.
<[WTC-SWE]> That shows low moral and definetely not worthy to arguee with
<[WTC-SWE]> now do me a favor
* You have left channel (Leaving)

He's such an intelligent guy!

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: druid on October 04, 2011, 07:52:54 AM
Who on earth gives a f**k what some random TPB admin thinks???
Who at all uses the pirate bay any more??
Alternatives are just much better, and this example maybe explains why they lost the race...

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: P4man on October 04, 2011, 08:38:26 AM
Who at all uses the pirate bay any more??
Alternatives are just much better, and this example maybe explains why they lost the race...

I do. What alternatives am I missing?

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Litt on October 04, 2011, 09:59:21 AM
Yet another admin internet powertripping while exposing himself to be an absolute idiot.

Title: Re: Newbie restrictions
Post by: T.E.L.L.T.H.E.T.R.U.T.H on October 04, 2011, 02:24:24 PM
It' wasn't our attention to misscredit or keep bitcoin out of TPB.There're plenty of stuff uploaded and none have been deleted nor banned(accounts).The reason for the IRC ban and lately a second,was because of massive spambots/people that kept flooding all over Efnet the last 3-5 days.We simply thought they were "trolling"
Also the torrent got flagged as spam/adverts and therefore the ban.We deal with millions of users on daily basis and misstakes happens all time.The thing is that i lifted the ban and cleared the hash.I even apologized to the guy ->> [ mizerydearia ]. He replied/quoted back with this -->>  ( My idea of one or more of those individuals being incompetent still stands.) even after i explained the situation for him.

I honestly got disappointed and pissed off after i read it,therefore my request telling him to leave the channel.Is it so damn hard for people to understand that their situation ain't unique ? and that there're millions of torrents/spammer/trolls/fakers to deal with?

The only guy that understood the whole situation and acted reasonable was ->> [ genjix ] on his second post. ( Well that's nice to know that it was a misunderstanding. These things usually are and it can be hard being a mod. I guess bitcoinmarkets did look commercial at first glance, especially if you're busy.) [ genjix ] was the second in line to join IRC and unfortunetely he got backfired from me in the heat.
Really sorry about that [ genjix ]

The where none more after that, as some loves to exaggerate on the thread mentioned above.You guys have a nice community/forum in here,but it's sad to see certain members jumping on hasty conclussions without knowing the facts.

Also when i mentioned the "permanent ban" it was because of the copypaste and altered truth.I definetely wouldn't agree on it if i knew how the situation would escalate.We're not bad guys,the opposite i should say.We try to help people 24/7  5.089.311 registered at this stage and issues are to be solved.

If i were an egoist i would never try to explain nor make an account in here to end this.I'd probably hear a lot more "laughs" or arrogant comments,but at least i took the first step(s) to end this crappy situation.How you guys procide,it's up to you.I am far to old for grudges or "internet" issues".

Take care and have a nice day/evening.

Kindly regards

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: apetersson on October 04, 2011, 03:18:48 PM
this sounds reasonable. as a high-profile trolling playground like TPB sometimes extreme measures must be taken.

thanks for providing an explanation and keep up the good work in providing TPB.

btw - i'm quite sure the number of bitcoin signatures in releases will increase exponentially in the future :)

Title: Re: Newbie restrictions
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 05:25:45 PM
(read post above)

Thanks for resolving the issue and thanks for clarifying your assessment of the situation.  My apologies for the unnecessary inconvenience/grief caused by me.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: TiagoTiago on October 04, 2011, 05:44:10 PM
Where did the ponzi accusation come from though?

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 04, 2011, 05:53:49 PM
Where did the ponzi accusation come from though?

First post

<Agricola> yeah banned
<mizerydea> why?
<K`Tetch> ponzi scheme
<mizerydea> uhh, what?
<[WTC-SWE]> So you honestly thought i left you unabnned with you damn pyramid games
* [WTC-SWE] sets ban on *!*
* You have been kicked from by Jallers (Banned)

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: TiagoTiago on October 04, 2011, 05:58:36 PM
No, i mean, if they thought it was just spam/advertising, how did they come to the conclusion it was specificly a ponzi scheme?

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: Fjordbit on October 04, 2011, 07:06:49 PM
No, i mean, if they thought it was just spam/advertising, how did they come to the conclusion it was specificly a ponzi scheme?

Exactly. To me, it appears the whole efnet thing is just a cover for an earlier fuck-up probably generated by someone's ego being too large. Saying that him coming in the channel is like trolling is ridiculous: how else is he supposed to get it resolved? The original problem is made worse by thin stories put on top of an act of stupidity. If WTC-SWE just said "it was a screw up, I'm sorry. You're unbanned" then that would be an apology. But an apology with a lump of lies and a side helping of an appeal to guilt (oh woe be my op problems, you don't even know). It's a bunch of shit.

And I don't care what I say because I don't need to worry about being banned. I don't use that crap.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: wareen on October 04, 2011, 07:50:48 PM
It' wasn't our attention to misscredit or keep bitcoin out of TPB.
Thanks for taking the time to come here and resolve this issue! Nice to see such things being settled peacefully and not resulting in a flamewar for a change ;)

Take care and have a nice day/evening.

Title: Re: Newbie restrictions
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 04, 2011, 10:17:39 PM
Kindly regards
Respect.  The guy took a sec out of his day to pop open another tab in his browser to just let us know it was a mishap, definitely didn't have to do that, and quite shocking to see around these parts lol

Title: Re: Newbie restrictions
Post by: JohnDoe on October 04, 2011, 11:12:09 PM
You guys have a nice community/forum in here,but it's sad to see certain members jumping on hasty conclussions without knowing the facts.

So you jump on hasty conclusions without knowing the facts and then you try to lecture us on jumping on hasty conclusions without knowing the facts?

Title: Re: Newbie restrictions
Post by: paraipan on October 04, 2011, 11:32:52 PM
You guys have a nice community/forum in here,but it's sad to see certain members jumping on hasty conclussions without knowing the facts.

So you jump on hasty conclusions without knowing the facts and then you try to lecture us on jumping on hasty conclusions without knowing the facts?

meh, bury the hatchet man

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: TiagoTiago on October 04, 2011, 11:40:13 PM
Kindly regards
Respect.  The guy took a sec out of his day to pop open another tab in his browser to just let us know it was a mishap, definitely didn't have to do that, and quite shocking to see around these parts lol

Though i'm still curious about the details of the mishap.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: mizerydearia on October 19, 2011, 07:39:07 AM
It appears one or more people are using this historic event to claim the following misleading idea:
the pirate bay are often removing bitcoin related torrents

This is inaccurate and I am quite disappointed that I have to follow-up on this issue to point out the exaggeratedness of this claim especially without anything to back it up, a claim created out of thin air.

Just because one bitcoin-related torrent was removed which is known (because I caused a scene and documented it in relation to my torrent not being spam), does not mean all bitcoin-related torents will be removed.  In fact, if you review the information in the beginning of this thread you will have realized that there were many bitcoin torrents that existed and remained even after my bitcoin-related torrent was removed.  Again, fucking obnoxious claim is fucking obnoxious.

Just because in relation to the scene caused, one or more people that mentioned bitcoin were banned from does not mean all people that mention bitcoin will be banned from  Again, FUUUCKING obnoxious claim.

I see some people that recurringly exaggerate or make partially inaccurate statements to misleadingly spread awareness of situations or entities/organizations/people and several other individuals jumping on the same bandwagon without recognizing the truth or accuracy of such claims.  Wtfever though.  To each their own reputation.

Title: Re: banned bitcoinmarkets account due to "bitcoin is ponzi scheme"
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 19, 2011, 07:45:50 AM
Skewing news, it's the blogging generation.