Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Pools => Topic started by: bitlane on October 26, 2011, 05:33:43 PM

Title: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: bitlane on October 26, 2011, 05:33:43 PM

I have very strong evidence that Slush is directly to blame for the recent DDoS attacks on

I think I have finally stumbled across enough concrete evidence using nothing but the deductive reasoning skills learned on this forum in the aftermath of the finger pointing at another Pool for it's so-called responsibility in the recent wave of DDoS attacks against competing pools.

Fortunately the timeline's speak for themselves and it will be difficult to argue the facts once provided.

Slush was recently caught mining NMC without the concent of his pool. Untill questioned, he had given no evidence that the NMC would be returned to his userbase, although once caught, he did one of the best back peddling routines I have ever witnessed on this forum, attributing 'Testing' to the reasoning behind his abuse of authority as a mining pool operator.

Here's where the situation becomes more of a chicken vs. egg scenario, due to attacks being ongoing.

There is strong evidence to support a claim that the secretly mined NMC that Slush aquired was to be used as a payoff to a Botnet OP to keep safe from attacks and once paid, the attacks would then be focused on other competing pools, funded by Slush himself.

Unfortunately, once this masterplan began falling apart at the seems, thanks to the tireless efforts of others in the NMC community (wondering where such a large amount of NMC could have been mined from) and their efforts to find the culprit, Slush was forced to rethink his strategy and come clean before official accusations were made - meaning the NMC that were to be used as an insurance policy, would now need to be redistributed back to the users who's resources were actually responsible for their generation/mining in the first place.

With no NMC bounty left to be paid to the Botnet OP, Slush was left to suffer a DDoS attack in conjunction with the other pools that he had initially wanted other attacks directed at in the process, but this was not all for nothing as it were, because during this downtime slush had re-thought his plan and decided to impliment official merged mining, to take advantage of the dire situation and make it work the best that he the grand scheme of things.

Now, throw in the odd sad post, an attempt to further damage another pool by routing DNS traffic thier way....and one might just have enough time to re-work a pool so that he could be one of the first (PUBLIC) merged mining pools, while others were forced to deal with the attacks themselves.


Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: sd on October 26, 2011, 05:52:05 PM

I'm not sure if that is meant to be a joke, or a paranoid fantasy you should have kept to yourself.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: twmz on October 26, 2011, 06:51:08 PM
Nice troll.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 26, 2011, 06:59:36 PM
I can report, that slush already told me that he is going to pay his members the merge mined NMC even before he had implemented merged mining. That was at times of BCXs upcoming 51% attack which never happened ( But of course you are right its only my word and i can not proof it. However, sorry to disapoint you, but there was someone else faster unveiling the fact that slush and me are working towards total world domination with all Bitcoin users being our evil minions ( This is going to become a great conspiracy theory! Let me get my popcorn ready!

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 26, 2011, 07:12:00 PM
There is strong evidence to support a claim that the secretly mined NMC

There's nothing like "secret merged mining", firstly learn how it works. Example of merged mining block on my pool: You can see that coinbase is different (much longer, because cointains namecoin data) than block found without merged mining (deepbit):

I must be an idiot to think that nobody will notice my pool is doing MM. Which is pretty strong evidence that you're wrong :-).

Also there are many people who had an information about planned merged mining. And also about my plan to give away all those coins to people. Mainly vinced (main namecoin developer), doublec, cosurgi, nodemaster. Fact that it wasn't published on this forum does not mean there was some 'conspiracy'. I was talking about it on namecoin IRC even before official merged mining started.

That's everything what I want to say.

Edit: I was talking about this ^ on the forum and IRC already, I didn't say anything new. I'm just sumarizing that because some people who don't follow this 'affair' may trust some troll post just because they don't know other facts.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: eleuthria on October 26, 2011, 07:19:29 PM
While an opt-in beta system would've been the better route to go, I highly doubt slush ever intended to hide/keep the NMC that was generated.  Even if nobody noticed it beforehand, you can be damn sure once he announced merged mining on his pool people would've gone back to previous blocks he mined to check.

Quit trolling.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: bitlane on October 26, 2011, 07:22:17 PM
That's everything what I want to say.
So then, without the NMC bounty, did you use BTC or cash to pay the Botnet OP to attack other pools in order to buy you enough time to be the first big pool to get merged mining completed and made public ?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 26, 2011, 07:38:25 PM
That's everything what I want to say.
So then, without the NMC bounty, did you use BTC or cash to pay the Botnet OP to attack other pools in order to buy you enough time to be the first big pool to get merged mining completed and made public ?

Oh c'mon. What's your point? It's one thing to say slush should have done an opt-in beta as eleu suggested or to say it was a rash decision to post about some other pool having some correlation to the source of the DDoSes. Perhaps it was emotional and written with way too less sleep. We can talk about that and I guess the two persons in question already did that with the nessecary professionality. At least they are not mud-wrestling on the forum. However this are things you might criticize and all other may contribute to this discourse if you think its still nessecary.

But IMHO its something else to oppose slushs reputation and his integrity regarding payouts of his pool. It doesn't seem opportune to accuse someone of something which can be falsified with a look at the block explorer.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: digital on October 26, 2011, 07:47:04 PM

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: paraipan on October 26, 2011, 07:51:38 PM
this is what you get from a strong btcg "supporter" ( to lazy to look for himself the real facts ( happened lately

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: bitlane on October 26, 2011, 07:53:58 PM
Oh c'mon. What's your point? It's one thing to say slush should have done an opt-in beta as eleu suggested or to say it was a rash decision to post about some other pool having some correlation to the source of the DDoSes. Perhaps it was emotional and written with way too less sleep. We can talk about that and I guess the two persons in question already did that with the nessecary professionality. At least they are not mud-wrestling on the forum. However this are things you might criticize and all other may contribute to this discourse if you think its still nessecary.

But IMHO its something else to oppose slushs reputation and his integrity regarding payouts of his pool. It doesn't seem opportune to accuse someone of something which can be falsified with a look at the block explorer.
Well, luckilly Slush's army of "CRIMINAL OPOSITION" is large enough for him to find a shoulder to cry on.....

With the amount of retards posting on this forum that all seem to have taken their lead from HIS accusations, it's a wonder that he still gets the level of respect he does......Oh right, he would NEVER give into a Botnet. Slush = JESUS....holier than thou. Keep fighting the good fight Slush and be sure to leave a trail of disparaging comments and accusations along the way, only to fuel the fires and posts of complete RETARDS that continue to fight in your honor......EVEN THOUGH YOU SEEM TO HAVE MADE PEACE WITH IT (or so I was just informed). It looks like your mission has been accomplished, but it's nice to see that you did not come out unscathed, as your pool has taken a nice drop in hashing power in the process.

But hey, at the end of the day, you were the first BIG pool to offer merged mining....right ?

Profit at any cost.....JUST REMEMBER TO SAY SORRY.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: bitlane on October 26, 2011, 07:56:23 PM
this is what you get from a strong btcg "supporter" ( to lazy to look for himself the real facts ( happened lately
Ooohh....a fan club.
It seems you take donations (LMAO) for what you post, so how much would it take for a bottom feeder like NOT POST ?
(btc ready and waiting....just name an amount)

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: paraipan on October 26, 2011, 08:12:02 PM
this is what you get from a strong btcg "supporter" ( to lazy to look for himself the real facts ( happened lately
Ooohh....a fan club.
It seems you take donations (LMAO) for what you post, so how much would it take for a bottom feeder like NOT POST ?
(btc ready and waiting....just name an amount)

hope i didn't offend you in any way sorry, just wanted to point out this subject has been discussed already and we got our conclusions too, no need to post the stuff you did and accusing ppl. I can think from your posts you could be the botnet op harassing btcg all this time  too. Pls calm down and get up to date before posting something like this

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Iyeman on October 26, 2011, 08:18:50 PM
it's nice to see that you did not come out unscathed, as your pool has taken a nice drop in hashing power in the process.

lol the entire network has dropped in hashing power...Deepbit has lost 1500-2500 over the past month and a half and BTCGuild has dropped 1000-1500...

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Littleshop on October 27, 2011, 02:11:38 AM
Your intensions may have been good who knows since you never bothered to announce them publicly, but the way you implemented the merged mining was in an underhanded dirty little way...

Are you re-writing history?  He did announce plans publicly, just not here.  He did not do this in secret.  Just because he is working on a new feature, does not mean he needs to tell EVERYBODY about it while he is working on it. 

Thank you Slush.  You are providing me with more revenue with very little extra work on my side.  I hope you are making plenty of money and this is all worth your time. 

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Littleshop on October 27, 2011, 02:29:54 AM
Your intensions may have been good who knows since you never bothered to announce them publicly, but the way you implemented the merged mining was in an underhanded dirty little way...

Are you re-writing history?  He did announce plans publicly, just not here.  He did not do this in secret.  Just because he is working on a new feature, does not mean he needs to tell EVERYBODY about it while he is working on it. 

Thank you Slush.  You are providing me with more revenue with very little extra work on my side.  I hope you are making plenty of money and this is all worth your time. 

Your trying too he implemented the merged mining like a thief in the night every other pool announced they were doing it in advance only to find out slush went ahead and scammed up the coins for his pool by doing it in secret without giving anyone the opportunity to join in his effort. If he had nothing to hide then he could have made same announcement as the others did and I don't care what anyone says the way he did it was a no good low down scummy little move on his part.

Your first sentence makes no sense.  You have both grammar problems and an incomplete thought with a lie thrown at the end.

Does didn't close his pool, so he did not block anyone from joining his effort.  Solving blocks for ones own pool is how things work, it is not 'scamming them up for his pool', otherwise all pools are scamming them up.  Should he be solving them and handing the coins out to people not in his pool?

Also spell intentions not intensions.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Littleshop on October 27, 2011, 03:44:43 AM
Yeha spelling and grammar nazi when he implemented the merged mining contrary to everyone else he did it in secret with no announcement so people who actually would have been there for the merged had no chance to get that boost to their earning instead they were stuck on the smaller pools who were getting next to none of the blocks he was scamming up for his pool.
Again, second time now, he did not do it in secret.  There is evidence to prove this.  This issue is over.

In case you are too thick to get it no one but his already existing pool members got to benefit from his actions as they never had the chance to do so.
Why does he have to do things that benefit people OUTSIDE of his pool?   You are just nuts this one.  He did things to benefit his own members.  Sounds like the way it should be to me, and it makes you seem really thick!

It was only after people starting asking the question just what scumbag pool was scooping all the coins was it revealed it was the slush pool.

Now you are re-writing history.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 27, 2011, 03:48:08 AM
so people who actually would have been there for the merged had no chance to get that boost to their earning

Tell me, please - why are you lying?

1) I have no responsibility to announce YOU that pool is mining namecoin for *pool members*. People who were mining on the pool were collecting namecoins since first MM block.

2) I didn't announced it *officially* before, because I wasn't sure it will work. And there were really scalability issues, so announce "pool is mining namecoins" and then turn off merged mining would be much worse for my reputation. However people around namecoins DID know that I'm preparing it many days before MM launch. You looks so interested in namecoin, I'm curious why you wasn't on IRC when we spoke about it. However, it's YOUR fault, not mine.

3) I announce merged mining on forum, but giveaway was something like *week* later. You had hell long time to jump to my pool and earn some bucks while there was low difficulty.

Finally - I don't understand this 'affair' completely. It's my pool, my pool members, I gave them all mined namecoins and it wasn't because of some weird conspiracy theory about DDoS (lol). So what are you talking about?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 27, 2011, 03:57:19 AM
SAC spends so much time licking BCXs' balls that he's starting to think like him, that everybody needs to tell him in advance all they do. SAC, do you also want slush to give you the source code to his pool?

Slush, you better warn SAC with 5 minutes advance the next time you fart or else he will be as mad as a cow...

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Iyeman on October 27, 2011, 04:03:55 AM
Your intensions may have been good who knows since you never bothered to announce them publicly, but the way you implemented the merged mining was in an underhanded dirty little way...

Are you re-writing history?  He did announce plans publicly, just not here.  He did not do this in secret.  Just because he is working on a new feature, does not mean he needs to tell EVERYBODY about it while he is working on it. 

Thank you Slush.  You are providing me with more revenue with very little extra work on my side.  I hope you are making plenty of money and this is all worth your time. 

Your trying too he implemented the merged mining like a thief in the night every other pool announced they were doing it in advance only to find out slush went ahead and scammed up the coins for his pool by doing it in secret without giving anyone the opportunity to join in his effort. If he had nothing to hide then he could have made same announcement as the others did and I don't care what anyone says the way he did it was a no good low down scummy little move on his part.

Your first sentence makes no sense.  You have both grammar problems and an incomplete thought with a lie thrown at the end.

Does didn't close his pool, so he did not block anyone from joining his effort.  Solving blocks for ones own pool is how things work, it is not 'scamming them up for his pool', otherwise all pools are scamming them up.  Should he be solving them and handing the coins out to people not in his pool?

Also spell intentions not intensions.

Yeha spelling and grammar nazi when he implemented the merged mining contrary to everyone else he did it in secret with no announcement so people who actually would have been there for the merged had no chance to get that boost to their earning instead they were stuck on the smaller pools who were getting next to none of the blocks he was scamming up for his pool. In case you are too thick to get it no one but his already existing pool members got to benefit from his actions as they never had the chance to do so. It was only after people starting asking the question just what scumbag pool was scooping all the coins was it revealed it was the slush pool. As I said before who knows what he was up to we will never know if there was not the questions being asked if there would ever have been an announcement. Because of the scummy way he did it it leads to suspicions as to his motives to start with..

see your wrong, i was minging with nmcbit and deepbit before MM, i knew from following the nmc talk and the nmcbit thread that slush was working on getting MM on his pool weeks before the official block (there was a big deal about mis-communication when MM was going to be implemented before the official block # to use Slush's hashing power to save the NMC network from BEX's attack that was called off thankfully).  because of this I switched to slush's pool the morning MM was official, and i made close to 300 NMC in the week it took to get the accounting setup properly.

and by your implication that slush was "scamming" NMC because his pool had more hashing power than the smaller pools...does that mean Deepbit "scams" BTC from all the other pools since it finds more blocks? No because the bigger the pool the smaller the cut of each block each person gets.

But i know i'm wasting my time on here typing this, there is no arguing with trolls who get off of #WINNING arguments on the internetz. Enjoy your orgasm as you respond.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 27, 2011, 04:14:04 AM
Ok, you win ::). Have a nice day ;D.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 27, 2011, 04:14:41 AM

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: bitlane on October 27, 2011, 04:49:05 AM
Slush, face it......YOU ARE A DOUCHE BAG.

You completely fucked everyone mining in the NMC network, while you did your 'testing' using 2TH/s of power to do so, stealing blocks, while cranking up the difficulty for those who actually were in it from the beginning, completely killing their chances prior to merged mining - their last hoorah ! . DEFINATELY NOT UNDERHANDED OR SLIMEY.......idiot.

If I was a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, your name would be on top of my SHIT LIST.......but then again, I don't need to be a NMC miner for that, do I ?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: memvola on October 27, 2011, 07:45:37 AM
If I was a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, your name would be on top of my SHIT LIST.......but then again, I don't need to be a NMC miner for that, do I ?

If you were a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, you probably would already know that slush was testing this and didn't announce because it was problematic. These things are not magical, people have to work on them, take risks, etc. Only an adolescent starts announcing things right away without even knowing if it would work. Maybe you should involve yourself in development, then you would get to know these things in advance.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: organofcorti on October 27, 2011, 09:07:40 AM
Yeha spelling and grammar nazi when he implemented the merged mining contrary to everyone else he did it in secret with no announcement so people who actually would have been there for the merged had no chance to get that boost to their earning instead they were stuck on the smaller pools who were getting next to none of the blocks he was scamming up for his pool. In case you are too thick to get it no one but his already existing pool members got to benefit from his actions as they never had the chance to do so. It was only after people starting asking the question just what scumbag pool was scooping all the coins was it revealed it was the slush pool. As I said before who knows what he was up to we will never know if there was not the questions being asked if there would ever have been an announcement. Because of the scummy way he did it it leads to suspicions as to his motives to start with..

I have no wish to offend in any way, but people may take you more seriously if you use full-stops more often. Some very good writers can make a very long sentence readable, but generally 15 - 20 words a sentence provides best readablility for the average writer. Maybe you should start at 10 words per sentence? Just a thought.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: DiabloD3 on October 27, 2011, 09:41:22 AM
That's everything what I want to say.
So then, without the NMC bounty, did you use BTC or cash to pay the Botnet OP to attack other pools in order to buy you enough time to be the first big pool to get merged mining completed and made public ?

Friendly neighborhood mod here.

Seriously? Is that what you're going with? When I was your age, I had to go barefoot through the snow 5 miles uphill both ways to troll.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 27, 2011, 01:13:10 PM
If I was a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, your name would be on top of my SHIT LIST.......but then again, I don't need to be a NMC miner for that, do I ?

 ;D Now I undestand. You just didn't get the whole picture. Please try to read dot-bit forum at first and understand the motivation of merged mining. Just one hint: No namecoin user which was really interested in NMC has a problem with slush mining at 2THash/s. It's quite the contrary. It was intended to get as much pools on board as possible to overcome the problem with way too less hashing power on the blockchain. We were even afraid of not getting enough hashing power. Thankfully slush helped out with this problem. Thus everybody following the posts on NMC forum did know, what was going to happen.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: digital on October 27, 2011, 02:15:14 PM
We should have a forum just for trolling (I realize there already may be one, and if so I'm glad I don't know about it yet).  This thread would fit nicely there...

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: DiabloD3 on October 27, 2011, 02:22:59 PM
We should have a forum just for trolling (I realize there already may be one, and if so I'm glad I don't know about it yet).  This thread would fit nicely there...

That would be... the entirety of

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: digital on October 27, 2011, 02:26:52 PM

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Iyeman on October 27, 2011, 02:48:25 PM
If I was a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, your name would be on top of my SHIT LIST.......but then again, I don't need to be a NMC miner for that, do I ?

 ;D Now I undestand. You just didn't get the whole picture. Please try to read dot-bit forum at first and understand the motivation of merged mining. Just one hint: No namecoin user which was really interested in NMC has a problem with slush mining at 2THash/s. It's quite the contrary. It was intended to get as much pools on board as possible to overcome the problem with way too less hashing power on the blockchain. We were even afraid of not getting enough hashing power. Thankfully slush helped out with this problem. Thus everybody following the posts on NMC forum did know, what was going to happen.


Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2011, 06:57:25 PM
Wait... how was Slush doing merged mining prior to the official MM block?  I thought the block chain wouldn't accept MM blocks prior to 24000 or whatever the block number was?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 27, 2011, 07:09:39 PM
If I was a Namecoin miner prior to Merged Mining, your name would be on top of my SHIT LIST.......but then again, I don't need to be a NMC miner for that, do I ?

 ;D Now I undestand. You just didn't get the whole picture. Please try to read dot-bit forum at first and understand the motivation of merged mining. Just one hint: No namecoin user which was really interested in NMC has a problem with slush mining at 2THash/s. It's quite the contrary. It was intended to get as much pools on board as possible to overcome the problem with way too less hashing power on the blockchain. We were even afraid of not getting enough hashing power. Thankfully slush helped out with this problem. Thus everybody following the posts on NMC forum did know, what was going to happen.

So you guys could just not be bothered telling the rest of us what was going on then. Screwing over the smaller pools and their users who were trying to help you out was part of the plan. Well let me thank you all for your generosity and kindness in this episode then be sure to call when/if you need it again we will be right there for ya.

Mhmm, so you are suggesting we should have started threads discussing the implications of merged mining two month before starting like: BTC/NMC merged mining available for testing ( (

or should have offered a testing pool at least one and a half month before starting like: [] Merged Mining Test Pool - TESTNET - BTC & NMC ( (

Try to find the error  ;)

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 27, 2011, 07:12:01 PM
Wait... how was Slush doing merged mining prior to the official MM block?  I thought the block chain wouldn't accept MM blocks prior to 24000 or whatever the block number was?

We were eager to test merged mining and thus set starting block number on testnet to zero  ;D ( (

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 27, 2011, 07:19:18 PM
We should have a forum just for trolling (I realize there already may be one, and if so I'm glad I don't know about it yet).  This thread would fit nicely there...

You know a forum is nice when it has a "Flames" section with no posts in it

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on October 27, 2011, 07:22:54 PM
We should have a forum just for trolling (I realize there already may be one, and if so I'm glad I don't know about it yet).  This thread would fit nicely there...

You know a forum is nice when it has a "Flames" section with no posts in it

Don't tempt me.

And don't think I have nothing to flame about...I....I have some of  Bruce's old posts from Dec 2010 on

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: digital on October 27, 2011, 07:28:55 PM
I am suggesting it should have been PUBLICLY announced before slush started like everyone else had the decency to do you guys can keep on defending his scumbag behaviour all you want, I'm not giving him a pass on the scam he pulled off.

Man, it just doesn't make any sense to me how this dude can me so heated over so little.  From my point of view, there was no scam. Everyone got what they deserved.  And there was no harm done.  The price of nmc actually went up a penny or two in the time between Slush announcing the change and the time when all the nmc were released.  So nobody can claim that they lost money.  And all you had to do to be in on the saved nmc was enter in a wallett address before accounting went live.  Not really hard to do...

Seems to me like there's probably some other reasons for bashing that aren't being made public, or maybe he just likes the entertainment value?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Iyeman on October 27, 2011, 07:32:19 PM
I am suggesting it should have been PUBLICLY announced before slush started like everyone else had the decency to do you guys can keep on defending his scumbag behaviour all you want, I'm not giving him a pass on the scam he pulled off.

Man, it just doesn't make any sense to me how this dude can me so heated over so little.  From my point of view, there was no scam. Everyone got what they deserved.  And there was no harm done.  The price of nmc actually went up a penny or two in the time between Slush announcing the change and the time when all the nmc were released.  So nobody can claim that they lost money.  And all you had to do to be in on the saved nmc was enter in a wallett address before accounting went live.  Not really hard to do...

Seems to me like there's probably some other reasons for bashing that aren't being made public, or maybe he just likes the entertainment value?

Him and a few others have hardon's for slush is all.  Just look at their post history, they troll just for the lawl's/reactions.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2011, 07:40:36 PM
Wait... how was Slush doing merged mining prior to the official MM block?  I thought the block chain wouldn't accept MM blocks prior to 24000 or whatever the block number was?

We were eager to test merged mining and thus set starting block number on testnet to zero  ;D ( (

Well so what if he was mining coins on NMC Testnet.  Do those have value or something? 

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 27, 2011, 07:52:38 PM
Wait... how was Slush doing merged mining prior to the official MM block?  I thought the block chain wouldn't accept MM blocks prior to 24000 or whatever the block number was?

We were eager to test merged mining and thus set starting block number on testnet to zero  ;D ( (

Well so what if he was mining coins on NMC Testnet.  Do those have value or something? 

Sorry, I don't get the picture. We were testing merged mining on different smaller setups on testnet. Slush for example supported testing with having his rigs mining on masterpool alpha.However AFAIK no one paid out testnet coins (well masterpool alpha did, but there was no real demand) merged mining started on block 19500. NMC community agreed on starting earlier after the hashing power on NMC blockchain faded from day to day. AFAIK slush even started some time after merged mining started on non-testnet as there were scalability issues with mm proxy.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: nodemaster on October 27, 2011, 08:11:13 PM
No that would mean he was lying about how hard it was to setup as he already had it done, totally eliminating the excuse he and others use for having done it in the dark without anyone's knowledge when he was doing it on the real chain.

This starts to become boring... Linking the relevant information for you:

Yes, it was tested. Yes the binaries were ready at this time. Yes we already mined a bunch on testnet. BTC testnet had difficulty of about 500 something and NMC testnet difficulty was about 5 something. But no one has done merged mining on production net before NMC block 19500. It was impossible. Even if he would have done it his NMC would have been invalidated or ophaned. Furthermore no one had tested merged mining on a 2 THash/s pool infrastructure optimized for only one blockchain. If you have an optimized server it's not like installing an additional APP and there we go: "Merged mining is ready!". You have to recalibrate and rebalance your whole infrastructure.

Honestly. I think most guys are not here to understand what really happened but want to spin some weird conspiracy theory. For that reason I'll unsubscribe this thread. Bye  :-*

Edit: Yeah sorry. I messed this up. It's late. Merged mining started on block 19200. Perhaps I should keep subscribed to that thread to see which spin it gets due to me revoking different information  ;D

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Littleshop on October 27, 2011, 11:24:25 PM

Really you see nothing wrong in the way he did it screwing over everyone else who as I have said did it in the open allowing everyone a fair chance to do the merged. Well all you slush ass kissers can continue on your merry way then till the next time he pulls something underhanded then you can kiss it some more.. You know the only benefit that those of us who supported the merged mining had was the extra BTC we could make from the NMC and like the little scumbag he is he schemed them up for his pool and his benefit screwing us over. We never had the chance to mine at that big pool and get any of that coin as we were never informed the scam was on until people started asking what the hell is going on here.

Do people need to inform you first before they turn on new powerful rigs?  Do people need to inform you first before they start undercutting or out performing the competition?

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 27, 2011, 11:35:38 PM

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 28, 2011, 12:22:57 AM
Around 5% of population is mentally retarted ( Please don't waste your valuable time for responses to somebody with irrational arguments. Stop feed the troll.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: MysteryMiner on October 28, 2011, 01:14:36 AM
Speaking of scamcoins or namecoins, the Polmine also started to mine namecoins without user approval. One nice day my workers were switched from pure Bitcoin to Bitcoin+Scamcoin.

And yeah, the DDoS! I contacted Slush to figure out more about the ddos, but the conversation was short. I was interested in type of DDoS to sort out who and more important why is ddosing the pools. I was told that the attack is syn flood and after that I got no reply.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 28, 2011, 01:25:39 AM
I was told that the attack is syn flood and after that I got no reply.

I don't have more info than I provided you. Linode don't collect any useful information, they're absolutely not prepared for such attacks (everything they can do is null-route IP). I'm even not sure it was SYN flood, it's only my guess because I had SYN flood attacks (but less intensive) before. And sorry for no response, many people asked me to similar things in PM and I probably skipped it.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: MysteryMiner on October 28, 2011, 01:40:14 AM
It's OK, I already found more interesting pastime than trying to figure out who is campaining against pools. The raw network dump, even few MB would be the best to help determine what bnet software is causing that, if you don't mind some accidential password in plaintext getting into my hands. the LOIC, Zeus, DK, they all have some characteristics that set them apart. Some more capable of them are limited to few persons controlling them.

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: slush on October 28, 2011, 01:44:32 AM
Linode VPS simply died when attack started, so I had no chance to dump a single byte. However I think new server will be capable to dump at least something (before admin realize there's attack and null-route that IP :-) ), so maybe then...

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: MysteryMiner on October 28, 2011, 02:24:09 AM
Linode VPS simply died when attack started
Man, that's one heck of a nurse!

Title: Re: Slush and his relation to DDoS attackers
Post by: AniceInovation on October 28, 2011, 05:37:00 AM
They wanted to be noticed so that they could also get into the bandwagon, obviously.
Next time, keep an eye on the forums.