Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Vladimir on October 29, 2011, 09:53:01 AM

Title: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Vladimir on October 29, 2011, 09:53:01 AM
Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. (#BABM). You discriminate #bitcoin, we #boycott you. Fair is fair.

Some companies chose to discriminate bitcoin users. As, for example, reported here:

Out of top of my head we already have quite a few candidates to BABM wrath.


Some companies, for example, like paypal/ebay are very difficult to boycott due to their monopoly position in some markets. One could try to help the boycott effort anyway, simply by minimizing usage of their services as much as possible and by giving some custom to their competitors where possible.

Tell us here and in if some company discriminates Bitcoin.

Some of us would be happy to add those to the "shit list".

Tell us if you would like to join BABM (boycott anti-bitcoiners movement) and who you personally are going to boycott.

If you think this idea is any good, tweet it. Spread the word.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: robocop on October 29, 2011, 11:02:34 AM
It make sense because paypall make profit with financial services which will be needless in a bitcoin world.
And ebay is the owner of paypall ;-)

And the document on mrmoneyhustler is from a dummy because the blowing up of the current fiat money system don't have a longterm advantage and the result will be the same that people boycott the currency.
So if in the future the bitcoin will not accepted from a lot of people so the bitcoin will die and a new currency will come.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: steelhouse on October 30, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
Free software foundation use to accept bitcoin donation but then decided against ist.  also gamers forum had a mining thread , then they took it down because they thought bitcoin was a fraud, there are many silver gurus against bitcoin.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: elggawf on October 30, 2011, 03:59:45 AM
I can't do it. Bitcoin makes up for maybe $40 in transactions from our business (I've actually made a fair amount more through mining, an HD5770 paid for itself, but as far as actual business throughput, it's effectively non-existent), Paypal makes up for probably 70% of it.

As much as I'd love to get us out from under the the thumb of Paypal, Bitcoin won't do that any time soon.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Littleshop on October 30, 2011, 04:01:39 AM
I do not like paypal but need to use it.  I do not like ebay but need to use it. 

Bitcoin interferes (or at least they think it does) with their business models.  So I can see why and really don't even have a problem with them not using it.  They do not allow google checkout and there are very few REAL reasons why google checkout would not be good for their customers. 

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Alphonso Bedoya on October 30, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
I agree with Littleshop. Also, al tho Paypal irritates me as well, I don't think "politicizing" bitcoins in this way is a good idea, for the same reasons that promoting it as a way way to buy drugs would not be a good idea. The adoption of bitcoins for general usage will need to be based on it's benefits for commerce and transfer, and side issues will "color" the image. Paypal and other businesses will adopt bitcoins when competition requires it. Plus, I don't think there aren't enough users yet for this to be an to be effective method of "persuasion". I am sure the time will come when it will be.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: barbarousrelic on October 30, 2011, 01:48:15 PM
I appreciate the sentiment, but Bitcoiners are such a tiny minority that this can't possibly accomplish anything.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: johnj on October 30, 2011, 04:46:43 PM
I'm sure that I am quite mad, but my goal is to ween myself from fiat completely. A difficult task when the entire economy around you runs off of it.


If there were a service to buy basic household items (food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc) in Bitcoin, that'd go a long way to helping ween myself off of Fiat.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: elggawf on October 30, 2011, 06:20:20 PM
Brave folks around here.  ;D "I dislike the system, but I need to use it." Ha!

Not really, with me. I don't use Bitcoin for political reasons, I don't buy into the whole political sandwich that makes up this forum and in fact that whole political aspect that seems firmly entrenched in the Bitcoin community is one of the reasons I don't push it very hard.

I said I would love to get out from under the thumb of Paypal, I didn't say I anything about herpa-derp overthrowing the system.

Finally, I love what I do. I don't really "work", because I'm genuinely happy doing what I do. Occasionally when the shit hits the fan and I have to spend 2 days straight rebuilding a server without any sleep (hasn't happened in a while though as I've taken steps to mitigate that) it feels like work, but the rest of the time I don't want to change anything.

It seems silly to throw all that away and go back to scraping by on $10/month because that's all I can get in Bitcoins, over some ideological dispute I really don't even give a shit about. The slavery and SUV comments were a nice touch too, though I'm a little disappointed you didn't go full-retarded and Godwin the fuck out of this thread too. :)

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Blinken on October 30, 2011, 06:54:10 PM
Yeah, I am sure they will care about all three of you boycotting them.

Just be glad you are big enough on the bad boy's radar that you are getting discriminated against in the first place.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: gmaxwell on October 30, 2011, 06:55:06 PM
Free software foundation use to accept bitcoin donation but then decided against ist.  also gamers forum had a mining thread , then they took it down because they thought bitcoin was a fraud, there are many silver gurus against bitcoin.

Hey, be careful.  You're spreading misinformation: The FSF still takes bitcoin

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: elggawf on October 30, 2011, 07:03:44 PM
Free software foundation use to accept bitcoin donation but then decided against ist.  also gamers forum had a mining thread , then they took it down because they thought bitcoin was a fraud, there are many silver gurus against bitcoin.

Hey, be careful.  You're spreading misinformation: The FSF still takes bitcoin

He's thinking of the EFF.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: onesalt on October 30, 2011, 08:02:46 PM
paypal doesn't discriminate against bitcoin, it's specifically in their terms of use, and has been for years, that you can't use it for currency transfers. If you're going to fail to read the rules on a service that you decide to use and then fuck up by not reading said rules, it's your own fuckin fault you either lost money or got a letter from them saying "sorry you can't do this."

Jesus christ.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Blinken on October 30, 2011, 09:56:12 PM
I don't even know why we are talking about eBay in the first place. You can't sell batteries on eBay. eBay is the Barney the Dinosaur of the internet. Seriously they are probably going to outlaw any listing for a good that isn't made out of non-toxic foam rubber. Things like bitcoins give them a hissy fit.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 31, 2011, 03:32:21 AM
I just want to be free to use paypal and bitcoin, each to it's own things.
You aren't going to push Bitcoin forward by doing the same the "enemy" does to you because if you do, then you are not any better than the persons you criticize.

Let's boycott paypal because paypal boycotts bitcoin???? Does that make any sense? Especially because they are not boycotting bitcoin per se, just the fact that it's exchanging currency and paypal already does currency exchange, in it's own interface. My paypal accounts support several currencies and I can exchange between them.

Maybe the day will come when Bitcoin reaches a critical mass and paypal will be forced to implement Bitcoin as one of the supported currencies of their service, but you can bet that it's not going to happen if bitcoin supporters treat paypal as the enemy.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: elggawf on October 31, 2011, 03:44:00 AM
I wasn't talking to you specifically, which is why I didn't quote anyone. I was just addressing a general tone.

I'm all for you living your life however you want. Sorry if wanting to live mine how I want (in liberty) offends you.

If you think you aren't a slave, stop paying your property tax (assuming you own property and do not rent) and see what happens to you. :)

You living your life however you want doesn't offend me. You thinking that Bitcoin == liberty, kinda does though. I actually don't have an issue paying taxes, as long as they go for something worthwhile - in other words, not blowing up other countries then paying to rebuild them.

Frankly the smug tone of "well if you guys want to be slaves in the federal reserve holocaust then that's fine with me, but I'm the smart one living my life in freedom!" is just a little offensive and actually doesn't help your cause at all.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: robocop on October 31, 2011, 09:26:24 AM
I donīt need paypall because it is a potential security risk and only for people who are too comfortably to use a classic bank transfer.
Sure paypall is fast and uncomplicate but the price is a higher risk.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: elggawf on October 31, 2011, 02:17:20 PM
I donīt need paypall because it is a potential security risk and only for people who are too comfortably to use a classic bank transfer.
Sure paypall is fast and uncomplicate but the price is a higher risk.

Surely you mean from a merchant's perspective, because you're smoking crack if you think Paypal is more risky for the buyer...

... which is why people pay with it. Which, in turn, is why businesses grudgingly accept it - because if they don't let customers pay the way they want to pay, the customers go buy somewhere else. If you're big enough, you can say nope, but if you're not, you're stuck with it.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Portnoy on October 31, 2011, 04:18:59 PM
What cornedbeefhash and psy said...

I already avoid using paypal and other existing systems as much as possible but I don't see a need for joining some organized "movement" and making a lot of noise about it. Being belligerent like that seems like it can only do harm to bitcoin.   Starting a fight with someone/something usually only makes them stronger and gives them a moral advantage in the eyes of many.   

I find a better revolution/evolution is to just ignore the current powers that be and freely choose alternative tools and systems.  They will lose their power base not by us having to conquer them and take it from them but by us just moving on and not paying attention to them anymore.   

If this threatens them and 'they' then choose to start a fight we will have the moral high ground and it will also show their desperation and their diminishing power and relevance in our changing world.   

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: notme on October 31, 2011, 04:25:27 PM
What cornedbeefhash and psy said...

I already avoid using paypal and other existing systems as much as possible but I don't see a need for joining some organized "movement" and making a lot of noise about it. Being belligerent like that seems like it can only do harm to bitcoin.   Starting a fight with someone/something usually only makes them stronger and gives them a moral advantage in the eyes of many.   

I find a better revolution/evolution is to just ignore the current powers that be and freely choose alternative tools and systems.  They will lose their power base not by us having to conquer them and take it from them but by us just moving on and not paying attention to them anymore.   

If this threatens them and 'they' then choose to start a fight we will have the moral high ground and it will also show their desperation and their diminishing power and relevance in our changing world.   


Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: danman87 on October 31, 2011, 07:33:34 PM
You guys should boycott Verifone as well since they don't allow Bitcoins to be used as financial transactions either.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: on November 01, 2011, 06:35:16 AM
2 thumbs down for Katz Global


Saturday, October 29, 2011, 9:39:07 PM, you wrote:

> Hi,
> You have many different payment options, some which are not anonymous such as Paypal.
> I was wondering if you have any plans to accept bitcoin as a payment option?
> Thanks

we do not accept bitcoin. Sorry.

Best regards,

Scott - Support

Katz Global

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: TheBible on November 01, 2011, 07:11:59 AM
So you're basically boycotting every company except Meze Grill.  Good luck with that.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 01, 2011, 02:23:19 PM
Ofcourse we are all here discussing the boycott paypal stuff, but now I'm wondering if this thread isn't only linkbait from Vladimir to get some more users to his forum...
Very strange that one person starts a thread and then just abandons the discussion to others.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: martychubbs on November 01, 2011, 02:50:04 PM
When i read Vlad's posts, i hear Arnold Schwarzenegger in my head...

Boycotts are lame. Vlad, you take care of Vlad and we all will make our own decisions with our purchases.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Serge on November 01, 2011, 03:44:19 PM
What about governments not taking taxes in bitcoins?

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: johnj on November 01, 2011, 03:48:19 PM
Ofcourse we are all here discussing the boycott paypal stuff, but now I'm wondering if this thread isn't only linkbait from Vladimir to get some more users to his forum...
Very strange that one person starts a thread and then just abandons the discussion to others.


Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: phillipsjk on November 01, 2011, 05:28:30 PM
I considered going to, but decided against it since it does not appear to work well with JavaScript disabled.

I find client-side scripting distracting to the point of hurting my productivity. Client-side scripting allows websites to monopolize CPU time and memory usage. Client-side scripting takes control of the computer away from the user, while opening a whole class of security exploits.

Somebody who claims to be security conscious should know this.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: saethan on November 01, 2011, 05:57:13 PM
Who would use paypal in regards to bitcoins, anyway?  Ever heard of a charge-back?

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: danman87 on November 01, 2011, 06:11:23 PM
Protection for the consumer. Nothing wrong with that,

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Vladimir on November 01, 2011, 07:04:00 PM
Ofcourse we are all here discussing the boycott paypal stuff, but now I'm wondering if this thread isn't only linkbait from Vladimir to get some more users to his forum...
Very strange that one person starts a thread and then just abandons the discussion to others.

I do not really care much about "linkbiting". Simply posted something and decided to cross-post here. If someone goes to one forum but not another or does not like websites which use javascript I do not really care about that either and it is offtopic anyway.

FYI I did not mean by "discrimination" not using bitcoin as payment method. That would really be quite stupid, would it not? What I meant by that is more active hostility towards bitcoin, like suspending accounts because bitcoin is simply mentioned etc...

As for boycott thing, it is a voluntary I simply offered to share opinions not commanded you all to alter your behaviour based on some party line.

I personally boycott SONY (and I like that very much) I avoid ebay and paypal as much as I can. I never ever used that webshop thing and I am not going to anyway, hence this is irrelevant.

Whether any of you want to do something like that or not is your own decision.

The only reason for this thread is facilitate sharing of opinions on the matter. Though, still it seems anything posted here mostly only facilitates trolls growling or something that otherwise not worth the effort needed to respond to.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: phillipsjk on November 01, 2011, 08:09:22 PM
I have no hard feeling over the scripting; just stating I investigated the alternative forum and decided to stay away from it.

Back on topic, I already boycott paypal because I have no assurance the merchant is going to get paid when I send funds via paypal. I also don't use credit cards because I actually read the fine-print. I have stopped visiting a local retailer because they sell Lexmark printers without warning their customers about the unreasonable "Patent License" printed on the box (by implication, I may have to avoid most non-specialty retailers selling computer equipment).

I am now glad I never bought a PS3 for use as a general-purpose computer. I agree Sony products should be avoided. I also feel that Microsoft products should be avoided as well. Until the introduction of Windows Vista and the "Protected Media Path," I was willing to accept the "best tool for the job" argument. Now that general-purpose computers are being phased out, I am looking for alternatives. About 2 years ago I recommended that my brother use Intel components for his computer. Since the introduction of "Intel Insider", yet another DRM scheme introduced/supported by Intel (in addition to DTCP, HDCP, CPRM), I am now avoiding Intel products as well.

I think the person pointing out that Bitcoin has such a tiny market that a boycott will not be effective is correct. We need to look at the larger picture and boycott products designed to betray the user ( The security of the bitcoin network depends on it.

Edit: I sent a paper letter to ebay's recommended escrow provider (, encouraging them to accept/act as an escrow for bitcoins. If anything comes of it and suddenly you are allowed to use bitcoin for big-ticket ebay auctions, should the ebay boycott be maintained?

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Portnoy on November 01, 2011, 09:20:55 PM

I do not really care much about "linkbiting". Simply posted something and decided to cross-post here. If someone goes to one forum but not another or does not like websites which use javascript I do not really care about that either and it is offtopic anyway.

FYI I did not mean by "discrimination" not using bitcoin as payment method. That would really be quite stupid, would it not? What I meant by that is more active hostility towards bitcoin, like suspending accounts because bitcoin is simply mentioned etc...

As for boycott thing, it is a voluntary I simply offered to share opinions not commanded you all to alter your behaviour based on some party line.

I personally boycott SONY (and I like that very much) I avoid ebay and paypal as much as I can. I never ever used that webshop thing and I am not going to anyway, hence this is irrelevant.

Whether any of you want to do something like that or not is your own decision.

The only reason for this thread is facilitate sharing of opinions on the matter. Though, still it seems anything posted here mostly only facilitates trolls growling or something that otherwise not worth the effort needed to respond to.

You try to lure people to your forum ( That's how it seemed to me too. Most forums I frequent don't allow crosspostings from other forums, especially ones devoted to the same subject. ) and you call us trolls? Because we don't want to join your "boycott anti-bitcoiners movement"?  It seems clear that you are not just sharing your personal preference for who you do business with, but are in fact trying to rally support for that movement.  Nothing really wrong with that but please don't try and tell us it is something else, now that it seems no one is interested. 

I expected better from you Vladimir.   :-\

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Vladimir on November 02, 2011, 04:00:18 AM
Portnoy, CornedBeefHash:

1. I do not care what you think.
2. Man can change his mind once in a while. (but now it seems that the original decision to leave this forum was quite a good one)
3. If you want to tell me where and what I can post or not, or if you want to tell me now that I am not allowed to post something here or there you little kids can go to hell, or more specifically to my ignore list.


Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Melbustus on November 02, 2011, 04:12:30 AM

Tell us if you would like to join BABM (boycott anti-bitcoiners movement) and who you personally are going to boycott.

No, I would not join. Bitcoin needs to win on its own merits. If Bitcoin is better/fairer/safer/more-useful/scalable/viable/etc, it'll win on its inherent qualities, which is the way things should indeed work.

Title: Re: Boycott anti-bitcoiners movement. You discriminate Bitcoin, we boycott you.
Post by: Vladimir on November 02, 2011, 04:15:53 AM

Tell us if you would like to join BABM (boycott anti-bitcoiners movement) and who you personally are going to boycott.

No, I would not join. Bitcoin needs to win on its own merits. If Bitcoin is better/fairer/safer/more-useful/scalable/viable/etc, it'll win on its inherent qualities, which is the way things should indeed work.

Fair point. Thank You.