Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 06:28:48 PM

Title: {closed}Looking for btc Loans Pay 4btc and get 4.5btc!{closed}
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 06:28:48 PM
I mine @1.4Gh/sec
The post you are currently reading is heavily damaged and is not anywhere close to what it originally stated

some time im gonna fix this top post but im too lazy right now

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 06:40:42 PM
Hi, I would like to ask anyone in the bitcoin community if they would consider Loaning 15BTC's ...
I'd probably be up for this. I have a few questions and comments...

Do you mind saying why you need the 15BTC? Is this purely to build up your "trust level" or do you have a purchase in mind? If it's for a purchase, could you wait until you had saved up the 15BTC? Feel free to answer as much or as little of this as you wish: I'm mostly being nosey!

It sounds like you could pay rough 1BTC every day and a half. Is that what you had in mind for repayments? Would that give you enough "wiggle room" for other expenses? Would slightly higher payments every 2 days work better for you?

I'd also be interested in hearing comments from other people, particularly in relation to handling defaults. I'd imagine if you were to default I'd post at "the list of honest traders" thread ( - I'd be particularly interested in people's thoughts on when to do that - after one default, after one default and a week with no payment, after a year (!), whatever...

One final thing: this is a potential 33% return on my "investment". Is that fair, and if not what should I do with the unfair portion? Donate it to a worthy cause? Which cause?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 06:55:24 PM
I have a purchase in mind,No this is not just for trust  Yes I could wait but i'd rather not due to it being a promotional offer, Yes I inten'd to send 1BTC as frequently as possible (expected 24hrs, so 1BTC daily minimum)

If I were to default from the arrangement then yes you would put a big fat "This guy is bad, Here is why, and heres how much of a -xyz i give him"
I cannot think of much else you could do, say I default.

It's really up to anyone to decied weather or not 33% is "fair" and Anyone has merit to say it's not "fair" but the main decider is he whom claims the loan.

I am up for negotiations as to the %profit from the loan but 33% is my comfy zone

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 07:27:03 PM
I have a purchase in mind,No this is not just for trust  Yes I could wait but i'd rather not due to it being a promotional offer, Yes I inten'd to send 1BTC as frequently as possible (expected 24hrs, so 1BTC daily minimum)

If I were to default from the arrangement then yes you would put a big fat "This guy is bad, Here is why, and heres how much of a -xyz i give him"
I cannot think of much else you could do, say I default.

It's really up to anyone to decied weather or not 33% is "fair" and Anyone has merit to say it's not "fair" but the main decider is he whom claims the loan.

I am up for negotiations as to the %profit from the loan but 33% is my comfy zone
OK, that all sounds good. I'm happy to send 15 BTC to you - do you want me to use the address in your signature, or would you prefer a different one (you can PM me if you want to keep it private)? Can you make repayments to 17LMUQVqHrnPg3CZMECMBdW7XV1nr1A4K1, please?

I still feel that 33% is very generous, but I have zero experience with making loans!

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 07:38:00 PM
33% is just right, not generous.... considering his trust level (ie: none yet) and the timeline (ie: up to a month)

Could you share with us this promotional offer?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on March 25, 2011, 07:44:50 PM
33% on a loan that you're probably going to get back is huge. What are the odds he's going to pay you back is the part that's impossible to know.

With that being said if you can afford to lose it why not.
This could be his last post or he might pay it back in full.

Do it though, why the hell not, let's see what happens  ;D

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: ksd5 on March 25, 2011, 07:57:30 PM
On a side note, you could use Ripplepay or Rain Droplet to record the loan.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 08:06:08 PM
33% on a loan that you're probably going to get back is huge. What are the odds he's going to pay you back is the part that's impossible to know.

With that being said if you can afford to lose it why not.
This could be his last post or he might pay it back in full.

Do it though, why the hell not, let's see what happens  ;D

think of it like this.... a complete stranger is asking for a 15$ ANONYMOUS LOAN.... people forget bitcoin is anonymous, so he could just scam your 15BTC, create a new account and voila no reputation lost for him, only 15$ gain

the risks are HIGH therefore 25% is the BARE MINIMUM IMO especially since the loan could be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. 33% is just right, in no way is it generous. I half feel like making a new account and "loan" BTC to prove my point lol

no offense to you OP, but 15 posts, sweet talker with no rep is not a probable return in investment,especially considering the anonymousity of bitcoin and how easy it is to just make another account

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 08:12:36 PM

I will Accept the loan from
LetMeGoogleThatForYou, please send the loan to 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t
i will continuously send BTC's to the wallet 17LMUQVqHrnPg3CZMECMBdW7XV1nr1A4K1 untill i have sent a total of 20BTC's

Please confirm so that i can mark this thread as "sold"

Oh and yeah, listen to nster, he's pretty bang on

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 08:19:36 PM

I will Accept the loan from
LetMeGoogleThatForYou, please send the loan to 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t
i will continuously send BTC's to the wallet 17LMUQVqHrnPg3CZMECMBdW7XV1nr1A4K1 untill i have sent a total of 20BTC's

Please confirm so that i can mark this thread as "sold"

Oh and yeah, listen to nster, he's pretty bang on
Confirming :-)

I've sent 15 BTC to 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t (blockexplorer) ( - expect to see it shortly.

Enjoy your loan, good luck with the purchase!

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 08:23:42 PM
Thankyou LMGTFY, I will now no longer accept Any loans until further notice
I'll PM you with my e-mail should i fail to give you a Prompt payment

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 08:24:03 PM

I will Accept the loan from
LetMeGoogleThatForYou, please send the loan to 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t
i will continuously send BTC's to the wallet 17LMUQVqHrnPg3CZMECMBdW7XV1nr1A4K1 untill i have sent a total of 20BTC's

Please confirm so that i can mark this thread as "sold"

Oh and yeah, listen to nster, he's pretty bang on

May I ask once again, what is this promotional offer you speak of that is so interesting to buy?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 08:24:43 PM

I will Accept the loan from
LetMeGoogleThatForYou, please send the loan to 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t
i will continuously send BTC's to the wallet 17LMUQVqHrnPg3CZMECMBdW7XV1nr1A4K1 untill i have sent a total of 20BTC's

Please confirm so that i can mark this thread as "sold"

Oh and yeah, listen to nster, he's pretty bang on

May I ask once again, what is this promotional offer you speak of that is so interesting to buy?

You have a PM

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan
Post by: bitdragon on March 25, 2011, 09:00:23 PM
think of it like this.... a complete stranger is asking for a 15$ ANONYMOUS LOAN.... people forget bitcoin is anonymous, so he could just scam your 15BTC, create a new account and voila no reputation lost for him, only 15$ gain

How does charging an interest make it more likely that you will get reimbursed?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 09:06:05 PM
It doesn't, It gives someone a reason to give me a loan, it offers no comfort

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: bitdragon on March 25, 2011, 09:13:03 PM
I have some coins lying around contributing to scarcity rather circulating in the economy. So if you want another 15BTC zero interest loan, let me know, with your repayment plan of course;

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 09:23:11 PM
I have some coins lying around contributing to scarcity rather circulating in the economy. So if you want another 15BTC zero interest loan, let me know, with your repayment plan of course;

I will definitly send you a tell should i need a loan, Enjoy your day

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 09:25:31 PM
I have some coins lying around contributing to scarcity rather circulating in the economy. So if you want another 15BTC zero interest loan, let me know, with your repayment plan of course;

I will definitly send you a tell should i need a loan, Enjoy your day

You could, uh, borrow 15 BTC, and repay me... you'd swap a 33% loan for a 0% loan. Sucks for me, but it's in your best interest.

I'd have no problem with early repayment, by the way. If I was smart, I'd have thought about that before we did the deal, but I didn't!

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on March 25, 2011, 09:44:01 PM
I have some coins lying around contributing to scarcity rather circulating in the economy. So if you want another 15BTC zero interest loan, let me know, with your repayment plan of course;

I will definitly send you a tell should i need a loan, Enjoy your day

You could, uh, borrow 15 BTC, and repay me... you'd swap a 33% loan for a 0% loan. Sucks for me, but it's in your best interest.

I'd have no problem with early repayment, by the way. If I was smart, I'd have thought about that before we did the deal, but I didn't!

You could always say the deal was for 20btc repayment but then he could always tell you to suck it.
Not like there's anything too hardcore going on here though, friendly little loan.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 10:16:32 PM
it doesnt help your reputation if you back out of a loan now  ::)

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 10:20:31 PM
it doesnt help your reputation if you back out of a loan now  ::)
It doesn't help it, sure, but I don't think reputation should be harmed, either - since the lender (me) is happy for early repayment without penalty. That said, reputation would probably be improved if JackRabiit stuck with the original loan :-)

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 10:34:30 PM
The way I see it a deals a deal. ;D

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 10:42:00 PM
it doesnt help your reputation if you back out of a loan now  ::)
It doesn't help it, sure, but I don't think reputation should be harmed, either - since the lender (me) is happy for early repayment without penalty. That said, reputation would probably be improved if JackRabiit stuck with the original loan :-)

but personally I would not like to loan to someone who backs out of a deal, even with lender's consent

it is a good thing that he didnt accept the 0% loan and run off with 30 BTC in his pocket like he could have, you probably will pay you back seeing that

and about the question of how higher interest gives security...

It doesn't change the percentage of chance he pays back, but you get a better return for your RISK. ie: hypothetically, say there is a 25% risk of this being a fraud. now if he gives 3 BTC interest out of 15BTC, you lose 6BTC every 4 loans, now if it is 5 BTC out of 15BTC, you lose 0 BTC every 4 loans

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: LMGTFY on March 25, 2011, 10:45:55 PM
but personally I would not like to loan to someone who backs out of a deal, even with lender's consent

it is a good thing that he didnt accept the 0% loan and run off with 30 BTC in his pocket like he could have, you probably will pay you back seeing that
Definitely hasn't run off! I'll keep the details private, but will just note that I'm very happy with the way things are going and my trust levels are now well above zero.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nster on March 25, 2011, 10:47:36 PM
but personally I would not like to loan to someone who backs out of a deal, even with lender's consent

it is a good thing that he didnt accept the 0% loan and run off with 30 BTC in his pocket like he could have, you probably will pay you back seeing that
Definitely hasn't run off! I'll keep the details private, but will just note that I'm very happy with the way things are going and my trust levels are now well above zero.

yea I know he's been very up front with me and honest... plus he agrees with me alot, that can't be bad  ;D

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 25, 2011, 11:15:12 PM
Huzzah! my idea is working! ;D

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nster on March 26, 2011, 04:50:50 AM
The only problem here is very trivial amount of  money at risk. Should the amount increase, so will increase temptation for a borrower to take money and run. This is not scalable.

ofc, however to get sch a loan you'd need OK reputation....

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on March 26, 2011, 03:03:40 PM
The only problem here is very trivial amount of  money at risk. Should the amount increase, so will increase temptation for a borrower to take money and run. This is not scalable.

Exactly. Time is also really important, how hard is it to build trust over a few days, rip people off and do it again.
Still the most important thing to remember is don't invest anything you can't afford to lose.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: LMGTFY on March 26, 2011, 03:12:10 PM
The only problem here is very trivial amount of  money at risk. Should the amount increase, so will increase temptation for a borrower to take money and run. This is not scalable.

Exactly. Time is also really important, how hard is it to build trust over a few days, rip people off and do it again.
Still the most important thing to remember is don't invest anything you can't afford to lose.

Couple of points: "don't invest anything you can't afford to lose" - absolutely. I could, if worst came to worst, write off the 15 BTC.

Re: scalability: yes and no. In terms of loan-size, which I suspect you (Vladimir) are referring to, then yes - absolutely. In terms of "loan book size" (i.e. number of loans) then no: I think this could scale.

Re: trust: this is something that the PayPal -> BTC providers have had to consider, and I'd imagine that lessons they've learned would be applicable to BTC lending as well - things like start small, build up trust. Risk assessment would need to consider how well known a borrower was, how much was being borrowed, what the borrower felt they could reasonably repay (and whether the lender believed that!) etc.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on March 26, 2011, 03:16:44 PM
The only problem here is very trivial amount of  money at risk. Should the amount increase, so will increase temptation for a borrower to take money and run. This is not scalable.

Exactly. Time is also really important, how hard is it to build trust over a few days, rip people off and do it again.
Still the most important thing to remember is don't invest anything you can't afford to lose.

Couple of points: "don't invest anything you can't afford to lose" - absolutely. I could, if worst came to worst, write off the 15 BTC.

Re: scalability: yes and no. In terms of loan-size, which I suspect you (Vladimir) are referring to, then yes - absolutely. In terms of "loan book size" (i.e. number of loans) then no: I think this could scale.

Re: trust: this is something that the PayPal -> BTC providers have had to consider, and I'd imagine that lessons they've learned would be applicable to BTC lending as well - things like start small, build up trust. Risk assessment would need to consider how well known a borrower was, how much was being borrowed, what the borrower felt they could reasonably repay (and whether the lender believed that!) etc.

I think a point that tops all of that is what you know about the borrower. If you've got a forum name and a btc address and that's it then I'd be more worried than if I had a verified land line / address / name etc etc. Since a lot of btc is anonymous by nature (but doesn't have to be) then I think it changes things.

If a guy at my office wants to borrow $5 for lunch that's a hell of a lot less risky than someone that I don't know their name / location or anything else.
But this goes without saying, I'm sure everyone else is already thinking it so I don't know why I typed it.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 26, 2011, 03:25:14 PM
Yup! it's all about the borrower and how well your gonna trust them based off what you know.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: bencoder on March 27, 2011, 12:22:52 AM

Yep, looks like it's being paid off at a good rate ;)

Was posting the repayment address publicly part of the plan to show your trustworthiness?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nanotube on March 27, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
as far as the 'building up your trust' issue goes, take a look at the bitcoin-otc web of trust (links in sig)

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on March 27, 2011, 03:53:41 PM

Yep, looks like it's being paid off at a good rate ;)

Was posting the repayment address publicly part of the plan to show your trustworthiness?

Heh i didnt post the repayment address ask the other dude lol.

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: LMGTFY on April 01, 2011, 04:56:11 PM
I have now received 20 BTC from JackRabiit, and the loan is repaid in full, including interest!

Very happy with how things turned out: JackRabiit repaid consistently and quickly, greatly surpassing my expectations.

I've rated JackRabiit "+1" here (

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: nster on April 01, 2011, 05:54:50 PM
7 Days, 5 BTC?   :o

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(SOLD!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 01, 2011, 06:18:01 PM
7 Days, 5 BTC?   :o
Well.. when you put it like that it does seem less doesnt it?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(REOPEN!)
Post by: asdf on April 02, 2011, 12:57:50 AM
Hi, I would like to ask anyone in the bitcoin community if they would consider Loaning 45BTC's

My hopes are to increse my personal amount of "forum trust" ...

... But Mr.HighTrust could be in disguise, Heavily and Effectivly boosting his own trust off fake users.

xyz: Hi I would like a loan of XBTC, will repay YBTC.
abc: Sure, here's XBTC.


xyz: here is your YBTC back.
abc: thank you. I and the other forum members will surely trust you now, xyz.

xyz == abc. Problem?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(REOPEN!)
Post by: ­­­Atlas_ on April 02, 2011, 03:31:15 AM
Hi, I would like to ask anyone in the bitcoin community if they would consider Loaning 45BTC's

My hopes are to increse my personal amount of "forum trust" ...

... But Mr.HighTrust could be in disguise, Heavily and Effectivly boosting his own trust off fake users.

xyz: Hi I would like a loan of XBTC, will repay YBTC.
abc: Sure, here's XBTC.


xyz: here is your YBTC back.
abc: thank you. I and the other forum members will surely trust you now, xyz.

xyz == abc. Problem?

xyz: Hi I would like a loan of XBTC, will repay YBTC.
abc: Sure, here's XBTC.

Days later.

abc: Where's my YBTC?
xyz: Oh, one sec.

Seconds later...

xyz: Hi, I would like a loan of YBTC, will repay ZBTC.
def: Sure, here's YBTC.

A bit later...

xyz: Here's YBTC.
abc: Finally. Well, you repaid me regardless. (+1 rep)

Days later:

def: Where's my ZBTC?


Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(REOPEN!)
Post by: BitterTea on April 02, 2011, 03:55:09 AM
xyz: Hi I would like a loan of XBTC, will repay YBTC.
abc: Sure, here's XBTC.

Days later.

abc: Where's my YBTC?
xyz: Oh, one sec.

Seconds later...

xyz: Hi, I would like a loan of YBTC, will repay ZBTC.
def: Sure, here's YBTC.

A bit later...

xyz: Here's YBTC.
abc: Finally. Well, you repaid me regardless. (+1 rep)

Days later:

def: Where's my ZBTC?


^ Trollnomics

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(REOPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 02, 2011, 04:18:33 AM
do you have any heatware?

Title: Re: Looking for a Pure Trust Loan(REOPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 02, 2011, 04:23:41 AM
lawl heatware?

and the 'Problem'? statement

1.)the world'll pretty much get a loan to pay a loan(by printing money is one way)
2.)Yes thats a bad thing, But what do you think'll happen when people ask for money without reputation, They get a No, or a Generous yes
3.)He whom has an outstanding loan shouldn't beable to get another one, Hence the rep system and repayment logs
4.)Yarharhurrr someone could just Fk around by making new users to get a loan to pay a loan, But agian, Rep system.
5.)and then again, "it could be fake rep or rapid gen'd rep", Well no shit. What do you propose?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 03, 2011, 06:51:56 PM

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan(OPEN!)
Post by: rebuilder on April 03, 2011, 07:50:13 PM
Wouldn't a trust escrow along the lines of what Nefario et al. have been setting up be better?

Something like:
Newbie with low trust places a sum of money in escrow as collateral against any claims of misbehaviour. Say you want to buy something for 300 BTC but have no trust. You have 300 BTC in escrow, and anyone can verify this. You make the purchase, and if you pay up, everything's fine. If not, the 300 BTC is taken from escrow and transferred to the party left unpaid.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 04, 2011, 02:59:33 PM
I have no problems using an escrow, however i dont want to make a google account as faully as that sounds
Aswell as i have never used an escrow service before (Clearcoin is one if im not mistaken) so i wonder how exactly it works.

Heres how i think it works:(in my loan scenario)
Mr.A)"ive placed 30ß in the escrow"
Mr.B)"Sweet, now im gonna go spend that 30ß Out of the Escrow?"
Mr.A)"uhhhhhhhhh wait what?, i dont think thats how it works dude"
Mr.A)"usually when i escrow money its for me to buy something from you, and as such, you dont get to use that 30ß untill you send me what i asked for"
Mr.A)"sooooo you send me what i want"
Mr.B)"but im trying to loan 30ß, wouldnt that mean that you'd require me to send you 30ß to calim the 30ß?
Mr.A)"uhhhhhh anyone wanna jump in here?"

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan(OPEN!)
Post by: nanotube on April 04, 2011, 03:13:59 PM
escrowing BTC for the purpose of getting a loan denominated in BTC doesn't really make much sense. :) if you have the btc to escrow, you wouldn't need the loan.

escrowing other currencies or goods as collateral may work though.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 04, 2011, 06:18:57 PM
well yeah thats kinda my point, So anyone feel like loaning?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on April 04, 2011, 07:15:37 PM
how long before the lender gets his coins back?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: The Script on April 04, 2011, 07:25:36 PM
well yeah thats kinda my point, So anyone feel like loaning?

You are looking for another loan?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 04, 2011, 09:35:57 PM

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: trentzb on April 05, 2011, 08:07:47 AM
I can provide this loan. Could you please list the following:

How long are you requesting the loan?
What frequency are repayments to be made? All at once or periodically?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 05, 2011, 02:14:22 PM
I can provide this loan. Could you please list the following:

How long are you requesting the loan?
What frequency are repayments to be made? All at once or periodically?

I think he said something like at least 1 BTC per day, so periodically, for like 30 days MAX but could be faster, like 15 days

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 05, 2011, 04:17:04 PM
Yup, just as nster says, and at the beginning of this thread it's underlined that i will pay you As fast as possible

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 05, 2011, 04:37:13 PM
If he backs out, I'll take on the loan

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: trentzb on April 05, 2011, 07:22:57 PM
I can do this 20 BTC loan to you but my condition is no interest/gain. Pay back 20 BTC within 30 days and I am satisfied. If this is acceptable to you provide an address for me to send 20 BTC to if different than 1P4y3HKKF5deh4rUBUAq6j4qjuqQhC9J7t. Return payment to 1BmVMDJ6RLVoibT1QkbByjgffyQX1e5o2i.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 05, 2011, 08:39:07 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: JamezQ on April 05, 2011, 09:16:52 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

If you don't want that, I will loan 20 BTC for 30 BTC payout.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 05, 2011, 09:38:06 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

If you don't want that, I will loan 20 BTC for 30 BTC payout.

I'm pretty sure he prefers not to give away BTC unnecessarily >.>

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: JamezQ on April 05, 2011, 09:40:56 PM
So, do you want my loan :?

The terms are I give you 20 BTC, you give me 30 BTC < 30 days. Right?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Psychoactive on April 05, 2011, 09:50:19 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

usury is a sin

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 05, 2011, 10:08:08 PM
usury? i just went and readup on that on wiki because i did not know what you we're reffering to.

I Honestly do not see why it's a problem if someone asks for $xyz,
And the one whom he asks says "only if you give me +$xyz+xyz% in return" Somehow thats a 'sin' Because he wants something in return for giving away his wealth?

I would rather not have this thread become a religeous related debate.
My thoughts as to the 0% intrest loans were "is this guy gonna take the bait" kinda booby trap of someform.

Now, I will be Very active for the next 2hrs, Whomever would like to approach me for the loan, Please do so now, However,
I am currently attempting to contact JamezQ about the loans, and the obvious terms that Will apply

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: nster on April 05, 2011, 10:40:58 PM
usury? i just went and readup on that on wiki because i did not know what you we're reffering to.

I Honestly do not see why it's a problem if someone asks for $xyz,
And the one whom he asks says "only if you give me +$xyz+xyz% in return" Somehow thats a 'sin' Because he wants something in return for giving away his wealth?

I would rather not have this thread become a religeous related debate.
My thoughts as to the 0% intrest loans were "is this guy gonna take the bait" kinda booby trap of someform.

Now, I will be Very active for the next 2hrs, Whomever would like to approach me for the loan, Please do so now, However,
I am currently attempting to contact JamezQ about the loans, and the obvious terms that Will apply
wait, why are you not taking trentzb or wtv his name is loan with no interest?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: ­­­Atlas_ on April 05, 2011, 10:43:20 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

usury is a sin
luke-jr, get back on the IRC.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Psychoactive on April 05, 2011, 11:42:17 PM
usury? i just went and readup on that on wiki because i did not know what you we're reffering to.

I Honestly do not see why it's a problem if someone asks for $xyz,
And the one whom he asks says "only if you give me +$xyz+xyz% in return" Somehow thats a 'sin' Because he wants something in return for giving away his wealth?

I would rather not have this thread become a religeous related debate.
My thoughts as to the 0% intrest loans were "is this guy gonna take the bait" kinda booby trap of someform.

Now, I will be Very active for the next 2hrs, Whomever would like to approach me for the loan, Please do so now, However,
I am currently attempting to contact JamezQ about the loans, and the obvious terms that Will apply
wait, why are you not taking trentzb or wtv his name is loan with no interest?

I agree this is strange : you'd rather pay interests on your loan than not ?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Psychoactive on April 05, 2011, 11:42:59 PM
What is it with people offering free loans lol

usury is a sin
luke-jr, get back on the IRC.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Beremat on April 06, 2011, 12:07:18 AM
This is a confusing thread. The title says it's open, but judging from the recent replies the offer's already taken?

Let me know by PM (or message me on IRC, I'm Beremat there too) if you'd like me to loan you 20BTC for 30BTC payout, or any amount below that you'd like, really.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(OPEN!)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 06, 2011, 12:12:02 AM
The offer is open just as the thread says, But i think it'll be closed since i think you'll be collecting the loan

To all others, this is because i am on a deadline and sadly you were not online whilst i was

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: Beremat on April 06, 2011, 08:56:10 PM
Very happy with JackRabiit so far :) :)

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: The Script on April 06, 2011, 11:47:17 PM

Forgive me, but this is starting to smell fishy.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: nster on April 07, 2011, 01:21:49 AM

Forgive me, but this is starting to smell fishy.

I know it does, but it seems to be working so far no?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 07, 2011, 02:22:00 AM
Well if this smells fishy i mayaswell post the second loan's transaction log, Since it's seeming to become a neccesity

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: nster on April 07, 2011, 02:30:56 AM
Well if this smells fishy i mayaswell post the second loan's transaction log, Since it's seeming to become a neccesity

whats fishy is the incrementally higher loans. perhaps also that the fact that some people somehow decide to give you free loans for some reason, but that I can still believe

Thing is, with incremental loans is that some scammers do this. start with small amounts and get trust to do a bigger amount and on and on until they can get away with a big pot. Also the fact that you asked for a bigger loan, saw  that noone was taking it because of the amount (ie: trust not high enough), so you lowered it (ie: to the correct trust lvl)

As for now, IMO, you seem legit. doesn't mean this doesn't sound fishy, because it does, t means that even though it sounds fishy, I do not think you are trying to scam us :p

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: trentzb on April 07, 2011, 02:49:46 AM
In addition to the unknown reason of why he would choose a loan requiring interest instead of the 0% interest loan I offered. Puzzling indeed.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: nster on April 07, 2011, 03:28:43 AM
In addition to the unknown reason of why he would choose a loan requiring interest instead of the 0% interest loan I offered. Puzzling indeed.

that too

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 07, 2011, 02:47:34 PM
Well personally, i wouldnt give out a 0% intrest loan unless it was to a close friend of mine, Why? Because i have no reason to do so, But if they say "yeah i'll pay 150% of what you payed me" then im all for it, If i can get a garuntee of someform.

I havent taken any of the 0% loans for these reasons:
1.)The dude's were not online at the times of me Actually claiming a loan
2.)Usury religious reason aside:It kinda looks like a booby trap of sorts IMO, eg:i start repaying and the guy goes, "oh thats not my address wheres my ß?"
3.)It doesnt feel right to temporarly get a cash boost without penalties.

It's not like i wont take a 0% loan, it's just been avalible at times where im not avalible

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: nster on April 07, 2011, 05:19:23 PM
Well personally, i wouldnt give out a 0% intrest loan unless it was to a close friend of mine, Why? Because i have no reason to do so, But if they say "yeah i'll pay 150% of what you payed me" then im all for it, If i can get a garuntee of someform.

I havent taken any of the 0% loans for these reasons:
1.)The dude's were not online at the times of me Actually claiming a loan
2.)Usury religious reason aside:It kinda looks like a booby trap of sorts IMO, eg:i start repaying and the guy goes, "oh thats not my address wheres my ß?"
3.)It doesnt feel right to temporarly get a cash boost without penalties.

It's not like i wont take a 0% loan, it's just been avalible at times where im not avalible

Good explanation, thanks for the clarification.

The incremental loans are suspicious though. The fact that you didn't get anyone at... 45BTC was it? and you went drastically down to 20BTC

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 30ß!(closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 07, 2011, 07:56:14 PM
When i was looking for the 30ß loan 45ß payback i had close to 0 coins, where as when i asked for the 20ß/30ß loan, I had coins

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 02:48:42 PM
A post for the Skeptics:
Yes, People do scam by incrementally rasing thier trust slowly and then run off with a large sum, I cannot deny this.
The value of coins at this moment is 1.7usd per coin, So theoretically during the time that i slowly repay, There are odds that coins could get even more valuble, And since I feel that these loans are like contracts, Im obligated to repay the total # of ß, Regardless of thier total value

I dont understand why people are offering me 0% loans, Aside from the factor written above;
Maybe they forsaw that 1.17 was gonna rise to 1.7, Maybe not.
Or perhaps they are religeous and are holding onto the 'Usury' factor.(Again i dont want a religious argument Dont Start One)

If you will Only pitch me a loan if you know what i intend to spend the coins on, Then i will only do so in a private message, What i purchase shouldnt be anyones buisness, However it's undeniable that he whom loans will wonder what the money is for. Unless its: 'your job, Now do it'

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: SteveB on April 24, 2011, 03:30:18 PM
I can loan you 20 BTC to be repaid 25 BTC in less than 30 days.
If you would like to accept my loan, post a new payment address for me to send the coins to and I will post a repayment address.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 03:51:16 PM
I can loan you 20 BTC to be repaid 25 BTC in less than 30 days.
If you would like to accept my loan, post a new payment address for me to send the coins to and I will post a repayment address.

Thankyou! Here is my desired payment address, I am also sending you a PM with the same address to ensure nobody hits "edit" on the addresses


I can most definitly repay you within 30days!!(unless difficulty spikes by double)

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: vuce on April 24, 2011, 03:54:21 PM
I would be happy to loan you some coins, if you still need them.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 03:55:45 PM
Well that all depends on the speed of SteveB
And weather or not i should trust him, His name reminds me on StevenBucks, But i dont know if he WANTS me to think that, or if it's StevenBucks with another account for whatever reason

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: vuce on April 24, 2011, 03:57:36 PM
Well that all depends on the speed of SteveB
And weather or not i should trust him, His name reminds me on StevenBucks, But i dont know if he WANTS me to think that, or if it's StevenBucks with another account for whatever reason
roger that :)

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: SteveB on April 24, 2011, 03:59:54 PM
I can loan you 20 BTC to be repaid 25 BTC in less than 30 days.
If you would like to accept my loan, post a new payment address for me to send the coins to and I will post a repayment address.

Thankyou! Here is my desired payment address, I am also sending you a PM with the same address to ensure nobody hits "edit" on the addresses


I can most definitly repay you within 30days!!(unless difficulty spikes by double)

I have sent the 20 BTC

Please repay to 1Apaz2VfbeZTBVCLXugBwH3a3baUi2kxPg

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 04:04:10 PM
Thankyou SteveB!, I really appreciate your buisness! Feel free to Nag me Via email/PM if i fail to pay you a coin ona day (although if i send you 3one day and 0the next please wait a day)

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: SteveB on April 24, 2011, 04:05:01 PM
Well that all depends on the speed of SteveB
And weather or not i should trust him, His name reminds me on StevenBucks, But i dont know if he WANTS me to think that, or if it's StevenBucks with another account for whatever reason

I am definitely NOT StevenBucks!
If I had known that there was a scammer with a similar name I would have chosen a different name when I signed up for the forum.
SteveB just happens to be my real first name and the first letter of my last name.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 04:10:29 PM
Well i assume thats comforting to think about;
Question: did you send the ß with any fee? i do not see the transaction showing up in the block explorer

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: vuce on April 24, 2011, 04:13:39 PM
Well i assume thats comforting to think about;
Question: did you send the ß with any fee? i do not see the transaction showing up in the block explorer
afaik fees don't affect transaction speed (yet). It also seems some transactions can get "lost", I've had to wait 2 days for a few to even show up, but they did, eventually.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: SteveB on April 24, 2011, 04:17:45 PM
Well i assume thats comforting to think about;
Question: did you send the ß with any fee? i do not see the transaction showing up in the block explorer

No, I did not pay a fee. There are only 41 unconfirmed transactions listed on so it should not take too long to confirm.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(TempClosed)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 04:18:53 PM
Just got it, Thankyou!

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(REOPEN)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 24, 2011, 06:48:34 PM
I can loan you 20 BTC to be repaid 25 BTC in less than 30 days.
If you would like to accept my loan, post a new payment address for me to send the coins to and I will post a repayment address.

Thankyou! Here is my desired payment address, I am also sending you a PM with the same address to ensure nobody hits "edit" on the addresses


I can most definitly repay you within 30days!!(unless difficulty spikes by double)

I have sent the 20 BTC

Please repay to 1Apaz2VfbeZTBVCLXugBwH3a3baUi2kxPg

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 26, 2011, 04:02:31 PM
Well i assume thats comforting to think about;
Question: did you send the ß with any fee? i do not see the transaction showing up in the block explorer
afaik fees don't affect transaction speed (yet). It also seems some transactions can get "lost", I've had to wait 2 days for a few to even show up, but they did, eventually.

Yeah that happend to me once too, I was really mad, I was convinced that sending with a fee incresed speed but one of my .03fee trasactions took 32hrs, like double you tea eff?

Just a note: SteveB's repay adress is messy

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(LoanInProgress)
Post by: SteveB on April 26, 2011, 04:16:48 PM
Just a note: SteveB's repay adress is messy

What do you mean by my repay address being messy?
I don't see any problems with it. (

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on April 27, 2011, 05:36:16 AM
meh, just comparative to the other two flawless repay adresses yours is-----------------  My Bad.................................................
Those are just the collectors of fees

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: SteveB on April 27, 2011, 06:02:48 AM
Ah, I see what you mean now.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: SteveB on May 06, 2011, 07:38:51 PM
JackRabiit has just made his last payment and my loan to him is now repaid in full. (

He made regular payments and keep in contact with me during the whole time.

Thank you JackRabiit, it has been a pleasure to do business with you!

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on May 07, 2011, 03:00:10 AM
np!~ and thankyou for the loan!
wouldn't 'paid in full' be one lump sum?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: nster on May 07, 2011, 03:01:52 AM
np!~ and thankyou for the loan!
wouldn't 'paid in full' be one lump sum?

no... paid in full is that the whole amount is paid back

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: SteveB on May 07, 2011, 03:12:57 AM
np!~ and thankyou for the loan!
wouldn't 'paid in full' be one lump sum?

no... paid in full is that the whole amount is paid back

Yes, that is what I understand the term 'paid in full' means: The whole loan, including interest, has been paid back.

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: Fiyasko on May 07, 2011, 03:26:27 AM
Lawl i mean All At Once, Ie, One Payment of the full amount = 'paid in full'?

Title: Re: Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 20ß and get 25ß! or more!(Closed)
Post by: nster on May 07, 2011, 03:30:04 AM
Lawl i mean All At Once, Ie, One Payment of the full amount = 'paid in full'?


paid in full does not imply or state that the payment was made all at once at all. ;)

Title: Re: {reOPEN}Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{reOPEN}
Post by: Fiyasko on June 18, 2011, 11:28:23 PM

Title: Re: {reOPEN}Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{reOPEN}
Post by: Pixie on June 19, 2011, 05:46:26 AM
I'll loan you 5 bit coins for 6.

Just give send me the address to send to.

Title: Re: {reOPEN}Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{reOPEN}
Post by: Fiyasko on June 19, 2011, 05:54:04 AM
 :-X Just checked mtgox, with coins on rise it would be stupid for me to accept your loan, If they dont stay on rise then i'll definitly take it :-X
Thenn againnnn

Title: Re: {OnHold}Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{OnHold}
Post by: Pixie on June 19, 2011, 11:35:48 AM
Received your PM, coins should be on their way to your acct.

Title: Re: {OnHold}Looking for a Trust Loan Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{OnHold}
Post by: Pixie on June 28, 2011, 07:02:23 AM
JackRabbit paid the loan + interest with no problems at all.

A trustworthy person who kept his end of the deal without issue, I wouldn't hesitate to loan again.

Thanks JackRabbit

Title: Re: {ReOPEN}~!Looking for Trust Loans Pay 3ßtc and get 4ßtc!~{ReOPEN}
Post by: Fiyasko on June 28, 2011, 04:07:39 PM
Thank YOU pixie for doing me such a favor
Loaning is REOPEN, please do say hi!~

Title: Re: {closed}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{closed}
Post by: Danijel Habek on June 30, 2011, 08:36:38 PM

I'm in here for a trust and profit. I'll give you a loan of 3 or 5 BTC's. Drop me a pm.

Title: Re: {closed}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{closed}
Post by: Fiyasko on July 01, 2011, 02:58:20 AM
Once i've repayed Pixie i'll let'cha know!~
Hiya new guy!

Title: Re: {ReOpen}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{ReOpen}
Post by: Fiyasko on July 25, 2011, 05:51:56 PM

Title: Re: {ReOpen}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{ReOpen}
Post by: Coolty on July 25, 2011, 06:55:05 PM
I will loan JackRabiit 5 coins for 6.5 in return.

The return address is 1ML1uuKLXn2ou6nJco7pq4PxScbs8MxWCg
Sent return address in PM as well.

Title: Re: {ReOpen}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{ReOpen}
Post by: Fiyasko on July 25, 2011, 06:56:49 PM
I will loan JackRabiit 5 coins for 6.5 in return.

The return address is 1ML1uuKLXn2ou6nJco7pq4PxScbs8MxWCg
Sent return address in PM as well.

Mmmhmm! sounds great to me!
Shame nobody else stepped in and grabbed the loan earlier, But meh, These go fast :D

Title: Re: {ReOpen}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{ReOpen}
Post by: Coolty on July 26, 2011, 03:44:50 AM
Sent loan of 5BTC to 1NpdDtP2CRQMUbboZ2x5YbmoWGu7GPazjJ
currently awaiting confirmations from the network

Title: Re: {closed}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{closed}
Post by: Fiyasko on August 03, 2011, 04:53:05 PM
Failure of my brain has lead to displeasure on Coolty's end but he has not reported any problems so far

Title: Re: {closed}Looking for Trust Loans Pay 5ßtc and get 6ßtc{closed}
Post by: Fiyasko on August 17, 2011, 05:36:19 PM
Coolty was paid off quite awhile ago and i forgot to mention it, Thankyou Coolty!

Title: Re: {closed}Looking for btc Loans Pay 4btc and get 4.5btc!{closed}
Post by: Fiyasko on August 19, 2011, 07:07:15 PM
Took a 4btc loan from Palsecam
Singed a gpg contract.
repayment due before the 28th of August 2011, at 23:59 UTC.
Thankyou Palsecam