Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 03:10:38 PM

Title: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 03:10:38 PM
I just want to know what you guys think. To be this is a big issue. I will give you a few examples here. Do you think this is Okay? Do you think these accounts should be banned or blocked? Let me know remind you that if you post on on-forum alt coin give aways you get banned for a week. But if you are racists... that's fine. Should this be changed? Please let me know what do you think.

Yes muslims are truly evil people, that practice disgusting rituals such as circumcision.  Very sick people.

Just face it. Black people are hated globally, are the most different from all other races, are the only race incapable of generally succeeding in any society have never built or maintained modern civilization,band the only race that Chinese girls don't like.

With China and Asia rising and wealth bring freely transferred now, negros are the not even in the game, and are completely unwanted and useless.

Like how stupid do you have to be to post in your 3rd world language in english sub forums?

Even 50 iq sub sahara africans arent doing that.

Do you guys dont have enough counsins to marry so that you have to marry your sisters and mothers now?

This shit is not good for a populations iq you know...


And a lot more. According to Google, there are more than 5,000 usage of the word "racist" in the forum.
I know these types of posts are mostly in "off-topic" part of the forum" but the posts that I mentioned above have thousands of views. Don't you think we should stop this somehow?

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: zhekinsp on September 30, 2018, 03:15:58 PM
We don't have any rules yet for the racist but I think if someone trolling too much then they can be banned temporarily as per our forum rule.

You can report those kind of posts for spams,then those posts maybe deleted and there is also possibilty for the temporary ban for that user if he is doing it too much.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 30, 2018, 03:19:21 PM
No, I don't think any of that should be banned--but at least two of those members you quoted are trolls.  The other one I'm not so sure about.  And let's face it, a lot of people don't want to be living under Sharia law in their lifetimes.  That's what you get when you have a section devoted to politics and society--it gets very heated, and every racist comes out of the woodwork.

Trolling IS against the rules, but that's a huge gray area as to what constitutes trolling.  My suggestion is that if you don't like what someone writes, put them on ignore.  Problem solved.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on September 30, 2018, 03:22:46 PM
No, I don't think any of that should be banned--but at least two of those members you quoted are trolls.  The other one I'm not so sure about.  And let's face it, a lot of people don't want to be living under Sharia law in their lifetimes.  That's what you get when you have a section devoted to politics and society--it gets very heated, and every racist comes out of the woodwork.

Trolling IS against the rules, but that's a huge gray area as to what constitutes trolling.  My suggestion is that if you don't like what someone writes, put them on ignore.  Problem solved.

You got that right, our whole fucking society in the UK has been changed over the years to accommodate people who follow that ridiculous ideology.

People who moan about treatment of Muslim’s, I’d like to ask them how they feel about the treatment of homosexuals & women in their faith?

By the way Muslim’s aren’t a race, Islam is a faith/ideology. Criticising or condeming Muslim’s can’t be construed as racism.

Title: Use report to moderator feature
Post by: inPRIVACYweBELIEVE on September 30, 2018, 03:27:29 PM
This is a forum and every day people are posting thousands of posts. It is not easy to keep eyes on every post to see which one is good and which one is bad. So whenever you will spot anything unusual then just hit the "report to moderator" on the bottom right corner of the post, explain the reason and hit the submit button. Mods will take care of it.

The forum does not have clear guideline for these kind of activities however this is the closest we have...

1. No zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads. [1][e]
1. Such posts like "SELL SELL SELL", "I agree", "+1", "Support", "Watching", "Interesting", "LOL", "SCAM", "LEGIT", "FAKE", other one word posts, posts consisting mostly of swearing, quote pyramids,useless introduction threads, threads about a topic already recently discussed in several other threads.

and notice this as well...
Quote from: 23. When deciding if a user has broken the rules, the staff have the right to follow their interpretation of the rules.[e]
23. When deciding if a user has broken the rules, the staff have the right to follow their interpretation of the rules.[e]

We should trust the mods.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: eddie13 on September 30, 2018, 03:31:26 PM

I support freedom of speech, and the freedom of those who cannot handle it to go find a safer place, or make one themselves..

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Strufmbae on September 30, 2018, 03:34:09 PM
Why going to ban them If they are just sincerely saying something that can hurt somebody if plead guilty?  We have this so called freedom of speech but this is a forum, racism has been tackled hundreds of comments and is directly thrown to 3rd world country citizens.
 if somebody don't want to be judged then on other side He must accept correction. Technically.  

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 03:35:29 PM
You got that right, our whole fucking society in the UK has been changed over the years to accommodate people who follow that ridiculous ideology.

People who moan about treatment of Muslim’s, I’d like to ask them how they feel about the treatment of homosexuals & women in their faith?

By the way Muslim’s aren’t a race, Islam is a faith/ideology. Criticising or condeming Muslim’s can’t be construed as racism.

I don't believe in any religion and I think they are all a scam. BUT I don't think someone should be berated just because of their beliefs. What you are also referring to as treatment of homosexuals and women are very limited to a regions of Saudi Arabia and Iran only.
Not all the muslim countries follow that. Indonesia is majority muslim and there is no problem with being a muslim/homosexual. What you know about Islam and Muslims is what the media want you to know. Do not think this is true for all the muslims around the world.

I don't know how UK society changed because of muslims, but If you are changing your rules and regulations to make sure every person every citizen has the right to believe and practice their own religion, it make sense to me. Cause it's their right.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: ovcijisir on September 30, 2018, 03:38:18 PM
I don't know why are race issues/religious issues even mentioned on technical forum ???

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 03:43:16 PM

I support freedom of speech, and the freedom of those who cannot handle it to go find a safer place, or make one themselves..

I support freedom of speech too, but I don't think it should be utilized as a permission to spread hateful and racist propaganda.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Coyster on September 30, 2018, 03:48:18 PM

I support freedom of speech too, but I don't think it should be utilized as a permission to spread hateful and racist propaganda.
What do you refer to as racist propaganda,the last time I checked there ain't nothing such as a profile picture in here,so how do you know who's black or white...
  You're simply allowing emotions get ahead of you as is synonymous with all Muslims,and as it was pointed out religion is not a race,its some sort of faith or belief,so talking about racism ain't making sense at all

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 03:53:40 PM
What do you refer to as racist propaganda,the last time I checked there ain't nothing such as a profile picture in here,so how do you know who's black or white...
  You're simply allowing emotions get ahead of you as is synonymous with all Muslims,and as it was pointed out religion is not a race,its some sort of faith or belief,so talking about racism ain't making sense at all

I included racism and bigotry and included examples of both. Stop saying Islam isn't a race and think about the issue instead.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on September 30, 2018, 04:16:20 PM
You got that right, our whole fucking society in the UK has been changed over the years to accommodate people who follow that ridiculous ideology.

People who moan about treatment of Muslim’s, I’d like to ask them how they feel about the treatment of homosexuals & women in their faith?

By the way Muslim’s aren’t a race, Islam is a faith/ideology. Criticising or condeming Muslim’s can’t be construed as racism.

I don't believe in any religion and I think they are all a scam. BUT I don't think someone should be berated just because of their beliefs. What you are also referring to as treatment of homosexuals and women are very limited to a regions of Saudi Arabia and Iran only.
Not all the muslim countries follow that. Indonesia is majority muslim and there is no problem with being a muslim/homosexual. What you know about Islam and Muslims is what the media want you to know. Do not think this is true for all the muslims around the world.

I don't know how UK society changed because of muslims, but If you are changing your rules and regulations to make sure every person every citizen has the right to believe and practice their own religion, it make sense to me. Cause it's their right.

The Qu'ran has very negative views on homosexuality. Islam is like living in the stone ages. There have also been many honour killings/rapings/acid attacks in the UK committed against Muslim women in the UK by their own community.

The false Prophet Muhammed is also a pedophile, he had a 9 year old wife Aisha who he supposedly fucked when she was 12.

Also Google ‘Muslim grooming gangs UK’ and see what you think about what you’ll find. Fucking animals!

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: eddie13 on September 30, 2018, 04:16:54 PM
I support freedom of speech too, but I don't think it should be utilized as a permission to spread hateful and racist propaganda.

That's not how freedom of speech works..

I included racism and bigotry and included examples of both. Stop saying Islam isn't a race and think about the issue instead.


Islam is not only not a race, but a religion, and uniquely also a political ideology which in many ways is incompatible with western ideology..

Like this.. Watch, you can counter it with your own FACTS if you are mentally capable..

Yes muslims are truly evil people, that practice disgusting rituals such as circumcision.  Very sick people.

Female circumcision is a disgusting problem widespread in mostly islamic areas but is also practiced by some who call themselves Christians in the same areas..

Not even ALL muslims agree with the disgusting practice see..

But then, me calling FGM a "disgusting practice" would be considered "hateful" and "racist" to those who practice it..
I bet their are plenty of posters here that would say me calling FGM a "disgusting practice" is "hateful" and "racist" to them, so should I not be allowed to say that either?

Who decides?
What centralized power do you suggest to decided what is "hateful" and "racist" and where do they stop?

Truth and logic will win in the free market if ideas..

Do any of you here dare to step up and defend FGM?  You are free to do so..

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: InvoKing on September 30, 2018, 04:26:09 PM
People who join here for trolling and not writing a single post outside of off-topic or politics should be banned imo. Otherwise, racist and "other"cist need to be simply ignored by the ones who disgust their ideology.
Just ignore them, you will not miss anything important by doing so. Ever.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Lauda on September 30, 2018, 04:42:45 PM
The forum is missing a lot of things, but selective ban-censorship is not one of them.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bill gator on September 30, 2018, 04:54:27 PM
Who decides what is Racist or Bigoted?

We already have enough rules so that whatever you would believe is Racism or Bigotry should either be relevant to the conversation, substantial in some manner or is already against the rules.

1. No zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads. [1][e]

2. No off-topic posts.

3. No trolling.

8. No threats to inflict bodily harm, death threats.

9. Discussions in the main boards must be in english. All other language discussions should be posted in the appropriate Local board.

Q: Someone insulted me. Why aren't you deleting his post/thread?
A: Possible (since we don't have the time or resources to check) insults are also allowed as long as they contain any kind of constructive opinion, info or something else substantial and aren't off-topic. For example, posting something like "you are dumb" will be deleted as it contains no meaningful content. However, if the post is somehwere along the lines of "You are dumb. This is wrong because this website/thread/etc. has explained it's not right", it's in most cases accepted.

Freedom of Speech requires that you accept the fact that there are opinions held by those surrounding you that you will dislike. Freedom of Speech is specifically meant to protect unpopular and offensive opinions; there need be no protection for speech you agree with.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Dig Bicks on September 30, 2018, 04:57:01 PM
Wow here comes the political correctness police.   If this goes back to my thread on iq between races, there is a lot of scientific research backing up what I claimed, there are clear genetic differences in intelligence between races.

 BTW You are 100 percent retarded if you think circumcision is justified for boys or girls.  You are mutilating a child's genitals.  YOU ARE GOING AGAINST NATURE / EVOUTION, if you think this is ok you are a sick freak.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Elonripeto on September 30, 2018, 05:19:20 PM
Fuck you in the fucking ear OP. What is this, pre school?  Most of us are grown ups with thick enough skin and enough brain cells to handle things that offend us

LOL so much f word in the statement but guess we all grown up here to handle what ever has been said!! for me a fair word is most like not achievable!! e can only visualize it but in reality it will never be so!! things like racism can only be managed but not fully taken out of the context!! so all you need to do live your life do what you need to do, time will not ask about race or whatever!!! success all

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Ardavan2150 on September 30, 2018, 05:31:51 PM
Oh my gosh. So much anger. So much cursing. God. I only posted a question. I wanted to know what everyone else thinks. Obviously I am  not enough to change anything in forum. But I don't understand why just a simple question offended so many people.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: eddie13 on September 30, 2018, 06:02:11 PM
But I don't understand why just a simple question offended so many people.

A good amount of older Bitcoiners that are here believe in Bitcoin for it's revolutionary usefulness for liberty and freedom from oppression.. Not just to make a buck, but for the libertarian principles.. Especially the founders such as Satoshi Nakamoto himself..

These sort of people do not take kindly to censorship..
Censorship is ANTI-Bitcoin..

We are in Bitcoin to avoid economic censorship, and may get somewhat hostile in its defense..

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: LoyceV on September 30, 2018, 06:24:54 PM
Let me just quote myself:
This is not a SJW forum, it's Bitcointalk. This forum gives users more freedom to post their mind than any other forum I've seen.
If you're too sensitive for people's honest opinions, there are literally thousands of other forums you could choose from. And there's very few that truely value freedom of speech.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Vod on September 30, 2018, 06:26:57 PM
So if I post a fact, like Filipinos are gullible - would that make me a racist?  :/

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Dig Bicks on September 30, 2018, 07:14:04 PM
It's no secret this forum is filled with dark skinned spammers (phillipinos, nigerians, venezuelans, indonesians), just so they can earn a few peanuts.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 30, 2018, 09:14:47 PM
Whatever happened to Hall's "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: cjie on September 30, 2018, 09:56:48 PM
I just know that there are some persons here that are troller, their major purpose is to ferment problems here. We are matured enough to handle any issue we encounter here. If anybody calls you all sort of names or abuse you with your religions, you should take it as an option of that person. Until you act according to the option of that person before it can have an impact on you. Just take it as one of those things you must encounter. Thanks.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Solondrado on September 30, 2018, 09:59:41 PM
I just want to know what you guys think. To be this is a big issue. I will give you a few examples here. Do you think this is Okay? Do you think these accounts should be banned or blocked? Let me know remind you that if you post on on-forum alt coin give aways you get banned for a week. But if you are racists... that's fine. Should this be changed? Please let me know what do you think.

Yes muslims are truly evil people, that practice disgusting rituals such as circumcision.  Very sick people.

Just face it. Black people are hated globally, are the most different from all other races, are the only race incapable of generally succeeding in any society have never built or maintained modern civilization,band the only race that Chinese girls don't like.

With China and Asia rising and wealth bring freely transferred now, negros are the not even in the game, and are completely unwanted and useless.

Like how stupid do you have to be to post in your 3rd world language in english sub forums?

Even 50 iq sub sahara africans arent doing that.

Do you guys dont have enough counsins to marry so that you have to marry your sisters and mothers now?

This shit is not good for a populations iq you know...


And a lot more. According to Google, there are more than 5,000 usage of the word "racist" in the forum.
I know these types of posts are mostly in "off-topic" part of the forum" but the posts that I mentioned above have thousands of views. Don't you think we should stop this somehow?

I agree the posts are definitely not defining the majority of us.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 01:10:49 AM
My solution is to call the racist fucks out on it. Don't just accept, call them idiots, retards, whatever. They're stupid and no one should listen to them. People sometimes need to be reminded of that, for some reason.

Banning them will just lead to more problems. It's easier to just call them out on their shit.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Dig Bicks on October 01, 2018, 01:14:34 AM
My solution is to call the racist fucks out on it. Don't just accept, call them idiots, retards, whatever. They're stupid and no one should listen to them. People sometimes need to be reminded of that, for some reason.

Banning them will just lead to more problems. It's easier to just call them out on their shit.

Racism is natural, I would say everyone has some bias against certain races whether or not they would like to admit it.

Refugees are destroying Europe already.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 01:51:43 AM
My solution is to call the racist fucks out on it. Don't just accept, call them idiots, retards, whatever. They're stupid and no one should listen to them. People sometimes need to be reminded of that, for some reason.

Banning them will just lead to more problems. It's easier to just call them out on their shit.

Racism is natural, I would say everyone has some bias against certain races whether or not they would like to admit it.

Refugees are destroying Europe already.

Look here you ignorant prick. Refugees aren't the problem. The problem is ignorance and hate.

If you educate a population in a certain way, they'll act a certain way. These people came from a war torn nation. They're indoctrinated with a religion that preaches about the same shit as any other religion. They're ignorant for the most part, but still, these people can and are better than racists such as yourself.

No one is born racist. No one is naturally biased against someone based on the color of the skin. They're biased because someone taught them to be bias.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: NavI_027 on October 01, 2018, 01:54:11 AM
At OP, if you can't handle the heat then go out of the kitchen, as simple as that. Don't get me wrong, actually I'm against to any form of discrimination too. Yeah! I know that you are only just bothered and want to show some concern regarding this issue, what I'm only pointing is you should not feel like you're the main responsible for world peace. Do not please somebody to change based on the concept of your own ideal world, if someone's rude then ask him once but if he remains the same then so be it — ignore and mind your own business.
People who join here for trolling and not writing a single post outside of off-topic or politics should be banned imo.  
Indeed, or at least give them a temporary ban for becoming an unproductive member of this forum. For sure this punishment will serve as their lesson and reminder that this and not "RantsandSh*" :-\.
It's no secret this forum is filled with dark skinned spammers (phillipinos, nigerians, venezuelans, indonesians), just so they can earn a few peanuts.
I'm clueless about your skin color and to the race where you belong BUT I'm sure of this one thing, you're also a sh*t poster. Are you even aware of that? ::)

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bill gator on October 01, 2018, 02:14:24 AM
Quite honestly I'm surprised that even that many people think that unsavory opinions are grounds for punishment. We've had over 20 people vote in the poll and over 1/5 of them believe that bigotry should be a ban-able offense. We've got some work to do around here to explain foundational principals.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 02:16:25 AM
Quite honestly I'm surprised that even that many people think that unsavory opinions are grounds for punishment. We've had over 20 people vote in the poll and over 1/5 of them believe that bigotry should be a ban-able offense. We've got some work to do around here to explain foundational principals.

Not all places have freedom of speech that we do. Some totalitarian regimes exists, which lead to the thought that punishing people is morally right as long as they're non-conformist.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: xtraelv on October 01, 2018, 08:07:00 AM
Some people are Promo-Primate turds that prove that even monkeys evolved.  But there is no valid reason to ban them. Banning people just because you don't agree with their opinion is censorship and forcing your opinion (by censorship) onto everyone else.  "Ignore" just blocks their opinion from reaching you - why wouldn't that be enough ? Why would you want to impose your opinion on others ?

Censorship is a form of bigotry and intolerance.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bitmover on October 01, 2018, 08:28:25 AM
Quite honestly I'm surprised that even that many people think that unsavory opinions are grounds for punishment. We've had over 20 people vote in the poll and over 1/5 of them believe that bigotry should be a ban-able offense. We've got some work to do around here to explain foundational principals.

I think that people don't know what bigotry is, and vote anyway without consulting Google translate lol

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: hilariousetc on October 01, 2018, 09:56:44 AM
No, I don't think any of that should be banned--but at least two of those members you quoted are trolls.

Yeah, two of them are obviously just troll accounts. Big Dicks is almost certainly just somebody's alt account he uses to troll and post inflammatory crap.  

Trolling IS against the rules, but that's a huge gray area as to what constitutes trolling.  My suggestion is that if you don't like what someone writes, put them on ignore.  Problem solved.

The issue is when people just start doing it to inflame and troll which there are a few that obviously are. As you said, people should just ignore those that obviously annoy them so much, but there are also people who overstep the line and just say things to be disruptive.

I don't know why are race issues/religious issues even mentioned on technical forum ???

Because we have a Politics & Society sub forum, though you could certainly argue we don't really need it, but it's there and I doubt it will be removed and I don't think it should just because sometimes people say things that annoy or hurt others.

The Qu'ran has very negative views on homosexuality.

So does the bible.

Islam is like living in the stone ages.

So is Christianity.

There have also been many honour killings/rapings/acid attacks in the UK committed against Muslim women in the UK by their own community.

Only muslims kill are rape and do acid attacks in the UK? Most of the rapes that happen are probably done by drunken white males on the weekend. Half of them probably even claim to be "Christian" too. Would that be that relevant?

Also Google ‘Muslim grooming gangs UK’ and see what you think about what you’ll find. Fucking animals!

Why is their religion relevant to this? They don't rape because of their religion and there are plenty of paedophile rings run by whites and every other race, but this rhetoric is just used to incite race or religious hatred. Jimmy Saville is probably the biggest paedophile the country has ever seen, but nobody is calling him a Christian paedophile. If you're against rape then be against rape, but if you only get irate about a fraction of rapes committed by certain people then your biases are obvious.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: manjiLocked on October 01, 2018, 03:50:40 PM
You got that right, our whole fucking society in the UK has been changed over the years to accommodate people who follow that ridiculous ideology.

People who moan about treatment of Muslim’s, I’d like to ask them how they feel about the treatment of homosexuals & women in their faith?

By the way Muslim’s aren’t a race, Islam is a faith/ideology. Criticising or condeming Muslim’s can’t be construed as racism.

I don't believe in any religion and I think they are all a scam. BUT I don't think someone should be berated just because of their beliefs. What you are also referring to as treatment of homosexuals and women are very limited to a regions of Saudi Arabia and Iran only.
Not all the muslim countries follow that. Indonesia is majority muslim and there is no problem with being a muslim/homosexual. What you know about Islam and Muslims is what the media want you to know. Do not think this is true for all the muslims around the world.

I don't know how UK society changed because of muslims, but If you are changing your rules and regulations to make sure every person every citizen has the right to believe and practice their own religion, it make sense to me. Cause it's their right.

The Qu'ran has very negative views on homosexuality. Islam is like living in the stone ages. There have also been many honour killings/rapings/acid attacks in the UK committed against Muslim women in the UK by their own community.

The false Prophet Muhammed is also a pedophile, he had a 9 year old wife Aisha who he supposedly fucked when she was 12.

Also Google ‘Muslim grooming gangs UK’ and see what you think about what you’ll find. Fucking animals!
is this what's called freedom of speech by describing the religion of others?

I'm a Muslim

you can't describe the Qur'an yourself when you can't read the Qur'an in Arabic.

question for you:
what religion destroyed Hiroshima abd Nagasaki?

What religion slaugtered our brother on IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, PALESTINE, and Rohingya MYANMAR?

Is that ISLAM?

don't talk about other people's religion withput ypu knowing about law, interpretation.

Damn Infidel.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on October 01, 2018, 04:02:44 PM
don't talk about other people's religion withput ypu knowing about law, interpretation.

Damn Infidel.

I'm sorry, but if you are allowed to call him an infidel, then he's equally allowed to call you an animal, or anything else for that matter. It's "freedom of speech", not "freedom of speech that you agree with".

You have every right to feel offended, and you can use your own free speech (as you have) to insult and offend him, but you absolutely do not get to silence him.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 04:27:48 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Muhammad's a kiddie fiddler and therefore a pedophile. Your silly book is filled with false rumors, and should be categorized in the fiction section.

If Muhammad were alive today, he'd be thrown in jail for the shit he did. He's a bad person, yet you worship him as though he's a great man. Silly, ignorant peasant.

Overall, freedom of speech won't be limited by your nation's silly blasphemy laws.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: hilariousetc on October 01, 2018, 04:30:28 PM
don't talk about other people's religion withput ypu knowing about law, interpretation.

Damn Infidel.

I'm sorry, but if you are allowed to call him an infidel, then he's equally allowed to call you an animal, or anything else for that matter. It's "freedom of speech", not "freedom of speech that you agree with".

You have every right to feel offended, and you can use your own free speech (as you have) to insult and offend him, but you absolutely do not get to silence him.

One thing that has always annoyed me is people who claim to be freedom of speech, just right up until somebody says something they don't like then they want to silence them.

I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

If your faith is so strong why do you even care about insults to them? Surely Mohammed and Allah will take care of the insults at a later date and you don't need to worry about anything. Just ignore it, especially if it's something that is only going to annoy or enrage you because people will see that and just attack you more, like the idiot above.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: eddie13 on October 01, 2018, 04:38:09 PM
My solution is to call the racist fucks out on it. Don't just accept, call them idiots, retards, whatever. They're stupid and no one should listen to them. People sometimes need to be reminded of that, for some reason.

Don't you know they win when you do that?
Personal attacks are the equivalent of forfeiture in a debate..

If you are so right why is that all you have? Call them names?

Drop some FACTS applied with LOGIC and back them up with SOURCES..

you're also a sh*t poster. Are you even aware of that? ::)

I think he is a much better poster than chinglish sig spammers..

is this what's called freedom of speech by describing the religion of others?

It's part of it yeah, but not all of it..
You likely wouldn't understand..

Indonesia prohibits blasphemy by its Criminal Code. The Code’s Article 156(a) targets those who deliberately, in public, express feelings of hostility, hatred, or contempt against religions with the purpose of preventing others from adhering to any religion, and targets those who disgrace a religion. The penalty for violating Article 156(a) is a maximum of five years imprisonment.

you can't describe the Qur'an yourself when you can't read the Qur'an in Arabic.
what religion destroyed Hiroshima abd Nagasaki?
What religion slaugtered our brother on IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, PALESTINE, and Rohingya MYANMAR?
don't talk about other people's religion withput ypu knowing about law, interpretation.

Damn Infidel.

The quran in english is just fine..
Japanese expansionism destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki..
Many many religions slaughtered people in those countries..
We can talk about whatever we want, free speech remember..

Calling someone an infide, what's the motive behind that?

I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Well you are in the real world now, on the internet, where a good many of us aren't oppressed so can say whatever we please..
You don't have many options other than to get over it, explode, or find a safer space..

One great things my Mother taught me from a very early age..
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me."

If only more people were raised with such a lesson the world would be a better place..

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 04:44:00 PM
My solution is to call the racist fucks out on it. Don't just accept, call them idiots, retards, whatever. They're stupid and no one should listen to them. People sometimes need to be reminded of that, for some reason.

Don't you know they win when you do that?
Personal attacks are the equivalent of forfeiture in a debate..

If you are so right why is that all you have? Call them names?

Drop some FACTS applied with LOGIC and back them up with SOURCES..

You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.

You can present all the facts in the world to these individuals and they'll not bother to listen. It's way easier to describe them effectively as the ignorant idiots they are.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: manjiLocked on October 01, 2018, 05:00:55 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Muhammad's a kiddie fiddler and therefore a pedophile. Your silly book is filled with false rumors, and should be categorized in the fiction section.

If Muhammad were alive today, he'd be thrown in jail for the shit he did. He's a bad person, yet you worship him as though he's a great man. Silly, ignorant peasant.

Overall, freedom of speech won't be limited by your nation's silly blasphemy laws.
talk to my ass
damn infidel

If your faith is so strong why do you even care about insults to them? Surely Mohammed and Allah will take care of the insults at a later date and you don't need to worry about anything. Just ignore it, especially if it's something that is only going to annoy or enrage you because people will see that and just attack you more, like the idiot above.
I really appreciate you.

but in my religion, that's the condition of faith if the Qur'an and MUHAMMAD S.A.W  were insulted then we as Muslims will not be angry if their personalities are attacked but when it comes to the Qur'an and MUHAMMAD S.A.W the lives are willing to be sacrified.

as a form appreciation to you, this's my last comment. I hope you can lock this thread as your form of wisdom.


Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 05:05:39 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Muhammad's a kiddie fiddler and therefore a pedophile. Your silly book is filled with false rumors, and should be categorized in the fiction section.

If Muhammad were alive today, he'd be thrown in jail for the shit he did. He's a bad person, yet you worship him as though he's a great man. Silly, ignorant peasant.

Overall, freedom of speech won't be limited by your nation's silly blasphemy laws.
talk to my ass
damn infidel

You have a talking donkey? If so, seems like some crackpot theory your religion would come up with. I'm willing to bet Muhammad ate some ass in his lifetime. I'm actually curious how many dicks he sucked.

I wonder if he cut a hole in the Qu'ran and sucked some dicks through that hole. Seems about right for that crackpot pedophile.


The cool thing about free speech is you really can't stop anyone from saying bad things about your faith. Saying bad things about individuals may fall under slander or libel rules, but things about faith are entirely protected here in the USA.

Can't touch me for calling your shithead of an idol a shithead ;)

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on October 01, 2018, 05:11:20 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

And it is your right to feel offended. However, that right does not allow you to impinge on his right to free speech.

Being offended is completely subjective. What offends you might not offend me. Some people are very rarely offended. Others become offended at the tiniest of things, like incorrect pronouns. You have no idea if your speech might offend someone out there. If it was "freedom of speech as long as you don't offend anyone", then no one could say anything ever. If you don't want to ever be confronted with potentially challenging speech or ideas, then you can never leave the house.

Also, and importantly, nothing happens when you get offended. It's not like some physical injury you have to recover from. "I heard an offensive joke, and it gave me an ear infection!" No. Nothing happens. It doesn't matter. End of story.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: eddie13 on October 01, 2018, 05:17:13 PM

I really appreciate you.

but in my religion, that's the condition of faith if the Qur'an and MUHAMMAD S.A.W  were insulted then we as Muslims will not be angry if their personalities are attacked but when it comes to the Qur'an and MUHAMMAD S.A.W the lives are willing to be sacrified.

as a form appreciation to you, this's my last comment. I hope you can lock this thread as your form of wisdom.

It's not often they admit that it is their religion to kill blasphemers..

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Cupcup on October 01, 2018, 05:26:42 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Muhammad's a kiddie fiddler and therefore a pedophile. Your silly book is filled with false rumors, and should be categorized in the fiction section.

If Muhammad were alive today, he'd be thrown in jail for the shit he did. He's a bad person, yet you worship him as though he's a great man. Silly, ignorant peasant.

Overall, freedom of speech won't be limited by your nation's silly blasphemy laws.
How dare you say that. Are you not ashamed to embrace religion worse than a pedophile! The God you are proud of is born in a cage without clothes and naked on a piece of wood. what is the result of adultery!
I think it's far worse than pedophiles even worse than cow dung! I am proud of Islam. Alloh my God, muhamad SAW my prophet ... Allah hu akbar ...

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: mu_enrico on October 01, 2018, 05:39:34 PM
So the question is should racism and bigotry be banned? Maybe not in the global forum, but yes in the local forum, depending on what culture you are talking about.

Is this thread going to be off-topic (or politics & society) thread where you could flame each other? Or stay on topic and give logical explanations to support your side (related to the poll).

Is this considered as trolling?

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 01, 2018, 05:46:06 PM

Just an example of freedom of speech this forum provides rather than trolling.

Now, if the Islamic pig fuckers get offended over it, not a big deal ;)

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Alizaind on October 01, 2018, 05:57:38 PM

Are you happy make Moslem angry?

Now, I want to ask you, Do you have family? father or mother?
How you feel if some one from another country offend you father? humiliate your father.

Call your mother @#@$#^@
Call your father $&#^%^!

Will you happy?
If yes, there is something wrong with you.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: DireWolfM14 on October 01, 2018, 05:58:21 PM
anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

Anyone who can't handle their belief system being insulted, ridiculed, or merely brought into question is likely to not  have much "faith" in the first place.  If you were truly confident in your faith you would not be offended by trivial and bigoted comments.

It's overly sensitive attitudes like yours that give Muslims the reputation they have today.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on October 01, 2018, 06:10:51 PM
Yeah, as much as I'm all for freedom of speech, this thread is just trolling now. I would suggest locking it.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: YOSHIE on October 01, 2018, 06:34:24 PM

Humans are individual beings as well as social beings. As social beings, of course humans are required to be able to interact with other individuals in order to meet their needs. In living social life in all fields, an individual will be faced with groups of different colors with one of them being religious differences.

High tolerance makes every religious community able to relate well, despite their different beliefs and religions.

respect for religious differences.
<> Do not insult other people's religion
<> Respect the opinions of friends of different religions
<> Live in harmony without differentiating ethnicity, religion, race, nation and color.

Positive impact of tolerance between people:
<>  Avoid conflicts
<> Increase the spirit of national unity and unity
<> Creating inner and outer peace

Living in harmony and peace is beautiful?


Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: hilariousetc on October 01, 2018, 07:26:02 PM

Are you happy make Moslem angry?

Now, I want to ask you, Do you have family? father or mother?
How you feel if some one from another country offend you father? humiliate your father.

Call your mother @#@$#^@
Call your father $&#^%^!

Will you happy?
If yes, there is something wrong with you.

You don't have to be happy about it, but you don't have to care about it either. Why would you be bothered by what some random person on the internet says about your parents? Why let it bother you? If somebody said something about my parents then it's just irrelevant, childish nonsense that isn't worth justifying with a reaction. Nine times out of ten people only say things to get a reaction and when they you do react they win. If you don't react then they'd probably just get bored and move on to something else but when you show someone a weakness they're just going to exploit it.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: MadeinCoin on October 01, 2018, 07:50:49 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.

anyone who has an Islamic religion is not offended by the insult to the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W means that his faith is doubtful.

He's a bad person, yet you worship him as though he's a great man. Silly, ignorant peasant.


This cannot be tolerated. On what basis you say that the Messenger of Allah is person bad ? If you cannot explain the basis, then I have the right to say that you are a bad person, an infidel ...

La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah
(there is no god but Allah, Muhammad the messenger of Allah)

If you don't like my religion Islam, that your right. But you have no right to say that the Messenger of Allah is a bad person.

If you cannot appreciate others, you cannot will appreciated.

As a Muslim, I was really offended when you said the Messenger of Allah was a bad person. For us, he is a good, clean and noble, so please respect us.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on October 01, 2018, 08:15:11 PM
I am not offended if he speaks for my personality but if he talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad S.A.W. I am very offended.
How delusional are you to not notice that attitude is the root cause of all the problems? You are okay with people shaming you, abusing you but not okay with they questioning your beliefs? This is what brainwashing does to you. No wonder most of the terrorists have the same mentality.

As a Muslim, I was really offended when you said the Messenger of Allah was a bad person. For us, he is a good, clean and noble, so please respect us.
As a human, I feel very offended that every year thousands of innocent lives are sacrificed just because some cunts are offensive about their religion. Face it, Islam is terrorism and cancer to the society. Just look at this thread and see how many Muslims are offended just because their religion is mentioned.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Lafu on October 01, 2018, 08:40:18 PM
Racism and racist statements should not be made!
It does not matter which nationality you belong or which skin color you have!
Whether someone black, white, yellow, red, pink, green, blue, brown, is no matter because we are all human!
It does not matter what religion we belong or believe!
Everyone has their own views and beliefs and ideals.
Some can handle it, others do not!

We are all humans

So it is up to each individual how he understands and processes it!

As long as someone does not really attack me personally or more I do not care!

In 1000 years, it does not matter anymore, lol!

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: The Cryptovator on October 01, 2018, 08:48:37 PM

Really not deserve ban for it. In my opinion it will consider as trolling. Trolling is against of forum rules. You can use report to moderator for this kind of post. They are the one to decide post should delete or not. They has proved their distorted mentality, a decent minded peoples can't post like this. At least we are all human, and we made by single creator. So we should respect each other. However you might ignore this kind of people and report to moderators.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: xtraelv on October 02, 2018, 12:55:30 AM

Really not deserve ban for it. In my opinion it will consider as trolling. Trolling is against of forum rules. You can use report to moderator for this kind of post. They are the one to decide post should delete or not. They has proved their distorted mentality, a decent minded peoples can't post like this. At least we are all human, and we made by single creator. So we should respect each other. However you might ignore this kind of people and report to moderators.

Considering that a moderator has already posted in the thread it is unlikely to get deleted.

Sadly people try to silence other peoples opinions when it is inconvenient to them.

I think the OP didn't realize how offensive his suggestion to censor is to some people in this forum.

It shows that some people start posting here and then try to claim ownership without understanding the whole cypherpunks roots of bitcoin.

They should read up on the Libertarian viewpoint and respect the belief of Anti-Censorship. Beliefs on which this forum was founded on and not just a fable.

Title: Re: Racism and bigotry
Post by: Gagal Mancung on October 02, 2018, 02:59:12 AM
As a Muslim, I was really offended when you said the Messenger of Allah was a bad person. For us, he is a good, clean and noble, so please respect us.
As a human, I feel very offended that every year thousands of innocent lives are sacrificed just because some cunts are offensive about their religion. Face it, Islam is terrorism and cancer to the society. Just look at this thread and see how many Muslims are offended just because their religion is mentioned.

What is your religion ? Tell me ...

It looks like you don't have a television in your home. In fact, you don't even know about the talks UN on Islam decisions that are always considered terrorist. Remember that Islam is not a terrorist, terrorist always use the name Islam in their actions only to make the name of Islam ugly in the world ...

And you must know, no one at the UN court dares to say that Islam is terrorist.

Basic people infidel who have no religion :P