Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Obi-Wan Coinobi on February 19, 2014, 12:56:39 AM

Title: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: Obi-Wan Coinobi on February 19, 2014, 12:56:39 AM
Even if you could travel back in would still only be able to make 1 single trade before not knowing where the market is going again. Your one trade would set into motion a chain of events which is impossible to predict  ;D

Have fun over the next couple of days!

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: adamstgBit on February 19, 2014, 01:02:47 AM
lol time travelers...

i've been where you are now not to long ago. i ended up in the hospital.... you maybe be under more stress then you realize, "time travelers are still speculators ".  you really NEED to step away from bitcoin speculation for a while, and get some sleep / lots of rest, maybe take a few days off... you're talking crazy talk.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: chessnut on February 19, 2014, 01:07:51 AM
nah, a man could make hundreds of millions of dollas before an impact was felt on the market.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: Obi-Wan Coinobi on February 19, 2014, 01:12:46 AM
I'm just trying to lighten it up in here  ;)

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: Bitcoin BEAR on February 19, 2014, 01:16:16 AM
You guys are missing the point of the OP...
If you travel back in time, Everything MUST go exactly the same otherwise you effectively "fork" the space time continuum. Once that is done, all else changes in a sort of "butterfly effect". So you are back to not knowing what is coming next. For instance, $1242 would not have happened in the same order of events. It may have taken years longer to get there IF it happened at all.

I get ya, Obi-Wan  ;)

Oh shit I spelled your name wrong

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: Obi-Wan Coinobi on February 19, 2014, 01:18:52 AM
You guys are missing the point of the OP...
If you travel back in time, Everything MUST go exactly the same otherwise you effectively "fork" the space time continuum. Once that is done, all else changes in a sort of "butterfly effect". So you are back to not knowing what is coming next. For instance, $1242 would not have happened in the same order of events. It may have taken years longer to get there IF it happened at all.

I get ya, Obi-won  ;)

Bitcoin BEAR knows where it's at!

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: HairyMaclairy on February 19, 2014, 01:37:40 AM
There is no butterfly effect.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: traderCJ on February 19, 2014, 01:41:58 AM
Even if you could travel back in would still only be able to make 1 single trade before not knowing where the market is going again. Your one trade would set into motion a chain of events which is impossible to predict  ;D

Have fun over the next couple of days!

LOVE the name!

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: traderCJ on February 19, 2014, 01:42:49 AM
There is no butterfly effect.

Are you suggesting that this market is accurately modeled by Brownian motion?

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on February 19, 2014, 02:01:43 AM
There is no butterfly effect.

Are you suggesting that this market is accurately modeled by Brownian motion?

I would almost agree! This image looks exactly like the Bitcoin market. No sense of direction... and a bunch of mindless idiots roaming in circles, bumping heads.  :P

Though, there is still a butterfly effect. Every action one takes, directly effects the next action taken by another participant. No two objects (coins) can occupy the same space, so if I buy the wall at 630, you can't buy those coins. You are stuck taking the coins at 630.01 or waiting for someone to offer coins at 630 which may or may not happen.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: HairyMaclairy on February 19, 2014, 02:24:54 AM
Yes I am suggesting that the Bitcoin market is random (within certain parameters).

Perhaps more accurately described as a random walk subject to biases (such as the Gox antics).  The trick is separating the Brownian motion (market noise) from the real market moving biases.  I consider the dip on Mt Gox this morning to 248 to be market noise / Brownian motion.  The fact that the swings are big in % terms is irrelevant - you get that with any volatile market.

And beware of fat tailed probability.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: TERA on February 19, 2014, 04:11:20 AM
I've always thought that bitcoin charts were so crazy because maybe bitcoiners learned how to time travel.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: jhansen858 on February 19, 2014, 06:49:16 AM
Even if you could travel back in would still only be able to make 1 single trade before not knowing where the market is going again. Your one trade would set into motion a chain of events which is impossible to predict  ;D

Have fun over the next couple of days!

I would only need 1 trade.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: thelema93 on February 19, 2014, 08:06:57 AM
lol time travelers...

i've been where you are now not to long ago. i ended up in the hospital.... you maybe be under more stress then you realize, "time travelers are still speculators ".  you really NEED to step away from bitcoin speculation for a while, and get some sleep / lots of rest, maybe take a few days off... you're talking crazy talk.

hmmmmm... who's talking crazy talk?!!

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: WompRat on February 19, 2014, 09:35:22 AM
I find the shoulda, woulda, coulda runs extremely high with bitcoin.  If you are obsessing about what you could have done differently even though you probably made perfectly rational judgements at the time, I would advise you to consider the negative effects this may be having on your health before it gets worse. You don't have to immediately start necking anti depressants, but if you want to change, and not everyone does, I would recommend some simple cognitive behavioral techniques to help change your perspective. 

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: ISAWHIM on February 19, 2014, 10:43:05 AM
I disagree...

There is the endless paradox of... "If you traveled back into time, then you had been there previously, the first time, and anything you did would have had the same result. Because the reason it did what it did, was only because you had traveled back in time, and done that."

He who travels back in time, only loses valuable time from their life moving forward. You can't undo going back, and going back has already set you back in time. Even if you eventually go back to the previous present, you have lost that time you were gone. Going into the future... If that were as possible as going into the past, would not gain you any more time, only allow you to see what you would not have seen, had you just lived up to that point. Going further than your entire life expectancy will yield no more time on your hands, nor provide any more advantage. The future 100 years from now is as uncertain as the future 1 second from now. Once it is realized, it is no longer the future, only the present to you. To others who can not travel, the future is irrelevant, since they live in the present, where-ever in time that is.

You don't even realize that you have never actually seen the present. You can only see the past. It took time for light to travel from the present, into your eye, get translated into a memory, then be examined as a thought by your mind. That, is micro-seconds in the past, what you believe is the present. No-one has ever "seen" the present. No matter how close you get to the light/reflections.

For all we know, light travels 1000x slower than we think, and we are all moving at a snails-pace, in reality. What we measure time with, is our heart-beats... 60BPM, 60Hz, 60-cycles... why have hear-beats become irregular after 100 years of "good heart rates"... We stopped wearing watches that tick every second, which helped our body stay synced with a "regular" pulse. Yes, our nerves sensed the ticking of pocket-watches, wall clocks, grandfather-clocks, and metronomes. Now we are digital, and lacking that timing. Out hearts have returned to the primitive irregular heart-beats of our ancestors before watches were invented... Time is killing us... or rather, lack of mechanical time is killing us.

Heart-conditions are a large killer of most men... Buy a real watch, and wear it... Stay healthier longer!

Sorry, I have ADD, what was the question again? Rewind...

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: HairyMaclairy on February 19, 2014, 10:56:34 AM

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: ISAWHIM on February 19, 2014, 01:41:08 PM
lol, nice...

Time doesn't fly... Now it barely even crawls!

For those who want it even slower, we have the week-watch and month-watch... Coming soon, the year-watch!

Damn that grass grows fast!

Stupid joke...

Time flies like an arrow...
Fruit flies like a banana...

(Fruit-flies, Like a banana)

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: knightcoin on February 19, 2014, 02:09:23 PM
To be honest every time somebody says "time travellers" I think about atomic transactions, order precedence ranking, price priority, pre match, arrays list, binary search, queues, stacks, multithreading, etc ....and of course outside the clock of an autonomous system... I think about NTP servers too ... time is so trick sometimes  :P

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: InCoinsITrust on February 19, 2014, 02:16:11 PM
So anyone traveled ? :D

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: knightcoin on February 19, 2014, 02:35:11 PM
So anyone traveled ? :D

Who knows? these "speculators time travellers" (cheating) are well know problem since pit floor trading ... I think I did already but I'll suggest again.... the book ( Electronic Exchanges: The Global Transformation from Pits to Bits, Gorham ISBN-10: 0849301165 ) Its well detailed history about traditional exchanges around the globe ... I think is a proper time to read it since all those problems in BTC exchanges ...

But time from pure math/physics perspective is also such interesting thing ...

Quantum Experiment Shows How Time ‘Emerges’ from Entanglement

Time is an emergent phenomenon that is a side effect of quantum entanglement, say physicists. And they have the first experimental results to prove it.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: b!z on February 19, 2014, 02:37:32 PM
So anyone traveled ? :D

m about to do it right now. Time travel is possible. In fact, I a

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: knightcoin on February 19, 2014, 02:50:50 PM

cool  8) ... also we can try to sell it on



Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2014, 09:21:37 PM
So anyone traveled ? :D

I have learned to travel through time at the rate of 60 seconds per minute!

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: notme on February 19, 2014, 09:33:07 PM
Yes I am suggesting that the Bitcoin market is random (within certain parameters).

Perhaps more accurately described as a random walk subject to biases (such as the Gox antics).  The trick is separating the Brownian motion (market noise) from the real market moving biases.  I consider the dip on Mt Gox this morning to 248 to be market noise / Brownian motion.  The fact that the swings are big in % terms is irrelevant - you get that with any volatile market.

And beware of fat tailed probability.

You know the problem with modelling based on brownian motion, yet you still encourage it.

There are much better models that can generate price series data that is indistinguishable from actual trade data developed by Mandelbrot and others.  Using normal distributions/brownian motion is pretty much useless and can easily be picked out as computer generated.  These models are power law based and build off of's_law .  If you still think brownian motion based models are useful, you really should read the first chapter of Mandelbrots book, "The (Mis)Behavior of Markets".  He really destroys any case there ever was for assuming normality and independence in the thorough fashion of a research scientist, by going back to the original papers and rigorously disproving their assumptions with data.

Also, what does brownian motion have to do with the butterfly effect?  Dynamical systems that are sensitive to initial conditions will indeed produce large divergences with small changes in initial input.  That is what is being characterized by the butterfly effect analogy.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: ISAWHIM on February 20, 2014, 01:00:27 AM
So anyone traveled ? :D
I have learned to travel through time at the rate of 60 seconds per minute!
Define travel... I am perpetually living in the past, 0.00000001 second behind light itself and 250ms behind the markets. Even standing still, I am traveling millions of miles an hour...

I stand on the surface of the earth, it rotates thousands of miles an our around the axis, that travels thousands of additional miles an hour around the sun, which travels thousands of miles an hour around the spiraling milky-way galaxy, which is hurling through space at an additional thousands of miles an hour towards the Andromeda galaxy, which is spiraling around the other swirl of galaxies going millions of miles more through the universe... Which may be expanding perpetually faster, at millions of miles an hour more!

I think we are all traveling the speed of light... Must be, we are all energy... Finally, Einstein was actually right! (Not, but close enough again.)

Throw a 60 MPH fastball off the back of a truck traveling 60 MPH, and the ball isn't actually moving, to the observer on the side of the road. (Well, it will fall down to the ground at the speed of gravity-pull, from 0 MPH.) Throw it off the front of that same truck, it is now moving 120 MPH to an observer on the side of the road. Don't get hit by the one thrown off the front of the truck, it will hurt more than the one thrown off the back.

Title: Re: Time travelers are still speculators.
Post by: xybersurfer on February 20, 2014, 05:37:06 PM
Even if you could travel back in would still only be able to make 1 single trade before not knowing where the market is going again. Your one trade would set into motion a chain of events which is impossible to predict  ;D

Have fun over the next couple of days!

if the market would become unpredictable after 1 trade, simply travel to the future to. then do it again:

1) travel back in time
2) make trade
3) travel to the future
4) repeat all the above
