Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Lambolife on March 10, 2019, 06:05:49 PM

Title: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Lambolife on March 10, 2019, 06:05:49 PM
I recommend you watch this in video so its easier to understand

Otherwise you can read the transcript in this thread

Before we begin I just want it to be clear that I am not financial adviser and everything I say from here on out is not financial advice. You alone are responsible for your actions. I’m merely here to speak my mind.

I started this channel because I believed that I could be influential in spreading awareness of the power of cryptocurrencies, so here I am.

My argument is people should invest in crypto now not later. The obvious reason is because prices are low today and we should buy low and sell high.

But a lot of people also think that the price indicates the status of the crypto space, but that’s not the case. The market price is a reflection of the market, not the technology.

For example, in the last bullrun we had Bitcoin at 19 thousand dollars. Was Bitcoin better then that in it is now? when it is less than 4 thousand? Of course not! Bitcoin is so much better now, but like I said, the market price is not an indication of the real value of infrastructure, the tech, the platform. From my point of view the collective consciousness of the market is somewhat rational but mostly delusional.

It is my goal to help clear out that delusion in my own small way. So whether you are new to crypto or been here for a while, and pondering if you should invest now or later, choose now. If you ever wanna invest at some point, whenever that is, I’d say its best you start investing now. Maybe dollar cost average it. If you don’t know what that means look it up.

So a lot has happened last year and most would agree that that was the worst bear market and market crash to date and we’re still not past it. Even now, the bear market is lingering… but don’t let that fool you.

Just as people were duped in December 2017 that the bullmarket would last forever, everybody was screaming lambos on the moon, we could get duped this year too, thinking the bear market is here to stay. Some people are thinking this crypto winter, as we call it, would last for another 3 years, and although I don’t rule out that possibility, it is highly unlikely and here’s why.
First off, Bitcoin’s scaling solution, the lightning network, has seen unprecedented growth since its mainnet launch in January last year. The network capacity is now past $3million dollars with more than 7 thousand nodes and 33 thousand channels worldwide.. and counting.. and counting.

Now this is important because the last time we had a bullrun it was a disaster! It didn’t last very long and it crashed miserably afterwards. Now there’s a lot of reasons why it happened the way it did but in my point of view and in my experience, since I was already active in online communities that time, the main reason why a lot of people left the space and moved on, consequentially causing the crash of the market, was because Bitcoin was not good enough.

Bitcoin was old and slow they said. Everybody expected Bitcoin to deliver but it failed bigtime. Transactoins became too slow lasting many hours or some even days I’m not sure because I wasn’t dumb enough to use Bitcoin for payments in those days. Imagine, the fees reaching $50 dollars per transaction. Who would want to pay that?

At that time, Bitcoin just wasn’t ready for that many users. There were a lot of newcomers getting into crypto, causing network overload, yet the lightning network wasn’t even live yet nor did the people consider that it was already being heavily developed.

But now we have a scaling solution that is live. The lightning network is still buggy but it works already, as proven by the lightning trustchain which as of now is 3.84 million sats and hasn’t broke due to systemic failure yet.

This makes me confident that we won’t have the same problems we’ve had before, or atleast not as grave that people will leave the space and cause a crash.

And if people are happy about Bitcoin and lightning, other cryptocurrencies will have a positive effect on their price as well. We’ve seen this happen many times and it is unlikely it won’t happen the same way this time around. Especially that the cryptocurrency projects that are still alive and kicking today, have more substance and value than the heaps of garbage that floated around back in 2017.

On the institutional side, Fidelity Investments is moving fast into crypto.

As most of you know Fidelity is one of the largest asset managers with 2.46 trillion dollars in assets under their belt. They also took part in the lightning trustchain and created a subsidiary dedicated to digital assets last year.

Furthermore, Fidelity recently launched its Bitcoin custody services allowing the richest people of the world easy access to Bitcoin. Family offices, pensions, hedge funds, you name it, the crypto world will be a part of the institutional game now.
Now I know this seems a bit counterintuitive considering our collective ideologies are anti-Wall Street or anti-system, which makes Fidelity sort of like an abomination. I’m not saying this is a good thing I’m just telling you how it is. But regardless of how evil or not so evil this is, we can’t deny that a huge company will likely have a positive effect in making the prices of any asset going up. Historically this is consistent. When Bitcoin futures were launched in 2017, it helped spark the bullrun. With Fidelity around, the bear market may be starting to dissolve.

Then of course there’s a lot of hype going on. From popular celebrities and youtube personalities, to titans of industries. Mainstream media and the internet is now talking about cryptocurrencies a lot. Joe Rogan couldn’t shut up about Bitcoin. I’m not gonna go deeper into that.

Many countries around the world are also welcoming cryptocurrencies. Here in Philippines one of our most prestigious bank is now going crypto and our government is working on proper regulatory framework. So is Russia and many other countries.
All of this collectively, in my opinion, gives us a hint that we are nearing our big break. I could be wrong about this and the bear market could still continue until next year. But given the circumstances, with all the hype going on and the capacity of the Bitcoin/lightning network growing exponentially, its hard not to be optimistic.

If I had more money I’d keep buying today to be honest.

Full disclosure most of my crypto funds have been used. I had no choice, I do youtube fulltime so I had to do it to put food on the table. But I’m happy if the bullrun starts as soon as possible because I know a lot of you are invested in this and I want you guys to make some money too. You took risks, you believed in this when no one else would, you may have been greedy too, but you deserve this much. You deserve a bullrun guys.

That’s all I have for today. Thank you so much for all the support I get. I appreciate every subscriber I have and I promise to keep my integrity even when this channel blows up. Love you guys.

I’ll see you on the flipside!

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: HODL2090 on March 10, 2019, 06:32:56 PM
But a lot of people also think that the price indicates the status of the crypto space, but that’s not the case. The market price is a reflection of the market, not the technology.

Demand and supply are the two major determinants of the market price. The price is not a reflection of the technology, but public sentiments towards is at that time. During a bull run, most investors are optimistic, creating FOMO. During a bearish trend, negativity sets in.
The argument is that eventually, the technology would be wide spread and evident, and bitcoin would achieve it's 'potential' value, and I am in support of that.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Jet Cash on March 10, 2019, 06:40:27 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Ispep on March 10, 2019, 08:26:25 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
I think it'll take forever for people to come to terms with the difference, now once you buy a coin either for active trading or hodling, you're regarded as an investor.
My argument is people should invest in crypto now not later. The obvious reason is because prices are low today and we should buy low and sell high.

Obviously this seems like the perfect time to buy coins and hodl them, but it's not so encouraging to do with all the price movements, mostly downwards.The bitcoin needs to show positive signs in the coming months, or else this phrase would sooner or later lose value

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 10, 2019, 08:32:18 PM
This is one of my pet peeves in crypto, especially in relation to altcoins and ICOs. I would argue that you can't "invest" in most ICOs - they have no product, they have no real world use, most of them don't even have a roadmap/whitepaper or a real team. They are just some useless token which was created in an hour. You can't "invest" in them any more than you can "invest" in me writing IOUs on scraps of paper and handing them out to people I meet. You can speculate on them, sure, as you can speculate on anything you like, but you are almost certain to lose your money.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on March 10, 2019, 08:34:29 PM
The time to buy is obvious.
But your topic fits well in these boards;

- Speculation (
- Trading Discussion (

This board is majorly for helping beginners

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Tamilson on March 11, 2019, 07:25:29 AM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.

TL:DR, so it was just a click bait? :P (might read the OP if I have some time, but as looking within your feedback it seems that I can't get any valid reasoning or any detailed infos here about investments. (You sure do have a lot of time to read JC)

Not a click bait, obviously.

While I don't think it's necessary for this but really I appreciated the effort for constructing this.
Basically, some people are being weird and ironic when it comes in buying, when bitcoin was on $10k they say that they're waiting to buy in dump price and now that it's around $3500, people became pessimistic in buying. When a thing is in skyrocket everyone wants it but when it is not, it's being neglected.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: palle11 on March 11, 2019, 09:34:03 AM
It is nice to know that you have submitted that you are not a financial adviser and the decision taken as a result of your advise is to the peril of the person who takes it. Hence, how are we sure that a coin bought now that is speculated as a nice time to buy won't go down more because the market is yet to show a good sign for a bull run.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Pursuer on March 11, 2019, 09:48:45 AM
Just as people were duped in December 2017 that the bullmarket would last forever, everybody was screaming lambos on the moon, we could get duped this year too, thinking the bear market is here to stay.

this is a key point I don't know why some people get stuck in certain trends and want them to last long! we have already had over a year of drops with months of stable accumulation. but still some people think price should continue declining and reach ridiculously lower prices like $1000 again!!!!

Now this is important because the last time we had a bullrun it was a disaster! It didn’t last very long and it crashed miserably afterwards.
you are confusing "bull run" with the ending "bubble". they are different.
the "bull run" in a way started in 2014ish and lasted about 3 years. but technically you can call the 2017 the bulk of that bull run since the biggest rises occurred in that year.
the "bubble" on the other had was the final step which only took less than 1 month where price went from $9000ish to $20000 and that was the bubble which caused the bubble burst and the corresponding bear market that has lasted this long.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: gantez on March 11, 2019, 11:51:37 AM
I believed that I could be influential in spreading awareness of the power of cryptocurrencies, so here I am.

Yes there is power in cryptocurrency to either create wealth but we should be mindful of throwing all we have into it. Again, we should do a proper research to ensure that we invest into a useful coins so that we don't just put our money into already burning fire.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Noa_Amable on March 11, 2019, 12:12:55 PM
But a lot of people also think that the price indicates the status of the crypto space, but that’s not the case. The market price is a reflection of the market, not the technology.

Demand and supply are the two major determinants of the market price. The price is not a reflection of the technology, but public sentiments towards is at that time. During a bull run, most investors are optimistic, creating FOMO. During a bearish trend, negativity sets in.
The argument is that eventually, the technology would be wide spread and evident, and bitcoin would achieve it's 'potential' value, and I am in support of that.

well, yes, price is a reflection of people's sentiments.
anyway if we all are for the technology here - then we must hodl.

but if we speak frankly - we need profits from this technology. and the only way to make it real is trading.

and we can benefit from trading almost all the time.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Beerwizzard on March 11, 2019, 01:16:25 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
So if I follow your logic then I can say that people that are buying stocks in order to hold it for several years are not investors but speculators. Which imho is not correct.
Under speculations, people usually understand gaining profit from price fluctuations on a smaller period while investing is gaining profits on longer terms. So hodling BTC can be called investing and if you are going to sell your BTC stock in a few days (or within a day) after purchase that will be speculations.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Lambolife on March 12, 2019, 04:48:29 PM


Demand and supply are the two major determinants of the market price. The price is not a reflection of the technology, but public sentiments towards is at that time. During a bull run, most investors are optimistic, creating FOMO. During a bearish trend, negativity sets in.
The argument is that eventually, the technology would be wide spread and evident, and bitcoin would achieve it's 'potential' value, and I am in support of that.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: playboy654 on March 12, 2019, 09:01:27 PM
Without any signs of a bull run we could not make any conclusion in this field because if we predict the future was being good if it was not possible our work and investment will be totally waste so my opinion is after a good sign of a bull run we can make the decision properly.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: dunfida on March 12, 2019, 09:15:57 PM
Just as people were duped in December 2017 that the bullmarket would last forever, everybody was screaming lambos on the moon, we could get duped this year too, thinking the bear market is here to stay.

this is a key point I don't know why some people get stuck in certain trends and want them to last long! we have already had over a year of drops with months of stable accumulation. but still some people think price should continue declining and reach ridiculously lower prices like $1000 again!!!!

Dont know with those kind of hopes but most of us are actually tired with this waiting game.Im not saying i dont like for the price to be corrected and stagnant on this way but
going back to the path we came from is somehow hassle.We are holding on this price point which on the situation where we are just waiting for some news that would be a good catalyst
for price increase.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: BUK2016 on March 12, 2019, 10:09:42 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
How I wish I have some sMerit I would have give you some for this explanation which doesn't appear to me that way for useally referred Bitcoin investment instead of buying a coins. And was the reason in most cases we do refer to Bitcoin as an investment opportunity instead of taking it as a coins.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: sandra_x on March 12, 2019, 10:23:10 PM
It is nice to know that you have submitted that you are not a financial adviser and the decision taken as a result of your advise is to the peril of the person who takes it. Hence, how are we sure that a coin bought now that is speculated as a nice time to buy won't go down more because the market is yet to show a good sign for a bull run.
My thoughts also, it can swing both ways. I am a bitcoin lover and do wish to see it hit the moon but I still cannot shake off the thoughts that we  have seen the worst  especially as it relates to price manipulations. Previous failed rallies have shown that it takes far less than the projected cash to sway the markets. If we are going to have some institutional funding soon,nothing stops them from playing a last and final one on the market if truly we are entering a bullish market.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Twinkledoe on March 12, 2019, 11:29:39 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
How I wish I have some sMerit I would have give you some for this explanation which doesn't appear to me that way for useally referred Bitcoin investment instead of buying a coins. And was the reason in most cases we do refer to Bitcoin as an investment opportunity instead of taking it as a coins.

That is where most buyers failed to see. They thought this is really an "investment of a lifetime". And all these price predictions are just mere speculations. Better trust yourself and just follow your instincts.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Kemarit on March 13, 2019, 04:47:57 PM
My argument is people should invest in crypto now not later. The obvious reason is because prices are low today and we should buy low and sell high.

You are not alone with that argument. We have heard this so many times before in this community, but sadly others are here for short term or just try to earn a quick money and run. But for those long term speculators like the majority of us, most of them are really taking advantage of this situation and buying in every dip. Of course this is not a investment of a lifetime, there are risk and you should know how to make profits as well specially pushing the sell button when it is at it's peak. It's a win-win situation so I really don't know why everyone is not taking the 'risk', so to speak.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: xvids on March 13, 2019, 06:54:37 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
So if I follow your logic then I can say that people that are buying stocks in order to hold it for several years are bot investors but speculators. Which imho is not correct.
Under speculations, people usually understand gaining profit from price fluctuations on a smaller period while investing is gaining profits on longer terms. So hodling BTC can be called investing and if you are going to sell your BTC stock in a few days (or within a day) after purchase that will be speculations.

Totally agree, definition of investment put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit.
It doesn't say anything about time of your investment,
It wouldn't matter if it is just an hour or day compare to the long term holders both of them put up a money and invested in crypto so both of them are crypto investors.
And for the OP I think you are right we should invest now before it's too late.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: shesheboy on March 13, 2019, 10:46:26 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
How I wish I have some sMerit I would have give you some for this explanation which doesn't appear to me that way for useally referred Bitcoin investment instead of buying a coins. And was the reason in most cases we do refer to Bitcoin as an investment opportunity instead of taking it as a coins.

That is where most buyers failed to see. They thought this is really an "investment of a lifetime". And all these price predictions are just mere speculations. Better trust yourself and just follow your instincts.

That's what other said   they say bitcoin is a speculative coin while other ( including me ) believe's that bitcoin is not just a speculative coin  . bitcoin is currency ( a crypto ) bitcoin is a multi purpose coin that can be use on multiple instances   .  

Speculation is not the one that drives its price because speculation are not an act . speculation is only a statement without actions  .

When you buy bitcoin and hold it , that is already consider as an investments  .

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: akram143 on March 14, 2019, 12:22:32 AM
The new people will always get an interest about investment in this type of situation because the investment will be very low for them to get a huge profit in the future so I think this will be the right time to invest for waiting a Bull Run will be came along with your investment.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: redsun114 on March 14, 2019, 05:31:36 AM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
Well its okay I think. The common perception is that we invest in cryptocurrency because they think of it as any other business and not a very different business so regardless of the terminologies, whether it is speculation or investment, what maters the most is the money you make in the business. And right now so many people are speculating the arrival of Bull Run and putting money in the market for future profits.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Indrawan77 on March 14, 2019, 05:45:11 AM
I agree that bitcoin can be a very good investment, if you invest it in a long time there are big chances that you are going to get big profit, the progress and the adoption of bitcoin showed a very good positive sign, so in the future bitcoin may be more valuable, but not all countries ready to accept bitcoin yet, the list of country's that banned bitcoin still a lot, bit I believe bitcoin could change the transaction system in the future

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: jhongzjhong on March 14, 2019, 06:26:11 AM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
Well its okay I think. The common perception is that we invest in cryptocurrency because they think of it as any other business and not a very different business so regardless of the terminologies, whether it is speculation or investment, what maters the most is the money you make in the business. And right now so many people are speculating the arrival of Bull Run and putting money in the market for future profits.
Well, that is right. They think that it is an investment because they can earn in a shorter time or whether in longer time holding.
Putting money in cryptocurrency as you've purchased you can really expect to gain a profit and speculate when it is come just like waiting for a bull run or waiting a right time is the best option here. However, there is always risk right there but if you know how to handle this you can definitely be passed the struggles in the market like bear happen.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Fedrey on March 14, 2019, 06:40:26 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
Well its okay I think. The common perception is that we invest in cryptocurrency because they think of it as any other business and not a very different business so regardless of the terminologies, whether it is speculation or investment, what maters the most is the money you make in the business. And right now so many people are speculating the arrival of Bull Run and putting money in the market for future profits.
Well, that is right. They think that it is an investment because they can earn in a shorter time or whether in longer time holding.
Putting money in cryptocurrency as you've purchased you can really expect to gain a profit and speculate when it is come just like waiting for a bull run or waiting a right time is the best option here. However, there is always risk right there but if you know how to handle this you can definitely be passed the struggles in the market like bear happen.
Nevertheless, our opinion is influenced by quite a few factors. First of all, the thesis that says that Bitcoin influences all the best state of the cryptocurrency market is always remembered. But, if we take into account the figures for 2016, it was much easier for investors to make their investments, especially since the informational propaganda in support of cryptocurrency was much higher than it is today. Nevertheless, I believe that the current period is very profitable for investment before the next bull jump.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: raven7886 on March 15, 2019, 04:27:46 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
In as much as the crypto currency system is tailored towards establishing a decentralized society, one of its major benefit is that  it also serves as invest for now during this adoption stage. Even after it has been fully adopted and become stable, it will always remain an investment and not speculations.

Speculation is just a way of predicting the future of the investment, but does not mean that the system itself depends on speculation. If it’s not an investment, how come I read somewhere whereby 16 years old boy that invested in bitcoin at an early stage made multi millions of dollars, is that a speculation too?

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Bitcotalk on March 16, 2019, 07:43:58 PM
My point exactly, many people are saying that the crypto market is bearish making it a bad time to invest in bitcoin, but I disagree with that and I can say this is the best time to invest in bitcoin like never before because I know that if bitcoin starts it's bull run, we might never see the price of Bitcoin dumping anywhere close to $4000, we know the correction is over so I don't any reason not making purchase of bitcoin now.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: FanEagle on March 18, 2019, 08:53:14 PM
I think you should stop using the word "invest", and state that it is speculation. Investing in crypto is the purchase of domain names and site building, or the starting of crypto projects. Just buying coins is speculation.
Well its okay I think. The common perception is that we invest in cryptocurrency because they think of it as any other business and not a very different business so regardless of the terminologies, whether it is speculation or investment, what maters the most is the money you make in the business. And right now so many people are speculating the arrival of Bull Run and putting money in the market for future profits.
The market might not look interesting or attractive for now but if we come to think of it like you rightly said, people should always know that this is the best time to invest in them, or is it when the whole world is celebrating bull run that they want to enter market.

This is a reason why most people miss out of the opportunities right in front of them and start regretting later when it becomes too late to be corrected, Intending investors should better buy now before FOMO will push them to buying high.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: SlimShadyMmp on March 18, 2019, 10:20:26 PM
I think you have a good speculation view but the thing is until technology is prevalent and accepted all those bulls are just not going to work what actually works is technological impact which creates FOMO and the wild cat is out people have no choice but to buy Am sure you know you gat to have concrete reason for why buys will be bullish soon

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: GreatOrchid on March 20, 2019, 10:05:33 AM
It is nice to know that you have submitted that you are not a financial adviser and the decision taken as a result of your advise is to the peril of the person who takes it. Hence, how are we sure that a coin bought now that is speculated as a nice time to buy won't go down more because the market is yet to show a good sign for a bull run.
My thoughts also, it can swing both ways. I am a bitcoin lover and do wish to see it hit the moon but I still cannot shake off the thoughts that we  have seen the worst  especially as it relates to price manipulations. Previous failed rallies have shown that it takes far less than the projected cash to sway the markets. If we are going to have some institutional funding soon,nothing stops them from playing a last and final one on the market if truly we are entering a bullish market.
Just like you, I am also a crypto lover, since I entered the gate of the crypto currency community, a lots of interesting and exciting things have been showed me by the crypto currencies most especially the Bitcoin. It’s been a year since the Bitcoin price last went to the moon. And to be honest, at first, when I have nothing here, nothing but a single thought that Bitcoin is a crypto currency, I tried to learn more and more. I already been one of those people that easily been attached to predictions. The thought of the Bitcoin price to get bull run again and again of course will always remain here in the community. Who doesn’t it, everybody here I am sure that wanted that to happen even at this moment.  But all of here remains as just bullish thoughts and signs which hoping to happen.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: darewaller on March 21, 2019, 09:19:40 AM
I am also a crypto lover, since I entered the gate of the crypto currency community, a lots of interesting and exciting things have been showed me by the crypto currencies most especially the Bitcoin. It’s been a year since the Bitcoin price last went to the moon. And to be honest, at first, when I have nothing here, nothing but a single thought that Bitcoin is a crypto currency, I tried to learn more and more. I already been one of those people that easily been attached to predictions. The thought of the Bitcoin price to get bull run again and again of course will always remain here in the community. Who doesn’t it, everybody here I am sure that wanted that to happen even at this moment.  But all of here remains as just bullish thoughts and signs which hoping to happen.
Predictions are good but we just need to be careful not to affect us emotionally, predictions can sometimes raise ones hope and you end up getting disappointed, the best way to predict is also to be realistic with your decision, just like everyone keeps speculating that BTC will hit $50,000 this December some even said it will hit as high as $150,000 this year, all is just speculation upon speculation.

I don’t let it get to my emotion and stop me from thinking straight or doing my own analysis too, as a lover and believer of Bitcoin, I want the best for it but reality must set it, that is why I worked on my mindset that bitcoin bullish trend  will be between $6k and $9k by this year ending, if it then goes above that, fine, it still doesn’t affect me.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: BitHodler on March 21, 2019, 10:35:30 AM
just like everyone keeps speculating that BTC will hit $50,000 this December some even said it will hit as high as $150,000 this year, all is just speculation upon speculation.
That's not just speculation, but pure hopium based on nothing but their own assumptions and predictions of those who are similarly retarded because these people tend to echo each other.

I want the best for it but reality must set it, that is why I worked on my mindset that bitcoin bullish trend  will be between $6k and $9k by this year ending, if it then goes above that, fine, it still doesn’t affect me.
That would a perfect scenario for Bitcoin given the current bear market. I do however add more value to the market maintaining the $4000 mark for now, because last year we have seen how even the "safe" $6000 mark didn't hold.

Crypto in general can always fall down lower than we think, and with that in mind while we're in a bear market, the only thing you can do is be conservative and happy with the current price of $4000.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Supercrypt on March 22, 2019, 10:46:51 AM
I want the best for it but reality must set it, that is why I worked on my mindset that bitcoin bullish trend  will be between $6k and $9k by this year ending, if it then goes above that, fine, it still doesn’t affect me.
That would a perfect scenario for Bitcoin given the current bear market. I do however add more value to the market maintaining the $4000 mark for now, because last year we have seen how even the "safe" $6000 mark didn't hold.

Crypto in general can always fall down lower than we think, and with that in mind while we're in a bear market, the only thing you can do is be conservative and happy with the current price of $4000.
Yes, Rome was not built in a single day, every stage we find ourselves in bitcoin, we just have to be happy with it and also supportive of the technology, it is a technology that has been design for our own interest and to make our financial operations easy, rather than speculating things that are not real because of the short term benefit we want from it, it is better we do more of awareness this period.

I still stand on my word that we still have lots of educated online users out there that does not even know what blockchain technology is all about, not to talk of understanding the cryptocurrency stuff, if we can concentrate on this, the market will automatically pick up on its own.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: mersal on March 22, 2019, 03:01:53 PM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: doycku on March 22, 2019, 09:17:39 PM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.
Of course, many predict a very good rise in prices for Bitcoin in the future, but it seems to me that today there are quite a lot of cryptocurrencies that can be in the tandem all replacing those features that Bitcoin offered. If you compare Bitcoin and Ethereum, then all transactions on Bitcoin are very long and have a high price.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: adzino on March 22, 2019, 09:22:40 PM
Sometimes people don't want to watch a video. But then you posted the transcript. Man, that's too many writings over there and people will easily lose their interest just looking at the texts. You should have written a summary of it by showing the key reasons about why the price of bitcoin is going to rise. But then again, it looks like you are just promoting the video (who the hell would write down the whole transcript for a video unless you are represent that site).

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: devinks on March 23, 2019, 11:46:37 AM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.
Of course, many predict a very good rise in prices for Bitcoin in the future, but it seems to me that today there are quite a lot of cryptocurrencies that can be in the tandem all replacing those features that Bitcoin offered. If you compare Bitcoin and Ethereum, then all transactions on Bitcoin are very long and have a high price.
indeed, if I predict this year, bitcoin will definitely experience a good and promising price increase, so from yesterday there have been many investors who adopted bitcoin for this year until next year.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: redsun114 on March 24, 2019, 04:37:09 PM
The new people will always get an interest about investment in this type of situation because the investment will be very low for them to get a huge profit in the future so I think this will be the right time to invest for waiting a Bull Run will be came along with your investment.
I think that youth is rather more interested in cryptocurrency in general and Bitcoin in particular because they understand how important this is and can possibly cut the costs in half. This is why a big number of them deal in cryptocurrency.

This means that in the next five to ten years, they will have developed in cryptocurrency and I feel with this passage of time, the expansion would have been quite big as well. So it is rather an obligation to speculate in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Malsetid on March 26, 2019, 05:01:56 AM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.
Of course, many predict a very good rise in prices for Bitcoin in the future, but it seems to me that today there are quite a lot of cryptocurrencies that can be in the tandem all replacing those features that Bitcoin offered. If you compare Bitcoin and Ethereum, then all transactions on Bitcoin are very long and have a high price.
indeed, if I predict this year, bitcoin will definitely experience a good and promising price increase, so from yesterday there have been many investors who adopted bitcoin for this year until next year.

You're all aware that hopes were high and that people were saying the same thing at the beginning of 2018 right? That another all time high is in the horizon. And now we know what happened. Whether it will be a mostly bullish or bearish year, we won't be able to tell. But i do agree that it's a good time if you want to enter the market especially  if you're going to make a long term investment.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: BeGoods on March 26, 2019, 05:31:09 AM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.
Of course, many predict a very good rise in prices for Bitcoin in the future, but it seems to me that today there are quite a lot of cryptocurrencies that can be in the tandem all replacing those features that Bitcoin offered. If you compare Bitcoin and Ethereum, then all transactions on Bitcoin are very long and have a high price.
indeed, if I predict this year, bitcoin will definitely experience a good and promising price increase, so from yesterday there have been many investors who adopted bitcoin for this year until next year.

You're all aware that hopes were high and that people were saying the same thing at the beginning of 2018 right? That another all time high is in the horizon. And now we know what happened. Whether it will be a mostly bullish or bearish year, we won't be able to tell. But i do agree that it's a good time if you want to enter the market especially  if you're going to make a long term investment.
As long as the price hasn't returned above $10k, I think the opportunity is still wide open for long-term investment, because I think the price will definitely go back up to $10k or make a new ATH, while the price is still estimated at $4000 it's still very low. why don't you take advantage of this time

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: GreatOrchid on March 28, 2019, 04:58:15 PM
I believed that I could be influential in spreading awareness of the power of cryptocurrencies, so here I am.

Yes there is power in cryptocurrency to either create wealth but we should be mindful of throwing all we have into it. Again, we should do a proper research to ensure that we invest into a useful coins so that we don't just put our money into already burning fire.
I agree with this. The crypto currencies and its community as well is a powerful one that can even make some of the thing things we thought to be impossible, crypto currencies itself can make those things into possibilities. Gaining profit or even being one of the individuals that becomes wealthy can obtain here in the crypto industry. But one of the important things you should always remember is not give all what you have. Better to make things balance as in contrary how things possible, the crypto community is very volatile as even in a single blink everything could change.
Moreover, a proper strategy and mindful set will help to bring the out the goodness in the crypto currencies most especially in the presence of Bitcoin that could make a lots of interesting, exciting and worthy of things.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Suslura on March 28, 2019, 09:01:59 PM
Yes you are right, but in sometimes we don't take any decision while the market without any flow and improvement so we are here in their situation right now the market is not moving anywhere that's why taking risk will be more difficult for me to invest right now and I am waiting for the future.
Of course, many predict a very good rise in prices for Bitcoin in the future, but it seems to me that today there are quite a lot of cryptocurrencies that can be in the tandem all replacing those features that Bitcoin offered. If you compare Bitcoin and Ethereum, then all transactions on Bitcoin are very long and have a high price.
indeed, if I predict this year, bitcoin will definitely experience a good and promising price increase, so from yesterday there have been many investors who adopted bitcoin for this year until next year.

You're all aware that hopes were high and that people were saying the same thing at the beginning of 2018 right? That another all time high is in the horizon. And now we know what happened. Whether it will be a mostly bullish or bearish year, we won't be able to tell. But i do agree that it's a good time if you want to enter the market especially  if you're going to make a long term investment.
I completely agree with you that we should expect a bull trend in the future, but there will not be such great events as at the end of 2016 and in 2017. To improve the situation on the market, there must be really big investments in cryptocurrency. All the forecasts that sounded throughout 2018 have not been fulfilled so far.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Slow death on March 28, 2019, 09:43:45 PM

I am not an expert, but I believe that at this price of $ 4000 is a good time to buy and hold for the next 2 to 5 years and have 4X profits or more. The problem that many people are having is that they wanted to have high profits in a short time, they wanted to see prices always go up to infinity. but unfortunately that's not how it all works. the price may fall sharply or the price may rise sharply, depending on the demand and with pressure from governments and uncertainties in regulations, are reducing demand and making the price stagnate. But this is something temporary

The crypto currencies and its community as well is a powerful one that can even make some of the thing things we thought to be impossible, crypto currencies itself can make those things into possibilities.

well, I see every day being created new altcoin for the same purposes and with nothing new that can help the world to become a better place

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: creeps on March 28, 2019, 09:52:44 PM
My point exactly, many people are saying that the crypto market is bearish making it a bad time to invest in bitcoin, but I disagree with that and I can say this is the best time to invest in bitcoin like never before because I know that if bitcoin starts it's bull run, we might never see the price of Bitcoin dumping anywhere close to $4000, we know the correction is over so I don't any reason not making purchase of bitcoin now.
Some people creating panic so the price will continue to fall and usually newbies don’t buy during this moment because they also panic. Bear market is an opportunity to have more good coins, i hope people realize this one and increased their holdings. Yes, we might not see $4k again in the coming years so better to buy more now than to say sorry later on. This market grows a lot, and it will pump more so keep on buying.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: BUK2016 on March 28, 2019, 10:03:03 PM
My point exactly, many people are saying that the crypto market is bearish making it a bad time to invest in bitcoin, but I disagree with that and I can say this is the best time to invest in bitcoin like never before because I know that if bitcoin starts it's bull run, we might never see the price of Bitcoin dumping anywhere close to $4000, we know the correction is over so I don't any reason not making purchase of bitcoin now.
Some people creating panic so the price will continue to fall and usually newbies don’t buy during this moment because they also panic. Bear market is an opportunity to have more good coins, i hope people realize this one and increased their holdings. Yes, we might not see $4k again in the coming years so better to buy more now than to say sorry later on. This market grows a lot, and it will pump more so keep on buying.
Panic news is one of the major factor that will create trust in people from buying, accepting crypto currency and above all it create bad impression about crypto currency market and that has a negative impact on investors decision.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: apityeh71 on March 29, 2019, 03:02:57 AM
I agree that,  now is best times to enter to crypto market because the trend of this market already in semi bullish,  we can see alot of altcoin was rally up to 100% ~1000% , dont be late by enter to this market  after all crypto going up 10x. Buy low sell high must to understanding to make good money. 

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Bitcotalk on April 01, 2019, 07:07:05 PM
I am also a crypto lover, since I entered the gate of the crypto currency community, a lots of interesting and exciting things have been showed me by the crypto currencies most especially the Bitcoin. It’s been a year since the Bitcoin price last went to the moon. And to be honest, at first, when I have nothing here, nothing but a single thought that Bitcoin is a crypto currency, I tried to learn more and more. I already been one of those people that easily been attached to predictions. The thought of the Bitcoin price to get bull run again and again of course will always remain here in the community. Who doesn’t it, everybody here I am sure that wanted that to happen even at this moment.  But all of here remains as just bullish thoughts and signs which hoping to happen.
That is  a very general perception. You are here due to FOMO (fear of missing out) the opportunities that are giving other people huge profits and this had been a motivation for so many people who have made fortunes in cryptocurrency. You are very right about the profits that could be earned upon a bull run. Better stay a part of the market and stay connected. You would have immense benefits in return in future.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Reid on April 01, 2019, 07:58:05 PM
I had been telling this most of the time in my comments here in the forum.
Buy, buy, buy. It is too cheap by now and we all have seen how far it could go.
Just that mere fact should already push you to buying more.

Even if there is no bullish signs, hoarding in this price could be the last one we will be seeing. Already have regrets at $300 per bitcoin but now I wont.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Pattart on April 02, 2019, 06:20:21 AM
I had been telling this most of the time in my comments here in the forum.
Buy, buy, buy. It is too cheap by now and we all have seen how far it could go.
Just that mere fact should already push you to buying more.

Even if there is no bullish signs, hoarding in this price could be the last one we will be seeing. Already have regrets at $300 per bitcoin but now I wont.
There is no signal of bullish yet, it does not mean the bull run will not occur. the signal could have been seen a few days before, it's better to buy it in advance and prepare it before its late. especially next year halving will occur, buying now will be the right time, especially the price is still very cheap

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: iv4n on April 02, 2019, 07:40:20 AM
I had been telling this most of the time in my comments here in the forum.
Buy, buy, buy. It is too cheap by now and we all have seen how far it could go.
Just that mere fact should already push you to buying more.

Even if there is no bullish signs, hoarding in this price could be the last one we will be seeing. Already have regrets at $300 per bitcoin but now I wont.
There is no signal of bullish yet, it does not mean the bull run will not occur. the signal could have been seen a few days before, it's better to buy it in advance and prepare it before its late. especially next year halving will occur, buying now will be the right time, especially the price is still very cheap

There are many buy signal, there were many buy signals before, for people who knew where to look. I agree that many comments here on forum are about buying crypto, bitcoin specifically, and that`s like that for years. When I started price were 170, some people wrote about it, buy buy buy, majority was like don`t buy it`s a ponzi scheme,  and where are we know?
Buying signal is not a point when price already started to rise, buy signal is in the deep, when you see many people calling it a scam, but on other side you see some people working hard to make great things, you get in before others and make profit, or you wait and lose.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Tungsten-1 on April 02, 2019, 06:30:04 PM
I had been telling this most of the time in my comments here in the forum.
Buy, buy, buy. It is too cheap by now and we all have seen how far it could go.
Just that mere fact should already push you to buying more.

Even if there is no bullish signs, hoarding in this price could be the last one we will be seeing. Already have regrets at $300 per bitcoin but now I wont.
There is no signal of bullish yet, it does not mean the bull run will not occur. the signal could have been seen a few days before, it's better to buy it in advance and prepare it before its late. especially next year halving will occur, buying now will be the right time, especially the price is still very cheap
I know if the price is now low, it is time to get the chance to make profit for your future, better is to buy now as price is down we can surely make profit but waiting more and more will reduce our profit making strategy, It will not take long time for price to be recovered so better don’t lose the chance for waiting anymore just buy right now.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Slark on April 02, 2019, 07:23:57 PM
Bitcoin is worth buying now even because it looks very promising in the long run. For short-term speculation you need to pick a good time. Therefore, the purchase should be approached more carefully.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: frankcastle19 on April 02, 2019, 09:41:42 PM
I recommend you watch this in video so its easier to understand

Otherwise you can read the transcript in this thread

Before we begin I just want it to be clear that I am not financial adviser and everything I say from here on out is not financial advice. You alone are responsible for your actions. I’m merely here to speak my mind.

I started this channel because I believed that I could be influential in spreading awareness of the power of cryptocurrencies, so here I am.

My argument is people should invest in crypto now not later. The obvious reason is because prices are low today and we should buy low and sell high.

But a lot of people also think that the price indicates the status of the crypto space, but that’s not the case. The market price is a reflection of the market, not the technology.

For example, in the last bullrun we had Bitcoin at 19 thousand dollars. Was Bitcoin better then that in it is now? when it is less than 4 thousand? Of course not! Bitcoin is so much better now, but like I said, the market price is not an indication of the real value of infrastructure, the tech, the platform. From my point of view the collective consciousness of the market is somewhat rational but mostly delusional.

It is my goal to help clear out that delusion in my own small way. So whether you are new to crypto or been here for a while, and pondering if you should invest now or later, choose now. If you ever wanna invest at some point, whenever that is, I’d say its best you start investing now. Maybe dollar cost average it. If you don’t know what that means look it up.

So a lot has happened last year and most would agree that that was the worst bear market and market crash to date and we’re still not past it. Even now, the bear market is lingering… but don’t let that fool you.

Just as people were duped in December 2017 that the bullmarket would last forever, everybody was screaming lambos on the moon, we could get duped this year too, thinking the bear market is here to stay. Some people are thinking this crypto winter, as we call it, would last for another 3 years, and although I don’t rule out that possibility, it is highly unlikely and here’s why.
First off, Bitcoin’s scaling solution, the lightning network, has seen unprecedented growth since its mainnet launch in January last year. The network capacity is now past $3million dollars with more than 7 thousand nodes and 33 thousand channels worldwide.. and counting.. and counting.

Now this is important because the last time we had a bullrun it was a disaster! It didn’t last very long and it crashed miserably afterwards. Now there’s a lot of reasons why it happened the way it did but in my point of view and in my experience, since I was already active in online communities that time, the main reason why a lot of people left the space and moved on, consequentially causing the crash of the market, was because Bitcoin was not good enough.

Bitcoin was old and slow they said. Everybody expected Bitcoin to deliver but it failed bigtime. Transactoins became too slow lasting many hours or some even days I’m not sure because I wasn’t dumb enough to use Bitcoin for payments in those days. Imagine, the fees reaching $50 dollars per transaction. Who would want to pay that?

At that time, Bitcoin just wasn’t ready for that many users. There were a lot of newcomers getting into crypto, causing network overload, yet the lightning network wasn’t even live yet nor did the people consider that it was already being heavily developed.

But now we have a scaling solution that is live. The lightning network is still buggy but it works already, as proven by the lightning trustchain which as of now is 3.84 million sats and hasn’t broke due to systemic failure yet.

This makes me confident that we won’t have the same problems we’ve had before, or atleast not as grave that people will leave the space and cause a crash.

And if people are happy about Bitcoin and lightning, other cryptocurrencies will have a positive effect on their price as well. We’ve seen this happen many times and it is unlikely it won’t happen the same way this time around. Especially that the cryptocurrency projects that are still alive and kicking today, have more substance and value than the heaps of garbage that floated around back in 2017.

On the institutional side, Fidelity Investments is moving fast into crypto.

As most of you know Fidelity is one of the largest asset managers with 2.46 trillion dollars in assets under their belt. They also took part in the lightning trustchain and created a subsidiary dedicated to digital assets last year.

Furthermore, Fidelity recently launched its Bitcoin custody services allowing the richest people of the world easy access to Bitcoin. Family offices, pensions, hedge funds, you name it, the crypto world will be a part of the institutional game now.
Now I know this seems a bit counterintuitive considering our collective ideologies are anti-Wall Street or anti-system, which makes Fidelity sort of like an abomination. I’m not saying this is a good thing I’m just telling you how it is. But regardless of how evil or not so evil this is, we can’t deny that a huge company will likely have a positive effect in making the prices of any asset going up. Historically this is consistent. When Bitcoin futures were launched in 2017, it helped spark the bullrun. With Fidelity around, the bear market may be starting to dissolve.

Then of course there’s a lot of hype going on. From popular celebrities and youtube personalities, to titans of industries. Mainstream media and the internet is now talking about cryptocurrencies a lot. Joe Rogan couldn’t shut up about Bitcoin. I’m not gonna go deeper into that.

Many countries around the world are also welcoming cryptocurrencies. Here in Philippines one of our most prestigious bank is now going crypto and our government is working on proper regulatory framework. So is Russia and many other countries.
All of this collectively, in my opinion, gives us a hint that we are nearing our big break. I could be wrong about this and the bear market could still continue until next year. But given the circumstances, with all the hype going on and the capacity of the Bitcoin/lightning network growing exponentially, its hard not to be optimistic.

If I had more money I’d keep buying today to be honest.

Full disclosure most of my crypto funds have been used. I had no choice, I do youtube fulltime so I had to do it to put food on the table. But I’m happy if the bullrun starts as soon as possible because I know a lot of you are invested in this and I want you guys to make some money too. You took risks, you believed in this when no one else would, you may have been greedy too, but you deserve this much. You deserve a bullrun guys.

That’s all I have for today. Thank you so much for all the support I get. I appreciate every subscriber I have and I promise to keep my integrity even when this channel blows up. Love you guys.

I’ll see you on the flipside!

Very interesting, thanks for information

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: Bagaji on April 02, 2019, 09:54:06 PM
Your speculation is coming to fulfilment and is becoming late for some people who don't have enough capital to buy reasonable sum of Bitcoin pending when its market value will appreciate.

Title: Re: You better invest in Bitcoin now not later and here's why (bullish signs)
Post by: prtty2gal2 on April 03, 2019, 08:33:49 AM
I had been telling this most of the time in my comments here in the forum.
Buy, buy, buy. It is too cheap by now and we all have seen how far it could go.
Just that mere fact should already push you to buying more.

Even if there is no bullish signs, hoarding in this price could be the last one we will be seeing. Already have regrets at $300 per bitcoin but now I wont.
There is no signal of bullish yet, it does not mean the bull run will not occur. the signal could have been seen a few days before, it's better to buy it in advance and prepare it before its late. especially next year halving will occur, buying now will be the right time, especially the price is still very cheap
I think everyone by now should have gotten the gist that the best time to buy now is this, like last week, many people missed out of this week while still waiting to see a big crash in the price of BTC but they ended up getting the reverse, if the time the OP of this topic warned was when many people invested which I think BTC price was still below $4k I think, majority would have on profit now while waiting for the major profit to come through the bull run  which you have already confirmed my own assumption too of it being next year after the halving of Bitcoin and some other coins, I think litecoin halving too is slated for next year.