Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 23, 2018, 03:35:16 AM

Title: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 23, 2018, 03:35:16 AM
Cryptohunter has been trolling the forum extensively as of late, and there is no reasoning or rebuttal that will get through to him.  He is spreading lies and espousing a conspiracy about a "gang" that exists in his own fantasy world. 

I am therefore vowing to cease replying to any of his posts and put him back on ignore permanently, because I refuse to feed a troll who is so obviously vicious, disturbed, and hungry for attention.  This thread is for members who would like to take the same vow.  I would encourage you to do so, because that's pretty much the only way to get the trolling to stop.

If you want to take the same vow, just write your response here--that's the sole purpose of this thread and is not one for cryptohunter or his sad little alt account to post in.  Those posts will be deleted.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on December 23, 2018, 04:10:07 AM
I will only reply to CH here:

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on December 23, 2018, 04:10:48 AM
   Unfortunately, I do not have the self discipline to ignore someone. I always end up peeking. However, I will vow to refrain from responding to this drama anymore, including handing out merits to anything related.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 23, 2018, 04:20:51 AM
I will only reply to CH here:
That's fair enough.  I'm not trying to start up a lynching posse here or anything--it's just a suggestion and the only good solution to what's become a serious trolling situation that's getting worse.  I can't even recall if CH initially had any valid points, because I don't recall when this whole drama started exactly, but it's come to the point where I cannot view his posts as anything but trolling.  The only way to get rid of a troll is to starve him to death.

   Unfortunately, I do not have the self discipline to ignore someone. I always end up peeking.
I'm guilty of that as well, but in this case I'm vowing to neither peek nor respond.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on December 23, 2018, 04:32:17 AM
I will only reply to CH here:
That's fair enough.  I'm not trying to start up a lynching posse here or anything--it's just a suggestion and the only good solution to what's become a serious trolling situation that's getting worse.  I can't even recall if CH initially had any valid points, because I don't recall when this whole drama started exactly, but it's come to the point where I cannot view his posts as anything but trolling.  The only way to get rid of a troll is to starve him to death.

There was a somewhat sane discussion going over here just a couple of days ago:

Which kinda lulled me into the illusion that CH can be reasoned with. Won't make that mistake again.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on December 23, 2018, 10:09:55 AM
This thread makes The Pharmacist the Gang Leader :P
I'll give it a try. I have cryptohunter on ignore already because it's virtually impossible to read through his crazy talk, but he keeps summoning me through Piggy's @mention notification bot ( I've requested an ignore list ( for the bot.

There was a somewhat sane discussion going over here just a couple of days ago:

Which kinda lulled me into the illusion that CH can be reasoned with. Won't make that mistake again.
That was just hours after his plagiarism was exposed. Not getting banned must have made him feel he can get away with anything now.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on December 23, 2018, 12:21:29 PM
I had already pretty much left the discussions already but I will agree not to go back. As pointed out, there is absolutely zero to be gained from continuing to engage someone who doesn't address the arguments but instead either posts walls of ad-hominem attacks or locks his thread to prevent hearing any points of view that contradict their own. Not even the flat-earthers are that bad.

I have absolutely zero doubt cryptohunter will take this as him/her "winning" and "the gang" being "owned", and will then spam this nonsense across the 4 (? 5? 6?) threads (s)he is derailing.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 23, 2018, 12:48:13 PM
I have absolutely zero doubt cryptohunter will take this as him/her "winning" and "the gang" being "owned", and will then spam this nonsense across the 4 (? 5? 6?) threads (s)he is derailing.
Yep ("winning" in the Charlie Sheen sense), that's why I've made this a vow.  Ingnore and no response.  That idiot can attack me all he wants, but it's come to the point where there's nothing is gained for anyone except him in the form of troll food.  I don't see any reason to defend myself against attacks that aren't even coherent anymore.  

Hell, he challenged me to list my accomplishments on bitcointalk and then when I did--against my better judgement--he used them to attack me.  There's no reply anyone can make that is ever going to satisfy him.  I'm actually fairly certain he'll start attacking his own sock puppets soon; that's how far his insanity has progressed--but since I've vowed to keep him on ignore with no peeking at his posts and no responses, I won't know if he winds up that far gone.  

I'm moving on from any involvement with this guy, as I feel like I need a strong shower after even visiting the same threads he's posted in.  His delusions-of-grandeur/persecution complex/schizowheebeejeebies might be contagious, like a case of brain scabies or something.  Don't want to go near him without a hazmat suit on, and I'm afraid his tinfoil hat might even be able to penetrate one of those.  This is why I'm recommending everyone, not just the people he thinks are in "the gang", to follow my lead on this one.  That ignore button is the most potent troll spray I know of and the more people who use it on him, the better off we'll all be.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: stompix on December 23, 2018, 02:44:09 PM
This thread is for members who would like to take the same vow.  I would encourage you to do so, because that's pretty much the only way to get the trolling to stop.

Vow? I'll take it and I'll sign it with the blood of my mouse which I almost squeezed to death while trying to avoid hitting the reply button to his flood of posts.

I went from wanting to answer his "points" to just wanting to ask him what the f-word his problem is.

Probably I don't have the experience of you guys on dealing with things like this over online forums but I honestly don't know how you people even managed to read his posts lately. For **** , yesterday he wrote about 40 posts!!! (more than me in two weeks) each could fill an a4 page but if we leave out the curses and the moaning there was basically zero content.

Each damn ban appeal has turned into a debate two pages long, a never-ending story flooding the meta just because somebody wants....really...what the fuck does he want?
Can somebody tell me in just one simple line what his real objective is?

Ps, I'm getting a digaran vibe from him, could it be ?!?!?

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Cryptovator on December 23, 2018, 04:35:16 PM
Yes better to boycott him. We are making him hero like digaran. I am not sure why he is making violence against DT or top merit earner. He is making sound against top merit earners but there is lot of merit abuser why he has not bothered himself if he really want to hut merit abuser. I have already describe ( why most of peoples are not getting merits even sometimes they have made quality post. Result will be zero by argument, just need to help others from your own place as much as possible. I don't see anything like gang here. Everyone busy with his own job. We are not here to make gang war. I think it should be stop now and help improve forum and forum members.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on December 23, 2018, 05:03:55 PM
Can somebody tell me in just one simple line what his real objective is?
Judging by his obsession with signature spam, he's just spamming his signature, meanwhile suffering from Calimero Syndrome. The rest of his mental problems I'll leave up to his psychiatrist.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on December 23, 2018, 05:24:49 PM
Can somebody tell me in just one simple line what his real objective is?
This theory proposed by suchmoon in another thread seems compelling.

This all feigned concern about plagiarism bans etc was also just your attempt to whitewash your own copypasta.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: pugman on December 24, 2018, 09:12:06 PM
Oh damn drama is back at btt?

Oh someone please summarize the whole thing for me, would appreciate if you can quote the stupidest shit you could find, cause them ugly wall texts take forever to read. And its christmas fucking eve, and I ain't spending a lot of time on it. :/

Speaking of, Merry christmas everyone. Not the right thread, but fuck it dude.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 24, 2018, 09:21:08 PM
Oh someone please summarize the whole thing for me, would appreciate if you can quote the stupidest shit you could find, cause them ugly wall texts take forever to read.
It would probably take someone until next Christmas to even try to summarize all of what CH has written in the past week.  There are so many inconsistencies and lies and outright rambling insane nonsense posts that I'm not sure such a task is even possible.  It would be like a doctor sitting with a schizophrenic for 8 hours listening to word-salad and then trying to write up a report of what the patient's point was.

What I'm doing, and what I'm suggesting others do, is to leave the patient in the room by himself and then lock him in there.  It's self-protection from a particularly infectious form of insanity.

And Merry Christmas to you as well, pugman!

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: coinlocket$ on December 24, 2018, 09:36:04 PM
Usually when a user is annoying me or I find irritating what he says I put him on my ignore list, remember if you think he is a troll (I never read all of the drama is way too long) just use the 1st rule "Don't feed the troll".

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: yahoo62278 on December 24, 2018, 10:40:51 PM
The guy is starting to come off as a huge hypocrite IMO. His bitching about paid signatures while hes wearing 1 himself. Not to mention if you disagree with him, get ready for a 3 page book about how you're wrong.

I kinda feel like he is just as bad as the bounty hunters that act entitled on here.

You are going to get what you put the effort in to achieve here. Members who he claims are in this gang are just users who have paid their dues. Users that have contributed to the forum in a positive way. There is no real "gang" at all, just users who respect each other and each others opinions.

If cryptohunter could hold a conversation and not make silly demands, or try to come after a user for not having the same opinion as him, then he'd be fine. Obviously this is not the case.

I had actually considered a new tag along with Marboroza just due to his toxic attitude when engaging in a conversation with him. It's totally a you're either with me or against me attitude and makes him pure shit to deal with on a professional level. The only reason he has avoided a tag from me this far is I do not believe in tagging a user for having a different opinion than mine.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: pugman on December 24, 2018, 10:42:25 PM
It would probably take someone until next Christmas to even try to summarize all of what CH has written in the past week.  There are so many inconsistencies and lies and outright rambling insane nonsense posts that I'm not sure such a task is even possible.  It would be like a doctor sitting with a schizophrenic for 8 hours listening to word-salad and then trying to write up a report of what the patient's point was.

What I'm doing, and what I'm suggesting others do, is to leave the patient in the room by himself and then lock him in there.  It's self-protection from a particularly infectious form of insanity.

And Merry Christmas to you as well, pugman!
Oh I so understand on why others can't and wouldn't. The man is an apparent lunatic.

Honestly, let's all just go fucking celebrate christmas, open gifts(or you know buy them), and ignore the unnecessary things right now.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on December 24, 2018, 11:01:57 PM
I had actually considered a new tag along with Marboroza just due to his toxic attitude when engaging in a conversation with him. It's totally a you're either with me or against me attitude and makes him pure shit to deal with on a professional level. The only reason he has avoided a tag from me this far is I do not believe in tagging a user for having a different opinion than mine.
I've started making my custom trust list because of this:
He's now excluded on DT3. Even though he hasn't left any trust, I believe this is the right way to treat a user with such a flawed judgement. I didn't tag him for the same reason:
I get the feeling he wants to get tagged by DT, so he can claim how unfair it is. Well, tough luck, I don't tag users for plagiarism, I don't tag them for being idiots, and I don't tag them for being trolls.

I did put his alt Chosen Username (;u=2509769) on ignore too.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on December 29, 2018, 06:04:52 AM
I am not familiar with him, but once you are certain someone is a troll, it is probably best to simply ignore him. If there is a post you come across that you can quickly respond to off the top of your head with little effort, you can respond if you wish.

There are a decent number of people whose goal appears to be only to waste others time and effort rebuking points. You can make your point and show your logic, however at a point this becomes futile.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 29, 2018, 06:50:13 AM
I am not familiar with him, but once you are certain someone is a troll, it is probably best to simply ignore him.
You can make your point and show your logic, however at a point this becomes futile.
I'm surprised you've missed all the commotion cryptohunter has created, but take a look at his post history (;u=92110;sa=showPosts) and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.  I've seen lots of trolls in my time on bitcointalk, but he has to be one of the worst in terms of bizarre logic, denial, personal attacks, insanely long rambling, and he's even gone so far as to create an alt account, Chosen Username (;u=2509769), who magically appeared on 12/21/18 right in the middle of a thread that cryptohunter was rambling in and getting no support--once Chosen Username started posting, it was the written equivalent of an Englishman trying to disguise his voice on the phone by speaking in a very contrived Mexican accent and thinking he's fooling everyone.

The alt account would be *mildly* amusing had cryptohunter not gone so far as to give Chosen Username 2 merits. 

He's a troll who thinks it's everyone else who's stupid, and by trying to rebut his accusations/attacks, I got sucked into the argument(s) far longer than I should have.  Since he's attacking other reputable members, I created this thread to basically appeal to people to stop feeding a malignant troll.  I've got him and his alt on ignore, and I'm not going to peek at their posts or respond to them and will attempt to not reply in threads either one of them have already posted in.

Some trolls are funny, some are ones you can just ignore, but this guy is off his rocker and is so toxic that he should be communally shunned IMO.  But hey, everyone is free to do as they like.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 06, 2019, 10:19:35 PM
I think you-know-who is back in full troll mode, and I do believe people have been feeding him scraps from the table.

Therefore:  BUMP.

Edit:  Also, in my mind I knew c-scunter would create a self-moderated thread after I'd done so.  And though I didn't read any of his posts in that thread, I did give mikeywith some merits for a post he made that must have took some time to compose--which scunter promptly deleted.  I should have had the foresight to quote the post and respond to it in this thread before the deletion, which I was 75% certain would happen.  Oh well.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on January 06, 2019, 10:25:34 PM
I think you-know-who is back in full troll mode, and I do believe people have been feeding him scraps from the table.

Therefore:  BUMP.

My apologies. I'll refrain from doing so (until the next time). The YKW stepped into my self-modded thread and blew a fuse when I deleted their post so I felt compelled to explain it. That's my official excuse.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on January 06, 2019, 10:29:09 PM
I'm doing my best to not respond to him. However, I still don't have him on ignore. I think it is hilarious that he thinks he's winning the argument when Theymos either increased the number of source merits many of the "gang" can give or made them new Merit sources less then a day ago. It's clear that he is not getting through to the correct person.  ;D

Quite frankly I will give much more credence to Theymos' action then any of his tldr troll rants.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 06, 2019, 10:31:10 PM
I think it is hilarious that he thinks he's winning the argument when Theymos either increased the number of source merits many of the "gang" can give or made them new Merit sources less then a day ago.
Yeah, "winning" in the sense of:

1) Charlie Sheen circa 2011 (
2) Denzel Washington's character at the very end of Training Day (

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on January 06, 2019, 10:37:08 PM
Now that Mr. NotAPresident explained his approach to PMs ( I think the best course of action for our friend would be to do just that - send a PM and explain the problem, whatever it is. I'm sure that if this is such a catastrophe as it's made out to be then appropriate action will be taken.

But I think we all know we'll keep seeing the same grievances scattered among multiple threads with no end in sight.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 06, 2019, 10:37:13 PM
My apologies.
No apologies necessary.  Also, I thought some of the senior members had agreed to start making self-moderated threads whenever it is that they create threads, so as to cut down on shitposters.  It was a while ago that this was being discussed, but I thought it was a great idea.  I've started a few threads since then, and a couple of them I forgot to check the "self-moderated thread" box but that was just my early-onset Alzheimer's acting up.  I'm not looking to censor post that disagree with anything I'm saying.  I'm focused on eliminating posts that say nothing and are obviously written in order to get paid.  

In this particular thread, cryptohunter is not welcome, and he knows that--just like I know I wouldn't be welcome in his thread.  That's all dandy, but I'm telling you all:  there is NO point in engaging him in any discussion.  This is a fat troll that needs at least a few months of fasting.

Now that Mr. NotAPresident explained his approach to PMs ( I think the best course of action for our friend would be to do just that - send a PM and explain the problem, whatever it is. I'm sure that if this is such a catastrophe as it's made out to be then appropriate action will be taken.

But I think we all know we'll keep seeing the same grievances scattered among multiple threads with no end in sight.
Yes, that would be his best course of action if he actually believed his own bullshit, but he doesn't.  He's not trying to right a wrong; he's seeking attention and only that.  C-scunter is like a child whose mother weaned him off breast milk with lemon juice.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: marlboroza on January 06, 2019, 11:01:27 PM
I think you-know-who is back in full troll mode, and I do believe people have been feeding him scraps from the table.
I noticed "currently ignored user" created self moderated thread to complain about suchmoon removing her reply from another self moderated thread and then, reading this post, she removed suchmoon's and mikey's posts from her self moderated thread  ::)

It was a big mistake to hit "Show/Hide" button, I don't think I will repeat that mistake ever again.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 07, 2019, 12:07:40 AM
I did the same as marlboroza, and took her off ignore to read her new thread. What a mistake that was. Against my better judgement pointed out that complaining about censorship when she locks her own threads to prevent anyone from responding to her latest nonsense was just a tad hypocritical. I have no doubt she's completely ignored my point and simply insulted me and all the other "gang members", but I'm not interested enough to find out. Back on ignore.

A momentary lapse. It won't happen again.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on January 11, 2019, 03:40:47 PM
TP, please do your thing again. These warnings don't seem to last more than 3-4 days :)

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Timelord2067 on January 11, 2019, 04:10:40 PM
Seems a reasonable request.



Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: mOgliE on January 18, 2019, 09:47:59 AM
I'll try to take the vow too then.

But it's not an easy task.
I don't know why but the mind refuses to ignore such level of stupidity. It's like his stupidity contaminates our brains so after reading him we're no longer intelligent enough to restrain ourselves from answering him.

Anyway I've put him on ignore and will put all my will on not hitting the unignore button.

Though I know that when I do that with TECSHARE it lasts for a week at the very best xD

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TMAN on January 18, 2019, 10:09:23 AM
I need some FACTS about why he/she/it is trolling.


sign me up guys!

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Cryptovator on January 18, 2019, 10:33:13 AM
I need some FACTS about why he/she/it is trolling.


sign me up guys!

It's simple because he got tag. Before Implementation of new DT system he was tagged for trolling. Somehow he fight about it and tag was turn into neutral. But after new DT implementation some of old tag reflecting on his trust score. So he start fight first against new DT system. When he failed now he fighting with DT's. That's the case.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TMAN on January 18, 2019, 10:39:42 AM
It's simple because he got tag. Before Implementation of new DT system he was tagged for trolling. Somehow he fight about it and tag was turn into neutral. But after new DT implementation some of old tag reflecting on his trust score. So he start fight first against new DT system. When he failed now he fighting with DT's. That's the case.

/s = sarcasm - well aware this is some mental case, don't worry - fingers will stay away 'from unignore - I will fight it!

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 18, 2019, 09:11:02 PM
This isn't working. There are too many people who just come in and try to reason with him in every thread, blissfully unaware that he does not care one iota about logic, sense or rationality. I've pretty much given up on even looking at Meta for the time being. At a time with huge changes to DT, when we should be discussing what is best for the forum and how to go forward from here, every thread is being turned in to his rambling nonsense and abuse.

I've had him on ignore for some time, but I'm willing to bet his posts are all the same as they were a week ago. Given that they break the first three rules (low value, off topic and trolling), can a moderator let us know how long we have to put up with this shitfest before he gets banned? I'd like to be able to have a sensible discussion amongst adults again.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on January 18, 2019, 09:16:46 PM
This isn't working. There are too many people who just come in and try to reason with him in every thread, blissfully unaware that he does not care one iota about logic, sense or rationality. I've pretty much given up on even looking at Meta for the time being. At a time with huge changes to DT, when we should be discussing what is best for the forum and how to go forward from here, every thread is being turned in to his rambling nonsense and abuse.

I've had him on ignore for some time, but I'm willing to bet his posts are all the same as they were a week ago. Given that they break the first three rules (low value, off topic and trolling), can a moderator let us know how long we have to put up with this shitfest before he gets banned? I'd like to be able to have a sensible discussion amongst adults again.

I have reported some of the shitfest a few days ago and the posts are still unhandled so I'm guessing we're gonna have to wait a while.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceMobile on January 18, 2019, 09:18:58 PM
I had about 7 of them deleted, and that's while having him on ignore.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on January 18, 2019, 09:28:13 PM
Where does one find a priest of the Cult of Lauda to confess my sins? I'm engaging with that asshat again.  ::)

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: actmyname on January 18, 2019, 09:29:50 PM
Where does one find a priest of the Cult of Lauda to confess my sins? I'm engaging with that asshat again.  ::)
Hello, my kitten. Atom.*


Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on January 18, 2019, 09:36:33 PM
Where does one find a priest of the Cult of Lauda to confess my sins? I'm engaging with that asshat again.  ::)
Hello, my kitten. Atom.*

Forgive me father, (or is it mother) for I have sinned. I couldn't help myself. I merited Jet Cash in his meta thread and the troll basically stated the person who merited him (me) was a scaredy cat. Please forgive me and tell me what my Penance should be. I want to be worthy of partaking in the holy cat nip.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Lauda on January 18, 2019, 09:46:01 PM
Where does one find a priest of the Cult of Lauda to confess my sins? I'm engaging with that asshat again.  ::)
Here. Pick one:

Scampuzz just didn't update the image yet, the numbers have doubled (or even tripled) since last time. :D

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Timelord2067 on January 19, 2019, 06:06:13 AM
Forgive me father, (or is it mother) for I have sinned. I couldn't help myself. I merited Jet Cash in his meta thread and the troll basically stated the person who merited him (me) was a scaredy cat. Please forgive me and tell me what my Penance should be. I want to be worthy of partaking in the holy cat nip.

Brethren: *Always* have the holy cap-nip within paws grasp before confessing one's sins.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: VINSIN on January 19, 2019, 01:34:16 PM
Oh gosh, this guy is really having a mental problem....i know geeks can get awkward sometimes but..this guy just breaks all the limits :))

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: actmyname on January 19, 2019, 09:00:43 PM
From what I've seen, cryptohunter is reasonable if you have the time to respond to his concerns... which can change.
This is just a simple case of an exacerbated incident because sometimes his posts are extremely...

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on January 22, 2019, 12:57:24 AM
I am not familiar with him, but once you are certain someone is a troll, it is probably best to simply ignore him.
You can make your point and show your logic, however at a point this becomes futile.
I'm surprised you've missed all the commotion cryptohunter has created, but take a look at his post history (;u=92110;sa=showPosts) and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. 
I have seen more of his posts, and believe he is most probably a troll.

I am on the fence if he even agrees with the positions he takes. It is possible he (and a few others) are going to extreme lengths to criticize certain people, so that legit criticism of these people are assumed to be trolling and are ignored.

It is my opinion that the negative ratings others have given him are inappropriate for a number of reasons. First of all, he does not appear to trade with anyone, so leaving the negative ratings will not actually warn anyone against doing business with him. Secondly, the negative ratings only give him more to complain about. Lastly, I don't think him trolling is an indication that he is a scammer.

My prediction is he will eventually get banned for trolling, and he will try to appeal that ban, and eventually his appeal account will get banned for trolling.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 22, 2019, 01:11:01 AM
I am on the fence if he even agrees with the positions he takes. It is possible he (and a few others) are going to extreme lengths to criticize certain people, so that legit criticism of these people are assumed to be trolling and are ignored.
Even if there's legitimate criticism somewhere in all of his rambling, he's made his point many times over and at this point everything he's writing is just trolling.  If the community thought he had valid points, he'd have garnered some support but that doesn't seem to be happening--and he just doesn't grasp that. 

It is my opinion that the negative ratings others have given him are inappropriate for a number of reasons. First of all, he does not appear to trade with anyone, so leaving the negative ratings will not actually warn anyone against doing business with him. Secondly, the negative ratings only give him more to complain about. Lastly, I don't think him trolling is an indication that he is a scammer.
Negative trust isn't just given to scammers, and you know that.  If Theymos thinks members ought to leave negs ONLY for people scamming or suspected of scamming, then he would make a rule requiring that.  As far as CH is concerned, he's spreading lies and breaking rules and other DT members are fed up with it.  I don't blame them for giving him a neg.

My prediction is he will eventually get banned for trolling<snip>
That would be nice.  He's one of the worst trolls I've seen since I've been a member here, and not because of his attacks against me.  It's because of his constant derailing of threads, repetition of the same nonsense over and over, and his obvious use of alt accounts to give the illusion that someone agrees with him (Chosen Username is the first one that comes to mind, but there may be others).  It's time for him to go.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on January 22, 2019, 01:39:39 AM
I am on the fence if he even agrees with the positions he takes. It is possible he (and a few others) are going to extreme lengths to criticize certain people, so that legit criticism of these people are assumed to be trolling and are ignored.
Even if there's legitimate criticism somewhere in all of his rambling, he's made his point many times over and at this point everything he's writing is just trolling.  If the community thought he had valid points, he'd have garnered some support but that doesn't seem to be happening--and he just doesn't grasp that. 
He goes to extremes to voice his points, and that turns people off from wanting to support him.

It is my opinion that the negative ratings others have given him are inappropriate for a number of reasons. First of all, he does not appear to trade with anyone, so leaving the negative ratings will not actually warn anyone against doing business with him. Secondly, the negative ratings only give him more to complain about. Lastly, I don't think him trolling is an indication that he is a scammer.
Negative trust isn't just given to scammers, and you know that.  If Theymos thinks members ought to leave negs ONLY for people scamming or suspected of scamming, then he would make a rule requiring that.  As far as CH is concerned, he's spreading lies and breaking rules and other DT members are fed up with it.  I don't blame them for giving him a neg.
Theymos has said what a negative rating is for:
Quote from: theymos via trust page
Negative - You were scammed or you strongly believe that this person is a scammer.
I know you believe this should be updated, but it has not been updated. Perhaps I will create a new thread for this elsewhere, as I do feel strongly about this.

However if I were to concede that negative ratings can be given for reasons other than "someone is a scammer, or strongly believe someone is a scammer", then I would ask what purpose the negative rating to CH gives? From what I can tell, the negatives do not affect him in any way. I see little purpose in giving the ratings against CH beyond stroking the ego of those who gave the negatives.

Again the harm in the negative ratings is that CH can now complain (and troll) about one more issue.

My prediction is he will eventually get banned for trolling<snip>
That would be nice.  He's one of the worst trolls I've seen since I've been a member here, and not because of his attacks against me.  It's because of his constant derailing of threads, repetition of the same nonsense over and over, and his obvious use of alt accounts to give the illusion that someone agrees with him (Chosen Username is the first one that comes to mind, but there may be others).  It's time for him to go.
It will take some time because the forum does not take excluding people from the community lightly.

One of my favorite trolls was WoodCollector (I believe this was from before your time here, unless you browsed before creating an account). Unlike CH, he actually tried trading around here, but when he was caught being a scammer, he turned into a troll. Here are some WC threads for your reading pleasure:;all

I think the above links are in a good order. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a decent amount of time, but eventually the facts came out that cemented him as a scammer.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 22, 2019, 02:05:18 AM
Perhaps I will create a new thread for this elsewhere, as I do feel strongly about this.
Go for it.  Maybe Theymos might weigh in on it, but if he doesn't then I suspect things will continue much the way they're going now.

It will take some time because the forum does not take excluding people from the community lightly.
That's not what I've seen based on the number of ban appeal threads in Meta, even if most of them are for plagiarism and not trolling. 

I've no idea how cryptohunter used to be, but right now he's just an extremely annoying, obnoxious, disruptive troll, with not a small amount of paranoia and idiocy sprinkled into the mix.  That's why I can't read his garbage anymore.  I feel like doing so wastes precious minutes of my life that I'll never get back, plus I come away from his posts with the sensation that my IQ might have dropped a couple of points--I don't have that many to spare, you know.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceMobile on January 22, 2019, 06:06:13 AM
Judging by his feedback from greenspaces, he was an "Angry kid annoying the hell out of forum members" 5 years ago already.
The only thing that changed is that he moved from the Altcoin boards where barely anyone reads his posts to Meta and Reputation
At more than 50 posts per day, I now see threads with an ignored post almost every other post.

This summarizes it nicely:
cryptohunter you need to go out & get laid, find a fucking hobby or something man.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TMAN on January 22, 2019, 07:18:24 AM
cryptohunter you need to go out & get laid, find a fucking hobby or something man.

13K posts - 89 merit, says it all really - guarantee the fucker hasn't got the charm to get laid - plus it probably does actually look like a troll and live in its mothers basement

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TalkStar on January 22, 2019, 07:28:25 AM
I've no idea how cryptohunter used to be, but right now he's just an extremely annoying, obnoxious, disruptive troll, with not a small amount of paranoia and idiocy sprinkled into the mix.  That's why I can't read his garbage anymore.  I feel like doing so wastes precious minutes of my life that I'll never get back, plus I come away from his posts with the sensation that my IQ might have dropped a couple of points--I don't have that many to spare, you know.
Yeah its really annoying to have same manner and post from an common person everytime.I think its should be prohibited otherwise it will completely affect our forum regular activities.

Trolling is being out of limit now. It will be hard to find a single corner where these guys are not making troll or attacking someone personally. I wish if we can find a complete solution to get rid of those.

13K posts - 89 merit, says it all really - guarantee the fucker hasn't got the charm to get laid - plus it probably does actually look like a troll and live in its mothers basement
If someone always put his head on bad water than its nothing to do for us.Just what we can do is "ignore". It will not be a wise idea to wish good activities from everyone. Otherwise what kind of happiness someone get by doing this meaningless boring work.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on February 03, 2019, 03:02:42 PM
I think this needs to be bumped with a reminder of whom we're dealing with here. See the bold part (emphasis mine). It's a blatant call to spam the threads where cryptohunter's "enemies" are posting. So please DO NOT FEED THE TROLL.

We can certainly win. Never give up.

As the number of abused increases then a union can be formed.

We can push for an entire change of the system that permits and even enforces this abuse of honest members.

1. find the threads they post in.
2. present only on topic and relevant facts demonstrating their untrustworthy natures and provide evidence to invalidate their future abuse of others.

There are going to be more abused than abusers.

This must continue until the system itself is altered and criteria given that eliminates this subjective and selfishly motivated abuse of honest members.

This is just the start. Abusers will not stop abusing until it is taken out of their control.

We must be careful of .

1. real scammers and untrustworthy must never join our union and that we NEVER defend their actions.
2. we stick only to presentation of facts and observable events that are relevant and on topic.
3. We do not just think of ourselves. We will not permit abuse of any honest person here. We will speak up and defend this abuse where it is clear abuse is taking place.
4. Not giving up or giving into to their  threats and gang tactics.

This union should have one clear mandate.

Ensure that the same fair and honest treatment is applied to ALL members of this board.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 03, 2019, 03:31:03 PM
I've been ignoring him for quite some time, but this post just shows how far he's fallen.

He started off arguing that not all plagiarizers should be banned, and there are some amazing newbies not receiving merit. While I disagree with those points (the latter having pretty much been proved wrong by this thread ( and I disagreed with the way he made them, I thought he was simply misguided. I even argued on his behalf to try to clear his negative trust, even though all I got in return from him was abuse.

Now he is advocating for scammers. He is supporting the use of a trust list which would aim to replace the entirety of DT with a bunch of accounts which are either inactive, trolls, scammers, or some combination of those three. This would give literally thousands of scammers a clean trust rating and release them back on to the forum. This is no longer just misguided trolling.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: nutildah on February 03, 2019, 03:48:30 PM
A great idea, I regret not reading this thread earlier.

Guy (or gal) is completely off their respective rocker.

Consider it done.

Now he is advocating for scammers. He is supporting the use of a trust list which would aim to replace the entirety of DT with a bunch of accounts which are either inactive, trolls, scammers, or some combination of those three. This would give literally thousands of scammers a clean trust rating and release them back on to the forum.

As far as I understand how the new system works, the chance that this will actually happen is extremely unlikely.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 03, 2019, 04:01:33 PM
As far as I understand how the new system works, the chance that this will actually happen is extremely unlikely.
Oh absolutely. I had a quick look through the users in that thread and the ones who are using the trust list that OP posted. cryptohunter has the most earned merit out of any of them at 93 - most of them are just alts and sockpuppets. Between them all, they can barely scrape together enough "10 earned merit" votes to get a single person on their list to meet the DT requirements, and they aren't even close to the "250 earned merit" requirements. It will take them literally years at their current rate of earning merits to get a single one of them elected on to DT.

Bearing in mind to overthrow the system and release the tidal wave of scammers they will need more DT1 members include than exclude their list, so they are currently looking at requiring something like 30 DT1 members. It will literally never happen. Doesn't make it any less dangerous or insane to "form a union" and advocate for it though.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: marlboroza on February 03, 2019, 04:25:18 PM
Bunch of sockpuppets agreeing to each other in echo chamber. CH behave like she is their advocate. Now, where have I seen this before?

Violates local rules from unedited topic.
Violates forum rules.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TMAN on February 03, 2019, 04:31:36 PM
Bunch of sockpuppets agreeing to each other in echo chamber. CH behave like she is their advocate. Now, where have I seen this before?

Violates local rules from unedited topic.
Violates forum rules.

The idiot broke the rules of my thread, now the fool is here doing it, surely they have been warned by the mods

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on March 04, 2019, 01:30:00 PM
Bump, the troll keeps taking over topics, breaking my local rules, and reports stay unprocessed for a long time.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: marlboroza on March 04, 2019, 11:46:30 PM
New Local Rule (starting 50 minutes after this topic was created):
cryptohunter is no longer allowed to post in this thread.
I did some research recently and I just want to say that cryptohunter didn't break local rule. According to forum rules:
26. Local thread rules, if stated properly when the thread was started, specific enough and don't conflict with the forum rules, have to be followed.
You can go with self moderated thread but unfortunately not in Meta. I usually don't read CH's posts but I noticed some people are still arguing with her, so I went to see what she has posted, I saw the same rant, repeating the same things over and over again so I put her back on ignore.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 05, 2019, 12:58:01 AM
Glad you bumped this thread, because people need a reminder that cryptohunter has been at this for months now, essentially saying the same thing over and over.  Meanwhile, the rest of the sock puppet brigade has thrown in the towel, likely because they see that whatever their goal is is futile. 

They can't figure out whether they want the whole system thrown in the trash or if they want to be on DT--and neither thing is going to happen, although TECSHARE and OgNasty might have a shot.  The rest of them don't.

Keep 'em on ignore where they belong.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 21, 2019, 04:52:33 PM
try searching for most important thread of the year on this board and we can discuss it there if you like.

Just find my thread of the year here in meta and post on it. I will respond.

go find my most important thread of the year here on meta

bump for more discussion.

Sounds like CH is starving.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: stompix on March 21, 2019, 05:46:16 PM
And let him starve!!!!

Every time he enters a discussion he posts a wall of text that has no meaning and no other purpose than probably giving users a carpal tunnel syndrome or kill our mice and touchpads.

You can't reason with him simply because he doesn't want to reason!!!
He's ruining every damn thread with his whining and false accusation just to attract some of the people here so he can whine more and accuse more, it's a fword never ending a story with him.

Leave him alone, if he has none of his usual abusers joining him in a thread he is walking away.
Don't give him even the satisfaction of believing he is some worthy adversary in discussions around here and that you need to engage him.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 21, 2019, 05:52:43 PM
Sounds like CH is starving.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 21, 2019, 06:02:24 PM
Count Trigglypoof. 

Thank you for bumping this thread.  Don't know why I had him off ignore, but he is going back on.  The latest thread is a limp-dicked attempt at assailing DT members for tagging account buyers/sellers inconsistently (I think).  This has always been an issue, and there are many reasons why not every single account gets tagged.  Meanwhile, T-Poof could care less if any of them get tagged.  He is once again trolling for the lulz he gets from all the reactions, and now that I've stated my piece in his thread, I'm done.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 21, 2019, 06:12:55 PM
I did feed him a little bit, but I gotta say - it's not as fun anymore. CH is just too predictable. We need a new, more entertaining troll with a wider repertoire, who would be really worth unignoring once in a while.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on March 22, 2019, 06:10:25 PM
anyway time for my tennis, then massage, I have a bad hand  and typing all this is not making it any better.

I'm going to drastically reduce my posting from now on. I have tried to help this board expel these scammers infesting the systems of control but I will not spend more than 15 mins per day on here from now on. Except on special occasions. I feel it will all collapse into chaos eventually anyway. Selfish greedy people can only collude successfully for so long. I almost feel by creating a common enemy (my good self) that I am indeed helping them hold it together. It may be time for a change of tactics.  

It appears CH must have taken some ibuprofen, today. Or is it a special occasion?

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 22, 2019, 07:04:30 PM
Whatever it is, it's much stronger than ibuprofen I think.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 22, 2019, 07:21:54 PM
Whatever it is, it's much stronger than ibuprofen I think.
And he probably smoked it, too.

I actually reported 3 of his posts today.  One of them was an unnecessary necrobump ( of a merit thread with a trolling post, and two others that were pure trolling.  He is out of arguments and is now just resorting to attacks, which I don't find appropriate.  Though I doubt mods will do anything about his incessant BS, I've had about enough of it.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: asche on March 22, 2019, 07:22:36 PM
I never reacted to his provocative non sense and I am not going to start tomorrow.

I hope he will feel very lonely pretty soon. When is constant trolling going to be enforced like plagiarism - with a lifetime ban?

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: stompix on March 22, 2019, 07:27:04 PM
It appears CH must have taken some ibuprofen, today. Or is it a special occasion?
Whatever it is, it's much stronger than ibuprofen I think.

It's called sodium hydroxide, or lye sometimes misspelled lie.
And he isn't taking but giving it away 31 (

I'm going to drastically reduce my posting from now on. I have tried to help this board expel these scammers infesting the systems of control but I will not spend more than 15 mins per day on here from now on.

Then stays active from 01:41:04 PM to  07:08:52 PM making another 14 endless posts.

I did feed him a little bit, but I gotta say - it's not as fun anymore.

Lately, I've seen you feeding him a lot of poisonous pies, maybe a fast food diet could kill him.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on March 22, 2019, 07:39:16 PM
Whatever it is, it's much stronger than ibuprofen I think.
And he probably smoked it, too.

I actually reported 3 of his posts today.  One of them was an unnecessary necrobump ( of a merit thread with a trolling post, and two others that were pure trolling.  He is out of arguments and is now just resorting to attacks, which I don't find appropriate.  Though I doubt mods will do anything about his incessant BS, I've had about enough of it.
To be entirely fair, he wasn’t the one who initially posted in that thread after a year, it was two signature spammers. He probably just didn’t notice the year of the post of yours he quoted.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 22, 2019, 08:07:09 PM
To be entirely fair, he wasn’t the one who initially posted in that thread after a year, it was two signature spammers. He probably just didn’t notice the year of the post of yours he quoted.
Oops, somehow I missed the posts before his.  That's what I get for not putting him immediately back on ignore after replying to one of his rants yesterday.  Well his post should be nuked for trolling, but I'm keeping my expectations very low. 

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 23, 2019, 12:17:39 AM
Then stays active from 01:41:04 PM to  07:08:52 PM making another 14 endless posts.
He's done this before. He said he was going on a night out, then posted multiple more times over the next 12 hours. He said he was going on a holiday (and that he was actually on holiday), while continuing to flood 20+ posts a day. Starving him is the only thing that seems to slow him down.

I have no idea what event or events his recent "analogy" thread is referring to, but it is quite clear he has oversimplified what I'm sure is a complex and nuanced situation down to a meaningless analogy, which I am also sure he will then use as "evidence" in multiple posts over the coming weeks to talk about how all DT members are corrupt. Unfortunately it seems this transparent attempt has still received several replies, and he's off again with his usual tirade of stupidity:

foxpoop and that other imbecile yogg

these fucking clowns

To the other turds here

you are net negative trash.

Seriously guys, just hit that ignore button.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 23, 2019, 01:17:02 AM
I have no idea what event or events his recent "analogy" thread is referring to

I know you didn't really ask but I'm gonna answer anyway... he is referring to the trust rating he received from yogg - follow the ref link and perhaps you'll see the "analogy". I tried but I can't really. Seems like CH is saying that TMAN posting neg trust for him is analogous to TMAN stealing his phone, and CH threatening to harass TMAN is analogous to going to the police, and yogg calling it blackmail is analogous to letting thieves off the hook and jailing theft victims. I mean if neg trust == phone theft, then isn't yogg just stealing another phone from CH? Why is one trust rating interpreted literally and the other - figuratively? Perhaps I need stronger chemicals to get into the right state of mind to understand this.

Edit - this might be the origin of the stupid analogy:

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on March 30, 2019, 06:55:27 PM
I'll use this topic to keep track of scores :D

Exhibit A
My opinion is that I'm not going to waste time reading your huge, rambly, low-content posts which you post everywhere.
theymos 01 - 00 cryptohunter

Exhibit B
Which mod deleted it?
I did. Feel free to rant all you want in your own topics, but quit derailing unrelated topics.
theymos 02 - 00 cryptohunter

Exhibit C
We see you doing this over and over again. There are 61 good reports against you in the last 60 days. You're going to get banned if you keep this up.
theymos 03 - 00 cryptohunter

A reminder:
Else you will just provide my daily entertainment like usual.
Don't feed the troll.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on March 30, 2019, 11:49:15 PM

My prediction is he will eventually get banned for trolling, and he will try to appeal that ban, and eventually his appeal account will get banned for trolling.

I will just leave this up here:
There are 61 good reports against you in the last 60 days. You're going to get banned if you keep this up.
Technically speaking he might get banned for derailing threads/off topic posting...

Edit: I think part of the reason he is being given so much leaway is because he is ultimately complaining about the trust system being used inappropriately against himself as he has DT rating that theymos has said are not an appropriate use of the trust system (he didn’t address CHs ratings specifically but in his general comments about trust ratings he did say this).

If the ratings were removed then I think he would have less leeway in derailing threads. If you want the rants to stop, you should remove any inappropriate ratings against him and ask others to do the same.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 31, 2019, 12:57:33 AM
Oh no... theymos fed the troll, twice. This high-calorie diet will have him going for weeks now.

If the ratings were removed then I think he would have less leeway in derailing threads. If you want the rants to stop, you should remove any inappropriate ratings against him and ask others to do the same.

It's already been done with marlboroza's feedback and it didn't work, he kept attacking everyone after the rating was removed. In fact most of CH's anti-DT butthurt originates from back then, even though it was a clear misunderstanding that was resolved quickly. CH is not the "let go" type and I don't think mods are considering trust ratings when a post is reported (nor should they).

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on March 31, 2019, 01:42:55 AM
Oh no... theymos fed the troll, twice. This high-calorie diet will have him going for weeks now.

If the ratings were removed then I think he would have less leeway in derailing threads. If you want the rants to stop, you should remove any inappropriate ratings against him and ask others to do the same.

It's already been done with marlboroza's feedback and it didn't work, he kept attacking everyone after the rating was removed. In fact most of CH's anti-DT butthurt originates from back then, even though it was a clear misunderstanding that was resolved quickly. CH is not the "let go" type and I don't think mods are considering trust ratings when a post is reported (nor should they).
Lauda, TMAN and yogg still have negative trust against CH. I also don’t see him complaining about marlboroza, but I also don’t read his posts closely.

If the ratings are removed, then theymos is going to be less tolerant of the off topic posts. If CH doesn’t stop the off topic posts after getting the ratings that are being applied improperly, then he will get banned.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 31, 2019, 02:49:32 AM
Lauda, TMAN and yogg still have negative trust against CH. I also don’t see him complaining about marlboroza, but I also don’t read his posts closely.

If the ratings are removed, then theymos is going to be less tolerant of the off topic posts. If CH doesn’t stop the off topic posts after getting the ratings that are being applied improperly, then he will get banned.

I don't know where you're getting this certainty of what "will" happen, but this has been going on for months with no end in sight and no obvious connection to his DT trust. He complains about me and Foxpup a lot, even though neither of us posted neg trust for him and I even attempted to help him out in marlboroza's dispute. After that rating got removed he was emboldened and threatened to take down everyone and everything.

CH is not a sane person, thus this thread. All we can do is try to ignore him and keep reporting his posts until mods get sufficiently pissed either at us or at him.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Lauda on March 31, 2019, 05:56:16 AM
My rating is legitimate, and I don't recall theymos telling me anywhere that it isn't. Anyhow, he "gave away control" of the system for a reason.

I don't know where you're getting this certainty of what "will" happen..
He gotta pump up his post count some way now.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 31, 2019, 07:47:32 AM
Lauda, TMAN and yogg still have negative trust against CH. I also don’t see him complaining about marlboroza, but I also don’t read his posts closely.
Never mind if CH made thread against any specific problem of against any specific people. Even I had not talk with him previously but he have complain against me. Total mathematics is, if you write any constructive post against CH then obviously he will complain against you. So was tried to avoid reply on his thread but sometimes I did. Because even he trolled on my merit source application.

However I think he become mad after got tag and he forgot about apology. Actually he got tag for uninterrupted argument and false claim (IMO). So he is the one who responsible for his tag. You can say CH is just against whole DT members.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on March 31, 2019, 01:48:59 PM
You can say CH is just against whole DT members.

    It extends beyond that. He also is against some people who are in the top 200 merit receivers, some merit sources, some staff members who delete  his posts, some who uses the report to moderator function, some who disagrees with his "facts," some who belongs to a signature campaign, some who ever invested in Dash, etc etc etc. Unfortunately, when his sparring partners get sick of being belittled and don't feed him anymore, he always finds someone new to respond to his posts. Quite frankly, the only temporary solution to counter his behavior is to shadow ban him, which I'm sure will never be implemented. If he ends up getting banned, I'm sure we will be treated to a string of alt accounts, ad infinitum.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on March 31, 2019, 01:58:11 PM
If he ends up getting banned, I'm sure we will be treated to a string of alt accounts, ad infinitum.

AKA "friends" LOL

The only thing you can do now is try to get me banned (real motive because I am telling the truth about you all, which will be evident when this is historically analysed)  and that will actually just provide my friends opportunity to join and crow about my great deeds and your foul deeds in even more strong terms without looking like an egomaniac.


Come debate here BONES261

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: bones261 on March 31, 2019, 10:31:11 PM

Message modified. He "wins."   ;D (

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: nutildah on April 04, 2019, 09:43:57 AM
Congratulations, this thread made CH news in what are bound to be 2 lonely meta posts (probably more to come, it looks like a series), because nobody who commented in this thread is allowed to comment in them per local rules. I can guess who's going to be commenting there... There's a few Member-level folks who love to give their input on Meta matters, they will probably be CH's only respondents.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on April 04, 2019, 09:47:12 AM
Congratulations, this thread made CH news in what are bound to be 2 lonely meta posts (probably more to come, it looks like a series), because nobody who commented in this thread is allowed to comment in them per local rules. I can guess who's going to be commenting there... There's a few Member-level folks who love to give their input on Meta matters, they will probably be CH's only respondents.

I literally just read those two threads. It’d be really good if nobody responded to either & I’d find it quite funny to imagine him in his parents box room bending himself out of shape, furious about the lack of replies.

I’m sure he’s got walls of text in mind ready to reply to anybody right now.

Hopefully nobody posts in them.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on April 04, 2019, 11:00:36 AM
I'm sure he gonna come out with some sock puppet/alt just to continue his wall monologues and keep attracting attention to him (and bumping the threads).
As we have a saying there is no such thing as bad advertising as long as people talk about you. It's sound horrible but it's true. People intentionally make scandals to get their fifteen minutes of fame (even if it's a bad fame)...

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on April 04, 2019, 11:08:44 AM
Congratulations, this thread made CH news in what are bound to be 2 lonely meta posts
I've reported both already. It could have been posted in one topic, and it should (at best) be moved to Reputation. Let's see if Mods agree.

because nobody who commented in this thread is allowed to comment in them per local rules.
That's ironic, coming from the user who made me lock this thread ( after extensive spamming and breaking my local rules.

I don't think it's specific enough to point at another thread for local rules:
26. Local thread rules, if stated properly when the thread was started, specific enough and don't conflict with the forum rules, have to be followed.

That said, I wouldn't mind a forum-wide "don't reply to ch" rule :D

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 04, 2019, 11:29:38 AM
As we have a saying there is no such thing as bad advertising as long as people talk about you.
What the hell is he advertising, though?  Is CH even wearing a signature?  If I were any less lazy and actually had signatures unblocked I would check, but I seem to recall that he wasn't using avatar or sig space to promote anything.  Anyway, I think he's just an attention whore.  You can't seriously keep making the same irrational arguments time and time again with zero support--and it's not like he's just writing short posts, either--and not come off as a big drama queen.

If CH got banned and evaded it with an alt account, I'm fairly sure it'd be easy to detect, assuming he kept writing in a similar style.  His command of English is certainly good enough that he could probably write differently if he chose.  However, I see that he has a compulsion to write extremely long posts and I don't think he would stop doing that.  I don't think he's able to.  He didn't get banned, did he?  Never mind, I just saw that he wrote another rambling screed.

Over 1,200 posts in Meta all complaining about the same nonsense.
WOW.  I did not realize he was that prolific.  I've probably made way more than that in Meta but over a much longer period of time.  His posts are all probably in the past few months, and that's a hell of a lot.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: nutildah on April 04, 2019, 11:37:06 AM
What the hell is he advertising, though?  Is CH even wearing a signature?  If I were any less lazy and actually had signatures unblocked I would check, but I seem to recall that he wasn't using avatar or sig space to promote anything.

For your reference, he's advertising his red trust, or rather how it was left by scumbags. :D

Anyway, I think he's just an attention whore.

Confirmed. Over 1,200 posts in Meta all complaining about the same nonsense.

If that's not insanity I don't know what is.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on April 04, 2019, 11:52:10 AM
As we have a saying there is no such thing as bad advertising as long as people talk about you.
What the hell is he advertising, though?  Is CH even wearing a signature?  If I were any less lazy and actually had signatures unblocked I would check, but I seem to recall that he wasn't using avatar or sig space to promote anything.  Anyway, I think he's just an attention whore.  You can't seriously keep making the same irrational arguments time and time again with zero support--and it's not like he's just writing short posts, either--and not come off as a big drama queen.

If CH got banned and evaded it with an alt account, I'm fairly sure it'd be easy to detect, assuming he kept writing in a similar style.  His command of English is certainly good enough that he could probably write differently if he chose.  However, I see that he has a compulsion to write extremely long posts and I don't think he would stop doing that.  I don't think he's able to.  He didn't get banned, did he?  Never mind, I just saw that he wrote another rambling screed.

It's just a saying and the meaning behind it is that  just to stay in the people' mouth, be popular even if with a bad reputation (you don't need to advertise anything).
In other words something like the Kardashian - famous for being famous.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on April 04, 2019, 03:00:39 PM
Congratulations, this thread made CH news in what are bound to be 2 lonely meta posts
I've reported both already. It could have been posted in one topic, and it should (at best) be moved to Reputation. Let's see if Mods agree.

There are 3 new threads now and all of them are just extensions of his complaints about his deleted posts. Hopefully he won't be allowed to keep creating threads like that, particularly after he got reprimanded by theymos.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: stompix on April 12, 2019, 04:14:49 PM
For a moment not seeing the usual name among topics starters and checking his history I thought it's finally over.
But it seems like now there is an invasion of newbies willing to carry his banner and continue his fight against the catcultist and the DT gang  ;D

At least he hasn't been that active on his main account, anybody has a clue why? Temp ban maybe?  ::)


Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: Quickseller on April 12, 2019, 04:34:29 PM
For a moment not seeing the usual name among topics starters and checking his history I thought it's finally over.
But it seems like now there is an invasion of newbies willing to carry his banner and continue his fight against the catcultist and the DT gang  ;D

At least he hasn't been that active on his main account, anybody has a clue why? Temp ban maybe?  ::)

He hasn’t posted in two days but he isn’t permanently banned. I find it fairly unlikely that he got temp banned because he has calmed down somewhat recently in regards to derailing threads and he has made a clear effort to clean up his act in regards to breaking the rules.

I would not write off those people as being CH, I have no idea one way or another. However I am confident that most people are not willing to criticize the status quo out of fear of negative impacts to their reputation. If they act like CH then they are perhaps him, but if they are not then they are probably someone else.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on April 12, 2019, 08:58:44 PM
For a moment not seeing the usual name among topics starters and checking his history I thought it's finally over.
But it seems like now there is an invasion of newbies willing to carry his banner and continue his fight against the catcultist and the DT gang  ;D

At least he hasn't been that active on his main account, anybody has a clue why? Temp ban maybe?  ::)


I thought about him today when I saw multiple ‘Newbies’ complaining about how the forum in run in a single thread earlier.

It is strange that he’s not around starting about 3 threads a day saying pretty much the same thing.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 27, 2019, 04:35:54 PM
Guys, please. This applies to his new alt account as well.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on April 27, 2019, 04:50:24 PM
Guys, please. This applies to his new alt account as well.

Finding it hard not to respond to him atm. He’s even made a thread dedicated to me in Reputation & how I’m the worst shitposter on the entire forum & I should be banned :D

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: suchmoon on April 27, 2019, 05:47:18 PM
Guys, please. This applies to his new alt account as well.

Finding it hard not to respond to him atm. He’s even made a thread dedicated to me in Reputation & how I’m the worst shitposter on the entire forum & I should be banned :D

That what he does. He finds someone who's still responding to his bullshit and trolls them incessantly. This gives him an excuse to keep posting without breaking spam/multipost rules. He's literally begging you to reply. We've all been there :)

Please present 10 of your best original thought inspiring posts

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on April 27, 2019, 05:48:23 PM
Lesson learnt.

Cutting him off as of NOW!

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on April 27, 2019, 05:56:05 PM
This applies to his new alt account as well.
Sorry, I fell for it ( :(

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: marlboroza on April 27, 2019, 08:12:08 PM
Finding it hard not to respond to him atm. He’s even made a thread dedicated to me in Reputation & how I’m the worst shitposter on the entire forum & I should be banned :D
I can't say that you didn't ask for it. You knew she/he/it is a troll and you could have guessed what t-o-a-a will do. Everything you say might be used against you, you shouldn't expect less ;)

Btw, congratulation, T-O-A-A made you today to go off topic in threads they started:
I might start taking bets on when he gets his new account banned, like the last one. make fun of disabled people (
  • I’m DT1
  • I’m a Merit Source
  • I have 1624 Merit
  • I have positive trust

...and to
By the way I’m flattered you’ve spent so much time scrolling through years & years of my posting history. Like I said you display serious autism traits. You need serious help.

Title: Re: A boycott of replies to the recent extensive trolling by cryptohunter
Post by: LoyceV on May 02, 2019, 09:55:39 AM
I'll use this topic to keep track of scores :D

Exhibit A
My opinion is that I'm not going to waste time reading your huge, rambly, low-content posts which you post everywhere.
theymos 01 - 00 cryptohunter

Exhibit B
Which mod deleted it?
I did. Feel free to rant all you want in your own topics, but quit derailing unrelated topics.
theymos 02 - 00 cryptohunter

Exhibit C
We see you doing this over and over again. There are 61 good reports against you in the last 60 days. You're going to get banned if you keep this up.
theymos 03 - 00 cryptohunter
Exhibit D
theymos 04 - 00 cryptohunter