Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: ChiNgadOr on March 07, 2019, 10:20:37 AM

Title: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 07, 2019, 10:20:37 AM
This board is about reputation right? Today i am not talking about a scammer, but obviously i think this deserve to be exposed somewhere, because this user is not reputable at all.

Let's go to the point..i was asked to organize a group of translators to deliver website translation for Securypto's ICO. All of us delivered our work, but seems that one of us didnt took it seriously and harmed the rest of us.

This is the irresponsible worker, the arabic translator:

username: Abuelkheeir;u=1192398    

The problem is:
- all the rest of translators could have been paid already for the work, but team won't pay until ALL translations are done. So we must now wait until another reliable user do the arabic translation, which would take at least one more week (i must asisgn an affordable deadline to a new translator).
- i could have the translation be done by another worker, but the original translator just made me waste my time, with excuses and promised to deliver later and later.
The worst of this, and what made me get really angry, is that he put as excuses the problems in Egypt and real life problems, something i take very seriously.

Other messages followed the conversation, and nowadays he just ignore my messages in telegram.
So i think he is just a liar, because while he should have been doing the work he undertook to do, he has been applying to many other bounties. See the next proofs and look at the dates. He seems to apply to EVERYTHING..but i didnt have enough time now to be checking every bounty form the last days.



Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: asche on March 07, 2019, 10:58:00 AM
Not being professional hardly deserves a red tag or anything alike from a DT.

My advice, red tag him yourself if you feel like it.
While I wouldn't ask him to do any job for me, that doesn't mean he is a bad person.

While his excuses are statistically unlikely to be true, shit can also happen.

The fact that you didn't have a contingency ready in case of delay from one translator is a bad  risk management on your side. It is as much his responsibility as it was yours.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 07, 2019, 11:05:30 AM
Not being professional hardly deserves a red tag or anything alike from a DT.

My advice, red tag him yourself if you feel like it.
While I wouldn't ask him to do any job for me, that doesn't mean he is a bad person.

While his excuses are statistically unlikely to be true, shit can also happen.

The fact that you didn't have a contingency ready in case of delay from one translator is a bad  risk management on your side. It is as much his responsibility as it was yours.

Not asking for a red tag at all, as this is something i take seriously and would ruin his work and way of life, but at least this behaviour deserved to be exposed somewhere.

Regarding my responsability hiring a new translator, i have other translators available, and could have assigned the task many days ago.
It would have been easier to say " I dont like the work, please hire someone else for the task". But he has just been delaying this a lot of time, and the fact is that now honest workers must wait more time because of his unrespectfull behaviour.

Just in case community thinks this thread should not be in this board, i would ask moderator please to delete it. sorry for the inconveniences.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: asche on March 07, 2019, 12:19:38 PM
There is no issue whatsoever to have this on the board.

Leaving a feedback about his behavior is good. You should also add it as a neutral feedback to his profile with this topic as reference.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: khaled0111 on March 07, 2019, 12:54:35 PM
It may seem harsh for some, and they may refrain from using it as it should be, but this what the trust system is made for.

You trusted this user to deliver the his work on a known time but he didn't and didn't provide any reasonable explanation, the least that can be done is to leave him a neutral feedback.

There is nothing else to do, are you going to post a link to this thread in each campaign he joins!

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 09, 2019, 08:23:48 PM
Today this user joined as local moderator of arabic community in  telegram group (a small of moderators) of a project where i was already. As during the last days he didnt answered to my private messages asking for the work he undertook to deliver, i just left a link to this post in our this telegram group. Suddenly he reads my private messages again.. and wrote me. Casuality? Dont think so. And his answer: "seriously lol" didnt seemed funny to me at all.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2019, 08:27:14 PM
I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: TECSHARE on March 09, 2019, 08:36:58 PM
There is no issue whatsoever to have this on the board. Leaving a feedback about his behavior is good. You should also add it as a neutral feedback to his profile with this topic as reference.

As far as I am concerned this is EXACTLY what belongs here. People making agreements and not upholding them to the loss of others, those being directly affected being the ones posting about it. I think leaving him a neutral rating with this topic as reference is probably a good idea.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 09, 2019, 09:24:52 PM
I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

I didnt knew about this. This is handled by my boss, my task is to organize a group of translators, and that was all. Anyway, it has some sense.. if i am the owner of a company, and make a deal with another company, i wont pay until all work is finished. Nothing shaddy at all... By the way, it seems more shaddy to appear with a red trust of -8176..  your red trust mark is the highest i have ever seen.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Quickseller on March 10, 2019, 02:13:52 AM
I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

I didnt knew about this. This is handled by my boss, my task is to organize a group of translators, and that was all. Anyway, it has some sense.. if i am the owner of a company, and make a deal with another company, i wont pay until all work is finished. Nothing shaddy at all...
These people have completed a job, but have not been compensated as agreed? I can’t imagine how anyone could argue this is okay (assuming there are no outstanding concerns with the work, which doesn’t appear to be the case here).

If this person is taking a long time to complete their work, you can consider not hiring him in the future

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: TECSHARE on March 10, 2019, 03:36:09 AM
I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

I didnt knew about this. This is handled by my boss, my task is to organize a group of translators, and that was all. Anyway, it has some sense.. if i am the owner of a company, and make a deal with another company, i wont pay until all work is finished. Nothing shaddy at all...
These people have completed a job, but have not been compensated as agreed? I can’t imagine how anyone could argue this is okay (assuming there are no outstanding concerns with the work, which doesn’t appear to be the case here).

If this person is taking a long time to complete their work, you can consider not hiring him in the future

He made it quite clear his contract with the party that solicited the work is for the entire completed project. If he made an agreement with the rest of the people he subcontracted that is his responsibility. Before that can be determined the parties who actually did the translation should probably chime in. If they agreed to complete the project contingent on these terms then there is no foul play here, and one guy is just holding up the whole operation. While I might consider this poor management, I do not consider it fraudulent by any means (assuming all parties agreed to these terms).

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 10, 2019, 02:44:35 PM
I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

I didnt knew about this. This is handled by my boss, my task is to organize a group of translators, and that was all. Anyway, it has some sense.. if i am the owner of a company, and make a deal with another company, i wont pay until all work is finished. Nothing shaddy at all...
These people have completed a job, but have not been compensated as agreed? I can’t imagine how anyone could argue this is okay (assuming there are no outstanding concerns with the work, which doesn’t appear to be the case here).

If this person is taking a long time to complete their work, you can consider not hiring him in the future

He made it quite clear his contract with the party that solicited the work is for the entire completed project. If he made an agreement with the rest of the people he subcontracted that is his responsibility. Before that can be determined the parties who actually did the translation should probably chime in. If they agreed to complete the project contingent on these terms then there is no foul play here, and one guy is just holding up the whole operation. While I might consider this poor management, I do not consider it fraudulent by any means (assuming all parties agreed to these terms).

Dear friends. This is just part of the translation bounty of a project.. nothing extraordinary at all.  Bountyhunters do the work, and must wait until ICO ends, and some time after, the rewards are distributed. This is how it has been operating as far as i know. I have joined 204 ICOs so far, and never had the posibility of being paid before ICO ended. And I realized this fact after most of translations were done,  as Securypto started sending bounty payments to other hunters. So, NO, i didnt expected this to happen, and YES, Securypto seems a trustable project and they will pay.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: mikeywith on March 10, 2019, 05:00:20 PM
You say the team won't get paid until the arabic translation is done, but then you say "they will only get paid after the ICO ends" , you said this in your trial of defending whoever is suppose to pay those other members who have finished the job.

So which part are you lying about?  ::)

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 10, 2019, 08:11:28 PM
You say the team won't get paid until the arabic translation is done, but then you say "they will only get paid after the ICO ends" , you said this in your trial of defending whoever is suppose to pay those other members who have finished the job.

So which part are you lying about?  ::)

This is already tiring... have you ever joined a bounty? when were you paid?
Ok, i will explain again:

I am a known translator, so i was asked to search for some honest workers that provide the respective translations for a project, Securypto. This is a part of a bounty, like any other you can find here  Ok, so now,  i will ask you, please let me know how many bounties you can find there, that pay BEFORE ICO is finished. I did the translations of documents for 204 ICOs so far, since 2017, and NEVER before received a payment until some time after ICO finished. The reason is obvious, as this is a part of a bounty,  all bountyhunters assume a risk when joining a bounty (team make a scam exit, softcap is not achieved...). I did my own research and i had only one doubt: MacAfee appeared as their advisor, but there was no info about this in his social media. After he admited to be part of the project, i decided to carry on with the work and asked other translators to do the work, telling about the reward allocated, deadline and asking them to take a look and decide.
So, later I realized that Securypto began paying bountyhunters, before ICO ends, which is something i didnt expect. So asked about the payment for us, the translators, and answer was: "when arabic translation is done!".
The problem was not to find an arabic translator, so we will have been able to find another one sooner or later; And now, lets go to the point of this thread.. it is NOT about the payment, but the behaviour of a worker! the problem was that someone accepted the work, didnt delivered, then came with excuses (which should be taken seriously, not as a joke), while he was applying like crazy to many other projects, and the worst of all, ignored my messages after some time, although having asked for further deadline extensions, so i could have asked another one before to undertake the work, instead delaying it more. What is really so difficult to answer my messages like this? "I am sorry, i can't deliver, i don't like this work, please look for another translator" I dont think so.
If you can't realize this is not the way a reputable worker should behave, then you must be blind. Or maybe.. your intention with this post is to just try to harm my reputation? i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you. What matters, is that I just hope he is more responsible in the future.
PS:  Nowadays, coincidence, he is working in another project with me and other translators. And by the way, i think this was enough, and he, me and many of us learned the lesson.All of us do mistakes and should have a second chance,  so I deleted my neutral trust on his profile.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: khaled0111 on March 10, 2019, 09:44:02 PM
And now, lets go to the point of this thread.. it is NOT about the payment, but the behaviour of a worker! the problem was that someone accepted the work, didnt delivered, then came with excuses (which should be taken seriously, not as a joke), while he was applying like crazy to many other projects, and the worst of all, ignored my messages after some time, although having asked for further deadline extensions, so i could have asked another one before to undertake the work, instead delaying it more. What is really so difficult to answer my messages like this? "I am sorry, i can't deliver, i don't like this work, please look for another translator" I dont think so.

So why do you need the opinion of the community!
If other translators don't receive their payement, you are the only one to blame, if this is what you want to know.

Or maybe.. your intention with this post is to just try to harm my reputation? i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you. What matters, is that I just hope he is more responsible in the future.
Go ahead and look for something to link their accounts, I am sure you will find nothing.
Am arabic too, and was the first to suggest tagging the translator (just saying to spare you wasting your time looking for something to accuse me too :) )

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 10, 2019, 09:56:38 PM
And now, lets go to the point of this thread.. it is NOT about the payment, but the behaviour of a worker! the problem was that someone accepted the work, didnt delivered, then came with excuses (which should be taken seriously, not as a joke), while he was applying like crazy to many other projects, and the worst of all, ignored my messages after some time, although having asked for further deadline extensions, so i could have asked another one before to undertake the work, instead delaying it more. What is really so difficult to answer my messages like this? "I am sorry, i can't deliver, i don't like this work, please look for another translator" I dont think so.

So why do you need the opinion of the community!
If other translators don't receive their payement, you are the only one to blame, if this is what you want to know.

Or maybe.. your intention with this post is to just try to harm my reputation? i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you. What matters, is that I just hope he is more responsible in the future.
Go ahead and look for something to link their accounts, I am sure you will find nothing.
Am arabic too, and was the first to suggest tagging the translator (just saying to spare you wasting your time looking for something to accuse me too :) )

No mate, this is not a war.  We already found another translator 2 days ago and he delivered already. In fact the work wouldnt took much more than 3 hours).  I felt angry and frustrated as the time went by, because my messages were ignored by this user.
 I already explained what happened, and think everything is clear; and as said, this is over for me. Also nothing personal with arabics, in fact i got few good arabic friends.

peace and love

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: mikeywith on March 11, 2019, 12:13:50 AM
your intention with this post is to just try to harm my reputation?

No my intention is to understand which part are you exactly lying about , this is what you said in the OP

The problem is:
- all the rest of translators could have been paid already for the work, but team won't pay until ALL translations are done. So we must now wait until another reliable user do the arabic translation, which would take at least one more week

the bold part in red indicates that payment time is due, but the Arabic translation is what stopping you.

and then quickseller asked a valid question

I don’t see any reason why you need to wait for this persons work to be completed in order to get paid.

IMO, this is shady on the part of whoever is in charge of paying the translators.

then you replied with this

Bountyhunters do the work, and must wait until ICO ends, and some time after, the rewards are distributed.

This means

if the ICO has NOT finished , then you have lied about everybody else would have been already paid !
if the ICO has  finished       , then what is the excuse for not paying the other guys who have done their job?

This is simple English , and you have surely lied at least ONCE in this thread,  so i asked which part were you actually lying about ? the one in the OP or the one in your response afterwards?

i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you

you attacked others who raised concern, and now it's my turn ? ;D

ok here is a bounty for you, find any links between my account and any other account for that matter and i will pay you 1000 times the shity ICOs stakes you get , and i'l pay in BTC.

now as far as the translator who disappeared half way, you could leave him a negative for lying , but if lying itself is a good reason for a negative then you deserve to be tagged too. ;)

Go ahead and look for something to link their accounts, I am sure you will find nothing.
Am arabic too, and was the first to suggest tagging the translator (just saying to spare you wasting your time looking for something to accuse me too :) )

if he has the time for some worthless ICOs bounties, then he should have the time for just about anything else, i disagree with you, i think he should indeed try and find some links, giving the rewards i offered him.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Abuelkheeir on March 11, 2019, 01:27:50 AM
Wow wikileaks , I AM FAMOUS!

let me start with a few quotes:

1- ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. )


2- ( i was asked to organize a group of translators to deliver website translation for Securypto's ICO )
    ( team won't pay until ALL translations are done )

you were asked? or you asked them? let me know please. (

Your arab boss? you mean Securypto CEO?? :D
or your team leader? did not you just say that you were asked to organize a group of translators??  ;) (

3- ( he has been applying to many other bounties. See the next proofs and look at the dates. He seems to apply to EVERYTHING )
Sorry? any problems?

is this topic about the opinion of community or its about me applying for everything :D ( (

Sorry but i can not see my name inside? i did not fill any form, chill my friend.

4- (

Dear mr investigator Let me tell you how it works!!
the Name in green is the translator , what if he fails?
then the work goes to the other translator ( the name in Yellow  ) :D
that`s how it works brother, with no ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. ) threads.

5- ( unprofessional and a liar - i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you

Make sure to taste your words , before spit them out boy!

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: mikeywith on March 11, 2019, 02:27:10 AM

Him being a liar does not make you innocent.
Did you or did you not promise him to send the translation in 5 hours and then stopped replying him ?  A simple yes/no would be more than enough

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Abuelkheeir on March 11, 2019, 02:59:29 AM

Him being a liar does not make you innocent.
Did you or did you not promise him to send the translation in 5 hours and then stopped replying him ?  A simple yes/no would be more than enough

Yes i did said 5 hours, but he said 2 days , then i had problems but i did not ignore him.
Any way i am cool , i do not have any thing towards him , as he said i am working on a project with a team now and he is one of the team.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Hellmouth42 on March 11, 2019, 03:33:18 AM

3- ( he has been applying to many other bounties. See the next proofs and look at the dates. He seems to apply to EVERYTHING )
Sorry? any problems?

is this topic about the opinion of community or its about me applying for everything :D

It's not a relevant argument.

it's your absolute right to multiply the number of applications, but on the other hand, it seems that in reality the main problem for the OP is :

1. you were hired for a assignment (relatively brief) that you didn't finally realize for personnal reason (I'm not saying you didn't have a good reason, everyone can have a personal concern)
2. IN THE SAME TIME, you applied for several other translations

= the basis of professionalism (and politeness in fact) is to honour your commitments before making others

This is the demonstration that it is important to communicate well and extensively (a 20-second message from you on Telegram would have clarified the situation).

Anyway, not a big deal  ;)

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: ChiNgadOr on March 13, 2019, 01:37:06 AM
Wow wikileaks , I AM FAMOUS!

let me start with a few quotes:

1- ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. )


YES, you are an irresponsible worker!

2- ( i was asked to organize a group of translators to deliver website translation for Securypto's ICO )
    ( team won't pay until ALL translations are done )

you were asked? or you asked them? let me know please.

Yes, i was asked to organize a group of translators, i had good references about you, but obviously this recommendation was wrong done (

Your arab boss? you mean Securypto CEO?? :D
or your team leader? did not you just say that you were asked to organize a group of translators??  ;)

My boss made the agreement with securypto, he is native arabic, and yes i organized a group of translators for my boss. (

Another   deadline extension, where i aimed for better quality despite having 2 wait  more days, than a fast bad done work.

3- ( he has been applying to many other bounties. See the next proofs and look at the dates. He seems to apply to EVERYTHING )
Sorry? any problems?

is this topic about the opinion of community or its about me applying for everything :D

The topis is about you being a bad worker because you just dont deliver, but also try to extend time liying with fake excuses and in last instance ignored my messages instead of giving an answer. You didnt answered after 4th march, until 9th march AFTER you heard about this topic in reputation board. So when you dont deliver, because there are "problems in Egypt" or "real problems", i suppose you cant work for any project, not just the one you agreeded with me to do... so keeping applying is a clear sign of your lies. (

Yes i hadnt  finished my work on that time also.. but this conversation was held on 27th FEBR (which is much sooner than 4th march, when you start ignoring my messages)
[/color] (

Sorry but i can not see my name inside? i did not fill any form, chill my friend.

Obviously i didnt posted the spreadsheet in the forum because it cointained more names not only yours, but you could have asked me for the spreadsheet in private. And in fact here you got the proof where YOU ACCEPTED the work and i told you that i just ADDED you to spreadsheet.

4- (

Dear mr investigator Let me tell you how it works!!
the Name in green is the translator , what if he fails?
then the work goes to the other translator ( the name in Yellow  ) :D
that`s how it works brother, with no ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. ) threads.

If someone fail, i will look for someone else.. but if someone give me excuses, ask for extesions of deadline.. dont deliver and ignore my messages... I get very dissapointed! it is obvious that you behave bad and this affects at your reputation and should be exposed somewhere.

5- ( unprofessional and a liar - i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you

Make sure to taste your words , before spit them out boy!

Unprofesional and a liar = Proven with No doubts! Regarding and alt account of another user, as said, it could be a cassuality that both speak arabic (obviously this can happens as this is a global forum), not an accusation at all.

I said that i will remove the neutral trust and did accordingly.. But after having seen your post in a way to defend yourself, instead of accepting the truth of your acts and learn from the mistake, you made me angry again.. don't make me regret having cleaned your trust score please.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: Abuelkheeir on March 13, 2019, 08:20:02 PM
Wow wikileaks , I AM FAMOUS!

let me start with a few quotes:

1- ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. )


YES, you are an irresponsible worker!

2- ( i was asked to organize a group of translators to deliver website translation for Securypto's ICO )
    ( team won't pay until ALL translations are done )

you were asked? or you asked them? let me know please.

Yes, i was asked to organize a group of translators, i had good references about you, but obviously this recommendation was wrong done (

Your arab boss? you mean Securypto CEO?? :D
or your team leader? did not you just say that you were asked to organize a group of translators??  ;)

My boss made the agreement with securypto, he is native arabic, and yes i organized a group of translators for my boss. (

Another   deadline extension, where i aimed for better quality despite having 2 wait  more days, than a fast bad done work.

3- ( he has been applying to many other bounties. See the next proofs and look at the dates. He seems to apply to EVERYTHING )
Sorry? any problems?

is this topic about the opinion of community or its about me applying for everything :D

The topis is about you being a bad worker because you just dont deliver, but also try to extend time liying with fake excuses and in last instance ignored my messages instead of giving an answer. You didnt answered after 4th march, until 9th march AFTER you heard about this topic in reputation board. So when you dont deliver, because there are "problems in Egypt" or "real problems", i suppose you cant work for any project, not just the one you agreeded with me to do... so keeping applying is a clear sign of your lies. (

Yes i hadnt  finished my work on that time also.. but this conversation was held on 27th FEBR (which is much sooner than 4th march, when you start ignoring my messages)
[/color] (

Sorry but i can not see my name inside? i did not fill any form, chill my friend.

Obviously i didnt posted the spreadsheet in the forum because it cointained more names not only yours, but you could have asked me for the spreadsheet in private. And in fact here you got the proof where YOU ACCEPTED the work and i told you that i just ADDED you to spreadsheet.

4- (

Dear mr investigator Let me tell you how it works!!
the Name in green is the translator , what if he fails?
then the work goes to the other translator ( the name in Yellow  ) :D
that`s how it works brother, with no ( Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user. ) threads.

If someone fail, i will look for someone else.. but if someone give me excuses, ask for extesions of deadline.. dont deliver and ignore my messages... I get very dissapointed! it is obvious that you behave bad and this affects at your reputation and should be exposed somewhere.

5- ( unprofessional and a liar - i was told by others that you are arabic. Alt account of Abuelkheeir? a friend? . Casuality? Perhaps! ANyway, I really won't loose my time trying to find what links both of you

Make sure to taste your words , before spit them out boy!

Unprofesional and a liar = Proven with No doubts! Regarding and alt account of another user, as said, it could be a cassuality that both speak arabic (obviously this can happens as this is a global forum), not an accusation at all.

I said that i will remove the neutral trust and did accordingly.. But after having seen your post in a way to defend yourself, instead of accepting the truth of your acts and learn from the mistake, you made me angry again.. don't make me regret having cleaned your trust score please.

Okay my friend I apologize , sorry for miss understanding.
I hope you understand.

Title: Re: Would like to know the opinion of community about the REPUTATION of this user.
Post by: asche on March 14, 2019, 09:05:57 AM
I said that i will remove the neutral trust and did accordingly.. But after having seen your post in a way to defend yourself, instead of accepting the truth of your acts and learn from the mistake, you made me angry again.. don't make me regret having cleaned your trust score please.

He annoyed me too. Now I added a neutral. And I won't remove it anytime soon.

PS: Quoting large posts is really hurting readability.