Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: marlboroza on March 07, 2019, 10:16:07 PM

Title: DT everyone? @TECSHARE
Post by: marlboroza on March 07, 2019, 10:16:07 PM
DT is slowly filling with scammers, hacked accounts, inactive users...
Sooner or later everyone will become DT.

2 examples:;u=398379;u=101763

What's the point of such system?  :-\

I forget to update topic with more accounts:, so doing it now.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 07, 2019, 10:24:12 PM
It has been full of proven liars, proven trust abusers and proven sneaky greedy sig spamming sock puppet racist trolls and those implicated in extortion and other shady stuff for ages. Not to mention the rest of DT condone and sanction their actions. Those 2 you highlight are likely snow white in comparison.

Don't worry about it, I'm taking care of it. Just taking some time... I'm on vacation. The swamp will be drained eventually.

Want evidence to substantiate my post just ask me to provide.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2019, 10:27:45 PM
Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 07, 2019, 10:35:41 PM
Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
I just excluded them both, that's why.

If you want to present a compelling argument as to why we should be keeping known scammers on DT, I'd be happy to revise my ratings. Perhaps you could also explain why you are including two inactive accounts whose only feedback left is a positive to yourself:;u=179952;u=92735

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 07, 2019, 10:50:05 PM
Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
Doesn't seem like they should be, and if you disagree I'd say your judgement is skewed by your rage against the current DT list.  To me, Leo did the responsible  thing. 

Cryptohunter is again blowing smoke, and the only thing he's going to drain is the precious time of anyone who bothers to read his moronic tirades. 

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: Thule on March 07, 2019, 10:54:02 PM
DT is slowly filling with scammers, hacked accounts, inactive users...
Sooner or later everyone will become DT.

2 examples:;u=398379;u=101763

What's the point of such system?  :-\

How about current DT members who aren't even a single year on that board but try to tell you how the forum runs.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 07, 2019, 11:06:01 PM
Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
Doesn't seem like they should be, and if you disagree I'd say your judgement is skewed by your rage against the current DT list.  To me, Leo did the responsible  thing.  

Cryptohunter is again blowing smoke, and the only thing he's going to drain is the precious time of anyone who bothers to read his moronic tirades.  

Haha which you just did you dumb fool. You have to be the most stupid person on this board. I bet you don't have me on ignore and read all of my posts but prefer to hide away.

Okay since we are issuing challenges here ...why don't you and leo both give detailed explanations why.

1. you include proven liars
2. you include proven trust abusers
3. you include proven sneaky and greedy financially motivated racist trolling shit posters who hide behind puppet accounts

obviously 3 is for leo only hehe (or are you including yourself from Huge Black Womans account? )

I mean that is just for a start, let me get to the "how did you come to know for sure that the extortion attempt was just under cover agents at work?" let's work through that again in public to see how you are so sure it was not a real extortion attempt?

Let me know if you are willing to engage in debate over this or not. I am hoping that you will be open to this debate because I have been wanting to have it in public for quite some time now.

This is a topic about the validity of DT members so this post is on topic and fully relevant.

I'm going to guess I don't hear back from these couple of low functioning dirt bags. No debate :(

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2019, 11:18:06 PM
Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
I just excluded them both, that's why.

If you want to present a compelling argument as to why we should be keeping known scammers on DT, I'd be happy to revise my ratings. Perhaps you could also explain why you are including two inactive accounts whose only feedback left is a positive to yourself:;u=179952;u=92735

Sure about that? They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them. Funny how you and Pharmie are aching for more conflict.
Speaking of that, interesting timing to exclude me isn't it The Pharmacist? I guess you just didn't find me untrustworthy until I was back on DT1. Amazing coincidence. I guess that is what I get for removing you from my exclusions.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 07, 2019, 11:21:02 PM
Speaking of that, interesting timing to exclude me isn't it The Pharmacist?
It might be funny to you, but it was overdue.  I think you have lousy judgement when it comes to matters of the trust system, which is why you were booted off DT the first time you were on it.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 07, 2019, 11:24:28 PM
They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them. Funny how you and Pharmie are aching for more conflict.
I can assure you the last thing I am looking for is conflict. Thank you for addressing the situation.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 07, 2019, 11:26:31 PM
They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them. Funny how you and Pharmie are aching for more conflict.
I can assure you the last thing I am looking for is conflict. Thank you for addressing the situation.

No the last thing you are looking for is a truthful debate. You are terrified of entering one with me. If not come and have one here now with me?

Yes or No?

See above for the details of what I want to discuss with you so that you can address my valid concerns regarding your DT selections.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2019, 11:27:11 PM
They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them. Funny how you and Pharmie are aching for more conflict.
I can assure you the last thing I am looking for is conflict. Thank you for addressing the situation.

I addressed the situation long before you rolled in to take credit for it.

Speaking of that, interesting timing to exclude me isn't it The Pharmacist?
It might be funny to you, but it was overdue.  I think you have lousy judgement when it comes to matters of the trust system, which is why you were booted off DT the first time you were on it.

Funny as in suspect, not as in entertaining. You are a little puppet desperate for approval from the trust overlords. Just admit it. I don't buy that you suddenly decided just now you don't approve of my judgement. Me resolving a disagreement with another member to put me back on DT1 was too much of a win for me for you and your little stalker buddies to tolerate without a reply wasn't it? After all you have to maintain the illusion that my efforts are demonstrating no progress now don't you? I had removed you from my exclusions because I though you were beginning to demonstrate that in spite of disagreeing with people you were able to put logic above emotion. I guess I was wrong.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: coinlocket$ on March 07, 2019, 11:40:11 PM
DT is slowly filling with scammers, hacked accounts, inactive users...
Sooner or later everyone will become DT.

2 examples:;u=398379;u=101763

What's the point of such system?  :-\

Even with the old DT we got a redtrusted on DT2 the list is here, I don't remember who is was but I'm 99.9% sure about it.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 07, 2019, 11:42:36 PM
DT is slowly filling with scammers, hacked accounts, inactive users...
Sooner or later everyone will become DT.

2 examples:;u=398379;u=101763

What's the point of such system?  :-\

Even with the old DT we got a redtrusted on DT2 the list is here, I don't remember who is was but I'm 99.9% sure about it.

Red trusted now (by DT) = the good guys... catch up dude this is 2019 now.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on March 07, 2019, 11:45:06 PM
I can assure you the last thing I am looking for is conflict. Thank you for addressing the situation.

No the last thing you are looking for is a truthful debate. You are terrified of entering one with me. If not come and have one here now with me?

Yes or No?

See above for the details of what I want to discuss with you so that you can address my valid concerns regarding your DT selections.

First; Nobody is even talking to you.
Second; Your idea of "truth" and "facts" is exactly the opposite of what the rest of the world accepts as the meanings of those words.
Third; if you knew how to debate you wouldn't be constantly resorting to insults.

Come to grips with the FACT that it's not all about you. 

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 07, 2019, 11:48:43 PM
I can assure you the last thing I am looking for is conflict. Thank you for addressing the situation.

No the last thing you are looking for is a truthful debate. You are terrified of entering one with me. If not come and have one here now with me?

Yes or No?

See above for the details of what I want to discuss with you so that you can address my valid concerns regarding your DT selections.

First; Nobody is even talking to you.
Second; Your idea of "truth" and "facts" is exactly the opposite of what the rest of the world accepts as the meanings of those words.
Third; if you knew how to debate you wouldn't be constantly resorting to insults.

Come to grips with the FACT that it's not all about you.  

Oh no Dire poster wolf boy is here to demonstrate how not to debate whilst spamming his sig. But it will be better than having nobody to debate with.....well a bit better I hope. Then again.... If not there is a dog tied to a post here and even that can differentiate reality from fantasy. I'll ask their opinion if wolf boy here collapses before we get started.

So let's start....

Which of the facts that I call facts in this post do you object to being classed as facts?

I am glad at least you will debate with me now :)

Let's take it one step at a time.

How about the FACT  the pharmacist is a greedy sneaky racist sig spamming sock puppet trying to milk the board for every drop of btc dust he can get ?  do you dispute this is a fact?

Yes or no? if so explain. We will move to the other points I have stated are facts above before we get to the extortion/under cover agents debate)

edit - errr wolf boy?? are you still here wolf boy?? this debate is very one sided so far.

Ah so just some false accusations then off you run. Good boy, back to your masters. No merits snacks for that failure I'm afraid.  You just basically confirmed they are scumbags and you will run from those facts too. I expect you'll get a firm beating with the slipper again, and no bone tonight for you. haha

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: marlboroza on March 08, 2019, 12:04:25 AM
Miss. Show Hide you sound like a broken record. Again! 2 3 5 times in this thread!

Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
I wonder what is the reason for that.

Sure about that? They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them.
Talking about DT system on daily basis but doesn't know that they have scammers in trust list  8)

If it is worth to mention, I didn't know it was you until few minutes ago, as I didn't check who had them in their trust list. I noticed erwin45hacked on Quickseller's trust wall yesterday and xetsr on Game-Protect's trust wall earlier today.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: mikeywith on March 08, 2019, 12:09:13 AM
These incidents are expected to happen after the new DT system was implemented , but look at the bright side, go here  >

randomly check 5-10 profiles, the majority of them are scammers who are tagged (ONLY) by the NEW  DT members.

with all the flaws, the current system is doing pretty good, the old limited list was not good enough, you can't expect a handful of members to efficiently tag thousands of scammers , but the larger the DT list grows the more we can fight scammers, indeed we will see more abuse but thanks to the voting system, the list is "supposed" to stay clean and accurate one way or the other.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 08, 2019, 12:14:10 AM

Talking about DT system on daily basis but doesn't know that they have scammers in trust list

That rules most of DT out, so that is nothing to worry about. They are fully aware they have untrustworthy scum in their lists. They are proud of being able to have them there and there is nothing the non merit cycling board can do about it. oh well.

I mean you can't get on DT without having them in your list can you? well, not if you want to stay there?


that is great news indeed so we can play whack a mole with more hammers and everything becomes a nail eventually.
meanwhile free speech is crushed and those crushing it get to self enrich to the max with the competition they permit only.

better to sort the cause rather than keep adding hammers that are grossly inaccurate or deliberately so.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2019, 12:17:46 AM
Miss. Show Hide you sound like a broken record. Again! 2 3 5 times in this thread!

Huh. Look at that they aren't on DT2 any more. Amazing how that works.
I wonder what is the reason for that.

Sure about that? They were on my trust lists for a long time and I was not aware of any of this so I removed them.
Talking about DT system on daily basis but doesn't know that they have scammers in trust list  8)

If it is worth to mention, I didn't know it was you until few minutes ago, as I didn't check who had them in their trust list. I noticed erwin45hacked on Quickseller's trust wall yesterday and xetsr on Game-Protect's trust wall earlier today.

That happens some times when you have been around almost a decade. Occasionally people get their account hacked. Also I was on the DT1 for oh like 10 hours since 2014 before it was brought to my attention so, I would say that is pretty quick response time.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: Vod on March 08, 2019, 12:44:21 AM
Perhaps you could also explain why you are including two inactive accounts whose only feedback left is a positive to yourself:;u=179952;u=92735

Theymos has stated you can leave trust to offset other's trust, so you are well within your right to leave him negative trust until he stops manipulating his list.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: Quickseller on March 08, 2019, 12:44:48 AM
 erwin45hacked (;u=398379) isn't a scammer per se, however he is so bad at protecting his account, if you are dealing with him, there is a decent chance ( you are actually dealing with a hacker.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2019, 12:53:38 AM
Perhaps you could also explain why you are including two inactive accounts whose only feedback left is a positive to yourself:;u=179952;u=92735

Theymos has stated you can leave trust to offset other's trust, so you are well within your right to leave him negative trust until he stops manipulating his list.

You are itching to get into it again so bad you haven't even noticed this has already been resolved for hours. Why pass up an opportunity to reignite old conflicts though right?

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: Vod on March 08, 2019, 12:54:32 AM
Why pass up an opportunity to reignite old conflicts though right?

Keep DT moving!

It would be nice if you could keep your list free of manipulation though... (with the amount you complain about it too) don't make others point it out.  :)

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on March 08, 2019, 01:23:40 AM
edit - errr wolf boy?? are you still here wolf boy?? this debate is very one sided so far.

Some of us have jobs.  With real work that needs to get done.  Then there's that time spent driving between work and home.  Be patient, I'll give you a little attention before I shut you down. 

How about the FACT  the pharmacist is a greedy sneaky racist sig spamming sock puppet trying to milk the board for every drop of btc dust he can get ?  do you dispute this is a fact?

See?  There it is.  You've proven my point.  That's an opinion, not a fact.  It may be factual, but without any proof it's nothing but an opinion.  Furthermore it's an opinion that is shared by many.  Certainly not those who can think rationally.

Now, despite you attempting to insult me by referring to be as wolf boy, and referring to everyone with whom you disagree as a "sig spammer" I've tried to engage you in a debate. 

Do you dispute the fact that you've only presented opinions without supporting evidence?  Or are you still convinced that every thought that pops into your head is a fact?  Maybe you don't know the difference.  I'm here to help.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: cryptohunter on March 08, 2019, 01:42:12 AM
edit - errr wolf boy?? are you still here wolf boy?? this debate is very one sided so far.

Some of us have jobs.  With real work that needs to get done.  Then there's that time spent driving between work and home.  Be patient, I'll give you a little attention before I shut you down.  

How about the FACT  the pharmacist is a greedy sneaky racist sig spamming sock puppet trying to milk the board for every drop of btc dust he can get ?  do you dispute this is a fact?

See?  There it is.  You've proven my point.  That's an opinion, not a fact.  It may be factual, but without any proof it's nothing but an opinion.  Furthermore it's an opinion that is shared by many.  Certainly not those who can think rationally.

Now, despite you attempting to insult me by referring to be as wolf boy, and referring to everyone with whom you disagree as a "sig spammer" I've tried to engage you in a debate.  

Do you dispute the fact that you've only presented opinions without supporting evidence?  Or are you still convinced that every thought that pops into your head is a fact?  Maybe you don't know the difference.  I'm here to help.

Sorry... ha I'd forgotten some people need to work for a living here.

Hang on one moment let me ask this hot girl to stop massaging my back. I need to sit up and type whilst now that you're done with flipping those burgers (for now).

So thanks for shutting me down so quickly - you sure did help :)

The pharmacist was never using a sock puppet to sig spam under Huge Black Woman his puppet account and got busted whilst being greedy and trying to hop from one sig to spam to a higher paid one.

keep reading down a little bit ....

No proof, nothing to see here. Wolf boy was right all along??

I mean the fact it is there in black and white is actually the OPPOSITE of a fact wolf boy says?? I see.

haha back to serving that next whammy burger and the long drive home on your 2bhp skate board. Don't forget to throw those left over cold whammy fries  to TP aka HBW on the way home. He needs it now his sock puppet spamming account got busted and shut down.  I wonder if HBW collected on those sig campaigns he was part way through or the one he just left? interesting...

So we have established that your mind works the opposite way around. If you had told me this previously I would just have agreed with you on everything. It is like the yes means no and the  no means yes game. hahaha

It's great to be on the same page.

So you are holding to this it never happened and the sensible people think it is all just a big lie and the opposite of a fact??

I can't wait for the next part of this shutting me down process..... please get back  to me as soon as possible.

EDIT - wolf boy?? i thought you were helping me or shutting me down?  where have you run off too now??

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2019, 01:48:43 AM
Why pass up an opportunity to reignite old conflicts though right?

Keep DT moving!

It would be nice if you could keep your list free of manipulation though... (with the amount you complain about it too) don't make others point it out.  :)

What manipulation? You feel free to craft any fairy tales you like and point out the speck in my eye while ignoring the plank in your own.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 09, 2019, 03:36:56 PM
@TECSHARE why do you have banned and possible hacked account in your trust list? This one;u=79546 -

@TECHARE why do you have hacked account in your trust list? This one;u=18021 -

@TECHARE why do you have account inactive since 2015. in your trust list? This one;u=104644 -

@TECHARE why do you have account inactive since 2017., I mean since 2014. in your trust list? This one;u=92735;sa=showPosts


DT should hold some responsibility. It worries me to see bunch of scammers and hacked accounts getting into DT because someone has very poor judgement and doesn't care who they include to their trust network - it already happened, and it will happen again.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 09, 2019, 07:24:06 PM
Why is this even in meta? Please direct your obviously coordinated attack to reputation where it belongs. If you really gave a fuck about who I included you would message me about it instead of making a 3 ring circus about it clearly demonstrating this is about targeting me personally, not who is on my trust list.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 09, 2019, 10:53:09 PM
Please direct your obviously coordinated attack to reputation where it belongs.
Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

If you really gave a fuck about who I included you would message me
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

this is about targeting me personally, not who is on my trust list.
Oh, victim card.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 09, 2019, 11:05:02 PM
Please direct your obviously coordinated attack to reputation where it belongs.
Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

If you really gave a fuck about who I included you would message me
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

this is about targeting me personally, not who is on my trust list.
Oh, victim card.

Some one who was legitimately concerned about my inclusions would contact me. Some one who is hoping to craft an attack narrative would pitch a tent, invite all his clown friends, and set up a 3 ring circus. You refuse to even name the "obviously hacked/scammers/inactive/banned users".

I don't know if you have noticed, but I have been in this community for almost a decade. Things change in such a period of time. If no one bothers to lodge a complaint with me, exactly how am I supposed to know anyone has a problem? Oh right, I forgot I am supposed to uphold a higher standard than practically everyone else on your own trust list. I forgot, its rules for me and not for thee.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 09, 2019, 11:13:42 PM
If you really gave a fuck about who I included you would message me
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

Some one who was legitimately concerned about my inclusions would contact me.
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

If no one bothers to lodge a complaint with me, exactly how am I supposed to know anyone has a problem? Oh right, I forgot I am supposed to uphold a higher standard than practically everyone else on your own trust list. I forgot, its rules for me and not for thee.
Ok, so you asked question and you answered it, you don't need anyone's reply then.

Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 09, 2019, 11:17:46 PM
If you really gave a fuck about who I included you would message me
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

Some one who was legitimately concerned about my inclusions would contact me.
Why would I do that ?

Trick me once...

If no one bothers to lodge a complaint with me, exactly how am I supposed to know anyone has a problem? Oh right, I forgot I am supposed to uphold a higher standard than practically everyone else on your own trust list. I forgot, its rules for me and not for thee.
Ok, so you asked question and you answered it, you don't need anyone's reply then.

Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

Cute avoidance of making any reply. I also like the part where you demand I answer accusations about unnamed people over and over again. You are literally demanding I hold accountability for people you refuse to even name. Now why would I interpret that as personally targeting behavior?

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 09, 2019, 11:37:20 PM
I also like the part where you demand I answer accusations about unnamed people over and over again. You are literally demanding I hold accountability for people you refuse to even name. Now why would I interpret that as personally targeting behavior?
Here you go: etc

Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 09, 2019, 11:54:18 PM
I also like the part where you demand I answer accusations about unnamed people over and over again. You are literally demanding I hold accountability for people you refuse to even name. Now why would I interpret that as personally targeting behavior?
Here you go: etc

Please address obviously hacked accounts/scammers/inactive accounts/banned users in your trust list.

Just because you manufacture suspicion about a user doesn't make him "obviously hacked". Users can be banned for breaking forum rules but still have valid trust, the same goes for inactive users. None of this explains why you never simply addressed me personally about these concerns instead of directly using it to formulate an attack on me personally.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 10, 2019, 01:53:45 PM
Users can be banned for breaking forum rules but still have valid trust
Lets see, banned user:;u=79546
Nothing since 2014. in trust. Of course, most trust is without reference.

Just because you manufacture suspicion about a user doesn't make him "obviously hacked".
So why don't you counter negative feedback (;u=18021) then? Or you don't trust user which you have in your trust list?

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: The-One-Above-All on September 10, 2019, 02:15:01 PM
Users can be banned for breaking forum rules but still have valid trust
Lets see, banned user:;u=79546
Nothing since 2014. in trust. Of course, most trust is without reference.

Just because you manufacture suspicion about a user doesn't make him "obviously hacked".
So why don't you counter negative feedback (;u=18021) then? Or you don't trust user which you have in your trust list?

The fair and sensible solution is if ALL DT1 members agree to have to publicly state yes or no to whether each member on their trust list has financially motivated wrong doing in their past. Since this is the primary concern of default trust - to protect people financially. Not to shelter them from other peoples opinions on the strength and fighting capability  of homosexuals. Or any other non direct examples of clear financially motivated wrong doing.

If you are demanding he publicly explain yes or no in relation to his trust list includes. THEN YOU ALL SHOULD ALSO.


Or he has to explain publicly but you do not?

Bring a big comparison thread so we the readers can see if his includes list looks more financially high risk to the board or whether REALLY his list looks to clearly be less RISKY and provide more protection than the rest of DT1.

These double standards that OTHERS must explain their actions but WE refuse to explain our own actions must be stamped out.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 10, 2019, 03:41:45 PM
Users can be banned for breaking forum rules but still have valid trust
Lets see, banned user:;u=79546
Nothing since 2014. in trust. Of course, most trust is without reference.

Just because you manufacture suspicion about a user doesn't make him "obviously hacked".
So why don't you counter negative feedback (;u=18021) then? Or you don't trust user which you have in your trust list?

And? If I remember right he is some one I traded with a long time ago. I don't like using countering trust ratings. What exactly is your issue other than your obsession with digging through my shit looking for peanuts?

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: unibitcoinist on September 10, 2019, 03:57:06 PM
DT should hold some responsibility.
You are very correct.
That's why this (;u=317618), this (;u=175302) users are into DT.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: xolxol on September 11, 2019, 06:00:12 PM
DT should hold some responsibility.
Thats ironic coming from abuser like you,get lost like Lauda you're too scared because the gang is losing control in this forum.

Title: Re: DT everyone? - @TECSHARE?
Post by: marlboroza on September 11, 2019, 08:37:53 PM
And? If I remember right he is some one I traded with a long time ago. I don't like using countering trust ratings. What exactly is your issue other than your obsession with digging through my shit looking for peanuts?
I can't find feedback for trade and you left lots trade-feedbacks in 2013/2014. So banned and possible hacked account will one day maybe become default trust member because you think that you have traded with them long time ago?

Is it original owner who you traded with still owner of account or not? You probably know this because you trust them because you maybe remember that you traded with them?

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 11, 2019, 09:31:15 PM
And? If I remember right he is some one I traded with a long time ago. I don't like using countering trust ratings. What exactly is your issue other than your obsession with digging through my shit looking for peanuts?
I can't find feedback for trade and you left lots trade-feedbacks in 2013/2014. So banned and possible hacked account will one day maybe become default trust member because you think that you have traded with them long time ago?

Is it original owner who you traded with still owner of account or not? You probably know this because you trust them because you maybe remember that you traded with them?

If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: marlboroza on September 11, 2019, 10:19:03 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 11, 2019, 10:26:56 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

I am not missing anything. If the account was not used to abuse the trust system, and it is now banned and unable to be used, exactly what is the harm to the trust system? Of course there is no risk, this is just another one of your increasingly thin excuses to mount this personal attack and attempt to force me to comply to your demands via mob "justice".

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: marlboroza on September 11, 2019, 10:35:20 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

I am not missing anything. If the account was not used to abuse the trust system, and it is now banned and unable to be used, exactly what is the harm to the trust system? Of course there is no risk
What is the harm of having hacked account in default trust system? Good question. But as you have already answered it, there is no point into continuing this discussion with you.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: TECSHARE on September 11, 2019, 10:41:10 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

I am not missing anything. If the account was not used to abuse the trust system, and it is now banned and unable to be used, exactly what is the harm to the trust system? Of course there is no risk
What is the harm of having hacked account in default trust system? Good question. But as you have already answered it, there is no point into continuing this discussion with you.

If you don't like the answer, just pretend I said something else.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: The-One-Above-All on September 11, 2019, 10:44:02 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

Well obviously it was directed at him because you put @tecshare in the thread title and then just removed it now from the title as you can see, since it was still above your post before he asked it moved to rep.

This is the kind of sneaky behavior we are getting familiar with from DT and their pals.

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: marlboroza on September 11, 2019, 10:49:07 PM
If the account is banned, what is the problem? How is a banned account going to effect the trust system? Did they leave a bunch of false ratings or is this just a pathetic stretch for you to give the impression of impropriety?

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This thread is now clearly directed at me individually, please move it to the appropriate subforum of REPUTATION as per my report where it belongs. Thank you.
No, it is not. You are missing my point here. As I said, you see everything as personal attack.

What is point of DT system if hacked accounts are "allowed" to end up in DT?

I am not missing anything. If the account was not used to abuse the trust system, and it is now banned and unable to be used, exactly what is the harm to the trust system? Of course there is no risk
What is the harm of having hacked account in default trust system? Good question. But as you have already answered it, there is no point into continuing this discussion with you.

If you don't like the answer, just pretend I said something else.
Why would I pretend that you said something else? You said "of course there is no risk".

Oh right, I forgot I am supposed to uphold a higher standard than practically everyone else on your own trust list. I forgot, its rules for me and not for thee.
I have to admit, you got me here.

Who is in my own trust list again?

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: El duderino_ on September 12, 2019, 10:53:42 AM
its difficult to only get the top members on DT1 and thats a good thing....(not that spammers and scammers and etc are needed) but to have many very trusted members on DT isn't bad imo, I believe those that are very trust worthy and are honest with other people are doing a good job for online places like this ...

Title: Re: DT everyone?
Post by: The-One-Above-All on September 13, 2019, 11:56:32 AM
its difficult to only get the top members on DT1 and thats a good thing....(not that spammers and scammers and etc are needed) but to have many very trusted members on DT isn't bad imo, I believe those that are very trust worthy and are honest with other people are doing a good job for online places like this ...


Only someone with your level of stupidity could try deny that DT1 is stacked full of untrustworthy scoundrels, scammers and their supporters. People as low functioning as you who can say this in the light of the facts produced in this thread should be stripped of all merits and frozen at a rank named full retard.

Yeah brilliant example of how scammers cycling merit to their supporters results in a mass of untrustworthy and weak scum in DT1